Winter 2015 Saskbroker Magazine
Winter 2015 Saskbroker Magazine
WINTER 2015 VOLUME 5 NUMBER 4 THE OFFICIAL MAGAZINE OF THE INSURANCE BROKERS’ ASSOCIATION OF SASK ATCHEWAN PM# 40065075 2015-2016 IBAS Board of Directors SHELDON WASYLENKO New IBAS President Water is beautiful. Until it isn’t. Heavy rains Spring run-off Overflow from lakes and rivers Insurance | Home | Auto | Leisure & Lifestyle | Business | Surety Aviva, proud Canadian partner to over 1700 independent brokers from coast to coast Aviva and the Aviva logo are trademarks used under license by the licensor. ٠ ٠ WINTER 2015 INSURANCE BROKERS’ ASSOCIATION OF SASKATCHEWAN VOLUME 5 NUMBER 4 #305 – 2631, 28th Avenue Regina, SK S4S 6X3 Phone: 306-525-5900 Fax: 306-569-3018 Members’ toll free line: 1-800-733-0933 Website: 2015 – 2016 IBAS BOARD OF DIRECTORS Sheldon Wasylenko – President Rayner Agencies Ltd. Dave Nussbaumer, CAIB – Past President The Standard Insurance Brokers Ltd. Blair Andrew Andrew Agencies Ltd. Nancy Beaudoin Radmont Insurance Ltd. Jason Dunn, CAIB LaRoche-McDonald Agencies Limited Darryn Knibbs, CAIB Hoffmann Kool Insurance Gail Lawson, CAIB Oxbow Agencies Ltd. Greg van Ginkel, CCIB, CIP Knight Archer Insurance Ltd. IBAS STAFF Ernie Gaschler – Executive Director 306-525-4075 Brianne McBride – Education Coordinator 306-525-8001 Earl Garratt – E & O Insurance 306-525-4077 Mike Gaschler – Director of Education 306-525-4076 Jan Milton – Accounting/Event Coordinator 306-525-4077 Lisa Schill – Membership Coordinator 306-525-4080 Meet your new IBAS President Convention 2015 Recap 15 21 IBAS Congratulates Education Graduates 50th Anniversary for Henderson Insurance 30 35 Published for the Insurance Brokers’ Association of Saskatchewan by: DEPARTMENTS Executive Director’s Report Tel: 204-985-9780 Fax: 204-985-9795 Managing Editor.......................................... Terry Ross Design/Layout........................................ Jackie Magat Marketing Manager. . .................................. Kris Fillion Advertising Coordinator..... Stefanie Hagidiakow ©2015 Craig Kelman & Associates Ltd. All rights reserved. The contents of this publication may not be reproduced by any means, in whole or in part, without prior written consent from the publisher. Return undeliverable Canadian addresses to: Publication Mail Agreement #40065075. 6 Technology12 Viewpoint7 Business Issues 39 Young Broker Network 8 Industry News 47 Mark Your Calendar 9 Classifieds50 Political Action 9 Reach our Advertisers As the official publication of the Insurance Brokers’ Association of Saskatchewan, the Saskatchewan Broker magazine supports the values, mandate and viewpoints of the Association, and as such retains the right to refuse any advertisement offered to us. 52 EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR’S REPORT Ernie Gaschler, Executive Director There is value in membership I t’s a known fact that people and businesses join associations for different reasons. Some want to protect something and others want to promote something, but whatever the reason they want to work together with likeminded people to achieve their aims. In this respect insurance brokers are no different than anyone else. An important expectation for members who join an association is to get reciprocal value for the time and money they invest in the organization. This becomes an important issue for the association to address and particularly at membership renewal time, which for IBAS is now. IBAS strives to deliver membership value in three broad areas: 1) Preserving the independent broker business model; 2) Promoting the value of the independent broker brand; and 3) Enhancing the professional credibility of brokers. We trust that our ability to act as a strong voice for brokers to industry and government; our support for the national BIP advertising campaign and effort to promote the value of brokers to consumers at the regional level; 6 SASKATCHEWAN BROKER WINTER 2015 and our ability to offer high quality education programs and materials to increase industry knowledge and skills, will be well recognized and appreciated by all members. We understand there will always be some who question the value of membership because of how they want to run their businesses. Our goal, however, is to ensure that everyone feels better off because of the work that we do. And judging by the informed and dedicated support IBAS members provided at the recent AGM, we must be doing a reasonable job of meeting that goal. Balancing individual and industry interests will be an ongoing challenge as we deal with an ever-changing marketplace. This was evident as we reviewed the new SGI Canada broker contract and promoted the concept of a broker based - customer focused ‘e services’ solution over the past year. The diversity of our members and the uniqueness of our provincial marketplace were clearly important factors in this work. Delivering value for money has always been important to IBAS, so we’re consistently prudent and purposeful about the resources we use. In fact we recently reviewed our membership fee structure because it was established nearly five years ago. The new formula was designed to bring an enhanced level of fairness to the collection of member fees, ensure there was equity between the different sizes of members, and generate a similar percentage of revenue to IBAS on an ongoing basis. The review committee concluded that all of these expectations were being satisfactorily met and did not see any need for changes at this time. They also determined that fees wouldn’t be increased for the coming year. Despite everything, I know someone will look at their membership renewal form and, with chequebook in hand, stop to say, “What have they done for me lately?” I trust we will once again measure up favorably since our work is well intended, important and worthy of your support. I’d like to extend my best wishes for a safe and joyous holiday season and a prosperous New Year. Click HERE to return to Table of Contents IBAC VIEWPOINT A new parliament, a new government and a lot of work ahead Lorne Perry, IBAC President O ver the past few months everyone was saying and thinking that the coming federal election would be a significant event on the political landscape, and October 19 certainly met this expectation. Canadians voted. More Canadians voted than over the past 20 years, and they voted for change! From the beginning of the campaign in August, polls were indicating that Canadians were looking for a change in the direction of the country. After 10 years in power, the Conservative Party and the Prime Minister were not viewed as the leaders that should direct the future course for the country. The only question throughout the campaign was where was this ‘change’ going to land? The NDP started the campaign strong, leading in the polls while the Liberals dragged behind them and the Conservative Party. After two months the tables turned, with the Liberals gaining momentum, the NDP falling dramatically, and the Conservatives maintaining their relative position. In the end, the country voted en masse for change, and that change was embodied in Justin Trudeau and the Liberal Party of Canada. A few highlights: first time a thirdplace party in the House of Commons wins a majority, second youngest Prime Minister in Canada’s history, record voter turnout in over 20 years, over 200 new MPs, which is a record. As far as vote intentions, comparing the vote count by party from the last election in 2011, the NDP lost 1 million votes, the Liberals gained 4.2 million votes, and the Conservatives lost about 50,000 votes. What does this shift mean for IBAC and brokers across the country? Well IBAC has always had a non-partisan Click HERE to return to Table of Contents approach to advocacy and political outreach. Our issues affecting consumers are non-partisan; they are issues of fairness, accessibility, and affordability; something all Parliamentarians understand and support. We have communicated with all parties in the House of Commons, whether they are in government or not. During the last Parliament, IBAC has had excellent relationships with MPs and Senators from all parties. This will not change with the new government. As mentioned, there are over 200 new MPs in the coming Parliament. This means that our profession has a big job ahead of us in reaching out to all the new MPs and explaining to them what it is we do, how we serve our customers, and educate them on the issues that federal legislation and regulations impact the insurance buying consumer. This outreach and education is crucial because most of the new MPs will not have had a background in insurance and will not be familiar even with what an insurance broker does. They will be approached by the banks and others making the case how the insurance consumer is badly served with the prohibition in place on bancassurance. Insurance brokers are the only voice to explain to MPs why this prohibition makes sense; this is why I am urging every broker to reach out to their MP, new or returning, and explain to them that Credit-granting institutions ought not to sell insurance at the point of granting credit. We have a new Parliament and a new government for the next 4 years, and a lot of work ahead of us. With over 80 offices across North America We’re Here To Help 1-877-888-9111 WINTER 2015 SASKATCHEWAN BROKER 7 YOUNG BROKER NETWORK Kale Harnett, YBN Chair Winding up one year and kicking off the next W e are once again coming to the end of another busy year full of great memories. I myself have thoroughly enjoyed sitting as Chair and working with the other YBN executive members. We are working on some initiatives that have me confident the executives will ensure the YBN is a place where all Young Brokers can find likeminded people to share ideas network and even provide mentoring for those that require. The YBN had a booth at the IBAS Trade Show again this year. YBN members got in the ‘detective spirit,’ greeting Convention delegates and running prizewinners to the different booths. Our booth had a ‘Company Logo’ game to play to earn entries for a Bluetooth speaker prize. We had an absolutely great time meeting everyone! Our Annual Education Day and Annual General Meeting will take place in Regina in early 2016, we are shooting for January. Watch for information coming soon! The seminars will be open to all brokers, and it’s a great chance to meet new people, reconnect with old friends and, as always, earn continuing education credit hours toward your license. We encourage everyone to attend. Our Annual Education Day and Annual General Meeting will take place in Regina in early 2016. As we continue to deliver valuable information through the pages of this magazine, in a printed format that is appealing, reader-friendly and not lost in the proliferation of electronic messages that are bombarding our senses, we are also well aware of the need to be respectful of our environment. That is why we are committed to publishing the magazine in the most environmentally-friendly process possible. Here is what we mean: • We use lighter publication stock that consists of recycled paper. This paper has been certified to meet the environmental and social standards of the Forest Stewardship Council® (FSC®) and comes from responsibly managed forests, and verified recycled sources making this a RENEWABLE and SUSTAINABLE resource. • Our computer-to-plate technology reduces the amount of chemistry required to create plates for the printing process. The resulting chemistry is neutralized to the extent that it can be safely discharged to the drain. • We use vegetable oil-based inks to print the magazine. This means that we are not using resource-depleting petroleum-based ink products and that the subsequent recycling of the paper in this magazine is much more environment friendly. • During the printing process, we use a solvent recycling system that separates the water from the recovered solvents and leaves only about 5% residue. This results in reduced solvent usage, handling and hazardous hauling. • We ensure that an efficient recycling program is used for all printing plates and all waste paper. • Within the pages of each issue, we actively encourage our readers to REUSE and RECYCLE. • In order to reduce our carbon footprint on the planet, we utilize a carbon offset program in conjunction with any air travel we undertake related to our publishing responsibilities for the magazine. So enjoy this magazine...and KEEP THINKING GREEN. 8 SASKATCHEWAN BROKER WINTER 2015 Click HERE to return to Table of Contents EVENTS CALENDAR Mark your Calendar JANUARY S 3 M 4 T FEBRUARY W 5 T 6 7 F S 1 2 8 9 S 7 MARCH M T W T F S 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 11 12 13 S 6 M 7 T W T F 1 2 3 4 S 5 8 9 10 11 12 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 28 29 27 28 29 30 31 31 JANUARY 19-20 IBAS Board Meetings Regina, SK 23-31 CAIB 3 Immersion Course Humboldt, SK 31-Feb. 2 IBAC Board Meetings Toronto, ON 3 National Exams Various Locations 7 National Professional Development Meeting Toronto, ON 11-19 CAIB 4 Immersion Course Humboldt, SK 22-23 IBAS Board Meetings Regina, SK FEBRUARY MARCH POLITICAL ACTION IBAS attends Premier’s Golf Tournament IBAS attended the Premier’s Golf Tournament in Regina as a major sponsor of the event. Caption: (L-R) IBAS Director Blair Andrew, IBAS President Dave Nussbaumer, Premier Brad Wall, IBAS Executive Director Ernie Gaschler, IBAS Director Greg van Ginkel. Click HERE to return to Table of Contents WINTER 2015 SASKATCHEWAN BROKER 9 IBAS COMMITTEES 20 16 Canadian Cost Estimating Guides These comprehensive manuals are a MUST for estimating replacement costs! 2015 – 2016 Committees IBAS’s committees for 2015-2016 and their related responsibilities are listed below. If you have any questions regarding any of these areas, please feel free to contact the appropriate committee members. They will be pleased to help. BR Residential Costing Guide A D OK ER UN J DER US T E S W R RS ITE RS ! ESTIMATE REPLACEMENT COST OF SINGLE FAMILY DWELLINGS • 1 Storey • 1¾ Storey • Raised Ranch • 2 Storey • Tri-Level • 2½ Storey • High Valued Dwellings COMMITTEE ✓ Dairy ✓ Poultry ✓ Swine ✓ Produce Storage ✓ Horses ✓ Beef ✓ Feed Storage ✓ Machinery Storage ONLINE VERSIONS AVAILABLE PLEASE CALL, FAX or EMAIL FOR DETAILS Toll Free: 877-284-0028 Fax: 519-238-6214 RESPONSIBILITIES Executive Sheldon Wasylenko, Chair Blair Andrew Dave Nussbaumer Greg van Ginkel Finance Strategic Planning Governance Succession/Recruitment Media Relations Technology Liaison Greg van Ginkel, Chair Gail Lawson Dave Nussbaumer Sheldon Wasylenko Government/Industry Affairs SGI Company Meetings & Dinner CSIO Regulatory Affairs Services Blair Andrew, Chair Nancy Beaudoin Jason Dunn Darryn Knibbs Broker Identity Program Scholarship Fund Professional Development Membership Benefit Programs Sask Broker Magazine Golf Tournament Convention YBN Consumer Protection Fund Dave Nussbaumer, Chair Larry Kozakevich Mark Stockford Consumer Protection Fund IBAS/SGI Steering Dave Nussbaumer, Chair Blair Andrew Greg van Ginkel Sheldon Wasylenko SGI Canada/Sask Auto Fund Agricultural Costing Guide ESTIMATE REPLACEMENT COST OF AGRICULTURAL USE BUILDINGS MEMBERS HEAD OFFICE 402 Main St. N. Waldheim, SK S0K 4R0 Tel: (306) 945.2239 1.800.261.0360 Fax: (306) 945.4666 Insuring the Future 10341 Pinetree Drive, Grand Bend, ON N0M 1T0 10 SASKATCHEWAN BROKER WINTER 2015 Click HERE to return to Table of Contents TECHNOLOGY Sheldon Wasylenko, President, IBAS Giving your customers more through technology T his year will be an interesting one for myself wearing two very important hats. Interestingly, following and reporting on the technology stream as well as representing you as President this year, I find the two roles to be quite complimentary in many ways. I’ve spoken before about how technology enables our business and can do so faster, and in far more effective and efficient ways. One of the primary goals I’ve set for myself this year is to ensure we (IBAS) do everything we can to preserve and protect, and ultimately strengthen the broker-customer relationship. In order to achieve this goal, there are many elements we ought to consider including our own member and political advocacy efforts, our messaging, and, of course, how we can use and leverage technology to our benefit in pursuit of this goal. At our Convention this year, some of you saw a prototype of a new Broker Online Quoting System (BOQS). This project is one example that is meant to connect our customers with brokers by offering them access to multiple markets for quoting purposes. A customer that is able to view quote options directly on your web site There’s power in partnership For 70 successful years and counting We’ve been working together for a long time – with brokers like you – to make sure customers are covered and cared for. And today, that connection has the potential to be even more powerful than ever. We want to better understand exactly what it is that customers want, then work with you to deliver it to them when and where they want it. It’s time to use our collective strengths in new and innovative ways. It’s time to fully harness the power of partnership. 12 SASKATCHEWAN BROKER WINTER 2015 offers a significantly better option. Not only are you able to offer them multiple market choices, but also your customer’s (or perhaps your prospect’s) online experience will be branded around everything ‘you.’ This is unlike the online experience consumers will have when using a direct insurer’s web site. In addition, the ability to reinforce our consumer value propositions of choice, advice, and advocacy, remains in your hands at all times. Services that you’re able to extend to your customers through online access to their account are readily available today and many already work with our existing BMS platforms. If you happen to work in or operate a smaller brokerage, tools such as that offered by Sharp Mobile may present ways for you to allow your customers online access (including mobile) to their policy information. Just a few short years ago, by far the majority of a person’s browsing activity was done through a desktop computer. Today, more than half of all Internet browsing and searching activity is done from a mobile device (whether a smartphone or a tablet device of some sort). If you happen to be an Applied Systems shop, tools such as those offered through Epic and CSR24 are options worth considering. Custom Software Solutions Inc. offers their iClient tool and Keal Technologies has recently been promoting their Consumer Access Portal (KealCAP) as a way of connecting your brokerage with your online customers. By offering your customers online access to their policy information, which is branded entirely through your web site, you’ve taken a significant step towards providing a solution aimed at helping to preserve the relationship you have with your customers. Well done! Click HERE to return to Table of Contents Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from the IBAS Board of Directors and Staff TECHNOLOGY Michael Spiar, Member Engagement & Communications Specialist, CSIO Paperless Policies for the Modern Consumer with eDelivery A lthough many companies have found it challenging to convert their customer base to electronic document delivery, as time goes on, more and more customers seem willing to replace paper correspondence with digital. The fact that over 9 million Canadian consumers already have an epost™ account with Canada Post attests to this rising customer demand. CSIO’s eDelivery solution meets this need by enabling the broker channel to leverage their existing investment in CSIOnet and eDocs to deliver personal lines policy documents to customers through epost. The P&C industry is already quite familiar with eDocs – the solution enables electronic transfer of policy documents from insurers to a broker’s BMS, substantially reducing the cost and effort of printing, mailing, sorting, scanning, filing and destroying paper documents. Since eDocs debuted in 2012, broker adoption has soared to approximately 80% for personal lines, and its expansion into commercial lines is well under way. Extending that paperless workflow to the insurance customer with eDelivery is a natural next step. INDUSTRY BENEFITS According to Entrepreneur Magazine, it costs $25,000 to fill a four-drawer filing cabinet holding 15-20,000 files, and another $2,000 a year to maintain it. Not to mention the cost of simply sending mail – postage costs are constantly rising and in January 2016, rate for domestic letter mail weighing 30 grams or less will rise to $0.90 cents (when purchased in bulk). Using eDelivery, members currently sending policy documents by mail will be able to offer electronic document delivery to customers registered 14 SASKATCHEWAN BROKER WINTER 2015 with epost, providing superior customer service and reducing the operational costs of postage and manual processing. In addition, CSIO has negotiated favourable pricing with epost on behalf of the broker channel, reducing the cost and effort of implementation to below that available to companies approaching epost individually. Furthermore, mailer volume among CSIO members is tracked collectively, producing more savings as industry adoption grows. epost’s bank-grade security and privacy technology, referred to as “the Vault,” supports and enhances industry compliance with PIPEDA as well. Along with the obvious legal benefit to the broker channel, all customer data stored in epost resides in Canada and is not subject to foreign privacy laws. CUSTOMER BENEFITS By using a digital mailbox such as epost, customers can retrieve their full document history with a single click. Many epost customers already use epost to consolidate their pay records, utility bills, property tax documents and bank statements in a single location with one login, and eDelivery simply adds insurance documents to the mix. Furthermore, as door-to-door mail has been reduced across Canada, eDelivery means one less document insurance customers will have to retrieve from their physical community mailbox. epost is also more secure than the average paper filing system that a customer has in their home, safely protecting all data while simultaneously blocking spam, ads and junk mail. And finally, epost is free to the individual consumer, increasing the convenience of managing financial documentation over paper at no additional cost. ENVIRONMENTAL BENEFITS Many companies set the goal to become ‘carbon neutral,’ reducing the overall carbon emissions generated from their operational activities. The greenhouse gas emissions generated by print production are significant (9% of total carbon dioxide emissions according to impacts/climateimpacts.htm), plus the fuel required to transport mail across the country. Therefore, eDelivery can be part of an eco-friendly marketing initiative, positioning the broker channel as an environmentally sensitive insurance option to the 46% of customers (particularly Millennials) who are inclined to patronize green-minded businesses (Source: pressrelease.aspx?id=5598). For additional information, visit Click HERE to return to Table of Contents Meet IBAS President SHELDON WASYLENKO Q - How did you get your start in the insurance industry? A - I’d say my start in the insurance industry came as a result of two things. One, to try and stay more grounded around home; and, two, feeling the effect of a changing technology industry within Saskatchewan. The timing seemed right for me to change industries along with a slight nudge from family at the time! Q - Can you describe your brokerage, Rayner Agencies Ltd.? A - Lorne and Ruth Rayner started our brokerage back in 1948. My mother and father bought it in 1971 and have kept it as a family-owned business ever since. When I started here in about 2004, we had about 9 or 10 employees and 10 years later we’ve nearly doubled our size. When I look across the country, I would attribute much of that recent success to being in the heart of a growing economy but, first and foremost, to finding and working with a great team at our office. Our people truly represent our brand and who we are. I think they are the best and we have many long-term employees to show for it! Q - When did you first get involved in the IBAS Board of Directors? A - I was first elected to the IBAS Board of Directors in 2010. Since then, I’ve served as Chair of the Services Committee as well as Chair of the Liaison Committee. It was during my initial year on the IBAS Board that I was also nominated to represent Saskatchewan, Manitoba, and British Columbia, as a Director on the Board of CSIO. For each of the appointments, my main area of interest on these Boards was to bring technology more to the forefront with respect to broker’s interests. Click HERE to return to Table of Contents Q - What will be the IBAS Board’s priorities during your presidency? A - The two priorities I have defined for our Board this year are to pay close attention to protecting the broker/ customer relationship and to protect the value of our brokerage asset. There are many facets to this including how technology can influence our actions in support of these priorities, but will also require us to sustain and continue building our advocacy efforts with insurers and certainly with governments at all levels. Q - What is it like working with the current IBAS Executive, Board and staff? A - Having been on the Board for several years now, I have come to appreciate all the hard work they do not only on behalf of the Directors themselves, but also in keeping the association operating well. We run with a lean crew and each staff member brings a focus and discipline to the job every day. I have been very fortunate to be on an Executive comprised of some very talented individuals. I truly respect their opinion and their work ethic. We’ve been very busy with one major file this past year. The time, effort, and dedication each has given to this process is remarkable and it is a privilege to work along side every one of them. Q - How has your Board involvement benefitted you personally and professionally? A - It is a very rewarding personal experience being able to meet and work with business colleagues from across Canada and US, and to see those experiences turn into valuable friendships. With each seminar or Congratulations Sheldon Wasylenko on your appointment as IBAS President! WINTER 2015 SASKATCHEWAN BROKER 15 Greetings to the new Big Kahuna! Congratulations to Sheldon Wasylenko for making the big splash into IBAS Presidency! Sheldon Wasylenko of Rayner Agencies Congratulations on becoming the new President of the Insurance Brokers’ Association of Saskatchewan! Warm wishes from your friends at SGI CANADA. We look forward to working together. 16 SASKATCHEWAN BROKER WINTER 2015 Click HERE to return to Table of Contents conference I am able to attend, sharing what I’ve learned with our membership at home as well as with other Brokers outside of Saskatchewan is, professionally speaking, very rewarding. Having been on the boards of both IBAS and CSIO, gathering insight to help define and set strategies to help strengthen our broker distribution model is by far the most rewarding experience. After spending over 20 years working within the IT industry, I thought jumping over to the family insurance business would have been a simple move. But, it’s turned out to be anything but simple! As different of a place of work as this was when I first arrived, it wasn’t long before my ‘tech hat’ came back on (or maybe it never came off?) and I was soon immersed with taking my past experiences and applying them in a very new industry, which has been very rewarding. Q - What was your initial ‘Wow, I’m the President’ moment? A - Being able to address our membership for the first time at our AGM was a meaningful moment. Q - What has been the reaction to being elected president from your family and staff members? A - Reaction varied from “Congratulations” to “What took you so long?” Support from family has been ‘over the top’ great. As many will tell you, taking on a role such as this is not always easy given the commitment you make. The time away from family and work is easily the most challenging aspect of any elected role. Fortunately, the support I have from my wife Carey, my immediate family, and for sure our team at work, has given me the opportunity to step forward this year and know that everything on ‘home base’ will be well cared for. Q - What was your reaction to being named the recipient of the J.D. Thacker Award? A - It was – in one word – shock. I was very humbled to have been nominated and awarded this honour. Having spent over two decades working in the IT industry, it almost seemed that the knowledge I gained during this time was to be nothing more than a precursor or a stepping stone to be applied elsewhere. And what better place to apply it than in this industry? The opportunities seemed endless which, I guess, is why I seemed to have developed a great passion for doing what I can to better our industry. This award truly came as a surprise and one that I will fondly cherish. Q - How do you enjoy spending time away from the office and the boardroom? A - I definitely enjoy traveling with Carey and enjoying new experiences, which would be my #1 choice. When I am home and it’s golf season, I’d definitely say my interests funnel me over to the golf course in a hurry. Also, I would never say ‘no’ to a great gourmet meal. Q - What message would you like to get across to the IBAS membership? A - As I get the opportunity to meet and talk with members here in Saskatchewan and across the country, one of the most rewarding experiences for me has been seeing brokers Congratulations Sheldon on your IBAS presidency! Hugs from your friends at Peace Hills Insurance PEACEHILLSINSURANCE.COM Click HERE to return to Table of Contents WINTER 2015 SASKATCHEWAN BROKER 17 Movie: Movie? Hmm, I can’t honestly remember the last one I even watched. TV Show: That’s an easy one. It’s whatever my spouse Carey is watching. What she enjoys watching is good enough for me to watch, too, apparently! (L-R) Traci Wasylenko, Shawn Wasylenko, Sheldon Wasylenko, Carey Yarmovich, Natalie Wasylenko & Norbert Wasylenko. embrace technology to further their own business goals. We know how fast technology advances and those advances eventually play a role in what we do and how we live. Technology is nothing but an enabler – a means to an end. The success of our distribution model is based on solid principles that have worked very well for us over the years. Now, it’s simply a matter of finding new tools and applying them to achieve the same end. As the old saying goes, ‘if the only tool you have is a hammer then every problem starts to look like a nail.’ I want to encourage our membership to play with and explore these new tools, and apply them in ways that make sense in their place of business. Book: Finding a long enough stretch of time to enjoy a great book has been a challenge recently, which is my excuse for resorting to my two favourite magazine subscriptions: Harvard Business Review and Opimian (yes, I can’t get enough good wine info). Hobby: Golf, and more golf. PRESIDENTIAL ‘FAVES’: What is your favourite … Beverage: Wine – of the Italian or Napa Valley kind! Meal: I’d have to say a good ‘ol fashioned steak – filet mignon bone-in. Holiday Destination: If I had to make a quick return trip somewhere that I truly enjoyed, it would be the Secrets Resort in the Riviera Maya – in a heartbeat! Music: Smooth Jazz – it’s very relaxing and reminds me of being in a lounge enjoying a nice wine before dinner. Also Pop – it keeps me young! Sports Team (next to the ‘Riders): This may not qualify as a ‘team’ per se but it would be the Rider Cup squad … or Team Canada. Est. 1948 NEW IBAS PRESIDENT Sheldon Wasylenko Saskatchewan Mutual Insurance would like to congratulate Sheldon and wish him all the best during his term as President of IBAS Sheldon Wasylenko on your recent Succession to IBAS President From your friends, colleagues and staff 18 SASKATCHEWAN BROKER WINTER 2015 Auto Commercial Habitational Farm Click HERE to return to Table of Contents IBAS Members and Clients now have access to Mayo Clinic medical expertise for only $8 per month! THIS IS NOT YOUR TYPICAL GROUP BENEFITS PROGRAM MyCare is designed to COMPLIMENT EXISTING PLANS, safeguard your clients, and earn you some additional commission. This is NOT AVAILABLE ANYWHERE ELSE and no other programs compare! MyCare Health Benefit Option $8 per month may sound to good to be true...but it isn't! MyCare HBO offers immediate access to medical expertise and services for serious illness or major orthpedic concerns* which includes: - initial diagnosis assistance - full medical file review - diagnostics such as MRI, CT, PET/CT - no deductibles or co-payments - medical second opinions - specialist assessments - covers the entire family - no medical exam or questions Also, MyCare HBO members are eligible to purchase on-site treatment or surgery at Mayo Clinic within 60 days of enrolment at attractive group rates without any medical exam or deductibles! What's in it for you!? Enrol yourself, your co-workers and clients in a program that simply does not exist anywhere else in Canada, feel good about knowing that they don't ever have to be placed on a wait list and earn commission! Ask us for details! *Subject to a pre-existing condition clause MyCare: Medical Services provided by Mayo Clinic "The best interest of the patient is the only interest to be considered" William J. Mayo - 1910 Connect with MyCare at: 1-877-497-9495 or *Pre-existing condition means a condition for which medical care, treatment, services, medication, diagnosis, diagnostic test or consultation prior to the Insured Person’s effective date of coverage or prior to the effective date of any benefit that is added to existing coverage. Major exclusions include congenital conditions, chronic conditions, related medical conditions and bariatric surgery. P&C Insurance. One big picture. A great many pieces. 2015 IBAC Full Partners SUPPORTER: SGI Canada Participants: Lloyd’s Underwriters, Pafco, Aviva, Northbridge The Insurance Brokers Association of Canada is acutely aware of the importance of the highly effective fit between our 35,000 brokers and our insurer partners in solving the insurance issues of literally millions of Canadians. Every day. We pride ourselves on our professionalism, our integrity and our compassionate service – exactly the virtues and values we seek, and find, in the many Canadian insurance companies with whom we enjoy such a fulfilling and successful Proud Supporter of Brokers Displaying this Symbol partnership. For this, we thank you. THANK YOU SPONSORS Craig Kelman & Associates 22 Kanuka Thuringer LLP Independent Financial Services Ltd. Western Surety Company Click HERE to return to Table of Contents THANK YOU EXHIBITORS IBAS would like to thank the following Exhibitors who participated in this year’s Trade Show. Allianze Global Assistance Applied Systems Canada APRIL Canada Inc. AVIVA Bank of Montreal Beacon Underwriting Ltd. Blue Goose Boiler Inspection & Insurance Company BrokerCore Inc. ClaimsPro CSIO Custom Software Solutions Inc. DAS Canada E-djuster Inc. ENCON Group Inc. FIRST Insurance Funding of Canada Frank Cowen Company General Insurance Ombudservice Group Medical Services iA Financial Group Insurance Institute of Saskatchewan K & K Insurance Canada Keal Technology Lydale Construction (1983) Co. Ltd. Milnco Insurance Morgex Hole in One Pacific Marine Underwriting Managers PAL Insurance Brokers Canada Ltd. Paul Davis Systems Rainbow International Restoration Restorex Disaster Restoration SGI Canada Saskatchewan Blue Cross Saskatoon Fire and Flood ServiceMaster Restore SNAP Premium Finance South Western Group Special Risk Insurance Managers Ltd. SPECS Limited Stage2Data Inc. Success Office Systems SwissRe/Corporate Solutions The Guarantee Co. of North America Click HERE to return to Table of Contents Totten Insurance Group Trans Canada Insurance Marketing Inc. TuGo Winmar Property Restoration Specialists Wynward Insurance Group Zywave WE ARE THE COMPLEX LOSS EXPERTS WE SERVE YOU BETTER 18 OFFICES COAST TO COAST SPECS provides the insurance industry with expert, impartial, and comprehensive structural consultation. Our customers benefit from: precise valuation of damages, accurate reserves, a reduction in claim cycle times and enhanced claimant satisfaction. You can trust SPECS for pre- and post-loss consultation with any residential, commercial, industrial, or CAT claim. And now we provide the same great expertise for contents, and large technical claims. Ethics - Excellence - Value - Teamwork 866-333-0803 | 2015 ©All rights reserved. Specialized Property Evaluation Control Services Limited 23 Your specialty mga PAL thanks our valued Saskatchewan Brokers! Hospitality programs Host Liquor & Special Event Liability Weddinguard Server Liability Performer Liability Event Planners Caterer Liability Exhibitor/Vendor & Kiosk Liability contingency programs Event Cancellation/Non-appearance Prize Indemnity UniqUe property coverages Contents in Storage ATM, VLT & Vending Machines Miscellaneous Property automatic rates and instant policy issuance available for most pal products online! Click HERE to return to Table of Contents 25 26 Click HERE to return to Table of Contents The Wawanesa Select Series Office | Salon | Realty | Retail | Professional | Wholesale Designed for business owners, the Select Series provides comprehensive commercial product packages with optional coverages offered at an exceptional value. Contact your Wawanesa Insurance representative to learn about our innovative solutions. AUTO | HOME | BUSINESS | FARM | LIFE AND GROUP NEW SEASON UPDATE The partnership between the Western Hockey League and the members of the four western insurance broker associations continues to improve and grow. Now there will be even more opportunities for eligible member brokers to use their clients’ love of hockey to talk about broker value. Here’s what the program includes: • Insurance Goal of the Game – In our third season, brokers continue to sponsor the Insurance Goal of the Game in all WHL games in Western Canada. Often assuring victory for a team that was in the lead, insurance goals scored at WHL games are announced as sponsored by “your local insurance broker.” • Weekly “Goals Of The Game” highlight package – The website features a link to weekly goal highlights. The video links are also available for distribution to insurance brokers who wish to play the same weekly highlight video on their websites or on their office monitors. • Player Safety Initiatives – The WHL has produced a series of Equipment Safety Videos available on the website. There is also a corresponding Equipment Safety Manual available for download there as well as association websites. This initiative helps protect kids and aligns well with the broker role as advisor in ways to reduce risk. • Hockey In Your Office – Bring the WHL action into your brokerage with exciting point-of-sale items: weekly video clips, a WHL jersey contest and grand prize trip for two to the 2016 MasterCard Memorial Cup. Get involved by posting the WHL/BIPPER window decal and pass out the safety information to interested hockey organizations and broker customers. PLAYER SAFETY PROGRAM N CE S T N E M EQU I P T EQU I PMAENN UAL New for 2015-2016 season, the WHL’s Player Safety Program includes WHL and young amateur players demonstrating the proper fit for hockey apparel and equipment. Hosted by Saskatoon Blades Assistant GM Steve Hildebrand, the videos and accompanying Equipment Safety Manual show families the safe way to fit and wear hockey gear. Brokers can help pass these safety and risk-management messages on to junior and amateur hockey groups in their communities. L A U N A M SA FET Y SA FET Y M f s. Safe Play Your Guide To L.CA ldebrand, mundrud. n Chambers. The complete series of videos are hosted at and are a must for the new hockey family just venturing out to outfit a young player or for parents upgrading their child’s equipment. The video series also has a complete section designed for upcoming goaltenders that stress the proper way to stay safe on the ice. . ghts Reserved n. sent is forbidde I B A M • I B A S • I B A A • I B A B C PROVINCIAL INITIATIVES CONTESTS The partnership also creates an opportunity to bring fan loyalty into your brokerage and reward your customers’ loyalty. The WHL Jersey Contest features a draw for a WHL team jersey of your choice. Then it gets exciting as the jersey winner from each brokerage will be entered into a provincial draw for the grand prize trip for two including accommodation and expenses to the 2016 MasterCard Memorial Cup in Red Deer, Alberta. IBAM IBAM and its member brokers have long been supporters of the Manitoba Junior Hockey League (MJHL) and Manitoba professional & minor hockey in general. Brokers are involved at every level – from coaching their kid’s teams to being sponsors of local teams, arenas and annual tournaments – MB brokers are ever present in their communities. Olivia Doerksen, P: 204 488 1857 Other programs in the works include complete player equipment packages courtesy of the WHL and Reebok. Keep in touch with your provincial association office for more. IBAS VIDEO HIGHLIGHTS IBAS is proud to support both the WHL and SJHL. We’ve expanded our partnership with the SJHL to sponsor the Top Defenseman of the Year Trophy, which ties into the concept of ‘protection’. Members will have more opportunity to get involved locally in both campaigns this season. Watch for further details. Lisa Schill, P: 306 525 4080 Insurance Goal Of The Game is an event that happens nearly every night in arenas across Western Canada. Weekly goal highlights are then uploaded to Use the link to bring the highlights from WHL games to display on your office monitors. Customers can watch the highlight goal-scoring of the week while in your waiting area. IBAA Returning again to sponsor the Mac’s AAA Midget’s Tournament, IBAA brokers are a proud, visible presence at hockey games - from the local to the national arenas. Before the WHL Insurance Goal of the Game, IBAA participated in the AJHL Goal of the Game. IBAA, P: 780 424 3320 OUR SPONSOR IBABC The western provincial Insurance Goals Program for 2015-16 has received another tremendous assist from Wawanesa Insurance. Its support has allowed the associations to expand their involvement in the WHL program to include the new Player Safety Program as well as more grassroots hockey initiatives in every corner of the each province. This collaboration continues to set higher goals to promote the broker channel. The support of Wawanesa Insurance and more than 2000 member broker offices is the insurance goal that assures a win for all. BC brokers have strongly aligned themselves with hockey over the past decades. From appearing on Stanley Cup Playoffs and gold-medal Olympic Games to members’ support of amateur teams at their local rinks, BC brokers have always been right there. Gillian Blore, P: 604 606 8011 Thank you, Wawanesa Insurance. I B A M • I B A S • I B A A • I B A B C IBAS EDUCATION IBAS Congratulates Education Graduates CAIB GRADS The Canadian Accredited Insurance Broker (CAIB) program is specifically designed for P&C insurance brokers and provides formal, fundamental insurance knowledge that will help develop business competency and enhance career opportunities. It is comprised of four extensive courses of general insurance studies pertaining to Personal Lines, Commercial Lines and Brokerage Management. The CAIB designation carries with it the responsibility to continue the process of ongoing professional development. The Class of 2015 consisted of 54 members who successfully completed the program and earned the right to use the coveted CAIB designation. The graduates were recognized at the Awards Luncheon held at the IBAS Convention in Saskatoon in October, where they received their certificates and lapel pins. Each year IBAS presents an award to the CAIB graduate who achieves the highest academic standing. This year’s recipient was Russell Siebert of Southey Agencies Inc. in Southey. He received a plaque and a $500 cheque in recognition of his accomplishment. Congratulations Russell! Disaster Clean-up & Construction Services WHEN DISASTER STRIKES Call Lydale, one of Western Canada’s most trusted disaster clean-up and restoration specialists Saskatoon Regina 1-877-333-9444 Prince Albert 1-877-333-9442 Edmonton 1-866-457-1200 1-877-959-3253 Calgary 1-877-844-1200 30 SASKATCHEWAN BROKER WINTER 2015 PHOTO CAPTIONS: TOP LEFT: Russell Siebert receives CAIB Award from IBAS President Dave Nussbaumer and IBAC Past President Stephan Bernatchez. TOP RIGHT: Congratulations 2015 CAIB Grads Front Row (L-R): Janelle Catherwood; Nicole Friesen; Ella Kemps; Charmaine Wudrick; Deanna Cole; Anita Bencharski; Colleen Statler; Pier-Luc Doyon; Megan Kaytor; Orla Ni Loideain. Second Row: Lori Harrison; Crystal Erber; Larry Gera; Jessica Yelland; Katelyn McCracken; Will Smith; Rosella Harms; Jena-Le Brad; Derra Froess; Jeannine Opseth; Caroline Blight; Candise McGonigal; Karen Russill; Traci-Lynn Yelle. Third Row: Michael Thorley; Nicole Yanoshewski; Christina Pylypchuk; Debbie Mushanski; Tara Fraser; Pamela Mechor; Arun Masand; Lorrine Kessler; Nicole Ruiter; Alicia Sentes. Back Row: Karen Foulds; Gregory Ballek; Landon Armstrong; Tyler Treso; Russell Siebert; Krista Schroeder; Cam Berner; Kimberley Schneider. Missing: Bailey Althouse; Melissa Baback; Deana Clark; Colleen Crowther; Benjamin Douan; Allyssa Duck; Mark Gottselig; Janine Heal; Stephen McDonald. Click HERE to return to Table of Contents IBAS EDUCATION IBAS scholarship awarded VISIT US ONLINE IBAS is a strong supporter of youth and education and has a long history of promoting enhanced professional standards in the insurance industry. As such, IBAS is proud to present a $1,000 scholarship to the child of an IBAS member who is a Saskatchewan resident, graduating from high school and entering his/her first year of postsecondary studies. This year, the IBAS Scholarship was awarded to Hayley Johnston, daughter of Gena Johnston of Walter Agencies Ltd. in Rosthern. Hayley maintained a strong academic standing while participating in numerous extra-curricular activities. While attending high school, she volunteered her time with numerous organizations and was also employed by Walter Agencies. She certainly demonstrates the type of character that IBAS is proud to encourage and support. Hayley is currently enrolled at the University of Saskatchewan. Professional, Excellence, Success. CPIB Program The Canadian Professional Insurance Broker (CPIB) is a senior designation program specifically designed to elevate the knowledge of Property and Casualty Insurance Brokers. The CPIB is a university level course with strict admission prerequisites set at either the CAIB or CIP designation. Elevate Your Career. Click HERE to return to Table of Contents The CPIB has three distinct streams: Personal Lines, Commercial Lines, and Broker Management. To earn the designation, brokers must complete six courses (three mandatory and three elective). Upon completion, successful candidates will be awarded the nationally recognized professional designation CPIB. Please contact IBAS for more information. 306-525-5900 Canadian Professional Insurance Broker (CPIB) WINTER 2015 SASKATCHEWAN BROKER 31 The best way to be the best you can be is to learn from the best. So you're a broker. Congratulations – you are a member of a fulfilling and highly regarded profession, with no doubt a long and successful career ahead of you. Smart brokers – of whatever age, and no matter their years of experience – will always be seeking to improve themselves, to hone their skills, to serve their customers and their brokerages ever more efficiently and effectively. After all, the only good time to rest on your laurels is when you've retired from the business. Which is why the Professional Development programs available from your local insurance brokers association are designed to provide ongoing quality education as a key to building successful careers. This unrivalled path of continuous learning has been developed by the best brokers for brokers who want to be their best. Building from the Fundamentals of Insurance, through core courses such as CAIB, through to university level programs like CPIB and the Online Broker MBA and H.B.Com, with many specialist courses – such as Professional Selling, Producer Academy and more – available in parallel, each step is a step in the right direction: up. So, consider your options. Stay where you are and get left behind. Or step up to the plate and be the best you can be. The best educators are waiting for you. For more information, contact your local insurance brokers association. Aurora Underwriting Services Inc. A Truly Independent MGA with no Retail or International Affiliations. Contact For Quotes/Information or Questions Nona McCreedy – Lyndsay Rankin – John McCreedy – Toll Free: 1-866-328-1314 Commercial Property, CGL’s, Umbrella’s, Excess Liability, Cargo, Excess Cargo, High Value Homes, Farms, Fine Arts, Contractors Equipment, Trip Transit, Errors & Omissions, Directors & Officers, COC’s, Kidnap & Ransom, Environmental Impairment, Stand Alone Crime Cover, Stand Alone Equipment Breakdown. WWW.AURORAUNDERWRITING.COM Congratulations to Henderson Insurance Celebrating 50 years of success! At Aviva, we work with brokers like Henderson Insurance to provide customers with the right coverage based on their needs. We’re proud of our history together and look forward to many more years of serving the community. Insurance | Home | Auto | Leisure & Lifestyle | Business Aviva and the Aviva logo are trademarks used under license by the licensor. MC-15-1202-Henderson Insurance- 50th Anniversary- SK Broker.indd 1 2015-11-16 10:27 AM Congratulations Henderson Insurance on your 50th anniversary! Warm wishes from your friends at SGI CANADA. Here’s to many more years of working together. 34 SASKATCHEWAN BROKER WINTER 2015 Click HERE to return to Table of Contents 50th anniversary for Henderson Insurance B eing in business for 50 years is an incredible feat for any enterprise. When the industry in which that business exists – in this case, general insurance with all its economic downturns, mergers, acquisitions and other vagaries – that feat is even more special. The significance of 50 years in business is certainly not lost on the team at Henderson Insurance Inc. and spokesman Dave Reidy, President and CEO. “We are honoured to be celebrating 50 years in business,” Reidy tells Saskatchewan Broker. “Insurance is a ‘people’ business and we have been very fortunate to have had great people working with us as customers, and for us as employees.” Dave Reidy, President THE HISTORY In 1965, Frank Reidy purchased a small brokerage in Moose Jaw with a plan to grow the business while at the same time helping the people and businesses in the community by offering advice around the management of risk. Two years later, in 1967, Frank formed Henderson Hail Agencies Ltd., strategically located in the middle of Saskatchewan’s farming belt. Frank grew Henderson Insurance through the ‘60s, ‘70s and ‘80s, establishing branches for a period of time in Regina, Calgary, Winnipeg and Saskatoon. In the 1980s, the next generation of the Reidy clan began joining the firm. Greg Reidy signed on in 1984 after graduating with a B.Sc. from the University of Regina. He was instrumental in leading the company’s IT initiative over the next few years. He assumed the role of President and CEO in 1995. Also during this time, family matriarch Giv Reidy, having been a homemaker while raising the children, decided it was time to join the operation and worked in the office for the next 15 years, contributing much to the culture of the brokerage with her winning personality and keen eye for office efficiency. In 1990, Rick Smith joined Henderson Insurance after a successful career with a direct writing insurance company. Rick brought a different approach to sales that has become the foundation for the growth culture that Henderson enjoys today. Currently, he is Senior Vice President of Henderson Insurance. Late in the ‘90s, Dennis Reidy and David Reidy joined the Henderson team after careers in teaching and coaching. They brought with them skills in program and team building, culture nourishment, planning, accountability and leadership. In 1998, Frank sold the brokerage to Greg, Dennis, Rick and David. This ownership structure remains intact today. The next seven years was marked by great growth as the company was exposed to a variety of new industry segments from farm equipment dealers to non-profits to ski hills to auto dealers to manufacturers. The main segment of their business, however, remained in the Commercial Construction industry due to the brokerage’s expertise in the handling of Contract Surety Bonding. In September 2004, Dave became President and CEO as Greg moved over to help Dennis grow Henderson Click HERE to return to Table of Contents Rick Smith, Sr. Vice President Hail Agencies. The next five years featured tremendous growth throughout Henderson Insurance. During this time, the brokerage acquired Jordan Ewart Insurance in Regina, giving the enterprise a much sought after location in the capital city. Today, Henderson Insurance Inc.’s book of business is 75% Commercial and 25% Personal. It employs 30 people in its Moose Jaw head office and Regina branch. BUSINESS PHILOSOPHY Asked if the company followed a specific business philosophy in its rise to prominence, Dave Reidy says, “Around 2005, we wrote down our core values (see Sidebar), a set of beliefs we had been following since the brokerage opened its doors. They boil down to putting our clients first and bringing to them solutions that are much more than the insurance product – a value that extends beyond insurance. To accomplish this, each and every individual at Henderson Insurance must be committed to constantly learning – about our industry, about our clients and about ourselves!” Dave states that this commitment to lifelong learning is a trait they look for WINTER 2015 SASKATCHEWAN BROKER 35 Henderson Insurance receiving its 50-Year Broker Award from SGI. (L-R) Minister of SGI, the Hon. Don McMorris; Dave Reidy; Frank Reidy; Rick Smith; Dennis Reidy; Greg Reidy, and President of SGI, Andrew Cartmell when hiring and, at the same time, has been a marvelous selling feature in attracting quality people to the brokerage. THE PEOPLE Dave gives full credit to his parents (Frank and the late Giv) for instilling the values in their children that served them well in the business arena. ‘100 Years of Henderson Insurance’ at Colette Delwo’s retirement celebration: (L-R) Patti Wilson (24 years), Mike Hudey (21 years), Colette Delwo (30 years) and Rick Smith (26 years) “We didn’t have to learn how to treat our customers,” he says. “It came naturally because that was how we were brought up to deal with people in general – treat people the way you wish to be treated.” This manner of treating customers attracts ‘people first’ employees who tend to remain with the company for many years. “Last month, we Half a century of success. Congratulations to Henderson Insurance Inc. on celebrating their 50 year anniversary in the insurance industry. You should be proud of your accomplishement! The BIP logo is a registered trademark of the Insurance Brokers Association of Canada (IBAC). All other trademarks are property of Intact Financial Corporation used under license. © 2015 Intact Insurance Company. 36 SASKATCHEWAN BROKER WINTER 2015 celebrated the retirement of Colette Delwo, “ states Dave. “Colette had been with us for 29 years. Also at the celebration were Patti Wilson (25 years) and Mike Hudey (21 years). That tells us we are doing something right as loyalty and dedication like that are rare in this day and age.” Dave says, “We continue to add talented people with diverse skill sets. By doing this we not only strengthen our team, but our value proposition to our clients.” GIVING BACK Team members at Henderson Insurance fervently believe in supporting the community in which they live and work, whether through financial donations or volunteer time. Team members like Tony Dreger, Amy Renneberg and Rochelle Rieken are regular volunteers with local sporting teams and community groups. A couple of years ago, Henderson Insurance made a strong financial commitment to Mosaic Place, the impressive nearby multi-purpose arena that opened its doors in August 2011. More recently, Dave Reidy chaired the Capital Equipment Campaign for the new Dr. F. H. Wigmore Regional Hospital. Incredibly, the campaign smashed its goal by raising over $8 million. Part of the funds raised was a $100,000 donation from the brokerage made in memory of Giv Reidy to the hospital’s state-of-the-art Intensive Care Unit. Click HERE to return to Table of Contents Panel discussion at the most recent Henderson Risk Education Series Event. The brokerage offers these events to the business community twice per year. In this photo four business leaders are participating in a forum discussion on Business Continuity. The company is also a past winner of the Moose Jaw Business Excellence Award for Community Service, awarded by the Moose Jaw Chamber of Commerce. THE FUTURE Looking ahead, Dave says the brokerage is focused on “continued growth and improvement.” He adds, “We are starting to diversify our Part of the crowd working through some exercises from the Business Continuity event. Generally, 80-100 business leaders attend these events. Topics have ranged from Business Continuity, Cyber Risk, Hiring for Culture, Emerging Risk, Personal Branding, and more. product offering into risk beyond insurance, offering hazard, business and strategic risk assessments, plans and services. “There are significant challenges ahead for our industry, but with those challenges come opportunities. By being unique and having a diverse team of professionals, we are positioned to give clients what they need.” CONCLUSION Asked to look back on his career and the company’s 50 years in business, Dave Reidy says, “It has been great! We are fortunate to be able to work with great people, both our team and our clients. We are passionate about continuing to grow, and change Henderson Insurance as the landscape changes around us.” Henderson Insurance Inc.’s CORE VALUES Value Our clients are why our organization exists. Results We deliver results interdependently with all the parties that are depending on us. Challenging Goals Challenging visions and goals are vital to our success. Strengths We place people in roles that align with their Strengths and Natural Talents. Life Long Learning Our ongoing development is a critical component of our success as individuals and as a team. Mutual Respect All people play an important role. All of these roles are valued and shall be treated with mutual professional respect. Accountability We know that for us to achieve our Vision, we must be an organization driven by Personal Accountability. Click HERE to return to Table of Contents WINTER 2015 SASKATCHEWAN BROKER 37 BUSINESS ISSUES Matthew Davis, Claims Manager and Mary Ellen Martin, Claims Specialist, Swiss Re Corporate Solutions When at a crossroads – choose wisely H umans are fascinated by the notion of choosing between options. Whether in literature (The Lady or the Tiger?), music (Cross Road Blues) or the simple act of shopping (paper or plastic?), we relish knowing: you can’t have it both ways. That perception is even cast in nature, for example, in Heisenberg’s ‘Uncertainty Principle,’ which concludes that you can never simultaneously know the exact position and the exact speed of an object. The reasons are complex, but the implications relatively simple: you have to choose between the two and understand the ramifications of your decision. Insurance brokers are no strangers to this concept, as they routinely find themselves at one crossroad or another in the service of their clients. Two paths that, at first glance, seem parallel may, in fact, lead in very different directions. That is absolutely true of deciding between ‘occurrence’ and ‘claims made’ insurance policies. Put simply, the former provides coverage for loss events that occur during the policy year, while the latter provides coverage for claims that are made during the policy year. Though the vast majority of the language contained in the two policies may be identical, a subtle shift in the DNA of one versus the other can lead to very different outcomes. Take it from an E&O professional: they’re not all good. Most coverages tend to be written on one form or the other, but a few can be written on either. Assume, for example, that the claims made policy in place provides ‘full prior acts’ coverage, meaning that if an undiscovered error that happened years ago has finally come to light and a claim is made, it will still be covered even though the policy in place at the time of the mistake has long since lapsed. That’s the beauty of claims made coverage. Click HERE to return to Table of Contents Now the peril: if an unwitting broker gets a quote on replacement coverage, he may well find that his new market offers a surprisingly competitive price. One possible reason: the broker is really good at his job. Another: he failed to note that the replacement policy will switch the insured from ‘claims made’ to ‘occurrence’ coverage, thereby creating a gap in coverage. “Impossible!” the broker proclaims with certainty, “The old policy expired at midnight and the new policy began at 12:01. No gap!” Look again. Where the renewal policy would have continued to provide ‘full prior acts’ coverage for past years of mistakes (so long as they are discovered and a claim is made during that policy period – including some claims for loss events that occur during the policy period), the occurrence policy provides coverage for loss events in the current year, but none for prior years. As a result, the customer is now without coverage for events occurring in prior years, many of which are still within the statute of limitations for civil lawsuits. One remedial option is to purchase a ‘tail’ or an “extended reporting period” on the replaced policy. (This typically has to be done within a short time frame.) Bear in mind, though, that many provincial limitation periods run for two years – and perhaps longer when you consider ‘discovery rules’ that extend the time period for ‘hidden’ errors – so the tail probably should at least match, and probably exceed, all applicable limitation periods. Plus, the cost of such a ‘tail’ will likely be high – often several times the cost of simply renewing the prior policy. Add that to the cost of the new ‘occurrence’ policy and the bargain isn’t nearly as good. The same thing can happen when switching from one claims made policy to a competitor’s. Some claims made policies will include a ‘retro date’ at inception of the first policy that has the effect of barring coverage for any negligent acts/losses in prior years even though no claim has been made. Of course the replacement policy is priced lower: it cuts off years of potential liability, which the renewal policy would continue to cover – an ‘apples and lemons’ comparison if ever there was one. Again, tail coverage is likely available from the current carrier, but that cost really should be added to the would-be replacement policy for a more accurate side-by-side comparison. Finally, switching from to ‘occurrence’ to ‘claims made,’ too, can cause problems. In theory, a series of occurrence policies would provide protection for those prior policy years, with a new claims made replacement policy simply adding to the coverage. What the broker may find, though, is that his customer’s final occurrence policy imposed a time limit on reporting new claims that would not have been an issue had that policy renewed. Couple that with a claims made policy that sets a retro date at policy inception and we’re back to a serious gap in coverage despite the fact the policy periods fit edge to edge with no daylight between. The parting lines of a poem by Robert Frost says, “Two roads diverged in a wood, and I – I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference.” Odds are, far fewer will recall his shrewd opening observation, that “[S]orry I could not travel both and be one traveler, long I stood and looked down one as far as I could…” Frost studied his options carefully before making a choice, as should you. Rest assured, which road you take in offering recommendations between policies will make all the difference for you and, especially, your insured. Choose wisely. WINTER 2015 SASKATCHEWAN BROKER 39 BUSINESS ISSUES Bill Adams, Vice-President, Western and Pacific, Insurance Bureau of Canada Cyber liability – it’s here I was impressed by the theme of this year’s IBAS 2015 Convention in October – Seeing Things Differently. The sessions complemented the Convention’s theme, especially the session addressing how the pace and power of technology is transforming our business, the challenges and opportunities this affords us, and what it all means for the duty of care that brokers owe their clients. Cyber liability falls squarely into this subject of rapid change precipitated by technology. It’s been a hot topic in the news in recent months and years, including some front-page attention last year when hackers stole and released data from the systems of Sony Pictures in protest to the company’s movie The Interview. Other notable recent security breach cases include: • The loss of a thumb drive containing personal information by an Ontario nurse, costing her employer $500,000. • A Canadian bank forced to compensate customers when personal information was accidentally faxed to unauthorized third parties. • A car company sued over a hard drive that went missing. Other than Sony Pictures, all these events occurred in Canada, and there are many others. Cyber risk is growing and takes many forms, and no organization – big or small – is immune. As with any emerging risk, cyber liability presents both an opportunity and a challenge for insurance companies and their broker partners. Is your brokerage ahead of the curve? Do you have the expertise to offer advice and solutions to your commercial clients? Also, what about your own business? Do you know if your own security risks are protected? Cyber insurance is one of the fastest growing areas of insurance, both in terms of availability and uptake. It has evolved a fair bit over the past couple decades. In the 1990s, some court decisions found that certain types of cyber risks were covered under a CGL. In response, some insurers began excluding electronic data under the CGL, opening the door for cyber coverage to be available as a standalone policy or an endorsement. Initially, the product was mostly suitable for large, sophisticated clients, but over the years insurers developed policies suitable for small and mid-sized organizations. Currently about 30 insurers offer a cyber liability insurance solution. The scope of the coverage varies by policy, but coverage can include indemnity for costs resulting from: • Notifying customers in the event of a breach • Hiring a computer forensic investigator to determine precisely what data was lost or damaged • Credit monitoring services for a specified period • Privacy lawyer or consultant. • Crisis management • Regulatory fines • Loss of business income The move towards government mandated mandatory breach reporting plays a significant role in defining the scope of this exposure. In the US, 46 states have mandatory breach reporting laws. Wherever such laws exist, class action lawsuits increase. In Canada, Alberta is the only province with its own mandatory breach Special Events Coverage For all your social, entertainment, business, sporting and holiday events! 40 Beacon SK Broker Qtr page banner - Events Oct 2015.indd 1 SASKATCHEWAN BROKER WINTER 2015 11/2/2015 12:33:09 PM Click HERE to return to Table of Contents BUSINESS ISSUES reporting laws, but it’s safe to assume the rest of the country will follow suit. And, the federal government has passed Bill S-4, which amends the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act to impose mandatory notification and reporting obligations of data breaches to the Privacy Commissioner, affected individuals and potentially other organizations under prescribed circumstances. The bill is passed, but hasn’t taken effect yet. As breach reporting obligations increase, expect a sharp spike in interest in cyber insurance from commercial clients large and small. We’re all still learning about this emerging risk. In a recent news report, Robert Hartwig, President of the Insurance Information Institute said: “This is like insuring aircraft in 1915 – there’s a lot more we don’t know than we do at this point. And I think part of this involves developing expertise, developing databases that help us understand the nature of these attacks.” As we go through this learning process, brokers are on the front lines, handling questions from commercial clients with (understandably) rising concerns and interest in what our industry can offer them. Forward thinking brokerages are already building their knowledge so they can offer tailored solutions to suit their clients’ needs. At the same time, it’s important to make sure your own shop is protected. Financial businesses, being in possession of personal and sensitive information, are especially vulnerable; even more so if you use e-commerce as a method of distribution, or if you have employees who carry around devices that could contain sensitive information. The potential costs, not insignificantly, also include reputational damage. A study by the Canadian Privacy Commissioner found that 71% of Canadians believe that protection of personal information will be one of the most important issues facing Canadians in the next 10 years, and 97% said they want to be informed in the event of a breach. In other words, customers expect privacy and have low tolerance for those who fail to deliver. There are a number of things you can do to protect your business: using Click HERE to return to Table of Contents encryption on mobile storage devices, employee training, assigning someone to be in charge of cyber protection, etc. A critical first step is to know your risks. To this end, the Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions has developed a useful tool: the Cyber Security Self-Assessment Guide. It’s voluntary, designed with federally registered financial institutions in mind, but can be used by any business as a starting point to evaluate existing risks and the quality of protections now in place. Consider using OSFI’s guide yourself. Also, consider recommending it to clients. Whether or not you use the OSFI guide as your starting point, it’s important to be proactive. Cyber liability is only going to grow, as a risk and as an opportunity. The smart move is to act now to ensure your business does not suffer the costly consequences of a security breach, and, at the same time, to take advantage of this rapidly growing area of business. Our Expertise. Your Advantage. Acquirer of Choice: HUB International is looking for partners who want the opportunity to grow and manage in an entrepreneurial environment that provides exceptional operational support. Why do so many insurance brokerages choose HUB? One reason is that we understand that acquisitions are combinations of people, so we pay close attention to make sure the culture fits. We feel that the people and culture are just as important as the financials. For more information: Keith Jordan, President & CEO 5th Floor, 1661 Portage Avenue Winnipeg, MB R3J 3T7 Phone: (204) 988-4791 Insurance Services WINTER 2015 SASKATCHEWAN BROKER 41 BUSINESS ISSUES Wendy M. Linnell-Ross, Commercial Account Manager, Commercial Banking, BMO Bank of Montreal, Saskatoon Broker privacy I dentity theft represents one of the most troubling results of privacy breaches; this kind of fraud has affected thousands of Canadians. This is of particular concern for insurance brokers, with the privacy of confidential information becoming increasingly important in client – broker relationships. In the normal course of their business, brokers receive key personal and business data that must be protected – a privacy breach can cause significant and long-term harm to both a customer and to the broker given the loss of trust. Brokers, like any business that collects personal information, can take the lead in stemming the rise of identity theft – helping their clients and protecting their own reputation and profits at the same time. It’s essential for them to develop a comprehensive plan to protect their clients’ personal information. It’s not just the right thing to do – it’s the law. As well, knowing what personal information you have in your possession, and what you are doing with it, is fundamental to protection of that information. Fortunately for brokers, useful resources are available to help them comply with the law and protect their clients’ information. Canada’s Office of the Privacy Commissioner suggests following a number of measures. First, limit the amount of information you collect. Not only does collecting less information reduce the potential damage from a breach, it also lowers the costs from collecting, storing, retaining and archiving data. Next, limit the amount of time you retain the information. There’s no need to keep a client’s information beyond ALL INSURANCE CLAIMS WELCOME DISASTER RESTORATION SPECIALISTS FREE ASSESSMENTS 24 HOUR EMERGENCY SERVICE EMERGENCY WATER & SEWER REMOVAL WATER, SEWER, FIRE & SMOKE DAMAGE RESTORATION • Emergency Water Removal & Restoration • Contents Cleaning and Restoration • Drying Equipment Rentals • Fire & Smoke Damage Cleanup & Restoration 306-522-3350 42 SASKATCHEWAN BROKER WINTER 2015 Click HERE to return to Table of Contents BUSINESS ISSUES what’s necessary for your purposes. Make sure you have guidelines and procedures for retention and destruction of personal information. It’s also important to ensure client information is protected against loss or theft. This requires brokerages have a security policy, prevent unauthorized access, disclosure, copying, use or modification, lock paper files and computers, and maintain areas with restricted access and alarm systems. Encrypt all computerized records, whether they are on computers, networks or remote access devices. Educate your employees so that they know the procedures and how to follow them. Brokers must also ensure they have good authentication processes. If someone claims to be a particular customer, the broker needs to be able to authenticate that the customer is who he or she claims to be. In a financial business like insurance, where a customer may wish to obtain sensitive records, such processes are critical. This can be a difficult task; the creation of an authentication process that’s too rigorous or asks unnecessary questions can be too intrusive in and of itself. Create a process that’s appropriately designed given the sensitivity of the particular information and the risks associated with it. Despite our best efforts, data breaches can still occur. Brokers need to have a plan ready to implement if the worst happens and a breach takes place. In particular, you must tell those affected as soon as possible. This is most important in a situation where there’s a risk of identity theft or some other kind of harm. Notification should include the following information: • A list of the type of personal information disclosed; • An assessment of the risk of identity theft as a result of the breach; • A description of the measures taken or that will be taken to prevent further unauthorized access to personal information; • Contact information for affected individuals to obtain more information and assistance; and • Information and advice on what individuals can do to protect themselves against identity theft and fraud. What’s more, a broker must be prepared to provide assistance to all those affected by the breach. This assistance can include paying for credit monitoring. Of course, such a breach may be the result of a crime. In the case of a breach where theft is suspected, contact police immediately. As well, if there’s a risk of identity fraud, you should also contact credit reporting agencies. Finally, be sure you notify the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada whenever there is any kind of breach involving personal information. Brokers are gatekeepers for the privacy of client information. Their efforts to safeguard personal data are critical to the safety of their clients and the reputation of their own businesses and the industry at large. At BMO Bank of Montreal, we’re here to help your brokerage succeed. Our comprehensive Insurance Broker Program has the tools you need to achieve your goals. • Specialized lending1 • Innovative cash management services • Tailored deposit solutions, such as BMO DepositEdgeTM cheque scanning technology • Financing solutions for succession planning, and more Your bottom line is top of mind. To learn how the BMO® Insurance Broker Program can help your bottom line, contact National Industry Programs at 1-877-629-6262 or by email at 1 Subject to meeting Bank of Montreal’s usual credit granting criteria. Trademarks of Bank of Montreal. TM/® Click HERE to return to Table of Contents WINTER 2015 SASKATCHEWAN BROKER 43 PRIVACY IS GOOD BUSINESS 81% of those Canadians surveyed indicate they would choose to do business with a company specifically because it has a good reputation for privacy practices. As we all know, trust is a critical component of a broker’s relationship with their customers. Customers trust their broker to provide professional insurance advice tailored to their needs and to maintain a high degree of discretion, keeping the customer’s sensitive personal information confidential. The Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada recently released its 2014 annual report, which shows a record number of written submissions about privacy matters, including 44 voluntary reports of data breaches. More than one-third (16) of the breaches reported in 2014 originated from organizations in the financial sector, followed by the Internet sector (seven) and the insurance sector (six). Together, these three sectors accounted for nearly two-thirds of all breaches reported. The majority of these incidents were the result of either theft or unauthorized access to personal information by unidentified third parties or by employees or former employees. Breaches in privacy and confidentiality come with serious consequences on several fronts. Consequences may include lawsuits, financial penalties, loss of customer trust, reputational damage to the brokerage and to the insurer, suspension of the broker licence and General Insurance Council fines. In the case of motor licence issuing business, breaches of privacy could also mean suspension from accessing Saskatchewan’s Auto Fund System (SAM) or conducting motor licence issuing business. Recent amendments to the Personal Information and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA) in June 2015 have changed the privacy environment for Brokers. Two key changes are noted: 1. Amendments to the legislation have increased the burden on brokers and insurers to ensure that a customer understands how their personal information will be collected, used and disclosed. In all cases, consent must be fully informed, meaning the individual must “understand the nature, purpose and consequence of the collection, use and disclosure of the personal information to which they are consenting.” 44 SASKATCHEWAN BROKER WINTER 2015 2. There is now mandatory privacy breach reporting to both the Canadian Privacy Commissioner and the individual whose information is breached if “it is reasonable in the circumstances to believe that the breach creates a real risk of significant harm to the individual.” Brokers who breach a customer’s privacy will now be required to report on these incidents. Significant harm is defined as “bodily harm, humiliation, damage to reputation or relationships, loss of employment, business or professional opportunities, financial loss, identity theft, negative effects on the credit record and damage to or loss of property.” Mandatory breach reporting is also required in Alberta. One may look to that jurisdiction for some direction when considering whether reporting is required. Another current development in the field of privacy is the recent acceptance by the Courts of the tort of “intrusion upon seclusion.” The key case is Jones vs. Tsige [2011] OJ No 1273. This case has resulted in damages being assessed against an employee for snooping even though there was no actual disclosure of the information. The facts in this case are relatively straightforward. Tsige and Jones were bank employees. Tsige accessed Jones’s personal bank account on 174 occasions over a four-year period. Tsige did not disclose any of Jones’s personal information to anyone. When Jones discovered this, she sued Tsige. The Ontario Court recognized a tort of “intrusion upon seclusion” and awarded Jones $10,000 in damages. This case underscores the increasing expectation of consumers that their personal information be kept confidential unless there is a business reason for access. Regulators and legislators continue to support this view. The consequences of inappropriately accessing personal information can be severe. Even where information is not disclosed to a third party, Click HERE to return to Table of Contents TSW Management Services - 1/4 pg vertical magazine ad 3.375 x 4.625” accessing personal information without a business reason exposes your business to both legal and disciplinary action. Earlier this year, a letter was sent by SGI reminding all motor licence issuers of the importance of privacy and the potentially grave impacts of breaches in privacy of Auto Fund customer information. These impacts are far reaching and can be devastating to all parties involved, including the harmed party, the individual accessing the information and the company that holds the information. It is never okay to violate someone’s privacy. Unfortunately, SGI continues to experience situations where these restrictions are not followed, and must take appropriate disciplinary action. Customers trust brokers and issuers to collect, maintain and protect many sensitive pieces of personal information. For the protection of your business, it is important that you and each of your staff are aware of the obligations under PIPEDA, whether handling Auto Fund transactions or insurance policies. SGI has created an eLearning module to educate your staff about privacy obligations and implications, as well as SGI’s policies and expectations. It is available to brokers and issuing staff through eLearning in the Electronic Knowledge Platform (EKP) and provides ½ hour of continuing education credit. This is an important issue and we ask you to ensure you and all staff have training in this area. Together IBAS, SGI, brokers and issuers can ensure that our customers’ information is protected and secure. Complex Commercial Risk Wholesale SPECIALISTS Dave Weinberg CIP Western Regional Manager Direct: 604-678-5405 This article was authored by SGI and approved by IBAS as Toll-free: 1-866-904-8146 • Fax: 604-678-6882 a means reminding brokers about theInsurancewest importance of the 200 - 1177 W Hastings St, Vancouver BC V6E 2K3 File name: of Midwest Claims Publication: Issue: July 2012 privacy within our industry. Size: 1/2issue horizontal Colour: 4C colour Comments: Revise May 2012 in-house production Property | General Liability | Products Liability | Bodily Injury Professional Liability | Medical Malpractice | Heavy Equipment Farm Equipment | Semi Truck Cargo | ATV | Snowmobile Recreational Vehicles | Watercraft REGINA Garrett Schous, CIP 306-533-4784 Rob Johnston 306-529-5365 Curtis Horwath 306-536-4450 Shari Mosthaf, CIP 306-537-8489 Jordan Demarsh 306-533-2546 Darren Kuznitsoff, CIP 306-591-3358 Colin Warnecke, CIP 306-530-3054 Amy Woods 306-550-4444 SASKATOON Lee Dixon 306-361-5285 Jamie Birns 306-361-0020 SWIFT CURRENT Nicole McClelland 306-774-9642 Click HERE to return to Table of Contents REGINA SASKATOON SWIFT CURRENT 2-2072 McIntyre St Regina SK S4P 2R6 Ph 306-522-1656 Fx 306-569-1256 7-1622 Ontario Ave Saskatoon SK S7K 1S8 Ph 306-668-0870 Fx 306-249-4114 317-12 Cheadle St W Swift Current SK S9H 0A9 Ph 306-773-8848 Fx 306-773-8849 DISASTER RESPONSE 24 Hour Emergency Claims 306-533-0732 Midwest Claims Services is an all lines adjusting company serving the province of Saskatchewan. As Saskatchewan’s largest adjusting firm, we are capable of handling any type of loss, big or small, at any time of day. We are available 24 hours a day, 7 days week with comprehensive claims adjusting services. With offices in Regina, Saskatoon and Swift Current, we are able to provide an unmatched level of claims service to insurance companies and brokers across Saskatchewan. We take pride in utilizing a common sense approach to the adjustment of claims while at the same time ultimately striving to be fair to both the insurance underwriters and the clients who suffer the loss. By employing this philosophy in conjunction with the fundamental principles of claims investigations and adjustments, we focus on amicably resolving the issues in the shortest period of time. WINTER 2015 SASKATCHEWAN BROKER 45 Creating Rewarding & Sustainable Careers Competitive Salaries & Full Benefits Leading Industry Training Practices Career Advancement & Growth Opportunities Knight Archer Insurance is expanding and growing. Our independent Insurance Brokerage specializes in personal, commercial, farm, and life insurance. Enhance your career in our diverse and progressive workplace culture. At Knight Archer we are committed to having the best trained and most knowledgeable staff in the industry. Visit to view available positions or submit a general resume. INDUSTRY NEWS Applied Epic’s Canadian user base grows 300% year-over-year Applied Systems has announced that its Applied Epic software user base has increased by approximately 300% year-over-year in the Canadian marketplace. Leading brokers have converted from other brokerage management systems to benefit from the standardized business operations and scalability delivered by Applied Epic. Also, as demand continues to increase for online access, the cloud version of Applied Epic, Applied EpicOnline, has been selected by 90% of new Applied Epic brokerages. Applied Epic provides a single, integrated application for brokerages to manage all of their customer relationships, policy and benefits administration, and financial accounting more efficiently. The system seamlessly integrates other applications and provides scalability for brokerages with multiple, global locations to manage expansion and business growth. Applied Epic delivers a comprehensive view of client information and internal operations through an intuitive user interface, enabling users to make more informed decisions about their business and capitalize quickly on new opportunities. Diane Brickner Invitational raises over $17,000 for charity Peace Hills reported that over 120 golfers enjoyed a much warmer day for the 2nd annual Diane Brickner Invitational this year. The tournament took place on June 15 at the Edmonton Garrison Memorial Golf & Country Club. Slushies were flowing and all attendees had a great time. Participants enjoyed 18 holes of golf, fine food, prizes, challenges, raffles, silent auctions and more food! The tournament was once again in support of Sport Central, an organization that provides new and gently used sports equipment to children in need. Sport Central has served across Canada and, through the generous support of golfers and sponsors, it was able to raise $17,359.25 for the cause. Special thanks to volunteers, golfers, Peace Hills staff and the staff at the Garrison for making this event a success! Trans Canada Insurance Marketing Inc. 807-177 Lombard Ave Winnipeg, Manitoba R3B 0W5 204-925-8276 Fx: 204-925-8279 Gille LeBlanc 514-583-9604 gleblanc@ Remi Pajot 204-925-8274 Peter Harper 204-291-2684 Colette Rezansoff 204-925-8262 crezansoff@ Marli Baluk 204-925-8275 Jim Robinson 204-925-8260 Shelley Tanchak 204-806-8142 Linda Cyrenne 204-806-8074 Marie-Anne Shewchuk 204-925-8272 Chantal Antonakis 204-925-8265 Darla Sinclair 204-925-8261 Deanna Daigneault 204-925-8834 Leigh Rhymer 204-925-8273 Bonnie Penner 204-925-8270 Cortney Partaker 204-925-8836 Tammy Fontaine 204-925-8278 Carolyn Rempel 204-925-8837 Miranda Morden 204-925-8277 Christie Kumar 604-584-9494 Jim Crighton 613-599-5672 Derrick MacLeod 204-390-0991 Mashood Ali 778-372-8246 Cheryl Fortier 604-534-3280 Jenny Di Tomaso 204-799-4048 Randy Buschmann 403-982-0082 rbuschmann@ Donna Morrison 403-982-0082 Shirley Gauthier 450-629-2227 Click HERE to return to Table of Contents WINTER 2015 SASKATCHEWAN BROKER 47 INDUSTRY NEWS Mutual Marauders ride Big Bike for Heart and Stroke On Wednesday, Sept. 23, Red River Mutual staff rode the Big Bike for Heart and Stroke through the streets of Altona to raise funds and awareness for a great cause. The ‘Mutual Marauders’ consisted of 28 riders, which included Red River Mutual staff along with representatives from BSI Insurance and Prairie Insurance Brokers who raised $4,000 in donations. Since 2009, Red River Mutual staff and supporting brokers have raised over $26,500 riding the Big Bike for Heart and Stroke. Thanks to IGA, Sun Valley Co-op, and The Ice Cream Hut for contributing all of the food for the appreciation BBQ after the ride. The Mutual Marauders team is pictured in front of the Red River Mutual head office in Altona, Manitoba. 2015 Aviva Community Fund On Oct. 6, Aviva Canada announced that voting for the 2015 Aviva Community Fund competition was officially open. After a 20-day submission period, the Aviva Community Fund has over 300 fantastic ideas for positive change in communities all across Canada. The ideas each fall within at least one of the three categories: Community Resilience, Community Health, and Community Development, as well as two funding levels: under $50,000 and between $50,000 and $100,000. “With the overwhelming number of submissions we receive each year, it’s clear that there is a need for this type of funding across Canada,” said Debora Hendrickson, Aviva Canada’s Senior VP of Customer & Marketing. “Now we ask all Canadians to help make positive change a reality by voting for the ideas that resonate most with them.” Voting for Aviva Community Fund ideas ended October 23 at 4 pm EST. In prior years, ideas went through two rounds of voting to make it to the finals; this year there was only one round of voting. After the voting round the top 30 vote getters (five from each idea category in the two funding levels) will be evaluated by a panel of judges using criteria such as impact on the community, sustainability, submission quality and creativity. Winners of the Aviva Community Fund will be announced on December 2. CSIO’s mobile map – 62% of Canada’s brokerage lack a mobile-optimized website The Centre for Study of Insurance Operations (CSIO) is pleased to share the results of its research into the implementation of mobileoptimized websites among CSIO member brokerages across Canada. The results have been summarized in an interactive map that illustrates the mobile adoption rates for each province. According to a recent Nielsen study, 40% of the time customers spend viewing insurance content is on mobile devices and one-third of customers consider mobile to be the most important platform for researching insurance information. CSIO has determined that only 38% of brokerages across Canada have a mobileoptimized website. In addition to mobile website adoption rates, the map also provides an analysis of brokerages that have a company website. Surprisingly, 48 SASKATCHEWAN BROKER WINTER 2015 CSIO’s research shows that approximately 18% of brokerages nationally have no website at all. “The importance of having a mobile-optimized web presence cannot be overstated today, as more and more customers are using their mobile devices to shop for insurance,” notes Catherine Smola, CSIO’s President & CEO. “This map provides compelling evidence that there is a significant opportunity for brokers to optimize their websites for mobile, better servicing the online needs of their existing and potential customers.” CSIO will update the map on a yearly basis to track each province’s ongoing adoption of mobile-optimized websites. Visit to view the interactive map and for more educational materials on implementing a mobileoptimized website, including a white paper and video featuring broker case studies. Click HERE to return to Table of Contents INDUSTRY NEWS TIC Travel Insurance Coordinators becomes Allianz Global Assistance Allianz Global Assistance and TIC Travel Insurance Coordinators (TIC), which merged to form one of Canada’s largest providers of travel insurance and assistance in January 2015, officially became one in both name and brand on November 16, 2015. According to Canadian CEO, Daniel Wichels, the rebranding of TIC to Allianz Global Assistance will have positive implications for partners and their customers, as well as for new business prospects. “This rebranding is an important and symbolic milestone in the integration of our recently merged entity,” says Wichels. “Our market presence will be strengthened as a result, thanks to having a unified brand identity across all channels we operate in. It will also improve the consistency of our product and service offerings, presenting existing and new partners with more opportunities to cross-promote our unique travel insurance solutions.” Partners and customers who were previously serviced under TIC will also benefit from the strength of the Allianz brand worldwide. “Allianz routinely ranks among the top brands globally in terms of brand value and recognition,” Wichels continues. “The Allianz name is 125 years old and can be found in all corners of the world, appearing on financial institutions across Europe and Asia, on stadiums in Germany, France, Australia and Brazil, and through sponsorships of major sporting and cultural events. “From a travel insurance perspective, this unparalleled international presence creates a significant advantage, since medical providers worldwide recognize Allianz Global Assistance as a name they can trust. This brand strength and recognition can result in more responsive care in times of need, which is reassuring for both our partners and their customers who travel abroad,” says Wichels. Allianz Global Assistance, which holds longstanding partnerships with many of Canada’s best known travel, financial and insurance brands, completed the transition from TIC to Allianz Global Assistance on November 16, 2015. Swiss Re Canada gets new CEO Swiss Re Canada welcomed a new President and CEO earlier in the year. Veronica Scotti assumed the leadership role effective April 1. Scotti, based in Toronto, was formerly a Swiss Re client executive based in Armonk, NY. Swiss Re Canada’s previous president and CEO, Sharon Ludlow, left the reinsurer last year to become President of Aviva Insurance Company of Canada. As President and CEO of Swiss Re Canada, Scotti reports to Eric Smith, President and CEO of Swiss Re Americas. SNAP introduces E-Signature to insurance premium financing market SNAP Premium Finance ( is the first premium financing company in Canada to provide E-Signature services to brokers as part of the premium financing application process. “The ability for a broker and his/her client to sign financing documents electronically is immensely efficient,” said Kumar Bhaskar, Sr. VP, SNAP Premium Finance. “It means that the last stage of the Premium Finance Agreement, getting it signed, can be completed within seconds. To be able to sign documents from anywhere, on any device, is very helpful for clients who are away from computers. And paperless transactions eliminate the hassle of printing, scanning and faxing or sending documents by courier.” “SNAP’s E-Signature is going to make life much easier for our clients and brokers,” said Tony Click HERE to return to Table of Contents Carlton, CEO, Carlton Insurance Brokers.“ We no longer have to print or scan the premium finance agreement for signatures, making the whole process completely paperless. The result will be a great experience for both our clients and our team.” “We are very excited to start using E-Signature with our clients,” said Mike Ferguson, Account Manager, Commercial Insurance Division, Ogilvy Insurance. “Especially for those who are mobile, such as in transportation; it’ll be great to have the documents signed right away. We appreciate that SNAP delivers innovative technology that makes our job easier.” SNAP’s E-Signature service is securely encrypted and managed in compliance with electronic signature legislation in Canada and the US. WINTER 2015 SASKATCHEWAN BROKER 49 INDUSTRY NEWS Classified Ads BROKERAGE FOR SALE COMMERCIAL LINES BROKER North West Agencies, located in the thriving community of Buffalo Narrows in NW Saskatchewan, is for sale. The owners are eager to sell this turnkey operation which includes the business, building and equipment. Prince Albert Insurance is looking for a Commercial Lines Broker. As the successful candidate, you will use your industry experience and customer service focus to provide superior service to our clients. Your previous sales and customer service experience combined with your ability to adapt and thrive in a fast paced team environment will be essential to success. Please contact: Charlie Seright North West Agencies Box 159 Buffalo Narrows, SK S0M 0J0 P: 306-235-4684 Email: Qualifications: • General insurance level 3 licence • Ability to maintain an existing commercial book of business • Ability to provide exceptional customer service • Talent to grow and develop relationships with our existing clients, new clients, industry related associates and our community • Ability to suggest and implement standardized best practices procedures ATTENTION BROKERS & BROKERAGE OWNERS Use Saskatchewan Broker to promote and build your business! Please reply in confidence to: Ron Wesolowski Prince Albert Insurance 499 - 15th Street East Prince Albert, SK S6V 1G1 Email: Send all “Broker in the Community” submissions and Classified ads to Lisa Schill in the IBAS office: PERSONAL LINES BROKER Galon Insurance & Mortgage Brokers is currently interviewing for a full-time licensed Personal Lines Broker for our Saskatoon locations. We offer the chance to build a long-term career while providing the opportunity for growth and advancement within the company. Duties include Home, Auto, Tenant, Condo, and Travel Insurance, customer service, sales, claims, processing. We offer an attractive salary commensurate with your experience; benefits program; bonus structures; employee appreciation functions; flexible schedule. To be considered for the position, you must possess a minimum level 1 insurance licence with minimum 1 year of experience as a personal lines broker. Please email your cover letter & resume outlining your relevant experience and qualifications to: Jeff Galon Email: BROKERAGE FOR SALE Well established Brokerage for Sale in North Central Sk. Contracts with SGI Canada, Germania Mutual, Trans Canada Insurance Marketing Inc., Premier Marine, Sk. Blue Cross, seven hail contracts and motor vehicle issuing. Sale includes building and all equipment. Agency is close to many beautiful Saskatchewan fresh water lakes offering great fishing as well as many excellent areas for hunting, quading and snowmobiling. Dual tract French Immersion school, arena, curling rink, hardware, grocery store and more. Owners and staff are willing to stay on. Please reply in confidence to: Insurance Brokers’ Association of Saskatchewan Box L Email: Experience the True Blue Difference ™ Support & Training · Collaboration · Loyalty · Expertise · Incentives · @SKBlueCross 50 SASKATCHEWAN BROKER WINTER 2015 Click HERE to return to Table of Contents We are Markel. Commercial general liability Directors and officers liability Environmental impairment liability Professional liability Property and inland marine Security and protection industry Umbrella and excess liability Helping brokers with effective insurance solutions since 1966 Calgary Montreal Toronto Vancouver REACH OUR ADVERTISERS Please contact our advertisers – it’s good business COMPANY PAGE TELEPHONE WEBSITE 11 866-520-8823 33 866-328-1314 3, 34 204-942-0424 Allianz Global Assistance Aurora Underwriting Services Inc. AVIVA Canada Bank of Montreal 43 416-927-5973 Can-Sure Underwriting Ltd. 40 877-685-6533 Douglas Cost Guides Inc. 10 877-284-0028 First General Services Ltd. 7 (877) 888-9111 Frank Cowan Company 53 800-265-4000 HUB International 41 204-988-4791 Insurance Institute of Saskatchewan 54 306-525-9799 Intact Financial Corporation 36, 56 800-668-8384 Knight Archer Insurance Ltd. 46 306-569-2288 Lydale 30 (Saskatoon) 877-333-9444/9442 (Regina) MainStay Suites Saskatoon 38 306 986-1519 Markel 51 800-223-8858 Midwest Claims Services 45 306-522-1656 MMFI Saskatchewan 10 800-261-0360 The Mutual Fire Insurance Co. of BC 2 866-417-2272 Pal Insurance Brokers 24 800-265-8098 Peace Hills Insurance 17 800-272-5614 Portage Mutual Insurance 34 800-567-7721 Rainbow International of Saskatoon 55 306-668-3473 Rayner Agencies Ltd. 18 306-373-0663 Restorex 42 306-522-3350 Saskatchewan Blue Cross 50 800-USEBLUE Saskatoon Fire & Flood 4 306-934-7477 Saskatchewan Mutual Insurance Co. 18, 37 306-653-4232 12, 16, 34 306-751-1674 SPECS 23 888-394-4434 Trans Canada Insurance Marketing Inc. 47 888-261-8276 TSW Management Services Inc. 45 866-904-8146 SGI Canada Wawanesa Insurance 15, 27 888-824-6212 WINMAR 53 866-494-6627 Wynward 16 To reach Saskatchewan’s general insurance professionals through Saskatchewan Broker magazine and its targeted readership, please contact me. KRIS FILLION, Marketing Manager E-mail: Phone: 204-985-9798 Toll Free: 866-985-9798 52 SASKATCHEWAN BROKER WINTER 2015 Click HERE to return to Table of Contents Niche Products. No Contract Required. Put one of Canada’s leading specialty Managing General Agents to work for you. We have product features to fit your client’s needs: • Multi-Line Package Policy • Abuse Coverage • Workplace Disruption Coverage • Cyber Risk Insurance • Legal Expense Coverage • Enhanced Crime Coverage Explore your insurance options. Built with integrity, leading through innovation. 1-800-265-4000 Click HERE to return to Table of Contents | WINTER 2015 | SASKATCHEWAN BROKER 53 Congratulations to the class of 2015. The Insurance Institute would like to congratulate all of our 2015 graduates: Back Row: Andrea Kreiter, Dennis Cookson, Russel Morhart, Janalee Ruecker, Nicole McClelland, Steven Dlamini, Adeyemi Fatai Gbadebo, Jill Boehm, Keith Edwards, Stan Wesdyk, J.R. (Bob) Tisdale, Alieu Fatty, Amy Yano, Tyler Yano, Jason Hegel, Tamra Griffin, Linda Bilawchuk, Ashton Dahle, Carrie Peterson, Marissa Wild Middle Row: Traci Campbell, Sonja Giesbrecht, Janelle Kosh, April Korchinski, Lynette Wesdyk, Flordeliza Amurao, Andrea Landega, Rachel Jones, Kristin Pelzer, Taryn McKee, Tessa Planeto Front Row: Brittany Rhodes, Shane Ostapowich, Derek Allen, Celeste Dahle, Taylor Demer, Bobbi Tienkamp, Ryan Stephenson, Brianna Hodges, Sharon Voroney, Bailey Young, Lowen Genoway Not in Attendance for the photo: Ryan Baron, Jesse Boehm, Katherine Dawal , Susan Fedyk, Marianne Glowa, Darla Henderson, Tyler Hounjet, Susan Juhlin, Tyler LaBrash, Meghan McPherson, Daniel Pearson, Sheila Schill, Evan Seabrook, Michelle Waller, Rob Wirt Credit: Michelle Austin Photographer & Designer Has a recent water, fire or smoke loss left your HOME OR BUSINESS VULNERABLE? In severe cases of water, fire or smoke damage, your home or business furnishings and equipment may have to be packed up and moved to another location for cleaning and storage. This allows your home to be restored in a more efficient manner without the concern of contents being damaged. RAINBOW INTERNATIONAL® IS HERE TO HELP WHEN YOU NEED US MOST. 24 hour emergency service Complete digital photo inventory system Board-ups Personal content inventory Personal content protection and peace of mind Salvageable and non-salvageable contents detailed Debris removal Off-site content deodourization available Rapid structural drying All work performed by certified, professional and courteous technicians Guaranteed quick turnaround time 306-668-FIRE Independently owned & operated franchise Stolen laptop. Malicious Code. Hacked network. The types of privacy breaches are evolving. Your business insurance should too. Intact Insurance Company’s new cyber endorsement provides first-party coverage for privacy breaches. In the event of a breach, we provide resources, access to tools and support to help customers get back. • • • • Policy limit of $25,000* to spend on related remediation costs No questionnaire or form is required Introductory fee of $96 per year Access to information and services provided by IDT911, an independent service provider At Intact Insurance, we make protecting your business our priority. Contact your Broker for more information about Cyber Endorsement. *Per claim and in the aggregate. Certain conditions, limitations and exclusions apply. The information that appears on this advertisement is provided to you for information purposes only. Your insurance contract prevails at all times. Please consult it for a complete description of coverage and exclusions. Non-insurance services are provided by IDT911, Inc., an independent third party. These services provided do not constitute legal advice. If you require legal advice, please consult a lawyer. Intact Financial Corporation and its affiliates assume no responsibility for making the services available to you or for your use of the services. The BIP logo is a registered trademark of the Insurance Brokers Association of Canada (IBAC). All other trademarks are property of Intact Financial Corporation used under license. © 2015, Intact Insurance Company.