Annual Report
Annual Report
2011 ARBOR ACRES Annual Report Our 2011 Financial Highlights Review 2011 was a busy, successful financial year for Arbor Acres •Occupancy in Licensed Care averaged 96.6%. •Occupancy in Independent Living averaged 94.6%. •Total resident revenues exceeded conservative projections by $352,917. •Contribution income for financial assistance was $347,697 greater than expected. •$1,254,321 in financial assistance was provided to 34 residents. The dollars represent 6.22% of resident revenues. •Operating expenses for wages and benefits were 4.6% over budget, reflecting unexpectedly higher costs in nursing, maintenance, and housekeeping. •Operating expenses, other than wages and benefits, were 0.1% ($8,095) over budget. •Bank Qualified Tax Exempt Bonds were issued in 2010 to finance the Assisted Living building and the MemoryCare expansion. As of December 31, 2011, a total of $24,443,742 was borrowed. The total available amount is $28,875,000. The current interest rate is 1.56%. Due to the success of the Capital Campaign, Arbor Acres has used to date $1,679,742 of campaign contributions and thereby reduced the amount of funds to be borrowed. •Arbor Acres has maintained its A- Fitch investment grade rating on the Bond debt. •Investments produced a 1.3% total return for the year. Total investments exceeded 2007 levels. (The five year historical rate of Ken Boyles, CFO of Arbor Acres. return is 3.25%). •As of 12/31/11, the Financial Assistance Endowment equalled $10,383,094. •Employee turnover was 33.8%, up from 27.9% in 2010. Arbor Acres Operating Revenues vs. Expenses 2011 Investment Other Income 3.22% Contributions 1.40% Other .49% Contribution Realized Gain/Loss Fin Assist on Invest .18% 4.89% Capital Campaign .07% Insurance 1.34% Food Services 5.77% Maint/Utilities 12% Entrance Fees Earned 14.95% Labor 43.39% Benefits 12.03% Resident Fees 74.79% Audit & Legal .42% Interest Expense 3.74% Other 7.34% Depreciation 13.98% 02 2011 AR B O R ACR E S AN N UAL R E POR T Heritage Society At the heart of Arbor Acres’ mission is a commitment to serve those living here with care, kindness, and love. Ensuring the continuation of a place where each resident has the opportunity for an enhanced quality of life rests upon the support of many people. The Heritage Society, created by the Board of Directors almost two decades ago, represents 98 individuals and families who have made a commitment to Arbor Acres in one of two ways: Pfefferkorn Lobby in Asbury Place • Through their estate plans. Such gifts can be made through wills, charitable trusts, annuities, or life insurance; • Through creation of a Named Fund within the Assistance Endowment Fund for financial assistance. Members are honored for their philanthropic spirit at an annual Heritage Society Dinner, to be held this year on Thursday, May 3. For more information please contact Pat Hunter, Director of Development, at 336.748.4640 or *Indicates new members as of press time Heritage Society Members Mrs. Sylvia F. Alderson Mrs. Elizabeth W. Alexander Mr. and Mrs. Archie G. Allen, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Frederick A. Blount Mrs. Kirby C. Brown Mrs. Gordon H. Burgess Mr. Jon M. Burkhart Mr. Jack H. Campbell Mr. Coy C. Carpenter, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. James A. Cavenaugh, Jr. Mrs. Sara P. Chambers Mrs. Sophia S. Cody Mr. J. Scott Cramer Mr. George W. Crone, Jr. Mrs. Catherine J. Dobbs Dr. and Mrs. Charles H. Duckett* Mrs. Aleta G. Ellison Mrs. Mary M. Emler Mr. and Mrs. Gary G. Fleming Mrs. Louise B. Flowers Mrs. Emma B. Graham Mrs. Helen C. Hanes Mrs. Miriam S. Harmon Mr. and Mrs. Manford R. Haxton Mrs. Mary B. Haywood Mr. M. Nixon Hennessee Mrs. Margaret V. Hill Mrs. Alice W. Hinman Mrs. Allan C. Hollan Mrs. Betty J. Holmes Mr. and Mrs. Larry R. Horn Mrs. Jacqueline S.Hunt Mr. and Mrs. Gregory B. Hunter Mrs. Ann C. Johnston Mr. and Mrs. Douglas S. Jones Mrs. Martha J. Keiger Mr. and Mrs. Truman T. Kiger Mr. and Mrs. William A. Knott Mrs. Gail A. Lake Mrs. Mary Lois H. Leith* Mrs. Elizabeth C. Lewis Miss Nancy Lide Mrs. Sara S. Long Mr. and Mrs. Clyde A. Long, Jr. Mr. John M. Martin Mr. and Mrs. James E. Martin Mr. Thomas A. Miskimen* Mr. Walter M. Moore, Jr. Mrs. Elaine L. Muir Mr. Gordon D. Muir Mrs. Margaret Nicholson Mrs. Margaret Pittard Mrs. Ruth M. Pleasants Mr. and Mrs. Harry L. Reavis Mrs. Eleanor B. Reid Mrs. Jackie P. Rider Mr. Michael L. Robinson and Ms. Wynn Tanner Mrs. Dorothy C. Smith Mr. Harry R. Sorensen Dr. and Mrs. Jule C. Spach Mrs. Ann Lewallen Spencer Miss Jean A. Steelman Mr. and Mrs. Richard Stockton Bishop & Mrs. Thomas B. Stockton* Mr. Christopher G. Stockton Mrs. Nellena B. Thomas Mrs. Jane W. Truscott Mrs. Norma S. Turnham Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Vaughn, Jr. Ms. Frances D. Vazquez Mrs. Nita P. Wagoner Mrs. Ruth M. Wall Rev. and Mrs. Wayne G. Wegwart Mr. Fillmore E. Williams Mrs. Lucy J. Willingham Mr. William F. Womble Mr. and Mrs. W. Vann York Mr. Samuel J. Zachary We remember with great fondness members who have died: Mary H. Dalton (d. Feb. 8, 2011) Margaret I. McIntyre (d. April 19, 2011) Curtis E. Long (d. June 25, 2011) James R. Holmes (d. July 12, 2011) Nancy A. Cramer (d. Nov. 5, 2011) Pauline D. Perry (d. Dec. 28, 2011) Irene F. Gambill (d. Feb. 10, 2012) Robert G. Carroll (d. Mar. 6, 2012) 2011 AR B O R ACR E S AN N UAL R E POR T 03 Memorial and Honor Tributes Memorial and honor tributes are meaningful ways to recognize the loss of a loved one or to celebrate Mother’s and Father’s Day, or a special event, such as a birthday. Donors receive an acknowledgement letter from Arbor Acres, while the person or the family of the person being honored receives a notification card, as designated by the donor, from Arbor Acres. Gifts provide financial assistance to residents who need it. Names are listed in alphabetical order by the last name of the person in whose memory or honor a gift was made. Memorials are in green and honorariums are in pink. In 2011, these gifts were received: Memorial Gifts Mr. Gerard Achtellik Board of Directors - Arbor Acres Rev. and Mrs. C. Clay Manning Dr. and Mrs. Jule C. Spach Mrs. Katherine K. Acton Mr. Gerald E. Smith and Mrs. Kathy Acton Mr. and Mrs. William D. Acton, Jr. Ms. Dian Smith Mr. Don Adams Mr. and Mrs. Curtis E. Long Mrs. Lydia Affeldt Dr. and Mrs. Harley P. Affeldt Mr. J. Christopher Allen Mrs. Wenona F. Witter Mrs. Grace E. Almond Ms. Barbara Trent Mrs. Elizabeth H. Alspaugh Mrs. Dell A. Wilson Mrs. Irene Anderson Mrs. Carolyn L. Anderson Rev. William Andrews Rev. and Mrs. T. P. Starnes Mrs. Maude S. Atkins Dr. Anna A. Simkins Mr. Dan W. Austell, Sr. Mrs. Eleanor S. Gurney Mrs. Kate Austin Ms. Lisa L. Austin Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Avell Mrs. Elva Grace Tomlinson Miss Bettie R. Baise Mr. Gordon B. Doyle III Ms. Patty German Mrs. Lucille Baity Mr. and Mrs. Edward L. Baity Mrs. Mabel Baity Mr. Roger Baity Mrs. Virgie Baker Mrs. Ernestine B. Wilkes Mr. Chris Barber Mr. and Mrs. Odis Bates Mr. John L. Barber Mrs. Marilyn Bauer Mr. and Mrs. Russell H. Rich Mrs. Emma B. Graham Mrs. Elizabeth C. Lewis Mr. Norman W. Swanson and Mrs. Marguerite M. Howe-Swanson Mrs. Sarah E. Barnes Ms. Cindi Barnes Mr. & Mrs. James L. Barnhardt Ms. Sarah B. Barnhardt Mrs. Katie Sue Barnhardt Rev. and Mrs. Roland T. Barnhardt Dr. & Mrs. Zeb E. Barnhardt, Sr. Rev. and Mrs. Roland T. Barnhardt Mrs. Evelyn O. Bartelt Ms. Joan Weaver Mr. William E. Bartholomew Ms. Lenora Henley Mrs. Louise Batchelor Mr. and Mrs. Archie G. Allen, Jr. Colonel and Mrs. Edward Batchelor Board of Directors - Arbor Acres Mrs. Katherine H. Boone Mrs. Martha H. Butner Mrs. Ruth S. Foster Mr. William A. Goodson, Jr. Mrs. Emma B. Graham Dr. and Mrs. Willis J. Grant III Mrs. Alice W. Hinman Mrs. Patricia Hunter Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Jones Mrs. Dyeann B. Jordan Mrs. Martha J. Keiger Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Kinlaw, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. William A. Knott Mrs. Elizabeth C. Lewis Mr. and Mrs. Curtis E. Long Rev. and Mrs. Clay Manning Mrs. Elaine L. Muir Mrs. Lucy F. Peebles Mr. and Mrs. Ronald H. Renoff Mr. and Mrs. Guy Rudisill Mrs. Betty B. Runnion Mrs. Betsy I. Sawyer Mrs. Norma S. Turnham Mrs. Eleanor J. Vance Mr. R. Casey Swicegood Mr. and Mrs. Curtis E. Long Mrs. Virginia Bauknight Mr. and Mrs. James D. Oelschlager Mr. and Mrs. Larry Roth Rev. and Mrs. Bennie Bearden Ms. Doxie B. Weavil Mrs. Frances D. Bearden Ms. Doxie B. Weavil Mr. Edward Beason Dr. and Mrs. Edward S. Beason Mrs. Edith B. Bentley Dr. and Mrs. F. Edward Bentley Ms. Evelyn Benton Board of Directors - Arbor Acres Mrs. Gladys H. Beroth Mr. Odell D. Beroth Mr. Albert F. Berrier Ms. Arlene B. Kirby Mrs. Mary F. Berrier Mr. Joe H. Berrier Girl with Doves 04 2011 AR B O R ACR E S AN N UAL R E POR T Mrs. Vallie T. Berrier Mr. and Mrs. James C. Berrier Ms. Arlene B. Kirby Mr. Richard Bishop Mrs. Yvette B. Scales Mrs. Helen C. Blackburn Board of Directors - Arbor Acres Mrs. Jean Hole Mrs. Jane W. Truscott Mrs. Susanne Blanco Mrs. Elona K. Briner Mrs. Nettie Cehen Mrs. Nell T. Brock Mrs. Dorothy E. Chambers Mrs. Anne B. Brown Mr. William H. Chambers, Jr. Mrs. Dorothy O. Burcaw Mrs. Sara A. Chamblee Mrs. Marion Woods Dr. and Mrs. Harold Pollard Rev. and Mrs. Edward S. Tapper Mr. W. David Piner Mrs. Irene M. Burnette Mrs. Grace L. Chefas Mr. and Mrs. Richard Burnette Mrs. Kathy Chefas Mrs. Margaret Byerly Mr. Harry H. Clendenin, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Norman L. Byerly Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Jones Mrs. Evelyn Cameron Mrs. Mattie Lee Clendenin Mr. and Mrs. John Goff Dr. and Mrs. Jule C. Spach Mrs. Fred Campbell Mrs. Mae Kurfees Click Mrs. Elizabeth C. Lewis Ms. Jane Click Mrs. Ruth C. Campbell Mrs. Rachel M. Clinard Mrs. Inez Blevins Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Bond Mrs. Harriet N. Bonin Mrs. Louise B. Flowers Mrs. Molly J. Booe Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Keely Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Chambers Mrs. Eula Burkhart Mrs. Nell B. Burke Mr. and Mrs. David W. Burke Mr. William “Bill” H. Bond Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Chambers Blackwater UMC Board of Directors - Arbor Acres Mrs. Louise C. Hutchinson Morris Chapel UMC Mr. and Mrs. David J. Weaver Ms. Joan Weaver Mr. David Blanco Dr. and Mrs. Thomas B. Cannon Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Davis III Mr. and Mrs. Thomas O. Goodson Mrs. Lynda K. Morris Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Blevins Mr. and Mrs. Ed W. Wilkinson Mrs. Dorothy B. Peacock Mrs. Annie Boone Mrs. Patricia Faires Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Blevins Mr. Jack H. Campbell Mr. and Mrs. W. Howard Coble Mrs. Stella Sparks Bowers Mrs. Dorothy M. Carpenter Dr. and Mrs. Walter W. Henley Mr. Bowman W. Bowers Mr. Coy C. Carpenter, Jr. Mrs. Christine M. Bowles Mrs. Kenan Carpenter Mrs. Mary B. Haywood Mrs. Betty Ann Boyles Mrs. Cheryl Yarbrough Mrs. Ercelle S. Boyles Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth W. Boyles Mrs. Winifred Bradley Mrs. Joan Cudworth Mrs. Mildred Brady Board of Directors - Arbor Acres Mrs. Molly W. Johnson Mrs. Mary Lu Whaling Mr. and Mrs. Charles T. Cochrane Mrs. Naomi Coger Mrs. Joyce T. Kilby Mrs. Lillian Coker Mrs. Cora B. Carter Mrs. Della Collette Mrs. Ruby P. Carter Mrs. Florence F. Collins Mr. and Mrs. Gary A. Herring Mrs. Deborah C. Conrad Ms. Karen B. Bennett Mrs. Ethel Brezan Mr. Marc Cathey Mrs. Isabella S. Bright Mrs. Nancy Caviness Mrs. Nellena B. Thomas Mrs. Hazel Cochrane Mrs. Charlotte Carter Mr. and Mrs. Thomas N. Carter Mrs. Deborah C. Conrad Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Reitzel Mr. Joel P. Clingman Board of Directors - Arbor Acres Mr. and Mrs. B.F. Caviness Ms. Nancy B. Powell Mr. and Mrs. O. Larry Kiger Mr. and Mrs. Renny A. Collins Mrs. Mozelle C. Coltrane Mr. and Mrs. Dennis R. Baldwin Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Coltrane, Jr. Mrs. Annabelle C. Connor Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Holliday, Jr. Mrs. Mary Alice Conrad Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Pardue Mrs. Cleta Corrigan Mr. and Mrs. James H. Corrigan, Jr. Mrs. Caroline B. Cottingham Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas W. Mitchell, Jr. Mrs. Margaret S. Coyner Dr. and Mrs. Jule C. Spach Mrs. Annie H. Cragan Mrs. Ann C. Johnston 2011 AR B O R ACR E S AN N UAL R E POR T Mrs. Nancy A. Cramer Board of Directors - Arbor Acres Mrs. Martha B. Carlisle Mr. Coy C. Carpenter, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. James H. Corrigan, Jr. Mr. J. Scott Cramer Mr. and Mrs. James M. Dossinger Mrs. Emma B. Graham Mrs. Helen C. Hanes Mrs. Allan C. Hollan Mrs. Molly W. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. J. Walter McDowell Mr. and Mrs. John Mickey, Jr. Mrs. Helen S. Peterson Mr. and Mrs. James C. Ratcliff Mrs. Elizabeth G. Tolson Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Vaughn, Jr. Mrs. Mary Lu Whaling Mr. James G. Whitton Dr. and Mrs. S. C. Williams, Jr. Mr. William F. Womble Mr. and Mrs. Jerry L. Kyle Mr. Paul R. Lawson Mrs. Elizabeth C. Lewis Rev. and Mrs. Robert E. Manthey Ms. Sarah M. McFarland Mrs. Martha F. McNair Mrs. Beryl G. Moser Rev. and Mrs. Steven K. Rainey Mrs. Norma S. Turnham West Bend Baptist Church Mr. Fillmore E. Williams Winston-Salem District of UMC Mrs. Ellen S. Yarborough Mr. James F. Eads Mrs. Mary Darden Mr. Paul W. Emler Mrs. Abigail Cronk Mrs. June D. Ward Mrs. Mary M. Emler Mrs. Carrie C. Davis Mrs. Joan B. Culberson Dr. Courtland H. Davis Mrs. Alice W. Hinman Mr. Kenneth and Mrs. Virginia Eppert Mr. Foil Craver Mrs. Ginny Craver Mrs. Hesta K. Crawford Mr. Gary G. Fleming Mrs. Grace Crews Mr. and Mrs. Truman T. Kiger Mrs. Dorothy A. Crone Mr. George W. Crone, Jr. Mrs. Hazel G. Crone Mr. George W. Crone, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. James H. Corrigan, Jr. Mr. James M. Culberson, Jr. Mrs. Helen G. Culbreath Mr. and Mrs. William C. Bodie Mrs. Annette B. Crumley Ludwin D. Speir Mrs. Nancy C. Speir Mr. Donovan R. Culler Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Jones Mrs. Elizabeth C. Lewis Mrs. Edith S. Cumby Mrs. Billie C. Kimel Mrs. Lalla L. Dalton Mr. and Mrs. William M. Hanes III Mrs. Mary H. Dalton Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Barrows Board of Directors - Arbor Acres Mr. Coy C. Carpenter, Jr. Mrs. Mildred S. Carter Mr. William A. Goodson, Jr. Mrs. Emma B. Graham Dr. and Mrs. Willis J. Grant III Mrs. Eleanor S. Gurney Dr. and Mrs. Walter W. Henley Mrs. Jean L. Hole Mrs. Sally E. Huffman Miss Ward Huffman Mr. James R. Jarrell Dr. Marsha Bledsoe Mr. and Mrs. Monty Vernon Dr. I. Gordon Early Board of Directors - Arbor Acres Dr. and Mrs. Willis J. Grant III Mrs. Alice W. Hinman Mr. Joseph H. Mickey Mrs. Lucia Smithdeal Mr. William Elmore Mr. and Mrs. Manford Haxton Mr. Donald F. Eppert Mrs. Marilyn Davis Mrs. Doris G. Esleeck Mrs. Jean Deal Mrs. Pearl R. Fair Mr. Carroll Delp Mrs. Ellen Faircloth Mrs. Mary Marie Martin Derrick Mrs. Mary M. Fanning Mrs. Judy DesRocher Mrs. Helen G. Ferebee Mrs. Cora Dishmon Mrs. Laura E. Ferguson Mrs. Orie Dodson Mrs. Betty Filer Mrs. Thomas S. Douglas, Jr. Mrs. Lavearn Floyd Mrs. Nan B. Doyle Mrs. Olivia Foster Mrs. Ella Lashmit Dunn Mr. Robert A. Foster Mr. Fred Eads Mrs. Matilda G. Fowler Dr. Courtland H. Davis Mr. and Mrs. William Deal Mrs. Lynn Cribb Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Roe III Mrs. Kari Craig Mr. and Mrs. Harvey A. Stophel Rev. and Mrs. Lewis H. Dodson Mrs. Suzan Elster Ms. Rebecca C. Barnard Mr. Steven W. Dunn Dr. Marsha Bledsoe Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Esleeck Rev. Lisa L. Wishon Dr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Hunt Dr. and Mrs. Harley P. Affeldt Mr. and Mrs. Peter Epermanis Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Esleeck Mr. Harry R. Corey Mr. and Mrs. John F. Floyd Mrs. Elizabeth C. Lewis Dr. and Mrs. Robert E. Sevier Mr. John A. Fowler 05 06 2011 AR B O R ACR E S AN N UAL R E POR T Mr. Omnia Fowler Board of Directors - Arbor Acres Mr. and Mrs. David Herrington Mr. and Mrs. John Mickey, Jr. Mrs. Marjorie Froeber Board of Directors - Arbor Acres Mrs. Susan B. Culp Mr. James A. Fyock Mrs. Elizabeth K. Fyock Mrs. Christine Gallaher Mr. William D. Graham Mr. Henry Watson Jordan II and Mrs. Meghan Jordan Grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Gregory B. Hunter Mrs. Naomi Carson Green Mrs. Helen H. Greene Ms. Nancy G. Adkins Mr. and Mrs. Rhett E. Greene, Sr. Mrs. Jane G. Volckmann Mrs. Eileen Ganss Mr. Franklyn and Mrs. Virginia P. Griffith Board of Directors - Arbor Acres Mr. and Mrs. James G. Adams, Sr. Mrs. Virginia Nanzetta Mrs. Mary M. Garry Mrs. Jayne C. Grubb Mr. John K. Gallaher Mrs. Mary E. Kane Mrs. Joan E. Geiser Mr. Francis J. Geiser, Jr. Ms. Rita Gergen Mr. Trent Grubb Mrs. Wilma Gunn Mr. and Mrs. Richard Burnette Mrs. Kathleen Gunnell Mrs. Louise G. Harris Mr. and Mrs. Doug Gunnell Mr. and Mrs. Carl Swofford Mr. Garfield B. Gwyn Ms. Elsie Hartman Mrs. Martha Gwyn Mr. and Mrs. Jobie G. Redmond, Jr. Mrs. Gertrude Gjersing Mr. Ralph Haines Mrs. Dorothy B. Hartrick Mrs. Miriam Haines Mrs. Patricia Hunter Mrs. Sara Glenn Mrs. Doris Hall Mrs. Milan Haxton Board of Directors - Arbor Acres Mr. Everett T. Gibson Mr. and Mrs. Larry D. Davis Mrs. Doris S. Gibson Mr. Charles K. Rausch Board of Directors - Arbor Acres Mr. and Mrs. Claude H. Booker, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Willis J. Grant III Mrs. Helen C. Hanes Mrs. Jean L. Hole Mrs. Betsy I. Sawyer Mr. and Mrs. Harold D. Suttles Mrs. Helen Goff Mr. and Mrs. John Goff Mrs. Alice W. Goins Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Summey Mrs. Alice Goodson Board of Directors - Arbor Acres Mr. and Mrs. Roy Davis Mr. and Mrs. Manford R. Haxton Mr. Bill Hamilton, Sr. Mrs. Rebecca H. Ballard Mrs. Dorothy Hamilton Mrs. Anne Hammersla Mr. and Mrs. Doug Gunnell Mrs. Margaret Hamrick Mr. and Mrs. John B. Brady Mrs. Margaret O. Hardin Board of Directors - Arbor Acres Winston-Salem District of UMC Ms. Jane Goodson Mr. and Mrs. William A. Goodson III Mrs. Mabel A. Hardwick Ms. Jane Goodson Mrs. Nancy Hardy Mr. and Mrs. Roy Davis Mrs. Elizabeth C. Lewis Bishop & Mrs. W. K. Goodson, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Howard W. Wells Mr. and Mrs. Lindell Strickland Ms. Eugenia Harrelson Mrs. Alice W. Hinman Mrs. Beulah Perkins Board of Directors - Arbor Acres Mr. O. Douglas Covington Mr. Edgar B. Fisher, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. William H. Freeman Mr. and Mrs. Lewis R. Ritchie Mr. and Mrs. J. Robert Stout Mrs. Thorne G. Worley Ms. Vallie Gordon Mrs. Marjorie Harrigan Ms. Ann G. Faust Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Goodson, Jr. Mr. I. Bryce Gordon Mr. and Mrs. Raymond G. McJunkin Mrs. Gladys Graf Mr. and Mrs. Eugene A. Lewis Mr. Frank C. Graham Residents of Womble 4th Floor Mr. and Mrs. Renny A. Collins Mrs. Grace R. Harrill Ms. Betty Harrill Ms. Nancy C. Harrill Mrs. Treva W. Haynes Mr. Edward M. Heath Mrs. Ruth B. Heath Mrs. Earl Hege Mr. and Mrs. Roy S. Nifong Mrs. Betty S. Hennessee Mrs. Elizabeth W. Alexander Mr. and Mrs. Ronald S. Amell Ms. Sarah Y. Austin Board of Directors - Arbor Acres Mr. and Mrs. John T. Brandon Mrs. Judy M. Briggs Mr. and Mrs. Sydney Britt Mr. and Mr. Wade H. Clayton Mr. and Mrs. James H. Corrigan, Jr. Mrs. Aurelia G. Eller Mr. and Mrs. John E. Gehring Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Goodson, Jr. Mrs. Julia P. Hardy Mrs. Caroline F. Hargus Mrs. Margaret V. Hill Mrs. Jean L. Hole Mrs. Allan C. Hollan Mr. C. Royce Hough Mrs. Molly W. Johnson Mrs. Martha J. Keiger Rev. and Mrs. C. Clay Manning Mr. David Masich Mr. and Mrs. Grover C. McNair Mrs. Martha F. McNair Mr. and Mrs. John Mickey, Jr. Mrs. Helen S. Peterson Mr. Dalton D. Ruffin 2011 AR B O R ACR E S AN N UAL R E POR T Mrs. Betty S. Hennessee (cont.) Mrs. Betty B. Runnion Dr. and Mrs. Jule C. Spach Mr. and Mrs. Richard Stockton Wells Fargo / Wachovia Asset Wealth Management Mr. William F. Womble Mrs. Ellen S. Yarborough Mr. Bill Hennessee Mrs. Martha J. Keiger Mrs. Virginia S. Hicks Mrs. Betty S. Eddinger Mrs. Sara W. Higgins Ms. Katherine Higgins Mrs. Mary Alice Love Mr. and Mrs. Gene McElroy Mrs. Martha F. McNair Keiko Miki Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Miller Mrs. Elaine L. Muir Mrs. Mildred B. Naugle Mrs. Peggy B. Smith Mrs. Lucia J. Smithdeal Mrs. Norma S. Turnham Mr. Jim Wilhelm Mrs. Ellen S. Yarborough Mrs. Carrie M. Holloway Mrs. Phyllis Newsome Mr. James E. Holmes, Jr. Board of Directors - Arbor Acres Board of Directors - Arbor Acres Mrs. Gordon H. Burgess Mrs. Mary O. Butler Mrs. Aurelia G. Eller Mrs. Alice W. Hinman Mrs. Allan C. Hollan Mr. and Mrs. Matt R. Long, Jr. Ms. Nancy S. Marshall Mrs. Elaine L. Muir Mrs. Betty B. Runnion Mrs. Kathryn D. Snavely Mrs. Eleanor J. Vance Mr. William F. Womble Mrs. Ellen S. Yarborough Mrs. Carmen Hogan Mrs. Doris Holshouser Mrs. Rebekah B. Hinkle Mrs. Martha H. Butner Dr. Alanson Hinman Mrs. Alice W. Hinman Mrs. Aileen Hinshaw Mrs. Carolyn Davis Mr. Roy Hinshaw Mrs. Carolyn Davis Mr. Louis Hofstetter Board of Directors - Arbor Acres Dr. and Mrs. Willis J. Grant III Mrs. Jean L. Hole Mrs. Martha H. Isenberg Mrs. Jane A. Lee Mrs. Mary Lois H. Leith Mrs. Elizabeth C. Lewis Mrs. Patricia Luce Rev. and Mrs. C. Clay Manning Mr. Billy G. McDaniel Mrs. Jean A. Patterson Mrs. Mildred W. Saunders Mrs. Norma S. Turnham Mrs. Ellen S. Yarborough Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy A. Dew Mrs. Helen S. Holcomb Mr. Aubrey L. Howell Mr. and Mrs. Lindsay Holcomb, Jr. Mr. Lindsay Holcomb, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Lindsay Holcomb, Jr. Mrs. Dorothy Holland Rev. and Mrs. Dwight Cartner Mr. Glenn H. Hollingsworth Board of Directors - Arbor Acres Mr. and Mrs. Bobby J. Burton Mrs. Judith H. Culley Mr. and Mrs. William B. Edwards Mr. and Mrs. George K. Hale III Mr. and Mrs. William T. Hix Mrs. Jean L. Hole Mrs. Allan C. Hollan Mr. and Mrs. Frank H. Hubbard Mrs. Betty Jackson Mrs. Molly W. Johnson Mrs. Ann C. Johnston Mrs. Elizabeth C. Lewis Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Livengood Mrs. Willa B. Holthouser Mr. Ralph H. Holthouser Mrs. Roberta B. Hoover Mrs. Elizabeth C. Lewis Mr. Eugene T. Horton Mrs. Elizabeth C. Horton Rev. Thomas J. Howard Board of Directors - Arbor Acres Ms. Betty J. Ellender Mrs. Elizabeth C. Lewis Mr. and Mrs. Tyson Swain Mrs. Ruth Huffaker Mr. and Mrs. John Deason 07 Mrs. Lucy T. Huls Mr. Terry Huls Mr. A. C. Hunt, Jr. Mr. John W. Hunt Mrs. Elaine M. Hunt Mrs. Margaret L. Anderson Mrs. Ruth O. Arthur Ms. Elizabeth Ayscue Mrs. Barbara L. Binkert Board of Directors - Arbor Acres Mrs. Katherine H. Boone Mr. and Mrs. William O. Brown, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Harold C. Buckingham, Jr. Mrs. Gordon H. Burgess Mr. Bruce L. Calhoun Mr. Jack H. Campbell Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Cloaninger Mrs. Catherine J. Dobbs Mrs. Mary M. Emler Mrs. Ruth S. Foster Mr. William A. Goodson, Jr. Ms. Eleanor S. Gurney Mr. and Mrs. James Handsaker Mr. and Mrs. Henry L. Harrell Mrs. Jean E. Haworth Dr. and Mrs. Walter Henley Mrs. Alice W. Hinman Mrs. Allan C. Hollan Mrs. Jacqueline S. Hunt Mr. Peter K. Hunt Mr. Philip L. Hunt Mrs. Edith W. Illick Mr. Charles Jackson Ms. Dorothy A. Jeremiah Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Jones Mrs. Rheba H. Keefer Mr. and Mrs. William A. Knott Mrs. Eleanor Leam Mr. Raoul H. Leuteritz Mr. and Mrs. Matt R. Long, Jr. Mrs. Judy MacMillan Mr. and Mrs. Bunes Marshall Ms. Nancy S. Marshall Mr. John M. Martin Mr. and Mrs. Laurence E. Masters Mrs. Martha F. McNair Mrs. Jane N. Meckling Mr. and Mrs. Stephen J. Metro Mrs. Elaine L. Muir Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Muller Mr. and Mrs. Sam E. Reeder 08 2011 AR B O R ACR E S AN N UAL R E POR T Mrs. Elaine M. Hunt (Cont.) Mrs. Betsy I. Sawyer Mr. and Mrs. William A. Smith Mrs. Lucia J. Smithdeal Dr. and Mrs. Jule C. Spach Mrs. Ann M. Sperry Mr. and Mrs. Ray Stafford Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Tesh Mrs. Lenore S. Tonkin Mrs. Jane W. Truscott Mr. and Mrs. George W. Turner Mrs. Norma S. Turnham Mr. and Mrs. Joseph R. Weiss, Jr. Mr. Fillmore E. Williams Mrs. Elsie H. Hunt Mrs. Carolyn R. Clifton Dr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Hunt Mrs. Jackie Hunt Mr. and Mrs. Ralph E. Logan Mrs. Mary J. Hunter Mrs. Patricia Hunter Mrs. Doris E. Hutchinson Ms. Dorothy R. Henley Mrs. Lorena Hyde Mr. and Mrs. Albert B. Hyde Ms. Polly Ann H. Ingram Mrs. Jean L. Hole Ms. Mitzi L. Hole Mrs. Myrna C. Ivey Mrs. Betsy I. Sawyer Mrs. Geraldine Johnson Ms. Lula Kilby Mr. Harold S. Johnson Mrs. Gloria B. King Mrs. Vera Johnson Mrs. Gloria Y. King Mr. L. Eugene Johnston Mrs. Texas C. King Mrs. Ethel Jones Mrs. Jackie Kinlaw Mrs. Mabel F. Jones Mrs. May B. Kinlaw Mrs. Naoma Jones Mrs. Lillian Kirby Mrs. Elizabeth C. Lewis Mrs. Betsy I. Sawyer Mr. and Mrs. Clyde H. Cartner Mrs. Ann C. Johnston Mrs. Beverly Hardy Mr. and Mrs. Paul Webster Board of Directors – Arbor Acres Mr. and Mrs. David B. Ferrell Mrs. Elizabeth A. McBride Mrs. Eloise D. Teeter Mrs. Joyce T. Kilby Mrs. Lynda K. Morris Board of Directors - Arbor Acres Mrs. Eleanor D. Rein Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Kinlaw, Jr. Mrs. Emma B. Graham Ms. Linda L. Kirby Mrs. Elizabeth P. Ladd Mr. and Mrs. Clay R. Ladd Mrs. Katherine W. Jordan Mrs. Hazel Ladd Rev. and Mrs. N. Fred Jordan, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Terry P. Heflin Mrs. Ruby M. Jordan Mrs. Jane Laign Mrs. Mary E. Goldston Mr. Wade and Rev. Lisa Tanico Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Carl Judy Mrs. Shirley Lanier Mrs. Joy J. Joss Ms. M. Carlene Judy Mrs. Teresa L. Stevenson Mr. Richard Kane Mrs. Elizabeth A. Lasley Mrs. Mary E. Kane Mr. John L. Keely Rev. Joseph W. Lasley Mrs. Mary Collins Lawson Mr. Edgar L. Jamison Mr. Gustav C. Jamison Mr. and Mrs. John W. Borst Mrs. Margaret L. Keely Mrs. Lucy L. Bovet Ms. Alicia N. Fields Mr. Paul R. Lawson Mrs. Jewell D. Jarrell Mrs. Nell (Rose) Kemp Mr. Bernard Ledwell Mr. John R. Jarrell Mr. James Kemp Mrs. Gordon H. Burgess Mrs. Helen Jenkins Mrs. Margaret Kerr Mrs. Ione Lee Mr. and Mrs. Jessie R. Harrelson Mr. and Mrs. Karl O. Koebberling Mr. and Mrs. Gary M. Williams Mrs. Addie Johnson Mrs. Jessie W. Kessler Mrs. Lillian R. Leowell Mr. and Mrs. Lindell Strickland Mr. and Mrs. William R. Goodman Mrs. Kathleen L. Osborne Mrs. Elizabeth S. Johnson Mrs. Edith Katherine D. Kiger Mrs. Hazel C. Levin Mrs. Lucia J. Smithdeal Ms. Sarah Penry Mrs. Jean Yates Mrs. Evelyn Johnson Mrs. Linda Kiger Mrs. Alice Lewis Mr. and Mrs. Paul K. Johnson Mrs. Lisa Kiger Mr. and Mrs. Eugene A. Lewis Mr. David Lewis Mrs. Elizabeth C. Lewis Mrs. Pearl F. Lewis Mr. and Mrs. Randall W. Sparger, Jr. Mr. John A. Lindsay, Jr. Board of Directors – Arbor Acres Mr. Jack H. Campbell Mrs. Mary M. Emler Mr. William A. Goodson, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. William A. Goodson III Mrs. Alice W. Hinman Mrs. Molly W. Johnson Mrs. Elizabeth C. Lewis Mr. John A. Lindsay III Mrs. Ruth F. Lindsay 2011 AR B O R ACR E S AN N UAL R E POR T Mr. John A. Lindsay, Jr. (cont.) Mrs. Kathleen L. Osborne Mr. and Mrs. Richard Stockton Mrs. Jane W. Truscott Rev. Frances I. Lindsey Board of Directors – Arbor Acres Mr. and Mrs. James G. Lindsey Rev. and Mrs. C. Clay Manning Dr. and Mrs. John V. Powell Mr. and Mrs. Donald R. Ward Winston-Salem District of UMC Mr. William F. Womble Mrs. Alma B. Lochte Ms. Patricia B. Jones Mrs. Dyeann B. Jordan Mrs. Martha J. Keiger Mrs. Elizabeth C. Lewis Mr. and Mrs. Matt R. Long, Jr. Mrs. Catherine M. Lyerly Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Martin Mrs. Martha F. McNair Mock Tire at South Park Mrs. Elaine L. Muir Mrs. Sally S. Mull Mullen Advertising Mrs. Lucy F. Peebles Mrs. Helen S. Peterson Mr. and Mrs. Stephen G. Porter Mr. Dalton D. Ruffin Mrs. Betty B. Runnion Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Rush Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Shelton Mrs. Debra R. Sizemore Mr. and Mrs. Frederick P. Spach Mr. and Mrs. James R. Stevenson Mr. and Mrs. Richard Stockton Mrs. Patsy N. Thomas Mrs. Jane W. Truscott Mrs. Norma S. Turnham Mrs. Eleanor J. Vance Mr. William C. Westbrook Mrs. Cynthia P. Witt Mr. William F. Womble Mrs. Ellen S. Yarborough Mrs. Marjorie McCain Mrs. Doris W. Long Mrs. Madeline C. McNames Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Hill Mrs. Gwen L. Long Mr. and Mrs. Clyde A. Long, Jr. Board of Directors - Arbor Acres Mrs. Valerie L. Cobler Mr. James R. Jarrell Old Salem Sertoma Club Mrs. Betsy I. Sawyer Miss Katherine R. Long Mr. Curtis E. Long Loved Ones Mrs. Elizabeth W. Alexander Mr. William M. Batchelor Dr. and Mrs. Harold B. Bates Mr. Frederick Bauer Board of Directors - Arbor Acres Mr. and Mrs. James T. Brewer Mrs. Martha H. Butner Mrs. Wanda M. Carleton Mr. Coy C. Carpenter, Jr. Mr. J. Scott Cramer Mrs. Aurelia G. Eller Mr. and Mrs. William G. Ervin Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Fly Mrs. Ruth S. Foster Mr. John K. Gallaher Mr. James E. Gay III Mrs. Emma B. Graham Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Graham, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Willis J. Grant III Mr. and Mrs. Porter O. Gray High Meadows Golf & Country Club, Inc. High Temperature Technologies, Inc. Mrs. Alice W. Hinman Mrs. Jean L. Hole Mrs. Allan C. Hollan Mr. and Mrs. James M. Iseman, Jr. Mrs. Fay C. Marler Mrs. Lucille C. Lord Mrs. Norma C. Witherspoon Mrs. Wynnette Alexander Mrs. Helen B. Christie Mrs. Phyllis D. Shackleford Mrs. Jane M. Waugh Mrs. Carrie Mabe Rev. and Mrs. Lewis H. Dodson Mrs. Ardella Y. Martin Mrs. Mary M. Beavers Mrs. Luella S. Martin Mr. and Mrs. Ben S. Neill, Jr. Mr. Anthony M. and Mrs. Jane P. Masich Mr. and Mrs. Archie G. Allen, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Matt R. Long, Jr. Mr. Joseph H. Mickey Mrs. Karen Mason Mr. and Mrs. Craig Hunter Mrs. Delia D. Mattocks Mr. N. R. Mattocks Mrs. Mary Charles Maxwell Dr. and Mrs. Brad C. Shinaman 09 Mr. and Mrs. John Hubich Mrs. Mary M. McCallum Mrs. Patricia Faires Mrs. Lucy S. McClain Mr. and Mrs. Coleman B. McClain Mrs. Genevieve H. McCollum Ms. Marilyn M. Moore Mrs. Josephine O. McCombs Mr. James T. McCombs Mrs. Dorothy A. McCormick Board of Directors - Arbor Acres Mrs. Gordon H. Burgess Dr. and Mrs. Willis J. Grant III Mr. James R. Jarrell Mrs. Beryl G. Moser Residents of McPherson, 4th Floor Mrs. Jane M. Waugh Mrs. Ellen S. Yarborough Mrs. Pearl McCormick Mr. and Mrs. Clay R. Ladd Miss Margaret I. McIntyre Board of Directors - Arbor Acres Mr. and Mrs. Charles T. Cochrane Mr. and Mrs. Tyson Swain Ms. Sue T. Ashby Mr. R. A. Blevins Board of Directors - Arbor Acres Mr. and Mrs. R.B. Campbell Mr. and Mrs. W. Andrew Copenhaver Mr. and Mrs. Nicky R. Jamison Mrs. Martha J. Keiger Mr. and Mrs. Edward M. Marsh, Jr. Mrs. Sammie McPherson Mr. John H. McPherson Mrs. Mary Jane Means Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Means, Sr. Mrs. June T. Medlin Mrs. Wynnette Alexander Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gronner Mrs. Duilla I. Harkins Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hutchinson Mrs. Eloise A. McLean Rev. William T. Medlin, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Moshell Mrs. Helen H. Prince Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Sipprell The UMC Winston-Salem District Ministers and Educators Fellowship Mr. and Mrs. William F. Womble, Jr. Mrs. Ellen S. Yarborough Mrs. Rose M. Meeler Dr. and Mrs. William G. Montgomery Mrs. Edith Merritt Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth W. Boyles Mrs. Wilma S. Michael Ms. Peggy R. Taylor 10 2011 AR B O R ACR E S AN N UAL R E POR T Mr. and Mrs. Wilford A. Leonard Mr. Weldon Loggins Mr. and Mrs. Harold M. Lominac Mr. and Mrs. Glenn E. Macey Mr. and Mrs. Jack S. Moncrief Mrs. Mildred B. Naugle Ms. Elizabeth L. Patton Mr. and Mrs. Jack Rogers Mr. and Mrs. Terry Shaffner Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Shipley Mr. Robert L. Slaughter Ms. Judy Soper Mr. and Mrs. Thomas N. Taylor Mrs. Jane W. Truscott Grandmothers Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Crichlow, Jr. Mrs. Baraba Mullican Mrs. Ennis S. Mickey Mrs. Martha M. Walker Mr. Joseph H. Mickey Board of Directors – Arbor Acres Mrs. Jean Fuller Mr. and Mrs. Frank K. Lord III Mrs. Lou M. Paules Mr. and Mrs. William P. Steele Mr. William F. Womble Dr. William H. and Mrs. Georgia Millett Dr. Ruth M. Chiga Mrs. Florence P. Minetree Mr. and Mrs. Rhett E. Greene, Sr. Mrs. Meriel Mitchell Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas W. Mitchell, Jr. Mrs. Margaret Rachel Graham Montgomery Dr. and Mrs. William G. Montgomery Mrs. Della Moore Mr. and Mrs. James C. Brown Rev. and Mrs. C. Clay Manning Ms. Pauline T. Moore Board of Directors - Arbor Acres Mrs. Virginia S. Jones Mrs. Reta G. Moore Mr. and Mrs. Paul W. Mullican Mrs. Inez Murdock Mr. and Mrs. Ed W. Wilkinson Mrs. Pearl B. Murray Rev. Jerry D. Murray Mrs. Ada L. Myers Mrs. Ruth M. Pleasants Mrs. Charlotte Myers Mr. and Mrs. Glenn M. Yarnell Mr. Henry H. Nading Mrs. Hazel N. Nading Mr. Milton L. Nesbit Mr. and Mrs. Jerry W. Hall Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Jones Mr. Mark Newby Mrs. Alice W. Hinman Mrs. Lewis Nifong Mr. and Mrs. Roy S. Nifong Mrs. Jean P. Nisbet Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Keaton Mr. Lucious and Mrs. Betty Noble Ms. Scharlot Angel Mrs. Esther Northcraft Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Moore, Jr. Mr. Julian O. Northcraft and Rev. Suzanne Northcraft Mrs. Christine Moser Mrs. Laura Norwood Mr. W. David Piner Mr. Horace E. Moser Mrs. Beryl G. Moser Mothers Mr. C. A. Bailey, Jr. Rev. and Mrs. William O. Bigham Mr. & Mrs. Meriwether L. Cuningham Mr. Samuel S. Dalton Mr. and Mrs. Jack T. Dixon Mrs. Mary M. Emler Mrs. Mary E. Goldston Mrs. Janis Gorlick-Asmus Mr. and Mrs. Edwin J. Greene Mr. and Mrs. Steve Houck Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Norwood Rev. John S. Oakley Mrs. Barbara Kiker Mrs. Elene Scott O’Brien Mrs. Barbara O. Wilson Mrs. Polly M. Oettinger Mrs. Mary O. Booe Mrs. Katharine Ogburn Mr. and Mrs. Claude H. Booker, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald B. Creasy Mr. and Mrs. William H. Freeman Mrs. Margaret V. Hill Mrs. Elaine L. Muir Mr. and Mrs. Stephen G. Porter Mrs. Susan S. Schwartz Dr. and Mrs. T. E. Sikes, Jr. Mrs. Sherri Smith Mrs. Sally G. Williams Mrs. Estelle C. Osborne Mrs. Gwen Perkins Mrs. Martha Osteen Mrs. Helen Osteen Swann Mrs. Anna Owings Ms. Linda J. Owings Mrs. Mabel V. Paterson Mr. John Paterson, Jr. Mrs. Annetta Payne Epworth UMC Mrs. Hazel C. Payne Mr. and Mrs. Rhett E. Greene, Sr. Mrs. Myrtle W. Payne Mr. and Mrs. Rhett E. Greene, Sr. Mr. James Peebles Mrs. Elizabeth W. Alexander Mr. and Mrs. Thomas O. Goodson Mrs. Emma B. Graham Mrs. Elizabeth C. Lewis Mr. David Peeler Board of Directors - Arbor Acres Mrs. Gordon H. Burgess Mr. Paul R. Lawson Mrs. Elizabeth C. Lewis Wallace Consulting and Training, Inc. Mr. Ted R. Perkins Mrs. Gwen Perkins Mr. Clifford W. Perry Mrs. Pauline D. Perry Mrs. Pauline D. Perry Mrs. Elizabeth W. Alexander Mrs. Linda H. Archer Mr. and Mrs. Charles S. Baldwin III Mrs. Merry S. Barber Board of Directors - Arbor Acres Dr. and Mrs. Ernest P. Buxton III Mr. and Mrs. Penn Craver Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Crowder, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John W. Davis III Dogwood Garden Club Mr. and Mrs. James M. Dossinger Mrs. Aurelia G. Eller Mr. and Mrs. Thomas D. Jones Ms. Nancy S. Marshall Mr. and Mrs. John G. Medlin, Jr. Mrs. Anita H. Ogburn Mrs. Dorothy S. Perry Mrs. Eleanor B. Reid Mr. E. Norwood Robinson Mrs. Whitley Rotgin Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Saunders Mr. and Mrs. Harold D. Suttles Mrs. Margaret P. Taylor Mr. and Mrs. H. Norton Willis Mrs. Wenona F. Witter 2011 AR B O R ACR E S AN N UAL R E POR T Mrs. Helen G. Philpott Board of Directors - Arbor Acres Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Jones Mrs. Elizabeth C. Lewis Mr. James G. Robinson Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Robinson Mr. Michael L. Robinson and Ms. Wynn Tanner Mrs. Louise A. Philpott Mr. Allan L. Rohrbaugh Ms. Elizabeth Gee Ms. Marylyn M. Hilton Mrs. Allan L. Rohrbaugh Mrs. Jean S. Piner Mrs. Kathryn K. Johnson Mr. W. David Piner Mrs. Lyda T. Pleasants Mrs. Ruth M. Pleasants Mr. Thelmus Plummer Board of Directors - Arbor Acres Mrs. Alice W. Hinman Mrs. Allan C. Hollan Mrs. Lucy F. Peebles Mrs. Joanne Poage Ms. Vicki P. Walker Mrs. Frances Pollock Dr. F. Edward Pollock, Jr. Mrs. Nancy Port Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Wylly, II Mrs. Hazel H. Porter Board of Directors - Arbor Acres Mrs. Lana G. Porter Dr. and Mrs. Richard Proctor Mr. and Mrs. Richard Proctor, Jr. Mrs. Estelle D. Pruett Mrs. Doris E. Whitt Mrs. Minerva H. Ragland Mrs. Martha R. Crawford Mrs. Hilda Rausch Mr. Charles K. Rausch Mrs. Shirley L. Rausch Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Barrows Board of Directors - Arbor Acres Mr. and Mrs. Ralph E. Logan Mrs. Ellen S. Yarborough Mrs. Kathy H. Rayle B.W. Hawkins Builders Mrs. Mary G. Reitzel Ms. Winnie Allred Relatives and Friends Mr. and Mrs. Judson Davis Mrs. Sarah A. Reynolds Ms. Sarah R. Dixon Mr. & Mrs. Frank E. Rhodes, Jr. Mrs. Fern Rhodes Mr. and Mrs. Bert Richards Mrs. Nancy Richards Mrs. Pauline G. Robinson Mr. E. Norwood Robinson Dr. Edward N. and Dr. Pamela P. Robinson Mrs. Nina Rollins Mr. Thad & Mrs. Pauline Royal Mrs. Karen Tucker Mr. William T. Royal Dr. and Mrs. John S. May Dr. and Mrs. C. Excelle Rozelle Mr. and Mrs. Rhett E. Greene, Sr. Mrs. Elizabeth H. Rudisill Board of Directors - Arbor Acres Ms. Nancy Christie Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Connelly Mrs. Susan Dickerson Mrs. Shelley R. Early Mrs. Barbara T. Ezell Mrs. Karen K. Gooch Mrs. Alice W. Hinman Mrs. Judy Hinton Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Hupfer Mr. and Mrs. Matt R. Long, Jr. Mr. N. R. Mattocks Mr. and Mrs. Sam C. Ogburn, Sr. Mr. John F. Orman, Jr. Mrs. Rebecca R. Pennell Mr. and Mrs. William H. Petree, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Rudisill Mr. Mark Rudisill and Ms. Betsy Bramlett Ms. Betty R. Williams Mrs. Ellen S. Yarborough Mr. Jack Salt Board of Directors - Arbor Acres Mrs. Alice W. Hinman Mrs. Miriam Bonner Sams Mrs. Kezial Elizabeth E. Sands Ms. Sarah Sands Mrs. Janie F. Sanford Mr. W. David Piner Mr. W.M. Satterwhite Dr. and Mrs. C. Douglas Maynard Mrs. Georgia Saunders Board of Directors – Arbor Acres Mrs. Martha M. Field Mr. and Mrs. William H. Freeman Mrs. Allan C. Hollan Ms. Nancy S. Marshall Mr. and Mrs. Clifford W. Perry, Jr. Mr. William F. Womble Mrs. Ida Cahoon Sawyer Mrs. Betsy I. Sawyer Mrs. Martha D. Sayers Dr. and Mrs. William Sayers Mrs. Gustav Schumann Mr. Gustav C. Jamison Mrs. Bertha H. Scott Ms. Melinda Wilkinson Mrs. Nita S. Wilkinson Mrs. Rosalie M. Scott Mrs. Debra D. Scott Dr. Murray Senkus Dr. and Mrs. Walter Henley Mrs. Marianna B. Sharpe Ms. Bettie S. Rowe Mr. David G. Shepherd Mrs. Camille Townsend Mrs. Alice V. Shomper Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Barrows Mr. and Mrs. Wayne G. Wegwart Mrs. Sarah F. Simpson Mrs. Helen S. Peterson Board of Directors - Arbor Acres Mrs. Jean L. Hole Mrs. Pearl S. Sams Mrs. Roxie L. Sink Ms. Mary S. Hill 11 Mr. and Mrs. H. Richard Smith 12 2011 AR B O R ACR E S AN N UAL R E POR T Mrs. Nelva Skeen Mr. and Mrs. Terry Jessup Mrs. Lucile Slate Mrs. Ward L. Triche Mrs. Jane Slick Board of Directors - Arbor Acres Mr. and Mrs. Hans Wanders Mrs. Lettie S. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Bobby G. Austin Mr. and Mrs. George R. Fleetwood Rev. Neil E. Smith Mrs. Edna L. Smith Mrs. Unetta Smith Mr. and Mrs. H. Richard Smith Mrs. Sara Snider Mrs. Suella Russell Mrs. Emma Snyder Mrs. Nancy K. Shushkowski Mrs. Susannah H. Snyder Mrs. Nancy K. Shushkowski Mrs. Catherine Spangler Mrs. Katrina S. Bodford Mrs. Margaret A. Sparger Mr. and Mrs. Randall W. Sparger, Jr. Mrs. Kathleen H. Spencer Mr. and Mrs. Wyatt Bassett Mrs. Margaret Sprinkle Mrs. Dyeann B. Jordan Mrs. Blossom T. Steelman Miss Jean A. Steelman Mrs. Hazel D. Stephens Board of Directors - Arbor Acres Mrs. Claudette Brady Mrs. Geraldine M. Carter Mrs. Nancy M. Carter Mrs. Beth J. Conerly Delta UMC Ms. Rachel E. Dodson Mr. Ray T. Dodson Mr. Roy H. Dodson Doggett Construction Co., Inc Mrs. Judy Doggett Mr. Harold F. Edwards Mr. and Mrs. W. Robert Glenn Mrs. Izoria S. Gordon Mrs. Evelyn R. Groce Harold H. Clark Elementary School Ms. Mary H. Hix Mr. and Mrs. Anthony D. Joyce Mrs. Peggy B. Joyce Ms. Cora Kennedy Mr. and Mrs. John Lawson, Jr. Mrs. Elizabeth C. Lewis Mr. and Mrs. Andrew M. Lovette Maple Springs UMC Mrs. Marjorie R. Moore Mrs. Jane Nelson Newbridge Bank Mr. and Mrs. William T. Royal Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Russ Mrs. Betty S. Shelton Mr. and Mrs. Earle Sullivan Mrs. Margaret L. Wall Mr. and Mrs. Steve H. Wall Mrs. Madeline Watkins Winston-Salem District of UMC Mr. Kenan C. Wright Mrs. Louise Stewart Mrs. Joyce Stewart Mr. Frank Stith, Jr. Mrs. Lucy V. Stith Mrs. Moni Stockton Ms. Preston Stockton Mrs. Robert Stockton Ms. Preston Stockton Mrs. Ethel Stophel Mr. and Mrs. Harvey A. Stophel Rev. Daniel J. Stowe Mount Carmel Stokesdale UMC Mrs. Helen H. Strader Dr. Hunter G. Strader Mrs. Lula B. Summey Mr. and Mrs. Raymond C. Summey Mrs. Henrietta Swain Mrs. Mildred McMichael Mr. and Mrs. Henry Mock Swicegood Mr. R. Casey Swicegood Mrs. Helen Swofford Mr. and Mrs. Carl Swofford Mrs. Etta Tanico Mr. Wade and Rev. Lisa Tanico Mrs. Rose Tapper Rev. and Mrs. Edward S. Tapper Rev. Joseph M. Taylor, Jr. Mrs. Jennifer Ross Mrs. Scottie Thomas Dr. and Mrs. Edward S. Beason Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Beason Mrs. Katie W. Thomasson Mr. and Mrs. Bobby C. Hancock Mrs. Bethany Thompson Mrs. Joyce T. Kilby Mrs. Doris Thompson Mr. and Mrs. David Thompson Mrs. Elsie B. Thompson Mr. and Mrs. James L. Thompson, Jr. Mrs. Annabelle T. Thurston Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Myers, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Charles Tomlinson Mrs. Elva Grace Tomlinson Mr. & Mrs. Ralph A. Tomlinson Mrs. Jeana Dreps Mr. James A. Toompas Mr. and Mrs. John Fragakis Mrs. Bess Triche Mrs. Ward L. Triche Mr. Clyde Tussey Mr. and Mrs. Max Leonard Mrs. Gloria A. Ungerer Rev. and Mrs. Edward S. Tapper Mr. Eric L. Van Glabeke Mr. and Mrs. Jim R. Abernathy Board of Directors - Arbor Acres Dr. and Mrs. Willis J. Grant III Mr. and Mrs. William Haidler Dr. and Mrs. Walter W. Henley Mr. James R. Jarrell Mrs. Elizabeth C. Lewis Mrs. Elaine L. Muir Mr. Daniel Scannell Womble Fourth Floor Mrs. Ellen S. Yarborough Mrs. Eleanor F. Vardell Mrs. Margaret V. Sandresky 2011 AR B O R ACR E S AN N UAL R E POR T Mrs. Douglas A. Vaughn Mrs. Lillie W. Whitaker Mrs. Frances S. Vogler Mrs. Louise H. White Mrs. Stella Vogler Mrs. Geraldine G. Whitlock Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Vaughn, Jr. Mrs. Alice W. Hinman Mr. and Mrs. Joel H. Kimball Mrs. Emily Von Cannon Mr. and Mrs. Dana B. Wooten Ms. Christine Wagoner Mr. C.S. Wagoner, Jr. Mrs. Collye Mae D. Walker Mrs. Margaret W. McLeod Mr. James R. Wall Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. William G. Waller Mrs. Joy Quesenberry Mrs. Mamie Ward Mrs. Mary W. Mickey Mrs. Rachel W. Gladstone Mr. and Mrs. James G. Adams, Sr. Mr. Franklyn S. Whitlock Mr. James Oliver Whitt Mrs. Doris E. Whitt Mrs. Cozette L. Williams Mr. James R. Jarrell Mrs. Ellen S. Yarborough Mrs. Patricia A. Williams Mrs. Carol C. Lyerly Mrs. Patricia O. Williams Mr. Fillmore E. Williams Miss Alice C. Williamson Mrs. Debra S. Pegg Board of Directors - Arbor Acres Mrs. Nancy E. East Dr. and Mrs. Willis J. Grant III Mrs. Alice W. Hinman Mrs. Jean L. Hole Mrs. Allan C. Hollan Mr. James R. Jarrell Mr. Paul R. Lawson Mrs. Elizabeth C. Lewis Mrs. Beryl G. Moser Mrs. Elaine L. Muir Mrs. Helen S. Peterson Mrs. Betsy I. Sawyer Dr. and Mrs. Jule C. Spach Mrs. June Stegall Mrs. Nellena B. Thomas Mrs. Norma S. Turnham Mrs. Mary Park Weathers Mr. Francis F. Willingham Dr. and Mrs. Joe E. Gaddy, Jr. Mr. Marvin M. Ward Mrs. June D. Ward Mrs. Nora M. Ward Mrs. June D. Ward Mrs. Phyllis Y. Ward Board of Directors - Arbor Acres Mr. and Mrs. Larry E. Elliott Mrs. E.R. Howard Mr. and Mrs. Dale L. Orman Mrs. June Watts Board of Directors - Arbor Acres Dr. and Mrs. Thomas B. Cannon Mr. and Mrs. Roy Davis Mrs. Emma B. Graham Mr. and Mrs. Philip G. Kinken, Jr. Ms. Sarah M. McFarland Mrs. Martha Webster Mr. and Mrs. Paul Webster Mrs. Mary Weikle Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Welch Mrs. Susan Welch Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Welch Mrs. Amanda D. Wells Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Moore, Jr. Mrs. Bertha N. Wells Mr. and Mrs. Howard W. Wells Mrs. Julianne S. West Mr. and Mrs. William C. Scurry Mrs. Eva L. Westmoreland Mrs. Minnie Louise Smith Mrs. Elizabeth Whitaker Mr. John C. Whitaker, Jr. Mr. B.J. Willingham Mrs. Helen Wilson Mr. and Mrs. Albert B. Hyde Mrs. Lucy P. Wilson Board of Directors - Arbor Acres Mrs. Katherine H. Boone Mr. Jack H. Campbell Dr. and Mrs. Paul W. F. Coughlin Mrs. Susan B. Culp Mr. and Mrs. Michael B. Dew Mr. and Mrs. James M. Dossinger Mr. and Mrs. William H. Freeman Mr. William A. Goodson, Jr. Mrs. Helen C. Hanes Mrs. Molly W. Johnson Mrs. Sarah H. Kemm Mr. and Mrs. Bunn H. Lee Mr. and Mrs. Ralph E. Logan Mrs. Elaine L. Muir Mr. and Mrs. Clifford W. Perry, Jr. Mrs. Helen S. Peterson Mrs. Eleanor B. Reid Mrs. Susan S. Schwartz Dr. and Mrs. Ronald B. Shealy Mrs. E. Sue Shore Mrs. Kathryn D. Snavely Mr. and Mrs. Eugene G. Wilson Mr. and Mrs. Peter T. Wilson III Mrs. Pauline Wilson Mrs. Mildred W. Swicegood Mr. Joseph P. Wimberley III Board of Directors - Arbor Acres Mr. Coy C. Carpenter, Jr. Ms. Alicia N. Fields Mr. and Mrs. Jerry W. Hall Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Jones Mr. and Mrs. James E. Moore Mr. Robert E. Ritchie Mrs. Eugenie L. Winder Board of Directors - Arbor Acres Mr. William A. Wise Mrs. Lucy L. Bovet Mr. Paul R. Lawson Mrs. Elizabeth C. Lewis Mrs. Frances J. Woodall Board of Directors – Arbor Acres Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth P. Carlson Mrs. Alice W. Hinman Mrs. Dyeann B. Jordan Mrs. Lucia J. Smithdeal Mrs. Jane W. Truscott Mrs. Inez Wooten Mr. and Mrs. Dana B. Wooten Mrs. Ruth T. Wright Board of Directors - Arbor Acres Mrs. Helen Rankin Mr. Dewey Yarborough Mr. and Mrs. William A. Knott Mrs. Ellen S. Yarborough Mrs. Sallie Yarborough Ms. Juanita M. Yarborough Mrs. Ophelia Zachary Mr. Samuel J. Zachary 13 14 2011 AR B O R ACR E S AN N UAL R E POR T Named Funds within the Assistance Endowment Fund As of December 31, 2011, the Assistance Endowment Fund, comprised primarily of 73 named funds, totaled $10,383,094. The Fund is overseen by the Finance Committee of the Arbor Acres Board of Directors to assure a balance between growth and income, and to generate a steady stream of revenue for financial assistance needs. In 2011, $385,000 was withdrawn to help 34 residents. Individuals or families can establish a named fund by a gift of $10,000 or more, and are invited to join the Heritage Society. We appreciate our donors for their philanthropic spirit and compassion for Arbor Acres’ residents. *Newly established funds as of press time Assistance Endowment Named Funds The Eben Alexander, Jr. Fund The R. Worth and Atha Johnson Allen Fund The W. Guy & Pauline C. Angell Fund The Arbor Acres Resident Council Fund The Clyde G. and Sue F. Barber Fund The C. Marvin and Pauline K. Boggs Fund The Ruth Peters Braun Fund The Dorothy F. Buddine Fund The Richard W. Bunn Fund The Gertrude Gilliam Cahoon Fund The Ruth C. and Jack H. Campbell, Sr. Fund The Sam N. and Pauline H. Carter Fund The James A. Cavenaugh, Jr. Fund The Jack Allan Cheek, Sr. Fund The Reverend George B. Clemmer Fund The Nancy A. and J. Scott Cramer Fund The Dorothy A. and George W. Crone, Jr. Fund The Felix Gray and Lena R. Crutchfield Fund The Robert H. Cundiff Fund The George W. and Mary H. Dalton Fund The Glenn W. and Catherine J. Dobbs Fund The Lucy Gray Smither and Harvey Drake Fund The Charles H. and Carolyn G. Duckett Fund* The R. Harold and Aleta Griffin Ellison Fund The Paul W. and Mary M. Emler Fund The William H. Entwistle, Jr. Fund The Robert J. and Marjorie H. Froeber Fund The Bishop W. Kenneth, Sr. and Martha O. Goodson Fund The William D. and Emma B. Graham Fund The Wanda W. Hackbarth Fund The James E., Jr. and Betty J. Holmes Fund The Ruby P. Johnston Fund The Glenn Adkins Jones Fund The Elizabeth Bynum Kapp Fund The Ruth I. and Emil Kohut Fund The Julian and Elizabeth G. Lake Fund The Hattie B. Lakey Fund The Frederic H. Lassiter Fund The Mary Lois H. Leith Fund* The David W. and Elizabeth C. Lewis Fund The Gwen Lentz (Mrs. Clyde A.) Long Fund The Harold R. and Helen S. Longfellow Fund The Peggy B. and John M. McCoy Memorial Fund The Margaret Ione McIntyre Fund The William H. and Georgia M. Millett Fund The Mary, Burt and Tom (Miskimen) Fund* The J. Frank and Mary S. Mock Fund The Walter M. Moore, Jr. Fund The Gwen S. Morris Fund The Robert S. Northington, Sr. Fund The Dorothy B. Peacock Fund The William E. and Flossie B. Phibbs Fund The Ruth M. and Clifton E. Pleasants Fund The Richard B. and Nancy B. Port Fund The Shirley Marie Rogers Fund The Harry D. Sasher Fund The William S. Smith, Jr. Fund The Harry R. and Verna L. Sorensen Fund The Aldonia W. Spivey Fund The Norman V. Stockton, Jr. Fund The Peggy W. and Ralph M. Stockton, Jr. Fund The Thomas B. and Jean S. Stockton Fund* The Ella Joyner Brame and Lawrence R. Toburen Fund The Charles Byrd Wade, Jr. and Margaret P. Wade Fund The Spencer Cobb and Nell Kerns Waggoner Fund The Louise Yarbrough Wagoner Fund The Reverend and Mrs. R. Gilmer Wagoner Fund The Evelyn S. Watlington Fund The Janie Davenport Weaver Fund The Elizabeth Welch Fund The William G. White, Jr. Fund The William F. and Jane G. Womble Fund The W. Vann and Ann York Fund 2011 AR B O R ACR E S AN N UAL R E POR T 15 Honor Gifts Mr. William D. Acton , Sr. Mrs. Judy Briggs Judge Abner Alexander Mrs. Kirby Brown Arbor Acres Dining Services Staff Mrs. Miriam Bumgarner Mr. and Mrs. William D. Acton, Jr. Mrs. Gordon H. Burgess Mrs. Ellen S. Yarborough Arbor Acres MemoryCare Nursing Staff Mrs. Betty W. Van Glabeke Arbor Acres Nursing Staff Mr. Mark Rudisill and Mrs. Betsy Bramlett Mr. Joseph H. Mickey Arbor Acres Staff Holladay Healthcare, Inc Ms. Sarah Y. Austin Mr. Jack P. Austin Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Ayers Mrs. Gordon H. Burgess Mrs. Merry S. Barber Mr. Norman W. Swanson and Mrs. Marguerite M. Howe-Swanson Mrs. Margaret B. Bayer Mr. Robert P. Brewer Mrs. Louise B. Biby Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Biby Mr. Raphael O’Hara Black Mrs. Mary Briggs Mrs. Norma S. Turnham Steven K. Rainey Mr. Jon M. Burkhart Mrs. Rachel A. Hamilton Mrs. Alice W. Hinman Mrs. Kathleen L. Osborne Mrs. Dorothy B. Peacock Ms. Angela R. Shelton Mrs. Betty W. Van Glabeke Mrs. Ellen S. Yarborough Mrs. Lena Calvert S&L Painting and Decorating, Inc. Mrs. Kendall Carlson Mrs. Patricia Hunter Rev. C. J. Caudill Mrs. Nancy Bunch Mrs. Sue Cave Mrs. Karen C. Ren Mr. and Mrs. James A. Cavenaugh, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John R. Trulove Mr. and Mrs. Scott Cawood Mr. and Mrs. John Mickey, Jr. Ms. Mary Ruth Cockerham Mrs. Carolyn W. Black Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Anderson Mrs. Roselyn Jackson Mrs. Mary Ellen Blair Mrs. Belle Cox Ms. Cynthia E. Blair Mrs. Sarah Blizard Mr. and Mrs. Mike Blizard Mrs. Katherine H. Boone Mr. and Mrs. William T. Boone Mr. and Mrs. Frank F. Coan Mr. and Mrs. Tim Ward Mrs. Lucy L. Bovet Mr. Paul R. Lawson Mrs. Janice Bowen Rev. Lori Anne Bowen Rev. Lori Anne Bowen Mr. and Mrs. Rex Bowen Mrs. Doris B. Braithwaite Mr. and Mrs. Peter Jenks Trinity Presbyterian Church Mrs. Gail B. Williams Mr. Theodore R. and Mrs. Carolyn B. Branton Mrs. Gordon H. Burgess Mrs. Anna Mary Brenneman Ms. Linda M. Weisthal Mr. and Mrs. Lowell E. Bradley Mrs. Geneva Craig Mrs. Kari Craig Mrs. Nancy A. Cramer Mr. J. Scott Cramer Mrs. Ginny Craver Mrs. Patricia Edwards Ms. Denise Edwards Mrs. Aurelia G. Eller Mr. and Mrs. Joel L. Cathey Aleta G. Ellison Mrs. Norma S. Turnham Mrs. Ellen Farmer Mrs. Gordon H. Burgess Mrs. Mary B. Farmer First United Methodist Church of Eden Mr. Marvin L. Ferrell, Jr. Mrs. Mary Preston Yates Fitzgerald East Wing Staff Mr. Joseph H. Mickey Mrs. Frances P. Fitzgerald Ms. Bettie S. Rowe Mrs. Louise B. Flowers Mrs. Phyllis Slawter Mrs. Pat Craver Mrs. Ruth S. Foster Mr. Thomas H. and Mrs. Diane B. Crichlow Mrs. Nancy Garrison Mr. and Mrs. John Elster Dr. and Mrs. Robert E. Sevier Mr. John W. Garrison Mrs. Ann Cross Mr. and Mrs. David Gay Mr. and Mrs. G. D. Culp Mr. Nathan Gay Mrs. Ann C. Cuningham Mrs. Doris C. Gehring Rev. Lewis H. Dodson Mrs. Doris S. Gibson Mrs. Levia Eads Mrs. Emily R. Givens Ms. Ann K. Windham Mr. and Mrs. John D. Mundy Mr. and Mrs. Mike Blizard Mrs. Madeline Watkins Dr. Marsha Bledsoe Mr. and Mrs. Monty Vernon Mrs. Gordon H. Burgess Mrs. Gordon H. Burgess Mr. and Mrs. John E. Gehring Mr. and Mrs. Larry D. Davis Rev. and Mrs. G. Lee Pollock 16 2011 AR B O R ACR E S AN N UAL R E POR T Ms. Elizabeth P. Glenn Mrs. Helen “Jake” Hendricks Mrs. Margaret B. Huband Mrs. Linda Glenn Mrs. Anne A. Henley Rev. Clark W. Hunt Dr. Richard R. Glenn Mrs. Helen Highfill Mrs. Sara Glenn Mrs. Martha Bond Hilburn Rev. Karen Gobel Mrs. Celeste S. Hill Mr. and Mrs. Thomas O. Goodson Mrs. Alice W. Hinman Mrs. Seba Crumpler Mrs. Lisa P. Purcell Mrs. Seba Crumpler Mr. and Mrs. Archie G. Allen, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Z. Bailiff Mrs. Lucy F. Peebles Mr. William A. Goodson, Jr. Mrs. Kelly Eddins Ms. Jane Goodson Mrs. Debbie Gough Ms. Pamela R. Myers Mrs. Emma B. Graham Mrs. Anne D. Rankin Grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Gregory B. Hunter Mrs. Ann L. Grant Dr. and Mrs. Robert G. Dillard Mrs. Robert C. Gray Mrs. Gordon H. Burgess Mrs. Sabrina Gregory A New Leaf Mrs. Kathy L. Gwyn Mrs. Nancy W. Fowler Mrs. Margaret O. Hardin Rev. and Mrs. Wannamaker W. Hardin, Jr. Ms. Nancy C. Harrill Rev. and Mrs. Robert E. Manthey Mrs. Becky Heath Mr. Kevin Heath Mr. and Mrs. J. Charles Dunn Ms. Bonnie S. Cook Mr. Kevin Heath Mrs. Betty W. Van Glabeke Mr. and Mrs. John Royster Mr. Frank Hinman II Mrs. Millie Hinshaw Mrs. Ann H. Shearon Mr. and Mrs. Chip Holden Mr. and Mrs. John Mickey, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. David Holden Mr. and Mrs. John Mickey, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Holder Dr. and Mrs. Daniel H. Kennedy Mrs. Jean L. Hole Mrs. Pat Craver Mrs. Anne W. Foltz Mr. and Mrs. Laurence E. Masters Mrs. Jacqueline S. Hunt Mr. John W. Hunt Mrs. Anna Hunter Mrs. Patricia Hunter Mrs. Patricia Hunter Mrs. Lindley Silverman Mrs. Eloise Spence Hurdle Mrs. Patricia H. Hearn Mrs. Louise C. Hutchinson Dr. and Mrs. Franklin W. Grice Mrs. Mary Jackson Mrs. Kimberly J. Regan Ms. Pauline Jackson Mrs. Sharon L. Peck Mrs. Eleanor Jamison Mr. Gustav C. Jamison Mr. and Mrs. Wade G. Hampton III Ms. Mitzi L. Hole Mrs. Amy Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hollan Mr. Douglas Jones Mrs. Betty J. Holmes Mr. and Mrs. Scott Jones Mr. James E. Holmes, Jr. Mr. Steven Jones Mr. Gary and Mrs. Susan Hope Mrs. Margaret L. Keely Mrs. Alva Howard Mrs. Judy Keen Mr. and Mrs. John Mickey, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John Hubich Mr. and Mrs. John Hubich Mrs. Elizabeth A. Lasley Mr. and Mrs. Randall Cave Mrs. Karen C. Ren Mrs. Lettie Howard Mr. Bailey E. Howard, Jr. Mrs. Judy Long Ms. Sarah Y. Austin Mr. and Mrs. John Mickey, Jr. Mrs. Gordon H. Burgess Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Keely Mrs. Tonja Wimmer Mrs. Edith Keiger Mrs. Beth Carroll Mrs. Martha J. Keiger Mr. and Mrs. John E. Gehring Mrs. Betty W. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Charlie F. Keiger Mrs. Jennie M. Knott Rev. and Mrs. Robert E. Manthey Mrs. Janet G. Shepherd Mr. and Mrs. Dustin Koufman Mr. and Mrs. John Mickey, Jr. Mrs. Ruby B. Lambert Dr. William L. and Dr. Andrea P. Kittrell Mrs. Elizabeth A. Lasley Ms. Susan N. Carter-Hope Mrs. Jane S. Lasley Mrs. Elizabeth A. Lasley 2011 AR B O R ACR E S AN N UAL R E POR T Mr. Clarence and Mrs. Martha Mattocks Mrs. Elizabeth A. Lasley Mrs. Estie Maus Mrs. Rebecca A. Saunders Mrs. Kay M. Phillips Mr. W. David Piner Mr. Robert L. and Mrs. Doris Anne Miller Dr. Julian and Rev. Frances I. Lindsey Dr. Henry S. Miller, Jr. Mrs. Martha S. Miller Mrs. Nita Morris Dr. and Mrs. Thomas B. Cannon Dr. Nancy Cassill Mrs. J. Meredith Lindel Dr. and Mrs. Robert L. Parker, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Duke Wieden Mrs. Beryl G. Moser Mrs. Lois L. Logan Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Allen Mr. and Mrs. Ralph E. Logan Mr. and Mrs. Ollin Powers Ms. Katherine R. Lohr Mr. and Mrs. Manford R. Haxton Mr. Doc Long Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Hill Mrs. Lucille Long Mr. and Mrs. Paul K. Johnson Loved Ones Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Strickland Mr. and Mrs. Gerry Malmo Mr. and Mrs. John Mickey, Jr. Mrs. Rachel M. Marion Miss Angela D. Marion Mrs. Alline B. Martin Mr. John M. Martin Mr. and Mrs. Jimmie D. Smitherman Mr. and Mrs. James E. Martin Mr. and Mrs. John Mickey, Jr. Mrs. Maxine Mathis Mr. and Mrs. Craig M. Lancaster Mr. and Mrs. Harry C. Lancaster Mr. and Mrs. Donnie Nixon Mr. W. David Piner Mr. Joseph H. Mickey Mrs. Mazie J. Levenson Mr. Joseph P. Logan Mrs. Erica Piner Mrs. Laura F. Piner Mr. and Mrs. Robert Egleston Mrs. Emma Lineberger Mrs. Lurana Day Mr. and Mrs. Bob McPherson Mr. and Mrs. L. P. McPherson Mr. J. Scott Cramer Mr. and Mrs. William H. Freeman JBA Benefits, LLC Mrs. Louise S. Wells Dr. Arnetta E. Beverly Mrs. Pauline D. Perry Mr. Grover C. and Mrs. Jane C. McNair Mrs. Martha McPherson Mrs. Mary Lois H. Leith Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Fadool, Jr. Mr. Thomas Perry & Mrs. Carolyn Dahl Mr. and Mrs. John Royster Mr. and Mrs. Claude H. Booker, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford W. Perry, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth P. Sommerkamp McNair Construction Co., Inc. Mrs. Mary Preston Yates Mr. and Mrs. William A. Wise Mrs. Lucille W. Perry Mrs. Mildred S. McMichael Mrs. Margaret Casey Mr. Paul R. Lawson 17 Mr. Robert Moser Mothers Mr. W. David Piner Mr. and Mrs. John Mickey, Jr. Mrs. Susie Redmond Mr. and Mrs. Jobie G. Redmond, Jr. Relatives and Friends Mr. and Mrs. Judson Davis Mrs. Peggy R. Rhodes Mrs. Dorothy S. Shoaf Mrs. Linda Richtarik Mrs. Kimberly Richtarik Mr. David Riffe Ms. Sarah Sands Ms. Lillian H. Sain Mr. and Mrs. Randall Cave Mrs. Natalie Satterfield Mrs. Susan Alford Mrs. Betsy I. Sawyer Mrs. Gail B. Williams Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Sawyer Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Warhover Mrs. June W. Myers Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Schofield Mr. and Mrs. David Wilson Mrs. Gordon H. Burgess Mrs. Kathleen L. Osborne Miss Kate M. Scott Fang Mu Mr. and Mrs. William G. Clark Rev. and Mrs. William H. Osborne, Jr. Mrs. Elsie J. McCall Mrs. Doris S. Page Ms. S. Antoinette Spain Mr. and Mrs. William H. Freeman Mrs. Susan S. Schwartz Mrs. Nancy Patram Mrs. Sybil Shreve Mr. Michael Patram Mr. and Mrs. Raymond G. McJunkin Mrs. Sara Patton Mrs. Joan L. Sibley Mr. and Mrs. Loren E. Rudolf Mr. and Mrs. David J. Williams, Jr. Mrs. Dorothy B. Peacock Sisters Mrs. Eleanor Sue C. Shore Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Coltrane, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Stephen O. Leonard Mrs. Gordon H. Burgess Mr. Philip D. Pearce Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Smithdeal Mr. and Mrs. Nelson P. Ingram III Mrs. Lucy F. Peebles Mr. and Mrs. Frederick P. Spach Mrs. Lucia J. Smithdeal Mrs. Ann Lewallen Spencer Mr. and Mrs. Wyatt Bassett Dr. and Mrs. Thomas B. Cannon Mr. and Mrs. J. Walter McDowell Mr. and Mrs. Frederick P. Spach Ms. Ann K. Windham 18 2011 AR B O R ACR E S AN N UAL R E POR T Mrs. Wixie O. Stalder Mrs. Pat Waltz Mr. Hal G. Worley Ms. Creola S. Starnes Mr. Robert E. and Mrs. Leslie R. Warhover Rev. Jack M. and Mrs. Sylvia Yarbrough Mrs. Anne S. Tyner Rev. and Mrs. T. P. Starnes Miss Jean A. Steelman Mr. and Mrs. John W. Borst Mr. and Mrs. George A. Heinz Mrs. Carol Stephenson Mrs. Ila Floyd Mrs. Lucy V. Stith Mr. and Mrs. Warren Nichols Ms. Barbara Deupree and Ms. Nancy J. Collins Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Warren Mrs. Amy Whicker Mr. Samuel J. Zachary Ms. Elizabeth A. Dull Mr. Richard and Mrs. Wendel H. Stockton Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Whitted Mr. and Mrs. Karl O. Koebberling Mrs. Elaine Stutts Mrs. Mary Lois H. Leith Rev. and Mrs. G. Lee Pollock Mrs. Jane S. Lasley Mrs. Gordon H. Burgess Ms. Betty R. Williams Mrs. Isabelle R. Pagett Mrs. Jane M. Williams Mr. and Mrs. J. Walter McDowell Mrs. Lucy J. Willingham Ms. Nancy G. Adkins Mr. B.J. Willingham Mrs. Mary Preston Yates Rev. Douglas L. Suggs Women of White Rock UMC Mrs. Katherine H. Boone Rev. and Mrs. William H. Osborne, Jr. Mrs. Estelle Thompson Mrs. Betty W. Van Glabeke Mrs. Marian P. Youngkin Mrs. Lynn Cribb Mr. and Mrs. Carroll W. Youngkin Mrs. Doris E. Whitt Bishop Thomas B. and Mrs. Jean S. Stockton Dr. and Mrs. William M. Satterwhite, Jr. Mrs. Beth W. Murray Mrs. Joellen Parks Rev. and Mrs. Frank A. Stith III Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Burke Mr. and Mrs. Alan Southard Ms. Wendy Stockton Mrs. Gordon H. Burgess White Rock UMC Dr. Patricia Suggs Mrs. Katherine H. Boone Mrs. Bess Swann Mrs. Helen Osteen Swann Mrs. Millison B. Taylor Mr. and Mrs. Daniel N. Smothers Mrs. Beatrice G. Tilman Dr. and Mrs. Timothy M. Boehm Mrs. Catherine Tracy Mrs. Patricia Hunter Rev. Jim Trollinger Mrs. Kathleen L. Osborne Mr. Hollard and Mrs. Melba Tussey Mr. and Mrs. Max Leonard Mrs. Betty W. Van Glabeke Mr. Gerald E. Smith and Mrs. Kathy Acton Mrs. Nita P. Wagoner Rev.and Mrs. G. Lee Pollock Mrs. Betty P. Setzer Mrs. Ruth M. Wall Mrs. Christine Boyle Ms. C. Anne Wallen Mr. Kenneth T. Wheeler, Jr. Ms. Martha Walser Ms. Nancy G. Adkins Bequests in 2011 totaled $398,498.54 Estate gifts received in 2011: Louise and Sam Adams G. Galloway Reynolds Mary H. Dalton Margaret P. Wade Phyllis Y. Ward Geraldine G. Whitlock Alice C. Williamson 2011 AR B O R ACR E S AN N UAL R E POR T GIVING Arbor Acres is grateful to the following donors for their generous support of its mission. Numbers following the names indicate the number of years contributing. This list is inclusive of all giving between January 1, 2011 and December 31, 2011. Susanna Wesley Friends $5,000 + Dr. and Mrs. Frederick A. Blount (17) Mr. Jack H. Campbell (27) Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Christopher, Jr. (7) Mr. J. Scott Cramer (9) Dr. and Mrs. Charles H. Duckett (2) Mr. John K. Gallaher (9) Mrs. Emma B. Graham (7) Mrs. Margaret V. Hill (6) Mr. & Mrs. H. Lindsay Holcomb, Jr. (29) Mr. and Mrs. Gregory B. Hunter (7) Mrs. Martha J. Keiger (23) Mrs. Garnette H. LeRoy (2) Mr. and Mrs. Alan R. Levin (4) Mrs. Elizabeth C. Lewis (7) Mr. and Mrs. Curtis E. Long (8) Mr. and Mrs. John G. Medlin, Jr. (10) Dr. Henry S. Miller, Jr. (24) Dr. and Mrs. William G. Montgomery (12) Mrs. Pauline D. Perry (26) Mr. and Mrs. L. Gordon Pfefferkorn, Jr. (22) Mr. E. Norwood Robinson (31) Dr. Edward N. and Dr. Pamela P. Robinson (4) Mr. James G. Robinson (2) Mrs. Nita P. Wagoner (25) Mr. John C. Whitaker, Jr. (9) Mr. William F. Womble (32) John Wesley Friends $2,500+ Anonymous (16) Dr. and Mrs. Edward S. Beason (16) Dr. and Mrs. Timothy M. Boehm (7) Mr. George W. Crone, Jr. (22) Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. Driscoll (19) Mrs. Nancy W. Fowler (2) Mr. & Mrs. William A. Goodson III (4) Mr. and Mrs. Philip G. Kinken, Jr. (28) Mr. and Mrs. James E. Martin (18) Mrs. Joellen Parks (3) Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Robinson (3) Mr. Michael Robinson and Ms. Wynn Tanner (25) Mrs. Norma S. Turnham (15) 19 Aldersgate Friends $1,000 - $2,499 Charles Wesley Friends $500 + Mr. and Mrs. William D. Acton, Jr. (3) Mrs. Elizabeth W. Alexander (8) Mr. and Mrs. Archie G. Allen, Jr. (22) Anonymous (19) Anonymous (20) Ms. Sarah Y. Austin (26) Mr. C. A. Bailey, Jr. (23) Mr. and Mrs. David Blanco (9) Mr. and Mrs. Henry M. Booke (25) Mr. Sam L. Booke, Jr. (27) Mr. and Mrs. James T. Brewer (16) Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth P. Carlson (2) Mr. & Mrs. James H. Corrigan, Jr. (18) Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Crichlow, Jr. (12) Mrs. Helen D. Davis (11) Mr. and Mrs. Larry D. Davis (10) Mrs. Lurana Day (5) Mrs. Mary M. Emler (8) Mr. Donald F. Eppert (3) Ms. Alicia N. Fields (2) Ms. Jane Goodson (11) Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Goodson, Jr. (25) Dr. and Mrs. Willis J. Grant III (17) Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Hauser (8) Mr. Frank Hinman II (6) Mr. W. David Hobbs, Jr. and Ms. Gail Lybrook (2) Dr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Hunt (26) Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Jones (30) Mr. and Mrs. William A. Knott (24) Mrs. Elizabeth A. Lasley (6) Mr. and Mrs. Franklyn K. Levin (3) Mr. and Mrs. Matt R. Long, Jr. (29) Ms. Nancy S. Marshall (10) Mr. John M. Martin (17) Mr. and Mrs. Tony D. McDowell (14) Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Merritt (8) Dr. and Mrs. Samuel H. Moore, Jr. (4) Mr. and Mrs. James D. Oelschlager (14) Mr. and Mrs. Sam C. Ogburn, Sr. (29) Mr. W. David Piner (17) Mrs. Betty Pitt (1) Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Pleasants, Jr. (12) Ms. Joyce A. Powell (1) Judge & Mrs. Julius A. Rousseau, Jr. (30) Mr. Dalton D. Ruffin (5) Mrs. Betty B. Runnion (7) Mrs. Lucia J. Smithdeal (29) Mr. and Mrs. Harvey A. Stophel (23) Mr. and Mrs. Tyson Swain (6) Mr. and Mrs. John R. Trulove (27) Mrs. Jane W. Truscott (29) Mr. and Mrs. Fred D. Turnage (1) Mrs. June D. Ward (4) Mr. B.J. Willingham (6) Mrs. Ellen S. Yarborough (4) Mrs. Mary Preston Yates (1) Mr. and Mrs. W. Vann York (21) Mr. Samuel J. Zachary (26) Mr. and Mrs. James G. Adams, Sr. (22) Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Allen (18) Mr. and Mrs. Dan W. Austell, Jr. (2) Mr. and Mrs. William L. Ball (6) Mr. and Mrs. Frank M. Bell (12) Mrs. Katrina S. Bodford (5) Mr. Bowman W. Bowers (3) Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth W. Boyles (6) Mrs. Gordon H. Burgess (19) Mr. and Mrs. B.F. Caviness (13) Dr. and Mrs. Robert J. Cowan (28) Mrs. Ginny Craver (25) Mr. and Mrs. J. Charles Dunn (18) Mr. Jon East (1) Mrs. Aurelia G. Eller (8) Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Fletcher (8) Rev. & Mrs. Donald K. Funderburk (19) Mr. James A. Gallaher (3) Mrs. Doris C. Gehring (5) Mrs. Helen C. Hanes (29) Mr. Weston P. Hatfield (1) Mrs. Mary B. Haywood (8) Ms. Dorothy R. Henley (3) Mr. and Mrs. Gary A. Herring (10) Mrs. Allan C. Hollan (29) Mr. Ralph H. Holthouser (4) The Reverend Clark W. Hunt (26) Mr. and Mrs. Peter Jenks (2) Mrs. Molly W. Johnson (13) Dr. and Mrs. C. Douglas Maynard (12) Mrs. Elsie J. McCall (4) Mr. Robert Miller (1) Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Pardue (2) Mrs. Ruth M. Pleasants (29) Mr. Charles K. Rausch (20) Mr. and Mrs. Larry Roth (9) Dr. & Mrs. William M. Satterwhite, Jr. (21) Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Scherl (13) Mr. and Mrs. Andrew J. Schindler (7) Mr. and Mrs. Grover Shugart, Jr. (6) Mr. James C. Siceloff (25) Mrs. Jane P. Slick (3) Mrs. Sherri Smith (1) Dr. and Mrs. Jule C. Spach (30) Mrs. Nancy N. Spencer (2) Mr. and Mrs. W. David Stedman (15) Ms. Preston Stockton (21) Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Strickland (4) Mr. and Mrs. John A. Taylor (11) Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Vaughn, Jr. (29) Mr. Franklyn S. Whitlock (10) Mr. Fillmore E. Williams (22) Mrs. Martha H. Womble (27) Cokesbury Friends 20 2011 AR B O R ACR E S AN N UAL R E POR T $100 - $499 Mr. Gerald E. Smith and Mrs. Kathy Acton (4) Mr. William Acton (12) Dr. and Mrs. Harley P. Affeldt (16) Mr. and Mrs. W. Darrell Allred (24) Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Anderson (19) Mrs. Jane G. Volckmann (13) Mr. and Mrs. Donald L. Argabright (25) Mrs. Anne C. Arnsdorff (1) Mr. and Mrs. Franklin D. Austin (11) Mr. Jack P. Austin (1) Ms. Lisa L. Austin (9) Mr. David W. Bailey, Jr. (6) Mr. and Mrs. Jack Z. Bailiff (23) Mr. and Mrs. Edward L. Baity (25) Ms. Cindi Barnes (10) Rev. and Mrs. Roland T. Barnhardt (16) Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Barrows (14) Mr. and Mrs. Wyatt Bassett (5) Colonel & Mrs. Edward Batchelor (26) Mrs. Mamie G. Bateman (25) Mr. Frederick Bauer (3) Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Beason (19) Mr. Alexander Beaty (1) Mr. Arnold Beauchamp (1) Ms. Karen B. Bennett (22) Dr. and Mrs. F. Edward Bentley (15) Mr. Joe H. Berrier (17) Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Biby (23) Mrs. Carolyn W. Black (1) Mr. and Mrs. John A. Black (8) Ms. Cynthia E. Blair (3) Dr. Marsha Bledsoe (5) Mrs. Sarah Blizard (5) Mr. and Mrs. Claude H. Booker, Jr. (9) Mr. and Mrs. John W. Borst (7) Mrs. Lucy L. Bovet (3) Mr. and Mrs. John B. Brady (24) Ms. Wilba P. Brady (26) Mr. and Mrs. John T. Brandon (26) Mr. and Mrs. Sydney Britt (2) Mr. and Mrs. James C. Brown (5) Mrs. Kirby C. Brown (8) Rev. and Mrs. Rodney C. Brown (24) Mr. and Mrs. Harold C. Buckingham, Jr. (1) Mrs. Miriam Bumgarner (23) Mr. and Mrs. David W. Burke (7) Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Burke (3) Mr. Jon M. Burkhart (5) Mrs. Martha H. Butner (19) Mrs. Helen Caines (1) Mr. Bruce L. Calhoun (1) Mrs. Martha Carlisle (2) Mr. Coy C. Carpenter, Jr. (18) Mr. Robert G. Carroll (10) Mrs. Margaret Casey (6) Dr. Nancy Cassill (2) Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Cavallo, Jr. (2) Mr. and Mrs. Randall Cave (6) Dr. & Mrs. Dudley C. Chandler, Jr. (8) Mr. George W. Chandler, Jr. (12) Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Chapple, Jr. (27) Mr. Robert S. Chiles, Sr. (4) Mr. and Mrs. Frank F. Coan (3) Mr. & Mrs. Joseph M. Coltrane, Jr. (22) Mr. and Mrs. Buddy Connor (9) Mrs. Deborah C. Conrad (24) Mr. and Mrs. Miller S. Council (18) Mr. O. Douglas Covington (1) Mr. Maxwell Cox (5) Mr. and Mrs. Ronald B. Creasy (21) Mrs. Judith H. Culley (3) Mr. and Mrs. G. Dan Culp (12) Mr. and Mrs. Meriwether L. Cuningham (11) Mr. Robert E. Curlee (12) Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas A. Daves (3) Dr. Courtland H. Davis (5) Mr. and Mrs. Duane Davis (1) Mr. and Mrs. Judson Davis (1) Mr. and Mrs. Roy Davis (4) Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Davis (1) Mrs. Susan Dickerson (1) Dr. and Mrs. Robert G. Dillard (4) Mr. and Mrs. Harvey B. Dillon (20) Mr. Clarence Dixon (1) Mr. and Mrs. Clarence F. Dixon (2) Ms. Sarah R. Dixon (20) Mrs. Catherine J. Dobbs (5) Mr. Charles E. Dobbs (3) Mrs. Judy Doggett (1) Mr. and Mrs. James M. Dossinger (4) Mr. and Mrs. C. Stephen Dula (19) Mr. Steven W. Dunn (4) Mr. and Mrs. Seth Dworkin (8) Mrs. Nancy E. East (4) Mr. and Mrs. Robert Egleston (5) Ms. Betty J. Ellender (4) Mr. and Mrs. Larry E. Elliott (2) Mr. and Mrs. John Elster (3) Mrs. Suzan Elster (2) Mrs. Carolyn C. Enslen (8) Mr. and Mrs. Peter Epermanis (12) Mr. and Mrs. William G. Ervin (16) Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Fadool, Jr. (5) Ms. Ann G. Faust (18) Mrs. Dee Dee Feggins (1) Mrs. Elizabeth B. Felts (7) Ms. Margaret H. Felts (5) Dr. and Mrs. James W. Ferree (20) Mr. and Mrs. David B. Ferrell (1) Mrs. Louise B. Flowers (24) Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Fly (1) Mrs. Anne W. Foltz (1) Mr. and Mrs. Cecil S. Foushee (25) Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Fowler (1) Mr. and Mrs. William H. Freeman (15) Mrs. Cleo T. Fulcher (1) Mrs. Elizabeth K. Fyock (5) Dr. and Mrs. Joe E. Gaddy, Jr. (22) Mr. John W. Garrison (1) Mr. and Mrs. John E. Gehring (6) Mrs. Doris S. Gibson (4) Dr. and Mrs. Richard R. Glenn (8) Mr. and Mrs. John Goff (5) Mr. and Mrs. Thomas O. Goodson (4) Mr. William A. Goodson, Jr. (21) Mrs. Izoria S. Gordon (2) Mrs. Janis Gorlick-Asmus (4) Dr. and Mrs. Willis J. Grant III (4) Mr. and Mrs. Rhett E. Greene, Sr. (19) Dr. and Mrs. Franklin W. Grice (18) Ms. Julia H. Gunn (21) Mrs. Miriam W. Haines (5) Mr. and Mrs. J. Donald Hall (24) Mrs. Helene W. Halverson (3) Mrs. Rachel A. Hamilton (2) Mr. and Mrs. Wade G. Hampton, Jr. (2) Mr. and Mrs. Wade G. Hampton III (8) Mrs. Ruth Hanas (1) Mr. and Mrs. F. Borden Hanes, Jr. (23) Mrs. Margaret O. Hardin (12) Rev. and Mrs. Wannamaker W. Hardin, Jr. (13) Ms. Betty Harrill (2) Ms. Nancy C. Harrill (8) Mr. Bobby Hawkins (5) Mr. and Mrs. Manford R. Haxton (8) Mrs. Patricia H. Hearn (4) Mr. and Mrs. George A. Heinz (8) Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Hendricks (16) Mr. and Mrs. Jerry C. Hendrix (3) Dr. and Mrs. Walter M. Henley (24) Mr. and Mrs. David Herrington (2) Mr. Edwin M. Hill (4) Ms. Mary S. Hill (7) Mrs. Alice W. Hinman (23) Mrs. Alice G. Hogans (1) Mr. and Mrs. Jerald W. Holcomb (9) Mrs. Jean L. Hole (23) Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. Holliday, Jr. (14) Mr. Dalton B. Holmes (6) Mr. James E. Holmes, Jr. (29) Mrs. Loma C. Hopkins (1) Dr. Jean B. Hopson (21) Mrs. Elizabeth C. Horton (1) Mr. Bailey E. Howard, Jr. (12) Ms. Miriam W. Hudspeth (4) Mrs. Jacqueline S. Hunt (29) Mr. John W. Hunt (20) Mr. Philip L. Hunt (1) Rev. and Mrs. Billy V. Hunter (5) Mrs. Patricia Hunter (7) Mr. and Mrs. Nelson P. Ingram III (16) Mr. and Mrs. James M. Iseman, Jr. (18) Dr. Frank Ison (4) Mr. Gustav C. Jamison (8) Mr. James R. Jarrell (5) Mr. and Mrs. Terry Jessup (3) Mr. Kathryn K. Johnson (24) Mrs. Ann C. Johnston (22) Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Jones (6) 2011 AR B O R ACR E S AN N UAL R E POR T Mrs. Helen Jones (1) Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Jones (25) Mr. Henry Watson Jordan II and Mrs. Meghan Jordan (1) Rev. and Mrs. N. Fred Jordan, Jr. (9) Mrs. Joy J. Joss (3) Mrs. Margaret L. Keely (23) Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Keely (6) Mr. and Mrs. Charlie F. Keiger (3) Dr. and Mrs. Theodore A. Keith (7) Dr. and Mrs. Daniel H. Kennedy (11) Mr. and Mrs. Truman T. Kiger (15) Mrs. Billie C. Kimel (18) Dr. and Mrs. R. Mark King (3) Mrs. Arlene B. Kirby (29) Mrs. Martha L. Kirby (4) Dr. William L. and Dr. Andrea P. Kittrell (2) Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Lake (3) Mr. and Mrs. Leslie W. Lamar (22) Rev. and Mrs. Joe A. Law (22) Mr. and Mrs. John Lawson, Jr. (1) Mr. Paul R. Lawson (4) Mrs. Mary Lois H. Leith (6) Mrs. Mazie J. Levenson (16) Mrs. J. Meredith Lindel (2) Mrs. Ruth F. Lindsay (1) Mrs. Audrey Littlejohn (1) Mrs. Mary G. Lockhart (10) Mr. Joseph P. Logan (3) Mr. and Mrs. Ralph E. Logan (6) Mr. Weldon Loggins (3) Mr. and Mrs. Harold M. Lominac (26) Mr. and Mrs. Clyde A. Long, Jr. (26) Mr. and Mrs. Matt R. Long, Jr. (5) Mrs. Judy Long (2) Mr. & Mrs. Virginius B. Lougee III (26) Mrs. Mary Alice Love (24) Mrs. Mary Hazel T. Lucas (8) Ms. Carol M. Mabe (3) Mrs. Judy MacMillan (9) Mrs. Jo A. Main (1) Rev. and Mrs. C. Clay Manning (27) Rev. and Mrs. Robert E. Manthey (2) Mr. and Mrs. Edward M. Marsh, Jr. (3) Mr. and Mrs. Bunes Marshall (1) Mr. and Mrs. Laurence E. Masters (1) Mrs. Leslie C. McCall (2) Mr. James T. McCombs (12) Mr. and Mrs. J. Walter McDowell (27) Mr. and Mrs. Gene McElroy (1) Mrs. Mildred S. McMichael (6) Mrs. Martha F. McNair (7) Mr. and Mrs. Bob McPherson (4) Mr. and Mrs. L. P. McPherson (6) Rev. & Mrs. William T. Medlin III (7) Mr. and Mrs. John Mickey, Jr. (4) Mr. Joseph H. Mickey (14) Keiko Miki (1) Mr. and Mrs. Anthony B. Miller (9) Dr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Milner III (8) Mr. Thomas A. Miskimen (8) Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas W. Mitchell, Jr. (9) Mr. and Mrs. Owen S. Moore (15) Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Moore, Jr. (19) Mr. and Mrs. Walter M. Moore, Jr. (24) Mrs. Beryl G. Moser (21) Rev. and Mrs. Aaron W. Moss (20) Mrs. Elaine L. Muir (28) Mrs. Beth W. Murray (13) Mrs. Hazel N. Nading (14) Dr. and Mrs. Clay H. Napper (16) Dr. and Mrs. J. R. Nations (2) Mrs. Mildred B. Naugle (6) Mrs. Phyllis Newsome (4) Mr. and Mrs. Warren Nichols (8) Mr. and Mrs. Roy S. Nifong (26) Mr. and Mrs. Donnie Nixon (3) Mr. Julian O. Northcraft and Rev. Suzanne Northcraft (15) Mr. and Mrs. K. Patrick Ober (3) Mrs. Mary Ann Odell (3) Mrs. Anita H. Ogburn (19) Mr. John F. Orman, Jr. (1) Mrs. Elizabeth D. Orr (12) Mrs. Kathleen L. Osborne (10) Rev. and Mrs. William H. Osborne, Jr. (12) Mrs. Doris S. Page (2) Mr. and Mrs. Dave Pandres (8) Mrs. Dorothy B. Peacock (10) Mrs. Lucy F. Peebles (13) Mrs. Sarah Penry (20) Mrs. Vivian R. Penry (27) Mrs. Beulah Perkins (8) Mrs. Gwen Perkins (1) Mr. and Mrs. Clifford W. Perry, Jr. (27) Mr. Thomas Perry and Mrs. Carolyn Dahl (4) Mrs. Helen S. Peterson (15) Dr. and Mrs. Harold Pollard (12) Dr. F. Edward Pollock, Jr. (6) Mrs. Lana G. Porter (1) Mr. and Mrs. Ollin Powers (1) Mrs. Lisa P. Purcell (5) Mrs. Mary Ann Ratcliff (23) Mrs. Karen C. Ren (1) Mrs. Nancy Richards (14) Mr. and Mrs. Leslie U. Ricketts, Jr. (24) Mrs. Jackie P. Rider (17) Mrs. Jennifer Ross (2) Ms. Lynn Ross (8) Mrs. Elizabeth H. Rudisill (17) Mr. and Mrs. Loren E. Rudolf (2) Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Rush (1) Ms. Sarah Sands (14) 21 Mrs. Betsy I. Sawyer (15) Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Sawyer (2) Dr. and Mrs. William Sayers (11) Mr. Daniel Scannell (1) Mr. and Mrs. Herbert C. Schafer (4) Mrs. Susan S. Schwartz (7) Mr. and Mrs. William C. Scurry (24) Mrs. Joyce H. Shealy (7) Dr. and Mrs. Ronald B. Shealy (16) Mr. and Mrs. Harold T. Shehan (22) Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Shelton (2) Dr. and Mrs. Brad C. Shinaman (21) Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Shipley (18) Mrs. E. Sue Shore (13) Dr. Anna A. Simkins (17) Mrs. Debra R. Sizemore (6) Mrs. Carol M. Slagle (2) Mr. David C. Slater (1) Ms. E. Sue Smith (5) Mrs. Minnie Louise Smith (29) Mrs. Molly R. Smith (1) Mr. and Mrs. William A. Smith (1) Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth P. Sommerkamp (22) Mr. and Mrs. Alan Southard (4) Mr. and Mrs. Frederick P. Spach (8) Mrs. Ann Lewallen Spencer (28) Mrs. Ann M. Sperry (1) Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher L. Spillman (9) Mr. and Mrs. William P. Steele (26) Rev. and Mrs. Frank A. Stith III (10) Mr. and Mrs. Richard Stockton (31) Mr. and Mrs. J. Robert Stout (1) Dr. Hunter G. Strader (18) Mrs. Cindy Strickland (1) Mr. and Mrs. Earle Sullivan (1) Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Summey (1) Mr. Norman W. Swanson and Mrs. Marguerite M. Howe-Swanson (25) Mrs. Mildred W. Swicegood (23) Mr. R. Casey Swicegood (6) Mr. and Mrs. Carl Swofford (21) Mr. Wade and Reverend Lisa Tanico (2) Mr. and Mrs. Thomas N. Taylor (19) Mrs. Patsy N. Thomas (1) Mrs. Estelle Thompson (1) Mr. & Mrs. James L. Thompson, Jr. (17) Mrs. Marian Tidd (1) 22 2011 AR B O R ACR E S AN N UAL R E POR T Mrs. Elva Grace Tomlinson (4) Dr. and Mrs. James F. Toole (10) Ms. Barbara Trent (5) Mrs. Karen Tucker (1) Mr. and Mrs. George W. Turner (1) Mrs. Betty W. Van Glabeke (7) Mrs. Eleanor J. Vance (15) Mrs. Joan W. Wadkinson (7) Mr. and Mrs. Hans Wanders (13) Mr. and Mrs. William S. Ward (24) Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Warhover (16) Mrs. Carolyn G. Warlick (2) Mrs. Jane M. Waugh (5) Mr. and Mrs. David J. Weaver (1) Mr. and Mrs. Arthur G. Weber (14) Mr. and Mrs. Howard W. Wells (21) Mr. and Mrs. Edward L. Wentz, Jr. (11) Mrs. Mary Lu Whaling (5) Mrs. Doris E. Whitt (5) Mrs. Sarah T. Whittington (1) The Reverend Sylvia Wilhelm (4) Mr. Michael Wilkins (2) Mrs. Nita S. Wilkinson (4) Mr. David Williams (5) Ms. Edith A. Williams (24) Mrs. Gail B. Williams (5) Mr. Joeff Williams (1) Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Williams, Jr. (1) Mr. and Mrs. John G. Williard (18) Mrs. Barbara O. Wilson (12) Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Winn, Jr. (18) Mr. and Mrs. William A. Wise (3) Mrs. Wenona F. Witter (9) Mr. & Mrs. William F. Womble, Jr. (7) Dr. C. M. Worthy, Jr. (6) Mr. Ralph Yokeley (24) Mr. and Mrs. Carroll W. Youngkin (2) Epworth Friends $1 - $99 Mr. and Mrs. Jim R. Abernathy (2) Ms. Nancy G. Adkins (9) Mrs. Wynnette Alexander (1) Mrs. Susan Alford (5) Ms. Winnie Allred (9) Mr. and Mrs. Ronald S. Amell (1) Mrs. Carolyn L. Anderson (2) Mrs. Margaret L. Anderson (1) Ms. Scharlot Angel (8) Anonymous (6) Arbor Acres Residents of: McPherson Building, 4th Floor (3) Womble Building, 4th Floor (6) Mrs. Ruth O. Arthur (1) Ms. Sue T. Ashby (7) Mr. and Mrs. Bobby G. Austin (1) Ms. Elizabeth Ayscue (1) Mr. Roger Baity (2) Mr. and Mrs. Dennis R. Baldwin (6) Mrs. Rebecca H. Ballard (13) Ms. Rebecca C. Barnard (15) Ms. Sarah B. Barnhardt (10) Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Bartko (2) Mr. William M. Batchelor (14) Dr. and Mrs. Harold B. Bates (1) Mr. Donnie Batten (1) Mrs. Lois E. Beatty (15) Mrs. Mary M. Beavers (25) Mr. and Mrs. Joe D. Becker (15) Mr. Odell D. Beroth (7) Mr. and Mrs. James C. Berrier (21) Dr. Arnetta E. Beverly (3) The Reverend and Mrs. William O. Bigham (12) Mrs. Barbara L. Binkert (1) Mrs. Louise Bird (2) Mrs. Lucille Blankenship (3) Mr. Robert A. Blaylock (3) Mr. R. A. Blevins (8) Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Blevins (16) Mr. and Mrs. Mike Blizard (1) Mr. and Mrs. William C. Bodie (1) Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Bond (20) Mrs. Katherine H. Boone (7) Mr. and Mrs. William T. Boone (4) Mr. and Mrs. Charles Boswell (4) The Reverend Lori Anne Bowen (19) Mr. and Mrs. Rex Bowen (3) Mrs. Christine Boyle (9) Mr. and Mrs. Lowell E. Bradley (10) Mrs. Claudette Brady (1) Mr. and Mrs. Theodore R. Branton (25) Mr. Robert P. Brewer (2) Mrs. Mary Briggs (2) Ms. Gayle Brookbank (6) Mr. and Mrs. William O. Brown, Jr. (1) The Reverend Richard Buffkin (1) Mrs. Evelyn F. Bumgarner (22) Mrs. Nancy Bunch (3) Mr. and Mrs. Richard Burnette (7) Mr. and Mrs. Bobby J. Burton (1) Mrs. Jo Ann Burton (1) Mr. and Mrs. Norman L. Byerly (2) Ms. Elizabeth S. Callari (5) Ms. Miriam Campbell (11) Mr. and Mrs. R.B. Campbell (3) Mrs. Agnes M. Canzona (12) Mr. and Mrs. Troy Carpenter (2) Mrs. Mildred C. Carr (1) Mrs. Beth Carroll (22) Mr. and Mrs. Edward L. Carter (15) Mrs. Geraldine M. Carter (1) Mrs. Mildred S. Carter (17) Mrs. Nancy M. Carter (1) Mr. and Mrs. Thomas N. Carter (18) Ms. Susan N. Carter-Hope (4) Mr. and Mrs. Clyde H. Cartner (3) Rev. and Mrs. Dwight Cartner (9) Mr. and Mrs. Joel L. Cathey (3) Mrs. Kathy Chefas (1) Ms. Nancy Christie (3) Mr. and Mrs. William G. Clark (21) Mr. and Mr. Wade H. Clayton (1) Mrs. Amanda H. Cleary (5) Ms. Jane Click (24) Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Cloaninger (1) Mr. and Mrs. W. Howard Coble (12) Mrs. Martha J. Cochran (19) Mr. and Mrs. Charles T. Cochrane (9) Ms. JoAnn Collins (4) Mr. and Mrs. Renny A. Collins (23) Mrs. Ruth B. Collins (25) Mrs. Beth J. Conerly (1) Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Connelly (22) The Reverend & Mrs. Don E. Conrad (9) Ms. Bonnie S. Cook (15) Mr. & Mrs. W. Andrew Copenhaver (10) Mr. Harry R. Corey (1) Dr. and Mrs. Paul W. F. Coughlin (3) Mr. Fred E. Cox, Sr. (6) Mrs. Kari Craig (1) Mr. and Mrs. William B. Crane, Sr. (26) Mrs. Pat Craver (2) Mrs. Martha R. Crawford (9) Mrs. Helen P. Crenshaw (22) Mrs. Lynn Cribb (2) Mrs. Lauren F. Crotts (1) Mrs. June B. Crummett (5) Mrs. Joan Cudworth (2) Mr. James M. Culberson, Jr. (25) Mrs. Susan B. Culp (5) Mr. Samuel S. Dalton (10) Mrs. Jean Darden (6) Mrs. Carolyn Davis (1) Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Davis III (1) Mr. and Mrs. William Deal (11) Mr. and Mrs. John Deason (23) Mr. and Mrs. Barry W. Deaton (12) Ms. Barbara Deupree and Ms. Nancy J. Collins (4) Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy A. Dew (15) Mr. and Mrs. Michael B. Dew (2) Mr. and Mrs. William P. Dickey (2) Mr. and Mrs. Jack T. Dixon (3) Mrs. Darcy Dober (1) 2011 AR B O R ACR E S AN N UAL R E POR T The Reverend and Mrs. Lewis H. Dodson (5) Ms. Rachel E. Dodson (8) Mr. Ray T. Dodson (1) Mr. Roy H. Dodson (1) Mrs. Betty D. Doub (11) The Reverend and Mrs. Robert E. Dowling (11) Mr. Anthony L. Downs (1) Mr. Gordon B. Doyle III (4) Mrs. Jeana Dreps (3) Mr. and Mrs. Henry G. Duffer (17) Ms. Elizabeth A. Dull (21) Ms. Ann Duncan (3) Mrs. Levia Eads (1) Mrs. Shelley R. Early (1) Ms. Debra A. Easter (17) Mrs. Emma Eckhart (1) Mrs. Kelly Eddins (1) Ms. Denise Edwards (18) Mr. Harold F. Edwards (1) Mr. and Mrs. William B. Edwards (4) Mrs. Barbara T. Ezell (1) Mrs. Martha M. Field (3) Mr. and Mrs. John Fike (2) Mr. Edgar B. Fisher, Jr. (7) Mr. and Mrs. Guy W. Fisher (15) Mr. and Mrs. George R. Fleetwood (21) Mr. and Mrs. Gary G. Fleming (26) Mrs. Ila Floyd (1) Mr. and Mrs. John F. Floyd (1) Mrs. Betty S. Foster (16) Mrs. Ruth S. Foster (1) Mr. John A. Fowler (18) Mr. and Mrs. John Fragakis (4) Mrs. Mildred Gann (1) Mr. and Mrs. Billy R. Gardner (14) Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Gardner (2) Mr. and Mrs. John A. Garwood (14) The Reverend Beverly Gaska (2) Mr. James E. Gay III (2) Ms. Elizabeth Gee (8) Mr. and Mrs. John E. Gehring (4) Mr. and Mrs. James R. Geiger (1) Mr. Francis J. Geiser, Jr. (20) Mrs. Carolyn Gentry (14) Ms. Patty German (5) Ms. Mary Belle Gilbert (1) Mrs. Emily R. Givens (2) Mrs. Rachel W. Gladstone (9) Mr. and Mrs. W. Robert Glenn (1) Mrs. Mary E. Goldston (18) Mrs. Karen K. Gooch (1) Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Gooding (20) Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Graham, Jr. (1) Mrs. Mary Grant (2) Mr. and Mrs. Porter O. Gray (1) Mr. Tony N. Gray (1) Mr. and Mrs. Edwin J. Greene (23) Mrs. Evelyn R. Groce (2) Mr. Trent Grubb (3) Mr. and Mrs. Doug Gunnell (20) Ms. Eleanor S. Gurney (15) Mrs. Martha Gwyn (18) Mr. and Mrs. William Haidler (1) Mr. and Mrs. George K. Hale III (1) Mr. and Mrs. Jerry W. Hall (1) Mrs. Dorothy Hamilton (6) Mr. and Mrs. John C. Hamilton (18) Mr. and Mrs. Bobby C. Hancock (3) Mr. and Mrs. James Handsaker (1) Mrs. Beverly Hardy (1) Mrs. Julia P. Hardy (17) Mrs. Caroline F. Hargus (1) Mrs. Duilla I. Harkins (6) Mrs. Miriam S. Harmon (19) Ms. Jean Harpe (2) Mr. and Mrs. Henry L. Harrell (1) Mr. and Mrs. Jessie R. Harrelson (4) Mr. and Mrs. John A. Hart, Jr. (4) Mrs. Jean E. Haworth (1) Mr. and Mrs. Manford R. Haxton (3) Mr. Kevin Heath (2) Mrs. Ruth B. Heath (1) Mr. and Mrs. Gary R. Heder (3) Mr. and Mrs. Terry P. Heflin (5) Mrs. Meneta W. Henderson (16) Ms. Lenora Henley (5) Mrs. Katherine W. Hicks (1) Ms. Katherine Higgins (1) Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Hill (2) Mr. and Mrs. Tommy R. Hinson (5) Mrs. Judy Hinton (1) Ms. Mary H. Hix (3) Mr. and Mrs. William T. Hix (1) Mrs. Debbie Holbrook (5) Ms. Mitzi L. Hole (5) Mrs. Betty J. Holmes (4) Mr. and Mrs. Steve Houck (2) Mr. C. Royce Hough (2) Mrs. E.R. Howard (8) Mr. and Mrs. Frank H. Hubbard (1) Mr. and Mrs. John Hubich (5) Mr. and Mrs. Samuel E. Hucks (21) Mr. and Mrs. James G. Hudson, Jr. (8) Mr. Terry Huls (2) Mr. and Mrs. Milton Humphreys (16) Mr. and Mrs. John W. Hunt (5) Mr. Peter K. Hunt (1) Mr. and Mrs. Craig Hunter (1) Mrs. Jean Hunter (25) Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Hunter, Jr. (1) Mr. and Mrs. Edward T. Hurdle (1) Mr. and Mrs. T. Wayne Hutchens (1) Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hutchinson (1) Mrs. Louise C. Hutchinson (14) Mr. and Mrs. Albert B. Hyde (13) Mrs. Edith W. Illick (1) Mrs. Martha H. Isenberg (12) Mr. and Mrs. James E. Isley (25) Mr. Charles Jackson (1) Mrs. Betty Jackson (2) Mrs. Roselyn Jackson (6) Mr. and Mrs. Nicky R. Jamison (1) Mr. John R. Jarrell (25) Ms. Dorothy A. Jeremiah (1) Mrs. Betty W. Johnson (2) Mrs. Carol A. Johnson (19) Ms. Elizabeth Johnson (11) Ms. Lamika Johnson (1) Mr. and Mrs. Paul K. Johnson (3) Ms. Patricia B. Jones (3) Mrs. Virginia S. Jones (1) Mr. and Mrs. Anthony D. Joyce (1) Mrs. Peggy B. Joyce (1) Mrs. Mary E. Kane (2) Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Keaton (6) Mrs. Rheba H. Keefer (1) 23 Mrs. Sarah H. Kemm (1) Mr. James Kemp (9) Ms. Vicki L. Kendrick (10) Ms. Cora Kennedy (1) Mr. and Mrs. James C. Kennedy (25) Mrs. Lisa Kiger (1) Mr. and Mrs. O. Larry Kiger (1) Mrs. Joyce T. Kilby (4) Mr. and Mrs. Joel H. Kimball (2) Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Kinlaw, Jr. (5) Ms. Linda L. Kirby (8) Mr. Kenneth D. Knight (6) Mr. and Mrs. Jerry W. Knox (24) Mr. and Mrs. Karl O. Koebberling (8) Mrs. Annette Kreider (1) Mr. and Mrs. Jerry L. Kyle (12) Mr. and Mrs. Clay R. Ladd (18) Mr. and Mrs. Craig M. Lancaster (1) Mr. and Mrs. Harry C. Lancaster (11) Mrs. Jane S. Lasley (1) Mrs. Gladys Laughlin (2) Mr. & Mrs. B. Thomas Lawson, Jr. (13) Mrs. Eleanor Leam (1) Mr. and Mrs. Bunn H. Lee (1) Mrs. Jane A. Lee (1) Mr. and Mrs. Thomas S. Lee, Jr. (8) Mr. and Mrs. Stephen O. Leonard (4) Mr. and Mrs. Max Leonard (19) Mr. and Mrs. Wilford A. Leonard (17) Mr. Raoul H. Leuteritz (1) Mrs. Doris W. Lewis (9) Mr. and Mrs. Eugene A. Lewis (10) Mrs. Karen W. Lineberry (8) Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Livengood (1) Mr. and Mrs. Ralph E. Logan (4) Ms. Katherine R. Lohr (6) Mrs. Sara S. Long (2) Mr. and Mrs. Frank K. Lord, III (3) Mr. and Mrs. Andrew M. Lovette (1) Mrs. Patricia Luce (1) Mrs. Carol C. Lyerly (3) Mrs. Catherine M. Lyerly (1) Mr. and Mrs. Glenn E. Macey (15) Reverend and Mrs. Bob E. Manthey (6) Miss Angela D. Marion (9) Mrs. Fay C. Marler (24) Ms. Barbara T. Martin (21) 24 2011 AR B O R ACR E S AN N UAL R E POR T Mr. and Mrs. Larry M. Martin (18) Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Martin (1) Mrs. Marie Ann F. Martin (1) Mr. David Masich (1) Mr. Clifton H. Matthews (1) Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Mauzy III (7) Dr. and Mrs. John S. May (3) Mrs. Elizabeth A. McBride (18) Mr. and Mrs. Coleman B. McClain (13) Dr. Leah P. McCoy (15) Mr. Billy G. McDaniel (1) Mr. and Mrs. David G. McDonald (24) Ms. Sarah M. McFarland (10) Mr. and Mrs. James S. McGrath (1) Mr. William F. McIlwain, Sr. (5) Mr. & Mrs. Raymond G. McJunkin (8) Mrs. Eloise McLean (4) Mr. and Mrs. Grover C. McNair (7) Mrs. Sandra L. McNiel (3) Mr. John H. McPherson (2) Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Means, Sr. (7) Mrs. Jane N. Meckling (1) The Reverend William T. Medlin, Jr. (4) Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Meredith (21) Mrs. Mary W. Mickey (7) Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Miller (6) Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Mitchell (22) Dr. Lewis and Dr. Jane Mokrasch (6) Mr. and Mrs. Jack S. Moncrief (7) Mr. and Mrs. James E. Moore (1) Ms. Marilyn M. Moore (5) Mrs. Marjorie R. Moore (1) Mr. and Mrs. Mike Moore (1) Mr. Robert Moser (2) Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Moshell (1) Mrs. Sally S. Mull (1) Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Muller (1) Mr. and Mrs. Paul W. Mullican (1) Mr. and Mrs. John D. Mundy (9) The Reverend Jerry D. Murray (5) Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Myers, Jr. (16) Ms. Pamela R. Myers (3) Mrs. Virginia Nanzetta (15) Mr. and Mrs. Ben S. Neill, Jr. (19) Mrs. Jane Nelson (1) Ms. Diane Norman (9) Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Norwood (1) Mr. and Mrs. Charles Odom (15) Mr. and Mrs. Dale L. Orman (1) Ms. Linda J. Owings (20) Mrs. Isabelle R. Pagett (11) Dr. and Mrs. Robert L. Parker, Jr. (18) Mr. John Paterson, Jr. (8) Mr. Michael Patram (17) Ms. Elizabeth L. Patton (9) Mrs. Sharon L. Peck (3) Mrs. Debra S. Pegg (16) Mrs. Rebecca R. Pennell (1) Mr. and Mrs. John H. Pershing (25) Mr. and Mrs. William H. Petree, Jr. (14) Mrs. Margaret Pittard (23) The Reverend & Mrs. G. Lee Pollock (13) Dr. and Mrs. John V. Powell (4) Mrs. Helen H. Prince (1) Dr. and Dr. Walter S. Pritchard (8) Mrs. Ann Purcell (1) Mrs. Joy Quesenberry (3) The Reverend and Mrs. Steven K. Rainey (3) Mrs. Anne D. Rankin (25) Mrs. Helen Rankin (2) Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Ratledge (19) Mr. and Mrs. Jobie G. Redmond, Jr. (3) Mr. and Mrs. Sam E. Reeder (1) Mr. and Mrs. George F. Reeves, Jr. (13) Mrs. Kimberly J. Regan (1) Mrs. Eleanor B. Reid (4) Mrs. Eleanor Rein (1) Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Reitzel (1) Mr. and Mrs. Ronald H. Renoff (1) Mrs. Fern Rhodes (7) Mr. and Mrs. Russell H. Rich (11) Mrs. Kimberly Richtarik (1) Ms. Mary E. Riddle (3) Mr. and Mrs. Joseph S. Rierson (3) Mr. and Mrs. Lewis R. Ritchie (2) Mr. Robert E. Ritchie (1) Dr. and Mrs. George P. Robinson (27) Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Roe III (1) Mr. and Mrs. Jack Rogers (13) Mrs. Allan L. Rohrbaugh (1) Ms. Bettie S. Rowe (12) Mr. and Mrs. William T. Royal (6) Mr. and Mrs. John Royster (10) Mr. and Mrs. Guy Rudisill (19) Ms. Martha E. Russell (16) Mrs. Suella Russell (1) Mrs. Pamela Sanders (2) Mrs. Margaret V. Sandresky (7) Mrs. Louise E. Sapp (24) Mrs. Sue C. Sarbaugh (3) Mr. and Mrs. James R. Saunders (19) Mrs. Mildred W. Saunders (1) Mrs. Rebecca A. Saunders (1) Mrs. Yvette B. Scales (4) Mrs. C. L. Schoolfield (1) Mrs. Debra D. Scott (1) Mrs. Betty P. Setzer (2) Dr. and Mrs. Robert E. Sevier (14) Mrs. Phyllis D. Shackleford (1) Mr. and Mrs. Terry Shaffner (1) Mr. and Mrs. Robert K. Shearer (8) Mrs. Ann H. Shearon (2) Ms. Angela R. Shelton (1) Mrs. Betty S. Shelton (1) Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Shipley (7) Mrs. Dorothy S. Shoaf (10) Mrs. Sandra C. Shugart (2) Mrs. Nancy K. Shushkowski (24) Dr. and Mrs. T. E. Sikes, Jr. (2) Mrs. Vicki Simmons (1) Mr. & Mrs. William E. Simmons III (1) Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Sipprell (1) Mr. Robert L. Slaughter (1) Mrs. Phyllis Slawter (3) Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Smith (21) Ms. Dian Smith (2) Mrs. Edna L. Smith (16) Mr. and Mrs. H. Richard Smith (11) Mrs. Helen T. Smith (3) Mrs. Peggy B. Smith (1) Mrs. Ruth M. Smith (1) Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Smithdeal (20) Mr. & Mrs. Jimmie D. Smitherman (14) Mrs. Gordon R. Smoak (19) Mr. and Mrs. Daniel N. Smothers (19) Mrs. Kathryn D. Snavely (1) Ms. Judy Soper (3) Ms. S. Antoinette Spain (6) Mrs. Goldie Sparger (6) Mr. & Mrs. Randall W. Sparger, Jr. (24) Ludwin D. Speir (1) Mrs. Nancy C. Speir (1) Mr. and Mrs. John P. Spillman, Jr. (17) Mr. and Mrs. Ray Stafford (1) The Reverend and Mrs. T. P. Starnes (5) Mr. and Mrs. Harry C. Steele (11) Mrs. June Stegall (4) Mr. and Mrs. James R. Stevenson (1) Mrs. Teresa L. Stevenson (1) Mrs. Joyce Stewart (9) Mrs. Leigh A. Still (1) Mr. Donald B. Stilwell, Jr. (3) Mrs. Lucy V. Stith (12) Ms. Wendy Stockton (4) Mr. and Mrs. Lindell Strickland (20) The Reverend Douglas L. Suggs (13) Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Summey (1) Mrs. Helen Osteen Swann (6) The Reverend and Mrs. Edward S. Tapper (7) Dr. Gerald T. Taylor, Jr. (19) Mr. and Mrs. James H. Taylor (22) Ms. Peggy R. Taylor (9) Mrs. Eloise D. Teeter (1) Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Tesh (1) Mrs. Nellena B. Thomas (3) Mr. and Mrs. Owen Thomas (9) Mr. and Mrs. Ralph L. Thomas (3) Mr. and Mrs. David Thompson (6) Mrs. Elizabeth G. Tolson (1) Mrs. Lenore S. Tonkin (1) 2011 AR B O R ACR E S AN N UAL R E POR T Mrs. Ward L. Triche (19) Mrs. Naomi B. Triplett (2) Mrs. Martha R. Tucker (1) Mrs. Nancy T. Tutterow (24) Mrs. Anne S. Tyner (8) Mrs. Mary C. Vanderwerken (1) Mr. W. E. Vaughan-Lloyd, Jr. (4) Mr. and Mrs. Monty Vernon (4) Mr. C.S. Wagoner, Jr. (13) Mrs. Martha M. Walker (22) Ms. Vicki P. Walker (4) Mr. William W. Walker (12) Mrs. Margaret L. Wall (1) Mr. and Mrs. Steve H. Wall (1) Mr. and Mrs. Daniel D. Walters (9) Mr. Blaine S. Ward (6) Mr. and Mrs. Donald R. Ward (1) Mr. and Mrs. Tim Ward (3) Mrs. Madeline Watkins (2) Ms. Doxie B. Weavil (14) Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert J. Weden (9) Mr. and Mrs. Wayne G. Wegwart (11) Mr. and Mrs. Joseph R. Weiss, Jr. (1) Ms. Linda M. Weisthal (5) Ms. Louise B. Welborn (23) Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Welch (1) Mrs. Louise S. Wells (1) Mrs. Linda Wentz (1) Mr. William C. Westbrook (1) Mr. Kenneth T. Wheeler, Jr. (19) Mr. James G. Whitton (1) Mr. and Mrs. Duke Wieden (4) Mr. Jim Wilhelm (4) Mrs. Ernestine B. Wilkes (20) Mr. and Mrs. Ed W. Wilkinson (20) Ms. Melinda Wilkinson (13) Ms. Betty R. Williams (19) Mr. and Mrs. David J. Williams, Jr. (3) Mr. and Mrs. Gary M. Williams (2) Dr. and Mrs. S. C. Williams, Jr. (15) Mr. and Mrs. David Wilson (15) Mrs. Dell A. Wilson (8) Mr. and Mrs. Eugene G. Wilson (14) Mr. and Mrs. James G. Wilson (24) Mr. and Mrs. James I. Wilson (15) Mrs. Jewel M. Wilson (22) Mr. and Mrs. Ray C. Wilson (11) Mrs. Tonja Wimmer (9) Ms. Ann K. Windham (4) Ms. Shirley L. Windham (20) The Reverend Lisa L. Wishon (15) Mrs. Norma C. Witherspoon (8) Mrs. Cynthia P. Witt (1) Mr. John Woestendiek (1) Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Wolfe (18) Mrs. Marion Woods (3) Mrs. Maurice Woods (4) Miss Nancy Woosley (20) Mr. and Mrs. Dana B. Wooten (3) Ms. Glenda S. Wooten (6) Mrs. Thorne G. Worley (8) Mrs. May Henry Worrell (22) Mr. Harry B. Wright, Jr. (5) Mrs. Jeanne B. Wright (1) Mr. Kenan C. Wright (1) Ms. Juanita M. Yarborough (20) Mrs. Cheryl Yarbrough (1) Mr. and Mrs. Glenn M. Yarnell (16) Mrs. Jean Yates (9) Vendor Gifts Arbor Acres appreciates these vendors for their generous support: A New Leaf Allied Roofing Company, Inc B.W. Hawkins Builders Bob Grubbs’ Carpet Designers, Inc. Cook and Boardman Inc Doggett Construction Co., Inc Goslen Printing High Meadows Golf & Country Club, Inc. High Temperature Technologies, Inc. Holladay Healthcare, Inc JBA Benefits, LLC Landmark Builders Of The Triad, Inc. Larmore Landscape Associates. Inc. McNair Construction Co., Inc. Mock Tire at South Park Mullen Advertising Newbridge Bank Parkway Ford, Inc. Physicians Eldercare, PA Piedmont HomeHealth, Inc. Poindexter Lumber Co., Inc. Poovey Enterprises Inc. Reece Lower Patrick and Scott Architecture S&L Painting & Decorating, Inc. Status Solutions Wallace Consulting & Training, Inc. Wells Fargo / Wachovia Asset Wealth Management West End Construction WR Wrege Building Co., Inc. 25 26 2011 AR B O R ACR E S AN N UAL R E POR T Arbor Acres is grateful for the 161 United Methodist Churches within six Districts of the Western North Carolina Conference for their generous support. Greensboro Bethel of Julian Bethlehem Brown Summit Centenary Center Christ First of Liberty Grove Glencoe Glenwood Grace Guilford College Hickory Grove Hinshaw Memorial Lee’s Chapel Liberty Metropolitan Morehead Mount Pleasant Muir’s Chapel Oak Ridge Pleasant Garden Pleasant Union Rehobeth St. Andrews St. John’s St. Matthews Summerfield Tabernacle West Market Street White’s Chapel High Point Archdale Bethel of Liberty Grove Central of Asheboro Central Falls Christ Farmer First of High Point First of Randleman First of Asheboro Highland Jamestown of Oakdale Jordan Memorial of Ramseur Mitchell’s Grove Montlieu Avenue Mt. Vernon New Salem Pisgah Rankin Memorial Vickrey Wesley Memorial Lexington Bethel of Mocksville Bethel of Thomasville Bethlehem Canaan Centenary Center of Davie Center of Welcome Clear Springs Dulin Fairview First First of Denton Circuit First of Mocksville Friendship Greer’s Chapel Hopewell Liberty Macedonia Memorial of Thomasville Mt. Olivet Mt. Pleasant New Union of Sheffield Oak Forest Pleasant Grove Unity of Thomasville Wesley Heights of Lexington Yadkin College Northeast Bethel of Flat Rock Bethel of Oak Ridge Bethlehem of Reidsville Beulah of Mt. Airy-Surry Circuit Central of Mt. Airy Chestnut Grove Delta of Sandy Ridge East Bend Eden Fairview First of Eden First of Pilot Mountain Flat Rock Hickory Grove Hickory Ridge Madison Mayodan Mt. Carmel Mt. Zion New Home Pelham Pilot View Pinnacle Pinnacle of Mt. Zion Prospect Ruffin Salem St. Paul Stokesburg of Walnut Cove Stokesdale Stony Knoll Trinity of King Wentworth Woodmont of Reidsville North Wilkesboro Bethany Boone Boonville Deerfield of Boone Ebenezer of Caldwell Co. Elkin of Jonesville First First of Elkin First of Lenior First of Taylorsville First of North Wilkesboro Henson’s Chapel Littlejohn Mt. Zion Methodist Sparta Taylorsville Wilkesboro Yadkinville 2011 AR B O R ACR E S AN N UAL R E POR T 27 The Village Gift Shop Mary Alice Love at the gift shop. Open Hearts. Open Minds. Open Doors. Winston-Salem Ardmore Bethel Brookstown Burkhead Centenary Central Terrace Clemmons Crews Doubs of West Forsyth Faith Faith of Tobaccoville Green Street Hanes Harmony Grove Kingswood Lewisville Love’s Main Street of Kernersville Maple Springs Morris Chapel Mt. Pleasant Mt. Tabor New Hope Northeast Winston Pine Grove Pleasant Hill of West Forsyth Sedge Garden St. Paul Sunrise Tabernacle Trinity Wesley Memorial Total Giving by Districts: Greensboro.............................................. 4,462.31 High Point................................................9,690.09 Lexington................................................ 4,202.00 Northeast................................................15,225.00 North Wilkesboro .................................. 4,028.00 Winston-Salem.....................................136,040.30 Total................................................$173,647.70 (an increase of $19,246 over 2010) The Village Gift Shop, staffed by resident volunteers, offers clothing, gift items and sundries for sale and serves as the Resident Council’s top fundraising activity. Any surplus from the shop goes into the Resident Council Fund for financial assistance. In 2011, a record $16,475 was contributed. Judy Culley, shop manager, and her committee have worked hard to bring new merchandise to the shop, and it shows. You’ll find everything from fashionable scarves and earrings to stamps, beautiful cards, toiletries and everyone’s favorite, candy! “We have new items arriving every day,” says Judy, “so shop with us frequently. Thanks to everyone who visits and makes a purchase. It’s because of you that we can continue to so strongly support our financial assistance fund.” Lettie Pate Whitehead Foundation A partnership for over thirty years The Lettie Pate Whitehead Foundation of Atlanta, Georgia, generously awarded a grant to Arbor Acres for $210,000 in support of our beloved aged women in need of financial assistance. This grant, $10,000 more than last year, reflects their confidence in Arbor Acres’ financial assistance ministry. We are grateful for their support. Mother’s Day Offering Fundraising or Philanthropy? To Pat Hunter, Director of Development, fundraising is about soliciting for contributions, while philanthropy is about doing good. “Philanthropy is defined as an effort to promote human welfare,” she says, “and I believe when you support our Mother’s Day Offering, you exemplify that.” The Mother’s Day Offering provides assistance to residents with significant, documented financial needs. In 2011, 34 residents received financial assistance; in 2012 we anticipate that the need will be even greater. Through your philanthropic spirit, and your support of the Mother’s Day Offering, residents facing financial challenges can continue embracing life at Arbor Acres. If you would like to make a gift for 2012, please use the enclosed envelope. Your gift will appear in next year’s annual report. Please note that this Annual Report is for 2011 only. We strive to be as accurate as possible in compiling lists. However, if you find an error, or you made a gift in 2011 and it is not reflected in this report, please contact Pat Hunter, Director of Development, at 336.748.4640 or, and we will correct our records. Thank you for your understanding. 1240 Arbor Road, Winston-Salem, North Carolina 27104 -1197 336.724.7921 www.
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