Grizzly Growl Staff
Grizzly Growl Staff
Farewell Grizzl y Growl St af f 3 Wishes of Hal l e Kohl er Halle Kohler a member of the journalism staff has an opinion on what she would do if she could only do 3 more things. First, she would go to Japan because she thinks it is really unique, and it would be cool to go across the world. She would then go to a cruise to the Bahamas because she has never been on a cruise or to the ocean. Since she has the best class ever why not take them with her to New Zealand? Maddie, her best friend loves Subway like her, so she would go to Subway with Maddie. Since it is a family tradition she would go to Chilies with her mom. ?My mom is really good at cooking I would have a homemade meal with my parents and my family,? she said during the interview. Why would she want to spend these fun times alone here are her 2 people that she would spend them with? Maddie because she is her best friend and she is funny and wonderful. Her mom because she loves her and she says she is a wonderful mother. Now you know where to find Halle Kohler Gel l y The Grizzly Growl asked Maya Giles a few questions. Maya said, ?If I could be any color I would be a Royal Pink because it?s a sassy color.? Maya said, ?That if I had to choose between being hurt by a person I loved or the person I trusted, I would choose to be hurt by the person that I loved, because if I was hurt by the person I trusted, I would have super bad trust issues.? Maya seems like a very shy girl, the first time you meet her; her friends said, ?Once you get to know her more she is crazy, funny and a super sweet girl!? Maya?s friends also said, ?Maya can always make you smile, she has the cutest laugh and such a sweet, fun personality.? WAIT, WHAT?? Wha t d o you not know a b out Alissa Presla r? Alissa mig ht the person ?My favor ite thing to do is play basketball. I play you?ve a lwa ys thoug ht she is, ma yb e she ever y other day and I?m on the Gir ls Wasatch basketball isn?t. Just ima g ine wha t you know a b out this g a l, let?s see if you ca n lea rn team. I sometimes have games on Mondays but mostly on Satur days. I love basketball because I like being par t a nything new a b out her. To ma ny she mig ht seem shy, b ut she expla ins tha t of a team.? she is g ood a t ma king friend s, ?I just sit d own a nd ta lk to ra nd om people a nd we usua lly b ecome friend s,? she ma kes it a ll seem so ea sy! Alissa a t first seems like a shy g irl, b ut once you g et to know her she isn?t rea lly tha t shy! Not to mention a super Kaylei said that she wants to be a house nice g irl a nd a crea tive writer! Alissa is designer when she?s an adult. She said ?It?s because I fun to b e a round so, if you ha ven?t like to design and be cr eative.? She loves jour nalism b een a round her you should try to meet because she likes lear ning to be a better wr iter . ?If I her! could do anything I would do ever ything.? Kay l ei Dav i s t h e Bal l er Meet Rebecca Joye West Rebecca West is a 7th grader at Rocky Mountain Middle School. She is so funny and enthusiastic! Rebecca is full of fun and positivity. If you?re ever feeling down, Becca will always cheer you up. She is an amazing athlete who plays basketball and soccer. We asked Rebecca a few questions? What is your favorite movie? What character can you mostly relate to? ?The Ridiculous 6. Probably Ricardo because he laughs at everything and is always confused. Just like me.? One word that describes Rebecca?s personality is, ?spunky, because I?m a nut.? When it is Rebecca?s favorite holiday she acts like a, ?hyena because they are really hyper and they laugh a lot. When I?m happy I tend to over speak.? The Journalism Staff loves Becca and are so glad we got to work L Lilifer How well do you know Lily Morris? When the Grizzly Growl asked Lily what word describes her best, she said Flippant. Lily exclaimed, ?who cares about being nice and shy? It?s a good thing to stand out and be different!? We also asked Lily what she has always wanted and why she wants it. She excitedly answered, ?I have always wanted a mansion with a humongous closet with all of the clothes in the world. It would be so cool! I could wear a different outfit every day!? If you have ever met lily you would know that she always has energy! She is outgoing and is not afraid to talk to new people. Lily is very kind to everyone she meets and loves to make new friends. Lily always finds a time to make a joke, and can always make you laugh. Her friends say, ?Lily is so funny and can always make you smile! Lily is so gorgeous and we absolutely love being her friends!? Whitney Ria n Peterson Whitney Peterson is in 7th g ra d e a nd g oes to Rocky Mounta in Mid d le School. She is a n a wesome friend who ca n a lwa ys ma ke you with her this semester doing The smile no ma tter wha t! She is a g rea t Grizzly Growl! journa list a nd is in the journa lism cla ss! She ha s the most a d ora b le la ug h , a nd her la ug h ca n ma ke you la ug h! She ha s the funniest ima g ina tion! "If I RMMS's Jaguar could g o a nywhere in the world ... g o to Some People think that you have to be perfect Ha wa ii, a nd I would g o snorkelling , swim with all the time, but a very unique person by the d olphins, a nd ea t a s ma ny snow cones a s I name of MaKaylin Sulser, proves otherwise. ca n! I would na me the d olphin Pira te, a nd She is a smart, and a fun 12 year old girl. b ring it home a nd we would b e b est friend s When asked the question, do you like a nd g o swimming a pool tog ether!" journalism, she replied,? Yes because I really If you see Whitney in the ha lls then g ive her like writing, and journalism gave a different a hig h five a nd tell her how a wesome she is! way of writing.? MaKaylin is also a ?reliable, goofy, and an outgoing person? Claimed by many of her friends. With the speed of a "cheetah" MaKaylin is always a fun person to be around and will guarantee you a fun time. The great and marvel ous Jackson Nobl e H av e y ou ev er been cu r i ou s abou t Jack son N obl e? ?M y opin ion on th e over al l exper ien ce in Jou r n al ism wou l d h ave to be, th at I l oved it! Th e on l y th in g th at is a down er is wh en you r par tn er is gon e on Fr iday an d you h ave to wr ite a wh ol e ar ticl e by you r sel f,? said Nobby. ?If I cou l d do-over an yth in g, it wou l d be sar castical l y cal l in g th at gir l an n oyin g. If I cou l d k eep five possession s, th ey wou l d be m y body, m y fr ien ds, m y fam il y, m y sk i pass, an d m y sk is.? defin itel y som eon e in ter estin g to get to k n ow, accor din g to h is fr ien ds. Fun-sized friend ! The End ofL Term is just a round the corner! Not only d oes tha t mea n fina l g ra d es, b ut a lso new Electives! Ellie Cox, in our journa lism fa mily told us ?I love this cla ss so much, I d on?t wa nt to lea ve!!? Ellie, ha ve you ma d e a ny new friend s in Journa lism who you d id not know b efore? ?I d id not rea lly know a nyone when I ca me into journa lism, now we a re a ll friend s!? Wha t color b est d escrib ed you on your first d a y in journa lism, a nd why? ?Yellow.? Wha t wa s your fa vorite a rticle we ha ve written so fa r? ?The Christma s Ed ition, b eca use I g ot to write a n a rticle on Sa nta ?s cookies!? If you were to ha ve a ny super power wha t would it b e a nd wha t would you d o with it? ?Super speed !? ?I would g o tra vel a ll the wa y a round the world a nd run on wa ter!? If you d on?t know Ellie, then hope she will b e in your next elective! Hav e you met Jodi Pri ce Jodi Price likes to be outside and breathe the fresh air. Jodi Price likes to read, she loves all books. Jodi likes to be outside all the time year round because it is so much fun to be outside and feel the fresh air and get out of the house. Her favorite game is Apples to Apples because she has so much fun playing it in Journalism. If she could choose another elective she would not change her choice with Journalism. Her favorite part of Journalism is being able to interview 7th graders and other people. Now you know a few things about Jodi Price. Grace Trout man Want an inside scoop on Grace Troutman? Well the Grizzly Growl has more information on her right here, right now. Grace Troutman is a part of the RMMS Journalism staff. She is in 7 th grade. Have you talked to her? The Grizzly Growl has some information about her so you can get to know her more. Here are 3 statements for you to know more. Grace states, ?Now I want to eat pie? The bitterest flavor of pie there is because I am bitter in the morning.? ?Black because (moment of intense thinking) it?s my favorite color and it reminds me of sleeping, also because I just like that hair color.? ?Defiantly curly just because it?s kind of fun and crazy, like me.? There is Grace Troutman, and some more information about her. WHOISMADISONRITCHIE? Madison Ritchie. Who is she? When some people first here her name she just sounds like an innocent girl. When some people first meet her, she is still a little shy. When some people really meet her, she is hilarious, a little crazy, and she always knows how to make someone laugh. Grizzly Growl asked her, would you give a homeless person CPR if they were dying? Why or why not? Her responses were, ?No, because they never brush their teeth and they smell bad and I might catch a disease.? We also asked her, what makes you angry, and why does that make you angry? ?When I give a person a compliment and they turn me down. Like when I give someone a heart-felt compliment they just turn it down!? Madison Ritchie is defiantly worth talking to, and even to become friends with! Who is Trevi Ogilvie? Trevi Ogilvie, you wanna know about her? Good. Trevi is a crazy and interesting person and there is so much about her you havew yet to learn! When Trevi was asked what kind of animal she was most like she enthusiastically replied, " An Emu! Because not many people know about them but when they actually look them up they are pretty cool and interesting! Trevi's mood is usually blue, but Trevi feels that dewscribing blue as a sad color is wrong because she thinks that blue is a happy color! If you don't know Trevi you should get to know her better because she is amazing! Missin g out on t he mads? if you haven't met this crazy girl you should strike up a convo with her! she has a bright personality and makes anyone fall to the ground laughing! She loves journalism and Ms. King, she describes her personality with music as "pop", and if you see her anywhere she has a smile on her face, unless of course she's pulling her grumpy cat face! So if you see her in the hallways don't be afraid to come straight up and talk to her!