Fall 2012 - Spring 2013
Fall 2012 - Spring 2013
N U R S E R I E S Fall 2012 - Spring 2013 Hydrangea p.‘Fire and Ice’ LLC N U R S E R I E S LLC 4654 Davis Rd. Perry, Ohio 44081 • Phone: 440.259.3121 • Fax: 440.259.3299 Fall 2012 - Spring 2013 Bareroot Wholesale Order Form Customer: Contact: Address: Phone/Fax: Email: Ship Date: 2 Gal/$3.50 3 Gal/$5.00 5 Gal/$6.25 7 Gal/$7.25 Amelanchier g. 'Autumn Brilliance' Cluster of white fragrant flowers, producing small purplish dark fruit Amelanchier Laevis White to near white flowers. Later producing berries Aronia a. 'Brilliantissima' White spring flowers. Glossy red berries. Brilliant red fall foliage Berberis 'Helmond Pillar' Deep purple foliage. Unusual and desirable upright columnar habit SOLD OUT Berberis t. a. 'Crimson Pygmy' * Dark burgundy foliage all season. Low spreading compact form Berberis thunbergii 'Rosey Glow' Pink and red mottled foliage is colorful all season Buxus Green Mountain (3G) 9”/$5.00 (5G) 12”/$6.00 (7G) 15”/$7.00 Buxus Green Velvet (3G) 9”/$5.00 (5G) 12”/$6.00 (7G) 15”/$7.00 Buxus Koreana (3G) 9”/$5.00 (5G) 12”/$6.00 (7G) 15”/$7.00 Green evergreen foliage. Upright habit. Deer resistant Dark glossy evergreen foliage. Compact, rounded Leathery dark green foliage Buxus Winter Gem Shiny green foliage Clethra a. 'Hummingbird' Fragrant white summer flowers attract butterflies. Dwarf Clethra a. 'Ruby Spice' Fragrant pink summer flowers attract butterflies Clethra 'Alnifolia' Small white flowers held in racemes Cornus a. 'Elegantissima' Burgandy red winter stems and variegated foliage in spring and summer Cornus 'Ivory Halo' Dark red branches in winter and variegated foliage in spring and summer Cornus 'Cardinal' Coral red stems turn a deep cherry red in winter. White spring flowers Cornus s. 'Bailey' Deep red winter stems. White spring flowers * All Items are spring dig only Please visit our website for inventory updates www.willowbendnursery.com Page 1/10 N U R S E R I E S LLC 4654 Davis Rd. Perry, Ohio 44081 • Phone: 440.259.3121 • Fax: 440.259.3299 Fall 2012 - Spring 2013 Bareroot Wholesale Order Form 2 Gal/$3.50 3 Gal/$5.00 2Gal/$4.25 3Gal/$5.50 SOLD OUT SOLD OUT SOLD OUT SOLD OUT 5 Gal/$6.25 7 Gal/$7.25 Cornus Yellow Twig Dogwood Bright yellow stems on younger growth Euonymus a.'Compactus' Bright red fall foliage Forsythia x i. 'Lynwood Gold' Yellow spring flowers Fothergilla g. 'Mount Airy' Fragrant white flowers appear before the leaves Hibiscus s. 'Aphrodite' Single reddish pink flowers Hibiscus s. 'Ardens' Double purple flowers Hibiscus s. 'Blue Marlin' Single blue flowers Hibiscus s. 'Lucy' Double red flowers Hibiscus s. 'Minerva' Single lavender flower with red centers Hibiscus s. 'Paeonyflorus' Double pink flowers Hibiscus s. 'Red Heart' Single white flowers with red centers Hydrangea 'Blue Cassel™' Rich blue lacecap flowers lasting all summer Hydrangea arborescens 'Annabelle' White summer flowers SOLD OUT Hydrangea m. 'All Summer Beauty' Re-blooming blue flowers Hydrangea m. 'Cardinal Red' Dark red flowers Hydrangea m. 'Charm' Reddish pink flowers Hydrangea m. 'Glowing Embers' Dark red flowers Hydrangea m. 'Merritt Supreme' Red flowers Hydrangea m. 'Nikko Blue ' Blue flowers Hydrangea m. 'Pink Beauty' Light pink flowers * All Items are spring dig only Please visit our website for inventory updates www.willowbendnursery.com Page 2/10 Hibiscus ‘Sugar Tip’ Hydrangea m. ‘Cityline Berlin’ Hydrangea p. ‘Little Lime’ Hydrangea ‘Incrediball’ Veriegated foliage with double pink flowers Compact version of Lime Light Large pink summer flowers Large white flowers N U R S E R I E S LLC 4654 Davis Rd. Perry, Ohio 44081 • Phone: 440.259.3121 • Fax: 440.259.3299 Fall 2012 - Spring 2013 Bareroot Wholesale Order Form Hydrangea p. ‘Honeycomb’ Hydrangea p. ‘Pinky Winky’ (Tree Farm Pictured) Hydrangea m. DD ‘Wedding Gown’ Ilex v. ‘Berry Nice’ Large honeycomb like blooms all summer long Large double white blooms White flowers change to pink in fall Vivid red winter berries N U R S E R I E S LLC 4654 Davis Rd. Perry, Ohio 44081 • Phone: 440.259.3121 • Fax: 440.259.3299 Fall 2012 - Spring 2013 Bareroot Wholesale Order Form N U R S E R I E S LLC 4654 Davis Rd. Perry, Ohio 44081 • Phone: 440.259.3121 • Fax: 440.259.3299 Fall 2012 - Spring 2013 Bareroot Wholesale Order Form 2 Gal/$3.50 3 Gal/$5.00 5 Gal/$6.25 7 Gal/$7.25 Hydrangea mac. 'Variegated' Variegated foliage with lacecap flowers Hydrangea mac. 'Hobella' Kaleidoscope of colors through summer Hydrangea mac. 'Homigo' Kaleidoscope of colors through summer Hydrangea p. ‘Grandiflora’ White flowers change to pink in fall Hydrangea p. 'Phantom' White flowers change to pink in fall Hydrangea p. 'Pink Diamond' White flowers change to pink in fall Hydrangea p. Snow Mountain 'Kyushu' White flowers change to pink in fall Hydrangea p. 'Tardiva' White flowers change to pink in fall Ilex Red Sprite Winterberry Compact habit. Bright red berries Ilex 'Southern Gentleman' Male pollinator for several female winterberry varieties Ilex 'Sparkleberry' Female Red berries in fall and winter Ilex v. 'Winter Red' Red berries in fall and winter Itea v. 'Henry's Garnet' Fragrant white summer flowers Ligustrum ‘California Privit’ Semi-evergreen shrub Myrica pennsylvanica * Semi-evergreen northern bayberry Physocarpus o. 'Center Glow' New foliage emerges yellow-green, creamy-white flowers Physocarpus o. 'Diablo®' Dark purple foliage with pink flowers Potentilla f. 'Abbotswood' Large, pure white flowers Potentilla f. 'Gold Drop' Large yellow flowers all summer long Potentilla f. 'Pink Beauty' Clear pink flowers * All Items are spring dig only Please visit our website for inventory updates www.willowbendnursery.com Page 3/10 N U R S E R I E S LLC 4654 Davis Rd. Perry, Ohio 44081 • Phone: 440.259.3121 • Fax: 440.259.3299 Fall 2012 - Spring 2013 Bareroot Wholesale Order Form 2 Gal/$3.50 3 Gal/$5.00 5 Gal/$6.25 SOLD OUT SOLD OUT SOLD OUT 7 Gal/$7.25 Prunus maritima 'Beach Plum' * Single or double white flowers Prunus 'Pink Almond' * Pink flowers in early spring Prunus x cistena Sand Cherry Pink and fragrant flowers Rhus a. 'Gro-Low' * Fragrant small yellow flowers in spring followed by velvety red fruit ROYALTY $1.00 $1.00 Rosa 'Knock Out Pink' * Single pink flowers all summer ROYALTY Rosa 'Knock Out Red' * Single red flowers all summer 2 Year/$5.90 2 Year/$5.90 Rosa 'Rugosa ' * Small pink flowers Spiraea 'Magic Carpet' Pinkish-purple summer flowers Spiraea 'Grefshiem' Cascade of white flowers Spiraea j. 'Neon Flash' Pink-red summer flowers * Spiraea j. 'Gold Mound' Pink summer flowers Spiraea j. 'Little Princess' * Pink summer flowers Spiraea j. 'Shirobana' * Pink and white flowers Spiraea n. 'Snowmound' White summer flowers Spiraea x b. 'Anthony Waterer' Rose-pink summer flowers Spiraea x b. 'Goldflame' Deep pink summer flowers Spiraea x vanhouttei White summer flowers Syringa p. 'Miss Kim' * Dwarf. Fragrant lavender flowers Syringa x p. 'Miss Canada' Fragrant rose-pink flowers Syringa m. ‘Palibin’ * Dwarf. Fragrant light pink to lavender flowers. * All Items are spring dig only Please visit our website for inventory updates www.willowbendnursery.com Page 4/10 Weigela ‘Fine Wine’ Spirea x. ‘Snow Storm’ Spiraea Double Play® Big Bang Forsythia Show Off Rich pink spring flowers often reblooms through summer Massive pink flowers with bright yellow foliage Masses of snow white flowers in early spring Bright yellow early spring flowers N U R S E R I E S LLC 4654 Davis Rd. Perry, Ohio 44081 • Phone: 440.259.3121 • Fax: 440.259.3299 Fall 2012 - Spring 2013 Bareroot Wholesale Order Form Hydrangea m. ‘Abracadabra Star’ Hydrangea m. ‘Cityline Rio’ Hydrangea m. ‘Edgy Hearts’ Weigela ‘Spilled Wine’ Big, bright lace-cap flowers perch atop black satin stems Large, distinctive summer flowers blue or pink Small to medium sized early blooming hydrangea Dark purple foliage. Pink spring flowers N U R S E R I E S LLC 4654 Davis Rd. Perry, Ohio 44081 • Phone: 440.259.3121 • Fax: 440.259.3299 Fall 2012 - Spring 2013 Bareroot Wholesale Order Form N U R S E R I E S LLC 4654 Davis Rd. Perry, Ohio 44081 • Phone: 440.259.3121 • Fax: 440.259.3299 Fall 2012 - Spring 2013 Bareroot Wholesale Order Form 2 Gal/$3.50 3 Gal/$5.00 5 Gal/$6.25 (3G) 12-15”/$2.75 (5G) 15-18”/$3.85 7 Gal/7.25 Syringa j. ‘Royality’ Heavy single purple flower Syringa v. 'Charles Joly' Magenta double flowers Syringa v. 'President Grevy' Double large blue flowers Syringa vulgaris Fragrant lavender flowers Syringa x h. 'Mount Baker' Fragrant white flowers Syringa x p. 'Donald Wyman' Single, red-purple flowers Syringa x p. 'James. Macfarland' Single pink flowers Thuja Arborvitae 'Little Giant' Dwarf green globe (5G) 15-18”/$3.85 Thuja Arborvitae 'Woodwardi' Globe Arborviate Thuja Arborvitae 'Emerald Green' (3G) 28-32”/$5.50 (5G) 32-36”/$6.25 (7G) 36-48”/$7.25 Viburnum d. ‘Chicago Lustre’ * White spring flowers. Blue fall fruit Viburnum i. ‘Mohican’ * Creamy white, flat-topped flowers Viburnum o. ‘Sterile’ * Large white round flowers Viburnum p. t. 'Mariesii' * Creamy white flowers in spring Viburnum p. t. 'Popcorn' * Large white snowball like flowers Viburnum p. t. 'Shasta' * Large white masses of flowers Viburnum p. 'Watanabe' * Lovely white flowers Viburnum t. 'Alfredo' * Compact form of American Cranberry bush Viburnum t. 'Bailey' * Compact form of American Cranberry bush sparse blooms Viburnum t. 'Pink Beauty' Reddish purple leaves color in fall, fruit turns to black * All Items are spring dig only Please visit our website for inventory updates www.willowbendnursery.com Page 5/10 N U R S E R I E S LLC 4654 Davis Rd. Perry, Ohio 44081 • Phone: 440.259.3121 • Fax: 440.259.3299 Fall 2012 - Spring 2013 Bareroot Wholesale Order Form 2 Gal/$3.50 3 Gal/$5.00 5 Gal/$6.25 7 Gal/$7.25 2 Gal/$4.00 3 Gal/$5.50 5 Gal/$6.75 7 Gal/$7.75 SOLD OUT SOLD OUT Viburnum x. r. 'Alleghany' * Abundant, yellow-white inflorescenses in spring Weigela f. 'Red Prince' Red flowers. Reblooms Weigela f. 'Variegata' Deep-rose to pink flowers Weigela f. 'French Lace' Dark red flowers. Variegated foliage Weigela f. 'Java Red' Red flower buds opening to dark pink Weigelia 'Dark Horse' Magenta pink flowers stand out against the bronze foliage Weigelia 'Rubidor' Yellow foliage with dark pink flowers Weigelia f. 'Rumba' Dark pink-red tubular flowers with a pretty yellow throat Weigelia 'Tango' ROYALTY $.95 $1.20 $1.30 $1.20 $1.20 $1.20 $1.20 $1.20 Greenish purple leaves with rosy red flowers Hydrangea m. DD 'Freedom' Rose pink to blue blooms-Rebloomer ROYALTY Hydrangea m. DD 'Perfection' Bright Pink or blue/purple blooms-Rebloomer ROYALTY Hydrangea m. DD 'Star Gazer' ROYALTY Hydrangea m. ' Snow Storm' Hydrangea p. 'Bombshell' Compact early bloomer White flower Hydrangea p. 'Fire and Ice' Burgundy red blooms in the fall Hydrangea p. 'Honeycomb' Large honeycomb like blooms all summer long * All Items are spring dig only ROYALTY Pure white blooms-Rebloomer ROYALTY Large Double whte blooms ROYALTY Hydrangea m. DD 'Wedding Gown' ROYALTY Lacecap with Pink/White blooms Please visit our website for inventory updates www.willowbendnursery.com Page 6/10 Buxus ‘Green Mountain Pyramid’ 18-24”5G Hydrangea Tree ‘Snow Mountain’ 36” 7G Thuja Arborvitae ‘Emerald Green’ 36” 5G Buxus ‘Winter Gem’ 18” 5G N U R S E R I E S LLC 4654 Davis Rd. Perry, Ohio 44081 • Phone: 440.259.3121 • Fax: 440.259.3299 Fall 2012 - Spring 2013 Bareroot Wholesale Order Form Thuja Arborvitae ‘Emerald Green’ Buxus ‘ Green Mountain’ Buxus ‘Green Velvet’ Thuja Arborvitae ‘Little Giant’ 48” 7G 12” 3G 18” 5G-7G 15-18” 5G N U R S E R I E S LLC 4654 Davis Rd. Perry, Ohio 44081 • Phone: 440.259.3121 • Fax: 440.259.3299 Fall 2012 - Spring 2013 Bareroot Wholesale Order Form N U R S E R I E S LLC 4654 Davis Rd. Perry, Ohio 44081 • Phone: 440.259.3121 • Fax: 440.259.3299 Fall 2012 - Spring 2013 Bareroot Wholesale Order Form SOLD OUT 2 Gal/$7.25 3 Gal/$8.00 7 Gal/$7.75 ROYALTY Forsythia Show Off Bright yellow early spring flowers ROYALTY Forsythia Show Off ' Starlet' Dwarf verison of Show Off Seedless rich blue single flowers Hibiscus 'Lil Kim' Single white flower with red centers, lasting 3 for 4 days ROYALTY Hibiscus ‘Chiffon Blue’ ROYALTY ROYALTY Hibiscus Azurri Satin Double blue flowers ROYALTY Hibiscus s. 'Chiffon Lavender' Hibiscus s. ‘Chiffon White’ ROYALTY Hibiscus s. 'Rose Satin' ROYALTY Double lavender flowers Double white flowers Single pink flowers with red centers Hibiscus s. 'Blue Satin' ROYALTY Hibiscus s. 'Satin Violet' $.80 $.80 $.80 $.80 $.80 $.80 $1.05 $2.35 $.90 $.90 Single Blue Flowers Single Violet flowers with red centers ROYALTY Hibiscus 'Sugar Tip' PW Variegated foliage with double pink flowers ROYALTY Hydrangea 'Invincibelle Spirit' Rich pink flowers bloom 5 Gal/$9.25 Large white flowers Hydrangea m. 'Abracadabra Star' Big, bright lace-cap flowers perch atop black satin stems ROYALTY Hydrangea m. 'Cityline Berlin' ROYALTY ROYALTY Hydrangea 'Incrediball' Large pink summer flowers ROYALTY Hydrangea m. 'Cityline Rio' Small to medium sized early blooming hydrangea Big hot pink summer flowers Hydrangea m. 'Edgy Hearts. Large, distinctive summer flowers blue or pink Hydrangea m. 'Lets Dance Starlight' ROYALTY ROYALTY ROYALTY Hydrnagea m. 'Cityline Venice' * All Items are spring dig only SOLD OUT 5 Gal/$6.75 ROYALTY Fragrant white spring flowers. Large, vivid lace-cap flowers Blue or Pink 3 Gal/$5.50 $.90 $.90 $.90 $.90 $.90 $.90 $.80 $.80 $.75 Deutzia 'Chardonnay Pearls™' 2 Gal/$4.00 Please visit our website for inventory updates www.willowbendnursery.com Page 7/10 N U R S E R I E S LLC 4654 Davis Rd. Perry, Ohio 44081 • Phone: 440.259.3121 • Fax: 440.259.3299 Fall 2012 - Spring 2013 Bareroot Wholesale Order Form Large summer flowers emerge green then turn pink Soft green summer flowers change to pink in fall ROYALTY Hydrangea p. 'Little Lime' Compact verison of LimeLight ROYALTY Hydrangea p. 'Little Lamb' White flowers change to pink in fall ROYALTY Hydrangea p. 'Pinky Winky' White flowers change to pink in Fall ROYALTY Hydrangea p. 'Quick Fire' Early blooming flowers white to pink ROYALTY Ilex v. 'Berry Nice' PW Vivid red winter berries ROYALTY Itea v. 'Sprich Little Henry' Fragrant white summer flowers ROYALTY Physocarpus o. 'Summer Wine' Dark purple foliage with pink flowers ROYALTY Spiraea Double Play Artist Red new growth followed by fuschia flowers ROYALTY Spiraea Double Play Big Bang Massive pink flowers with bright yellow foliage ROYALTY Spiraea Double Play Gold Golden foliage is accented by hot pink flowers Masses of snow white flowers in early spring Viburnum 'Brandywine' * White spring flowers produce pink and blue fall fruit White spring flowers. Red fall fruit Viburnum d. ‘Blue Muffin’ * Creamy white summer flowers are followed by blue fruit Rosy pink summer flowers often rebloom Red spring flowers often rebloom Weigela f. 'Spilled Wine' Dark purple foliage. Pink spring flowers * All Items are spring dig only ROYALTY Weigela Ghost ROYALTY Rich pink spring flowers often reblooms through summer ROYALTY ROYALTY Weigela f. 'Wine & Roses' ROYALTY ROYALTY Viburnum 'Cardinal Candy' * ROYALTY ROYALTY Spiraea x. 'Snow Storm' Weigela 'Fine Wine' 7 Gal/$7.75 ROYALTY Hydrangea p. 'Limelight' 5 Gal/$6.75 $.65 $1.00 $.80 $.80 $.75 $.75 $.75 $.75 $.75 $.75 $.75 $1.00 $.80 $.75 $1.05 $1.05 $1.05 $1.05 $1.05 $.80 Hydrangea m. 'Pink Shira' 3 Gal/$5.50 ROYALTY 2 Gal/$4.00 Please visit our website for inventory updates www.willowbendnursery.com Page 8/10 N U R S E R I E S LLC 4654 Davis Rd. Perry, Ohio 44081 • Phone: 440.259.3121 • Fax: 440.259.3299 Fall 2012 - Spring 2013 Bareroot Wholesale Order Form Trees 10-15” 15-20” 20-24” 24-28” 28-32” 32-36” 36-40” 40-44” 44-48” $11.00 $13.00 $16.00 $18.00 $20.00 $24.00 $29.00 $32.00 $36.00 Hydrangea p. Grandiflora 'Pee Gee' Tree Hydrangea p. 'Pink Diamond' Tree Hydrangea p. ‘Phantom’ Tree Hydrangea p. Snow Mountain 'Kyushu' Tree Hydrangea p. 'Tardiva' Tree Hibiscus 'Arden' Tree Hibiscus 'Aphrodite' Tree Hibiscus ‘Lohengrin’ Hibiscus 'Lucy' Tree Hibiscus 'Blushing Bride' Tree Hibiscus ‘Jean D Arc’ Hibiscus 'Red Heart' Tree Hibiscus 'Minerva' Tree Physocarpus Diablo Salix Nishiki Tree Viburnum ‘Tomentosum’ Weigela ‘French Lace’ Tree Weligela ‘Red Prince’ 10-15” 15-20” 20-24” 24-28” 28-32” 32-36” 36-40” 40-44” 44-48” $12.00 $14.00 $17.00 $19.00 $21.00 $25.00 $30.00 $33.00 $37.00 Weigela f. ‘Wine & Roses’ Hibiscus 'Chiffon Lavender' Tree Hibiscus 'Satin Violet®' Tree Hibiscus 'Chiffon White' Tree Hibiscus ‘Satin Rose’ ROYALTY ROYALTY ROYALTY ROYALTY Physocarpus ‘Summer Wine®’ ROYALTY Hydrangea p. ‘Pinky Winky™’ Tree ROYALTY Hydrangea p. 'Quick Fire®' Tree ROYALTY ROYALTY ROYALTY Hydrangea p. 'Limelight' Tree $.90 $.90 $.90 $.90 $.80 $1.00 $1.05 $1.05 $1.05 Trees Please visit our website for inventory updates www.willowbendnursery.com Page 9/10 N U R S E R I E S LLC 4654 Davis Rd. Perry, Ohio 44081 • Phone: 440.259.3121 • Fax: 440.259.3299 Fall 2012 - Spring 2013 Bareroot Wholesale Order Form 2 Gal 3 Gal 5 Gal 7 Gal PW Pot (Call for Pricing) Knock Out® Rose Pot (Call for Pricing) Discounts 5% -($10k - $20k) 10% -($20k - 40k) 15% - (40k-60k) 20% -for orders over $60,000 * Discounts will be honored for orders that are paid within terms. * A late charge of up to 1.5% per month (18% per year) or the maximum rate allowed by law, whichever is less, will be charged on all amounts past due from the date due until the date paid. * 3% convenience fee on credit cards. *All Proven Winners (PW) plants & Knock Out® roses will require an additional royalty fee. *All Proven Winners (PW) plants & Knock Out® roses are required to be potted in their appropriate size container. *All Proven Winners (PW) plants & Knock Out® roses are required to have a stake and tag. An additional fee of $.20/stake and $.20/tag will be applied. *A wash fee of $.35 will be added to orders requiring additional washing per state requirements. *All Canadian orders will require a $40 PHYTO fee. * Bailing Fees: Fee charged on all orders being shipped UPS/FEDEX. * Boxes/Crates: Available upon request. Fee will be based on size and number of boxes/crates being used. Kurt Unger General Manager (440) 487-0453 Chad Unger Inventory/Operations Manager (440) 339-4222 Dave Craddock Production Manager (440) 487-0459 John Schmidt Mid-Atlantic/East Coast Sales (610) 256-3655 Duke Biscotti Midwest/Canada Sales (440) 478-5785 Peggy Norris Customer Service (440) 259-3121 Please visit our website for inventory updates www.willowbendnursery.com Page 10/10 N U R S E R I E S LLC 4654 Davis Rd. Perry, Ohio 44081
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