E -NEWS - Southern University Law Center


E -NEWS - Southern University Law Center
January 26-31, 2016
Vol. 14, No. 2 A. A. Lenoir Hall
Southern University Law Center
SULC recognized for alumni employed in government service
In its winter 2016 issue, preLaw Magazine
placed SULC on its “honor roll” for alumni
employed in government service.
In the article, “Best Schools for Public
Service,” SULC was in the top 20 (#19) for
government service based on "Curriculum,"
including externships in government service;
"Employment," based on the percentage of
grads who are employed in public service; and
"Financial," based on salary, student loan debt,
and existence of a loan repayment program.
SULC was one of only two schools earning
an A+ rating in public service employment.
“I am thrilled that preLaw Magazine
recognizes that the Southern University Law
Center is a leader in legal education,” Interim
Chancellor John K. Pierre said. Continued on page 4
President-Chancellor Ray L. Belton sends letter to SU community
regarding challenging budget realities
The State of Louisiana is faced with some rather challenging budget realities that have direct
impact on its current fiscal term and budget, and next year’s as well. And, regrettably, in the case
of budget cuts, higher education and healthcare absorb much of the blows in the budget battle.
Governor John Bel Edwards and his administration have submitted tentative plans and options
to erase a $750 million deficit in the current year’s budget. In addition, a $1.9 billion shortfall is
projected for the fiscal year that begins July 1. A special legislative session is expected to be called
next month to address these critical budget problems.
In the meantime, we have been given notice by the Commissioner of Administration Jay Dardenne,
to prepare for a budget reduction to higher education of approximately $131 million for the current
fiscal year. In the unfortunate event of mandatory budget cuts the Southern University System’s
share equals almost $8 million (5.94 percent).
The reality of how we translate the impact of such a reduction to our state general fund budget is
truly unimaginable. It would, in a word, be devastating. Our entire enterprise would be vulnerable.
Honestly, we need all that remains in our coffers to operate through June 30 in order to maintain
a level of quality and effectiveness.
Reaching New Heights of Excellence
Please submit your events by 4 p.m. Thursday
to be published the following week.
25 SELA Flag Football League Sign-Up, through
January 28, noon-2 p.m., Atrium, For more information, contact SELA president Jason Yancey,
28 Alumni and Friends Reception and Information
Session on JD/MBA Dual-Degree Program, 6 p.m.,
New Orleans Business Alliance, 935 Gravier Street,
Suite 2020, New Orleans. For more details and to
RSVP, contact Prof. Prentice White, Pwhite@sulc.
30 Kick off of SULC Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) Program, 9 a.m.-3 p.m., SULC Atrium.
For more details, contact Christopher Brault at
Christopher_Brault@sulc.edu. See article in this
5 Southern Central Association of Law Schools
(SCALS) 2016 Spring Speakers Series, Opening
Presentation, Prof. Peter Marchetti, Texas Southern University Thurgood Marshall School of Law,
noon, 206N A. A. Lenoir Hall. For more details,
contact Prof. Prentice L. White, Pwhite@sulc.edu.
19 23rd Annual Pre-Law Day, “Surviving Law
School: What You Need to Succeed,” 9 a.m. to 2
p.m., 129-130 A. A. Lenoir Hall. For more information, contact Andrea Love, director of admission
and recruitment, alove@sulc.edu.
Unfortunately, the University has experienced these dire fiscal situations for the last several years.
We are keeping a sense of cautious optimism that the planned revenue and funds will materialize
to avoid a situation of catastrophic proportions for Southern University and public higher education
in Louisiana. Education has and will continue to play a major role in shaping the future of the state
through providing meaningful educational opportunities for further learning and skill development.
Now is the time for us to be innovative and step up our efforts to garner support from new and
familiar sources. Keeping Southern University alive and healthy is our charge and duty. We pledge
to maintain our resolve and to fight and work beyond our best ability to keep open the doors of
opportunity for generations to come.
We join Governor Edwards, the Legislature, alumni, friends, and stakeholders in standing strong
for Louisiana, higher education, and for “The Gold and Blue.”
Information to be published in E-NEWS should
be e-mailed (Remanuel@sulc.edu), faxed (771-6257), or
submitted to the Office of Communications and Development Support, (Suite 242).
E-NEWS reporters:
Cynthia Reed
Carolyn Stephens
Gail Stephenson
Pamela Anderson
Jean Allen
Kristin Bluain
E-NEWS proofreaders: Ray L. Belton
Carla Ball
Sylvia Betts
Michelle Jackson
Gail Stephenson
Produced by Southern University Law Center • 1/2016
The Year of
Charles J. Hatfield III
Page 2
2016 Hooding Ceremony Speaker trumpets Hatfield’s example
Domoine Rutledge, ’97, featured speaker for
Rutledge, who is also chairman of the
the 2016 Hooding Ceremony, January 8, encourSouthern University System Foundation Board
aged mid-year law graduates to champion and
of Directors, advised the graduates to avoid taktrumpet their respective causes.
ing the easy path in their pursuits to becoming
“Find a cause to champion,” Rutledge said
lawyer-leaders. He said the best lawyer-leaders
among the three points in his speech “When a
embody the character qualities of true leadership:
Trumpet Is Expected, a Flute Will Not Suffice.”
courage, responsibility, and caring.
He further urged the graduates “to learn to exist
SULC began its mid-year Hooding Cerin places and with people that may make you feel
emony in 2010. During the ceremony, the official
uncomfortable; and aspire to be a lawyer-leader.”
J.D. hood is placed upon each graduate by the
Using personal anecdotes and historical From left: Prof. Tracie Woods; Blane A. Wilson, mag- professor of his/her choice. The colors of the
examples to make his points, the general counsel na cum laude, Baton Rouge, and Interim Chancellor inner lining of the hood denote the SULC blue
of the East Baton Rouge Parish School System Pierre.
and gold as the institution awarding the degree,
discussed the courage of Charles J. Hatfield, III,
and the outer binding is purple for the academic
“who penned a letter nearly 70 years ago requestThis act was the catalyst for the establish- discipline of law.
ing admission for law studies to an institution ment of the Southern University Law Center, an
Pictured below are the 26 graduates who
where he was not wanted.”
institution of “access and opportunity.”
participated in this year’s ceremony.
Pictured top row, from left: Adj. Prof. Anderson Dotson and John M. Allen, Houma, Louisiana; Prof. Dorothy Jackson and Jacquez B.
Ambers, Monroe, Louisiana; Prof. Jacqueline Nash Grant and Louis J. Ancar, Harvey, Louisiana; Adj. Prof. Kenny Hooks and Andrew
Barr, Baton Rouge; Prof. Kelly Carmena and Katie A. Bergeron, Morgan City, Louisiana, Prof. Grant and Jazzmyn M. Bigsby, Baton
Rouge; Valerie A. Black, cum laude, Baton Rouge, and Interim Chancellor John K. Pierre; Tyler M. Bosworth, Baton Rouge, and Interim
Chancellor Pierre; Prof. Tavares Walker and Andretta C. Breaux, cum laude, Plaquemine, Louisiana; Prof. Alvin Washington and Joey D.
Connelly, Baton Rouge; Erica V. Cormia, cum laude, New Orleans, and Interim Chancellor Pierre; Prof. Washington and DonnaLecia U.
Fields, Monroe, Louisiana; Lidia Gonzalez, Baton Rouge, Interim Chancellor Pierre; Michaela A. Guillory, cum laude, Baton Rouge, Interim
Chancellor Pierre; Prof. Woods and April Ford Jackson, Ponchatoula, Louisiana; Prof. Wendy Shea and Samora L. Legros, New York City, New York; Marcos Lopez
III, Mission, Texas, and Interim Chancellor Pierre; Prof. Woods and Jonas K. Nash, New Orleans; Dustin J. Pellegrin, Houma, Louisiana, and Interim Chancellor Pierre;
Brian W. Shinault, Metairie, Louisiana, and Interim Chancellor Pierre; Prof. Virginia Listach and Jennifer A. Terry, Baton Rouge; Judge Jewel “Duke” Welch Jr., and
Cody J. Vidrine, Oakdale, Louisiana; Jordon J. Wascom, Albany, Louisiana, and Interim Chancellor Pierre; Prof. Jackson and Aaron R. Wilson, Shreveport, Louisiana;
and Prof. Shea and Jayme L. Womack, Slidell, Louisiana.
Red River Parish Alum Gives Back
Free IRS-approved 2015 income tax preparation begins at SULC, January 30
Income tax returns will be prepared and filed
for free by IRS-approved tax preparers beginning
Saturday, January 30, 2016, at the Southern
University Law Center.
Walk-ins are welcome in the SULC Atrium,
A. A. Lenoir Hall, between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. Saturdays, through April 2, according to Christopher
Brault, Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA)
student coordinator. “The site will be closed
February 6 and March 26,” Brault says.
The returns are electronically filed, and
eligible participants can receive a refund in 7 to
10 days if they choose direct deposit.
Page 3
Low- to moderate-income families may be
eligible for Earned Income Tax Credit of up to
$6,000 or more. All of the services are free, and
are available on a first-come, first-served basis.
Several other VITA sites are open throughout the Greater Baton Rouge area. For information on other site locations, call 211.
For more information about the SULC VITA
program, contact Christopher Brault at Christopher_Brault@sulc.edu.
Robert Bethard, ‘82, has donated $500 to
the Law Center, something he has done annually
over the past several years. Bethard does so
in an effort to give back to the institution that
provided him with an opportunity to earn a law
degree and, subsequently, to have a successful
law practice and life. A partner in his family’s multi-generational
law firm, Bethard works alongside his brother
and two nephews, who are also SULC alumni,
Henry William Bethard V and Benjamin Turner
“Ben” Bethard, both members of the Class of
‘07. Inspired by his father and grandfather to
become a lawyer, he stated, “Every male in my
family for four generations has been a lawyer.”
Located in his hometown of Coushatta, Louisiana,
Bethard and Bethard LLP serves Red River and
the surrounding parishes and specializes in
mineral law and property law.
While on a business trip in Baton Rouge
several years ago, Bethard stopped by SULC and
enjoyed anew the beautiful campus on the bend
of the Mississippi River. He advises other alumni
to consider where they would be without the
opportunity to earn a law degree and encourages
them to give back to those who have helped them
along the way. Nine applicants submit their names for consideration as the next SULC Chancellor
Nine applicants have submitted their qualification and application packets for consideration as the next SULC Chancellor.
The 14-member SULC Chancellor Search
Committee will evaluate and review the applications and narrow the list to three semi-finalists.
The nine applicants include:
Joan R. Bullock, associate dean for academic affairs, associate dean for teaching and
faculty development, Florida A&M University
College of Law. Bullock earned a bachelor’s
degree, Michigan State University; M.B.A., University of Michigan; and J.D., University of Toledo College of Law.
Preston Castille Jr., partner, Taylor, Porter, Brooks & Phillips, LLP. Castille, a graduate
of Southern University Baton Rouge, earned a
J.D.,Tulane University School of Law.
Monique M. Edwards, general counsel,
Family First Medical Clinic, Plaquemine, consultant, South LA Methanol, LLC, and adjunct
professor SULC. Edwards earned a bachelor’s
degree, St. Mary’s Dominican College; and J.D.,
Judge John Michael Guidry, of the First
Circuit Court of Appeal. Judge Guidry earned a
bachelor’s degree, LSU; and J.D., SULC.
Alexander Daniel Hamilton VI, higher education consultant. Hamilton earned an undergraduate degree in physics & engineering, Morris Brown College; master’s degree in education,
Georgia State University; master’s degree in
divinity, Yale University Divinity School; M.B.A.,
Howard University School of Business; J.D.,
Howard University School of Law, and Ph.D.,
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
Russell L. Jones, vice chancellor for
academic affairs, earned a bachelor’s degree,
Northeast Louisiana University; J.D., SULC;
and master of law, Georgetown University Law
John K. Pierre, interim chancellor, SULC.
Pierre earned a bachelor’s degree, Southern
University Baton Rouge; a master’s degree,
Texas Tech; and J.D., Southern Methodist University, Dedman School of Law.
Judge Jay Robinson, City of Dallas,
Texas. Judge Robinson earned a bachelor’s
degree, University of Texas at Austin; and J.D.,
University of the Pacific McGeorge School of
Roederick C. White Sr., vice chancellor
for student affairs, SULC. White earned a bachelor’s degree, SUBR; and an M.B.A. and J.D.,
Wayne State University.
More details will be provided as they become available. For more information, please
email Robyn Merrick, Robyn_Merrick@sus.edu
or (225) 278-1756.
Visit: www.sulc.edu
Page 4
Interim Chancellor John K. Pierre attended the 2016 National Bar Association (NBA)
Judicial Council Meeting, January 15-17, in Las
Vegas, Nevada. Also, Chancellor Pierre and
law students joined with Volunteers In Public
Schools (VIPS) for a Martin Luther King, Jr.,
(MLK) Day of Service cleanup project at Park
Forest Elementary School, January 18.
Prof. Chris Odinet was recently elected
secretary of the Real Estate Section of the American Associations of Law Schools (AALS). After
serving a year as secretary, he will serve as vicechair and chair in 2017 and 2018 respectively.
Brittany Tassin, 3L class representative,
will be one of five students nationwide recognized as a “law student of the year” in the 2016
Spring issue of the National Jurist magazine.
“This accomplishment again is proof that SULC
makes history every day,” according to Interim
Chancellor John K. Pierre. “What a fitting honor
for one of the beneficiaries of the Charles J. Hatfield III legacy.
Robin Winn, 2L student, organized a successful donation/relief drive for the people of
Flint, Michigan, suffering from the toxic water
crisis. After a week-long drive, $400 was raised
and donated to a non-profit organization on behalf of the SULC student body. “Overall, we applaud the efforts taken for this cause because it
truly epitomizes our school motto, ‘Seriousness
of Purpose,’” SBA president Patrick Harrington
said. “Way to go, SULC!”
2016 MLK Day of Service SULC volunteers take time out from cleaning to take a group photo. Pictured
on front row, from left are Park Forest School principal Antoniette Pierre, Madison Preparatory Academy student Hezekiah Harbor, Danielle Davis, Community School for Apprenticeship Learning (CSAL)
student Chris Harbor, Robin Winn, Miah Hill, Veronika Mark, Mya Strauss, Lierica Boutte, Otia Bowie,
Kara Brown, and Taylor Johnson: and back row, from left: Angela Jackson, Courtney Scott, Alvarez
Hertzock, Wyatt Jamison, Tiara Barnes, Hunter Thomas, Interim Chancellor John Pierre, Jasmine
Henderson, and Jason Yancey.
preLaw Magazine ranking continued
Braving the cold and long lines to see President
Obama address a Town Hall Meeting in Baton Rouge
were SULC students Alvarez Hertzock, Ryan Andrews,
and Dmitrius McGruder. Their efforts paid off with assignment to special seating on stage behind the President at the event. Alvarez commented that he was
mesmerized to see the man that he has long admired
standing 10 feet away from him. Evening students
Tevoy Dyson and Eddie Murray were among those
in attendance. Alvarez Hertzock and Ryan Andrews
enjoyed a seat on the stage directly behind President
Obama during the Town Hall Meeting, January 14.
Dmitrius McGruder shakes hands with Gov. John Bel
Edwards at the event.
To Sylvia Betts, administrative coordinator
II, Law Library, whose husband, the Rev.
Roderick A. Betts, passed away in December
2015. Funeral services were held December
16 at Greater King David Baptist Church,
Baton Rouge; and interment in Louisiana National Cemetery, Zachary, Loiuisiana.
Happy Birthday
4 Famika Sargent
6 Felton DeRouen
6 Christopher Odinet
29 Shawn Vance
“This national ranking and recognition
confirm that the Law Center continues to
produce lawyer-leaders for the 21st century.”
“This ranking speaks volumes to SULC’s
commitment to public service and a testament to
our students strong desire to further the mission
of our institution,” Tavares Walker, interim
director of career services, said.
“As a result, our students and graduates
are drawn to careers in government service as
a medium to participate in civic change,” Walker
Read more at the link: http://www.nxtbook.
Christopher Hebert, ’03, and Renee' Free, ’88, are among seven new division directors
for the Louisiana Department of Justice and Jacques B. Ambers, ’15, has been named special
assistant to Attorney General Jeff Landry.
Hebert has been promoted to director for gaming. He has served as an assistant attorney
general for more than 10 years. Free, promoted to director for public protection, has served
under four Attorneys General, including five years as the assistant attorney general in the Collections Section.
Southern University Law Center is a unit of the Southern University System. Hon. Leon R. Tarver II, Chair of the SU Board of Supervisors
2016, Dr. Ray L. Belton., President/Chancellor of the Southern University and A&M College System and Secretary to the SU Board of
Supervisors; John K. Pierre, Interim Chancellor of the SU Law Center. The Southern University Law Center is committed to ensuring equal
opportunity without regard to race, color, national or ethnic origin, sex, actual or perceived gender, age, religion, creed, disability, sexual
orientation, gender identity and expression, genetic information, or parental, marital, domestic partner, civil union, military, or veteran status.
Southern University Law Center • Post Office Box 9294, Baton Rouge, LA • 70813
Phone: In-State: 1 (800) 552-5106 • Out-of-State: 1 (800) 537-1135

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