NORQUAY SCHOOL NEWS - Vancouver School Board


NORQUAY SCHOOL NEWS - Vancouver School Board
MAY 2016
School Hours
Dear Norquay Families,
May continues to be a month of learning, celebration and planning for
the school year. The staff has been deeply engaged in conversations
about our school planning goals, our practice and how we work and
learn together. As parents are aware, B.C.’s curriculum has been
redesigned to respond to the demanding world our students are
entering. Transformation in curriculum will help teachers create
learning environments that are both engaging and personalized for
students. At the heart of British Columbia’s redesigned curriculum are
core competencies, essential learning and literacy and numeracy
foundations. More information about the revised curriculum can be
found at:
A big thank you to our PAC whose hard work and support is to be
celebrated and appreciated throughout the school year. Here is only a
small snapshot of the work, partnership and support that benefits our
Our wonderful outdoor garden classroom continues to grow.
Mr. Warkentin along with the students in Ms. Chang’s and Mr. Wee’s
classes have built trellises for the peas to grow. Many, if not most of
our classes are stewards of our school garden as they learn in our
extraordinary outdoor classroom. We can’t express enough
appreciation to the staff and parents who have built the garden
classroom for our learning community!
Warning bell
Instruction begins
Instruction begins
School Code of Conduct
Be Kind, Be Safe, and Be
the Best Learner and
Leader You Can Be
(No matter your age)
Director of Instruction-Field Services:
Mr. Rob Schindel
Liaison Trustee: Mr. Allan Wong
Principal: Ms. Margaret Jorgensen
Vice Principal: Ms. Sharon Vieira
I hope that you will all find time to enjoy the upcoming Spring Carnival
on June 9th. Thank you to those parents and volunteers who will be
carving out time from their day to pull this event all together! THANK
YOU! Our PAC works hard to not only raise funds to support learning at
Norquay, but they also endeavour to provide opportunities for parent
education and partnership. We appreciate all that you do.
This last month has felt more like
summer than spring! In the
Norquay Library, we launched into
seasons, gardens, and spring with
reading, writing and drawing
activities. Division 25 is becoming
experts on Earth Day and caring for
the earth every day. Division 1 has
been digging deep into historical
fiction and book cover
hockey cards to celebrate their
learning. We have many
new, funny, serious, silly,
mind-expanding, and beautiful
books for all ages...see you soon!
Margaret Jorgensen & Sharon Vieira
Mr. Warkentin
The Fall Direct Drive funds have been used to purchase new library
computers and an additional 10 iPad minis for our students. We look
forward to the possibility of purchasing 2 more mobile teaching carts
and continuing to add to the student iPad collection.
Once again, we will be part of the Provincial Emergency Response week where we will have a simulated Earthquake
Drill and evacuate the school. It will be held on Thursday, May 5th. We have an emergency preparedness plan and we
will be talking to the students about how to protect themselves in the building and how to evacuate safely. Staff
emergency preparedness team tasks will be practiced.
Please make sure your child brings a jacket to school on this day as we may be outside for an hour or more.
The drill begins at 2:00pm and the entire school will be evacuated. Parents are welcome to take part and can sign out
their children during the drill before 3:00 pm if desired. If you choose to sign out your child, please check in at the
Student Release Table.
John Norquay Elementary School 4710 Slocan Street Vancouver, BC V5R 2A1
Tel:: 604-713-4666
Fax: 604-713-4668
Next PAC Meeting and AGM
Our next PAC meeting will be held on Tuesday, May 17 at
6:00pm in the library. Our last PAC meeting (and Annual
General meeting) will be held on June 14th at 6:00 and is a
very important meeting as the PAC Executive is elected for
2016/2017 school year. These meetings are always a great
way to stay current on PAC and school business and to meet
other parents. Please make the time to join us!
Please check out the lost and found located in
the lunchroom. There is an abundance of jackets, tops, and miscellaneous items waiting to be
picked up. Please do so in the next few weeks.
All unclaimed items will be donated to charity by
June 1st.
The Annual Book Exchange
Thursday, June 2nd and Friday, June 3rd
On Monday, May 16th students can start to bring their gently used books for exchange to their classroom teacher.
Please make sure that the books are appropriate for children (no adult novels or magazines) and are in good condition (no writing or ripped pages).
For each book brought in prior to Wednesday, June 1st, a ticket will be given to that student (i.e. 5 books = 5
Tickets can only be used on Thursday, June 2nd.
Students will be able to purchase books on Friday, June 3 rd ($0.25 for picture books and $0.50 for chapter books).
Parent volunteers are needed to help set up this event on the morning of Wednesday, June 1 st and all day June
2nd and 3rd.
A parent volunteer sign up sheet will be posted in the basement mid-May
Our annual Welcome to Kindergarten Event will
be held on Wednesday, April 25th. This family
session is for all of our incoming Kindergarten
students. Thank you to our Kindergarten teams
who are planning for this event to welcome our
newest Norquay students to school. If your child
is entering Kindergarten and you are unable to
attend this event, please contact the office for
more information.
Our final coffee and chat will be held on Friday, May 13th from
9:00 – 9:45 in our library and our area counsellor, Emi
Garzitto will be presenting ‘Active Listening – The Secret
Ingredient for Getting What You Want’
Ever wonder if there is a better way to get your point across to
the people you love? Could there be a better way to express
your anger other than perfecting the ‘’stink eye”, “silent
treatment” and “yell until you lose your lungs” strategies? This
workshop will provide tools and activities that will provide
practice in active listening.
SPORTS DAY – MAY 19TH - 3pm Dismissal
Students on the Hot Lunch Program will receive lunch as usual on Sports Day
Students not on the hot lunch program can order pizza lunch (notice sent home separately)
Please have your child:
Bring a water bottle to stay hydrated throughout the day
Wear sunscreen and a hat
Wear runners to participate in the day’s activities
Our school has made developing personal fitness and health part of its school wide goals for the 2015/2016
school year. In order to promote this goal we are currently planning our sixth annual Health and Wellness
Conference for Friday, June 24th, 2016. The children look forward to this annual event and are excited to
learn more from the experts within Norquay’s surrounding community.
We are looking for presenters and leaders for activities that would promote personal health and well-being for
life. We are hoping to offer sessions that would be of interest to 5-13 year olds in the areas of aerobics,
fitness training, healthy living, nutrition, self-esteem and goal setting, specialized sports, athletic training, and
stress coping strategies. We are also open to any other suggestions or activities you may have in mind in the
area of physical, social and emotional health and wellness. If you would be interested in leading a workshop
or know someone who might be a great presenter, please let us know. You can contact Ms. Paris at .
Odyssey of the Mind Team Participants:
"Aesop Gone Viral" Team: Gabi Haeuser, Inbal Harim, Kimi Ho, Ruben Inami Lopez, Mason
Tran, Donna Wu
"Something Fishy" Team: Christine Bautista, Callie Cheng, Anson Chow, Tiffany Deng, Betty Fang,
Eugene Gomez, Garrett Lee
Congratulations to our student teams who participated in this year’s Odyssey of the Mind BC Competition. Odyssey of the Mind is a school-based, international program that promotes creative problem solving for students from kindergarten through college. Under the guidance of our staff - coach,
Mr. Loong, and parent-coaches, Ms. Stacy Cheng & Keeping Lau, our teams did very well, especially with writing original scripts. They spent three months working together learning new skills, developing their passions and interests, trying different ways of solving problems and learning to
communicate ideas with one another. Both teams had a lot of fun and felt the outcome of the Provincial Competition on April 16th was second to their enjoyment of the project. Our Norquay Teams
are to be highly commended! These
students demonstrated amazing creativity, cooperative skills
and superb character as they worked and learned together. Well done! Thank you as well to the
parents who volunteered at the Saturday events.
Summer program information is now available for families.
A Message from YMCA: Summer is a time for kids to play, run, get outside and have fun with
friends. For more than 100 years, the YMCA has provided summer camp adventures that help kids
learn about
themselves, grow in self-confidence and gain new skills in a safe and caring environment. From overnight camps with activities like archery, climbing, sailing and canoeing, to day
camps full of out-trips, arts & crafts, sports and games—we have something for everyone. We hope
you’ll join us!
The nearest YMCA day camp location to John Norquay Elementary is the YMCA Day Camp: Camp
Happy Rock at Gladstone Secondary. For more information or to register call: 604-939-9622
More information will be coming out to parents about other summer community programs for students over the next few weeks. If you have any questions about these programs, please contact
the school or the Centers directly.
Norquay staff will soon be working to organize classes for September 2016. The teachers at our
school take considerable care in determining the placement of students in classes for the New Year.
There are many factors that are important considerations in this process. It is hoped that the following notes will help parents/guardians understand how student placement is determined.
In deciding the placement of students in classes, staff members consider student groupings which
balance academic and social needs. Student learning styles and relationships are also part of the
process. Parent /guardian input can also be very helpful to our process. Our objective is to create
classes which best meet the needs of our students.
Please note that if parents wish to write a letter to share information about your child's class placement, it should be to share information about your child’s ideal learning environment in regard to social, emotional or academic needs. The selection of next year’s teacher will be made thoughtfully by
staff and information shared by parents will be taken into consideration.
Should you wish to provide the school with extra information, please send a letter/email by May
31st, 2016. If you wish to speak with someone about your child’s placement, please call the office
to make an appointment to speak with Ms. Jorgensen or Ms. Vieira. Thank you.
What’s going on at Norquay in May & June
May 1st – 31st
Monday, May 2nd
GymSense gymnastics classes for all K-7 classes
Professional Day – no school for students
Tuesday, May 3rd
BCFVNP – mini cucumbers
Thursday, May 5th
Big One @ 2:00 (Province Wide Earthquake Preparedness)
Friday, May 6
PAC Pizza lunch Day
PAC Kindergarten & Gr 7 Graduation photos
May 10th & 11th
Wednesday, May 11
Garden transplanting
Grade 7’s leave for Evans Lake Camp
Friday, May 13th
Parent Coffee & Chat: 9:00 – 9:45
Grade 7’s return from Camp
Tuesday, May 17th
BCFVNP – Grape tomatoes
PAC meeting 6:00pm
Thursday, May 19th
Friday, May 20
Monday, May 23rd
Tuesday, May 24th
Sports Day
District Closure Day
Wednesday, May 25th
June 2nd – 3rd
Wednesday, June 8th
Thursday, June 9th
Tuesday, June 14th
Thursday, June 16th
Wednesday, June 22nd
Friday, June 24th
Monday, June 27th
Tuesday, June 28th
Victoria Day – schools closed
Tooth Trolley
Ballet BC performance
Welcome to Kindergarten: 1:00 – 2:45
Book Exchange
Volunteer Appreciation
PAC Carnival
PAC AGM 6:00pm
Garden Harvest Festival
Student Volunteer BBQ
Health & Wellness
Year End Assembly
Grade 7 Ceremony
Wednesday, June 29th
Last day for students
“Let us acknowledge that we proudly live and work on the traditional lands of the Musqueam, Squamish and
Tsleil-Waututh Coast Salish People” - VSB