Telemecanique Limit switches OsiSense XC Universal XCK J
Telemecanique Limit switches OsiSense XC Universal XCK J
Limit switches References, characteristics OsiSense XC Standard Industrial format EN 50041 Metal, conforming to CENELEC EN 50041, type XCK J Complete fixed body switches with 1 cable entry Type of head 1 2 Type of operator Plunger (fixing by the body) Form B (1) Form C (1) Metal end plunger Steel roller plunger Rotary (fixing by the body) (switches supplied for actuation from left AND right) Form A (1) Form D (1) Thermoplastic roller lever (2) Steel roller lever (2) 13 21 14 2-pole NC + NO snap action (XE2S P2151) XCK J161H29 13 21 14 2 21-22 13-14 21-22 13-14 0 22 3 22 References of complete switches with 1 ISO M20 x 1.5 cable entry(3) 4.7(P) 6 mm 0.9 2-pole NC + NO XCK J561H29 break before make, slow break 2 3.4(P) 21-22 13-14 (XE2N P2151) 11 21 22 4 12 0 2-pole NC + NC snap action (XE2S P2141) 11 21 12 22 0 2-pole NC + NC simultaneous, slow break (XE2N P2141) 31 21 13 32 22 14 6 31 21 13 32 22 14 7 Weight (kg) Contact operation 8 4.7(P) 6 mm 0.9 2 0 8.1(P) mm 1.5 XCK J567H29 3.2(A) 21-22 13-14 0 5.9(P) 5.3 mm 3.2(A) 11-12 21-22 11-12 21-22 0 8.1(P) mm 1.5 0 3.5(A) 23° 21-22 13-14 21-22 13-14 0 58°(P) 90° 11° XCK J50511H29 23˚ 40˚(P) 21-22 13-14 0 90˚ 23˚ 11-12 21-22 11-12 21-22 0 mm 58˚(P) 90˚ 11˚ 62˚(P) 11-12 21-22 0 28˚ 2 4.7(P) 6 mm 0.9 3.2(A) 21-22 31-32 13-14 21-22 31-32 13-14 0 8.1(P) mm 1.5 23˚ 21-22 31-32 13-14 21-22 31-32 13-14 0 58˚(P) 90˚ 11˚ ZCK JD37H29 + ZCK JD37H29 + ZCK JD37H29 + ZCK E67 ZCK E05 + ZCK Y11 ZCK E61 21-22 31-32 13-14 0 2 3.4(P) 3.2 0.430 closed open 21-22 31-32 13-14 6 mm 3.2(A) 5.9(P) 0 0.455 5.3 mm 21-22 31-32 13-14 0 23˚ 40˚(P) 33˚ 23° 21-22 13-14 21-22 13-14 0 90° XCK J50513H29 23˚ 40˚(P) 0 90˚ ZCK J9H29 + ZCK E05 + ZCK Y13 23˚ 11-12 21-22 11-12 21-22 0 58˚(P) 90˚ 11˚ ZCK J7H29 + ZCK E05 + ZCK Y13 62˚(P) 0 28˚ 90˚ ZCK JD39H29 + ZCK E05 + ZCK Y13 23˚ 21-22 31-32 13-14 21-22 31-32 13-14 0 58˚(P) 90˚ 11˚ ZCK JD37H29 + ZCK E05 + ZCK Y13 0 23˚ 40˚(P) 33˚ 0.480 0.490 (A) = cam displacement (P) = positive opening point Round thermoplastic rod lever, Ø 6 mm (2) (4) XCK J10541H29 XCK J10559H29 23˚ 21-22 13-14 21-22 13-14 0 33˚ 0 23˚ 0 33˚ 90˚ ZCK J9H29 + ZCK E05 + ZCK Y59 11-12 21-22 11-12 21-22 0 90˚ 11˚ 90˚ 23˚ 21-22 13-14 90˚ ZCK J9H29 + ZCK E05 + ZCK Y41 11-12 21-22 11-12 21-22 11˚ XCK J50559H29 23˚ 23˚ 11˚ 90˚ ZCK J7H29 + ZCK E05 + ZCK Y41 ZCK J7H29 + ZCK E05 + ZCK Y59 11-12 21-22 11-12 21-22 0 28˚ 0 90˚ ZCK JD39H29 + ZCK E05 + ZCK Y41 23˚ 21-22 31-32 13-14 21-22 31-32 13-14 0 0 90˚ 11˚ 23˚ 0 28˚ 90˚ ZCK JD39H29 + ZCK E05 + ZCK Y59 21-22 31-32 13-14 21-22 31-32 13-14 ZCK JD37H29 + ZCK E05 + ZCK Y41 21-22 31-32 13-14 90˚ 0 XCK J50541H29 0 23˚ 21-22 13-14 21-22 13-14 90˚ 11˚ 21-22 13-14 33˚ 21-22 31-32 13-14 90˚ 58°(P) 11° 11-12 21-22 90˚ ZCK JD39H29 + ZCK JD39H29 + ZCK JD39H29 + ZCK E61 ZCK E67 ZCK E05 + ZCK Y11 21-22 31-32 13-14 21-22 31-32 13-14 XCK J10513H29 21-22 13-14 33˚ ZCK J7H29 + ZCK E05 + ZCK Y11 5.9(P) 11-12 21-22 6 mm XCK J10511H29 ZCK J9H29 + ZCK E05 + ZCK Y11 ZCK J7H29 + ZCK E67 3.4(P) 11-12 21-22 0 3-pole NC + NC + NO break before make, slow break (XE3N P2141) 2 3.2(A) 21-22 13-14 21-22 13-14 ZCK J9H29 + ZCK E67 ZCK J7H29 + ZCK E61 0 3-pole NC + NC + NO snap action (XE3S P2141) 6 mm ZCK J9H29 + ZCK E61 11-12 21-22 11-12 21-22 5 3.2 XCK J167H29 Variable length thermoplastic roller lever (2) 90˚ ZCK JD37H29 + ZCK E05 + ZCK Y59 21-22 31-32 13-14 33˚ 0.485 90˚ 0.485 NC contact with positive opening operation References of complete switches with 1 Pg 13.5 cable entry (2) For complete switches with entry for Pg 13.5 cable gland, delete H29 from the end of the reference. Example: XCK J161H29 becomes XCK J161. References of complete switches with 1 entry for 1/2" NPT conduit (2) For complete switches with entry for 1/2" NPT (USAS B2-1) conduit, replace H29 at the end of the reference by H7. Example: XCK J161H29 becomes XCK J161H7. 9 (1)FormconformingtoEN50041,seepage1/177. (2)Adjustablethroughout360°in5°steps,orin45°stepsbyreversingtheleveroritsmounting. (3) Switches with gold contacts or eyelet type connections: please consult our Customer Care Centre. (4)Valuetakenwithactuationbymovingpartat100mmfromthefixing. 10 SENTRONIC AG Produkte, Support und Service Rugghölzli 2 CH - 5453 Busslingen Tel. +41 (0)56 222 38 18 Fax +41 (0)56 222 10 12 Limit switches Dimensions OsiSense XC Standard Industrial format EN 50041 Metal, conforming to CENELEC EN 50041, type XCK J Complete fixed body switches with 1 cable entry Characteristics Switch actuation Type of actuation On end By 30° cam Maximum actuation speed Mechanical durability (1) (in millions of operating cycles) Minimum For tripping force or For positive torque opening Cable entry (3) 0.5 m/s 30 1 m/s 25 1.5 m/s 30 20 N 50 N 16 N 40 N 0.25 N.m 0.50 N.m By any moving part 1 2 – 1 entry tapped M20 x 1.5 mm for ISO cable gland, clamping capacity 9 to 12 mm (1)Limitedto15millionoperatingcyclesforswitcheswithcontactsXE3pP. XCK Jp61H29 ZCK Jp + ZCK E61 XCK Jp67H29 ZCK Jp + ZCK E67 XCK Jp051pH29 ZCK Jp + ZCK E05 + ZCK Y11 or Y13 5 5 41 = 33.5 30 = (1) 30 = 33.5 40 = 33.5 40 44 XCK Jp0541H29 ZCK Jp + ZCK E05 + ZCK Y41 62 60 . = 30 48 44 = 6 26.2 33.5 60 (4) (5) 7 . (1) = 30 = 40 33.5 60 8 60 60 (3) 132…177 40…85 62…107 (2) (1) 5 40 XCK Jp0559H29 ZCK Jp + ZCK E05 + ZCK Y59 52 5.5 . (1) 44 60 120 60 107 . (1) 4 133 37 50 41 17 3 57 17 63 Dimensions . = 30 = 40 9 (1)1tappedentryforISOM20x1.5orPg13.5cableglandortapped1/2"NPT. (2)Ø6rod,length200mm. (3)282max. (4)190max. (5) 212 max. Ø:2elongatedholesØ5.3x7.3. 10 SENTRONIC AG Produkte, Support und Service Rugghölzli 2 CH - 5453 Busslingen Tel. +41 (0)56 222 38 18 Fax +41 (0)56 222 10 12 Limit switches References, characteristics Type of head Form B (1) Type of operator Form C (1) Form A (1) Metal end plunger Steel roller plunger 11 XCK J1161H29 11-12 13-14 11-12 13-14 12 13 Single-pole CO snap action Form D (1) Thermoplastic roller lever (2) XCK J1167H29 2 0 6mm 11-12 13-14 11-12 13-14 3.2(A) 0 0.9 4 Rotary (fixing by the body) (switches supplied for actuation from left AND right) Steel roller lever (2) Variable length thermoplastic roller lever (2) Round thermoplastic rod lever, Ø 6 mm (2)(4) References of complete switches with 1 ISO M20 x 1.5 cable entry(3) 14 3 Metal, conforming to CENELEC EN 50041, type XCK J Complete switches, plug-in body With 1 cable entry Plunger (fixing by the body) 1 2 OsiSense XC Standard, industrial format EN 50041 Weight (kg) Contact operation 0.430 closed mm XCK J110511H29 XCK J110513H29 XCK J110541H29 XCK J110559H29 11-12 13-14 11-12 13-14 11-12 13-14 11-12 13-14 0 0 11-12 13-14 11-12 13-14 0 11-12 13-14 11-12 13-14 0 1.5 0.455 open 0.480 0.490 0.485 (A) = cam displacement 0.485 References of complete switches with 1 Pg 13.5 cable entry (3) 5 For complete switches with entry for Pg 13.5 cable gland, delete H29 from the end of the reference. Example: XCK J1161H29 becomes XCK J1161. References of complete switches with 1 entry for 1/2" NPT conduit (3) For complete switches with entry for 1/2" NPT (USAS B2-1) conduit, replace H29 at the end of the reference by H7. Example: XCK J1161H29 becomes XCK J1161H7. Characteristics 6 7 Switch actuation Type of actuation On end By 30° cam Maximum actuation speed Mechanical durability (in millions of operating cycles) Minimum tripping force or torque Cable entry 0.5 m/s 30 1 m/s 25 By any moving part 1.5 m/s 30 20 N 16 N 0.25 N.m 1 entry tapped M20 x 1.5 for ISO cable gland Clamping capacity 7 to 13 mm (1)FormconformingtoEN50041,seepage1/177. (2)Adjustablethroughout360°in5°steps,orin45°stepsbyreversingtheleveroritsmounting. (3) Switches with gold contacts: please consult our Customer Care Centre. (4)Valuetakenwithactuationbymovingpartat100mmfromthefixing. 8 9 10 SENTRONIC AG Produkte, Support und Service Rugghölzli 2 CH - 5453 Busslingen Tel. +41 (0)56 222 38 18 Fax +41 (0)56 222 10 12 Limit switches Dimensions OsiSense XC Standard, industrial format EN 50041 Metal, conforming to CENELEC EN 50041, type XCK J Complete switches, plug-in body With 1 cable entry XCK J1611H29 XCK J1167H29 XCK J110511H29, XCK J110513H29 1 57 17 5 50 = 30 . 25 (1) 25 36 = = 42.5 30 62 = (1) = 30 = XCK J110559H29 52 48 44 3 42.5 42.5 XCK J110541H29 60 60 127 . (1) 25 2 140 37 60 114 . 36 41 63 5 17 5.5 41 4 26.2 (4) (5) 60 60 . 25 60 5 (3) 139…184 40…85 62…107 (2) . (1) = 30 60 42.5 6 (1) 25 = = 30 = 42.5 (1)1tappedentryforISOM20x1.5orPg13.5cableglandorfor1/2"NPTconduit. (2)Ø6rod,length200mm. (3)289max. (4)190max. (5) 212 max. 7 8 9 10 SENTRONIC AG Produkte, Support und Service Rugghölzli 2 CH - 5453 Busslingen Tel. +41 (0)56 222 38 18 Fax +41 (0)56 222 10 12 Limit switches References, characteristics Type of head Form B (1) Type of operator 13 21 14 2-pole NC + NO snap action (XE2S P2151) Weight (kg) Contact operation Characteristics 6 7 8 Form D (1) Thermoplastic roller lever (2) Steel roller lever (2) Variable length thermoplastic roller lever (2) Round thermoplastic rod lever, Ø 6 mm (2) (3) XCK J161D XCK J10511D XCK J10513D XCK J10541D XCK J10559D 21-22 13-14 21-22 13-14 21-22 13-14 21-22 13-14 21-22 13-14 21-22 13-14 21-22 13-14 21-22 13-14 0 5 Form A (1) Metal end plunger Steel roller plunger 2 21-22 13-14 21-22 13-14 4 Form C (1) Rotary (fixing by the body) (switches supplied for actuation from left AND right) References (4) 22 3 Metal, conforming to CENELEC EN 50041, type XCK J Complete switches, fixed body M12 connector Plunger (fixing by the body) 1 2 OsiSense XC Standard, industrial format EN 50041 Switch actuation Type of actuation XCK J167D 4.7(P) 0.9 6mm 21-22 13-14 21-22 13-14 3.2(A) 8.1(P) 0 1.5 0.430 closed open 0.455 On end By 30° cam mm 0 0 0.480 0.490 (A) = cam displacement (P) = positive opening point 0 0.485 0 0.485 By any moving part Maximum actuation speed 0.5 m/s 1 m/s 1.5 m/s Mechanical durability 30 25 30 (in millions of operating cycles) Minimum force or For tripping 20 N 16 N 0.25 N.m torque For positive opening 50 N 40 N 0.50 N.m – Connection M12 connector, Ui = 60 V, Ie = 4 A (see suitable pre-wired female connectors below). (1)FormconformingtoEN50041,seepage1/177. (2)Adjustablethroughout360°in5°steps,orin45°stepsbyreversingtheleveroritsmounting. (3)Valuetakenwithactuationbymovingpartat100mmfromthefixing. (4)Switcheswithgoldcontacts:pleaseconsultourCustomerCareCentre. – References of suitable pre-wired female connectors Type of connector With cable, Ø 5.8 mm (4 x 0.34 mm2 + 1 x 0.5 mm2) Weight (kg) L=2m M12 straight, 5-pin, 4 A/24 V max. XZ CP1164L2 M12 elbowed, 5-pin, 4 A/24 V max. XZ CP1264L2 L=5m XZ CP1164L5 XZ CP1264L5 L = 10 m XZ CP1164L10 XZ CP1264L10 L=2m L=5m L = 10 m 0.115 0.270 0.520 9 10 SENTRONIC AG Produkte, Support und Service Rugghölzli 2 CH - 5453 Busslingen Tel. +41 (0)56 222 38 18 Fax +41 (0)56 222 10 12 Limit switches Dimensions, connections OsiSense XC Standard, industrial format EN 50041 Metal, conforming to CENELEC EN 50041, type XCK J Complete switches, fixed body M12 connector Dimensions XCK J161D XCK J167D XCK J1051pD 5 50 30 = = 33.5 40 44 XCK J10559D 52 26.2 4 (3) (4) 5 XZ CP1264Lp 30 = 33.5 40 60 = 30 20 26 = 12 . 59 32 40 L 6 = 40 59 (1)Ø6rod,length200mm. (2)282max. (3) 190 max. (4)212max. Ø:2elongatedholesØ5.3x7.3. L: Cable length 2, 5 or 10 m. Connections Limit switch XCK JppppD 7 Pre-wired female connector XZ CP1p64Lp 8 2 2 1 3 1 3 4 13 21 14 22 4 1-2 = NC 3-4 = NO 5=t 4 A / 24 V max. 3 L 42 60 . 12 = 40 (2) 132…177 40…85 62…107 (1) 33.5 30 XZ CP1164Lp 48 44 = 62 . XCK J10541D . 12 33.5 = 40 2 60 60 120 30 . 12 12 = 44 5.5 133 37 60 107 . 33.5 41 41 63 5 17 1 57 17 1 = brown 2 = white 3 = blue 4 = black 5 = t yellow/green 9 10 SENTRONIC AG Produkte, Support und Service Rugghölzli 2 CH - 5453 Busslingen Tel. +41 (0)56 222 38 18 Fax +41 (0)56 222 10 12 Limit switches References, characteristics Type of head Form B (1) Type of operator 13 21 22 2-pole NC + NO snap action (XE2S P2151) 6 7 8 Form D (1) Thermoplastic roller lever (2) Steel roller lever (2) Variable length thermoplastic roller lever (2) Round thermoplastic rod lever, Ø 6 mm (2) (3) XCK J161A XCK J10511A XCK J10513A XCK J10541A XCK J10559A 21-22 13-14 21-22 13-14 21-22 13-14 21-22 13-14 21-22 13-14 21-22 13-14 21-22 13-14 21-22 13-14 2 21-22 13-14 21-22 13-14 Weight (kg) Contact operation Characteristics 5 Form A (1) Metal end plunger Steel roller plunger 0 4 Form C (1) Rotary (fixing by the body) (switches supplied for actuation from left AND right) References (4) 14 3 Metal, conforming to CENELEC EN 50041, type XCK J Complete switches, fixed body 7/8"-16UN connector Plunger (fixing by the body) 1 2 OsiSense XC Standard, industrial format EN 50041 Switch actuation Type of actuation XCK J167A 4.7(P) 0.9 6mm 21-22 13-14 21-22 13-14 3.2(A) 8.1(P) 0 1.5 0.430 closed open 0.455 On end By 30° cam mm 0 0 0.480 0.490 (A) = cam displacement (P) = positive opening point 0 0.485 0 0.485 NC contact with positive opening operation By any moving part Maximum actuation speed 0.5 m/s 1 m/s 1.5 m/s Mechanical durability 30 25 30 (in millions of operating cycles) Minimum force For tripping 20 N 16 N 0.25 N.m or torque For positive opening 50 N 40 N 0.50 N.m – Connection 7/8"-16UN connector, Ui = 250 V; Ie = 6 A (see suitable pre-wired female connectors below). (1)FormconformingtoEN50041,seepage1/177. (2)Adjustablethroughout360°in5°steps,orin45°stepsbyreversingtheleveroritsmounting. (3)Valuetakenwithactuationbymovingpartat100mmfromthefixing. (4)Switcheswithgoldcontacts:pleaseconsultourCustomerCareCentre. – References of suitable pre-wired female connectors Type of connector With cable, Ø 6.7 mm (5 x 0.5 mm2) Weight (kg) L=2m 7/8"-16UN straight, 5-pin, 6 A/250 V max. XZ CP1771L2 L=5m XZ CP1771L5 L = 10 m XZ CP1771L10 L=2m L=5m L = 10 m 0.190 0.475 0.950 9 10 SENTRONIC AG Produkte, Support und Service Rugghölzli 2 CH - 5453 Busslingen Tel. +41 (0)56 222 38 18 Fax +41 (0)56 222 10 12 Limit switches Dimensions, connections OsiSense XC Standard, industrial format EN 50041 Metal, conforming to CENELEC EN 50041, type XCK J Complete switches, fixed body 7/8"-16UN connector Dimensions XCK J161A XCK J167A XCK J1051pA 5 50 . 17 17 17 . = 33.5 30 XCK J10541A = XZ CP1771Lp 48 44 30 4 26.2 (1) (3) (4) 5 60 60 . 6 17 = 33.5 L (2) 132…177 40…85 62…107 55 17 . 30 = = 33.5 40 59 30 = 40 59 (1)Ø6rod,length200mm. (2)282max. (3) 190 max. (4)212max. Ø:2elongatedholesØ5.3x7.3. L: Cable length 2, 5 or 10 m. Connections Limit switch XCK JppppA 2 1 21 22 1 13 1 = 21 2 = 22 3=t 4 = 14 5 = 13 Pre-wired female connector XZ CP1771Lp 2 14 5 7 8 3 3 4 3 40 62 XCK J10559A 52 = 33.5 = 40 44 40 44 30 = 33.5 = 2 60 60 120 133 37 60 107 . 5.5 41 41 63 5 17 1 57 17 4 5 1 = black 2 = blue 3 = yellow/green t 4 = brown 5 = white 9 10 SENTRONIC AG Produkte, Support und Service Rugghölzli 2 CH - 5453 Busslingen Tel. +41 (0)56 222 38 18 Fax +41 (0)56 222 10 12 Limit switches Presentation, general characteristics 3 OsiSense XC Standard Industrial format EN 50041 Metal, type XCK J Conforming to CENELEC EN 50041 b XCK J 2 561647 561646 1 v With head for linear movement (plunger) fixed body with 1 cable entry Page 1/102 4 561650 3 561649 561648 v With head for rotary movement (lever) Page 1/102 b XCK J v With head for linear movement (plunger) 5 6 561652 561651 plug-in body with 1 cable entry Page 1/104 561655 561654 561653 v With head for rotary movement (lever) 7 8 Page 1/104 Environment characteristics Conformity to standards 9 10 Product certifications Protective treatment Ambient air temperature Vibration resistance Shock resistance Electric shock protection Degree of protection Repeat accuracy Cable entry or connector Materials SENTRONIC AG Products Machine assemblies Version For operation For storage Conforming to IEC 60068-2-6 Conforming to IEC 60068-2-27 Depending on model Produkte, Support und Service IEC 60947-5-1, EN 60947-5-1, UL 508, CSA C22-2 n° 14 IEC 60204-1, EN 60204-1 UL, CSA, CCC Standard: “TC”, special: “TH” - 25…+ 70°C, special sub-assemblies for use at - 40°C or + 120°C - 40…+ 70°C 25 gn (10…500 Hz) 50 gn (11 ms) Class I conforming to IEC 61140 and NF C 20-030 IP 66 conforming to IEC 60529; IK 07 conforming to EN 50102 0.01 mm on the tripping points, with 1 million operating cycles for head with end plunger Tapped entry for n° 13 cable gland, tapped ISO M20 x 1.5 or tapped 1/2" NPT, or M12 connector Bodies and heads in zamak Rugghölzli 2 CH - 5453 Busslingen Tel. +41 (0)56 222 38 18 Fax +41 (0)56 222 10 12 Limit switches General characteristics 3 OsiSense XC Standard Industrial format EN 50041 (continued) Metal, type XCK J Conforming to CENELEC EN 50041 Contact block characteristics Rated operational characteristics XE2p P a AC-15; A300 (Ue = 240 V, Ie = 3 A); Ithe = 10 A c DC-13; Q300 (Ue = 250 V, Ie = 0.27 A), conforming to IEC 60947-5-1 Appendix A, EN 60947-5-1 a AC-15; B300 (Ue = 240 V, Ie = 1.5 A); Ithe = 6 A c DC-13; R300 (Ue = 250 V, Ie = 0.1 A), conforming to IEC 60947-5-1 Appendix A, EN 60947-5-1 Ui = 500 V degree of pollution 3 conforming to IEC 60947-1 Ui = 300 V conforming to UL 508, CSA C22-2 n° 14 Ui = 400 V degree of pollution 3 conforming to IEC 60947-1 Ui = 300 V conforming to UL 508, CSA C22-2 n° 14 XE3p P Rated insulation voltage XE2p P XE3p P Rated impulse withstand voltage XE2p P XE3p P U imp = 6 kV conforming to IEC 60947-1, IEC 60664 U imp = 4 kV conforming to IEC 60947-1, IEC 60664 Positive operation (depending on model) Resistance across terminals Short-circuit protection XE2p P XE3p P NC contacts with positive opening operation conforming to IEC 60947-5-1 Appendix K, EN 60947-5-1 y 25 mΩ conforming to IEC 60255-7 category 3 10 A cartridge fuse type gG (gl) 6 A cartridge fuse type gG (gl) Connection (screw clamp terminals) XE2S P21p1 XE2N P21p1 XCK J plug-in and XES P20p1 Clamping capacity, min:1 x 0.34 mm , max: 2 x 1.5 mm Clamping capacity, min:1 x 0.5 mm2, max: 2 x 2.5 mm2 Clamping capacity, min:1 x 0.75 mm2, max: 2 x 1.5 mm2 XE3N P and XE3S P Clamping capacity, min: 1 x 0.34 mm2, max: 1 x 1 mm2 or 2 x 0.75 mm2 XE2S P21p1, XE2S P2141 5 Ithe 1 110 V 0.5 48 V 1 2 Ithe 230 V 2 12/24/48 V 110 V 1 0.5 0.2 0.1 0.5 3 4 5 10 Current in A Millions of operating cycles Ithe 5 1 0.5 110 V 230/400 V 24 V 48 V 0.1 0.5 DC supply c 5 4 3 1 2 3 4 5 10 Current in A 5 4 3 Ithe 1 230 V 48 V 6 0.5 0.1 0.5 110 V 1 2 10 3 4 5 Current in A 1 2 3 4 5 10 Current in A Power broken in W for 5 million operating cycles. Voltage V 24 48 120 o W 3 2 1 SENTRONIC AG Produkte, Support und Service 2 230 V 1 12/24/48 V 110 V 0.5 9 0.2 0.1 0.5 7 8 Ithe 5 4 3 5 12/24 V 2 Power broken in W for 5 million operating Power broken in W for 5 million operating Power broken in W for 5 million operating cycles. cycles. cycles. Voltage V 24 48 120 Voltage V 24 48 120 Voltage V 24 48 120 o o o W 10 7 4 W 13 9 7 W 10 7 4 For XE2S Pp151 on a or c, NC and NO contacts simultaneously loaded to the values shown with reverse polarity. XE3S Ppppp XE3N Ppppp Millions of operating cycles AC supply 50/60 Hz a o inductive circuit 24 V 230/400 V 0.1 0.5 DC supply c Millions of operating cycles Millions of operating cycles AC supply 50/60 Hz a o inductive circuit 3 4 XE2S P21p1 and XE3S P: 0.01 m/minute XE2N P21p1 and XE3N P: 6 m/minute b Conforming to IEC 60947-5-1 Appendix C b Utilisation categories AC-15 and DC-13 b Maximum operating rate: 3600 operating cycles/hour b Load factor: 0.5 XE2N P21p1 XCK J plug-in, XES P20p1 Electrical durability 2 2 Millions of operating cycles Minimum actuation speed 2 1 1 2 3 4 5 10 Current in A Power broken in W for 5 million operating cycles. Voltage V 24 48 120 o W 4 3 2 Rugghölzli 2 CH - 5453 Busslingen Tel. +41 (0)56 222 38 18 Fax +41 (0)56 222 10 12 10
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