Android User Guide


Android User Guide
Nudgu Reminders Android User Guide
These instructions explain how you download the software to your phone and take you
through the process of setting your first reminder call. These steps take no longer than
10 minutes. It's easier to have this guide open on your Android phone and another
device (or printed out) - in that way you can see the instructions whilst going through
the steps on your phone.
No-one likes following instructions, but I'd appreciate it if you can just for this first
reminder. In particular to draw your attention to step 8: Please do not hit the white
'Subscribe now' button - this is a free trial, we don't want your money! Instead hit the
'Continue without subscription' button, which may be hidden under the phones
In the following pairs of steps you see the expected phone screen where I have
outlined the area of interest in a pink box. The text caption explains what I'd like you to
do, with text in a pink box showing what you should be looking for on your phone
Step 1: If you have already used the Google Play store and have downloaded an
app then go to step 2. If you don’t have a google account setup on your Android
phone and have never downloaded an app then please look at the google help
page to set this up:
Step 2: From the home screen open
‘Play Store’ and as shown the screen on
the left tap on the magnifying glass icon
at the top right and type in nudgu
Step 3: In the screen as shown on the
right tap on Nudgu Reminders
Step 4: Tap the INSTALL button.
Step 5: Tap the ACCEPT button.
Step 6: Tap the OPEN button.
The Nudgu Reminders app will open and
your should see the purple splash
screen appear for a few seconds
Step 7: Enter your email address and a
password which includes at least 2
numbers. Retype the password for
confirmation. Hit Done on the keypad to
finish this step, don't be tempted to hit the
white button Subscribe now - we don't
want your money!
Step 8: Tap
Continue without subscription
Step 9: Press the + button
Step 10: Press the Appointment button
Step 11: Press the
Input appointment title area and type
in a text label that will help you identify
this reminder. This is just a test so you
could type 'a test reminder', then hit
Done on the keypad
Step 12: Press date / time area as
indicated by the box. Select a time or go
for the default which is the next hour. Hit
the Done button
Step 13: Press the Recipient area Step 14: Press in the search area
indicated by the box and start typing the
name that you use for a phone that is
nearby (your own mobile or your home
Step 15: Press the Search button on the
Step 16: Press the phone number that
you wish to use, a tick will appear to the
Step 17: Hit the Done button
Step 18: Press the Record button which at this point looks like a
microphone, when you see the glow
rotate around the button speak your
message into your phone. When you
have finished press the same button.
Step 19: Hit the Tick button at the top
right of the screen to submit the
reminder to our servers
Step 20: The home screen should now
show that your first reminder has been
set - see box 20. As you add more
reminders they will be shown here - you
can edit or delete them by holding your
finger on the reminder - don't do that for
now though! Make yourself a drink and
wait for your reminder call to arrive.
When the phone rings you will hear a
few seconds of silence before the jingle
starts - during this time our system is
detecting answer machines. After the
jingle your voice message is played.
Step 21: After the call press
the Notifications icon Step 22: On the Notifications screen you
will whether the call was answered by a
human or an answer machine - giving
you piece of mind that you know whether
reminders are actually heard. Tap the
X at the top right to return to the home
Common Questions
If my phone is off or is out
of range will my message
still be delivered?
Yes. Once you have successfully created a reminder, our servers will look
after the rest, delivering the message at your chosen date and time. Even if
you are out of charge or out of range. Delivery confirmation will be updated
once you reconnect to the data network.
Do Nudgu messages use
my mobile call credits?
No - Messages are recorded on your phone and transferred to our servers
via the data network either; via WiFi or your mobile data service. Message
size is quite small (typically less than a photo or music track). The cost of
delivering your reminders to the destination telephone is included in your
monthly subscription. Note: When creating a reminder while using the mobile
data network, this will use some of your data allowance.
Which countries can I
send messages to?
Currently we allow messages to be sent to US landline numbers and UK
landline & mobile numbers. More countries will be added soon - if you
have a specific requirement, please drop us a line via our contact page
When a reminder is
delivered, why does a short
jingle play before my
recorded message?
The initial use case is for reminding people with dementia. The jingle sets an
expectation that the call to their home phone is a reminder from you and not
you calling up for a chat. If there is demand from users we will add a feature
to disable the jingle or offer a choice of jingles.
Is there a limit on the
number of messages I can
The number of messages are not limited within reason, but we would
suggest that more than three or four messages a day to one person could
become annoying or intrusive, reducing the effectiveness of the service.
How do I Edit or Delete a
From the home screen with the list of existing reminders hold your finger for
about a second on the reminder you wish to edit. A bar appears above the
reminders as shown on the screenshot below. Tap the pencil icon on the
bar to change any of the parameters (e.g. time, repeat days, label, recipient
or re-record the message). Or if you wish to delete the reminder tap on the
trash can in the bar
If the recipient has caller id
how will the call be
All Nudgu calls are placed from a common set of phone numbers, allowing
the person being called to identify the service. We recommend that Nudgu
phone numbers are added to the address book of the phone you are
sending reminders to, making it even simpler to know when reminders are
being delivered.
How do I set a reminder
that repeats every day or
on certain days?
From the home screen tap the + button and then choose Moment (the pills
icon). When setting the time there is a Repeat section that defaults to Never
repeat. Tap on this and then select the days of week that you wish this
reminder to be delivered. Then tap Repeat moment to set the time and other
How do I set a reminder for From the home screen tap the + button and then choose Appointment (the
a date in the future - like a calendar icon). You can then choose the date and time that the message
doctors appointment?
will be delivered.
How much does the service It is free to use for the first 30 days. At the end of the free trial or each
subscription period, we'll remind you to renew - if you want to - via your
phone app. Renewing just requires a simple acknowledgement and
payment will be taken via your Google PlayStore account. There will be a
monthly subscription charge of £9.99 / $11.99, with no minimum term or
cancellation charges.
Thank you for helping us bring this product to life, we welcome any suggestions for
improvements - please email If you like it I’d really appreciate it if you could
take the time to leave a 5* rating and a review on the Play Store. This moves the app higher in
app store searches, so others can find it easier. Feel free to forward this to someone that could
benefit from trying the service.
Best Wishes!
The Nudgu Team (Andy, Jonny, Christine and Louise)