EMPC 09Jun16 - VIA electronic
EMPC 09Jun16 - VIA electronic
A Comprehensive Overview on Today`s Ceramic Stubstrate Technologies 17th European Microelectronics and Packaging Conference „ A Comprehensive Overview on Today`s Ceramic Stubstrate Technologies“ Rimini, 16.06.2009 Franz Bechtold VIA electronic GmbH, Hermsdorf www.via-electronic.de EMPC Rimini June 15 – 18 2009 Franz Bechtold, VIA electronic GmbH, Hermsdorf www.via-electronic.de A Comprehensive Overview on Today`s Ceramic Stubstrate Technologies Content • Introduction • Ceramic Substrates as Fired • Multilayer Substrates HTCC and LTCC • Ceramic Substrates between Silicon and PCB • Market for Hybrid Circuits • Applications Fields for Ceramic Based Hybrid Integrated Circuits • Materials, Board and Technology Providers • Perspectives and Challanges • Conclusion and Acknowledgement EMPC Rimini June 15 – 18 2009 Franz Bechtold, VIA electronic GmbH, Hermsdorf www.via-electronic.de A Comprehensive Overview on Today`s Ceramic Stubstrate Technologies Introduction Thickfilm Alumina Substrates ZrO2 Stabilised Alumina Substrates Aluminum Nitride Substrates Direct Bonded Copper Substrates Thickfilm Technology HTCC Technology LTCC Technology EMPC Rimini June 15 – 18 2009 Franz Bechtold, VIA electronic GmbH, Hermsdorf www.via-electronic.de A Comprehensive Overview on Today`s Ceramic Stubstrate Technologies Ceramic Substrates As Fired Courtesy of Ceramtec ZrO2 stabilised Al2O3 Substrate AlN substrates Thermomechanical stability Thermal Conductivity Flexural strength Si matched TCE Elasticity. Capable for Thickfilm Cabable for DBC Capable for DBC low thickness EMPC Rimini June 15 – 18 2009 Franz Bechtold, VIA electronic GmbH, Hermsdorf www.via-electronic.de A Comprehensive Overview on Today`s Ceramic Stubstrate Technologies Ceramic Substrates As Fired Courtesy of Ceramtec Standard Substrates, extruded and dry pressed devices Ceramic tubes for heater elements, dry pressed alumina pressure sensor membranes and micro cooler components are applied in special applications in harsh environment. EMPC Rimini June 15 – 18 2009 Franz Bechtold, VIA electronic GmbH, Hermsdorf www.via-electronic.de A Comprehensive Overview on Today`s Ceramic Stubstrate Technologies Multilayer Substrats HTCC and LTCC LTCC Low temperature material systems with noble metal conductor inks available. Tape blanking Via punching (DuPont, Heraeus, Ferro, ESL, CeramTec) Via filling conductor printing HTCC Material Systems not available Stacking Lamination scribing/cerving Burnout, Cofiring Singulation EMPC Rimini June 15 – 18 2009 Franz Bechtold, VIA electronic GmbH, Hermsdorf www.via-electronic.de High temperature ceramics with refratory metal inks High material complexity with full system capability including resistors SME Foundries on the open Market (MSE, Selmic, C-Mac and VIA) Captive materials and processes inside big entities (Bosch, Epcos) Full system capability achieved by Proprietary Materials and processes Ni/Au Plating in big enterprises Cofire and postfired resistors not possible proprietary material A Comprehensive Overview on Today`s Ceramic Stubstrate Technologies Multilayer Substrats HTCC and LTCC HTCC Thermal Conductivity 20W/m*K Mechanical strength 400 MPa/mm LTCC Thermal conductivty 3 W/m*K Brazing strength > 50 N/mm2 Mechanical Strenght 200 MPa/mm2 Brazing strength > 30 N/mm2 Condctor resistivity inside >10 mOhm/sq Conductor resistivity <5 mOhm/sq Good RF Performance Very good RF Performance Integrated resistors not possible Integrated resistors possible EMPC Rimini June 15 – 18 2009 Franz Bechtold, VIA electronic GmbH, Hermsdorf www.via-electronic.de A Comprehensive Overview on Today`s Ceramic Stubstrate Technologies Ceramic Substrates between Silicon and PCB Typical NRE Costs: •1.000€ for PCB •5.000 € for thickfilm board •10.000 to 15.000 € for HTCC and LTCC •Up to 250.000 € ASICS. Typical Material Content(per 150cm2): • • • • almost pure silicon for Asics, low priced plastics together with a few glass fibres and 5g of Cu for PCB expensive green ceramic sheets and about 3g of noble metals for conductors and resistors in the case of LTCC and a few less expensive Alumina sheets together with about 3g of refractory metals for the conductor. EMPC Rimini June 15 – 18 2009 Franz Bechtold, VIA electronic GmbH, Hermsdorf www.via-electronic.de A Comprehensive Overview on Today`s Ceramic Stubstrate Technologies Ceramic Substrates between Silicon and PCB Table 2: Average Process cost Table 1: Average Material costs in € PCB Thick film HTCC LTC C Silicon 1000 panels 1,50 15 40 40 500 16 10.000 Panels 1,00 9 32 32 300 13 100.000 Panels 0,50 5 26 26 200 PCB Thick film HTCC LTCC Silicon 1000 panels 2,0 15 20 40 20 10.000 Panels 1,5 12 16 32 100.000 Panels 1,0 10 14 26 EMPC Rimini June 15 – 18 2009 Franz Bechtold, VIA electronic GmbH, Hermsdorf www.via-electronic.de A Comprehensive Overview on Today`s Ceramic Stubstrate Technologies Ceramic Substrates between Silicon and PCB Table 4: Total costs at different volumes PCB Thickfil m HTC C LTC C Silico n 1000 panels 3,50 30 60 80 520 10.000 Panels 2,50 21 48 64 316 100.000 Panels 1,50 15 40 52 213 Table 5: Total cost per circuit PC B Thickfil m HTC C LTC C Silic on 1000 panels 0,18 1,40 0,47 0,63 1,28 10.000 Panels 0,10 0,86 0,33 0,44 0,57 100.000 Panels 0.06 0,60 0,27 0,35 0,36 EMPC Rimini June 15 – 18 2009 Franz Bechtold, VIA electronic GmbH, Hermsdorf www.via-electronic.de Table 6: Minimum number of circuits to be realised (yield losses not included) PCB Thickfilm HTCC LTCC Silicon 1000 panels 25k 25k 150k 150k 600k 10.000 Panels 250k 250k 1.500k 1.500k 6.000k 100.000 Panels 2.500k 2.500k 15.000k 15000k 60.000k A Comprehensive Overview on Today`s Ceramic Stubstrate Technologies Ceramic Substrates between Silicon and PCB Technical Performance Table 7: Technical characteristics LTCC HTCC Si 3 >20 >20 >20 >1011 >1012 >1012 106 Break down voltage In V/µm 40 >40 15 - Thermal Coefficient of Expansion(TCE) x,y 16 6 7 3 TCE z < tg TCE z > tg 60 290 6 7 3 - 210 350 100 0,1 3 20 125 Guaranteed Life time in years Volume resistivity In Ohm*m (RT) Flexural strength In Mpa Thermal Conductivity In W/m*K (RT to 400°C) PCB EMPC Rimini June 15 – 18 2009 Franz Bechtold, VIA electronic GmbH, Hermsdorf www.via-electronic.de A Comprehensive Overview on Today`s Ceramic Stubstrate Technologies Ceramic Substrates between Silicon and PCB Technical Performance Table 7: Technical characteristics PCB LTCC HTCC Si Conductor Resistance In mOhm/square <1 <5 <15 <30 Dielectric Const. 1MHz Dielectric Const. 10GHz 4,7 - 7,85 7.83 9,8 9,0 12,0 - 0,025 0,020 0,002 0,005 0,0004 0,001 - 200 200 200 2 L L, R, C L L, R, C Water absorption In % <0,3 0 0 0 Hermeticity in Torr >10-3 <10-8 <10-8 <10-8 Loss Tangent Loss Tnangent 1MHz 10GHz Line pitch Integration of Passive components EMPC Rimini June 15 – 18 2009 Franz Bechtold, VIA electronic GmbH, Hermsdorf www.via-electronic.de A Comprehensive Overview on Today`s Ceramic Stubstrate Technologies Market for Hybrid Circuits Market for Hybrids, ZVEI Yearly Report 2008, Handbuch der Leiterplattentechnik,2003 European market: 1.200 Bn € Regional distribution: Germany 48% France 14% UK 14% Benelux 9% Technology Distribution: Italy 5% Distribution to Market sections: Scandinavia 5% Automotive: 40% Others 5% Telecom: 30% Thick film with 38% Industrial: 15% LTCC with 36,5% Military, Avionic: 10%, DCB 21% Thin film 4,5% The captive market is about 2/3 of the total market EMPC Rimini June 15 – 18 2009 Franz Bechtold, VIA electronic GmbH, Hermsdorf www.via-electronic.de others: 5% . A Comprehensive Overview on Today`s Ceramic Stubstrate Technologies Application Fields for Alumina Based Hybrids Courtesy of Siegert electronic Courtesy of Siegert electronic Dual Inline Hybrid Circuit for power stations Oil sensor •high degree of miniaturisation •printed resistors on top of the dielectric •high reliability in harsh envionment •Robustness •aggressive environment •hot oil EMPC Rimini June 15 – 18 2009 Franz Bechtold, VIA electronic GmbH, Hermsdorf www.via-electronic.de A Comprehensive Overview on Today`s Ceramic Stubstrate Technologies Application Fields for Alumina Based Hybrids Courtesy of Siegert electronic Courtesy of Micro Hybrid Smart Power Gear Controll Unit Yarn tension sensor pricniple •Chip on Board •High Power, high Currency •Thick wire, thick Silver •Robustness •Matched TCE Component/Sustrate EMPC Rimini June 15 – 18 2009 Franz Bechtold, VIA electronic GmbH, Hermsdorf www.via-electronic.de A Comprehensive Overview on Today`s Ceramic Stubstrate Technologies Application Fields for Alumina Based Hybrids Courtesy of Micro-Hybrid Courtesy of Micro Hybrid Yarn tension sensor system Sensor System, Open Frame •Long term stable Youngs Modulus •Stress free packed pressuer sensor •Thickfilm integrated Sonsor •Electronic close to the sensor EMPC Rimini June 15 – 18 2009 Franz Bechtold, VIA electronic GmbH, Hermsdorf www.via-electronic.de A Comprehensive Overview on Today`s Ceramic Stubstrate Technologies Application Fields for Aluminum Nitride Based Hybrids Courtesy of Lust Hybrid Courtesy of Lust Hybrid H-Bridge Hybrid Circuit H-Bridge Hybrid Circuit, Open Frame •high power Dissipation •high heat conductivity •Low cost sealing •Up to 1600 V and 24 A •200W/m*K •Glop top, silicone and plastic package EMPC Rimini June 15 – 18 2009 Franz Bechtold, VIA electronic GmbH, Hermsdorf www.via-electronic.de A Comprehensive Overview on Today`s Ceramic Stubstrate Technologies Application Fields for Aluminum Nitride Based Hybrids Courtesy of Anceram Courtesy of Electrovac Curamik: Satellite CCD Camera Board Direct bonded Copper 100 to 300µm •Silicon Matched TCE 3ppm •260x15x7mm size •Low weight •On ZrO2 stabilized 0,25mm Alumina •On Aluminum Nitride •Double sided, Cu Vias •Excellent thermal properties EMPC Rimini June 15 – 18 2009 Franz Bechtold, VIA electronic GmbH, Hermsdorf www.via-electronic.de A Comprehensive Overview on Today`s Ceramic Stubstrate Technologies Application Fields for Aluminum Nitride Based Hybrids Courtesy of Electrovac Curamik: Hermetically sealed DBC on AlN • 300µm Cu lines and integrated heat sinks • 180 W/m*K thermal conductivity •Double sided, Cu Via technology • low cost 250mm ZrO2 stabilised Alumina EMPC Rimini June 15 – 18 2009 Franz Bechtold, VIA electronic GmbH, Hermsdorf www.via-electronic.de A Comprehensive Overview on Today`s Ceramic Stubstrate Technologies HTCC Applications Courtesy of MDBA-France and Egide Courtesy of Egide: Aerospace Multichip Module 50x50mm Tosa/Rosa Fibre optic transmissions • miniaturisation, reliability •15 layers, 20.000 vias •75µ lines and vias • Hermeticity • Robustness •High density 40µm internal lines •Very small outline EMPC Rimini June 15 – 18 2009 Franz Bechtold, VIA electronic GmbH, Hermsdorf www.via-electronic.de A Comprehensive Overview on Today`s Ceramic Stubstrate Technologies LTCC Material System Background Commercial LTCC materials 951 DuPont 943 DuPont A6 Ferro 41110 ESL CT 2000 Heraeus 5,9 4,7 9,1 Permittivity ε ≤1 GHz 7,4 7,5 1-20 GHz - 7,4 20-40 GHz - 7,4 5,9 4,6 <2 ≤4 9,1 Dielektric losses tan δ [10-3] ≤1 GHz <2 <1 1-20 GHz 5 1 20-40 GHz <15 <2 <2 Ag Ag Ag Ag ≤1,4 ≤ 0,3 ≤ 0,4 ≤ 0,4 5,8 4,5 7,0 6,4 ≤1 ≤2 Insertion loss [dB inch-1] Conductor 1- 20 GHz TCE α [ppm K-1] (25-300°C) EMPC Rimini June 15 – 18 2009 Franz Bechtold, VIA electronic GmbH, Hermsdorf www.via-electronic.de 5,6 A Comprehensive Overview on Today`s Ceramic Stubstrate Technologies LTCC Material System Background Table 9: Material System 951 DuPont Material Process Function properties Tol.% Au/AuPt cofire Wire/solder 3/30 mOhm 20 Ag/AgPd cofire Wire/solder 3/30 mOhm 20 Ag/AgPd/Au cofire Wire/solder/ bond 3/30/3 mOhm 20 Au, AuPtPd postfire Wire/solder 3/30 mOhm 20 Ag, AgPd Postfire Wire/solder 3/30 mOhm 20 Dielectric glass Cofire Solder stop Dielectric glass Postfire Insulator RuO2-Bi2O3 Cofire Resistor Not qualified 30 RuO2-Bi2O3 Buried Resistor 10 to 10kOhm 50 RuO2-Bi2O3 postfire Resistor 10 to 10MOhm 1 (tr.) Metallisation Co/post Inductor, capac. E=7 20 EMPC Rimini June 15 – 18 2009 Franz Bechtold, VIA electronic GmbH, Hermsdorf www.via-electronic.de A Comprehensive Overview on Today`s Ceramic Stubstrate Technologies High Volume LTCC Applications Courtesy of Siemens-VDO Courtesy of Bosch: Gear Car Controll (source: W.C. Heraeus) ABS/ESP8 Controller • miniaturisation, reliability, Costs •-40/+155°C •50g • Robustness •Under the Hood •Close to the working unit EMPC Rimini June 15 – 18 2009 Franz Bechtold, VIA electronic GmbH, Hermsdorf www.via-electronic.de A Comprehensive Overview on Today`s Ceramic Stubstrate Technologies High Volume LTCC Applications Courtesy of Bosch Courtesy of Bosch: Steer by Wire Transmision Controll Unit • miniaturisation, reliability, Costs •-40/+155°C •50g • Robustness •Under the Hood •Close to the working unit EMPC Rimini June 15 – 18 2009 Franz Bechtold, VIA electronic GmbH, Hermsdorf www.via-electronic.de A Comprehensive Overview on Today`s Ceramic Stubstrate Technologies High Volume LTCC Applications Courtesy of Epcos Front end for mobile phones • miniaturisation •reliability, Costs • RF capability • K20/K8 Technology • passive integration EMPC Rimini June 15 – 18 2009 Franz Bechtold, VIA electronic GmbH, Hermsdorf www.via-electronic.de Chip&Wire bonding Glob Top Flip Chip Surface Mounting Technology A Comprehensive Overview on Today`s Ceramic Stubstrate Technologies Low Volume LTCC Applications Courtesy of VIA electronic Courtesy of Ketek and VIA Customised LTCC Packages for Sensors Fully integratedd X-Ray detector System • Reliability • Modularity • Flexibility • Vaccum cmpatible • Spectroscopic neutral • Thermal management EMPC Rimini June 15 – 18 2009 Franz Bechtold, VIA electronic GmbH, Hermsdorf www.via-electronic.de A Comprehensive Overview on Today`s Ceramic Stubstrate Technologies Low Volume LTCC Applications Courtesy of Ericsson T/R Modules (Source: Workshop MakroNano 2006) • Miniaturisation • RF capabiltiy • Passive integrated RF components EMPC Rimini June 15 – 18 2009 Franz Bechtold, VIA electronic GmbH, Hermsdorf www.via-electronic.de A Comprehensive Overview on Today`s Ceramic Stubstrate Technologies Materials Provider Table 10 Supplier Materials and services CeramTec Al2O3 substrates 96%, 99%, Al2O3 ZrO2 stabilised, Al2O3 dry pressed and extruded parts AlN Substrates thinfilm/thickfilm LTCC dielectric tape Laserscribing and cutting Single sided cofired metallisation AnCeram AlN substrates thinfilm/thickfilm Active brazed Copper Heraeus Thickfilm inks LTCC material systems DuPont Thickfilm inks LTCC material systems EMPC Rimini June 15 – 18 2009 Franz Bechtold, VIA electronic GmbH, Hermsdorf www.via-electronic.de A Comprehensive Overview on Today`s Ceramic Stubstrate Technologies Technology Provider Technology Provider Technology services AB Mikroelektronik Thickfilm Advanced Microelectronics Thickfilm, Thinfilm C-Mac Thickfilm, LTCC Curamik Direct bonded Copper Egide HTCC Epcos LTCC Hightec Thinfilm Hybrid Electronic Thickfilm Lewicki Thickfilm Lust Thickfilm Microdul Thickfilm Microtel Thickfilm Micro-Hybrid Thickfilm Micro Circuit Engineering Thickfilm Micro System Engineering Thickfilm, LTCC Radeberger Hybridelektronik Thickfilm, Thinfilm Reinhardt Microtech Thinfilm Selmic Thickfilm, LTCC Siegert Electronic Thickfilm Siegert TFT Thinfilm VIA electronic LTCC EMPC Rimini June 15 – 18 2009 Franz Bechtold, VIA electronic GmbH, Hermsdorf www.via-electronic.de A Comprehensive Overview on Today`s Ceramic Stubstrate Technologies Perspectives and Challanges Opportunity Challange Technical Requirements Biotechnology, chemical sensors Lab on Chip, integrated fluidic, integrated reactors and sensors Chemical performance Biocompatibility Fluidic interfaces Heterogeneous Integration High pin count, QFP, LGA, BGA Flatness, TCE matching of Ceramic to PCB, System in Package 3D interconnection, passive integration, thermal management New and adapted materials, new and adepted processe MEMS Packaging 3D integration, hermeticity, Wafer level packaging TCE matching of Ceramic to Si, no XY shrinkage MOEMS Packaging Integration of optical and electrical conductors no XY shrinkage, excellent planarity and accuracy Energy efficiency High power/high complexity integration High currency conductor, micro cooler, high temp. EMPC Rimini June 15 – 18 2009 Franz Bechtold, VIA electronic GmbH, Hermsdorf www.via-electronic.de A Comprehensive Overview on Today`s Ceramic Stubstrate Technologies R&D Roadmaps Microsystems and sensors are constantly increasing and require new packaging solutions. R&D efforts are put into innovative LTCC technology DBC high temperature thickfilm . The R&D road maps for LTCC ceramic are dominated cost improvements at process level (self constrained sintering, high resolution screen printing, micro via laser drilling, wafer level packaging) cost improvements at integration leve (new functional materials like high k, low k, high permeability and TCE graduation and cost improvements by combined technologies EMPC Rimini June 15 – 18 2009 Franz Bechtold, VIA electronic GmbH, Hermsdorf www.via-electronic.de A Comprehensive Overview on Today`s Ceramic Stubstrate Technologies R&D Roadmaps Courtesy of Fraunhofer IKTS AlN Multilayer System development •Tape casting •Tungsten ink preparation • Cofiring EMPC Rimini June 15 – 18 2009 Franz Bechtold, VIA electronic GmbH, Hermsdorf www.via-electronic.de Tungsten/Aluminumnitride Interface A Comprehensive Overview on Today`s Ceramic Stubstrate Technologies Conclusion Ceramic substrates provide economic and ecologic solutions at low, medium and high volumes for high reliability applications. Increasing power and operating temperatures of the electronic devices needs well adjusted thermal properties of the ceramic board technology selected. Increasing frequency of the electronic devices arrives to the request for passive integration of RF functions and thermal management EMPC Rimini June 15 – 18 2009 Franz Bechtold, VIA electronic GmbH, Hermsdorf www.via-electronic.de A Comprehensive Overview on Today`s Ceramic Stubstrate Technologies Acknowledgement This presentation was supported by: Dr. Knuth Baumgärtel, Micro-Hybrid, Hermsdorf Dr. Dieter Brunner, Anceram, Bindlach, Walter Distler, Siegert electronic, Cadolzburg Dr. Erwin Effenberger, ZVEI, Frankfurt Dr. Marco Fritsch, Fraunhofer IKTS, Dresden Thomas Heise, Ceramtec, Marktredwitz Dr. Sebastian Brunner, Epcos, Deutschlandsberg Michel. Massiot, Egide, Bollene Christina Modes, W.C. Heraeus, Hanau Walter Röthlingshöfer, Bosch, Reutlingen Dr. Jürgen Schulz-Harder, Electrovac Curamik, Ralf Stötter, Ketek, München Thomas. Walther, Lust Hybrid, Hermsdorf EMPC Rimini June 15 – 18 2009 Franz Bechtold, VIA electronic GmbH, Hermsdorf www.via-electronic.de A Comprehensive Overview on Today`s Ceramic Stubstrate Technologies Questions Thanks for your Attention EMPC Rimini June 15 – 18 2009 Franz Bechtold, VIA electronic GmbH, Hermsdorf www.via-electronic.de
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