strategies for sustainable development in metro manila
strategies for sustainable development in metro manila
STRATEGIES FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT IN METRO MANILA UNDERSECRETARY CORAZON TECSON-JIMENEZ "#$%&'&()$*+!"*+)(*!,#-#(&'"#+$!*.$/&%)$0! %#'.1()2!&3!$/#!'/)()'')+#4! ! ! Metropolitan Manila Development Authority "*+,*$#! • "#$%&'&()$*+!"*+)(*!"#!$! #%&'"$(!)&*&(+%,&-.!$-)! $),"-"#./$0*&!/&1"+-!#234&'.!.+! .5&!)"/&'.!#2%&/*"#"+-!+6!.5&! 7/&#")&-.! • 889:!;$#!'/&$.&)!.+!%&/6+/,! 5678898:;!<=89>=?98:;! @==?A987B8:;!78A!9<56C<C8B8:! DE8@B=8F;!78A!CGC?@9FC!?C:E67>=?H! 78A!FE5C?I9F=?H!7E>J=?9>H!=IC?! AC69IC?H!=D!<C>?=KL9AC!FC?I9@CF! "#$%&!"*+)(*!'%&3)(#M! (78A!*?C7 29>H ! "E89@95769>H ! ! !!!!!!!!!! !M! !M! !M! !NON!P<Q! !RN! !R! Rapid Growth and Urbanization: ! 11.8 Million (Night time population - Census 2010) 14.5 Million (Day time population - Estimated 2010) 18,553 population density (compared with the country’s 308) Traffic Congestion! EDSA - 225,000 vehicles daily, including approximately 3,500 franchised buses and 1,500 illegal or unauthorized buses. However, EDSA has a only carrying capacity of 1,600 buses on a daily basis <=+/()! >$-?! "-! @AAB! &-0.(&)! C75"("%%"-&#D! E%"6$-"+! 9&! F+#! G$-.+#! :*&-2&! <E9G:H! >2#! I&)2'0+-! 7/+4&'.JH! Air Pollution ! 3 106 ug/m !in terms of TSP (3 rd NMA! NLA! NKA! N@A! NAA! MA! LA! KA! @A! A! RSR! Quarter 2012) "C>?=!"78967!$=>76!4EF5C8ACA!'7?B@E67>CF!X$4'Y!! QVVT!Z!QVRQ! RNQ! RTS! ROR! ROU! ROV! ROO! RQR! ROW! ROV! RVN! [V!.\]+2"!*22#'$*1(#!(#-#(^! @AAK! @AAO! @AAL! @AAP! @AAM! @AAB! @ANA! @ANN! N#.!QRI! @-)!QRI! S/)!QRI! @AN@! @AN@! @AN@! Source: Department of Environment and Natural Resources – Republic of the Philippines! Proliferation of Informal Settlement! 60,130 informal settler families living along waterways in Metro Manila (June 2012) 556,526 – total no. of informal settler families in Metro Manila (2010) 1#3&%#! *3$#%! Indiscriminate Garbage Dumping and Rapid Siltation! -E68C?7_969>H!>=!,9F7F>C?F! "C>?=!"78967!?78`F!S>J!7<=8:!>JC!WOV!4=E>JC7F>! *F978!@9BCF!98!269<7>C!2J78:C!IE68C?7_969>Ha! !"#$%&'()"$*+(),+&(-#.+(/"$(012#$&( MMDA INITIATIVES! 1.! 2.! 3.! 4.! 5.! 6.! SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT AND LONG TERM PLANNING LOWERING GREEN HOUSE GASES EMMISSIONS ESPECIALLY FROM THE TRANSPORT SECTOR REDUCTION OF CARBON FOOTPRINT LANDSCAPING AND TREE PLANTING PROPER SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT DISASTER RESILIENCY Ayala, Makati City, Philippines Sustainable Developmet Initiatives Crafting of Greenprint 2030 A STRUCTURAL PLAN LINKING ALL M E T R O M A N I L A S TA K E H O L D E R S THROUGH A COMMON GOAL: To create a Metro Manila that is inclusive and green-resource and time-conserving, recognizing residents’ prioritized for livelihood, mobility & a liveable habitat they will nurture, cherish and call truly their own. OUR VISION : “EDSA: THE URBAN GREENWAY OF METRO MANILA” +,'-$ #+1#++(&(1$ 8#!9+:.$ 8;$."-'!($."((+6$ #,4*!"%$!$7c!'7F7H! 29>H! 478!(=?C8b=!-9667:C;! "7`7B!29>H! .8AC?!#,4*!$?7<=! 36HK&IC?;!'7F7H!29>H! 2E_7=!.8AC?57FF! &?B:7F!*IC8EC! dECb=8!*IC8EC!.8AC?57FF! .FC! F5C@976! >H5C! =D! 5798>! >J7>! @6C78F! >=G98F! 98! >JC! 79?! 7F! >JC! 7@BIC! 98:?CA9C8>! CG56=9>! FE869:J>! >=! >?78FD=?<! 78BK5=9F=8=EF! FE_F>78@C;! FE@J! 7F! 89>?=:C8! =G9AC! 78A! @7?_=8! <=8=G9AC;! 98>=! J7?<6CFF! ?CF9AECF! C7F96H! L7FJCA! 7L7H!_H!L7>C?! +=8K"=>=?9bCA!$?78F5=?>!M!! 19`C678CF! !!! "78967!29>H!19`C678C! X%C<CA9=F!$=!"!*A?97B@=!4>aY!!! "7?@=F!/9:JL7H!19`C678C! Traffic Management Initiatives Number coding scheme !! %CAE@B=8!=D!NRU!E89>F!=?!RUe!6CFF!>J78! >JC!5?CK.--%'!_EF!@=E8>a! MMDA CHILDREN’S ROAD SAFETY PARK Anti-Smoke Belching Activities Clean-up Initiative Lingap sa Barangay ! $JC!5?=:?7<!7@BI9BCF!98@6EACFM! •! •! •! •! •! •! •! •! •! ! AC@6=::98:! =D! @?CC`F;! CF>C?=F! 78A!!!!!!!!!!! =>JC?!L7>C?L7HF! ?C579?!=D!<78J=6C!@=IC?F! >?9<<98:!78A!5?E898:!=D!>?CCF! _E8A698:! =D! C6C@>?9@76! L9?CF! 78A! J78:98:!@7_6CF! :7?_7:C!@=66C@B=8! >?CCK5678B8:! <9FB8:!=5C?7B=8F! )8D=?<7B=8!A9FFC<987B=8!@7<579:8!! >?79898:! =8! A9F7F>C?! 7L7?C8CFF! 78A! 5?C57?CA8CFFa!! Clean-up Initiative Estero Blitz Clean-up Drive ESTERO BLITZ LINGAP SA BARANGAY EGREIT!9E!F:!IEUV:W!RTV9TW!8:VUF:! LINIS PALENGKE *5?96!RQ;!QVRO! "*+,*(.0&+\!'.1()2!"*%P#$!))! 3C_?E7?H!RT;!QVRT! Brgy. 310, Sta. Cruz Manila 1*%*+\*0!'&g#%!QVRW! CATEGORY BARANGAYS CLEANEST WATERWAY Barangays along the waterways or estero BEST IN SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT Barangays implementing segregation and separate collection BEST IN RECYCLING Barangays implementing recycling/ upcycling of recyclable materials DENGUE-FREE BARANGAY Barangays implementing dengue eradication programs PRIZE: P 2 MILLION PER CATEGORY "78967!17H!26C78KE5! QVRV! QVRR! QVRQ! Environment Initiative )8D=?<76!4Ch6C?!37<969CF!%CFCh6C<C8> R5&!/&#&X(&,&-.!+6!UGY#!$/&! %2/#2&)!.+!5&(%!",%/+*&!.5&! &-*"/+-,&-.!"-!8&./+! 8$-"($Z! Disaster Management Initiatives Rescue Tools and Equipment Earthquake and Landslide High Angle Rescue Training Search And Rescue Orientation Course Basic Emergenc Water Search And Rescu e y Medical Response Course Flood Incident Response Safety Training Capacity Building Rescue And Life Saving Training Disaster Management Initiative Disaster Operation Plans Number of Participants: ü Organiza0ons: 1,951 ü Individuals: 1,079,047 GMMA READY Project The Project aims to decrease the vulnerability of the Greater Metro Manila Area (GMMA) to natural hazards and increase its resilience, by strengthening the institutional capacities of the local government units, concerned national government agencies, academic institutions and civil society organizations to manage disaster and climate change risks. LESSONS LEARNED! ! 1.! Development initiatives should be based on the principle of sustainable development and long-term planning 2.! Partnership with other government and non-government agencies, the private sector and the community itself is critical. 3.! Capacity building initiatives should focus on enhancing disaster resiliency and on addressing the impacts of climate change. Thank you very much 7&/,"##"+-!.+!'+%\!<2-,+)"]&)H!+/!2#&!%$/.!+/!$((!%$/.!+6!.5"#!%+;&/%+"-.!%/&#&-.$0+-!6+/!&)2'$0+-$(!+/!-+-^'+,,&/'"$(! 2#&!#5+2()!3&!#+215.!6/+,!.5&!#%&$?&/!;5+!)&("*&/&)!.5"#!%/&#&-.$0+-!$.!.5&!U_T8!75"("%%"-&#!!@ANO!>$'+(+)!_+-6&/&-'&! +-!NM^@N!:212#.!@ANOZ!R5"#!,$.&/"$(!,$\!-+.!3&!#+()!+/!2#&)!6+/!32#"-&##!%2/%+#&#Z!!!
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