This is the 10th Affidavit of Cinda Ferguson in this case and was
This is the 10th Affidavit of Cinda Ferguson in this case and was
This is the 10th Affidavit of Cinda Ferguson in this case and was made on 22 Sep 2015 No. S144265 Vancouver Registry In the Supreme Court of British Columbia IN THE MATTER OF THE COMPANIES'CREDITORS ARRANGEMENT ACT, R.S.C. 1985, c. C-36, AS AMENDED .~ ~, IN THE MATTER OF A PLAN OF COMPROMISE OR ARRANGEMENT OF PONDEROSA PEACHLAND DEVELOPMENT LIMITED PARTNERSHIP, TREEGROUP PONDEROSA DEVELOPMENT CORP., and 0817642 B.C. Ltd. BETWEEN: ROMSPEN INVESTMENT CORPORATION Petitioner AND: PONDEROSA PEACHLAND DEVELOPMENT LIMITED PARTNERSHIP, TREEGROUP PONDEROSA DEVELOPMENT CORP., and 0817642 B.C. Ltd. Respondents AFFIDAVIT I, Cinda Ferguson, of 2200 — 885 West Georgia Street, Vancouver, British Columbia, Paralegal, SWEAR (OR AFFIRM) THAT: 1. I am a senior paralegal employed by Cassels Brock &Blackwell LLP, solicitors of record for the Petitioner, Romspen Investment Corporation and as such have personal knowledge of the facts and matters hereinafter deposed to save and except where the same are stated to be based on information and belief and where so stated I verily believe them to be true. 2. Attached as Exhibit "A" to this Affidavit is a true copy of the presale contract for Strata Lot 33 of the development of the Respondents between Treegroup Founders Limited Legal'15544792.1 2 Partnership (now Ponderosa Peachland Development Limited Partnership) as Seller and John William Mitchell and Marion Ruth Mitchell as Buyer dated November 11, 2012 and amended March 26, 2013, February 28, 2014, September 28, 2014, March 28, 2015 and September 4, 2015. 3. Attached as Exhibit "B" to this Affidavit is a true copy of a Title Print Search received by me on August 28, 2015 for PID 029-638-194, Strata Lot 33, District Lots 220, 902 and 2897, Osoyoos Division Yale District, Strata Plan EPS1699, together with an interest in the common property in proportion to the unit entitlement of the strata lot as show on Form V currently registered in the name of 0817642 B.C. Ltd. SWORN (OR AFFIRMED)BEFORE ME at Vancouver, British Columbia, on 22 Sep 2015., ~ _ taking Columbia D ~~~'H~le~ IV1 2.~~ - ~~~ w . ~~~,~ ~w J v~~t ~,~wv e~ Legal'15544792.1 ~c i Th~~ ~~+ exhibit" ~ "referred to in the Affidavit Qt ✓d/L~ ~ t~Se'V1 sworn before me at this~~ay of~. A.D. 20.~i A Commis ~'1 ¢ ~~ , ~'~ L C~PJTRACT 0~'PURCHASE ACID~ SA~~ ~I4if~ i~►i~a y~o ~~n~,~+ DNGPhREp BY }~C1Si o in9 }}►davits ColumMa ~ rHae ~ br DATE; ~kN ~oo~e ~~?9.51~.~ ~ u~k . ~.c. pER ~ ~~ ak ~+oN~: M11L5' ka 4~LlD0.:T'apreupFrminnl'mu~dPvin~nh¢.pyll~ — _- 4L`LI.pR,N~''•~alp~nn~~Tnryro~}rmd~n~r Q~vMapm~n~ AO~itEBB: ~~+p Jutt,~f~.1~~ocerdonwy CUY~itl BUYCR; Mfl'~lICAI ADORE9~~ _ o ~-t~. 133 -~-iiir"L— ~~ ~~~~-~ ~ ~I iT~ M~~Sr.~S ~ PFiClJE'. DHQNE~ ~~.~I~9'S- J ~~ RE91dENT OF CANt~DA QJ _NON.AE61bENY DF CANAOA D OCCUPATION: RlcDmond rwaea Pc:y""'i~~ Pc;~~~' 1ROPERTY: J1c~di l~pal D~tt~ipBoq. PC PID The Bvy~r ~prwa b purch~ir Iho Proporfy from 11t~ BtGr on Ihv fo!IgYIAp lerm7 end ~utiJ~tl la the PollorinD t~ndltone: `~ 1, DURaHAbE PRICE: Tn~ DUIChcavprice o(Ihe Prepu~ will 6 -l~t~ d' —^/~/vc 7 7 or d ~O~LAR3 S~ f`~(Purohe~e P~k~) ❑lP06iT: A d~pn~ll~of ~y~~ ~~ l fanu v~M1 cl ih~ Pwdiy~o Price, MII b. peiJ on the f~8owi(~y I~im~. which wl;1, 7T.. Fint Paw~ll ~~/~ ~~. a~ 1~~1"r Df '~' ~ '°ISO Saco~d T Onpa~a ov+. nT Oiti~ P ~ acc~7a~~ AI; montri rid ~ttu~~t to IhIY saaNa~ Oe o~It) W"tl b~ dFllverod In truel to ~ ~ 'ttL L ~w {Z ICIPu and held In Irusl In ocoordence ..ilh the provlQorn of lha Re(1 EEt1~0 AoL In the sYenl the Buyer Idy lu pey the bepa~g at t~~ulr~d by IE+17 Contract, the 8811ef may, 1l the Se lerl aptlo~, l~rminaN dtlt Conl~ec47he perty who r~wMue the O~poilt I: euthvrtz~d to oay all of try yD1 U9~ Ot Ihn Depo~(I m (hs BlJy~tY or 6ativr'e cuntry~n6~f (Iha "Convaymaer') wftl~p~l ~urtlfv wdttnn dlrocllon al [h■ Buyer o~ S+Iler, provided th e {~) thv Cenveyancar le ~ L~wyn er Natary, {b~ euth money If to bB hBld Iq trU~l Ey Ih~ Canveyanoe~ au stakeholder punuenl to the provision¢ of Ih~ !i~i1 ~t~~a Acf pendlnp lh~ anmpl~llon of Iha lranoacUon and rtot fln behalf o(any o/ Iho prinalpe~~ le tie lrene~otfan; end ~e~ .t the vela dose coy aamphla,the mnaey ehoulE be nlurtlad to eveh pnr~y of ~t~KthalCu or paid Inla Court TERjAE AND (:ONOITION8: The purcheae and ~Nf of (h~ Propuly includoa Iha fallow n9 forma and le suWect to !ha loltowin0 condlVon~; Pu~oh~~~ ~C~(Cf1KIlOM~~ntluaa ~SaT~d~~ Ha Tf~Y, MW ~y~iVrn Trandlion 7~K, 8~~~t1ac1Nd8credul~•A•,whlchfamc aprelpeAhelwl~rdAtartL'nadanni6N44m10~p u,11t00uyutctimowMrJp~11hi1hv~ho6eene0 ~ utklw,~eMauN►.nd~dbnosellhl~ryreemah6A71Mmn~dd~ndaaes~p'wby~MPaNO~hv,~itlrp~nitaieoban~ndb~eam~pulefWiApream~n .N /_,r T1in6uy~rlv~ih~r~ckrtwR~dpei4neeaf~llmn~]ululk~rllw~lh~WeR~nlba,tatiru~ntrlbru,f~rm~endtagldpt~ihnE~hudha:eln~ndlnlMD~~cb~un FC.~ aaNmonl,rrorroru~,ynam,wefrnna..,l•rm~aw,dltla~xero~+wr~pn~nxiUnud.ey~yper.ane~~r,i,l,~li6ilend~cp~per+f ne3Hr~~. ~ Each condltlan, (f ~o Ind(aH~d, to for thn pole b~t~111 0l the party hdl~lad. Unlelf euh tond~llo~ 11 wplvOd or doolen \....~ NAttM ~ollCE piv~n by the henerltltlg p~hy io tM olhet p~~1y on of Defbf~ lM data cpecll~etl for e~C~ ewttlltlan, ihl~ Co ~ b Urmlt~ned thereupon end Iho O~pwll rolumeble !n a fd~ncn wflh thu Rde7 $stele Aet q 4, CoMPLH71oN; rho tali wilt e. aonpleled on at Ih~ eppropilato Ltend 7ltle Off!co 5 P089E9810N~ 7h~ 6~ysr will have ~ac~nt ~oe~ee~lon of the Propory el 12 Haan on OR, wb~~ol ~0 1~~ followlnp aKlsUnp ten~~clef, 1(mr; v~~~, yr ~atir 0Ci0d~RCV 6d GE7 z'd yr c0Ir1UGHf.DC AtLL tIf~tEV ea WfrleN~Ca.u+.~tN L6bL-S9b-b~9 ~uedwa~ 'g ZTa~o~tW Gompletlo ~Ql (Po~rass Dste r+(l4tMnciq WE9Fttiv"' Doe/L7G.1 Wdg~b:Zi zTOz LT noN Po~~hland 9.C. rxoa ~ of PROPERLY AbDR8s5 ptitaea 8. ^p~U'TMiNi8; 7Nt Buyef WIII Eta ~Me apd pey III UROC, ~eia~, local Imp~ovemanl ~s~~eam~nl~, Nol, uU:ides ofld other Cholgll I~vm, end Indudln,,y~ the d~t~ s• arudJyslr~rnb, enduet~e~dju~sb~tto~n~1 4olh doming 1 vu~0olaq of Wne lust iLre wUl b~ mad ~e of 1, /r~'c~[.G6v ~ ~Dt~ n I~,~Ad}U~~anentD~t 7, INCLUDED ITEM6: Tne Purthp~e puce Inctudoi onr bulldlnps, Impmvemenie, pztur■o, app~~~e ~pca end utcechmen~ Ih~.oto, end r11 blinds m+pinp~, aCrl~n doors end wlndown, euJdln rods, I~ecYp entl vakencee, fined mirtols, fis~od c~rp~Upp, ¢lee~ic, p~umb~ng, h~~tlnp ~Od el~ co~dlllmtlJ~q {btltltn0 ir7d 111 eppunOfl~ricla end elSechn1f1113 M~YULD 60 YIeNB~ by Iha Buyoi BI Cu 001 al inapaclmn. IVCWDING; ~~ ~ BUT EXCLUOIN(3; YIEWEp: Y~~ Prcparty and ell Included I~e~ne will D~ In ~ub~l~nti~lly Iho same cgndklun ql the ~udnsnlon D~Ia ti~ when vlaw~d by the Buyer an ,yr, ). TITLES Foo and clear of all enc.~mbr~na~ axc~pt ~~belnllnn mndlllono, provinee, re■trlouon~, uc~pllone a~0 r~f~rvo~lan~.lncludInp rayelUea, conlsln~d It7 Ih~ o~lpin0l p~nnl m conti~n~d to any other flrmt or d■post(lon Pram the Ciown, roplflend ar pending rauloiive eovananw ~nC ripnurol.wey to favour o~utltlllon end puhll~ ~u~ha~gica, exbUnp t~nanclu u~ act In Clyuse S, If any, Ind ~ya~Dl a othrrvrb~ ael out hveln. 10. TENOER: Tonder or p~ym~nt o~ mvdla~ by IAA 8vy~t tc Iht Ballorwlll b~ 6y earpfisd ~h~que, bank Qta~, Ol~~ or LewyOfN'Nolery'e Rwt GhegUo t1. DOCUM~NT6: Aft dacvmanu r~qulr~d Ie 91y~ ~Rect Io U11f Conl!ect wQl be d~llv~nd In raBl~tnble lorm Where necenauy and M{tt pe IodOad for ~eBlslivlton In the eppropriele Lend ThN aHlee 6y f:p0 pm on the Canpl~Aon Dula. 12. TIME: 'time vA~l be of(he ~eaence h~no1, and unt~en the 6~bnu of Ihi enh paym~ntl~ paid end eu~h formal ~pr~~ont ie pay ifie bglonoo tlt mqy b~ M[~sc6ty le enlefed leis an ar b~bro the Comp(elfaq p~U, lha $~Il~r rrlay, ~t the 9elttr~ cpUo~, leln11n01a Ihl~ COBI~a~~ ~~0, In eueh evegl, Ih~ irnOUBt p~ld by (he Buy~~ WGI b~ •bsolulely kr(ele~d to the g~Hat In 4ccortlmo. w;lh ih. perl Esrrfa Act, an ~ccouol of domay~e, wllhout pnJud~« io tho 6aflor'a o~h~r nm~ai~u, 13. AUYER FiNANCIN01 11 Iho Buynri~ rolylnp upon f new mgrtgap~ to ilnmco the Purc~+u~ Price, the Buyer, whlk ilil~ r~qulred Io pay Ne pu~eh~e~ Pr1c~ e~ ~h~ CamplaGen Delp, may w~11 to pay Ih~ Putehrl~ Pdo~ to lh~ 8~lbr un01 ph~~ lA~ Irenefar Ana new mor~Q~yo documanle have been Iedy~d kr tipl~i~aQnn In Ih~ opproprkte LeaO TWA Olrine. txt only If, helnn such IcdAInA, the 6~yer her (e) m~d~ evenabi. fay t.ndar to the 8ell~r Thal parUon o1 d,e PWc~aee P~i~e not eeruryd by thu new monpsye, and (b~ tuMll.d eft Iha new mcrtB~O°ds condhloer kr fundlgB Qrespt IaOglno thu mo~~gRpe hr i~ple:ntlon, end (c) m~d~ awllable W tho Snllir, ~ LnwyoPe nr ~tetery'a Vnd~rteMlnB ~o ply thf PurchM~e P~iw upon Ih~ lodpinp o1 the tron~br ~~d how morlpape dooum~nle end the edvenc~ by the moAq~p~o al lh~ moApege proc~edi purauenl b Oho Cnnedlan 9arAaeoct~lfon (BC Hnnc~~ (Baal Property BecVonj ftand~rtl unGert0kln9a (ins 'C&~ b~undnrd Undtrloklnp~'), tt, CLEAR LNG TITLE; It~l1e 60141 h~~ ~MIiUf1g M~naiPl chergll la h~ el~ered kom lN~,(ho 9ollar, y.~ryll~ rilll radulr~d to eea~ Outh Ch~tO~L. Miy w011 to pay end dlaehrrp~ a~}eUnp tln~nolsl eherpe~ unto Imm~dloialy slur r~aotpl of the purohau Pries, hul In ~ha evenq the 8■qer ~gr~~t lh~t p~ym~nl of lh~ Purchase Pr!oe ~hgll Da made 6y Ghe Buyers L¢Wy~~ or Ntilary 40lh~ 8el~nfa Lawrir ar Nal~~y, an :h~ C8A 813nderd Undert~MJnp~ ~ P■SI oul Intl dleaherg~ the f~n■nct~l cherpee, nod remll the p~i~nce, II any, to ttta Seller 15. OOaT'S: The 6uy¢f Wtll b~~~ III COfb o(IR! eenvGyenoe end, If sppGcebb, any eo~U rN~l~d to arnnpinp a mohg~g~ tied Ih~ g~il►r will bear all ratio of ctaarinp Iltle. 16. RISK; All Eulldlnpa an Iht Prop~Ay in0 ~tl athu H►me Indud~d in lh~ purcl,~q end ~al~ wl~ 6a, and ~smelr, et Ih~ ~Itk of ~ha Seder until 11:01 a.m. on the Compl~llon Oete.A(4er ihe! Ume, the Pmpet~y and sll Inoluded Ilema Wnl he ~t Iho ti~M of the BuYa~. 17 PLURAL= (~ Ihla Canlrecl, any n(srenca to ~ party Includes lhakperty'a ~eln, ~~ocuiarc, adm!Natrotora, ~uou►ton end a~alano; ~InpW~r inoiuev~ plural and me~cuilne k~cludea laminae.. 1a RBPREOeNTA71oN8 ANO WAR!(ANTI~B; Th~r~ ers nn rovh~~+~te~lone, wnrranti~i, yuaroglfl~, prornleae or apraementr olhor than thong a.i cut In this Contrncl ~Ild the ~~Rf~ gnlation~ eonl~lnad In ~h• Proprrty bi~olarure etutemeni If Uuorporaiey Into w forminp pert of Ibis Contr~C4 dl CI Whicfi will ~VNIVB lhu oomplellon of ihs sels. D. ec~orrKlMoe.iw Coptuorrt.ucaul.earxre, aeacumor{µo[uuounbM,ws n~aceiw{cro l ti a~~ E'd L6bT-S9~-b09 Fuedwo~ 'g jtaU~~tW WdBb=Zt ZiOz Li noN J Peachland, B.C. PAGE 3 of PAGES PROPERTY ADDRESS 14 AGENCY DISCLOSURE; The Serer end the Buyer acknowledge having received, read and understood the brochure published by the 6ritish Columbia Real Estate Association entitled Working Wrlh a Rea! Estate Agent and acknowledge and confirm as follows A. the Seller has an Agency relalionshlp withVYiN lf~'~ ~ Y~l~l y AOEH1 and V ~1~--~'~~ ~ B. the Buyer has an Agency relationship with AOfM C. the Buyer and the Seller have consented to a limited dual agency relationship with L~IE~vER30M and ]~IE~~CN3CN and 1GbiT SA~ElOER lf14 P~IE:e FSCII having signed a Limited Dual Agency Agreement dated If only(A) has been completed, Ilse Buyer is acknowledging no agency relationship. If only(B) has been completed,(he Seller Is acknowledging no agency relationship. 20. PERSONAL INFORMATION: The Buyer and the Seller hereby consent to the collection, use and disclosure by the Agents and salespersons described In Clause 19, the real estate boards of which those Agents and salespersons ere members and, if the Property is Listed on e Multiple Listing Service•, the real estate board char operates that Multiple Listing Service•, of persona! information about the Buyer and the Seller. A for all purposes consistent with the transaction contemplated herein; 9. if the Property is listed on a Mulllpie Listing Service•, for the purpose of the compilation, retention and pub~ication by the real estate board that operates the Multiple LlsGng Servire° end other real estate boafds of any statistics Including historical Multiple Listing Service° data for use by persons authorized to use the Multlp{e Usting Service' of that real eslaie board and other real estate boards; C, for enforcing codes of professional conduct and ethics (or members of real estate boards, and D. for the purposes (and to the recipients) described in the brochure published by the British Columbia Real Estate Association entitled Working nth A Real Estate gqenl. 21. ACCEPTANCE IRREVOCABLE (Buyer and Setter): The Seller and the Buyer specifically confirm char this Contract of Purchase and Sate !s executed under seal It is agreed and understood, that the Seller's acceptance is irfevocabte until after the date specified for the buyer to either; A fulfill or waive the terms and conditions herein contained; and/or B. exercise any options) herein contained. 22 THIS IS A LEGAL DOCUMENT. READ THIS ENTIRE ~OCU►dENT AND 1 FORMAT(OM PAGE 6EFORE YOU SIGN. 23 OFFER; This offer, or counter-oH wd~ be o en far cc lance until o'clock m, on __~ ~~c[ ~ yr. ~2J.~and u on acceptance of the otter, or counter• oHar, by accepting in writing and notifying e other party of such acceptance, there will be a binding Contract of Purchase and Sale on the terms and conditions t fo h n teu~+~ ~rmr un~ _--'~ _S~~.~/ del i T.~L~'~LL _ IPRMNN,t~ -- e otter and agrees to complete the sale upon the terms and conditions sal 24 ACCEPTANCE; Tha Seller (a) hereby accepts the a out above,(b~ agrees to pay a commission ss per the Listing Contract, and (c) authorizes and instructs (he Buyer and anyone acting on behalf of the Buyer or Seller to pay the commission out of the cash proceeds of sale and forward copies of the Seflar's Statarnent of Adfustmen[s to the CooperatinglListing Agent, es requested, forthwith after completion Setter's ac x ptance is dared N , yr.~_ ~~~~. M µVS J x BC20~0 R EV.DEGfOS COPYRIGHT-BG REAL ESTATE ASSOGIATON AND CANADIgH BAR A350CIATON(BC BRANCH) WEBFvrtni"' DeU2D03 J ~~ INFORMATION ABOUTTHE CONTRACT THfS INFORMATION 15 INCLUDED FOR THE ASSISTANCE OF THE PARTIES ONLY. IT DOES NOT FORM PART OF THE CONTRACT AND SHOULD NOT AFFECT THE PROPER IN7ERPRETATIQN OF ANY OF(TS TERMS. CONTRACT: This daumeni, when signed by both parties, is a legally binding cenlraU READ IT CAREFULLY The parties should ensure Thal everylNr~g Thal is agreed to is in writing DEPOS17~5): Section 59 of the Real Esl~ta AC dales that a red estate company tnlds deposits as a sWkeholEer. The money is held br the Iransaclion and rrol on behalf of one of the parties. If a party does not remove a sect clause, the agent requues fhe s~gnalure of both the Buyer end the Seller in order la release the deposit. ll both parties do nal sign the deposit release, Ihen the parties will have to apply to court for e dderminafion of the deposit issue. COMPLETION: (cause 4) Unless the paNes era prepared io aduaQy meet at the land Title Office anG exchange title documents (cr the Purchase Price, it is, in evr~y case, advisable for the wmpleGon of the sale to lake pta:e h Iha folbwing sequence: (a) The Buyer pays the Purchase Price or down payment in Uust to the Buyers Lavryer or Notary (who should ativise the Buyer of the exact artwunl cequired) several days before the Comgelian Dale, and the Buyer signs Lhe dowments (b) The Buyer's Lawyer or Notary prepares the doeumenls and Iorwards Them for signature to the Seller's Laveyer or Notary who returns the dowmenls io the Buyer's Lawyer or Notary (cj The Buyers La~,vyer or Notary Ihen attends Iv the deposit of the signed tllie documents (and arty mortgages) in the appropnate Land Title OKce (d) The Buyers Lawyer or Notary releases the sale proceeds al the Buyer's lawyefs or Notary's office. Since the Seller is entitled to the Se~lars arocceds on the Completion Date, and since the sequence described above lakes a dz~ or more, it is sVongly recommended Ihat the Buyer deposits the mosey and the sk~ned daumenls AT LEAST TWO DAYS before the Canpletion Dale, a al the request d the Conveyancer, end that the Seller delivers the signed trensler documents no later than Cie morning of the day before the Completion dale POSSESSION: (Clause 5) The Buyer should make arrangements ~hrcugh the teal estate agents for ohWinmg possession Tha Seller will not lal the 0uye~ move in before the Seller has actually received the sale proceeds. 71TLE; (Gause9)Aisuplo7ieBuyrerlosabslylheBuyeronmattersofzo~ingabu7dingausereslnc6ons,toxicoren~iraimenlalhazards,encraadimenRonorhythePro perty and any encumbrances which are slaying on 611ebefore 6ecort~eg legally bound. II is up to the Setler to specify in the CanUacl(there are any ereumbrences, other (hen those ksied in Clause 9, wfiich are slaying on title bafae becomhg legally bound. h yrou as the Buyer are taking out a mortgage, make sure that title, zoning and building resUid~ons are al aaeptaHe to your mortgage comparry. in mlaincircumslances, lha mortgage Canpany Decd refuse to aduaix~e furxk. Ilyou es the Seller are aEowing the Buyer b assume your mortgage, you may slits be responsitie lorpaymenl of the mortgage,unless errargements are madewith your morgage ~ompary. CUSTOMARYCOSTS: (Clausel5~InparGa~larcircurrutancesiheremay~eadditlonalcosls,bullhefaloningcostsareappCcadeinmosldrcumslances Costs to be Bome by the Seller Lawyer cx Notary Fees and Expenses: • atlending to execution of documents. Costs of Jeering litfe, indudmg: - discharge lees tha~ged by encumbrance holders, • prepayment penalties Real Estate Commission Goods end Services Tax Costs to be Bame by tt~e Buyer Lawyer or Ndary Fees and E~ensas - searching title, • investigating tine, • draRing dowmenls, • Lend Title Re9lslrellon f Survey certificate (if requlred~. Costs of Mohga9e, inGudmq: - mortgage compenys LewyarlNotary, - appreisal (d appiicaWe), - Land Title Registration lees Fire Insurance Premium. Sales Tax (if appllcableJ. Property Transfer Tex Goods end Services Tax. 7. RISK: (Clause tfi) The Buyer should arrange Ior insurance to be efleclive en the earlier of the Completion Date a the dale the Buyer pays the ba~nce of the fiords o~lo IrusL The SeAer should malnWin the Selefs insurarxe in eifecl until the later of the data the Seller ~erei~es the proceeds of sate, or the dale the Seaer vacates (he property 8. FORM OF CONTRACT; Ths Contract of Putihase and Sale is designed pdmeriry for the purchase and sale of heehdd residences. II yyur Ira~uacfion invdves a house or other building under eonstructlon • a business - a Lase • other special circvmslances additional prorisions, not contained in ttus forth, may be needed, and professional advice stwuW be obtained. A Property Disclosure 5latemenl completed by the Seller may be available. 9 ALTERNATE DISPUTE RESOLUTfON: Parties to this conlracl may p~~sue altemafe dispute resduhon U a d~spule arises after compie6on of the Iransaclwn II is re:ommended that the parties fill medkale the dispute Failing agreement to mediate, or if the mediation (ails, Ihen disputes can be submitted to an Arbitration under the Canmertia! N6itralion AC ABC) BCREA member boartis can provide guitlante on the selectlan of mediation and arbitration services in your area. BC7000 R6V DEC~O7 COPYRIGHT •9G REA4 ESTATE ASSOC WT70N AND C~NADIAH BAR A590CIAT10H(6C BAgNCH} VYE9Formt"' Detl700] ~O-~ Schedule "A" to the Contract oI Purchase and Saie DEPD5IT—Paragraph 2 of Clause 2(Stakeholder Provlsions~ is deleted and replaced with the following: a. The Deposl[ shall be payable as Follows: f. The Firs[ Deposit, being K o(the total Deposit amount and equal to 5% of the Purchase Price shall be payable by bank draft to "PIHL LAW CORPORATION, In trust" upon making This Offer; and ii. The Second Deposi4 being %, of the total Oeposlt Amouni and equal to 5% of the Purchase Price shall be payable by bank draft to "PIHI lAW CORPOHhTIOfv, in trust" within seven (7) days of b c d the Buyer receiving the amendment which sets out the details of the Building Permit for their Strata lot. iii. fthe First and Second Deposit are collectively the "Deposit"). The buyer will pay each portion of the Oeposlt to the taw firm of Plhl law Corporation (the "Seller's Solicitors") in oust, and the Deposit will beheld in a~cordartce with the Real Estote Oevelapment Mo~keting Act (Brlllsh Columbia) pending the completion of the transaction. The Deposit will be dealt with by the Sellers Solicitor as follows: i. When received, the Deposit will be deposited in aninterest-bearing trust account with interest to accrue to the benefit of the Seller, except as otherwise expressly provided in this Purchase Agreement; ii. 11 the Buyer completes the purchase of the Strata Lot on the terms and conditions of[he Purchase Agreement, then the Deposit shall be applied to the Purchase Price and be paid to the Seller, and Interest shall be paid to the Seller; iii. 11 the Buyer falls to complete the purchase of the Strata lot through no fault of the Seller, then the Deposit together with all interest earned [hereon shall be paid to the Seller; iv. If the Buyer delivers notice to the Seller to cancel this Agreement under Clause 13 of this agreement, then the Deposit together with all interest thereon shall be paid to the Buyer, and the Buyer shall have na further claims against the Seller. v. if the Seller fails to complete the sale of the Strata lot through no fault oithe Buyer, then the Deposit together with all interest thereon shall be paid [o the buyer, and [he Buyer shall have no further claims against the Seller. The payment of any funds to the Seller pursuant to this Clause shall not be deemed to be all inclusive liquidated damages, and shall not preclude any further claims ar remedies by the Seller against [he Buyer The 5elter and the Buyer hereby Irrevocably authorize the Sellers Solicitors to: deal with the Deposit and a!I Interest earned thereon fn accordance with the provisions hereof, notwithstanding the provisions of Sections 2B and 29 of the Reol Estate Services Act (6rldsh Columbia); ii. interplead the Deposit and all Interest thereon, at the expense of the parry ultimately determined to be entitled to the Deposit,should any dispute or uncertainty arise regarding the obligations of the Seller's Solicitors with respect to the ~epaslt; pay the Deposit on the Closing Date to the Seller on account of the Purchase Price provided that the Buyer has Fulfilled all of its obllgatlons hereunder. The Seller and the Buyer hereby expressly consent to such payment of the Deposit by the Seller's Solicitors. COMPLETION, AND POSSESION AND ADJUSTMENT DATES —Clauses 4,5,6 are amended and replaced with the following: a Any dates noted In Clauses 4,5, and 6 are estimates only and the completion of the purchase and sale of the iii Streta Lot shall take place on the 10th day after the Seller notifies tfie Buyer or his or her wlicitor or notary that the Seller has received an Occupanry Permit, whether temporary, conditional or final (the "Occupancy Permit"), or other document allowing occupancy of the Strata Lot and that a separate title to the Strata Lot h has been issued by the Kamloops land Title Office (the "Closing Date"). if the Closing Date does not fall on a business day, then the Closing Oate will be the next following business day. If the Seller is delayed from completing the construction of the Strata Lot as a result of fire, explosion or accident, however caused, act of any governmental authority, strike, lockout, ina611iry to obtain or delay In v ~ i c. obtaining labour, materials, equipment, or flood, act of God, Inclement weather, delay or (allure by carriers o; contractors, unavailability of supplies and materials, breakage or other casuatry, interference o(the Buyer or any other event beyond the reasonable control of the Seller, then the time within which the Seller must do anything hereunder and the date referred to fn this agreement will be extended for a period equivalent to such period of delay. Tfie Adjustment Date shall be the same day as the Closing Date. d. If the Purchase Price and all other amounts payable by the Buyer to the Seller In respect of the Strata Lot have been paid in full on the Completion Date, and the Buyer is not otherwise in default under this Agreement, and the Buyer has agreed to the peficiency list, the Buyer shall have possession of the SVata lot (or the purpose of occupying the same two business days after the Completion bate. INSPECTION: a. The Buyer acknowledges [hat the exact layout of this Strata Lat may vary slightly from the layout shown on the marketing floor plans distributed 6y the Developer. The Buyer and a representative of the Seller will together inspect the Strata lot at a time specified by the Setters representative prior to the Ciosfng Date. At the conclusion of such lnspecGon, a comprehensive list of any defector deficiencies (the "Deficiency List") will be prepared and signed by bath parties. The Deficiency list will be deemed to be an agreement that on the Closing Date the Buyer has accepted [he physical condition of the Strata Lot subject only to the listed deficiencies which will be corrected by the Seller on or before the 60'h day following the date o(the Deficiency list subject to the avallahility of parts. There will be no holdback or purchase monies to rover deficiencies. IF the Buyer hits to attend at the time specified (or the Inspection, the Buyer will be deemed to have accepted the condition of the Strata Lot an that date, with no deficien:ies. The Buyer hereby acknowledges and agrees [hat neither the Buyer or its representatives, agenu or assignees will be allowed access to the Streta Lot except for the purposes of this Inspection prior to the Closing Date, except with the express written authorization of the Seller. ASSIGNMENT: The Buyer may only assign hIs or her rights under this Agreement with the prior written approval of the Seller or the Sellets agent, such approval not to be unreasonably whhheld. If this Agreement Is assigned, the Seller or the Seller's agent shall have the right to require the Buyer to pay a handling fee In the sum x($2000, plus applicable tares. The Seller will not require any handling fee if the Seller is satisfied that the assignee is a spouse, parent, son, daughter, brother or sister of the Buyer, or a company wholly controlled by the Buyer. No assignment by the Buyer of his or her Interest In the Strata Lot or in this Agreement shall have the effect ofreleasing the Buyer From his or her obligations and liabilities hereunder WARRANTY'On the Closing Date, the Buyer will be assigned a standard form 2-5-10 Home Warranty as the sole warranty provided by the Seller in respect of the Strata Lo[. Except as set out in the loregoing sentence, the Buyer acknowledges the construction and manufacturers' warranties referred to In the Disclosure Statement are the only warranties provided In connection with the Scrota lot and the common property related thereto. CLOSING PROCEDURES Clause 11 Is deleted and replaced with the Following: a The Buyer will cause the Buyer's solicitor or notary to prepare and deliver to Pihl Law Corporation at least 4 business days prior to the Closing Oate, a statement of adjustments and a form A-Freeh old Transfer (the "Transfer") together with documentation relating to applicable Uxes and parking for the Strata Lot. The Seller will execute and deliver the S'ransfer and statement of adjusVnents to the Buyers solicitor or notary on or before the Closing Oate, an their undertaking not to register the Transfer on the Closing Oate unless and until they hold in their trust account the balance of the Purchase Price pursuant to the statement of adjustmenu. b. b If the Buyer is relying on a new mortgage to be registered against the Strata Lot to finance the Purchase Price, the Buyer, while still required to pay the Purchase Price on the Closing Date, may wail to pay the Purchase Price to the Seller until aher submitting the Transfer and new mortgage for registration at the Land Tide OH1ce, but only it before making such filing the Buyer has (i) made available to the Seller the adjusted Purchase Price less the amount oFnet mortgage proceeds secured by the new mortgage;(ii) fulfilled all the new mortgagee's conditions for funding except submitting the new mortgage for registration; and (iii) made available to the Seiler, the Buyers solicitors or notary's undertaking to pay the adjusted Purchase Price an submitting the Transfer and new mortgage for registration and the advance by ~~ the new mortgagee proceeds and his/her undertaking to withdraw or pause the withdraw oFthe Transfer and new mortgage If for any reason he/she Faits to pay the adjusted Purchase Price on the Closing Date. c The Purchase Price, plus or minus adjustments as hereto provided, will be paid to the Seller by the Buyer's solicitors or notar~s certified trust cheque made payable tD the Seller's Solicitors, in trust, on the Closing Oate aker receipt by the Buyer's solicitor or notary of a satisfactory post-index search at the land Tile OKce and otherwise in accordance herewith, on the undertaking of[he Setter's Solicitor to clear title of ill encumbrances related to the Sellers financing within a reasonable period of time. d That portion, if any, of the balance of the Purchase Price required by law to be held back by the Buyer in respect of Builders' Lien claims (the "lien Holdback") shall be paid to the Sellers Solicitors on the Closing Oate. The Lien Holdback shall be field in trust pursuant to the Srroto Prope~ryAct(British Columbia) and Builders' Lien AcY (British Columbia)(or successor statutesj, as appllcabte, solely in respect of Ilen claims tegis[ered in the Kamloops Tide Office in conne~[ion with work done at the request of the Seller The Seller's Solicitors are authorized to invest the lien Holdback fn an interest bearing trust account and to pay to the Seller an the SSth day aker the Strata lot Is conveyed to the Buyer the Llen Holdback plus interest, if any, accrued thereon, less the amount of any Builders' Lien claims filed against the Strata Lat of which the Buyer or the solicitors for the Buyer notifies the Sellers Solicitors in writing by 10:00 a.m. on that day. The Buyer hereby authorizes the Seller to bring any legal proceedings regvlred to clear the title to the Strata Lot of any lien claims filed with respect to the Strata lot, Including payment of funds into Court. e. The Buyer acknowledges that [he [Itle [o [he Land is registered in the name of0817645 B.C. ltd.(the "Registered Owner', which holds title as nominee, agent and bare trustee for the Seller.7he Buyer agrees to accept a transfer of title to the Strata Lot directly tram the Registered Owner. Neither the Seller nor the Regis[ered Owner will be required to execute or deliver any other agreements, certificates, statutory declaration or assurances whatsoever. RESIDENCY: Treegroup Founders Limited Partnership and Its General Partner, Treegroup Ponderosa Development Corp. are both residents of Canada No (urcher declaration or certificates shall be required by the Buyer or the Buyer's soli[itor or notary in this regard. B. NOTICE: Any notice under [his contract will 6e given in writing and delivered [a the Seller or Buyer by delivering, sending by electronic facsimile transmission or email, or sending by prepaid registered mail posted in Canada, the notice to the other party at the address set out on page one of this Purchase Agreement or to their respective solkitor or notary. Any notice delivered pr sent by electronic facsimile transmission or other means of electronic communi~atlon capable of producing a printed copy on a business day will be deemed conclusively to have been effectively given on the day the notice was delivered, or the transmission was sent successfully to the number set out above, as the case maybe. My notice sent by prepaid registered mail will be deemed conclusively to have been effectively given an the third business day IhereaRer. If there Is a sVike, lockout, or other disturbance affecting postal service, then the notice will not 6e eHect~vely given until actually delivered. REPRESENTATIONS: Clause 18 is deleted and replaced with the following: The Buyer acknowledges and agrees that there are no representations, warranties, conditions, promises, a guarantees or collateral cantrects, expressed or implied, statutory or otherwise, or applicable hereto, made by the Seller, its agents orempioyees, other than those contained herein and In the Disclosure Statement. 10. HARMONIZED SALES TN(, BOTH FEDERAL AND PROVINCIAL PORTIONS: If the Purchase Price DOES NDT INCLUDE H5T then, a i. In addition to the Purchase Price, the Buyer will pay both federal and provincial portions of the HST, payable fn respect of the purchase of the Strata Lot. The Seller agrees to credit to the Buyer at closing the full amount of both the federal and provincial portions of the New Nousing Rebate available under the Excise Tax Act or other similar Rebates (the "Re6ates"J, as applicable, provided that the Buyer: 1 Qualifies for the Rebates' and 2 Provides to the Seller at or prior to the Closing Oate, an executed copy oI tfie appropriate FIST New Housing Rehate application Eprms prescribed for the purpose of claiming such Rebates and assigning It to the Sellers as well as any other dotumenhtlon, 1 0 D~ Including certificate as[o NS7 rebate eilglbillty, reasonably required by the Seller or the Seller's Sollcilor in connection with the assignment and Rebate claim. b. II Uie Purchase Price INCLUDES the federel and provincial portions at HST then, i. net o(the amount o(any HST New Housing or other similar Rebate federal or provincial) to which [he Buyer may be entitled the "Rebates"), the Seller agrees to credit to [he Buyer at closing the full amount of the Rebates provided that the Buyer: 1. Qualifies for the Rebates; and 2. Provides to the Seller at or prior to the Closing Date, an executed copy of the appropriate HST New Housing Rebate application farms prescribed for the purpose of claiming such Rebates and assigning it to the Seller as welt as any other documentation, including a certificate as to H5T rebate eligibility, as the case may be, seasonably required by the Seller or the Seller's Solicitor In connection with the assignment and Rebate claim. ii Notwithstanding the Ioregoing, the Seller reserves the right to refuse [o credit all or any portion of either the /ederal ar provincial Rebates I(the Rebate amounts Maimed by the Buyer exceeds the Rebates to which the Buyer Is entitled If the Buyer does not qualify for the Rebates, the Purchase Price will still include the net amount of the HST as I(lhey had qualified, but the Buyer will be required to pay at closing, ir, addition to the Purchase Price, both the federal and provincial portion of the HST that would have been rebated if the Buyer had qualified for the Rebates. By delivering an executed copy of the HST New Housing Rebate forms and certificate to the Seller,[he Buyer c warrants that the Buyer is eligible (or the Rebates. If the Seller credits the Buyer in the amount of the Rebates and Canada Revenue Agenry disallows all or any part of the Rebate claims, the Baler shall forthwith reimburse such disallowance amount to [he Seller together with any Interest, penalty or other amount payable 6y the Seller as a result of such disallowance. 11 TRANSITION FROM H5TT0 PST: The possession of this Property may transfer on or aherApril 1, 2013, therefore: a ttie 77G provincial component of[he HST and the new housing rebate far primary residences will generally no longer apply (the federal GST component will continue to apply); a B.C. Vansition tax of 2K (the "Transition Tax"}may become payable and is NOT Included in the Purchase b Price; the builder may become eligible for an associated B.C. transition rebate; and c on the Closing Date, the Seller shall provide the CRA form to the Buyer certifying the following information d i. the date that construction commenced; ii, the total Purchase Price {including a!I cash and trades); iii. the amount of Transition Tax charged to the Purchaser; Iv. the degree of completion of the home as at Aprl! 1, 2013; and v. the amount of the BC transitional rebate to be claimed by the Seller. 12 TIME OF THE ESSENCE• Clause 12 is deleted and replaced with the following: Time will be of the essence of this Purchase Agreement and unless all yayments on account of the Purchase a Price, together with adjustments thereto as provided in the Purchase Agreement and all other amounts payable hereunder are paid when due, then the Seller may at its option: I. Terminate this Purchase Agreement by written notice to the Buyer and in such event all deposits paid by the Buyer shall be absolutely forfeited [o the Seller, subject to the Deposit provisions of this Schedule A, and the Seller shall be entitled to be paid such amount upon written demand;or ii. Elect to eMtend the time for completion of the transaction contemplated by this Purchase Agreement, in which even the Buyer will pay to the Setter, in addition to[he Purchase Price, interest on the full Purchase Price at the rate of 309G per annum,compounded monthly,from the Closing Date until the actual date which [he transactions completes b The Seller may terminate this Purchase Agreement any time aker such default by the Buyer, even iI the Seller has previously elected to extend the time for completion of this transaction contemplated by the Purchase Agreement, w long as the Buyer continues to he in default 1 ~~ :v / ~~ 9 p-~ c In the event that the 9uyer or the Buyer's solicitor or notary indicates or expresses to [he Setter or the Seller's Solicitor, on or before the Closing Date, that the Buy¢r Is unable ar unwllling to complete the sale, the Seller Is relived of any obligation to make any formal tender upon the Buyer or the Buyers solicitor ar nobry 13. OTHER TERMS: a b c Thts offer and the agreement resulting from Its a:ceptance, creates contractual rights only and nat any Interest in land. The Seller reserves the right to substitute any or all of these Items for Items of equal or better quality to those viewed by the Buyer in the display suite. Display suite furnishings, tlecoration features and fixtures demonstrated In the model suites) are not included and specifically, without limitation, not included are hanging dining room light fixtures, built•in wall shelving, decorator wall coverings and wall treatments The Buyer acknowledges that construction by the Seller on the lands In [he vi~inity of the Strata Lot including the construction o(future phases) may result In noise, dust, vibrations and other inconveniences to owners an0 occupiers of[he development. The Buyer agrees that, except[o the extent such occurrences may constitute an offence or cause physical damage to the Streta lot or physical injury to an occupier o(the Strata lot, tfie Buyer shall: i. waive and release any and a!! claims against the Seller and its employees, agents and condactors; and ii. require any prospective Buyer or occupier oI the strata Lit to provide a waiver and release similar to that contained In this Clause to the Seller, failing which the Buyer shall fully indemnify and save harmless the Seller, its agents, employees and contractors from and against all costs, losses, damages or claims arising by or through any Buyer or occupier of the Strata Lot or any interest in the Strata lot. This Agreement, and alt matters arising hereunder, will be exclusively Construed in accordance with and governed by the taws of British Columbia which will he deemed to be the proper law hereof, and the Courts of British Columbia will have the exclusive Jurisdiction to entertain and determine all claims and disputes arising aut of or In any way connected with this Agreement and the validity, existence and enforceability hereof. If the Buyer is comprised of more than one party, then the obligations of the Buyer hereunder will be tfie e joint and seve2l obligations of each party comprising the Buyer and any notice given to one of such parties shall be deemed to have been given at the same time to such other parry. 14. DISCLOSURE STATEMENT (BUILDING PERMIT—POLICY STA7EMEN75}: The Buyer may cancel this Agreement for a period of seven (7)days after receipt of an amendment to the Disclosure Statement that sets out particulars of the issued 6uitding permit if the layout or size of the Strata Lo[, the construction o(a major common h[ility (like a recreation centre or clubhouse) or the general layout of the Development is materially changed by the issuance of the d building permit. If an amendment to the Disclosure Statement that sets out particulars of an issued building permit is not a received by the Buyer within 12 months aker the initial pisclosure Statement was filed, the Buyer may a! his or her option cancel this Agreement at any time aker the end of that 12 month period until the required amendment is received by the Buyer, at which time the Buyer may only cancel this Agreement for a period of seven days after receipt of that amendment and only if the payout or size of the Strata lot, the consvuction of a major common fa[ility, including a recreation centre or clubhouse, or the generel layout of b the Development, is materially changed by the issuance of the building permit. The amount of tfie Deposit to be paid by the Buyer who has no[ yet received an amendment to [he Disclosure Statement that sets out particulars of an issued building permit is no more than lOYo of Che c Purchase Price. Under the terms of this Clause, all Deposits paid by the 9uyer, including interest earned If applicable, will be returned promptly to [he Buyer upon notice oicancellatlon from the Buyer. ]5. SELLER'S CONDITIONS - In consideration of the sum o($1.00 paid by the Seller to the Buyer, the receipt and sufficiency of which Is hereby acknowledged, the Buyer agrees that Me obligation of the Seller to sett the Strata lot is subject to the condition: ~• ~~~ ~-, /~ ~/ t ~ ~ Iha[ if [he Seiler has nol commenced construction of the Development within 3 months prior to [he Estimated Completion Oate, then the Seder will have the right to cancel this Agreement by giving notice In writing to [he Buyer or the Buyer's solicitor or notary In such event, this Agreement wit! be null and void effective as of the day such notice is given by the Selfer and the Setter will repay to the Buyer the Deposit for that portion received by the Seller). For the purposes of Ihis Clause 14, construction of the Clevelopment shall be deemed to be commenced if. I. a building permit has been issued; and ii. the Seller has poured concrete for any porcion of the suhsurtace foundation support {other than shotcrete excavation sharing)for the Development. This condition is for the sate and exclusive benefit of the Seller and if the Seller has given the Buyer written notice that a building permit has been obtained ar the Seller has provided notice of the Closing Oate it shall be deemed to be satisfied. i~ N,OM~LLY REAL10If Okanagan Mainline Real Estate Baard CONTRACT OF PURCHASE AHD SALE AMENDMENT Multiple Listing pages of Page Service DATE: March 26,2013 ~n~.s~ No. RE: ADDRESS SL 62 4000 Ponderosa Place District of Peachland FURTHER TO THE CONTRACT OF PURCHASE AND SALE DATED Noti~ember I I ,2013 AS SELLER AND MADE BETWEEN Tree~roup Founders Ltd. Partnership AS 9UYER AND COVERING John & Iv1ar~~on Mitchell THE ABOVE MENTIONED PROPERTY,THE UNDERSIGNED HEREBY AGREE AS FOLLOWS: "FOR GOOD AND VALUABLE CONSIDERATION" The Buyer &Seller agree that agency for Julia Debolt and Kate Vance will chanEe Crom Vantage Wept Realty Inc. to Coldo~ell Banker Horizon Realty e[fective March 28,2013. ALL OTHER TERMS AND CONDITIONS CONTAINED IN THE SAIDAGREEMENT REMAIN THE SAME AND IN FULL FORCE AND EFFECT. TIME SHALL RENtAiN OF THE ESSENCE. 70 'S NATURES TURE~ TO SELLERS SIGNATURES SELLER'S SIGNATURE WITNESS TO BUYER'S SIGNATURE {BUYEl3'S SIGNATLIRE~ (W1TN ~~~ 1 ~ SELLER'S SI ESS TO BUYER'S SIGr1ATUR~ ~t (8 ER'S SIGNATURE Rov, 11103 WEBForms"' Jan~4005 12 CONTRACT OF PURCHASE AND SALE AMENDMENT ¢~ ~~ ~~ u~,.. rzE^~'o'7 Okanagan Mainline Ae~l Estate Board Multiple Listing Serviced ~ pages DATE: Fcb.28, 201-1 MLS@ No. RE ADDRESS ~~ ~~2 ~1~0~ ~>~~nd~rc~sa i'lacc Page _~ of I)islrict of I'eachlan~l VOH I X> FURTHER TO THE CONTRACT OF PURCHASE AND SALE DATED Noy ember I I ,2Q1.3 MADE BETWEEN t'~~nc~crosa Pcarhiand I)e~ . I,P h~ its ~cneral pailncrs I~ree~roup I'onJerc~sa Ik:~ . AS SELLER, AND AS BUYER AND COVERING John Mitchell &Marion Mitchell THE ABOVE MENTIONED PROPERTY, THE UNDERSIGNED HEREBY AGREE AS FOLLOWS: "FOR GOOD AND VALUABLE CONSIDERATION" 'I~he }iu~cr & Srller mutually agree that the {3u~cr(s) ~~ill recci~e a $10,(X)0, furniWre crc~lit. ALL OTHER TERMS AND CONDITIONS CONTAINED IN THE SAID AGREEMENT REMAIN THE SAME AND IN FULL FARCE AND EFFECT. TIME SHALL REMAIN OF THE ESSENCE. =-7 ~_ - -- - -(WfTNE55 TO SEVERS SIGNATURE) (SELLER'S SIGNATURE) TO SELLER'S SIGNATURE) FILER'S SIGNATURE) E 'S SIG URE) NESS TO BUYER'S SIGNATURE) ( NESS TO BUYER'S SIGNATURE) (BUY R'S SIGNATUREI ~~ Rev. 11N3 ~BForms`" Jan/2005 l~ ~ ~~! REA~iOtY I~,~ Ukanagan Mainline Aeal Estate Board CONTRACT OF PURCHASE AND SALE AMENDMENT Multiple Listing Service0 pages DATE: MLS~ No. RE ADDRESS ~~~~~~ ~~xx) ~f rails f'lac~ of Page VUFf IXi I)islrict of Pcachlancl cmhcr I I ,2013 FURTHER TO THE CONTRACT OF PURCHASE AND SALE DATED n'c~~ Oc~ . MADE BETWEEN ~'~~~~~~~'~~~~ 1'ea~hland I)c~ . I.Y h}' its ticncral partners ~frcc~;rc~up Pcm~crosa AS SELLER, AND AS BUYER AND COVERING .lohn Mitchell & Marii~n Mitchell THE ABOVE MENTIONED PROPERTY, THE UNDERSIGNED HEREBY AGREE AS FOLLOWS: "FOR GOOD AND VRLUABLE CONSIDERATION" I~h~ l3u~rr & Sclirr mutually a~,rec. to the follu~ving ~hangc: I.FGAI. 1)ES(~Itli''I ION: ~L ~i t)istrict I.c~ts 220.902 + 2ti97 Osu~oc~s Ui~~isic~n Yale 1)is~rict I'lun ~)2hOH All ~~thcr tcrnu and ccmdili<ms remain the same. ALL OTHER TERMSAND CONDITIONS CONTAINED IN THE SAIDAGREEMENT REMAIN THE SAME AND IN FULL FORCE AND EFFECT. TIME SHALL REMAIN OF THE ESSENCE. (1MTNESS TO SELLER'S SIGNATURE) (WfTN S TO SELLER'S SIGNATURE) TNESS TO BUYER'S SIGNATURE) (~MfNESS TO BUYERS SIGNATURE) ~ ~ 'J —~_ V —~-- t. (SELLER'S SIGNATURE) (SELF ER'S SIGNATURE) r., J' (BUY SIGNATURE) (BUYER'S SIGNATU E ~-""~ Rev. 11/03 WEBFortns'° Jan!2005 CONTRACT OF PURCHASE AND SALE AMENDMENT REA:107 ~,~~ Okanagan Mainline Real Estate Board Multiple Listing Service I of ~ pages QATE: ~eptcmtx~r 2R. 2(11-1 MLS~ No. RE. ADDRESS ~~ ~2 ,~(?00 ~~~xi~~n~tia NIacC Page VOH I X~ f)istriCl of Pet~Chlalnd FURTHER TO THE CONTRACT OF PURCHASE AND SALE DATED Nc~~ ember 11.2013 MADE BETWEEN Pondcrc~sa I'cachland llc~ clopmcnl L.P. AS SELLER. ANO AS BUYER AND COVERING John Mitchell &Marian Mitchell THE ABOVE MENTIONED PROPERTY, THE UNDERSIGNED HEREBY AGREE AS FOLLOWS: "FOR GOOD AND VALUABLE CONSIDERATION" he I~uycr & Scllcr mutual)}~ agree tc~ the foliciwing. ('IVI(' AI)t)IlF:tiS: t/IU2 X000"l'rtils Place. Peachland VOH IXi ALL OTHER TERMSAND CONDITIONS CONTAINED IN THE SAIDAGREEMENT REMAIN THE SAMEANO IN FULL FORCE AND EFFECT. TIME SHALL REMAIN OF THE ESSENCE. - -r ---(VNTNESS TO SELl.ER5 SIGNATURE (SELLER'S SIGNATURE ESS TO SELLER'S SIGNATURES (SELIFR'S SIGNATURE TNESS TO BUYERS SIGNATURE) (BUY 'S SIGNATURE TNESS TO BUYER'S SIGNATURE (BUYER'S SIGNATURE) Rev. 11103 WEBFOJms"' Jan!2005 l~ CONTRACT OF PURCHASE AND SALE AMENDMENT .. Y~: Z REAL10(f ~,OMREB Okanauan Mainline Heal Estate Board Multiple Listing Service0 Page I of ~ _pages DATE: March 28,2015 MLSC~ No. RE: ADDRESS ~ ~ ~2 4000 •rails Place VOH I X.5 FURTHER TO THE CONTRACT OF PURCHASE AND SALE GATED November I I ,2013 MADE BETWEEN Ponderosa Peachland Development L.P. AS SELLER, AND Marion Mitchell &John Mitchell AS BUYER AND COVERING THE ABOVE MENTIONED PROPERTY,THE UNDERSIGNED HEREBY AGREE AS FOLLOWS: "FOR GOOD AND VALUABLE CONSIDERATION" 'fhe Buyer &Seller have consented to a limited dual agency relationship ~~~ith Julia Debolt rho is licensed in relation to Coldwell (3anker Horiran Realty Peachland having signed a Limned Dual Agency Abreemen~ dated March 28,2015. ALL OTHER TERMSAND CONDITIONS CONTAINED IN THE SAIDAGREEMENT REMAIN THE SAME AND IN FULL FARCE AND EFFECT. TIME SHALL REMAIN OF THE ESSENCE. (1MTNESS TO SELLER'S SIGNATURE) (SELLER'S SIGNATURE) (WITNESS TO SELLER'S SIGNATURE) ~ ~ (SELLER'S SIGNATURE) (WITNESS TO BUYER'S SIGNATURE) ~ (BUYER'S SIGNATURE) (WITNESS TO BUYER'S SIGNATURE) (BUYER'S SIGNATURE) Rev. 11/03 WEBFvrms'"' Jan/2005 1b LIMITED DUAL AGENCY AGREEMENT (CONSENT TO DESIGNATED AGENT ACTING FOR BOTH BUYER/TENANT AND SELLER/LANDLORD AND TO LIMITING THE SCOPE OF THE AGENCY RELATIONSHIP) BETWEEN C'old~vcll 13anker Horizon Realty (Pchlnd) 1'BROKf_kAGF'1 - '--- E 5878 E3each Ave. UNIT AC)DRE SS John Mitchell AND ,, , nISOC~A Peachland VOH I X7 (;ITV PO;>TAL COOL Ponderosa I'eachland Development 1_.P. RNp r'[lUYF RliE W1NT•j 1"SEl I FR:LkNDLOHD.. 1 Marion Mitchell i-~E~UYER~T[Nl.N'f") ~'SFLIER~I~NDLORD~~) 46-12268 189 A Street UNIT PROPERTY 1003-1030 West Gear~ia Street hDDRFSS Pitt Meadows ciry I/ 102 4(X)0 "Trails Place UNIT NO UNI1' B.C. raov F~c ADDRESS Vancouver ciTv V6F_ 2Y3 rc ~r:ov AODRE SS OF PROAERTY Prachland CITY(f0\tiNRdUNICIPAUTY VOFI I XS 028-890-Sfi(i POSTP.L COD[ PIU SL 33 llistric~ Lots 22O,902 + 2897 ODYD Plan 92808 EGAI pFSCRI~'TI(iN In order Io facilitate the purchase and sale or lease of the Property. the l3uyedTenant, the SelledLandlord, and the Brokerage hereby acknowledge and agree each ~vifh the other as follows. 1 uyer enant The and the Seller/Landlord acknowledge and agree that they each have an agency vnth relahonsh~p .IUD la ~ChO I __ (Ihe "Designated Agent") antl that d is nol a breach of duty to either of Ihem (or the Designates Agent to act as agent for both the Buyer/Tenant and the Selledlandlord and Ihey hereby authorize and consent ~o the Designatetl Agent acting fa bofli Ifie Buyer/Tenant and the SellerlLandlord as a limited dual agent with respect to the purchase and sale or lease of IhF Property Any previous agreements entered Into between the Brokerage and either the Buyer/Tenant or the SellerlLandlord and the agency duties assumed by the Designated 2 Agent are hereby modified 6y this Agreement and shall continue in full force and effect except as modified herein. Without IimiUng the foregoing. the listing of the Property by the Brokerage shall continue until the termination of the listing contract entered into between the Seller and the Brokerage and the engagement of ttie Brokerage by the Buyer shall continue until the termination of the Exclusive Buyer's Agency Contract or other expiration of the engagement In the event of conllici (he provisions of this Agreement will apply. 3 The BuyerlTenant and the SeIIeNLandlord acknowledge and agree that with respect to the purchase and sale or lease of the Property the Designated Agent will be the agent for both the BuyerlTenanl and the Seller~Landlord and will represent both parties as a limited dual agent with the following changes and Iinulatlons to its duties as agent: A despite Reap Estate Services Act Rule 3-3 {a) and (b). the Designated Agen! wdl deal with the Buyer/Tenanl and the SelledLandlord impartially. B. the Designated Agent wdl have a duty of disclosure to both the BuyerJTenanl and the Seller(Landlord except that. (i) the Designated Agent will not disclose the Buyer/Tenant is willing to pay a price or agree to terms other than those contained in the Offer. or Thal the SeOed Landlord Is willing to accept a price or terms other than those contained in the Listing: iii) the Designated Agent will not disclose the molwation of the BuyerlTenaN to buy or lease a the SellerlLandbrd to seu or tease u~iless aulhorizetl m wn6ng by the Buyer/Tenant or the SellerlLantllord: (il~) the Designated Agent will not disGose personal information, not otherwise necessarily disdosed in the Gansaclion documentation. about the Buyer/Ten2rn or SellerlLandlord to the other party unless authorized in writing. C without limiting Clause 3B, the Designated Agent will disclose to the Buyer/Tenant defects about the physical condition o1 the Property known to the DesignateA Agent. 4 The Buyerffenant and Seller/Landlord hereby conseN (o the Collection, use and discbsure by the Brokerage. and by the managing broker(s), associate brokers) and represenlailve(s) of the Brokerage (collectively the "Licensee' ~ notetl below, and the real estate board in whose jurisdiction the Property is located and/or of which the Brokerage or Licensee is a member. of personal information about the Buyer/Tenant and SetlerlLandlord: A for all purposes related to the provision of real estate services by the Licensee to the BuyerfTenant and SelledLandlord includirx~ but not I~mded ic, providing information to third parties including lawyers and notaries public. financial institutions. govemmenl departments and agencies and budding inspectors: for the purpose of placement in the database of a Multiple Listing Service . B for compilatwn, retention and puhlication by such real estate board of any statistics including h~storicat MulLple Lisl~ng Sero~ce data for use by persons C authonzed to use the Multiple Listing Service' of such real estate board. D for such other purposes as are appropnate in connection with the listing. marketing. leasing and se~hng o!rest estate' E for enforung codes of professional Conduct and ethics for members of real estate boards. F for all other purposes aulhprized m this Contract. and for the purposes hand to the reupients) descriaed ~n the brochure published Dy the British Columba Real Estate Association enbtletl Wo~kmy G W!h a REALTOR 5 This Agreement shall be effective on the date set out below y,, 2U I S 6. S 6NED. SEALED AND DELIVERFO THIS 2~ _ OF M1rch L'"~'~L"t~{~"~~ F:U FR'S•'Tf ,r~TSSK;pr~~7U~C' ~~~ ~~ BY SIGNING THIS CONTRACT THE BUYER/TENANT AND THE SELIERIIANDLORDACKNOWLEDGEHAVING ~ RECEIVED. READ AND UNDERST000 THE BROCHURE PUBLISHED BY THE BRITISH COLUMBIA REAL ESTATE ASSOCIATION ENTITLED WORKING WITNA REALTOR , tiuv[ +~.'1C~vnu r ~ SiGN~iUieF .gtai~i of+rrs sicr.nTUHt ~~ ~~~~ S[LLER'S4nNf)I nRD'S SIGNnfUR( ~~ Cn~~~ti'C~~ ~Bllhel' 13ftUKFR .,:(f'R i~ ori-ron Realt'(f~ - S GNATfD AGENrg SiGN~~lURC ~'`'` f lit ~)Ch()~I DGgIGNl~Tf_D i.GENT IP~~h f) ~ W1TN[S$ iQ BUYERIS )/7FNANT~S~~ SIGNATURE: WITNESS Tp SLLIER(S'lll ANOLORUiSI SIGNAIURf c~c~ ~ESIGNATCDAGCtdTSS<;Nn.TURf: OLSIGNAT[.0 AGI:N7 IPRiN 1 Y 'PR[C represents Personal Reai Estate Corporation Trademarks are ownetl or controlletl by The Canatl~an Real Estate Assoaa6on {CREA) and iCenUry real estate protEssicnals who are members ~f CREA (REALTOR:~~i and%o~ the qualdy nt servic.~s they provide (MLScu~) BC2041 REV DA JUL 2013 COPYRIGHT - BC REAL ESTATE ASSOCIATION ~~ CONTRACT OF PURCHASE AND SALE AMENDMENT I1I10M~ '+F`' "`` Okanagan P~ainhne Real Estate Board Multiple Listing Service0 pages DATE: September 4, 201 ti MLSO No. RE ADDRESS #102 4000 Trails Ylace ~~ye _ 1 _or__1 Districtof- Peachland VOID 1X~ FURTHER TO THE CONTRACT OF PURCHASE AND SALE DATED Npvember 11.2013 MADE BETWEEN I'onderos~ Peachland Development I_.P. AS SELLER, AND AS BUYER AND COVERING I Marion Mitchell &John Mitchell THE ABOVE MENTIONED PROPERTY, THE UNDERSIGNED HEREBY AGREE AS FOLLOWS: "FOR GOOD AND VALUABLE CONSIDERATION" T'he ~3uyer Sc Selier agree to the follo~vint: COMPLI:'I'ION: The Completion Date will he 10 business days from court approval or such other date as may be aineed upon bct~vecn the parties follo~~ing court approval. ALL OTHER TERMS AND CONDITIONS CONTAINED IN THE SAID AGREEMENT REMAIN THE SAME AND IN FULL FORCE AND EFFECT. TIME SHALL REMAIN OF THE ESSENCE. (WITNESS TO SELLER'S SIGNATURE) (SELLER'S SIGNATURE) (WITNESS TO SELLER'S SIGNATURE) SIGNATURE) (WITNESS TO BUYER'S SIGNATURE) (WITNESS TO BUYER'S SIGNATURE) (BUYER'S 51GNATURE) Rev. 11103 WEBFamsT"' Jan12005 2015-08-28, 09:45:11 Requestor: Sandy Crema TITLE SEARCH PRINT File Reference: 34487-0015 **CURRENT INFORMATION ONLY - NO CANCELLED INFORMATION SHOWN** Title Issued Under STRATA PROPERTY ACT (Section 249) Land Title District Land Title Office KAMLOOPS KAMLOOPS Title Number From Title Number CA4566774 L6535223 Application Received 2015-07-28 Application Entered 2015-08-27 ~,refeRed to in the Thfs (s Exhib t"~ ~ Aftfdavit of .-sworn~b\efore me at ~ may of___~2_,A.~•20~ this A Com Registered Owner in Fee Simple Registered Owner/Mailing Address: Taxation Authority for o or t Atfidsvits olumbie 0817642 B.C. LTD., INC.NO. BC0817642 #170 - 6660 GRAYBAR ROAD RICHMOND, BC V6W 1 H9 MUNICIPALITY OF PEACHLAND Description of Land 029-638-194 Parcel Identifier: Legal Description: STRATA LOT 33 DISTRICT LOTS 220, 902 AND 2897 OSOYOOS DIVISION YALE DISTRICT STRATA PLAN EPS1699 TOGETHER WITH AN INTEREST IN THE COMMON PROPERTY IN PROPORTION TO THE UNIT ENTITLEMENT OF THE STRATA LOT AS SHOWN ON FORM V Legal Notations PHASED STRATA PLAN DECLARATION (FORM P) FILED CA3834090 2014-07-11 AMENDED FORM P FILED, SEE CA4566773 HERETO IS ANNEXED EASEMENT R72986 OVER (1) THAT PART OF LOT 47 PLAN 30173 SHOWN AS PARCEL B ON PLAN A14438 (2) THAT PART OF LOT 48 PLAN 30173 SHOWN AS PARCEL A ON PLAN A14438 LOCAL GOVERNMENT ACT, NOTICE OF PHASED DEVELOPMENT, S.905.6 SEE LB488009 Title Number: CA4566774 TITLE SEARCH PRINT Page 1 of 12 ~~ 2015-08-28, 09:45:11 Requestor: Sandy Crema TITLE SEARCH PRINT File Reference: 34487-0015 THIS TITLE MAY BE AFFECTED BY A PERMIT UNDER PART 26 OF THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT ACT, SEE LB510597 EXPIRES 2027/06/01 THIS TITLE MAY BE AFFECTED BY A PERMIT UNDER PART 26 OF THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT ACT, SEE L6518091 Charges, Liens and Interests Nature: Registration Number: Registered Owner: Remarks: UNDERSURFACE RIGHTS 44621 E THE DIRECTOR OF SOLDIER SETTLEMENT INTER ALIA DD 142806E OTHER THAN THOSE EXCEPTED BY THE CROWN Nature: Registration Number: Registration Date and Time: Registered Owner: Remarks: STATUTORY RIGHT OF WAY S8046 1981-01-30 THE CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF PEACHLAND INTER ALIA SEC 215 LAND TITLE ACT Nature: Registration Number: Registration Date and Time: Registered Owner: Remarks: COVENANT S23133 1981-03-20 THE CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF PEACHLAND INTER ALIA SEC 215 LAND TITLE ACT Nature: Registration Number: Registration Date and Time: Registered Owner: Remarks: COVENANT W64572 1984-11-30 14:55 THE CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF PEACHLAND INTER ALIA INCLUDES INDEMNITY UNDER SEC 215(2)(A) LAND TITLE ACT Nature: Registration Number: Registration Date and Time: Registered Owner: Remarks: Title Number: CA4566774 UNDERSURFACE RIGHTS KD48313 1990-06-05 12:19 HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN IN RIGHT OF THE PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA INTER ALIA SEE KD48312 SECTION 47 LAND ACT 11TLE SEARCH PRINT Page 2 of 12 2015-08-28, 09:45:11 Requestor: Sandy Crema TITLE SEARCH PRINT File Reference: 34487-0015 Nature: Registration Number: Registration Date and Time Registered Owner: Remarks: Nature: Registration Number: Registration Date and Time Registered Owner: Remarks: Nature: Registration Number: Registration Date and Time: Registered Owner: Transfer Number: Remarks: MORTGAGE LB450555 2011-02-28 14:46 ROMSPEN INVESTMENT CORPORATION INCORPORATION NO. A67154 INTER ALIA MODIFIED BY LB499349 ASSIGNMENT OF RENTS L6450556 2011-02-28 14:46 ROMSPEN INVESTMENT CORPORATION INCORPORATION NO. A67154 INTER ALIA MODIFIED BY LB499350 MORTGAGE LB466313 2011-05-19 10:17 PONDEROSA HOLDINGS(BOG) LIMITED INCORPORATION NO. BC1015825 CA4272625 INTER ALIA Transfer Number: Remarks: ASSIGNMENT OF RENTS LB466314 2011-05-19 10:17 PONDEROSA HOLDINGS(BOG) LIMITED INCORPORATION NO. BC1015825 CA4272626 INTER ALIA Nature: Registration Number: Registration Date and Time Registered Owner: Remarks: STATUTORY RIGHT OF WAY LB471608 2011-06-28 12:24 FORTISBC INC. INTER ALIA Nature: Registration Number: Registration Date and Time Registered Owner: Remarks: COVENANT CA2224930 2011-10-07 16:29 THE CROWN IN RIGHT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA INTER ALIA Nature: Registration Number: Registration Date and Time Registered Owner: Title Number: CA4566774 TITLE SEARCH PRINT Page 3 of 12 Z~ 2015-08-28, 09:45:11 Requestor: Sandy Crema TITLE SEARCH PRINT File Reference: 34487-0015 Nature: Registration Number: Registration Date and Time Remarks: PRIORITY AGREEMENT CA2224931 2011-10-07 16:29 INTER ALIA GRANTING CA2224930 PRIORITY OVER L6450555 AND LB450556 Nature: Registration Number: Registration Date and Time: Remarks: PRIORITY AGREEMENT CA2224932 2011-10-07 16:29 INTER ALIA GRANTING CA2224930 PRIORITY OVER LB466313 AND LB466314 Nature: Registration Number: Registration Date and Time Remarks: MODIFICATION LB499349 2012-02-03 15:02 INTER ALIA MODIFICATION OF LB450555 Nature: Registration Number: Registration Date and Time Remarks: MODIFICATION LB499350 2012-02-03 15:02 INTER ALIA MODIFICATION OF LB450556 Nature: Registration Number: Registration Date and Time Remarks: PRIORITY AGREEMENT LB499351 2012-02-03 15:02 INTER ALIA GRANTING LB450555(MODIFIED BY LB499349) PRIORITY OVER LB466313 AND LB466314 Nature: Registration Number: Registration Date and Time: Remarks: PRIORITY AGREEMENT LB499352 2012-02-03 15:02 INTER ALIA GRANTING LB450556(MODIFIED BY LB499350) PRIORITY OVER I_B466313 AND LB466314 Nature: Registration Number: Registration Date and Time: Registered Owner: Remarks: COVENANT CA2549010 2012-05-17 15:49 DISTRICT OF PEACHLAND INTER ALIA Title Number: CA4566774 TITLE SEARCH PRINT Page 4 of 12 . 2015-08-28, 09.45.11 Requestor: Sandy Crema TITLE SEARCH PRINT File Reference: 34487-0015 Nature: Registration Number: Registration Date and Time: Remarks: PRIORITY AGREEMENT CA2549011 2012-05-17 15:49 INTER ALIA GRANTING CA2549010 PRIORITY OVER LB450555 AND LB450556 Nature: Registration Number: Registration Date and Time: Remarks: PRIORITY AGREEMENT CA2549012 2012-05-17 15:49 INTER ALIA GRANTING CA2549010 PRIORITY OVER L6466313 AND LB466314 Nature: Registration Number: Registration Date and Time Registered Owner: Remarks: COVENANT L6505482 2012-05-29 14:33 DISTRICT OF PEACHLAND INTER ALIA Nature: Registration Number: Registration Date and Time Remarks: PRIORITY AGREEMENT L6505483 2012-05-29 14:33 INTER ALIA GRANTING LB505482 PRIORITY OVER LB450555, LB450556, LB499349 AND LB499350 Nature: Registration Number: Registration Date and Time: Remarks: PRIORITY AGREEMENT LB505484 2012-05-29 14:33 INTER ALIA GRANTING LB505482 PRIORITY OVER LB466313 AND L6466314 Nature: Registration Number: Registration Date and Time Registered Owner: Remarks: COVENANT LB520532 2013-07-30 14:56 THE CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF PEACHLAND INTER ALIA Nature: Registration Number: Registration Date and Time Registered Owner: STATUTORY RIGHT OF WAY CA3476738 2013-11-27 12:02 GEOTILITY SYSTEMS CORP. INCORPORATION NO. BC0944538 INTER ALIA Remarks: Title Number: CA4566774 TITLE SEARCH PRINT Page 5 of 12 '~~1/ ~~ 2015-08-28, 09:45:11 Requestor: Sandy Crema TITLE SEARCH PRINT File Reference: 34487-0015 Nature: Registration Number: Registration Date and Time Registered Owner: Remarks: COVENANT CA3476739 2013-11-27 12:02 GEOTILITY SYSTEMS CORP. INCORPORATION NO. BC0944538 INTER ALIA Nature: Registration Number: Registration Date and Time Remarks: PRIORITY AGREEMENT CA3476740 2013-11-27 12:02 INTER ALIA GRANTING CA3476738 PRIORITY OVER L6450555, L6466313, LB466314, LB450556, LB499349 AND L6499350 Nature: Registration Number: Registration Date and Time Remarks: PRIORITY AGREEMENT CA3476741 2013-11-27 12:02 INTER ALIA GRANTING CA3476739 PRIORITY OVER LB450555, L6466313, LB466314, LB450556, LB499349 AND LB499350 Nature: Registration Number: Registration Date and Time: Registered Owner: Remarks: STATUTORY RIGHT OF WAY CA3522057 2013-12-20 15:54 BRITISH COLUMBIA HYDRO AND POWER AUTHORITY INTER ALIA Nature: Registration Number: Registration Date and Time: Registered Owner: STATUTORY RIGHT OF WAY CA3522058 2013-12-20 15:54 TELUS COMMUNICATIONS INC. INCORPORATION NO. A55547 INTER ALIA Remarks: Nature: Registration Number: Registration Date and Time Remarks: Title Number: CA4566774 PRIORITY AGREEMENT CA3522059 2013-12-20 15:54 INTER ALIA GRANTING CA3522057 PRIORITY OVER L6450555, LB466313, LB466314, L6450556, LB499349 AND LB499350 TITLE SEARCH PRINT Page 6 of 12 ~~ 2015-08-28, 09:45:11 Requestor: Sandy Crema TITLE SEARCH PRINT File Reference: 34487-0015 Nature: Registration Number: Registration Date and Time: Remarks: PRIORITY AGREEMENT CA3522060 2013-12-20 15:54 INTER ALIA GRANTING CA3522058 PRIORITY OVER L6450555, LB466313, LB466314, LB450556, LB499349 AND LB499350 Nature: Registration Number: Registration Date and Time: Registered Owner: CLAIM OF BUILDERS LIEN CA3617190 2014-03-03 16:09 TRANS CANADA LUMBER INC. INCORPORATION NO. BCO272860 INTER ALIA Remarks: Remarks: CLAIM OF BUILDERS LIEN LB527382 2014-03-18 14:41 0734465 BC LTD. INCORPORATION NO. 0734465 INTER ALIA Nature: Registration Number: Registration Date and Time: Registered Owner: Remarks: CLAIM OF BUILDERS LIEN L6527584 2014-03-25 13:01 MADGE CONTRACTING LTD. INTER ALIA Nature: Registration Number; Registration Date and Time: Registered Owner: CLAIM OF BUILDERS LIEN CA3647697 2014-03-26 13:41 VANTAGE POINT LAWN AND GARDEN CARE LTD. INCORPORATION NO. 0862962 INTER ALIA Nature: Registration Number: Registration Date and Time: Registered Owner: Remarks: Nature: Registration Number: Registration Date and Time: Registered Owner: Remarks: Title Number: CA4566774 CLAIM OF BUILDERS LIEN LB527861 2014-04-03 09:00 KELOWNA READY-MIX INC. INCORPORATION NO. BC0142318 INTER ALIA TITLE SEARCH PRINT Page 7 of 12 ~~ 2015-08-28, 09:45:11 TITLE SEARCH PRINT File Reference: 34487-0015 Nature: Registration Number: Registration Date and Time: Registered Owner: Remarks: Nature: Registration Number: Registration Date and Time: Registered Owner: Remarks: Nature: Registration Number: Registration Date and Time: Registered Owner: Remarks: Nature: Registration Number: Registration Date and Time: Registered Owner: Remarks: Nature: Registration Number: Registration Date and Time: Registered Owner: Remarks: Nature: Registration Number: Registration Date and Time: Registered Owner: Remarks: Title Number: CA4566774 Requestor: Sandy Crema CLAIM OF BUILDERS LIEN CA3665194 2014-04-04 15:06 CENTRAL CITY HARDWARE (1980) LTD. INCORPORATION NO. BCO203888 INTER ALIA CLAIM OF BUILDERS LIEN CA3667637 2014-04-08 10:20 SUPER SAVE DISPOSAL INC. INCORPORATION NO. 50826 INTER ALIA CLAIM OF BUILDERS LIEN CA3676918 2014-04-14 14:58 PLOUTOS ENTERPRISES LTD. INCORPORATION NO. BCO285090 INTER ALIA CLAIM OF BUILDERS LIEN CA3676919 2014-04-14 14:58 PLOUTOS ENTERPRISES LTD. INCORPORATION NO. BCO285090 INTER ALIA CLAIM OF BUILDERS LIEN CA3677065 2014-04-14 15:48 HORIZON ELECTRIC INC. INCORPORATION NO. A0033431 INTER ALIA CLAIM OF BUILDERS LIEN CA3677734 2014-04-15 09:43 BRICOR MECHANICAL LTD. INCORPORATION NO. BC0529918 INTER ALIA TITLE SEARCH PRINT Page 8 of 12 ~~ 2015-08-28, 09:45:11 Requestor: Sandy Crema TITLE SEARCH PRINT File Reference: 34487-0015 Nature: Registration Number: Registration Date and Time: Registered Owner: Remarks: Nature: Registration Number: Registration Date and Time: Registered Owner: Remarks: Nature: Registration Number: Registration Date and Time: Registered Owner: Remarks: CLAIM OF BUILDERS LIEN CA3678176 2014-04-15 10:51 GEOTILITY GEOTHERMAL INSTALLATIONS CORP. INCORPORATION NO. BC0803405 INTER ALIA CLAIM OF BUILDERS LIEN CA3684223 2014-04-17 15:21 0932657 B.C. LTD. INCORPORATION NO. BC0932657 INTER ALIA CLAIM OF BUILDERS LIEN CA3684944 2014-04-21 15:08 CANADIAN VINYLTEK WINDOW CORPORATION INCORPORATION NO. BCO287951 INTER ALIA Remarks: CLAIM OF BUILDERS LIEN CA3686578 2014-04-22 15:37 PRO BUILDERS SUPPLY LTD. INCORPORATION NO. 661084 INTER ALIA Nature: Registration Number: Registration Date and Time: Registered Owner: Remarks: CLAIM OF BUILDERS LIEN LB528474 2014-04-25 12:14 CRYSTAL CLASSIC EXTERIORS INC. INTER ALIA Nature: Registration Number: Registration Date and Time: Registered Owner: CLAIM OF BUILDERS LIEN CA3695146 2014-04-28 12:23 COAST WHOLESALE APPLIANCES INC. INCORPORATION NO. A0081907 INTER ALIA Nature: Registration Number: Registration Date and Time: Registered Owner: Remarks: Nature: Registration Number: Registration Date and Time: Registered Owner: Remarks: Title Number: CA4566774 CLAIM OF BUILDERS LIEN CA3696154 2014-04-28 15:33 RM3 HOLDINGS INC. INCORPORATION NO. 806903878 INTER ALIA TITLE SEARCH PRINT Page 9 of 12 ~~ 2015-08-28, 09:45:11 Requestor: Sandy Crema TITLE SEARCH PRINT File Reference: 34487-0015 Nature: Registration Number: Registration Date and Time Registered Owner: Remarks: CLAIM OF BUILDERS LIEN LB528539 2014-04-29 10:02 WRS(LOWER MAINLAND) LP INTER ALIA Nature: Registration Number: Registration Date and Time Registered Owner: Remarks: CLAIM OF BUILDERS LIEN LB528540 2014-04-29 10:02 WRS(LOWER MAINLAND)LP INTER ALIA Nature: Registration Number: Registration Date and Time Registered Owner: CLAIM OF BUILDERS LIEN CA3698130 2014-04-29 13:04 GRECO'S PAINTING LTD. INCORPORATION NO. BC0881887 INTER ALIA Remarks: Nature: Registration Number: Registration Date and Time Registered Owner: Remarks: CLAIM OF BUILDERS LIEN LB528691 2014-05-05 13:29 PINE LIGHTING LTD. INCORPORATION NO. 0199231 INTER ALIA Nature: Registration Number: Registration Date and Time: Remarks: PRIORITY AGREEMENT CA3834079 2014-07-11 10:06 INTER ALIA GRANTING LB520532 PRIORITY OVER L6450555 (MOD BY LB499349), AND L6450556(MOD BY LB499350) Nature: Registration Number: Registration Date and Time: Remarks: PRIORITY AGREEMENT CA3834080 2014-07-11 10:06 INTER ALIA GRANTING L6520532 PRIORITY OVER L6466313 AND L6466314 Nature: Registration Number: Registration Date and Time: Registered Owner: Remarks: COVENANT CA3834109 2014-07-11 10:06 DISTRICT OF PEACHLAND INTER ALIA Title Number: CA4566774 TITLE SEARCH PRINT Page 10 of 12 2015-08-28, 09:45:11 Requestor: Sandy Crema TITLE SEARCH PRINT File Reference: 34487-0015 Nature: Registration Number: Registration Date and Time Remarks: PRIORITY AGREEMENT CA3834110 2014-07-11 10:06 INTER ALIA GRANTING CA3834109 PRIORITY OVER L6450555 (MOD BY LB499349) Nature: Registration Number: Registration Date and Time Remarks: PRIORITY AGREEMENT CA3834111 2014-07-11 10:06 INTER ALIA GRANTING CA3834109 PRIORITY OVER LB450556 (MOD BY L6499350) Nature: Registration Number: Registration Date and Time Remarks: PRIORITY AGREEMENT CA3834112 2014-07-11 10:06 INTER ALIA GRANTING CA3834109 PRIORITY OVER LB466313 Nature: Registration Number: Registration Date and Time Remarks: PRIORITY AGREEMENT CA3834113 2014-07-11 10:06 INTER ALIA GRANTING CA3834109 PRIORITY OVER LB466314 Nature: Registration Number: Registration Date and Time Registered Owner: Remarks: COVENANT CA3834116 2014-07-11 10:06 DISTRICT OF PEACHLAND INTER ALIA Nature: Registration Number: Registration Date and Time Remarks: PRIORITY AGREEMENT CA3834117 2014-07-11 10:06 INTER ALIA GRANTING CA3834116 PRIORITY OVER LB450555 (MOD BY LB499349) Nature: Registration Number: Registration Date and Time: Remarks: PRIORITY AGREEMENT CA3834118 2014-07-11 10:06 INTER ALIA GRANTING CA3834116 PRIORITY OVER LB450556 (MOD BY LB499350) Title Number: CA4566774 TITLE SEARCH PRINT Page 11 of 12 z$ TITLE SEARCH PRINT File Reference: 34487-0015 2015-08-28, 09:45:11 Requestor: Sandy Crema Nature: Registration Number: Registration Date and Time Remarks: PRIORITY AGREEMENT CA3834119 2014-07-11 10:06 INTER ALIA GRANTING CA3834116 PRIORITY OVER LB466313 Nature: Registration Number: Registration Date and Time Remarks: PRIORITY AGREEMENT CA3834120 2014-07-11 10:06 INTER ALIA GRANTING CA3834116 PRIORITY OVER LB466314 Duplicate Indefeasible Title NONE OUTSTANDING Transfers ~L~]►1~ Pending Applications NONE Title Number: CA4566774 TITLE SEARCH PRINT Page 12 of 12 No. S144265 Vancouver Registry In the Supreme Court of British Columbia IN THE MATTER OF THE COMPANIES'CREDITORS ARRANGEMENT ACT, R.S.C. 1985, c. C-36, AS AMENDED /.\~I~7 IN THE MATTER OF A PLAN OF COMPROMISE OR ARRANGEMENT OF PONDEROSA PEACHLAPJD DEVELOPMENT LIMITED PARTNERSHIP, TREEGROUP PONDEROSA DEVELOPMENT CORP., and 0817642 B.C. Ltd. BETWEEN: ROMSPEN INVESTMENT CORPORATION Petitioner AND: PONDEROSA PEACHLAND DEVELOPMENT LIMITED PARTNERSHIP, TREEGROUP PONDEROSA DEVELOPMENT CORP., and 0817642 B.C. Ltd. Respondents AFFIDAVIT CASSELS BROCK & BLACKWELL ~~P Lawyers Suite 2200 — 885 West Georgia Street Vancouver, B.C. V6C 3E8 Telephone: (604) 691-6121 Facsimile: (604) 691-6120 E-mail: Attention: Steven D. Dvorak SDD/cef Legal`15544792.1 Matter#43258.15