Downloaded from . ~-B-1365fiB 18 MARCH 1964 SUPERSEDING MIL-R-13656A 13 MARCH 1956 MILITARY SPECIHCATIOPl ‘ ,.. . BINOCULARS,M15A1 AND M17AI Thisspecification has beenapprovedby the Department of Defense ancl is mandatory for use by thz Department of the AmaII, the Navy, andthe Air Force. MIL-C-13459 1. SCOPE 1.1 This specification covers7 x 50 binoculars.These binocularsare essentially identicalexceptfor a reticle in BinocularM.17A11, which is used,for the approximatemeasurement of smallangles. ,. 2. APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS 2.1 The following documents,oftheissuein effecton date of invitation for bids or requestfor proposal, form a part of thisspecification to theextentspecified herein. SPECIFICATIONS FRDERAL UU-T-106 UU–T–111 PPP–B-621 l?l?P-B-636 PPP–P–291 PPP-T-76 —Tape, Masking; Paper (Pressure - Sensitive) —Tape, “Paper Gummed (Sealingand Securing) —Boxes; Wood, Nailed and Lock-Corner —Boxes; Fiber —Paperboard, W r a p ping,Cushioning —Tape, Pressure-Sensitive,Adhesive, Paper,Water Resistant MILITARY NIILP-116 “ML-B-117 —Gases, Binocular: M62A1 and 3163A1 Components MIL-O-13,830 —Optical for Fire ControlInstrurnentsjGeneral Specification G overningthe Manufac: ture,’ Assembly”and Inspectionof Materiel: MIL-F-13926 —Fire Control, General Specifica~ tion Governing the Manufacture an,d Inspectionof —Paper, Lens, Tissue, MILP–13988 Antitarnish,Wrapping ‘ MIL-P-14232 —Parts, Equipment and Tools for Ordnance Materiel,Packaging of MIL-I-45208 —Inspection System Re‘ quirements MIL-I-45607 —Inspection Equipment, Supply and 3!Iaintenance for Ordnance MIL-C-52078 —Cap-Plug, Cap, and P 1u g, Protective, Plastic Dust And Moisture Seal STANnARDS ,, MILITMY —Preservation,Method~ of —Bags and Sleeves,InteriorPackaging MIL”STD–105 ,. —Sampling Pr~edures and Tables “for Inspection by Attributes - .. Downloaded from MIL-STD-109 —-Qua 1it y Assurance Terms and Definitions NIIL-ST?D-K29—Marking for Shipment and Storage IIRATVINGS U.S.ARMY MUNITIONS COMMAND ZZ_390 —13inocularM15A1 22-396 —Binocular M17Al IEL–22-390-2 —Inspection Equipment List for Binocular M15A1 IEL–22–396-2 —Inspection IZquipment List for Binocular N117AI I I 3.3.1iWIL-F’-l3926. (a) Order of precedence. (b) Dimensions and tolerances. (c) Inorganic protectivesurface finishes. (d) Part identification and marking. (e) Workmanship. 3.3.2iWIL-0-13830. Cleanliness. 3.4 Environmental. ,, 3.4.1Storage temperature. ‘l%e binocular (Copies ofspecifications, standards, drawings and show no evidenceof ~lassbreakage or publications required by suppliers inconnection with ‘shall procurement functions shouldbe obtained other physicalfailureand shallmeet al]respecific from the procuring activity or as directed by the quirementsof thisspecification at standard contracting officer. ) ambient temperature (60to90 degreesFahrenheit) after having ,been exposed and “2.2 Other publications. The followingdocthermallystabilized at ambient temperatures ument forms a part of thisspecification. Unof minus 80 degreesFahrenheitand plLM160 lessotherwiseindicated, the issuein effect on degrees Fa]lren~leit. dateof invitations for bidsshallapply. 3.4.2 Operating temperatures. The binocuNATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS larshallmeet the applicable requirementsof NBS ResolutionTest Chart of 1952 and 3.11.1while exposed and ther(High Contrast) (Number 25X) 9 e mallystabilized atambient temperatures of minus40 degrees F ahrenheit and plus150 (Application forcopies should be addressed tothe Fahrenheit. Superintendent ofDocuments, GovernmentPrinting degrees Office, Washington 25,D.C.) I shallbe responsiblefor adherence to and compliancewith the followjrig requirements of Specification MIL-F-13926 and MIL-O13830. 3.4.3Vibmtion. There shallbe no visibh? damage or looseningof assembledpartsas a . 3. REQIJIREMEINTS resultof vibrationin a verticalplane at a 3.1 Materials. Materialsshallbe in aecorcl- constantfrequency of 30 e37clesper.second ante.with drawings,materialspecifications with an amplitudeof ~1~inch (% inch total and generalspecifications forming a partof excursion)for a periodof 5 minutes plusor minus 15 seconds.Subsequent to vibration, thisspecification. the binocularshallmeet allof the following 3$Z Construction. The binocularsshallbe requirementsof thisspeci$cation. ~ nNanufacturedin,“accordance with the appH3.5 Sealing.The binocuiarshallshow no cabledrawing listedin Section2 and drawevidenceof leakage when subjectedto an ingspertainingthereto. The requirementsof externalpressureof 5 psigage pressurefor thisspecification are detailed onlyto the exa periodof fiveminutes aferhavin”g been extent considerednecessaryto obtain’ the desiredopt~cal,andmechanicalcharacteristics posedtothe req&ements of 3.4. to insure, inherentqualityand performance 3.6 Resolution. The resolution of eath mocapabilities. nocularon the optical axisfor a parallel bar 3.3 General specifications. The contractor testtargetshallbe 6.5seccu% ofarcorless. . ,, ~“ I ●’ m ● Downloaded from MW - B - 13656B “3.7 Magnification. Magnification of each of the two telescopic systems shallbe as specifiedin the drawings within a toleranceof 2 percent. shallnot extend beyond”the other by more than KG inch. 3.10.3Torque. The torquerequiredto adjusttheeyepiecefrom minus 4 to plus4 dioptersshallbe between 3 and ‘1Oounce inches 3.8 Collimation. When two parallel raysare projectedintothetwo objectives respectively, when the eyepieceisrotatedfrom minus 4 to plus4 dioptersin 5 secondsat standardamthe conjugaterays emerging from,the two eyepiecesshallbe parallel withinthe followi- bienttemperature (60 to 90 degr&s Fahrng limitsof the infinity focus of the eye- enheit).The torquein any one eyepieceshall piece,and for any setting, of the interpupil- not vary more than 5 ounce“inches. larydistancescalebetween 58 and 72 mm as Opsrabilfty. The eyepieceshall,be follows: operable at the temperatures specifiedin 3.4.2. (a) There shallbe no more than 15 minutes of arc in divergence 3.11 Interpupillary adjustment.The inter(b) They shallnot divergemore than pupillary distanceindicated by thescaleshall 24 minutes of arc be correctto within1 mm. (c) There shallbe no convergence 3.11.1Torque. The torquerequiredto adjust the interpupillary settingbetween 58 and 72 mm shall be between 15 and 22 pound The images ofa plumb lineformed by the two inchesat standardambient temperature (60 optical. systems shallbe vertical within1 degree and parallel within0.5degrees. to 90 degreesFahrenheit).The torqueinany one instrumentshallnot vary more thari3 3.9 Reticle(M17A1). Thehorizontalreticle pound inches.The maximum torquerequired lineshallbe parallel to the lineof centersof at the temperaturesspecified in 3.4.2shall therightand leftobjective fora settingof 63” not exceed45 pound inches. plusor minus 1 millimeter interpupillary dis,., , tanceadjustment. “4.QUALITY ASSURANCE PREVISIONS 3.8.1 Image tilt and parallelism of images. 3.9.1Dioptic difference. The eyepiecefocus difference between the image of an infinity targetand the reticle graduationnearestthe centerof the fieldshallnot exceed plus or minus 1A diopter. 3.9.2 Reticle angle. The reticle in the finished instrument shallindicatethe correct angularvalueswithin3 percent, 3.10 Eyepiece. Diopter scule. Each diopterscalein‘3.10.1 dex shallindicatezero withina toleranceof plusor minus 1A diopterwhen the image of an infinite targetnear the centerof the field isbrought intosharp focuswith the aid of a dioptometer“oran auxiliarytelescope. Other graduationsshallbe accuratewithinplusor minus 1A diopter. 3.10,2Diopter setting. With thesame diopter settingon each eyepiece,one eyepiece 4.1 Responsibility for inspection. Unless otherwisespecified in the contractor purchase’ orderthesupplierisresponsible forthe performance of allinspectionrequirements as specified herein.Except as otherwisespecified, the suppliermay utilize hisown or any other inspectionfacilities and servicesacceptableto the Government. Inspectionrecords of the examinationsand testsshallbe kept completeand availableto the Government as specified in the contractor order. The Government reservesthe rightto perform any of the inspections setforthin the specification where such inspectionsare deemed necessary to~assure suppliesand services conform to prescribedrequirements. 4.1.1General provisions. The qualityassurance provisionsof thisspecification and of other documents referencedherein fony the basisfor inspection to be performed by the supplier.Inspectionshallbe in’accord3 Downloaded from M I &B - 13656B ante with the requirementsof Specification MILI-45208 and the component inspection requirements,ofSpecification MIL-F-13926. Definitions of inspection terms not otherwise definedhereinshallbe as listedin Standard MIL-STD-109. tainedin Specification MILF-13926, and the examination and testsrela~edto Section3 herein shallbe performed ,ona defect (individualcharacteristic) basisin accordance with Standard MII.43TD-105, and the inspectionleveland sampling plans specified in Table I titled“Classification of Defects”. 4.2 Inspectionprovisions. Examinationsand testsforPackaging,Packing and Marking shallbe in accordancewith 4 . 2 . 1.?@ection lot. UnlessotherwisespecSpecification MILP-14232 and Section 5 ified by the ,contracting @icer,inspection lot herein.’ The tabulated classification of defects size, formation,and presentation of lotsshall shall constitute theminimum inspection to be be in accordancewith “Submissionof Prodperformed by the supplier prior to Governuct”as specified in Standard MIIATD-105. ment acceptanceor rejectionby lot.The Gov4.2.2Examination and tests. Components ernment reservesthe rightto inspectforany and subassembliesshallbe inspectedin acapplicablerequirement,anti to rejectindicordancewith the inspection provisionsconvidualnon-conformingitems. TABLE I. Classification of Defects UseInspection LevelH ofTableIwithSampling PlanTableII-A ~ of StandardMIL-STD-lO5 Oritical: None defined. Requirement Teat procedure Major:AQL 0.65percent defective. ..........................................................3.4.3 101. Vibration 4.5.3 102. Leakage...................................................O< .......3.5~ 4.5.4 103. Resolution .........................................................3.6 4.5.5 ......................................................3.7 104. Magnification 4.5.6 105. Collimation ........................................................3.8 4.5.7 106. Divergence.......................................................3.8~ .............................................3.8 107. Divergence-convergence andparallelism ...........................................3.8.1 108. Imagetilt plumb .......................................~.e....<3.9 ....3.9~ 109. Reticle 4.5.8 difference .................................................3.9.1 110. Dioptric 111. Reticle angle......................................................3.g.2 scale readings 112. Diopter. ..............................................3.10:1 4,5.9 ....................................................3.10.2 4.5.10 113. Dioptersetting 114. Eyepiecetorque...................................................3.10.3 4.5.11 adjustment..........................................3.11( 115. Interpupillary 4.5.12 116. Interpupillary torque...............................................3.11:1 4,5.12.1 Mino~: None defined. 4.2.3Disposition of non-con forming prodzmt. Rejected lotsshallbe screenedfor all defectivecharacteristics. Removal orcorrectionof defective unitsandresubmittanceof rejectedlots shallbe in accordance with “Acceptance and Rejection”as “specified in Standard MIL-STD-105. 4.3 Controltests, general. One each binocular of the type being procured shallbe selectedat random from each 50 produced,or from each month’s production, whicheveroc4 cursfirst. Controlsamplesshallhave successfullymet allotheracceptancetestsspecified hereinpriorto conducting’ the followingexaminationand tests: C0ntr02 test R;wu- Test procedure Construction ........3;2 4.5.1 Generalspecifications 3.3 Visual,MIL-F-13926 and MILO-13830 4.3.1Control tests, environmental. Three each binocularsof the type being procured shallbe selectedat random from each 100 Downloaded from W I X3=13656B produced,or from each month’s production, providedby “InspectionProvisions”of SpecMIL-145208. whicheveroccursfirst. Controlsamplesshall ification have successfully met allother acceptance design. The contractor testsspecified hereinpriorto conducting. the shalldesignand supplyinspection equipment followingexaminationand tests. compatiblewith the “Test Methods and ProTeat cedures”specified in 4.5.and with the “Comprocedure control test Requirement ponentInspection” requirementsof SpecificaStorage temperature ..........3.4.1 4..5.2 tion MIL-F-13926. Concept, construction, Operating temperature ........3.4.2 4.5.2 materials, dimensions,and tolerances used in 4.3.2Control test failure. Should the condesignof testequipment shallbe so selected troltestsample failto meet the specified test and controlledas to insure that the test requirements, acceptanceof the productwill equipment willpermit positive rejection of a suspendedby theGovernment untilnecessary product which exceedsthe prescribedtolercorrections have been made by the contrac- ance limit,and willreliably indicateaccepttor and the resubmittedsamples have been abilityof a product which”does not exceed approved. 90Yo of the prescribedtolerancelimit.Construction shallbe such as tofacilitate routine 4.4 Inspection equipment.Except as othercalibration of theequipment. wise providedfor by the contract,the conDevices used for environmental tractor shall furnish and maintain all testing. A1l environmental testingdevices requiredmeasuring and testingequipment in used to determineconformance of the enviaccordance with the “Measuring and Test below) s,hall Equipment” requirement of Specification ronmental requirements(listed requirements MILi-145208 and allapplicable requirements conform tothe“TestFacilities” outlinedin Specification MIL-F-13926. specified in Specification MIL-145607. The Government reservesthe right to use the (a) Vibration (4.5.3). testequipment for itsown independentin(b) Temperature (4.5.2) ( spections to the extentthatsuch use willnot ( unduly interferewith the contractor’s de(c) Sealing(4.5;4). liveryschedule. 4.5 Test “methodsand procedure% furnished inspection 4.4.1Government be 4.5.1Construction. The binocularshall. equipment. Where the contractprovidesfor subjected to a visual, t actile, and dimensional Government furnishedtestequipment,care inspection for conformance to the applicable and maintenance of testequipment shallbe drawings and requirements of this speciin accordance with “Measuring and Test fication, Dimensional inspectionshall be Equipment” and “Government Furnished performed using standardmeasuring equipMaterialrequirementsof Specification MIL ment. 1-45208 and all applicablerequirements specified in Specification MIL-145607. 4.5.2Storage and operating temperatures. This testshallbe conducted in accordance inspection 4.4.2Contractor furnished with Procedure I of Specification MILFequipment. 13926.While stabilized at each temperature in 3.4.2the binocularshall Government de%”gn.All inspection extreme specified ,besubjectedto the testsspecified in equipment requiredby drawings forming a and 4.5.12,1and shallconform to the repart of the contractand not providedby the quirementsspecified. Upon completionof the Government shallbe suppliedby the conexposuresand return to standard tractorin accordancewith the requirements specified ambient temperature(60to 90 degreesFa@ of 4.4and the Listsof InspectionEquipment enheit) the binocularshallbe inspectedand DWuments IEL-22-390-2 and 22-396-2.A1ternatedesigns may be substituted only a’s shallshow no evidenceof glassbreakageor ,’5 Downloaded from MWB - 13656B other physicalfailurein accordance with 3.4.1. ~-4.5.3Vibration. The binocular.shall be mounted on a suitableadapterand vibrated by means of a vibrationtestfixturecapable of vibratingthe binocularin a vertical plane at” the frequency,amplitudeand durationas indicatedin 3.4.3. After vibration, the binocular shallbe visuallyinspectedfor damage, and shallthen be subjectedto thetestsspecifiedin 4.5.4to shall conform to the requirementsspecified therein. 4.5.4Sealing.The binocularshallbe placed in a suitablecontainerconnectedto a pressure testfixturewhich shallincludea sensitive pressure gage capable of testingthe requirementsof 3.5,The container, with the binocular, shallthen be charged with 5 psi gage pressure,stabilized, and the sourcecut off.Evidence of leakagecan be determined by observingthe gage for pressuredrop for the time intefialspecified in 3.5. 4.5.5Resolution. Resolutiontestisaccomplishedwith thebinocularpositioned as specified in the collimation testOf 4.5.7. The “56” patternof the NationalBureau of Standards Test Chart 25X is attachedto the central area of the wall chart located46 feetfrom theobjectives ofthebinocular. The testchart shallbe,illuminatedby a sixty (60) watt lightlocatedone footfrom the chart.With the telescopefocused on the “56” numeral, the testpatternson eitherside of the “56” numeral are observedthrough a three-power dioptometeror equivalentplacedin frontof each eyepieceof the binocular. The testpatternshallbe resolvedwithinthe arc specified in 3.6.The testpatternshallbe considered resolvedwhen theobservercan determinethe direction in which thelineslay. 4.5.6Magnification. The magnification test shall be in accordance with Specification MIL-O-13830 for the requirementsof 3.7. observingwallor collimato~ targetsthrough the binocularat the 58 and 72 interpupillary positions. A mounting sup~ort shallbe designedto position thebinoctilar setat 72mm so thatthe lineof sightof two telescopes will pass through the lineof sightof the binocularsand fecus on two of t~e walltargetsor collimators. The third teleicopewillbe locatedso the lineof sightwillpass through the right eyepieceand focus on the third targetwhen the binocular@ set at 58 mm. With the binocularset at~the seventy-two (72) mm interpupillary ~~ distance,it is clamped in the holderof the deviceand positionedto coincidethe horizontallineof the binocular (in the lefteyepiece)with the lower horizontal lineof thetargetatthe zero mark. In thisposition, any error in collimation can be read on the righttargetof the deviceat both the 58 mm and 72 mm interpupillarydistances. The binocularshallbe inspectedin accordancewi~h the following proceduresto determinecompliancewith 3.8. Dipve~gence. Divergence is indicatedby the comparisonofvertical displacement of thetarget on the grid of the collimator as viewed at both 55 mm and 72 mm interpupillary distances, and,,shallnot exceed 3.8. Divergence and convergence.Di4.5.7.2 indicatedwhen the target appears in the right half of the grid and convergencewhen in the l~fthalfas viewed in the righthand collimating telescopes. Divergenceshallnot exceedthetolerance in 3.8. There shallbe no converge&e. Image tilt and parallelismof im4.5.7.3 ages, The images are checkedfor plumb and parallelism through the two opticalsystems by means of thevertical linesof the collimat-’ ing telescopeand the verticallinesof the target. A tolerance blockonthe targetwillbe used to deternline conformance with 3.8.1. 4.5.8Reticle. With the binocularsetat 63 mm interpupillary distanceand mounted on for collimation a fixturewith the lineof centersparallel 4.5.7Collimation. The “test to ismade by means of a specialtestingdevice the target horizontalline,the horizonta] for collimation. The deviceshallconsistof reticleline shallcoincide Iwith the target horizontal linewithinthe tolerance of3.9, threecollimating telescopes with retitles for ., 6 . L I Downloaded from M I L - B - 13656B Dioptric difference., The dioptric difference shallbe determinedwith the aidof a dioptometerof at leastthree (3X)’. power. With the lineof sightdirectedat an infinity target,the eyepieceof each monocular shall be adjustedfor sharp focus and shallnot exceedthe tolerancein 3.9.1.: :,~ ., Reticle angk The angularsubtense of the reticlemarkings shallbe measured with the aid of a calibrated :target and shall be withinthe limitsin.3.9.2. 4.5.9Diopter scale. The eyepiecefocusadjustmentshallbe performed with the aidof a dioptometerof at leastthree (3X) power. The image of an infinitytarget shallbe brought into sharp focus on each eyepiece and thezeroand otherreadingsshallcoincide withinthetolerance of 3.10.1. and,outside .,edges of the eyepiecesand this measurement shalicoincidewith the scaleof thebinocularwithinthetoleranceof 3.11. L5.12.1 Torque. The torquerequiredtoadjust the intqrpupillary settingwithin the limitsspecified in3.11.1shallbe measured by means of a standardmeasuring equipmentat the specified temperatures:With one sideof the binocularheld rigid,a directpullis theothersidetodeterminethatmovement iswithinthetorquelimitsin 3.11.1. 5.’ PREPARATION FOR DELIVERY 5.1 Packaging,packingand marking.Packaging,packing and marking shallbe in accordancewith Figures1 through4. 6. NOTES ~ 6.1 Intended use. The binocula~ covered 4.5.10Diopter setting. The diopterscaleof by this specification are used basically for each monocular shallbe adjustedtothe same observationbut the BinocularM17A1 which settings. A straightedgeisthenplacedacross incorporates a reticle may alsobe utilized for the,ringsof both eyepieceand neitherShall the approximate measurement of small ;,.extend beyond the othermore than the toler- ,.angles such as isrequiredfor directgun diance in 3.10.2. ” rection. :-. ~’ 4.5.11Eyep;ece torque. The torque re“-quired to rotateeach eyepieceshallbe measured with a torquewrench with an adapter and shallbe withinthe limitsin 3.10.3. Operability. While thebinocularis exposed to the extreme operatingtemperaturesspecified in 3.4.2, the eyepieceshallbe rotated to insure correct operation in adjustment. ‘Thein4.5.12Interpupillary terpupillarysettingshallbe measured by means of a metric scalebetween the inside . . ,, ,, Custodians: ,. Arrny-MLJ Navy—MC tAirForc@7 OtherInterests ) Review: Army—MU Navy—WP; MC” Air‘Force4iT . TJser: Army_MO,;:EL . ~ Navy-SH,-YD,CG ~~~ ‘ ,, “- ~~““ 6.2 Orderingdata.Procurementdocuments should specifythefollowing: - .(a)Title,number and date of this specification. (b)‘Applicable ”stock number, “~ (a) Selectionof applicablelevelsof packq~ng” and packing required. 6.3 Definitio~.. Words,’terms,and expressions‘used@ this specification, which are peculiarto the generalfield of optics, are definedin Standard,MIL-STD-1241, Optical Terms’and Definitions.~ Preparing activity: , Army-MU Project No.,665&0131 . . . .. . . co ITEM NAME PACK Black coated 12 1 P= X LEVEL AMILITARY sIZE 8-5/8 X 4* EXTERIOR LINER IN FT. SPEC. NONE SIZE PPP-B-621 STYLE .— l-fins ““ GRADE GRADE cLAss e 1 2 2 cLASS PACK OWG. DWG. OR OR SPEC. SPEC. SIZE ~ TECH/SVC NONE SIZE LEVEL C MINIMUMMILITARY PACKAGE 31% x 19 x 1O%(H) (j) I 2 NO. STYLE STYLE ‘- S7Y”LE LEVEL C MINIMUMMILITARY PACK Same as Level c CRWT z%— + NO. GRADE GRADE - I ‘ GRADE CL&S: — CLASS ● CL AS: CUBE DRYING I JAN-P-100 TYw. 171=E CLEANING I I STOCK PACKAGE Level A INTERMEDIATE As SIZE METHOD Same as Level A Same as Level A NONE Same — STOCK *6650-530-0959 FEDERAL B LIMITED MILITARY EXTERIOR MIL-P-lIC UNIT PROTECTION: 9TY = LEVEL +(Gj’02s13 JAN-P.[00 TYPE OF LOAD EXTERIOR PACK TypEOFLoAD GRADE CLASS DWG.OR SPEC. STYLE -E lMslDE OIMENSt ONs INSIDE DIMENSIONS EXTERIOR PACK OWG.OR 5PEC. OR m No. SNL OR CLASS PART AS specifiedin MIL-P-14232 As specifiedin MIL-P-14232 .; ~OTE$;.#;This data.sheet is applicableto Binocular,M15A1and M17A1. See Figure 2 for applicablepart number and stock number. See Figures2 and 3 for explanationof Notes (A) through (J) and MarkingNotes. See sheet 16 for Figure 4. *See AlternateMethod on Figure 3 ,’ IN I-B% YEICH7 IN INCHES :UBAGE \lZ’SS MEASUREMENTS CLOSURE 20 N7AlNER :ASE REQUIREMENTS PACKING :LOSURE :ON’TAINER DWG. INTERMEDIATE PACKAGE STYLE CLEANING(A) DRYING A I 4.9 .208 .304 cUBE MIL-P-13988 182 Sq. in. (B)ff* ‘: .-II UU-T-106 46 x 1 (B,C,D) I MIL-B-117 12 x 15% (F) PPP-P-291 14 X 25 (E) .- I 21 x 2 (E) UU-T-111 ~~ W6C PPP-B-636 10%x 9+ x 4-3/4 RSC PPP-T-76 32x 2 (G) ME7H0&A-8 SIZE 5.26 6.54 WT 120. GR 1,3 IsSUE APE 2,4,5>6 9 AG USHIONING7 .— 8 APE ONTAI.NER 10 LOSURE 11 PROTECTION: 34% x 20% x 12 NONE 10%x 9% x 544 9% UNIT PACK DWG.OR SPEC. MIL-P-ItG ~ REQUIREMENTS PACKAGING :xTERIOR NTERMEDIATEPKG. JN8T PACK&GE !m&l+ilcs T EM FINISH Plastic,Glass,Aluminum,Rubber & Steel surfacesand paint COMPOSITION BINOCULAR: M15A1 W/E FEDERAL Downloaded from EoERAL lT~M NAME NO. NO. 6.54 6.53 PACKAGEDWEIGHT STOCK FIGURE Z. (G) Tape shallbe appliedover the top and bottom seams and extendat least 3 inchesonto each end Panel. If.thebottom of the containeris closedwith staplesor adhesive,only a singlestrip of ‘tapeshallbe appliedover the top seam. (F) The bag shall be heat sealed,exhaustingentrappedair prior to final closure. (25 x,14) & (E) The carryingcase containingthe binocularshallrewrapped with paperboard&hiQ~iw such a raannerthat two thicknessesof paperboardcushioningis over the latch. The wrap shallbe securedin place with tape (3 PCS., ea 7X 2). 1) ahall,be (D) The binocularshallbe placed in the case. The neck atrap shallbe coiled and tape.(.3.x appliedover the coil as shown in figure4 to prevent it from uncoiling. The coiled’strap shallbe placedbetween the two objectiveends of the binocularas shown in fi’gure 4. The lid shallbe closedand securedwith the latch :!.,, providedon the case. (C) TEe shoulderstrapaon the case shall be foldedand securedto the case with tape (5 PCS., ea 3 x 1) as shown in figure4. (B) Two pieces of tissue (9x3) shall be folded to form 2pads 3x2?z. A pad shaIl be placed over each eyepiece. The tissueover the eyepiecesshall then be securedin place w~h tape (2 PCS, ea 5 x 1). TWO pieces of tissue (16 x 4).shallbe foldedto form 2 pads 4 x 4. A pad shallbe placed over each objectiveemiof the binocular. The tissue shall then be securedin place with tape (2 PCV.,.ea-9%x 1). (A) Optics shallbe cleanedand dried as specifiedin MIL-P-14232. ProcessC-1 of MIL-P-116shall be followedto clean othersurfaces. Except for optics, surfacesshallbe dried by any proceduredpecifiedin MIL-P-llf that will not damage the items. NOTES: 5.26 5.25 2:10 6650-530-0959 6650-530-0974 6650-769-4281 6702513 6702518 7694281 BinocularM15Al W/E BinocularM17Al W/e Case,.CarryingM63AI TECM/SVC WEIGHT OR, CLASS STOCK $c6650-530-0959° FEDERAL FEDERALSTOCKNO. iNL NQ. *6702513 PART NO. Bl~& coated surfaces& Paint FINISW PART ITEM Plastic,Glass,Aluminum,Rubber and Steel :0 MPOSt T40N :NOCULAR :0 M15A1 W/E w CQ m ulU$ Downloaded from Downloaded from M I H3 - 1365613 .,.’. : “ ,,.,, ,.. . .,, . ,, ... :. ,. ,. . . -. ,’ ,, ,,, ,.. —-l---l”& u..!. ,-, ., :: ,,. , I . cl, ., :. m : v ,t 2- j ,!10 .. 1’ ,’ ,. “c=: .A . ,.. , ., .,, ,, .,. ,, ,. ..’ I -. 4. llinoculav: M15A1 and MI 7A I top view shows the prepackaged items bottom view skews tke prepackaged ‘items bei?lg pnxkaged. FIGURE . . ● 0 Downloaded from