IMPrint, Issue 21
IMPrint, Issue 21
Making a mark in Aerospace & Defence President’s Christmas Message and Annual Update Submitted By D.A. Gossen 2014 was a very exciting year for the Aerospace & Defence team with all six Operating Units working hard at meeting our customer’s expectations. I was most impressed at how all Operating Units embraced the opportunity for change and rose to the challenges before us. I want to thank you all for your support and dedication towards our goal of securing our future as a vibrant company that delivers outstanding results for our customers. Our continued focus on business development has resulted in exciting opportunities in new parts of the world. Cascade Aerospace secured a contract to provide support to international C130 Hercules aircraft from Mexico and USA. IMP Aerospace won a contract to provide airworthiness support to Saudi Arabia. Under the brand of IMP Naval & Land Services, IMP Aerospace was successful in contracting with Canada to provide engineering services for the Coast Guard. While we have been successful in sustaining work now and into the future, we remain committed to exceeding our customer expectations to sustain and grow our existing programs while seeking new business opportunities. 2014 was a pivotal year for the Aurora and P3 Structural Life Extension Programs (ASLEP). As a result of significant investment, training and much hard-work there was clear evidence of improvement on the Canadian and Norwegian Fixed Wing (FW) structural modification Programs. Our in house aircraft are clearly tracking to be ready for hand-over to the Customer in advance of their contractual hand-over dates. This significant progress has been the result of our staffs working together to significantly improve our program management, reporting and work staging. The positive schedule performance shown on these two aircraft clearly demonstrates that IMP Aerospace has made tremendous headway in overcoming the myriad of challenges associated with this complex work and can now look forward to continuing success on future FW aircraft deliveries. The CH149 Cormorant Depot Level Maintenance (DLM) program is well underway with the third aircraft now in plant. Our customer understands the clear benefits of a DLM Program on fleet reliability. As a result, we are working closely with DND to continue to optimize and evolve the DLM Program to provide even more value to our customer. The CH124 Sea King periodic maintenance continues to be a steady, productive program and in Trenton, the CT114 Tutor (Snowbird) maintenance and C130J Warehouse programs continue to deliver impressive results, exceeding our customer’s expectations. (President’s message continued on third page) IMP AEROSPACE & DEFENCE #21 December 2014 IMP Aerospace Delivers 100th CP140 Aurora Aircraft to the Royal Canadian Air Force (RCAF) Submitted By Bruce Sutherland On September 18, IMP Aerospace & Defence delivered the 100th CP140 Aurora Third Level Inspection and Repair Program (TLIR) aircraft to the RCAF following a brief ceremony at its Halifax Stanfield International Airport operation. The Aurora fleet entered service in 1981 and commenced TLIR maintenance inductions at IMP Aerospace in 1984. The Aurora fleet is now in its sixth TLIR cycle. Currently IMP Aerospace is incrementally modernizing and completing a life extension program by replacing the wings and horizontal stabilizers as well as installing state of the art navigation, communications and mission systems to permit the aircraft to operate effectively beyond the year 2030. David Gossen, President of IMP Aerospace & Defence, presents a commemorative plaque to Colonel Iain S. Huddleston, Wing Commander of 14 Wing Greenwood “IMP Aerospace has supported the CP140 Aurora fleet since its entry into service with the RCAF”, stated Tom Galley, IMP Aerospace’s Executive Vice President. “Through these years, IMP has developed significant knowledge and experience on maintaining and modernizing the aircraft to meet the operational requirements of the RCAF. We are proud of this milestone achievement in delivering the 100th heavy maintenance TLIR aircraft and are prepared to continue our support to this strategic asset throughout its entire life cycle.” Congratulations and well done to all IMP Aerospace employees on this significant achievement. AC 104, the 100th CP140 TLIR aircraft departs #6 Hangar for delivery to the RCAF The IMP Aerospace TLIR team in front of AC 104 President’s Christmas Message and Annual Update (Continued from cover page) IMP Aerostructures has worked through a very challenging year. With several contracts coming to conclusion, the division has seen its workload reduce and this has resulted in workforce reductions and a reorganization of the management team. With the marketing team redoubling their efforts and the operation focusing its efforts on cost reduction and improving our customer satisfaction, I am confident that 2015 will be a better year and that we will turn the corner and overcome the challenges before us. Cascade Aerospace continues to widen its global footprint with solid progress on its first international C130 program with the Mexican Air Force. The program consists of an upgrade to the avionics, incorporation of the Short Pod Auxiliary Power Unit modification along with a Programmed Depot Maintenance (PDM). As well, Cascade Aerospace continues to progress its growth through increased workscope with the Japanese Self Defence Force and an ex-United States Navy C130 being overhauled at its facility. This being the first full year with Ben Boehm at the helm, the Cascade Aerospace Leadership team is positioning the company for significant growth and prosperity in the coming year and beyond. IMP Electronic Systems at Hammonds Plains continues to deliver positive results for our customer in both the Wire Harness and R&O Programs; this strong performance has provided IMP Electronic Systems the ability to grow workload within the Operating Unit and add new team members to the IMP family. Yearly accomplishments included the on time delivery of 10 Modified Automatic Stabilization System (ASE) Amplifiers for the S-61T Program and the complete first set of satellite harnesses for the RADARSAT Constellation Mission. IMP Electronic Systems was awarded the coveted Boeing Gold Supplier Award for the year, being one of only 153 suppliers within the vast Boeing supply chain to receive the award. The CH149 Cormorant fleet experienced another very successful year as IMP/Canadian SAR Helicopter (CSH) personnel at Comox, Gander and Greenwood ensured aircraft were ready for Canada’s Squadrons to launch anytime day or night for life saving Search and Rescue missions and medical evacuation flights from coast to coast including the Arctic. IMP Aerospace & Defence is extremely proud of our extensive contribution to Canada’s Search and Rescue mission, as recognized this last summer with the renewal of our in-service support contract for another seven years. Equally noteworthy has been IMP/CSH efforts in Gagetown, where our technicians have been doing an outstanding job modifying CH146 Griffin helicopters for Canada’s Air Force under contract to Bell Helicopters. It has been a successful year that has resulted in many positive outcomes that we can all take pride in. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of you for your efforts and dedication. I look forward with enthusiasm to working together in 2015 to meet the challenges that the future will bring. I would like to express my sincere best wishes to all of you and your families for an enjoyable and safe holiday season, and a prosperous new year. David Gossen President IMP Aerospace & Defence ILS on the Run Submitted By Andrew Pearce For the last ten years, IMP Aerospace & Defence has built a second to none, scalable Integrated Logistics Support (ILS) organization. Today that capability is being utilized to look for opportunities in non-traditional markets other than defence. The development and implementation of large industrial and defence projects, demands well established systems engineering capabilities. A major requirement for the systems engineering process is a solid ILS capability for performing technical activities focused upon: designing, defining, acquiring, and providing for support. Our main customer, the Department of National Defence (DND), recognized and benefited from our ability to “data mine” and forcast life cycle costs through utilization of “what if” scenarios. Additionally, large international customers such as AgustaWestland and Wyle have recognized the solid logistics engineering knowledge we have applied to existing customers projects such as the maintenance task rationalization activities of the Cormorant fleet. So who else are in need of ILS Engineering? Well, immediately recognizable are those projects related to new Weapon Systems, Shipbuilding, Oil and Gas, Green Power Generation and the Health Industry, among others. Recent P-3 conferences have identified international opportunities in New Zealand and Taiwan and closer to home, the International Conference on Ocean Energy (ICOE) in Halifax has opened avenues to explore in the marine power generation field. Certainly there is a long road ahead; however, IMP Aerospace & Defence has already started pursuing partnership collaborations, which will enable the ILS engineering department to run for new and diversified markets. Stay tuned. Left to Right: Steve Court, Jane Taylor Moffatt, Robin Waring, Nick Hain, Andrew Pearce, Bruce Beard, Cesar Rendon, Peter Leary, Gus Astorquiza, Parker MacDonald, and Gillian Drake IMP Fireflies Submitted By IMP Fireflies Each year, in communities across Canada, teams of families, friends, co-workers and local and national corporations come together to raise funds for The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society of Canada's (LLSC's) Light The Night Walk events and bring help and hope to people battling blood cancers. In support of Light the Night Canada, a team of IMP Electronic Systems employees, “The IMP Fireflies” (Lorraine Barrett, Darlene Scallion, Josie Scallion, Andrea Flight, Dave Meagher, Libby MacLean, Mike MacLean and Sarah Fraser), raised $1,914 IMP Fireflies Dave, Libby, Lorraine, Sarah, and Josie through various events,with the most popular being a “Soak the Boss” event. John Martell and Kevin Turple endured a sunny, but chilly, autumn lunch-hour being bombarded with water balloons. October 18th saw them participate in the Light the Night Walk Halifax, each carrying a lantern. White for survivors, red for supporters, and gold for people walking in memory of a loved one. Over $400,000 was raised in Halifax. The team hope to make this walk a yearly event, and want to thank everyone for all the support. John Martell and Kevin Turple Lorraine soaking John and Kevin SAREX Letter of Appreciation for Gander and Greenwood Techs Submitted By Barry Wadman Back in September, the National Search and Rescue Exercise (SAREX) 2014 took place in Goose Bay. SAREX is an annual exercise that includes participants from the Canadian Armed Forces, the Civil Air Search and Rescue Association (CASARA), the Canadian Coast Guard (CCG) and the Canadian Coast Guard Auxiliary (CCGA). Two CH149 Cormorants took part and were supported by IMP Aerospace Technicians from both MOB Gander and MOB Greenwood. The IMP Aerospace Techs were recognized for their professionalism and work ethics by being awarded the SAREX 2014 Maintenance Award. This achievement was also recognised in a Letter of Appreciation from the Wing Commander of 9 Wing, Gander. Lieutenant-Colonel K.A. Toone stated that he would like to “…thank the entire IMP Maintenance team for their integral work and flexibility at SAREX 2014. Brent Whiteway, Harley Doyle, Andrew Duff, Mark Young, Charlie Hilliard, Jason Osmond, Mike Gates and Terry West all put in long hours to ensure both CH149911 and CH149912 were maintained to the highest standard. The aircraft were unfailingly on the flight line ahead of schedule each morning with all unserviceabilities immediately rectified. It goes without saying that an air exercise of this magnitude cannot run smoothly without the expertise and strong work ethic of a solid maintenance team. For their efforts, the IMP team was awarded the SAREX 2014 Maintenance Award.” Barry Wadman, IMP Aerospace Site Manager at MOB Gander, also acknowledged the efforts of the Greenwood Techs. “Great work in Goose Bay supporting the national SAREX. Your efforts were instrumental in making the exercise such a success. You bring credit on yourselves and the entire Gander-Greenwood team”. As you can see, the Techs from Gander and Greenwood worked hard to keep the Cormorants on the flight line and serviceable to ensure a successful exercise. A big ‘Well done’ and ‘Thanks’ to all the IMP Aerospace Techs involved. SAREX Maintenance Award Trophy Coats for Cumberland Steve Saves the Day Submitted By Linda Carter Submitted By John Walsh, Rob Colter, and Lee Conrad For the past number of years, Cumberland County residents, community groups and businesses have helped to provide coats and winter wear to many Cumberland County communities through the Coats for Cumberland program. Hundreds of coats, hats and mittens have been distributed to people in need of all ages. This year IMP Aerostructures held their own Coats for Cumberland drive and the employees donated several pieces of winter wear to this wonderful cause. A huge thank you to all those employees who so kindly donated. Due to his ability to spot danger and his quick response, Stephen McCulloch saved #1 Hangar from what could have been a great catastrophe. On the rainy day of April 8, there was a power outage. Not long after the outage occurred, one of the motors for the air conditioner overheated and caught fire. That’s where Stephen took on his leadership role and reacted within seconds, grabbing a fire extinguisher and putting out the fire. As a child “he always dreamed of fighting fires and running into burning buildings to save people”. Well, on this day he did just that. So if you see Stephen passing by, give him a thank you. Way to go Steve. Linda Carter and Roy Gilroy (USW, President) From left: Bruce McCulloch and Stephen McCulloch (no family relationship) Cheryl Quinlan – A Grateful Thank You Submitted By Paula Quinlan From August 16-23, Cheryl Quinlan, daughter of Paula Quinlan, Senior Buyer, IMP Aerospace, volunteered with 10 other Atlantic Canadian youth on a MyMissions Trip to Sosua, Dominican Republic. With only two months to raise $2000, Cheryl was busy making and decorating both cakes and cupcakes to help realize her goal. Cheryl and Paula would like to thank the IMP Aerospace employees and especially the people in ZOT building for their support as they enjoyed many of Cheryl’s creations. Thank you also to those who donated school supplies and gave money for the orphanage there. Working in above 30 degree Celsius conditions, Cheryl and the MyMissions Team of 13 helped in building a house, visited an orphanage and pregnancy centre, organized children’s daily activities, participated in Take Back the Streets events as well as prepared, cooked and delivered a traditional meal to more than 50 people. It was a life changing event for Cheryl and she wanted to say thank you to those at IMP Aerospace who helped her. Cascade - DND Letter of Appreciation - Trenton Maintenace Technicians Submitted By Ben Boehm In June, Ben Boehm received a glowing letter of appreciation for the Cascade Aerospace personnel located in Trenton, from Jean Bernier, Lieutenant-Colonel, Commanding Officer 424 (T&R) Sqn. The text of the letter reads as follows: “For over six years, Cascade Aerospace personnel have been embedded within the CC130E/H maintenance organizations at 8 Wing Trenton, specifically 8 Air Maintenance Squadron and 424 (Transport & Rescue Squadron). The fleet-specific technical knowledge and years of experience of the Contracted Support Team (CST) members have been relied upon to successfully conduct heavy maintenance activities and rectify those elusive, complex snags, not only at 8 Wing, Trenton but at 435 Squadron in Winnipeg, MB and 413 Sqn in Greenwood, NS. The dedication and consummate professionalism of the following personnel in support of CC130E/H Tactical Transport and Search and Rescue (SAR) operations have directly contributed to mission success and requires recognition: • • • TSR Supervisor Paul Finch; Crew Leads: Dave Boudreau & Donald Rioux; and Technicians: Jean Chamberlain, Dan Gallant, John McGrenere, Stewart Greer, Raymond Gauvin, Claude Mourez, Paul Stevens, Bruce Clarke, Marc Dumouchel & Doug Buchanan. The CST’s arrival in the Fall of 2008 generated additional aircraft availability while military maintenance technicians trained to transition to the J-model fleet and later, as 8 Wing moved from Centralized Maintenance to Squadron Maintenance. They also provided much appreciated training and mentoring to “blue-suit” maintainers with less experience, moving them towards achieving greater qualification and authorization. On behalf of the airmen and airwomen within the Air Mobility and Search and Rescue communities, specifically those of the CC130E/H fleet, we wish to personally thank those members of the CST for their invaluable contributions to an integrated military/civilian maintenance team that maintained mission focus and achieved successful results.” Congratulations Cascade Trenton on your dedication and continued hard work – Well Done! Cheryl Quinlan and Hashley Engineers Nova Scotia Councillor Appointment Submitted By Ruth Hiltz Congratulations to Gaurav Sehgal of IMP Aerospace’s Rotary Wing Engineering. On September 8th, Gaurav became a member of the Engineers Nova Scotia Council. Engineers Nova Scotia elections were held this summer, and when the votes of the nearly 6,000 members were counted, Gaurav had earned a seat on the council representing the Halifax area. His selection makes him the youngest councillor of the organization to date. Engineers Nova Scotia is the licensing and regulatory body for Professional Engineers and Engineers-in-Training practising in Nova Scotia. The 13-member Council establishes and implements Engineers Nova Scotia’s mission, sets their rate of progress in undertaking their purpose, provides continuity within the organization, and confirms Engineers Nova Scotia’s identity within the engineering community. As one of two councillors representing the Halifax area, Gaurav will be the voice of local engineers and engineers-in-training. Gaurav is a native of Nagpur India and completed his B.Eng. in Electronics Engineering from RKNEC, India in 2003. After working in India for a year, he travelled 7,000 miles to Nova Scotia to pursue a Master of Applied Science (MASc) degree in Electrical Engineering at Dalhousie University and graduated in 2006. Gaurav started his career with IMP Group in IMP Electronic Systems, serving as a Design Engineer for the bus harness design on the James Webb Space Telescope and MDA telecommunication satellites. He was transferred to IMP Aerospace in 2010, where as a Senior Avionics Engineer, he continues to provide avionics and electrical engineering support to Canada’s Search and Rescue CH149 helicopter fleet. Gaurav Sehgal So you Work in Production – What’s in Your Future? Submitted By Phil Boulter (Left to right), Bob Chambers, Tracey Matheson, Phil Boulter, Tanya Carroll, and Craig Norman When you work for a company with approximately 1,200 employees and you are a member of the largest Branch within that company, it can be very easy to feel that your career and personal development can get lost in the crowd. IMP Aerospace recognizes that it is essential for there to be a program in place that sets out a “Road Map” for the development of production employees. This “Road Map” should take into consideration the skills we have in house today, the skills we need to develop today and the skills we need to develop for the future To address this requirement, and in support of the company’s strategic objective of “Employee Engagement”, in May of 2014 the VP Production established the Department of Production Personnel, (DPP). The department is a five-person team consisting of Phil Boulter – Director Production Personnel, Tracey Matheson – Strategic Planning and Compliance Management, Tanya Carroll – DPP Coordinator, Bob Chambers – Mechanical Specialist and Craig Norman – Avionics Specialist The department’s primary focus is the development of production personnel taking into consideration all aspects of employee development from the day they arrive at the company right up to being a competent and capable Production Foreman. The first step in the process was the creation of the “Road Map” with the purpose of establishing the sequence of tasks and experiences that an employee would follow from their first day in plant. The “Road Map” includes both classroom and on-the-job training requirements, self-study opportunities and post training experience requirements. The “Road Map” is competency based and consists of five categories of competency each with individual disciplines that must be mastered in order to be determined competent in that category. The five categories are: 1. Airworthiness. 2. Aircraft Trade Training. 3. OSH&E. 4. Business Systems; and 5. People Skills/Personal Traits/Leadership skills. The “Road Map” has three distinct stages: Stage 1, from new hire up to a competent and capable Airframe Mechanic/Avionic Tech – with Performance of Maintenance (POM) authorization. Stage 2, from the completion of Stage 1 up to a competent and capable Airframe Tech/Avionic System Tech with Aircraft Certification Authority (ACA) authorization. Stage 3, from the completion of Stage 2 up to a competent and capable Foreman with Aircraft Release Authority (ARA) authorization. The “Road Map” is used to identify what and when training is required to enable employees to progress to the next stage, the best location and program for them to be assigned to in order to gain OJT experience and therefore sign off their TQRs and above all to ensure that they are being given the opportunity to progress. Using the “Road Map” as the standard, each production employee will now have a clear and concise understanding of where they are in terms of their own personal development against normal expectations. Since July of this year all new Production employees are entered into this development plan. For existing employees, a review is being carried out to establish where they are in relation to the “Road Map” and as such what development opportunities are available to them to bring them up to the desired level of competency. This process, in conjunction with the “Road Map”, establishes the foundation for production employee development and ensures that we approach development in a consistent and standardized fashion. If you have any questions on the new department or the “Road Map” you are welcome to pay us a visit or you can contact any of the team members directly who will be more than willing to answer your questions. AMO Airworthiness Department Submitted By Russ Spackman The AMO Airworthiness Department has been in existence since 2007. The initial purpose of the department was to develop a company airworthiness framework and have IMP Aerospace be approved by DND as an Aircraft Maintenance Organization (AMO). Today after successful acceptance by DND as an approved AMO, the department has expanded and become embedded within Production to assist and guide in airworthiness regulations and compliance. The department consists of four personnel reporting to the Head of the Quality Branch, Senior Director of Quality, David McLean. The Senior Maintenance Manager for the DND AMO is Russ Spackman, who is the link to the DND Director of Technical Airworthiness and Engineering Support (DTAES), and is responsible for ensuring IMP Aerospace meets the requirements of the DND Technical Airworthiness Manual. As part of the airworthiness team, three specialists have joined the department as representatives within various Production Departments. The first to join the team was Neil Harding, who left the CP140/P3 Avionics Foreman position to become the Person Assigned Senior Maintenance Authority (PASMA) as the alternate to the SMM during his absences. He is also the Person Responsible for Assignment of Authority (PRAA) for the R&O and Manufacturing within #8 Building and the Nacelle programs. The two other Specialists are John McCully and David MacKenzie, who both previously held Production Foreman positions and now fulfill the PRAA responsibilities within Production. John has responsibility for Rotary Wing Programs and Paint and Process Shops, while David is the Fixed Wing PRAA, overseeing Norwegian and CP140 Aurora programs. Not to say the department consists of senior personnel, but the department brings a wealth of experience with a combined total of over 117 years of aviation experience. These AW Specialists are to assist Production and provide guidance in documentation accuracy, interpretation of regulations, and to assist in the development of technicians’ authorizations. The interaction with the Department of Production Personnel is one of the key roles of the specialists in developing and authorizing technicians as they progress through their career at IMP Aerospace. The AW team is there to help all personnel, so do not hesitate to contact any of the representatives if you have any questions or concerns. AW Team Left to Right: Neil Harding, Russ Spackman, John McCully, and Dave MacKenzie 2014 Aircraft Deliveries Submitted By Dale Worden All year long the entire staff at IMP Aerospace and Cascade Aerospace work diligently at various tasks that are required to keep the company moving forward and generate the outcomes our customers expect of us. These tasks range from the technicians on the hangar floors that turn the wrenches to repair and modify the aircraft to staff in Finance and HR that work behind the scenes to allow others to be successful. Through all of this activity, at various points in the year aircraft get delivered to our customers, some with fanfare but most just quietly leave the plant to be replaced by another new and exciting challenge. AIRCRAFT TYPE CH124 This year the IMPrint team decided to present you with a summary of our delivery successes so that we can all see the results of our long and exhausting days of focused efforts. Below is a table that shows all the deliveries for this year. Congratulations to the entire IMP Aerospace and Cascade Aerospace team on thirty-five successful deliveries!! AIRCRAFT TYPE CASCADE AEROSPACE AIRCRAFT DELIVERIED in 2014 CC130H 7 130343 – 16 Jan 14 130340 – 5 Feb 14 130334 - 9 Mar 14 130344 – 5 Apr 14 130339 – 6 June 14 130341 – 17 Oct 14 130336 - 2 Dec 14 CC130E 1 130307 – 6 Dec 14 CC130J 1 130601 – 12 Dec 14 L382 4 C-GHPW – 19 Jan 14 N405LC – 11 Mar 14 N401LC – 1 Jun 14 C-GUSI – 15 Dec 14 CL215T 3 219 – 31 Mar 14 201 – 5 Apr 14 218 – 30 Apr 14 DASH8-Q400 2 5Y-VVZ – 5 Feb 14 5Y-VVY – 23 Jun 14 B737-NG 3 803 – 26 Jun 14 804 – 4 Dec 14 805 – 15 Dec 14 IMP AEROSPACE AIRCRAFT DELIVERIED in 2014 7 124428 – 18 Feb 14 124430 – 20 Feb 14 124436 - 12 Mar 14 124424 – 6 May 14 124414 – 5 June 14 124406 – 7 Aug 14 124412 - 21 Oct 14 CH149 2 149908 – 6 Feb 14 149901 – 18 Nov 14 CP140 2 140117 – 26 Sep 14 140104 – 19 Sep 14 RNoAF 3 163297 – Phase D Inspection: 27 Feb 14 154576 – Phase D Inspection: 23 Apr 14 163299 – ASLEP-N: 31 Mar 14 IMP Aerostructures Family Tour Day Submitted By Linda Carter On Saturday, Novemeber 15, 2014 IMP Aerostructures held a family day. Many employees brought their family members out to see where their parents, grandparents, children or spouses work and what they do and to see how aircraft parts are made. Family members were treated to hotdogs, hamburgers, sausages, and refreshments, compliments of the Social Committee. Everyone had a great time learning about IMP Aerostructures. We would like to thank the many volunteers for making the day successful. Darryl Ferguson demonstrating for Frank Routledge and spouse Bill Dobson demonstrating Tracy Legere demonstrating while Colin Thompson and family look on Christopher Godfrey demonstrating to Wayne Routledge and family Dennis Fury demonstrating for Andrew Savage and son Pat Brine demonstrating for Jillian Penny and family and Keith Moses and daughters IMP Aerospace and IMP Electronic Systems Family Day – Saturday, October 4 Submitted By Rick Neima Family Day 2014 was a huge success, with approximately 1,200 employees, friends and family in attendance at our HSIA and HP locations. The event showcased our world-class Aerospace and Electronic Systems operations through almost 50 different displays, as well as provided lots of fun challenges, games, and learning experiences for children. More than 150 employees and cadets from the Tantallon district volunteered to help out on the day of the event, along with 25 local companies which donated food, supplies, and lots of prizes. 14 Wing Greenwood showed their support by flying in a CH149 Cormorant with a Search and Rescue Technician team, which was a huge hit. Local food banks were chosen as the charity of choice for the event, and more than 15 boxes of food were donated to Feed NS and the St. Margaret’s Bay Food Bank, along with the unused food from the event. A big thank you to the Family Day Steering Committee for all of their time and effort put into planning this event, and to all who attended, donated, and volunteered. Family Day would not have been such a tremendous success without you. Sherry Smith and Rose Gauthier Facepainting Lysa Evans, Hailee Denief, Jamie Grigg, Stephen Crummey - Bottle Takes Flight Game Adrian Oncel - CI Gail Atwood & Tracey Lysens cooking up the goods at Hammonds Plains Gaetan Blais explaining the Engineering Display Andrew Thompson (Centre) Showing off the CP140 Aurora re-wing program Rob Finley with Teagan McCabe – Paint Display Children's Paper Airplane Runway Game Mike Michaud cooking up the hot dogs at HSIA Julie Blais in the First Responder Room Children participating in the colouring contest at Hammonds Plains Guests touring a Cormorant Aircraft Photography Contest 2 1 4 3 6 5 7 8 Where in the World is IMPrint Being Read? Submitted By Paul McCabe In previous issues we invited you to send us your photos of IMPrint from around the world. Here are more pictures of IMP Aerospace & Defence employees showing their copy of IMPrint from locations around the globe. Your IMPrint team continues to work hard creating a newsletter that is worthy of your attention, whether at home or away. We encourage you to take IMPrint on the road and send us your photos with IMPrint. David Wardrope from IMP Electronic Systems visiting IMP Aerospace during Family Day. David wanted to see where the wire harnesses he builds go to be installed in an aircraft. Kim MacPhail aboard the Celebrity Infinity during a port visit to Gustavia, St Barts FWI IMPrint Contest Capture the beauty of an aircraft for us all to see. At IMP Aerospace & Defence we only see them in their “grounded” condition undergoing repairs or modification. This contest is to let us appreciate their beauty when “they have slipped the surly bonds of earth and are dancing the sk ies on laughter-silvered wings” (John Magee). To compete, submit an electronic copy of a picture that you have tak en and you may win one of our great prizes! Contest Details: IMPrint Readers will vote on one of the eight finalist's pictures by submitting this ballot with their vote.* Voting for IMPrint Readers will close Friday, February 20 2015. Winner's name and entry will be published in the March 2015 IMPrint edition. Ballot Submission: Please submit your paper ballot via your regular means. For IMP Aerospace and IMP Electronic Systems please send your ballots to Danielle Clarke at mailbox # 504. For IMP Aerostructures ballots please deposit your ballot in the ballot b ox in the cafeteria. For Cascade ballots please drop your ballot to the HR Department. Two random names from the submitted ballots will be drawn to receive a Tim Horton’s gift certificate for $20.00/each. Prizes 1st Place – A Tim Horton’s gift certificate for $60.00 2nd Place – A Tim Horton’s gift certificate for $40.00 3rd Place – A Tim Horton’s gift certificate for $20.00 Name: Picture Number: Clock/Employee Number: *One vote per Clock/Employee number Step up Walking Challenge Submitted By Linda Carter When IMP Aerostructures received free pedometers from thePersonal, it was decided we would create a four week challenge to have some fun with them. We put up a memo called “Step Up Walking Challenge” with a list of rules. The contest was to see who could walk the farthest around Nova Scotia (or at least virtually) with teams consisting of four employees each. There were eight teams that signed up. The teams were colour coded in order to keep track of the kilometres on our map of Nova Scotia and each team had a name as well: Orange Team (Chucky Monkeys), Red Team (Cougars), Blue Team (Happy Feet), Grey Team (The Temptations), Black Team (Hot to Trotters), Yellow Team (Sunshine Rockers), and the Purple Team (DNR’s). Although there were a few rough moments with the pedometers, everyone remained positive. All teams had a friendly competition going on between them, and for the most part everyone appeared to have a good time, with lots of laughs and stories about where and how long they walked, only to check their pedometers and see a zero reading. They persevered and continued on even with the technical difficulties. Total distance walked for the eight teams was 5,281 kilometres! The winning team was the Red Team (The Cougars) which walked 983.39km followed very closely by the Grey Team (The Temptations) who walked 979.75 km – a mere 3.64 kilometres in the difference. Congratulations to all the teams and participants, a great job by all! The Winning Teams 1st Place - Tina Flemming, Denise Pye, Kim Crocket, and Sheryl Stevens – The Cougars The Other Teams 2nd Place - Jean Brundage, Gail McGlashing, Cindy Hicks, and Sandra Bird – The Temptations Runway Run Submitted By Clair Henderson Back in June, Staci MacAskill, CSC Exec Assistant, asked if I would be interested in doing a 5 km run for charity to which I replied ‘sounds good!’ So we decided to try and get a team together from the Cormorant Support Centre. We didn’t have a big team but we named ourselves ‘CSH Chuggers’ and embarked on a training regime. Early on a very rainy Saturday, on October 4, we met up here at Halifax International Airport Gateway Hangar and were given our bibs and numbers and off we went for our 5 km walk/run! Very appropriately the halfway point was marked by a Cormorant generously provided by Main Operating Base Greenwood. For entering the run our names were entered into a draw with the prize being a 55” 3D Ultrathin television, which, much to my delight I won…!! So it was a win-win situation: as we got fitter, the Lung Association got some funds – $200 – and I won a television…! All things considered, even though the weather was awful, it was still a really enjoyable event and one in which I would readily partake again. Maybe next year the team will be bigger and the Lung Association will benefit even more. Left to Right – Clair Henderson, Staci MacAskill Left to Right – Clair Henderson, Steve Bartlett, Staci MacAskill Community Volunteer Grant – Brad MacLeod Submitted By Martin Miller Back to school was a little better for the kids at Ecole Grosvenor Wentworth Park School in Halifax this year as they returned to a new playground on the school yard. The playground ribbon cutting ceremony on September 2 was the culmination of three years of fundraising by a committee of school parents who raised more than $150,000 through fundraising events, private donations and government grants. IMP supported the new playground through the IMP Community Volunteer Grant Program through a request by Brad MacLeod, ASIP Engineering Manager and an active member of the fundraising committee. The Community Volunteer Grant is available to any IMP Aerospace & Defence employee who has volunteered for any CRA registered charity for at least 20 hours in the 12 months before applying for the grant. Further details regarding the Community Volunteer Grant can be found in Section 8.16 of the IMP Corporate Policies and Procedures document. Brad and his daughters Libby and Fiona at the new playground. Hockey Fans Trip of a Lifetime Submitted By Greg Stephenson In January 2014, Greg Stephenson, a Maintenance Department employee at IMP Aerospace and lifelong Chicago Blackhawks fan, took in a game at the Chicago United Center and was treated to the opportunity of a life time. Having taken along a Blackhawks jersey he has owned since 1961 (and actually wore 54 years ago!) to try to get autographed, he was fortunate enough to be invited to the Blackhawks’ team private viewing box during the third period where Bobby Hull, Greg and Denis Savard he met Blackhawks Hall of Famers Bobby Hull and Denis Savard as well as four time Stanley Cup winner Ab McDonald. All three Chicago Blackhawk team ambassadors signed his jersey (see photo – shadow box and frame courtesy of Eric Russell). To top things off the Blackhawks scored a 3-2 overtime shootout victory over the Boston Bruins. In Greg’s words “It could not have been a better day.” 54 Year Old Autographed Jersey IMP Aerospace Technical Publications Department Submitted By Glen Gorveatte Starting with the CH124 in 1984 and growing to now include the CP140, CC115, CC138, CH149 and C130J. IMP Technical Publications provides full Publications Management Services (PMS) to the Canadian Department of National Defence (DND) and other select customers such as Lockheed Martin. Publications Management Services include such activities as authoring and editing changes to aircraft maintenance and operating manuals, as well as creating and publishing new manuals whether they are printed or electronic. Technical Publications also puts these same skills to work producing much of the Marketing Material that is used by IMP Aerospace & Defence as well as producing the IMPrint Newsletter that we all enjoy. Technical Publications’ experience with Interactive Electronic Technical Manuals (IETMs) and Publications (IETPs) dates back to the first part of the last decade. Leading a team of independent DND contractors and DND representatives on the Canadian CP140 Aurora Technical Publications team (P-3 Orion) aircraft program, IMP Aerospace developed and implemented the fleet’s first IETM. Today, Technical Publications can develop and enhance IETMs/IETPs with 3-D imagery and e-learning capabilities. Technical Publications is part of IMP Aerospace’s Engineering Branch with a team comprised of: • Technical Writers. • Translators and Technical Accuracy Check (TAC) Specialists. • Production Editors. • Systems Developers and Analysts. • Technical Illustrators; and • Management. With its recent selection by Lockheed Martin Aeronautics Company as the source for S1000D compliant Interactive Electronic Technical Publication (IETP) for the C130J Hercules, it is an exciting time for Technical Publications and the team is looking forward to building upon this recent success. In Memory of Bill Phinney Remembering Jim Dudley Submitted By Linda Carter Submitted By Gaetan Blais It is with deep sadness that we announce the passing of William (Bill) Phinney on October 1, 2014. Bill started working at Enheat on June 1, 1982 and then continued on with IMP Aerostructures until his death. He held positions such as, Fitter Welder and Fitter Assembly. He took great pride in his work and made sure his work turned out to perfection. Bill was a sensitive, loving and somewhat shy individual. Bill was kind to a fault and would gladly help anyone. He had a great fondness for pets as well. Bill met the love of his life Lori-Ann at IMP Aerostructures and they married in February of this year. Bill will be, and is, missed by many of his co-workers. They have some wonderful memories of working and socializing with Bill that will keep his memory alive in the plant for many years to come. Remembering Dave Bennett Submitted By Ashley Lush The IMP Aerospace family was shocked and saddened by the untimely death of our colleague and friend, Dave Bennett. Dave was a foreman in #8 Building who passed away suddenly while on vacation with his wife, Beverly (Lush). Dave began his long working career with IMP in 1977. His professional approach to his work, his manufacturing knowledge, and his contributions to daily operations at our plant were greatly valued by his co-workers. Dave took a lot of pride in the quality of work produced by the men and women who were under his charge and as a result of that he treated those who worked for him and with him like they were his family. Dave’s hands on caring approach to leadership will be dearly missed by the people of #8 Building. Our heartfelt condolences go out to his family at this difficult time. It is with great sadness that we announce the loss of one our colleagues, Jim Dudley, who passed away on September 10, 2014 after a brief struggle with cancer. Jim died peacefully at home surrounded by his loved ones. Jim was born in Chichester, England on October 23, 1950 and joined the Canadian Armed Forces at the age of 17, serving in Shearwater and in Germany. After 10 years of service, Jim joined IMP Electronic Systems in 1979 as a Helper and Stores person before joining the Avionics Technician’s trade, later moving on to become an Electronic Systems Technician. During that time, he became qualified as an Instrument and Electrical Technician on the CP140 Aurora’s electrical systems in 1982 in Greenwood. Jim continued his progression, advancing his knowledge of aircraft systems and electronics, from High-Reliability Soldering to getting qualified on the Sea King’s ASE System. In the last phase of his career, Jim started to work with the IMP Electronic Systems small detachment of personnel in Shearwater in 2006, truly becoming the expert in Sea King-related Armament and Aviation Lab systems. Jim had just recently been given his Long-Service Award for the 35 years of excellent service he gave to IMP Electronic Systems and its customers. Jim will be sadly missed in the Shearwater labs. He was a man who took great pride in the quality of his work, always taking part in the team's mission to serve our customer. Festival of Trees Submitted By Paul McCabe The Afghanistan tree on display on the second floor of #1 Hangar On November 21st and 22nd, the Mental Health Foundation of Nova Scotia celebrated its 23rd annual Compass Group Canada Festival of Trees event. This event featured the Shannex Holiday Luncheon and the IMP Group Gala Night with Co-Chairs Stephen and Jill Plummer. Both events took place among the sparkling RBC Forest of Trees. Funds raised at the Festival of Trees support mental health programs and services for Nova Scotians living with mental illness and their loved ones. Presented by long-time supporter RBC, the Forest of Trees is a stunning gallery of Christmas trees decorated by professional designers, individual donors and/or corporate teams who wish to contribute to the Mental Health Foundation via the Festival. By generously offering time and resources to decorate a tree for auction, sponsors add to the enchanting atmosphere while having a direct positive impact on the lives of those living with mental illness. While attending this event, our President and Chief Operating Officer, Mr. David Gossen, was drawn to a tree decorated with poppies and topped with a helmet with a painted scene of Afghanistan. Adorning the branches of the tree were symbolic dog tags representing each of our fallen soldiers. Recognizing the relevance of this tree to our main customer, the Canadian Forces, he placed the successful bid in the auction and had the tree placed on display in the office spaces on the second floor of #1 Hangar. This gesture of good will on behalf of our President will contribute to mental health programs and services for Nova Scotians. Halloween Around IMP Aerospace & Defence Submitted By Laurie Murray and Linda Carter A little fun was had on Halloween Day at IMP Aerospace & Defence. At IMP Aerostructures a few characters dressed up for Halloween, while the Social Committee handed out lots of treats but hardly any tricks to all employees. At IMP Aerospace, once again, Technical Publications supported Feed Nova Scotia and had a little fun while doing it. With four participants trick-or-treating this year, they all got to enjoy the treats brought in for them by their co-workers, who also got to vote for “Best Costume”. This year’s winner was Robin Jack-Jensen who won a $25 gift card. All participants brought in food donations which will go directly to Feed Nova Scotia. Pictured in the photo from left to right: Mark McLean (Licorice Cigarboro Man), Robin Jack-Jensen (Steampunk Lady Pirate), Marie Hanifen (Belle from Beauty and the Beast), Jenna Harvie (Freddy Krueger). Thanks to everyone for participating and hope to see you again next year. 2014 IMP Aerostructures Bass Fishing Competition Submitted By Linda Carter The 2014 Annual IMP Aerostructures Bass Fishing Competition had another successful year. This year’s winners were: 1st place – Sheryl Stevens, IMP Aerostructures 2nd place – Doug Forrest, IMP Aerostructures 3rd place – Dan Franklin, IMP Aerospace Sheryl caught her winning entry in Joggins, on a beautiful sunny day on July 7. The fish was a whopping 38 inches long and apparently filled her freezer. Congratulations Sheryl on winning the Annual Aerostructures 2014 Bass Fishing Competition! Stayed tuned for the spring edition of the IMPrint for details on the 2015 Annual IMP Aerostructures Bass Fishing Competition. Sheryl Stevens Catch (Left to Right) Mark McLean, Robin Jack-Jensen, Marie Hanifen, and Jenna Harvie Doug Forrest, 2nd place, Sheryl Stevens, 1st place, and Dave Pearson, VP & General Manager (Left to Right) Ron Embree, Andrea Bishop, Ann Gilfoy, and Darlene Munroe Dan Franklin Congratulations Congratulations Congratulations 35 years of service 30 years of service 30 years of service Presenter (right): Tom Galley; Executive Vice-President Recipient (left): Dennis Peverill; Manager, Components R & O Presenter (right): Tom Galley, Executive Vice-President Recipient (left): Tony Brushett; Paint & Process Coordinator Presenter (left): Tom Galley, Executive Vice-President Recipient (right): Gerry Carter; Control Centre Supervisor Congratulations Congratulations Congratulations 30 years of service 30 years of service 30 years of service Presenter (right): Tom Galley; Executive Vice-President Recipient (left): Larry Garden; Refinisher Presenter (right): Tom Galley; Executive Vice-President Recipient (left): Cecil Mullins; Heat Metal Treater Presenters (left, right): Kevin Turple; Manager, Contracts Administration, & Dave Meagher; VP & General Manager Recipient (centre): Dan Oxner; Senior Buyer/Purchaser Congratulations Congratulations Congratulations 30 years of service 30 years of service 30 years of service Presenter (left): Steve Shea; Quality Manager Recipient (right): George (Scott) Thomson; Electronics Inspector Presenter (left): Tom Galley; Executive Vice-President Recipient (right): Rodney Timmons; Labour/Sweeper IMPrint CONTEST WINNERS Presenters (left, right): Kirk Atwood; Wire Harness Production Supervisor, & John Martell, Director of Production Recipient (centre): Yvonne Weir; Cable Assembler Congratulations Submitted By Cheryle Engram The draw for the IMPrint Contest featured in the September 2014 issue took place on 27 November. The lucky winner of the $150 Seasons Bistro gift certificate was Real Morin of IMP Aerospace. The winners of the $25 Tim Horton’s cards were Ora Neil and Tammy Warnell, both of IMP Aerospace. We would like to congratulate these individuals and encourage everyone to continue participating in future IMPrint contests. 30 years of service Real Morin (on left) receiving gift certificate from Paul McCabe Presenter (right): Tom Galley, Executive Vice-President Recipient (left): Gary Withenshaw; Avionics Systems Technician LONG TERM SERVICE AWARDS CONGRATULATIONS IMP Group is proud to offer Long Service and Retirement Recognition awards to our loyal team members. At IMP Aerospace & Defence we would like to recognize those big moments in our employee’s lives. This space is available to those employees who have recently celebrated a retirement, a new addition to the family or recent nuptials. To add an announcement, please contact Danielle Clarke in the Human Resources Department. 5 YEARS (UNTIL END OF DECEMBER) Laura Armes, David Johnson, Richard MacCormack, Marjorie Mah, Harold McGregor, Clarke Oliver, and Jason Williams. 10 YEARS (UNTIL END OF DECEMBER) Adam Adshade, Rene Amamio, Gustavo Astorquiza, Julie Blais, Alton Brown, Sim Chin, Mandip Grewal, Jared Janzen, Richard Johnson, Abby Lai, Gladys Mason, James McCracken, Roger Morriss, Matthew Peters, Deborah Rhodenizer, Pon San, Michael Simpson,Craig Sinclair, Derek Strum, Christine Sullivan, Kim Thomas, and Brent Whiteway. BIRTHS August 29th, 2014 – Billy & Heather Hartlen, baby girl Sarah Grace Hartlen September 8, 2014 – Al Robinson and Rebekeh Townsend, baby girl Natalie Robinson November 11, 2014 – Graham and Katie Lister, baby girl Libby Lister RETIREMENTS 15 YEARS (UNTIL END OF DECEMBER) Guy Brown, John Clark, Brenda Dewey-Tapper, Brian Gibson, Michel Hanna, John Hepworth, Raj Kumar, Chris Lehti, Mark McLean, Carol Pearson, Kurtis Schroeder, Joe Skuce and Paul White. 20 YEARS (UNTIL END OF DECEMBER) Mario Delgiusto, Bill Flintoft, Tim Hesketh, Shawn Reuter, and Norm Saucier. Peter Seaward Are you planning on retiring in the next few months? If you are . and you’d like to stay connected and informed of upcoming editions of IMPrint, or if you know someone who has retired and would be interested, please send us your e-mail address to 25 YEARS (UNTIL END OF DECEMBER) Dennis Ascah, and Ian Wright. 30 YEARS (UNTIL END OF DECEMBER) Michael Bennett, Tony Brushett, Gerry Carter, Barry Drake, Larry Garden, James Grigg, Cecil Mullins, Mitchell Oickle, Dan Oxner, George Thomson, Rodney Timmons, David Tobin, Gary Weir, Yvonne Weir, and Gary Withenshaw. 35 YEARS (UNTIL END OF DECEMBER) Lorna Hart, Dennis Peverill, and Daniel Sheehan. Thank you for all your hard work and dedication. GET INVOLVED AND MAKE YOUR OWN IMPrint! IMPrint is Aerospace & Defence’s own newsletter and it is intended for articles related to current and future events both of a work and social nature. Please note that the size of the newsletter and number of submitted articles may prevent yours from being included in the next release; it may have to be considered for a following issue. If your article does not make it through the review process, we will contact you to let you know. Please try to keep your article to no more than five paragraphs and fewer than 500 words. A picture tells a thousand words, please provide photographs (if applicable) – the higher the quality photo the better. Below is the list of the content editors to whom you should give articles or suggestions. We look forward to receiving your IMPrint! PHONE DEPARTMENT E-MAIL NAME Stuart Cameron...................... Production....................................... 1747 Linda Carter............................ Amherst........................................... 204 Danielle Clarke........................ Human Resources........................... 1433 Brad Cornick........................... Int’l Programs................................... 2110 Cheryle Engram...................... CSH................................................. 3776 Larry Gayton........................... Publications..................................... 3864 Clair Henderson...................... CSH................................................. 3769 David MacKinnon.................... RW/FW Engineering........................ 1272 Libby MacLean........................ Hammonds Plains............................ 355 Anne-Marie McDevitt............... Contracts.......................................... 1307 Martin Miller............................. ASE.................................................. 1899 Devon Moore........................... Sp Engineering................................ 1138 Gina Pasqualini....................... Cascade (HR).................................. 2550 Russ Spackman...................... Quality.............................................. 3719 Dale Worden........................... Production/Product Support............. 1166 The IMPrint newsletter is produced by the IMP Technical Publications Department The deadline for articles to be submitted for the #22 March 2015 issue is February 21.
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