7-17-2016 - St. Mary`s Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception


7-17-2016 - St. Mary`s Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception
July 17, 2016
Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Mass Intentions
July 7:30am & 5:30pm
18 Nona Wentz, dec
Edward Jones, dec
19 Francis J. Ivancie
Earle A. Chiles, dec
20 Pamela Furlow, dec
Neva Martin, dec
21 For Victims of Gun Violence
Frances Nichols Swigert, dec
22 Fr. P. Michael Hemming, dec
Maria & Thomas Brennan, dec
23 Blanchet House
Week of July 17
Wednesday: Adult Faith Group 7pm
Financial Report for July 10
Regular Households: 800
Envelopes used: 149
E-Giving: 70
Sunday Envelope:
Loose Collection:
$ 8,992
$ 3,183
$ 2,692
Fiscal Year to Date:
Social Services: $329
Cathedral Bells: $5
Peter’s Pence: $25
School: $336
Sunday School: $50
Scripture Readings for Jul 24
Genesis 18:20-32; Colossians 2:12-14; Luke 11:1-13
Celebrations In Our Parish
This Past Week
Kellen Axten & Amanda Nguyen
Sybil R. Bunton
A Word from the Pastor
I’m on vacation for a couple of weeks; and while I’m
away, I am pulling some things out of the “vault” for my
weekly columns. As announced two weeks ago, I’m doing a
series on the “marks of the Church”; i.e., the Church is one,
holy, catholic, and apostolic. Last week we looked at the
first mark, that the Church is “one.” Today, we’ll look at the
second mark, that the Church is “holy.” What we will see,
again, is the contradictory nature of this mark. Just as the
Church is “one,” though divided, so also is the Church
“holy,” though made up of sinful people.
Our notion of “holiness” comes to us from the Bible,
where God alone is described as the “holy one.” It follows
that the holiness of any person is derived from God—if I am
holy, it must in some way be related to God, who is all holy.
The Church, of course, is made up of men and women
who form “the people of God.” What brings them together
are such formal elements as the Word, the sacraments, a
common faith, a common mission, and so on. These
elements pertain to the structure of the Church; and, as the
Church founded by Christ, we say that these formal
elements are of divine origin. They are “indefectible”; that
is, they are holy and will never fail, even as the Church is
holy and will never fail.
But the Church is more than its formal elements. The
Church is also people. Are they “indefectibly holy”? Yes,
in the sense that they are set apart in Baptism and
consecrated for a special purpose (“a chosen race, a royal
priesthood, a holy nation”). This holiness, while real and
indefectible, does not preserve them from sin. We are both
holy and sinful at the same time. Indefectible holiness does
not mean “perfect” holiness. Indefectible means that the
holiness of the Church will never fail, but its individual
members will fail. We must remember that Christ is
indissolubly united with the Church, even in its imperfect
Any discussion of the holiness of the Church must keep in
mind that we are a pilgrim Church, “on the way,” a
community of real people who look to fulfillment and
completion in God’s own time. The mix of sin and holiness
in the Church has caused tension from the earliest days, and
there are those who would imagine the Church as an
exclusive group of the “saved.”
And yet, such restrictiveness would seem contrary to the
Gospel, which speaks of the wheat and the weeds growing
up together. If any separation is to be made, we leave that to
the judgment of God. The Church is thus an inclusive group
that “welcomes sinners, prostitutes, and tax collectors.” Our
assembly is not that of the perfect, but of the imperfect, who
seek the grace of God in their lives.
In sum, the Church is a collection of both a holy people
and a sinful people, not simply because some are holy and
others are sinners—but because even the holy ones are
Msgr. Patrick S. Brennan
We would like to extend a warm welcome to all who are
visiting St. Mary’s Cathedral. Whether you are from a nearby
parish, a traveler from out of state, or not a Catholic, we are
pleased to have you celebrate with us.
Feast of St. James: We will be celebr ating the Feast Day
of St. James on Monday, July 25 at the 5:30pm
Mass. All are welcome, especially those who have
walked, or are planning to walk the Camino de
Santiago (The Way of St. James), the ancient 500
mile pilgrimage from the French Pyrenees to Santiago de Compostela in the NW corner of Spain.
Baptismal Preparation for Parents of Infants: The next
session will be on Thursday, August 18 at 7 pm in the Upper
Cathedral Center. There will be no preparation classes
offered in July. Enter from 17th Street.
Working for a just distribution of the fruits of the earth
and human labor is not mere philanthropy.
It is a moral obligation.
For Christians, their responsibility
is even greater:
it is a commandment.
Pope Francis
Please consider a
charitable bequest to
St. Mary’s Cathedral
in your estate planning.
Cathedral School is currently accepting applications for
enrollment in pre-kindergarten, kindergarten and first grade
for the 2016-2017 school year. Call 503.275.9370 for more
information or to arrange a tour.
Announcing the Sacred Liturgy Conference 2016: This
year’s theme is “Mystical Body – Mystical Voice.” Come
join your fellow retreatants for three days of prayer and study
celebrating the ongoing renewal of the Church’s sacred liturgy. The conference will be from September 2 nd-4th at Mt. Angel Abbey. The cost is $190 (conference, 2 nights lodging
and meals) or $90 (conference and meals only). Please call
(503) 845-3025 or send an email to retreat@mtangel.edu for
more information or to register.
Cleaning Closets? St. Andr e Bessette is in
urgent need of men's clothing, especially shoes,
pants, shorts, dress shirts and ties. New socks
and underwear are also greatly appreciated.
Please deliver your donations to the Cathedral
office or contact Leslie Bentley 503.227.5981
Intentional Service: J esuit Volunteer EnCor ps (J V EnCorps), a program of JVC Northwest, facilitates transformative opportunities for intentional service, community and
spiritual formation for older adults committed to social and
ecological justice. During their ten months of part-time volunteer service, participants age fifty and older meet together
regularly in community to deepen their spirituality and explore the values of simple living and social and ecological
justice. The application deadline is August 31 . For more
information, call 503.335.8202 or visit jvencorps.org to apply.
St. Andre Bessette invites Cathedr al, their Community
Partners, to a Two Piano Benefit Concert on Saturday, August
20 at 4pm in the Chapel at Mary's Woods in Lake
Oswego, performed by Timothy Walsh and Michael Veverka. The works of Mozart, Piazzolla
and Rachmanifoff will be featured. A free will
offering will be taken up with all proceeds going
to St. Andre’s.
Visit Our Neighborhood Farmers’ Market on Thur sdays
at NW 19th & Everett from 2-6pm, across from Trinity
Episcopal Cathedral in their parking lot.
A Note of Caution: Please do not leave anything of value
visible in your car while attending Mass. There has been a
rash of car break-ins in our NW neighborhood.
Liturgical Ministers - Jul 23 & 24
Vigil Fr. Timothy Furlow
7:30 Fr. Timothy Furlow
9:00 Msgr. Patrick Brennan
11:00 Msgr. Patrick Brennan
5:30 Fr. Timothy Furlow
Suzie Santilli, Betty Donnelly
Willis Rader
Lloyd Heller, Liesl Nedel
TBA, Elizabeth Cushwa
Frank Normandin, Barbara Brown
Greeters & Ushers:
Vigil Kevin Parker, Ed Geisler
9:00 Susan Hartwell, Les Vuylsteke
11:00 John Pigott, Sr. Connie Furseth, Jenita Pettway,
Chris O’Brien, Gary Townsend
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
Vigil Valar ie Mar r s, J anet Satter lee
Sue O’Donnell, TBA, Mike Beaird
7:30 Willis Rader, Mary White, Todd Houser
9:00 Anna Graham, Emily Shamrell, Daryl Smith
Shawn Youmans, Steve Mattheisen, Sara Mattheisen
11:00 Sandy Simmons, Sarah Westenberg, Debbie Paynter
Gina Shapard, Dohky J-Karchaei, Michone Stevenson
5:30 Amy Brown, Jim Peck, TBA
Dorene Kemp, Margie Willis, TBA
Altar Servers:
Vigil Cullum Bachand, Maddie Bachand, TBA
7:30 TBA
9:00 Abby Graham, Grace Graham, Chloe Heller
11:00 Parielle Shapard, Sophie Shapard, TBA
5:30 Fernando Martinez, Luci Rosetti, TBA
Most Reverend Alexander K. Sample, Archbishop of Portland
Msgr. Patrick Brennan, Pastor
Rev. Timothy Furlow, Parochial Vicar
Craig Casey, Deacon
Elizabeth Stephenson, Administrative Assistant
Alex Chan & Mary Jo Gornick, Receptionists
Jennifer Overbay, Business Manager
Gail Burke Kingsley, Social Services, 503-241-2521
Sr. Connie Furseth, OSF, Neighborhood Liaison
Paulette Peynet, Director of RCIA
Stephanie Fisher-Hunt, Director, Sunday School
Angela Westhoff-Johnson, Music Director
Seung Min Oh, Organist
Laszlo Lantos, Maintenance
Elizabeth Cushwa, Chair, Pastoral Council
Michael Carrano, Chair, Administrative Council
Jerry Spann, Knights of Columbus
Amy Biggs, Principal
Cathedral School: 503-275-9370
Susan Hatley, Administrative Assistant
Liturgical Schedule
Saturday Vigil Mass:
5:30PM Congregational Singing
Sunday Masses:
9:00AM Congregational singing
11:00AM Cathedral Choir
5:30PM Contemporary Ensemble
Daily Masses:
7:30AM & 5:30PM
Reconciliation (Confession):
Saturday 4:00 PM-5:15 PM
Other times by appointment.