2014 - Greater Lake Sylvia Association
2014 - Greater Lake Sylvia Association
Loon Calls www.lakesylvia.org G R E A T E R L A K E S Y L V I A Spring 2014 A S S O C I A T I O N Public Access Monitoring Program 2014 by Chris Hector n 2013, GLSA contracted with Anchor Dock & Lift to have DNR trained monitors check the rigs of boaters and anglers entering the Lake Sylvia public access 7 days per week from mid May through the end of September. Although this project was very expensive, the GLSA board felt it was a sound investment for several reasons. First, it provided a level of protection to the lake that GLSA had not attained in previous years. Second, it provided GLSA with a wealth of information about where incoming boats are from, when the access gets heaviest use and just how many rigs enter the Lake Sylvia access. Over 2100 boats and trailers were monitored entering the access last summer! I For 2014, GLSA has again contracted with Anchor Dock and Lift for 1400 hours of monitoring at the boat ramp. The monitors will start on May 10th and will provide coverage through September. The inspectors are trained by the DNR and will be looking for aquatic plants, zebra mussels, and other prohibited invasive species on watercraft or trailers. They will also be reminding boaters to pull their plug, properly dispose of unused bait and drain their live wells. Remember that if you are stopped for transporting aquatic plants or forgetting to pull that bilge plug it can cost you $100. Monitoring Program continued on page 7 Calling All Lake Sylvia Golfers! Golf Tournament Fundraiser July 19 by Russ Fortner On Saturday, July 19, the GLSA is hosting our first ever golf tournament fundraiser. This event will raise funds for protection of our lake. The annual cost of contracting for DNR trained inspectors at the Lake Sylvia public access necessitates raising monies for our war chest to protect against new invasive species such as Zebra Mussels entering our lake on contaminated boats or trailers. Golf Tournament continued on page 3 Inside this issue: Executive Board . . . . . .2 A Word From Your President . . . . . . . . . . . .2 Membership Report . . .3 Fishing Contest . . . . . . .3 Advertisers . . . . . . .4 & 5 Loon Report . . . . . . . . .6 Stranded Boat Assistance . . . . . . 7 Al’s Almanac . . . . . . . .7 EVENT Calendar 2014 May 10 Fishing Contest Begins! Visit lakesylvia.org for details! June 1 Golf Tournament Entry Deadline See entry form for details! June 7 GLSA Annual Meeting 9-11 a.m. South Haven City Hall July 4 Boat Parade Visit lakesylvia.org for details July 19 GLSA Golf Tournament Southbrook Golf Course 10:30 a.m. - Team registration begins, Noon - Shotgun start July 25 Picnic Registration Deadline RSVP at lakesylvia.org or by mail August 9 GLSA Annual Picnic 4-8 p.m. Camp Chi Rho Page 2 Loon Calls Executive Board June 1, 2013-June 7, 2014 President Chris Hector 952-239-8103 chris@logictran.com Vice President Kent Davidson 320-274-6448 robinkentd@gmail.com Treasurer Chuck Lingen 763-416-5062 alingen@comcast.net Secretary Allison Barkley 320-815-9916 allie_barkley@hotmail.com Board of Directors Jerry Dock jerry@greenhavenmarketing.com Jerry Euteneuer euteneuerd@aol.com Russ Fortner russfortner@hotmail.com Tom Hansen twhansen@lakedalelink.net Don Holm holmcyril5@aol.com Steve Holmstoen sholmstoen@yahoo.com Mike McNellis mmcnelis@lakedalelink.net Lisa Peery uragoodboy@gmail.com Jim Struble jim@electricalproduction.com Carl Swanson swansylvia@charter.net Harry Wahlquist hgwahl@aol.com Visit lakesyliva.org/board for additional contact information GLSA Board Calendar 2014 May 17, GLSA Board Meeting 9-11 a.m., Southbrook Clubhouse June 7, GLSA Annual Meeting 9-11 a.m., South Haven City Hall July 12, GLSA Board Meeting 9-11 a.m., Southside Town Hall August 16, GLSA Board Meeting 9-11 a.m., Southside Town Hall September 13, GLSA Board Meeting 9-11 a.m., Southside Town Hall October 11, GLSA Board Meeting 9-11 a.m., Southside Town Hall Spring 2014 A Few Words From Your President Chris Hector Getting Back on the Water It has been a long hard winter, and if you are like me – the only thing that keeps me going is thinking about getting back on the water. As I write this letter, the ice has melted, the loons are back, and I’ve already dipped the kayak in the water for the first time. We have been busy this winter getting ready for the 2014 lake season. Here are some of the highlights: We have moved membership renewals to the spring to make it easier to contact those people who winter out of state, and because this is the time of the year that everyone is thinking about the lake. We have sent the annual letter by US post and by email, and can take your renewal online or by check. Please send in your renewal soon if you have not already done so. Your membership and donations are vital to protecting Lake Sylvia. The annual meeting will be held on June 7 in South Haven this year at the new City Hall building. We will have rolls and coffee starting at 8:30 followed by our business meeting. GLSA teams working to eradicate Eurasian Water Milfoil (EWM) and Curly Leaf Pondweed (CLP) have plans in place to continue their efforts this spring. We have been working with the DNR to secure the necessary permits. Carl Swanson’s CLP team will do treatments early in the sea- son, based on water temperature. Kent Davidson and the milfoil team will be scouting and treating EWM early in the summer. Updates on the efforts of these teams will be featured in the summer edition of Loon Calls. We have contracted with Anchor Dock and Lift for 1400 hours of monitoring at the boat ramp. The article on ramp inspections also discusses the work we are doing with Wright County to improve the inspection process. We are planning the Fourth of July Boat Parade and this year will have prizes for the best entries. Watch lakesylvia.org for details. The 2014 GLSA Picnic will be held on August 9th at Camp Chi Rho. Mark your calendars for this fun event We are adding a Golf Outing fundraiser on July 19 with proceeds going to support GLSA’s efforts to prevent the spread of invasives. Directories will be available for pick up this year at the Annual Meeting, the Picnic, and Golf event or by contacting me at chris@logictran.com. You can also go online to lakesylvia.org. Loon Calls Spring 2014 Membership Update by Nancy Hector Just a friendly reminder from membership that you may pay dues online at lakesylvia.org Dues are $50 annually and due June 1. Directories are available to all who are members and may be picked up at the GLSA Annual Meeting on June 7 or at the picnic on August 9. Directories will not be delivered this year. If you would like a directory and will not be attending the Annual Meeting or the picnic, please contact me at nancyhector@gmail.com, and make arrangements to pick up your copy. I am still trying to find someone to take over the membership chair position. I volunteered five years ago to do this and really want to move on to other areas. Please consider helping out and volunteering. It’s a great way to meet others on the lake! Catch a Fish - Win a Prize! Announcing the 2014 Lake Sylvia Fishing Contest by Russ Fortner In conjunction with the GLSA picnic, there will be a presentation to the winners of the third annual fishing contest. This is an annual event for all family members of GLSA. There are three age divisions with each receiving trophies for sunfish, crappy, walleye, northern, and bass: • KIDS - up to 9 years of age • YOUTH - 10 to 17 years of age • ADULTS – Anyone 18 years of age or older. You can be as old as Dick Anderson and still participate! To participate all one has to do is measure the fish, send in the picture with your name and what length you determined to be the accurate length of your entry. If you have a ruler next Page 3 Join Your Lake Sylvia Neighbors on Nextdoor.com by Joe Lepley There is a new social networking site that specializes in building networks at the neighborhood and community level. It is called Nextdoor.com. Over the winter, a group of Lake Sylvia residents decided to create a network just for Lake Sylvia residents and property owners. Currently, just over 100 people have joined. The web address is: http://lakesylvia.nextdoor.com It is a great way to keep informed on lake news and communicate with neighbors on the lake. The Lake Sylvia Nextdoor site is not affiliated with GLSA, but does provide a nice complement to the GLSA website (LakeSylvia.org). Check it out! Golf Tournament from page 1 The golf fundraiser is an opportunity for families and friends to come, have fun, and support this effort. Randy Shaver, KARE-11 anchor will be our tournament guest host. to the fish, that helps also. Your entries can be submitted by going to lakesylvia.org and opening the tab for “fishing.” The tournament runs from the opening of fishing season and closes August 1. Trophies will be awarded to first, second and third place for size at the GLSA Annual Picnic to be held on August 9 at Camp Chi Rho. From past trophy presentations, it seems like the east lake has better fisher people that the west side, so all you “Westies” lets get going! Deadline for Sign Up Sunday, June 1 Cost $50/player Guest Host Randy Shaver Cost is $50/player which includes 18 holes of golf, cart and 19th hole barbecue. Details are provided on the flyer enclosed in this newsletter. Please get a foursome together and sign up today! The deadline for sign up is Sunday, June 1. Come join in the fun! E X C E P T I O N A L J E W E L RY Q UA L I T Y R E PA I R F R I E N D L Y S E RV I C E M AIN S T R E E T, AN NAN DA L E 320-274-5313 LAKE PROPERTY LANDSCAPE SPECIALISTS 320-274-6336 / www.backyardmn.com Est. 1892 HEDLUND PLUMBING & HEATING, INC. www.anchor-dock.com • Septic & holding tank pumping • Portable toilets & sewer cleaning Jefferson Bishop Owner Office 320.274.6500 Cell 612.384.4192 JeffersonBishop@anchor-dock.com Annandale, Minnesota MPCA L818 residential house cleaning ALLISON BARKLEY 320.815.9916 ALLIE_BARKLEY@HOTMAIL.COM Master Lic# 058290PM 320-286-2368 Your Hometown Realtors with World-Wide Presence RemaxGo.com 270 Elm Street East, Annandale, MN 55302 | 320-274-2233 Young & Brown, LLP Attorneys at Law “BEFORE YOU SIGN” Call 320-274-8221 • Car Accidents • Estate Planning • Probate • Wills & Trusts • Real Estate • Business • Corporations/LLCs • Guardianships www.annandalelaw.com 63 Oak Avenue South • Annandale Sheldon R. Brown Matthew B. 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I also get the same feeling when the frogs and toads start their calling from the marsh out back, for me the Fireflies and the Cicadae are the final sign of summer. Here are some facts about the returning Loons. Normally the males are the first to return in order to stake claim to a nesting site. They will return to the same lake and area of a lake that they nested on the year before or attempted to nest on. Once they establish a nesting site, they claim a nesting territory on the lake. Females are close to follow the male. Most often they arrive in one to seven days after the males. After a pair arrives at a nesting area you have probably noticed a rite of spring when three Loons bicker over the nesting site or the female. This is nature’s way for the strong to survive. The weaker of the two males will be evicted by the stronger one, winning the nesting site and a bride. Sometimes this bickering will cause the death Y of one of the Loons. I have also read that sometimes a successful mating has already occurred before the bickering and eviction of the weaker male. Note – Loons do not pair for life. The good news is the new male will accept and protect his new family when they hatch and will help raise the chicks until the time to migrate in the fall. My next thought is of the Deep Horizon oil spill back in April 2010. There were several reports of dead Loons found soaked with oil after the spill through the winter of 2010-2011. It wasn’t a large number but I couldn’t find any estimates of the total Loons lost in my research. What has been confirmed is the small fish Loons have been feeding on since the oil spill are carrying chemicals and toxins that can and will weaken a baby Loons egg shell. These chemicals will also weaken the chicks themselves once they hatch, affecting survival rates for the next couple of years. Ongoing studies may take years to determine to what extent this has affected the Loon population. Like the DDT usage that affected a wide range of birds during the last half of the 20th century we won’t know the outcome for years to come. As always when on the lake boating, tubing, fishing, or skiing, please give the Loon nesting sites a wide berth. The nesting sites have changed very little in the last 30 years so there’s little or no reason to say you didn’t know it was there. Most of the people photographed in Loon nesting areas are adults, and have been property owners for several years, so it just befuddles me why they’re so close. With over 1500 acres of water on the two lakes, please go somewhere else! –The “Befuddled” Old Loon Ranger Loon Calls Spring 2014 Page 7 Al’s Almanac Month Precip. Snow Oct. ..................3.26” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0.0” Nov...................0.42” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3.5” Stranded Boat Assistance Dec. .................1.32” . . . . . . . . . . . . .14.75” Jan. ..................1.42” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14.0” by Joe Lepley Feb. ..................1.60” . . . . . . . . . . . . .10.92” GLSA volunteers from around the lakes are available to assist stranded boaters. Consider entering several of these numbers into your cell phone contacts just in case you find yourself needing some help. This information is also available on the GLSA website at lakesylvia.org Our thanks to these volunteers for offering their services! If you would be willing to add your name to the list, please contact Joe Lepley. Mar. ..................0.60” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4.6” Lake Name Phone East Russ Fortner 612-867-5470 320-274-6647 Channel Don Nelson 612-961-1000 320-274-7177 West Blaine Barkley 763-516-7931 320-274-5804 West Mike Jonikas 612-801-5462 West Chris Hector 952-239-8103 Apr......................5.1” . . . . . . . . . . . . .14.50” Totals..............13.72” . . . . . . . . . . . . .62.27” Get your T-shirts, sweat shirts, caps and anything else you want with the GLSA logo at Annandale Embroidery! Monitoring Program from page 1 The fine for possessing, or transporting a prohibited invasive species in your boat or on your trailer $500. In 2013 we began discussion with Wright Country officials to establish a county-wide monitoring program using Lake Sylvia as a model. The goals are to improve the training for inspectors, expand the number of lakes participating and increase the funding available to lake associations for ramp monitoring. Early this year, Wright County applied for and received a grant from the DNR to support monitoring programs. They also signed a delegation agreement, which allows GLSA to partner with the county in our monitoring program. Through a county program we would have some advantages: 1) Inspectors will have Level I classification, meaning they can require an inspection rather than simply requesting one. They will also have the authority to deny a contaminated boat access to the lake. 2) We can coordinate schedules with DNR inspectors to ensure coverage and eliminate overlaps. 3) Data collected on boat traffic, boats traveling to Lake Sylvia from infected waters and boats failing inspections can be shared between our organization, the county and the DNR. 4) We will have the ability to apply for additional grants – reducing the cost of monitoring. With these improvements, the 2014 public access monitoring program will further reduce the potential for new invasive species such as Zebra Mussels to be introduced to Lake Sylvia. GLSA will continue to work with the DNR and Wright County to protect Lake Sylvia and all area lakes against the spread of invasive species to the best of our ability. GLSA Annual Meeting Reminder June 7, 2014 Note NEW Location! South Haven City Hall 521 Oak Ave. N, South Haven Social 8:30-9 a.m. Business Meeting 9-11 a.m. Agena Items: -Election of New GLSA Board Members -GLSA Business and Committee Updates Including: Public Access Contract Inspection Program 2014 GLSA Invasive Species Control Priorities 2014 GLSA Picnic Update Non-Profit Organization U.S. Postage Paid Permit No. 5 Annandale, MN 55302 G R E AT E R L A K E S Y LV I A A S S O C I AT I O N PO Box 41 Annandale, MN 55302 Deliver to addressee or current resident. Editor: Joe Lepley Advertising: Lisa Peery Layout & Design: Annandale Advocate Mission Statement: To Protect and Improve Lake Sylvia