Preliminary Program - National Medical Association
Preliminary Program - National Medical Association
Message from the President 3 Preliminary Schedule 4 Commercial Exhibits Info 7 Social Events Descriptions 8 Tickets Requests Form 10 Souvenir Booklet Ad Form 12 Camp NMA-zing 13 Housing Request Form 16 Sponsorship Levels 17 Golf 19 Travel Information 21 Dear Auxilians, Welcome to the 2015-2016 year of the Auxiliary to the National Medical Association. I am honored to serve as the 77th president of the ANMA. The Theme for the 2015-2016 year is Reducing Health Disparities through Heart Healthy Lifestyles. As we proceed through the program year, I am asking that our State and Local auxiliaries serve the needs of our various communities by engaging in activities that highlight our service projects: Healthy Heart, Triple Negative Breast Cancer, Prostate Cancer, and Childhood Obesity. Our Convention Committee chaired by 74th President, Sharon Melvin, R.N., MPH, of Wilson North Carolina, is hard at work to ensure that we have an exciting and successful convention in Los Angeles, California, July 30 – August 3, 2016. We will offer our signature fund raisers that support our scholarship programs: Golf, Local Tours and opening of the Market Place on Saturday; Prayer Breakfast and Dinner Cruise on Sunday; and our Scholarship Luncheon on Tuesday. We will offer workshops under the direction of Health and Health Education Chair, Mrs. Gwendolyn Taylor of Madison, Mississippi. Our workshops will highlight Heart Health, Breast Cancer, Prostate Cancer and Childhood obesity. I encourage all of our members and friends to join us in Los Angeles for an exciting and educational convention. Sincerely, Morris L. Overstreet, Esq. JW MARRIOTT Los Angeles L.A. Live 900 W Olympic Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90015 Theme: “Reducing Health Disparities through Healthy Heart Lifestyles” ANMA Convention Coordinators Chair: Sharon C. Melvin, RN, MPH Vice Chair: Ruth V. Creary, PhD Hon. Morris L. Overstreet, President Velva S. Clark, RN, BS, Chairperson, Board of Directors FRIDAY, JULY 29, 2016 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Pre-Convention Board of Directors Meeting Location: Plaza Rooms 1 & 2 SATURDAY, JULY 30, 2016 7:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Golf Outing – Angeles National Golf Club 7:00 a.m. – 8:30 a.m. Walk a Mile with a Child 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. ANMA General Registration Location: Outside of Studio 3 8:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. The Ultimate L.A. Tour 4:30 p.m. – 6:30 p.m. ANMA Marketplace Formal Opening Location: Foyer outside Platinum Ballroom (2nd fl) 4:30 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. ANMA Marketplace Location: Foyer outside Platinum Ballroom (2nd fl) SUNDAY, JULY 31, 2016 7:00 a.m. – 9:00 a.m. ANMA/NMA Prayer Breakfast & Memorial Service Location: Platinum Ballroom, Salon D (2nd fl) 9:30 a.m. – 10:15 a.m. ANMA Formal Opening Location: Plaza Rooms 1, 2 & 3 10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. ANMA General Registration Location: Outside of Studio 3 9:00 a.m. – 9:00 p.m. ANMA Marketplace Location: Foyer outside Platinum Ballroom (2nd fl) 10:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. ANMA House of Delegates – First General Session Location: Plaza Rooms 1, 2 & 3 2:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. Past President’s Council Meeting 4:45 p.m. – 10:45 p.m. President’s Dinner Cruise Location: Atrium 2 MONDAY, AUGUST 1, 2016 7:30 a.m. – 8:00 a.m. ANMA House of Delegates Breakfast 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. ANMA General Registration Location: Plaza Rooms 1, 2 & 3 Location: Outside of Studio 3 8:00 a.m. – 9:00 a.m. ANMA House of Delegates – Second General Session 9:30 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. Youth Health Forum/Project Sun / NAAYI Location: Plaza Rooms 1, 2 & 3 Location: Platinum Ballroom, Salon E (2nd fl) 9:00 a.m. – 9:00 p.m. ANMA Marketplace 12:30 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. Jazz Scholarship Luncheon Location: Foyer outside Platinum Ballroom (2nd fl) Location: Platinum Ballroom, Salon D (2nd fl) TUESDAY, AUGUST 2, 2016 7:00 a.m. – 9:00 a.m. Voting for 2016-17 ANMA Officers 8:00 a.m. – 9:00 a.m. ANMA House of Delegates – Third General Session Location: Atrium 3 Location: Plaza Rooms 1, 2 & 3 9:00 a.m. – 9:00 p.m. ANMA Marketplace 9:30 a.m. – 11: 30 a.m. Prostate Cancer Workshop & Breakfast Location: Foyer outside Platinum Ballroom (2nd fl) Location: Plaza Rooms 1, 2 & 3 12:30 p.m.—2:30 p.m. Heart Disease Workshop & Lunch Location: Plaza Rooms 1, 2 & 3 WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 3, 2016 8:00 a.m. – 9:00 a.m. ANMA House of Delegates – Fourth General Session 9:00 a.m. – 10:30 a.m. Breast Cancer Workshop & Breakfast Location: Plaza Rooms 1, 2 & 3 Location: Plaza Rooms 1, 2 & 3 9:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. ANMA Marketplace 11:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. Installation of the 78th President and 2016-17 Officers 12:30 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. ANMA’s President’s Reception 3:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. Post-Convention Board of Directors Meeting Location: Foyer outside Platinum Ballroom (2nd fl) Location: TBA Location: Georgia Rooms 1 & 2 ANGELES NATIONAL GOLF CLUB Saturday, July 30, 2016, 7:00 am—4:00 pm Cost: $200 / $210 Tee time! Nestled at the base of the Angeles National Forest and the only Nicklaus Design golf course in Los Angeles County, Angeles National Golf Club sets the standard of excellence and beauty for all golf courses in Southern California. Angeles National features an 18-hole, par 72-championship golf course with magnificent views, generous fairways and immaculate emerald greens. The course presents a challenge for golfers of all skill levels with four sets of tees accommodating both the professional and beginner golfer. The course was ranked by Travel + Leisure Golf magazine as one of the Top 30 Best New Courses Worldwide and One of the Top Ten Best New Public/Resort courses in the U.S. Round-trip transportation provided from the J.W. Marriott Hotel. Includes green fees, golf cart, bucket of balls, tournament services, breakfast and lunch. THE ULTIMATE L.A. CITY TOUR Saturday, July 30, 2016, 8:30 am—4:00 pm Cost: $85 / $95 Welcome to Los Angeles! We have designed a full day tour just for you to experience the best that LA has to offer. See Santa Monica, Venice Beach, Downtown Los Angeles, Hollywood, The Hollywood Sign, Griffith Park, Hollywood Walk of Fame, Beverly Hills, Rodeo Drive, Bel Air, Sunset Strip, Movie Stars’ Homes and more. You will not miss a thing on this tour!! Round-trip transportation provided from the J.W. Marriott Hotel. Lunch on your own at the Farmer’s Market. ANMA’s PRESIDENT’S DINNER CRUISE Sunday, July 31, 2016, 4:45 pm—10:45 pm Cost: $150 / $160 (cash bar) Come aboard the “Entertainer,” we’re expecting you! Posh in both amenities and appearance, the Entertainer is right at home among the other multi-million dollar yachts sailing southern California waters in the Marina Del Rey area. You will enjoy an exclusive buffet dinner in her two spacious, fully enclosed decks, as you cruise the Pacific Ocean. Then, dance the night away with familiar sounds that will bring back cherished memories. When night falls, the open-air observation deck and aft deck are perfect for a stroll and quiet conversations under the stars. Round-trip transportation provided from the J.W. Marriott Hotel. SCHOLARSHIP JAZZ LUNCHEON Monday, August 1, 2016, 12:30 pm—3:00 pm Cost: $120 / $130 Please join us and support our annual scholarship luncheon where a portion of the proceeds provide medical scholarships to third-year students attending the four historically Black medical schools: Meharry, Charles Drew, Howard, and Morehouse. Enjoy an afternoon of good food, finger popping and toe tapping jazz, and great conversations. The event will feature one of our very own, Dr. Richard Allen Williams, President-elect of the National Medical Association. Come prepared to participate in our silent auction with beautiful artwork and more! The ANMA “Marketplace” is one of the most exciting facets of our convention. Exhibits include Designer Apparel, Collages, Custom Artwork, Lady’s Accessories, and much more. ANMA is grateful for the continued patronage of exhibitors and supporters. During breaks, please visit the Marketplace located in the PLATINUM BALLROOM FOYER in the JW MARRIOTT L.A. LIVE HOTEL. EXHIBIT HOURS Saturday, July 30 4:30 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. Sunday, July 31 9:00 a.m. – 9:00 p.m. If you are interested in exhibiting at the 2016 Annual Convention, please contact the ANMA Office at 301-495-3779 or email at Booth Application is now available! Monday, August 1 9:00 a.m. – 9:00 p.m. Tuesday, August 2 9:00 a.m. – 9:00 p.m. Wednesday, August 3 9:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. Social Events & Complimentary Workshops July 30—August 3, 2016 Price Prior to June 30 Price After June 30 Golf Package Angeles National Golf Club $200.00 $210.00 Saturday, July 30 8:30 a.m.—4:00 p.m. The Ultimate L.A. City Tour, Hollywood, Movie Stars’ Homes & Beaches $85.00 $95.00 Saturday, July 30 4:30p.m. – 6:30p.m. Market Place Ribbon Cutting Welcome Reception Wine Tasting/Entertainment Complimentary Saturday, July 30 NMA Formal Opening & Awards Ceremony See NMA Program Sunday, July 31 7:00a.m. – 9:00a.m. ANMA/NMA Prayer Breakfast/Memorial Service $45.00 n/a Sunday, July 31 4:45p.m. – 10:45p.m. ANMA President’s Dinner Cruise $150.00 Cash Bar $160.00 Monday, August 1 9:30a.m. – 11:30 a.m. Project Sun/NAAYI Health Forum Complimentary Monday, August 1 12:30p.m. – 3:00 p.m. Scholarship Jazz Luncheon $120.00 Tuesday, August 2 9:30a.m. – 11:30a.m. Prostate Cancer Workshop & Breakfast Complimentary Tuesday, August 2 12:30p.m. – 2:30p.m. Heart Disease Workshop & Lunch Complimentary Tuesday, August 2 NMA President’s Ball See NMA Program Wednesday. August 3 9:00a.m. – 10:30 a.m. Breast Cancer Workshop & Breakfast Complimentary Day/Date Social Events Saturday, July 30 7:00a.m. – 4:00p.m. $130.00 TOTAL # of Tickets Price All ticket request for Social Events MUST be received NO LATER than June 15, 2016. Social Events NOT meeting the minimal capacity (30) WILL BE CANCELLED in order to avoid ANMA penalties. Tickets reserved prior to June 15, 2016 may be picked up at the ANMA Social Events Desk in the Registration Area. PLEASE PRINT ALL INFORMATION IN INK AND LEGIBLY Name Email Address Home Phone ( City ) State Cell Phone ( Zip ) Cash, Traveler's Checks, MasterCard, Visa and American Express are accepted at Convention. NO PERSONAL CHECKS WILL BE ACCEPTED ON SITE! If you are paying by: MasterCard Visa or American Express, please complete the following: Account #: Security Code: Exp. Date: Name as it appears on the card: Signature: Date: Checks should be made payable to: ANMA, Inc. Ticket request for Social Events should be mailed to: ANMA, Inc. 8403 Colesville Road, Suite 820 Silver Spring, MD 20910 NO CHECKS “POSTMARKED” AFTER JUNE 15, 2016 For more information visit ***PRICES, TIMES AND EVENTS ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE*** Auxiliary to the National Medical Association, Inc. 2016 Convention SOUVENIR BOOKLET AD FORM We are requesting your support of the ANMA, Inc. by purchasing an ad in our 2016 Convention souvenir program book. You may place a congratulatory or promotional message about your business, organization or auxiliary. Yes, I want to support the ANMA: Full-page Ad $350 ($300 if received by June 7, 2016) Half-page Ad $150 Quarter-page Ad $75 Patron (name only listed) $50 Name of Business/Family: Contact Person/Title: Telephone: Fax: Email: Address: City/State/Zip: Type of Business: Website: Payment: Check enclosed in the amount of $ Please charge my MC, AE or VISA $ Name as it appears on card: Card Number: Expiration Date: Security Code Billing address (if different) Signature: Make checks payable to ANMA, Inc. and mail it along with this form to: ANMA, Inc. 8403 Colesville Road, Suite 820 Silver Spring, Maryland 20910 Ad submission deadline is June 7, 2016. Send camera ready ad in PDF or JPEG format along with this form. Ads/forms may be emailed to the National Office at We agree to indemnify the publishers against any claim resulting from unauthorized use of any names, photographs, sketches, artwork, registered trademarks, labels or words in our advertisement. OFFICE USE ONLY: Authorized Signature Date Received: __ DAILY SCHEDULE The NMA has contracted Kama`aina Kids, Hawai`i’s Enrichment and Education Professionals, to conduct a fun-filled, enriching program for youth of attendees of the NMA Convention and Scientific Assembly. The four-day Camp NMA-Zing program consists of morning and evening sessions, with cultural and recreational activities. Our chaperone-to-youth ratios ensure that participants receive safe, professional care. Program fees include: qualified chaperones certified in first aid and CPR; transportation; admissions; daily lunches; four t-shirts; and insurance. Parents must pick up children at 4:00pm daily, provide dinner for child, and drop child off at 6:00pm for evening program. Program takes place at JW Marriott L.A. Live Hotel. Activities may be subject to change. AGE GROUPS GROUP 1 3-5 YEARS 1:5 TIME SUNDAY July 31 MONDAY August 1 MORNING 8:30am – 12pm Natural History Museum The Grammy Museum LUNCH 12:00pm—1:00pm Natural History Museum Cafe Subway AFTERNOON 1:00pm—4:00pm Natural History Museum EVENING 6pm – 9:30pm GROUP 2 6-8 YEARS 1:6 GROUP 5&6 15+ YEARS 1:12 California Science Center Knott’s Berry Farm *8:30am—8:30pm Includes lunch & dinner California Science Center Cafe California Science Center Bubble Mania Show and Talent Show Practice Astro Adventures & Camp NMA-zing Talent Show Natural History Museum The Grammy Museum California Science Center LUNCH 12:00pm—1:00pm Natural History Museum Cafe Subway California Science Center Cafe AFTERNOON 1:00pm—4:00pm Natural History Museum Ina Buckner Kaleidoscope Show Chazz Ross’ African Drumming Luce Puppet Show Knott’s Berry Farm *8:30am—8:30pm Includes lunch & dinner California Science Center Bubble Mania Show and Talent Show Practice Astro Adventures & Camp NMA-zing Talent Show MORNING 8:30am – 12pm Natural History Museum ANMA Project SUN African American Museum LUNCH 12:00pm—1:00pm Natural History Museum Cafe Subway California Science Center Café AFTERNOON 1:00pm—4:00pm Natural History Museum EVENING 6pm – 9:30pm GROUP 4 12-14 YEARS 1:10 Chazz Ross’ African Drumming WEDNESDAY August 3 MORNING 8:30am – 12pm EVENING 6pm – 9:30pm GROUP 3 9-11 YEARS 1:8 Ina Buckner Kaleidoscope Show Luce Puppet Show TUESDAY August 2 Chazz Ross’ African Drumming The Grammy Museum Michael McCarty’s African American Stories Ina Buckner Kaleidoscope Show Teresa Smith’s African Dance MORNING 8:30am – 12pm Hollywood Sightseeing Tour ANMA Project SUN LUNCH 12:00pm—1:00pm Pig ‘n Whistle Subway AFTERNOON 1:00pm—4:00pm Hollywood Walking Tour The Grammy Museum EVENING 6pm – 9:30pm Skyspace Michael McCarty’s African American Stories MORNING 8:30am – 12pm Hollywood Sightseeing Tour ANMA Project SUN Pig ‘n Whistle Subway Hollywood Walking Tour The Grammy Museum LUNCH 12:00pm—1:00pm AFTERNOON 1:00pm—4:00pm EVENING 6pm – 9:30pm Knott’s Berry Farm *8:30am—8:30pm Includes lunch & dinner African American Museum California Science Center Astro Adventures &Camp NMA-zing Talent Show California Science Center Knott’s Berry Farm *8:30am—8:30pm Includes lunch & dinner California Science Center Cafe African American Museum Teresa Smith’s African Dance Teen Dance California Science Center Knott’s Berry Farm *8:30am—8:30pm Includes lunch & dinner California Science Center Cafe African American Museum Teresa Smith’s African Dance Skyspace Michael McCarty’s African American Stories Teen Dance 1. The Natural History Museum of Los Angeles offers a collection from the natural world that’s sure to entertain kids and adults alike. It is the oldest and largest natural history museum in the western United States, with more than 33 million items ranging from actual, full-size dinosaur skeletons and meteorites from Mars to the live insect zoo and the largest collections of gold in the United States. Highlights include the Dinosaur Hall, the Gem and Mineral Hall, the Insect Zoo, animal habitats from Africa and North America and the hands-on Discovery Center. 2. Astro Adventures, an outreach program presented by California Science Center educators, allows children to experience all the excitement of being in space! Learn about the forces, temperatures, and pressures that astronauts have to overcome to get to and survive in space. 3. Hollywood Sightseeing Tour takes us on a bus ride through Hollywood and Beverly Hills. We’ll see where stars live, shop and party; admire mansions of today’s hottest celebrities and legends; and stop for photo ops at renown locations like the Hollywood sign. 4. The Hollywood Walking Tour takes us down the Hollywood Walk of Fame to various iconic spots like the Chinese Theatre, Egyptian Theatre, Dolby Theatre, Jimmy Kimmel Live, Kodak Theatre, and more. 5. The African American Museum exists to research, collect, preserve and interprets for public enrichment, the history, art and culture of African Americans. The museum conserves more than 3,500 objects of art, historical artifacts and memorabilia and provides a variety of enriching, entertaining and enlightening learning experiences. The museum serves as a resource for diverse communities and to broaden public awareness of the artistic, historical and cultural contributions of African Americans. 6. Ina Buckner-Barnette, The Sunshine Storyteller, fills each show with an exciting and often humorous mix of participatory international folktales, movement activities, songs, poetry and personal stories. Positive, character-building stories with an interactive twist are her trademark. Ina’s performances incorporate dance and song to help transport listeners on a magical story journey. 7. OUE Skyspace LA is California’s tallest open-air observation deck and the premiere destination for panoramic, 360-degree views of Los Angeles. 8. The Grammy Museum pays tribute to music’s rich cultural history. This 21st century museum explores and celebrates the enduring legacies of all form of music, the creative process, the art and technology of the recording process and the history of the premier recognitions of excellence in recorded music—the Grammy award. Through public and educational programs, exhibits and more, we will experience an insider perspective that only The Grammy Museum can deliver. 9. Enter the fanciful world of Luce Puppet Company, which offers kids a chance to stretch their imaginations. Elizabeth Luce presents delightful hand and rod puppet shows performed on a colorful puppet stage with sound system, sets, curtains and lights. Luce brings to us The Reluctant Dragon about a heroic boy, a dragon and a knight in a completely fake tournament of the century. 10. Project SUN is an annual event conducted by the Auxiliary to the National Medical Association (ANMA) for youth ages nine and up. 11. Aquarium of the Pacific offers Aquarium on Wheels, a mobile tide pool exhibit that allows guests the opportunity to feel a spiny sea star, touch a slippery sea cucumber or experience the rough textured skin of a shark. Dedicated to developing an appreciation for the wonders of the ocean environment, Aquarium on Wheels will deliver a memorable experience for all ages. 12. African Drum and Dance presented by CHAZZ and Teresa is a colorful and exhilarating experience into the world of African rhythms, songs and stories. The audience will enjoy this lively presentation as either part of the drum circle or as part of the dance troop. Everyone will feel the rhythm of the Serengeti sun as their simple drumbeats create a pulse that holds the music and dance together. 13. Michael McCarty is an internationally acclaimed storyteller who presents school assemblies on African and African-American stories, international folktales, historical tales, stories of science, spiritual stories as well as stories of the brilliant and absurd things he has done in his life. His storytelling plays a valuable role in developing literacy, educating children about history and exploring multiculturalism. 14. Knott’s Berry Farm offers dozens of rides, shows and attractions. Experience world-class thrills on Silver Bullet, the park’s first-ever suspended coaster, or Sierra Sidewinder the spinning coaster that offers a panoramic view. Hop on board the Pony Express—The Ride, delivering a horseback relay at speeds never imagined in the Old West. For something different, detour to the Park’s Old West Ghost Town or visit Camp Snoopy, home of the Peanuts gang and filled with kid-sized adventures. The newest is a 4D ride Voyage to the Iron Reef, on which brave sea navigators embark on a voyage that combines the fun of a theme park ride with the interactivity of high tech video games. 15. The California Science Center is a dynamic destination where families, adults and children can explore the wonders of science through interactive exhibits, live demonstrations, innovative programs and awe-inspiring films. The facility includes four major exhibit areas – World of Life; Creative World; Ecosystems; and Space Shuttle Endeavor, one of the most advanced transportation systems ever created. Exhibits include over 100 hands-on science exhibits in immersive environments. 16. University of Southern California Campus Tour will introduce us to the beautiful University Park Campus and its significant points of interest. The campus spans 226 acres just three miles south of Downtown Los Angeles, adjacent to the museums and recreational facilities of historic Exposition Park. Rich with architectural history, the campus fosters a vibrant cultural community as well as a stimulating academic environment. 17. Bubble Mania brings to us a show on the science and entertainment of bubbles with shimmering waves of soap films, rainbow bubbles, bubbles of all shapes and sizes, bouncing bubbles, and the grand finale where kids get the chance to be inside of a gigantic bubble! Bubblologists will teach us about reflection, refraction, surface tension and many other soap bubble properties. 18. The Camp NMA-Zing Talent Show gives our young stars a chance to shine. Groups will practice a song, dance, skit or other talent to perform for our live audience of their peers and our staff judges! 19. The Camp NMA-Zing Teen Dance, for ages 12 and up, is an on-site dance party for youth to unwind, express imagination and artistry, and celebrate with their friends. A live DJ, lighting effects, dance contests and more will make this last evening of camp one to remember. 2016 Camp NMA-Zing Registration Form CONFERENCE ATTENDEE NAME: CAMPER INFORMATION (PLEASE PRINT) FIRST, LAST, MIDDLE INITIAL SEX AGE BIRTH DATE T-SHIRT SIZE (YOUTH OR ADULT) 1. 2. 3. NOTE: AVAILABLE T-SHIRT SIZES—YOUTH S, M, L; ADULT S, M, L, XL, XXL, XXXL Program Information & Fees Fees include transportation, admission, 4 lunches, 1 dinner, chaperones, and insurance. Early Bird registration is highly recommended (deadline: June 6, 2016). On-site registration will be accepted on a space-available basis and t-shirts are not guaranteed. Cancellation before July 11, 2016 will incur a $50 fee. No refunds or cancellations after July 11, 2016. 1. Early Bird—Through June 6, 2016 2. Regular—June 7—August 3, 2016 3. Daily Registration (for on-site only)- July 31– Aug 3, 2016 ⃝ $575/child X ________ = __________ ⃝ $675/child X ________ = __________ ⃝ $210/child X _________= __________ ⃝ Sun ⃝ Mon ⃝ Tue—$260 ⃝ Wed Parent/Guardian/Sponsor Information (Children listed on this form will be released ONLY to the following adults) FATHER/GUARDIAN CELL PHONE FATHER EMAIL ADDRESS MOTHER/GUARDIAN MOTHER EMAIL ADDRESS EMERGENCY CONTACT CELL PHONE HOTEL NAME ADDITIONAL AUTHORIZED PICK-UP CELL PHONE HOTEL ROOM # CELL PHONE Medical Conditions Our child(ren) has/have the following medical conditions/allergies and/or language and/or special needs: (please attach additional paper if necessary). Kama`aina Kids will contact you if necessary. Please note that youth who have fever will not be accepted in the program. Allergies/ Food Preference: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ Waiver & Release I/We, the undersigned parent(s)/guardian(s), inconsideration of the contracted youth program services (“Kamaaina Kids”) providing child care for our child(ren)/ ward(s), named above, for the National Medical Association’s Convention (“the Association”) in Detroit MI, August 2-5, 2015,as designated below, do for myself/ourselves, my/our heirs, executors, administrators and assignees, hereby release and discharge demands, actions, causes of action, or suits of any kind or nature whatsoever, which may arise from my/our child(ren)’s participation in the youth program, except for gross negligence or willful misconduct on the part of Kama’aina Kids or the Association’s officers, directors, employees or agents. Furthermore, I/we agree to indemnify and to hold Kama’aina Kids & the Association harmless against loss from any and all claims, demands, damages, actions, causes of action, or suits of any kind or nature whatsoever, that may hereafter be made or brought by my/our child(ren)/ ward(s) or by anyone on his/her/their behalf and I/we waive any and all rights of exemption under any federal and/or state laws against all such claims. I/We give my child(ren)/ward(s) permission to attend and participate in the activities conducted by Kama’aina Kids during the NMA Convention. These activities may include, but are not limited to aquatics, off-property excursions, van/bus transportation, and enrichment activities. I/We authorize the Association & Kama’aina Kids to use my child’s name and video or photograph at any time and in any manner in connection with its advertising, publicity, and public relations program. The video/photo may only be used by Kama’aina Kids or Association. No further claims will be made by me/us. Discipline is used to assure the safety and well-being of all program participants. All participants are expected to respect themselves, other people and their property. If a participant is not following the guidelines of the NMA youth program staff consistent with these expectations, the parent(s)/guardian(s) will be notified that the participant may not be included in further programs. I/We hereby authorize the organization providing child care and its employees to exercise these discipline policies in regard to my child. I/We understand that there will be no refunds for the youth program once payment is made. I/We have read the above and understand this release. Furthermore, in the event of an emergency, the organization providing child care has my/our permission to administer first aid or obtain emergency medical treatment in our child’s best interest. I/We agree to pay all expenses incurred due to an emergency involving our child. Signature of Releaser: Date: Payment Information: Payment Method: American Express VISA Master Card Card Number: Cardholder Name (Print): Discover (payable to: National Medical Association) Security Code: Signature: Fax to: 972-349-7715 or scan/email to Mail To: ATTN: Convention Registration Center, National Medical Association, PO Box 418146,Boston, MA 02241-8146 Exp. Date: INSTRUCTIONS: Please complete all of the required information. Type or print legibly. If you are sharing a room, please indicate in the space provided below. If you are booking two rooms, connecting rooms may be available. NAME: _____________________________________________________________________ EMAIL: _____________________________________________________________________ ARRIVAL: __________________ DEPARTURE: ___________________ NO. OF ROOMS: __________ TYPE OF ACCOMMODATION Please specify if two beds (double/double required and indicate name of “share with” person if known. Rates include complimentary internet for attendees with Gold and Platinum Marriott Rewards levels. Rates include tax of 15.5% plus a California tourism tax of $0.75. Single and Double Room—$249 plus $39.35 = $288.35 Single Double/Double King Triple Room —$269 plus $42.35 = $311.45 Single Double/Double King Quad Room —$289 plus $45.55 = $334.55 Single Double/Double King SPECIAL REQUEST (e.g. low floor, near elevator, etc.): __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ All reservations require a credit card at the time the reservation is made. Confirmation of your hotel room assignment will come from ANMA, Inc. Hotel Reservation Payment Method: Name as it appears on card: _____________________________________________________________ Card #: ________________________________________ Exp. __________________ CC: ________ Signature: _________________________________________________________________________ Please E-mail or Fax completed form to: Email: Fax: (301) 495-0037 Convention Sponsorship and Advertisement Options Name listed in the Convention Souvenir Booklet Full Page Ad Four (4) Dinner Cruise Tickets Table of ten at the Scholarship Luncheon Name listed in the Convention Souvenir Booklet Full Page Ad Two (2) Dinner Cruise Tickets Four (4) Scholarship Luncheon Tickets You may choose to support one Alma Wells Givens medical scholarship recipient Name listed in the Convention Souvenir Booklet Full Page Ad One (1) Scholarship Luncheon Tickets One (1) Dinner Cruise Tickets You may choose to support one Omega Mason/Maude Bisson Nursing Scholarship recipient Name listed in the Convention Souvenir Booklet Half Page Ad Name listed in the Convention Souvenir Booklet Quarter Page Ad Name listed in the Convention Souvenir Booklet JW Marriott Los Angeles L.A. Live Los Angeles, CA To confirm your support, please complete the information below and email to, or Fax to (301) 495-0037, or mail with your payment to the address below. Questions should be directed to ANMA Office at (301) 4953779. (Please respond by June 15, 2016 to guarantee placement in Souvenir Journal.) Please Print Clearly Contact Name: ____________________________________________________Title:_____________________________ Company/Organization: ______________________________________________________________________________ Address: _________________________________________________________ Suite/Floor________________________ City: _______________________________________________________ State: __________ Zip Code: ______________ Phone: _________________________ Fax: ___________________ Email: _____________________________________ Please list in printed materials as: ________________________________________________________________________ I agree to support the ANMA Events at the following level (Please check): Sponsorship Opportunities: Souvenir Journal: Platinum $5,000 Full Page $300 (before 6/7/16) Gold Sponsor $2,500 Full Page $350 Silver Sponsor $1,000 Half Page $150 Bronze Sponsor $500 Quarter Page $75 Copper $250 Patron (name only listed) $50 Supporter $100 Electronic, Camera Ready Advertisements are preferred ( Tickets: Dinner Cruise Table of 8 - $1,200 Individual Tickets—$150 Scholarship Luncheon Table of 10 - $1,200 Individual Tickets—$120 Please provide full payment when submitting this form. Any sponsorship not paid upon submission of this agreement will be invoiced for the amount of the selected level of sponsorship. Payment Method: □ MasterCard □ Visa □ American Express Payment by Check or Money Order: □ Check □ Money Order (Please make payable to: ANMA, Inc.) Cardholder's Name: ___________________________________________Card #:_________________________________ (as it appears on card) Cardholder's Signature: _________________________________ Expiration Date: _____________ Security Code: __________ Mail this form to: ANMA Office, 8403 Colesville Road, Suite 820, Silver Spring, Maryland 20910 KEEP COPY FOR YOUR RECORDS EVENT SCHEDULE ANGELES NATIONAL GOLF CLUB 9401 Foothill Blvd Sunland-Tijuana, CA 91040 Phone: (818) 951-8771 Cost: $200 per player before June 15, 2016 $210 per player after June 15, 2016 6:30 a.m. –Buses depart from JW Marriott Hotel 7:45 a.m.—Registration and Breakfast 7:45 a.m. –Driving Range Opens 8:00 a.m. –Tournament Rules of Play for Golf 8:15 a.m. Golf Tournament Starts Around noon - Awards Ceremony & Luncheon 3:00 p.m. Departure for Hotel ANMA’s Golf Tournament is a major fundraising activity to support scholarships to medical and nursing school students and to support ANMA’s health education programs across the country. For more information call (301) 495-3779 | Email: To confirm your support, please complete the information below and email to, or Fax to (301) 4950037, or mail with your payment to the address below. Questions should be directed to ANMA Office at (301) 495-3779. (Please respond by June 7, 2016 to guarantee placement in Souvenir Journal) Please Print Clearly Contact Name: ______________________________________________________________Title:___________________________ Company/Organization: ______________________________________________________________________________________ Address: __________________________________________________________________ Suite/Floor_______________________ City: _____________________________________________________________________ State: _____ Zip Code: ____________ Phone: ____________________________________________ Cell#____________________________ Fax: ___________________ Email: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Please list in printed materials as: ______________________________________________________________________________ I agree to support the ANMA Golf Outing at the following level (Please check): SIGNAGE OPPORTUNITIES: Hole in One Sponsor …………………….…$2,000.00 2 Golfers Signage with logo on Tee and Green Recognition at Awards Ceremony Half page in the ANMA Souvenir Program Hole Sponsors ………………………………..$250.00 Signage with Company Logo on one of the 17 Tees Recognition in the ANMA Souvenir Program Booklet Individual Golfer ………….………………...$200.00 (Add $50 to be recognized as a hole sponsor) To assure recognition in promotional materials, camera–ready artwork, ad copy/or logo, must be received by June 7, 2016. DONATIONS: I/We are unable to attend but would like to make a donation in the amount of $______ TOTAL AMOUNT DUE: $_______________ Payment Method: MasterCard Visa AMEX Check or Money Order Please make payable to ANMA, Inc. Check Money Order Mail to: ANMA, Inc. 8403 Colesville Road, #820 Silver Spring, MD 20910 Cardholder's Name: ________________________________________Card #:_______________________________________ (As it appears on card) Cardholder's Signature: ______________________________ Expiration Date: _____________ Security Code: _____________ GOLFERS NAME: Phone: EMAIL: NAME: Phone: EMAIL: NAME: Phone: EMAIL: NAME: Phone: EMAIL: AIRLINE DISCOUNTS The National Medical Association is pleased to offer discounted airfare programs on two carriers, Delta and United. Delta is offering a discount from July 26 – August 7, 2016. DELTA BOOKING CLASS - PERCENTAGE DISCOUNT F / G / J / C / D / Y /A / P / I - 10% B / M / S / H / Q / K / L - 5% U / T / V / X - 2% Use the following code: NMMZY. Reservations and ticketing are available via When booking online, select “Book Your Flight” and enter the Meeting Code – NMMZY -- in the box provided. You may also reserve tickets by calling Delta Meeting Network Reservations at 800-328-1111. Please note that a direct ticketing charge will apply for booking by phone. United is offering a discount from July 26-August 7, 2016. UNITED BOOKING CLASS – PERCENTAGE DISCOUNT F/J/Y – 10% C/A/B/M/E/U/H – 5% D/Z/P/Q/V/W/S/T/L/K/G/N – 2% Use the following codes: Agreement Code: 890635 Z Code: ZWCS You may book online at and provide the Agreement Code 890635 and Z Code ZWCS in the Offer Code box when searching for your flights. If booking through a travel professional or United Meetings at 800-426-1122, please provide the following information: Agreement Code: 890635; Z Code: ZWCS. For all tickets issued through the United Meetings Reservations Desk, there will be a booking service fee per ticket collected. This fee is subject to change without notice. It is non-refundable and applies to all itineraries, one-way or round trip. Los Angeles is served by a many other airlines, including American Jet Blue, and Southwest. However, NMA does not have a discounted fare agreement these carriers. GROUND/AIRPORT TRANSPORTATION Los Angeles International Airport (LAX) is the main airport in Los Angeles, and it is located approximately 17 miles from the LA Convention Center and downtown hotels, including NMA’s headquarters hotel, the J.W. Marriott Los Angeles at L.A. Live. Travel time is 45 minutes to an hour, depending on traffic. AIRPORT TRANSFERS NMA is working with two shuttle services in Los Angeles who can provide transportation from Los Angeles Airport (LAX) to your downtown hotel. SuperShuttle Super Shuttle operates 24 hours a day, seven days a week. It offers discounted rates to NMA attendees. One way: $15.00 per person ($17.00 without discount) Round trip: $30.00 per person ($32.00 without discount) Please keep in mind that Super Shuttle does make a loop between the various terminals at the airport to pick up other passengers. Visit SuperShuttle online at: The discount code for NMA is pre-entered. Or, call toll-free at 1-800-258-3826. Make sure to mention NMA 2016. Reservations are highly recommended, although walk-ups are available. Cash and credit cards are accepted. Prices quoted are current and are subject to change. SuperShuttle also has car service available: Sedan: $68-74 + 18% gratuity (seats 3 passengers) SUV: $98-$104 + 20% gratuity (seats 5 passengers) Karmel Shuttle Karmel Shuttle operates 24 hours a day, seven days a week. It offers discounted rates to NMA attendees. One way: $22.00 per person ($26.00 without discount) Round trip: $44.00 per person ($52.00 without discount) Karmel Shuttle does not stop and loop the airport to see if there are any additional passengers. There may be additional passengers if more than one person makes a reservation for the same time, but there are never more than three stops within Los Angeles. Reservations are required by clicking the link below Discounted Airport Transfers for NMA Conference attendees...CLICK HERE! Or, call the reservations department toll free at 1-888-995-7433. If calling to place a reservation, mention promo code NMA16. “Ready-to-Go” program: If you note your cell phone number on your reservation request, you will receive a text when your plane lands. It will advise to press the button on your screen when you have your luggage. Karmel will dispatch the van immediately, including the van number, and also advise you where to stand. Karmel has town cars ($115) and limousines ($150) available, which must be booked by phone. Taxis Taxis are located curbside on the Lower/Arrival Level in front of each terminal under the yellow sign indicating taxis. Passengers will be given a ticket listing typical fares to major destinations. The flat rate from LAX to the Los Angeles Convention Center is $46.50 plus a $4.00 airport surcharge. The flat rate back to the airport from the Convention Center is $46.50 Uber and Lyft also operate out of LAX.