May 14, 2016 - Dancing With the Military Stars
May 14, 2016 - Dancing With the Military Stars
An Evening of HONOR and ENTERTAINMENT Benefitting veterans with brain injury & PTSD May 14, 2016 Stranahan Great Hall Pro & Celebrity Dancers Cash Bar Live Entertainment Hollywood Buffets Silent & Live Auctions Dancing until 11pm The Arms Forces For Complete Details, Tickets and Sponsorship Information Visit SPONSORSHIPS, ADVERTISING, AUCTION DONATIONS, TICKETS Dancing With The Military Stars May 14, 2016 A night of HONOR and ENTERTAINMENT Benefitting Veterans with Traumatic Brain Injury or Post-Traumatic Stress DWTMS has gone HOLLYWOOD for 2016!! The Stranahan Theater Great Hall 4645 Heatherdowns Toledo, OH 43614 for complete details Titanic Sponsor $3500 One table of ten(10) for dinner, dancing performances, entertainment, live band Full-Page ad in the program ($200 value) * optional Company/indiviual name on dinner table. OSCAR Level Seating Ten commemorative T-shirts Recognition as an OSCAR Sponsor in print, online, social media and at event. Amount eligible for tax deductions $2500 if full-page ad is taken; $2700 if no ad. Rocky Sponsor $2500 One table of ten(10) for dinner, dancing performances, entertainment, live band Half-page advertisement in the program ($150 value) * optional Company/individual name on dinner table. SUPPORTING ACTOR Level Seating Eight Commemorative T-shirts Recognition as ROCKY Sponsor in print, online, social media and at event. Amount eligible for tax deductions $1550 if half-page ad taken; $1700 if no ad. Breakfast at Tiffany's Sponsor $1500 One table of ten(10) for dinner, dancing performances, entertainment, live band Quarter-page advertisement in the program ($100 value) *optional Company/individual name on dinner table. BEST DIRECTOR Level Seating * Six commemorative T-Shirts Recognition as Breakfast at Tiffany's Sponsor in print, social and online media *optional Amount eligible for tax deduction $600 if quarter-page ad taken ; $700 if no ad. Ticket prices for event $75 individualak= Table seating; NOT reserved seating. Tickets will be mailed and must be presented for admission. $700 Table of 10 RESERVED Table Seating. Tickets will be mailed and must be presented for admission . Includes: Hollywood Buffet Stations, Dance Performances, Entertainment, Dancing, Live Music, Cash bar Doors open at 5:30; Dinner at 6:00; Entertainment begins at 7:15 $35 individual $40 at door This category of ticket does not include the Hollywood Buffet Stations. Doors open at 7:00 for these tickets; Entertainment begins at 7:15 Tickets will be mailed and must be presented for admission. Advertising Full Page (7 ½ x 5) Half Page (4 x 5) Quarter Page (3 ½ x 5) Business Card Cam era-ready art (black&White), designed in proportion to fit the ad size purchased submitted by May7, 2016. $200 $150 $100 $50 Dinner reservations must be made by May 3, 2016. (Mail) Late reservations by phone only. 567-318-0854 The Arms Forces The Arms Forces Embracing invisible wounds One veteran; one community at a time PO Box 981 Maumee, OH 43537 567-318-0854 RESERVATION FORM DANCING WITH THE MILITARY STARS MAY 14, 2016 WE HAVE GONE HOLLYWOOD THIS YEAR! Benefitting veterans with brain injury or PTSD The Stranahan Great Hall Sponsorships & Reservations can be made by filling out this form and returning to The Arms Forces by May 3, 2016 (late requests by phone only) Name and/or Company: Exactly as you would like it to appear on table and acknowledgements. Address City/State/Zip Phone Email I am purchasing # $75 food and entertainment tickets for a total of $_____________________________ I am purchasing # $35 entertainment(no food)tickets NOTE: at door they are $40 for a total of $_______ I want to support America’s Wounded Veterans by becoming a Titanic Sponsor $3500 I want to support America’s Wounded Veterans by becoming a Frozen Sponsor $2500 I want to support America’s Wounded Veterans by becoming a Batman Sponsor $1500 I agree for my name/company & artwork to be used on table, in the program, print and online event media. I would like to purchase ________food/entertainment tickets at $75 each. I would like to purchase ________entertainment (no food) tickets at $35 each. ($40 at door) I would like to place an ad: ____Full-page $200 ____Half-page $150 ____Quarter-page $100 ____Business Card $50 Camera-ready art ( black&white) designed in proportion to fit the ad size purchased, is to be provided to The Arms Forces by , May 5, 2016. I would like to make a donation to The Arms Forces in the amount of $_________________________ Total Amount enclosed $_____________________ Check # __________Payable to The Arms Forces MasterCard_____________ Visa______________ Credit Card #___________________________________________CVV#________Exp. Date_____________Billing Zip Code___________ Signature______________________________________________ Printed Name on Card______________________________________ By submitting this form with proper payment, you have secured your reservation. TICKETS WILL BE MAILED! Return Form by email (quicker) Mail -PO Box 981 Maumee, OH 43537 QUESTIONS? The Arms Forces 567-318-0854 for complete details For Office Use Only Table #________________ Number of Seats:________________ Ad Size________________ Art Received________________ Payment Confirmed________________Donation________________