Summer is Here - Good Shepherd Youth Ministry
Summer is Here - Good Shepherd Youth Ministry
Summer is Here by Veronica Murray, Editor Well it’s that me of year yet again! The end of the school year this means it’s me for prom, grad night, senior awards and ac vi es, gradua on and then finally SUMMER! This is a long awaited me for all of the seniors who are gradua ng this year and reflec ng back I hope everyone has found their me in the Good Shepherd youth program a posi ve and strengthening building block for the founda on of their lives. I know that being involved in this program has helped shape my life, the way I make decisions and the way I look at my faith. It has been a very great experience for me and I hope anyone who is hesita ng on entering it does! On a different note to the seniors: I hope that a er we graduate high school and we all disperse to college that you keep in touch but most importantly keep in touch with your faith. Faith is what connects us all together; it’s the reason we met each other, and when you go to Sunday mass know that we are all going together as one family in Christ. Here is a li le prayer I found that I hope you keep in mind for gradua on: Lord, on this "commencement" day, let there be a beginning of my life. In the days of darkness, be my Light, so that in turn I can radiate your truth and your message of love, hope, and joy. In the days of blandness and of blahs, Lord, be my salt, so that in turn I can fend off the corrup on, the staleness, the mediocrity around me. In the days when I am flat on my back or fall to a catholic school or a public school where we are majoring in poli cal science or music it doesn’t ma er! We are all children of God and nothing can break that connec on and kinship and we MUST go out and do what God intended us to do. Well as the year and ar cle winds down I would just like to thank everyone who has influenced my life here. To Pat Clasby, our coordinator of youth ministry, who could not be any be er at his job than he already is. To Lyn Diosa, the volunteer who puts every single newsle er together for us on her own me. And to all my staff of writers, thank you for pu ng in all the me and effort that flat on my face, Lord, be my Leaven, so that not only can I goes into Newsle er! And for making my senior a most rise again, but also raise the downhearted to the celebra- memorable one! You ALL will forever be in my heart and on of your Love. And Lord, prayers! And lastly thank you thank You, for the school for anyone who takes the years, for the talents I reme to read these newsceived. Amen. When I read le ers, is involved or supthis I am inspired to know that no ma er where I go or ports the youth community! We put a lot of hard work what I do in my college life that God will always be there into everything we do and just having the support of our for me and also that it is our church is such a wonderful duty to go out and inspire other people with God’s great feeling! Thank you all and love. No ma er if we’re going God Bless! :D June 2/3, 2012 Volume 7, Issue 4 Inside this issue: Mass of Blessing 2 Synergy 2 Camp Emmaus 2012 3 Confirmation 3 Senior Spotlights 4-7 End of Year Reflection 8 Dance ‘til You Drop 8 Summer Events 9 Missouri Trip 9 Farewell to the Class of 2012 10 Mass of Blessing by Monique Breillatt, Writer On Sunday, June 10, 2012, at 12:15pm, Good Shepherd is having a Mass of Blessing for the gradua ng Class of 2012. This is a way to congratulate and give blessings over the graduates. Any high school senior or graduate is welcome to partake in this event. All seniors are to arrive at the church by 12pm and will be seated with their peers. This mass is for the Class of 2012 as they graduate on the following Tuesday, June 12. Anyone is more than welcome to join the graduates and give their blessings and prayers as they have closure with their senior year and say hello towards their future. There is a small recep on following mass in the Parish Hall. We would love for all of you to join us on this special event! Synergy by Austin Ledesma, Writer Synergy is an annual event in which Good Shepherd Youth a ends. It is a rally to keep teens on the righteous path with God. This year synergy was held on April 14, 2012. Our very own Isidro Pagdanganan and Paulo Pampolina were 2 of the 4 emcees. The theme was Reach Out. It challenged the youth to reach out to other people in certain situa ons when they normally wouldn't. The speakers that Good Shepherd had the pleasure of listening to were the Apex Brothers and Emmaus Boulevard. The experience was unlike any other. With good vibes and the word of God being spread everywhere. The day started off early. At around 10 am, everyone gathered in the gymnasium to sing and dance along with some ice breakers. Then the Apex Brothers gave an amazing show with crazy juggling stunts as well as teaching us what it's like to listen to others. A erwards everyone split up in to their own separate workshops. Good Shepherd got to see the Apex Brothers once again where they presented a skit about how to not fall off the path that God has set before us. Following that, Good Shepherd moved back into the gymnasium to listen to Emmaus Boulevard talk about their lives and what they have experienced alongside with God. Our very own Patrick Clasby talked about what the Ten Commandments were there for, what their purpose was in our life, and how God only set them there to protect us from harm. Jed Banayat also talked about what it was like for him growing up in a strict Catholic family. Then it was dinner me, when we all got to eat hot dogs and chips. The DJ played some great music that every- one could dance to! It really brought everyone closer. Emmaus Boulevard closed the night with a blowout performance of many of their own original songs, and many covers as well. Unfortunately one of the members had to leave abruptly due to a family emergency, so everyone at Synergy bowed their heads to pray and at the end of the night we got news that everything was fine. Overall that day was full of fun loving people who share our same faith in the Lord. Jed Banayat, Fr. Jacob, and Mark Jacob at Synergy. Page 2 GS Youth United Camp Emmaus 2012 by Stephanie Bucao, Writer This upcoming August 2012, a select group of high school youth will be a ending an annual event called Camp Emmaus. Good Shepherd Youth Ministry’s own core team will join with other groups from around the diocese in the youth leadership camp. The camp is designed to help the young individuals to become respectable leaders in their parish communi es. While on the week long trip, the youth are mixed with other parishes in small groups to not only get to know one another, but also help each other throughout the camp. Although the youth are hard at work, learning and helping each other to become be er leaders, the camp provides them with many opportuni es to have fun. Throughout each day, the large group mee ngs incorporate fun ac vies for the youth to par cipate in that e in with the day’s theme/lesson. There are also mul ple opportuni es for the youth to meet and interact with other parishes and make new friends. At the end of the camp, the youth return home with a whole new experience leaving them with greater insight on how to become be er leaders, as well as broader connec ons throughout the diocese. Confirmation by Franz Manalansan, Writer On Friday, May 11, over 100 Good Shepherd Confirma on youth, along with other adults, received the sacrament of Confirma on. A er years of catechism school for the youth, and classes for the adults, they were Confirmed. To be Confirmed is to be accepted as a full member of the Catholic Church. The candidates withstood hours of classes, a quiz, and an interview, all to determine if they were indeed ready and willing to be Confirmed. They went on retreats to develop a stronger bond with God and experience the spiritual Volume 7, Issue 4 high that comes from being close with God. During the Confirma on mass, the diocese’s Travis Castro, the only sophomore core team member this year, receiving the sacrament of Confirmation. bishop came and led mass, all the while blessing the candidates, as well as renewing their Bap smal promises and being blessed with the sacred chrism oil. The sacrament of Confirmaon is when the Holy Spirit descends upon the candidates. As a Confirmed member of the church, it was a blessing to experience this mass on the other side, as a sponsor. As a sponsor and a friend, it was such a blessing to see all these young people grow in their faith, as well as accept it with open arms by accep ng to receive this beau ful sacrament. Page 3 Page 4 GS Youth United Volume 7, Issue 4 Page 5 Page 6 GS Youth United Volume 7, Issue 4 Page 7 End of Year Reflection by Arin Pena, Writer It's that me of year again. Finals, AP exams, senior ac vi es, last minutes projects, and so much more are going on. The school year is winding down. Soon it'll be summer and everyone will be sleeping in ‘ l twelve. All of the teenagers will be out and about with no worries about homework or grades. Seniors will be enjoying their sum- mer before heading off to college. Summer vaca on is that me of year that everyone loves a er going through a whole year of school. The end of the year is arriving faster than most people think. We have the same thought in mind: summer, summer, summer. Even though we all want to get away from the teachers and the homework, it's always sad. We do not get to see our friends every day and seniors have to graduate and leave. But I'm sure everyone is s ll excited about summer. Once all the classes are over and grades get se led, school will be over. Even though it's almost over, we should all s ll connue to learn what we can and not catch seniori s. We've got to finish the year out strong. I know we all want to get out of our classes and just catch some summer fun. It's me for the end of the year. Let's get ready for summer! Dance ‘til You Drop by Stephanie Bucao, Writer This past April, a special dance event was held in the Good Shepherd Parish Hall called Swing Night: Dance ‘ l You Drop. The event was held by Good Shepherd’s own Jasmine Rodriguez who raised money for an organiza on called The Invisible Children. The organiza on’s current project was to help end, as well as raise awareness of, the reign of the Lord’s Resistance Learning to Swing Page 8 Army (LRA) led by Joseph Kony in the African country of Uganda. event such as Chick-fil-A and Yogurtland. As an advocate for Invisible Children, parcipa ng in other events, such as Cover the Night, Jasmine decided to hold a dance event to help further support the organizaon. However, the dance was like no other as it had a specific theme and dance style, 1930’s swing Mira Mesa High’s Jazz Band dancing. As stated before, the event was held in the Good ShepMany of those who a ended herd Parish Hall, where many a endthe event had a fantas c me and le ed and par cipated in the event. mul ple comments about how much A endants were recommended to fun they had that night. They especialwear 1930’s clothing to match the ly praised Jasmine for holding such an theme’s me period & be able to event, leaving comments such as, “It swing dance. Although many were was the best dance I ever went to!” unaware of how to perform such an and “Jasmine should organize all of old style of dance, Mira Mesa High our school dances!” and so much School’s own dance team volunteered more! Overall, the night le everyone their me to help teach many of the in high spirits and it raised a great deal par cipants the basic steps and move- of money that was all donated directly ments. In addi on, the night was filled to The Invisible Children. with great music performed live by mul ple jazz bands, including Mira Mesa High School’s own jazz band. To help refuel, food was provided at the GS Youth United Summer Events by Franz Manalansan, Writer We’re slowly reaching the end of school, and while some of us are going to be busy with work, vaca ons, and hanging out with friends, some of us are going to be homebodies. Need something to do? Come out and support our youth group by par cipa ng in some of our summer ac vi es! The longest and closest youth ac vity we have coming up is our Missouri trip. A group of volunteers, both kids and adults will be going to Missouri from July 1-8 to help out those in need. Pre Confirma on and Confirma on students, this counts as a Jus ce and Service project, so even more of a reason to go. July 25 is the next scheduled date for a summer ac vity which could be another Water Olympics or a movie night! And possibly the week a er on July 31, Emmaus Blvd., featuring our very own Pat Clasby on drums, might be hos ng a concert here at Good Shepherd. And lastly, on August 25, there will be an end of the summer bonfire. So come out to all of these events! They’re guaranteed to be tons of fun. Missouri Trip by Austin Ledesma, Writer Every year Good Shepherd Youth Ministry tries to do a relief event in other states. This year around 20 or so teens and adults will be traveling to Joplin, Missouri to help rebuild/clean the destruc on that was le behind a er the March 2011 tornadoes that shocked the town. Many people’s homes were destroyed and lives changed dras cally. From June 30-July 8th we will be dedica ng our me to doing what we can to put their town back Volume 7, Issue 4 together. It can never be the same, but we would like to give a helping hand. Trips like these are a great way to show the youth how great they really may have it. The people going tend to usually grow a stronger bond with each other as well. It makes people realize what they have and what they shouldn't be taking advantage of. In the past every person who has gone on a trip like this one with Good Shepherd has come back with new knowledge of what is out there in the world other than Mira Mesa. Teens see a great dosage of their country in a way most people don't ever get the chance to. The Hight family as well as many others have spent a lot of me and effort to make this trip a possibility. It is always touching to see youth want to actually do things that include helping others. In this generaon, teens are losing sight of what really ma ers in life, and things like the Missouri trip help put us back on track. Doing something for other people out of pure kindness is the best reward anyone can receive. Page 9 For information regarding upcoming events, go to Please note that all off-site activities need a signed permission slip. Pat Clasby Coordinator of Youth Ministry 8200 Gold Coast Drive San Diego, CA 92126 Phone: (858) 271-4128 Email: UPCOMING EVENTS DATE (S) Mass of Blessing Missouri Trip Water Olympics Emmaus Blvd. Concert Camp Emmaus Leadership Camp End of Summer Bonfire June 10 July 1-8 July 25 July 31 August 5-9 August 25 Farewell to the Class of 2012 by Monique Breillatt, Writer By the me you all read this newsle er, it will probably be a week un l the Class of 2012 graduates. It is a bi ersweet moment for all of us seniors as we say farewell to another chapter in our lives. For most of us, on June 12, 2012 when we step on the stage, receive our high school diploma, and move our tassels to the le side of our cap; it marks an ending as seniors but a new beginning as we go to college. A majority of seniors say they cannot wait to graduate but as the days draw closer to gradua on everyone starts to reminisce about their four years in high school, once we graduate we all go our different ways whether it is to a community college, university, an out of state school, and maybe even the military. It is me for us to start our future. Although it will be easy to leave high school, it will be hard to say goodbye. It is our me to show the world what we are made of; it is our me to shine and make a change in the world. Gradua ng from high school is a huge accomplishment and we must thank everyone for guiding us through this journey. We must thank our parents, teachers, counselors, family, friends, and most of all God. It is such a blessing to know we have so many people in our lives who want us to have a bright future and want us to succeed in life. However, as we look toward the future, we must become leaders. It is our me to show the world that we can make it through anything. As our senior year comes to an end, it is not me to say, “goodbye, farewell, or I’ll miss you,” but simply, “I’ll see you later.” Just because our high school career has come to a close does not mean our friendships are over as well. It is me to just live in the moment and be with the ones we love and make the best memories while we can. On behalf of the newsle er group and Good Shepherd Parish, we would like to say Congratula ons to the Class of 2012 and good luck to everyone! God is good, all the me! All the me, God is good!