tetra pak news - Tetra Pak® Recycling


tetra pak news - Tetra Pak® Recycling
Spring 2009
Firstly, welcome to the Summer edition of Tetra Pak News. This is the
first issue since I became Managing Director of Tetra Pak UK and
Ireland, and it’s not just our company that is looking different. The
world in which we’re all operating is changing rapidly. In my eyes
there’s only one answer. Change faster.
Constant cost driven innovation is what maintains our position as
leaders in industry, makes us an agenda-setting business, keeps adding
value to customers, and builds ever further on consumers’ affection for
our packages. I’m thrilled to be joining at such a pivotal moment, as we
use the current climate as a spur to further shared success.
I’ve always believed innovation is the key to success. This is not just
about innovation, but cost driven innovation. Innovation is the
­commercialisation of creativity, and commercialisation ultimately
means increased sales, either through market share or lower costs.
We strive for innovation without compromising cost efficiency and
this is critical to our customers, particularly in today’s environment.
Change is the new status quo.
I’m extremely excited to be joining the UK and Irish business at this
time, which may be surprising for the faint-hearted. Without doubt,
the economic climate is challenging, but it is in these times that good
companies show their greatness, and we are pushed harder than ever
to differentiate ourselves through cost driven innovation. We were
a company founded on disrupting the established packaging order,
and it’s something we’re continuing to do today.
Just look at the success of our FSC certified Tetra Recart cartons,
which now pack the Sainsbury’s SO organic pulse range. Or look at
the way we’re changing the way we communicate with customers,
stakeholders and consumers, by enhancing our hugely popular
website, offering the opportunity for you to comment on all the items
you read in here. Or the way we’ve seized the opportunity to continue
to push our sustainability mission; by offering customers further pack
weight savings on a few of our already light-weight Tetra Rex variants.
Thomas Kormendi
Managing Director
Tetra Pak UK and Ireland
I hope to meet many of you in coming months, but I’d like to take this opportunity to
introduce myself properly. Originally hailing from Denmark, I’ve been with Tetra Pak
since 1991, when I joined from Proctor & Gamble. I became Vice President of Tetra Laval
Food in 1993, followed by General Manager of Tetra Pak Bulgaria in 1995. 1998 saw me
become Managing Director, Tetra Pak Hungary, followed by the same role with the
Turkish business in 2003. Since early 2006 I’ve been Vice President Cluster North Europe
for Tetra Pak, a role I continue, as I take up my new responsibilities in the UK and Ireland.
Happy Monkey for happy kids
Each 180ml carton of Happy Monkey
smoothie contains the equivalent of
one portion of fruit, but without the
fruity bits – just the way kids like them!
Available in strawberry & banana and
orange & mango flavours, the range
also contains no added sugar, no
sweeteners and no preservatives.
Development & Engineering
Online Comms
Sustainability Advisory Panel
The children’s market can be one
of the toughest to crack. However,
thanks to their funky ‘just for kids’
branding and parent-pleasing
nutritional values, Happy Monkey
have succeeded with their range
of kids smoothies.
What’s more, the brand has remained
true to the ethics of owners Greg Boyle
and Wayne Hitchman, who run it
alongside Good Natured, the juice
company they founded in 2007. Like
Good Natured, the Happy Monkey
smoothies carry the Rainforest Alliance
Certified seal – showing the company’s
commitment to protecting ecosystems
and the people and wildlife that
depend on them.
The Rainforest Alliance works hand-inhand with land owners and businesses
in the agricultural, forestry and tourism
sectors to make sure their practices are
environmentally and socially responsible.
Rainforest Alliance Certified farms meet
a comprehensive set of standards,
including worker protection, access to
medical care, education for farm
workers and their families, ecosystem
conservation, agrochemical reduction
and wildlife protection.
Available in handy 180ml Tetra Wedge
Aseptic cartons, the Happy Monkey
range ticks a number of nutritional
and ethical boxes, and is set to
become a lunchbox staple for years
to come.
SO much greener
Sainsbury’s SO Organic range of pulses now comes with the Forest Stewardship Council’s stamp of approval.
Following the successful launch of
their chopped tomatoes in the first
FSC certified Tetra Recart carton in
2007, Sainsbury’s have now chosen the
lightweight and space efficient
packaging for their SO Organic pulses.
The SO Organic range of red kidney
beans, chickpeas, butter beans, green
lentils, cannellini beans, haricot beans,
black beans and soya beans in 390g
Tetra Recart cartons carry the
certification of the Forest
Stewardship Coucil (FSC), assuring
consumers that the material comes
from responsibly managed forests
and controlled sources.
Packed full of dietary fibre, pulses are
an important part of a healthy,
balanced diet. They help promote
good digestive health, and keep
us feeling full for longer.
The launch marks the next phase in
Tetra Pak’s roll-out of FSC certified
cartons. Since the launch of the very
first FSC certified Tetra Recart carton
in the UK in 2007, Tetra Pak has
expanded FSC certified pack sales to
Italy, Denmark, Brazil and the US, and
was recently recognised by the FSC
for selling over 100 million certified
packages to date.
innocent takes a load off
With its army of eco-conscious
customers in mind, innocent
has reduced the weight of its
popular juices and smoothies.
Innovation is the name of the game at
Fruit Towers. Whilst old favourites like
‘mangoes & passionfruit’ remain
popular, the team are always coming
up with new recipes to tickle the
tastebuds – the new, banana free,
‘kiwis, apples & limes’ smoothie
being the latest addition to the family.
However, innovation doesn’t stop at
experimenting with new recipes.
With the environment a key priority,
innocent recently reduced the weight
of its 1 litre Tetra Rex cartons by 8%.
“innocent has always tried to do
business in a more enlightened way –
trying to make any impact we have
on the environment and society
positive, or at least moving it from
negative to neutral. We are far from
perfect but are working hard to get
better. Reducing the weight of our
cartons is just one of the steps we are
taking to try and become a truly
sustainable business” said Tom Berry,
Sustainability Manager at innocent.
Innovative Cheshire-based Delamere Dairy is extending its popular range of UHT goats’ milk with the
launch of long-life semi-skimmed goats’ milk to join the company’s whole UHT milk.
Although goats’ milk only accounts for
1% of the total UK milk market in value
terms, sales are steadily growing as
consumers become more aware of
allergies and intolerances to cows’
milk and see goats’ milk as a suitable
alternative. There is also growing
consumer awareness of the health
benefits that goats’ milk has to offer.
Goats’ milk is high in vitamins and
minerals, and a good source of
calcium, and because it is easier to
digest than cows’ milk, it is often
recommended for children, the elderly
and those recovering from illness.
“Sales of Delamere Dairy’s UHT whole
milk grew 34% in value terms in 2008
compared with 2007” comments Ed
Salt, Delamere Dairy’s Commercial
Director, “which demonstrates that
the category is ready for the addition
of the semi-skimmed variety.”
The choice of the traditional Tetra
Brik package for the range shows
Delamere’s plans to familiarise
consumers with goats’ milk as they
grow the brand. Anders Olsson,
Marketing Director at Tetra Pak UK,
said “This is another example of how
the carton package has been chosen
for an innovative product launch
because the Tetra Brik Aseptic
package has long been synonymous
with premium and quality. The fully
brandable surface of the carton
package also supplies a large space
to communicate the vast health
benefits of goats’ milk.”
All of the UK’s major multiple retailers
stock Delamere Dairy’s UHT whole
goats’ milk, which is packaged in
1 litre Tetra Brik Aseptic and 1 litre
Tetra Rex cartons. The long-life
version is also a great option for
smaller retailers who don’t currently
stock any form of goats’ milk. Packed
with a six month shelf life, it gives
new stockists the chance to promote
the new line, without the worry of
product wastage.
As well as conquering the UK market,
Delamere Dairy also has its sights set
further afield, so watch this space…
Ireland says ‘Yes!’ to cartons
This showed how a simple act like
choosing beverage cartons can be
a wise choice.
So, does packaging made from
renewable materials matter to
consumers? Well according to
consumers in Ireland, the answer
is a resounding ‘yes’!
Consumer tastes move fast,
and we’re constantly pushing
forward to make sure our
packaging is as relevant to daily
life as milk is to breakfast cereal,
or juice is to the daily routine.
That’s why in 2007 we conducted a
campaign across Ireland, calling
people to recycle their cartons. It was
extremely successful with nearly 10%
more people telling us they recycled
their cartons than two years earlier.
Our intensive two month campaign
was supported with an array of
materials and activities. These ranged
from adverts in national newspapers
and magazines, to cartons fully
branded up with the campaign
messaging, to a specialised campaign
website, all designed to engage the
media and consumers alike.
‘Renewability Matters!’ demonstrated
it really did matter. Not only did we
see an increase in the number of
people, saying that cartons were
more environmentally friendly than
plastic (with over 80% of people
agreeing) but more people (94% of
respondents) stated it was important
their milk and juice packaging came
from renewable materials.
Magic Potions conjure up
success for Little Bird
Little Bird’s new range of Magic
Fruit Potions got off to a flying
start in 2008, and with their funky
branding and kids-focused
marketing strategy, they look
set for success in 2009.
Founder Catherine Walker came up with the idea of an allnatural range of children’s drinks free from artificial additives
when her own son suffered a serious infection at birth. She
began researching and preparing all-natural foods and
drinks for her son to aid his recovery, and trained to
become a qualified nutritional therapist.
Having developed recipes for the product, Catherine
decided upon the Tetra Wedge Aseptic for her packaging.
Its handy shape and lightweight feel makes it perfect for
kids’ lunchboxes, picnics and journeys, whilst the fully
brandable surface provides ample space for the range’s
fun branding.
“I realise that we’re bucking the trend with Magic Fruit
Potions, but I think that’s because the healthy living
message is finally getting through and parents are not
prepared to compromise when it comes to the health of
their kids” said Walker.
For more information, please visit
But we didn’t rest on our recycling
laurels. 2008 gave us the opportunity
to expand our focus and tell people
about the wider environmental story
of cartons; that ‘Renewability Matters!’
History teaches us that creativity
and innovation thrive in turbulent
times, and the packaging industry
is certainly no exception. Now a
cornerstone of the packaging
industry and a ‘design icon’ in its
own right (according to a 2008
exhibition by Harrods), it was in
the wake of the second world war
that popularity of the Tetra
Classic carton soared, as
consumers wanted milk which
could be easily transported and
stored for longer.
change has consolidated the
importance of on-pack branding.
Fifty years on, and we’re facing a new
set of challenges. Although the
packaging industry undoubtedly
faces some difficult times ahead, one
thing is for sure – innovation will once
again thrive.
With increased competitive pressures,
manufacturers need to look at ways of
making their products stand out on
the shelf. With environmental
concerns and cost cutting both high
on the consumer agenda, packaging
will play a crucial role in adding value
and gaining a competitive advantage.
One of the big knock-on effects of the
‘credit crunch’ is, as shoppers tighten
their purse strings, they tend to spend
more time in store, comparing brands
and making sure that they get the best
value for money. This behaviour
Now, more than ever, manufacturers
need to make their products as
eye-catching as possible. On-pack
promotions, give-aways and limited
edition seasonal packaging can all
help here. In November, for example,
to drive sales of Robert Wiseman
Dairies’ 500ml and 1 litre variants of
whole and semi-skimmed milk, they
launched a competition in schools in
the North West. This gave children the
chance to design Guy Fawkes carton
art for a themed bonfire night edition
of the milk. The four winners were
rewarded by having their designs
made up into limited edition cartons
that went on sale nationwide.
Over the Christmas period, Delamere
Dairy also launched a limited edition
range of packaging for their 1 litre
whole and semi-skimmed goats’ milk.
Special packs carried the logo of
Delamere’s resident goat, ‘Jack in a
blanket’, advertising Delamere’s
pledge to donate 1p from every
carton sold to the ‘Kids for Kids’
Christmas Blanket Appeal.
Many manufacturers are also looking
to get more ‘bang for their buck’
from their packaging – using the
space available on-pack for
advertising, marketing and brand
building. innocent is a particularly
good example here – their packaging
carries the same light-hearted tone
that is so crucial to their website and
external communications, and they
also use the space on their 1 litre
Tetra Rex and 200ml Tetra Wedge
Aseptic cartons to the full; promoting
the health and value benefits of
smoothies. Milk Link are also making
the most of the 360 degree
brandable surface of their 1 litre
Moo branded cartons. They are
advertising other products in their
range on the pack itself!
Despite the credit crunch, green
concerns are still ranking highly on
the consumer agenda – the only
difference being that consumers
are now starting to expect strong
environmental credentials as standard,
and are less prepared to pay more
for them. As a result, consumers
and retailers are rapidly becoming
much more open-minded about
new and alternative forms of
packaging – translating to more
choice on the shelves.
Last year’s launch of Sainsbury’s
premium chopped tomatoes in Tetra
Recart which carries the certification of
the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) to
assure consumers that the renewable
packaging material – wood – comes
from responsibly managed forests and
controlled sources, is a prime example
of packaging diversification. The
popularity with consumers is further
evidenced by more launches like
Napolina and Sainsbury’s pulses in
Tetra Recart. The launch of a number
of popular wine brands, including
French Connection and Banrock
Station, in light-weight Tetra Pak
cartons is another good example of
the move of ‘traditional’ materials into
new markets. In addition,Tesco also
launched wine in 1 litre Tetra Prisma
Aseptic cartons under their own brand
at the end of 2008.
So, with the economy and the
environment spearheading
innovations in the packaging sector,
I think greater diversification is a
fore-gone conclusion. The preference
for lower cost products and strong
environmental credentials will allow
various forms of packaging to move
into new categories – resulting in
a broader spectrum of choice for
the consumer.
Anders Olsson
Marketing Director
Tetra Pak UK
Tetra Lactenso Fermented
is a new concept in the
production of yoghurt and
other fermented dairy
products from Tetra Pak
Processing Systems.
Rather than merely develop a new unit Dan Bjorklund, Manager Fermented
for the processing line, the engineers
Solutions at Tetra Pak Processing
at Tetra Pak’s headquarter in Sweden
Systems said:
have looked at the entire production
“We can make these claims not just on
solution and the range of functionality
the basis of our research and testing
needed to produce yoghurt.
programme but also because of our
Based on validated performance
practical experience that comes with
guarantees on units included together delivering more than 200 yoghurt
with a vast knowledge on yoghurt
production solutions.”
processing Tetra Pak is prepared to
“In order to achieve first class yoghurt
offer performance guarantees for
production solutions you need to
complete line solutions.
know the nature of yoghurt. At
Tetra Pak can also provide a carbon
Tetra Pak our experienced food
footprint for new installations,
technologists work side by side with
enabling clients to control and
engineers and automation specialists,
improve their environmental
as well as with dairy customers
worldwide. By sharing details on
yoghurt cultures and milk
microbiology these experts help
dairies around the globe to improve
their line layout and product quality.”
A key element in the production
solutions is the Tetra Therm Lacta, a
platform based unit for pasteurisation
of a range of liquid dairy products.
This flexible unit includes process
functions as dearation,
homogenisation and holding cell.
In the Tetra Therm Lacta a new
energy hibernation function allows
an 85% decrease by reducing power,
steam and water consumption during
hot water circulation, giving an overall
energy reduction of up to 12%.
Production planning and recipe
configuration with Tetra PlantMaster
automation solution provides a
complete overview of the process
and control of every single step of
the production.
Keith Goodby, Category Manager
Dairy said:
“Tetra Lactenso Fermented has the
flexibility to optimise production of
a wide range of yoghurt including
drinking yoghurt, set yoghurt and
fermented long-life products. We
understand the customers need for
consistent product quality at a
competitive operating cost and we
are confident the new concept will
deliver every time.”
Citius, altius, fortius
Swifter, higher, stronger.
The Olympic motto, as coined by
Pierre de Coubertin in 1894, made
its first appearance at the 1924
Paris games. Often taken to
describe the aims of athletic
performance, the phrase is equally
applicable to the aims of
packaging. Food has to be moved
as quickly as possible, through
extremes of conditions, with as
little damage as feasible. Just as
athletes have continually pushed
the boundaries of what seemed
capable since the beginning of
the modern games, we have
seen the world of packaging
achieve things never imagined
possible back in the early 1900s.
In 1952, Ruben Rausing wanted to
‘protect what’s good’ by making food
safe and available everywhere. That
meant enabling food to travel further
and quicker, whilst enabling better
supply and distribution chains. At a
basic level, this required not only
making packages that protected the
goodness of the contents within, but
which were as space and cost-efficient
as possible. The Tetra Classic was an
incredibly innovative start, but the
tetrahedron shape was just the
beginning. The carton saw a huge
step forward with the Tetra Brik; seen
by many as the equivalent of breaking
the four-minute mile for packaging. It
was built just like a brick: to be part of
a packaging wall, with no gaps. No
wasted space, in transit or on the
shelf, meaning more could be done
with less; reaching more people, more
swiftly and more efficiently.
Packaging, like sport, is not just about
the big moments: the sub-10 second
100 metres; the Michael Johnsons; the
Daley Thompsons. It is about constant
improvement and steps along the
longer journey to excellence. For
example, Tetra Pak cartons have
always been exceptionally light. But
champions don’t stand still. They push
for every extra inch. That’s why we’ve
been increasing the speed of our
machines over time to regularly
improve. This culminated in 2008,
with the formal introduction of A3
Flex Speed. This took us beyond the
traditional pack production figures in
the 1970’s of only 3,600 packs per hour,
to a whopping 24,000 packs per hour.
This is over 6.5 times faster than
original models!
Being swifter and going higher in
functionality is vital, but without
getting stronger, it wouldn’t give
consumers everything they need.
It was the combination of functional
shape and incredible strength of
the original Tetra Brik carton that
revolutionised the packaging race.
With the introduction of Tetra Recart
packages, the first fully retortable,
carton based packaging system, we
demonstrated the strength to
re-shape not just the beverage
category, but other categories too.
That’s not to overlook those
breakthrough moments however.
When something changes the way we
look at the boundaries of the possible.
The introduction of Recap closings
to Tetra Brik Aseptic cartons in 1993
was one such moment, and the
subsequent introduction of SpinCap
in 1998 another. No more scissors, just
fully re-closable and re-sealable caps
and closures. A bit like the days before
elite athletes wore lycra, it’s now hard
to imagine things without them.
Being stronger is about developing
new areas of your performance. The
introduction of Tetra Wide in 2006,
enabled us to reduce the weight of
the inner liner, whilst still making the
barrier stronger, globally saving
50,000 tonnes of polymer.
But being stronger is also about never
being satisfied with your best points.
We have always been famous for our
focus on sustainability, and in recent
years this has been key, as we’ve
tackled the UK’s recycling landscape.
But being made mainly from
renewable resource – wood – wasn’t
enough for us. We wanted to ensure
we pushed the boundaries of our
sustainability credentials even further;
beginning with the roll-out FSCcertified paperboard across Tetra
Recart and beyond.
Swifter, higher, stronger are great
principles to fuel our daily ambition
for packaging perfection. We’ve been
performing at the highest level for
over 50 years now, but we’re not done
yet. Just as Usain Bolt recently made
the world sit up and re-think the
boundaries of ability, so we’ve created
something new: Tetra Brik Edge.
Launching in May 2009, with all of the
tried and tested attributes of the
lightest, strongest cartons, it
introduces the sloped top which
has been so popular in Tetra Gemina
Aseptic. This new stackable pack
benefits customers and retailers
alike without compromising on
space efficiency.
Like the best athletes, we don’t stop
until we’ve crossed the line. Then we
go right back to the starting line and
win it all over again.
Ian Williamson
Retail Manager
Tetra Pak UK
Lifting the lid on Tetra Pak’s Development & Engineering hub in Lund, Sweden
Cost-driven innovation
has always been a top
priority for Tetra Pak –
it’s how we the meet the
needs of our customers
and stay ahead of the
competition. That’s
why we are continually
investing in our key
Development &
Engineering ‘hub’ at
Lund, Sweden.
• Carton Economy (focussing on
Tetra Classic Aseptic, Tetra Fino
Aseptic and Tetra Wedge Aseptic)
• Carton Gable Top (which has
recently moved from Minneapolis)
Annually, Tetra Pak spends around
€300 million, or 2.8% of sales, on
research and development facilities.
As a major research hub, Lund plays
a significant role.
It employs around 300 experts
covering a range of services, including
product innovation, distribution
solutions and the design of new
equipment. Our specialists also work
on ascepticity, printing, lamination,
surface coating and sealing – to
ensure that our product performance
continues to excel.
The Development & Engineering
team at Lund is split according to
different carton ‘streams’. This enables
them to develop specialisms, so
maximising the benefits for customers.
The different divisions at Lund include:
• Carton Value Chilled (focusing on
Tetra Brik)
• Carton Bottle (focusing on Tetra Top)
The Development & Engineering
hub’s mantra is ‘Faster, Better,
Cheaper’. At Tetra Pak, we are
continually striving to meet these
goals in our packaging solutions.
By delivering innovation at Lund, we
can help customers to drive down
their costs and remain competitive –
particularly in the challenging
economic climate.
To ensure Lund continues to thrive as
a centre of excellence, Tetra Pak has
invested over €30m in new facilities
over the past couple of years. This
has meant we can develop new
processing and packaging equipment.
We will continue to invest in the facility
to ensure it meets the needs of our
existing and future customers.
It’s this investment in cost-driven
innovation and know-how that makes
Tetra Pak different from its
Mike Jarvis
Portfolio Manager
Tetra Pak UK
Digital Footfall
How do you get people
into your store when it
doesn’t exist?
user-generated content such as blogs,
Twitter and social networks such as
Facebook. Consumers can relay their
experiences instantly, and reputations
can be made and broken by this
instant focus group. Here at Tetra
Pak, we take this extremely seriously,
and we monitor and engage directly
with bloggers discussing carton
recycling, which has made a real
difference to consumer understanding
of where and how they can recycle
their cartons.
That’s the challenge with the everexpanding field of online food retail.
No field of retail is changing as fast,
or offering such significant
opportunities. Huge attention is paid
to the logistics and strategy, but very
little is heard about how to actually
get shoppers to use services.
But what actually drives consumers
to use a specific online food retailer?
Ease of use is an obvious motivator,
as is a positive user-experience, with
both software and delivery key to
ensuring repeat trade. Avoiding
queues is another obvious point.
Price will, in time, become an
advantage, as economies of scale
and distribution make online retail
price competitive against traditional
models. But I’m convinced the single
most significant factor is reputation.
Online banking demonstrated the
importance of reputation over the
last decade. People have now largely
overcome the distrust associated with
entering their details and accessing
their accounts online, to the benefit of
both bank and consumer alike.
Food retail needs to reach the same
tipping point, by making the process
easy to understand, seamless in
operation, but – crucially – appealing
for the unconvinced.
There are clear trail-blazers in this area
like Ocado, a famous online grocer.
Ocado’s strategy is to communicate
as a comprehensive service, tailored
around your individual needs, which is
central to consumer appreciation of
its offer. This was backed up by
delivering on those promises, and
paying careful attention to customer
satisfaction. More recently, Tesco has
had high-profile advertising
campaigns pushing their service.
But there’s an untapped area which
will be central to online retail
reputation as we move forward:
• Out of every £1 spent by British
shoppers, 17p is now going to
online retailers
• c.£50bn spent online in 2008, up
nearly 40% on 2007
• Over 20% of the UK do their food
shopping online (and growing)
I think retailers are going to begin to
‘live’ in their communities, returning
them to the oft-discussed position at
the heart of communities. These
communities are already online now.
Consumers will want to engage
directly with their shop. But, just like
banking, it will be a win-win situation,
as the symbiotic bond between
retailer and shopper will lead to more
information for retailers from the
biggest free focus group imaginable,
whilst shoppers will get the service
they really want.
The future’s bright; the future’s digital.
Samantha Edgar
Communications Officer
Tetra Pak UK and Ireland
Tetra Pak launches its Sustainability Advisory Panel
Tetra Pak has taken a
bold new approach to
reviewing and renewing
its UK sustainability
strategy in the UK,
with the help of a
Sustainability Advisory
Panel. The initiative is
also designed to help
Tetra Pak better
understand how it can
partner with others in the
supply chain to reduce
environmental impacts.
The move is a first for the packaging
industry and one that we are
immensely proud of. It reflects
our commitment to working
with customers, retailers and
environmental groups as part of
our agenda-setting approach to
The inaugural meeting took place
on 5 March with a mix of retailers,
customers, environmental NGOs
and trade groups making up the
membership. This will be the first
in a series of bi-annual meetings, to
review our sustainability strategy and
delivery. We’ll be looking to involve
further customers and retailers in the
process in the future.
The Panel included Marks &
Spencer, GlaxoSmithKline, WWF
and Dairy UK, with the meeting
chaired independently by Lena
Staafgard of Forum for the Future
The in-depth discussion on 5 March
focused on the four Rs – renewing,
reducing, recycling and responsibility.
On recycling, the Panel called on
Tetra Pak to ‘carry on the good work’.
Although very few Local Authorities
had carton collection facilities three
years ago, today over 86% of all local
authority areas in England, Scotland
and Wales are collecting cartons. The
switch to kerbside, which was also
backed by panel members, is moving
forwards apace. In total, 57 local
authorities now include cartons in
their kerbside collections – and the
number is increasing.
Tetra Pak continuously strives to
lead the packaging industry in
sustainability best practice – so it
was extremely useful to get external
expert opinion on how to tackle the
major sustainability challenges facing
the value chain. “We look forward to
working with our partners through
further Advisory Panel sessions.
This will give customers, retailers
and NGOs a further opportunity to
review and debate our evolving
approach to addressing the
sustainability agenda.” said Richard
Hands, Environment Manager Tetra
Pak UK & Ireland
You can read and download
Tetra Pak News at www.
Tetra Pak (UK) Ltd
Bedwell Road, Cross Lanes,
Wrexham LL13 0UT, UK
Telephone +44 (0) 870 442 6000
Fax +44 (0) 870 442 6001
Email: enquiries.uk@tetrapak.com
Tetra Pak (Ireland) Ltd
5th Floor, Tuansgate,
Belgard Square East, Tallaght,
Dublin 24, Ireland
Telephone + 353 (0) 1 4678000
Tetra Pak, Tetra Brik, Tetra Classic,
Tetra Prisma, Tetra Recart, Tetra Rex,
Tetra Top and Tetra Wedge are
Trademarks belonging to the
Tetra Pak Group.
Cert no. SGS-COC-0620
Printed digitally without the use of film
separations, plates and associated
processing chemicals. All the electricity
used in this production process was
generated from renewable sources
and any paper waste is recycled.
Beacon Press is accredited with ISO 14001 and
registered to EMAS environmental management
systems. The company is CarbonNeutral®
and has been awarded The Queens Award
for Enterprise: Sustainable Development.