Anointing of the Sick Mass Sunday, October 21, 2012 Misa


Anointing of the Sick Mass Sunday, October 21, 2012 Misa
Pg. Seven/Siete
Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time / Vigésimo Octavo Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario
Anointing of the Sick Mass
Sunday, October 21, 2012
Our parish community will celebrate a
special "Anointing of the Sick Mass" on
Sunday, October 21 at 3pm in the church.
This will be a bilingual celebration. Mass
and music in English and Spanish. We invite everyone to bring those in their families who need
this beautiful and comforting sacrament.
Please join your family member who would benefit
from this beautiful sacrament. We hope that families
will bring their loved ones and join them for the Mass.
This is a special opportunity for those who are too ill to
attend Mass often.
There will be a Reception in the hall following the
Mass. Everyone is invited!
Misa de Unción de los Enfermos
Domingo, 21 de Octubre del 2012
Nuestra comunidad parroquial celebrará
una "Misa de Unción de los Enfermos", el
Domingo, 21 de Octubre a las 3:00 pm en
la iglesia. Está Misa será una celebración
bilingüe, música en Ingles y Español. Los
invitamos a que traigan a sus familiares que necesiten de
esté hermoso y consolador sacramento.
Por favor acompañe al miembro de su familia a este
hermoso sacramento. Esperamos que acompañen a sus
familiares a está Misa. Está es una gran oportunidad para
los que están muy enfermos y que no pueden venir a
Misa seguido.
Habrá una Recepción en el salón parroquial
después de la Misa. ¡Todos están invitados!
St. Martha Bereavement Ministry
† Luisa Moreno
† Judi Elizardo
† Francis Eder
El Ministro de Consolación de Santa Marta
October 14, 2012
The Archdiocese of Los Angeles
Background checks and screening:
“In the Los Angeles Archdiocese, all clergy, paid
parish/school personnel and volunteers who work
regularly in a supervisory role with children or
youth must be fingerprinted. For information call:
(213) 637-7411.” From the pamphlet, “Working
Together to Prevent Child Sexual Abuse: Keeping Ministerial Relationships Healthy & Holy,” published by the
Archdiocese of Los Angeles. The pamphlet is available in
the parish in English and Spanish, and online at:
For particular help, you may call Assistance Ministry at
(213) 637-7650
St. Martha’s Coordinators:
Lupe Coronado (626) 324 - 3968
Hilda Ramirez (626) 715 - 0801
La Arquidiócesis de Los Angeles
Investigación de antecedentes
“Para garantizar la seguridad de todos nuestros
niños, la Arquidiócesis requiere tomar las huellas
digitales de todos los miembros del clero,
empleados y voluntarios de cada parroquia/escuela
que trabajan con los niños o jóvenes. Para más
información llame al: (213) 637-7411.” Del folleto
publicado por la Arquidiócesis de los Ángeles,
“Trabajando Unidos para Prevenir Abuso Sexual;
Mantener las Relaciones Ministeriales Sanas y Santas.”
Este folleto está disponible en las parroquias en ingles y
español y por el internet en la página web:
Para obtener ayuda, llame a la Oficina del Ministerio de Ayuda
(213) 637-7650.
St. Martha’s Coordinadoras:
Lupe Coronado (626) 324 - 3968
Hilda Ramirez (626) 715 - 0801
October 14, 2012
Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time / Vigésimo Octavo Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario
Any ideas? Any Suggestion?...
¿Alguna idea? ¿Alguna Sugerencia?...
Please cut this portion & drop in the Offertory Basket.
Favor de cortar esta porción y póngala en la canasta de las
Thank You/Gracias.
“Who was the most successful doctor in the Bible?”
“Job, because he had the most patience.”
Parishioners in the
Military Service
Los feligreses en el
Servicio Militar
Let us pray
¡Oremos por los que sirven a nuestro
JAZMINE AMERICA REAL...……......….…….U.S. Army
TRONIEMAR ANCHETA…………………. U.S. Airborne
STEVEN ANDERSEN II……..……......….…….U.S. Navy
ERIK ANONAS……………………......….…….U.S. Navy
CHARLIE ARCENIO………...……......….…….U.S. Army
PFC. PEDRO BERUMEN…………..…..….….U.S Marine
JULIAN G. CORNEJO…….………......….…….U.S. Army
PAUL JOHN DY-ANGELES……….…..……… U.S. Navy
BRIAN EBERHARD…………………..………. U.S. Army
BOBBY GARDEA……………………..………. U.S. Navy
DAVID GONZALEZ JR…………….…...….….U.S Marine
CHARLIE JAVIER……………………..………. U.S. Navy
MAGANA LEO……………………..………….... Air Force
SFC. JERRY L. LUNA…..……...……..….…….U.S. Army
JAMES JF MANIPIS……………...…..….……. U.S. Army
NEIL PEREZ……………….…..………..……....U.S. Navy
LT. RICHARD C. QUINTO …..………..……....U.S. Army
ANDREW RAMOS……………...…….…….Army Infantry
NEIL BRIAN RIVERA…………...…...….……. U.S. Army
RANDY LEE RODRIGUEZ.....……......….…….U.S. Army
JOVITO SALITA…..…………………..………. U.S. Army
STEVEN SORIANO………………..……….….U.S Marine
GABRIEL TAVIZON……………….…..……… U.S. Navy
Pg. Nine/Nueve
In your charity please pray for the sick & their
Alfred Serra
Alton Perez
Aida Santa Ana
Angela P. David
Antonio Behena
Bernardo Bautista
Billy Cota
Carlota Sano
Carmen Vazquez
Cesar Mendoza
Chit Alejo
Chito Veneracion
Ciriaco Maranan
Claudia “Dee” Seña
Conchita Corpus
Corazon Blanco
Daniel Ponce
David Penard
Deacon Vic Tiambeng
Dionecio Vaca
Dolly Ferriols
Don Best
Dr. Ed de la Vega
Dr. Orly Cagatao
Ed de Sagun
Edith Bautista
Eliza Bladiminoff
Emilie Caumeran
Enelda Galo
Enya Redolfin
Frances Castañeda
Florentina Motus
Malou Roxas
Marta Lopez
Marvin Campos
Mary Garcia
Mary Joy Pasculado
Mely Trillo
Myrna Locsin
Natividad P. David
Natividad Nieves
Norma Mayo
Oscar Lanuza
Atty. Michael Pantig
Paquita del Rio
Msgr. Gerald McSorley
Father Thomas Meskill
Monsignor John Mihan
Father Anthony Nuanez
Msgr. John O’Byrne
Msgr. William O’Toole
Msgr. George Parnassus
Father Jorge Peñaloza
Father Chris Ponnet
Msgr. John Rawden
Father Frank Russo
Father Mario Torres
Prudenciana Castro Fukusawa
Placida C. Zuniga
Raimel Pasiliao
Ramiro Vasquez
Raquel Ramos
Rebecca Brillo
Rick Kashenberg
Roberto Delgado
Roberto y Rosa Leyva
Romulo Guerrero
Rosalina Torres
Rosalinda Patola
Rose Chavez
Rose Guadalupe Hengehold
Rose Magana
Rosemary Gabriel
Rosina y Victoriano Acevedo
Rosita Villareal
Ruben Almenendram
Rudy Sanguyo
Gabriela “Nenet” Vergara
Sam Bautista
Guadalupe Dualan
Severino Gecha
Helen Estolano-Dizon
Shirley Villagracia
Hugh Bennett
Sonette Saint Charles
Idelisa M. Esqueda
Sr. Josephine Gorgojo
Ignacio Perez
Susana Villote Villagracia
Isela Hermer
Teresita P. Caeg
Jaime Garcia
Terry Martinez Alacran
Jimmy Manipis
Tony Solorio
Jocelyn Bates
Valentine Robles
John D’Cruz
Victor Gecha
Jojo Alba
Virginia Alvarez
Josefina Mutuc Aguilor
Joseph Lee
Please Pray for these
Josie Gomez
Priest who are ill…..
Joy Mercado
Juana Cuizon
Sacerdotes que están
Judith Sales
Kailee Marcial
enfermos .....
Kevin Allen
Rev. Tony Astudillo
Kianna Emma Santos
Rev. Thomas Anslow CM
Lita de la Cruz
Rev. William Bonner
Lita Pablo
Rev. Matthew Delaney
Lydia Roldan
Rev. Frank Ferrante, CMF
Lolita Mercado
Father Francisco Garcia
Lucio Pasculado
Msgr. Joseph F. Greeley
Luz & Patty Vazquez
Msgr. Alfred Hernandez
Luz Ramirez
Fr. Stephen Hernandez
Luz Zaragoza
Monsignor John Hughes
Luz & Salomon Zermeno Father Miguel B. Java
Manuel Acevedo
Fr. Isaac Kalina, O.S.B
Maria Alvarez
Father Kevin Kester
Maria Arambula
Father Joseph P. Lee
Maria Vasquez
Father James Loughnane
Maria Theresa Labra
Father Robert Luck
Marilyn Gutierrez
Father Paul Manzano
Msgr. Vincent McCabe
Marissa Tuazon
En su caridad favor de rezar por los enfermos y su
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Ad Page
Pg. Eight/Ocho
St. Martha’s Catholic Church / Iglesia Católica Sta. Marta
A “Beginning Experience” workshop will be
held at Holy Spirit Retreat Center for those who
have experienced the loss of a spouse through
death or divorce/separation. This 3-day program
helps a person move from the darkness of grief
into the light of a new beginning with renewed hope.
“Beginning Experience” Workshop
November 2-4, 2012
Holy Spirit Retreat Center
4316 Lanai Road
Encino, CA 91436
Beginning Experience is recognized by the Office of Family
Life for the Archdiocese of Los Angeles. The main
(international) ministry’s website is
For information/registration, please contact:
Brenda Mikhail at 818) 352-5265
or email
Catholic Retirement Living for Seniors!
Coffee, Cake & Concert
October 20th, 2012
1:00pm - 3:00pm
Featuring Danielle Cummins
Vivacious Violin
1171 Encanto Parkway Duarte 91010
626) 599-2214
** Parish Life **
Music Rm.
Rm. 11
Rm. 11
Rm. 8
- Spa. Lectores 7pm - 9pm
- God’s Children Prayer Group 9am - 11am
- Nueva Vida Choir 7pm - 9pm
- Vientos de Paz Choir Practice 7pm - 9pm
- Spa. Bible Classes 7pm - 9pm
Music Rm.
Rm. 11
Rm. 8
Rm. 7
- Juan Diego Practice 7pm - 9pm
-Flautas del Señor Choir 7pm - 9pm
- Santos Angeles Choir 6:30pm - 9pm
- Spa. Bible Classes 7pm - 9pm
- Spanish Divine Mercy 7:30pm - 9pm
NAME: ___________________________________________
ADDRESS: ________________________________________
CITY______________________ ZIP:__________________
PHONE:___________________ DATE: _______________
New Registration______
Moving out of Parish ____
Change of Address _______
Volunteer _____
Music Rm.
CUIDAD:___________________ ZONA POSTAL:________
TELEFONO:_________________ FECHA:_______________
Nueva Registración______ Cambiándome de Parroquia _____
Cambio de dirección _______
Voluntario _____
- L.T Make-up Orientation Yr.1 7pm - 9pm
- Peace & Joy Choir Practice 7pm - 9pm
- Life Teen Class 7pm - 9pm
- Mistagogia 7pm - 9pm
- RICA Classes 7pm - 9pm
- Vientos de Paz Choir Practice 7pm - 9pm
- Cristo Vive 7pm - 9pm
- Cristo Vive Choir 7pm - 9pm
Music Rm.
Si usted es nuevo en la Parroquia o se han mudado a una nueva
dirección, por favor complete este formulario y devuélvalo a la
Oficina Parroquial o colóquelo en la canasta de la colecta.
- Eng. Baptisms 3pm
- Lector’s c/o Bambi 1pm - 5pm
- Santos Angeles Choir 8:30am - 10:30am
- Legion of Mary Mother of Christ 1:30pm - 2pm
- BCBP 11am - 2pm
- Lector’s c/o Bambi 1pm - 5pm
- God’s Servant’s Prayer Group 2pm - 5pm
Music Rm.
Rm. 8
Rm. 7
Rm. 5
Rm. 3
Rm. 1
If you are new in the Parish or have moved to a new address, please
complete this form, and return it to the Parish Office or place it in the
collection basket.
October 14, 2012
Rm. 11
Rm. 8
- Spa. Bible Classes 9am - 11am
- Eng. Baptismal Classes 7pm - 9pm
- Quinceañera Practice 6pm - 7pm
- Eng. Lector’s Practice 7pm - 9pm
- God’s Children Prayer Group 9am - 11am
- Peace & Joy Choir Practice 7pm - 9pm
- Nueva Vida Mtg. 7pm - 9pm
- Al- Anon 7pm - 9pm
- English Lectores 7pm - 9pm
Music Rm.
Rm. 11
Rm. 4
Rm. 3
- Spanish Healing Mass 7pm
- Spa. Baptismal Classes 7pm - 9pm
- Flautas del Señor 6pm - 9:30pm
- Santos Angeles Choir Practice 7pm - 9pm
- El Señor es mi Pastor 7pm - 9pm
- Lector’s c/o Bambi & Fr. Mau
- Emmanuel Choir 6:30pm - 8:30pm
Music Rm.
A.V. Rm.
Rm. 11
- REFL Classes 8am - 2pm
- God’s Children Choir Practice 2pm - 4pm
- Vientos de Paz Choir Practice 5pm - 7pm
- Legión de Nuestra Sra. de Lourdes 9am - 10:30am
- CLP 2pm - 7pm
- God’s Children P/G. 6pm - 9pm
- CLP 2pm - 7pm