Open File - Accelerated Genetics
Open File - Accelerated Genetics
Focused on Being The Producer’s Trusted First Choice It is with a great deal of pride we present to you the 2015 edition of our Beef Sire Directory. For over 70 years, Accelerated Genetics has been the source of superior genetics to meet the needs of cattlemen across the country and around the world. As you review the sire lineup, we are sure you will find bulls that will meet the needs of the most discriminating cattlemen. From calving ease to superior performance, maternal traits to carcass merit, our sires are selected to offer a balance of traits with functional phenotype to help you move your total program forward. This past year has seen record prices for all classes of cattle. Purebred bull sales have set new records. The demand for quality genetics has never been stronger. Time after time, cattle that are AI sired or females that are bred to AI bulls command top dollar. Industry researchers continue to document the added value that AI offers to both purebred and commercial producers. We have seen the nation’s cowherd drop to levels not seen since the early 1950’s. The nation’s calf crop is at its lowest level in decades. Competition for calves will be strong going forward and producers with quality genetics will be rewarded greatly. We are proud of the people that make up Accelerated Genetics. Our representatives serve as your reproductive specialist to assist you with the most important trait to your profitability, fertility. We invite you to visit with our talented team of men and women to develop a plan of action to utilize AI and capture the value of quality genetics. At Accelerated Genetics, our focus is on the People of this industry, the Products we offer, and the Pride in helping you accomplish your goals. We work hard every day to ensure we are “The Producer’s Trusted First Choice.” ADMINISTRATIVE HEADQUARTERS E10890 Penny Lane Baraboo, WI 53913 Toll Free: 800-451-9275 Phone: 608-356-8357 Fax: 608-356-4387 Email: Website: ©2015 Accelerated Genetics INDEX Angus Sires ......................3-42 Angus Top Traits ................ 43 Red Angus Sires. ...........44-54 Hereford Sires. ...............55-61 Simmental Sires........62-70,74 Charolais Sires ...............72-73 Limousin Sires .................... 74 Brahman Sires .................... 74 Terminology ....................... 78 Synch Protocols .............80-81 BREEDING SUPPLIES from Accelerated Genetics Accelerated Genetics is your source for quality breeding supplies and professional services. From time management and estrus synchronization programs, to reliable and safe storage options and the highest quality technician tested suppliesAccelerated Genetics has it all! What can Accelerated Genetics offer you? CIDR®S Semen Tanks Heat Detection Aids Insemination Guns & Sheaths Gloves Thawing Equipment Dedicated Representatives Contact your local Accelerated Genetics representative today! ANGUS A A R TEN X 7008 S A 014AN00377 A.I. PROVEN CALVING EASE PERFORMANCE MATERNAL CARCASS Arntzen Angus Ranch, MT | Bodner Angus, MT | Stein Angus Acres, MT | Rollin Rock Angus, MT SA F SA F F GD A M Y T T Y IN SI TZ MY TTY B A L D A A A Re g # : 15719841 A SA Re g # : 2566684 F A ME O C U SO F E R R F O RE V E R L A D Y 246 F O C U S A L L I A N C E 6595 C O U N TE SS 906 RI D GE C O U N TE SS 357 c p B C C B U SH W A C KE R 41-93 S A V A D A P TO R 2213 S A V A B I GA L E 0451 A A R L AD Y K E L T O N 5 5 5 1 SI TZ TRA V E L E R 8180 H S A F L A D Y KE L TO N 504B N A L A D Y C O N STE N C E 504 N p b s T h e s ir e y o u h a v e b e e n s e a r c h in g T e n X o ffe r s c a lv in g e a s e , p e r fo r m a r c a s s m e r i t , $ Va l u e s a n d a n o u t c r e d ig r e e . H ig h e s t r a n k in g $ B s ir e in th e b r e e w D e s ig n , P r e c is io n o r O b je c tiv e e d ig r e e . T e n X is o n e o f th e b r e e d ’s e lite c e n d in g s ir e s . S o n s o f T e n X h a v e b e e n th e h ig h ir e g r o u p a t b u ll s a le s a c r o s s th e c fo r! a n c e , o s s e d w ith o u t in h is Son: 014AN00441 M A R Double XL 320 u rv e s e llin g o u n try . Tat t oo: 7008 B or n: 02/ 09/ 2007 B i r t h W t : 78 l b s . 205 D ay A d j . W t : 755 l b s . 365 D ay A d j . W t : 1344 l b s . Mature W t : 2501 l b s . Mature H i p H t : 56.3 i n. Mature Scr t l . C i r cu m : 44.0 cm A MF | N H F | C A F | M1F | D D F S p r in g 2 0 1 5 P r o g e n y E v a lu a tio n T r a it Av e r a g e L ar g e F r am e Si z e Mu s cl i ng H e av y C ap aci t y D e e p Re ar L e g Si ck l e d She at h Ti g ht Scr ot al Si z e L ar g e U d d e r C ap . Shal l ow Te at Si z e Sm al l Daughter: Deer Valley Farm, TN E x p e c t e d P r o g e n y D i f f e r e n c e s a n d $ Va l u e ( I n f o a s o f 1 2 / 1 2 / 2 0 1 4 ) P r od u ct i on E P D C E D B W W W Y W 8 .4 6 9 1 3 0 Mat e r nal R AD G Y H S C .2 1 .4 AC C .91 .96 .95 .92 .67 .93 .93 % 25 30 10 AVG 5 25 1.7 4 49 1 86 .18 .5 1 .6 2 .79 D O C H P C E M M IL K D T /H D 1 2 1 1 .0 8 2 4 .88 .41 .53 .65 C ar cas s M W M H $ E N 1 1 9 3 2 .4 -2 .6 9 23 .70 .71 35 11 8.9 9 23 27 .3 -5.4 C W M AR B R E F AT 7 6 1 .3 9 .8 6 -.0 0 3 .46 .56 .52 .50 1 1 10 35 29 .45 .39 .011 $ V al u e C - P G/ H D U - P G/ H D 7 2 ,3 6 1 4 $ W $ F $ G $ B 7 5 .2 4 8 0 .8 5 5 1 .9 2 1 4 5 .9 6 1 2 2 825 1 37.74 35.54 28.07 80.01 3 ANGUS A A R TEN GAUGE 1501 014AN00425 AAA Reg#: 17049149 MYTTY IN FOCUS A A R TEN X 7008 S A A A R LADY KELTON 5551 B BAR I87 ALLIANCE 2017 A A R CLOVA PRIDE 9549 A A R CLOVA PRIDE 3016 Tattoo: 1501 Born: 02/05/2011 Birth Wt: 61 lbs. 205 Day Adj. Wt: 752 lbs. 365 Day Adj. Wt: 1437 lbs. Mature Wt: 2265 lbs. Mature Hip Ht: 55.0 in. Mature Scrtl. Circum: 40.0 cm AMF | NHF | CAF | M1F | DDF A A R Ten G auge 15 01 Spring 2015 Progeny Evaluation Trait Average Large Frame Size Muscling Heavy Capacity Deep Rear Leg Sickled Sheath Tight Scrotal Size Large Udder Cap. Shallow Teat Size Small Arntzen Angus Ranch, MT | W heeler Mountain Ranch, MT | M R Angus, W Y One of the first proven sons of Ten X to enter AI. He is a moderate framed, sound-footed bull with a big top and square hip. Expected Progeny Differences and $ Value (Info as of 12/12/2014) Production Maternal Carcass CED BW WW YW RADG YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK DT/HD MW MH EPD 9 .2 66 121 ACC .58 .71 .59 .51 % 20 20 10 .28 .41 3 .2 1.23 20 16.0 11 .52 .61 .44 .17 .14 5 25 20 10 24 .21 0 0 $ Value $EN CW MARB RE FAT C-PG/HD U-PG/HD $W 37 .4 -16.64 39 .42 .28 .30 .67 .42 25 20 25 .16 .023 .33 .35 0 0 3 1 $F $G $B 57.42 83.77 30.89 107.54 10 2 15 A & B TWENTY X 3149 014AN00434 AAA Reg#: 17687564 MYTTY IN FOCUS A A R TEN X 7008 S A A A R LADY KELTON 5551 EXAR 263C A & B ANNIE 8070 A & B ANNIE 5006 Tattoo: 3149 Born: 02/20/2013 Birth Wt: 88 lbs. 205 Day Adj. Wt: 636 lbs. 365 Day Adj. Wt: 1244 lbs. Current Wt: 1655 lbs. Current Hip Ht: 52.0 in. Current Scrtl. Circum: 39.0 cm AMF | NHF | CAF | M1F | DDF A & B Tw enty X 3149 A & B Angus, NE | Sitz Angus, MT | Boyd Beef C attle, K Y | Accelerated G enetics, W I Twenty X puts the phenotype and performance together in a superior package. Twenty X has been described by many as one of the best Ten X sons to sell in 2014. Expected Progeny Differences and $ Value (Info as of 12/12/2014) Production Maternal Carcass CED BW WW YW RADG YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK DT/HD MW MH EPD 8 .9 61 119 ACC .38 .44 .33 .36 % AVG 4 8 25 5 8 35 1.7 8 15 49 8 4 86 8 .25 .36 10 .18 8 .6 1.19 14 13.0 10 .47 .47 .31 .20 .16 8 .5 25 .79 8 11 8 25 8.9 8 35 9 28 .23 8 20 23 8 0 0 8 35 .5 -21.57 57 .35 .24 .21 8 27 8 .3 $ Value $EN CW MARB RE FAT C-PG/HD U-PG/HD $W 8 -5.4 4 29 8 .71 .34 20 .45 .81 .016 .28 .32 8 10 8 .39 .011 8 0 0 8 0 0 $F $G $B 53.18 77.97 38.12 127.85 8 15 8 3 8 20 8 2 37.74 35.54 28.07 80.81 8 ANGUS V A R DISCOVERY 2240 014AN00422 Vintage Angus Ranch, C A | 44 Farms, TX AAA Reg#: 17262835 S A F FOCUS OF E R MYTTY IN FOCUS MYTTY COUNTESS 906 A A R TEN X 7008 S A S A V ADAPTOR 2213 A A R LADY KELTON 5551 H S A F LADY KELTON 504B Discovery was the lead off and high selling bull of the 2013 Vintage Angus Ranch Bull Sale, CA. Discovery was one of the most widely sampled young sires in the industry in 2014. He is one of the highest $B bulls of the entire 2012 calf crop as reported to AAA. His Zoetis 50K profile ranked him in the top 10% for CED, BW, WW, YW, DOC, CEM, MILK and CW. Discovery's dam is from the same cow family that produced the 2012 top selling bull at VAR as well as the current #1 bull in the breed for MARB. CONNEALY ONWARD SITZ UPWARD 307R SITZ HENRIETTA PRIDE 81M DEER VALLEY RITA 0308 S S OBJECTIVE T510 0T26 G A R OBJECTIVE 2345 G A R 1407 NEW DESIGN 2413 Sire: 014AN0037 7 Ten X Tattoo: 2240 Born: 03/06/2012 Birth Wt: 78 lbs. 205 Day Adj. Wt: 788 lbs. 365 Day Adj. Wt: 1310 lbs. Current Wt: 2297 lbs. Current Hip Ht: 53.5 in. Current Scrtl. Circum: 42.0 cm AMF | NHF | CAF | M1F | DDF Expected Progeny Differences and $ Value (Info as of 12/12/2014) Production Maternal Carcass CED BW WW YW RADG YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK DT/HD MW MH EPD 10 1.4 76 142 .24 .6 2.04 20 15.0 11 33 0 15 ACC .40 .44 .34 .36 0 .37 .26 % 15 AVG 5 1.7 .38 .39 .48 .34 .20 .17 .23 1 1 15 2 20 15 25 3 49 86 .18 .79 11 8.9 9 23 .5 27 .3 -32.64 74 .3 $ Value $EN CW MARB RE FAT C-PG/HD U-PG/HD $W -5.4 1.45 .67 .008 0 0 .23 .35 .29 .32 0 0 1 1 20 29 .45 .39 $G $B 73.26 95.46 49.88 142.53 1 .011 $F 1 3 1 37.74 35.54 28.07 80.81 5 ANGUS M A R DOUBLE XL 320 014AN00441 AAA Reg#: 17612134 S A F FOCUS OF E R MYTTY IN FOCUS MYTTY COUNTESS 906 A A R TEN X 7008 S A S A V ADAPTOR 2213 A A R LADY KELTON 5551 H S A F LADY KELTON 504B Tattoo: 320 Born: 01/29/2013 Birth Wt: 84 lbs. 205 Day Adj. Wt: 876 lbs. 365 Day Adj. Wt: 1423 lbs. Current Wt: 1800 lbs. Current Hip Ht: 55.5 in. Current Scrtl. Circum: 45.0 cm Double XL has the phenotype you have been searching for in a Ten X son. He is an impressive individual that is fluid in his movements and offers lots of length, width and muscle in a very eye appealing package. Double XL has a very maternal pedigree; stacking great sires such as Right Time 338, Tracker and Rainmaker. He offers plenty of performance with an adjusted weaning weight of 876 pounds (no creep) and an adjusted yearling weight of 1423 pounds. He has a balanced set of EPDs and excels for both $W and $B. LEACHMAN RIGHT TIME HYLINE RIGHT TIME 338 HYLINE PRIDE 265 CAR MISS AMY 591 CAR TRACKER 904 CAR MISS AMY 121 CAR MISS AMY 998 Expected Progeny Differences and $ Value (Info as of 12/12/2014) Production Maternal Carcass CED BW WW YW RADG YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK DT/HD MW MH EPD 60 110 .19 .2 1.29 10 12.0 ACC .33 .38 .30 .33 .36 .36 .41 % AVG 6 9 8 20 5 .8 8 8 8 8 1.7 49 86 .18 30 20 10 8 8 20 .5 .79 .31 8 11 .18 8 30 8.9 9 25 0 31 .16 .23 0 .35 .24 8 8 35 9 23 8 8 .4 -12.29 60 8 27 .3 $ Value $EN CW MARB RE FAT C-PG/HD U-PG/HD $W 8 8 -5.4 .20 3 29 8 .78 .67 .025 0 0 .33 .27 .31 0 0 15 .45 8 20 .39 8 .011 8 8 $F $G $B 54.60 58.76 36.47 122.77 8 10 8 15 8 25 8 3 8 37.74 35.54 28.07 80.81 ANGUS V A R INDEX 3282 014AN00439 Vintage Angus Ranch, C A | 44 Farms, TX | Ray Mar Farms, C A AAA Reg#: 17513381 ASA Reg#: 2929203 B/R NEW DESIGN 036 G A R NEW DESIGN 5050 G A R PRECISION 706 G A R INGENUITY S S OBJECTIVE T510 0T26 G A R OBJECTIVE 1067 G A R RETAIL PRODUCT 2195 Tattoo: 3282 Born: 04/01/2013 Birth Wt: 77 lbs. 205 Day Adj. Wt: 638 lbs. 365 Day Adj. Wt: 1211 lbs. urre t t urre t t urre t rt r u AMF | NHF | CAF | M1F | DDF Index was the featured and high selling bull at the 2014 Vintage Angus Ranch Bull Sale, CA. Analysis of his data places him among the breed's elite sires for pre-weaning growth, post-weaning gain and maternal strength. Index combines added ribeye, needed for improving yield grade, with superior marbling. With his combination of growth and carcass merit at the pinnical of the breed, Index is the perfect high $B sire to use on Ten X progeny. Index's dam is a featured donor at Vintage Angus Ranch where she has generated over $1.5 million in progeny sales. CONNEALY LEAD ON CONNEALY ONWARD ALTUNE OF CONANGA 6104 SANDPOINT BLACKBIRD 8809 G A R GRID MAKER RIVERBEND BLACKBIRD 4301 RIVERBEND BLACKBIRD 2204 Dam: Sandp oint Expected Progeny Differences and $ Value (Info as of 12/12/2014) Production Maternal Carcass CED BW WW YW RADG YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK DT/HD MW MH EPD 67 116 .17 .4 .47 17 9.0 11 39 0 41 ACC .34 .38 .31 .32 .33 .38 .49 .32 .17 .12 .19 0 .31 .19 .18 .5 11 % AVG 9 1.8 20 5 1.7 5 5 49 86 30 .79 8.9 25 1 9 23 27 $EN .5 -40.92 55 .3 .23 -5.4 $ Value CW MARB RE FAT C-PG/HD U-PG/HD $W 1.35 1.26 .013 0 0 .35 0 0 .29 5 1 1 29 .45 .39 .33 $G $B 63.75 66.03 57.64 141.70 3 .011 $F 10 1 1 37.74 35.54 28.07 80.81 7 ANGUS BA STERLING 2001 014AN00417 AAA Reg#: 17333097 MYTTY IN FOCUS A A R TEN X 7008 S A A A R LADY KELTON 5551 Tattoo: 2001 Born: 01/29/2012 Birth Wt: 76 lbs. 205 Day Adj. Wt: 750 lbs. 365 Day Adj. Wt: 1177 lbs. Current Wt: 2120 lbs. Current Hip Ht: 53.3 in. Current Scrtl. Circum: 41.5 cm AMF | NHF | CAF | M1F | DDF H A IMAGE MAKER 0415 LASS OF BA 0320 LASS OF BA 6949 Sire: 014AN0037 7 Ten X Bodner Angus, MT | Accelerated G enetics, W I Sterling is a calving ease son of the breed leader Ten X and offers an outcross pedigree to Final Answer, New Design and Objective. Out of a first calf heifer by the Pathfinder sire Image Maker, he ratioed 98 BW, 107 WW and 105 YW. BA STE RLI NG 2001 Expected Progeny Differences and $ Value (Info as of 12/12/2014) Production Maternal Carcass CED BW WW YW RADG YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK DT/HD MW MH EPD 16 -1.7 60 108 .18 .3 1.16 8 ACC .38 .44 .34 .36 .36 .36 .47 .31 % 1 4 20 15 25 16.0 14 28 0 27 .18 .15 .23 0 .34 .24 10 4 20 $ Value $EN CW MARB RE FAT C-PG/HD U-PG/HD $W .3 -16.72 54 1.02 .55 .017 0 0 .20 .33 .27 .31 0 0 5 3 $F $G $B 60.35 56.22 42.51 123.44 30 4 20 15 3 CONNEALY IN FOCUS 4925 014AN00359 AAA Reg#: 15491720 ASA Reg#: 2616200 S A F FOCUS OF E R MYTTY IN FOCUS MYTTY COUNTESS 906 MILLERS BULLSEYE J373 BLACK CANA OF CONANGA 206 BLACK CRYSE OF CONANGA 204 Tattoo: 6680 Born: 03/02/2006 Birth Wt: 76 lbs. 205 Day Adj. Wt: 833 lbs. 365 Day Adj. Wt: 1371 lbs. Mature Wt: 2640 lbs. Mature Hip Ht: 57.0 in. Mature Scrtl. Circum: 51.0 cm AMF | NHF | CAF | M1F | DDF Son: 014AN00415 K ingdom A.I. PROVEN PERFORMANCE Spring 2015 Progeny Evaluation Trait Average Large Frame Size Heavy Muscling Deep Capacity Sickled Rear Leg Tight Sheath Large Scrotal Size Shallow Udder Cap. Small Teat Size MATERNAL CARCASS Miller Angus, SD In Focus 4925 is one of only a handful of proven sires that ranks the top of the breed for both $W and $B. Few sires can match his combination of moderate birth weight, growth and carcass merit. Son: Miller Angus, SD Expected Progeny Differences and $ Value (Info as of 12/12/2014) Production Maternal Carcass CED BW WW YW RADG YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK DT/HD MW MH EPD 0 1.8 82 131 ACC .83 .93 .90 .84 % AVG 8 8 8 5 1.7 8 1 8 1 49 86 8 .24 .7 1.77 24 12.0 .50 .88 .80 15 8 .18 33 .63 .26 .57 .66 5 810 830 8 83 .79 11 8.9 8 .5 7 9 23 137 15 8 79 .8 -44.50 68 .46 .30 8 8 27 8 .3 $ Value $EN CW MARB RE FAT C-PG/HD U-PG/HD $W 8 -5.4 .60 1.01 -.013 .39 .49 .44 .43 1 8 30 8 2 820 29 .45 .39 .011 0 407 0 8 $F $G $B 68.35 84.82 38.20 137.88 115 8 8 2 82 8 20 8 1 37.74 35.54 28.07 80.81 8 ANGUS SITZ SENSATION 693A 014AN00430 AAA Reg#: 17470735 S A F FOCUS OF E R MYTTY IN FOCUS MYTTY COUNTESS 906 A A R TEN X 7008 S A S A V ADAPTOR 2213 A A R LADY KELTON 5551 H S A F LADY KELTON 504B The next Sensation in the Angus breed! Sensation was a standout in the 2014 Sitz Angus Bull Sale. Sitz Sensation 6 9 3A Sensation is the elite curve bending son of Ten X. He offers the widest spread from CED and BW to YW. Sensation recorded a birth weight ratio of 92 and weaning and yearling ratios of 118 and 114. He went on to record %IMF and REA ratios of 116 and 117. Sensation's dam was a first calf heifer, sired Sitz Sensation 6 9 3A by the high $W sire, Game Day. BOYD NEW DAY 8005 GDAR GAME DAY 449 G D A R MISS WIX 474 SITZ BARBARAMERE NELL 13Y KMK ALLIANCE 6595 I87 SITZ BARBARAMERE NELL 24W SITZ BARBARAMERE NELL 130 Tattoo: 693A Born: 01/23/2013 Birth Wt: 68 lbs. 205 Day Adj. Wt: 907 lbs. 365 Day Adj. Wt: 1435 lbs. Current Wt: 1687 lbs. Current Hip Ht: 54.2 in. Current Scrtl. Circum: 43.0 cm AMF | NHF | CAF | M1F | DDF Expected Progeny Differences and $ Value (Info as of 12/12/2014) Production Maternal Carcass CED BW WW YW RADG YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK DT/HD MW MH EPD 17 -2.8 67 120 .17 .5 1.87 9 ACC .38 .44 .34 .36 .36 .36 .47 .18 .5 % 1 2 5 3 AVG 5 1.7 49 86 13.0 14 29 0 17 .31 .19 .22 0 .35 .24 25 4 15 11 8.9 9 23 4 .79 .15 27 .1 -19.94 59 .3 $ Value $EN CW MARB RE FAT C-PG/HD U-PG/HD $W .21 -5.4 1.05 .85 .046 0 0 .34 .28 .32 0 0 3 3 10 29 .45 .39 $G $B 70.61 70.31 42.69 128.37 1 .011 $F 10 15 2 37.74 35.54 28.07 80.81 9 ANGUS S A V PLATINUM 0010 014AN00370 A.I. PROVEN CALVING EASE PERFORMANCE CARCASS Schaf f Angus Valley, ND | P enz Angus Ranch, O K | Albrecht Ranch Angus, O K | TK Angus, NE | DBL, I nc. , NE | Accelerated G enetics, W I AAA Reg#: 16687592 SITZ TRAVELER 8180 S A V FINAL ANSWER 0035 S A V EMULOUS 8145 S A V PIONEER 7301 BOYD NEW DAY 8005 S A V BLACKBIRD 5297 S A V BLACKBIRD 1082 Platinum is a long-bodied, deep-ribbed individual that will sire more muscle shape than you would expect from a bull at his level of calving ease. Platinum is a curve bending sire that offers calving ease with exceptional growth and maternal traits. SITZ TRAVELER 8180 S A V 8180 TRAVELER 004 BOYD FOREVER LADY 8003 S A V GREYSTONE JANNET 5345 N BAR EMULATION EXT S A V JANNET 7059 S A V JANNET 5095 Son: Albrecht Ranch Angus, O K He began with a 77 pound birth weight and weaned at nearly 1000 pounds! He had one of the largest spreads for birth ratio to weaning ratio. He impresses all who see him at stud or in the pasture. Dam: S A V G reystone J annet 5 345 Tattoo: 0010 Born: 02/21/2010 Birth Wt: 77 lbs. 205 Day Adj. Wt: 998 lbs. 365 Day Adj. Wt: 1575 lbs. Mature Wt: 2366 lbs. Mature Hip Ht: 56.0 in. Mature Scrtl. Circum: 47.5 cm AMF | NHF | CAF | M1F | DDF Spring 2015 Progeny Evaluation Trait Average Large Frame Size Heavy Muscling Deep Capacity Sickled Rear Leg Tight Sheath Large Scrotal Size Udder Cap. Shallow Teat Size Small Expected Progeny Differences and $ Value (Info as of 12/12/2014) Production Maternal Carcass CED BW WW YW RADG YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK DT/HD MW MH EPD 11 -.7 72 120 ACC .70 .85 .77 .68 % AVG 10 810 5 .15 .4 1.33 13 11.0 12 29 .47 .51 .73 82 83 8 8 1.7 49 86 .18 810 .5 .44 .20 .21 .26 820 8 8 35 8 15 8 15 .79 11 8.9 9 23 0 0 8 69 $EN CW MARB RE FAT C-PG/HD U-PG/HD $W .4 -31.29 63 .41 .28 8 8 27 .34 8 .3 $ Value -5.4 8 2 29 .25 .47 .98 .073 .40 .41 83 8 .45 0 8 .39 .011 115 0 8 $F $G $B 63.40 72.54 15.10 108.99 45 8 8 3 85 8 8 15 37.74 35.54 28.07 80.81 8 ANGUS S A V THUNDERBIRD 9061 014AN00351 A.I. PROVEN CALVING EASE PERFORMANCE MATERNAL CARCASS Schaf f Angus Valley, ND | Double R Bar Ranch, I N Production Maternal G D A R TRAVELER 71BW WW YW RADG YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK D SITZ TRAVELER 8180 SITZ EVERELDA ENTENSE 1137 S A V FINAL ANSWER 0035 Thunderbird is a high accuracy, proven BON VIEW BANDO 598 calving ease sire that you can use with S A V EMULOUS 8145 confidence. S A V SKY EMULOUS 2124 Thunderbird will add muscle, length of body and width to his progeny. Thunderbird is a high customer satisfaction sire. His daughters are good uddered females that are indexing above average in their respective herds. Thunderbird stacks the breed leading genetics of the proven calving ease sires Final Answer and Bismarck. G A R GRID MAKER S A V BISMARCK 5682 S A V ABIGALE 0451 S A V EMBLYNETTE 7411 S A V 8180 TRAVELER 004 S A V EMBLYNETTE 4408 S A V EMBLYNETTE 1182 Daughter: Double R Bar Ranch, I N : Double R Bar Ranch, I N e ASA Reg#: 2637074 Tattoo: 9061 Born: 02/26/2009 Birth Wt: 66 lbs. 205 Day Adj. Wt: 944 lbs. 365 Day Adj. Wt: 1408 lbs. Mature Wt: 2483 lbs. Mature Hip Ht: 57.0 in. Mature Scrtl. Circum: 43.0 cm AMF | NHF | CAF | M1F | DDF Spring 2015 Progeny Evaluation Trait Average Large Frame Size Muscling Heavy Deep Capacity Sickled Rear Leg Sheath Tight Large Scrotal Size Udder Cap. Shallow Small Teat Size Expected Progeny Differences and $ Value (Info as of 12/12/2014) Production Maternal Carcass CED BW WW YW RADG YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK DT/HD MW MH EPD 6 71 119 .16 .3 ACC .82 .92 .88 .80 .48 .81 .79 % AVG -.1 20 5 3 4 1.7 49 86 .18 .5 .16 .79 17 11.0 12 19 86 77 .67 .23 .47 .56 37 .53 .45 30 35 15 11 8.9 9 $EN CW MARB RE FAT C-PG/HD U-PG/HD $W .4 -15.25 27 .38 .82 .24 .027 0 319 .49 .43 .43 0 128 10 23 27 .3 $ Value -5.4 29 .45 10 .39 .011 $F $G $B 54.99 64.54 37.97 84.77 10 20 37.74 35.54 28.07 80.81 11 ANGUS MOGCK SURE SHOT 014AN00320 AAA Reg#: 15899735 ASA Reg#: 2524744 S A F FOCUS OF E R MYTTY IN FOCUS MYTTY COUNTESS 906 Tattoo: 427 Born: 02/06/2007 Birth Wt: 70 lbs. 205 Day Adj. Wt: 808 lbs. 365 Day Adj. Wt: 1381 lbs. Mature Wt: 2560 lbs. Mature Hip Ht: 56.5 in. Mature Scrtl. Circum: 43.3 cm AMF | NHF | CAF | M1F | DDF S A V PAY DAY 3261 MOGCK BLACK LASS 2065 MOGCK BLACK LASS C2502 Son: 014AN0039 9 Bullseye A.I. PROVEN CALVING EASE PERFORMANCE Spring 2015 Progeny Evaluation Trait Average Large Frame Size Heavy Muscling Capacity Deep Sickled Rear Leg Tight Sheath Large Scrotal Size Shallow Udder Cap. Teat Size Small MATERNAL CARCASS Mogck & Sons Angus, SD | K G Ranch, MT | Accelerated G enetics, W I Sure Shot is an exceptional high accuracy calving ease sire. He has been widely used in commercial and purebred herds across the country. His progeny are born easy, hit the ground with vigor and perform well. Daughter: C ottonw ood Farms, MN Expected Progeny Differences and $ Value (Info as of 12/12/2014) Production Maternal Carcass CED BW WW YW RADG YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK DT/HD MW MH EPD 65 106 .18 .6 1.83 16 11.0 10 35 97 -4 ACC .83 .92 .87 .84 .48 .77 .86 15 .46 .29 % 8 25 .0 20 10 15 4 .75 .22 .47 .62 30 35 35 2 $ Value $EN CW MARB RE FAT C-PG/HD U-PG/HD $W -.1 -27.52 53 .54 1.12 -.014 2 571 .43 .53 .49 .50 1 136 10 35 1 20 $F $G $B 69.30 54.31 39.82 124.42 1 20 20 3 CONNEALY STINGRAY 9618 014AN00427 AAA Reg#: 17032619 CONNEALY ANSWER 71 CONNEALY FINAL SOLUTION ESTE OF CONANGA 364 CONNEALY IMPRESSION POWA OF CONANGA 9618 POYA OF CONANGA 687 919 Tattoo: 198 Born: 01/16/2011 Birth Wt: 65 lbs. 205 Day Adj. Wt: 781 lbs. 365 Day Adj. Wt: 1461 lbs. Mature Wt: 2170 lbs. Mature Hip Ht: 55.5 in. Mature Scrtl. Circum: 44.5 cm AMF | NHF | CAF | M1F | DDF Sire: 014AN0038 7 C onnealy Final Solution Spring 2015 Progeny Evaluation Trait Average Large Frame Size Heavy Muscling Deep Capacity Rear Leg Sickled Tight Sheath Large Scrotal Size Udder Cap. Shallow Teat Size Small Schaack Ranch, SD Stingray is an exciting new calving ease sire. Stingray has been proven in commercial and purebred herds throughout the Dakotas. Expected Progeny Differences and $ Value (Info as of 12/12/2014) Production Maternal Carcass $ Value CED BW WW YW RADG YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK DT/HD MW MH $EN CW MARB RE FAT C-PG/HD U-PG/HD $W EPD 16 -2.8 56 96 .14 .6 1.84 8 ACC .59 .72 .61 .43 .42 .43 .54 % AVG 12 8 1 8 2 8 30 8 30 8 5 1.7 49 86 8 4 8 .18 .5 .79 13.0 14 25 0 22 .35 .15 .19 0 .39 .21 8 825 8 4 11 8.9 .11 9 8 35 23 8 8 .0 -7.59 33 8 27 .33 8 .3 -5.4 8 .41 .80 .002 0 22 .44 .36 .37 0 2 8 29 .45 810 8 .39 .011 8 8 $F $G $B 58.59 41.56 33.40 90.47 8 5 8 35 8 8 37.74 35.54 28.07 80.81 8 ANGUS CONNEALY FINAL SOLUTION 014AN00387 A.I. PROVEN CALVING EASE PERFORMANCE CARCASS C onnealy Angus Ranch, NE | C herry K noll Farm I nc. , P A | Accelerated G enetics, W I AAA Reg#: 16447791 ASA Reg#: 2739859 SITZ TRAVELER 8180 S A V FINAL ANSWER 0035 S A V EMULOUS 8145 CONNEALY ANSWER 71 RITO 1I2 OF 2536 RITO 6I6 EURO REEKA OF CONANGA 3539 EURO COPA OF CONANGA 869 Final Solution is your answer for a proven calving ease sire. His sons were one of the high selling sire groups at Connealy Angus. Daughters won major shows across the country. His pedigree is stacked with proven calving ease sires. He gives you a great outcross pedigree for the In Focus lines of cattle. He was one of the highest bulls for ribeye area in his contemporary group and currently ranks at the top of the breed for REA EPD. Final Solution sons topped sales across the country in 2014. He is one of the rising stars in the Angus breed. CONNEALY TIMELINE CONNEALY DANNY BOY ENERGY OF CONANGA 4851 ESTE OF CONANGA 364 CONNEALY FRONT PAGE 0228 ESTHERA OF CONANGA 842 ESTELLE OF CONANGA 5837 Daughter: G rand C hamp ion Female 2012 American Royal Daughter: C herry K noll Farm, P A Tattoo: 9449 Born: 02/03/2009 Birth Wt: 75 lbs. 205 Day Adj. Wt: 847 lbs. 365 Day Adj. Wt: 1393 lbs. Mature Wt: 2265 lbs. Mature Hip Ht: 56.3 in. Mature Scrtl. Circum: 44.0 cm AMF | NHF | CAF | M1F | DDF Spring 2015 Progeny Evaluation Trait Average Large Frame Size Muscling Heavy Capacity Deep Rear Leg Sickled Sheath Tight Scrotal Size Large Udder Cap. Shallow Teat Size Small Expected Progeny Differences and $ Value (Info as of 12/12/2014) Production Maternal Carcass CED BW WW YW RADG YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK DT/HD MW MH EPD 63 113 .13 .3 1.40 1 13.0 7 28 13 49 ACC .80 .91 .86 .80 7 .59 .80 .81 .67 .19 .27 .35 3 .45 .26 % 35 AVG 5 1.2 1.7 10 10 49 86 15 .18 .5 .79 25 11 8.9 $EN .1 -24.43 41 .45 20 9 23 .38 .97 .016 6 325 .54 .50 .49 1 109 20 27 .3 -5.4 $ Value CW MARB RE FAT C-PG/HD U-PG/HD $W 29 .45 $F $G $B 52.64 56.31 31.37 93.06 3 15 20 35 .39 .011 37.74 35.54 28.07 80.81 13 ANGUS V D A R REALLY WINDY 4097 014AN00361 AAA Reg#: 15776681 ASA Reg#: 2625753 A A R WINDY RIDGE 362 A A R REALLY WINDY 1205 A A R LADY KELTON 2170 Tattoo: 4097 Born: 01/05/2007 Birth Wt: 76 lbs. 205 Day Adj. Wt: 754 lbs. 365 Day Adj. Wt: 1157 lbs. Mature Wt: 2420 lbs. Mature Hip Ht: 56.5 in. Mature Scrtl. Circum: 41.0 cm AMF | NHF | CAF | M1F | DDF VDAR ENTERPRISE 2059 VDAR BLACKBIRD 2031 VDAR ENVIOUS BLACKBIRD 6060 Son: 014AN00432 C arter W ind Star 218 A.I. PROVEN CALVING EASE PERFORMANCE Spring 2015 Progeny Evaluation Trait Average Large Frame Size Heavy Muscling Deep Capacity Rear Leg Sickled Tight Sheath Large Scrotal Size Shallow Udder Cap. Small Teat Size MATERNAL CARCASS Van Dyke Angus Ranch, MT | Adams Angus, U T | Salt W ells C attle C omp any, U T Really Windy 4097 offers exceptional calving ease and an outcross pedigree for today’s cattlemen. He can be used on daughters of nearly every popular sire. Very few sires can match his spread from BW to YW. His CED is in the top 1% of the breed. Daughter: JAC's Ranch, AR Expected Progeny Differences and $ Value (Info as of 12/12/2014) Production Maternal Carcass $ Value CED BW WW YW RADG YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK DT/HD MW MH $EN CW MARB RE FAT C-PG/HD U-PG/HD $W EPD 16 -1.3 61 98 .14 .4 ACC .90 .95 .93 .89 .64 .85 .87 % 1 10 .14 15 30 19 13.0 15 10 247 76 .6 5.42 30 .79 .31 .62 .72 48 .53 .44 20 25 2 .41 .16 .10 .004 3 987 .52 .47 .45 3 284 25 $F $G $B 42.56 45.93 14.24 71.52 35 35 NELSON REALITY 3503 014AN00424 AAA Reg#: 17602242 A A R REALLY WINDY 1205 V D A R REALLY WINDY 4097 VDAR BLACKBIRD 2031 S A V THUNDERBIRD 9061 NELSON LADY 1564 NELSON LADY 8001 Tattoo: 3503 Born: 01/11/2013 Birth Wt: 83 lbs. 205 Day Adj. Wt: 750 lbs. Current Wt: 18 5 lbs. urre t t Current Scrtl. Circum: cm AMF | NHF | CAF | M1F | DDF Dam: Nelson Lady 15 6 4 Nelson Angus, I D | Accelerated G enetics, W I Reality is a balanced trait sire who offers lots of maternal value. Four generations of dams on his maternal side are all still in production at Nelson Angus in Idaho. G randam: Nelson Lady 8 001 Expected Progeny Differences and $ Value (Info as of 12/12/2014) Production Maternal Carcass $ Value CED BW WW YW RADG YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK DT/HD MW MH $EN CW MARB RE FAT C-PG/HD U-PG/HD $W EPD 70 103 .09 .5 ACC .39 .44 .34 .35 .34 .37 .47 % AVG 14 6 8 1.7 8 5 1.7 83 49 820 8 86 .18 8 .5 -.45 10 15.0 10 16 0 99 0 .31 .19 .31 .16 .16 .22 8 8 15 8 35 8 8 .79 11 8.9 9 23 8 8 .7 -8.95 33 8 27 8 .3 .38 .26 .008 0 0 .18 .32 .24 .29 0 0 8 8 -5.4 29 .45 8 8 .39 .011 8 8 $F $G $B 49.92 42.98 25.17 81.50 815 8 8 8 37.74 35.54 28.07 80.01 8 C arter C attle C o. , I D | K G ANGUS CARTER WIND STAR 218 014AN00432 Ranch, MT | Accelerated G enetics, W I AAA Reg#: 17645181 A A R WINDY RIDGE 362 A A R REALLY WINDY 1205 A A R LADY KELTON 2170 V D A R REALLY WINDY 4097 VDAR ENTERPRISE 2059 VDAR BLACKBIRD 2031 VDAR ENVIOUS BLACKBIRD 6060 Set sail with Wind Star, the next generation outstanding calving ease sire! Described as powerful with massive thickness and muscle, unique for a calving ease bull. Wind Star is a son of the calving ease leader, Really Windy 4097 and offers more overall power and performance. Wind Star's dam was a first calf heifer who recorded a weaning ratio of 110. His grand dam has had 3 calves at 105. The maternal side of his pedigree stems from the famous Barbara Nell cow family from Sitz Angus Ranch. B C MATRIX 4132 CARTER MATRIX 74 CARTER COTTONWOOD 745 CARTER BARBARA NELL 2204 SITZ NEW DESIGN 349M CARTER BARBARA NELL 645 SITZ BARBARA NELL 763P Sire: 014AN0036 1 V D A R Really W indy 409 7 Tattoo: 218 Born: 09/07/2012 Birth Wt: 73 lbs. 205 Day Adj. Wt: 581 lbs. 365 Day Adj. Wt: 1056 lbs. Current Wt: 1950 lbs. Current Hip Ht: 53.7 in. Current Scrtl. Circum: 44.5 cm AMF | NHF | CAF | M1F | DDF Expected Progeny Differences and $ Value (Info as of 12/12/2014) Production Maternal Carcass $ Value CED BW WW YW RADG YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK DT/HD MW MH $EN CW MARB RE FAT C-PG/HD U-PG/HD $W EPD 13 60 102 .17 .1 .10 14 7.0 12 19 0 11 ACC .38 .43 .33 .35 -.6 .33 .35 .37 .29 .15 .15 .22 0 .30 .17 % 4 15 20 20 AVG 5 1.7 49 86 15 .18 .5 .79 11 8.9 9 23 27 .1 2.17 37 .74 .17 .046 0 0 .18 .32 .25 .29 0 0 30 30 15 .3 -5.4 29 .45 $G $B 57.73 53.79 30.16 98.29 10 .39 .011 $F 20 30 37.74 35.54 28.07 80.81 15 ANGUS CONNEALY GUINNESS 014AN00440 AAA Reg#: 17031279 CONNEALY FULL FREIGHT CONNEALY DUBLIN 8223 BLACK RINA OF CONANGA 69 Tattoo: 1337 Born: 01/31/2011 Birth Wt: 82 lbs. 205 Day Adj. Wt: 741 lbs. 365 Day Adj. Wt: 1322 lbs. Mature Wt: 2400 lbs. Mature t Mature rt r u AMF | NHF | CAF | M1F | DDF EGL TARGET 1148 PANDA OF CONANGA 3609 PONDERRA OF CONANGA 750 Son: J indra Angus, NE Spring 2015 Progeny Evaluation Trait Average Large Frame Size Muscling Heavy Deep Capacity Rear Leg Sickled Tight Sheath Scrotal Size Large Udder Cap. Shallow Teat Size Small J indra Angus, NE Guinness - as stout as his name! This big bodied, moderate framed, massive sire will add pounds without increasing frame. Son: J indra Angus, NE Expected Progeny Differences and $ Value (Info as of 12/12/2014) Production Maternal Carcass CED BW WW YW RADG YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK DT/HD MW MH EPD 5 .6 66 107 .21 .6 ACC .57 .79 .69 .62 .37 .57 .70 % 30 30 10 15 .82 18 12.0 .48 .14 25 30 6 22 0 60 .15 .24 0 .37 .19 $ Value $EN CW MARB RE FAT C-PG/HD U-PG/HD $W .7 -14.29 59 .76 .20 .072 0 48 .31 .43 .36 .36 0 11 3 15 $F $G $B 54.66 67.97 21.04 123.38 10 10 3 CONNEALY GOLD RUSH 026E 014AN00428 AAA Reg#: 16969554 KMK ALLIANCE 6595 I87 CONNEALY CONSENSUS BLINDA OF CONANGA 004 CONNEALY TOBIN BRAZILA OF CONANGA 3991 839A BREESHA OF CONANGA 1251 Tattoo: 026E Born: 07/31/2010 Birth Wt: 71 lbs. 205 Day Adj. Wt: 687 lbs. 365 Day Adj. Wt: 1087 lbs. Mature Wt: 2450 lbs. Mature Hip Ht: 56.5 in. Mature Scrtl. Circum: 42.0 cm AMF | NHF | CAF | M1F | DDF Son: H aynes C attle C o. , C O Rav en Angus, SD | P ine View Angus, I A Strike it rich with Gold Rush! Gold Rush was a featured and high selling bull at the 2012 Connealy Son: H aynes C attle C o. , C O Angus Bull Sale. Expected Progeny Differences and $ Value (Info as of 12/12/2014) Production Maternal Carcass $ Value CED BW WW YW RADG YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK DT/HD MW MH $EN CW MARB RE FAT C-PG/HD U-PG/HD $W EPD 1 70 108 .18 .4 .60 ACC .63 .79 .69 .47 .39 .44 .60 % 8 8 AVG 16 1.5 8 8 5 1.7 83 49 815 86 .18 8 .5 .79 10 15.0 8 23 0 12 .2 -6.61 65 .36 .16 .16 .23 0 .40 .25 8 15 8 8 8 8 8 11 8.9 9 23 8 27 8 .3 -5.4 .80 .80 .033 .31 .42 .36 .37 0 1 8 10 8 108 8 29 .45 8 .39 .011 0 50 $F $G $B 68.78 59.00 36.77 135.95 13 8 81 15 8 258 18 37.74 35.54 28.07 80.01 8 ANGUS COLEMAN CHARLO 0256 014AN00426 A.I. PROVEN CALVING EASE C oleman Angus Ranch, MT | Sitz Angus, MT | J ocko Valley C attle, MT AAA Reg#: 16879074 ASA Reg#: 2840163 BASIN RAINMAKER 654X O C C FOCUS 813F DIXIE ERICA OF C H 1019 O C C PAXTON 730P O C C GREAT PLAINS 943G O C C BLACKBIRD 736K O C C BLACKBIRD 824G Charlo offers a unique calving ease option that is an outcross to most popular bloodlines. Charlo exhibits tremendous base width and muscle and stands on a super set of feet and legs. Larry Coleman describes his Charlo calves as “wide topped, big hipped and loaded with power...the best calves on the ranch.” Charlo’s dam topped the 2012 Coleman Female Sale where ½ interest sold to Double R Bar Ranch, IN for $25.000. Charlo is seeing wide use across the industry this year. G D A R TRAVELER 71 SITZ TRAVELER 8180 SITZ EVERELDA ENTENSE 1137 BOHI ABIGALE 6014 BON VIEW EMULATION EXT 473 S A V ABIGALE 6062 CIRCLE A ABIGALE 3008 Tattoo: 0256 Born: 08/11/2010 Birth Wt: 82 lbs. 205 Day Adj. Wt: 709 lbs. 365 Day Adj. Wt: 1093 lbs. Mature Wt: 2210 lbs. Mature Hip Ht: 53.0 in. Mature Scrtl. Circum: 47.0 cm AMF | NHF | CAF | M1F | DDF Son: C oleman Angus Ranch, MT Spring 2015 Progeny Evaluation Trait Average Large Frame Size Muscling Heavy Capacity Deep Rear Leg Sickled Tight Sheath Scrotal Size Large Udder Cap. Shallow Teat Size Small Daughter: Coleman Angus Ranch, MT Expected Progeny Differences and $ Value (Info as of 12/12/2014) Production Maternal Carcass $ Value CED BW WW YW RADG YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK DT/HD MW MH $EN CW MARB RE FAT C-PG/HD U-PG/HD $W EPD 82 .13 -.2 1.44 12 1.0 10 17 0 -6 ACC .58 .74 .63 .53 8 -.8 .33 .38 .64 .62 .15 .19 .25 0 .37 .26 11 8.9 % 25 10 AVG 5 1.7 49 15 49 86 .18 .5 .79 -.5 13.65 22 35 9 .58 .88 .025 0 9 .21 .34 .28 .31 0 2 29 .45 15 23 27 .3 -5.4 30 5 .39 .011 $F $G $B 49.25 28.13 39.81 83.20 20 20 37.74 35.54 28.07 80.81 17 ANGUS SITZ LIGHTNING 659Z 014AN00414 AAA Reg#: 17176063 BALDRIDGE KABOOM K243 KCF CONNEALY THUNDER PARKA OF CONANGA 241 Tattoo: 659Z Born: 01/26/2012 Birth Wt: 62 lbs. 205 Day Adj. Wt: 768 lbs. 365 Day Adj. Wt: 1454 lbs. Current Wt: 2193 lbs. Current Hip Ht: 53.0 in. Current Scrtl. Circum: 40.0 cm AMF | NHF | CAF | M1F | DDF SITZ UPWARD 307R SITZ EMMA 41X SITZ EMMA 143L Sitz Lightning 6 5 9 Z Spring 2015 Progeny Evaluation Trait Average Large Frame Size Muscling Heavy Capacity Deep Rear Leg Sickled Tight Sheath Scrotal Size Large Udder Cap. Shallow Teat Size Small Sitz Angus, MT | C arter C attle C o. , I D | Accelerated G enetics, W I Lightning is a calving ease sire that offers an outcross pedigree to Final Answer, In Focus and New Design He combines the proven calving ease genetics of Thunder with the performance of Upward. Expected Progeny Differences and $ Value (Info as of 12/12/2014) Production Maternal Carcass CED BW WW YW RADG YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK DT/HD MW MH EPD 13 -1.5 51 105 .17 .2 1.20 32 14.0 15 32 0 ACC .52 .70 .58 .36 .38 .36 .47 .31 .20 .18 .24 0 25 8 28 15 8 28 58 % 48 5 8 8 15 8 8 8 8 3 .1 -17.99 54 .35 .24 8 8 $ Value $EN CW MARB RE FAT C-PG/HD U-PG/HD $W .74 .70 .052 0 0 .24 .36 .30 .34 0 0 58 158 8 158 8 8 8 $F $G $B 54.69 53.08 33.59 110.70 10 8 258 358 158 8 SITZ DASH 10277 014AN00323 AAA Reg#: 15656868 ASA Reg#: 2593582 CONNEALY ONWARD SITZ UPWARD 307R SITZ HENRIETTA PRIDE 81M O C C EMBLAZON 854E SITZ EVERELDA ENTENSE 2665 SITZ EVERELDA ENTENSE 4948 Tattoo: 10277 Born: 02/05/2007 Birth Wt: 65 lbs. 205 Day Adj. Wt: 693 lbs. 365 Day Adj. Wt: 1096 lbs. Mature Wt: 2206 lbs. Mature Hip Ht: 54.0 in. Mature Scrtl. Circum: 45.5 cm AMF | NHF | CAF | M1F | DDF Son: Lyons Ranch, K S A.I. PROVEN CALVING EASE PERFORMANCE Spring 2015 Progeny Evaluation Trait Average Large Frame Size Muscling Heavy Deep Capacity Rear Leg Sickled Sheath Tight Large Scrotal Size Udder Cap. Shallow Teat Size Small MATERNAL CARCASS Sitz Angus, MT | G artner- Denow h Angus Ranch, MT | Arntzen Angus Ranch, MT H arrison Land & Liv estock, MT Dash is a proven calving ease sire that will moderate frame size and add muscle. Daughter Dash daughters are making excellent young cows with near perfect udder quality. Expected Progeny Differences and $ Value (Info as of 12/12/2014) Production Maternal Carcass $ Value CED BW WW YW RADG YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK DT/HD MW MH $EN CW MARB RE FAT C-PG/HD U-PG/HD $W EPD 13 83 .07 -.5 1.12 15 18.0 13 23 712 -13 -.6 18.13 37 .51 .90 .039 1 1,732 ACC .89 .96 .93 .91 .63 .90 .91 .85 .60 .74 .83 194 .76 .72 .51 .47 .45 1 552 30 35 4 10 8 8 8 8 % AVG 18 -.2 4 15 8 8 5 1.7 51 8 49 8 86 8 .18 8 .5 .79 11 8.9 9 .40 10 8 23 8 8 27 8 8 .3 -5.4 30 8 29 5 .45 8 $F $G 1 8 8 .39 .011 8 8 $B 69.24 25.16 33.97 96.41 8 35 8 30 8 8 37.74 35.54 28.07 80.01 8 AAA Reg#: 16798964 CONNEALY ONWARD STIZ UPWARD 307R SITZ HENRIETTA PRIDE 81M RITO 1I2 OF 2536 RITO 6I6 EXAR NEW DESIGN 4212 G A R NEW DESIGN 1200 Tattoo: 0392 Born: 11/04/2010 Birth Wt: 84 lbs. 205 Day Adj. Wt: 875 lbs. 365 Day Adj. Wt: 1486 lbs. AMF | NHF | CAF | M1F | DDF ANGUS V A R UPFRONT 0392 014AN00390 Son: Vintage Angus Ranch, C A Spring 2015 Progeny Evaluation Trait Average Large Frame Size Heavy Muscling Deep Capacity Sickled Rear Leg Tight Sheath Scrotal Size Large Udder Cap. Shallow Teat Size Small Vintage Angus Ranch, C A | K iamichilink Ranch LLC , O K Upfront is the bull that will move your program to the front of the breed. Upfront is a calving ease sire that offers exceptional performance with superior phenotype. Daughter: Vintage Angus Ranch, C A Expected Progeny Differences and $ Value (Info as of 12/12/2014) Production Maternal Carcass CED BW WW YW RADG YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK DT/HD MW MH EPD 68 123 .25 .3 ACC .58 .72 .61 .53 .48 .43 .62 % 9 20 -.6 15 5 2 .39 10 11.0 10 32 0 31 .38 0 .46 .32 10 .24 .22 .28 35 35 5 $ Value $EN CW MARB RE FAT C-PG/HD U-PG/HD $W .5 -29.54 58 .37 .45 .91 -.013 0 26 .46 .40 .41 0 16 4 20 3 $F $G $B 65.95 78.29 33.46 122.22 2 3 35 4 RIVER HILLS FULL THROTTLE 014AN00367 AAA Reg#: 16754490 CONNEALY ONWARD SITZ UPWARD 307R SITZ HENRIETTA PRIDE 81M WOODHILL FORESIGHT RIVER HILLS TREASURE T309 BALDRIDGE TREASURE N706 Tattoo: X244 Born: 02/03/2010 Birth Wt: 84 lbs. 205 Day Adj. Wt: 774 lbs. 365 Day Adj. Wt: 1281 lbs. Mature Wt: 2338 lbs. Mature Hip Ht: 56.0 in. Mature Scrtl. Circum: 41.0 cm AMF | NHF | CAF | M1F | DDF Riv er H ills Full Throttle Sp ear U Spring 2015 Progeny Evaluation Trait Average Frame Size Large Heavy Muscling Deep Capacity Sickled Rear Leg Tight Sheath Large Scrotal Size Udder Cap. Shallow Teat Size Small Ranch, SD | Accelerated G enetics, W I Full Throttle will put performance in your herd! Full Throttle had outstanding individual performance and was at the top of his large contemporary group. Expected Progeny Differences and $ Value (Info as of 12/12/2014) Production Maternal Carcass CED BW WW YW RADG YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK DT/HD MW MH EPD 74 121 .15 .6 1.54 12 8.0 8 31 1 32 ACC .59 .78 .67 .58 .46 .56 .49 .23 .20 .26 1 .44 .29 % AVG 7 35 5 .7 30 1.7 2 49 3 86 .39 10 .18 .5 .79 .5 -28.64 52 10 11 8.9 9 23 27 .3 $ Value $EN CW MARB RE FAT C-PG/HD U-PG/HD $W -5.4 .90 .64 .017 0 38 .36 .46 .40 .41 0 9 10 10 29 .45 20 .39 .011 $F $G $B 71.16 67.54 41.62 120.70 1 10 15 4 37.74 35.54 28.07 80.01 19 ANGUS SINCLAIR FORTUNATE SON 014AN00438 AAA Reg#: 16648841 SINCLAIR EXTRA 4X13 SINCLAIR EMULATE 7XT28 SINCLAIR BLACKBIRD 20F3 6417 N BAR PRIME TIME D806 SINCLAIR BLACKBIRD 2P8 7079 RITO 707 OF IDEAL 089 7076 Tattoo: 0IB2 Born: 02/11/2010 Birth Wt: 84 lbs. 205 Day Adj. Wt: 776 lbs. 365 Day Adj. Wt: 1339 lbs. Mature Wt: 2243 lbs. Mature t Mature rt r u Son: McC umber Angus Ranch, ND A.I. PROVEN Spring 2015 Progeny Evaluation Trait Average Large Frame Size Heavy Muscling Deep Capacity Rear Leg Sickled Tight Sheath Scrotal Size Large Udder Cap. Shallow Teat Size Small PERFORMANCE CARCASS Sinclair C attle C omp any, MD | McC umber Angus Ranch, ND | Sp ickler Ranch, ND Maymont Farms, VA | Z W T Ranch, TN | G regg G olden, MD Fortunate Son is a moderate frame, muscular sire whose progeny have risen to the top everywhere he has been used. His sons are loaded with muscle, performance and length. They have performed well post weaning and do so while maintaining an acceptable frame score. Production Daughter: McC umber Angus Ranch, ND Expected Progeny Differences and $ Value (Info as of 12/12/2014) Maternal Carcass $ Value CED BW WW YW RADG YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK DT/HD MW MH $EN CW MARB RE FAT C-PG/HD U-PG/HD $W EPD -5 4.8 61 111 .12 .1 ACC .64 .85 .81 .75 .49 .80 .76 % 15 .36 10 16 10.0 .78 .27 3 20 36 -12 -.4 -4.73 48 .20 .18 .097 0 267 .33 .41 4 .32 .19 .39 .37 .33 0 44 .26 30 $F $G $B 40.25 56.15 -1.85 69.19 10 20 APEX WINDY 078 014AN00366 AAA Reg#: 16237970 ASA Reg#: 2704147 A A R REALLY WINDY 1205 H A R B WINDY 702 JH H A R B BLACK LADY 073 J H APEX MTN FRONT 004 APEXETTE LUCY 6037 APEXETTE LUCY 1064 Tattoo: 078 Born: 01/14/2008 Birth Wt: 83 lbs. 205 Day Adj. Wt: 743 lbs. 365 Day Adj. Wt: 1193 lbs. Mature Wt: 2370 lbs. Mature Hip Ht: 55.0 in. Mature Scrtl. Circum: 42.0 cm AMF | NHF | CAF | M1F | DDF Daughter: C oleman Angus Ranch, MT A.I. PROVEN PERFORMANCE Spring 2015 Progeny Evaluation Trait Average Frame Size Large Heavy Muscling Capacity Deep Sickled Rear Leg Tight Sheath Scrotal Size Large Udder Cap. Shallow Small Teat Size MATERNAL CARCASS Ap ex Angus, MT | W heeler Mountain Ranch, MT | Nick H euchert, ND Windy 078 combines phenotype with superior performance, fertility and a great disposition. He puts it all together in a moderate frame, muscular package with an outcross pedigree. Son: Schaf f Angus Valley, ND Expected Progeny Differences and $ Value (Info as of 12/12/2014) Production Maternal Carcass CED BW WW YW RADG YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK DT/HD MW MH EPD 71 110 .11 .4 1.53 23 9.0 -6 36 105 25 ACC .79 .94 .91 .86 .69 .76 .87 .76 .21 .46 .60 14 .41 .24 10 10 .79 11 % AVG 20 -8 8 3.9 8 5 1.7 8 3 49 8 10 86 8 .18 8 8 .5 8 8 8 8.9 9 1 8 23 8 8 27 .4 -35.40 42 8 .3 $ Value $EN CW MARB RE FAT C-PG/HD U-PG/HD $W .34 8 -5.4 20 8 29 .32 .18 .043 0 545 .48 .41 .40 0 153 8 .45 8 8 .39 .011 8 8 $F $G $B 61.62 49.32 15.00 79.60 8 4 30 8 8 8 37.74 35.54 28.07 80.01 8 ANGUS S A V REGISTRY 2831 014AN00406 Aalderks Angus Farm, MN | Vernon Arens, NE | Riv erf ront C attle C o. , W V | Beran Bros. Angus, K S |C hap man Angus, O K | Law son Family Angus, VA | Musgrav e Angus Farms, I L Z W T Ranch, W V | BH S Angus, TN | Tow er H ills Ranch, O K | Schaf f Angus Valley, ND |Richard Anderson, TN AAA Reg#: 17318928 RITO N BAR R R RITO 707 ERISKAY OF ROLLIN ROCK 3 RITO 707 OF IDEAL 3407 7075 IDEAL 1418 OF 8103 4286 IDEAL 3407 OF 1418 076 IDEAL 076 OF 692 8375 Registry is a unique, low birth weight Rito 7075 son with the potential to make his mark on the Angus breed. Described as: "presents authentic Angus breed character, natural thickness, abundant muscle in a structurally fault-free package." His phenomenal dam has recorded 7 progeny with ratios of 96 BW and 107 WW. His grandam is the former record-setting cow at SAV. Registry was a featured and high selling bull at the 2013 Schaff Angus Valley Sale. Registry was retained by SAV to be used extensively in their program. BON VIEW BANDO 598 S A F 598 BANDO 5175 S A F ROYAL LASS 1002 S A V MADAME PRIDE 0075 LEACHMAN RIGHT TIME S A V MADAME PRIDE 8264 S A R CRUZS PRIDE 8597 Son: a Son: a n n Tattoo: 2831 Born: 01/07/2012 Birth Wt: 74 lbs. 205 Day Adj. Wt: 935 lbs. 365 Day Adj. Wt: 1402 lbs. Current Wt 2335 l s. Current Hip Ht: 53.5 in. Current Scrtl. Circum: 43 cm AMF | NHF | CAF | M1F | DDF Valley, ND Spring 2015 Progeny Evaluation Trait Average Large Frame Size Muscling Heavy Capacity Deep Rear Leg Sickled Tight Sheath Scrotal Size Large Udder Cap. Shallow Teat Size Small Valley, ND Expected Progeny Differences and $ Value (Info as of 12/12/2014) Production Maternal Carcass $ Value CED BW WW YW RADG YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK DT/HD MW MH $EN CW MARB RE FAT C-PG/HD U-PG/HD $W EPD 93 .19 .5 1.16 36 0.0 2 24 0 13 ACC .54 .71 .60 .39 -3 2.8 .34 .38 .50 .15 .20 .27 0 .32 .18 25 % AVG 57 5 1.7 49 86 .18 .5 .42 25 1 .79 11 .2 -4.16 46 .20 .17 .51 -.010 0 0 .33 .28 .31 0 0 35 25 15 8.9 9 23 27 .3 -5.4 29 .45 .39 .011 $F $G $B 50.91 41.70 18.38 97.34 15 30 37.74 35.54 28.07 80.01 21 ANGUS MOGCK BULLSEYE 014AN00399 AAA Reg#: 17102085 MYTTY IN FOCUS MOGCK SURE SHOT MOGCK BLACK LASS 2065 K C F BENNETT COALITION SCC MOGCK MARY 1255 MOGCK MARY C 1757 Tattoo: 691 Born: 01/27/2011 Birth Wt: 93 lbs. 205 Day Adj. Wt: 881 lbs. 365 Day Adj. Wt: 1553 lbs. Mature Wt: 2040 lbs. Mature Hip Ht: 54.0 in. Mature Scrtl. Circum: 41.0 cm AMF | NHF | CAF | M1F | DDF Son: Bruns Angus, SD A.I. PROVEN Spring 2015 Progeny Evaluation Trait Average Large Frame Size Muscling Heavy Capacity Deep Rear Leg Sickled Sheath Tight Scrotal Size Large Udder Cap. Shallow Teat Size Small PERFORMANCE CARCASS Mogck & Sons Angus, SD | H oov er Angus Farm, I A | K D S Angus, I A Accelerated G enetics, W I Set your herd's target on Bullseye! He has been one of the most widely used young sires in the Angus breed. Bullseye was the talk of the 2012 sale season, where he topped the Mogck & Sons of Olivet Bull Sale at a record value. Daughter: Simons C attle C omp any, I A Expected Progeny Differences and $ Value (Info as of 12/12/2014) Production Maternal Carcass CED BW WW YW RADG YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK DT/HD MW MH EPD -1 2.9 80 138 .32 1.1 1.51 32 13.0 ACC .69 .91 .87 .77 .40 .67 .80 2 10 1 % 1 .71 .22 2 25 6 37 0 .15 .24 0 7 $ Value $EN CW MARB RE FAT C-PG/HD U-PG/HD $W .2 -45.83 46 .40 .21 1 .66 .90 .034 3 343 .39 .50 .45 .44 1 85 15 25 $F $G $B 69.33 104.25 37.77 125.62 5 1 1 25 2 EXAR POWERHOUSE 2077B 014AN00413 AAA Reg#: 17160668 CONNEALY CONSENSUS CONNEALY CONSENSUS 7229 BLUE LILLY OF CONANGA 16 BON VIEW NEW DESIGN 1407 EXAR JUNE 7889 EXAR JUNE C 3577 E x p ress Ranches, O K | Rollin Rock, I nc. , MT | Flying U Valli- H i Angus Ranch, I D Tattoo: 2077B Born: 01/11/2012 Birth Wt: 76 lbs. 205 Day Adj. Wt: 910 lbs. 365 Day Adj. Wt: 1617 lbs. Current Wt: 1990 lbs. Current Hip Ht: 56.0 in. Current Scrtl. Circum: 49.0 cm AMF | NHF | CAF | M1F | DDF Angus Ranch, O R Use Powerhouse to add pounds to your next calf crop. Powerhouse was described as the stoutest - most powerful individual in the offering. Combines tremendous growth and thickness and is super sound. Expected Progeny Differences and $ Value (Info as of 12/12/2014) Production Maternal Carcass CED BW WW YW RADG YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK DT/HD MW MH EPD 0 2.8 72 126 ACC .49 .66 .53 .36 % AVG 22 8 8 5 1.7 8 2 8 2 49 86 .20 .6 1.98 24 17.0 .40 .38 .48 .33 3 810 .79 11 8 35 8 .18 8 .5 5 38 .22 .20 .25 810 8 8 1 8.9 9 23 0 0 8 39 .6 -41.91 64 .35 .24 8 8 27 8 .3 $ Value $EN CW MARB RE FAT C-PG/HD U-PG/HD $W -5.4 8 .74 .99 .035 .22 .34 .29 .32 2 815 83 29 .45 .39 .011 8 0 0 0 8 $F $G $B 64.45 82.39 37.73 133.57 0 8 8 3 82 825 8 1 37.74 35.54 28.07 80.01 8 ANGUS RIVERBEND NONE BETTER Y095 014AN00394 Riv erbend Ranch, I D | Montana Ranch LLC , MT | Lisonbee Angus Ranch, U T AAA Reg#: 16997078 KMK ALLIANCE 6595 I87 CONNEALY CONSENSUS BLINDA OF CONANGA 004 CONNEALY CONSENSUS 7229 WOODHILL ADMIRAL 77K BLUE LILLY OF CONANGA 16 BLUE CASH OF CONANGA 6020 None Better offers performance that ranks at the top of the breed. He combines exceptional individual performance with an impressive phenotype. None Better has a genotype noted for maternal efficiency and end-product merit. He is a breed leader for $W, $G and $B. His dam has been described as the best Objective daughter in the breed. S S TRAVELER 6807 T510 S S OBJECTIVE T510 0T26 S S MISS RITA R011 7R8 CCC BLACKBIRD 9101 G A R GRID MAKER RIVERBEND BLACKBIRD 4301 RIVERBEND BLACKBIRD 2204 Dam: C C C Blackbird Son: Montana Angus Ranch,MT Tattoo: Y095 Born: 01/31/2011 Birth Wt: 76 lbs. 205 Day Adj. Wt: 782 lbs. 365 Day Adj. Wt: 1390 lbs. Mature Wt: 2320 lbs. Mature Hip Ht: 55.0 in. Mature Scrtl. Circum: 47.0 cm AMF | NHF | CAF | M1F | DDF Spring 2015 Progeny Evaluation Trait Average Large Frame Size Heavy Muscling Capacity Deep Sickled Rear Leg Sheath Tight Large Scrotal Size Udder Cap. Shallow Teat Size Small Expected Progeny Differences and $ Value (Info as of 12/12/2014) Production Maternal Carcass CED BW WW YW RADG YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK DT/HD MW MH EPD -1 2.6 71 119 .12 .1 1.32 29 11.0 ACC .63 .79 .70 .61 .47 .76 .71 % AVG 5 1.7 3 4 49 86 .18 .5 .69 .22 20 3 35 .79 11 8.9 5 37 0 62 .20 .25 0 .44 .31 $EN CW MARB RE FAT C-PG/HD U-PG/HD $W .5 -42.97 52 1 9 23 27 .3 $ Value -5.4 .78 1.00 .040 0 92 .33 .45 .39 0 32 10 15 3 29 .45 .39 .38 4 .011 $F $G $B 60.52 67.54 40.54 120.76 10 15 4 37.74 35.54 28.07 80.01 23 ANGUS SITZ WISDOM 481T 014AN00315 AAA Reg#: 15636992 ASA Reg#: 2799999 CONNEALY LEAD ON CONNEALY ONWARD ALTUNE OF CONANGA 6104 SITZ NEW DESIGN 349M SITZ ELLUNA ELITE 94P SITZ ELLUNA ELITE 163M Son: K G Tattoo: 481T Born: 02/11/2007 Birth Wt: 75 lbs. 205 Day Adj. Wt: 734 lbs. 365 Day Adj. Wt: 1448 lbs. Mature Wt: 2510 lbs. Mature Hip Ht: 57.0 in. Mature Scrtl. Circum: 45.5 cm AMF | NHF | CAF | M1F | DDF Ranch, MT A.I. PROVEN PERFORMANCE Spring 2015 Progeny Evaluation Trait Average Large Frame Size Muscling Heavy Capacity Deep Rear Leg Sickled Tight Sheath Scrotal Size Large Shallow Udder Cap. Teat Size Small MATERNAL CARCASS Sitz Angus, MT | K G Ranch, MT | Accelerated G enetics, W I Wisdom is a widely proven, curve bending sire. Wisdom sires cattle that are moderate in frame and muscular. They have the look of herd sires. Son: K G Ranch, MT Expected Progeny Differences and $ Value (Info as of 12/12/2014) Production Maternal Carcass CED BW WW YW RADG YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK DT/HD MW MH EPD 59 116 .18 .5 1.97 -1 6.0 3 21 159 48 ACC .75 .85 .85 .85 .48 .77 .87 .70 .28 .59 .69 32 .50 .37 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 % 5 8 1.7 8 20 8 5 8 3 8 $EN CW MARB RE FAT C-PG/HD U-PG/HD $W .7 -14.25 57 8 $ Value 8 .78 .63 .041 0 735 .35 .48 .42 .41 0 136 4 15 8 8 25 8 8 8 8 $F $G $B 40.52 65.93 34.43 115.17 10 8 8 30 8 10 8 8 SITZ RAINMAKER 11127 014AN00362 AAA Reg#: 15734469 SITZ RAINMAKER 6169 SITZ RAINMAKER 8075 SITZ ERICA EVERELDA 3172 Tattoo: 11127 Born: 04/10/2007 Birth Wt: 79 lbs. 205 Day Adj. Wt: 695 lbs. 365 Day Adj. Wt: 1181 lbs. Mature Wt: 2656 lbs. Mature Hip Ht: 57.0 in. Mature Scrtl. Circum: 49.5 cm AMF | NHF | CAF | M1F | DDF SITZ TRAVELER 5556 SITZ EMMA E 417L SITZ EMMA E 1336 Son: H illtop Angus Ranch, MT A.I. PROVEN PERFORMANCE Spring 2015 Progeny Evaluation Trait Average Large Frame Size Muscling Heavy Capacity Deep Sickled Rear Leg Sheath Tight Scrotal Size Large Shallow Udder Cap. Teat Size Small MATERNAL CARCASS Sitz Angus, MT | H illtop Angus Ranch, MT Rainmaker 11127 offers superior performance with a maternal pedigree. His pedigree combines many of the time tested maternal lines of the breed: Rainmaker, Traveler 124 and Right Time. Son: H illtop Angus Ranch, MT Expected Progeny Differences and $ Value (Info as of 12/12/2014) Production Maternal Carcass CED BW WW YW RADG YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK DT/HD MW MH EPD -4 71 135 .17 .5 1.93 44 12.0 ACC .71 .90 .86 .78 .75 .53 .81 % AVG 8 5 24 3.3 3 1 8 849 886 1.7 3 8 .18 8.5 8 .79 .62 .13 1 30 8 11 8 8.9 2 38 79 -8 .40 .56 13 .39 .21 .0 -44.33 45 1 89 8 23 8 827 8.3 $ Value $EN CW MARB RE FAT C-PG/HD U-PG/HD $W 8-5.4 .57 .42 .060 1 265 .34 .47 .40 .39 1 63 15 30 8 29 8 .45 8 8 $G $B 59.10 83.94 25.02 91.15 5 8 .011 8 .39 $F 2 8 8 8 80.01 8 35.54 28.07 37.74 8 AAA Reg#: 17031216 SITZ UPWARD 307R SITZ DASH 10277 SITZ EVERELDA ENTENSE 2665 Tattoo: 122 Born: 01/11/2011 Birth Wt: 73 lbs. 205 Day Adj. Wt: 813 lbs. 365 Day Adj. Wt: 1480 lbs. Mature Wt: 2360 lbs. Mature Hip Ht: 54.0 in. Mature Scrtl. Circum: 42.0 cm AMF | NHF | CAF | M1F | DDF CONNEALY CATTLELAC BARBERA OF CONANGA 9125 BARBALLA OF CONANGA 4629 ANGUS CONNEALY SANDHILLS 122 014AN00397 Son: Mohnen Angus, SD Spring 2015 Progeny Evaluation Trait Average Large Frame Size Muscling Heavy Deep Capacity Rear Leg Sickled Tight Sheath Scrotal Size Large Udder Cap. Shallow Teat Size Small Mohnen Angus, SD | Accelerated G enetics, W I Sandhills is the total package with a balance of calving ease, performance, maternal traits and carcass merit in a flawless phenotype. Sandhills is moderate in his frame and packed full of muscle. Son: Mohnen Angus, SD Expected Progeny Differences and $ Value (Info as of 12/12/2014) Production Maternal Carcass CED BW WW YW RADG YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK DT/HD MW MH EPD 5 2.1 60 110 .19 .1 1.67 8 16.0 9 31 0 29 ACC .63 .80 .71 .55 .42 .59 .62 .39 .20 .17 .24 0 .43 .27 20 10 % 10 10 $ Value $EN CW MARB RE FAT C-PG/HD U-PG/HD $W .1 -23.64 50 .31 10 .52 .49 .044 0 11 .41 .35 .36 0 2 10 $F $G $B 53.28 66.67 25.69 110.23 10 10 15 CONNEALY REFLECTION 014AN00300 AAA Reg#: 14528330 ASA Reg#: 2492623 B/R NEW DESIGN 036 BON VIEW NEW DESIGN 878 BON VIEW GAMMER 85 N BAR EMULATION EXT HAPPY GRILL OF CONANGA 6260 HAPPY DATE OF CONANGA Tattoo: 3623 Born: 03/17/2003 Birth Wt: 80 lbs. 205 Day Adj. Wt: 667 lbs. 365 Day Adj. Wt: 1267 lbs. Mature Wt: 2440 lbs. Mature Hip Ht: 58.0 in. Mature Scrtl. Circum: 46.5 cm AMF | NHF | CAF | M1F | DDF on Musgrav e Angus, I L A.I. PROVEN CALVING EASE PERFORMANCE Spring 2015 Progeny Evaluation Trait Average Frame Size Large Muscling Heavy Capacity Deep Rear Leg Sickled Sheath Tight Scrotal Size Large Udder Cap. Shallow Teat Size Small MATERNAL CARCASS Reflection is a widely proven calving ease sire. He also offers excellent performance and maternal traits. a e Musgrav e Angus, I L Expected Progeny Differences and $ Value (Info as of 12/12/2014) Production Maternal Carcass CED BW WW YW RADG YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK DT/HD MW MH EPD 10 57 101 .15 .5 ACC .87 .95 .92 .90 .67 .88 .88 % AVG .8 15 30 25 20 5 1.7 49 86 .18 .5 .42 16 26.0 15 29 695 43 .82 .47 .75 .84 252 .68 .68 30 1 2 15 8.9 9 .79 11 23 .5 -14.66 54 .46 5 27 .3 $ Value $EN CW MARB RE FAT C-PG/HD U-PG/HD $W -5.4 29 .49 .53 .032 2 1,138 .55 .52 .51 1 471 35 .45 .39 $G $B 56.69 49.00 25.99 108.49 10 .011 $F 30 15 37.74 35.54 28.07 80.01 25 ANGUS TC EZ MONEY 029 014AN00376 AAA Reg#: 16734459 ASA Reg#: 2648420 S A V FINAL ANSWER 0035 CONNEALY RIGHT ANSWER 746 HAPPY DELL OF CONANGA 262 BLUEGRASS NEW DESIGN 205 TC PRIDE 6180 TC PRIDE 3131 Tattoo: 029 Born: 01/23/2010 Birth Wt: 77 lbs. 205 Day Adj. Wt: 779 lbs. 365 Day Adj. Wt: 1326 lbs. Mature Wt: 2270 lbs. Mature Hip Ht: 54.0 in. Mature Scrtl. Circum: 44.0 cm AMF | NHF | CAF | M1F | DDF Son: H igh P oint G enetics, I A Spring 2015 Progeny Evaluation Trait Average Large Frame Size Heavy Muscling Deep Capacity Sickled Rear Leg Tight Sheath Large Scrotal Size Shallow Udder Cap. Small Teat Size A.I. PROVEN CALVING EASE TC Ranch, NE | H igh P oint G enetics, I A | Accelerated G enetics, W I EZ Money is a proven calving ease sire and currently ranks in the top 10% for CED and BW. EZ Money will moderate frame. His daughters are extremely attractive and make big middled, easy fleshing cows. Son: H igh P oint G enetics, I A Expected Progeny Differences and $ Value (Info as of 12/12/2014) Production Maternal Carcass CED BW WW YW RADG YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK DT/HD MW MH EPD 13 -1.1 59 104 .17 .3 ACC .65 .79 .70 .58 .42 .51 .54 % 4 10 8 8 20 8 20 8 8 8 .86 8 25 17.0 13 32 7 55 .48 .19 .23 .29 2 .40 .26 10 10 10 5 8 8 8 8 8 8 .4 -28.37 38 8 $ Value $EN CW MARB RE FAT C-PG/HD U-PG/HD $W .33 8 .35 .31 .032 0 34 .45 .37 .39 0 12 25 8 8 8 8 8 8 $F $G $B 55.08 54.69 20.74 88.11 10 8 20 8 8 8 8 CONNEALY FINAL FOUR 0411 014AN00379 AAA Reg#: 16748972 S A V FINAL ANSWER 0035 CONNEALY ANSWER 71 EURO REEKA OF CONANGA 3539 Tattoo: 0411 Born: 02/03/2010 Birth Wt: 68 lbs. 205 Day Adj. Wt: 788 lbs. 365 Day Adj. Wt: 1306 lbs. Mature Wt: 2010 lbs. Mature Hip Ht: 53.8 in. Mature Scrtl. Circum: 39.0 cm AMF | NHF | CAF | M1F | DDF WULFFS EXT 6106 BUNNY OF CONANGA 746 2388 BECKAH OF CONANGA 747 Son: KG Ranch, MT K G Spring 2015 Progeny Evaluation Trait Average Large Frame Size Heavy Muscling Deep Capacity Sickled Rear Leg Tight Sheath Large Scrotal Size Udder Cap. Shallow Teat Size Small Ranch, MT | Accelerated G enetics, W I Final Four is a surefire calving ease sire that will let you rest at ease during calving season. His progeny are above average for muscle and are very attractive. Son: KG Ranch, MT Expected Progeny Differences and $ Value (Info as of 12/12/2014) Production Maternal Carcass $ Value CED BW WW YW RADG YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK DT/HD MW MH $EN CW MARB RE FAT C-PG/HD U-PG/HD $W EPD 17 -3.3 47 92 .13 -.3 .63 25 8.0 15 24 0 ACC .61 .74 .63 .60 .39 .50 .68 .34 .17 .17 .25 0 % 1 AVG 85 26 1 8 1.7 10 849 886 8 .18 8.5 8 .79 8 11 9 .0 -3.61 22 .39 .24 .33 .27 .20 .031 0 36 .45 .36 .39 0 7 2 8 8.9 98 $F $G $B 47.48 39.79 19.14 58.68 25 8 23 8 8 27 8.3 8 -5.4 298 .45 8 .39 8 .011 8 8 8 8 8 28.07 8 80.01 8 35.54 37.74 8 AAA Reg#: 17083470 LEACHMAN RIGHT TIME 338-5605 WMR TIMELESS 458 WMR BLACKCAP 521 CONNEALY PACKER 547 WMR BLACKCAP 912 WMR BLACKCAP 7109 Tattoo: 141 Born: 01/17/2011 Birth Wt: 73 lbs. 205 Day Adj. Wt: 870 lbs. 365 Day Adj. Wt: 1374 lbs. Mature Wt: 2210 lbs. Mature Hip Ht: 56.3 in. Mature Scrtl. Circum: 43.0 cm AMF | NHF | CAF | M1F | DDF ANGUS WMR INFINITY 141 014AN00398 Sire: 014AN00333 Timeless W heeler Mountain Ranch, MT | Lazy TV Ranch, SD | Accelerated G enetics, W I Infinity offers calving ease with explosive growth. He currently ranks at the top of the breed for CED, WW and YW as well as $W, $F and $B. Expected Progeny Differences and $ Value (Info as of 12/12/2014) Production Maternal Carcass CED BW WW YW RADG YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK DT/HD MW MH EPD 15 74 124 .12 .5 1.76 18 11.0 13 29 0 ACC .55 .71 .60 .46 .46 .39 .54 0 % 2 .3 25 2 2 5 .31 .17 .16 .22 25 35 10 15 9 $ Value $EN CW MARB RE FAT C-PG/HD U-PG/HD $W .1 -21.66 58 .37 .18 .27 .37 .58 .044 0 7 .40 .32 .35 0 3 3 30 $F $G $B 74.48 67.78 19.53 100.48 1 10 25 RATHBUN ACCELERATE Z523 014AN00423 AAA Reg#: 17425053 LEACHMAN RIGHT TIME 338-5605 WMR TIMELESS 458 WMR BLACKCAP 521 BOYD NEW DAY 8005 RATHBUN HEIRESS X686 RATHBUN HEIRESS M677 Tattoo: Z523 Born: 08/23/2012 Birth Wt: 72 lbs. 205 Day Adj. Wt: 861 lbs. 365 Day Adj. Wt: 1450 lbs. AMF | NHF | CAF | M1F | DDF Rathbun Accelerate Z 5 23 Rathbun Angus Ranch, W A | W oodhill Farms, W I | C herne Angus, I A Accelerated G enetics, W I Accelerate was the featured and high selling bull at Rathbun Angus Ranch Bull Sale, WA. Moderate framed and muscular describe this exciting new calving ease sire. Expected Progeny Differences and $ Value (Info as of 12/12/2014) Production Maternal Carcass CED BW WW YW RADG YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK DT/HD MW MH EPD 14 .5 73 126 .12 .9 1.05 24 18.0 12 29 0 25 ACC .39 .44 .34 .36 .37 .48 .47 .39 .18 .16 .23 0 .34 .17 35 10 4 15 15 8.9 9 23 % 3 25 2 2 AVG 5 1.7 49 86 .18 .5 .79 11 27 $EN CW MARB RE FAT C-PG/HD U-PG/HD $W .3 -23.90 58 .3 $ Value .19 -5.4 .46 1.01 .018 0 0 .33 .26 0 0 3 2 29 .45 .39 .30 1 .011 $F $G $B 70.52 64.80 32.01 105.82 10 20 37.74 35.54 28.07 80.01 27 ANGUS SINCLAIR NET PRESENT VALUE 014AN00257 AAA Reg#: 14311951 ASA Reg#: 2365621 GARDENS PRIME TIME N BAR PRIME TIME D806 N BAR MISS EMULOUS A404 D H D TRAVELER 6807 IDEAL 4465 OF 6807 4286 E E 4286 OF IDEAL 2240 1254 Tattoo: 2P88 Born: 09/10/2002 Birth Wt: 72 lbs. 205 Day Adj. Wt: 709 lbs. Mature Wt: 2460 lbs. Mature Hip Ht: 55.5 in. Mature Scrtl. Circum: 45.0 cm AMF | NHF | CAF | M1F | DDF Dam: Ideal 4465 of 6807 4286 A.I. PROVEN CALVING EASE PERFORMANCE Spring 2015 Progeny Evaluation Trait Average Large Frame Size Heavy Muscling Deep Capacity Sickled Rear Leg Tight Sheath Large Scrotal Size Shallow Udder Cap. Small Teat Size MATERNAL CARCASS Sinclair Cattle Co., MD | Van Dyke Angus Ranch, MT | Accelerated Genetics, WI Net Present Value is "The King of Calving Ease". He continues to be one of the top selling sires at Accelerated Genetics. a e e ne n Expected Progeny Differences and $ Value (Info as of 12/12/2014) Production Maternal Carcass $ Value CED BW WW YW RADG YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK DT/HD MW MH $EN CW MARB RE FAT C-PG/HD U-PG/HD $W EPD 12 -1.7 47 81 .17 -.1 .09 20 1.0 12 27 819 -17 -.2 12.28 35 .72 .38 .051 66 1,752 ACC .90 .95 .93 .90 .67 .91 .91 .82 .43 .77 .86 258 .74 .75 .72 .75 .74 .73 23 676 8 8 15 25 35 20 % 10 8 8 4 8 8 8 20 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 15 8 8 8 8 8 8 $F 2 8 $G $B 68.59 33.01 32.60 100.75 8 8 35 25 8 8 8 SEDGWICKS OUTLAW 538W 014AN00409 AAA Reg#: 16399786 O C C LEGEND 616L B C LOOKOUT 7024 GIBBET HILL MIGNONNE E37 Tattoo: 538W Born: 03/04/2009 Birth Wt: 82 lbs. 205 Day Adj. Wt: 770 lbs. Mature Wt: 2255 lbs. Mature Hip Ht: 57.0 in. Mature Scrtl. Circum: 43.0 cm AMF | NHF | CAF | M1F | DDF S A V 8180 TRAVELER 004 SEDGWICKS BARBARA 538S SEDGWICKS BARBARA 5380 Son: Wood River Cattle Co., MO McCurry Bros., KS | Mike Moyer, MO | Accelerated Genetics, WI Outlaw is an exciting new calving ease sire that puts it all together in an exceptional phenotypic package. Outlaw offers an outcross to Net Present Value, Final Answer, In Focus and New Design. Son: McCurry Bros., KS Expected Progeny Differences and $ Value (Info as of 12/12/2014) Production Maternal Carcass $ Value CED BW WW YW RADG YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK DT/HD MW MH $EN CW MARB RE FAT C-PG/HD U-PG/HD $W EPD 18 -4.4 78 113 .19 .1 ACC .50 .62 .50 .41 .37 .41 .48 % 1 AVG 8 5 28 1 1 .11 10 1.7 8 849 886 27 10.0 15 18 10 52 .44 .31 1 .40 .30 .17 5 .18 8 8.5 .79 8 11 8 .23 .6 -6.26 25 .23 2 8.9 8 89 .56 .23 -.028 0 6 .33 .30 0 1 35 23 8 8 827 8.3 -5.4 298 8 .33 10 .45 8 .39 8 .0118 8 $G $B 75.09 61.49 36.61 89.69 1 8 $F 15 25 8 8 28.07 8 80.01 8 35.54 37.74 8 AAA Reg#: 17265135 CONNEALY DANNY BOY WOODHILL MAINLINE WOODHILL BLACKBIRD 1288-138K BALDRIDGE RAPID R31 BALDRIDGE MAVERICK T43 BALDRIDGE MAVERICK R39 Tattoo: Y108 Born: 04/23/2011 Birth Wt: 84 lbs. 205 Day Adj. Wt: 702 lbs. 365 Day Adj. Wt: 1273 lbs. Mature Wt: 2075 lbs. Mature Hip Ht: 55.5 in. Mature Scrtl. Circum: 39.0 cm AMF | NHF | CAF | M1F | DDF ANGUS BALDRIDGE NEXT STEP Y108 014AN00404 Full Sister: Baldridge Maverick Y092 Spring 2015 Progeny Evaluation Trait Average Large Frame Size Heavy Muscling Deep Capacity Sickled Rear Leg Tight Sheath Large Scrotal Size Udder Cap. Shallow Teat Size Small Baldridge Bros., NE | Sitz Angus, MT | Accelerated Genetics, WI Next Step is the logical outcross calving ease sire to Net Present Value, In Focus and Final Answer. Next Step was the high selling bull at the 2013 Baldridge Bros. Bull Sale. Son: Baldridge Bros., NE Expected Progeny Differences and $ Value (Info as of 12/12/2014) Production Maternal Carcass $ Value CED BW WW YW RADG YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK DT/HD MW MH $EN CW MARB RE FAT C-PG/HD U-PG/HD $W EPD 58 102 .20 .2 .48 13 2.0 11 21 0 13 ACC .50 .62 .49 .34 7 .35 .51 .50 .41 .18 .17 .24 0 .34 .22 % 35 35 .4 25 25 20 .1 -0.38 45 25 35 .55 .90 .005 0 1 .26 .38 .32 .35 0 1 15 35 $F $G $B 55.38 50.79 37.38 111.43 5 10 25 25 10 WOODHILL DAYBREAK U280-X20 014AN00405 AAA Reg#: 16706194 BOYD NEW DAY 8005 MCC DAYBREAK MCC MISS FOCUS 134 Tattoo: X20 Born: 02/09/2010 Birth Wt: 76 lbs. 205 Day Adj. Wt: 709 lbs. 365 Day Adj. Wt: 1275 lbs. Mature Wt: 2149 lbs. Mature Hip Ht: 57.0 in. Mature Scrtl. Circum: 42.0 cm AMF | NHF | CAF | M1F | DDF G A R PREDESTINED WOODHILL EVERGREEN 285M-U280 WOODHILL EVERGREEN 1536-285M Spring 2015 Progeny Evaluation Trait Average Large Frame Size Heavy Muscling Deep Capacity Sickled Rear Leg Tight Sheath Large Scrotal Size Udder Cap. Shallow Teat Size Small Woodhill Farms, Inc., WI | Lazy TV Ranch, SD | Accelerated Genetics, WI Daybreak offers calving ease, exceptional performance and superior carcass merit. His CED ranks in the top 1% of the breed while his BW is in the top Expected Progeny Differences and $ Value (Info as of 12/12/2014) Production Maternal Carcass CED BW WW YW RADG YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK DT/HD MW MH EPD 18 -2.2 60 113 .20 .8 ACC .57 .72 .60 .49 .62 .49 .49 % 1 3 20 10 35 AVG 5 1.7 49 86 .18 .5 .57 17 21.0 18 24 0 89 .40 .22 .19 .25 0 .42 .30 30 1 1 .79 11 8.9 9 23 27 1.0 -23.48 42 .3 $ Value $EN CW MARB RE FAT C-PG/HD U-PG/HD $W .34 -5.4 .51 .70 -.006 0 7 .45 0 4 .38 .40 20 15 30 29 .45 .39 .011 $F $G $B 45.40 64.12 35.34 104.15 30 10 30 20 37.74 35.54 28.07 80.01 29 ANGUS ELLINGSON SECRETARY 2011 014AN00410 AAA Reg#: 17323393 H A IMAGE MAKER 0415 BENFIELD SUBSTANCE 8506 BENFIELD EDELLA 1105 Tattoo: 2011 Born: 02/17/2012 Birth Wt: 65 lbs. 205 Day Adj. Wt: 875 lbs. 365 Day Adj. Wt: 1392 lbs. Current Wt: 1860 lbs. Current Hip Ht: 54.3 in. Current Scrtl. Circum: 39.5 cm AMF | NHF | CAF | M1F | DDF SITZ DIMENSION 8607 EA MADAME PRIDE 0040 EA MADAME PRIDE 8828 Daughter: Blue Ridge Cattle Co., IL Ellingson Angus, ND | Griffith Angus Farms, KY | Blue Ridge Cattle LLC, IL Secretary covers all the bases - from calving ease to performance, with the extra attributes of the top carcass quality and the Madame Pride cow family. Described by Chad Ellingson as "The genotype and phenotype standout of the 2013 offering." Expected Progeny Differences and $ Value (Info as of 12/12/2014) Production Maternal Carcass $ Value CED BW WW YW RADG YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK DT/HD MW MH $EN CW MARB RE FAT C-PG/HD U-PG/HD $W EPD 11 63 104 .08 .1 1.00 17 13.0 11 24 0 -3 ACC .44 .55 .42 .35 .36 .36 .47 .30 .15 .15 .22 0 .31 .19 35 30 25 25 % 10 8 .1 20 8 10 8 20 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 .0 -3.76 37 8 .24 8 30 .52 .34 .092 0 0 .36 .29 .33 0 0 8 8 8 8 8 $G $B 66.25 46.14 18.85 78.19 2 8 $F 8 35 8 8 8 8 S S WARRIOR Z20 014AN00419 AAA Reg#: 17287383 CONNEALY ONWARD WERNER WAR PARTY 2417 BAAR USA LADY JAYE 489 SYDGEN MANDATE 6079 LUCY S S X137 LUCY S S R50 Tattoo: Z20 Born: 01/03/2012 Birth Wt: 70 lbs. 205 Day Adj. Wt: 705 lbs. 365 Day Adj. Wt: 1264 lbs. Current Wt: 2060 lbs. Current Hip Ht: 54.0 in. Current Scrtl. Circum: 41.0 cm AMF | NHF | CAF | M1F | DDF S S Warrior Z20 Stewart Select Angus LLC, IN | Accelerated Genetics, WI Warrior was one of the highest performing and high selling bulls of the 2013 Midland Bull Test. At Midland, he had an ADG ratio of 118 and an MBT Index of 108 to go along with ratios of 111 for WW and 109 for YW. Expected Progeny Differences and $ Value (Info as of 12/12/2014) Production Maternal Carcass CED BW WW YW RADG YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK DT/HD MW MH EPD 10 56 115 .16 .7 1.77 8 5.0 9 37 0 25 ACC .44 .56 .43 .36 .47 .39 .39 .33 .18 .18 .24 0 .37 .29 % AVG 30 .0 15 20 85 8 1.7 30 8 49 5 8 86 5 8 .18 8 .5 8 .79 .4 -33.88 52 .23 1 118 8 8.9 98 8 23 10 8 8 27 8.3 $ Value $EN CW MARB RE FAT C-PG/HD U-PG/HD $W 8 -5.4 298 .61 .61 .019 0 0 .35 .29 .33 0 0 30 25 .45 8 .39 8.011 8 8 $G $B 54.40 58.30 33.20 101.70 10 8 $F 15 35 25 8 8 80.01 8 35.548 28.07 37.74 8 AAA Reg#: 17138164 G A R PREDESTINED PA POWER TOOL 9108 SHAMROCKS BEEBEE QUEEN 3095 Tattoo: 215 Born: 01/01/2012 Birth Wt: 71 lbs. 205 Day Adj. Wt: 845 lbs. 365 Day Adj. Wt: 1443 lbs. Current Wt: 1750 lbs. Current Hip Ht: 54.5 in. Current Scrtl. Circum: 41.5 cm AMF | NHF | CAF | M1F | DDF SITZ UPWARD 307R RIVER HILLS ROSA X374 RIVER HILLS ROSA R300 ANGUS PA WCLC CRAFTSMAN 215 014AN00411 Peterson Angus, SD | Hilltop Angus, MT | Accelerated Genetics, WI Craftsman is a true curve bender with superior carcass merit and a super disposition. Craftsman's pedigree combines the genetics of Power Tool, Upward and 1407 and breaks the +120 barrier for $B. Expected Progeny Differences and $ Value (Info as of 12/12/2014) Production Maternal Carcass CED BW WW YW RADG YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK DT/HD MW MH EPD 5 1.3 61 118 .20 .5 1.34 29 10.0 ACC .37 .45 .35 .32 .35 .37 .38 35 20 15 % 4 .39 .17 7 44 0 .14 .20 0 3 6 $ Value $EN CW MARB RE FAT C-PG/HD U-PG/HD $W .4 -44.25 51 .32 .21 1 1.03 .74 -.014 0 0 .20 .33 .27 .31 0 0 10 3 15 20 $F $G $B 63.65 67.24 48.98 123.55 3 10 3 3 WK POWER UP 9412 014AN00360 AAA Reg#: 16447251 ASA Reg#: 9843000 LAU DECADE WK POWER UP WK MISS 6191 BON VIEW NEW DESIGN 1407 WK BLACKBIRD 3059 WK BLACKBIRD 1062 Tattoo: 9412 Born: 02/25/2009 Birth Wt: 70 lbs. 205 Day Adj. Wt: 810 lbs. 365 Day Adj. Wt: 1445 lbs. AMF | NHF | CAF | M1F | DDF Spring 2015 Progeny Evaluation A.I. PROVEN Trait Frame Size Muscling Capacity Rear Leg Sheath Scrotal Size Udder Cap. Teat Size CALVING EASE Krebs Ranch, NE | Wagonhammer Angus Ranch, NE | Accelerated Genetics, WI Power Up was a featured bull of the 2010 Krebs Bull Sale. He was a member of the Grand Champion Carload at the 2010 NWSS. Average Large Heavy Deep Sickled Tight Large Shallow Small Expected Progeny Differences and $ Value (Info as of 12/12/2014) Production Maternal Carcass $ Value CED BW WW YW RADG YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK DT/HD MW MH $EN CW MARB RE FAT C-PG/HD U-PG/HD $W EPD 13 89 .22 .8 ACC .58 .82 .74 .63 .43 .51 .51 % 25 AVG 4 5 -.8 45 10 1.7 49 86 .18 .5 .03 22 14.0 11 25 37 22 .42 .13 .29 .45 6 .39 .21 15 15 25 35 .79 11 8.9 9 23 .5 -7.72 16 .48 .63 .44 .060 16 58 .56 .50 .50 2 13 25 27 .3 -5.4 29 .45 .39 $F 20 .011 $G $B 40.08 54.59 33.60 81.22 35 37.74 35.54 28.07 80.01 31 ANGUS SITZ ELEVATION Z64 014AN00431 AAA Reg#: 17504479 CONNEALY THUNDER THOMAS THUNDER 0582 THOMAS BONNY LASS 81003 Tattoo: Z64 Born: 08/23/2012 Birth Wt: 76 lbs. 205 Day Adj. Wt: 714 lbs. 365 Day Adj. Wt: 1117 lbs. Current Wt: 1990 lbs. Current Hip Ht: 54.0 in. Current Scrtl. Circum: 43.0 cm re AMF | NHF | CAF | M1F | DDF SITZ UPWARD 307R SITZ FOREVER LADY X6 SITZ FOREVER LADY 612T Sitz Elevation Z64 Sitz Angus, MT | Accelerated Genetics, WI Take your program to new heights with Elevation! Elevation was chosen for producers who run cattle in higher elevations. He recorded a PAP score of 39. Expected Progeny Differences and $ Value (Info as of 12/12/2014) Production Maternal Carcass CED BW WW YW RADG YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK DT/HD MW MH EPD 54 103 .20 .5 2.05 24 17.0 12 30 0 38 ACC .34 .42 .31 .33 .33 .32 .36 .26 .15 .09 .16 0 .30 .18 35 2 10 10 15 10 % 8 25 8 2.1 8 35 8 20 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 .4 -21.02 53 8 $ Value $EN CW MARB RE FAT C-PG/HD U-PG/HD $W .19 8 10 8 .35 .51 -.012 0 0 .33 .25 .30 0 0 35 25 8 8 8 8 $F $G $B 45.19 50.85 25.60 104.21 30 8 8 25 8 8 20 8 8 CONNEALY TROOPER 3682 014AN00433 AAA Reg#: 17585550 CONNEALY CONSENSUS CONNEALY CAVALRY 1149 BRISTA OF CONANGA 927T GDAR GAME DAY 449 BLACK CARLA OF CONANGA 128 BLACK CONI OF CONANGA 9276 Tattoo: 3682 Born: 02/09/2013 Birth Wt: 64 lbs. 205 Day Adj. Wt: 766 lbs. 365 Day Adj. Wt: 1347 lbs. Current Wt: 1700 lbs. Current Hip Ht: 52.5 in. Current Scrtl. Circum: 39.0 cm AMF | NHF | CAF | M1F | DDF Sire: Connealy Cavalry 1149 Schaack Ranch, SD | Accelerated Genetics, WI Look for Trooper to lead the "Cavalry" of the next generation of calving ease sires. Jerry Connealy described Trooper as "the high marbling bull that will catch your eye." He was a crowd favorite on sale day. Expected Progeny Differences and $ Value (Info as of 12/12/2014) Production Maternal Carcass CED BW WW YW RADG YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK DT/HD MW MH 32 EPD 13 -1.6 62 108 .19 .2 1.13 22 16.0 12 29 0 ACC .39 .44 .33 .35 .31 .35 .46 .29 .15 .09 .16 0 30 15 10 15 15 .798 118 8 8.9 98 8 23 % 4 AVG 58 5 15 8 8 1.7 49 15 8 86 8 .18 8 .5 8 2 -.1 -14.74 46 .29 .16 8 27 8.3 $ Value $EN CW MARB RE FAT C-PG/HD U-PG/HD $W 8 -5.4 .87 .74 .051 0 0 .18 .31 .24 .29 0 0 15 10 15 8 29 .458 .398 .0118 8 $G $B 67.25 60.31 39.22 117.52 2 8 $F 8 15 20 10 8 8 8 80.01 28.07 37.74 35.54 8 AAA Reg#: 17160844 SITZ UPWARD 307R EXAR UPSHOT 0562B EXAR BARBARA T020 GARDENS PRIME STAR EXAR BLACKCAP 0003 G A R NEW DESIGN 1200 Tattoo: 2504B Born: 01/01/2012 Birth Wt: 70 lbs. 205 Day Adj. Wt: 877 lbs. 365 Day Adj. Wt: 1487 lbs. AMF | NHF | CAF | M1F | DDF ANGUS EXAR SLAP SHOT 2504B 014AN00412 Express Ranches, OK | Flying U Angus Ranch, OR | Valli-Hi Angus Ranch, ID Bruno Sala, CA | Accelerated Genetics, WI Slap Shot offers exceptional phenotype, curve bending performance with superior carcass merit. Slap Shot excels for $B, breaking the +1 0 barrier. At the same time, he ranks at the pinnacle of the breed for MARB and REA. Expected Progeny Differences and $ Value (Info as of 12/12/2014) Production Maternal Carcass $ Value CED BW WW YW RADG YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK DT/HD MW MH $EN CW MARB RE FAT C-PG/HD U-PG/HD $W EPD 12 92 .11 .6 .67 12 7.0 12 20 0 ACC .53 .70 .58 .33 .37 .39 .41 .34 .17 .17 .23 0 % 10 .6 30 54 35 2 .2 5.59 46 .33 .21 15 25 .94 .95 .034 0 0 .26 .37 .31 .34 0 0 15 5 $F $G $B 53.11 34.53 45.58 117.13 4 15 1 10 BALDRIDGE YAHOO Y58 014AN00392 AAA Reg#: 17074462 ASA Reg#: 2881865 GAR-EGL PROTEGE BALDRIDGE WAYLON W34 BALDRIDGE BLACKCAP T163 BALDRIDGE RAPID R31 BALDRIDGE FOREVER LADY T269 BALDRIDGE FOREVER LADY P164 Tattoo: Y58 Born: 02/17/2011 Birth Wt: 83 lbs. 205 Day Adj. Wt: 850 lbs. 365 Day Adj. Wt: 1215 lbs. Mature Wt: 1860 lbs. Mature Hip Ht: 54.5 in. Mature Scrtl. Circum: 39.5 cm AMF | NHF | CAF | M1F | DDF Baldridge Bros., NE | Currant Creek Angus Ranch, MT | Accelerated Genetics, WI Yahoo is a new generation calving ease sire that offers an outcross to Final Answer and In Focus. He currently ranks at the top of the breed for CED while still ranking in the top 1 % for WW and YW. Expected Progeny Differences and $ Value (Info as of 12/12/2014) Production Maternal Carcass CED BW WW YW RADG YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK DT/HD MW MH EPD 15 62 111 .17 .1 .15 22 4.0 15 30 0 31 ACC .45 .57 .44 .37 .35 .49 .49 .34 .13 .10 .18 0 .36 .19 2 10 % AVG 2 5 -.4 15 1.7 15 49 10 86 15 .18 .5 .79 11 8.9 9 23 27 .4 -21.43 41 .3 $ Value $EN CW MARB RE FAT C-PG/HD U-PG/HD $W -5.4 1.45 .67 .031 0 0 .29 .42 .32 .35 0 0 20 1 29 20 .45 .39 $G $B 61.00 64.04 53.66 125.29 4 .011 $F 10 1 3 37.74 35.54 28.07 80.01 33 ANGUS SMR/CCC FIRST OPTION 1563 014AN00402 AAA Reg#: 17198958 First Option combines exceptional phenotype with superior genetics. Tattoo: 1563 Born: 09/15/2011 Birth Wt: 83 lbs. 205 Day Adj. Wt: 783 lbs. 365 Day Adj. Wt: 1341 lbs. Mature Wt: 2035 lbs. Mature Hip Ht: 54.5 in. Mature Scrtl. Circum: 40.5 cm AMF | NHF | CAF | M1F | DDF Sired by the rare and valuable Dameron First Class. EXG RS FIRST RATE S903 R3 DAMERON FIRST CLASS DAMERON NORTHERN MISS 3114 WOODHILL FORESIGHT ESTINA OF CONANGA 4352 ENTRUST OF CONANGA 894 Spruce Mountain Ranch, CO | Copper Canyon Creek Cattle Co., IN First Option Associates, CO Expected Progeny Differences and $ Value (Info as of 12/12/2014) Production Maternal Carcass CED BW WW YW RADG YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK DT/HD MW MH EPD 5 2.1 98 .15 -.3 .08 14 4.0 11 29 0 30 ACC .46 .58 .44 .35 .39 .43 .45 .34 .14 .13 .21 0 .38 .21 25 15 % 64 10 30 $ Value $EN CW MARB RE FAT C-PG/HD U-PG/HD $W .4 -15.03 57 .29 .42 .54 .012 0 3 .41 .32 .34 0 2 4 35 8 8 8 8 Highland Farms, OH | Lockhart Angus 8 8 8 8 $B 3 10 AAA Reg#: 17317098 Prime Time is sired by the rare and valuable, Dameron First Class. 8 $G HIGHLAND FARMS PRIME TIME 014AN00401 8 $F 63.18 41.54 25.37 112.39 EXT RS FIRST RATE S902 R3 DAMERON 8 8 8FIRST 8 CLASS 8 8 8 DAMERON NORTHERN MISS 3114 P V F NEW HORIZON 001 SCC ECHO DELL NELLIE 6005 CHAMPION HILL LADY 2652 8 8 8 Tattoo: 192 Born: 09/18/2011 Birth Wt: 92 lbs. 205 Day Adj. Wt: 982 lbs. 365 Day Adj. Wt: 1555 lbs. Mature Wt: 2040 lbs. Mature Hip Ht: 8 8 60.0 8 in. 8 8 Mature Scrtl. Circum: 40.0 cm AMF | NHF | CAF | M1F | DDF 8 , IL Expected Progeny Differences and $ Value (Info as of 12/12/2014) Production Maternal Carcass CED BW WW YW RADG YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK DT/HD MW MH EPD -7 6.5 59 95 .25 .8 ACC .28 .34 .27 .30 .30 .34 .38 % 10 20 35 -.27 -10 9.0 .28 .12 2 31 0 41 .11 .18 0 .29 .15 $ Value $EN CW MARB RE FAT C-PG/HD U-PG/HD $W .6 -21.13 25 .16 -.07 .53 -.036 0 0 .30 .21 .28 0 0 35 5 10 S A V 8180 TRAVELER 004 S A V NET WORTH 4200 S A V MAY 2410 S A V PEACEMAKER 3179 S A V DUKE GIRL 7348 A C DUKE GIRL 57 AAA Reg#: 16687685 ASA Reg#: 2749767 84 .16 .7 ACC .62 .88 .82 .76 .48 .73 .73 % AVG 34 8 5 48 8 8 8 8 1.7 49 86 .18 A.I. PROVEN PERFORMANCE CARCASS Expected Progeny Differences and $ Value (Info as of 12/12/2014) Maternal Carcass CED BW WW YW RADG YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK DT/HD MW MH 3.2 8 .5 .53 8 9 3.0 7 38 30 35 .67 .19 .31 .40 18 .44 .28 8 8 18 8 8.9 9 23 8 .79 11 Tattoo: 207 Born: 03/06/2010 Birth Wt: 84 lbs. 205 Day Adj. Wt: 992 lbs. 365 Day Adj. Wt: 1620 lbs. Mature Wt: 2100 lbs. Mature Hip Ht: 56.0 in. Mature Scrtl. Circum: 43.5 cm AMF | NHF | CAF | M1F | DDF , Production 4 $B 30 First Class was the featured and 2nd high selling bull at the 2011 Schaff Angus Valley Sale. EPD $G 38.88 49.65 11.77 68.43 S A V FIRST CLASS 0207 014AN00373 Schaff Angus Valley, ND | Champion Hill, OH | Lake View n Accelerated Genetics, WI $F 8 27 .3 -30.24 46 8 .3 $ Value $EN CW MARB RE FAT C-PG/HD U-PG/HD $W .36 8 15 8 -5.4 29 .41 .41 .000 0 269 .48 .42 .42 0 120 8 8 .45 .39 358 .011 8 8 $F $G $B 40.75 25.81 26.76 98.05 8 8 8 30 8 37.74 35.54 28.07 80.01 8 AAA Reg#: 17294559 ASA Reg#: 2708744 S A V BISMARCK 5682 S A V BRILLIANCE 8077 S A V BLACKCAP MAY 5270 EXG RS FIRST RATE S903 R3 DAMERON NORTHERN MISS 0109 DAMERON NORTHERN MISS 3114 ANGUS DDA DAMERON NORTHERN LIGHT 014AN00403 Tattoo: 1220 Born: 03/30/2012 Birth Wt: 78 lbs. 205 Day Adj. Wt: 887 lbs. 365 Day Adj. Wt: 1434 lbs. Current Wt: 2200 lbs. Current Hip Ht: 56.0 in. Current Scrtl. Circum: 42.0 cm AMF | NHF | CAF | M1F | DDF Grand Champion Angus Bull 2014 NWSS Dameron Angus, IL | Double Diamond Angus, IL | Northern Light Associates, IL The Denver Champion! Northern Light was selected as the Grand Champion Bull of the 2014 National Western Stock Show. He also reigned as the Reserve Grand Champion Bull at the 2013 NAILE, Atlantic National and Illinois State Fair ROV Shows. Dam: Dameron Northern Miss Expected Progeny Differences and $ Value (Info as of 12/12/2014) Production Maternal Carcass CED BW WW YW RADG YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK DT/HD MW MH EPD 6 2.0 66 109 .19 .4 ACC .37 .45 .34 .31 .35 .36 .38 % 10 .55 6 7.0 10 32 0 25 .30 .15 .16 .22 0 .31 .18 35 5 10 $ Value $EN CW MARB RE FAT C-PG/HD U-PG/HD $W .2 -23.12 38 .22 .31 .42 .042 0 0 .34 .27 .31 0 0 25 $F $G $B 64.73 59.72 19.25 87.92 3 15 DAMERON SECOND CHANCE 014AN00442 AAA Reg#: 17766091 EXAR LUTTON 1831 EXG RS FIRST RATE S903 R3 RAFTER S BLACKCAP P909 Tattoo: 3903 Born: 02/26/2013 Birth Wt 84 l s. 205 Day Ad . Wt 834 l s. 365 Day Ad . Wt 1415 l s. DAMERON P V F RAPTOR 702 DAMERON NORTHERN MISS 3114 DAMERON MISS 550 Full Brother: Dameron First Class Dameron Angus, IL | Rutledge Angus, IL | Top Line Farms, IL | Turner Angus, IL ack Wilson, IL | Sterling Hunter, MI | Accelerated Genetics, WI Second Chance is a standout individual and a full brother to the reigning ROV Sire of the Year, Dameron First Class. He has a striking pose with near perfect profile, added depth of body, tremendous shape and stoutness with a sound skeletal package. Dam: Dameron Northern Miss Expected Progeny Differences and $ Value (Info as of 12/12/2014) Production Maternal Carcass CED BW WW YW RADG YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK DT/HD MW MH EPD 2 3.4 57 100 ACC .05 .05 .05 .05 % AVG 5 1.7 .26 .6 .05 .05 .35 25 25 10 49 86 .18 .5 -.13 3 4.0 10 31 0 61 .05 .05 .05 .05 0 .05 .05 35 10 9 23 .79 11 8.9 .8 -26.03 34 .05 .18 .18 .011 0 0 .05 .05 .05 0 0 35 27 .3 $ Value $EN CW MARB RE FAT C-PG/HD U-PG/HD $W -5.4 29 .39 .011 $G $B 42.29 52.35 14.60 78.65 35 .45 $F 25 37.74 35.54 28.07 80.01 35 ANGUS MCATL PURE PRODUCT 903-55 014AN00365 AAA Reg#: 16482454 ASA Reg#: 2613863 CONNEALY PRODUCT 568 CONNEALY FINAL PRODUCT EBONISTA OF CONANGA 471 Tattoo: 903 Born: 01/09/2009 Birth Wt: 69 lbs. 205 Day Adj. Wt: 750 lbs. 365 Day Adj. Wt: 1480 lbs. Mature Wt: 2190 lbs. Mature Hip Ht: 55.0 in. Mature Scrtl. Circum: 42.5 cm AMF | NHF | CAF | M1F | DDF WAR ALLIANCE 9126 6006 M A ESTA 55-252 R A ESTA R243 Daughter: Cardinal Cattle Co., IL A.I. PROVEN PERFORMANCE Spring 2015 Progeny Evaluation Trait Average Large Frame Size Muscling Heavy Deep Capacity 8 Leg 8 8 8 8 Rear Sickled t Sheath Scrotal Size Large Udder Cap. Shallow Small Teat Size MATERNAL CARCASS Musgrave Angus, IL | Cardinal Cattle Co., IL 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 Pure Product is one of the most proven sons of Final Product. He is a true power bull that can sire cattle with muscle and mass and the performance to go with it. 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 Son: Cardinal Cattle Co., IL Expected Progeny Differences and $ Value (Info as of 12/12/2014) Production Maternal Carcass CED BW WW YW RADG YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK DT/HD MW MH EPD -4 2.4 64 121 .19 .5 ACC .79 .92 .87 .80 .59 .71 .72 % 10 .73 3 16 -6.0 .67 .19 4 33 127 62 .51 .60 52 .47 .36 30 $ Value $EN CW MARB RE FAT C-PG/HD U-PG/HD $W .7 -38.01 36 .37 3 .46 .14 .089 0 325 .48 .43 .41 0 144 30 20 8 8 8 $B 5 AAA Reg#: 17427037 SITZ IDENTITY 2575 SITZ IDENTITY 7828 SITZ BEEBE QUEEN 1956 SITZ ALLIANCE 7544 HT HAZEL GP 97 HILLTOP HAZEL GP 7120 8 $G HILLTOP OPEN RANGE 2279 014AN00420 8 $F 47.85 72.93 13.74 74.33 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 Tattoo: 2279 Born: 02/20/2012 Birth Wt: 72 lbs. 205 Day Adj. Wt: 748 lbs. 365 Day Adj. Wt: 1276 lbs. Mature t Mature Hip Ht: in. 8 8 8 8 8 Mature Scrtl. Circum: 42.0 cm AMF | NHF | CAF | M1F | DDF 8 Son: Hart Farm , SD Hilltop Angus, MT | Hart Farms, SD | Accelerated Genetics, WI Open Range offers an unique calving ease pedigree with the performance of Identity with the calving ease and maternal traits of Alliance. Son: Hart Farm , SD Open Range was the second high selling bull at Hilltop Angus Bull Sale. Expected Progeny Differences and $ Value (Info as of 12/12/2014) Production Maternal Carcass CED BW WW YW RADG YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK DT/HD MW MH EPD 11 82 142 .13 .9 .82 25 1.0 13 27 0 54 ACC .51 .64 .51 .34 .48 .30 .46 .37 .12 .12 .19 0 .27 .13 10 25 9 23 % AVG 36 -.5 10 15 1 1 5 1.7 49 86 8 8 8 8 10 .18 8 .5 8 .79 11 8 8 8.9 8 8 8 $ Value $EN CW MARB RE FAT C-PG/HD U-PG/HD $W .5 -32.16 51 .16 .27 .42 .066 0 0 .31 .23 .28 0 0 10 8 27 8 .3 8 -5.4 8 29 8 8 .39 .011 8 8 8 8 $G $B 71.82 88.39 11.17 83.61 1 .45 $F 1 35.54 28.07 80.01 37.74 8 8 8 8 8 AAA Reg#: 16036822 ASA Reg#: 2660461 Net Return is a moderate framed bull that is expressively muscled. Tattoo: 8197 Born: 03/11/2008 Birth Wt: 82 lbs. 205 Day Adj. Wt: 807 lbs. 365 Day Adj. Wt: 1289 lbs. Mature Wt: 2337 lbs. Mature Hip Ht: 54.0 in. Mature Scrtl. Circum: 47.0 cm AMF | NHF | CAF | M1F | DDF Use Net Return to add muscle and eye appeal to your next calf crop. SITZ TRAVELER 8180 S A V 8180 TRAVELER 004 BOYD FOREVER LADY 8003 S A F 598 BANDO 5175 S A V MAY 2436 S A V MAY 6269 A.I. PROVEN PERFORMANCE CARCASS ANGUS MF NET RETURN 8197 014AN00364 Buford Ranches, OK | Marshall & Fenner Farms, MO Expected Progeny Differences and $ Value (Info as of 12/12/2014) Production Maternal Carcass CED BW WW YW RADG YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK DT/HD MW MH EPD 85 .15 .2 ACC .68 .88 .82 .69 5 2.8 53 .47 .60 .75 .93 9 .53 % 14.0 10 29 20 40 .28 .28 .38 10 .45 .30 15 35 15 $ Value $EN CW MARB RE FAT C-PG/HD U-PG/HD $W .5 -14.87 47 .38 .47 .65 .051 0 206 .49 .43 .43 0 69 15 20 Expected Progeny Differences and $ Value (Info as of 12/12/2014) Production Maternal Carcass CED BW WW YW RADG YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK DT/HD MW MH 78 130 .23 .0 ACC .55 .79 .69 .58 .44 .38 .41 % 1 1 .46 13 12.0 .50 20 .19 20 Tattoo: X499 Born: 08/02/2010 Birth Wt: 63 lbs. 205 Day Adj. Wt: 798 lbs. 365 Day Adj. Wt: 1208 lbs. Mature Wt: 2200 lbs. Mature Hip Ht: 57.0 in. Mature Scrtl. Circum: 41.0 cm AMF | NHF | CAF | M1F | DDF S A V FINAL ANSWER 0035 S A V PIONEER 7301 S A V BLACKBIRD 5297 DR J ANALYST M250 WAR ANALYST U512 M250 4526 WAR DESIGN 4526 878 0020 2.7 45.44 31.79 26.00 105.38 AAA Reg#: 16908920 ASA Reg#: 2762127 He is described as moderate in frame and exceptional in his structure. -1 $B 30 Hero was the leadoff and record-setting bull at the 2012 Wagonhammer Angus Ranch Bull Sale. EPD $G WAR HERO X499 014AN00395 Wagonhammer Angus Ranch, NE | High Point Genetics, IA Rasmussen Bros., NE | R B Angus, NE | Accelerated Genetics, $F 5 28 0 19 .18 .24 0 .41 .27 30 $ Value $EN CW MARB RE FAT C-PG/HD U-PG/HD $W -.1 -24.22 39 .33 20 .41 .90 .037 0 36 .45 .36 .39 0 5 25 $F $G $B 69.52 88.63 30.08 105.01 5 1 1 20 CONNEALY HONEST ANSWER 014AN00381 AAA Reg#: 16749011 Honest Answer was a featured and high selling bull at the 2011 Connealy Angus Sale. Tattoo: 059L Born: 02/13/2010 Birth Wt: 80 lbs. 205 Day Adj. Wt: 794 lbs. 365 Day Adj. Wt: 1346 lbs. Mature Wt: lbs. Mature Hip Ht: 53.0 in. Mature Scrtl. Circum: 43.0 cm AMF | NHF | CAF | M1F | DDF He was described by many as one of the best bulls in the sale. S A V FINAL ANSWER 0035 CONNEALY ANSWER 71 EURO REEKA OF CONANGA 3539 G A R INTEGRITY EBBIA OF CONANGA 808 E B A OF CONANGA 819 Musgrave Angus, IL | Hoffman Ranch, NE | Accelerated Genetics, WI Expected Progeny Differences and $ Value (Info as of 12/12/2014) r Mater a u t ar a a ue CED BW WW YW RADG YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK DT/HD MW MH $EN CW MARB RE FAT C-PG/HD U-PG/HD $W EPD 9 .7 58 95 .14 -.1 ACC .53 .74 .63 .57 .39 .40 .49 % 20 30 25 35 AVG 5 1.7 49 86 .18 .5 .09 .79 19 13.0 .33 .17 20 25 11 8.9 9 21 0 -17 -.4 4.46 16 .66 .76 .052 0 3 .16 .24 0 .39 .24 .44 .35 .38 0 2 25 15 .45 .39 .011 .32 25 9 23 27 .3 -5.4 29 $F $G $B 59.81 43.47 39.37 74.54 5 20 37.74 35.54 28.07 80.01 37 ANGUS HART MOUNTAINEER 1176 014AN00393 AAA Reg#: 17035982 TC GRIDIRON 258 S A V IRON MOUNTAIN 8066 S A V MADAME PRIDE 3249 MYTTY IN FOCUS HART MISTI 7017 HART MISTI 5054 Hart Farms, SD | Penz Angus Ranch, OK | Albrecht Ranch Angus, OK 8 Genetics, 8 8 WI 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 Accelerated 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 Tattoo: 1176 Born: 02/24/2011 Birth Wt: 76 lbs. 205 Day Adj. Wt: 872 lbs. 365 Day Adj. Wt: 1474 lbs. AMF | NHF | CAF | M1F | DDF 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 Mountaineer was the lead off and the high selling bull at the 2012 Hart Farms Bull Sale. Mountaineer offers more calving ease and maternal strength without sacrificing performance when compared to his sire, Iron Mountain. Expected Progeny Differences and $ Value (Info as of 12/12/2014) Production Maternal Carcass $ Value CED BW WW YW RADG YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK DT/HD MW MH $EN CW MARB RE FAT C-PG/HD U-PG/HD $W EPD 66 111 .19 .2 1.33 4 ACC .52 .64 .51 .38 .42 .38 .49 .35 % 8 2.1 25 10 10 20 13.0 11 19 0 59 .9 -8.56 41 .19 .19 .25 0 .40 .25 25 25 .92 .20 .052 0 2 .28 .41 .32 .35 0 1 20 10 15 8 8 8 $B 10 35 15 AAA Reg#: 16115617 ASA Reg#: 2522554 G A R GRID MAKER TC GRIDIRON 258 TC BLACKBIRD 7049 S A V 8180 TRAVELER 004 S A V MADAME PRIDE 3249 S A V MADME PRIDE 8264 8 $G S A V IRON MOUNTAIN 8066 014AN00350 8 $F 50.28 64.30 33.41 107.41 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 Tattoo: 8066 Born: 02/24/2008 Birth Wt: 77 lbs. 205 Day Adj. Wt: 890 lbs. 365 Day Adj. Wt: 1435 lbs. Mature Wt: 2450 lbs. 8 8 8 8 8 Mature Hip Ht: 57.0 in. Mature Scrtl. Circum: 44.0 cm AMF | NHF | CAF | M1F | DDF Daughter: Grand Champion Cow Calf Pair, 2013 Nat'l Junior Angus Show A.I. PROVEN PERFORMANCE Spring 2015 Progeny Evaluation Trait Average Large Frame Size Muscling Heavy Deep Capacity Rear Leg Sickled Sheath Tight Scrotal Size Large Udder Cap. Shallow Teat Size Small MATERNAL CARCASS Schaff Angus Valley, ND | Kiamichi Link Ranch, LLC, OK | Peak Dot Ranch, Canada Lake View Angus, NY Iron Mountain has been one of the most widely used sires in the Angus breed! He is a premier sire with exceptional phenotype, abounding with the thickness, muscling, stoutness of rump and body volume that you rarely find. Son: Schaff Angus Valley, ND Expected Progeny Differences and $ Value (Info as of 12/12/2014) Production Maternal Carcass $ Value CED BW WW YW RADG YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK DT/HD MW MH $EN CW MARB RE FAT C-PG/HD U-PG/HD $W EPD 3 3.6 60 105 .15 .6 .93 -4 20.0 7 6 ACC .88 .96 .94 .92 .72 .91 .91 .87 .40 .79 .85 % AVG 38 5 8 20 15 1.7 49 86 8 8 8 1,067 61 323 1.0 14.74 30 .63 .49 2 .18 8 .5 8 .79 11 8 8 .37 15 8.9 8 9 8 23 8 8 27 8 .3 -5.4 8 8 1.00 .32 .033 1 2,587 .50 .44 .42 1 1066 3 29 8 $F 35 .45 8 .39 .011 8 8 8 8 $G $B 29.92 46.68 41.90 89.33 15 35.54 28.07 80.01 37.74 8 8 8 8 8 AAA Reg#: 16226527 ASA Reg#: 2625754 Timeless is the breed leader for high performance cattle. Timeless daughters are very productive and are currently indexing 102 in their respective herds. Tattoo: 458 Born: 01/30/2008 Birth Wt: 75 lbs. 205 Day Adj. Wt: 800 lbs. 365 Day Adj. Wt: 1365 lbs. Mature Wt: 2580 lbs. Mature Hip Ht: 58.0 in. Mature Scrtl. Circum: 44.0 cm AMF | NHF | CAF | M1F | DDF HYLINE RIGHT TIME 338 LEACHMAN RIGHT TIME 338-5606 LEACHMAN ERICA 1201 A.I. PROVEN W M R DATELINE 210 WMR BLACKCAP 521 W M R BLACKCAP 043 PERFORMANCE MATERNAL CARCASS ANGUS WMR TIMELESS 458 014AN00333 Wheeler Mountain Ranch, MT | Harrison Land & Livestock, MT Expected Progeny Differences and $ Value (Info as of 12/12/2014) Production Maternal Carcass CED BW WW YW RADG YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK DT/HD MW MH EPD 4 5.2 80 136 .03 .9 .99 31 8.0 6 27 206 67 ACC .78 .94 .91 .88 .72 .85 .87 .80 .41 .60 .67 66 .55 .29 % 1 1 35 2 $ Value $EN CW MARB RE FAT C-PG/HD U-PG/HD $W .6 -33.87 86 .38 25 .36 1.10 .059 3 919 .50 .45 1 332 1 .42 1 15 SITZ TRAVELER 8180 S A V 8180 TRAVELER 004 BOYD FOREVER LADY 8003 S A F 598 BANDO 5175 S A V EMBLYNETTE 1182 S A V EMBLYNETTE 7319 A.I. PROVEN PERFORMANCE MATERNAL CARCASS Maternal Carcass $ Value CED BW WW YW RADG YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK DT/HD MW MH $EN CW MARB RE FAT C-PG/HD U-PG/HD $W 97 .16 .3 1.04 5 ACC .83 .95 .93 .91 .63 .86 .87 .75 % 20 58 25 30 35 25 Expected Progeny Differences and $ Value (Info as of 12/12/2014) Production 2.4 10 Tattoo: 4438 Born: 01/30/2004 Birth Wt: 83 lbs. 205 Day Adj. Wt: 911 lbs. 365 Day Adj. Wt: 1492 lbs. Mature Wt: 2105 lbs. Mature Hip Ht: 54.5 in. Mature Scrtl. Circum: 44.0 cm AMF | NHF | CAF | M1F | DDF Predominant progeny are moderate framed and muscular. 9 $B AAA Reg#: 14823655 ASA Reg#: 2485785 Acclaimed by many as the best “004” son in the industry! EPD $G 51.70 69.06 18.65 101.69 S A V 004 PREDOMINANT 4438 014AN00271 Schaff Angus Valley, ND | Peak Dot Ranch, Canada Champion Hill, OH | Accelerated Genetics, WI $F 13.0 11 23 958 16 .2 4.08 38 .27 .79 .87 307 .64 .55 25 25 25 .54 .23 .015 2 868 .43 .54 .49 .50 2 412 25 35 $F $G $B 59.64 45.24 28.96 96.52 5 35 30 CONNEALY KINGDOM 014AN00415 AAA Reg#: 17307044 Kingdom was a featured and high selling bull at the 2013 Connealy Angus Bull Sale. Tattoo: 2609 Born: 02/06/2012 Birth Wt: 80 lbs. 205 Day Adj. Wt: 843 lbs. 365 Day Adj. Wt: 1464 lbs. Mature Wt: lbs. Mature Hip Ht: 5 in. Mature Scrtl. Circum: 43.0 cm AMF | NHF | CAF | M1F | DDF Kingdom was the leadoff bull of a tremendous set of In Focus 4925 sons. MYTTY IN FOCUS CONNEALY IN FOCUS 4925 BLACK CANA OF CONANGA 206 BOYD NEW DAY 8005 BLACK CELLY OF CONANGA 1156 BLACK CELLA OF CONANGA 160 Hart Farms, SD | Accelerated Genetics, WI Expected Progeny Differences and $ Value (Info as of 12/12/2014) Production Maternal Carcass CED BW WW YW RADG YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK DT/HD MW MH $EN EPD 2 2.2 65 117 .18 .5 1.34 15 12.0 ACC .52 .67 .54 .38 .37 .41 .48 .38 .16 20 35 30 .79 11 8.9 % AVG 5 1.7 10 4 49 86 .18 .5 6 30 0 33 .17 .24 .3 -23.76 51 0 .37 .21 .28 10 9 23 .49 .72 .028 0 0 .41 .32 .35 0 0 10 27 .3 -5.4 $ Value CW MARB RE FAT C-PG/HD U-PG/HD $W 29 15 .45 .39 .011 $F $G $B 57.74 67.46 29.70 108.77 10 10 15 37.74 35.54 28.07 80.01 39 ANGUS CONNEALY TRUSTMARK 014AN00384 AAA Reg#: 15497359 Trustmark is a rising star in the Angus breed. Tattoo: 6373 Born: 02/01/2006 Birth Wt: 75 lbs. 205 Day Adj. Wt: 726 lbs. 365 Day Adj. Wt: 1332 lbs. Mature Wt: 2170 lbs. Mature Hip Ht: 55.5 in. Mature Scrtl. Circum: 42.0 cm AMF | NHF | CAF | M1F | DDF His first sons topped the 2011 Knoll Crest Farm Bull Sale. G A R PRECISION 1680 G A R RETAIL PRODUCT G A R EXT 4927 S A F FOCUS OF E R BLACK CEAN OF CONANGA 160 BLACK CELLO OF CONANGA 4160 A.I. PROVEN PERFORMANCE CARCASS Connealy Angus, NE | Knoll Crest Farm, VA | Accelerated Genetics, WI Expected Progeny Differences and $ Value (Info as of 12/12/2014) Production Maternal Carcass $ Value CED BW WW YW RADG YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK DT/HD MW MH $EN CW MARB RE FAT C-PG/HD U-PG/HD $W EPD 91 .24 .5 1.51 36 7.0 9 29 47 -29 -.4 8.73 30 .62 .43 -.028 0 140 ACC .63 .83 .76 .70 .48 .72 .75 .71 .23 .41 .51 4 .62 .67 .39 .50 .45 .45 0 31 15 8 10 8 18 8 15 8 8 258 8 108 % 6 8 1.0 35 8 44 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 20 8 8 8 $F $G $B 61.23 42.42 39.90 94.25 8 4 20 8 8 35 8 8 K C F BENNETT BENCHMARK 014AN00388 AAA Reg#: 16952013 Benchmark was the lead off and high selling bull of the 2011 Knoll Crest Farm Bull Sale. Tattoo: X401 Born: 09/20/2010 Birth Wt: 82 lbs. 205 Day Adj. Wt: 725 lbs. 365 Day Adj. Wt: 1250 lbs. Mature Wt: lbs. Mature Hip Ht: 54.5 in. Mature Scrtl. Circum: 37.5 cm AMF | NHF | CAF | M1F | DDF Paul Bennett describes him as "A true herd sire prospect. He is massive, thick, sound and very correct." G A R RETAIL PRODUCT CONNEALY TRUSTMARK BLACK CEAN OF CONANGA 160 G A R PRECISION 1680 K C F BENNETT QUALITY M22 K C F MISS QUALITY P448 K C F MISS ALLIANCE M331 Knoll Crest Farm, VA | Accelerated Genetics, WI Expected Progeny Differences and $ Value (Info as of 12/12/2014) Production Maternal Carcass CED BW WW YW RADG YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK DT/HD MW MH EPD 52 102 .24 .8 1.34 33 10.0 10 32 0 -10 -.3 -13.51 43 .68 .67 .034 8 0 ACC .48 .62 .49 .37 .36 .48 .48 .14 .22 0 .42 .32 .40 .49 .41 .42 2 0 15 20 35 5 20 20 % 8 25 8 -.5 $ Value $EN CW MARB RE FAT C-PG/HD U-PG/HD $W 15 8 8 20 8 8 8 8 .40 1 8 .15 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 20 8 8 8 $F $G $B 59.23 59.65 36.04 113.39 8 5 15 8 25 8 8 10 8 CONNEALY CHECKMARK 014AN00416 AAA Reg#: 17302279 Checkmark was a high selling bull at the 2013 Connealy Angus Bull Sale. Tattoo: 2470 Born: 02/02/2012 Birth Wt: 78 lbs. 205 Day Adj. Wt: 794 lbs. 365 Day Adj. Wt: 1426 lbs. Mature Wt: lbs. Mature Hip Ht: 5 .5 in. Mature Scrtl. Circum: 45.0 cm AMF | NHF | CAF | M1F | DDF He lead off an impressive set of Trustmark sons. G A R RETAIL PRODUCT CONNEALY TRUSTMARK BLACK CEAN OF CONANGA 160 TC GRID TOPPER 355 ENDREENA OF CONANGA 873B ENDORA OF CONANGA 369 Hart Farms, SD | Accelerated Genetics, WI Expected Progeny Differences and $ Value (Info as of 12/12/2014) r u t Mater a EPD 40 8 1.8 58 111 .23 .9 1.37 21 9.0 11 28 0 20 ACC .51 .66 .53 .37 .15 .14 .22 0 .40 .26 % 25 8 8 25 20 AVG 5 1.7 9 23 .37 .39 .48 .39 25 10 20 8 8 15 15 49 86 .18 .5 .79 11 8 8 8 8 8 8.9 8 8 8 a ue ar a CED BW WW YW RADG YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK DT/HD MW MH $EN CW MARB RE FAT C-PG/HD U-PG/HD $W .2 -15.75 34 .28 8 8 8 27 .3 -5.4 35 8 29 .48 .35 -.020 0 0 .41 .31 0 0 .35 15 8 8 8 .45 .39 .011 8 8 $F $G $B 52.82 62.37 32.95 91.39 8 15 10 8 35 8 8 37.74 35.54 28.07 80.01 8 AAA Reg#: 13588640 ASA Reg#: 2201122 RAA Reg#: 1163007 New Frontier - The Breed Leader! He is the all-time sales leader at Accelerated Genetics. Tattoo: 095 Born: 01/31/2000 Birth Wt: 90 lbs. 205 Day Adj. Wt: 721 lbs. 365 Day Adj. Wt: 1353 lbs. Mature Wt: 2375 lbs. Mature Hip Ht: 60.0 in. Mature Scrtl. Circum: 46.0 cm AMF | NHF | CAF | M1F | DDF V D A R NEW TREND 315 B/R NEW DESIGN 036 B/R BLACKCAP EMPRESS 76 CONNEALY DATELINE WHITE FENCE PRIDE H1 PLEASANT PILL OF CONANGA A.I. PROVEN PERFORMANCE MATERNAL CARCASS Whitestone Farms, VA | 44 Farms, TX | ErReR Hill Farms, PA Southern Cattle Co., FL | Accelerated Genetics, WI Expected Progeny Differences and $ Value (Info as of 12/12/2014) Production Maternal Carcass $ Value CED BW WW YW RADG YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK DT/HD MW MH $EN CW MARB RE FAT C-PG/HD U-PG/HD $W EPD 2 3.2 47 86 .17 .9 1.62 15 21.0 10 20 7,063 37 ACC .92 .98 .97 .96 .79 .96 .96 .91 .63 .92 .96 2238 .88 .88 10 35 1 35 % .7 5.05 40 25 .91 .42 -.049 110 .78 .80 .80 38 25 10 .79 BON VIEW NEW DESIGN 208 TC TOTAL 410 TC ERICA EILEEN 2047 CONNEALY LEAD ON POSS BLACKCAP 5116 POSS BLACKCAP 205 4 Tattoo: 745 Born: 02/15/2007 Birth Wt: 65 lbs. 205 Day Adj. Wt: 697 lbs. 365 Day Adj. Wt: 1361 lbs. Mature Wt: 2510 lbs. Mature Hip Ht: 60.5 in. Mature Scrtl. Circum: 48.0 cm AMF | NHF | CAF | M1F | DDF A.I. PROVEN PERFORMANCE MATERNAL Expected Progeny Differences and $ Value (Info as of 12/12/2014) Production Maternal Carcass $ Value CED BW WW YW RADG YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK DT/HD MW MH $EN CW MARB RE FAT C-PG/HD U-PG/HD $W 73 125 .25 .9 1.65 25 4.0 7 9 78 78 ACC .79 .94 .91 .87 .64 .89 .88 .80 .26 .45 .54 35 .57 .56 10 10 10 2 % 2 .8 -3.25 32 .55 1.09 .52 -.051 16 1,179 .62 .60 .59 12 503 3 35 2 B/R NEW DESIGN 036 GAR PREDESTINED GAR EXT 4206 CA FUTURE DIRECTION 5321 BFF EVERELDA ENTENSE 4015 THREE TREES EVERELDA C27F Maternal Carcass $ Value 97 .09 .4 .15 20 9.0 11 25 33 -18 -.1 -2.86 38 .89 .51 .057 2 49 ACC .58 .82 .73 .63 .46 .65 .62 .60 .27 .33 .42 12 .45 .33 .39 .50 .44 .48 1 17 25 35 25 10 35 9 23 29 .45 .39 .011 25 % AVG 5 1.7 30 49 86 20 .18 .5 .79 10 Tattoo: 357 Born: 01/02/2007 Birth Wt: 81 lbs. 205 Day Adj. Wt: 838 lbs. 365 Day Adj. Wt: 1552 lbs. Mature Wt: 2475 lbs. Mature Hip Ht: 57.0 in. Mature Scrtl. Circum: 46.5 cm AMF | NHF | CAF | M1F | DDF CED BW WW YW RADG YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK DT/HD MW MH $EN CW MARB RE FAT C-PG/HD U-PG/HD $W 58 1 Expected Progeny Differences and $ Value (Info as of 12/12/2014) Production 1.9 $B AAA Reg#: 15738589 He ranks high in the breed for MARB as well as $G and $B. 6 $G 39.33 80.77 53.85 116.19 2 Westward will move your carcass quality forward! Werner Angus, IL | Stintson Angus Farms, TN Accelerated Genetics, WI $F WERNER WESTWARD 357 014AN00309 EPD 10 AAA Reg#: 15885405 ASA Reg#: 2524745 CARCASS 3.0 $B 4603 2 Total Impact is a former #1 sire for $B and currently ranks at the top of the breed. -6 $G 10,047 35.51 30.94 47.76 113.45 Total Impact offers outcross genetics to most high $B lines. Poss Angus, NE | McConnell Angus Farm, VA Accelerated Genetics, WI $F POSS TOTAL IMPACT 745 014AN00317 EPD ANGUS B/R NEW FRONTIER 095 014AN00223 11 8.9 27 .3 -5.4 $F $G $B 58.83 39.54 37.41 99.28 5 25 25 37.74 35.54 28.07 80.01 41 ANGUS BT RIGHT TIME 24J 014AN00228 AAA Reg#: 13360311 ASA Reg#: 2317527 24J has earned the title of the "Cow Maker" at Accelerated Genetics. Tattoo: 24J Born: 01/19/1999 Birth Wt: 94 lbs. 205 Day Adj. Wt: 754 lbs. 365 Day Adj. Wt: 1159 lbs. Mature Wt: 2440 lbs. Mature Hip Ht: 58.5 in. Mature Scrtl. Circum: 47.0 cm AMF | NHF | CAF | M1F | DDF 24J will sire capacity and muscle shape in his progeny. N BAR EMULATION EXT LEACHMAN RIGHT TIME LEACHMAN ERICA 0025 TRAVELER 124 G D A R SITZ EVERELDA ENTENSE 1905 SITZ EVERELDA ENTENSE 1791 A.I. PROVEN PERFORMANCE MATERNAL CARCASS Beartooth Ranch, MT | Andolina Angus Farm, NY Sinclair Cattle Co., MD Expected Progeny Differences and $ Value (Info as of 12/12/2014) Production Maternal Carcass $ Value CED BW WW YW RADG YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK DT/HD MW MH $EN CW MARB RE FAT C-PG/HD U-PG/HD $W EPD 2 2.7 47 76 .14 .3 .59 ACC .84 .96 .94 .91 .68 .88 .90 % 17 -1.0 .81 .47 3 22 .81 .90 1,308 41 465 .4 0.68 15 .75 .75 30 .48 .27 .20 .013 5 1,860 .57 .54 .54 4 788 AAA Reg#: 16650219 ASA Reg#: 2765824 Tattoo: 0G6 Born: 02/17/2010 Birth Wt: 78 lbs. 205 Day Adj. Wt: 811 lbs. 365 Day Adj. Wt: 1347 lbs. Mature Wt: 1830 lbs. Mature Hip Ht: 52.5 in. Mature Scrtl. Circum: 37.7 cm AMF | NHF | CAF | M1F | DDF Boss is a moderate framed bull that is loaded with muscle and mass. BT RIGHT TIME 24J SINCLAIR GRASS MASTER N BAR PRIMROSE Y3051 N BAR PRIME TIME D806 SINCLAIR LADY 6P69 3M18 SINCLAIR LADY 3M18 4465 A.I. PROVEN PERFORMANCE CARCASS Sinclair Cattle Co., MD | Vermilion Ranch, MT Accelerated Genetics, WI Expected Progeny Differences and $ Value (Info as of 12/12/2014) Production Maternal Carcass $ Value CED BW WW YW RADG YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK DT/HD MW MH $EN CW MARB RE FAT C-PG/HD U-PG/HD $W 2.1 99 .17 .1 1.05 21 1.0 5 26 1 -28 -.4 -6.46 27 .51 .15 .083 0 116 ACC .75 .85 .79 .77 .38 .38 .62 .56 .15 .17 .23 1 .39 .25 .44 .36 .37 0 16 35 15 % 54 35 25 .30 30 Expected Progeny Differences and $ Value (Info as of 12/12/2014) Maternal Carcass $ Value CED BW WW YW RADG YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK DT/HD MW MH $EN CW MARB RE FAT C-PG/HD U-PG/HD $W 3.6 52 112 .28 .5 ACC .61 .77 .67 .58 .45 .44 .66 10 5 49 86 .18 % AVG 42 5 1.7 .09 10 13.0 .37 .19 8 26 0 -15 -.4 -9.40 24 .12 .95 .035 0 46 .18 .25 0 .43 .27 .45 .39 .39 0 19 25 .5 .79 11 8.9 .34 30 9 20 Tattoo: X239 Born: 01/31/2010 Birth Wt: 64 lbs. 205 Day Adj. Wt: 752 lbs. 365 Day Adj. Wt: 1221 lbs. AMF | NHF | CAF | M1F | DDF S A V FINAL ANSWER 0035 S A V PIONEER 7301 S A V BLACKBIRD 5297 BALDRIDGE NEBRASKA 901 J BAR 7 ELBA 7297 J BAR 7 JULIE JAN 5406 0 $B AAA Reg#: 16701554 He was the leadoff and high selling bull at the 2011 Buford Ranches Bull Sale. Production $G BUFORD OKLAHOMA X239 Oklahoma - a bull who is flawless in his phenotype. Buford Ranches, OK | Reisig Cattle Co., MT | McCurry Brothers, KS Marhall Fenner Farms, MO | Vision Quest, KS | Z7 Bar Ranch, OK P Bar S Ranch, OK | Turkey Trak Ranch, OK |Accelerated Genetics, WI $F 51.12 53.96 19.34 74.85 15 014AN00385 EPD $B SINCLAIR BOSS Boss was the featured and high selling bull at the 2011 Sinclair Cattle Company Bull Sale. 3 $G 37.29 25.73 22.60 58.87 35 014AN00375 EPD $F 23 4 27 .3 -5.4 29 .45 .39 $F $G $B 40.39 74.96 20.36 72.29 4 .011 37.74 35.54 28.07 80.01 CALVING EASE DIRECT CODE 014AN00405 014AN00409 014AN00379 014AN00430 014AN00437 014AN00361 014AN00417 014AN00427 014AN00291 014AN00383 014AN00392 014AN00398 014AN00423 014AN00323 014AN00360 014AN00376 014AN00414 014AN00432 014AN00433 NAME Woodhill Daybreak U280-X20 Sedgwicks Outlaw 538W Connealy Final Four 0411 Sitz Sensation 693A A A R Wind Over 3822 V D A R Really Windy 4097 BA Sterling 2001 Connealy Stingray 9618 Thomas Grade Up 6849 C C A Emblazon 702 Baldridge Yahoo Y58 WMR Infinity 141 Rathbun Accelerate Z523 Sitz Dash 10277 WK Power Up 9412 TC EZ Money 029 Sitz Lightning 659Z Carter Wind Star 218 Connealy Trooper 3682 BIRTH WEIGHT CED 18 18 17 17 17 16 16 16 15 15 15 15 14 13 13 13 13 13 13 CODE 014AN00409 014AN00379 014AN00430 014AN00427 014AN00437 014AN00405 014AN00417 014AN00257 014AN00433 014AN00414 014AN00361 014AN00383 014AN00376 014AN00360 014AN00426 014AN00370 014AN00432 014AN00390 014AN00420 014AN00388 MATERNAL CALVING EASE NAME Sedgwicks Outlaw 538W Connealy Final Four 0411 Sitz Sensation 693A Connealy Stingray 9618 A A R Wind Over 3822 Woodhill Daybreak U280-X20 BA Sterling 2001 Sinclair Net Present Value Connealy Trooper 3682 Sitz Lightning 659Z V D A R Really Windy 4097 C C A Emblazon 702 TC EZ Money 029 WK Power Up 9412 Coleman Charlo 0256 S A V Platinum 0010 Carter Wind Star 218 V A R Upfront 0392 Hilltop Open Range 2279 K C F Bennett Benchmark NAME Woodhill Daybreak U280-X20 Thomas Grade Up 6849 Connealy Reflection Sitz Lightning 659Z A A R Wind Over 3822 V D A R Really Windy 4097 WAR Alliance 9126 6006 Sedgwicks Outlaw 538W Connealy Final Four 0411 Baldridge Yahoo Y58 BA Sterling 2001 Sitz Sensation 693A Connealy Stingray 9618 Sitz Dash 10277 TC EZ Money 029 WMR Infinity 141 Springfield Worldwide 9116 Hilltop Open Range 2279 MCE 18 16 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 14 14 14 13 13 13 13 13 CODE 014AN00411 014AN00439 014AN00373 014AN00413 014AN00362 014AN00419 014AN00399 014AN00394 014AN00366 014AN00320 014AN00400 014AN00422 014AN00359 014AN00365 014AN00291 014AN00414 014AN00376 014AN00390 NAME PA WCLC Craftsman 215 V A R Index 3282 S A V First Class 0207 EXAR Powerhouse 2077B Sitz Rainmaker 11127 S S Warrior Z20 Mogck Bullseye Riverbend None Better Y095 Apex Windy 078 MOGCK Sure Shot VAR Rockytop 451 V A R Discovery 2240 Connealy In Focus 4925 MCATL Pure Product 903-55 Thomas Grade Up 6849 Sitz Lightning 659Z TC EZ Money 029 V A R Upfront 0392 CODE 014AN00355 014AN00399 014AN00338 014AN00308 014AN00425 014AN00385 014AN00442 014AN00317 014AN00390 014AN00434 014AN00353 014AN00401 014AN00422 014AN00359 014AN00378 014AN00388 014AN00384 NAME RADG S A V 707 Rito 9969 .41 Mogck Bullseye .32 B/R Future Direction 4268 .31 SCR Right Cross 70024 .30 A A R Ten Gauge 1501 .28 Buford Oklahoma X239 .28 Dameron Second Chance .26 Poss Total Impact 745 .25 V A R Upfront 0392 .25 A & B Twenty X 3149 .25 Pine Coulee Powerhouse W112 .25 Highland Farms Prime Time .25 V A R Discovery 2240 .24 Connealy In Focus 4925 .24 Bruns Uppercut 610 .24 K C F Bennett Benchmark .24 Connealy Trustmark .24 CODE 014AN00422 014AN00392 014AN00291 014AN00377 014AN00439 014AN00346 014AN00317 014AN00430 014AN00411 014AN00417 014AN00350 014AN00358 014AN00357 014AN00412 014AN00393 014AN00353 014AN00223 014AN00367 NAME V A R Discovery 2240 Baldridge Yahoo Y58 Thomas Grade Up 6849 A A R Ten X 7008 S A V A R Index 3282 GAR Goode Loaded for SCAR Poss Total Impact 745 Sitz Sensation 693A PA WCLC Craftsman 215 BA Sterling 2001 S A V Iron Mountain 8066 S S Fast Track M719 G A R Twinhearts 8418 EXAR Slap Shot 2504B Hart Mountaineer 1176 Pine Coulee Powerhouse W112 B/R New Frontier 095 River Hills Full Throttle RADG NAME A A R Ten X 7008 S A Sedgwicks Outlaw 538W WMR Infinity 141 V A R Discovery 2240 Hilltop Open Range 2279 River Hills Full Throttle Sitz Sensation 693A Rathbun Accelerate Z523 WAR Hero X499 Mogck Bullseye MOGCK Sure Shot Sitz Dash 10277 Connealy Gold Rush 026E Sinclair Net Present Value Connealy In Focus 4925 Connealy Trooper 3682 Ellingson Secretary 2011 V A R Upfront 0392 DDA Dameron Northern Light G A R Twinhearts 8418 EXAR Powerhouse 2077B CODE 014AN00420 014AN00359 014AN00399 014AN00333 014AN00409 014AN00395 014AN00400 014AN00422 014AN00398 014AN00367 014AN00423 014AN00357 014AN00317 014AN00370 014AN00413 014AN00351 014AN00394 014AN00362 014AN00366 MILK 44 39 38 38 38 37 37 37 36 35 34 33 33 33 32 32 32 32 CODE 014AN00341 014AN00323 014AN00382 014AN00350 014AN00426 014AN00257 014AN00356 014AN00325 014AN00384 014AN00412 014AN00361 014AN00223 014AN00381 014AN00271 014AN00272 014AN00432 014AN00437 014AN00228 MARBLING MARB 1.45 1.45 1.43 1.39 1.35 1.15 1.09 1.05 1.03 1.02 1.00 .97 .96 .94 .92 .91 .91 .90 CODE 014AN00439 014AN00372 014AN00320 014AN00333 014AN00359 014AN00423 014AN00394 014AN00413 014AN00370 014AN00387 014AN00412 014AN00385 014AN00338 014AN00390 014AN00399 014AN00404 014AN00323 014AN00395 $W 75.24 75.09 74.48 73.26 71.82 71.16 70.61 70.52 69.52 69.33 69.30 69.24 68.78 68.59 68.35 67.25 66.25 65.95 64.73 64.54 64.45 CODE 014AN00399 014AN00355 014AN00422 014AN00395 014AN00420 014AN00378 014AN00359 014AN00362 014AN00425 014AN00308 014AN00413 014AN00377 014AN00317 014AN00390 014AN00434 014AN00357 014AN00385 014AN00365 014AN00370 014AN00430 014AN00231 NAME Mogck Bullseye S A V 707 Rito 9969 V A R Discovery 2240 WAR Hero X499 Hilltop Open Range 2279 Bruns Uppercut 610 Connealy In Focus 4925 Sitz Rainmaker 11127 A A R Ten Gauge 1501 SCR Right Cross 70024 EXAR Powerhouse 2077B A A R Ten X 7008 S A Poss Total Impact 745 V A R Upfront 0392 A & B Twenty X 3149 G A R Twinhearts 8418 Buford Oklahoma X239 MCATL Pure Product 903-55 S A V Platinum 0010 Sitz Sensation 693A WAR Alliance 9126 6006 $F 104.25 95.57 95.46 88.63 88.39 86.90 84.82 83.94 83.77 83.33 82.39 80.85 80.77 78.29 77.97 76.67 74.96 72.93 72.54 70.31 70.31 CODE 014AN00439 014AN00317 014AN00392 014AN00377 014AN00357 014AN00422 014AN00411 014AN00346 014AN00372 014AN00223 014AN00412 014AN00358 014AN00430 014AN00417 014AN00308 014AN00350 014AN00367 014AN00378 014AN00394 014AN00353 NAME Hilltop Open Range 2279 Connealy In Focus 4925 Mogck Bullseye WMR Timeless 458 Sedgwicks Outlaw 538W WAR Hero X499 VAR Rockytop 451 V A R Discovery 2240 WMR Infinity 141 River Hills Full Throttle Rathbun Accelerate Z523 G A R Twinhearts 8418 Poss Total Impact 745 S A V Platinum 0010 EXAR Powerhouse 2077B S A V Thunderbird 9061 Riverbend None Better Y095 Sitz Rainmaker 11127 Apex Windy 078 YEARLING WEIGHT WW 82 82 80 80 78 78 78 76 74 74 73 73 73 72 72 71 71 71 71 CODE 014AN00420 014AN00422 014AN00399 014AN00333 014AN00362 014AN00359 014AN00378 014AN00395 014AN00377 014AN00357 014AN00400 014AN00423 014AN00413 014AN00355 014AN00317 014AN00398 014AN00390 014AN00308 014AN00231 $EN 42.04 18.13 17.63 14.74 13.65 12.28 11.72 9.53 8.73 5.59 5.42 5.05 4.46 4.08 2.55 2.17 1.52 .68 CODE 014AN00358 014AN00431 014AN00422 014AN00413 014AN00315 014AN00362 014AN00325 014AN00430 014AN00427 014AN00320 014AN00359 014AN00419 014AN00398 014AN00397 014AN00317 014AN00378 014AN00377 014AN00223 RE 1.26 1.16 1.12 1.10 1.01 1.01 1.00 .99 .98 .97 .95 .95 .91 .91 .90 .90 .90 .90 CODE 014AN00362 014AN00384 014AN00406 014AN00388 014AN00355 014AN00399 014AN00414 014AN00358 014AN00333 014AN00378 014AN00411 014AN00394 014AN00409 014AN00317 014AN00376 014AN00420 014AN00437 014AN00379 $G 57.64 53.85 53.66 51.92 51.72 49.88 48.98 48.94 48.78 47.76 45.58 45.05 42.69 42.51 42.38 41.90 41.62 40.63 40.54 40.17 CODE 014AN00338 014AN00377 014AN00422 014AN00439 014AN00359 014AN00428 014AN00413 014AN00430 014AN00434 014AN00378 014AN00353 014AN00399 014AN00392 014AN00320 014AN00411 014AN00417 014AN00440 014AN00441 014AN00390 014AN00308 014AN00372 $ EN NAME O C C Kiddo 832K Sitz Dash 10277 Peak Dot Encore 502W S A V Iron Mountain 8066 Coleman Charlo 0256 Sinclair Net Present Value Duff Jetset 7122 Connealy Industry 5634 Connealy Trustmark EXAR Slap Shot 2504B V D A R Really Windy 4097 B/R New Frontier 095 Connealy Honest Answer S A V 004 Predominant 4438 H S A F Bando 1961 Carter Wind Star 218 A A R Wind Over 3822 BT Right Time 24J NAME V A R Index 3282 Springfield Worldwide 9116 MOGCK Sure Shot WMR Timeless 458 Connealy In Focus 4925 Rathbun Accelerate Z523 Riverbend None Better Y095 EXAR Powerhouse 2077B S A V Platinum 0010 Connealy Final Solution EXAR Slap Shot 2504B Buford Oklahoma X239 B/R Future Direction 4268 V A R Upfront 0392 Mogck Bullseye Baldridge Next Step Y108 Sitz Dash 10277 WAR Hero X499 YW 142 142 138 136 135 131 131 130 130 129 128 126 126 126 125 124 123 122 122 NAME S S Fast Track M719 Sitz Elevation Z64 V A R Discovery 2240 EXAR Powerhouse 2077B Sitz Wisdom 481T Sitz Rainmaker 11127 Connealy Industry 5634 Sitz Sensation 693A Connealy Stingray 9618 MOGCK Sure Shot Connealy In Focus 4925 S S Warrior Z20 WMR Infinity 141 Connealy Sandhills 122 Poss Total Impact 745 Bruns Uppercut 610 A A R Ten X 7008 S A B/R New Frontier 095 SC 2.60 2.05 2.04 1.98 1.97 1.93 1.89 1.87 1.84 1.83 1.77 1.77 1.76 1.67 1.65 1.62 1.62 1.62 DOCILITY NAME Sitz Rainmaker 11127 Connealy Trustmark S A V Registry 2831 K C F Bennett Benchmark S A V 707 Rito 9969 Mogck Bullseye Sitz Lightning 659Z S S Fast Track M719 WMR Timeless 458 Bruns Uppercut 610 PA WCLC Craftsman 215 Riverbend None Better Y095 Sedgwicks Outlaw 538W Poss Total Impact 745 TC EZ Money 029 Hilltop Open Range 2279 A A R Wind Over 3822 Connealy Final Four 0411 DOC 44 36 36 33 32 32 32 31 31 29 29 29 27 25 25 25 25 25 $BEEF $ GRID NAME V A R Index 3282 Poss Total Impact 745 Baldridge Yahoo Y58 A A R Ten X 7008 S A G A R Twinhearts 8418 V A R Discovery 2240 PA WCLC Craftsman 215 GAR Goode Loaded for SCAR Springfield Worldwide 9116 B/R New Frontier 095 EXAR Slap Shot 2504B S S Fast Track M719 Sitz Sensation 693A BA Sterling 2001 SCR Right Cross 70024 S A V Iron Mountain 8066 River Hills Full Throttle Bruns Uppercut 610 Riverbend None Better Y095 Pine Coulee Powerhouse W112 NAME Hilltop Open Range 2279 V A R Discovery 2240 Mogck Bullseye WMR Timeless 458 Sitz Rainmaker 11127 Connealy In Focus 4925 Bruns Uppercut 610 WAR Hero X499 A A R Ten X 7008 S A G A R Twinhearts 8418 VAR Rockytop 451 Rathbun Accelerate Z523 EXAR Powerhouse 2077B S A V 707 Rito 9969 Poss Total Impact 745 WMR Infinity 141 V A R Upfront 0392 SCR Right Cross 70024 WAR Alliance 9126 6006 SCROTAL CIRCUMFERENCE RIBEYE AREA $ FEEDLOT $ WEANING CODE 014AN00377 014AN00409 014AN00398 014AN00422 014AN00420 014AN00367 014AN00430 014AN00423 014AN00395 014AN00399 014AN00320 014AN00323 014AN00428 014AN00257 014AN00359 014AN00433 014AN00410 014AN00390 014AN00403 014AN00357 014AN00413 WEANING WEIGHT BW -4.4 -3.3 -2.8 -2.8 -2.3 -2.2 -1.7 -1.7 -1.6 -1.5 -1.3 -1.3 -1.1 -.8 -.8 -.7 -.6 -.6 -.5 -.5 MILK CODE 014AN00405 014AN00291 014AN00300 014AN00414 014AN00437 014AN00361 014AN00231 014AN00409 014AN00379 014AN00392 014AN00417 014AN00430 014AN00427 014AN00323 014AN00376 014AN00398 014AN00372 014AN00420 ANGUS TOP TRAITS ANGUS NAME B/R Future Direction 4268 A A R Ten X 7008 S A V A R Discovery 2240 V A R Index 3282 Connealy In Focus 4925 Connealy Gold Rush 026E EXAR Powerhouse 2077B Sitz Sensation 693A A & B Twenty X 3149 Bruns Uppercut 610 Pine Coulee Powerhouse W112 Mogck Bullseye Baldridge Yahoo Y58 MOGCK Sure Shot PA WCLC Craftsman 215 BA Sterling 2001 Connealy Guinness M A R Double XL 320 V A R Upfront 0392 SCR Right Cross 70024 Springfield Worldwide 9116 $B 151.19 145.96 142.53 141.70 137.88 135.95 133.57 128.37 127.85 127.17 126.87 125.62 125.29 124.42 123.55 123.44 123.38 122.77 122.22 122.19 121.26 43 RED ANGUS 1DRA VICTORY 0034 014AR02062 B E C K T O N J U L I A N G G B 571 H X C C O N Q U E S T 4 4 0 5 P H X C E L L I E M A Y M A 6 38 P C C D Y N A S T Y 5408 1 D R A N U GGE T 8 7 7 M L K C R K N U G G E T 007 R A A R e g # : 1390141 T a t t o o : 0034 1D R A B o r n : 01/ 30/ 2010 B i r t h W t : 76 l b s . 205 D a y A d j . W t : 727 l b s . 36 5 D a y A d j . W t : 1305 l b s . C u r r e n t W t : 2000 l b s . C u r r e n t H i p H t : 55.0 i n . C u r r e n t S c r t l . C i r c u m : 42.0 c m A M F | N H F | C A F | M A F | O S F Victory A.I. PROVEN CALVING EASE Gill Red Angus, SD | Daigger Red Angus, NE | Accelerated Genetics, WI Vi c S a le , An w e ig h t o r y w a s t h e h i g h s e l l i n g b u l l o f t h e D a i g g e r R e d An g u s B u l l N E . e x c e lle n t c a lv in g e a s e p r o s p e c t, h e b e g a n w ith a 7 6 p o u n d b ir th t (9 6 r a tio ) a n d c u r r e n tly r a n k s in th e to p 3 0 % fo r C E D a n d B W . Son: DaiggerOrr Red Angus, NE S p r in g 2 0 1 5 P r o g e n y E v a lu a tio n T r a it Av e r a g e F r a m e S iz e L a rg e M u s c lin g H e a v y D e e p C a p a c ity R e a r L e g S ic k le d T ig h t S h e a th S c r o ta l S iz e L a rg e U d d e r C a p . S h a llo w T e a t S iz e S m a ll E x p e c t e d P r o g e n y D i f f e r e n c e s a n d $ Va l u e ( I n f o a s o f 0 1 / 0 5 / 2 0 1 5 ) P r o d u c tio n R e p r o d u c tio n C E D B W W W Y W M IL K M E H P G C E M 4 -1 .6 6 5 1 1 1 2 7 4 7 3 1 2 .42 E P D AC C .47 .75 .6 7 .6 4 % 30 20 .36 .04 .38 C a rc a s s S T A Y M A R B 15 In d e x e s Y G C W R E A F A T P G /H D H B G M .6 1 .2 0 3 4 -.0 3 1 1 4 5 2 .42 .38 .34 .50 .32 .42 25 30 .0 2 24 20 20 OVER ZION 674Z 014AR02072 B E C H X C C H X C L M A F E D D B J R K T O N J U O N Q U E S E L L IE M N K IN G R E S B L O C B L O C K A Over Zion 674Z Overmiller Ranches, KS | Accelerated Genetics, WI Z io fo o ts Z io S a le , n te n K is a n o u ts ta n d in g c a lv in g e a s e p r o s p e c t to fo llo w in th e p s o f h is s ir e , C o n q u e s t. w a s a fe a tu r e d a n d le a d o ff b u ll in th e O v e r m ille r R a n c h e s B u ll S . E x p e c t e d P r o g e n y D i f f e r e n c e s a n d $ Va l u e ( I n f o a s o f 0 1 / 0 5 / 2 0 1 5 ) R e p r o d u c tio n C a rc a s s In d e x e s P r o d u c tio n E P D AC C C E D B W W W Y W M IL K M E H P G C E M Y G C W 6 -3 .5 5 7 8 9 2 6 6 2 5 9 .3 7 .0 4 1 8 .39 .45 .31 .24 .29 .26 .35 .37 .33 .35 % AVG 44 25 5 -1.5 57 .30 .17 .27 S T A Y M A R B R E A F A T P G /H D .1 7 .0 1 .27 0 H B G M 8 2 5 1 0 20 89 20 35 1 10 5 10 .48 .03 21 .12 .00 107 50 L I A N G G B 571 T 4 4 0 5 P A Y M A 6 38 O B 86 21 K AN A 9 2 6 N A 502-5185 R A A R e g # : 16 45273 T a t t o o : 6 74Z O V E R B o r n : 09/ 27/ 2011 B ir th W t: 6 8lb s . 205 D a y A d j . W t : 556 l b s . 36 5 D a y A d j . W t : 1145 l b s . C u r r e n t W t : 2004 l b s . C u r r e n t H i p H t : 52.2 i n . C u r r e n t S c r t l . C i r c u m : 42.0 c m M A F | O S F RED ANGUS HXC CONQUEST 4405P 014AR02028 A.I. PROVEN CALVING EASE PERFORMANCE MATERNAL CARCASS H uef tle C attle C o. , NE | KB C attle C o. , NE | C edar T op Ranch, NE | Accelerated Genetics, WI B B K T B B E C K B B K T B E C J U K T T O K T M K T B U B F C K M R H X C E L L M H X C H X K T O N L IA N B E L G N J U L J U L IA A R T A M A R T J U L I A N 6 592 7526 G A 6 746 G S I AN GG B 5 7 1 N 7526 G 9A 13 J L A 6 498 X M R A A R e g # : 975924 A S A R e g # : 2376 6 37 r s F C R K C H F 824-16 58 C H E R O K E E C N Y N 4912 M 1431 86 11 9109 L I E M AY M A6 3 8 A N K I N G R O B 86 21 529E C 329C b t C o n e g is tr C o n ir e s . D a u S o n At 1 e o n e h e in d s is te n tly o n e o f th e to p s ir e s fo r a t i o n s i n t h e R e d An g u s b r e e d . q u e s t is b r e e d s ta n d a r d fo r c a lv in g e a s e g h te r s h a v 1 y e a o f th u s try s a r e to rs o e m . e p p p f a o s ro d u e d s a g e , C t p o p c tiv e y o u n g le s a c r o s s o n q u e s t c o u l a r R e d An c o w th e c n tin u g u s s . o u n try . e s to s ir e s in T a t t o o : 4405P H X C B o r n : 01/ 25/ 2004 B ir th W t: 6 9lb s . 205 D a y A d j . W t : 6 6 4 l b s Daughter: C B ar Ranch, KS 36 5 D a y A d j . W t : 1285 l b M a tu re W t: 2 lb s . M a t u r e H i p H t : 56 .0 i n . M S c r t l . C i r c u m : 45.5 c m M O S F Daughter: Web er L and & C attle, M N . s . a tu re A F | S p r in g 2 0 1 5 P r o g e n y E v a lu a tio n T r a it Av e r a g e L a rg e F r a m e S iz e H e a v y M u s c lin g D e e p C a p a c ity S ic k le d R e a r L e g T ig h t S h e a th L a rg e S c r o ta l S iz e S h a llo w U d d e r C a p . S m a ll T e a t S iz e E x p e c t e d P r o g e n y D i f f e r e n c e s a n d $ Va l u e ( I n f o a s o f 0 1 / 0 5 / 2 0 1 5 ) P r o d u c tio n R e p r o d u c tio n C E D B W W W Y W M IL K M E E P D 1 7 -6 .0 6 1 9 8 2 7 5 AC C .92 .95 .95 .94 % 2 AVG 5 5 -1.5 57 .93 35 15 89 20 H P GC E M -3 .70 .6 6 1 10 C a rc a s s S T AY M AR B Y G C W 3 1 4 .6 9 .1 0 .91 .51 .57 .48 .6 1 .55 .57 10 20 10 .48 5 2 0 In d e x e s R E A F AT P G/ H D .03 21 .1 6 .0 3 .12 .00 0 H B GM 1 4 4 5 5 20 5 107 50 45 RED ANGUS BIEBER SPARTACUS A193 014AR02073 L C B IE B G H L C B IE B B IE C C E R R M O C E R B E H E R O A R H IG T IL R T Y E N U S E IT A H N L Y 2 IL L Y N E B 221L S AM U R AI X 2 2 R 31 O O N A 093R 3 3 U 7334 R A A R e g # : 16 17230 T a t t o o : A 193 R A B B o r n : 03/ 05/ 2013 B i r t h W t : 80 l b s . 205 D a y A d j . W t : 6 15 l b s . 36 5 D a y A d j . W t : 1275 l b s . C u r r e n t W t : 1580 l b s . C u r r e n t H i p H t : 50.0 i n . C u r r e n t S c r t l . C i r c u m : 39.5 c m B ieb er Red Angus Ranch, SD | J ef f ries L and & C attle, OK | Accelerated Genetics, WI S p a r t a c u s - T h e b u l l t o l e a d t h e n e x t g e n e r a t i o n o f R e d An g u s s i r e s ! S p a r ta c u s w a s th e fe a tu r e d a n d h ig h s e llin g b u ll a t th e 2 0 1 4 B ie b e r R e d An g u s R a n c h B u l l S a l e , S D . E x p e c t e d P r o g e n y D i f f e r e n c e s a n d $ Va l u e ( I n f o a s o f 0 1 / 0 5 / 2 0 1 5 ) P r o d u c tio n E P D AC C R e p r o d u c tio n C E D B W W W Y W M IL K M E H P G C E M 6 -2 .9 7 5 1 1 8 2 0 1 0 9 5 1 5 .31 .40 .36 .36 .26 .19 .00 .32 % 30 15 C a rc a s s S T A Y M A R B 15 Y G C W .9 9 .1 8 3 6 .01 .28 .26 .30 .26 10 1 15 In d e x e s R E A F A T P G /H D .3 5 .0 6 .34 0 H B G M 1 5 7 5 6 0 15 15 2 BECKTON EPIC U368 KM 014AR02047 B E B E C B E B E B E C B E C K K T C K C K K T C K T O O N T O T O O N T O N E P IC K E P IC K M N M IN E R N E P IC K B E L GA M N B E L G A A.I. PROVEN CALVING EASE B eck ton Stock F arms, WY | P elton Red Angus, KS | Accelerated Genetics, WI E p ic e x c e ls in o ffe r in g c a lv in g e a s e a n d s u p e r io r m a te r n a l tr a its . H e h a s e x c e p tio n a l p h e n o ty p e w ith m o r e m u s c le s h a p e th a n y o u w o u ld e x p e c t in a c a lv in g e a s e s ir e . E x p e c t e d P r o g e n y D i f f e r e n c e s a n d $ Va l u e ( I n f o a s o f 0 1 / 0 5 / 2 0 1 5 ) P r o d u c tio n B W W W Y W M IL K M E H P G C E M E P D 1 4 -5 .1 6 2 9 8 4 0 -8 1 3 1 0 1 4 AC C .6 8 .77 .73 .73 .6 4 .6 2 .41 .6 8 .47 % AVG 46 R e p r o d u c tio n C E D 10 5 10 -1.5 57 C a rc a s s S T A Y M A R B In d e x e s Y G C W R E A F A T P G /H D H B G M .6 5 .2 3 2 1 -.2 8 2 0 0 5 5 .38 .34 .54 .33 .40 35 1 10 20 15 10 25 89 20 1 10 5 10 .48 .03 21 .0 2 .12 .00 3 5 107 50 F 075 M 1 1 5 V A F 495 C H 1 K 86 3 0 5 0 E P K 588 H D R A A R e g # : 1258898 T a t t o o : U 36 8 W F B o r n : 03/ 18/ 2008 B ir th W t: 6 6 lb s . 205 D a y A d j . W t : 6 08 l b s . 36 5 D a y A d j . W t : 1140 l b s . M a t u r e W t : 236 9 l b s . M a t u r e H i p H t : 56 .0 i n . M a t u r e S c r t l . C i r c u m : 43.0 c m A M F | N H F | C A F | M A F | O S F RED ANGUS GMRA TRILOGY 0226 014AR02060 A.I. PROVEN CALVING EASE PERFORMANCE Green M ountain Red Angus, M T | B ow den Red Angus, WI | Accelerated Genetics, WI B E M E S M E M E S S M V G M E S M E C K S M S S E R W S M S S T O N J U L U E R J O S H U M E R P A N P AC K E R T O P P IC K E R M IL L IE M E R M IL L A N G G B 571 A 019P D O R A M 186 S 0 0 8 130 124P I E 9416 R A A R e g # : 136 7533 T r ilo g y is th e n e w s ta n d a r d fo r c u r v e b e n d in g s ir e s . T r ilo g y is a m o d e r a te fr a m e d , m u s c u la r s ir e w h o s e p r o g e n y e x c e l fo r w e a n in g a n d y e a r lin g g r o w th a s w e ll a s c a r c a s s m e r it. T r ilo g y 's f ir s t s o n s w e r e o n e o f t h e p o p u la r s i r e g r o u p s a t t h e 2 0 1 3 GM R A b u l l s a l e . H e is a n o u ts ta n d in g s o n o f P a c k e r o u t o f GM R A L a k o t a 6 2 5 , t h e d a m o f M a k e I t E a s y . T r ilo g y s ir e s c a ttle w ith a s im ila r p h e n o ty p e to h is s ir e , b u t w ith m o r e m a te r n a l s tr e n g th . L M A N K I N D R O B 86 21 G L A C I E R C H A T E A U 774 G L A C IE R R E B A L A GM R A L AK O T A 6 2 5 B A S I N H O B O 79E G M R A L A K O T A 380 G M R A L A K O T A 527 T a tto o B o rn : B ir th W 205 D 36 5 D : 0226 G M R A 01/ 14/ 2010 t : 74 l b s . a y A d j . W t : 6 46 l b s . a y A d j . W t : 1154 l b s . Daughter: Green M ountain W t : 2345 l b s . Red Angus, M T H i p H t : 54.0 i n . S c r t l . C i r c u m : 41.0 c m A M F | C A F | D D F | M A F | O S F Son: Green M ountain Red Angus, M T S p r in g 2 0 1 5 P r o g e n y E v a lu a tio n T r a it Av e r a g e L a rg e F r a m e S iz e M u s c lin g H e a v y D e e p C a p a c ity S ic k le d R e a r L e g T ig h t S h e a th S c r o ta l S iz e L a rg e S h a llo w U d d e r C a p . S m a ll T e a t S iz e E x p e c t e d P r o g e n y D i f f e r e n c e s a n d $ Va l u e ( I n f o a s o f 0 1 / 0 5 / 2 0 1 5 ) P r o d u c tio n E P D AC C % C E D B W W W Y W 9 -4 .5 7 5 1 1 8 .6 3 .80 .75 .75 25 AVG 5 15 15 -1.5 57 15 89 R e p r o d u c tio n M IL K 1 5 .57 20 M E 4 H P GC E M 1 0 .6 5 .27 1 10 C a rc a s s S T AY M AR B Y G C W In d e x e s R E A F AT P G/ H D 1 1 1 6 .7 5 -.0 1 3 4 .59 .42 .40 .36 .55 .35 .44 .6 1 .0 2 H B GM 1 8 5 5 5 0 15 5 10 35 20 2 5 5 5 10 .48 .03 21 .12 .00 107 50 47 RED ANGUS BIEBER STORMER Z433 014AR02066 H X C C L S F C Y C L S F G B IE B E B IE B E R L C C S O N L O IL D R M S U U E Q U E S T 4405P N E 9 9 3 4 W A S 6 107 U 8084 A K I N H A Y 9913 E 3 5 9 X N A 011 R A A R e g # : 1522532 T a t t o o : Z 433 R A B B o r n : 02/ 05/ 2012 B i r t h W t : 76 l b s . 205 D a y A d j . W t : 702 l b s . 36 5 D a y A d j . W t : 1428 l b s . C u r r e n t W t : 2050 l b s . C u r r e n t H i p H t : 57.0 i n . C u r r e n t S c r t l . C i r c u m : 39.0 c m M A F | O S F B ieb er Red Angus Ranch, SD | B achman C attle F arms, M O | Accelerated Genetics, WI S R a n C h is to c h ra d a rm e B u ig B ta a r w ll S ie b n d a s t h e h i g h s e l l i n g b u l l a t t h e 2 0 1 3 B i e b e r R e d An g u s a le . e r c o m m e n te d " S to r m e r s ta c k s p r o fita b le tr a its in b o th p e d ig r e e ." E x p e c t e d P r o g e n y D i f f e r e n c e s a n d $ Va l u e ( I n f o a s o f 0 1 / 0 5 / 2 0 1 5 ) P r o d u c tio n R e p r o d u c tio n C E D B W W W Y W M IL K M E H P G C E M E P D 6 -2 .9 8 2 1 3 4 2 3 1 5 4 2 1 1 AC C .36 .56 .45 .45 .28 .04 .24 .38 % 30 5 4 C a rc a s s S T A Y M A R B 35 In d e x e s Y G C W R E A F A T P G /H D .8 1 .1 1 4 5 .39 .33 .28 .38 .27 .36 35 10 5 .2 4 .0 0 0 H B G M 1 0 5 5 5 0 30 5 SCHULER ENDURANCE 2101Z 014AR02069 B E S C H S O S C S O R S O C K T O U L E R R S H H U L E F IR E R F IR N N E N E B S T A L R D Y F L Y D E F L Y B ieb er Red Angus Ranch, SD | Schuler Red Angus, NE | Accelerated Genetics, WI E S c h H g o in n d u u le r e e x g o ra n c e w R e d An c e lle d a n to p o s a s g u t e t r th e s B v e r a tio le a d u ll S y m e s o f o ff a n d s e c o n d h ig h s e llin g b u ll o f th e 2 0 1 3 a le . a s u r e , s ta r tin g w ith a n 8 9 B W r a tio a n d 1 1 2 W W , 1 1 7 Y W , 1 3 2 % I M F a n d 1 1 1 R E A. E x p e c t e d P r o g e n y D i f f e r e n c e s a n d $ Va l u e ( I n f o a s o f 0 1 / 0 5 / 2 0 1 5 ) P r o d u c tio n B W W W Y W M IL K M E H P G C E M E P D 1 0 -3 .8 6 3 1 0 8 2 8 0 8 7 1 6 AC C .50 .72 .6 3 .56 .29 .38 .38 % 20 AVG 48 R e p r o d u c tio n C E D 5 35 25 15 -1.5 57 20 89 20 .00 .24 1 10 C a rc a s s S T A Y M A R B In d e x e s Y G C W R E A F A T P G /H D H B G M .5 6 .2 7 2 9 -.0 1 1 7 6 5 4 .35 .31 .46 35 5 35 30 5 10 .48 .03 21 .0 6 .30 .37 .12 .00 0 0 10 10 107 50 B U L A P P 707 U L AP 7 0 7 0 0 5 0 X D Y M R E D 1100L N A T R E N D 8144U Y N AT R E N D 0 4 3 1 X E N T 5022R R A A R e g # : 1515451 T a t t o o : 2101 S O R B o r n : 02/ 17/ 2012 B ir th W t: 6 8lb s . 205 D a y A d j . W t : 727 l b s . 36 5 D a y A d j . W t : 1332 l b s . C u r r e n t W t : 1975 l b s . C u r r e n t H i p H t : 58.0 i n . C u r r e n t S c r t l . C i r c u m : 42.0 c m M A F | O S F RED ANGUS SCHULER REBEL 0029X 014AR02075 A.I. PROVEN CALVING EASE SchulerOlsen Ranch, NE | Simp son Ranch, NE B B E C B B E C K B B E C B E C K K T O E C K T O N E C K K T O E C K B U F C B IE B E R B IE B E S O R R U T H L C H M S O R R U S O R R T O N N N T O N N E T O N N L T O N N E P T U N E R 2 K 06 5 E B U L A M 045 B E L G A K 285 J L B U L AP P 7 0 7 E P I C K 1 K 86 3 A N A M 809 E P L A N A K 253 D M R K R O R O M E R M E L R M R N N O E T H N E U T H N R A A R e g # : 1382355 R ta ilo R R e d p e rf R R e d g re a M E O L 081 R O 9136 L S S I E 8337 5 0 5 5 R Q U A L 1174D 0095K E 0095K e b e l is a re d to th e b e l b r in An g u s c o rm a n c e e b e l jo in An g u s b te r th a n R e b e l w R e d An g u H is fir s b u lls in th a s s B t s o e ir n e w , p r o v e n c a lv in g e a s e s ir e , e c o m m e r c ia l c a ttle m e n . g s th e tr a its to th e ta b le th a t m a k a ttle g r e a t: c a lv in g e a s e , s tr o n g , m a te r n a l s tr e n g th a n d m a r b lin g s C o n q u e s t a s th e o n ly b u lls in th r e e d th a t a r e -6 o r le s s fo r B W a n 1 5 C E D , 9 Y W a n d 2 M ilk . a fe a u ll S n s w 2 0 1 4 e . d e T a t t o o : 0029X S O R B o r n : 03/ 09/ 2010 B i r t h W t : 77 l b s . 205 D a y A d j . W t : 6 19 l b s . 36 5 D a y A d j . W t : 116 5 l b s . M a t u r e W t : 2030 l b s . M a t u r e H i p H t : 52.3 i n . M a t u r e S c r t l . C i r c u m : 42.5 c m M A F | O S F tu r e d lo t in th e 2 0 1 1 S c h u le r a le . e r e s o m e o f th e h ig h s e llin g s a le . E x p e c t e d P r o g e n y D i f f e r e n c e s a n d $ Va l u e ( I n f o a s o f 0 1 / 0 5 / 2 0 1 5 ) P r o d u c tio n C E D B W W W Y W E P D 2 0 -6 .7 6 3 9 7 AC C .6 0 .75 .6 9 .70 % AVG 1 5 3 35 -1.5 57 89 R e p r o d u c tio n M IL K M E H P GC E M 1 2 C a rc a s s S T AY M AR B In d e x e s Y G C W R E A F AT P G/ H D H B GM -.2 4 2 2 2 5 7 1 107 1 50 2 3 -3 7 1 7 .9 0 .1 2 .53 .40 .21 .54 .16 .52 .42 .53 .48 .50 35 20 30 1 35 5 3 .48 .03 21 30 10 2 10 1 7 .0 0 .12 .00 49 RED ANGUS RED SOO LINE MOMENTUM 7051 014AR02057 B C A R R A N C H E R 8' 00 R E D B C AR W I L D C AR D B R E E D C R E E K P R I D E 33F 21' 98 R E D C R E S C E N T C R E E K F R C H I D F 75L R E D S O O L I N E B AN E B E R R Y 5 2 3 8 R E D S O O M S B A N E B E R R Y 3193 R A A R e g # : 1406 832 T a t t o o : 51T S O O B o r n : 01/ 18/ 2007 B i r t h W t : 74 l b s . 205 D a y A d j . W t : 872 l b s . 36 5 D a y A d j . W t : 1409 l b s . M a t u r e W t : 236 5 l b s . M a t u r e H i p H t : 57.3 i n . M a t u r e S c r t l . C i r c u m : 44.0 c m D D F | M A F | O S F Dam: Red Soo L ine B aneb erry Silver Sp ur Ranches, WY | J ef f ries L and & C attle, OK | Accelerated Genetics, WI M o m e n tu m o ffe r s th e b e s t o f C a n a d ia n g e n e tic s . M o m e n tu m h a s c h a m p io n b a n n e r s fo r a ll th r e e y e a r s o f h is s h o w c a r e e r , in c lu d in g C h a m p io n o f th e Y e a r fo r 2 0 0 7 a n d 2 0 0 8 . E x p e c t e d P r o g e n y D i f f e r e n c e s a n d $ Va l u e ( I n f o a s o f 0 1 / 0 5 / 2 0 1 5 ) P r o d u c tio n R e p r o d u c tio n C E D B W W W Y W M IL K M E H P G C E M E P D -3 2 .8 6 3 9 7 1 1 -1 0 1 3 -1 9 AC C .72 .82 .78 .77 .6 9 .23 .38 .70 .45 % 35 10 C a rc a s s S T A Y M A R B 20 In d e x e s Y G C W R E A F A T P G /H D H B G M .5 8 .2 9 3 2 -.2 6 9 3 5 1 .35 .33 .56 35 .0 3 .28 .40 0 25 35 RED SIX MILE RUGER 221X 014AR02063 R R E D R R R E D R E D S IX S IX M E D R S E D 5L S IX M E D C R M IL E IL E U L P R ID N O R S IL E S O W F O M A S T E L T I M AT E P R ID E M A N K H AW N E O T S H A R M I N D 854M U M 4 0 9 U E 917L I N G 2291 E 1 1 6 T W N E E 9124J Dam: Red Six M ile Shaw nee 1 1 6T Six M ile Red Angus, SK | M ik e Wood, SK R N o r R S a s u g th u g k a e r Am e r tc h w a s e r ic w a s e w a a c c a in th e n , C la im th e h ig a n a e d s p h s d a . b y m a n y to b e th e b e s t y e a r lin g b u ll to s e ll in r in g o f 2 0 1 1 . e l l i n g b u l l a t S i x M i l e R e d An g u s S a l e , Daughter: Six M ile Reg Angus, SK, C AN E x p e c t e d P r o g e n y D i f f e r e n c e s a n d $ Va l u e ( I n f o a s o f 0 1 / 0 5 / 2 0 1 5 ) P r o d u c tio n E P D AC C B W W W Y W M IL K M E H P G C E M 0 .7 6 7 8 6 1 1 -1 4 9 2 1 0 .45 .14 .07 .45 5 .47 .74 .6 9 .6 8 % AVG 50 R e p r o d u c tio n C E D 25 5 -1.5 57 C a rc a s s S T A Y M A R B C W -.0 1 -.3 2 2 1 .04 .20 .25 .52 .17 .31 10 .48 .03 21 2 89 20 1 1 10 In d e x e s Y G R E A F A T P G /H D .5 6 3 -.0 8 H B G M 1 0 0 4 6 107 50 0 1 .12 .00 R A A R e g # : 1476 356 T a tto o B o rn : B ir th W 205 D 36 5 D D D F | : 221X C O Y G 02/ 10/ 2010 t : 92 l b s . a y A d j . W t : 815 l b s . a y A d j . W t : 1347 l b s . M A F | O S F B U F C R K P A T R I O T M 183 VGW J U S T I C E 6 1 4 V G W M 82-F I R E F L Y 0479 5L H O B O B E N 04-4422 F R IT Z C H R IS 6 0 4 7 F R I T Z C R I S 1051 R A A R e g # : 1255322 T a t t o o : 8013 F J E B o r n : 01/ 31/ 2008 B i r t h W t : 74 l b s . 205 D a y A d j . W t : 801 l b s . 36 5 D a y A d j . W t : 1321 l b s . M a t u r e W t : 2475 l b s . M a t u r e H i p H t : 56 .0 i n . M a t u r e S c r t l . C i r c u m : 47.0 c m A M F | M A F | O S F RED ANGUS FRITZ JUSTICE 8013 014AR02042 Son: C T Red Angus, M T F ritz Angus, M T | Green M ountain Red Angus, M T | Accelerated Genetics, WI T h e p e r fo r m a n c e le a d e r ! J u s tic e c u r r e n tly r a n k s in th e to p 1 % fo r W W a n d Y W . N o o th e r s ir e in th e b r e e d c a n m a tc h h is p e r fo r m a n c e w ith a m o d e r a te B W E P D . Daughter: Green M ountain Red Angus, M T S p r in g 2 0 1 5 P r o g e n y E v a lu a tio n T r a it Av e r a g e F r a m e S iz e L a rg e H e a v y M u s c lin g C a p a c ity D e e p S ic k le d R e a r L e g T ig h t S h e a th S c r o ta l S iz e L a rg e S h a llo w U d d e r C a p . T e a t S iz e S m a ll E x p e c t e d P r o g e n y D i f f e r e n c e s a n d $ Va l u e ( I n f o a s o f 0 1 / 0 5 / 2 0 1 5 ) P r o d u c tio n R e p r o d u c tio n C E D B W W W Y W M IL K M E H P G C E M E P D 1 0 -1 .7 8 5 1 4 5 2 4 2 7 1 1 1 1 AC C .6 3 .79 .74 .73 .59 15 % 20 3 2 .56 .6 0 .21 30 C a rc a s s S T A Y M A R B In d e x e s Y G C W R E A F A T P G /H D H B .6 9 .3 8 5 4 G M 44 1 5 0 .42 .40 .36 .55 .34 .44 5 6 35 20 .0 5 .0 7 2 20 2 GMRA PEACEMAKER 1216 014AR02065 V G W F R IT Z J F R IT Z L J C M GM R A T G M R A J U S T I C E 6 14 U S T IC E 8 0 1 3 C H R I S 6 047 I S S I O N S T A T E M E N T P 27 H E L M A9 3 0 T H E L M A 319 R A A R e g # : 1428993 T a t t o o : 1216 G M R A B o r n : 01/ 13/ 2011 B i r t h W t : 74 l b s . 205 D a y A d j . W t : 788 l b s . 36 5 D a y A d j . W t : 1312 l b s . M a t u r e W t : 2000 l b s . M a t u r e H i p H t : 54.0 i n . M a t u r e S c r t l . C i r c u m : 41.0 c m M A F | O S F Sire: 0 1 4AR0 2 0 42 J ustice A.I. PROVEN CALVING EASE Green M ountain Red Angus, M T | B ieb er Red Angus Ranch, SD | Accelerated Genetics, WI P e a c e m a k e r w a s t h e h i g h s e l l i n g b u l l a t t h e 2 0 1 2 Gr e e n M o u n t a i n R e d An g u s B u l l S a l e . H is o v e r a ll p e r fo r m a n c e a n d p h e n o ty p e m a d e h im a c r o w d fa v o r ite . Daughter: Green M ountain Red Angus, M T S p r in g 2 0 1 5 P r o g e n y E v a lu a tio n T r a it Av e r a g e F r a m e S iz e L a rg e H e a v y M u s c lin g D e e p C a p a c ity R e a r L e g S ic k le d T ig h t S h e a th L a rg e S c r o ta l S iz e U d d e r C a p . S h a llo w T e a t S iz e S m a ll E x p e c t e d P r o g e n y D i f f e r e n c e s a n d $ Va l u e ( I n f o a s o f 0 1 / 0 5 / 2 0 1 5 ) P r o d u c tio n E P D C a rc a s s In d e x e s C E D B W W W Y W M IL K M E H P G C E M Y G C W 9 -2 .0 7 1 1 1 9 2 1 2 1 0 6 1 4 .6 9 .0 7 3 8 .38 .39 .53 .42 .50 .49 .51 AC C .51 .75 .6 7 .6 4 % 25 20 15 5 -1.5 57 89 AVG R e p r o d u c tio n .30 20 .18 .21 1 10 5 S T A Y M A R B 10 20 15 10 .48 .03 21 R E A F A T P G /H D H B G M 24 1 5 5 5 3 .4 2 .0 2 10 15 15 .12 .00 107 50 51 RED ANGUS JEFFRIES BLUEPRINT 258Z 014AR02076 H C -B B F B R B X C AR R O E D O W R O C O C O W N D E S N M W N N Q U E S T N T O U R 1 C -A B IG R B IG S K Y S B IGS K C -J O L E N 4405P 0 7 X A C E S 6 02 R 9 Y U 7 8 7 7 E S 6 05 R A A R e g # : 16 03489 T a t t o o : 258Z J L J B o r n : 12/ 29/ 2012 B i r t h W t : 85 l b s . 205 D a y A d j . W t : 739 l b s . 36 5 D a y A d j . W t : 1070 l b s . C u r r e n t W t : 16 84 l b s . C u r r e n t H i p H t : 53.0 i n . C u r r e n t S c r t l . C i r c u m : 38.5 c m M A F | O S F J ef f ries L and & C attle, OK | Accelerated Genetics, WI B s ir e H C a t l u e p r i n t i s t h e p r o t o t y p e f o r t h e n e x t g e n e r a t i o n o f R e d An g u s s . e w a s a fe a tu r e d a n d h ig h s e llin g b u ll a t th e 2 0 1 4 J e ffr ie s L a n d & tle S a le , O K . E x p e c t e d P r o g e n y D i f f e r e n c e s a n d $ Va l u e ( I n f o a s o f 0 1 / 0 5 / 2 0 1 5 ) P r o d u c tio n R e p r o d u c tio n C E D B W W W Y W M IL K M E H P G C E M 6 -3 .9 6 1 1 0 0 2 5 6 9 2 1 7 .17 E P D AC C .18 .22 .21 .21 % 20 35 .16 .01 .00 25 C a rc a s s S T A Y M A R B In d e x e s Y G C W R E A F A T P G /H D .8 4 -.0 4 2 4 .01 .21 .19 .18 .18 .31 2 5 .5 7 25 .0 3 0 H B G M 1 6 0 5 3 0 3 15 15 LSF SRR TRIUMPH 3100A 014AR02074 B E H X C H X L S L S F L S C K C O C E F V P IN F M T O N Q L L E N E M V K N J U L I A N G G B 571 U E S T 4 4 0 5 P I E M A Y M A 6 38 T U R E 706 2T AR I E S 0 0 4 Y 1 1 3 7 L 125 P I N E M A R I E S 004 L SF SRR T RIU M P H L N C attle C omp any, M T | B ieb er Red Angus Ranch, SD | Accelerated Genetics, WI T r iu 2 0 1 4 L T r iu C o n q u m p h w a s a fe a tu r e d a n d h ig h s e llin g h e r d s ir e p r o s p e c t a t th e u d v ig s o n S to c k F a r m s B u ll S a le in M o n ta n a . m p h w a s s e le c te d to c a r r y o n th e tr a d itio n o f h is fa m o u s s ir e , e s t. E x p e c t e d P r o g e n y D i f f e r e n c e s a n d $ Va l u e ( I n f o a s o f 0 1 / 0 5 / 2 0 1 5 ) P r o d u c tio n 52 R e p r o d u c tio n C E D B W W W Y W M IL K M E H P G C E M E P D 1 2 -4 .7 5 7 9 1 2 8 5 2 3 1 0 AC C .32 .42 .36 .38 .27 .36 % 15 AVG 5 5 15 -1.5 57 .04 .27 20 C W .8 2 .1 4 1 7 .42 .34 .27 .31 .28 .36 10 .48 10 1 10 In d e x e s Y G 15 89 C a rc a s s S T A Y M A R B R E A F A T P G /H D .2 4 .0 6 0 H B G M 1 0 9 5 5 107 50 0 30 .03 21 .12 .00 5 3 1 0 0 A R A A R e g # : 16 23938 T a t t o o : 3100A P A R K B o r n : 12/ 29/ 2012 B i r t h W t : 76 l b s . 205 D a y A d j . W t : 722 l b s . 36 5 D a y A d j . W t : 1137 l b s . M A F | O S F B E B R O B R B R B R O B R C K W N O W O W W N O W T O P N N M N N N E B U L A AR AM O U N T M S D E S T IN R E V E L A T IO S R E VE L AT M S A B B Y P P P 707 X 7 8 7 9 A T I O N T 76 6 4 N P 7021 IO N U 7 7 9 2 7944 R A A R e g # : 15506 14 T a t t o o : Z 7335 R A B S B o r n : 03/ 16 / 2012 B ir th W t: 6 0lb s . 205 D a y A d j . W t : 551 l b s . 36 5 D a y A d j . W t : 901 l b s . C u r r e n t H i p H t : 52.3 i n . C u r r e n t S c r t l . C i r c u m : 38.5 c m D D F | M A F | O S F RED ANGUS BROWN NICE AND EASY Z7335 014AR02071 B row n F amily Genetics, T X | L udvigson Stock F arm, M T | Straw b erry Ridge Reds, M T | Accelerated Genetics, WI Ah ig D o n n p ro s p e c c a lv in g h s e l l i n g b u l l a t t h e r e c o r d s e t t i n g R . A. B r o w n R a n c h S a l e . e ll B r o w n s a id , " T h is h a s to b e o n e o f th e b e s t h e ife r b u ll ts to s e ll th is y e a r . H e a c h ie v e s o u r h ig h e s t 5 -s ta r r a tin g fo r e a s e ." E x p e c t e d P r o g e n y D i f f e r e n c e s a n d $ Va l u e ( I n f o a s o f 0 1 / 0 5 / 2 0 1 5 ) P r o d u c tio n R e p r o d u c tio n C E D B W W W Y W M IL K M E H P G C E M E P D 1 3 -5 .9 5 9 9 5 1 7 8 1 3 6 2 2 AC C .30 .42 .36 .37 .25 .35 % 10 .14 .21 5 C a rc a s s S T A Y M A R B 20 In d e x e s Y G C W R E A F A T P G /H D H B G M .9 7 .0 9 1 8 -.0 4 2 2 9 5 6 .38 .33 .27 .31 .27 .36 1 2 1 2 .0 0 0 0 GMRA STETSON 2240 014AR02068 L L J C L B GM G J C L A N C E M IS S IO N J C H A N N A A S IN H O B R A VE N I C M R A V E N R 806 S T AT E M E N T P 2 7 H 106 O 79E E 3 5 9 I C E 146 R A A R e g # : 1525314 T a t t o o : 2240 G M R A B o r n : 01/ 21/ 2012 B i r t h W t : 77 l b s . 205 D a y A d j . W t : 751 l b s . 36 5 D a y A d j . W t : 1258 l b s . M a t u r e W t : 216 5 l b s . M a t u r e H i p H t : 57.5 i n . M a t u r e S c r t l . C i r c u m : 42.0 c m N H F | M A F | O S F Green M ountain Red Angus, M T | Accelerated Genetics, WI T h e h ig h s B o b M o rto o u ts ta n d in g im p r e s s iv e s e llin n c o p e rs e ts o g b m m o n a f E u ll e n l p P D a t t h e 2 0 1 3 Gr e e n M o u n t a i n R e d An g u s S a l e . te d " H e is a n in c r e d ib ly s o lid b u ll w ith e rfo rm a n c e b a c k e d b y o n e o f th e m o s t s ." E x p e c t e d P r o g e n y D i f f e r e n c e s a n d $ Va l u e ( I n f o a s o f 0 1 / 0 5 / 2 0 1 5 ) P r o d u c tio n E P D R e p r o d u c tio n C E D B W W W Y W M IL K M E H P G C E M 9 -5 .8 6 0 1 0 3 2 8 4 1 2 7 1 7 .19 .28 .40 .46 30 35 2 10 5 10 AC C .43 .58 .51 .49 .31 % 25 30 15 89 20 AVG 5 10 -1.5 57 1 C a rc a s s S T A Y M A R B In d e x e s Y G C W R E A F A T P G /H D .2 5 -.0 2 2 3 .36 .31 .40 .31 .39 35 15 10 35 .48 .03 21 .12 .00 107 50 .3 7 .0 0 0 H B G M 1 7 4 5 1 0 53 RED ANGUS BIEBER REAL MCCOY Y124 014AR02070 R e a l M c C o y w a s th e h ig h s e llin g b u ll a t th e 2 0 1 2 B ie b e r R e d An g u s R a n c h B u l l S a l e . C r a ig th e to p o An g u s g B A S IN B IE B E R B A S IN L C O C B IE B E R B IE B E B ie b e r s a id , " f h is g r o u p . H e n e tic s ." H O B O 0545 H H U GH E S W R O S E 06 T 0 H IG H N O O N A T O R Y AN N A 2 R T O R Y A N N A H e h a s h it e v e r y o b s e r v a tio n p o in t a t e o ffe r s th e le a d in g e d g e o f R e d 1 0 9 093R 6 3 W 309S R A A R e g # : 1436 794 T a t t o o : Y 124 R A B B o r n : 02/ 15/ 2011 B ir th W t: 6 1lb s . 205 D a y A d j . W t : 6 74 l b s . 36 5 D a y A d j . W t : 1391 l b s . C u rre n t W t: lb s . C u r r e n t H i p H t : 56 .5 i n . C u r r e n t S c r t l . C i r c u m : 41.5 c m A M F | N H F | C A F | M A F | O S F B ieb er Red Angus Ranch, SD | B achman C attle F arms, M O E x p e c t e d P r o g e n y D i f f e r e n c e s a n d $ Va l u e ( I n f o a s o f 0 1 / 0 5 / 2 0 1 5 ) P r o d u c tio n B W W W Y W M IL K M E H P G C E M 4 -.1 7 7 1 1 6 1 6 -2 1 1 3 1 5 .29 .04 .25 .37 E P D AC C R e p r o d u c tio n C E D .43 .74 .6 5 .6 3 % 10 15 35 C a rc a s s S T A Y M A R B In d e x e s Y G C W R E A F A T P G /H D .7 2 .0 5 3 8 .39 .54 .43 .50 .50 .52 10 15 .3 4 15 4 .0 0 H B G M 1 5 8 5 3 20 15 15 PELTON STATEMENT 225W 014AR02061 Ap o w e r h o u s e h e r d b u ll! S ta te m e n t w a s th e le a d o ff a n d h ig h s e llin g b u ll a t 2 0 1 1 P e l t o n R e d An g u s S a l e . L J C L J C M L J C L C H P E L T O P E L L A N C IS S IO H A N N M N G N S M T O N S 806 S T AT A H 106 R A N D C IS S C O L A U R A N E R E M E N T P 2 7 A N Y O N 1244G R Y 5 0 3 7 N 9019J R A A R e g # : 136 0027 A S A R e g # : 2929201 T a t t o o : 225W P R A B o r n : 09/ 08/ 2009 B i r t h W t : 90 l b s . 205 D a y A d j . W t : 738 l b s . 36 5 D a y A d j . W t : 1349 l b s . M a t u r e W t : 2080 l b s . M a t u r e H i p H t : 57.5 i n . M a t u r e S c r t l . C i r c u m : 41.0 c m A M F | N H F | C A F | M A F | O S F P elton' s Red Angus, KS | Schumacher T rust Ranch D & S F arms, KS | Accelerated Genetics, WI E x p e c t e d P r o g e n y D i f f e r e n c e s a n d $ Va l u e ( I n f o a s o f 0 1 / 0 5 / 2 0 1 5 ) P r o d u c tio n B W W W Y W M IL K M E H P G C E M 3 -5 .5 7 1 1 1 4 2 6 9 1 6 4 1 0 .41 .44 E P D AC C R e p r o d u c tio n C E D .40 .59 .59 .57 % 10 20 15 .32 .15 .33 20 10 C a rc a s s S T A Y M A R B In d e x e s Y G C W 1 .1 2 .0 2 3 0 .38 .33 .45 .34 .40 1 R E A F A T P G /H D .7 2 30 .0 5 0 H B G M 1 2 1 5 7 0 1 1 BROWN ENDORSEMENT W7671 014AR02055 E n d o r s e m e n t o ffe r s s u p e r io r o u tc r o s s g e n e tic s fo r t o d a y ' s R e d An g u s b r e e d e r s . H e w a s t h e h i g h s e l l i n g R e d An g u s b u l l i n t h e R . A. B r o w n R a n c h S a l e . R O M C P J S B E B R O B R Y S H E T R C K W N O W H I G H N O O N 3805 E P AC I F I C P R I D E 4 1 2 7 E B E L A S M 3231 T O N L A N C E R F 442 T M S F 4 4 2 S 7 6 2 0 N M S L A D Y M 7789 R. A. B row n Ranch, T X | Silver Sp ur Ranch, WY | Accelerated E x p e c t e d P r o g e n y D i f f e r e n c e s a n d $ Va l u e ( I n f o a s o f 0 1 / 0 5 / 2 0 1 5 ) P r o d u c tio n C E D E P D 1 AC C .56 % AVG 54 B W W W Y W .1 8 2 1 2 7 .71 .6 5 .6 5 5 5 -1.5 57 R e p r o d u c tio n M IL K 8 .51 M E H P G 7 4 .04 .42 C E M 20 1 10 Y G C W 4 5 In d e x e s R E A F A T P G /H D 3 1 2 .9 1 .0 7 .56 .40 .39 .34 .50 .33 .42 25 3 5 5 10 .48 .03 21 10 89 C a rc a s s S T A Y M A R B .5 9 .0 3 40 H B G M 1 1 1 5 4 2 .12 .00 10 107 50 R A A R e g # : 1331520 T a tto o B o rn : B ir th W 205 D 36 5 D D D F | : W 76 71 R A B S 02/ 22/ 2009 t : 76 l b s . a y A d j.W t: 6 6 4lb s . a y A d j . W t : 945 l b s . M A F | O S F HEREFORD TH 223 71I VICTOR 755T 014HP01027 A.I. PROVEN CALVING EASE PERFORMANCE MATERNAL T op p H eref ords, ND | Williams H illtop P olled H eref ords, M N B T H R P T M D R F J W R H R H F P A A H A R e g # : 42800887 F F O R A G E F I N D E R 109W T H M V I C T O R 109W 9329 F V I N D Y 451 R P R I N C E VI C T O R 7 1 I F V I C T O R 26 6 96 4 96 4 V I C T R A 4057 F V I C T O R I A 2J 85 C I R C L E -D W R A N N J W 1Y W R A N G L E N J W F R O S T Y 1Y K B C R 1 9 D D O M IN E T K B C R B 46 N E W K B C R 6 31 D O M I N E K B C R 1D D O M I N 7 5 5 T is a p r o m in e n t h e r d s ir e a t T o p p H e r e fo r d s in N o r th D a k o ta w h e r e e v e r y o ta lk in g a b o u t h im ! H is p r o g e n y a r e b o r n e a s y , h it th e g r o w ith v ig o r a n d p e r fo r m w e ll. H is s o n s h a b e e n f e a t u r e d a t T o p p 's b u ll s a le s . H is d a u g h te r s a r e , w ith o u t a d o u b t, n e id e a l fe m a le s . T h e y a r e s h o r t-te a te d , m o d e r a te -fr a m e a n d d e e p -m id d le d . A7 5 5 T h e ife r c a lf to p p e d th e H o ffm a n H e r e fo r d S a le fo r $ 6 0 ,0 0 0 ! G L E R 832W R 19D T E D O T T E T 2 2 3 6 31 E 06 6 T E 702 M n e 's Daughter: H eref ords, NE u n d v e a r Son: T op p H eref ords, ND T a t t o o : 755 B o r n : 02/ 02/ 2007 B i r t h W t : 87 l b s . 205 D a y A d j . W t : 729 l b s . 36 5 D a y A d j . W t : 1336 l b s . Mature W t : 2250 l b s . Mature H i p H t : 57.0 i n . Mature S c r t l . C i r c u m : 44.0 c m D L F | H Y F | IE F H o m o z y g o u s P o lle d S p r in g 2 0 1 5 P r o g e n y E v a lu a tio T r a it Av e r a g e L F r a m e S iz e H M u s c lin g D C a p a c ity S R e a r L e g T S h e a th L S c r o ta l S iz e S U d d e r C a p . S T e a t S iz e n a rg e e a v y e e p ic k le d ig h t a rg e h a llo w m a ll E x p e c t e d P r o g e n y D i f f e r e n c e s a n d $ Va l u e ( I n f o a s o f 1 2 / 1 5 / 2 0 1 4 ) P r o d u c tio n C E B W 3 .3 AC C .47 .84 .77 .71 AVG 5 8 Y W E P D % 1 .7 W W 9 7 C a rc a s s M IL K M & GM C E M C W 3 2 * 6 1* .55 25 20 20 15 5 4 .8 3.3 49 79 20 45 U D D R T E AT D T S 1 .1 1 1 3 1 .4 9 * 1 .4 5 * 5 5 .42 .54 .53 .51 4 5 1.11 1.11 1.3 88 0 S C F AT R E A M AR B .7 .37 .48 .0 5 1 $ V a lu e P G B M I C E Z B II C H B .2 0 .4 6 * 3 9 1 2 .50 .45 0 1 8 1 6 17 15 2 .8 .004 .32 .07 35 3 3 * 10 15 23 *Trait Leader 55 HEREFORD H SENTRY 2456 ET 014HP01028 SHF RADAR M326 R125 KJ HVH 33N REDEEM 485T ET HVH OKSANA 4L 33N UPS DOMINO 3027 K&B LADY SENTRY 8090U K&B MS DOMINO 0228K AHA Reg#: 43296080 Tattoo: 2456 Born: 03/14/2012 Birth Wt: 86 lbs. 205 Day Adj. Wt: 770 lbs. Current Wt: 1615 lbs. Current Hip Ht: 53.3 in. Current Scrtl. Circum: 38.0 cm DLF | HYF | IEF H e te r o z y g o u s P o lle d H of f man H eref ords, NE | T op p H eref ords, ND | Accelerated Genetics, WI Sentry was a high selling bull at the 2013 Hoffman Ranch Bull Sale. Jason Hoffman describes him as "Smooth made, deep sided, thick, super sound structure. He's dark colored and full pigmented." Production Expected Progeny Differences and $ Value (Info as of 12/15/2014) Carcass $ Value CE BW WW YW MILK M&G MCE MCW UDDR TEAT DTS SC FAT REA MARB PG BMI CEZ BII CHB EPD 1.7 3.0 94 25 ACC .31 .40 .30 .32 .20 % 58 20 20 30 54 20 3.1 96 1.59 1.58 0 1.1 .031 .55 .26 0 .26 .31 .00 .00 0 .22 .23 .24 .22 0 2 2 20 10 25 20 22 17 18 31 15 30 25 10 KCF BENNETT 9126J S100 014HP01019 HH ADVANCE 767G 1ET CL 1 DOMINO 9126J 1ET CL 1 DOMINETTE 490 RRH MR FELT 3008 KCF MISS 3008 N68 KCF MISS 745 K98 AHA Reg#: 42681148 Tattoo: S100 Born: 02/28/2006 Birth Wt: 73 lbs. 205 Day Adj. Wt: 564 lbs. 365 Day Adj. Wt: 1169 lbs. Wt: 2210 lbs. Hip Ht: 56.5 in. Scrtl. Circum: 42.0 cm DLF | HYF | IEF H e te r o z y g o u s P o lle d Spring 2015 Progeny Evaluation Trait Average Frame Size Large Heavy Muscling Capacity Deep Rear Leg Sickled Sheath Tight Scrotal Size Large Udder Cap. Shallow Teat Size Small Knoll C rest F arm, VA | Accelerated Genetics, WI S100 is a proven calving ease sire. His CE EPD ranks in the top 1% of the breed and he has a negative BW EPD! Expected Progeny Differences and $ Value (Info as of 12/15/2014) Production Carcass $ Value CE BW WW YW MILK M&G MCE MCW UDDR TEAT DTS SC FAT REA MARB PG BMI CEZ BII CHB 80 43* 63* 4.1* 67* 1.48* 1.36* 8 1.7* .004 .06 .27* 45 ACC .37 .70 .63 .63 .34 .32 .50 .37 0 .50 .47 .47 .41 0 EPD 8.3* 1.2* 40 % 1 3 AVG .8 3.3 49 79 .36 1 3 10 15 4 15 2 20 45 1.3 88 1.11 1.11 .8 .004 .32 25* 24* 21* 25 10 10 1 10 35 .07 17 15 15 23 *Trait Leader 56 THM DURANGO 4037 NJW 98S DURANG O 44U NJ W 9126J DEW DOMINO 98S SHF RIB EYE M326 R117 KT MS R117 RIB EYE 9177 KT MS 122L ONLINE 4011 AHA Reg#: 43231454 Tattoo: 1010 Born: 02/06/2011 Birth Wt: 71 lbs. 205 Day Adj. Wt: 705 lbs. 365 Day Adj. Wt: 1066 lbs. Mature t Mature t HEREFORD KT BUILT TUFF 1010 014HP01030 D L F | H Y F | IE F H o m o z y g o u s P o lle d Dam: KT M s R1 1 7 Rib Eye 9 1 77 A.I. PROVEN CALVING EASE homas , M T | H uth P olled H eref ords, WI | Ernst H eref ords, C O Built Tuff is an exciting new calving ease sire. Built Tuff is a Trait Leader for CED and BW and ranks in the top 15 sires of the breed for the CEZ index. Expected Progeny Differences and $ Value (Info as of 12/15/2014) Production Carcass $ Value CE BW WW YW MILK M&G MCE MCW UDDR TEAT DTS SC FAT REA MARB PG BMI CEZ BII CHB EPD 8.2* .2* 87 30* ACC .37 .74 .64 .62 .19 % 1 10 59 15 35 10 59* 10 7.7* 92 1.42* 1.39* 0 2.1* .041* .22 .06 22 .29 .42 .00 .00 0 .44 .39 .35 0 10 10 1 4 1 .40 33* 26 * 28* 31* 1 1 2 10 *Trait Leader BOYD LEGACY 3001 014HP01029 NJ W 1Y WRANGLER 19D AH JDH CRACKER JACK 26U ET CRR D03 VIOLET 349 REMITALL ONLINE 122L MSU APOLLONIA 37X ET MSU APOLLONIA 10M Dam: M SU AHA Reg#: 43367131 Tattoo: 3001 Born: 01/01/2013 Birth Wt: 62 lbs. 205 Day Adj. Wt: 910 lbs. 365 Day Adj. Wt: 1360 lbs. DLF | HYF | IEF H o m o z y g o u s P o lle d Ap p ollonia 3 7X ET B oyd B eef C attle, KY | T he L egacy Group , KY Legacy, a bull that is sure to leave a lasting impression on the Hereford breed! Charlie Boyd describes him as "This tremendous Cracker Jack son has been the standout of the calf crop." Expected Progeny Differences and $ Value (Info as of 12/15/2014) Production Carcass $ Value CE BW WW YW MILK M&G MCE MCW UDDR TEAT DTS SC FAT REA MARB PG BMI CEZ BII CHB EPD 4.0 87 24 ACC .31 .43 .34 .35 .5 61 .20 55 5.9 85 1.27 1.27 0 .7 .034 .55 .14 0 .27 .32 .00 .00 0 .19 .23 .24 .21 0 20 25 88 1.11 1.11 % 15 10 10 35 35 15 3 AVG .8 3.3 49 79 20 45 1.3 .8 20 19 20 30 25 15 .004 .32 .07 17 15 14 29 15 23 15 57 HEREFORD JWR 779 MR PROFICIENT 110X 014HP01022 Mr Proficient is a moderate framed, muscular herd sire prospect. He excels for weaning and yearling EPDs ranking at the top of the breed. EFBEEF SCHU- LAR PROFICIENT N09 KCF BENNETT PROFICIENT U144 KCF MISS M326 S75 REMITALL EMBRACER 8E WALKER FJB MISS 8E 9805 779 ET ESB VICTORIA 579 9805 AHA Reg#: 43151144 Tattoo: 110X Born: 10/06/2010 Birth Wt: 80 lbs. 205 Day Adj. Wt: 814 lbs. 365 Day Adj. Wt: 1325 lbs. DLF | HYF | IEF eter u e Kacz marek 4K H eref ords, M O | Accelerated Genetics, WI Production Expected Progeny Differences and $ Value (Info as of 12/15/2014) Carcass $ Value CE BW WW YW MILK M&G MCE MCW UDDR TEAT DTS SC FAT REA MARB PG BMI CEZ BII CHB EPD 0.9 4.7 67 106 23 ACC .30 .46 .33 .34 .16 % 4 10 35 56 15 3.3 99 1.02 1.05 0 1.0 .014 .60 .15 0 .25 .31 .00 .00 0 .18 .20 .21 .18 0 25 25 15 25 20 21 15 20 16 35 35 3 HUTH 813 REVOLUTION 4R Y001 014HP01023 Revolution is a promising young sire at Accelerated G enetics. He combines two of the Hereford breed's best sires, Revolution and M326. FELTONS LEGEND 242 MSU TCF REVOLUTION 4R MSU TCF RACHAEL- ET 54N KCF BENNETT 3008 M326 SCHULAR 813 OF 5P M326 ET SCHU- LAR 5P OF 203 490 AHA Reg#: 43211211 Tattoo: HUTHY001 Born: 03/12/2011 Birth Wt: 82 lbs. 205 Day Adj. Wt: 647 lbs. 365 Day Adj. Wt: 1085 lbs. Mature t Mature t Mature rt r u DLF | HYF | IEF u e H uth P olled H eref ords, WI | Accelerated Genetics, WI Expected Progeny Differences and $ Value (Info as of 12/15/2014) Production Carcass $ Value CE BW WW YW MILK M&G MCE MCW UDDR TEAT DTS SC FAT REA MARB PG BMI CEZ BII CHB EPD 3.7 3.6 68 108 22 ACC .33 .62 .52 .51 .24 % 20 3 4 56 15 3.1 121 1.39 1.37 0 1.1 .015 .72 .19 13 .29 .40 .00 .00 0 .35 .35 .36 .32 0 10 10 25 20 10 24 20 10 18 18 20 25 36 2 HUTH SIGNATURE X083 014HP01021 Signature is an exceptional calving ease sire! Currently, he ranks in the top % for CED, BW and CEZ . EF 821C MR CARCASS G824 EFBEEF SCHULAR S604009K GERVER 117F DIX IE 009K SHF PROGRESS P20 HUTH R002 VERA T008 HUTH 68F PROSPECTA R002 ET H uth P olled H eref ords, WI | Accelerated Genetics, WI Expected Progeny Differences and $ Value (Info as of 12/15/2014) Production Carcass $ Value CE BW WW YW MILK M&G MCE MCW UDDR TEAT DTS SC FAT REA MARB PG BMI CEZ BII CHB EPD 5.6* 1.0* 50 58 85 28* 53* 3.0 94 1.42* 1.38* 3 2.3* .019 .25 .34* 23 ACC .30 .68 .59 .58 .23 .25 .45 .27 .41 .42 .42 .41 0 10 10 1 88 1.11 1.11 .8 % 10 3 A V G .8 3.3 49 79 15 20 25 20 45 1.3 .26 0 .004 .32 35* 23* 32* 30* 4 1 2 1 15 .07 17 15 15 23 *Trait Leader AHA Reg#: 43120819 Tattoo: HUTH Born: 05/20/2010 Birth Wt: 76 lbs. 205 Day Adj. Wt: 598 lbs. 365 Day Adj. Wt: 1254 lbs. Wt: 2340 lbs. Hip Ht: 52.0 in. Scrtl. Circum: 43.0 cm DLF | HYF | IEF u e Oak offers balanced performance across the board. He is a trait Leader for the BMI and CHB $Indexes. CL 1 DOMINO 759 KCF BENNETT 759 H142 KCF MISS 0131 C288 FELTONS LUTE 680 HUTH 3008 LUCY M006 HUTH PROSPECTA K033 A.I. PROVEN AHA Reg#: 42513443 Tattoo: Born: 04/15/2004 Birth Wt: 78 lbs. 205 Day Adj. Wt: 728 lbs. 365 Day Adj. Wt: 1216 lbs. Wt: 2090 lbs. Hip Ht: 56.0 in. Scrtl. Circum: 40.0 cm DLF | HYF | IEF u e HEREFORD HUTH OAK P017 014HP01010 CALVING EASE H uth P olled H eref ords, WI | WM . Kester, NE | Accelerated Expected Progeny Differences and $ Value (Info as of 12/15/2014) Production Carcass $ Value CE BW WW YW MILK M&G MCE MCW UDDR TEAT DTS SC FAT REA MARB PG BMI CEZ BII CHB EPD 2.7 2.2 79 21 ACC .38 .76 .68 .67 .52 % 30 30 56 25 49 0.6 66 1.32 1.47 34 1.2 .027 .05 .14 56 .34 .57 .55 .54 0 .44 .48 .48 .44 0 20 15 5 15 30 35 22 17 20 25 15 30 15 35 KCF BENNETT RED HOUSE S330 014HP01015 Few proven sires in the Hereford breed come close to matching his combination of performance and $Indexes. Top 1% for BMI, BII and CHB. OX H DOMINO 7002 FELTONS DOMINO 774 FELTONS B72 RRH MR FELT 3008 KCF MISS 3008 M276 KCF MISS 774 K350 Knoll C rest F arm, VA | P aul & B ette Slayton, P A | Accelerated AHA Reg#: 42763158 Tattoo: S330 Born: 09/25/2006 Birth Wt: 78 lbs. 205 Day Adj. Wt: 692 lbs. 365 Day Adj. Wt: 1241 lbs. Wt: 2315 lbs. Hip Ht: 57.0 in. Scrtl. Circum: 43.0 cm DLF | HYF | IEF eter u e Expected Progeny Differences and $ Value (Info as of 12/15/2014) Production Carcass $ Value CE BW WW YW MILK M&G MCE MCW UDDR TEAT DTS SC FAT REA MARB PG BMI CEZ BII CHB EPD 1.2 4.0 67* 113* 22 ACC .42 .79 .72 .71 % 4 55* 1.3 130 1.22 1.21 29 2.3* .003 .02 .53* 27 .35 .55 .54 .53 0 .50 .50 0 25 30 .45 2 15 .49 .51 1 1 1 32* 40* 35 1 1 *Trait Leader DTF BELLISARUS 24F 426 014HP01017 Bellisarus is a 34* 16 way trait leader in the Hereford breed. Bellisarus is a graduate of the AHA National Reference Sire Program where his progeny excelled for carcass q uality. REMITALL BOOMER 46B MW LLL FARLEY 24F MM MISS PACE 124 GERBER WATCHFIRE 117F DTF ADELIE 117F 005 DTF ANALEE 103T 802 A.I. PROVEN CALVING EASE PERFORMANCE AHA Reg#: 42531073 Tattoo: Born: 09/14/2004 Birth Wt: 86 lbs. 205 Day Adj. Wt: 750 lbs. 365 Day Adj. Wt: 1258 lbs. Wt: 2350 lbs. Hip Ht: 58.0 in. Scrtl. Circum: 41.0 cm DLF | HYF | IEF eter u e CARCASS Deer T rack F arm, VA Expected Progeny Differences and $ Value (Info as of 12/15/2014) Production Carcass $ Value CE BW WW YW MILK M&G MCE MCW UDDR TEAT DTS SC FAT REA MARB PG BMI CEZ BII CHB 72 29* 55* 1.2 58* 1.26* 1.34* 41 1.0 .098 .06 .64* 78 ACC .37 .78 .70 .71 .52 .32 .57 .58 .42 .58 .59 .61 0 EPD 2.7 .6* % 30 10 AVG .8 3.3 52 49 79 15 15 20 45 1.3 .57 0 10 20 15 30 88 1.11 1.11 .8 .004 .32 23* 17 20* 29* 15 15 25 15 15 .07 17 15 15 23 *Trait Leader 59 HEREFORD GB L1 DOMINO 175E 059HH00461 CL 1 DOMINO 500E HH ADVANCE 767G 1ET HH MISS ADVANCE 251B GB L1 DOMINO 159 G B L1 DOM PRCS 3134 GB L1 DOM PRCS 105 AHA Reg#: 42171966 Tattoo: 175 Born: 04/14/2001 Birth Wt: 84 lbs. 205 Day Adj. Wt: 718 lbs. 365 Day Adj. Wt: 1212 lbs. Wt: 2650 lbs. Hip Ht: 60.5 in. Scrtl. Circum: 46.0 cm re DLF | HYF | IEF H o r n e d w ith p ig m e n ta tio n GB L 1 Domino 1 75 E A.I. PROVEN CALVING EASE PERFORMANCE Spring 2015 Progeny Evaluation Trait Average Large Frame Size Muscling Heavy Deep Capacity Rear Leg Sickled Tight Sheath Scrotal Size Large Udder Cap. Shallow Small Teat Size MATERNAL CARCASS C oleman H eref ords, C O | IM IG H eref ords, NE | L inda L onas, VA | Gino P edretti, C A Domino 175E is a way trait leader. He is a proven, curve bender sire that excels for calving ease, performance and maternal traits. Expected Progeny Differences and $ Value (Info as of 12/15/2014) Production Carcass $ Value CE BW WW YW MILK M&G MCE MCW UDDR TEAT DTS SC FAT REA MARB PG BMI CEZ BII CHB 95 36* 66* 0.6 123 .98 .96 ACC .59 .88 .86 .86 EPD 5.1* 1.2 .75 .53 .73 .62 .61 % 10 15 59 15 20 2 186 1.0 .027* .34 0 2 .77 .65 25 10 .66 .09 .63 302 18 18* 13 31* 20 10 0 *Trait Leader CL 1 DOMINO 789T 1ET 014HH00107 CL 1 DONIMO 246M CL 1 DOMINO 590R CL 1 DOMINETTE 258M HH ADVANCE 767G 1ET CL1 DOMINETTE 193L CL 1 DOMINETTE 318 C oop er H eref ord Ranch, M T | L eF orce L and & L ivestock Inc. , OK Domino 789T is a consistent low BW sire who doesn't sacrifice growth. He ranks in the top 5% of the breed or better on all production traits. Expected Progeny Differences and $ Value (Info as of 12/15/2014) Production Carcass $ Value CE BW WW YW MILK M&G MCE MCW UDDR TEAT DTS SC FAT REA MARB PG BMI CEZ BII CHB 64 101 28 ACC .34 .67 .59 .59 EPD 7.2 1.0 .36 % 2 AVG .8 60 60 15 10 10 15 5 3.3 49 79 20 45 2.2 60 1.07 1.09 12 1.2 .136 .05 .16 33 .29 .43 .26 .25 0 .26 .46 .45 .42 0 1.11 1.11 10 1.3 88 15 .8 .004 .32 19 20 25 30 10 .07 17 15 13 25 15 23 35 AHA Reg#: 42788399 Tattoo: Born: 01/14/2007 Birth Wt: 88 lbs. 205 Day Adj. Wt: 708 lbs. 365 Day Adj. Wt: 1253 lbs. Wt: 2550 lbs. Hip Ht: 58.5 in. Scrtl. Circum: 44.0 cm DLF | HYF | IEF H o rn e d HEREFORD RST TIME'S A WASTIN' 0124 014HH00108 A.I. PROVEN CALVING EASE T homas H eref ords, M T | L ow derman C attle C o. , IL | Accelerated Genetics, WI CS BOOMER 29F THM DURANGO 4037 THM 7085 VICTRA 9036 CRR ABOUT TIME 743 SHF INTERSTATE 20X D03 CRR D03 CASSIE 206 CRR 475E CASSIE 838 AHA Reg#: 43123163 The 2013 National Western Stock Show G rand Champion Hereford Bull and Supreme Champion Hereford! His overall muscle and body mass along with his superior phenotype made him a crowd favorite. His first calf crop have been topping sales across the country. Time's A Wastin' sired the Reserve Spring Calf Champion Female of the NWSS. His first calf crop recorded average ratios of 98 BW and 101 WW. CHURCHILL BANG 500 MJ B BLAZER 1000 MJ B MS ACHIEVER 8108 RST MS 1000 BLAZ ER 2029 J MS VICTOR 2105 858 MS RST 858 VICTOR 9059 MS RST 8715 3094 Sup reme C hamp ion 2 0 1 3 NWSS Daughter: H eref ords, M T Tattoo: 0124 Born: 03/02/2010 Birth Wt: 89 lbs. 205 Day Adj. Wt: 905 lbs. 365 Day Adj. Wt: 1301 lbs. Wt: 2520 lbs. Hip Ht: 57.0 in. Scrtl. Circum: 42.0 cm DLF | HYF | IEF H o rn e d Spring 2015 Progeny Evaluation Trait Average Frame Size Large Muscling Heavy Capacity Deep Rear Leg Sickled Sheath Tight Scrotal Size Large Udder Cap. Shallow Teat Size Small Expected Progeny Differences and $ Value (Info as of 12/15/2014) Production CE BW WW YW MILK M&G EPD 4.5* .7* 91 31* ACC .42 .83 .74 .69 .29 57 60* % 15 15 20 25 10 5 A V G .8 3.3 49 79 20 45 Carcass $ Value MCE MCW UDDR TEAT DTS SC FAT REA MARB PG 1.7 94 1.39* 1.41* 6 1.4* .021* .49* .18* 36 .34 .44 .35 0 .52 .39 0 10 10 10 20 25 1.3 88 1.11 1.11 .8 .004 .32 .34 .41 .43 BMI CEZ BII CHB 24* 19* 20* 33* 20 10 15 15 10 .07 17 15 15 23 *Trait Leader 61 SIMMENTAL NICHOLS MANIFEST T79 014SM03052 NICHOLS LEGACY G151 NICHOLS LEG ACY M72 NICHOLS GAL G42 GW LUCKY DICE 187H NICHOLS MCM N13 NICHOLS MCM G77 ASA Reg#: 2416547 Tattoo: SMT079 Born: 04/14/2007 Birth Wt: 73 lbs. 205 Day Adj. Wt: 815 lbs. 365 Day Adj. Wt: 1456 lbs. Wt: 2460 lbs. Hip Ht: 58.0 in. Scrtl. Circum: 44.0 cm H o m o z y g o u s P o lle d H o m o z y g o u s B la c k P u re b re d Daughter: Kieck hef er Simmentals, KY A.I. PROVEN PERFORMANCE MATERNAL CARCASS Nichols F arm, IA | C raw f ord & C raw f ord, IA Manifest The obvious choice for today's Simmental breeders. He is one of the high use, go to bulls in the Simmental breed. Manifest covers all the bases in beef production. Son: Schief elb ein F arms, M N Spring 2015 Progeny Evaluation Trait Average Frame Size Large Muscling Heavy Deep Capacity Rear Leg Sickled Tight Sheath Large Scrotal Size Udder Cap. Shallow Teat Size Small Expected Progeny Differences and $ Value (Info as of 01/01/2015) Production Carcass Index es CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW STAY DOC CW YG MARB BF REA SHEAR API EPD 9.3 1.8 76.1 124.1 13.1 21.3 59.3 ACC .91 .94 .93 % 10 .92 .88 2 10 .88 23.0 7.4 46.6 .14 .89 .40 .86 20 25 .31 .014 .78 .61 .48 .62 3 15 .56 .57 .67 TI 143.0 79.1 .53 1 10 5 TRIPLE C BETTIS S72J 014SM03050 NICHOLS LEGACY G151 HOOKS SHEAR FORCE 38K C&D TRACY ELLINGSON BLACKPERFECTOR LUCAS JOSIE 19K RIV BLK J OSIE 43B 755G Daughter: Sunset View A.I. PROVEN ASA Reg#: 2341670 Tattoo: S72J Born: 03/03/2006 Birth Wt: 86 lbs. 205 Day Adj. Wt: 754 lbs. Wt: 2140 lbs. Hip Ht: 57.5 in. Scrtl. Circum: 47.0 cm H o m o z y g o u s P o lle d H o m o z y g o u s B la c k P u re b re d F arms, KY CALVING EASE PERFORMANCE MATERNAL CARCASS Sanders Ranch, KS | Rew Ranch, KS | C & C F arms, GA | T rip le C F arms, WI The proven choice for superior calving ease. Few sires in the breed can match his combination of calving ease, performance, maternal and carcass merit. Daughter: Rew Ranch, KS Expected Progeny Differences and $ Value (Info as of 01/01/2015) Production Carcass Index es CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW STAY DOC CW YG MARB BF REA SHEAR EPD 18.1 .9 69.8 96.9 14.2 21.7 56.5 24. 13.6 28.3 .43 .04 ACC .91 .93 .92 .90 .48 .76 .60 .48 .59 35 20 4 10 % AVG 62 1 30 25 .91 .89 5 .89 8.7 1.9 6 3.2 92.0 9.4 22.1 53.6 20.8 9.6 26 .9 -.31 .14 .0 7 1.05 .67 .57 .55 35 10 1 .79 -.33 -.06 API TI 139.2 71.1 .47 15 30 120.6 0 6 7.40 Spring 2015 Progeny Evaluation Trait Average Frame Size Large Heavy Muscling Capacity Deep Sickled Rear Leg Sheath Tight Scrotal Size Large Udder Cap. Shallow Teat Size Small ELLINGSON LEGACY M229 MR NLC UPG RADE U8676 MS NLC MOJ O S6119 B HSF BETTER THAN EVER G LS MISS BTE W149 GLS/GFT T13 ASA Reg#: 2659754 Tattoo: Z3 Born: 01/01/2012 Birth Wt: 83 lbs. 205 Day Adj. Wt: 892 lbs. Current Wt: 2170 lbs. Current Hip Ht: 57.0 in. Current Scrtl. Circum: 45.5 cm H o m o z y g o u s P o lle d H o m o z y g o u s B la c k P u re b re d SIMMENTAL GLS INTEGRATE Z3 014SM03076 Son: H art Simmentals, SD GrassL unning Simmentals, M N | Krueger Simmentals, M N | H art Simmentals, SD Integrate was the lead off bull of the G rand Champion PenofThree at the 2013 National Western Stock Show. He later went on to be the featured and high selling bull at the 2013 G rassLunning Simmental Bull Sale. Son: H art Simmentals, SD Expected Progeny Differences and $ Value (Info as of 01/01/2015) Production Carcass Index es CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW STAY DOC CW YG MARB BF REA SHEAR API EPD 10.8 .2 80.4 118.7 7.9 23.6 63.7 24. 11.3 39.7 .46 .20 ACC .49 .69 .60 .37 .29 .30 .44 .30 .40 .32 .31 5 15 25 15 35 2 10 % 30 15 3 .53 .28 .29 4 3 .09 1.06 .27 TI 147.0 82.6 .30 10 2 LRS A PLUS 219A 014SM03081 MR NLC UPGRADE U8676 MCM TOP G RADE 018X MCM 513R ES DAKOTA NK68 LRS MS DAKOTA 559R LRS MS NIC LEGACY 106L ASA Reg#: 2729739 Tattoo: 219A Born: 02/13/2013 Birth Wt: 87 lbs. 205 Day Adj. Wt: 737 lbs. 365 Day Adj. Wt: 1309 lbs. Current Wt: 1970 lbs. Current Hip Ht: 54.2 in. Current Scrtl. Circum: 41.5 cm H o m o z y g o u s P o lle d H o m o z y g o u s B la c k P u re b re d L assle Ranch Simmentals, M T | Accelerated Genetics, WI A Plus was a member of an outstanding flush of Top G rade sons out of the Lassle Ranch Simmentals donor, Ms Dakota 559R. A Plus was a high selling bull at the 2014 Lassle Ranch Simmental Bull Sale, where he and his flush brothers totaled nearly $100,000. Expected Progeny Differences and $ Value (Info as of 01/01/2015) Production Carcass Index es CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW STAY DOC CW YG MARB BF REA SHEAR API EPD 8.5 1. 63.8 105.2 11.1 32. ACC .30 .37 .33 .35 .2 30 64.2 9.8 35.3 .37 .31 .23 .26 .19 .4 2 4 % 20 AVG 8.7 1.9 6 3.2 92.0 9.4 22.1 53.6 .29 .2 25 20.8 9.6 25 .04 1.12 .3 . 15 26 .9 -.31 .14 .32 . 4 -.06 .79 TI 124.2 71. 30 -.33 120.6 0 6 7.40 63 SIMMENTAL CLO LTS ENTOURAGE 72T 014SM03054 NICHOLS LEGACY G151 CNS DREAM ON L186 CNS SHEEZA DREAM K107W HART BLACK OASIS F301 WAR DIVA M704 J BH SHEZA DANDY ASA Reg#: 2392811 Tattoo: 72T Born: 01/18/2007 Birth Wt: 88 lbs. 205 Day Adj. Wt: 696 lbs. Wt: 2430 lbs. Hip Ht: 56.0 in. Scrtl. Circum: 44.0 cm H o m o z y g o u s P o lle d H e te r o z y g o u s B la c k P u re b re d Daughter: L one T ree Simmentals, IA A.I. PROVEN CALVING EASE PERFORMANCE MATERNAL CARCASS C L O Simmentals, P A | L one T ree Simmentals, IA | T homan & Son F arm, IA Entourage offers a total package of phenotype and performance. He also ranks high as a calving ease sire with a CED in the top 2% of the breed. Son: F ord F arms, SD Spring 2015 Progeny Evaluation Trait Average Large Frame Size Muscling Heavy Deep Capacity Rear Leg Sickled Tight Sheath Large Scrotal Size Udder Cap. Shallow Teat Size Small Expected Progeny Differences and $ Value (Info as of 01/01/2015) Production Carcass Index es CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW STAY DOC CW YG MARB BF REA SHEAR API EPD 15.7 1.1 69.5 101.8 8.2 17.7 52.5 22.2 16.8 31.7 .30 .01 .0 .89 .39 ACC .80 .85 .81 .37 .61 .51 .52 35 1 30 30 % 3 35 25 .80 .73 .73 .75 30 .58 .44 .57 .51 35 TI 129.5 68.6 30 WELSHS DEW IT RIGHT 067T 014SM03048 CNS DREAM ON L186 HTP SVF IN DEW TIME HTP SVF HONEYDEW STF MR MOMENTUM H508 SVF/NJC SENERITA N29 NJ C EBONY ANTOINETTE ASA Reg#: 2403649 Tattoo: 067T Born: 02/10/2007 Birth Wt: 83 lbs. 205 Day Adj. Wt: 804 lbs. Wt: 2450 lbs. Hip Ht: 57.5 in. Scrtl. Circum: 47.0 cm H o m o z y g o u s P o lle d H o m o z y g o u s B la c k P u re b re d Daughter: Ab b y Nelson, NE A.I. PROVEN CALVING EASE PERFORMANCE MATERNAL CARCASS P ine Ridge Simmentals, GA | Sloup Simmental, NE | B & L C attle C o. , NE To breed them right, use Dew It Right! This complete herd sire is a superb individual with a top ranking API index. Daughter: H udson P ines F arm, NY Expected Progeny Differences and $ Value (Info as of 01/01/2015) Production Carcass Index es CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW STAY DOC CW YG MARB BF REA SHEAR API EPD 16.3 .8 65.5 83.0 4.7 16.9 49.6 22. 15.1 19.6 .37 .11 .06 .80 .79 ACC .86 .89 .88 .42 .66 .47 .46 .41 .50 .79 -.33 % AVG 64 2 .87 .81 .81 .83 30 8.7 1.9 6 3.2 92.0 9.4 22.1 53.6 35 20.8 1 9.6 .60 .39 25 26 .9 -.31 .14 35 -.06 1 TI 133.7 69.0 25 120.6 0 6 7.40 Spring 2015 Progeny Evaluation Trait Average Large Frame Size Muscling Heavy Capacity Deep Rear Leg Sickled Sheath Tight Scrotal Size Large Udder Cap. Shallow Teat Size Small SRS J 914 PREFERRED BEEF SRS RIG HTON 224 SRS G720 GILLAN GW LUCKY DICE 187H ISHEE MS LUCKY DICE 312N ISHEE MS MILLI 001K ASA Reg#: 2560245 Tattoo: 014X Born: 02/17/2010 Birth Wt: 86 lbs. 205 Day Adj. Wt: 742 lbs. 365 Day Adj. Wt: 1367 lbs. Current Wt: 1980 lbs. Current Hip Ht: 55.0 in. Current Scrtl. Circum: 46.0 cm H o m o z y g o u s P o lle d H e te r o z y g o u s B la c k P u re b re d SIMMENTAL MR ISHEE SUPERSTOUT 014 014SM03072 Son: Ishee B red Simmentals, M S Ishee B red Simmentals, M S | T anner F arms, M S Superstout is an exciting new outcross sire! He offers exceptional performance and muscle. Daughter: T anner F arms, M S Expected Progeny Differences and $ Value (Info as of 01/01/2015) Production Carcass Index es CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW STAY DOC CW YG MARB BF REA SHEAR API EPD 7.6 4.1 75.7 112.9 10.0 18.7 56.6 18. 10.6 42.8 .34 .31 ACC .66 .77 .72 .34 .21 .53 .35 .44 35 10 15 % 10 .70 .53 .53 10 .58 35 35 .0 .41 1.16 .61 .36 .43 2 1 TI 126.6 75.9 15 HART ECLIPSE 510Y 014SM03067 HL GRID BUSTER P51 HL URBAN LEG AND 091U HL MS S091 TJ 57J THE GAMBLER HART LADY G AMBLER M042 HART HONEY BEE K064 ASA Reg#: 2610085 Tattoo: 510Y Born: 02/20/2011 Birth Wt: 75 lbs. 205 Day Adj. Wt: 877 lbs. 365 Day Adj. Wt: 1448 lbs. H o m o z y g o u s P o lle d H o m o z y g o u s B la c k P u re b re d Wager C attle C o. , SD H art Simmentals, SD | Wager C attle C o. , SD | C K C attle, SD | T homas Ranch, SD | New outcross genetics for Simmental breeders! Eclipse was the high selling Simmental Bull at Hart Simmentals. Son: H art Simmentals, SD Spring 2015 Progeny Evaluation Trait Average Large Frame Size Muscling Heavy Deep Capacity Rear Leg Sickled Tight Sheath Scrotal Size Large Udder Cap. Shallow Teat Size Small Expected Progeny Differences and $ Value (Info as of 01/01/2015) Production Carcass Index es CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW STAY DOC CW YG MARB BF REA SHEAR API EPD 5.3 3.2 74.4 112.4 8.0 24.9 62.1 20.4 10.4 41.3 .24 .09 ACC .44 .58 .54 .57 .30 .38 15 10 % AVG .27 .28 .35 30 10 8.7 1.9 6 3.2 92.0 9.4 22.1 53.6 .14 .44 .28 .032 .90 .32 10 20.8 9.6 26 .9 -.31 .14 -.06 .27 .50 TI 116.3 70.4 .35 30 10 .79 -.33 35 120.6 0 6 7.40 65 SIMMENTAL TJ CORNHUSKER 226A 014SM03079 DIKEMANS SURE BET TJ EASY MONEY 101W TJ MARY 7M PVF- J 4P14 HYB ROOKIE TJ 59X TJ MS 26R ASA Reg#: 2774076 Tattoo: 226A Born: 01/19/2013 Birth Wt: 89 lbs. 205 Day Adj. Wt: 841 lbs. 365 Day Adj. Wt: 1344 lbs. H o m o z y g o u s P o lle d H o m o z y g o u s B la c k S i m A n g u s ( 75% S M x 25% A N ) T riangle J Simmentals, NE | Gab el C attle C o. , C O | Accelerated Genetics, WI Cornhusker was the leadoff and high selling bull at the 2014 Triangle J Ranch Sale. Darby Line comments, "Lot 1 is a herd bull prospect that has a chance to be special." Expected Progeny Differences and $ Value (Info as of 01/01/2015) Production Carcass CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW STAY DOC CW YG MARB EPD 11. .2 72 ACC .28 .36 .31 % 15 113. Index es BF REA SHEAR API 12 25. 61. 12. 3 .22 .4 .0 1.03 .22 .3 .23 .23 .2 . .2 .2 .4 . .3 15 5 30 10 20 15 30 TI 14 2 . 2 20 15 GW MARSHALL 756A 014SM03080 G A R US PREMIUM BEEF G W PREMIUM BEEF 021TS GW MISS LUCKY CHARM 410P GW PREDESTINED 701T G W MISS PREDESTINED 255Y GW MISS 1407 740R Gatew ay Simmentals, M T | Accelerated Genetics, WI There's a new Marshall in town! Marshall was a featured and second high selling bull at the 2014 G ateway Simmentals Bull Sale, MT. Expected Progeny Differences and $ Value (Info as of 01/01/2015) Production Carcass Index es CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW STAY DOC CW YG MARB BF REA SHEAR EPD 17.2 1.4 6 ACC . % .4 5 20 AVG 10.4 0.6 66 .3 30 11 .4 10. 24. 5 14.4 3 .22 . .02 .8 .4 .29 .17 . .4 . 6 .3 . 25 5 15 30 .6 0 -.32 .4 .2 .2 10 25 35 6 0.7 92.9 8.0 22.8 53.0 .3 15 1 10.3 25.8 -.20 .35 -.03 API 18 1 TI 9 1 121.70 6 8.70 ASA Reg#: 2708284 Tattoo: 756A Born: 02/13/2013 Birth Wt: 82 lbs. 205 Day Adj. Wt: 722 lbs. 365 Day Adj. Wt: 1337 lbs. H o m o z y g o u s P o lle d H o m o z y g o u s B la c k S i m A n g u s ( 50% S M x 50% A N ) SIMMENTAL LRS TOP TEN 104A 014SM03082 L assle Ranch Simmentals, M T | Accelerated Genetics, WI S A F FOCUS OF E R MYTTY IN FOCUS MYTTY COUNTESS 906 A A R TEN X 7008 S A S A V ADAPTOR 2213 A A R LADY KELTON 5551 H S A F LADY KELTON 504B ASA Reg#: 2729707 Tattoo: 104A Born: 02/25/2013 Birth Wt: 83 lbs. 205 Day Adj. Wt: 737 lbs. 365 Day Adj. Wt: 1332 lbs. Current Wt: 1740 lbs. Current Hip Ht: 53.2 in. Current Scrtl. Circum: 40.5 cm H o m o z y g o u s P o lle d H o m o z y g o u s B la c k S i m A n g u s ( 50% S M x 50% A N ) Top Ten Leading the next generation of SimAngus sires. Top Ten combines two of the elite sires in the beef industry: Ten X and Sure Bet. Clay Lassle commented, "Here is a bull that you will notice in the pen because of his phenotype and when you see his numbers, you will really get excited." Top Ten's data ranks in the top 30% or higher for nearly every trait. His MARB, REA, API and TI are all in the top 5% of the breed. You'll find more than 10 reasons to use Top Ten this year! TJ 57J THE GAMBLER DIKEMANS SURE BET MEGAN 9M LRS MS SUREBET 104Y LRS MISSING LINK 8T LRS MS MISSINGLINK 968W LRS MS NIC LEGACY 106L Expected Progeny Differences and $ Value (Info as of 01/01/2015) Production Carcass CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW STAY DOC CW YG EPD 14 .9 7 ACC . .4 % 15 25 AVG 10.4 0.6 13 2 10. .3 5 . .2 1 6 0.7 92.9 25 23.3 61. 12.7 4 .2 .2 .13 .3 10 20 2 8.0 22.8 53.0 Index es MARB BF REA SHEAR API .30 .82 .2 .4 . 5 .3 2 25 2 -.03 .6 0 15 10.3 25.8 -.20 .35 .05 1.04 .3 1 TI 94. . 3 -.32 1 121.70 6 8.70 67 SIMMENTAL CLRWTR SHOCK FORCE W94C 014SM03073 CNS DREAM ON L186 SVF STEEL FORCE S701 SVF SHEZA BEAUTY L901 MEYER RANCH 734 MYERS Q UEEN SAZ ERAC P94 MYERS TRAVELING Q UEEN M212 ASA Reg#: 2496698 Tattoo: W94C Born: 02/06/2009 Birth Wt: 80 lbs. 205 Day Adj. Wt: 686 lbs. Wt: 2250 lbs. Hip Ht: 55.0 in. Scrtl. Circum: 45.0 cm H o m o z y g o u s P o lle d H e te r o z y g o u s B la c k S i m A n g u s ( 75% S M x 25% A N ) Daughter: H udson P ines F arm, NY H udson P ines F arm, NY | C lear Water Simmentals, IN | Sunset View F arms, KY The rising star of the Simmental breed! Shock Force progeny excel in the show ring and in the pasture as well! Daughter: H udson P ines F arm, NY Spring 2015 Progeny Evaluation Trait Average Frame Size Large Muscling Heavy Deep Capacity Rear Leg Sickled Tight Sheath Scrotal Size Large Udder Cap. Shallow Teat Size Small Expected Progeny Differences and $ Value (Info as of 01/01/2015) Production Carcass Index es CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW STAY DOC CW YG MARB BF REA SHEAR API EPD 2.4 1.7 55.0 74.8 11.0 19.8 47.3 2.6 16.7 .18 .29 ACC .65 .74 .64 .40 .40 .63 % .54 .53 .56 .50 .31 .0 .70 .66 .34 .31 .37 20 35 TI 102.7 60.5 2 IR RANGE BOSS Y623 014SM03074 TJ 57J THE GAMBLER DIKEMANS SURE BET MEGAN 9M S S OBJ ECTIVE T510 0T26 IR MS VIENNA U073 IR MS NO J OKE M776 Dam: IR M s Vienna U 0 73 Irvine Ranch, KS | C ircle H Simmentals, SD | Sanders Ranch, KS Range Boss was a standout in his contemporary group at Irvine Ranch where he went on to top their sale. He has the potential to combine calving ease and muscle like no other bull in the breed. Expected Progeny Differences and $ Value (Info as of 01/01/2015) Production Carcass Index es CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW STAY DOC CW YG MARB BF REA SHEAR API EPD 16.2 3.5 51.3 79.3 9.4 27.2 52.8 ACC .49 .62 .54 % 10 3 AVG 10.4 0.6 68 .53 .31 .31 35 20 .38 6 0.7 92.9 8.0 22.8 53.0 11.7 12.3 .35 .48 .00 1.11 .35 .40 .36 .26 .43 .33 .44 30 10 30 10.3 25.8 -.20 .35 .38 1 -.03 .6 0 TI 157.1 74.0 10 -.32 30 121.70 6 8.70 ASA Reg#: 2648991 Tattoo: Y623 Born: 08/04/2011 Birth Wt: 67 lbs. 205 Day Adj. Wt: 605 lbs. 365 Day Adj. Wt: 1221 lbs. Current Hip Ht: 53.0 in. Current Scrtl. Circum: 39.0 cm H o m o z y g o u s P o lle d H o m o z y g o u s B la c k S i m A n g u s ( 75% S M x 25% A N ) CNS DREAM ON L186 SVF STEEL FORCE 5701 SVF SHEZA BEAUTY L901 GWS EBONYS TRADEMARK 6N LONG S MISS SWEETS BAURS L925 ASA Reg#: 2545745 Tattoo: X 21 Born: 02/26/2010 Birth Wt: 78 lbs. 205 Day Adj. Wt: 813 lbs. Wt: 2080 lbs. Hip Ht: 53.8 in. Scrtl. Circum: 47.0 cm H o m o z y g o u s P o lle d N o n -D i l u t e r P u re b re d SIMMENTAL LONG'S STEEL SHOT 014SM03068 F ull Sister: T yler L ong, IA Doub le C Simmentals, M I | L ong Simmentals, IA Steel Shot is an exceptional red son of Steel Force. He was a popular bull in the 2012 "The One" Sale in Denver. F ull Sister: T yler L ong, IA Spring 2015 Progeny Evaluation Trait Average Large Frame Size Heavy Muscling Deep Capacity Rear Leg Sickled Tight Sheath Scrotal Size Large Udder Cap. Shallow Teat Size Small Expected Progeny Differences and $ Value (Info as of 01/01/2015) Production Carcass Index es CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW STAY DOC CW YG MARB BF REA SHEAR API EPD 7.3 2.6 52.9 78.1 6.4 18.5 45.0 24.0 7.0 20.4 .35 .04 .0 .93 .20 ACC .48 .63 .55 .32 .25 .35 .15 .24 .38 .51 .31 .31 .37 % .42 .22 15 30 TI 117.8 57.1 25 TOP FUEL U250 HR 014SM03053 TNT GUNNER N208 TNT TOP G UN R244 TNT MISS SADIE M68 WAR NITRO HS PENNY P250 GFI HF KRISTINA G016 ASA Reg#: 2462253 Tattoo: U250 Born: 01/19/2008 Birth Wt: 74 lbs. 205 Day Adj. Wt: 838 lbs. Wt: 2085 lbs. Hip Ht: 56.5 in. Scrtl. Circum: 40.0 cm H o m o z y g o u s P o lle d N o n -D i l u t e r P u re b re d Son: Grand C hamp ion B ull, 2 0 1 2 Iow a State F air, Golden Acres, IA A.I. PROVEN PERFORMANCE B rant F arms, M N Top Fuel was part of the Reserve G rand Champion Pen of Five Bulls at the 2009 National Western Stock Show for Hale Simmentals. He offers superior performance with WW and YW EPDs at the pinnacle of the breed. Daughter: B rant F arms, M N Spring 2015 Progeny Evaluation Trait Average Large Frame Size Heavy Muscling Deep Capacity Rear Leg Sickled Tight Sheath Large Scrotal Size Udder Cap. Shallow Teat Size Small Expected Progeny Differences and $ Value (Info as of 01/01/2015) Production Carcass CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW STAY DOC CW YG MARB Index es BF REA SHEAR API EPD 5.2 5.0 83.6 129.6 6.2 7.3 49.1 17.0 7.5 54.3 .28 .15 .0 .83 .24 ACC .77 .81 .78 .70 .73 .36 .41 .32 .35 .79 -.33 % AVG 2 .77 .71 1 8.7 1.9 6 3.2 92.0 9.4 22.1 53.6 .56 .33 .41 1 20.8 9.6 26 .9 -.31 .14 .37 TI 98.1 66.5 15 -.06 120.6 0 69 SIMMENTAL MSR RED IMAGE 9246W 014SM03060 NICHOLS LEGACY G151 CLINES PRIME IMAG E 7.16 CLINES 315N OF 915 119L GW LUCKY ONE 686K MSR 5760R OF 2232 L ONE MISS ARNOLD K2232 ASA Reg#: 2563102 Tattoo: 9246W Born: 10/31/2009 Birth Wt: 96 lbs. 205 Day Adj. Wt: 697 lbs. 365 Day Adj. Wt: 1147 lbs. Current Wt: 1830 lbs. Current Hip Ht: 55.0 in. Current Scrtl. Circum: 44.0 cm H o m o z y g o u s P o lle d N o n -D i l u t e r P u re b re d M oser Simmental Ranch, KS | Wade M oser, ND | Accelerated Genetics, WI Red Image was a feature and high selling bull at the Moser Simmental Ranch Bull Sale. Harry Moser comments, "He is one of the best red bulls we have raised in several years." Expected Progeny Differences and $ Value (Info as of 01/01/2015) Production Carcass Index es CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW STAY DOC CW YG MARB BF REA SHEAR API EPD 5.0 4.6 62.6 86.7 8.0 21.2 52.5 20.0 7.1 28.0 .28 .37 .02 .89 .63 ACC .44 .57 .51 .31 .16 .41 .36 .32 .41 30 1 .48 .27 .28 .34 .40 .30 % 10 TI 122.4 67.9 ELLINGSON KLONDIKE Y123 272SM00021 HOOKS SHEAR FORCE 38K WS BEEF MAKER R13 DCR MS RIBEYE N72 WHEATLAND RED TEDDY 457P ELLING SON MS TEDDY U894 ELLINGSON POWERLINE P439 C rosshair Simmental, ND | Ellingson Simmentals, ND | Steve F allgetter, ND Klondike was one of the most impressive Simmental bulls to sell in Spring 2012. His overall performance and power were impressive! Expected Progeny Differences and $ Value (Info as of 01/01/2015) Production Carcass Index es CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW STAY DOC CW YG MARB BF REA SHEAR API EPD 6.0 4.6 82.1 133.5 9.5 27.7 68.7 20.0 6.4 56.3 .46 .25 .082 1.38 .46 ACC .52 .75 .70 .34 .40 .43 .39 .34 25 10 1 15 .79 -.33 % AVG 70 2 .67 1 8.7 1.9 6 3.2 92.0 .29 .31 .40 15 1 9.4 22.1 53.6 .52 .34 1 20.8 9.6 3 26 .9 -.31 .14 -.06 TI 129.8 79.6 .35 30 4 120.6 0 6 7.40 ASA Reg#: 2616685 Tattoo: Y123 Born: 02/20/2011 Birth Wt: 96 lbs. 205 Day Adj. Wt: 926 lbs. 365 Day Adj. Wt: 1678 lbs. H o m o z y g o u s P o lle d N o n -D i l u t e r P u re b re d 71 CHAROLAIS 014CH05009 SCHURRTOP HCR RANCHER R a n c h e r is a w id e ly p r o v e n , b a la n c e d tr a it s ir e . H e s ir e s e x c e p tio n a l p h e n o ty p e . L T U N L I MI TE D E A SE 9108 S C H U R R T O P E AS E 8 9 5 3 P L D SC H U RRTO P 8423 P SC H U RRTO P -D C I N TI MI D A TO R S C H U R R T O P M L 6 0 5 6 1 1 8 4 P L H D MS E L MA RKO B 713 PERFORMANCE MATERNAL E x p e c t e d P r o g e n y D i f f e r e n c e s a n d $ Va l u e ( I n f o a s o f 0 1 / 0 1 / 2 0 1 5 ) P r od u ct i on C E B W W W Y W 1 .8 2 .2 2 5 5 6 AC C CARCASS C ar cas s TM D TS SC W T RE A 1 9 2 .1 3 1 2 5 6 2 3 .77 .92 .88 .81 .78 .73 .00 0 35 10 % MI L K MC E .9 F A T MA RB U -P G/ H D .5 3 -.0 0 9 .68 .36 .37 30 15 Tat t oo: 1304 B or n: 03/ 02/ 1998 B i r t h W t : 65 l b s . 205 D ay A d j . W t : 773 l b s . Mature W t : 2205 l b s . Mature H i p H t : 59.8 i n. Mature Scr t l . C i r cu m : 43.0 cm eter u e A.I. PROVEN Hubert Charolais Ranch, KS | Schurrtop Ranch, NE E P D A I C A Re g # : M479774 15 15 .2 3 3 3 6 .31 .29 15 30 10 014CH05012 WCF ACCELERATED CHOICE C h o ic e o ffe r s c a lv in g e a s e , m o d e r a te g r o w th a n d s tr o n g m a te r n a l tr a its . V C R SI R D J W K C H O IC E H B RL A D Y L T-C C W I N W C F S H AN D W C F P A U L Accelerated Genetics, WI U KE 914 P L D P L U S E 2 0 3 E T P E RF O RME R 934 P D RI V E R 0193 P Y S T AN D O U T E TTE A I C A Re g # : M701224 Tat t oo: 265 B or n: 03/ 21/ 2005 B i r t h W t : 85 l b s . Mature W t : 2305 l b s . Mature H i p H t : 58.5 i n. Mature Scr t l . C i r cu m : 42.0 cm e E x p e c t e d P r o g e n y D i f f e r e n c e s a n d $ Va l u e ( I n f o a s o f 0 1 / 0 1 / 2 0 1 5 ) P r od u ct i on C ar cas s C E B W W W Y W E P D 5 .1 .4 2 3 3 9 1 5 -0 .8 2 7 AC C .36 .56 .43 .38 .26 .21 .00 % 35 20 MI L K MC E TM D TS SC 3 W T RE A 1 .0 0 30 5 F A T MA RB U -P G/ H D .0 0 .00 .19 .20 25 -.0 1 6 .1 2 .17 .15 15 25 5 1 014CH05015 HCR INSTITUTE 5054 PLD In s titu te is a p r o v e n c a lv in g e a s e s ir e . In s t it u t e 's p r o g e n y h a v e d r a w n t h e a t t e n t io n o f c a t t le m e n th r o u g h o u t th e P la in s s ta te s . E A TO N S P RE D I C TO R 9230 L T W E S T E R N S P U R 2 0 6 1 P L D L T MA I D E SN ' S B RE E Z E 8242P L T RE F L E C TI O N 7136 M IS S H C R R E F L E C T IO N 9 1 2 2 MI SS H C R N I KE 6047 A I C A Re g # : M711462 Tat t oo: 5054 B or n: 02/ 25/ 2005 B i r t h W t : 84 l b s . 205 D ay A d j . W t : 747 l b s . 365 D ay A d j . W t : 1264 l b s . Mature W t : 2070 l b s . Mature H i p H t : 56.0 i n. Mature Scr t l . C i r cu m : 41.0 cm Hetero ygous Polled A.I. PROVEN CALVING EASE Wagonhammer Ranches, NE | Dybdal Charolais, NE E x p e c t e d P r o g e n y D i f f e r e n c e s a n d $ Va l u e ( I n f o a s o f 0 1 / 0 1 / 2 0 1 5 ) P r od u ct i on B W W W Y W 7 .0 -2 .3 1 1 2 9 AC C .67 .84 .73 .63 25 10 % C E E P D AVG 3.1 72 .5 26 48 C ar cas s TM D TS SC W T RE A 8 8 .9 1 4 3 2 .6 1 .48 .44 .00 0 .37 .32 .33 .29 MI L K MC E .3 3 10 8 3.5 30 21 .7 12 F A T MA RB U -P G/ H D .0 1 8 .1 1 4 8 .27 5 25 .21 .001 .02 PERFORMANCE CARCASS TR PZC RAPID FIRE 9775 ET Rapid Fire transmits calving ease, performance and quality in a user-friendly package. He sires exceptional phenotype and his progeny have won championships at major shows across the country. THOMAS OAHE WIND 0772ET P TR MR FIRE WATER 5792RET THOMASSWISSERSWEET1764ET JWK IMPRESSIVE D040 ET THOMAS MS IMPRESSIVE0641 BCI MISS VERYLIMIT 6033P AICA Reg#: EM776309 Tattoo: 9775 Born: 04/13/2009 Birth Wt: 79 lbs. 205 Day Adj. Wt: 629 lbs. 365 Day Adj. Wt: 1275 lbs. Mature Wt: 2285 lbs. Mature Hip Ht: 58.2 in. Mature Scrtl. Circum: 42.5 cm Hetero ygous Polled CHAROLAIS 049CH02456 A.I. PROVEN Bar S Ranch, KS | Wright Charola , MO | MBS Charolais, MO l Indian Acres, MO | Baney Charolais, MO | Garrett Charolais, TN CALVING EASE PERFORMANCE Expected Progeny Differences and $ Value (Info as of 01/01/2015) Production Carcass CE BW WW YW MILK MCE TM DTS SC WT REA FAT MARB U-PG/HD EPD 6.8 -2.3 27 51 ACC .54 .81 .73 .68 % 25 3 2.7 16 9 1.1 .17 .006 .22 52 .32 .26 .00 0 .29 .30 .33 .26 .24 10 10 15 19 25 10 014CH05018 WR POLLED REX U606 Rex combines the best of calving ease sires at Accelerated Genetics, Duke 9003P and Easy Pro. Rex is a Calving Ease and Birth Weight Trait Leader. VCR SIR DUKE 135 PLD OAKDALE DUKE 9003P MISS VELVEETA JANE 630 LT EASY PRO 1158 PLD WR EASY PRO S618 WR DUKET 7412 AICA Reg#: M763782 Tattoo: U606 Born: 02/13/2008 Birth Wt: 84 lbs. 205 Day Adj. Wt: 585 lbs. 365 Day Adj. Wt: 1395 lbs. Mature Wt: 2060 lbs. Mature Hip Ht: 55.0 in. Mature Scrtl. Circum: 38.5 cm Homo ygous Polled A.I. PROVEN Wagonhammer Ranches, NE | Dybdal Charolais, NE ele a e ene CALVING EASE Expected Progeny Differences and $ Value (Info as of 01/01/2015) Production Carcass CE BW WW YW MILK MCE TM DTS SC WT REA FAT MARB U-PG/HD 40 18 7.6 33 8 .8 .13 .001 .08 0 ACC .66 .78 .68 .56 EPD 14.2 -4.0 29 .30 .27 .00 0 .22 .00 .00 .00 .00 0 % 10 15 10 2 4 8 30 014CH05017 NWMSU PLATINUM 4108 Platinum is a proven, calving ease sire. Platinum ranks at the top of the breed for CED and BW. EATONS MAIN LINE 9125 EATONS ELEMENT 1353 EATONS MISS RHODORA 7518 JWK IMPRESSIVE D040 ET NWMSU AURICULA 077 ET FR AURICULA A202 ET AICA Reg#: M708062 Tattoo: 4108 Born: 09/05/2004 Birth Wt: 92 lbs. 205 Day Adj. Wt: 668 lbs. Mature Wt: 2380 lbs. Maure Hip Ht: 57.0 in. Mature Scrtl. Circum: 44.0 cm Hetero ygous Polled A.I. PROVEN Northwest Missouri State University, MO ea man Ca le o Colo a o C CALVING EASE Expected Progeny Differences and $ Value (Info as of 01/01/2015) Production Carcass PERFORMANCE CARCASS CE BW WW YW MILK MCE TM DTS SC WT REA FAT MARB U-PG/HD EPD 9.5 -3.6 28 47 -5 3.3 9 ACC .61 .83 .74 .67 .49 .41 .00 8 3.5 21 % 10 5 AVG 3.1 .5 35 - .1 0 .28 .013 .15 73 .49 .33 .36 .29 7 .28 10 15 26 48 .7 12 .21 .001 .02 73 LIMOUSIN, SIMMENTAL & BRAHMAN SPRNG CRKS SPRUCE 018S SPRNG CRKS PEAK MAX 409Z SPRNG CRKS JOCK 7114Z 014LM04508 | Reg#: NPM1864102 Marcello X Honcho 014LM04511 | Reg#: NPM2018669 Peak Power X Dakota 014LM04510 | Reg#: NPM2016114 Jock X Asphalt STUD CODE NAME REG # CED BW WW YW MA CEM SC ST DOC CW REA YG MARB $MTI 014LM04508 SPRNG CRKS SPRUCE 018S NPM1864102 6 1.8 43 79 24 0 -.1 19 18 17 .71 -.19 -.05 42 014LM04510 SPRNG CRKS JOCK 7114Z NPM2016114 5 2.5 62 92 16 8 1.1 24 29 25 .59 -.12 .01 49 014LM04511 SPRNG CRKS PEAK MAX 409Z NPM2018669 4 2.7 45 75 24 -2 .8 16 9 19 .77 -.15 -.16 39 8 1.8 47 83 23 4 .4 19 18 21 .53 -.09 -.03 44 Fall 2014 BREED AVERAGE BRINK HAWKEYE Y147 BRINK RITE Z235 014SM03065 | Reg#: 2635976 Poll John X Exodus BRINK ROMEO Z268 014SM03070 | Reg#: 2662498 Rite W970 X Romeo STUD CODE NAME ASA MCE MILK 014SM03064 BRINK CYCLONE Y130 2635954 4.8 5.5 52.9 68.0 6.7 36.3 62.7 8.0 9.1 18.4 -.24 -.11 -.056 .42 64.5 49.7 014SM03065 BRINK HAWKEYE Y147 2635976 3.6 .6.2 62.9 82.4 6.1 29.1 60.5 7.3 6.9 27.6 -.22 -.10 -.063 .42 64.6 54.1 014SM03070 BRINK RITE Z235 2662498 6.2 4.1 77.2 107.3 16.0 35.1 73.7 13.0 11.0 39.1 -.17 -.14 -.052 .50 87.4 65.5 014SM03071 BRINK ROMEO Z268 2662499 1.0 6.9 73.1 105.1 14.7 37.1 73.6 11.4 10.3 42.3 -.20 -.17 -.052 .63 69.7 58.2 3.5 5.0 64.6 86.9 7.1 31.9 64.1 10.6 9.3 28.2 -.20 -.13 -.060 .41 72.8 57.1 ACC .16 MILK .7 6.0 ACC .09 Spring 2015 BREED AVERAGE CE BW WW YW 014SM03071 | Reg#: 2662499 Romeo X Moses MWW STAY DOC CW YG MARB BF REA API TI BRAHMAN, WINTER 2014 STUD CODE 014BR00043 Winter 2014 NAME REG # MR V8 337/7 908700 BREED AVERAGE BW 2.7 1.9 ACC .20 WW 16.0 16.0 ACC .17 YW 22.4 26.0 REA .32 .14 .77 -.02 .26 .29 %IMF -.04 .54 -.04 .00 -.08 .01 MR V8 337/7 014BR00043 | Reg#: 908700 Avery Manso X 924/5 BRANGUS, FALL 2014 STUD CODE 014BN06504 056BN00217 056BN00282 056BN00475 056BN00527 74 NAME CCR SLEEP EASY 429T11 CEO OF BRINKS 99J44 BRIGHT SIDE OF BRINKS 789G5 LARGENT OF BRINKS 784R17 HANCOCK OF BRINKS 237T8 FALL 2014 BREED AVERAGES REG # R10108065 R754008 R700597 R10035037 R10082825 CED 8.8 1.1 2.8 8.6 6.5 5.3 BW -.5 3.2 2.5 -1.4 -.2 .8 WW 16 31 31 21 25 24 YW 19 60 60 42 49 43 MILK 8 23 1 15 8 11 TOTAL MAT 16 39 16 25 20 24 CEM 9.4 7.9 7.6 7.1 7.1 7.2 SC .00 .30 .60 -.50 1.10 .50 FAT -.003 -.014 .014 .017 .000 -.002 PROG 2 407 930 152 2 HERDS 1 40 77 32 2 EPRINEX® (eprinomectin) Want to see how EPRINEX stacks up to other pour-ons? (What a coincidence – here’s a handy chart.) Additional average weight gain versus control after 105 days1 EPRINEX® (eprinomectin) 36.1 lbs. x $2/lb. = $72.20 39 parasite species and stages +$ 7– $1 3/ ca lf pr of it * CYDECT I N® (moxidectin) 32.8 lbs. x $2/lb. = $65.60 33 parasite species and stages DECT o MAX® (doramectin) 31.6 lbs. x $2/lb. = $63.20 ivermectin 27.6 lbs. x $2/lb. = $55.20 32 parasite species and stages 33 parasite species and stages EPRINEX kills more species and stages than any other brand. Period.2 When cattle are sharing their feed with parasites, they gain less weight, and that means lower profitability for you. EPRINEX kills 39 stages and species of parasites, more than CYDECTIN and DECTOMAX.2 With the additional weight gain, at today’s market prices it more than pays for itself. Get the facts at *Based on 2 doses per calf at retail price Jeffers Livestock accessed 7/8/14. 1Beckett J. Efficacy of pour-on dewormers differing in active ingredient and carrier on weight gain and fecal egg count in stocker beef cattle. College of Agriculture, Cal Poly State University. 2Based on FOI summaries and label claims. IMPORTANT SAFETY INFORMATION: No meat or milk withdrawal is required when used according to label. Do not use in calves intended for veal or unapproved animal species as severe adverse reaction, including fatalities in dogs, may result. ®EPRINEX and the Cattle Head Logo are registered trademarks of Merial. All other marks are the property of their respective owners. ©2014 Merial, Inc., Duluth, GA. All rights reserved. RUMIEEP1401 (07/14) 75 Measurable Improvements MVE has been a worldwide leader for over 10 years with the design features of its extra capacity farm tank, the Millennium XC-20. Now MVE engineers have shifted the mean again with the newest MVE innovation, a tank that takes up less space, reduces handling and distribution costs and lasts 20 percent longer in field duration between nitrogen refills. Accept No Substitute Use MVE semen storage tanks Super 2 Specifications PN 14408390 Maximum Storage Capacity Number of Canisters 6 Number of 1/2cc straws (10/cane) 660 Number of 1/2cc straws (1 level bulk) 1122 Number of 1.2 & 2.0 ml vials (5/cane) 210 Performance LN2 Capacity (Liters) 24,5 Static Evaporation Rate (Liters/Day) 0,085 Normal Static Duration (Days) 288 Normal Working Duration (Days) 180 Unit Dimensions Neck Opening inches (millimeters) 2.18 (55.4) Overall Height inches (millimeters) 28.2 (716) Outer Diameter inches (millimeters) 14.5 (368) Canister Height inches (millimeters) 11 (279) 1.65 (41.9) Canister Diameter inches (millimeters) 26.5 (12) Empty Weight in pounds (kilograms) Weight Liquid Full in pounds (kilograms) 68.4 (31) MVE is focussed on meeting your semen storage needs today and in the future. Contact your A.I. distributor for quality MVE tanks or visit Super 20 Specifications PN 14868855 Maximum Storage Capacity Number of Canisters 6 Number of 1/2cc straws (10/cane) 540 Number of 1/2cc straws (1 level bulk) 780 Number of 1.2 & 2.0 ml vials (5/cane) 150 Performance LN2 Capacity (Liters) 20,5 Static Evaporation Rate (Liters/Day) 0,075 Normal Static Duration (Days) 273 Normal Working Duration (Days) 171 Unit Dimensions Neck Opening inches (millimeters) 2 (52) Overall Height inches (millimeters) 25.7 (652) Outer Diameter inches (millimeters) 14.5 (368) Canister Height inches (millimeters) 11 (279) 1.51 (38) Canister Diameter inches (millimeters) 26 (11.8) Empty Weight in pounds (kilograms) Weight Liquid Full in pounds (kilograms) 62.5 (28.3) Contact your local A.I. Representative for an MVE Millennium tank today. Chart/MVE Industries Inc. 201 7th St. NW • New Prague, MN 56071, USA • Tel: (+1) 952-758-8202 • 76 MOUNTING EVIDENCE™ GET CONFIRMATION: There are multiple ways ESTROTECT™ Heat Detectors can improve the success of your breeding program no matter how you breed your cows. NEED MORE CONVINCING? Scan here or visit WWW.ESTROTECT.COM/GETCONFIRMATION to learn new applications for ESTROTECT™ Heat Detectors. Contact your local Accelerated Genetics sales representative to order. AS GOOD AS A BULL™ ©2014 Rockway, Inc. ESTROTECT, Mounting Evidence and As Good As A Bull are trademarks of Rockway, Inc. I N N O V A TI V E Herd Management Tools 77 TERMINOLOGY 78 Expected Progeny Difference (EPD) is the prediction of how future progeny of each animal are expected to perform relative to the progeny of other animals listed in the database. EPDs are expressed in units of measure for the trait, plus or minus. Accuracy (ACC) is the reliability that can be placed on the EPD. An accuracy of close to 1.0 indicates higher reliability. Accuracy is impacted by the number of progeny and ancestral records included in the analysis. PRODUCTION EPDs Calving Ease Direct (CED) is expressed as a difference in percentage of unassisted births, with a higher value indicating greater calving ease in first-calf heifers. It predicts the average difference in ease with which a sire’s calves will be born when he is bred to first-calf heifers. Birth Weight EPD (BW) expressed in pounds, is a predictor of a sire’s ability to transmit birth weight to his progeny compared to that of other sires. Weaning Weight EPD (WW) expressed in pounds, is a predictor of a sire’s ability to transmit weaning growth to his progeny compared to that of other sires. Yearling Weight EPD (YW) expressed in pounds, is a predictor of a sire’s ability to transmit yearling growth to his progeny compared to that of other sires. Residual Average Daily Gain (RADG) expressed in pounds per day, is a predictor of a sire’s genetic ability for post-weaning gain in future progeny compared to that of other sires, given a constant amount of feed consumed. Yearling Height EPD (YH) is a predictor of a sire’s ability to transmit yearling height, expressed in inches, compared to that of other sires. Scrotal Circumference (SC) expressed in centimeters, is a predictor of the difference in transmitting ability for scrotal size compared to that of other sires. Docility (Doc) is expressed as a difference in yearling cattle temperament, with a higher value indicating more favorable docility. It predicts the average difference of progeny from a sire in comparison with another sire’s calves. In herds where temperament problems are not an issue, this expected difference would not be realized. MATERNAL EPDs Heifer Pregnancy (HP) is a selection tool to increase the probability or chance of a sire’s daughters becoming pregnant as first-calf heifers during a normal breeding season. A higher EPD is the more favorable direction and the EPD is reported in percentage units. Calving Ease Maternal (CEM) or Calving Ease Total Maternal (CETM) is expressed as a difference in percentage of unassisted births with a higher value indicating greater calving ease in first-calf daughters. It predicts the average ease with which a sire’s daughters will calve as first-calf heifers when compared to daughters of other sires. Maternal Milk (Milk) is a predictor of a sire’s genetic merit for milk and mothering ability as expressed in his daughters compared to daughters of other sires. In other words, it is that part of a calf’s weaning weight attributed to milk and mothering ability. Mature Weight (MW) and Mature Cow Weight (MCW) expressed in pounds, is a predictor of the difference in mature weight of daughters of a sire compared to the daughters of other sires. Mature Height (MH) expressed in inches, is a predictor of the difference in mature height of a sire’s daughters compared to daughters of other sires. Udder Suspension (UDDR) and Teat Size (TEAT) scores are numerical values that reflect differences in udder and teat quality. Udder suspension scores are subjective assessments of udder support and range from 9 (very tight) to 1 (very pendulous). Teat size scores are subjective assessments of teat length and circumference and range from 9 (very small) to 1 (very large). Stayability (STAY) The expressed difference in probability of daughters staying in the herd to at least six years of age. Since cows are usually only culled for being open before six years, the EPD is primarily a measure of sustained fertility in female offspring. Daughters (DT) / Herds (HD) is the number of daughters in production of a sire and the number of herds represented. Cow Energy Value ($EN) expressed in dollar savings per cow per year, assesses differences in cow energy requirements as an expected dollar savings difference in daughters of sires. A larger value is more favorable when comparing two animals (more dollars saved on feed energy expenses). Components for computing the cow $EN savings difference include lactation energy requirements and energy costs associated with differences in mature cow size. Maintenance Energy (ME) ME EPD predicts differences in energy requirements of mature daughters of an individual and is expressed in Mega-calories per month. Differences in Maintenance Energy requirements can easily translate into differences in feed required to maintain body weight. CARCASS EPDs Carcass Weight (CW), expressed in pounds is a predictor of the differences in hot carcass weight of a sire’s progeny compared to progeny of other sires. Marbling (Marb), expressed as a fraction of the difference in USDA marbling score of a sire’s progeny compared to progeny of other sires. Ribeye Area (RE), expressed in square inches, is a predictor of the difference in ribeye area of a sire’s progeny compared to progeny of other sires. Fat Thickness (Fat), expressed in inches, is a predictor of the differences in external fat thickness at the 12th rib (as measured between the 12th and 13th ribs) of a sire’s progeny compared to progeny of other sires. Yield Grade (YG) is the difference in carcass yield grade score at 475 days. Warner-Bratzler Shear Force (SHEAR) is a measurement of tenderness and reflects the pounds of force required to shear a rib-eye steak. The more negative the number, the more tender the steak. Group/progeny (C-PG/HD and U- PG/HD) reflects the number of carcass and ultrasound progeny and the number of contemporary groups included in the analysis. BIO-ECONOMIC VALUES AND SELECTION INDEXES $Value indexes are multi-trait selection indexes, expressed in dollars per head, to assist beef producers by adding simplicity to genetic selection decisions. The $Value is an estimate of how future progeny of each sire are expected to perform, on average, compared to progeny of other sires in the database if the sires were randomly mated to cows and if calves were exposed to the same environment. Angus Weaned Calf Value ($W), an index value expressed in dollars per head, is the expected average difference in future progeny performance for pre-weaning merit. $W includes both revenue and cost adjustments associated with differences in birth weight, weaning direct growth, maternal milk and mature cow size. Feedlot Value ($F), an index value expressed in dollars per head, is the expected average difference in future progeny performance for post- weaning merit compared to progeny of other sires. Grid Value ($G), an index value expressed in dollars per head, is the expected average difference in future progeny performance for carcass grid merit compared to progeny of other sires. Quality Grade ($QG) $QG represents the quality grade segment of the economic advantage found in $G. $QG is intended for the specialized user wanting to place more emphasis on improving quality grade. The carcass marbling (Marb) EPD contributes to $QG. Yield Grade ($YG) $YG represents the yield grade segment of the economic advantage found in $G. $YG is intended for the specialized user wanting to place more emphasis on red meat yield. It provides a multi-trait approach to encompass ribeye, fat thickness and weight into an economic value for red meat yield. Beef Value ($B), an index value expressed in dollars per head, is the expected average difference in future progeny performance for post-weaning and carcass value compared to progeny of other sires. Hereford Baldy Maternal Index (BMI$): An index to maximize profit for commercial cow-calf producers who use Hereford bulls in rotational crossbreeding programs on Angus-based cows and heifers. Retained ownership of calves through the feedlot phase of production is assumed, with fed cattle marketed on a Certified Hereford Beef (CHB) LLC pricing grid. Calving EZ Index (CEZ$): This index is similar to BMI$, except that Hereford bulls are mated only to yearling heifers. This index has increased emphasis on direct and maternal calving ease compared with the other indexes. Brahman Influence Index (BII$): This index is similar to BMI$, with one difference — Hereford bulls are used in rotational crossing with Brahman, rather than Angus. This index places greater emphasis on traits deficient in Brahman-cross cattle, such as fertility and age at puberty, and less on traits that are more acceptable in those cattle, such as growth and calving ease. Certified Hereford Beef Index (CHB$): A terminal sire index, where Hereford bulls are mated to British-cross cows and all offspring are sold as fed cattle on a CHB LLC pricing grid. Red Angus HerdBuilder Index (HB) will assist producers in building profitable herds. The HB Index is built using the following production scenario: 1) Red Angus bulls mated to cows and heifers (resulting progeny ¾ Red Angus, ¼ Simmental), 2) Replacement heifers retained from within the herd and 3) All remaining progeny sold on a quality-based carcass grid. GridMaster Index (GM) While Red Angus has traditionally been known as a superior maternal breed, those who have retained ownership in Red Angus calves know of their potential to excel in the feed yard and ultimately hang a premium carcass. The GM Index is built using the following production scenario: 1) Red Angus bulls mated to cows (resulting progeny ¾ Red Angus, ¼ Simmental), 2) All progeny sold on a quality-based carcass grid. Simmental All Purpose Index (API) evaluates sires being used on the entire cowherd (bred to both Angus first-calf heifers and mature cows) with a portion of their daughters being retained for breeding and the steers and remaining heifers being put on feed and sold grade and yield. All EPDs, with the exception of tenderness, are taken into consideration in this index. Terminal Index (TI) is designed for evaluating sires’ economic merit in situations where they are bred to mature Angus cows and all offspring are placed in the feedlot and sold grade and yield. Consequently, maternal traits such as milk, stayability and maternal calving ease are not considered in the index. PROGENY EVALUATION CHARTS In an effort to provide additional information on proven Accelerated Genetics sires, a Progeny Evaluation was developed to describe the bull’s ability to transmit physical traits to his progeny. Frame: For British breeds, the average frame score was 6 with small being less than 5 and large being greater than 7. For Continental breeds, the average frame score was 7 with small being less than 6 and large being greater than 8. Muscling: Evaluations based on thickness of top and muscling in the hind quarter. Carcass data was also used where available. Capacity: Evaluation based on depth and body mass and overall width of progeny Rear Leg: Evaluations based on the angle and set of the rear leg. Sheath: Evaluations based on the amount of sheath exhibited by a sire’s sons. Scrotal: Evaluations based on progeny scrotal measurements along with a sire’s scrotal circumference EPD. Udder Cap: Evaluations of daughter’s udder depth and volume. Teat Size: Evaluation of daughter’s teat size, based on length and circumference. 79 SYNCH PROTOCOLS BEEF COW PROTOCOLS - 2015 HEAT DETECTION HEAT DETECT & TIME AI (TAI) Select Synch Select Synch & TAI GnRH Heat detect and AI day 6 to 10 and TAI all non-responders 72 – 84 hr after PG with GnRH at TAI. PG 6 0 treatment day 7 GnRH 13 0 Select Synch + GnRH treatment day CIDR® 7 13 PG 6-day CIDR® Heat detect and AI days 0 to 3. Administer CIDR to non-responders and heat detect and AI days 9 to 12. Protocol may be used in heifers. PG CIDR® 9 3 treatment day Heat detect & AI 0 AI CIDR® 3 GnRH Approved 10-07-2014 80 Heat detect & AI PG 5-day CO-Synch + CIDR® Perform TAI at 66 ± 2 hr after CIDR removal with GnRH at TAI. Two injections of PG 8 ± 2 hr apart are required for this protocol. PG .. 60 - 66 hr .. 7 10 GnRH PG CIDR® Perform TAI at 72 ± 2 hr after CIDR removal with GnRH at TAI. Two injections of PG 8 ± 2 hr apart are required for this protocol. PG treatment day 12 9 treatment day 5-day CO-Synch + CIDR® 0 .. 72 - 84 hr .. AI CIDR® CIDR® 10 for Bos Indicus cows only Perform TAI at 60 to 66 hr after PG with GnRH at TAI. GnRH 7 Heat detect & AI FIXED-TIME AI (TAI)* 7-day CO-Synch + CIDR® treatment day .. 72 - 84 hr .. Heat detect & AI days 0 to 3. Administer CIDR to non-responders & heat detect and AI days 9 to 12. TAI non-responders 72 - 84 hr after CIDR removal with GnRH at AI. Protocol may be used in heifers. GnRH GnRH PG Heat detect & AI PG GnRH AI PG 6-day CIDR® & TAI PG 12 FIXED-TIME AI (TAI)* 0 & TAI treatment day Heat detect & AI GnRH Heat detect & AI CIDR® 0 0 10 PG Heat detect & AI treatment day PG 7 GnRH CIDR® GnRH 6 Heat detect and AI day 7 to 10 and TAI all non-responders 72 - 84 hr after PG with GnRH at TAI. PG 0 AI PG .. 72 - 84 hr .. Heat detect & AI Select Synch + CIDR® GnRH 0 GnRH PG 8±2 hr …..72 ± 2 hr.. 5 AI treatment day GnRH PG 8±2 hr …..66 ± 2 hr.. AI 5 8 * The time listed for “Fixed-time AI” should be considered as the approximate average time of insemination. This should be based on the number of cows to inseminate, labor, and facilities. 8 Beef Reproduction Task Force GnRH PG Cystorelin®, Factrel®, Fertagyl®, OvaCyst® estroPLAN®, Estrumate®, In-Synch®, Lutalyse®, ProstaMate® HEAT DETECTION HEAT DETECT & TIME AI (TAI) 1 Shot PG Select Synch + CIDR® & TAI Heat detect and AI day 7 to 10 and TAI all non-responders 72 - 84 hr after PG with GnRH at TAI. PG GnRH 0 treatment day 5 12 AI CIDR® Heat detect & AI 0 7-day CIDR®-PG 7 1 Heat detect & AI … 19 d … 39 Heat detect & AI treatment day GnRH 14 36 33 treatment day CIDR®-PG AI .. 72 - 84 hr .. Heat detect & AI & TAI GnRH Heat detect and AI day 30 to 33 and TAI all non-responders 72 hrs after PG with GnRH at TAI. PG AI ® CIDR MGA® … 16 d … ..70 - 74 hr .. PG 33 … 19 d … 1 14-day 14 10 Heat detect & AI PG MGA 13 MGA®-PG MGA 7 treatment day Heat detect and AI day 33 to 36 and TAI all non-responders 72 - 84 hrs after PG with GnRH at TAI. CIDR® treatment day .. 72 - 84 hr .. MGA®-PG & TAI PG 0 GnRH PG SYNCH PROTOCOLS BEEF HEIFER PROTOCOLS - 2015 0 14 33 30 treatment day Heat detect & AI FIXED-TIME AI (TAI)* Short-term Protocols Long-term Protocols 7-day CO-Synch + CIDR® 14-day CIDR®-PG GnRH GnRH PG .. 54 ± 2 hr .. 7 treatment day 0 treatment day 5 AI 66 ± 2 hr 33 30 treatment day MGA®-PG GnRH Perform TAI at 72 ± 2 hr after PG with GnRH at TAI. GnRH PG MGA PG 8±2 hr …..60 ± 4 hr.. CIDR® 14 9 Perform TAI at 60 ± 4 hr after CIDR removal with GnRH at TAI. Two injections of PG 8 ± 2 hr apart are required for this protocol. PG ... 16 d … 0 5-day CO-Synch + CIDR® GnRH PG CIDR ® AI CIDR® 0 GnRH Perform TAI at 66 ± 2 hr after PG with GnRH at TAI. Perform TAI at 54 ± 2 hr after PG with GnRH at TAI. AI 7 1 … 19 d … 14 treatment day AI 72 ± 2 hr 33 36 * The times listed for “Fixed-time AI” should be considered as the approximate average time of insemination. This should be based on the number of heifers to inseminate, labor, and facilities. GnRH Cystorelin®, Factrel®, Fertagyl®, OvaCyst® PG Approved 10-07-2014 estroPLAN®, Estrumate®, In-Synch®, Lutalyse®, ProstaMate® Beef Reproduction Task Force 81 INDEX ANGUS 014AN00223 014AN00228 014AN00257 014AN00271 014AN00300 014AN00309 014AN00315 014AN00317 014AN00320 014AN00323 014AN00333 014AN00350 014AN00351 014AN00359 014AN00360 014AN00361 014AN00362 014AN00364 014AN00365 014AN00366 014AN00367 014AN00370 014AN00373 014AN00375 014AN00376 014AN00377 014AN00379 014AN00381 014AN00384 014AN00385 014AN00387 014AN00388 014AN00390 014AN00392 014AN00393 014AN00394 014AN00395 014AN00397 014AN00398 014AN00399 014AN00401 014AN00402 014AN00403 014AN00404 014AN00405 014AN00406 014AN00409 014AN00410 014AN00411 014AN00412 014AN00413 014AN00414 014AN00415 014AN00416 014AN00417 014AN00419 014AN00420 AI PROVEN CALVING EASE PERFORMANCE MATERNAL CARCASS 82 NEW FRONTIER 24J NET PRESENT VALUE PREDOMINANT REFLECTION WESTWARD WISDOM TOTAL IMPACT SURE SHOT DASH TIMELESS IRON MOUNTAIN THUNDERBIRD IN FOCUS 4925 POWER UP REALLY WINDY 4097 RAINMAKER 11127 NET RETURN PURE PRODUCT WINDY 078 FULL THROTTLE PLATINUM FIRST CLASS BOSS EZ MONEY TEN X FINAL FOUR HONEST ANSWER TRUSTMARK OKLAHOMA FINAL SOLUTION BENCHMARK UPFRONT YAHOO MOUNTAINEER NONE BETTER HERO SANDHILLS INFINITY BULLSEYE PRIME TIME FIRST OPTION NORTHERN LIGHT NEXT STEP DAYBREAK REGISTRY OUTLAW SECRETARY CRAFTSMAN SLAP SHOT POWERHOUSE LIGHTNING KINGDOM CHECKMARK STERLING WARRIOR OPEN RANGE PAGE 41 42 28 39 25 41 24 41 12 18 39 38 11 8 31 14 24 37 36 20 19 10 34 42 26 3 26 37 40 42 13 40 19 33 38 23 37 25 27 22 34 34 35 29 29 21 28 30 31 33 22 18 39 40 8 30 36 ANGUS (CONT.) 014AN00422 014AN00423 014AN00424 014AN00425 014AN00426 014AN00427 014AN00428 014AN00430 014AN00431 014AN00432 014AN00433 014AN00434 014AN00438 014AN00439 014AN00440 014AN00441 014AN00442 RED ANGUS 014AR02028 014AR02042 014AR02047 014AR02055 014AR02057 014AR02060 014AR02061 014AR02062 014AR02063 014AR02065 014AR02066 014AR02068 014AR02069 014AR02070 014AR02071 014AR02072 014AR02073 014AR02074 014AR02075 014AR02076 DISCOVERY ACCELERATE REALITY TEN GAUGE CHARLO STINGRAY GOLD RUSH SENSATION ELEVATION WINSTAR TROOPER TWENTY X FORTUNATE SON INDEX GUINESS DOUBLE XL SECOND CHANGE CONQ UEST JUSTICE EPIC ENDORSEMENT MOMENTUM TRILOGY STATEMENT VICTORY RUGER PEACEMAKER STORMER STETSON ENDURANCE REAL MCCOY NICE AND EASY ZION SPARTUCUS TRIUMPH REBEL BLUEPRINT HORNED HEREFORD 014HH00107 DOMINO 789T 014HH00108 TIME' S A WASTN' 059HH00461 DOMINO 175E POLLED HEREFORD 014HP01010 014HP01015 014HP01016 014HP01017 014HP01019 014HP01021 014HP01022 014HP01023 014HP01027 014HP01028 014HP01029 014HP01030 OAK RED HOUSE FOREMOST BELISARUS S100 SIGNATURE MR. PROFICIENT REVOLUTION 755T SENTRY LEGACY BUILT TUFF A. I . P R O VE N The r ob j e C AL C al vi P E R M AT C AR va l u e of A .I . of f e r s t o yo u p r ove n si r e s w ho have b e e n sa m p l e d i n m any ra u a u et e e u t e et a ur ree ct i ve s. The si r e s w ho have e ar ne d t hi s d i st i nct i on have m e t t he f ol l ow i ng VI N G E AS E : 100 p r og e ny i n 5 he r d s ar e i n t he t op one -t hi r d of t he b r e e d ng E ase D i r e ct . F O R M AN C E : 100 p r og e ny i n 10 he r d s f or b ot h w e ani ng and ye ar l i ng w e E R N AL : 50 d au g ht e r s i n 5 he r d s. C AS S : 50 p r og e ny i n 5 he r d s and / or 100 p r og e ny i n 10 he r d s f or u l t r aso PAGE 5 27 14 4 17 12 16 9 32 15 32 4 20 7 16 6 35 45 51 46 54 50 47 54 44 50 51 48 53 48 54 53 44 46 52 49 52 60 61 60 59 59 59 59 56 58 58 58 55 56 57 57 SIMMENTAL BLACK PUREBRED 014SM03048 DEW IT RIGHT 014SM03050 BETTIS 014SM03052 MANIFEST 014SM03054 ENTOURAGE 014SM03067 ECLIPSE 014SM03072 SUPERSTOUT 014SM03076 INTEGRATE 014SM03081 A PLUS 64 62 62 64 65 65 63 63 BLACK SIMANGUS 014SM03073 SHOCK FORCE 014SM03074 RANGE BOSS 014SM03079 CORNHUSKER 014SM03080 MARSHALL 014SM03082 TOP TEN 68 68 66 66 67 RED PUREBRED 014SM03053 TOP FUEL 014SM03060 RED IMAGE 014SM03068 STEEL SHOT 272SM00021 KLONDIKE 69 70 69 70 RED FULLBLOODS 014SM03065 HAWKEYE 014SM03070 RITE 014SM03071 ROMEO 74 74 74 LIMOUSIN 014LM04508 SPRUCE 014LM04510 JOCK 014LM04511 PEAK MAX CHAROLAIS 014CH05009 014CH05012 014CH05015 014CH05017 014CH05018 049CH02456 i g ht . u nd . RANCHER CHOICE INSTITUTE PLATINUM REX RAPID FIRE BRAHMAN 74 74 74 72 72 72 73 73 73 014BR00043 337/7 74 BRANGUS DATA 74 TERMINOLOGY SYNCH PROTOCOLS CONTACTS 78 QR CODES - WHAT ARE THESE? cr i t e r i a: f or PAGE Q R C od e s can b e sca nne sca nne r w i t h yo u r sm ar t p t o A cce l e r at e d Ge ne t i cs w w i t hi n t hi s d i r e ct or y and w g e t t he l at e st E P D s. V i si t d w i t h any f r e e d ow hone or t ab l e t and e b si t e . Scan t hi s Q at ch si r e vi d e os, vi W W W .A C C E L GE N nl oad e d b ar cod e i t w i l l d i r e ct l y l i nk yo u R C od e on any p ag e e w p r og e ny p hot os and .C O M t od ay! 80-81 84 NEBRASKA BULL SERVICE CUSTOM COLLECTION WORLDWIDE CUSTOM SEMEN COLLECTION Our collection teams puts a considerable amount of time and effort in the collection of your bull to maximize the semen harvest. SEMEN STORAGE & SHIPPING Let us take the responsibility of storing your semen to give you the peace of mind that your investment is safe. We can ship to you or your customers around the world BULL HOUSING Accelerated Genetics houses their beef line up at Nebraska Bull Service. With that said, you know your bull's health and safety are our top priority. TOP NOTCH CUSTOMER SERVICE FROM EXPERIENCED & KNOWLEDGEABLE STAFF Nebraska Bull Service is a member of the National Association of Animal Breeders (NAAB) and Certified Semen Services (CSS). NEBRASKA BULL SERVICE A DIVISION OF ACCELERATED GENETICS. 38384 Road 720, McCook, Nebraska 69001 NEBRASKABULLSERVICE@ACCELGEN.COM Phone: 308-345-2900 80702 83 TO ORDER A.I. CERTIFICATES: 800-451-9275 CONTACTS Accelerated Genetics is looking for qualified beef salespeople with A.I. experience in many areas of the country. If you are interested and would like to make some additional income, please contact a member of the beef team listed below. Lex Carter Don Trimmer, Jr. Director of Beef Programs Director of Beef Marketing Pingree, ID Baraboo, WI 208-681-9711 Cellular 800-451-9275 ext. 5435 608-963-7535 Cellular Mark Holmen Regional Beef Specialist Lanesboro, MN 507-273-7205 Cellular Pam Hendel District Sales Manager Danville, IA 319-750-1174 Cellular Gerald Feikema District Sales Manager Brookings, SD 605-695-1459 Cellular Robert Whitacre Keenan Switzer Regional Beef Specialist Winchester, VA 540-247-4282 Cellular Dave Calvert Regional Sales Manager Minnesota, Iowa, Wisconsin Caledonia,MN 800-251-3049 ext 6360 507-450-1569 Cellular Dr. Humberto Rivera Danny Beckman Regional Sales Manager South America Baraboo, WI 800-451-9275 ext 5430 608-434-4893 Cellular Jon Herrick Regional Beef Specialist Miller, NE 308-627-6431 Regional Sales Manager Wisconsin Dodgeville, WI 800-251-3049 ext 6370 608-434-4108 Cellular Erin Bradford District Sales Manager Casey, IA 515-494-8619 Cellular Don Hange District Sales Manager Wooster, OH 330-465-1515 Cellular Brian Hornback District Sales Manager Elizabethtown, KY 270-735-3227 Cellular Bouchard Livestock International Western Canada Alberta, Canada 403-946-4999 Regional Beef Specialist Bucklin, MO 660-734-0510 Cheryl Carr Regional Sales Manager Northeast U.S. Waterloo, NY 315-224-5204 Cellular John Jackson Regional Beef Specialist Billings, MT 406-672-5889 Cellular David Yarbrough Regional Sales Manager Central America Modesto, CA 209-577-2676 209-681-1518 Cellular Ron Busby District Sales Manager Anderson, SC 864-933-4577 Cellular John Merrill District Sales Manager Sulphur Springs, TX 817-832-5286 Cellular Don Ely District Sales Manager Hartville, MO 417-830-7530 Cellular Shawn Roy District Sales Manager Palco, KS 785-737-3107 Cellular World Wide Sires, Ltd. Europe, Asia, Africa, Middle East and Oceania Visalia, CA 559-622-2222 559-741-2828 Fax 80117 PRODUCT OF THE U.S.A.