Honor Roll of Donors - Northwestern Pritzker School of Law
Honor Roll of Donors - Northwestern Pritzker School of Law
Honor Roll of Donors Fiscal Year 14 (September 1, 2013–August 31, 2014) Contents A Message from the Dean 2 Northwestern Law by the Numbers 3 Henry & Emma Rogers Society 4 Honor Roll of Donors 5 A Message from the Dean I am thrilled to announce that we saw yet another record-breaking year in philanthropic support for Northwestern Law, raising over $31 million in Fiscal Year 2014 (September 1, 2013 – August 31, 2014). This incredible total was made possible by the 4,341 alumni and friends who chose to give back. The personal reasons for donating may vary, but together they prove that our collective support can have a great impact on our law school. Our fundraising success last year includes many extraordinary gifts, including that of Neil Bluhm (JD ’62), who made a remarkable gift of $15 million, the largest charitable donation in the Law School’s history. Neil’s generous gift supports scholarships, the Loan Repayment Assistance Program and the Bluhm Legal Clinic. His gift will also be used to help implement our new strategic plan and build ongoing, sustainable support from alumni (see story page TBD). I am truly grateful for the profound commitment Neil and others have made this year. One such gift of particular note is the $4 million commitment from a group of donors who, through their generous support, enabled us to establish a professorship and debate series in honor of Newton N. Minow (JD ’50). Their gift serves as further proof that a group of individuals can come together to make a significant impact not only for the Law School, but also for a beloved friend and colleague. Our success over the last year also includes the gifts of 3,379 alumni and friends who collectively gave $2.51 million to the Law School Fund – an essential source of funding that allows us to respond to the most pressing needs of our institution. The year’s total also includes the gifts of 256 members of the Class of 2014, the newest members of our alumni community, who achieved an impressive participation rate of 55% (see page 7). And it includes generous gifts from faculty and staff as we launched our first-ever Faculty and Staff Campaign. 2 I am humbled by this show of support from all sectors of our community. With it, we will expand our commitment to student financial aid in order to limit the debt burden of our students and respond to the ever-changing and competitive legal market. We will continue to hire the best faculty, recognized worldwide for their scholarship and innovation. We will improve the learning infrastructure at Northwestern Law in order to enhance our students’ educational experience. And we will undertake bold and creative initiatives to meet the demands of a dynamic legal profession, one in which our graduates will work at the intersection of law, business, and technology. To accomplish this, we look to our community’s participation at every level, from the generous $4 million bequest from Ted Spak (JD ’56) to support scholarships (see story page 8) to the 265 donors who supported our Law School Scholarship Fund through their annual gift. Without each and every one of the individuals whose names are listed in the following pages, this record-breaking year could not have been possible. When I look at this incredible group of supporters, I see the many individual stories that tie each of us to Northwestern Law, stories that are often linked to fond memories of classmates and faculty. But I also see our shared story of the future of our great law school. Thank you to all of you who gave in Fiscal Year 2014. Your continued support helps us shape and strengthen tomorrow’s Northwestern Law. Sincerely yours, Dan Rodriguez Dean and Harold Washington Professor Northwestern Law by the Numbers WHERE THE MONEY COMES FROM Northwestern Law Budget Sources – Fiscal Year 2014 Tuition & Fees 72.32% Grants 3.50% Gift Income 4.09% Endowment Principal & Income 14.22% Other 5.87% WHERE THE MONEY GOES Northwestern Law Budget Allocations – Fiscal Year 2014 Instruction & Academic Programs 45.51% Student Financial Aid & Fellowships 13.18% Facilities & Technology 7.65% Library & Other Student Services 9.22% Administration (incl. Support of Central Services) 20.66% Other (Payments to the University) 3.79% 3 Mark J. Anson, Ph.D. JD ’89 and Mary L. Hayes JD ‘89 Martin S. Appel JD ‘56 and Audrey Blumenthal Appel Alan A. Aronson JD ‘71 Richard S. Bair Patricia Walcott Berger L. Edward Bryant, Jr. JD ‘67 Norman F. Codo JD ‘56 and Charlotte B. Codo Franklin A. Cole JD ’50 Robert M. Cooper, Jr. George W. Crampton JD ‘55 Cynthia A. Cummings John W. Damisch JD ’50 and Harriet Darley Damisch Olav Eiesland Nancy J. Flannery Theodore W. Grippo JD ‘53 and Marlene Grippo Jerome S. Gutkin JD ‘65 and Anita Klein Gutkin Thomas W. Hawkins JD ‘86 William Heubaum JD ’65 and Mary Heubaum Jordan Jay Hillman SJD ’66 and Karen Farnell Hillman Virginia Horner Peter Humphreys JD ‘81 and Ellen Steinberg Matthew J. Keller Jr. JD ‘61 Harry J. Knudsen JD ‘52 and Katherine Schleman Knudsen John F. Naughton LLM ‘71 Margaret Beach Otis Norman S. Rothbart JD ‘50 Audrey Holzer Rubin JD ‘78 and E. Leonard Rubin The Henry and Emma Rogers Society honors and recognizes alumni and friends who have included Northwestern University in their estate plans. Whether it is through a charitable bequest, gift annuity, insurance policy, or other planned gift, members of the Rogers Society have created a lasting legacy of support for students, faculty, research, and programs. Planned gifts create tremendous opportunities for the University and allow Northwestern to transform the lives of future generations. Northwestern University established the Rogers Society in 1987 in honor and memory of Henry and Emma Rogers. President of Northwestern University from 1890–1900, Henry Wade Rogers was a visionary leader who was instrumental in transforming Northwestern from a small cluster of colleges into a major, nationally recognized university. His wife, Emma Winner Rogers, founded the Northwestern University Settlement Association and was a leader in the suffrage movement. Like Henry and Emma Rogers, our planned giving donors possess a vision for the University’s greatness and have chosen to invest in its future. We are pleased to honor and recognize the following alumni and friends of the University as members of the Henry and Emma Rogers Society. These individuals have named Northwestern University School of Law as a beneficiary of a planned gift, for which we are grateful. Harry J. Seigle JD ‘71 Theodore Spak JD ‘56 and Rosalind Spak Bruce S. Sperling JD ‘70 James Peirce Tuthill JD ‘72 and Wendy Booth Tuthill JD ‘77 4 James D. Wareham JD ‘86 and Laura L. Wareham If you would like to speak with someone about making a planned or deferred gift to Northwestern Law, please contact Camille Licklider, Executive Director of Gift Planning, at 847-467-5891 or camille.licklider@northwestern.edu, or MaryPat Mauro, Director of Major Gifts, at 312-503-2688 or marypat.mauro@law.northwestern.edu. Honor Roll of Donors Northwestern University School of Law wishes to thank the following donors whose gifts were received between September 1, 2013 and August 31, 2014. Although every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this report, we apologize for any inadvertent errors or omissions it may contain. If your records suggest an error has been made in your listing, please contact the Office of Alumni Relations & Development at 312-503-0200 or by email at s-kalsbeek@law.northwestern.edu. We are grateful for your support of Northwestern Law. BENEFACTOR ($100,000 or more) FOUNDER ($25,000 or more) Anonymous (5) Elizabeth Ackerman Nancy Blatchford Bell Walter W. Bell JD ’71 Neil G. Bluhm JD ’62 Eleanor Chabraja Nicholas D. Chabraja JD ’67 The Crown Family Renée Schine Crown Marlene Grippo Theodore W. Grippo JD ’53 Jeffrey C. Hammes JD ’85 Sue J. Henry JD ’77 Cynthia Kobel J. Landis Martin JD ’73 Sharon Smith Martin Mrs. Kenneth Garth Montgomery * Robin Chemers Neustein JD-MBA ’79 Robert Parrillo JD ’66 Alexander F. Paul JD ’00 Carolyn M. Paul Judi A. Paul Terrance Paul Carter G. Phillips JD ’77 Patricia A. Powell JD ’76 * Ashley Davis Quamme Steven J. Quamme JD ’86 David A. Savner JD ’68 Libby Savner Howard J. Trienens JD ’49 Anonymous (2) Larry A. Barden Sarah B. Barden Robert H. Baum JD ’67 Marcia C. Bellows JD ’86 Kenneth A. Bigg Allan S. Brilliant JD ’86 Neville Frierson Bryan John H. Bryan Jacqueline Shim Bryant Timothy R.M. Bryant JD ’89 Jason M. Bucciarelli Richard J. Campbell JD ’96 William F. Conlon Barbara V. Davis Michael W. Davis JD ’75 Charles W. Douglas Diane S. Douglas Kathleen R. Dunn JD ’96 Robert Euler Michael P. Foradas JD ’81 Valerie R. Foradas Denise Barnett Gardner Gary E. Gardner JD-MBA ’82 John J. Gasparovic JD ’82 Nancy K. Gasparovic Meg A. Gibson JD ’87 Leonard Goodman JD ’89 Sara Gourley Euler Patricia T. Habicht JD ’74 Marcia Teitgen Hochkammer William O. Hochkammer JD ’69 Sarah A. Johnson JD ’97 Amy Rabinowitz Kaplan JD ’97 Martin Kaplan Ivy Beth Lewis JD ’85 Carol Lind Christopher J. Lind JD ’94 Jill Goldfine Meister JD ’90 Paul A. Meister JD ’87 Susan Spangler Nussbaum JD ’83 William Nussbaum JD ’83 John Lee Peterson Julia Johnson Peterson Jeffrey S. Powell JD ’86 Karen L. Pritzker Anne E. Rea Jerry M. Reinsdorf JD ’60 Martyl Rifkin Reinsdorf Michael J. Revord Cari B. Sacks Michael J. Sacks JD-MBA ’88 Deborah Sanderson Richard M. Trobman JD ’91 Michael K. Vlock Charlie Walker JD ’79 PATRON ($10,000 or more) Thomas W. Abendroth JD ’84 Michael D. Belsley JD ’96 Robert William Bennett Betsy Benoit Jim Benoit H. Bruce Bernstein Janice R. Bernstein Meredith A. Bluhm-Wolf JD ’95 Dawn Christy John Christy JD ’83 Lifetime Giving Levels: $1M+ = $500K-$999K = $50K-$499K = | NU Loyal = | Deceased = * Christopher B. Combe Courtney Ivey Combe John J. Conroy, Jr. JD ’79 Adam C. Cooper JD ’87 Melanee B. Cooper Kelley A. Cornish JD ’83 Thomas R. Cox, III JD ’90 Carmen Rodrigez Ericson JD ’89 William W. Ericson JD ’88 Drew S. Fine JD ’87 Howard Friedman JD ’64 Joan Steinberg Friedman Jonathan Glick JD ’05 Graham C. Grady JD ’83 Christopher J. Greeno JD ’98 Jennifer L. Greeno Byron L. Gregory JD ’69 Gail E. Greiner Kathleen Rolby Greiner * Sara L. Hays JD ’89 Elizabeth R. Hayward Robert M. Hayward JD ’97 Andrew S. Hochberg JD ’87 Larry J. Hochberg JD ’60 Laurie Chapman Hochberg Vicki Vallen Hood JD-MBA ’77 William L. Hood, Jr. JD ’69 Marsha Hoover JD ’80 Thomas Karaba JD ’80 Borah Kim Sang Youp Kim JD ’95 LLM ’05 Margaret Kittle-Kamp Thomas L. Kittle-Kamp JD ’88 Amy Zuege Kuhns Thomas O. Kuhns JD ’80 Adam J. Labkon Lindsey Levin Labkon JD ’95 5 PATRON continued Lucy Ganford Lehman Kenneth Lehman Cory Lipoff JD ’83 Deborah Calenoff Lipoff JD-MBA ’86 Caroline Morris Lisker Marc R. Lisker JD ’95 Amy H. Lowenstein John A. Lowenstein JD ’90 Sharon Foster Martin R. Eden Martin Terri Mascherin JD ’84 Genevieve D. Matteucci Steven Paul Matteucci JD ’82 Robert W. Sacoff JD ’73 Douglas B. Sanders JD ’98 Arthur R. Seder, Jr. JD ’47 Marion Heltzel Seder Mikaal Shoaib JD ’96 Andrew Z. Soshnick JD ’88 Brenda K. Soshnick Kathleen Myslinski Streff William A. Streff, Jr. JD ’74 Michael G. Timmers JD ’82 Nancy A. Timmers Harriet Trop James D. Wareham JD ’86 Laura L. Wareham Elizabeth Wiley Richard E. Wiley JD ’58 Herbert N. Beller JD ’67 Alan M. Berry Michael W. Bien JD ’80 Antoinette Cook Bush JD ’81 Janie I. Chang JD ’90 Martin Samuel Checov JD ’80 Carol Childs JD ’69 Franklin A. Cole JD ’50 Susanna Bolten Connaughton James L. Connaughton JD ’89 George J. Cotsirilos * George J. Cotsirilos, Jr. John G. Cotsirilos Stephanie Cotsirilos Steven K. Davidson JD ’85 Herold ‘Mac’ Deason JD ’67 Alumni enjoy catching up with each other and with faculty at Reunion 2013. 6 Margaret Brandenburg Matthias Russell H. Matthias, Jr. JD ’61 Jon Michelon Stacey Sherr Michelon JD ’95 John E. Mitchell JD ’89 Kyle Olson JD ’09 John R. O’Neil JD ’98 Leslie A. Oster Daniel J. Perlman JD ’85 George Petrow Andrea Rosman Raphaelson Ira H. Raphaelson JD ’77 Daniel B. Rodriguez Burton X. Rosenberg JD ’66 Sheli Zysman Rosenberg JD ’66 Mary Sacoff William E. Wolf Beth Zucker Scott B. Zucker JD ’87 FELLOW ($5,000 or more) Anonymous Geraldine M. Alexis JD-MBA ’76 Mark J. Anson JD ’89 Courtney D. Armstrong JD-MBA ’97 Jessica M. Aspen JD ’97 James E. Basta JD ’94 Prudence R. Beidler Francis Beidler, III Edwin S. Del Hierro ’85 Julian C. D’Esposito, Jr. JD ’69 Molly D’Esposito Marion Stanwood Dickel JD ’86 Ronald D. Dickel JD ’85 Thomas B. Dorris Timothy S. Durst JD ’87 Alison Weirick Edelstein Geoffrey I. Edelstein JD ’88 Penda Hair Eggleston W. Neil Eggleston JD ’78 Gary Elden Carter W. Emerson JD ’72 Suzanne D. Emerson Jonathan L. Entin JD ’81 Kevin R. Evanich JD ’80 Paula Fasseas Peter A. Fasseas JD ’65 Rodney A. Ferguson JD ’84 Joyce Mancari Fitzgerald Thomas G. Fitzgerald JD-MBA ’79 James A. Garvey, III James A. Garvey, IV Karin E. Garvey JD ’97 Faith E. Gay JD ’86 Jay A. Gitles JD ’87 Paula Gitles Cidney Golman Jeffrey A. Golman JD ’80 David A. Handler JD ’92 Thomas W. Hawkins JD ’86 Mary L. Hayes JD ’89 Janet W. Helman Robert A. Helman JD ’56 John F. Herrick JD ’63 Mary Taylor Herrick JD ’63 Carolyn B. Hilliker Donald B. Hilliker JD ’69 Naomi S. Holm Phillip H. Holm JD ’54 Bo Ming Hou Joseph Hsu Tina Hsu John W. Hynds JD ’64 Karen C. Hynds Jane E. Kahn Karen Stone Kaplan JD ’82 Matthew Kaplan Anne G. Kelly JD ’88 Frederick J. Killion JD ’79 Maureen Hollander Killion JD ’79 Kenneth R. Koranda JD ’75 Susan W. Koranda Frances H. Krasnow JD ’78 Jacqueline Kruse Jordon L. Kruse JD ’97 Lisa Kurtz Michael Kurtz JD ’73 James E. Laramy JD ’75 Valentin Lavin LLM ’02 Michael A. Leichtling JD ’66 Lydia Ackley Levy Charles M. Levy JD ’61 Jon Loevy ’33 David B. Love Janet Otsuka Love JD ’81 Phyllis Mandler Gail Florsheim Marovitz James L. Marovitz JD ’63 Mary Hoge Mason Robert E. Mason JD ’57 * Steven D. McCormick JD ’71 Mark A. McDermott JD ’91 Kelly Hyer McKane Mark E. McKane JD ’97 Janette A. McMahan JD ’98 Michael Miselman Kathryn Kimura Mlsna JD ’77 Timothy M. Mlsna JD ’74 Joanne Moffic-Silver JD ’77 Steven F. Molo Thomas H. Morsch JD ’55 James H. Mutchnik JD ’89 Katherine R. Mutchnik Jonathan Newcomb JD ’82 Kathryn Newcomb Joseph J. O’Hara, Jr. JD ’81 Rosemary O’Hara Nancy A. Pacher JD ’75 Daphne L. Pals Mark A. Pals JD ’89 A. Robert Pietrzak Christine Pope Michael A. Pope JD ’69 Grier Curran Raclin JD ’78 Phillip Reed JD ’84 Jacquelyn Jensen Renwick JD ’77 Scott Renwick JD ’77 David B. Rone JD ’87 Joel D. Rubin JD ’68 Tamara L. Rubin Sheva Rifkind Sanders JD ’84 Thomas Sanders JD ’84 Michael P. Scanlon JD ’91 Mimi R. Schapiro Morton Schapiro Andrew Schatz Richard E. Schatz JD ’92 Michael J. Schmidtberger Shannon Self JD ’84 * James I. Serota JD ’71 Douglas G. Smith JD ’96 Theodore Spak JD ’56 Rosalind Spak Margaret Harris Stanton R. Thomas Stanton JD ’69 Jan Stern Reed JD ’84 Nina G. Stillman JD ’73 Jan Elman Stout Robert L. Stout, Jr. JD ’84 Margaret Sung Edward T. Swan JD-MBA ’77 May Goldberg Swan Jeffrey W. Taylor JD ’77 Elizabeth Beidler Tisdahl Harold J. Tomin JD ’64 Seth D. Traxler JD ’97 Christine Washburn Donald A. Washburn JD ’77 Wayne W. Whalen JD ’67 Linda Schwartz White JD ’76 Thomas M. White JD ’75 Michael J. Willisch JD ’94 Lawrence A. Wojcik JD ’77 Nancy Pinney Wojcik Barbara Lerner Wolf JD ’79 Erving Wolf JD ’50 Joyce Mandel Wolf Paula Wolff Alisa Birnbaum Zucker Daniel N. Zucker JD ’84 Richard T. Zwirner JD ’68 PARTNER ($2,500 or more) Jeffrey A. Adler Rita Nussbaum Adler JD ’78 Earl M. Anderson, Jr. JD ’51 * G. Allen Andreas, Jr. G. Allen Andreas, III JD ’95 Jennifer Andreas JD ’96 Peter B. Bensinger, Jr. Jon D. Bernstein JD ’91 Lawrence M. Braun JD-MBA ’81 G. Ross Bridgman JD ’73 Jeffrey H. Brodsky JD-MBA ’81 Joan B. Brodsky William J. Brodsky Harold M. Brody JD ’75 David R. Bryant JD ’64 Richard B. Burnham JD ’76 Antony S. Burt JD ’82 O Ardis Burt Woodruff A. Burt JD ’63 Scott C. Carr Jeffrey A. Carter JD ’82 Judith Lauth Casey JD ’84 Patrick S. Casey JD ’84 Rosita Cheung JD ’77 Ann S. Ching Wallace S.J. Ching JD ’62 Judith S. Cottle William R. Cottle JD ’56 Deborah Ellis Dennis Roger J. Dennis JD ’74 Marcia L. Desmond Thomas P. Desmond JD ’81 Edwin R. Dunn JD ’67 Kathleen Lynch Dunn Emilie Chaddock Egan JD ’86 Barry D. Elman JD ’54 Joan K. Elman Donna R. Elrod Marilyn Mann Elrod Richard J. Elrod JD ’58 * Steven M. Elrod JD ’82 Michael A. Firestein JD ’83 Margaret Fitzpatrick Fitzsimmons JD ’80 Mark P. Fitzsimmons JD ’80 Darlene Mallouk Gasior Frank M. Gasior JD ’88 William J. Gibbons JD ’71 Connie D. Gill Michael J. Gill JD ’77 Nina S. Gordon JD ’84 R. Kenneth Gordon JD ’83 Jeffrey B. Greenberg JD ’96 Joseph F. Grinnell JD ’49 Denise Grogan John M. Grogan JD ’90 Jorge R. Gutierrez JD ’86 Arthur W. Hahn JD ’69 Kathy Miller Hahn JD ’71 Sophia H. Hall JD ’67 Lifetime Giving Levels: $1M+ = $500K-$999K = $50K-$499K = | NU Loyal = Congratulations to our newest alumni, the Class of 2014, for achieving 55% participation (256 donors) in your Graduating Class Gift. Special thanks to the 55 who gave at the Young Wigmore level. | Deceased = * PARTNER continued Joshua P. Hanna JD ’99 Ellsworth Hasbrouck Gail Durham Hasbrouck JD ’74 James H. Hayes JD-MBA ’83 Marianne S. Hayes Sally Madden Hayward Thomas Z. Hayward, Jr. JD ’65 Judith F. Helzner Margaret D. Herman Sidney N. Herman JD ’78 Joyce S. Hirsch Richard M. Hirsch JD ’61 Carolyn K. Howard Carter Howard JD ’61 Jack Jih-Tsan Huang LLM ’79 John R. Huber Marie Oh Huber JD ’86 Dorothy S. Hunt James L. Hunt JD ’67 Charles Clark Jackson JD ’77 Mary Dahlberg Jackson JD ’77 Frank W. Jaffe JD ’86 Leslie S. Jaffe Bridget Jaunal JD ’06 Garry W. Jaunal JD ’99 Paul E. Kalb E. Miles Kilburn JD ’89 Mark R. Kirsons JD ’97 Scott V. Kissinger JD ’85 Kyungwon Lee JD ’97 Anthony J. Leitner JD ’69 Jennifer A. Leitner Judith Smith Leland JD ’67 Jill F. Levi John G. Levi William M. Lyons JD ’81 Michael J. Madda JD ’69 Desiree H. Magney TED SPAK JD ’56 GIVING BACK, LOOKING FORWARD Current student Nan Cao (JD ’15) is this year’s recipient of the Joseph and Sophie Spak Scholarship, funded by Ted Spak JD ’56 in honor of his parents. Ted Spak (JD ’56) credits his parents for his dedication to higher education. Ted’s mother in particular insisted that each of her four children would receive college educations, despite the family’s limited means. With his parents’ encouragement and his Northwestern Law degree in hand, Ted has had a successful career first as a tax attorney and, eventually, leading a public insurance adjusting firm. 8 John S. Magney JD ’72 Brian Mariscal Karen Burrows Mariscal JD ’84 B. J. Devore Marshall James H. Marshall, III JD ’97 Eric R. McVittie JD ’90 Karen Michaels Richard E. Michaels JD ’77 Glenn F. Miller JD ’01 Collette M. Morrissey Harold W. Nations JD ’82 Marlene Dubow Nations JD ’82 Ilene D. Novack Stephen Novack JD ’72 Jerome D. Okarma JD ’77 Devan V. Padmanabhan JD ’93 Suchita Padmanabhan Stuart E. Palmer JD ’79 Nancy Pencak Paul C. Pencak JD ’90 Michael Perlow JD ’60 Charles H.R. Peters JD ’86 Kathy Richland Pick Joseph A. Podwika JD ’87 Sherwin I. Pogrund JD ’57 C. William Pollard JD ’63 Andrew K. Polovin JD ’01 Faith Covici Polovin Donald E. Rocap Julie Johnson Rocap JD ’95 Gerald J. Ronayne JD ’74 Arlene Boxerman Rosenberg JD ’91 Leonard Rosenberg JD ’92 Heather L. Rosing JD ’96 David S. Ruder Susan Frankel Ruder JD ’83 Karin A. Ruetzel Christopher J. Rupright JD ’91 Pamela Holz Rupright JD ’91 David “Buzz” Ruttenberg JD ’66 In 1995, Ted demonstrated his gratitude to his parents by establishing the Joseph and Sophie Spak Scholarship Fund in their name. In the years since endowing the fund, Ted has continued to generously support the Law School Annual Fund. But Ted was also determined to ensure that the Spak Scholarship would be awarded in perpetuity, so in 2014, Ted included Northwestern Law in his estate plans. His bequest will be added to the Joseph and Sophie Spak Scholarship. In an interview with Northwestern Matters, Ted describes his education at the Law School as teaching him “not just how to interpret the law, but more importantly, how to think.” Through his bequest, Ted has succeeded in honoring the impact both his parents and the Law School have made on his career, while also ensuring that future legal scholars will have the same opportunity to earn a Northwestern Law degree. The Law School continues to play an important role in Ted’s family, as his granddaughter Michelle, is a graduate from the Class of 2005 and also attended the School of Education and Social Policy as an undergraduate. Today, Michelle is Senior Counsel at Duke Energy. She is a member of NU Loyal and recently accepted a position on the Northwestern Alumni Association’s Board of Directors. Ted is a self-proclaimed bridge addict. He plays six times a week and attends national and regional tournaments. He started playing the game at Law School with his classmate and friend, Marty Appel. Richard H. Sanders JD ’69 Jean Schlesinger JD ’89 Matthew J. Schlesinger JD ’89 Susan Seigle Harry J. Seigle JD ’71 Nell Kilburn Shapiro JD ’89 Berton Scott Sheppard JD ’61 Regina Polka Sheppard Leslie Silverman Debra A. Singer Steven B. Singer JD ’91 Mary Seger Sneed William Michael Sneed JD-MBA ’87 Peter M. Sommerhauser JD ’68 Brian Spear Kathleen Kelly Spear JD ’79 Gary B. Stern JD ’82 Rhonda Liebman Stern JD ’82 Masatsugu Suzuki LLM ’72 Jane B. Tennant William S. Tennant JD ’56 Betsy Tharp John “Jay” Tharp, Jr. JD ’90 Constantine L. Trela JD ’79 Jean D. Trela Cheryl A. Tritt JD ’76 Catherine Van Duzer John B. Van Duzer, Jr. JD ’80 Heidi Wagman Philip M. Walker Blair W. White JD ’85 Cynthia A. Wilson JD ’86 Charles H. Winkler JD ’79 Judy Wyngarden Pollard ASSOCIATE ($1,000 or more) Anonymous (7) Floyd Abramson Craig W. Adas JD ’91 Zabrina J. Adas Sharon Advani Suresh T. Advani JD ’92 Frederick W. Allen JD ’49 Margaret H. Allen JD ’04 Tilley Allen Lorie E. Almon Mark Andrews Martin S. Appel JD ’56 Audrey Blumenthal Appel Bernardo Ayala Yanez LLM ’04 Robert S. Baizer JD ’72 Margaret B. Balsley-Cross JD ’86 Peter Barrett JD ’56 Benjamin J. Bass JD ’97 Donna Kempler Bass JD ’66 Howard I. Bass JD ’60 Donald K. Basta JD ’60 Jack Beam JD ’74 Renee E. Beam Gwendolyn Blaylock Beeby JD ’79 Female exonerees from around the country joined Center on Wrongful Convictions staff, guest panelists, and interested members of the public to discuss issues relating to women and criminal justice at the CWC Women’s Project Conference held in the Bluhm Legal Clinic in March. Kenneth J. Beeby JD ’61 Shelley S. Beeby John A. Bergen JD ’67 Maureen Berger Robert I. Berger JD ’74 Jean Smith Berghoff John C. Berghoff, Jr. JD ’66 Lonni E. Berkley JD ’83 Isidoro Berkman JD ’64 Sherry L. Berkman Arthur L. Berman JD ’58 Barbara Dombeck Berman Robert A. Berman JD ’89 Daniel O. Bernstine JD ’72 John S. Berry JD ’65 Anne Bottini Beste JD ’92 Eric J. Beste JD ’94 Jennifer Betts Henry S. Bienen Leigh Buchanan Bienen Ivy Berg Bierman JD ’84 Anthony P. Bigornia JD ’95 Patrick J. Bitterman JD ’90 Cynthia E. Blakeslee Fred W. Blakeslee JD ’02 John V. Blazek JD ’91 Milton Blum JD ’52 Judith A. Borenstein JD ’83 Lisa Bork Thomas W. Bottomlee JD ’95 Alton Boyer Cynthia Boyer James L. Boyer Phoebe Bennet Boyer JD ’76 Megan Boyle Edward J. Bradley, Jr. JD ’64 Sheila Evans Bradley Thomas M. Breen Harold J. Bressler JD ’67 Marlene C. Bressler Michael B. Brodsky JD-MBA ’94 Michael T. Brody Lisa Sopata Brogan JD ’87 Hal M. Brown JD ’67 Marsha N. Brown Thomas P. Brown JD ’83 Garry R. Bullard JD ’59 William J. Burke JD ’82 William J. Butler JD ’87 Craig L. Caesar JD ’78 Patricia S. Cain JD ’77 Patrick J. Callans JD ’87 David L. Cameron JD ’86 Anthony M. Campo JD ’75 Douglas R. Carlson JD ’69 Jennifer J. Carlson JD ’04 Michael M. Carlson JD ’72 Susan Feingold Carlson Jennifer Carr Barbara Gariepy Caruso JD ’63 F. Willis Caruso, Sr. JD ’61 Douglas B. Chaffee JD ’68 Louis A. Chaiten JD ’98 Doralu Chanen Franklin A. Chanen JD ’57 Elizabeth Waterfield Chapman Lifetime Giving Levels: $1M+ = $500K-$999K = $50K-$499K = | NU Loyal = | Deceased = * Howard L. Chapman JD ’58 John W. Chaveriat JD ’55 Myron M. Cherry JD ’62 Patricia Cherry Sheldon Chertow JD ’59 Pamela Clements JD ’07 Laine Martin Cobb Martin R. Cobb Leslie Cogan Jules G. Cogan JD ’62 George A. Cohon JD ’61 Susan Silver Cohon Linda L. Colarossi-Pace Constance Ward Cole JD ’77 Thomas A. Cole Jeffrey D. Colman Janice L. Cortez Miles C. Cortez, Jr. JD ’67 James M. Costello JD ’64 Richard C. Coyle Angela J. Crawford JD ’98 Shirley Crocker Stephen L. Crocker JD ’83 M. Lisanne Crowley JD ’84 Jeffrey I. Cummings JD ’87 Angela D. Daker JD ’98 Harriet Darley Damisch * John W. Damisch JD ’50 Paul Danziger JD ’93 Susan Kramer Danziger Eric Davis Karen Roter Davis JD-MBA ’00 Sylvia O. Decker 9 Contratulations to the Class of 1963, which celebrated its Reunion in Fall 2013 and achieved the highest 2014 Reunion Class Gift participation rate. 42% of the class made a Reunion contriubution. ASSOCIATE continued 10 Thomas D. Decker JD ’63 Kelly J. Deere JD ’92 Erin F. Delaney Morton Denlow JD ’72 Reva A. Denlow Mary Jacqueline DeThorne Anne Dewaele LLM ’78 Tina Diamantopoulos-Burgis JD ’94 Margaret Domingo LLM ’04 Kathleen Domm William A. Domm JD ’63 Leslie Donavan JD ’82 Richard H. Donohue JD ’79 William Dritsas Burton V. Du Boe JD ’59 Eileen Romanek Du Boe Michael A. Dunn JD ’64 H. Carol Bernstein Eckstein JD ’85 Martin R. Eckstein Randall W. Edwards JD ’95 Virginia Veltman Edwards JD ’95 David L. Eitelbach Sarah B. Eitelbach JD ’79 Juliane Epstein Matthew Epstein JD ’93 Philip A. Epstein JD ’84 Elizabeth K. Ester JD ’83 C. Carnot Evans JD ’95 Martin Faier JD ’53 Cole M. Fauver JD ’88 Susan Sokup Fauver JD ’88 Ercelle Kay Feldman Michel J. Feldman JD ’68 Carol S. Felsenthal Geoff Felsenthal Dennis A. Ferrazzano JD ’71 Frances P. Ferrazzano Elizabeth V. Fieweger Michael J. Fieweger JD ’94 Lisa Gollob Finke Thomas Finke JD-MBA ’92 Tom Finke JD ’68 Edward Finn JD ’81 Susan Fisher Yellen JD ’77 John E. Flick JD ’4 8 Andrea G. Fox Paul T. Fox JD ’78 Marc P. Franson Marilyn Doskey Franson JD ’86 Douglas Frazer JD ’85 Cathy Freechack John E. Freechack JD ’75 Paul E. Freehling Lee A. Freeman, Jr. Chandra Friese Robert Charles Friese JD ’70 David T. Fritts JD ’76 Ronald L. Futterman JD ’67 Cynthia Slaughter Galbut Martin R. Galbut JD ’71 Lisa Sato Ward Gallagher JD-MBA ’07 Ryan P. Gallagher JD-MBA ’02 Elizabeth Wylie Galvin JD ’77 Saul Gamoran JD ’84 Ronald J. Ganim JD ’72 Norman J. Gantz JD ’72 Leslie Garbarino JD ’09 Edward S. Garlock JD ’76 Lee P. Garner JD ’95 Paul Gary JD ’76 Sarah Gary Dorothea Gastevich Paul J. Gaynor JD ’90 Richard M. Gaynor JD ’87 Diane Laughrey Geraghty JD ’72 Thomas F. Geraghty JD ’69 Edward L. Gerch JD ’63 Francois Gerner LLM ’04 Nancy S. Gerrie JD ’90 Nancy Giampietro Nicholas L. Giampietro JD ’87 Ellen Gilbert Jeffrey T. Gilbert JD ’80 Jerome Gilson JD ’58 David Glickstein JD ’66 Marlene Glickstein Hans P. Goebel LLM ’99 Bonnie Goldman Melvin R. Goldman JD ’61 Elizabeth Goltermann Howard C. Goode JD ’64 Jordan Goodman JD ’07 Jennifer GoodSmith Kenneth S. GoodSmith JD ’81 Alanna Barr Gordon Michael A. Gordon JD ’92 Pamela L. Gordon Robert M. Gordon JD ’83 Jonathan Scott Grabill Kathleen M. Grady Edward R. Grant JD ’82 Juliet D. Gray Michael J. Gray JD ’92 Marc F. Greenberg Susan Glatt Greenberg JD ’90 Daniel Greenfield JD ’08 Stephanie Gregory Chertow Victor E. Grimm JD ’61 Gary G. Grindler JD ’76 Teresa Anne Grosch Susan J. Gross-Sholinsky JD ’00 Regina Guzman Robert A. Habermann JD ’62 Rush T. Haines, II JD ’68 Susan C. Haines Ira M. Hanan Linda F. Hanan Richard G. Harrer JD ’57 Mark A. Harris JD ’82 Catherine K. Hart JD ’95 James C. Harten JD ’64 Daniel J. Hartnett JD ’86 Marina O. Hartnett Leah Havener Margaret Hughes Hayes JD ’69 Edgar F. Heizer, III JD ’84 Lynn Heizer Lawrence K. Hellman JD ’70 Douglas A. Hendel JD ’83 Laurence E. Herman JD ’86 Julia Herr Smith JD-MBA ’99 John T. Hildy JD ’96 Stacy R. Hildy Catherine G. Hilfinger Steven H. Hilfinger JD ’87 David R. Hill JD ’88 Kristina H. Hill Stephen R. Hofer JD ’80 Michael H. Holland JD ’72 Edward F. Honesty, Jr. JD ’79 Nancy A. Horner Linda Kay Howerton Robert H. Howerton JD ’68 John Michael Huff JD ’78 Daniel L. Hughes JD ’55 Michelle M. Huhnke Peter Humphreys JD ’81 Becky Bair Hurley JD ’84 Daniel Jauchen JD ’04 Alfred R. Johnson, Jr. JD ’79 Derek C. Johnston JD ’94 Lisa H. Johnston Sharon L. Jones W. Clyde Jones, III JD ’67 Arnold B. Kanter JD ’67 Carol Nussbaum Kanter Ethel Rosenberg Kaplan JD ’84 Alice Olsen Karaba Edward J. Karlin JD ’77 Terri L. Karlin Carol A. Kaufmann Stephen Robert Kaufmann JD ’78 Philip M. Kayman JD ’67 Tamar B. Kelber JD ’94 Matthew J. Keller, Jr. JD ’61 Terrence F. Kennedy, Jr. JD ’76 Frances Higgins Kent Paul Anthony Kent David R. Kentoff JD ’61 Susan L. Kentoff Mark A. Kerber JD ’87 Alexander D. Kerr, Jr. JD ’68 Judith Mottl Kerr JD ’69 Gerald H. Kibe JD ’77 Angela I. Kleiman David Neil Kleiman JD ’82 Sean J. Klein JD ’95 John F. Kloecker JD ’95 Kristen Knapp JD ’10 Harry J. Knudsen JD ’52 Katherine Schleman Knudsen Kathryn Leafy Knudson JD ’78 Nancy Knuepfer Robert C. Knuepfer JD ’78 Martin J. Koldyke Patricia Blunt Koldyke Marc Konvisser Zieva Konvisser Brian Koo JD ’05 Edward L. Koven JD ’65 Bonnie Aronson Koven Alan D. Kovitz JD ’58 Nancy R. Kovitz Grant A. Krafft Andrea S. Kramer JD ’78 Marc S. Krass JD ’76 Susan M. Krass Cynthia Seidenbach Kruse Alvin L. Kruse JD ’68 Joseph P. Kubarek JD ’82 Fannie Kung Shannon Kung JD ’09 Claire Boyle Labbe JD ’02 John Randolph Labbe JD ’02 Carol Oppenheim Lamet Jerome S. Lamet JD ’55 Anne Landau Richard W. Laner ’56 Richard G. Larkins JD ’90 Mary Link Larose Robert Michael Larose JD ’80 Anne Edelman Larsen JD ’83 Michael Philip Larsen Adam M. Laser JD ’97 Eva Laser Daniel W. Lawrence JD ’96 Kent Lawrence JD ’69 Elliot Lehman Frances Mecklenburger Lehman Jeffrey R. Lehman JD ’75 Paul E. Lemmens LLM ’78 Howard Lerman JD ’65 Barbara Rodell Lerman Timothea Garland Proctor Letson JD ’06 Gary I. Levenstein JD ’76 Meryl S. Levenstein Barbara Serwer Levin Barry S. Levin JD ’79 Charles E. Levin JD ’71 Debra Fried Levin Janice Hale Levin Joshua M. Levin JD ’86 Laurence H. Levine JD ’71 Mary Levine Betsy Lehman Levisay JD ’96 Arlene K. Lim JD ’98 Linda Lipton Richard H. Lloyd JD ’73 Nancy C. Loeb Frederick C. Lowinger Lynn T. Lowinger Steven Lubet Andrew M. Lubetkin Janet Brusslan Lubetkin Karl E. Lutz John P. Lynch JD ’67 Judy Godvin Lynch Tom M. Lytton JD ’68 Emilio Eduardo Machado JD ’83 Leslie Leeb Machado JD ’83 Mary Mack JD ’82 Nancy MacKimm JD ’86 Katherine L. Mackinnon JD ’85 Benjamin S. Mackoff JD ’57 Carol Lewis Mackoff James R. Madler JD ’64 Georgia A. Makens Hugh H. Makens JD ’64 Jed R. Mandel JD ’77 Miranda Mandel David S. Mann JD ’62 Aleta Margolis Jane Markham Lawrence C. Marshall JD ’85 Larry W. Martin JD ’80 Marcia J. Mason JD ’84 Peter I. Mason John H. Matheson JD ’77 Judith M. Matheson Tamara G. Mattison JD ’90 Eric S. Mattson JD ’94 Katherine M. Mattson Terri A. Mazur JD ’84 John T. McCarthy JD ’66 Caroline P. McConnell Francis J. McConnell JD ’53 Marilyn McCoy Gary W. McFarron JD ’74 Jane McFetridge JD ’89 James A. McKenna JD ’77 Joanell Miller McKenna JD ’78 Donald McLean Christine McQuinn Robert E. McQuinn Alisa Hamilton Mendonca Brian G. Mendonca JD ’00 Richard L. Menson JD ’68 Richard Mermin Bruce Frederick Metge JD ’81 Thomas C. Meyers JD ’91 Laurie J. Michelson JD ’92 Beth Bernstein Miller JD ’04 Mark E. Miller JD-MBA ’84 Michael I. Miller JD ’60 Retta Miller JD ’85 Sandra Eiger Miller David M. Mitchell JD ’70 Susan S. Mitchell Abby M. Mollen JD ’08 Edward J. Momkus JD ’77 Michael Morrow Kathryn J. Mosca William K. Mosca, Jr. JD ’82 Barry L. Moss JD ’67 Jane E. Moss Edward B. Mueller JD ’73 Arthur B. Muir JD ’76 Leslie Fisher Muir Alice Murashko Dennis Murashko JD ’07 Mary E. Murphy Jeffrey L. Musman Jeffrey S. Mutnick JD ’72 William G. Myers JD ’53 Patrick Nelligan JD ’06 Alan D. Nesburg JD ’72 Kathy Nesburg Emily Koenig Neuberger JD ’82 Lifetime Giving Levels: $1M+ = $500K-$999K = $50K-$499K = | NU Loyal = Henry L. Neuberger, III Barbara P. Newman Eric S. Newman JD ’91 Gerald M. Newman JD ’64 Marianne Djidrova Nielsen JD ’83 Philip R. Nielsen Robert Nobile Cheryl L. O’Brien Michael P. O’Brien JD ’85 Peter A. O’Brien JD ’91 Julian A. Oettinger JD ’64 Dennis M. O’Keefe JD ’72 Vicki Ann O’Meara JD ’82 Roy D. Oppenheim JD ’86 Kipp D. Orme Melissa Orme JD ’05 Daniel A. Orth, III JD ’66 Nancy M. Orth Edward C. Osterberg, Jr. JD ’66 Susan Snider Osterberg P. John Owen JD ’72 Michael R. Pace JD ’89 Jessica Ham Paik JD ’07 Michael Paik JD-MBA ’08 Helen S. Parker Richard W. Parker JD ’68 James R. Paschall JD ’73 Nancy Cooney Paschall GIFTS OF A P P R E C I AT E D STOCK Do you want to support Northwestern Law and reduce your tax liability at the same time? Consider making a gift of appreciated securities. Under certain circumstances, you can both avoid capital gains and take a deduction for the full market value of the gift. For more information, contact MaryPat Mauro, director of major gifts in the Office of Alumni Relations and Development, at 312-503-2688 or marypat.mauro@law.northwestern.edu. 11 | Deceased = * Three Generations of Purple Pride The legacy of Purple Pride runs deep in the Karaba family. Three generations call Northwestern Law their alma mater. Julie Karaba (JD ’14), a 2010 graduate of Northwestern’s School of Education and Social Policy, graduated summa cum laude from the law school this past May. As alumni of the Class of ‘80, her parents, Marsha Hoover and Tom Karaba, were invited to hood Julie on stage at the Convocation ceremony. Not far from their thoughts was Frank Karaba, Tom’s father and a member of the Class of ‘51. Julie’s grandfather would have had a lot to be proud of on that special day; Julie received the John Paul Stevens Prize for the highest academic-achieving student in her class. She is currently clerking with Judge Feinerman on the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Illinois and will clerk for Judge Kavanaugh of the DC Circuit for 2015–2016. Their family has a long history of giving back to the Northwestern Law community. Frank, who passed away in 1996, supported the Law School Annual Fund for many years. His wife, Alice, continues to give to the Law School Fund and is an NU Loyal member. She has been a member of the Wigmore Club for most of the past two decades. Marsha and Tom have been generous donors to the Law School Annual Fund since graduating in 1980. And this year Julie helped her 12 Julie Karaba (JD ’14) with her parents, Marsha Hoover (JD ’80) and Tom Karaba (JD ’80) at Julie’s graduation in May, 2014 class reach a remarkable 55% participation by contributing to her Graduating Class Gift. Marsha and Tom have served on reunion committees and Julie, as a 3L, was a member of the executive board of the Julius H. Miner Moot Court Competition. The family’s Northwestern connections extend beyond the Law School. Marsha and Tom’s son, Andrew, is a 2007 graduate of the Weinberg College of Arts and Sciences and is in his final year of the Medical Scientist Training Program at the Feinberg School of Medicine. He and his wife, Sara, both earned PhDs from the Graduate School in 2013 and are expected to receive their MDs next spring. Marsha, a partner at Marshall Gerstein & Borun LLP, and Tom, a partner at Crowley Barrett & Karaba Ltd, are also graduates of the School of Communication. Tom’s father, Frank, was also double purple; he graduated first in his class of about 1,000 in the former Northwestern School of Commerce in 1949. Frank once wrote, “Lest I get too carried away with my own abilities, I always think of a picture that was run in the Chicago Daily News with the top graduates in Northwestern’s five Schools. The fellow who finished No. 1 in Journalism was blind.” Frank’s first job after graduating from Northwestern Law was as a teaching associate at the Law School. ASSOCIATE continued Kay Pashos JD ’84 Melvin E. Pearl JD ’60 Susan Slocum Pecaro JD ’79 Charles H. Perlman JD ’70 Mira Joy Perlman S. James Perlow JD ’70 Richard Perlstein Susan Perlstein Kay Domhoff Peters Richard L. Peters JD ’65 Sherilyn C. Peterson JD ’80 Karen Boyles Phillips Thomas R. Phillips JD ’64 Ellen B. Pilelsky JD ’86 Betty Pollock Earl E. Pollock JD ’53 Sharon M. Porcellio JD ’82 Donald H. Powers JD ’55 Theresa A. Powers Ronald F. Prebish JD ’64 Arlynn Patrick Presser JD ’85 Stephen B. Presser Mary Manemann Preston JD ’89 Stephen W. Preston Daniel F. Pritzker JD ’86 Karen Pritzker Edward C. Prokop JD ’96 Hillary Post Prokop JD ’96 Gina Alexis Propp-Schmarak JD ’84 Martin G. Quirk JD ’79 Merritt Neal Rains JD ’68 Alexandra Egan Ramanathan JD-MBA ’06 Pranav S. Ramanathan S. Louis Rathje JD ’64 Allan Reich Lynne Reich Patrick V. Reilly JD ’63 Ilene Schneier Rieser JD ’04 Nicholas Rieser Charles T. Rivkin JD ’59 Marilynn Golan Rivkin Thomas A. Roberts JD ’83 Kyle Roche Kathryn A. Roe JD ’91 William J. Rogers JD ’75 Gary M. Ropski JD ’76 John J. Ross JD ’71 Anthony E. Rothschild JD ’83 Jane Weinberg Rothschild Jonathan E. Rothschild JD ’80 Piper Wentz Rothschild JD ’80 Keith E. Rounsaville Jack A. Rovner George A. Rubin JD ’59 Jan B. Rubin Lawrence C. Rubin JD ’72 William A. Rudnick JD ’89 Risa Ryger Nathaniel Sack Robert M. Saltzmann Leatrice Berman Sandler Stephen P. Sandler JD ’67 Manmohan Lal Sarin LLM ’79 Lisa Scanlon Karen Schapiro JD ’85 David J. Scheffer A. Bruce Schimberg * Gary L. Schlesinger JD ’70 Julie Schlossberg Robert L. Schlossberg JD ’64 Bradley S. Schmarak JD ’87 Dieter A. Schmitz JD ’84 Michael Y. Scudder, Jr. JD ’98 Sarah R. Scudder Stuart Scudder JD ’58 Joseph Seliga JD ’00 John F. Sennett Nancy Santelle Sennett JD ’79 Skip Seymour Freida Sfikas Peter M. Sfikas JD ’62 * David L. Shapiro JD ’88 Julius H. Shapiro JD ’58 Sherry Shapiro Lee Shavel Katherine Shaw JD ’06 Patrick J. Shaw JD ’98 Jennifer O’Hearne Shepard JD ’90 Craig B. Sherman JD ’67 Laura Davis Molk Sherman JD ’89 Joseph W. Sheyka JD ’74 Thomas C. Shields JD ’66 Marc Sholinsky John G. Shortridge JD ’65 Alvin D. Shulman JD ’58 Richard A. Siebel JD ’64 David M. Silverman JD ’80 Gary R. Silverman JD ’86 Joseph V. Simeri JD ’64 Martin V. Sinclair, Jr. JD ’05 Gary M. Sircus JD ’85 Mindy Crandus Sircus JD ’84 Honey Jacobs Skinner JD ’81 Samuel K. Skinner Raymond J. Slomski, Jr. JD ’81 Adam David Smith JD ’05 Scott G. Smith Ryan Sniatecki Chahira Solh JD ’06 Cynthia Drews Southern Robert A. Southern JD ’54 Michelle S. Spak JD ’05 Dorothy Stack Spalding Francis O. Spalding JD ’64 * Robert M. Spalding JD ’98 Karla R. Spaulding JD ’80 Susan Michelle Spies Roth JD ’06 Karen E. Springen William Staes JD ’13 John W. Stamper JD ’72 Kendra Stead JD ’10 Elizabeth Steffensen Jon E. Steffensen JD ’71 Neal Steinbart JD ’82 Ellen Steinberg Robert Cowie Steiner JD ’76 Sarah Stettner JD ’07 Mark C. Stevens JD ’83 Karen Carlson Sugarman Stephen D. Sugarman JD ’67 Dorothy Turek Sullivan Frances Sullivan George P. Sullivan, Jr. JD ’69 Louise Curtis Sullivan Thomas P. Sullivan Warren G. Sullivan JD ’50 Andrea L. Sussman JD ’85 Philip C. Swain JD ’84 Roseanne Swain John F. Swenson JD ’53 Anne Zweifel Taylor JD ’74 Roger L. Taylor JD ’71 William H. Taylor, II JD ’79 William M. Taylor JD ’62 Janice Temple Marvin W. Temple JD ’51 Jaci Thiede Charles R. Thomas Bernard E. Thompson JD ’79 James R. Thompson JD ’59 Jayne Carr Thompson JD ’70 Sylvia Davis Thompson Lartease Martrell Tiffith JD-MBA ’07 Ann C. Tighe JD ’73 Suzanne M. Timble JD ’82 Jeffrey R. Tone Anne Boettigheimer Toohey James K. Toohey JD ’69 Howard M. Topaz JD ’78 Terri Solomon Topaz Andrew M. Troop JD ’85 Douglas M. Tween JD ’89 Suzanne Johnston Tween Kenneth S. Ulrich JD ’87 Laura Levin Ulrich JD-MBA ’90 Alyssa Rokito Unikel JD ’94 Robert W. Unikel JD ’93 Robert I. Ury JD ’64 Michelle Volin Van Demark Richard E. Van Demark JD ’84 Helen Van Duzer John Van Duzer, Sr. JD ’40 Robert A. Van Vooren JD ’60 Jeffrey J. Vawrinek JD ’83 Chrystal L. Veazey-Watson JD ’72 Jonathan Vegosen JD ’76 Shari Steinberg Vegosen Vanessa B. Vergara JD ’00 Rowena A. Villanueva JD-MBA ’02 William G. Vreeland, III JD ’94 Elizabeth L. Wack Thomas E. Wack JD ’69 D. William Wagner JD ’68 Susan A. Wagner Angela Walker JD ’13 LLM ’13 Cheryn L. Wall Lifetime Giving Levels: $1M+ = $500K-$999K = $50K-$499K = | NU Loyal = | Deceased = * Donald A. Wall JD ’71 Horace T. Ward JD ’59 Michael A. Warner, Jr. JD ’91 Michelle Vilcheck Warner JD ’91 Peter J. Wasserman JD ’80 Katherine K. Watkins JD ’83 Eileen Weinberg Arnold Weinberg JD ’67 David S. Weinberg JD ’93 Elissa Gayle Weinberg Roberta L. Weinsheimer William C. Weinsheimer JD ’65 Elizabeth Zur Weiss John R. Weiss JD ’85 Dale Wentz Pete Wentz JD ’74 Catherine J. Wertjes James S. Whitehead Stuart M. Widman JD ’74 Mark D. Wilcox JD ’76 Ann M. Wilczynski Michael J. Wilczynski JD ’88 Jenna F. Wilkin Robert M. Wilkin JD ’93 Kenneth J. Withers JD ’84 Sarah R. Wolff JD ’78 Robin Levinson Wolkoff JD ’90 Claudia Lamm Wood Jeffrey B. Wood JD ’84 Christopher Wottowa Theodore W. Wrobleski JD ’71 Shelby Yastrow JD ’59 Sybil Wohlfeld Yastrow Larry I. Yellen JD ’77 Lisa M. Young JD ’95 Jason A. Yurasek JD ’97 David E. Zajicek JD ’64 Lucrezia O’Brien Zajicek Jerome Zamos JD ’64 Michael H. Zaransky JD ’79 Jay Zygmunt JD ’78 YOUNG WIGMORES Anonymous (4) Imran Ahmad JD ’14 Katherine Allison JD ’14 Peter Allport JD ’08 Rachel Soppet Allport JD ’08 Suzanne Marie Alton JD ’14 Jose Romeu Garcia Amaral LLM ’08 Jose Ricardo Ricardo Aramburo Williams LLM ’13 Denitta Arnaud Germann JD ’09 Leslie Arnould JD ’09 Matthew Arnould JD ’09 Allison Bailey JD ’14 LLM ’14 Stuart Benjamin Baimel JD ’14 Palash Basu JD ’14 Jennifer Anne Bauer JD ’06 Drew Beres JD ’13 Kimberly Louise Berkowski JD ’13 Matthew Berry JD ’11 13 YOUNG WIGMORES continued Ekaterina Bolshakova LLM ’14 Laura Bowman Nathan D. Brenner JD ’14 Brandon Bridges JD ’13 Brendan J. Brodeur JD ’09 Abigail Lucinda Bunce JD ’14 Robert Jason Burch JD ’13 Margaret Cahoon JD ’11 Lauren J. Caisman JD ’13 Ciro Cardoso Brasileiro Borges LLM ’14 Mfon Etukeren LLM ’14 Vernon Evans JD ’09 Daniel Faichney JD ’14 Miguel Mariani Flaksman LLM ’08 Jason Foster LLM ’13 Lauren Fried JD ’13 Jessica Frogge JD ’09 Erin Frohardt JD ’12 Gretchen Fry Timothy J. Fry JD ’13 Sweta Gabhawala LLM ’13 Hans J. Germann Zachary Getzelman JD ’12 Melisa Jezabel Glorighian LLM ’14 Renee Heyman JD ’14 Alicia Hinds JD ’09 Joan Margaret Hollick Damien Howard JD ’10 Thana Howard Junxiao Huang LLM ’14 Joshua A. Hutton JD ’14 Yuzuru Iwasaki LLM ’14 Shy Jackson JD ’13 William Justin Jacobs LLM ’14 Yujia Jiang JD ’14 Mary Elise Johnson JD ’14 Sarah Kalemeris JD ’10 Masayoshi Kanzakitani LLM ’14 The 2013 Northwestern Law Alumni Award recipients, from left: Justice Dalveer Bhandari (LLM ’72), Howard J. Trienens (JD ’49), Jeffrey Hammes (JD ’85) (on behalf of Kirkland & Ellis), Newton N. Minow (JD ’50), Suneel Gupta (JD-MBA ’08), Terri Mascherin (JD ’84), Alexander Kerr (JD ’68) (on behalf of Dawn Clark Netsch (JD ’52)) 14 Brendan Casey JD ’11 Alison Caverly JD ’14 Jixin Chen LLM ’14 Christine Concepcion LLM ’14 Keat Crown JD-MBA ’11 Kyle Day LLM ’13 Azuka Dike JD ’10 Sara Dill LLM ’14 Alexander Dobyan LLM ’14 Daniel J. Elrod JD ’13 Evan B. Elsner JD ’12 Kathleen Riordan Elsner JD ’13 LLM ’13 Rosalyn Essen JD-MBA ’14 Richard Glover JD ’10 Donald Goff JD ’10 Jeremy Green JD ’14 Julie Kaplan Griffis JD ’09 Laura Kolesar Gura JD ’13 Enia Lorna Gutu JD ’14 Alan Guy JD ’09 Joseph Halverson JD-MBA ’14 Jeffrey Han JD ’09 Gunnar Haugen JD ’11 LLM ’11 Yilei He JD ’11 Orly M. Henry JD ’11 Benjamin Daniel Hernandez JD-MBA ’13 Julie Karaba JD ’14 William Katt JD ’09 Junichi Kawauchi LLM ’14 Daniel Kilduff JD-MBA ’14 Esther Joy King JD ’13 LLM ’13 Yugo Komori LLM ’14 Caitlin Alejandrina Kovacs JD ’13 Calvin Kung JD ’13 Jason Kunze JD ’09 Borchien Lai JD-MBA ’06 Susan Landsittel JD ’10 Julie Lee JD ’13 Timothy Lee JD ’14 Michael Lehrman JD ’13 Yitian Li LLM ’14 Jamie Liebert JD ’14 Layla Dotson Lumpkin JD ’11 Juan Luo LLM ’14 Mary Maher JD ’13 Raj Malviya LLM ’13 Laura Martinez Brad M. McMahon JD ’14 Molly Cecilia McShane Michael McStay JD ’10 Brian Mead JD ’14 Aditya Sajjanraj Mehta LLM ’09 Samara Mejia Graham M. Middleton Young K. Moon JD ’14 Robert Mooney JD ’14 Justin Morgan JD ’14 Tyler Myers JD ’14 Hussain Naqi JD-MBA ’06 Saurabh Nathany LLM ’13 Christopher Nofal JD ’12 Katharine Charlotte Nuehring JD ’12 Colin O’Donovan JD ’11 Gregory Oguss JD ’13 Kelly Oki JD ’14 Carson Alexander Carmichael Oliver JD-MBA ’13 Alexius Cruz O’Malley JD ’13 Kari Parks JD ’13 Kevin Patariu JD ’07 Mark Alan Plandowski JD ’13 Mario Polito LLM ’14 Katherine Pomeroy JD ’11 Brandon C. Prosansky JD ’07 Michael Purtill JD ’11 James Reardon JD ’13 Amy Goodier Reilly JD ’13 John Reilly Stephen Joseph Reyes JD-MBA ’13 Peter W. Rogers JD ’14 Joseph Roselius JD ’09 Jade Lambert Routson JD ’06 Ryan Routson Leigh Rovzar JD-MBA ’09 Nathaniel Sager Sarah Hoffman Sager JD ’09 Mohanbir S. Sawhney Parminder Batra Sawhney JD ’12 Samuel R. Scarcello JD ’13 George J. Schaefer, III JD ’06 Brandon Taylor Scruggs JD ’08 Ilya Shapiro Kristin Feeley Shapiro JD ’09 Soumya Sharma LLM ’10 Courtney L. Shike JD ’13 Lindsey Simon JD ’13 Kenton Skarin JD ’09 Amee Smith JD ’14 Cameron Geoffrey Smith JD-MBA ’07 David H. Smith JD-MBA ’14 Ryan Sponseller Devlin Su JD ’12 Alexander Tanton JD-MBA ’14 Tiffany Taubman JD ’13 Nicholas Terrell JD ’10 Emily Thomas JD ’14 Michael Clifton Thomas LLM ’08 James M. Timbrell JD ’13 Jason Turkish JD ’12 Elizabeth B. Uzelac JD ’13 Edward Vrtis JD ’14 Kevin Walker JD ’14 Hannah Wendling JD ’13 Allen Whitt JD ’09 Andrew A. Wichern JD ’05 Joanne Wichern Darrell Williams JD ’12 Sarah K. Wilson JD ’14 Ping Yu LLM ’14 Zixuan Zhou LLM ’14 CONTRIBUTORS ($1 - $999) Anonymous (45) Alan H. Abes JD ’93 Jesse Abrams-Morley JD ’10 Sandra Abrevaya Kristin J. Achterhof JD ’91 Francis John Acott JD ’14 Barbara A. Adams JD ’83 Douglas C. Adams JD ’00 James R. Adams JD ’63 Judith H. Adams Margaret Montgomery Adams JD ’77 Robert Adams JD ’67 Richard A. Adamy JD ’63 Adedapo A. Adedeji JD ’00 LLM ’98 Kerri-Simone Pryce Adedeji Robert A. Adelson JD ’77 Doris F. Adelstein Harvey M. Adelstein Lorraine Agen Amy S. Ahrendt JD ’84 Diane M. Ainsworth JD ’85 Samuel Aintablian JD ’14 Alejandro Aixala JD ’08 Gabriel Aizenberg JD ’96 Gretchen E. Akerson JD ’00 Omar Alam JD ’10 Zarine Laila Alam JD ’14 Carl F. Albrecht Cathleen Hainer Albrecht JD ’87 Brian V. Alcala JD ’97 Amanda Reid Alford Stewart F. Alford JD ’02 Richard L. Alfred Dionysis Alissandratos JD-MBA ’14 Ronald J. Allen Robert D. Allison JD ’74 Ismail Alsheik JD ’05 Gabriel Altman JD ’14 Phyllis E. Amabile JD ’79 Joan Elliott Amerling John Amerling JD ’69 Ava Amini JD ’14 David G. Andersen JD ’91 Alexandra L. Anderson JD ’14 Andrew A. Anderson JD ’05 Kathryn J. Anderson Kay Anderson Kimball R. Anderson Margit Anderson JD ’06 Nathan B. Anderson JD ’14 Paul Anderson JD-MBA ’10 Sandra J. Anderson JD ’76 Vincent Angermeier JD ’11 Brooke Anthony JD ’05 Benjamin Apatoff David B. Apatoff Jonathan Aplin George P. Apostolides JD ’95 Matthew Arenson JD ’08 Shane Arett Bridget Arimond David G. Armstrong JD ’64 Steven E. Art JD ’09 Susan M. Art Barbara Ziegler Ashley JD ’80 Cooper Ashley JD ’80 Duane A. Ashley JD ’64 Mary Catherine Ashley Marvin E. Aspen JD ’58 Thomas H. Asselin JD ’69 Willene M. Asselin Harper B. Atherton JD ’60 William Attea Mary Lee Attea Betsy S. Aubrey Elizabeth Avila Jeffrey F. Axelrad JD ’67 Norman D. Axelrad JD ’54 Sandra Axelrad Adrienne Lange Baach NU Loyal is the giving society that recognizes the thousands of alumni, parents, and friends who make gifts to the University in three or more consecutive years. Annual gifts provide immediate funds that make Northwestern an exceptional place to learn and make a difference. For more information, please contact nuloyal@northwestern.edu. wewill.northwestern.edu/NULoyal Any gift you make to the University counts toward membership in NU Loyal. Gifts to Northwestern Law enable us to improve the well-being of our students, fuel innovative approaches to legal education, and foster creative solutions to the myriad challenges of the ever-evolving legal environment. 15 Lifetime Giving Levels: $1M+ = $500K-$999K = $50K-$499K = | NU Loyal = | Deceased = * Northwestern Law scholarship recipients express their appreciation to the donors who contribute to scholarship funding. CONTRIBUTORS continued 16 Richard M. Baach JD ’59 William F. Baarsma JD ’03 Daniel J. Bacastow JD ’82 Shelley Bacastow Jane Easter Bahls Steven C. Bahls JD ’79 Stephen W. Baird Susan Baird Vivek Bajoria LLM ’14 Lynne Baker JD ’89 Donald A. Balasa JD ’77 Leonard O. Baldassari JD ’57 David Baltmanis JD ’09 Keith J. Bane JD ’68 Uma Bansal Leona M. Banta William M. Banta JD ’70 Omid Gabriel Banuelos Louis Jonathan Barack JD ’05 Henry W. Barkhausen Morey Barnes Yost JD ’07 Allison M. Barnes Paige Odam Barnett JD ’01 Meredith Baron JD ’08 Robert J. Baron JD ’64 Barbara J. Barr JD ’81 Courtney Engelbrecht Barr JD ’02 Stephen Barr Bethany Barratt Esther S. Barron JD ’95 Jina Louise Bartholomew JD ’12 Jared F. Bartie JD ’93 Shannon Patricia Denise Bartlett James F. Bartley JD ’53 Joanna Bartold Howard Barton JD ’51 David Bates JD ’81 Katherine L. Bates Barbara L. Baum Bernard M. Baum JD ’59 Denise Carmen Baumgartner-Enockl LLM ’12 Lauren Bauser Ashley Baynham JD ’04 Susan Bazargan Barry B. Beaman Carol Jeanne Beaman Andrew Beatty Mark J. Beaubien JD-MBA ’94 Barbara J. Becker JD ’07 Cassandra Becker JD ’04 Frawley Becker Michael D. Becker Will Becker LLM ’05 Tameka Beckford-Young JD ’08 Joseph D. W. Beeler JD ’69 David Beeman JD ’07 Penelope A. Beerntsen Prudence Beidler Carr JD ’07 Donald U. Beimdiek JD ’54 Jacquelyne Sularz Belcastro JD ’91 Jim Belcastro Eric Belcher Lisa Solomon Belcher Kristin Comer Belyew JD ’01 Lara Benbenisty William Joseph Benitez JD-MBA ’09 Marjorie Z. Benjamin Ross P. Benjamin JD ’76 Judith H. Bennett John C. Benson Robert J. Beranek JD ’63 Cheryl Marie Berdelle Shari Berkowitz Elizabeth Berlinsky JD ’06 Myles D. Berman JD ’83 Paula Anne Bernhard Michael L. Bernstein JD ’89 Sarah M. Bernstein JD ’91 James M. Berton JD ’80 John E. Besser JD ’67 Suzanne Taylor Besser Kenneth J. Betts JD ’91 Jerrod Bevan Durga M. Bharam JD ’90 Noah Bialostozky JD ’08 Feifei Bian JD ’14 Julie L. Biehl JD ’86 Laurie J. Biehn JD ’94 Claire Bienen Mark Biggar JD ’10 Judith Borg Biggert JD ’63 Rody P. Biggert JD ’63 David H. Biggs JD ’90 Ami Shah Bilimoria Neville M. Bilimoria JD ’94 Jeanne E. Bishop JD ’84 Rosemary Gullikson Bittorf JD ’94 Bryan S. Blade JD ’92 Kristen M. Blade Jane Blake JD ’04 Heather Blakeman Sheila Blake-Rosenberg Barbara B. Blakinger Richard J. Blakinger JD ’49 Brian W. Blanchard JD ’89 Mary Willoughby Blanchard David C. Blickenstaff JD ’94 Jennifer Linderoth Blickenstaff Robert E. Bloch JD ’84 Abby Balter Block Lawrence Block JD ’59 Evangelina Bloom H. Stanton Bloom JD ’63 Ori Blum JD ’12 Alan M. Blumenkopf JD ’72 Daniel A. Blumenthal Jennifer S. Blumenthal JD ’99 Bernard J. Bobber JD ’87 Joyce Garbaciak Bobber Margret Elisabeth Bock David Carson Bohrer JD ’83 Jane Zimmerman Bohrer JD ’83 H. Culver Boldt Lionel E. Bolin Jean K. Boling Robert C. Boling JD ’55 Richard C. Bollow Deborah Bone JD ’11 Steven J. Boranian JD ’94 Susan Spalding Boranian JD ’94 Patricia Bordman Stuart M. Bordman JD ’70 Robert C. Boruchowitz JD ’73 Andrew R. Bosshard JD ’00 Matthew Boston Marina Kravets Bowsher JD ’98 Matthew R. Bowsher JD ’98 Katherine Boyd JD ’09 Bruce A. Boyer JD ’86 David Boyles Charles Nathaniel Boynton Bernice Bradley Bertram Bradley JD ’59 * Robert C. Bramlette, Jr. JD ’74 Patricia A. Brandin JD ’74 Ashley W. Brandt JD ’03 Jeffrey Brandt JD ’14 Douglas M. Branson JD ’70 Richard J. Braun JD ’69 Amy Malinowski Breihan JD ’10 Nicholas Brenckman JD ’14 John F. Brennan JD ’73 Derrick L. Brent JD ’95 Jennifer Rachel Breuer JD ’95 Franklin Delbert Brewe JD ’76 Devon Brewer Kathleen Brewer Elizabeth Brickfield Richard O. Briggs JD ’77 Suzanne Terese Brindise JD ’14 Jonathan Conor Bringewatt JD ’14 Charles R. Brodbeck JD ’74 Barry T. Brody JD ’68 Brian L. Brogan JD ’93 Julie Darrah Brogan Darwin Paul Bromley JD ’75 Trella Bromley Beth Sprecher Brooks JD ’79 Rodney Hughes Brooks JD ’79 Vicki Hill Brooks Janet Siegel Brown Justin L. Brown JD ’96 Molly Brown Sara Burks Brown Stella Mae Brown JD ’14 Linda Brubaker Warren E. Brubaker, Jr. JD ’70 John M. Brundage JD ’58 Susan Brundage Sherri Moreines Buchanan JD ’83 Joshua T. Buchman JD ’86 Aaron Buckley Edwin Buffmire JD ’11 Monica Hyman Bullock JD ’81 Ronald Curtis Bullock Michael Shea Bulman JD ’76 Kimberly P. Buresh JD ’94 Aimee Blum Burke JD ’86 Patrick James Burke Sheila A. Burks JD ’88 Malcolm W. Burnett, Jr. JD ’63 Mary M. Burnett Ashley C. Burns JD ’12 Mary E. Burns JD ’84 Robert P. Burns Tara Marie Burns JD ’14 Meredith S. Buse J. Craig Busey JD ’73 Roxane Cayaloff Busey JD ’75 Nancy Raley Bush Brian E. Butler JD ’68 Jeremy Buxbaum JD ’08 Dennie Danielle Byam JD ’14 Bonnie B. Byrum Charles L. Byrum JD ’69 Christopher Cabral JD ’05 Kathleen Cabral JD ’05 New York Alumni Club Co-Chairs Randall Hirsch JD ’08 and Michelle Gabriel McGovern JD ’08 welcome attendees to the club’s annual cocktail party. Lifetime Giving Levels: $1M+ = $500K-$999K = $50K-$499K = | NU Loyal = | Deceased = * Mario Cacciola JD ’14 Mark Liam Cahaney JD ’81 Jason Cairns JD ’12 Alejandro Calderon Estanol Catherine Calderon JD-MBA ’14 Laura Caldwell V. Marc Cali, III JD ’98 Richard M. Calkins JD ’59 Justin Donn Callis Gabrielle Solomon Callistein Steven J. Callistein JD ’91 Terence H. Campbell JD ’95 Seamus Campion Tiffany Fobes Campion JD ’06 Terrence P. Canade JD ’87 Gerald Caplan JD ’63 Christopher J. Capuzzi JD ’10 Dora Cardoso Benedetti Maureen E. Carey Ryan Carey LLM ’07 Andrew Caridas JD ’08 Patricia Brown Carlson JD ’80 Stephen C. Carlson Susan M. Carlson JD ’75 G. Daniel Carney JD ’62 Margaret A. Carney Catherine E. Carpenter JD ’81 Stacy A. Carpenter JD ’96 Dahlia T. Carr Elan S. Carr JD ’93 Philip J. Carrigan James E. Carroll JD ’82 Kevin D. Carroll Mary Vozzola Carroll JD ’98 William K. Carroll JD ’72 Nicholas Carson Mary E. Carstedt William D. Carstedt JD ’60 Meghan Carter JD ’10 Shelley Carthen Watson JD ’85 Ricardo Carvajal JD ’88 Mary C. Case Shannon John Cassell JD ’05 Jason Lacher Cassidy JD ’13 Kelly Cassidy JD ’94 Kristina Fisher Cassidy Patrick Cassidy Anne Castellani JD ’08 Alfonso Castro Diaz LLM ’04 Monica Clara Angelica Centeno Lappas LLM ’12 Joyce Neils Chan Peter K. M. Chan JD ’91 Warren Chan Stuart J. Chanen JD ’85 Corlis J. Chang JD ’82 Edmond E- Min Chang JD ’94 Gwen Finkel Chanzit Richard M. Chanzit JD ’73 Caroline Chapman Aaron D. Charfoos JD ’02 Emmanuel Charles, II JD ’14 Anjan Chatterji LLM ’07 17 CONTRIBUTORS continued Hugo Chaviano JD ’78 Valerie Bronsdon Chaviano Andy C. M. Chen ’98 Gina Chen JD-MBA ’14 Lung-Chu Chen LLM ’61 Mingshi Chen LLM ’14 Yun-Chai S. Chen JD-MBA ’08 Yirong Cheng Allen W. Cherry JD ’77 John A. Childers JD ’80 Kristen Chmielewski JD ’11 Hyo Ju Cho Alexander P. Choi JD ’95 Kwang Duk Choi JD-MBA ’08 Harriett B. Cholden Myron Cholden John Paul Chookaszian Annegrethe Christensen Donald J. Christensen JD ’58 Paul E. Chronis JD ’89 Stacey Chiakulas Chronis David Chu JD ’05 Xiaomei Chuan LLM ’14 Theodore T. Chung JD ’93 Joanne Cicchelli Kostian Ciko JD ’14 Nancy Claar Randall T. Clair JD ’64 Vivien Clair JD ’70 James A. Clark John O’Brien Clarke, Jr. LLM ’75 Delilah Clay JD ’12 Jennifer Hirshan Cline John A. Cline Thomas G. Cline JD ’80 Gary Ranselaer Clouse JD ’83 William R. Clutter Evelyn Levine Coburn Leonard L. Coburn JD ’69 Marlene Coburn Maurice W. Coburn JD ’52 Gina Cocking Adam M. Cohen JD ’88 Barbara B. Cohen Barry E. Cohen JD ’70 Donald S. Cohen JD ’70 Mark P. Cohen JD ’74 Marla Chernof Cohen Three Generous Alumni Inspire Others to Give Back Fiscal Year 2014 saw an unprecedented number of donors stepping up and asserting the importance of participation at every level. In an incredible show of support, three donors in particular found unique ways to encourage alumni and friends to support the Law School. In December, Neil Bluhm (JD ’62) challenged his fellow alumni to join the John H. Wigmore Club of leadership donors. Any alumnus who had not given a Wigmore gift the previous year could choose to support an annual fund allocation of their choice, including the Scholarship Fund, the Library Fund, and the LLM Program Fund, among others. Neil generously pledged to match $1,000 of each donor’s gift, allocating his match to the donor’s choice of fund. 18 Michael A. Cohen JD ’84 Henry A. Cohn JD ’72 Christian Colburn Christopher E. Coleman JD ’03 Susan M. Coler JD ’89 Barry G. Collins Julia A. Collins Patrick M. Collins Stephen Collins JD ’08 Kenneth M. Collinson JD ’64 Marcus A. Colucci JD ’02 Emma A. Concepcion JD ’81 James Patrick Condon JD ’80 Chris Conmy Lisa Conmy Donald S. Connery Leslie G. Connery Clare M. Conroy JD ’14 LLM ’14 John A. Conroy Pamela A. Conroy David Michael Cook JD-MBA ’04 Marylyn Bowles Coons John E. Coons JD ’53 Rishard Cooper JD ’11 Edward Copeland JD ’58 Theodore E. Cornell, III JD ’75 Jennifer Coronel JD ’14 Luiz Eugenio Porto Severo Da Costa LLM ’09 Lisa Cotler JD ’93 D. Douglas Cotton JD ’86 Deborah L. Cotton Kathryn Couey JD ’12 Kevin Courtois Matthew Covey JD ’14 Jonathan M. Cowan Kristen G. Cowan JD ’02 Jason S. Cowart JD ’99 Susan Greenberg Cowger JD ’84 Walter Cowger Anthony A. Cox, Jr. JD ’65 Ashley Cox JD ’07 Michael P. Crabtree Frith C. Crandall JD ’89 Carolyn Crane Charlotte Crane Gary M. Crane JD ’64 Kenneth M. Crane Robert Crane JD ’13 Steven C. Crane JD ’74 In all, 115 donors participated, ultimately resulting in a 14% increase in Wigmore Club donors to the Law School Fund in 2014. In May, Chris Lind (JD ’94) pledged $25,000 in an effort to help the Bluhm Legal Clinic surpass the number of donors achieved in Fiscal Year 2013. If 25 donors made a gift of any size to the Clinic over the course of two weeks, Chris would make this exceptional gift. In all, 38 alumni stepped up to the challenge, and over $58,000 was raised for the Clinic Fund. Their gifts will help ensure that Northwestern Law will remain a leader in clinical education and continue to produce skilled, ethical and reform-minded lawyers. Among those 38 donors, one alumnus and his wife were so inspired by Chris’s gift that they made their own gift of $25,000 to the Clinic. Finally, this summer, an anonymous donor pledged $100,000 if 500 alumni donated to the Law School between June 1 and August 31. Volunteers from Boston to Mexico City rallied fellow alumni in their cities to participate in this 2014 Summer Road Trip Challenge. This unique fundraising challenge aimed to show our current students that no matter where they go after graduation, they have the support of a strong alumni community. By August 31, 688 alumni had donated, beating the goal by 38% and securing this extraordinary gift of $100,000 for Northwestern Law. Brian E. Cromer JD ’96 Helen G. Cropper JD ’78 Adair Crosley JD ’10 James Crowley JD ’14 James R. Cruger JD ’86 Janet S. Cudahy Richard D. Cudahy Gabrielle Fiona Culmer LLM ’07 James Matthew Curtin JD-MBA ’08 Robert B. Czirr JD ’59 Elizabeth Bedard Czys JD ’81 Robert Czys Alice Czyzycki JD ’03 John E. Czyzycki George W. Dahnke JD ’65 Lawrence D. Daks JD ’62 Nongkran Daks David O. Daniel JD ’72 Elizabeth M. Daniel Theresa Daniel Carol Daniels Jariyaporn Dansiri LLM ’14 Frederick E. Dashiell JD ’79 Pamela Moran Dashiell JD ’78 Patrick Daugherty Christine D’Auria JD ’12 Michael T. Davenport JD ’97 Jeffrey Davidson JD ’09 Clayton Davis JD ’14 James Kirby Davis JD ’84 Jo Ann M. Davis Lois Davis Richard S. Davis JD ’84 Ronald S. Davis JD ’58 Colette Margaret Davison Barbara De La Van Joseph M. De La Van, Jr. JD ’60 Gustavo De Lima Palhares LLM ’14 Flavio de Souza Senra LLM ’10 James D. De Witt JD ’75 Nancy De Witt Elena M. De Wolfe JD ’95 Nicholas DeAngelis Margo Corona Deley Ricardo R. Delfin JD ’00 Thomas W. Dempsey JD ’60 Lucy DePree Bickford JD ’11 Melody Dernocoeur Linda E. Derrick Tyree C. Derrick, Jr. JD ’64 Fernanda Desio Senra LLM ’10 Heidi Beth Dessecker Jennifer Trawinski Detmer JD-MBA ’10 Nicholas Owen Detmer Kathryn Sarah Devine JD ’05 Shari Seidman Diamond Ana Claudia Dias Candido Peixoto LLM ’14 Yvette Diaz JD ’14 William G. Dickett JD ’89 David M. Dickman C. Thomas Dienes JD ’64 * Peggy Clements Dienes Isabel Benenoh Diggs LLM ’14 Barbara Scanlon Dillon Colleen C. Dillon Forrest O. Dillon JD ’95 Nancy R. Dillon Robert W. Dillon JD ’66 Thomas J. Dillon JD ’79 Joy Elizabeth McClellan Dineo JD ’14 Ning Ding LLM ’14 Adrienne D’Luna Directo JD ’14 Jonathan Disner JD ’08 Kristina Divjak Eschmeyer Diane Eshleman Djordjevic JD ’89 George T. Dodd JD ’62 Grace M. Dodier James Edward Doherty JD ’78 Delores A. Dokken Leroy R. Dokken Peter Beck Dolan JD ’75 Alex Dominguez JD ’11 Arthur Don JD ’78 Michael W. Donaldson JD ’72 Nancy Missildine Donaldson Patricia Bates Donath JD ’68 Ramsey Donnell Sarah Donnell JD ’04 Brian P. Donnelly JD ’91 Jack C. Doppelt Philip A. Doran JD ’65 Christopher Dore Kathryn Dore JD ’11 David F. Doubleday JD ’76 Sandra Doubleday John Downey Patrick O. Doyle JD ’86 Aaron Dozeman 115 new Wigmore members participated in Neil Bluhm’s Wigmore Challenge. Their gifts were matched dollar for dollar toward the Law School Fund allocation of their choice. 19 Lifetime Giving Levels: $1M+ = $500K-$999K = $50K-$499K = | NU Loyal = | Deceased = * CONTRIBUTORS continued David L. Dranoff JD ’83 Emily M. Dreke Joshua W. Drew JD ’97 Paul Drizner Glenn R. Drury JD ’74 Dan Dsani LLM ’08 Paula Goodgal Dube JD ’74 David J. Dubicki JD ’76 Andrew Dubin JD ’13 Lindsay Dubin JD ’14 Mark B. Dubnoff JD ’97 Valerie Feldman Dubnoff Sam Dudek JD ’10 Michael A. Duffy JD ’00 Richard Duffy JD ’14 Elaine Distenfield Duhl Stuart Duhl JD ’65 Jeetander Dulani Cathy A. Duncan Ed E. Duncan JD ’74 John Wayne Duncan JD ’83 Alvin J. Dunn Brian J. Dunn JD ’03 Melvyn R. Durchslag JD ’65 M. Freeman Durham JD ’83 Steven J. Durham JD ’89 Thomas E. Dutton JD ’83 Lori Kaplan Dver Robert A. Dver JD ’84 Howard I. Dvorin Shirley Miller Dvorin JD ’81 Rochelle S. Dyme JD ’79 Mark Eberhard JD ’14 David J. Eckert JD ’80 Stuart T. Edelstein JD ’59 Jacob J. Edie Krista L. Edwards JD ’88 Christina M. Egan JD ’95 John W. Egan JD ’77 Kevin James Egan JD ’75 Mary Beth Egan Diane G. Ehlman Paul M. Ehlman JD ’58 Julie B. Ehrlich David M. Eichman JD ’88 Bertram R. Eisner JD ’51 Margaret M. Eisner Noam Elcott Barry R. Elden JD ’72 Elaine C. Elkin Sidney Elkin JD ’54 Randi L. Ellias JD ’96 John S. Elson Sally T. Elson Michael S. Elvin JD ’88 Gregory M. Embree Francis J. Emmons JD ’77 Anthony Lorenzo Engel JD ’07 Heidi Engel Caryn S. Englander JD ’84 John E. English JD ’59 Eric M. Epstein JD ’92 Jim R. Epstein JD ’78 Rozanne K. Epstein Stephen J. Epstein JD ’64 Wendy B. Epstein Pedro Felipe Eraso Chavez JD ’14 Pamela P. Erhart William A. Erhart Arlene Cernik Erlebacher JD ’73 Patrick D. Ertel JD ’73 Gary M. Esayian Lisa G. Esayian JD ’91 Evan Eschmeyer JD-MBA ’08 Huntley Eshenroder Jerry A. Esrig James D. Esser Jane Gale Esser JD ’83 Cameron P. Eugenis Julie Mulopulos Eugenis JD ’90 Carl P. Evans, III JD-MBA ’11 Michael S. Evans JD ’89 Phyllis A. Ewer JD ’82 * Jacob Ewerdt JD ’09 Melissa Faber Michael J. Faber JD ’79 Sharon L. Fabian JD ’79 Steven Fabrizio Annachiara Facco Jones JD ’06 Robin Fagan JD ’12 Christopher D. Fahey Elizabeth Parker Fahey JD ’00 Richard P. Fahey JD ’71 Suzanne Fahey Rami Fakhouri JD ’10 Ruth Shacknow Farbman JD ’87 Farhad Aspy Fatakia Elizabeth Barr Fawell JD ’05 38 donors supported the Bluhm Legal Clinic during a two week challenge between May 17–31, helping us secure a matching gift 17 of $25,000. Total raised during the challenge: $58,908! 20 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Brian G. Fedotin JD ’98 Anne Feigus JD ’71 Susanne Cohen Fein Roger G. Fein JD ’65 Brett A. Feinberg JD ’99 Erin L. Felchner JD ’06 Gilbert Feldman JD ’55 Laura Feldman JD ’08 Lauri B. Feldman Ruth S. Duskin Feldman Joel H. Fenchel JD ’66 Toni G. Fenchel Daniel Fenske JD ’08 Paul Fenstermaker JD ’14 Julie A. Fenton Steve Fenwick Ryan Ferch JD ’07 James R. Ferguson JD ’76 Marc A. Fernich JD ’91 Jacqueline Ferrall Esteban A. Ferrer, III Lelia Ferrer E. Anthony Fessler JD ’70 Ellen Jody Fiedelholtz Thomas R. Field JD ’80 Larry Fields Marilyn Fields Thisbe Etta Fields JD ’75 Allan R. Fierce JD ’71 Lisa Fierce Ira Fierstein JD ’77 Marci Fierstein Vanessa E. Figueroa Marjorie McCormick Filice JD ’13 Christina Massi Filippini Victor P. Filippini, Jr. Mary-Jeanne Bates Fincher JD ’74 Richard D. Fincher Arthur I. Fine Muriel Sanders Fine JD ’81 Nicole Finitzo JD ’75 Martin J. Finkelstein JD ’68 Irene Savanis Fiorentinos JD ’84 Daren H. Firestone JD ’06 H. Barney Firestone JD ’74 Linda L. Firestone Lynne Graham Firestone Wayne Edward Firestone JD ’52 Ashley McKinney Fischer JD ’00 Kathleen Fischer Max C. Fischer JD ’95 Alana Fishberg J. Richard Fisher, Jr. JD ’71 Joseph F. Fisher JD ’81 Linda E. Fisher LLM ’89 Todd Fishman Andrew J. Fitzgerald JD-MBA ’10 Carolyn Alice Fitzgerald Evelyn Kuo Fitzgerald JD ’90 Joseph J. Fitzgerald Kathleen M. Flaherty JD ’77 Michael Flanigan JD ’11 Frederick Flather JD ’07 Victor Flatt JD ’88 Delilah B. Flaum Joel M. Flaum JD ’63 LLM ’64 Julie O. Fleetwood Robert M. Fleetwood JD ’98 Bruce M. Fleisher Edward L. Fleming JD ’60 Kelby D. Fletcher JD ’74 Deborah Flight James A. Flight JD ’92 Carol C. Flint Richard N. Flint JD ’60 Solana Flora Alison Anne Flowers Erin E. Floyd Otness Ann J. Flynn Mary A. Flynn JD ’87 Nelson D. Flynn JD ’77 Anna Fodor JD ’14 Matthew Ford JD ’07 Katrina Kleinwachter Fortney JD ’08 Steven Fortney JD ’08 Kirston Fortune Lauren Elise Foster Wu JD ’09 W. Craig Fowler JD ’78 Alan A. Fox * Alison Gibbs Fox JD ’95 Elaine Saphier Fox Eric Fox Andrew Fraerman JD ’10 Joan Fragen Robert J. Fragen Steven H. Frankel JD ’78 Julian J. Frazin JD ’55 Rhona Schultz Frazin Craig F. Frederickson JD ’73 Paulette Freed 688 alumni donated between June 1 and August 31, surpassing our Summer Road Trip Challenge goal of 500 and helping us secure an additional $100,000 from an anonymous donor. 21 Lifetime Giving Levels: $1M+ = $500K-$999K = $50K-$499K = | NU Loyal = | Deceased = * Three members of the Class of 1967, Mac Deason, Herb Beller and Ed Dunn, visit in the Levy Mayer Courtyard at the 2014 Wigmore reception. The Class of 1967 has a strong history of support for the Law School, endowing both a professorship (the James B. Haddad Chair, currently held by Tom Geraghty (JD ’69)) as well as the Class of 1967 Legal Clinic Fund, established to support faculty who are teaching and engaged in the programs of the Bluhm Legal Clinic. The class has remained close over the past 47 years, with many members meeting regularly for lunch. Additionally, in fiscal year 2014, Herb and Ed, along with Jonathan Sakol (JD ’68), were the first Law School alumni to achieve 40 consecutive years of giving to Northwestern Law. CONTRIBUTORS continued 22 Allison Freedman JD ’14 Robin Freeman JD ’05 Russell F. Freeman JD ’64 Timothy A. French JD ’85 Eugene James Frett JD ’78 Ashley Fretthold JD ’08 Wendy Freyer JD ’85 Richard A. Friedlander JD ’69 Rhonda Sherman Friedman Barry A. Friedman JD ’66 Steven Frier Christine Kent Frisch JD ’08 Michael Frisch JD ’08 Jane L. Froyd JD ’00 Kimberly L. Fuchs JD ’03 Deanna Dean Funk Donald H. Funk JD ’62 Joyce Allspaw Funk Steven J. Funk JD ’84 Christopher Furby LLM ’11 Mark E. Furlane Jessica Lynne Furr Robert C. Furr Sheila C. Furr Aviva Futorian François-Régis Gaboriau JD ’14 Helena Gabriel David Gaffin JD-MBA ’00 Kevin Gaffney JD ’14 Jordan Galassie Teresa Dahlia Gale Barbara Barringer Gallas Stephen F. Galler JD ’89 Ferdinand J. Gallo, III JD ’93 Nancy R. Gamburd JD ’84 Nicholas Gamse JD-MBA ’11 John S. Ganz JD ’06 Maximiliano Garcia LLM ’11 Rocio Garcia JD ’10 Julie Garfield Ayush Kumar Garg JD ’14 Christopher W. Garrett JD ’81 Michael J. Garvey JD ’78 Patricia Lara Garza Eric T. Gastevich Mary Eileen Gaudette Matthew Gaudette JD ’09 Gary Gauger Gregory Martin Gaul Kristy Cole Gaul JD-MBA ’09 Susan K. Gauvey JD ’73 Jay Gavigan JD ’94 Andrew Gavil JD ’81 Shawn M. Gavin Carol Gayle Moses W. Gaynor Nick C. Geannacopulos Matthew J. Gehringer Michele A. Gemskie JD ’94 Ke Geng JD ’03 Tamar Penn Genin JD ’92 Elizabeth Gentner Joshua D. Gentner JD ’97 David A. George JD ’90 Peter George JD ’97 Felicia Lynn Gerber Perlman JD ’92 Elissa J. Germaine JD ’01 Patty Gerstenblith JD ’83 Joyce R. Gettleman Robert W. Gettleman JD ’68 Erica Walter Gholson JD ’06 Wayne B. Giampietro JD ’66 Nancy S. Gibson JD ’85 Catherine R. Giella JD ’93 Daniel J. Giesberg John T. Gilbert JD ’76 Judith Gillies Kenneth Gillis Donald L. Gimbel JD ’67 Aaron Vincent Gin JD ’14 Carolyn R. Ginsberg George S. Ginsberg JD ’70 Allen J. Ginsburg JD ’68 Judie Ginsburg Alan R. Gitelson Idy B. Gitelson Gary Glaser Linda Glaser Richard A. Glaser JD ’77 Jonathan Glass JD ’01 Caryn M. Glawe JD ’04 Adam J. Glazer JD ’88 Susan Shaw Gleason JD ’91 Scott L. Glickson JD ’75 Karen R. Glickstein JD ’87 Jamie Avra Gliksberg JD ’12 Carol Skelly Gloor JD ’81 Thomas Gniot JD ’04 Roger C. Goble JD ’71 Charles P. Golbert JD ’90 Matthew G. Gold JD-MBA ’12 Andrew S. Goldberg Eric I. Goldberg JD ’04 Jill K. Goldberg William I. Goldberg Howard I. Goldblatt JD ’87 Steven Golden JD ’12 Jeffrey H. Goldenberg Megan E. Goldish JD ’96 Joel Goldman JD ’73 Melissa D. Goldman JD ’14 Varda Avni Goldman Lynn D. Goldsmith Daniel J. Goldstein JD ’12 Lee D. Goldstein JD ’70 Norman Goldstein JD ’66 Jerome Goldstick JD ’51 Gal Golod LLM ’10 Diego Gonzalez Chebaux LLM ’09 Carlos F. Gonzalez JD ’00 Bruce Jay Goodhart JD ’63 Nicole Goodman JD ’14 Steven Goodwin Susan J. Gorant JD ’93 Eugene Gorbach Janina Gorbach JD ’09 Anna Gordin Richard Henry Gordin JD ’74 Andrew C. Gordon Barton M. Gordon JD ’64 David A. Gordon Harvey C. Gordon JD ’72 Kay H. Gordon Margaret Johnson Gordon Robert E. Gordon JD ’79 Samantha Denny Gordon JD ’00 Samuel N. Gordon Candace Gorman Beth Goss Roland Goss JD ’78 Donna Gottlieb James B. Gottlieb JD ’68 Andrew W. Gould JD ’90 Connie T. Gould Michele Patrice Gover JD ’79 Archana Goyal Michelle Goyke JD ’14 John F. Grady JD ’54 Michael J. Grady Pat Grady Janet Graff Philip Graff Aimee Graham JD ’11 Lorie Graham Veronica Granata LLM ’05 Joan L. Grant JD-MBA ’82 Jeffrey L. Graubart JD ’65 Aaron D. Graves JD ’99 Cynthia Gray JD ’80 Gabrielle M. Green Julie Green JD ’08 LLM ’12 Kelsey Green JD ’14 William N. Green Marcia E. Greenberg JD ’84 Peter S. Greenberg Ellen Levin Greenberger JD ’87 Russ E. Greenblatt JD ’78 Ashley Greene Carlton M. Greene Michael Steven Greene JD ’79 Lee R. Greenhouse David H. Greenstein JD ’61 Rosalind M. Greenstein David Greer JD ’12 Ernest L. Greer JD ’91 Patrice Brown Greer Thomas J. Gregg JD ’64 Brent Everett Gregory JD ’75 Mary Sharon Gregory William Gretler JD ’57 Sara Keene Gretler Joshua P. Grey JD ’01 Alais L. Griffin JD ’01 Eugene F. Griffin JD ’83 Karen Griffin Patricia Griffin William E. Griffin JD ’68 Susan L. Griffith Jane Klewin Grimm JD ’83 William Kirk Grimm Daniel Griswold JD ’09 David J. Gross JD ’85 Herbert Gross, Jr. Susan D. Gross Susan English Gross JD ’84 Craig Grossardt JD ’07 Andrew R. Grossmann JD ’00 Adam Grove JD ’06 Nathaniel B. Gryll JD ’13 Paul J. Gudel JD ’84 Barbara D. Guest David K. Guest JD ’53 Jennifer Guest JD ’14 Neetin Gulati JD-MBA ’10 Simin Guo LLM ’14 Gaurav Gupta JD ’11 Deborah M. Gutfeld JD ’00 Bonnie L. Guth JD ’95 Susan R. Gzesh Arlene Haas JD ’90 Suzette Won Haas JD ’04 Alfred E. Hackbarth, Jr. JD ’57 Katherine Pope Hackbarth * Carol Haddon James T. Haddon JD ’65 Shin Young Hahn JD ’11 Deborah Yalowitz Haile JD ’86 Matthew Haist JD ’09 Amy Elizabeth Halbrook JD ’05 Christopher Hale JD ’08 Jo Lynn Haley JD ’84 Adriana Hernandez Gonzalez Hall LLM ’09 Christopher Hall JD ’14 Jason Hall JD ’09 Sandi Hall Megan Halley JD ’14 Kathleen Ann Halligan R. Mark Halligan JD ’78 Monica Quinn Halloran JD ’05 Elizabeth Wilen Halpern JD ’92 Kay L. Halvorson Youngshim Ham JD ’14 Debra A. Hamera Jeffrey L. Hamera JD ’94 Christopher Eugene Hamilton Jillian Crawford Hamilton JD-MBA ’08 Alan H. Hammerman JD ’58 Myrna Edelstein Hammerman David Hamsher JD ’06 Lifetime Giving Levels: $1M+ = $500K-$999K = $50K-$499K = | NU Loyal = Fang Han LLM ’14 Christopher B. Hanback JD ’75 Juliann Wagner Hanback Donald C. Hancock JD ’93 Joan Fuhrman Hancock JD ’85 Aram Hanessian JD ’14 Nicole Hanrahan Heidi Hansberry JD ’12 Julia Hansen Mark L. Hanson JD ’89 Koki Hara LLM ’14 Vida Buchalter Harband JD ’89 Kara E. Harchuck JD ’03 Kevin T. Hardy JD ’03 Mary Harlan Scribner Harlan JD ’56 Britta Borgeson Harris David Harris Gregg W. Harris JD ’84 H. Reed Harris JD ’60 Julie G. Harris Thomas M. Harris JD ’4 8 Robert Harrits JD ’13 Gregory J. Harrold JD ’75 Andrew C. Harter Ava Askenazi Harter JD ’97 Erica Haspel Lee Hasselbacher JD ’10 at ten t ion w igmor e clu b me mber s: Save the date: April 17, 2015 Through their annual leadership gifts, John Henry Wigmore Club members build on Dean Wigmore’s legacy, helping to foster and stimulate the spirit, scholarship, professional objectives and ideals he inspired during his long tenure. For more information on joining the John Henry Wigmore Club, please contact Emily Mullin at 312-503-1558. 23 | Deceased = * CONTRIBUTORS continued Allison Hastings JD ’14 Jonathan Ray Haug JD-MBA ’07 James Christopher Haunty Molly Cross Haunty JD ’10 James Hausler LLM ’10 Mark M. Havens JD ’85 Anne E. Hay Jack R. Hayes JD ’03 Mary Madden Hayes JD ’89 Jacquelyn C. Haynes JD ’80 Kathleen M. Heafey David Heaney JD-MBA ’11 Robert Bickford Hearne JD-MBA ’12 William D. Herlong JD ’85 Andres Jose Alberto Rafael Hernandez Lossada LLM ’09 Octavio Lorenzo Hernandez Negretti LLM ’14 Todd Herst JD ’14 Mark Thomas Herther JD-MBA ’12 Stuart Hertzberg JD ’72 Sue N. Hertzberg Patrick Heymann LLM ’04 Cynthia Denise Hill JD ’78 Dana Hill JD ’99 Robert C. Hill JD ’60 Steven F. Hill JD ’97 Ronald Hindin JD ’73 Robert George Hoban JD ’75 Theresa W. Hoban Jennifer B. Hodulik JD ’02 James H. Hoeland JD ’74 Albert F. Hofeld, Jr. JD ’00 Charles Hoffman Charles Hoffman Jason G. Hogendorn-Keller Suzanne Holden LLM ’11 David Holland Anna Holland-Edwards JD ’04 George M. Hollander JD ’58 Christina Goletz Hollister JD-MBA ’02 Glenn Hollister Graduates from the Class of 2011 mingle at the Washington, DC Alumni Club Cocktail Party. More than 60 alumni and guests attended the event, which was held at the historic Dolley Madison House. 24 Jeremy R. Heckman JD ’02 Leslie A. Heffernan Michael T. Heffernan JD ’72 Christie Hefner Dale Heidekat Howard A. Heidlauf JD ’60 Valerie Heidlauf Jennifer L. Heil JD ’02 Anne Murray Heinz John Peter Heinz Thomas Heisler JD ’08 Christopher Hemphill JD ’09 Adam R. Henkel JD ’05 Emily Baehl Henkel JD ’11 Roger A. Heppermann JD ’92 John L. Hines, Jr. JD ’81 Lauren Schneider Hines JD ’82 Victoria Hinn LLM ’14 Carol D. Hinton Walter H. Hinton, II JD ’73 Kazutaka Hirose LLM ’08 Hiroshi Hirota LLM ’96 Randall Hirsch JD ’08 Richard Hirschtritt JD ’58 Courtney Hirsekorn JD ’13 Daniel Hirt JD-MBA ’11 Andrea M. Hirtle Stanley A. Hirtle JD ’73 Bradford R. Hise JD ’99 Dan Hoang JD ’11 Hudson T. Hollister JD ’05 Judith Homer Richard S. Homer JD ’58 Naomi Honda LLM ’14 Jung Pyo Hong JD ’11 Elliott Hood JD ’12 Thomas J. Hoolihan JD ’81 Earl L. Hoover JD ’70 M. Rosalind Hoover Michael R. Hope JD ’80 Timothy Hoppe JD ’12 Stanley J. Horn JD ’62 Matthew E. Horsley JD ’97 Kathleen Horvat Stephen P. Horvat, Jr. JD ’73 Christopher J. Horvay JD ’76 Robert Samuel Horwitz JD ’78 Stephen B. Horwitz JD ’70 Richard J. Hoskins JD ’70 Kathleen M. Howard Martin Howard JD ’12 Beth Howe JD ’08 Robert T. Howell JD ’05 Benjamin Hoyt David C. Hricik JD ’88 Joella Hricik Zhifang Hu Jia Huang Shuyao Huang LLM ’14 Donald K. Huber JD ’56 Andrew G. Huckman JD ’92 Stewart S. Hudnut John C. Huebl JD ’98 Jennifer M. Huelskamp JD ’12 Lisa A. Huestis Jeanne Horowitz Huff Matthew R. Huff JD ’02 Eric D. Hughes JD ’14 Joyce A. Hughes Jamie Hughes-Hubbard JD ’04 Gretchen Storch Hull Jeanette Suarez Hunter JD ’04 Maxine Christine Hupy Robert J. Hurd JD ’72 Robert S. Hurwitz JD ’73 Christine Huszagh Richard Scott Huszagh JD ’83 Terrence Hutton JD ’72 Tram Mong Thao Huynh JD ’14 Jin Woo Hwang LLM ’14 Shari C. Hyman JD ’91 Mary Dolan Hynan JD ’84 Mona Arain Idrees JD ’01 John Ihm LLM ’10 Elliott H. Im JD-MBA ’14 Linda Imes JD ’82 Arun K. Inbavazhvu Vennila Inba-Vazhvu William George Irons Joyce Wexler Isaacs Roger D. Isaacs Suzanne A. Isaacson JD ’90 Linda Moncys Isacson JD ’89 Gregory D. Isbell JD ’95 Tomoko Ise LLM ’14 Garrick Harris Isert JD ’05 Lincoln J. Ishida JD ’56 Benjamin Israel JD ’14 Michael H. Israel JD ’99 LLM ’12 Uri Itkin JD ’08 Harukuni Ito LLM ’06 Takao Ito LLM ’08 Brandyn Criswell Iverson JD-MBA ’96 Adrienne Jack JD ’14 Dick Jacker JD ’55 Shawn Jackson Thomas N. Jacob JD ’65 Greta A. Jacobs JD ’03 Marc Jacobs Thomas Haskins Jacobs JD ’71 Kenneth A. Jacobsen JD ’69 Rebecca Jacobsen Jonathan E. Jacobson JD ’14 Lise K. Jacobson JD ’81 Mary Clare Jakes Kevin Jakopchek JD ’14 Jacqueline James JD-MBA ’09 Scott James JD ’11 Ronnie Janoff-Bulman Christopher Janszky Ashran Jen JD ’05 Mary Tracy Jenkins Steve Jenkins JD ’65 Daniel T. Jenks JD-MBA ’95 Jonathan Scott Jennings JD ’90 James F. Jensen JD ’99 Victoria Jepson JD ’14 Bing Ji LLM ’14 Michael Jimenez Paul S. Jin JD ’03 Elizabeth A. Joens-Bernard Bruce E. Johnson JD ’62 Dennis P W Johnson Gloria Michelotti Johnson JD ’71 Jeffrey M. Johnson JD ’72 Matthew Johnson JD ’05 Matthew J.V. Johnson Paul K. Johnson JD ’76 Richard F. Johnson JD ’69 Robert Johnson Stacy L. Johnson JD ’86 Susan Johnson William H. Johnson JD ’68 Gennie Shaner Johnston John C. Johnston, III JD ’75 Mary Johnston Richard L. Johnston JD ’53 James T. Jones JD ’67 Kristen-Jon Jones JD ’09 Marie T. Jones Matthew Jones JD-MBA ’09 Richard E. Jones Andrius V. Jonusaitis JD ’86 Diana E. Jordan Horace Jordan, Jr. JD ’88 Brian Josias Risa Josias Robert L. Joynt JD ’68 Sheila B. Joynt Rachel Julis JD ’07 Lopa Junck JD ’04 Andrew Jurkowski Nickolas A. Kacprowski JD ’04 Jonathan M. Kaden JD ’99 Susan Kresel Kaden Deborah Vas Kadish Lloyd Kadish JD ’71 Barbara E. Kahl Barbara A. Kahn JD ’84 Michael Kalachman JD ’98 Arline E. Kallick David A. Kallick JD ’70 Arthur S. Kallow JD ’73 Hanaa Kaloti JD ’14 Sarah L. Kalsbeek Jessica Stewart Kaludis Kirk J. Kaludis JD ’97 Christopher James Kamrath Daniel Kanter JD ’92 Suzanne Rubens Kanter JD ’91 Bennett E. Kaplan JD ’90 Jack S. Kaplan James Kaplan Ann Kaplan-Perkins JD ’89 Kara Kapp Scott H. Kapp JD ’98 Sunshine Kapp Janet Eaton Kappes Kurt A. Kappes JD ’86 Erin Karam Mitchell Albert Karam JD-MBA ’09 Katherine Karas JD ’06 Nabilah Karbal LLM ’14 Michael Karber JD ’05 Ira Karoll JD ’09 Willard Kasoff Geoffrey R. Kass JD ’89 Terry Horwitz Kass JD ’91 Carl E. Kasten JD ’69 Satoshi Kato LLM ’14 Melvin R. Katskee JD ’70 Betsy Katten JD ’94 Marshall J. Katz Rachel Katz Roberta Gray Katz Howard R. Kaufman JD ’57 Ken D. Kaufmann Lara Saidman Kaufmann JD ’98 Robert J. Kaukol JD-MBA ’88 Cynthia Gordon Kaye JD ’88 Douglas E. Kaye The John Henry Wigmore Club The Wigmore Club was founded in 1962, in honor of John Henry Wigmore, Northwestern Law’s first full-time dean. Wigmore was a prolific scholar, songwriter, innovator, and researcher and served as the Law School’s dean from 1901 to 1929 and as a member of its faculty until his death in 1943. Through their leadership annual gifts, Wigmore Club members build on Dean Wigmore’s legacy, helping to foster and stimulate the spirit, scholarship, professional objectives and ideals he inspired during his long tenure. Wigmore Club Membership Levels Benefactor $100,000+ Fellow $5,000–$9,999 Founder $25,000–$99,999 Partner $2,500–$4,999 Patron $10,000–$24,999 Associate $1,000–$2,499 Young Wigmore $100 for every year since graduation 25 Lifetime Giving Levels: $1M+ = $500K-$999K = $50K-$499K = | NU Loyal = | Deceased = * CONTRIBUTORS continued TED GRIPPO JD ’53 A PLANNED GIFT TO INVEST IN FUTURE SCHOLARS education,” Ted says. He adds, “Giving back to Northwestern Law is my way of saying thanks, and of making the same opportunity available to future generations.” Ted also recognizes the importance of supporting Northwestern Law annually. He says, “To the extent I am finanMarlene and Ted Grippo (JD '53) at the Law School's Campaign Kick-Off Gala in September 2014. cially able to do so, annual support, especially to the Center on Wrongful Convictions, Looking back on a successful career that fulfills my desire to help correct the wrongincluded co-founding the Chicago firm ful convictions of innocent persons.” He Grippo & Elden, Ted Grippo (JD ’53) is quick adds, “My interest in this cause stems to acknowledge the positive forces that from the research and publication of my brought him an exciting and rewarding recent book about the Sacco and Vanzetti fifty-three years working in the law. His case – one of America’s most infamous mother, who had no formal education, wrongful convictions and executions.” repeatedly encouraged him to become His book, With Malice Aforethought: The a doctor, lawyer or engineer. About his Execution of Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo mother, Ted says, “She offered her meager Vanzetti, was published in 2011. life savings to pay for my tuition to law school when no other funds were available.” Ted’s gift demonstrates how to support Northwestern Law with a partially income Ted also credits his education from tax-deductible gift while securing a reguNorthwestern Law with providing him lar income stream. In return for a donation opportunities he might not have had of cash, stocks or other assets, you receive otherwise. In 2014, Ted found a creative a fixed payment each year for the rest of way to honor both his mother and invest your lifetime. Charitable gift annuities are in the future of his alma mater. By comoften attractive to donors who would bining an outright gift with a gift annuity, like to support our mission and receive Ted endowed the Carmela De Bonis steady payments during retirement. To Grippo Scholarship Fund in his mother’s learn more about this type of gift, contact name. “A scholarship in her name to MaryPat Mauro at marypat.mauro@law. a worthy young student is my way of northwestern.edu or 312-503-2688. honoring her sacrifice and dedication to 26 Thomas Kayes JD ’13 Claire K. Keane JD ’03 Kristina Fisher Keegan JD ’96 Susan M. Keegan JD ’79 Daniel L. Kegan JD ’84 John P. Kelsh JD ’96 Patricia Morrissey Kemp JD ’82 Philip S. Kemp Pamela Kempin JD ’79 Richard J. Kennedy JD ’67 David E. Kern Michelle A. Kern JD ’87 Herbert A. Kessel JD ’67 Sharon Kessel Bradley Kessler JD ’09 Daryl I. Kessler JD ’95 Rachael Kessler JD ’14 Mishel Keta JD ’98 Stojana Keta Kristina Wilson Ketchel JD ’06 Richard K. Ketler JD ’79 Abbas Khan JD ’10 Zamin Khan Eric Kicherer Marlowe Anderson Kidston JD ’54 Megan Kiernan JD ’14 Gail H. Kim JD ’04 Jun Won Kim JD ’14 Emily Epstein Kimball JD ’11 Courtney Donald Kimble JD ’98 Regina M. Kinasz Thomas J. Kinasz JD ’82 Brett King JD-MBA ’90 David M. Kingman JD ’97 James C. Kingsley JD ’66 Judith W. Kinn Michael J. Kinn JD ’79 Jeffrey Kinney Adam J. Kirsch JD ’99 Livia McCammon Kiser JD ’01 Michael Kiser Janet L. Kittlaus Lloyd R. Kittlaus Margaret Jo Klenk Timothy C. Klenk JD ’67 Ruth Knack Amy Middleton Knieriem JD ’89 Matthew J. Knight Elizabeth Ko John P. Koch JD ’64 Peter C. Koch JD ’94 Phyllis H. Koch Richard A. Koch JD ’52 Craig W. Kogan Laura Fernandez Kogan JD ’97 Peter Kogan Edward J. Kolar, Jr. JD ’59 Rahul Kolhatkar JD ’08 Christine Coith Kommer JD ’05 Amanda Koons Sara K. Kornbluh JD ’04 Paul C. Kosin JD ’68 Nicole Kossove JD ’14 Eugene S. Koster JD ’67 Ann Kotze JD ’12 Samuel H. Kovitz JD ’88 Frank John Kozak JD ’75 Beth Kracum John B. Kracum JD ’14 Tammy Henley Kraemer JD ’97 Tyler D. Kraemer JD ’97 Kenneth Hodgson Kraft JD-MBA ’77 Susan Hanle Kraft Harry Kramer JD ’79 Brooke Krekow JD ’09 William P. Kreml JD ’65 David O. Krier JD ’01 Betty P. Kroll Larry Kroll Robert A. Kroll JD ’62 Faye S. Kroshinsky JD ’90 Katherine Kamp Krueger JD ’80 Joshua D. Krut JD ’98 John Kuelper JD-MBA ’14 Daniel L. Kuhn JD ’68 Michele I. Kunitz JD ’01 William J. Kunkle, Jr. JD ’69 Katherine Kunz JD ’08 Lisa W. Kuo JD ’92 Francis P. Kuplicki JD ’89 Greg Kuykendall JD ’88 Deborah L. La Dolce JD ’75 Peter M. Labadie Barbara Weil Laff JD ’85 Kenneth M. Laff Amy L. Lafontant E. Jon Lafontant Phillina Lai JD ’06 Bernard Lam JD-MBA ’10 Mee Lon Lam JD ’84 Heidi Linn Lambros Jeannie Ziolkowski Lanahan F. Patrick Lanahan JD ’58 Stephen J. Landes JD ’70 Elizabeth Lifchez Landes Arden J. Lang JD ’82 Roberto A. Lange JD ’88 Andres Lankenau Martinez LLM ’12 Jeffrey D. Lapin JD ’92 Sari Mayer Lapin Joan L. Larsen JD ’93 Mark E. Larson, Jr. JD ’72 Pauline P. Larson Ronald D. Larson JD ’62 Ruth J. Larson Lynne R. Lasry Elizabeth Levine Lassar JD ’76 Scott R. Lassar JD ’75 Kirsten Laurin-Kovitz Everett L. Laury JD ’59 Margaret Laury Eloise P. Lawrence JD ’02 Kelly Begg Lawrence JD ’02 Robert J. Lawrence JD ’69 Debra Wray Lawrie Henry Lawrie, Jr. JD ’67 Michael Lawyer JD ’05 Flora E. Lazar Robert R. Le Gros JD ’73 Christine P. Minh Le JD ’95 James T. Leak Kathleen Hughes Leak JD ’85 Kristin Leasia JD ’14 Katherine Ledbetter LLM ’11 Ann Jackson Lee Darryl Lee Daryl Christine Kim Lee Douglas E. Lee JD ’87 Hyun Seung Seung Lee JD ’13 Jo Audrey Lee LLM ’14 John Lee JD ’10 Joseph S. Lee JD ’02 Michael C. Lee JD ’94 Patricia Hureston Lee JD ’82 Trevor James Lee JD ’14 Jeffrey E. Leeb JD ’89 Helena C. Lefkow Joan Humphrey Lefkow JD ’71 Kristen Leibensperger JD ’04 Holly M. Leicht JD ’97 David Leigh Paul Lekas Avinash M. Lele LLM ’89 Carolyn A. Lemein Gregg Douglas Lemein JD-MBA ’76 Katherine A. Lemire JD ’97 John F. Lemker, Jr. JD ’71 Maya D. Lentz JD ’14 LLM ’14 Gil Lenz Daniel B. Leon JD ’85 Elisabeth A. Lerner JD ’01 Tracy N. LeRoy JD ’02 Daniel J. Lesser JD ’84 Kristine E. Leston JD ’85 Patrick J. Leston JD ’73 Michael Letchinger Jade Leung JD ’11 Jeffrey A. Levee JD ’84 Jules Levenson JD ’14 Arleen Einsiedler Levin Carolyn Shaye Levin Diane Levin Jeffrey S. Levin JD-MBA ’79 Joel Levin Alfred H. Levine JD ’56 Barbara E. Levine Susan Levinson JD ’85 Judith Nisenbaum Levitan JD ’83 Alan D. Levow JD ’75 Francine Fireman Levy JD ’75 Mark S. Levy Edward M. Lewis JD ’69 Eva Lewis JD ’09 Jeannette Lewis Jim Lewis Cunren Li LLM ’14 Daini Li LLM ’14 Siran Li LLM ’14 William M. Libit JD ’85 Alexis C. Libra E. Steve Lichtenberg David Lieber JD ’05 James E. Lieber JD ’93 Karen M. Lieberman JD ’91 Elizabeth L. Liebman Vance L. Liebman JD ’77 Stephen Liebscher Carol M. Lifland JD ’81 C. Randolph Light JD ’66 Joan S. Light Lori Lightfoot Vicki J. Limas JD ’84 Alice Lin JD ’14 LLM ’14 Feng-Yi Lin LLM ’10 Sherry Lin JD-MBA ’00 Yung-Sheng Lin LLM ’14 Meghan Lind JD ’08 Teri Glovka Lindquist JD ’86 Daniel S. Linhardt JD ’67 David Linthorst JD ’10 Robert A. Linton Daniel I. Linzer Jennifer B. Linzer Stephen P. Linzer JD ’70 Margaret Gibbs Lipman JD ’93 Emil Lippe, Jr. JD ’73 Jordan H. Lippman JD ’47 Pat Lippman Mark D. Lipton JD ’75 James F. Lischer JD ’73 Mary Broughton Lischer Paul Lisnek Michael M. Listick JD ’65 Michelle Liszt JD ’14 Thomas J. Litwiler JD ’91 Burton H. Litwin JD ’70 Nancy Stein Litwin Monica L. Llorente JD ’00 David J. Lloyd JD ’73 Marcea Bland Lloyd JD ’71 Po Ying Lo JD ’07 Thomas L. Lobred JD ’66 Sarah Lochner JD ’11 William R. Loesch JD ’92 Julius L. Loeser JD ’70 Brian Patrick Lohan JD ’04 Alexandra Lohman JD ’14 Christopher P. Lokken JD ’99 Howard M. London JD ’53 Brook R. Long JD ’05 Kathryn McCollough Long JD ’05 Jonathan A. Lonner JD ’94 Patrick A. Looby JD ’84 Shelley S. Looby Melinda J. Lopes Donna M. Lopez John C. Lore, III JD ’99 Melissa Pratt Lore JD ’00 Lucia Lorenz Donna Winthrop Loundy Lifetime Giving Levels: $1M+ = $500K-$999K = $50K-$499K = | NU Loyal = | Deceased = * Richard A. Loundy JD ’60 Sara N. Love JD ’93 Sam Lovett JD ’06 Jeffrey L. Lowry JD ’95 Yuhao Lu LLM ’14 Craig Henry Lubben JD ’81 Lois B. Lubben Doris E. Lubet Yakir M. Lubowsky JD ’84 Sara Luck Zachary Luck JD ’11 Lois Ludwig-Hirschtritt Rosalyn Lee Lueck-Mammen Maria Lukas JD ’84 Stephen R. Lundeen JD ’78 Bruce D. Lundstrom JD ’88 Vonnie L. Lundstrom James A. Lupo Melissa J. Luttrell JD ’99 Cynthia Hazelwood Lutz JD ’88 Pujun Lv LLM ’14 Prabha Lyer Molly Browne Lynch JD ’09 Robert H. Lynn JD ’49 Ann MacDonald Jennifer G. MacDonald JD ’89 Michele Machalani JD ’08 John Mack JD ’14 Mitch H. Macknin JD ’78 Jennifer Mackovjak Helena S. Maclay JD ’71 Marian S. Macsai Anita Maddali JD ’04 Joseph C. Madden Judith A. Magdich Tomas M. Magdich JD ’64 Laurence F. Mages JD ’64 Shobha L. Mahadev JD ’99 Deborah Arndt Maher JD ’94 Carole Mahoney Stephen Mahoney Bret A. Maidman JD ’87 Janet Grove Makin John Makin JD ’79 Kunal Malhotra JD ’14 Francine S. Malkin Howard I. Malkin JD ’60 Joseph W. Malleck JD ’58 Marlene Malleck David Malliband LLM ’00 Jacqueline M. Maloney LLM ’81 Vince Maloney Fred Manaster JD ’63 LLM ’64 Alys Mancoff Neal A. Mancoff JD ’65 Irwin Mandel JD ’67 Casey Mangan, Jr. JD-MBA ’81 Katherine E. Mangan Paras Pramod Maniar JD-MBA ’04 Elaine G. Manilow Floyd B. Manilow JD ’56 Trestney Manning JD ’05 Brett Mares 27 CONTRIBUTORS continued Isidro Mariscal JD ’13 Merton E. Marks JD ’56 Stephanie Perl Marks JD ’93 Brandon Lee Marsee Lydia S. Marti JD ’86 Cary Martin JD ’06 Charles T. Martin, Jr. JD ’41 * Nichole Martin Daniela Martinez Silva LLM ’14 Mario Martinez Ramon Martinez, Jr. JD ’76 Julie Salzman Mayer JD ’87 Sasha D. Mayergoyz JD ’99 Elizabeth Mazzocco JD ’14 Charlaine Mc Anany Patrick D. Mc Anany Elizabeth A. McBride Kevin G. McBride JD ’85 Lauren McBride JD ’14 Kristin McCall Amy McCarty Kelly E. McCleary Scott F. McCleary JD ’87 Vanessa D. McClinton JD ’98 Michelle Gabriel McGovern JD ’08 James A. McGowan Sharon Sutker McGowan Charles W. McIntyre JD ’87 Jeremiah J. McIntyre JD ’14 Linda D. McIntyre Patrick H. McIntyre JD ’72 Kevin P. McJessy JD ’95 Linda P. McJessy Stephen M. McJohn JD ’85 Carolyn Greene McKee JD ’98 Susan L. McKeever JD ’96 Deborah K. McKnight JD ’76 Dikgang Moseneke, deputy chief justice of the South African Constitutional Court, discusses “The People, the Courts, and the Embryonic Jurisprudence of South Africa” after receiving the 2013 Global Jurist of the Year Award. The Bluhm Legal Clinic’s Center for International Human Rights created the award to recognize judges who have substantially contributed to the advancement of international human rights law and international criminal law, particularly those who have shown outstanding dedication to the rule of law and courage in the face of adversity. 28 Caitlin R. Martini JD ’14 Charles L. Martinson JD ’75 Laura S. Matalon Lauren Matecki JD ’10 Katherine N. Mateja JD ’99 Anand Mathew JD ’09 Vikram Mathrani JD ’08 Paul J. Matijevic Bonnie Matson Eric Hilding Matson JD ’80 Ulrika Franzén Mattsson JD ’09 Marcia Matalon May Steven Alan May JD ’80 Hugh McCullough JD ’04 Mary Kay McDermott Alexandra McDonald JD ’14 Daniel R. McElroy JD ’11 Christopher R. McFadden JD ’00 John P. McGarrity Lisa Bartosic McGarrity JD ’88 Katherine Mcgavin JD ’10 Mary J. McGinn Daniel McGirr JD ’11 Arthur J. McGivern JD ’74 Anne Byrne McGivern Michael M. McGovern JD ’08 Rosemarie McLaren LLM ’08 George J. McLaughlin JD ’52 Peter McLaughlin JD ’14 Sharon A. Mclaughlin Ann McLennan JD ’02 Ryan H. McLennan JD ’02 Eric Mclimore JD ’08 Jim W. Mcmasters JD ’90 Thomas L. McMasters Dan McNamara JD ’10 Paddy Harris McNamara John P. McNearney JD ’83 Robert A. McNees JD ’78 Andrew McNulty JD ’14 John W. McNulty JD ’55 William K. McVisk JD ’77 Emily McWilliams JD ’14 Malorie Medellin JD ’11 Teresa Meece JD ’14 Fern Mehler Thomas J. Meier JD ’94 Harry Melamed JD ’67 Anthony G. Melas JD ’71 Denise P. Melas Barbara A. Melcher Richard A. Melcher David E. Melson JD ’83 Evelyn J. Meltzer JD ’01 Aaron H. Mendelsohn JD ’99 Seth Mendelsohn JD ’11 Shira Lisa Mendelsohn JD ’14 Pascual Mendez Herbruger Cintron LLM ’12 Maura Cahill Merlis JD ’06 Steven Merlis JD ’06 Gregory R. Metz JD ’99 Heather Metz David L. Meyers Lynn B. Meyers Philip G. Meyers JD ’52 Carolyn Williams Meza Robert E. Meza JD ’78 Deidre E. Michael JD ’95 John T. Midgett JD ’94 Michael B. Mihalisin JD ’14 Brian A. Mikes Laurie Mikva Alan B. Miller JD ’68 Andrew Zachary Miller JD-MBA ’07 Barry Miller Catherine R. Miller Fredrika V. Miller JD ’78 Jill Miller Joshua Miller Judith A. Miller Robert J. Miller JD ’85 Stephen A. Miller JD ’97 Alan S. Mills JD ’81 Douglas Mills Karen A. Mills Virginia Carroll Mills Jilian Mincer Bertram L. Miner JD ’60 Rhoda Levitas Miner Nell Minow Roxanne Mintz JD ’09 Edwin B. Mishkin JD ’60 Peter Mistretta Stephanie Mitchell Buettell JD ’93 David T. Mitzner JD ’67 Sakie Miwa LLM ’14 Mark C. Modak-Truran JD ’89 Margot Rathje Moenning Richard C. Moenning JD ’62 Lorenza Molina Sanchez LLM ’14 Terese Marie Molinaro Welcome Boston! Alumni in Boston launched their Alumni Club in Fall 2013. The Boston Club held 3 events with a total of 74 attendees in its inaugural year. Barbara A. Monroe Terry L. Monson JD ’72 David Montgomery Beverly J. Moody Richard L. Moody Elizabeth Mooney JD ’10 Ronald N. Mora JD ’58 Sean Morales-Doyle JD ’07 John D. Moran LLM ’10 Frances Morehous Lynn G. Morehous JD ’69 Mary K. Moreland Ellen June Morgan Elizabeth Morris Gareth Morris Richard F. Morrisroe JD ’78 Wesley Morrissette JD ’14 James A. Morsch JD ’92 Brandon Moseberry JD ’10 Carly Moseberry Mitchell S. Moser JD ’91 Lawrence J. Moss Carla J. Moton Gerald C. Moton JD ’74 Travis Moyer JD ’14 Kathleen Moriarty Mueller JD ’90 Ellen S. Mulaney Emily C. Mullin Mark Mullin JD ’14 Sean Mullin Daniel H. Munger Stephanie S. Munger JD ’90 John Muno JD ’04 Liza S. Murcia JD ’03 Patricia Murguia JD ’14 Thomas J. Murnighan JD ’81 Katherine Frenck Murray JD ’00 David E. Muschler JD ’73 Amanda M. Myers David B. Nacol Donna Shralow Nadel JD ’85 Paul Jerome Nadel JD ’83 Susan Prauer Nadler Edward J. Nadler JD ’68 Janice Nadler Ashish Nagdev JD ’08 Dorene G. Nagy Jennifer A. Nagy JD ’99 Stephen J. Nagy JD ’57 Mei Nakamoto JD ’84 John C. Nangle JD ’66 Catherine D. Nardi JD ’85 Mary K. Narko Medard M. Narko JD ’66 Catherine Nasser JD ’04 Sundeep Bhavana Nath JD ’10 Fred Nathan JD ’87 Elinor S. Nathanson JD ’95 John F. Naughton LLM ’71 Robert Nederhood JD ’06 Carol A. Needham JD ’85 Ross Neihaus JD ’10 David M. Nelson JD ’62 Erik Robert Nelson JD ’04 Robert L. Nelson JD ’77 Mardell Nereim JD ’82 Debra Nesselson JD ’78 Arthur A. Neu JD ’58 Tricia Neumann Peter Neumer JD ’06 Alan C. Newman JD ’69 Barbara Newman Daniel Newman JD ’14 Gregg S. Newmark Jodi Buterbaugh Newmark JD ’84 Andrew Nguyen JD ’09 John P. Nicholas JD ’91 Sandra Nicholas Mary C. Niehaus JD ’88 Frank M. Nigh Valerie Swett Nigh JD ’76 Tyler Nims JD ’09 Sharon Goott Nissim JD ’10 David A. Nixon JD ’64 Richard J. Nogal JD ’81 Brent K. Nomura JD ’85 Joanna Norcross John D. Norcross JD ’61 Donald C. Nord JD ’68 Lynn J. Nord Daniel Nordstrom JD ’14 David R. Nordwall JD ’93 Amber J. Norris Franklyn K. Norris JD ’50 Jerry E. Norton LLM ’67 Nanette M. Norton JD ’91 Gabriela E. Nosari Debra Falduto Novack JD ’84 Paul J. Novack David E. Novitski JD ’72 Elizabeth G. Nowakowski JD ’82 Kenneth R. Nowakowski JD ’80 Betty Nudelman Herbert L. Nudelman JD ’53 Amy Boli Nunes Marcus J. Nunes JD ’84 Phillip L. Nunnally JD ’71 Henri Nzedom LLM ’10 Bonnie Oberman Jasmine Oberman JD ’06 Martin J. Oberman Frank A. O’Boyle, Jr. JD ’50 Caroline Dunn O’Brien Maurice William O’Brien JD ’81 Walter J. O’Brien, II JD ’64 Jim O’Connell Kathy Oconnell Neil D. O’Connor JD ’03 Il-Seok Oh LLM ’06 Steven T. O’Hara JD ’84 William O’Hara Jeffrey L. Oldham JD ’03 Melissa J. Oldham Lifetime Giving Levels: $1M+ = $500K-$999K = $50K-$499K = | NU Loyal = | Deceased = * Erika Olguin Valencia LLM ’04 Charlene Wallace Olsen JD ’88 Camille A. Olson Eric L. Olson JD ’70 Nancy Olson JD ’85 Caitlin Olwell JD ’14 Barbara Bernstein O’Malley JD ’60 Courtney O’Malley Robert E. O’Malley JD ’59 Patrick O’Meara JD ’14 Fowosimiloluwa Opayemi JD ’14 Jean L. Oppenheimer Jonah Orlofsky JD ’80 Janet F. Orndorff Owen Harvey Orndorff JD ’71 Pearl Y. O’Rourke JD-MBA ’03 Sarah M. Orzalli Yushi Osonoe LLM ’14 Christina Otero JD ’14 Eric C. Otness JD ’02 Matthew M. O’Toole JD ’91 Michael Otto Alan D. Paberzs Barton P. Pachino JD ’84 Linda Robin Pachino Marc H. Pachon JD ’03 C. Anthony Packard JD ’68 Linda A. Packard Gregory L. Padgett JD ’84 Joonbeom Pae JD ’07 29 Members of the Class of 1988 pose for a photo at Reunion with their well-earned trophy for the highest percentage of the class attending the Reunion celebration. CONTRIBUTORS continued 30 Jesse A. Pagels Julie R. Pambianco Rudolf Papirnik Vladimira Novak Papirnik JD ’82 Aaron H. Paris Helene Tillman Paris Jean Park JD ’05 Richard B. Park Thomas G. Park JD ’87 Abigail M. Parr JD ’14 Hart Passman JD ’05 Nihal Patel JD ’10 Timothy J. Patenode JD ’81 M. Elaine Patrick JD ’78 Burton H. Patterson JD ’59 Virginia Patterson Andre M. Pauka JD ’96 Mary Strubel Pauka JD ’96 Suchitra Paul JD ’14 Caleb N. Paull Daniel M. Pavlakovic Kary C. Payne JD ’09 Philip Payne JD ’09 Suzanne J. Payne Marian W. Payson JD ’84 Audrey R. Pedersen Donald B. Pedersen JD ’63 Kathryn Pelech JD ’10 Edward J. Pelican JD ’93 Jeanine Pelican John J. Pembroke JD ’79 Rand Boyers Peppas JD ’86 Andrew Perellis Arthur C. Perivolidis JD ’67 Phyllis Ellen Perivolidis Michael A. Perlman Paul Perona, Jr. JD ’63 Robert J. Peroni JD ’76 David Perry JD ’07 Joel Barry Perzov JD ’75 Judith A. Perzov Valerie Petein JD ’12 Dana Peterson JD ’13 David D. Peterson, Jr. JD ’84 Jean L. Peterson Leif E. Peterson, II JD ’14 Ralph B. Peterson JD ’64 Hillary L. Pettegrew JD ’88 Herman Petzold LLM ’12 Diane M. Pezanoski JD ’85 James E. Pfander Ronald T. Pfeifer JD ’72 Andrea J. Pfeiffer JD ’74 Andrew C. Phillips JD ’09 Henry A. Pictor JD ’63 Gwyn Piekarski Victor J. Piekarski JD ’74 Kama Bethel Pierce JD ’94 Richard W. Pierce JD ’66 Matthew Piers Dale David Pierson JD ’82 Loretta A. Pierson John A. Piliponis JD ’77 Marcia Pinski Ronald L. Pinski JD ’60 Kass A. Plain JD ’88 Charles Plantz JD ’72 Brandon Platt JD ’14 Jack Plunkett, Jr. John F. Podliska JD ’72 Joan Polacheck R. Steven Polachek JD ’65 Susan Polachek Michele Carole Pollak JD ’80 Judith K. Pollock Stanley L. Pollock Samuel J. Polsky JD ’74 Daniel E. Pombo JD ’96 Brian Poronsky JD ’06 Katherine Porter JD ’98 W. Scott Porterfield JD ’79 Atul Porwal JD-MBA ’10 Amy Posner JD ’04 Jeffrey A. Potts JD ’92 Kristin A. Potts Carol Hempfling Pratt JD ’84 Dennis G. Pratt Brian Prentice Fred G. Pressley, Jr. JD ’78 William M. Preston JD ’75 K. Blair Price Peter Price JD ’09 Rhonda Barker Price Robert R. Price JD ’74 Virginia Price Whitney Price Abigail Pringle JD ’10 Shericka Denise Pringle Adam C. Pritchard Nina Privitera Vanessa Ortblad Pronovost JD ’09 Gloria E. Pruzan JD ’78 Thaddeus A. Przyborowski JD ’52 Valerie A. Przyborowski Joseph Ptasinski JD ’11 Chensheng Qiu LLM ’14 Daniel J. Quigley JD ’86 Patrick Joseph Quinn JD ’80 Kyle Rabkin JD ’07 Michael Rabkin JD ’07 Thomas F. Railsback JD ’57 Christina Rainville JD ’88 Abiman Rajadurai Erin Lange Ramamurthy JD ’14 Cesar Rafael Ramirez del Angel LLM ’14 Shanna Ramsower JD ’10 Richard J. Raskin JD ’71 Sandy K. Rathbun JD ’87 Sarah Ratliff JD ’11 John Peter Ratnaswamy JD ’85 Siddhartha Ray John J. Rearden Phyllis Rearden Peep Rebassoo Shruthi Reddy Srikanth K. Reddy JD ’07 B. Wilson Redfearn, III JD ’61 Karen S. Redfearn Michael E. Reed JD ’68 Stephen F. Reed Lynn Rees R. Douglas Rees JD ’89 Charles F. Regan, Jr. JD ’88 Laurie Regenbogen Thomas J. Rehwaldt JD ’95 Joan E. Reid Ann McDavid Reif Thomas S. Reif JD ’83 Lawrence M. Reifurth JD ’83 Stephen J. Reinhardt JD ’50 Richard L. Reinish JD ’66 Joanne Reisman Louis A. Reisman JD ’70 Theresa S. Rekenthaler Kathleen O. Reuland Timothy J. Reuland JD ’73 Guy Revesz Marilyn A. Revesz Rebecca Shapiro Reyes JD ’01 Kevin H. Rhodes JD ’91 Tracey Rhodes Margaret E. Rice JD ’91 Lydia Richards Hill Slaby JD-MBA ’11 Geoffrey Richards JD ’95 James J. Richards JD ’52 Kathleen Richardson Kennedy P. Richardson JD ’74 Marianne O’Laughlin Richardson JD ’84 Julia Rickert JD ’10 Alexander Righi JD ’14 Paul W. Rink JD ’70 Leonard Louis Riskin Hallie Ritzu JD ’14 Larry R. Rivkin Michele Giffels Rivkin JD ’94 Alice C. Roberts Bruce K. Roberts JD ’68 Randi J. Roberts JD ’88 Emily Fox Robins JD ’08 Lawrence E. Robinson JD ’58 Norma A. Robinson Linda M. Rodger Wallace G. Rodger JD ’68 Judah Rodgon JD ’05 L. Roland Roegge JD ’62 Marjorie B. Roegge Marjorie S. Rogasner Ronald E. Rokosz JD ’69 Eileen Berg Rollin Kenneth B. Rollin JD ’91 Lawrence S. Rollin JD ’85 Heddie Romanoff Robert Arthur Romanoff JD ’64 Adam Henry Romeiser Ellen Roberson Romeiser JD ’70 April Romero Elsie Romero JD ’89 Josh Romero JD ’04 Angelika Michels Rooney Daniel C. Rooney JD ’70 John Ropiequet JD ’72 Donald I. Rose Mark J. Rose JD ’77 Nancy B. Rose Mindy J. Roseman JD ’86 Miriam Labiner Rosen JD ’87 Robert Rosen Zvi S. Rosen JD ’05 H. James Rosenberg JD ’69 Jessica L. Rosenberg Justin Rosenberg JD ’07 Alvin D. Rosenbloom JD ’55 Jonathan Rosenbloom JD ’89 Daniel W. Rosenblum JD ’76 Elizabeth Rosenblum Matthew Rosenstock JD-MBA ’14 Rachel E. Rosenthal Beth J. Rosner JD ’78 Christopher Ross Gary J. Ross JD ’04 Chloe Rossen JD ’14 Christine Hehmeyer Rosso JD ’72 David John Rosso Arnold L. Rotkin JD ’77 Brandon J. Rottinghaus Geoffrey T. Roupas JD ’68 Kathryn Rowings JD ’12 Carl A. Royal Judith Ann Royal JD ’81 Mary K. Royer JD ’73 Scott V. Rozmus JD ’94 Andrew Rubin LLM ’08 Jonathan D. Rubin JD ’03 Jean Rudd Eddie Javier Ruiz Cordero LLM ’12 SPRING GE LLM ’13 LEADING THE CHARGE IN ENGAGING INTERNATIONAL ALUMNI With her Northwestern Law degree in hand, Spring moved to Singapore to join WongPartnership, a global firm of more than 270 lawyers. Her experience in the LLM program, working with students from around the world, prepared her well to work for a firm with offices in Singapore, Abu Dhabi, Beijing, Doha and Shanghai. But Spring didn’t want her relationship with the Law School and her LLM classmates to end at graduation. She says, “I have also made many good friends and built a strong network with people all over the world.” Spring is already putting that network to good use by joining the Law School Fund Board, a group of alumni committed to building annual support for the Law School among alumni and friends. Spring is one of the first LLM graduates to join the board and the first member who lives outside of the U.S. As a student, Spring Ge (LLM ’13) was already aware of the power of collective support. During the 2013 Graduating Class Gift Campaign, Spring rallied her LLM classmates to show their support of the Law School, helping the Class of 2013 secure a record 51% participation. Spring credits the success of the campaign to the committee’s willingness to share their personal reasons for giving back. “The education here has not only enriched my life with valuable experience and exposure, but also enhanced my vision and career perspective tremendously,” says Spring. Through her role on the Law School Fund Board, Spring hopes to get LLM graduates involved internationally, both by connecting with each other and by giving back to Northwestern Law. “I hope that my support of our school will help it continue to fulfill its brilliant mission and vision and extend the benefits of Northwestern Law’s LLM program to future students,” Spring says. To her fellow LLM graduates, she adds, “Stay connected, stay united, and stay a Wildcat!” 31 Lifetime Giving Levels: $1M+ = $500K-$999K = $50K-$499K = | NU Loyal = | Deceased = * CONTRIBUTORS continued Robert W. Russell JD ’4 8 John C. Ryan JD ’95 Matthew S. Ryan Nancy Oliphant Ryan JD ’96 Gregory Ryckman JD ’08 Andrea Ryken JD ’14 Katharine W. Rylaarsdam Jimin Ryu LLM ’06 JD ’10 Lawrence A. Sadlek, Jr. JD ’56 Frank R. Safford Joan Bainbridge Safford JD ’76 Yosuke Saitoh LLM ’04 Yasumasa Sakamoto LLM ’14 Jonathan H. Sakol JD ’68 Marlene B. Sakol Christian A. Salaman JD ’99 Nancy Saldinger Ana S. Salper JD ’99 Bettylu Klutznick Saltzman Paul W. Saltzman Lawrence Samelson David H. Sampsell JD ’93 Barbara L. Samuels JD ’71 Lauren Sanczak Quentin J. Sanders JD ’09 Scott A. Sanderson JD ’06 Philip A. Sandick JD ’14 LLM ’14 Jason M. Sandler Adrian Alberto Sanjur Ramirez LLM ’14 Hariharan Santhanam JD ’08 Matthew Saretsky JD-MBA ’14 Jeffrey W. Sarles JD ’94 Broucka Sarnoff Koichi Sato LLM ’14 David Sattelberger JD ’05 S. Jack Sauer JD ’63 Janelle M. Savage JD ’00 Shirin Mohammed Savliwala Suzanne L. Saxman David G. Sayyed JD-MBA ’04 Colleen Q. Schaefers Scott A. Schaefers Jeffrey B. Schamis Cheryl Schanbacher John Schanbacher Stephen L. Schar Horst P. Schastok Sara L. Schastok John S. Schauer JD ’65 Mary Beth Schauer Alan C. Scheinbaum JD ’72 Sandra Pecken Scheinbaum Elizabeth Glickson Schenkier JD ’79 Sidney I. Schenkier JD ’79 Eric Schepard JD ’07 Shimrit Scher JD ’10 Bridget Scherbring JD-MBA ’14 Renata Schiffer LLM ’08 Stephanie A. Schiffman Karen R. Schiller JD ’89 Tamara Joan Schiller Thomas M. Schiller Matthew Schiltz JD ’08 Michael Schlanger JD ’62 Mark A. Schneider Mark W. Schneider JD ’83 Monica Cecile Schneider Sydney Schneider JD ’13 Keith P. Schoeneberger JD ’74 Madeline Schoeneberger Kaye Scholer Marilyn Schramm JD ’80 Eliot B. Schreiber JD ’81 Helaine A. Schreiber Jayne Cross Schreiber JD ’82 Phillip M. Schreiber JD ’92 Ronald Schreiber Emily Schriver JD ’08 John Schriver Amy Levenson Schroeder JD ’97 Benedikt N. Schroeder LLM ’97 Sarah Schrup Katherine F. Schulte Carol M. Schulz Fred E. Schulz JD ’68 Keith Kaiji Schuricht David L. Schwartz Kate E. Schwartz Sam Schwartz-Fenwick JD ’05 Alexandra J. Schwartzman Tami Schwartzman Jeanne E. Scott JD ’73 Tamara Scott Michael J. Sears JD ’91 Joshua Seedman JD-MBA ’14 Bryan J. Segal JD ’94 Jeremy Segal JD ’05 Jeffrey B. Segall Sharon Seidel Scott A. Semenek JD ’92 Jeffrey Seroogy JD ’14 Manveet Sethi LLM ’14 Northwestern University School of Law congratulates the winners of the 2014 Firm & Corporate Alumni Challenge 40+ alumni d i v isi o n 21–4 0 8 –20 alumni d i v isi o n 3–7 alumni d i v isi o n alumni d i v isi o n Congratulations to the winner of our 2014 Alumni Challenge March Madness Tournament: Sidley Austin LLP We would also like to recognize the following firms for achieving 100% participation: Duane Morris LLP | Marshall Gerstein & Borun LLP 32 Shericka Pringle, Executive Director of the Bluhm Legal Clinic, made her first gift to the Law School in Fiscal Year 2014 as part of the Clinic’s spring fundraising challenge. She and 37 others helped secure $25,000 in matching funds from Chris Lind (JD ’96) over a two-week period in May. With her gift, Shericka also participated in the first-ever Faculty and Staff Campaign for the Law School. Shericka has worked at Northwestern for fifteen years and has been with the Law School for ten years. Patrick Seul JD ’10 Sarah Kerr Severson JD ’98 Norman M. Sevin JD ’56 Emily Seymore JD ’11 Roona Nath Shah Sulin B. Shah JD ’04 Leila Shahbandar Elnaz Naseh Shahgoli JD ’08 Shanin Shahgoli Christopher J. Shalvoy JD ’11 Janet Shannon Bernard H. Shapiro JD ’67 Deborah Klun Sharbak JD ’82 Christina E. Sharkey JD ’14 Ellen Sheedy JD ’07 Jill R. Sheiman JD ’00 Cindy Shekhtman Robert Shelist JD ’87 Kathryn E. Shelton JD ’07 Bernard T. Shen JD ’96 John Thomas Shen Lei Shen JD ’06 Kathryn Shephard JD ’14 William Sheridan JD ’07 Amy E. Sherman JD ’90 Arnold B. Sherman JD ’74 Jonathan D. Sherman JD ’83 Mindy Sherman Jacqueline Shiff Bonnie Katz Shifrin Orrin S. Shifrin JD ’92 Roshni Shikari Steven C. Shinn JD ’80 David Michael Sholtes Thomas S. Shore, Jr. JD ’64 Roshan Shrestha JD ’11 Carol Shubert Norman A. Shubert JD ’60 Barbara S. Shulman JD ’84 Jay A. Shulman JD ’77 Kelsey Beltramea Shust JD ’14 Mark Siconolfi JD-MBA ’04 Sally Siconolfi Irfan Siddiqui JD ’11 Sumbul Siddiqui JD ’14 Armeen Siddiqui-Mirza LLM ’07 JD ’11 Elliot M. Siegel JD ’66 Justin Siegel JD ’06 Lynne Francine Siegel JD ’81 Nury Agudo Siekkinen JD ’08 Sean Siekkinen JD ’08 Mark J. Sifferlen JD ’92 Sandra Cha Sifferlen JD ’92 Duane F. Sigelko JD ’86 Lois E. Sigman Louis E. Sigman JD ’69 John J. Sikora, Jr. JD ’91 Lacey C. Sikora Lawrence Silton JD ’67 Beverlee E. Silva JD ’88 Hayley Rose Silver Alexander Silverberg JD ’11 Michael J. Silverman JD ’90 Michael W. Silverman Julie Silverstein Marisa Silverstein Zachary B. Silverstein JD ’99 Ariel Simon JD ’14 Arlyn Eve Simon Martin R. Simon JD ’65 Jeffrey S. Simons JD ’04 Jessica Bina Simons JD ’04 James Clifton Sinclair JD-MBA ’07 Jean E. Singer Sienna Singer JD ’04 William Singer JD ’12 William S. Singer Christopher N. Skey JD ’97 Michael L. Sklar Patricia E. Sklar Ruth Sklar Sandie Sklar Stanley P. Sklar JD ’64 William M. Skretny LLM ’72 Jessica Dee Skwir Ada Skyles JD ’92 David L. Slader JD ’71 Phillip Emil Sloan JD ’80 John O. Slonaker JD ’56 Judith D. Slonaker Elliot Slosar David Smerling JD ’58 Rae Smerling Lifetime Giving Levels: $1M+ = $500K-$999K = $50K-$499K = | NU Loyal = | Deceased = * A. Jeffrey Smith JD ’73 Brent M. Smith Brian Smith Jeffrey N. Smith JD ’85 Jerilyn S. Smith Mara Shapiro Smith JD ’96 Melissa Uelk Smith Ned A. Smith JD ’55 Stephen James Smith JD ’76 Tricia A. Smith JD ’71 Wrede H. Smith, III JD ’74 Jamie Snow Richard A. Snow JD ’57 Allen C. Snyder JD ’74 Danya Snyder JD ’12 Jean MacLean Snyder Susan D. Snyder JD ’90 Cindy Sobel JD ’04 Daniel B. Sobel Ann V. Soble James B. Soble JD ’66 Laura Sole JD ’14 Michael E. Solimine JD ’81 Gene R. Solomon JD ’71 Nelson A. Soltman Sharon Weitzman Soltman JD ’83 Sara Sommervold Sarah Sangeun Song Shuang Song LLM ’14 Xiaoran Song LLM ’14 Juliet Suzanne Sorensen Kathryn Dix Sowle JD ’56 Carling Christina Spelhaug Robert I. Spiegel JD ’65 Gregory E. Spitzer JD ’89 Michael Spock Marvelous Spraggins Jill Andrews Sprague JD ’94 W. Douglas Sprague, III JD ’94 Katherine Stearns Sprenger JD ’94 Carolyn Sprinchorn LLM ’09 Clement F. Springer, Jr. JD ’60 Maxine Marcus Sprung JD ’50 Ahalya Sriskandarajah JD ’14 Ritu Srivastava JD ’07 Erin Romine Stach JD ’10 Peter L. Stach JD ’12 Clark M. Stalker JD ’89 Anne Gaebe Stanley Bradford Stanley JD ’06 Amy Huxell Stanton JD ’89 Gregory E. Stanton JD ’99 Debra Pogrund Stark JD ’85 Kathryn Starnella JD ’04 Eric J. Starr JD ’13 Andrew L. Stein JD ’84 Gwen Kujala Stein JD ’83 Mark A. Stein Rachel Steinback JD ’08 Charles M. Steinberg JD ’67 Marjorie S. Steinberg Mark R. Steinberg JD ’72 Miriam Steinberg 33 CONTRIBUTORS continued Morton M. Steinberg JD ’70 Joshua Steinman JD ’13 Susan Louise Stelter JD ’82 Joan Stephenson Diana Sterk JD ’11 David F. Sterling JD ’61 Mary Sterling Gary M. Sterman JD ’88 Asher Stern JD ’54 Dale Goldberg Stern Robert A. Sternberg JD ’72 Kathleen Stetsko JD ’08 John P. Stevens JD ’47 Maryan Mulholland Stevens Michael J. Stevens JD ’65 Kate Stevick John Daniel Stewart JD ’70 Linda A. Stewart Susan Krueger Stewart Christine L. Sticha Kent P. Sticha JD ’85 Marc Stickgold JD ’63 Robert W. Stieve JD ’64 Rachel Stigler JD ’14 Carol M. Stocking Charles A. Stocking JD ’69 Joseph L. Stone JD ’59 Richard A. Stone JD ’69 Sylvia B. Stone Brianne Straka JD ’09 Frank Mitchell Straka Brent D. Stratton JD ’84 Maureen McNamara Stratton JD ’84 Former U.S. Attorney Patrick J. Fitzgerald delivers the 2013 Pope & John Lecture on Professionalism. William P. Streng JD ’62 Laura Seelig Strickland Mark E. Strickland JD ’99 Nyika Prendergast Strickland JD ’01 Roberta Strickler JD ’75 Ronald P. Strote JD ’72 Andrea Stulgies-Clauss JD ’89 Elizabeth Subkowsky Robert A. Subkowsky JD ’74 The Law School welcomed 888 donors to the John Henry Wigmore Club this year. 34 David Sugar JD ’76 Ryan Sugg JD ’14 Brendan V. Sullivan, Jr. Lila O’Brien Sullivan JD ’71 Floye Sumida JD ’73 Chuan Sun JD ’04 Myra A. Sutanto Shen JD ’07 Neha Sutaria Ullas Sutaria Erin Svalstad Neal Svalstad JD ’97 Tatiana Swancy Brian Swanson JD ’01 Susan I. Swanson Jennifer M. Swedish JD ’06 Allan G. Sweig JD ’60 Terri L. Sweig Michael I. Swygert Vanessa Szalapski JD ’14 Athena T. Taite JD ’92 Daijiro Takano LLM ’14 Guangjun Tang LLM ’14 Anthony Tangora Andrew Sean Tannenbaum Larah Kent Tannenbaum JD ’11 Aaron K. Tantleff Feifeng Tao LLM ’14 Petra Theodora Tasheff JD ’81 Elizabeth Taylor Flint Taylor Viren Tellis JD-MBA ’13 Sam Tenenbaum JD ’73 Susan Tenenbaum Frank Tenente JD ’07 Christine Terada JD ’12 Maria Fernanda Teran Alcantara LLM ’14 Maureen E. Terjak JD ’91 Sarah Terman JD ’08 Dana G. Terp Javier Ricardo Terrazas Meneses LLM ’08 Kevin R. Theos JD ’99 Sarah E. Thomas Pagels JD ’06 Andrew Charles Thompson Kelly A. Thompson Wade Thomson Eric I. Thorsos K. Terry Thorsos Thomas Timmermann Blair Tinkle Elyse Skolnick Tish JD ’87 Martin H. Tish JD ’81 Andrew D. Titus JD ’93 Cynthia Becker Toback Neal R. Toback JD ’62 Sara Kennedy Todd JD ’81 Alfred W. Toennies JD ’64 Gary W. Tomlinson Marian Tomlinson Ai Tong LLM ’10 Erin K. Topp Emilio A. Torres-Lumsden JD ’03 Elaine B. Tracy William F. Tracy JD ’72 Joshua Trein JD ’10 Rebecca Trent JD ’03 William Trevena JD ’09 Gretchen Hess Trofa JD ’88 M. Trofa Olga Troshchiy LLM ’08 Elizabeth Trosman JD ’78 J. D. Trout Jon Eric Trowbridge Nicole H. Truong JD ’95 Barbara J. Tryner Joseph J. Tryner JD ’58 Theodore J. Tsoumas JD ’53 Akane Tsuruta JD ’14 Anthony Tuck Carol Ann Tullio Peter A. Tullio, Jr. JD ’76 Barbara Whisler Turano JD ’89 Richard D. Turano Bonita Chaden Turner JD ’72 David A. Turner Karen M. Turner JD ’79 William E. Turner, II JD ’95 Mimi Lawton Turney JD ’83 James Peirce Tuthill JD ’72 Wendy Booth Tuthill JD ’77 * Kathryn Renee Tyree JD ’12 Pablo Jose Umana Gambassi LLM ’14 Bryan P. Unke Micki A. Unkrich JD ’01 Patricia Unsinn Hayley Upshaw JD ’08 Amy Urbatsch Jeffrey Urdangen William H. Utz, III JD ’64 Carol Uyeno JD ’96 Andrew W. Vail Valerie Valenzo JD ’09 Anthony P. Van Dyke JD ’71 Elissa Van Tubbergen JD ’14 David E. Van Zandt Matthew Vanek JD ’07 Courtney VanLonkhuyzen JD ’04 Tyler A. VanLonkhuyzen Craig A. Varga JD ’79 Hillary Wenner Vari JD ’97 Quentin D. Vaughan JD ’95 Franco Rodríguez Vázquez LLM ’09 Katherine Davis Vega JD ’98 Judith Veis Joseph A. Venzon JD ’97 Kaitlin Reidy Verber JD ’04 Anthony A. Vertuno JD ’61 Sofia Vickery JD ’11 Anne Link Viner JD ’93 Jonathan T. Viner JD ’93 Pavaratch Visaikul LLM ’14 Jaideep M. Vishnubhakat Georgia Vlahos JD ’85 Annabelle Santos Volgman Keith A. Volgman JD ’82 Phyllis Volk Adam N. Volkert JD ’86 Michael Vondriska JD-MBA ’10 Allison Voticky JD ’05 Jennifer Wagner JD ’08 Pamela Ewers Wagner JD ’89 Benjamin Waldin JD-MBA ’14 Carol A. Waldman JD ’85 Jolie Waldman JD ’14 Willard T. Walker, Jr. JD ’88 Steve V. Wall Benjamin Ladd Wallace Joanne Smith Wallace JD ’08 Spencer Weber Waller JD ’82 Ann C. Wallis JD ’06 John Q. Walsh, Jr. JD ’80 Andrew Wang JD ’14 Danyue Wang LLM ’14 Jiayi Wang LLM ’14 Wei Wang LLM ’14 Yang Wang LLM ’14 Ann M. Warden Jennifer Alter Warden Robert L. Warden Rollins E. Warden G. Ray Warner JD ’80 Jocelyn Warren Patricia Warren Elizabeth L. Warren-Mikes JD ’99 James D. Wascher JD ’78 Sally Wascher Lyle D. Washowich JD ’99 Michele A. Washowich Jennifer Cushman Waters JD ’02 Michael J. Waters JD ’03 John C. Watkins, Jr. LLM ’68 35 Lifetime Giving Levels: $1M+ = $500K-$999K = $50K-$499K = | NU Loyal = | Deceased = * CONTRIBUTORS continued Sallie A. Watkins Ben Charles Watson G. Andrew Watson JD ’83 Mae E. Watson Margaret L. Watt-Morse Peter M. Watt-Morse JD ’83 Alicia Weber JD ’09 Jia Wei LLM ’13 Victoria Y. Wei JD ’96 David L. Weigert JD ’95 Anita Weinberg Cynthia B. Weingard Cheri L. Weller Theodore Wells JD ’12 Wayne R. Wendling Brett Werenski JD ’14 Steven M. Wernikoff JD ’94 Elisa M. Westapher JD ’07 James K. Weston JD ’67 Jonathan David Wetchler JD ’81 Emily Mily Wexler JD ’99 J. Randal Wexler Jerome E. Wexler JD ’64 Joyce Piell Wexler Diana C. White Ethan White JD ’08 Donna Jordan Williams JD ’90 Kenneth C. Williams JD ’68 Nancy J. Williams Robert E. Williams Mark C. Williamson LLM ’01 Dennis M. Wilson JD ’69 Jean A. Wilson Harvey S. Wineberg Claramary Winebrenner JD ’89 Denny Winebrenner John R. Wingert JD ’64 Steven N. Wohl JD ’70 David Michael Wolf JD ’77 Susan Amy Wolf Joe Dwyer (JD-MBA ’08) delivers the keynote address at Northwestern Law’s Ninth Annual Entrepreneurship Law Conference in March. At the conference, Esther Barron (JD ’95), director of the Bluhm Legal Clinic’s Entrepreneurship Law Center, presented Dwyer with the 2014 Distinguished Entrepreneur Award. Darren S. Weingard JD ’90 David L. Weinstein JD ’79 Linda Weinstein Marcy L. Weinstein Mitchell D. Weinstein JD ’92 Mark S. Weinstock JD ’92 Elizabeth D. Weisbard Mark W. Weisbard JD ’79 Lynn N. Weisberg JD ’93 Reinhard Weiser Stewart Weiss JD ’06 Lyman C. Welch JD ’93 Bradley E. Weller JD ’98 Thomas Daryl Whitehead Elizabeth Whitehorn JD ’07 Sarah E. Whitman JD ’03 Hannah B. Widlus Phillip Jared Wiese JD ’13 Robert L. Wiesenthal JD ’64 Cynthia Wiggins-Sarles Kira Wigoda JD ’77 Jason Wilcox JD ’10 Kefira R. Wilderman JD ’99 Helen P. Wiley Daniel F. Wilhelm JD ’97 Jennifer L. Wilkerson JD ’83 Brian L. Wolfberg JD ’65 Aaron S. Wolff JD ’54 Arlene Gottlieb Wolff Jo-Ann F. Wolfson Lou Anne Corey Wolfson JD ’91 Richard M. Wolfson JD ’91 Diane W. Wong JD ’78 Michelle Wong JD ’12 Samantha Woo JD ’12 Clement Biddle Wood, III JD ’78 Jennifer Lee Woodard JD ’80 Michael Work JD ’14 Canella Gekas Woyar JD ’82 Fei Wu LLM ’14 Jiahong Wu Junkun Wu LLM ’14 Michael Wu JD-MBA ’09 Molly Wyler JD ’14 Jay Xu JD-MBA ’09 Ji Yan Liu Yang JD-MBA ’14 Tao Yang LLM ’10 Yan Yang LLM ’14 Kathleen C. Yannias JD ’76 Karen L. Yashar JD ’92 Ilana Yavne Yang Ye LLM ’14 Jonathan Yeasting Curtis Kin Lun Yee JD ’79 Anette Yelin JD ’85 Michael Yepp JD ’14 Linda Yi-Condon JD ’80 Christopher S. Yoo JD ’95 Takeshi Yoshida LLM ’12 Eugene Youn JD-MBA ’06 Eric C. Young JD ’87 Judy A. Young Scott A. Young JD ’77 Thomas J. Young JD ’60 Timothy R. Young JD ’73 Derek Yung Jill Yung JD ’05 Allan I. Zackler JD ’72 Nancy P. Zackler Bob J. Zaideman JD ’78 Jonathan Zajac JD ’11 Kathy Zambrano JD ’03 Glen M. Zatz JD ’79 Nadim K. Zayed JD ’97 Elie Zenner JD ’13 Sheldon T. Zenner JD ‘78 Elizabeth Zeratsky JD ‘07 Rodney M. Zerbe JD ‘85 Barry Fen Zhang Chunyan Zhang LLM ‘14 Green Zhang Xiaomeng Zhang LLM ‘05 Jane Zhao Hang Zheng JD ‘14 Yi Zheng LLM ‘13 Hanting Zhou Qin Zhou LLM ‘14 Xishu Zhou LLM ‘14 Yan Zhou LLM ‘10 William P. Ziegelmueller JD ‘94 Lauren Jennifer Ziel Jolie Siebold Zimmer Theodore F. Zimmer JD ‘69 Clifford Zimmerman Dea Zimmerman Martin L. Ziontz JD ‘80 Jack Zouhary K.M. Zouhary JD ‘12 Kathleen Zouhary Arrow designed by Jamison Wieser from The Noun Project; Gift designed by Matthew Mitchell-Camp from The Noun Project; Graduation Cap designed by Bram van Rijen from The Noun Project Office of Alumni Relations and Development 375 East Chicago Avenue Chicago, Illinois 60611-3069 law-alumni@law.northwestern.edu (312) 503-7609 Office of Alumni Relations and Development 375 East Chicago Avenue Chicago, Illinois 60611-3069 law-alumni@law.northwestern.edu (312) 503-7609 Nonprofit Organization U.S. Postage PAID Permit No. 50086 Palatine, IL
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