Fall - Orca Lodge #194


Fall - Orca Lodge #194
Redwood Empire
Fall 2008
Orca Lodge No. 194
he 15th annual Lodge Dinner is fast
approaching. It will be hosted by
Mow-a-Toc Chapter on November 22 at
the Scotia Fire Station in Scotia. The cost
is just $35 for Arrowmen (this includes
both dinner and dues for 2009.) For
non-members, the cost is a reasonable
$20, for youth under 10 just $9, and
children 4 and under are Free. This
The Founders Award
event is open to families as well as
Arrowmen. While all Arrowmen are encouraged to attend, this is not
an exclusive Lodge event; so feel free to bring family and friends!
he event will begin at 5p.m. with a social hour and fellowship.
Dinner will be served at 6pm and will feature your choice of
Tri-Tip, Chicken Cordon Blue, and Vegetarian Lasagna. Of course
there will also be a salad bar and dessert to round out your meal.
odge elections will be held at the dinner. Youth under the age of
20 are eligible to run for Lodge office. The positions are Chief,
Vice-Chief, Secretary, and Treasurer. If you would like more info on
running, contact a Lodge or chapter officer. Nominations are open
at the Lodge Executive Committee Meeting
which starts about 3 P.M.
ap-outs for the Vigil Honor occur at the
Lodge Dinner along with the presentation
of the Founder’s Award. Also awarded at the
Lodge Dinner are the coveted Orca Lodge
Silver Flukes and the prestigious James E. West
Boy Scouts of
Issue 4
he dinner should last until
about 8:30 p.m. Be sure to
fill out the registration form
and return it to the Eureka
Council Office no later than
Friday, November 14. Hope to
see everyone there!!!
From Eureka area:
• Head South on US 101 (50-20 mi.)
• Take EXIT 679 toward RIO DELL/SCOTIA (0.2 mi )
• Turn right at Redwood Hwy Connector (92 ft.)
• Turn LEFT onto MAIN ST. (0.5 mi)
• End at 145 Main St Scotia, CA 95565-9901
From Santa Rosa area:
• Head North on US 101 (about 190 mi)
• Take EXIT 679 toward RIO DELL/SCOTIA (0.2 mi)
• Turn LEFT, passing under US 101 (0.1 mi)
• Turn LEFT onto MAIN ST. (0.5 mi)
• End at 145 Main St Scotia, CA 95565-9901
You will see the Fire Station on your right
where 1st St. ends at Main St.
If you would like even more info on the directions,
please send an Email to: secretary@orca194.org
Important note: Do not “Google” these
directions; try Mapquest instead.
Lodge Dinner Registration Form--Cut and Mail Today
Mail this form with your check payable to: Orca Lodge #194/BSA and marked “Lodge Dinner”
Orca Lodge #194/Lodge Dinner
Costs are as follows:
Boy Scouts of America
Arrowmen (includes 2009 dues & newsletter):.......$35.00
1007 Wood Street
Eureka, CA 95501
Ages 10 yrs. and under:.......$9.00
4 yrs. and under:.......Free
In This Issue:
Zip Code____________ No. Members_____
NOAC 2009..................................2
No. Non-Members_____No. 10 yrs. & Under_____
No. 4 yrs. & Under_____
Chief’s Corner.................................3
Honor:___________________Total amount enclosed:__________
About NOAC
Benefits of NOAC
This summer, Order of the Arrow members from around the
country have the unique opportunity to get together at the National
Order of the Arrow Conference
(“NOAC”). Over 7,000 Arrowmen
will come together have fun, learn
new things, and celebrate the best
the OA has to offer. This six-day adventure is unlike any other event in Scouting and only OA members
can participate.
The National Order of the
Arrow Conference is Scouting’s
second-largest national program
event. The reason for its growing
popularity can be attributed to the
fact that it is planned and carried
out by Arrowmen. Youth involvement ensures that the conference
program will be exciting, relevant,
and non-stop fun.
Lodge members will return home with:
A typical NOAC day covers all aspects of the OA. In the morning, you can pick your choice of world-class training sessions ranging from Leadership, Indian Crafts, Ceremonies, High Adventure
Skills, and more. The afternoon brings sports, competitions, special events, and more. After dinner, you get to see an outstanding
Evening Show--a new show each night. After the show, there
are open activities, patch trading, and just hanging out
with your friends. Finally, you head to bed to get some
sleep so you are ready to do it all again the next day!
* A deeper understanding of the Scout Oath, Scout Law, Order of
the Arrow Obligation, and what it means to “live” these words in one’s
daily life.
* A renewed spirit, pride, and enthusiasm for Scouting and the Order
of the Arrow.
* Ideas their Lodge can use to better serve Scouting in
their home unit and council.
* New program ideas, knowledge, and skills to improve
the Lodge.
NOAC is a great opportunity for you to learn more
* Increased leadership skills and a better understanding
about the OA and Scouting (and maybe a little bit more
of how to carry out the work of the Lodge.
about yourself ), to get to know the rest of the members
* The latest information on camping and high- adventure
of your Lodge, and to make new friends from around the
programming, including how to successfully promote Boy
country. Join the Order of the Arrow’s best and brightest
Scout camping.
for a six-day adventure of fun, excitement, and memories.
* New friendships with fellow Arrowmen from throughout
the country.
Indiana University logo
* Memories to last a lifetime.
NOAC Registration and First Installment Form--Cut and Mail Today
If you would like to go to NOAC, mail this form with your check payable to: Orca
Please mail this form to:
Lodge #194/BSA and marked “NOAC Registration.” Payment for NOAC will
Orca Lodge #194/NOAC
done in installments, of which this is the first. The total cost of NOAC (including the
Boy Scouts of America
event and airfare) will be $1500 or less (depending on airfare). Need further info? Call or
1007 Wood Street
Email Dave Dukeman at: (707) 443-9559, (707) 496-4898(c.)
Eureka, CA 95501
or daviddukeman@sbcglobal.net
Cost of first installment: $300
This first payment is due Jan. 1
Name:_ _____________________________________________ Phone:_____________________________
Address:____________________________________City:_ ______________________ Zip Code_ ____________
Email Address:______ Chptr:_________________ Total amount enclosed:_________
Lodge Chief’s Corner
What a wonderful
year we've had. Let
me first welcome
all those who
have just become
members. We've
got a lot for you in
the coming year, including; a new Section Conclave, a Lodge Fellowship, NOAC and Chapter BBQ’s. I'd like to congratulate all our chapter
and Lodge officers for a job well done. The next
chief will inherit a great Lodge.
At the last Section W3B Conclave, Orca was
amazing. The Lodge won at least a third of all of
the games, and two of our members were elected
to Section office.
I look forward to seeing you at the numerous
activities we have, including the Lodge dinner in
Scotia on November 22nd.
Yours in Service,
Benjamin LeRoy
Orca Lodge Chief 2007-2008
1) If you have an entire room in your house devoted to
your patch collection...
2) If you have ever said, "Been there, done that, got the
3) If you learned Lenni Lenape just for the heck of it...
4) If you wear a breechcloth instead of jockey shorts
5) If you wear your sash in the shower...
6) If your car is worth less than your patch collection...
7) If you tell your girlfriend you can't go to the senior
prom because you have a Lodge service weekend to
8) If you can say the Obligation in Pig Latin.
9) If directions to your house include, "Then you see the
teepee on the front lawn..."
10) If you've attended more Section Conclaves than family
11) If you think that Nutiket would be fun to party with...
12) If you put all your OA dates into your computer and it
runs out of memory.
November 14-16, 2008
at Coast Guard Island, San Francisco Bay
The National Leadership
Seminar (NLS) is a weekend
training program focusing
on leadership development. Run by the Region
Chief and his Advisers, it
provides an in-depth
look at leadership
skills and techniques. An NLS
discusses how
these skills
can be
in your
in the
OA and
in other
aspects of your life.
The National Leadership Seminar is intended
primarily to enhance the
leadership skills of the
Order of the Arrow’s key
youth and adult members
as they seek to improve
their services to the Boy
Scouts of America and
the greater community.
The weekend format is
designed to complement
the longer, more detailed
Wood Badge and Junior
Leadership Training Programs. Near the end
of the seminar,
participants make
a contract with
to apply the
skills studied in the
in their
council, and community.
If you are interested in attending NLS, please contact Dave Dukeman for
registration information.
(707) 443-9559, (707)
496-4898(c.), or daviddukeman@sbcglobal.net
Official Publication of the Orca Lodge #194
Editor ~ Gabriel Mc Hugh Publications Adviser ~ Bruce Mayfield
Orca Spouts is a quarterly publication. We will email all four issues,
two of which will be mailed out. We welcome all submissions, both
articles as well as photographs. Sending articles and digital photos
via email is highly encouraged. All photos welcomed. The deadline
for submissions for the next edition is Fri., Dec. 19th. Send articles
and photos to:
Gabriel Mc Hugh (707) 546-6838, secretary@orca194.org
Redwood Empire Council, Inc.
Boy Scouts of America
2240 Professional Drive
Santa Rosa, CA 95403
U.S. Postage
Petaluma, Calif.
Permit No. 124
Orca Lodge #194
Dates to Remember...
Officer Phone and E-mail List
Nov. 7-9 Mow-A-Toc Fall Ordeal/Camp Riggs Johnston
Nov. 14-16 NLS/NLATS Coast Guard Island, San Francisco Bay
Nov. 22 Annual Lodge Dinner & Executive Board Meeting/Hosted By
Lodge Chief...........................Benjamin LeRoy....................... 538-7832
Lodge Vice-Chief...................Jeffrey Forest............................ 539-2881
Lodge Secretary.....................Gabriel Mc Hugh...................... 546-6838
Lodge Treasurer.....................Lucas Martin............................. 569-7258
Past Lodge Chief....................Patrick O’Neil........................... 664-8511
Lodge Adviser........................Dave Dukeman......................... 443-9559
Quietleder@aol.com cell 496-4898
Lodge Staff Adviser...............Gary Varano.............................. 546-8137
Mow-A-Toc Chief..................Matt Sullivan............................. 839-2120
Mow-A-Toc Adviser..............Dave Dukeman......................... 443-9559
mow-a-tocadviser@orca194.org cell 496-4898
Cabrosha Chief.......................Michael Millerick..................... 829-2536
Cabrosha Adviser...................Mike Bell.................................. 527-6282
Cabrosha Ceremony Adv.......Jason Kracht.............................. 566-6810
Mow-A-Toc Ceremony Adv..Chris Teschan............................ 839-4115
Crashdog@sbcglobal.net cell 834-5998
Lodge Email............................................................... orca@orca194.org
Council Web Site.................................................www.redwoodbsa.org/
Council Offices...................... Santa Rosa................................ 546-8137
Eureka Office............................ 443-8345
Printed on Recycled Paper
Dec. 13-14 Vigil Dinner & Ceremonies/Camp Masonite Navarro
Dec. 16 Mow-A-Toc Chapter Meeting/Eureka Scout Office
Dec. 16 Cabrosha Chapter Meeting/Cotati Lions Club
Jan. 9-10 Section Planning Retreat
Jan. 20 Mow-A-Toc Chapter Meeting/Eureka Scout Office
Jan. 20 Cabrosha Chapter Meeting/Cotati Lions Club
Jan. 24 Lodge Executive Board Meeting
Feb. 17 Mow-A-Toc Chapter Meeting/Eureka Scout Office
Feb. 17 Cabrosha Chapter Meeting/Cotati Lions Club
Mar. 7 Section COC Meeting/Camp Pollock, Sacramento
Mar. 17 Mow-A-Toc Chapter Meeting/Eureka Scout Office
Mar. 17 Cabrosha Chapter Meeting/Cotati Lions Club
Mar. 27-29 Lodge Fellowship/Camp Riggs Johnston
Apr. 21 Mow-A-Toc Chapter Meeting/Eureka Scout Office
Apr. 21 Cabrosha Chapter Meeting/Cotati Lions Club
May 9 Section COC Meeting/Camp Pollock, Sacramento
May 19 Mow-A-Toc Chapter Meeting/ Eureka Scout Office
May 19 Cabrosha Chapter Meeting/Cotati Lions Club
I NEED A RIDE........................................................ rides@orca194.org