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read the routing report
ALTERNATIVE ROUTE IDENTIFICATION REPORT FOR THE SUSQUEHANNA TO ROSELAND PROJECT NEW JERSEY PORTION SUBMITTED TO PUBLIC SERVICE ELECTRIC AND GAS COMPANY By The Louis Berger Group, Inc. in alliance with Commonwealth Associates, Inc. The Louis Berger/CAI Alliance PSE&G Alternative Route Identification Report TABLE OF CONTENTS Executive Summary ...................................................................................................... 1 1. Introduction......................................................................................................... 4 1.1 Need for the Proposed Project ..................................................................................................... 4 1.2 Scope of Report and Description of the Proposed Project ....................................................... 4 1.2.1 500-kV Line ............................................................................................................................. 6 2. Alternative Route Identification......................................................................... 9 2.1 Goal of the Alternative Route Identification Study..................................................................... 9 2.2 The Routing Team.......................................................................................................................... 9 2.3 Study Area Definition................................................................................................................... 10 2.4 Route Selection Criteria .............................................................................................................. 12 2.5 Identification of Routing Constraints......................................................................................... 12 2.5.1 Large Area Constraints ......................................................................................................... 12 2.5.2 Small Area Constraints.......................................................................................................... 12 2.6 Identification of Routing Opportunities ..................................................................................... 13 2.7 Environmental Data Collection................................................................................................... 14 2.7.1 Aerial Photography................................................................................................................ 14 2.7.2 Maps...................................................................................................................................... 14 2.7.3 GIS Data Sources ................................................................................................................. 14 2.7.4 Field Inspections ................................................................................................................... 15 2.7.5 Agency Contacts ................................................................................................................... 15 2.8 Identification of Potential Routes............................................................................................... 16 2.9 Identification of Alternative Routes ...........................................................................................18 2.9.1 Alternative A .......................................................................................................................... 20 2.9.2 Alternative B .......................................................................................................................... 20 2.9.3 Alternative C .......................................................................................................................... 20 3. Alternative Route Analysis .............................................................................. 22 3.1 Environmental Analysis .............................................................................................................. 22 3.1.1 Geology and Soils ................................................................................................................. 30 3.1.2 Surface Water Resources and Aquatic Species/Habitats..................................................... 37 3.1.3 Wetlands................................................................................................................................ 39 3.1.4 Vegetation ............................................................................................................................. 40 3.1.5 Wildlife ................................................................................................................................... 42 3.1.6 Land Use ............................................................................................................................... 46 3.1.7 Recreation Lands .................................................................................................................. 52 3.1.8 Cultural Resources................................................................................................................ 61 3.1.9 Aesthetics .............................................................................................................................. 71 3.2 Engineering Analysis................................................................................................................... 84 3.2.1 Potential Construction Impacts Regardless of Which Alternative is Selected ...................... 84 3.2.2 Design Considerations ..........................................................................................................86 3.2.3 Conceptual Engineering Summary of the Three Alternative Routes .................................... 88 3.3 Public Outreach and Input .......................................................................................................... 90 3.4 Preferred Route Identification .................................................................................................... 93 4. References ........................................................................................................ 96 i The Louis Berger/CAI Alliance PSE&G Alternative Route Identification Report TABLES Table 2.2-1 Routing Team Members ............................................................................................................ 9 Table 3.1-1 Environmental Inventory Data Sources .................................................................................. 22 Table 3.1-2 Environmental Inventory of Resources Affected by Alternative Routes of the Susquehanna to Roseland Project in New Jersey ................................................................................................................. 27 Table 3.1.3-1 Summary of Wetland Crossings and Areas on New or Expanded Rights-of-Way – Alternatives A, B, and C .............................................................................................................................. 39 Table 3.1.4-1 – Upland vegetative cover types along the three Susquehanna to Roseland Alternative Route Alignments in New Jersey ................................................................................................................ 41 Table 3.1.6-1 – Barren Land Subcategory Distribution, Alternative A ........................................................ 48 Table 3.1.6-2 – Urban Land Subcategory Distribution, Alternative A ......................................................... 49 Table 3.1.6-3 – Urban Land Subcategory Distribution, Alternative B ......................................................... 50 Table 3.1.6-4 – Agricultural Land Subcategory Distribution, Alternative C................................................. 50 Table 3.1.6-5 – Urban Land Subcategory Distribution, Alternative C......................................................... 51 Table 3.1.6-6 – Land Use Summary Table ................................................................................................. 52 Table 3.1.7-1 – Recreation Subcategory Distribution, Alternative A .......................................................... 60 Table 3.1.7-2 – Recreation Subcategory Distribution, Alternative B .......................................................... 60 Table 3.1.7-3 – Recreation Subcategory Distribution, Alternative C .......................................................... 61 Table 3.1.8-1 – Definitions of Cultural Resource Categories and Data Sources........................................ 66 Table 3.1.8-2 – Cultural Resources ............................................................................................................ 68 Table 3.1.8-3 – Previously Recorded Historic Properties Crossed by Alternative A .................................. 68 Table 3.1.8-4 – Previously Recorded Historic Properties Crossed by Alternative B .................................. 69 Table 3.1.8-5 – Previously Recorded Historic Properties Crossed by Alternative C .................................. 70 Table 3.1.9-1 – Residences within 500 feet of the Proposed Centerline by Alternative............................. 84 ii The Louis Berger/CAI Alliance PSE&G Alternative Route Identification Report FIGURES Figure 1.2-1 Locations of the Susquehanna and East Hanover/Roseland Switching Stations .............. 5 Figure 1.2.1-1 Conceptual Single Circuit Steel Pole.............................................................................. 6 Figure 1.2.1-2 Conceptual Single Circuit Lattice Structure .................................................................... 7 Figure 1.2.1-3 Conceptual Double Circuit Steel Pole ............................................................................ 7 Figure 1.2.1-4 Conceptual Double Circuit Lattice Structure .................................................................. 8 Figure 2.3-1 Study Area and Vicinity..................................................................................................... 11 Figure 2.8-1 Potential Routes between the Delaware River and East Hanover/Roseland Switching Station ............................................................................................................................... 17 Figure 2.9-1 Alternative Routes............................................................................................................. 19 Figure 3.1.1-1 Surfacial Geologic Map (Key on the following page).................................................... 31 Figure 3.1.1-2 Bedrock Geology Map (Key on the following page) ..................................................... 35 Figure 3.1.6-1 Land Use in Proximity to the Three Alternative Routes in New Jersey........................ 47 Figure 3.1.9-1 View of Farm Field Along River Road Looking North................................................... 72 Figure 3.1.9-2 View of the Existing Pipeline Right-of-Way at High Point State Park .............................. Looking Southeast ........................................................................................................ 73 Figure 3.1.9-3 View of Meadow along Clove Road Looking North ...................................................... 74 Figure 3.1.9-4 View of Common Area at Chase Run Looking North ................................................... 75 Figure 3.1.9-5 View of the Existing Transmission Line Crossing at Millbrook-Flatbrook Road Looking West Toward the Delaware Water Gap Recreation Area............................................. 76 Figure 3.1.9-6 View of Watergate Recreational Site Looking Southwest from the Parking Area ........ 77 Figure 3.1.9-7 View of Existing Transmission Line Crossing Lake Mohawk Looking West ................ 78 Figure 3.1.9-8 View of Agricultural Field near Phillipsburg-Belvidere Road Looking Northeast.......... 79 Figure 3.1.9-9 View of Existing Transmission Lines at Bee Meadow Park Looking West................... 80 Figure 3.1.9-10 View of Existing Transmission Lines Parallel to Existing Railroad near Merry Lane Looking West ................................................................................................................ 81 Figure 3.3-1 Public Comments Received as of August 4, 2008............................................................ 92 iii The Louis Berger/CAI Alliance PSE&G Alternative Route Identification Report EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The Pennsylvania-Jersey-Maryland Regional Transmission Operator (PJM), an independent company that operates the electric power grid in 13 states, including New Jersey and Pennsylvania, has determined that upgrades to the existing electric system are necessary to ensure safe and reliable electric service for customers in eastern Pennsylvania and Northern New Jersey, including customers of Public Service Electric and Gas Company (PSE&G), Jersey Central Power & Light Company, Sussex Rural Electric Company, and PPL Electric Utilities Corporation (PPL). PSE&G and PPL have been ordered by PJM to construct a new 500 kilovolt (kV) transmission line between the Susquehanna switching station near Berwick, Pennsylvania and PSE&G’s existing East Hanover/Roseland switching station in Roseland Borough, Essex County, New Jersey, by the summer of 2012. This line must tie into the existing Branchburg to New York 500-kV transmission line. This solution will resolve these overloading conditions in Northern New Jersey and Pennsylvania. There are no suitable lower voltage local alternatives for providing the required relief from the significant transmission system reliability and congestion challenges identified for the northeast portion of the PJM region. A multi-disciplinary routing team participated in a comprehensive alternative route identification process to establish a Preferred Route for the Susquehanna to Roseland Transmission Line Project in New Jersey. An initial step in this process included the identification of a study area that would include all reasonable Potential Routes to connect the existing Susquehanna switching station in Pennsylvania with the existing East Hanover/Roseland switching station in New Jersey. The study area was established in collaboration with PPL. The routing team identified constraints to minimize impacts to the natural and human environment, as well as routing opportunities to facilitate route placement with minimal incremental impact on the environment. Environmental and engineering data from a variety of sources was gathered and assembled into a GIS database superimposed on aerial photography. Potential Routes were identified by the routing team to avoid constraints and take advantage of available routing opportunities. Potential Routes were field checked from publicly accessible locations to validate the aerial imagery and to assess the viability of the Potential Routes based on conditions observed on the ground. Adjustments were made to the Potential Routes based on the information gathered in the field. The benefits and disadvantages of the re-aligned Potential Routes were assessed by the Routing Team based on the routing criteria developed, an inventory of land use and environmental factors along each of the routes, and the knowledge and experience of the Routing Team members. Less favorable Potential Routes were dismissed and potential viable Alternative Routes were retained for further consideration. The Alternative Route identification process was conducted in consultation with PPL to ensure that alignments that cross from Pennsylvania to New Jersey cross the Delaware River at compatible locations. The routing teams from PSE&G and PPL then assessed the remaining Potential Routes from an environmental and engineering perspective and selected three Alternative Routes for detailed consideration as the Preferred Route (Alternatives A, B, and C). Additional field reviews were conducted to verify conditions at known sensitive locations, meetings with resource agencies, municipalities, and the public were held to gather input on each of the three Alternative Routes, and refined environmental inventory data was reviewed. In discussions during various public meetings, it was evident that people were concerned about the effects of construction on resources of importance to the local community, as well as property values, public health, and aesthetics. The Preferred Route selection process took these concerns into consideration by attempting to maximize the distance of the centerline from residences and other sensitive resources such as schools and churches when not following existing rights-of-way. This process has led to the selection of the Preferred Route. 1 The Louis Berger/CAI Alliance PSE&G Alternative Route Identification Report Based on its assessment of the advantages and disadvantages of the three Alternative Routes under consideration, the routing team selected Alternative B as the Preferred Route in New Jersey. This selection is based on the following factors: • • • • • Alternative B would be constructed entirely within an existing transmission line right-of-way for its entire length in New Jersey, which would minimize incremental impacts to the natural and human environment. No construction on virgin right-of-way would be required, which represents a substantial advantage over Alternative A (where more than 24 miles of new right-of-way would be needed). Minimal additional clearing would be required, which represents a substantial advantage over Alternative C (where vegetative clearing would be needed along 19 miles of rightof-way if the new line was constructed parallel to an existing line). Alternative B has by far the least amount of wooded wetland crossed (0.1 mile), compared to Alternative A (2.4 miles) and Alternative C (1.3 miles). Thus Alternative B has the least potential to permanently alter this important type of wetland habitat. Aesthetic impacts associated with Alternative B would be substantially less than the virgin rightof-way portion of Alternative A. Incremental aesthetic impacts associated with Alternative B would be slightly less compared to Alternative C because of the need to clear vegetation along the 19 mile portion of Alternative C that would parallel the existing 230-kV transmission line. Removal of forest in this area would reduce screening, and the wider cleared right-of-way would be more visually intrusive. Taller structures than currently exist would likely be needed in the 2.6 mile portion of Alternative B that is within the Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area in New Jersey, but means to minimize this incremental impact would be explored with the National Park Service. Alternative B crosses the least amount of forested land (0.3 miles) compared to Alternative A (18.5 miles) and Alternative C (11.4 miles). This would result in substantially less potential for soil erosion and permanent alteration of forest habitat and no increase in forest fragmentation. Alternative B does not involve the same level of substantial engineering and constructability challenges (and associated increased costs) that are associated with Alternative C. In addition, PPL's route selection process also resulted in the selection of Alternative B as the preferred alternative for the Susquehanna to Roseland Project. After a similar routing process, which included mapping, field visits, a potential route network, and subsequent public outreach meetings and agency consultation, PPL concluded that Alternative B is the best route from an economic, environmental, land use, and public perspective. Alternative B would be constructed entirely on the existing Roseland – Bushkill 230-kV right-of-way. The existing structures would be replaced with new structures capable of supporting both the 500-kV and 230kV transmission lines from the Delaware River to the East Hanover/Roseland switching station. This alternative would cross the Delaware River within the Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area in Hardwick Township at the crossing point of the existing Roseland – Bushkill 230-kV line. Alternative B would continue within the existing right-of-way, cross the Appalachian Trail, and cross Stillwater and Fredon townships. In Andover Township, the alternative would cross portions of Kittatinny Valley State Park. Continuing east into Sparta Township, Alternative B would enter the Highlands Planning Area and Highlands Preservation Area before interconnecting with a proposed new switching station in Jefferson Township. Between the Delaware River and Jefferson Township (approximately 22 miles), land use is predominantly rural. From Jefferson, the alternative would head east across the Rockaway River Wildlife Management Area in Jefferson Township, Picatinny Arsenal and the Wildcat Ridge WMA in Rockaway Township, the Buck Mountain Forest Legacy Tract in Kinnelon Borough and the Pyramid Mountain Natural Historical Area in Montville Township. The alternative would then turn south toward the Montville Substation, cross Route I-287, and continue south to a crossing of Route I-80. On the south side of Route I-80, the alternative would turn to the southeast and cross the Troy Meadows, continuing to the East Hanover/Roseland switching station. The segment of Alternative B between the Jefferson and East Hanover/Roseland switching stations is approximately 24 miles long. Land use along this segment varies 2 The Louis Berger/CAI Alliance PSE&G Alternative Route Identification Report from rural and natural along the east-west segment to suburban and heavily developed along the northsouth segment. The total length of Alternative B in New Jersey is 45.7 miles. 3 The Louis Berger/CAI Alliance PSE&G Alternative Route Identification Report 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 Need for the Proposed Project The Pennsylvania-Jersey-Maryland Regional Transmission Operator (PJM), an independent company that operates the electric power grid in 13 states, including New Jersey and Pennsylvania, has determined upgrades to the existing electric system are necessary to ensure safe and reliable electric service for customers in eastern Pennsylvania and Northern New Jersey, including customers of Public Service Electric and Gas Company (PSE&G), Jersey Central Power & Light Company, Sussex Rural Electric Company, and PPL Electric Utilities Corporation (PPL). In 2007, PJM conducted a 15-year planning study to forecast future transmission expansions required to maintain reliability and integrity of the power grid. Data collected during the study indicated 23 existing transmission lines in Northern New Jersey and eastern Pennsylvania will become overloaded within the 15-year study period, with some exceeding capacity as early as 2013. This can cause cascading transmission line outages, potentially resulting in major regional brownouts and blackouts. As a result of PJM’s study, PSE&G and PPL have been ordered by PJM to construct a new 500-kilovolt (kV) transmission line between the Susquehanna switching station near Berwick, Pennsylvania and PSE&G’s existing East Hanover/Roseland switching station in Roseland Borough, Essex County, New Jersey, by the summer of 2012. This line must tie into the existing Branchburg to New York 500-kV transmission line requiring a switching station. This solution will resolve the overloading conditions in Northern New Jersey and Pennsylvania. There are no suitable lower voltage local alternatives for providing the required relief from the significant transmission system reliability and congestion challenges identified for the northeast portion of the PJM region. 1.2 Scope of Report and Description of the Proposed Project PSE&G proposes to site and construct a 500-kV transmission line that will enter New Jersey at the Delaware River from the proposed new Susquehanna switching station, near Berwick, Pennsylvania. In New Jersey, the proposed line would extend to the east, connecting to a new switching station along the existing Branchburg to New York 500-kV transmission line and continue to the east to a new switching station in the vicinity of the existing East Hanover/Roseland switching station. The locations of the Susquehanna and East Hanover/Roseland switching stations are shown in Figure 1.2-1, on the following page. Based on these beginning and end points, the proposed line is referred to as the Susquehanna to Roseland Project. 4 Figure 1.2-1 Locations of the Susquehanna and East Hanover/Roseland Switching Stations The Louis Berger/CAI Alliance PSE&G Alternative Route Identification Report The siting and construction of the Pennsylvania portion of the proposed project is the responsibility of PPL. PSE&G and PPL have coordinated their respective siting efforts to ensure compatibility of the proposed route alignments in both states. This Alternative Route Identification Report addresses only that portion of the Susquehanna to Roseland Project that is in New Jersey. 1.2.1 500-kV Line The new 500-kV circuit would either be a single, stand-alone circuit (S/C) or part of a double circuit (D/C) configuration with an existing circuit on an existing right-of-way sharing the same structure because of limited right-of-way. The family of structures currently under consideration for New Jersey is shown in Figures 1.2.1-1 through 1.2.1-4. The typical foundation assumed for this study would be a cylindrical reinforced concrete design. For the steel pole structures, the foundations could range from 8 feet to 12 feet in diameter. For lattice towers there would be four concrete foundations typically 3 feet in diameter for each of the four legs. When either soft, wet soil conditions or rock conditions exist, custom foundations would be required. Portions of alignments in New Jersey that use existing transmission line rights-of-way should be able to be constructed without expanding the existing right-of-way beyond land currently owned in fee or under easements, unless design considerations at challenging locations dictate otherwise. Alignments that do not use existing transmission line rights-of-way would be constructed at the center of a 200-foot wide right-of-way that would need to be acquired in fee or via easements. Figure 1.2.1-1 Conceptual Single Circuit Steel Pole 6 The Louis Berger/CAI Alliance PSE&G Alternative Route Identification Report Figure 1.2.1-2 Conceptual Single Circuit Lattice Structure Figure 1.2.1-3 Conceptual Double Circuit Steel Pole 7 The Louis Berger/CAI Alliance PSE&G Alternative Route Identification Report Figure 1.2.1-4 Conceptual Double Circuit Lattice Structure 1.2.2 Other Project Components The new 500-kV circuit would loop into and out of a new 500-kV switching station along the existing PSE&G 500-kV Branchburg – New York 500-kV transmission line. In addition, a new switching station would need to be constructed at East Hanover/Roseland. 8 The Louis Berger/CAI Alliance PSE&G Alternative Route Identification Report 2. ALTERNATIVE ROUTE IDENTIFICATION 2.1 Goal of the Alternative Route Identification Study The goal of the Alternative Route Identification Study was to select the most suitable route for a new 500kV electrical transmission line between the Susquehanna and East Hanover/Roseland switching stations. The most suitable route was defined as the route minimizing the effect of the transmission line on all factors of the natural and human environment, while avoiding unreasonable and circuitous routes, extreme costs, and non-standard design requirements to the maximum extent possible. 2.2 The Routing Team The routing study was performed by a multi-disciplinary routing team. Team members were selected to bring wide experience to the routing study to achieve a thorough review of all aspects of developing the route. Members of the routing team brought experience in transmission line routing, impact assessment to a wide variety of natural and human resources, impact mitigation, engineering, right-of-way acquisition, and construction management. The objective was to achieve the goals stated above by conducting an extensive analysis to locate the best route. The team members are listed in Table 2.2-1. Name Kristofer Beadenkopf Andrew Burke Richard Crouch Donald Ehrenbeck, AICP, P.P. Timothy Gaul Table 2.2-1 Routing Team Members Affiliation Title Project Expertise LBG Senior Archaeologist Cultural Resources LBG GIS Specialist GIS Analysis, Mapping PSE&G Manager of Transmission Transmission Line Engineering and Engineering Construction LBG Environmental Planner Land Use and Local Permitting Lead LBG Technical Advisor John Guidinger Susan Grzybowski CAI LBG Jack Halpern Douglas Hjorth Robert Millies, P.E. Michael Rasser Tyler Rychener Ed Samanns LBG LBG CAI LBG LBG LBG Technical Advisor Assistant Director, Cultural Resources Project Director Project Manager Senior Transmission Engineer GIS Specialist Senior Environmental Scientist Principal Scientist Environmental Planning, GIS Analysis Siting, Environmental Assessment Cultural Resources Lead Siting, Project Management Siting, Environmental Assessment Lead Project Engineer GIS Analysis, Mapping Wildlife, Vegetation Environmental Permitting Lead, Natural Resources Dave Shafer, P.E. CAI Senior Transmission Engineer Electrical Effects Lead, Field Modeling Ann Stevens, RLA CAI Senior Scientist Land Use, Aesthetics LBG – The Louis Berger Group, Inc. CAI – Commonwealth Associates, Inc. The team worked together during the route selection study to develop the routing criteria, define the study area, identify routing constraints, collect and analyze environmental and design data, meet with the public, meet with resource and permitting agencies, develop and revise Potential and Alternative Routes, select the Preferred Route, and prepare the Alternative Route Identification Report. For the purposes of this study, “Potential Routes” were defined as those routes first identified and studied by the routing team. Where the routes intersected, “Links” were formed as the segment of the route 9 The Louis Berger/CAI Alliance PSE&G Alternative Route Identification Report between intersections. The Links were numbered for identification. The Link numbers changed as the study progressed and new Links were added or deleted. Eventually, the better Links were assembled into the better routes for quantitative analysis. These better routes were referred to as “Alternative Routes”. 2.3 Study Area Definition The routing team defined the study area as the geographic area encompassing the two end points. The study area was intended to encompass all reasonable Potential Routes between the three switching station sites and was developed in consultation with both PSE&G and PPL. The study area is shown in Figure 2.3-1 on the following page and includes an area of approximately 4,118 square miles, 953 of which are in New Jersey. 10 Figure 2.3-1 Study Area and Vicinity The Louis Berger/CAI Alliance PSE&G Alternative Route Identification Report 2.4 Route Selection Criteria The routing team developed basic route selection criteria that were used to select and analyze Potential Routes and specific Alternative Routes. The criteria included the following: • Maximize the use of, or paralleling of, existing rights-of-way; • Minimize impacts to the natural and human environment; • Minimize route length, circuitry, and cost; • Use transmission line design criteria developed for this project jointly by CAI and PSE&G; • Minimize the removal of existing residences; • Minimize the removal of barns, garages, or other structures; • When not following existing rights of way, maximize the separation distances from residences, schools, cemeteries, historical resources, recreation sites, and other important cultural sites; • Minimize crossing designated natural resource lands such as state forests, national and state parks, wildlife management areas, designated game lands and wildlife areas, and conservation areas; and • Avoid new crossings of large lakes. 2.5 Identification of Routing Constraints Routing constraints in the study area were identified and mapped by the routing team. The constraints were defined as specific areas that should be avoided to the extent feasible by the route selection process. The constraints were divided into two groups based on the size of the geographic area encompassed by the constraint. The first group included constraints covering large areas of land (or water) in the study area. Large area constraints were used to eliminate, to the extent possible, areas in the study area considered unfavorable by the routing team for developing Potential Routes. The second group of constraints encompassed many other types of features covering smaller geographic areas or specific points. After the Potential Routes had been developed to avoid large area constraints, the alignments were adjusted, to the extent possible, to avoid small area constraints. 2.5.1 Large Area Constraints The list of large area constraints consisted of the following: • Urban areas; • Airport Notification Zones; • National Register Historic Districts and adjacent areas; • Large recreation sites; • Large wetlands; • Critical habitat areas; • Large water bodies; and • Designated State Forests, State Parks, State Game Lands, Wildlife Management Areas, natural and conservation areas, Natural Lands Trust Preserve. 2.5.2 Small Area Constraints The list of small area constraints consisted of the following: • Individual residences (including houses and permanently established mobile homes); • Barns, garages, and other out buildings; • Commercial and industrial buildings; • Recorded, designated historic buildings and sites, including any specified buffer zone around each site; • Recorded threatened, endangered, and other rare species sites or unique natural areas, including any specified buffer zone around each site; • Small wetlands and water bodies, including transition areas/buffer zones; • Small recreation sites or facilities; and • Designated scenic areas (e.g., overlooks, vistas, trails, corridors, highways). 12 The Louis Berger/CAI Alliance PSE&G Alternative Route Identification Report The intent of the routing effort was to attempt to keep the Potential Routes and all areas of new or expanded right-of-way from affecting these constraints to the maximum extent feasible. However, the team foresaw in some instances complete avoidance of small area or point-specific constraints – and in some cases, large area constraints – may not be possible due to the large numbers of these constraints in the project area, the locations of existing transmission corridors and rights-of-way, and other factors. 2.6 Identification of Routing Opportunities The routing team identified routing opportunities as places where the proposed transmission line might be located with less disruption to the natural and human environment. Routing opportunities were uncovered by examining the project area in the field, studying aerial photography and maps, meeting with members of the general public, discussing the project with engineers and right-of-way personnel representing PSE&G and FirstEnergy, and from the routing team’s past experience with similar projects. Potential routing opportunities in the New Jersey portion of the study area were associated with existing undeveloped rights-of-way owned in fee or under easements to FirstEnergy and sharing existing rights-ofway currently occupied by 500-, 230-, and 115-kV rights-of-way owned in fee or under easements to FirstEnergy and PSE&G. In limited portions of the study area, routing opportunities exist adjacent to gas pipeline rights-of-way. Other rights-of-way were reviewed on maps and in the field, but the routing team concluded that existing rights-of-way for lower voltage transmission lines and highways did not offer feasible paralleling or right-of-way sharing opportunities because they did not offer pathways in the direction desired, were too narrow or irregular in width, or were surrounded by developments that would be seriously impacted by the proposed 500-kV transmission line. In particular, Interstate 80 (I-80) was suggested by some as a potential routing opportunity in New Jersey. The I-80 corridor, which runs generally east-west through the middle of the project study area in both Pennsylvania and New Jersey, was initially thought to be a potentially attractive route that, if feasible, could minimize the total distance of the Susquehanna to Roseland line through both states while utilizing land where a linear right-of-way already exists. Upon subsequent review, it was determined that such a route would not be a viable alternative for a number of reasons, including: (1) a complete lack of right-ofway requiring PSE&G to secure new easement throughout the length of the corridor in New Jersey, (2) highway interchange challenges that unavoidably require additional right-of-way acquisition adjacent to the highway, and (3) state parks, Highlands Preservation Area, and development along many parts of the corridor in New Jersey. I-80 also passes through the Delaware Water Gap, a well-known recreational and scenic area. Subsequent discussions and questioning of the possibility of using interstate rights-of-way were held. Berger/CAI investigated the policies of state transportation departments in four states regarding the use of limited access highway systems for transmission facilities. These included Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Virginia, and Illinois. It was found that longitudinal occupation of these limited access highways is not permitted (see N.J.A.C. 16:25 et seq.). Perpendicular crossings and some very limited conditions for longitudinal occupancy are permitted under very specific criteria. Therefore, it was concluded that the potential longitudinal occupation of the Susquehanna to Roseland 500-kV Transmission Line along the limited access interstate highway system in Pennsylvania and New Jersey, including I-80 and other highways in the project study area (i.e., I-280) was not a viable routing alternative. 13 The Louis Berger/CAI Alliance PSE&G Alternative Route Identification Report 2.7 Environmental Data Collection Many sources of information were employed to develop data for the Alternative Route Identification Report. These sources are described in the following paragraphs. 2.7.1 Aerial Photography An important tool in routing the proposed transmission line was aerial photography. Many sources were contacted before the routing team decided that in New Jersey, the best source was the 2002 color aerial photography produced by the U.S. Department of Agriculture. This photography was both used in a GIS environment and printed electronically at a scale of one inch = 500 feet as a set of 18-inch by 32-inch map sheets for the planning process. Updated information, such as the location of new residences and other buildings, was annotated on the photography on either paper maps or in the GIS environment as discovered during field inspections of Potential and Alternative Routes. 2.7.2 Maps Many existing paper and electronic maps were obtained for the study and examined as a part of the routing process. These included United States Geological Survey (USGS) 7.5 minute topographic quadrangle maps, various state and county road maps, transmission line information, land ownership maps, National Park Service maps of the Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area, and other map resources. As the project progressed, several other maps were obtained, primarily as a result of contacts made at public meetings and meetings with local or county agencies or interest groups. Several of these maps showed the boundaries of preserves managed by The Nature Conservancy and the New Jersey Conservation Foundation. 2.7.3 GIS Data Sources Existing Geographic Information System (GIS) data obtained from many sources, including federal, state, and county governments, and was used throughout the routing process. Much of this information was obtained through official agency GIS data access websites; some was provided directly by government agencies, and some was created by the Routing Team by either digitizing information from paper-based maps or through aerial photo interpretation. The use of GIS data allows for the consideration and efficient use of a wide variety of information that would otherwise be unavailable or impractical to consider for a planning effort of this scope and schedule. GIS information is a highly effective tool when utilized for broad level planning studies, identifying and characterizing landscape level constraints and features, and developing environmental inventory information useful for comparisons between planning alternatives. However, GIS data sources can vary widely with respect to accuracy and precision, and presentation, analysis, and calculations derived from these data sources require careful consideration when used for planning purposes. For this reason, GIS-based calculations and maps presented throughout this study should be considered by the reader to be reasonable approximations of the resource or geographic feature they represent, and not absolute measures or counts. All measurements presented are correspondingly rounded in recognition of this inherent data limitation. They are presented in this study to allow for general comparisons between alternatives with the assumption that any inherent error or inaccuracies would be generally equal across all alternatives. A list of the major data types used and their sources are provided in section 2.9, Identification of Alternative Routes. 14 The Louis Berger/CAI Alliance PSE&G Alternative Route Identification Report 2.7.4 Field Inspections Routing team members participated in various inspection trips throughout the study area. The team members examined the area from points of public access and correlated observed features to information shown on aerial photography, USGS 7.5 minute topographic maps, road maps, locally available development sketch maps, and other information. The field inspection trips occurred on: March 24-28, 2008 April 9-11, 2008 June 12-13, 2008 July 2, 2008 July 11, 2008 July 16-18, 2008 2.7.5 Agency Contacts The routing team and PSE&G contacted federal, state, and local agencies to gather information for the route planning process. The agencies consulted are provided in the list below: Federal Agencies • U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Philadelphia District • National Park Service, Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area • National Park Service, Office of the Appalachian Trail • U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, New Jersey Field Office State Agencies • New Jersey Historic Preservation Office • New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection, Division of Land Use Regulation • New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection, Natural Heritage Program Regional Agencies • New Jersey Highlands Council • Morris County Department of Planning • Warren County Planning Department • Sussex County Office of GIS Management 15 The Louis Berger/CAI Alliance PSE&G Alternative Route Identification Report 2.8 Identification of Potential Routes After the team developed the route selection criteria and produced maps showing the location of the large area constraints, the team drew the initial Potential Routes on the aerial photography. The initial routes attempted to avoid the large area constraints, take advantage of appropriate existing right-of-way opportunities, and avoid residences and as many other point-specific constraints as possible. Potential Routes were also established that met specific guidelines of the National Park Service, Office of the Appalachian Trail, that call for any new crossings of the Appalachian Trail to be located on existing rightsof-way. After the initial Potential Routes were identified, key members of the routing team conducted the first field inspection of the routes. This inspection and all subsequent field inspections involved the visual examination of the initial and revised routes from road crossings and from other points of public access. The field investigations resulted in many changes to the Potential Route alignments. These changes were drawn on the aerial photography or drawn electronically on the aerial imagery or using laptop computers and GIS software. The majority of the changes resulted from efforts to avoid residences and other buildings, such as garages, barns, and commercial structures. Other changes were made to simplify awkward river and stream crossings, avoid unnecessary crossings of very steep land, and position the route angle points on reasonably level land, if possible. Figure 2.8-1 shows the resulting network of Potential Routes evaluated by the routing team between the Delaware River and the East Hanover/Roseland switching station. 16 Figure 2.8-1 Potential Routes between the Delaware River and East Hanover/Roseland Switching Station The Louis Berger/CAI Alliance PSE&G Alternative Route Identification Report 2.9 Identification of Alternative Routes A series of Alternative Routes was developed from the Potential Route network by the routing team. A qualitative and quantitative screening process was employed to delete the Links from the Potential Route network that were not considered suitable for additional study. This was accomplished through team meetings where comparative data, aerial photos, and other maps were reviewed. Some of the environmental factors considered in this evaluation included: length of the Link, steep slopes, aesthetic impact, number of sensitive stream (C-1) crossings, proximity of residences and other buildings, historic sites, threatened and endangered species habitat, length of Highlands Preservation Area crossed, and other factors. Engineering factors were also considered during the evaluation, including identification of areas where rebuilding existing transmission structures to accommodate a new 500-kV line was either feasible or not feasible, and areas that presented engineering and construction challenges. This process led to the development of conceptual Alternative Routes presented to PSE&G at an Alternative Route briefing. Following input from PSE&G at this briefing, the Alternative Route alignments were further adjusted and a joint meeting was held with PSE&G and PPL to ensure the conceptual Alternative Routes proposed by PSE&G would be compatible with conceptual Alternative Routes proposed by PPL. Upon determining compatibility of the PSE&G and PPL conceptual Alternative Routes, the Alternative Routes shown in Figure 2.9-1 were carried forward for consideration as the Preferred Route. A description of each Alternative Route is presented below. 18 Figure 2.9-1 Alternative Routes The Louis Berger/CAI Alliance PSE&G Alternative Route Identification Report 2.9.1 Alternative A Alternative A would cross the Delaware River at the northern edge of the Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area within Montague Township. The Alternative would then head southeast to an intersection with a gas pipeline at the western boundary of the High Point State Park. Alternative A would then turn southeast, and parallel the gas line right-of-way for approximately 4 miles across the state park and Appalachian Trail. At the park’s eastern boundary, the alternative would diverge from the gas pipeline right-of-way and turn to the south. The alternative would continue to the south-southeast across Wantage Township and Lafayette Township to the western border of the Highlands Planning Area. Here the alternative would turn south and cross Sparta Township where it would enter the Highlands Preservation Area, and continue south to Pimple Hills Range. South of Pimple Hills, the alternative would cross State Route 15 and generally follow the road to the south-southeast across the Weldon Brook Wildlife Management Area (WMA) to a proposed new switching station in Jefferson Township. This segment, from the Delaware River to the Jefferson switching station, is approximately 25 miles long and would require construction in a new 200-foot wide right-of-way. Land use along this segment is predominantly rural and natural. Leaving the Jefferson switching station, Alternative A would be constructed as a double circuit line with the existing Roseland – Bushkill 230-kV line to the East Hanover/Roseland switching station and would be placed entirely within the existing right-of-way. From Jefferson, the alternative would head east across the Rockaway River WMA in Jefferson Township, Picatinny Arsenal and the Wildcat Ridge WMA in Rockaway Township, the Buck Mountain Forest Legacy Tract in Kinnelon Borough, and the Pyramid Mountain Natural Historical Area in Montville Township. The alternative would then turn south toward the Montville Substation, cross Route I-287, and continue south to cross Route I-80. On the south side of Route I-80, the alternative would turn to the southeast and cross the Troy Meadows, continuing to the East Hanover/Roseland switching station. The segment of Alternative A between the Jefferson and East Hanover/Roseland switching stations is approximately 24 miles long. Land use along this segment varies from rural and natural along the east-west segment to suburban and heavily developed along the north-south segment. Alternative A would make the smallest use of existing right-of-way in New Jersey (52%) and is the longest alternative in New Jersey, totaling 50.5 miles. 2.9.2 Alternative B Alternative B would be constructed entirely on the existing Roseland – Bushkill 230-kV right-of-way. The existing structures would be replaced with new double circuit structures capable of supporting both the 500-kV and 230-kV transmission lines from the Delaware River to the East Hanover/Roseland switching station. This alternative would cross the Delaware River within the Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area in Hardwick Township at the crossing point of the existing Roseland – Bushkill 230-kV line. Alternative B would continue within the existing right-of-way, cross the Appalachian Trail, and cross Stillwater and Fredon townships. In Andover Township, the alternative would cross portions of Kittatinny Valley State Park. Continuing east into Sparta Township, Alternative B would enter the Highlands Planning Area and Highlands Preservation Area before interconnecting with a proposed new switching station in Jefferson Township. Between the Delaware River and Jefferson (approximately 22 miles), land use is predominantly rural. From Jefferson to Roseland, the description of Alternative B is identical to the comparable section of Alternative A, described above. However, 100% of Alternative B would occupy existing right-of-way and, totaling 45.7 miles long; it is approximately 5 miles shorter than Alternative A in New Jersey. 2.9.3 Alternative C Alternative C would cross the Delaware River near the Martins Creek Substation in White Township, approximately 10 miles south of the Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area. This alternative would be double circuited with an existing First Energy 115-kV line east across Oxford and Mansfield townships, then would cross the Pequest WMA and Rockport Game Farm before intersecting the Portland - Roseland 230-kV line. From this intersection, Alternative C would parallel the Portland Roseland 230-kV line on the south side of the existing right-of-way. A new switching station would be 20 The Louis Berger/CAI Alliance PSE&G Alternative Route Identification Report constructed in the community of Long Valley at the line’s intersection with the Branchburg to New York 500-kV transmission line. Although based on available data no additional right-of-way would be needed along this portion of the alignment, the currently unused portion of the right-of-way is for the most part occupied by natural vegetation. This alternative would cross the Highlands Preservation Area in Washington and Mount Olive townships and follow along the border between Chester and Roxbury Townships. The alternative would then continue east across Randolph and Denville townships. Land use along this western portion of Alternative C is primarily rural with some natural areas. Near the Greystone Substation, in Denville Township, Alternative C would proceed to the east through Morris Plains Borough, cross Route I-287 in Hanover Township just north of State Route 10, then continue across East Hanover Township to the East Hanover/Roseland switching station. From Greystone to Roseland (a distance of about 10 miles), the existing right-of-way is not wide enough to enable paralleling the existing transmission lines without acquiring additional right-of-way. In addition, on either side of the existing right-of-way, land is predominantly heavily developed with suburban residential and commercial establishments. Creative engineering and construction approaches would be necessary in this 10-mile portion of Alternative C to enable the line to be constructed on the existing right-of-way. Alternative C is the shortest of the three alternatives in New Jersey, totaling 43.4 miles. 21 The Louis Berger/CAI Alliance PSE&G Alternative Route Identification Report 3. ALTERNATIVE ROUTE ANALYSIS 3.1 Environmental Analysis The Alternative Routes were subjected to a detailed review using an inventory of the environmental factors defined below in Table 3.1-1. The Alternative Routes were evaluated using a range of environmental factors covering project area resources such as surface hydrology, natural lands, sensitive species, wetlands, and cultural resources. Table 3.1-2 shows the results of the environmental inventory for the three Alternative Routes from the Delaware River to the East Hanover/Roseland switching station. Category NATURAL RESOURCES Slopes Crossed Less than 10% 10-15% 15-20% Greater than 20% Hydrology C1 Stream Crossings Total Stream Crossings Wetlands Agricultural Wetlands (Modified) Coniferous Wooded Wetlands Deciduous Scrub/Shrub Wetlands Deciduous Wooded Wetlands Distributed Wetlands Former Agricultural Wetland Herbaceous Wetland Mixed Scrub/Shrub Wetlands (Coniferous) Mixed Scrub/Shrub Wetlands (Deciduous) Mixed Wooded Wetlands (Deciduous) Table 3.1-1 Environmental Inventory Data Sources Definition Units Characterization of lands crossed by percentage of slope. Slopes (in percent) derived from a digital elevation model (DEM) consisting of terrain elevations for ground positions at regularly spaced horizontal intervals (10 meters). The data used for this analysis was derived from the National Elevation Dataset (NED) prepared by the USGS. Feet crossed by proposed centerline Category 1 streams as designated by the State of New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP). Data Source: NJDEP Surface Water Quality Standards of New Jersey (DRAFT) - This data is a digital representation of New Jersey's Surface Water Quality Standards in accordance with "Surface Water Quality Standards for New Jersey Waters" as designated in N.J.A.C. 7:9 B. Streams as designated by NJDEP in its updated 2002 stream data layer. The streams were delineated using 2002 color infrared imagery. The purpose of the data is to provide stream information for regulators, planners, and others interested in hydrography data. Counts The wetlands are those areas that are inundated or saturated by surface or ground waters at a frequency and duration sufficient to support vegetation adapted for life in saturated soil conditions. Data Source: NJDEP 2002 Land use/Land cover Update. Derived from: Anderson 2002, A Land Use and Land Cover Classification System for Use with Remote Sensor Data, U. S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 964, 1976; edited by NJDEP, OIRM, BGIA, 1998, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2005, 2007. Counts Feet crossed by proposed centerline and acres on new or expanded right-ofway Acreages on new or expanded rights-of-way are estimated using the assumption that on virgin rights-of-way associated with Alternative A, clearing would be required within a 200-foot-wide area, on existing rights-of-way that would be double circuited or subject to underground construction of lower voltage transmission lines, no additional clearing would be anticipated, and on the 19-mile portion of Alternative C that would be constructed parallel to the existing double circuited 230-kV transmission line, new clearing would be confined to the southern 22 The Louis Berger/CAI Alliance PSE&G Alternative Route Identification Report Category Phragmites Dominate Interior Wetlands Wetland Rights of Way Table 3.1-1 Environmental Inventory Data Sources Definition limit of the existing right-of-way. Designated Natural Lands State Forest This category contains protected open space and recreation State Park areas owned in fee simple interest by NJDEP. Types of property Fish Hatchery in this category include parcels such as parks, forests, historic Wildlife Management sites, natural areas, and wildlife management areas. The data Area was derived from a variety of source maps including tax maps, Natural Area surveys, and hand-drafted boundary lines on USGS topographic maps. These source materials vary in scale and level of accuracy. Due to the varied mapped sources and methods of data capture, this data set is limited in its ability to portray all open space lands accurately, particularly the parcels purchased prior to 1991. NPS Property tract data with ownership was provided in May 2008 by the Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area Division of Research and Resource Planning which is part of the National Park Service. NJDEP Land Use Classifications Data Source: NJDEP 2002 Land use/Land cover Update. Agriculture This category includes all lands used primarily for the production of food and fiber and some of the structures associated with this production. These areas are easily distinguished from the other categories and represent a significant land use in New Jersey. Barren Land Barren lands are characterized by thin soil, sand or rocks, and a lack of vegetative cover in a non-urban setting. Vegetation, if present, is widely spaced. Barren land such as beaches and rock faces are found in nature, but also result as a product of man's activities. Extraction mining operations, landfills, and other disposal sites compose the majority of man-altered barren lands. Forest This category contains any lands covered by woody vegetation other than wetlands. These areas are capable of producing timber and other wood products, and of supporting many kinds of outdoor recreation. Forestland is an important category environmentally, because it affects air quality, water quality, wildlife habitat, climate, and many other aspects of the ecology of an area. Urban Units Feet crossed Feet crossed Feet crossed and, in the case of Forest lands, acres on new or expanded right-ofway Acreages on incremental clearing of forest are estimated using the assumption that on virgin rights-of-way associated with Alternative A, clearing would be required within a 200-foot-wide area, on existing rights-of-way that would be double circuited or subject to underground construction of lower voltage transmission lines, no incremental clearing would be required, and on the 19-mile portion of Alternative C that would be constructed parallel to the existing double circuited 230-kV transmission line, new clearing would be confined to the southern limit of the existing right-of-way. The urban or built-up land category is characterized by intensive 23 The Louis Berger/CAI Alliance PSE&G Alternative Route Identification Report Category Water Wetlands Sensitive Species Natural Heritage Priority Sites (linear feet crossed) Table 3.1-1 Environmental Inventory Data Sources Definition land use where the landscape has been altered by human activities. Although structures are usually present, this category is not restricted to traditional urban areas. Urban or built-up land takes precedence over other categories when the criteria for more than one category are met. For example, recreational areas that have enough tree cover to meet forest category criteria are placed in the recreational category. All areas within the landmass of New Jersey periodically water covered are included in this category. All water bodies should be delineated as they exist at the time of data acquisition, except areas in an obvious state of flood. Water includes four categories: streams and canals; natural lakes; artificial lakes; and bays and estuaries. Not included in this category are water treatment and sewage treatment facilities. The wetlands are those areas that are inundated or saturated by surface or ground waters at a frequency and duration sufficient to support vegetation adapted for life in saturated soil conditions. Included in this category are naturally vegetated swamps; marshes; and bogs and savannas which are normally associated with topographically low elevations but may be located at any elevation where water perches over an aquiclude. Wetlands that have been modified for recreation, agriculture, or industry are not included here but described under the specific use category. The wetlands of New Jersey are located around the numerous interior stream systems, and along coastal rivers and bays. New Jersey, by its numerous different physiographic regions, supports various wetland habitats dependent upon physiographic and geological variables. Data source: NJDEP Natural Heritage Priority Sites. The Natural Heritage Priority Sites Coverage was created to identify critically important areas to conserve New Jersey's biological diversity, with particular emphasis on areas with known populations of rare plant species and rare ecological communities. The boundaries of each Natural Heritage Priority Site are drawn to encompass critical habitats for the rare species or ecological communities. Often, the boundaries extend to include additional buffer lands that should be managed to protect this critical habitat. Natural Heritage Priority Sites are based on analysis of information in the New Jersey Natural Heritage Database. Landscape Project data available from NJDEP was not incorporated into this comparative analysis, as this database is composed of both known and potential, unconfirmed sites for rare species and generally presents more detailed data than is required for this level of assessment. Sensitive Public Resources Residences Within 75 Residences, commercial buildings, outbuildings, and feet of the centerline uncharacterized “buildings” were identified through aerial photo Other Structures Within interpretation, field reconnaissance efforts, and GIS data 75 feet of the centerline sources. Distances from the centerline are approximate, based Residences Within 100 on available aerial imagery, which could include minor Units Feet crossed Counts 24 The Louis Berger/CAI Alliance PSE&G Alternative Route Identification Report Category feet of the centerline Other Structures Within 100 feet of the centerline Residences Within 250 feet of the centerline Other Structures Within 250 feet of the centerline Churches Within 1,000 feet of the centerline Schools Within 1,000 feet of the centerline Cemeteries Within 1,000 feet of the centerline Local Parks Within 1,000 feet of the centerline Table 3.1-1 Environmental Inventory Data Sources Definition distortions. Therefore, structures within 75 feet of centerlines on existing rights-of-way or 100 feet of centerlines on virgin rightsof-way would not necessarily be subject to removal, unless there are encroachments on existing rights-of-way. Units This data layer was augmented throughout the process as new site information was acquired. The first augmentation was conducted by incorporation of the routing team’s mapped notes derived from field reconnaissance efforts from points of public access. Through this process, buildings were identified by the type of building present (residence, outbuilding, commercial use building, etc.). This was only conducted within areas that were reviewed during reconnaissance efforts of potential routes at the time of the reconnaissance. Once the Alternative Routes were identified, a more focused aerial photo review was conducted within 500 feet of the Alternative Routes to allow for tabulation of the number of residences, outbuildings, and commercial structures in close proximity to the Alternative Routes. This aerial photo review focused on the classification of buildings within 500 feet along the route that were not field-verified or identified previously. This final data layer was used as a tool for general comparisons between the Alternative Routes. The locations of churches, schools, and cemeteries were derived from the United States Geological Survey’s Geographic Names Information System (GNIS) and augmented through field reconnaissance efforts. This database serves as the federal government's repository of information regarding feature name spellings and applications for features in United States and its Territories. The names listed in the inventory are often published on federal maps, charts, and in other documents and have been used in emergency preparedness planning, site-selection and analysis, genealogical and historical research, and transportation routing. Whenever encountered in the field, the routing team recorded local schools, churches, and cemeteries to augment and verify this data layer. The locations of local parks were derived from data acquired from Sussex, Warren, and Morris counties and augmented through field reconnaissance efforts. Rights-of-Way Double circuit existing 115-kV with proposed new 500-kV line Double circuit existing 230-kV with proposed new 500-kV line Parallel proposed 500-kV with existing 230-kV line Parallel to existing Gas Pipeline Underground existing 230-kV lines to make room for the overhead Use of existing rights-of-way and construction presumed necessary by alternatives. Data acquired from PSE&G, FirstEnergy, and interpretation of 2002 U.S. Department of Agriculture color infrared imagery. Length in feet 25 The Louis Berger/CAI Alliance PSE&G Alternative Route Identification Report Table 3.1-1 Environmental Inventory Data Sources Category Definition proposed new 500-kV line Virgin Right-of-Way CULTURAL RESOURCES Historic properties within Number of historic architectural properties including National and 1,000 feet New Jersey registered and not evaluated sites. Data was acquired from the New Jersey Historic Preservation Office (NJHPO). CONSERVATION LANDS Highlands Preservation Data was acquired from the New Jersey Highlands Water Area Crossed Protection and Planning Council (NJ Highlands Council). This Highlands Planning Area dataset is an interpretation of the Highlands Boundary as Crossed described by the "Highlands Water Protection and Planning Act" of 2004. This dataset was created by utilizing the Highlands Parcel Base, the NJDEP Hydrography Layer for 2002, and the New Jersey Department of Transportation Local Road Files as references to the act description. Conservation and Open Conservation and open space lands as designated by Warren, Space Lands Crossed Sussex, and Morris counties. Parcel based data was acquired (from Counties) from all three counties and combined in order to analyze length of these designated lands crossed. AIRPORTS Airport Notification Zones Length of the route that passes through an air navigation Crossed obstruction zone as defined in federal regulations and number of Airport Buffer Zones zones crossed. An approximation of the air navigation Length Crossed obstruction zone was developed based on the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Title 14 Part 77, (Aeronautics and Space, Objects affecting navigable airspace). This approximation was calculated based on aerial interpretation of runway length, the average height of the proposed transmission towers, and approach zone formulas for airports and heliports in the CFR. Note: this is a rough approximation based on aerial photo interpretation without the inclusion of topographic effects or detailed knowledge of runway length. Units Counts Feet crossed Feet crossed Count and length in feet 26 The Louis Berger/CAI Alliance PSE&G Alternative Route Identification Report Table 3.1-2 Environmental Inventory of Resources Affected by Alternative Routes of the Susquehanna to Roseland Project in New Jersey Route A B C 266,600 241,300 229,000 50.5 45.7 43.4 163,200 42,200 26,850 34,300 139,500 39,250 29,100 33,450 160,400 29,100 18,750 20,750 12 76 10 64 21 47 22,600 1,450 97,650 439 90,000 2,000 52,900 12,100 1,100 1,350 0 180,450 3,700 42,600 38,200 3,550 60,300 160 101,250 2,650 23,100 266,600 241,300 229,000 1,800 700 250 8 100 0 0 1 0 0 6,050 0 3,450 0 750 11 12,350 0 450 2 7,050 55 200 0 0 19 150 1 0 0 1,050 0 0 Parameter Length Total (feet) Miles Slopes Crossed (feet) Less than 10% 10-15% 15-20% Greater than 20% Hydrology Total C1 Stream Crossings Total Stream Crossings NJDEP Land Use Classifications AGRICULTURE (Feet) BARREN LAND (Feet) FOREST (Feet) ESTIMATED INCREMENTAL CLEARING OF FOREST (Acres) URBAN (Feet) WATER (Feet) WETLANDS (Feet) Land Use Total (Feet) NJDEP Wetlands AGRICULTURAL WETLANDS (MODIFIED) (Feet crossed by centerline) AGRICULTURAL WETLANDS (MODIFIED) (Acres on New or Expanded Right-of-Way) CONIFEROUS WOODED WETLANDS (Feet crossed by centerline) CONIFEROUS WOODED WETLANDS (Acres on New or Expanded Right-ofWay) DECIDUOUS SCRUB/SHRUB WETLANDS (Feet crossed by centerline) DECIDUOUS SCRUB/SHRUB WETLANDS (Acres on New or Expanded Right-of-Way) DECIDUOUS WOODED WETLANDS (Feet crossed by centerline) DECIDUOUS WOODED WETLANDS (Acres on New or Expanded Right-ofWay) DISTURBED WETLANDS (MODIFIED) (Feet crossed by centerline) DISTURBED WETLANDS (MODIFIED) (Acres on New or Expanded Right-ofWay) FORMER AGRICULTURAL WETLAND (BECOMING SHRUBBY, NOT BUILTUP) (Feet crossed by centerline) 27 The Louis Berger/CAI Alliance PSE&G Alternative Route Identification Report Table 3.1-2 Environmental Inventory of Resources Affected by Alternative Routes of the Susquehanna to Roseland Project in New Jersey FORMER AGRICULTURAL WETLAND (BECOMING SHRUBBY, NOT BUILTUP) (Acres on New or Expanded Right-of-Way) HERBACEOUS WETLANDS (Feet crossed by centerline) HERBACEOUS WETLANDS (Acres on New or Expanded Right-of-Way) MIXED SCRUB/SHRUB WETLANDS (CONIFEROUS DOM.) (Feet crossed by centerline) MIXED SCRUB/SHRUB WETLANDS (CONIFEROUS DOM.) (Acres on New or Expanded Right-of-Way) MIXED SCRUB/SHRUB WETLANDS (DECIDUOUS DOM.) (Feet crossed by centerline) MIXED SCRUB/SHRUB WETLANDS (DECIDUOUS DOM.) (Acres on New or Expanded Right-of-Way) MIXED WOODED WETLANDS (DECIDUOUS DOM.) (Feet crossed by centerline) MIXED WOODED WETLANDS (DECIDUOUS DOM.) (Acres on New or Expanded Right-of-Way) PHRAGMITES DOMINATE INTERIOR WETLANDS (Feet crossed by centerline) PHRAGMITES DOMINATE INTERIOR WETLANDS (Acres on New or Expanded Right-of-Way) WETLAND RIGHTS-OF-WAY (Feet crossed by centerline) WETLAND RIGHTS-OF-WAY (Acres on New or Expanded Right-of-Way) Wetland Total (Feet crossed by centerline) Wetland Total (Acres on New or Expanded Right-of-Way) 5 4,750 4 0 4,050 0 0 1,600 0 150 150 0 0 0 0 200 50 0 1 0 0 100 0 0 1 0 0 2,200 2,200 100 0 23,950 1 52,900 89 0 31,450 0 42,600 0 0 13,150 12 23,100 33 0 0 0 26,000 9,000 0 300 13,950 0 0 0 1,100 Wildlife Management Area 17,050 10,750 25,750 Natural Area 7,850 7,850 3,200 23,300 20,400 6,600 7 8 8 Other structures within 75 feet of centerline 5 6 11 Residences within 100 feet of centerline 34 49 62 Other structures within 100 feet of centerline 19 20 21 Designated Natural Lands (feet) State Forest State Park NPS Fish Hatchery Sensitive Species Natural Heritage Priority Sites (linear feet crossed) Buildings (Nbr) (counts) Residences within 75 feet of centerline 28 The Louis Berger/CAI Alliance PSE&G Alternative Route Identification Report Table 3.1-2 Environmental Inventory of Resources Affected by Alternative Routes of the Susquehanna to Roseland Project in New Jersey Residences within 250 feet of centerline 284 405 478 Other structures within 250 feet of centerline 56 68 79 2 1 4 Schools within 1,000 feet 1 2 2 Cemeteries within 1,000 feet 1 1 2 Local Parks within 1,000 feet 8 10 9 0 0 73,600 32% Sensitive Public Resources (counts) Churches within 1,000 feet Rights-Of-Way (feet) Double circuit existing 115-kV with proposed new 500-kV line Double circuit existing 230-kV with proposed new 500-kV line Parallel proposed 500-kV with existing 230-kV line Parallel to existing gas pipeline Underground existing 230-kV lines to make room for the overhead proposed new 500-kV line 0% 0% 120,450 241,300 0 45% 100% 0% 0 0 100,450 44% 0% 0% 17,400 0 0 7% 0% 0% 0 0 54,900 0% 0% 24% 128,700 0 0 48% 0% 0% Historic properties within 1,000 feet 29 33 42 CONSERVATION LANDS (feet) Highlands Preservation Area Crossed 99,400 90,300 79,950 Highlands Planning Area Crossed 64,500 47,350 132,650 Conservation and Open Space Lands Crossed (from Counties) 101,150 105,800 85,300 AIRPORTS Airport Buffer Zones Length Crossed 62,200 59,800 50,650 Total Airport Buffer Zones Crossed 3 4 4 Virgin Right-of-Way CULTURAL RESOURCES (counts) 29 The Louis Berger/CAI Alliance PSE&G Alternative Route Identification Report 3.1.1 Geology and Soils The following subsections provide a description of the general topography, surfical geology (i.e., soils), and bedrock geology associated with the three Alternative Routes for the Susquehanna to Roseland Project within New Jersey. Surficial and bedrock geologic maps showing all three alternative routes are provided in Figures 3.1.1-1 and 3.1.1-2. Physiography and Topography All three Alternative Routes for the project cross the Valley and Ridge, Highlands, and Piedmont physiographic provinces (NJDEP, 2008). The Valley and Ridge province is located in the northwestern portion of the project area, mainly within Sussex and Warren Counties, and consists of steep-sided, linear ridges with broad valleys. Bedrock in this province consists of folded and faulted sedimentary rocks that date to the Cambrian to Silurian periods. Approximately 20 miles of Alternative A and 15 miles of Alternative B are located within the Valley and Ridge province. Only a relatively short portion of Alternative C (approximately 5 miles) is located within this province. Located east of the Valley and Ridge province, mainly within Morris County and the eastern portions of Warren and Sussex counties, the Highlands physiographic province is characterized as a series of discontinuous rounded ridges separated by deep narrow valleys. This area is underlain by highly metamorphosed igneous and sedimentary rocks of the Middle Proterozoic, and is bound on the east by the Ramapo Fault, which marks the divide between the Highlands and Piedmont provinces. Approximately 23 miles of Alternative A and 22 miles of Alternative B are located within the Highlands province. Most of Alternative C (approximately 30 miles) traverses the Highlands physiographic province. The eastern portions of all three alternatives (approximately 8 miles of each alternative) are located within the Piedmont province. This province has slightly folded and faulted sedimentary units of Triassic and Jurassic age and igneous rocks of Jurassic age. The topography in this area mainly consists of low rolling plains divided by a series of higher ridges. The three alternatives exhibit pronounced topographical variation, with locally exposed bedrock in the western portions of Alternatives A and B. Maximum elevations along the these alternatives reach approximately 1,300 feet above mean seal level (amsl), with adjacent valleys dropping to elevations of 600 to 700 feet amsl. Gentler topography, with surface elevations around 200 feet amsl, is present near the eastern portions of the alternatives (i.e., within approximately 5 miles of the East Hanover/Roseland switching station). Alternatives A and B have similar distances crossed of slopes greater than 15 percent; 11.6 and 11.8 miles, respectively. Alternative C has only 7.5 miles of slopes greater than 15 percent. Soils Across Alternatives A and B, as well as the eastern portion of Alternative C, surficial soils are dominated by glacially derived materials, primarily consisting of till, glacial lake, and alluvial stream deposits. The western portion of Alternative C mainly consists of colluvium, saprolite, residuum, and rock rubble derived from underlying bedrock, although some glacial lake and moraine deposits are locally present. The uppermost (i.e., most recent) deposits along the study area are the Holocene and Late Wisconsinan Swamp and Freshwater Marsh Deposits (Qs), which are comprised of peat and muck interbedded with and overlaying laminated silt, clay, minor sand, and, locally, marl and diatomaceous earth. Peat is decomposed, fibrous or granular, woody or herbaceous material, and muck is organic clayey or sandy silt. The thickness of these deposits is generally less than 20 feet however locally the thickness becomes as much as 50 feet (Stone et. al., 2002),. From engineering points of view Swamp and Freshwater Marsh Deposits possess poor to very poor bearing characteristics for the structure foundations. Therefore, a detailed geotechnical investigation would be required for the design of a deep foundation system (i.e. piles, or a caisson) for the structures in these deposits. The Swamp and Freshwater Marsh Deposits are present locally along both Alternatives A and B, as well as the eastern portion of Alternative C in similar spatial distribution (See Figure 3.1.1-1 – Surfacial Geologic Map, on the following page). 30 Figure 3.1.1-1 Surfacial Geologic Map (Key on the following page) The Louis Berger/CAI Alliance PSE&G Alternative Route Identification Report 32 The Louis Berger/CAI Alliance PSE&G Alternative Route Identification Report Holocene and Late Wisconsinan Alluvium (Qal) consists of sand, gravel, silt, minor clay, and some organic material, deposited by modern streams. In flood plains of major rivers, alluvium ranges from about 18 to 90 feet in thickness, and usually consists of poorly sorted gravel and sand that is overlain by laminated and thinly bedded sand, silt, and clay. Along smaller streams, alluvium is generally less than 15 feet thick, and is composed of sand and gravel derived from adjacent glacial, meltwater, colluvial, or weathered bedrock materials. In the area of late Wisconsinan glacial deposits, alluvium locally includes and grades laterally into swamp and marsh deposits. In the areas of older glacial deposits, colluvium, and weathered bedrock materials, alluvium locally grades into or intertongues with colluvium. Alluvium is mapped locally along all three Alternatives in areas adjacent to rivers, and also may be present (although unmapped) along smaller streams. Alluvial soils generally have poor to good bearing characteristics which need to be investigated prior to a foundation design. The extent of the alluvium in all three Alternative Routes is similar and thus had little effect on the route selection. The Western portions of Alternatives A and B consist predominately of the Kittatinny Till. The Kittatinny Till is a silty to sandy, non-calcareous to locally calcareous till, containing clasts of shale sandstone, quartzite, conglomerate, and carbonate rocks. At some locations, bedrock outcrops with only a thin veneer of unconsolidated material at the surface; however, the Kittatinny Till can be as much as 100 feet thick along these two alternatives. The Kittatinny Till is a good to excellent bearing stratum for the structure foundations, thus indicating a favorable foundation system for Alternatives A and B. The central portion of both Alternatives A and B primarily consists of the Netcong Till. The Netcong Till is composed of sandy to silty till with lesser amounts of pebbles, cobbles, and boulders. Similar in composition to coarser materials in the Rahway Till, the pebbles, cobbles and boulders are typically composed of gneiss, quartzite, carbonate rock, and sandstone. The Netcong Till is up to 35 feet thick along Alternatives A and B, with bedrock outcropping at some locations. Netcong Till is a good to excellent bearing stratum for structure foundations. Netcong Till was not reported along the Alternative C which may be a disadvantage for designing structure foundations along this alternative. The central portion of Alternative C mainly consists of colluvium, saprolite, residuum, and rock rubble derived from underlying bedrock. These materials generally reflect the composition of the parent bedrock material, can be compact to loose, and are generally less than 50 feet thick. Also present along Alternative C are several areas of glacial lake and moraine deposits. The glacial lake deposits are associated with Glacial Lakes Shongum, Succasunna and Oxford, and are generally similar to the deposits associated with Glacial Lake Passaic (see below). The moraine deposits include the Foul Rift segment of the Late Wisconsinan terminal moraine and the Illinoian Pequest recessional moraine. Each of these deposits is composed of compact till, and each is approximately 50 feet thick. These deposits are not common along Alternatives A and B. The colluvium, saprolite, residuum, and rock rubble generally provide poor to good bearing characteristics which need to be assessed for each surficial soil types. The moraine, where present, provides an excellent bearing stratum, while the overlying Glacial Lake Passaic deposits exhibit poor to good bearing characteristics. The eastern portions of all three alternatives generally consist of Rahway Till and Glacial Lake Passaic Deposits. Rahway Till is a non-calcareous, sandy and silty to clayey material often containing small amounts of pebbles, cobbles and boulders of varying composition, including gneiss, sandstone, basalt, and quartzite. This unit varies in thickness along the three alternatives, typically the result of underlying bedrock elevations, from approximately 50 to 120 feet thick. Rahway Till has excellent bearing characteristics for the structure foundations. The Glacial Lake Passaic deposits are present in some locations above the Rahway Till, and consist of silty sand and clay with localized alluvial and deltaic deposits (typically pebbly sand and gravel). The Glacial Lake Passaic Deposits range in thickness from approximately 20 to 120 feet along all three alternatives. In addition, along the eastern portions of Alternatives A and B (shared route), Pine Brook Terrace Deposits (Qpb) are present, which consist of sand and pebbly sand to sand and gravel. Pine Brook Terrace Deposits mostly consist of granular soils and have good bearing characteristics for the structure foundations. Glacial Lake Passaic Deposits can have poor to good bearing characteristics; therefore, further assessment through a detailed geotechnical investigation would be required prior to finalization of the structure foundation design. 33 The Louis Berger/CAI Alliance PSE&G Alternative Route Identification Report Bedrock The bedrock underlying the three alternative routes is generally dominated by sedimentary and metamorphic rocks dating to the Middle Proterozoic era, with rocks dating to the Jurassic period present in the eastern portion of the project area. The extent of the bedrock in all three alternatives is similar. Therefore, the bedrock has little influence over the selection of the route. The Beekmantown Group is the westernmost formation present along Alternative C. Other metasedimentary rocks are mapped along the remaining western portions of Alternatives A and B, including the following: the Martinsburg Formation (Om), which is a sandstone and siltstone with shale and slate; the Shawangunk Formation (Ss), a sandstone and pebble conglomerate with shale; and the Bloomsburg Red Beds (Sb), which consist of siltstone, sandstone, and local quartz pebble conglomerate. All of these units exhibit good bearing characteristics for potential structure foundations. Allentown Dolomite (OCa) of Lower Ordovician and Upper Cambrian age is present in the mid-western part of the project area along all three alternatives. The dolomite is very thinly to very thickly bedded, and has a total maximum thickness of nearly 2,000 feet. The Allentown Dolomite interbeds with the Beekmantown Group (Ob), which is comprised of very thinly to thickly-bedded dolomite interbedded with limestone in some areas. From a geotechnical and structural engineering perspective, dolomite and limestone have excellent bearing characteristics; however, they may contain solution cavities that must be investigated prior to foundation design. The bedrock in the central part of all three alternatives is comprised of gneissic and granitic rocks. Gneiss (Ylo) and granite (Ybh) are described herein, although other variants are mapped along each of the alternatives. Gneiss is generally described as white to light greenish gray, medium-to coarse-grained rock that is moderately layered to indistinctly foliated. The gneiss is comprised of quartz, oligoclase or andesine with thin amphibolite layers. Biotite, hornblende, or clinopyroxene may also be present locally. Granite (Ybh) is described as pinkish gray to pinkish-white, medium to coarse grained rock that is composed principally of microcline microperthite, quartz, oligoclase, and hornblende. Both the gneissic and granitic bedrock would make excellent bearing material for the support of structure foundations. The easternmost portion of each Alternative is underlain by the Hook Mountain Basalt (Jh), which is Lower Jurassic in age and has a maximum thickness of approximately 350 feet (Drake et al, 1996). These rocks consists of light to dark greenish gray, medium to coarse grained basalt composed of plagioclase, clinopyroxene, and iron-titanium oxides such as magnetite and ilmenite. Locally, the basalt contains small spherical to tubular cavities (gas escape vesicles), some of which are filled by zeolyte minerals or calcite. To the west of the Hook Mountain Basalt is the Boonton Formation (Jb), which is also Lower Jurassic in age. This unit consists of reddish-brown to brownish-purple, fine-grained sandstone, siltstone, and mudstone. The sandstone is commonly micaceous, and is interbedded with siltstone and mudstone in upward-fining sequences that are about 5 to 15 feet thick. Near Morristown (along Alternative C) and northeast of Boonton (along Alternatives A and B), beds of quartz-pebble conglomerate (unit Jbcq) are also present. The maximum thickness of the Boonton Formation is approximately 1,500 feet. Both the Boonton Formation and the Hook Mountain Basalt have high bearing capacities and provide good bearing strata. 34 Figure 3.1.1-2 Bedrock Geology Map (Key on the following page) The Louis Berger/CAI Alliance PSE&G Alternative Route Identification Report Impacts on Geology and Soils Clearing of the right-of-way, construction of transmission line structures, and the movement of vehicles along the right-of-way would affect soils in various ways. The forested portions of the right-of-way would typically be cleared for construction and operation of the new transmission line in accordance with an approved soil erosion and sediment control plan. Clearing would expose the soils to increased chances of erosion, especially on shallow steep soils. The magnitude of these effects on soils would depend on many variables, including present vegetative cover; soil slope; and soil characteristics such as texture, depth, moisture, and susceptibility to water and wind erosion. Unvegetated soil surfaces may rapidly convert precipitation to surface runoff, more easily detaching fine particles from the native surface and elevating surface erosion rates. The inherent erodibilty of soil is the susceptibility or resistance of fine particles to detach with runoff. Medium-textured soils with a high silt content are the most erodible of soils. Silt particles are easily 36 The Louis Berger/CAI Alliance PSE&G Alternative Route Identification Report detached from the soil mass and the soils tend to crust and produce high rates of runoff. Conversely, soils high in clay and coarse textured soils, such as sands, are the least erodible soils and produce low rates of runoff. Additionally, soils on steep slopes are more susceptible to erosion than those found on more subtle slopes. The potential for erosion would therefore be the greatest along alternatives with the most wooded areas to be cleared and with the steepest slopes. Impacts to soils, as well as other resources, that would occur regardless of which Alternative Route is selected are discussed in section 3.2, Engineering Analysis. Alternative A would require the most forest clearing and has 11.6 miles of slopes greater than 15 percent, which makes this alternative the most susceptible to soil erosion. Alternative C crosses the fewest number of slopes greater than 15 percent, but some clearing of forested land along the 19 miles of this alternative, where the new line would be constructed parallel to the existing 230-kV transmission line, could make portions of this Alternative Route susceptible to soil erosion, although to a lesser extent than Alternative A. Although Alternative B crosses the most distance of slopes greater than 15 percent, very little forest would need to be cleared along this Alternative Route. Therefore existing shrubby and herbaceous vegetation would serve to stabilize soil except in areas directly disturbed during construction. Conclusions Alternative A has the most potential for soil erosion because of the extent of forest clearing along the 24 mile portion of this Alternative that is on new right-of-way, coupled with the prevalence of steep topography along this alternative. Alternative C would have less potential for soil erosion because of the gentler topography associated with this Alternative Route and the need to clear less forest than along Alternative A. Alternative B would have a similar reduced potential for erosion as Alternative C. Even though there are the steepest slopes of any alternative, all construction and future operation would be confined to the existing 150-foot wide right-of-way and little, if any, new forest clearing would be necessary. With implementation of best management practices that would be incorporated into an approved soil erosion and sediment control plan, environmental impacts associated with soil erosion should be minimized regardless of which Alternative Route is selected. 3.1.2 Surface Water Resources and Aquatic Species/Habitats The hydrology of the study area is dominated by the Upper Delaware River, Wallkill River, Passaic River, and Raritan River drainage basins. Major tributaries include the Paulins Kill River, Flat Brook, Pequest River, and Musconetcong River which flow into the Delaware River, and the Rockaway and Whippanny rivers which flow into the Passaic River. Major lakes and reservoirs within the study area include Lake Hopatcong, Lake Mohawk, Splitrock Reservoir, Boontown Reservoir, Swartswood Lake, Culvers Lake, and Highland Lake. Certain streams within the study area are designated as" Category One (C1) waters. C1 streams are protected from any measurable change in water quality because of their exceptional ecological, recreational, water supply, or fishery resource significance. As part of this protection, the state of New Jersey designates lands along C1 streams as a riparian buffer conservation zone. This zone extends 300 feet from each stream bank. Using GIS data delineating C1 streams and their associated conservation buffers from NJDEP, the number of buffer crossings associated with each alternative and the length of each crossing were determined. It was further noted if the conservation zone could be easily spanned based on a typical structure spacing of 800-900 feet. In some cases multiple channel crossings exist within a continuous riparian buffer conservation zone. All stream channels would be crossed with aerial spans and no structures would be placed in streams. The NJDEP land cover data layer was also used to evaluate water resources along each alternative. Subcategories include artificial lakes (reservoirs); natural lakes; and streams and canals. 37 The Louis Berger/CAI Alliance PSE&G Alternative Route Identification Report Alternative A Based on the NJDEP land cover dataset, Alternative A would pass across approximately 2000 feet of water, of which approximately 750 feet is comprised of artificial lakes and 850 is natural lakes, and 400 feet is comprised of streams. Alternative A has 76 stream channel crossings and 11 C1 stream riparian buffer conservation zones (12 C1 stream channel crossings). Six crossings are located in Montague Township, on the segment of the alternative between the Delaware River and the switching station in Jefferson Township. The other five crossings are located in Rockaway (four crossings) and Montville (one crossing) Townships along the Jefferson to Roseland segment of the alternative. At the crossing of Big Flat Brook in Montague Township, 920 feet of the Alternative A centerline is within the C1 stream buffer zone. At the crossing of Green Pond Brook in Rockaway Township, approximately 1,300 feet of the centerline is within the buffer zone. However, the Green Pond Brook crossing is already within the existing right-of-way of the Roseland – Bushkill 230-kV line. Alternative A also crosses Lake Mohawk, Lake Denmark, and Troy Meadows.. Alternative B Based on the NJDEP land cover dataset, Alternative B would pass across approximately 3,700 feet of water, of which approximately 2,500 feet is comprised of artificial lakes and 750 is natural lakes, and 450 feet is comprised of streams. Alternative B has 64 stream channel crossings and 9 C1 stream riparian buffer conservation zones (10 C1 stream channel crossings). One C1 stream crossing is in Hardwick Township and three are in Fredon Township along the Delaware River to Jefferson switching station segment of the alternative. Between Jefferson and Roseland, Alternative B would cross C1 stream buffer zones in Rockaway (four crossings) and Montville (one crossing). The Green Pond Brook crossing is the only area where more than 900 feet of the centerline would be within a C1 stream buffer zone. Alternative B also crosses Troy Meadows and Lake Denmark. Alternative C Based on the NJDEP land cover dataset, Alternative C would pass across approximately 2,650 feet of water, of which approximately 2,000 feet is comprised of artificial lakes and 650 feet is comprised of streams. Alternative C has 47 stream channel crossings and 16 C1 stream riparian buffer conservation zones (21 C1 stream channel crossings). Three crossings are within Mansfield Township, along the segment of the alternative that would consist of double circuiting with the First Energy 115-kV line. Along this segment there are two areas where more than 900 feet of the centerline would be within a C1 stream buffer zone: an unnamed tributary of the Pequest River (approximately 1,700 feet) and Pohatcong Creek (approximately 1,150 feet). The remaining 13 crossings are along the segment of the alignment that would parallel the Portland - Roseland 230-kV line. One crossing is in Roxbury Township, one is in Hackettstown Township, five are in Randolph Township, four are in Washington, and two are in Mount Olive Township. At four of these crossings more than 900 feet of the centerline would be within a C1 stream buffer zone. Streams associated with these crossings are Trout Brook (910 feet), Drakes Brook (950 feet), an unnamed tributary of India Brook (1,200 feet), and an unnamed tributary of Den Brook (1,400 feet). Alternative C does not cross any lakes or reservoirs. Impacts on Surface Water Resources and Aquatic Species/Habitats Disturbance of upland vegetation, such as may be associated with new clearing of a right-of-way or construction of new access roads, may affect the natural hydrology of the watershed by altering surface runoff patterns and increasing peak flows. Upland vegetation disturbance may lead to declines in water quality, by increasing sediment and warm water inputs. Removal or alteration of riparian vegetation may also affect stream water quality. Removing vegetation along a stream may destabilize the bank, which can lead to increases in erosion and sediment loads (NRC 1996, Li 1994). Removing riparian vegetation also decreases shade cover, which affects water temperature. Therefore, Alternative Routes 38 The Louis Berger/CAI Alliance PSE&G Alternative Route Identification Report that minimize vegetative clearing adjacent to waterbodies would have the least potential impact on surface water and associated habitat. Conclusions All three alternatives cross multiple C1 streams and associated C1 stream buffer zones. Alternative A would require the development of new right-of-way within six of the eleven C1 stream buffer zone crossings. Alternative C would require additional clearing within existing right-of-way at thirteen of the sixteen C1 stream buffer zone crossings. Because Alternative B would not require new right-of-way or additional clearing of existing right-of-way any additional effects of the new line would be minimal. Therefore, Alternative B would have fewer effects on hydrological resources and aquatic environments than Alternatives A and C. 3.1.3 Wetlands NJDEP land use/land cover GIS data were used to preliminarily identify potential wetlands and state open waters within the study area. Because formal wetland delineations and final engineering have not been conducted for these alternatives, it is not possible to precisely state acreages of impacts to each wetland. These values would depend on the specific placement of support structures and access roads, final rightof-way width, and approved vegetation maintenance techniques. Values presented in this analysis represent the linear distance for which the centerline of each alternative crosses wetlands. Acreages on new or expanded rights-of-way are estimated using the assumption that on virgin rights-of-way associated with Alternative A, clearing would be required within a 200-foot-wide area, on existing rightsof-way that would be double circuited or subject to underground construction of lower voltage transmission lines, no additional clearing would be anticipated, and on the 19-mile portion of Alternative C that would be constructed parallel to the existing double circuited 230-kV transmission line, new clearing would be confined to the southern limit of the existing right-of-way. Prior to construction, actual wetland impacts would be calculated based upon wetland delineation, field surveys, and engineering plans for the Proposed Route. According to the NJDEP land cover data, all three alternatives would cross numerous wetland areas. A summary of this information is provided in Table 3.1.3-1 below. Table 3.1.3-1 Summary of Wetland Crossings and Areas on New or Expanded Rights-of-Way – Alternatives A, B, and C Wetland Type Alternative A Alternative B Alternative C (feet/acres) (feet/acres) (feet/acres) Herbaceous/Agricultural 8,750/12 6,950/0 1,950/1 Scrub/shrub 7,450/17 3,650/0 750/2 Wooded 12,550/56 450/0 7,500/19 Disturbed 200/1 0/0 150/0 Wetland right-of-way 23,950/1 31,450/0 13,150/12 Total wetlands 52,900/89 a 42,600/0 23,500/33 a a Total acreages of wetlands on new or expanded rights-of-way may not equal the sum of acreages of individual types because of rounding. Impacts on Wetlands Potential effects on wetlands would be associated with vegetation clearing and construction within the right-of-way and disturbance to vegetation and soils during the clearing and construction activities. The total linear feet crossed or acreage of all wetlands on new or expanded rights-of-way by each of the three alternatives is not an effective indicator of potential impacts to wetlands since non-forested wetlands can be generally spanned with little impact to the wetland or its vegetation, and access roads would be constructed to avoid these wetlands whenever possible. Forested wetlands, however, are permanently affected by the construction of a transmission line, since tree clearing results in the conversion of forested 39 The Louis Berger/CAI Alliance PSE&G Alternative Route Identification Report wetlands to scrub-shrub or herbaceous types. Thus, the functions and values of these wooded wetlands would be permanently altered. Conclusions Alternatives that would require the removal of wetland vegetation within the right-of-way would have the greatest effect on wetlands. Wetland areas crossed by Alternative B are currently managed in accordance with applicable regulations that pertain to transmission line right-of-way maintenance. Management of wetland vegetation along this alternative is expected to remain consistent with past activities, so any additional impacts would be minimal. There would be no expected clearing of wooded wetlands along Alternative B, whereas there would be 56 and 19 acres of wooded wetland that would likely to require clearing and permanent habitat alteration along Alternatives A and C, respectively. Therefore, Alternative B would have the least potential effect on wetland resources. 3.1.4 Vegetation The study area is primarily within the Hudson-Shawangunk Ridge and Valley, Hudson-Kittatinny Valley, New York – New Jersey Highlands, and Reading Prong physiographic subsections (Breden et. al. 1980). NJDEP land cover data indicates that the vegetated lands in the study area are dominated by deciduous forests and agriculture. Coniferous and mixed forests are also present to a much lower extent. Dominant species in deciduous forests in the study area include northern red oak (Quercus rubra), white oak (Q. alba), black oak (Q. velutina), shagbark hickory (Carya ovata), mockernut hickory (C. tomentosa), pignut hickory (C. glabra), tulip poplar (Liriodendron tulipifera), sugar maple (Acer saccharum), red maple (A. rubrum), white ash (Fraxinus Americana), green ash (F. pennsylvanica), and American elm (Ulmus Americana). Dominant coniferous species include eastern white pine (Pinus strobus), red pine (P. resinosa), eastern hemlock (Tsuga canadensis), larch (Larix laricina), and eastern red cedar (Juniperus virginiana). Land cover types crossed by the three alternatives are summarized in Tables through and discussed in section 3.1.6, Land Use. A more detailed comparison of the vegetated upland areas along the alternatives is presented in Table 3.1.4-1 below (wetland vegetation is discussed in more detail in section 3.1.3 and agricultural vegetation is discussed in more detail in section 3.1.6, Land Use). Alternative A As indicated by the NJDEP land cover dataset, vegetated lands account for 65% of Alternative A (37% Forest; 20% Wetland; 8% Agriculture). East of the Delaware River crossing, the first several miles of Alternative A primarily consist of coniferous dominated mixed forests and agricultural land. As the alternative enters High Point State Park, dominance shifts to deciduous forests. Leaving the state park, vegetated uplands along Alternative A consist of a mosaic of agricultural land and deciduous forest. From where the alternative enters the Highlands Planning Area to the switching station in Jefferson Township, upland vegetation shifts back to deciduous forest with several small patches of mixed forest type. Leaving the Jefferson switching station site, Alternative A continues to the east within an existing utility corridor surrounded by a deciduous forest dominated landscape, with mixed forest near Picatinny Arsenal. As the alignment turns to the south toward the East Hanover/Roseland switching station, the landscape is increasingly dominated by wetland and urban land cover types. Alternative B As indicated by the NJDEP land cover dataset, vegetated lands account for less than 24% of Alternative B (18% Wetland; 5% Agriculture; >1% Forest. All vegetation along this alternative is currently managed as transmission line right-of-way. Vegetation from the switching station in Jefferson Township to Roseland is the same as that described for Alternative A. 40 The Louis Berger/CAI Alliance PSE&G Alternative Route Identification Report Table 3.1.4-1 – Upland vegetative cover types along the three Susquehanna to Roseland Alternative Route Alignments in New Jersey Alternative A Alternative B Alternative C (feet (feet (feet crossed/acres crossed/acres crossed/acres on new or on new or on new or expanded expanded expanded Land Cover Type right-of-way) right-of-way) right-of-way) Land Cover Classification FOREST CONIFEROUS BRUSH/SHRUBLAND 400/2 140/0 0/0 CONIFEROUS FOREST (>50% CROWN FOREST CLOSURE) 3,390/15 0/0 480/2 CONIFEROUS FOREST (10-50% CROWN CLOSURE) FOREST 280/2 0/0 90/0 FOREST DECIDUOUS BRUSH/SHRUBLAND 3,100/13 0/0 3,580/11 DECIDUOUS FOREST (>50% CROWN FOREST CLOSURE) 75,060/337 360/0 49,950/132 DECIDUOUS FOREST (10-50% CROWN CLOSURE) FOREST 4,940/23 310/0 3,400/7 MIXED DECIDUOUS/CONIFEROUS FOREST BRUSH/SHRUBLAND 1,980/8 120/0 1,930/5 MIXED FOREST (>50% CONIFEROUS WITH FOREST >50% CROWN CLOSURE) 810/6 0/0 0/0 MIXED FOREST (>50% CONIFEROUS WITH 10-50% CROWN CLOSURE) FOREST 190/0 210/0 0/0 MIXED FOREST (>50% DECIDUOUS WITH FOREST >50% CROWN CLOSURE) 3,490/15 0/0 0/0 MIXED FOREST (>50% DECIDUOUS WITH FOREST 10-50% CROWN CLOSURE) 1,200/5 100/0 0/0 FOREST OLD FIELD (< 25% BRUSH COVERED) 2,660/12 90/0 500/1 FOREST PLANTATION 160/1 0/0 340/1 1,350/0 a 60,300/169 a TOTAL 97,650/439 a a Total feet crossed and acreages of vegetation on new or expanded rights-of-way may not equal the sum of acreages of individual types because of rounding. (Source: NJ Department of Environmental Protection 2002 Land use/Land cover update (publication date: 2007/01/01). Alternative C As indicated by the NJDEP land cover dataset, vegetated lands account for 53% of Alternative C (26% Forest; 17% Agriculture; 10% Wetland). Vegetated areas along the first segment of Alternative C, from the Delaware River to the junction with the Portland - Roseland 230-kV line, consist primarily of agricultural lands. The majority of forest area crossed by Alternative C exists along the second segment where the new line would be constructed parallel to the existing 230kV line. Forests in this area are dominated by deciduous species. Vegetated areas along the last segment of Alternative C, between the Greystone Substation and East Hanover/Roseland switching station, are predominantly wetlands. Impacts on Vegetation As previously discussed under impacts on wetlands, potential effects on vegetation would be associated with clearing and construction within the right-of-way and disturbance to vegetation and soils during the clearing and construction activities. The total linear feet crossed or acreage of vegetation on new or expanded rights-of-way by each of the three alternatives is not an effective indicator of potential impacts to vegetation, because in many cases vegetated areas would be spanned. A more accurate indicator of potential impact on vegetation is the amount of forested areas crossed and permanently cleared. The wooded areas would be permanently altered if trees should be cleared. Vegetation in herbaceous, 41 The Louis Berger/CAI Alliance PSE&G Alternative Route Identification Report brush/shrubland, old fields, and plantations would likely be retained in most places, and any additional impacts to such vegetated areas would be minimal. In upland forested areas right-of-way clearing procedures would be dependant upon easement requirements, ecological sensitivities, and regulatory requirements intended to ensure safe and reliable operation of the transmission line. Tree clearing may vary between removal of all trees within the right-ofway in non-sensitive areas, to selective trimming in highly sensitive areas. In areas where new right-ofway is designated through forested parcels, tree clearing would likely result in a reduction of interior forest habitat and increased fragmentation of forested areas. In areas where the cleared area within existing right-of-way would be widened, only forest edge habitat would be cleared and, as a result, effects to interior forest would be minimal. Clearing in these areas would not increase fragmentation. In non-forested areas, right-of-way clearing would temporarily impact herbaceous vegetation, either directly or indirectly from soil compaction, as a result of heavy construction equipment and vehicles traveling through the right-of-way. At the tower locations, vegetation would be entirely cleared, with some permanently lost. Additional vegetation would be cleared for the placement of construction access roads. Conclusions All of the 37% of Alternative A classified as forest exists along the portion that is virgin right-of-way (north of the Jefferson switching station site). Clearing for this alternative would require the creation of new right-of way through an estimated 403 acres of forest. This construction would increase forest fragmentation and reduce interior forest habitat. Additionally, designation of a new utility right-of-way along Alternative A could result in some minor loss of crop production if structures are placed on agricultural lands. Alternative B is entirely within existing right-of-way managed by PSE&G. It is expected that these management practices would continue if this alternative is selected as the final alignment and effects to existing vegetation would be minimal. No additional clearing of forested land would likely occur along Alternative B. Construction of the new line along Alternative C would require clearing of an estimated 141 acres of forest edge habitat along the 19 mile segment of the alternative where the new line would parallel an existing line. Therefore, Alternative B would have the least effect on vegetation because there would be no anticipated forest clearing associated with this Alternative Route, and most other vegetative cover types would remain essentially unchanged following construction. 3.1.5 Wildlife Wildlife habitat crossed by the route alternatives varies from the developed and agricultural areas to hardwood forests. The habitat in proximity to all three alternatives can be expected to host a wide diversity of wildlife, including migratory bird populations. There are approximately 450 terrestrial vertebrate species in New Jersey (NJDEP 2008a). Common mammal species include white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus), black bear (Ursus americanus), raccoon (Procyon lotor), striped skunk (Mephitis mephitis), woodchuck (Marmota monax, Virginia opossum (Didelphis virginiana), gray fox (Urocyon cinereoargenteus), red fox (Vulpes vulpes), eastern gray squirrel (Sciurus carolinensis), red squirrel (Tamiasciurus hudsonicus), eastern cottontail (Sylvilagus floridanus), big brown bat (Eptesicus fuscus), little brown myotis (Myotis lucifugus), and several species of rodents and shrews. Common birds include the northern cardinal (Cardinalis cardinalis), bluejay (Cyanocitta cristata), darkeyed junco (Junco hyemalis), tufted titmouse (Parus bicolor), brown thrasher (Toxostoma rufum), downy woodpecker (Picoides pubescens), white breasted nuthatch (Sitta carolinensis), scarlet tanager (Piranga olivacea), catbird (Dumetella carolinensis), and a diversity of sparrows (Passer sp.), swallows (Spizella sp.), and warblers (Wilsonia sp.). Major game birds include the wild turkey (Meleagris gallopavo), bobwhite quail (Colinus virginianus), and ruffed grouse (Bonasa umbellus). The most common birds of prey are hawks and owls such as red-tailed hawk (Buteo jamaicensis), broad-winged hawk (Buteo platypterus), and barred owl (Strix varia). 42 The Louis Berger/CAI Alliance PSE&G Alternative Route Identification Report Common amphibians include spotted salamander (Ambystoma maculatum), red–spotted newt (Notophthalmus v. viridescens), northern dusky salamander (Desmognathus f. fuscus), northern red salamander (Pseudotriton r. ruber), eastern tiger salamander (Ambystoma t. tigrinum), red-backed salamander (Plethodon c. cinereus ), northern two-lined salamander (Eurycea b. bislineata), eastern American toad (Bufo americanus), northern spring peeper (Hyla c. crucifer ), New Jersey chorus frog (Pseudacris triseriata kalmi), gray treefrog (Hyla versicolor), green frog (Rana clamitans melanota), wood frog (Rana sylvatica), southern leopard frog (Rana spenocephala), pickerel frog (Rana palustris), and American bullfrog (Rana catesbeiana) (NJDEP 2008). Common reptiles include common snapping turtle (Chelydra s. serpentina), stinkpot (Sternotherus odoratus), eastern box turtle (Terrapene c. carolina), eastern painted turtle (Chrysemys p. picta), eastern garter snake (Thamnophis s. sirtalis), northern ringneck snake (Diadophis punctatus edwardsi), rough green snake (Opheodrys aestivus), and eastern milk snake (Lampropeltis t. triangulum). Federally Listed Species The USFWS New Jersey Field Office lists the dwarf wedgemussel (Alasmidonata heterodon), Indiana bat (Myotis sodalis), and bog turtle (Clemmys muhlenbergii) as occurring within Sussex, Morris and/or Warren counties ( Dwarf Wedgemussel The dwarf wedgemussel is a freshwater mussel that is known to occur in the Paulins Kill, Pequest River, and a portion of the upper Delaware River. Preferred habitat for this species include clear freshwater rivers and streams with substrates ranging from sand to sand and gravel/pebble. The mussel lives in shallow water with low silt content and is known to co-occur with other freshwater mussels such as the eastern elliptio (Elliptio complanata), triangle floater (Alasmidonta undulata), creeper (Strophitus undulatus), eastern floater (Pyganodon cataracta) and eastern lampmussel (Lampsilis radiata). Hosts for dwarf wedgemussel larvae that occur in New Jersey are the tessellated darter (Etheostoma olmstedi) and mottled sculpin (Cottus bairdi) (NJDEP 2008b). Indiana Bat The Indiana bat use mines and caves for hibernation and forested areas for summer foraging, roosting, and fall swarming. Optimal roosting habitat is forests with an abundance of large trees and snags with exfoliating bark or cavities with a relatively open understory. Trees that have roosting characteristics include shagbark hickory, bitternut hickory, red oak, white oak, sugar maple, and white and green ash (NJDEP 2008b). A five-mile zone around hibernacula is considered primary range for Indiana bats in the summer. Indiana bats are year round residents in northwestern New Jersey (NatureServe 2008). Bog Turtle Bog turtles inhabit limestone fens, sphagnum bogs, and wet, grassy pastures with soft, muddy substrates and perennial groundwater seepage. Bog turtle habitats are well-drained and water depth rarely exceeds 4 inches. Plants associated with bog turtle habitats include sedges (Carex spp.), rushes (Juncus spp.), mosses, and grasses. These habitats may also contain red maple (Acer rubrum), alder (Alnus spp.), skunk cabbage (Symplocarpus foetidus), cattail (Typha spp.), willow (Salix spp.), highbush blueberry (Vaccinium corymbosum.), jewelweed (Impatiens capensis), swamp rose (Hibiscus palustris), dogwoods (Cornus spp.), shrubby cinquefoil (Potentilla fruticosa), buttonbush (Cephalanthus occidentalis), rice-cut grass (Leersia oryzoides), wool-grass (Scirpus cyperinus), arrowhead (Sagittaria spp.), watercress (Nasturtium officinale), St. Johnswort (Hypericum spp.), blue vervain (Verbena hastata), sundew (Drosera spp.), pitcher plant (Sarracenia purpurea), cinnamon fern (Osmunda cinnamomea), and sensitive fern (Onoclea sensibilis) (NJDEP 2008b). 43 The Louis Berger/CAI Alliance PSE&G Alternative Route Identification Report State Special Status Species In addition to those protected under federal law, there are 57 species of wildlife that are listed as threatened, endangered, or species of special concern by the state of New Jersey. A GIS database containing known occurrences of these species is managed by the New Jersey Natural Heritage Program. The program also maintains a list of Priority Sites that are locations documented for the occurrence of special status species and their preferred habitats. There are eleven Natural Heritage Priority Sites crossed by the three Alternative Routes in New Jersey. These sites are Green Pond Mountain, Ironia, Lake Denmark, Mashipacong Bogs, Mount Freedom, Muckshaw Ponds, Sawmill Pond Swamp, Sherman’s Glen, Site 564, Sparta Station Site, and Valhalla Hemlock Glen. Total distances for which each Alternative Route crosses Natural Heritage Priority Sites is presented in Table 3.1.2. Alternative A The segment of Alternative A between the Delaware River and switching station site in Jefferson Township would cross deciduous forest and agricultural habitats that support a diversity of wildlife. Alternative A would also cross the Mashipacong Bogs, Sawmill Pond Swamp, Sparta Station Site, and Sherman’s Glen Natural Heritage Priority Sites along this segment. Between Jefferson and the East Hanover/Roseland switching station, Alternative A would cross deciduous forest habitats and habitat for species adapted to living within urban and suburban development. Along this segment, Alternative A would cross the Green Pond Mountain, Lake Denmark, and Valhalla Hemlock Glen Natural Heritage Priority Sites. Alternative B The existing right-of-way that Alternative B uses between the Delaware River and the switching station site in Jefferson Township is primarily bordered by deciduous forest and agricultural habitats. Along this segment, the alternative crosses the Muckshaw Ponds and Site 564 Natural Heritage Priority Sites. Between Jefferson and the East Hanover/Roseland switching station Alternative B would use the same existing right-of-way as Alternative A. Wildlife resources along this segment are discussed above. Alternative C The first segment of Alternative C, from the Delaware River to the intersection with the existing Portland to Roseland 230-kV line, is bordered by deciduous forest and agricultural habitats. No Natural Heritage Priority Sites are crossed along this segment. Along the second segment of Alternative C, the alternative is also bordered by deciduous forest and agricultural areas. Additional habitat for wildlife species adapted to urban development exists along this segment. The second segment crosses the Ironia and Mount Freedom Natural Heritage Priority Sites at locations where the new line would be constructed to the south of the existing 230-kV transmission line. 44 The Louis Berger/CAI Alliance PSE&G Alternative Route Identification Report Impacts on Wildlife Construction and operation of the proposed line could affect wildlife through habitat loss, alteration, or fragmentation; disturbance and/or displacement from noise and construction activities; or, mortality from collisions with conductors and shield wires. In areas where the right-of-way would go through large relatively undisturbed tracts of forest, the right-of-way clearing would fragment the forest and create edge habitat. Although forest edge provides habitat for a wide diversity and abundance of species, such as deer, songbirds, red-tailed hawks, and red fox, species that require forest interior would lose habitat, possibly altering distribution and migration patterns and isolating habitat patches. Construction disturbance would displace the more mobile species from the right-of-way to similar habitats nearby. Construction noise would also temporarily disturb some wildlife in the project vicinity, causing some individuals to leave the area. Some displaced wildlife would return to the newly disturbed areas shortly after construction is completed. Vegetation cutting during scheduled right-of-way maintenance would cause short-term disturbance of wildlife in the immediate vicinity of such activities. Animals that inhabit shrubs and small trees that have grown within the right-of-way would be displaced to adjacent habitats. The relatively low frequency of this activity would reduce the severity of the impact. Although transmission lines pose a threat to birds from collision, the effects of the proposed project are expected to be minimal. The spacing between the conductors on the proposed line are spaced farther apart than the wing-span of the largest raptor in the project area (bald eagle), therefore electrocution would not occur. Bird collision with the conductors, shield wires, and towers is possible, however. Shield wires are of particular concern because birds fly over the larger, more visible conductors and are less able to see the less-visible shield wires above. Waterfowl are particularly susceptible to collision because they are less adept while flying. Raptors are less susceptible to collisions because of their keen eyesight and high maneuverability in flight. The new transmission line would be constructed in accordance with the current Avian Powerline Interaction Committee (APLIC) guidelines for minimizing the potential for avian collisions and electrocutions (APLIC, 2005 and 2006). These guidelines are considered by agencies and the utility industry to represent the Best Management Practices for transmission line construction. Indiana bats hibernate in caves or mines. If roosting trees are cleared during roosting season it is possible roosting bats could be lost. Potential effects on bats could be reduced by limiting timber removal activities to the time when roosting does not occur or conducting mist net surveys to determine if the summer foraging and roosting habitat within the vicinity of the project is used by the Indiana bat. The dwarf wedgemussel and bog turtle are both small with limited mobility. The greatest risk to these species would occur during construction and right-of-way maintenance activities. Streams known to be inhabited by dwarf wedgemussels would be avoided by construction and maintenance activities, and buffer zones would ensure that water quality in such streams would not adversely affect this species. Following selection of the Preferred Route, PSE&G would consult with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife service to identify appropriate protection and mitigation measures to avoid potential effects on these species. Similarly, PSE&G would consult with the NJDEP to identify potential habitat for state special status and minimize potential effects to these species to the maximum extent practicable. Protective measures that could be used include fencing of known or potential habitat during and immediately following construction activities and seasonal construction restrictions. Conclusions All of Alternative A between the Delaware River and Jefferson switching station site would require the creation of new right-of way. This construction would affect wildlife through increased forest fragmentation and reduce interior forest habitat. Alternative B is entirely within existing right-of-way. Construction activities could have a short-term adverse impact on wildlife; however, it is expected that following construction, right-of-way management practices would continue in accordance with applicable regulations if this alternative is selected as the final alignment. As a result, there would be little, if any, 45 The Louis Berger/CAI Alliance PSE&G Alternative Route Identification Report long-term additional effects on existing wildlife habitat because the existing right-of-way should not need to be expanded to accommodate the new structures. Construction of the new line along Alternative C would require clearing of forest edge habitat along a 19 mile segment where the new line would parallel an existing line. Although the clearing process would remove existing edge habitats, new edge habitat would be created at the new right of way boundary. Thus, net loss of edge habitat would likely be minimal. However, widening the right of way would effectively move edge habitat laterally extending into areas once considered interior forest habitat. Thus, some diminishment of interior habitat area would likely occur. Therefore, Alternative B would have the least impact on wildlife and associated habitat. 3.1.6 Land Use In New Jersey, Alternative A would cross three counties (Sussex, Morris and Essex), Alternative B would cross four counties (Warren, Sussex, Morris and Essex) and Alternative C would cross three counties (Warren, Morris and Essex). See Figure 3.1.6-1 on the following page for affected environment in the three alternatives. 46 Figure 3.1.6-1 Land Use in Proximity to the Three Alternative Routes in New Jersey The Louis Berger/CAI Alliance PSE&G Alternative Route Identification Report Alternative A Agricultural Land Agricultural land is defined as land used primarily for the production of food and fiber and some of the structures associated with this production. Subcategories of agricultural land include cropland and pastureland, orchards, vineyards, nurseries and horticultural areas, confined feeding operations and other agricultural land. Alternative A would pass across approximately 22,000 feet of cropland and pastureland and 600 feet of other agricultural land. Cropland and pastureland is defined as land managed for the production of both row and field crops and for the grazing of cattle, sheep and horses. This category also includes cropland left fallow or planted with improvement grasses and legumes. Other agricultural land includes miscellaneous agricultural areas, including experimental fields, horse farms and isolated dikes and access roads. Barren Land Barren land is land of limited ability to support life and in which less than one-third of the area has vegetation or other cover. In general, it is an area of thin soil, sand, or rocks. Subcategories include dry salt flats, beaches, sandy areas other than beaches, bare exposed rock; strip mines, quarries, and gravel pits; transitional areas, and mixed barren land. Alternative A would pass across approximately 1,450 feet of barren land. Table 3.1.6-1 provides a detailed breakout by subcategory. Table 3.1.6-1 – Barren Land Subcategory Distribution, Alternative A Subcategory Length (feet) Altered Lands Bare Exposed Rock, Rock Slides, Etc. Extractive Mining Transitional Areas Total 350 200 350 550 1,450 As shown in Table 3.1.6-1, transitional areas are the largest subcategory of affected barren land (37.59%). Transitional areas are those areas which are in transition from one land use activity to another. This transitional phase occurs when, for example, forest lands are cleared for agriculture, wetlands are drained for development, or when any type of land use ceases as areas become temporarily bare as construction is planned for future uses. Land being altered by filling, such as occurs in spoil dumps or sanitary landfills, is also indicative of this transitional phase. Forests Forests include any lands covered by woody vegetation other than wetlands. These areas are capable of producing timber and other wood products, and of supporting many kinds of outdoor recreation. Different subcategories of forests include deciduous, coniferous, mixed deciduous-coniferous and brushland. Alternative A would pass across approximately 97,650 feet of forest lands. Table 3.1.4-1, in section 3.1.4, Vegetation, provides a summary by subcategory. The majority of forested land cover affected by Alternative A would be Deciduous Forest (>50% Crown Closure). Crown closure, which is defined as the percentage of a forest area occupied by the vertical projections of tree crowns, provides a reasonable estimate of stand density. The majority of deciduous forests in New Jersey are in the >50% crown closure category. Notable forested areas in the vicinity of Alternative A include High Point, Buck Mountain and Pyramid Mountain State Parks and the Wildcat Ridge Natural Area. 48 The Louis Berger/CAI Alliance PSE&G Alternative Route Identification Report Urban Land Urban land is comprised of areas of intensive use with much of the land covered by structures. Included in this category are cities, towns, villages, strip developments along highways, transportation, power, and communications facilities, and areas such as those occupied by mills, shopping centers, industrial and commercial complexes, and institutions that may, in some instances, be isolated from urban areas. An important subcategory of urban land, “other or built-up urban land” is defined as uses such as golf driving ranges, zoos, urban parks, cemeteries, waste dumps, water-control structures and spillways, golf courses and ski areas, and undeveloped land within an urban setting. The Alternative A corridor traverses fairly rural areas and would pass across approximately 90,000 feet of urban lands. Table 3.1.6-2 provides a breakout by subcategory as well as an inventory of buildings within specified distances of the proposed centerline. Table 3.1.6-2 – Urban Land Subcategory Distribution, Alternative A Subcategory Length (feet) Commercial/Services Major Roadways Other Urban or Built-Up Land Recreational Land Residential, High Density Or Multiple Dwelling Residential, Rural, Single Unit Residential, Single Unit, Low Density Residential, Single Unit, Medium Density Transportation/Communication/Utilities Upland Rights-of-Way Total 2,750 1,950 1,600 800 300 2,650 850 350 500 78,250 90,000 Alternative B Agricultural Land Alternative B would pass across approximately 12,100 feet of agricultural land. Cropland and pastureland, orchards/vineyards/nurseries/horticultural areas, and other agricultural areas would be crossed by 11,950, 50, and 100 feet of this Alternative Route, respectively. Barren Land Alternative B would pass across approximately 1,100 feet of barren land, of which 350 feet is altered lands, 200 feet is bare exposed rock, and 550 feet is transitional areas. Forests Alternative B would pass across approximately 1,350 feet of forest lands. Table 3.1.4-1 in section 3.1.4, Vegetation, provides a detailed breakout by subcategory. Notable forested areas in the corridor include the Wildcat Ridge Natural Area and Kittatinny Valley State Park. Urban Land Although the western end of the Alternative B corridor is fairly rural in nature in the communities of Hardwick, Stillwater and Fredon, the eastern end of the corridor is moderately to densely developed in a typical suburban development pattern. Alternative B would pass across approximately 180,450 feet of urban lands, as indicated in Table 3.1.6-3. 49 The Louis Berger/CAI Alliance PSE&G Alternative Route Identification Report Table 3.1.6-3 – Urban Land Subcategory Distribution, Alternative B Subcategory Length (feet) Commercial/Services Major Roadways Other Urban or Built-Up Land Recreational Land Residential, High Density Or Multiple Dwelling Residential, Rural, Single Unit Residential, Single Unit, Low Density Residential, Single Unit, Medium Density Stormwater Basin Transportation/Communication/Utilities Upland Rights-of-Way Developed Upland Rights-of-Way Undeveloped Total 2,700 900 100 950 300 3,400 1,350 600 50 500 5,800 163,800 180,450 Alternative C Agricultural Land Alternative C would pass across approximately 38,178 feet of agricultural land, which is summarized in Table 3.1.6-4. Table 3.1.6-4 – Agricultural Land Subcategory Distribution, Alternative C Subcategory Length (feet) Confined Feeding Operations Cropland And Pastureland Orchards/Vineyards/Nurseries/Horticultural Areas Other Agriculture Total 200 35,800 650 1,550 38,200 Barren Land Alternative C would pass across approximately 3,550 feet of barren land. Of this total, approximately 700 feet is comprised of altered lands and 2,850 feet is comprised of transitional areas. Forests Alternative C would pass across approximately 60,300 feet of forest lands. Table 3.1.4-1, in section 3.1.4, Vegetation, provides a summary by subcategory. Urban Land As is the case with Alternative B, the western end of the Alternative C corridor is fairly rural, with development density increasing as one moves eastward along the corridor, whose eastern end is typical of northern New Jersey suburban development. Alternative C would pass across approximately 101,250 feet of urban lands. Table 3.1.6-5 provides a breakout by subcategory as well as an inventory of buildings within specified distances of the proposed centerline. Included in the urban land development below is about a 3 mile segment of the M&E line, which shares the existing transmission line right-of-way just to the west of the East Hanover/Roseland switching station. 50 The Louis Berger/CAI Alliance PSE&G Alternative Route Identification Report Table 3.1.6-5 – Urban Land Subcategory Distribution, Alternative C Subcategory Length (feet) Commercial/Services Major Roadways Other Urban or Built-Up Land Recreational Land Residential, Rural, Single Unit Residential, Single Unit, Low Density Residential, Single Unit, Medium Density Stormwater Basin Transportation/Communication/Utilities Upland Rights-of-Way Developed Upland Rights-of-Way Undeveloped Total 2,950 500 5,700 3,000 3,200 1,100 450 600 1,500 6,050 76,200 101,250 Impacts on Land Use Alternative A would require the acquisition of new right-of-way for most of its length between the New Jersey border and the Jefferson switching station, resulting in the clearing of a 200-foot wide corridor through this area. Clearing would entail cutting of all trees and tall growing shrubs at the time of construction, with regular maintenance to prevent the re-growth of trees. In addition, with the exception of specific agricultural uses, most other forms of urban development would not be permitted within the rightof-way. Much of the corridor and vicinity is rural and sparsely developed and the presence of a new transmission line in the area would prevent future development within its right-of-way. Alternatives B and C would be constructed entirely within existing rights-of-way (with the possible exception of the eastern portion of Alternative C, discussed later) , these alternatives would have the least impact on land use in their respective corridors. These two Alternative Route corridors are located in built-up areas; consequently, there would be little impact to future development patterns. Table 3.1.6-6 provides a summary matrix of each Alternative Route with respect to land use. The virgin right-of-way portion of Alternative A was sited to avoid residence removals, and there would be no known residence removals associated with this Alternative Route. Residences within 75 and 100 feet of the centerline are all associated with the portion of this Alternative that is common to Alternatives A and B. One existing residence removal or relocation may be associated with Alternative B. The remaining seven residences within 75 feet of the existing and proposed centerline of Alternative B are at the edge of the right-of-way. These are the same residences within 75 feet of the Alternative A centerline. Because the existing right-of-way is 150 feet wide and the new structures associated with Alternative B would also be able to be constructed within the 150 feet wide right-of-way, it is unlikely that any of these seven residences would need be removed. Similarly, because Alternative C would be constructed within the limits of the existing right-of-way, none of the eight residences within 75 feet of the proposed centerline would likely need to be removed. However, if Alternative C is selected as the Preferred Route, it would require dismantling about three miles of the Morristown and Erie Railroad System, in East Hanover during construction, at a minimum. This would require customers currently served by this freight line to receive goods via alternative means, potentially increasing traffic on local roads. If construction adjacent to the railroad could not be feasibly implemented or engineering challenges along the eastern-most portion of this Alternative Route could not be overcome, the right-of-way along this portion of Alternative C may need to be expanded, resulting in substantial impacts in this heavily developed area. 51 The Louis Berger/CAI Alliance PSE&G Alternative Route Identification Report Category Agriculture Barren Land Forests Urban Land Water Residences within 75 feet of Centerline Other Structures within 75 feet of Centerline Residences within 100 feet of Centerline Other Structures within 100 feet of Centerline Residences within 250 feet of Centerline Other Structures within 250 feet of Centerline Table 3.1.6-6 – Land Use Summary Table Alternative A Alternative B (feet) (feet) 22,600 12,100 1,450 1,100 97,650 1,350 90,000 180,450 2,000 3,700 Alternative C (feet) 38,200 3,550 60,300 101,250 2,650 7 8 8 5 6 11 34 49 62 19 20 21 284 405 478 56 68 79 Conclusions Alternative A would require the most new right-of-way and therefore result in the greatest conversion of existing land uses for use as a transmission line corridor. Consequently, Alternative A would have the most impact of the three Alternative Routes on existing and potential future land uses on the portion of the right-of-way north of the Jefferson switching station site. Alternative C would be constructed within an existing right-of-way; a 19 mile segment of which would be parallel to an existing 230-kV transmission line. This would require expansion of the existing cleared right-of-way, and conversion of forested land use to open right-of-way. In addition, temporary or possibly permanent impacts to the Morristown and Erie railroad line with construction of Alternate C would represent an adverse impact to this existing land use. If the right-of-way along the eastern-most 10 miles of Alternative C should need to be expanded to avoid impacts to the railroad and enable construction along this portion of the alignment, severe impacts to land use would result. Alternative B would be constructed entirely within the existing 150-wide right-ofway. Therefore, there would be no change in the existing land use or potential future land use development of right of way lands if Alternative B should be the Preferred Route. Therefore, from a land use perspective, Alternative B is the best alternative. 3.1.7 Recreation Lands Recreation Lands of National Significance This section presents information on the existing national recreational resources and designated natural scenic resources that occur within or adjacent to the three Alternative Routes. The Alternative Routes under consideration would pass through or adjacent to the following designated national recreational and scenic resources: • • The Appalachian National Scenic Trail. All three Alternative Routes would cross the Appalachian Trail at different locations. The Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area (NRA). Alternative B would cross the NRA on an existing transmission line right-of-way. Alternative A would cross through the extreme northernmost portion of the NRA. 52 The Louis Berger/CAI Alliance PSE&G Alternative Route Identification Report • The Middle and Lower Delaware Wild and Scenic Rivers. Sections of the middle and lower Delaware rivers are designated under the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act. The middle Delaware National Scenic River covers about 40 miles and is classified as scenic. Alternative B would cross this section of the Delaware River. The lower Delaware is included in the Wild and Scenic River system, and a 38-mile section of the main stem Delaware classified as recreational lies within the route of Alternative C. The specific policies establishing each of these national resources and guiding their preservation and maintenance are discussed in greater detail below. Appalachian Trail The Appalachian National Scenic Trail, first completed in 1937, was established as the first National Scenic Trail by Congress with passage of the National Trails System Act in 1968. A hiking trail, the Appalachian Trail is within a day's drive of two-thirds of the U.S. population and receives as estimated 4 million annual visitors (NPS 2008d). The entire length of the footpath is approximately 2,175-miles and stretches through 14 eastern states from Maine to Georgia, traversing wild, scenic, wooded, pastoral, and culturally significant lands of the Appalachian Mountains. Trail amenities include camping sites, 250 shelters and other associated facilities. The State of New Jersey contains 72 miles of the Appalachian Trail; Pennsylvania contains 229 miles. The Appalachian Trail is a component of the national trails system and a unit of the national park system. It contains over 165,000 acres which have been acquired by NPS and the FS as part of a permanent right-of-way and protected corridor. Since 1983, the Appalachian Trail Conservancy (ATC) has assumed formal management responsibilities for lands directly administered by the Appalachian Trail Park Office of the NPS, with the exception of some authorities such as law enforcement, real estate and federal compliance, which remain under the authority of the NPS. However, the ATC assists the NPS with these responsibilities as appropriate (2004 Strategic Plan). Under this decentralized, volunteer-based cooperative management system, more than 4,000 volunteers contribute more than 175,000 hours of maintenance to the trail annually (NPS 2000b). The mission of the Appalachian Trail Park Office is to “foster the Cooperative Management System of the Appalachian National Scenic Trail in order to preserve and provide for the enjoyment of the varied scenic, historic, natural and cultural qualities of the areas between the states of Maine and Georgia through which the Trail passes” (NPS 2005). Significance — Park significance statements capture the essence of a park’s importance to the nation’s natural and cultural heritage. Understanding park significance helps managers make decisions that preserve the resources and values necessary to the park’s purpose. The stated significance of the trail, as identified in the 2005 Strategic Plan is as follows (NPS 2005): The Appalachian Trail is a way, continuous from Maine to Georgia, for travel on foot through the wild, scenic, wooded, pastoral, and culturally significant lands of the Appalachian Mountains. It is a means of sojourning among these lands, such that visitors may experience them by their own unaided efforts. The body of the Trail is provided by the lands it traverses, and its soul is in the living stewardship of the volunteers and partners of the Appalachian Trail Cooperative Management System. Purpose — As stated in the 2005 Strategic Plan, the purpose of the trail is to “[provide] for maximum outdoor recreation potential as an extended trail and for the conservation and enjoyment of the nationally significant scenic, historic, natural, and cultural resources of the areas through which the Trail passes”(NPS 2005). 53 The Louis Berger/CAI Alliance PSE&G Alternative Route Identification Report The 1987 Comprehensive Plan for the Protection, Management, Development and Use of the Appalachian Scenic Trail is intended to provide a framework for development and management of the Trail and its immediate environs. This plan contains a description of management philosophy and policies for the protection of the trailway. Relevant guidance on the protection of trailway values contained in this plan is as follows (NPS 1987): • Protection of Trailway: “Wherever the Trail is inadequately protected, efforts will be made to extend protection... Cooperation of landowners and local communities will be sought to avoid adverse developments along the Trail route. …objectives are to assure that the Trail will be continuous, in a desirable location, and that it will be adequately buffered from incompatible developments, to the extent that objective is achievable.” • The Future Protection of Trailway Values: The isolated and scenic character of the Appalachian Trail will continue to be threatened in the future. …the presently wild or pastoral areas through which the Trail passes will be continuously under pressure for many kinds of development [such as] energy projects. …emphasis should be on integration with compatible land uses, rather than on an attempt to preclude them. …Where other projected land uses, including energy development projects, appear to conflict with Trail values, ways to reduce the impacts will be sought at the planning stage. Similarly, the ATC Policy on Roads and Utility Developments (ATC, 2000) states: It is the policy of ATC to oppose construction of any facilities of those types on Appalachian Trail corridor lands or those facilities on adjacent lands that could have an adverse impact on the viewshed of the Trail, unless they meet all of the following criteria: 1) The proposed development represents the only prudent and feasible alternative to meet an over-riding public need, as demonstrated in a thorough and detailed analysis of alternatives. 2) Any new impacts associated with the proposed development shall coincide with existing major impacts to the Trail experience. 3) Any proposed development of linear facilities shall be limited to a single crossing of the Appalachian Trail corridor. 4) Any adverse impacts of a proposed development shall be sufficiently mitigated so as to result in no net loss of recreational values or the quality of the recreation experience provided by the Appalachian Trail. To the extent practicable, mitigation shall occur on site. 5) The proposed development shall avoid, at a minimum: (a) wilderness or wilderness study areas; (b) National Park Service natural areas; (c) Forest Service semiprimitive nonmotorized or designated backcountry areas; (d) natural-heritage sites; (e) cultural-resource sites; (f) Trail-related facilities, such as shelters and campsites; and (g) alpine zones, balds, and wetlands. A recent study of visitor experience among hikers on Appalachian Trail (NPS, 2000) examined effects of trail conditions on experience and overall satisfaction. This study found that the most important motives to hikers included being close to nature and enjoying the view along the trail. Various forms of environmental impact tended to receive the highest problem ratings for hikers. The biggest reported problem was damage to soil and vegetation; this was rated as at least a small problem by 83.1% of hikers expecting to travel the entire length of the trail. The values of the Appalachian Trail that would be affected by the proposed development are similar for all alternatives. The character of the trail in the vicinity of the proposed transmission lines for Alternatives 54 The Louis Berger/CAI Alliance PSE&G Alternative Route Identification Report A, B (in New Jersey) and C in Pennsylvania) is generally remote as it winds through rural backwoods areas and becomes less secluded as it encounters dispersed development near the larger townships along its course. Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area The NRA was established by Congress under Public Law 89-158 on September 1, 1965 to provide public outdoor recreation use and enjoyment of the then-proposed Tocks Island Reservoir and adjacent lands and for preservation of the related scenic, scientific and historic features of the area. The NRA is among the 10 most visited parks in the national park system (NPS 2000a). More than four million people visit the national recreation area each year. In 2007, the park counted over 4.8 million visitors, with more than a third (34%) coming to the park during the summer months of June, July, and August (NPS, 2008a). The majority of the recreation area’s visitors (89%) are regional, visiting the national recreation area from New Jersey, New York, and Pennsylvania. Approximately 60% of those visiting the national recreation area become return visitors (NPS 2000c). The nearly 70,000 acres comprising the Delaware Water Gap NRA contains the Middle Delaware National Scenic River, which is a unit of the National Park Service and is managed like a traditional national park with extensive federal and state land holdings. The Delaware River is within a day’s drive of 40% of the U. S. population and is utilized by canoes and kayaks, speed boats, jet skis, fishing boats, and innertubes. Canal paths on either side of the river are utilized by hikers and bicyclists. Fishing, bird watching and camping are also popular recreational uses of the river corridor. The Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area contains a 133-site rustic campground (Dingmans Campground), which is located in the Pennsylvania side of the Delaware River approximately ¼ mile south of route 739. The campground offers a variety of camping settings, with prime campsites along the banks of the Delaware River. It is not located in the vicinity of any of the proposed transmission line routes. Sightseeing and picnicking are the two most common visitor activities (NPS 2000c). In addition to hiking and picnicking, on-site recreational opportunities available at the national recreation area include (FTA 2001): • Autotouring; • Canoeing and swimming; • Camping in designated locations, especially along the river; • Biking; • Fishing and hunting; • Bird watching and viewing wildlife, geological sites, natural landscape, and historical structures; • Winter sports including cross-country skiing, snow shoeing, ice fishing, ice skating, and ice climbing; and • Educational programs such as the visitor programs at the education and tourist centers located at Kittatinny Point and Dingmans Falls. In order to preserve these park values, a 1987 General Management Plan (GMP) for the NRA includes provisions for: • public outdoor recreation benefits, • preservation of scenic, scientific, and historic features contributing to public enjoyment • such utilization of natural resources as in the judgment of the Secretary of the Interior is consistent with, and does not significantly impair, public recreation and protection of scenic, scientific, and historic features contributing to public enjoyment The 1987 GMP also outlines strategies to meet the following management objectives (NPS 1987): • Reduce user group conflicts. • Convey better orientation information 55 The Louis Berger/CAI Alliance PSE&G Alternative Route Identification Report • • • • • • Coordinate activities that affect local communities with townships and counties. Identify adverse visitor effects on natural resources Protect archaeological sites Maintain landscape and manage unique blend of natural cultural and scenic features Expand facilities for water-oriented and land based activities Design key park entrance points to reduce visitor traffic congestion and restore unneeded roads to a more natural appearance In the immediate vicinity of Alternative B, which is proposed to cross a total of 4.2 miles of the park in Pennsylvania and New Jersey (1.5 miles in Pennsylvania and 2.7 miles in New Jersey), there are several hiking trails which provide access to historic abandoned structures east of Depew Island. One of these trails is indicated on the park map. Other recreational facilities include the Watergate Recreation Site located ½ mile southwest of Millbrook Village and a narrow unpaved access road on the west side of the river. Alternative A would cross a 300-foot portion of the park near Interstate 84 which is a popular site for recreational rafting. No designated park amenities exist at that location. Delaware Wild and Scenic River The United States Congress approved legislation signed into law by President Lyndon Johnson on October 2, 1968, creating the National Wild and Scenic Rivers System (Public Law 90-542). This law, known as the "Wild and Scenic Rivers Act," states (DRBC, 2008): It is hereby declared to be the policy of the United States that certain selected rivers of the Nation which, with their immediate environments, possess outstandingly remarkable scenic, recreational, geologic, fish and wildlife, historic, cultural, or other similar values, shall be preserved in freeflowing condition, and that they and their immediate environments shall be protected for the benefit and enjoyment of present and future generations. “Free-flowing” as defined in the Act is “existing or flowing in natural condition without impoundment, diversion, straightening, rip-rapping, or other modification of the waterway. The existence, however, of low dams, diversion works, and other minor structures at the time any river is proposed for inclusion in the national wild and scenic rivers system shall not automatically bar its consideration for such inclusion. . . .” The Act defines the three classifications for rivers, based on the intensity of human presence along the river corridor, as follows: • Wild: Rivers or sections of rivers that are free of impoundments and generally inaccessible except by trail, with watersheds and shorelines essentially primitive and waters unpolluted. These represent vestiges of primitive America. • Scenic: Those rivers or sections of rivers that are free of impoundments, with shorelines or watersheds still largely primitive and shorelines largely undeveloped, but accessible in places by roads. • Recreational: Those rivers or sections of rivers that are readily accessible by road or railroad, that may have some development along their shorelines, and that may have undergone some impoundment or diversion in the past. Regardless of classification, each designated river is administered with the goal of nondegradation and enhancement of the values which caused it to be designated. 56 The Louis Berger/CAI Alliance PSE&G Alternative Route Identification Report Upper and Middle Delaware WSR Corridor Two reaches of the Delaware River were added to the National Wild and Scenic Rivers System in 1978. One section, the Upper Delaware WSR, extends 73 miles from the confluence of the river's East and West branches at Hancock, New York, downstream to Milrift, Pennyslvania, and is comprised mostly of nonfederal and privately owned lands. This section would not be affected by any of the proposed transmission line alternatives. The second section, the Middle Delaware National Scenic River, covers about 40 miles from just south of Port Jervis, New York. downstream to the Delaware Water Gap near Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania (DRBC 2008). This stretch of the Delaware River is within the NRA and is classified as scenic. The proposed alternatives could potentially affect resources along the middle Delaware National Scenic River such as recreational boating near the northern boundary of the NRA (Alternative A) and Depew Island (Alternative B). Lower Delaware WSR Corridor In 2000, the National Wild and Scenic River System incorporated key segments of the lower Delaware River to form this unit of the National Park System. The Lower Delaware National Wild and Scenic River includes a 38.9-mile section of the main stem Delaware (and about 28 miles of selected tributaries) linking the Delaware Water Gap and Washington Crossing, Pennsylvania., just upstream of Trenton, New Jersey. Three-quarters of the non-tidal Delaware River is now included in the national system (NPS 2008c; DRBC 2008). The Lower Delaware River Management Plan, which sets forth guidelines for the use and management of River corridor resources, contains the Lower Delaware National Wild and Scenic River Study Report. Contained in this report are classifications for each of the river segments of the mainstem of the lower Delaware River which provide support in determining the river’s eligibility for inclusion into the National Wild and Scenic Rivers System. Each of the segments of the mainstem of the lower Delaware River are classified as “recreational” due to their accessibility by road and/or the presence of some development along the shoreline. The River Study Report also sets forth goals and policies for minimizing the adverse impact of development within the river corridor. Such goals and policies relevant to the proposed transmission line are as follows (NPS 2008b): Goal 5: Economic Development Identify principles for minimizing the adverse impact of development within the river corridor. Policies: Continued economic growth, new infrastructure, and the replacement, repair or expansion of existing infrastructure should occur in ways that minimize harmful impacts on the natural, cultural, recreational and scenic values of the river corridor and that are cost-effective. Implementation Strategies: • Best Management Practices should be required for all industrial areas to protect the river’s resources. Visual appearance of industrial areas should be improved to maintain scenic value of the corridor. Buffer zones between public facilities and the river should be encouraged. • Public and private utility uses and rights-of-way should be concentrated to minimize impact. • Reviews should be conducted to anticipate expansion needs with natural gas, electric, telecommunication, and other utility companies operating in the river corridor and develop a plan that allows those needs to be met in a manner that is compatible with the river corridor’s resources and that is cost-effective. • Expansion needs should be reviewed with appropriate governmental entities regarding existing sewage authorities and anticipated new sewage treatment facilities to ensure compatibility with the goals of this plan. 57 The Louis Berger/CAI Alliance PSE&G Alternative Route Identification Report • A system of evaluation for proposed projects throughout the corridor should be developed that identifies the impact on significant resources and compares the environmental impacts with the economic benefits. Impacts on National Recreational Resources and Designated Natural Scenic Resources The potential effects on recreational resources of national significance caused by the construction and operation of the transmission line would occur when: • • • • • Recreational uses are created, displaced, or eliminated; Objectives for national recreation areas and scenic resources recreation cannot be met; Existing recreational facilities and uses are changed; Potential users of recreational areas who focus on the aesthetics of natural surroundings are repelled or disturbed; and The cleared right-of-way increases access into a forest which leads to unintended uses like trespassing and unauthorized ATV use. During the initial route planning, the three alternatives under consideration were sited to avoid sensitive lands when possible and thereby minimize impacts. However, the routes traverse segments of the Delaware Wild and Scenic River and the Appalachian National Scenic Trail. The transmission line under any of the three proposed alternatives would unavoidably cross through visual resources in these national recreational resource areas. The transmission line structures, conductors, and the cleared right-of-way will be visible in varying degrees to area residents, travelers, and visitors. The visual accessibility of the line will be influenced by a multitude of factors, such as the amount of screening, the amount of natural light present, the distance from the viewpoint to the line, the amount of other human disturbance in the viewshed, background terrain and colors, the sensitivity of the viewer, and many other variables. Transmission line construction and maintenance also affect other resources that are important components to recreational areas, such as wildlife and native vegetation. Alternative A Under Alternative A, the proposed transmission line would not displace or eliminate national recreational resources. The line would be visible as it crosses the Appalachian Trail north of Libertyville, NJ between the Mashipocong and Rutherford trail shelters. The route would parallel a preexisting gas pipeline through High Point State Park in New Jersey. However, new structures would create notable visible changes to the existing setting where there are currently no above-ground structures. This would result in diminished scenic resources on the Appalachian National Scenic Trail. The transmission line proposed under Alternative A would cross 300 feet of the Delaware Water Gap NRA near its northern boundary and would require the clearing of existing vegetation to provide right-ofway. The line would avoid much of the NPS-managed lands of the park. The river segment over which the proposed Alternative A would pass is designated as “scenic” under the Wild and Scenic River Act. Changes to the river’s scenic resources would occur under this alternative as the result of disruptions in the continuity of the hillside vegetation which would be apparent to recreational boaters on the Delaware River. The transmission line structures would be visible above the forest canopy. This would increase visual accessibility of the line. Alternative B Under Alternative B, the transmission line would not displace or eliminate national recreational resources. The line would be visible as it crossed the Appalachian Trail near Millbrook Village and the Town of Hardwick in New Jersey. However, the route would correspond with a preexisting transmission line rightof-way. Depending on the right-of-way option selected, the more prominent or more numerous structures would result in changes to the existing physical setting and visitor experience along a narrow portion of the Appalachian National Scenic Trail. 58 The Louis Berger/CAI Alliance PSE&G Alternative Route Identification Report Alternative B would also transect 4.2 miles of the Delaware Water Gap NRA in New Jersey one half mile north of Depew Island on the Delaware River. The new installation would be aligned on the existing 230kV transmission line right-of-way. The transmission line structure would be of a height to project above the forest canopy. This will increase visual accessibility of the line. The installation of taller (and thus more visible) structures would allow for a narrower right-of-way while, conversely, shorter structures would require a wider right-of-way and potentially result in greater ground disturbance due to the necessary clearing of forest and vegetation to accommodate an additional structure. Impacts to scenic resources would occur under either option. However, the nature of these changes would differ between the two options. The higher tower would present less soil, vegetative and habitat disturbance but a noticeable height increase, while the addition of a second line of lower profile structures would result in a more noticeable absence of vegetation. The average height of the existing 230-kV transmission lines within the NRA is approximately 80 feet. Thus the introduction of taller structures into the existing environment would result in a perceived height increase of 40 to 80 feet to man-made structures in the landscape. Taller or more numerous structures would also represent a noticeable change to visitors at the Watergate Recreation Site located ½ mile southwest of Millbrook Village. As a result, park resource values would likely be diminished at this crossing point. The river segment over which the proposed Alternative B would pass is designated as “scenic” under the Wild and Scenic River Act. Changes to the river’s scenic resources would occur under this alternative and would be apparent to recreational boaters on the Delaware River. Depending on the structural option selected and the degree to which the existing right-of-way width would be preserved, disruptions in the continuity of the hillside vegetation and/or noticeable increases in the height of existing structures would occur under Alternative B. Alternative C Under Alternative C, the proposed transmission line would not displace or eliminate national recreational resources. The line would cross the Appalachian Trail near Blue Mountain north of Mosserville, PA. The line would then run parallel to the trail at a distance of less than 1 mile for an approximate length of 8.5 miles between the Leroy A. Smith and George W. Outerbridge shelters in Pennsylvania. Given the existing terrain and vegetation, the proposed transmission line may be intermittently visible from the trail. Alternative C could result in diminishing resource values for the Appalachian National Scenic Trail. The transmission line proposed under Alternative C would cross the Delaware River south of the town of Belvidere, thereby avoiding the Delaware Water Gap NRA by over 10 miles. As a result, there would be no direct or indirect impact to the Delaware Water Gap NRA under Alternative C. The installation would be aligned on existing right-of-way with the existing 230kV transmission line and would cross the Lower Delaware WSR Corridor parallel to this existing line at the Martins Creek Power Plant. The river segment over with the proposed Alternative C will pass is designated as recreational. It is not anticipated that any impacts to recreational values of the stream itself would occur as a result of this alternative. Conclusion The recreational and scenic values of portions of the Appalachian National Scenic Trail would be diminished under any of the proposed alternatives. The crossing of the Trail by Alternative A would have perhaps the greatest impact because no man-made above-ground structures currently exist at this location. Existing transmission line structures and rights-of-way exist at the Trail crossings of Alternative B and, in Pennsylvania, Alternative C. Recreational and scenic values of the Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area would be diminished under Alternatives A and B, with most impacts occurring under Alternative B. These values would be unaffected under Alternative C because Alternative C avoids the NRA. The recreational and scenic values of the Delaware Wild and Scenic River would be diminished 59 The Louis Berger/CAI Alliance PSE&G Alternative Route Identification Report under Alternatives A and B, and unaffected under Alternative C. Overall, Alternative C represents the least amount of combined adverse effects on recreational and scenic resources of national significance within the recreational areas identified in this analysis. Recreation Resources of State, Regional, and Local Significance Recreational lands and open spaces are those areas which have been specifically developed for recreational activities, if these areas are open to the general public. Sub categories include golf courses (public and private); picnic and camping parks; marina and boat launches; community recreation areas (facilities which are not part of established parks, such as baseball fields, tennis courts, basketball courts, and playgrounds); municipal, county and state parks; wildlife management and natural areas, fish hatcheries, public and commercial swimming pools such as swim clubs and city-operated pools; swimming beaches (man-made beaches adjacent to lakes or ponds, which have been developed for recreational activities); formal lawns, arboretums and landscaped areas associated with facilities open to the public; stadiums, theaters, cultural centers, and zoos; and other recreational lands such as rifle, skeet, and archery ranges, ski and winter sport areas, fairgrounds, etc. All three alternative routes would cross through recreational lands or open spaces, as discussed below. Alternative A Alternative A would pass across approximately 50,900 feet of recreational lands or open spaces, as summarized in Table 3.1.7-1. Table 3.1.7-1 – Recreation Subcategory Distribution, Alternative A Subcategory Length (feet) Natural Areas State Parks Wildlife Management Areas Total 7,850 26,050 17,000 50,900 Notable among these are High Point State Park, Pimple Hills Range, the Weldon Brook Wildlife Management Area (WMA), the Rockaway River WMA, the Wildcat Ridge WMA, the Buck Mountain Forest Legacy Tract, and the Pyramid Mountain Natural Historical Area. In addition, Alternative A would pass within 1,000 feet of eight local parks. Alternative B Alternative B would pass across approximately 28,200 feet of recreational lands or open spaces (Table 3.1.7-2). Table 3.1.7-2 – Recreation Subcategory Distribution, Alternative B Subcategory Length (feet) Natural Areas State Parks Trails Wildlife Management Areas Total 7,850 9,000 600 10,750 28,200 Included among these resources are Kittatinny Valley State Park, the Rockaway River WMA, the Wildcat Ridge WMA, the Buck Mountain Forest Legacy Tract, and the Pyramid Mountain Natural Historical Area. In addition, Alternative B would pass within 1,000 feet of ten local parks. 60 The Louis Berger/CAI Alliance PSE&G Alternative Route Identification Report Alternative C Alternative C would pass across approximately 30,050 feet of recreational lands or open spaces, as summarized in Table 3.1.7-3. Table 3.1.7-3 – Recreation Subcategory Distribution, Alternative C Subcategory Length (feet) Fish Hatcheries Natural Areas Wildlife Management Areas Total 1,100 3,200 25,750 30,050 Included among these resources are the Pequest WMA, the Rockport Game Farm and the Hackettstown Fish Hatchery. In addition, Alternative C would pass within 1,000 feet of nine local parks. Impacts on Recreational Resources of State, Regional, and Local Significance Alternative A would require the acquisition of new right-of-way for most of its length between the New Jersey border and the Jefferson switching station, resulting in the clearing of a 200-foot wide corridor through this area. Clearing would entail cutting of all trees and tall growing shrubs at the time of construction, with regular maintenance to prevent the re-growth of trees. This would result in the removal of the new right-of-way from any present or future recreational use. Because much of both Alternatives B and C would likely be constructed within existing rights-of-way, these alternatives would have the least impact on recreation and open space in their respective corridors. Conclusions While all three alternative routes would pass across recreational lands or open spaces, Alternative A would have the greatest impact (50,900 feet), followed by Alternative C and Alternative B (30,050 feet and 28,200 feet respectively). Consequently, Alternative B would have the least potential impact on recreational resources of state, regional, and local significance. 3.1.8 Cultural Resources The prehistoric (pre-contact) period of New Jersey is divided into four broad chronological eras: the Paleoindian [12,500 to 10,000 years before present (BP)]; the Archaic (10,000 to 3,000 BP); the Woodland (3,000 BP to A.D. 1600); and the Contact Period (A.D. 1600 to A.D. 1800). The Archaic and Woodland periods are further divided into early, middle, and late periods. The prehistoric cultural periods are understood to reflect temporally and culturally distinct occupations and are defined on the assumption that changes in artifact types and styles mirror cultural changes. Stylistic variation in projectile points, other stone tools, and later, ceramics define the traditional cultural periods (Coe 1964) Paleoindian (12,500 to 10,000 BP) The earliest recognized prehistoric occupation of New Jersey dates to the Paleoindian period (12,500 to 10,000 BP). Paleoindian occupation is characterized by the use of distinctive fluted lanceolate points. Although more than 200 such fluted points have been found throughout New Jersey, the largest number of these fluted points has been found in the Delaware River drainage, and almost all of them were surface finds (Marshall 1982). Paleoindian subsistence strategy may have centered on the hunting of game. Although other economic activities such as the gathering of plant foods may have been equally important, they have left little or no trace in the archaeological record. The location of known Paleoindian sites in New York and New Jersey suggests a preference for high, well-drained ground, near streams or wetlands, offering vantage points for observing game. Sites have also been located in rockshelters, near lithic source areas, and on lower river terraces. It is probable that many Paleoindian sites were situated on what is now the continental shelf (Marshall 1982). 61 The Louis Berger/CAI Alliance PSE&G Alternative Route Identification Report Archaic Period (10,000 to 3,000 BP) The ecological changes brought about by the warmer Holocene climates subsequently encouraged population migrations and the development of new subsistence strategies which characterize the Archaic period (10,000 to 3000 BP). Compared with the Paleoindian period, a wider variety of artifact types were used during the Archaic. This suggests that a greater diversity of subsistence and technological activities was pursued, although hunting still appears to have been the major focus. The Archaic in New Jersey is commonly divided into three subperiods, Early, Middle, and Late, based on changes in material culture and subsistence patterns. A fourth subperiod, the Terminal Archaic or Transitional period, has also been defined for at least the northern portion of the state and the adjoining areas of New York and Pennsylvania (Kraft and Mounier 1982). Although the transition from the Late Paleoindian to the Early Archaic period was marked by a change in projectile point morphology, some researchers have recently suggested that such a shift does not necessarily indicate a new way of life the same basic adaptation to the environment was present, and changes in projectile-point morphology implied a technological shift rather than an economic shift (Cavallo 1980; Gardner 1974). Settlement patterns during this period appear to represent the same preferences for site location as in the preceding period (Berger 1986:III-19). Middle Archaic remains (8000 to 6000 BP) have rarely been documented in the region, possibly a result of the unclear typological definitions for this period. The Middle Archaic occupation of New Jersey is often linked with either the Early or the Late Archaic (Kraft and Mounier 1982). Sites associated with the Late Archaic period (6000 to 3000 BP) are more common, leading some researchers to infer that an increase in the Native American population occurred. In some instances, Late Archaic base camp sites appear to represent occupations of longer duration. Milling stones and other food-grinding implements attest to an increased reliance on gathered wild plants; netsinkers, stoneboiling features, and faunal remains indicate the importance of fishing and shellfishing. Woodland Period (3,000 BP to A.D. 1600) The Woodland period (3000 BP to A.D. 1600) is divided into three successive subperiods: Early, Middle, and Late Woodland. The Early Woodland (3000 BP to AD 1) is traditionally distinguished from the preceding Late Archaic period by the introduction of ceramic vessels. Trends toward greater sedentism and subsistence specialization begun during the Terminal Archaic continued and were eventually accompanied by experimentation with cultigens. As with sites dating to other periods of New Jersey’s prehistory, known Early Woodland sites in the northwestern part of the state are located primarily in the Upper Delaware Valley (Williams and Thomas 1982). The Middle Woodland period (AD 1 to 700), was fairly similar to the Early Woodland Period but is characterized by stylistic changes in pottery. The Late Woodland period (AD 700 to 1600) is well represented throughout New Jersey. The largest sites dating to this period are usually located on major rivers and probably represent base camps which may have been occupied during most of the year. Smaller sites are abundant on tributaries as well as near natural springs and probably functioned as temporary or seasonal camps. The practice of hoe-type horticulture was well established, although hunting, gathering, and fishing continued as major subsistence activities. Except for stylistic changes, the Late Woodland stone toolkit remained similar to that of earlier periods and reflects the functional diversity associated with exploiting a broad resource base. Contact Period (A.D. 1600 to A.D. 1800) At the time of European contact (circa 1638), New Jersey was occupied by the Unami branch of the Lenape (renamed the “Delaware” by Europeans) (Goddard 1978; Kraft 1986). Increased contact with European traders and settlers and Colonial encroachment on hunting grounds and purchases of Native American territory resulted in the breakdown of native traditions and the increased reliance on European goods in exchange for land and furs and by the mid eighteenth century the tribe had relinquished all rights to New Jersey, except for hunting and fishing privileges. Warfare, disease, and alcoholism decimated the native population. For example, the Native American population of New Jersey is estimated to have been between 3,000 and 24,000 people in 1700 and by 1759 it was estimated that only 300 Native Americans remained in New Jersey (Kraft 1986). 62 The Louis Berger/CAI Alliance PSE&G Alternative Route Identification Report Historic Period (ca. A.D. 1624 to ca. 1950) The Alternative Routes extend through portions of what was referred to as East Jersey within the seventeenth century boundaries of Essex County and unorganized territory to the west (Cunningham 1992:22, 24; Snyder 1969:9). With the exception of Essex County, which was one of the original (1675) counties of New Jersey, Morris, Sussex, and Warren were all formed from Hunterdon County (which was formed from Burlington County and previously unorganized territory in 1713) (W.W. Munsell & Co. 1882). As a result, the early histories of the four present-day counties through which the Alternative Routes extend (the region) are closely related. Intensive European exploration of the area that is now the State of New Jersey began circa 1624, when the Dutch established New Amsterdam as the capital of their New Netherlands colony. Dutch fur traders explored the interior sections of New Jersey and had contact with the native Leni Lenape inhabitants. During their expeditions the Dutch discovered New Jersey's prime agricultural lands and ores for mining. These attributes attracted later settlers to the interior sections of New Jersey, and to the land which later became Morris, Sussex, and Warren Counties (League of Women Voters 1968; Snyder 1969). Early settlers to the region were drawn to the region by the low cost of arable land, the abundance of timber, and the presence of many rivers (including the Musconetcong, Passaic, and Raritan rivers) and their tributaries which could power gristmills and sawmills (League of Women Voters 1968). The earliest record of European activity in the region is the appearance of Dutch miners in Pahaquarry Township (present-day Warren County) in 1659. The Old Mine Road, according to tradition, was established by the Dutch to facilitate travel between the mines and their homes in the Hudson Valley (Mustin 1931). Although there is no definitive evidence to support the traditional history, the Old Mine Road was undoubtedly a significant thoroughfare for subsequent settlement in the Upper Delaware Valley (Bodle 1977; Hine 1909:7-9). The Old Mine Road still remains and is a National and New Jersey Register listed cultural resource (NJ SHPO files). The earliest permanent settlement by Europeans and Euro-Americans was concentrated along major waterways, which formed the principal sources of travel and communication. In Pahaquarry Township and the Phillipsburg area of present-day Warren County, settlement began along the Delaware River circa 1725. By the middle of the eighteenth century, settlement was expanding eastward from the Delaware River (Snell 1881). Most of the earliest settlers in the region were of German or Scotch-Irish descent. Later (1730s and 1740s) settlement of Dutch, Welsh, Quakers, Germans, and Scotch-Irish, as well as some New Englanders, who entered northern New Jersey from Orange and Ulster counties in New York, traveling south generally along the Wallkill Valley, was largely concentrated within the northcentral portion of what is now Sussex County began (Meinig 1969; Snell 1881; Wacker 1975). A second major stream of settlers, primarily Ulster Scots, moved northward into New Jersey from Pennsylvania (Wacker 1975). Colonists of Scotch-Irish descent continued to migrate from Pennsylvania into the region as late as the 1790s. Despite the steady influx of colonists, much of the region remained largely unsettled as late as the third quarter of the eighteenth century. Pioneer farmers in the region initially engaged in subsistence farming, raising livestock and crops for their own consumption. After sufficient arable land had been cleared, many area farmers shifted to a commercial strategy, shipping agricultural products to local and expanding regional markets (Dupont, 1989). By the late eighteenth century, a few small-scale industries had also begun to appear in the region. For example, Joseph Sharp erected a furnace and forge about one mile south of the village of Hamburg (present-day Sussex County) in the 1770s (Snell, 1881). Although this early iron-mining enterprise was abandoned shortly thereafter, it nonetheless presaged the extensive exploitation of the iron resources in the region of the Pochuck and Wawayanda mountains (Sussex County) during the second half of the nineteenth century. The 1769 resolution of the border dispute between New Jersey and New York encouraged further settlement in the region. By 1769, a major trade route called the King's Highway was in place; this road, which closely followed the path of the present Route 94, extended up the Vernon Valley west of 63 The Louis Berger/CAI Alliance PSE&G Alternative Route Identification Report Wawayanda Mountain, crossed the state line, and continued in a northerly direction to Goshen, New York (Ratzer, 1777). Several villages such as Vernon developed along the King's Highway in the late eighteenth century. During the American Revolution, the route was traversed by continental troops traveling from the Hudson River to Morristown (Dupont, 1989; Lenik and Dupont 1988; Lewis 1795). During the Revolutionary War, Morris County furnished food, officers, and military supplies and George Washington made Morristown his winter headquarters during early 1777 and the winter of 1779-1780. The forges, mills, and furnaces of Morris County produced horseshoes, wagon tires, axes, kettles, cannons, and cannon powder for the war effort (League of Women Voters 1968). Several skirmishes and “Indian Raids” also occurred in Sussex and Morris Counties between 1776 and 1780 (Munn, 1976). These skirmishes, however, did not take place in the immediate vicinity of any of the Alternative Routes. Following the American Revolution, and during the first quarter of the nineteenth century, the economy of the region was characterized as one of general agricultural stability and modest prosperity (Snell 1881). Farms in the region shipped grains and other agriculturally-derived products such as wool and lumber to market towns that included Hackensack, Elizabeth, New Brunswick, and Philadelphia (Dupont, 1989). Several mills were established throughout the region during this period. Although earlier roads such as the Old Mine Road, the "New Road" (County Road), and the King’s Highway had been established before/by the early nineteenth century, it became increasingly necessary to establish a broader network of roads to connect the earlier highways, mills, taverns, hamlets, and farms to each other as the countryside was more densely settled. A review of historic cartographic resources from between 1825 and 1860 indicates that during the mid-nineteenth century settlement was characterized by dispersed farms, scattered mill-based villages, and communities that had developed in the vicinity of mines, quarries, forges, and furnaces. Much of the limestone quarrying was concentrated in the southwestern portion of Warren County and along the Musconetcong Valley and iron mines were concentrated in the highlands of Hunterdon, Morris, Sussex, and Warren Counties. Most of the settlements were concentrated along major roadways. Areas of the region beyond the farm fields and settlements remained heavily forested through the end of the nineteenth century. In addition to the development of a network of roadways, other transportation developments in the nineteenth century, such as the Morris Canal and network of various railroads, contributed to further settlement and development of the agricultural and industrial economies throughout the region. For instance, the Morris Canal and Banking Company was incorporated on December 31, 1824, to form an artificial waterway linking the Passaic and Delaware rivers to solve the fuel shortage and transportation requirements of iron towns in the region. The Morris Canal was completed in 1831 and transported anthracite coal from northeastern Pennsylvania as well as other commodities such as grain, wood, cider, vinegar, beer, whiskey, bricks, hay, hides, sugar, lumber, manure, lime, and iron ore (Lee, 1988). Iron manufactured in Morris County's 50 forges and 3 furnaces was transported eastward by canal to ports located on the Hudson River in Jersey City (Lee, 1988). The Morris Canal is a National and New Jersey Register listed cultural resource (NJ SHPO files). As the mines and furnaces were largely located in the regions highlands and the Morris Canal was located in the region’s lowlands, cargo still had to be transported over rocky terrain to and from the canal. To address the need for arterial transportation to and from the canal, the Morris and Essex Railroad Company was incorporated in 1831, just as the Morris Canal was completed. Ironically, the Morris and Essex Railroad soon provided a more rapid and efficient method of transportation than the canal offered (W.W. Munsell & Co., 1882). Additional mine railroads were established in the Region throughout the mid-to-late nineteenth century such as the Sussex Railroad (completed in 1854) and the Ogden Mine Railroad (established 1864), and the High Bridge and Long Valley Railroad, a branch of the Central Railroad of New Jersey (established 1875) (Lowenthal, 1981; Anderson, 1984; W.W. Munsell & Co., 1882). The Long Valley Railroad rail line was also instrumental in bringing visitors and guests to the mineral water resorts located on Schooley's Mountain (Morris County). Railroad development increased during the 1880s and were focused more so on developing industries and tourism rather than ore transportation (e.g. the Morris County Railroad and later the Wharton and 64 The Louis Berger/CAI Alliance PSE&G Alternative Route Identification Report Northern Railroad). The character and size of the villages in the vicinity of the railroads changed only slightly after the arrival of the railroad (Snell 1881:346). The railroads offered access to a wider range of markets which encouraged entrepreneurs to establish diversified industries such as textile and shoe manufactories. Dairy farmers shifted to production of liquid milk, rather than producing cheese and butter, since rail transport enabled rapid transportation of this perishable commodity to urban markets. The tourism industry which had begun in the region during the turnpike and stagecoach era also benefitted from the railroad system. The late nineteenth century railroad network and the availability and accessibility of the automobile later in the early decades of the century also contributed to the growth of tourism, planned recreational communities, and private developments throughout the region. By the turn of the twentieth century, large numbers of vacationers from the urban centers of New Jersey and New York were drawn to the countryside hamlets, lakes, streams, and camping areas of northern and western New Jersey. For example, the Delaware Water Gap area of Warren County was a popular vacation/recreation destination since the late nineteenth century. Another example of turn of the twentieth century outdoor recreation and conservation movement is the Appalachian Trail (1921-1937). In the 1920s and 1930s, private developers constructed large scale planned residential resort communities, such as Lake Mohawk (Sussex County) with recreational amenities around natural and artificial lakes in the region. Whereas Lake Mohawk was a residential community, Lake Tomahawk was created in the 1950s for short-term vacationers or “day-trippers”. Previously Identified Cultural Resources Background research consisted of a baseline regional literature review of prehistoric (pre-contact) and historic period contexts provided in published and un-published literature. This contextual research was supplemented by Alternative Route specific review of the files maintained by the New Jersey Historic Preservation Office (NJ SHPO) pertaining to previously identified historic and archaeological resources that have been listed or determined to be eligible for listing in the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) and/or the New Jersey Register of Historic Places (NJRHP) within 1,000 feet of the centerline of each Alternative Route. Information regarding historic architectural resources that have been previously documented as part of county planning surveys but for which an official determination of eligibility was not issued by the NJ SHPO or the Keeper of the National Register was also collected. Information regarding archaeological sites which have been registered with the New Jersey State Museum (NJSM) and which have been assigned a Smithsonian trinomial numbering system (SITS) number was also complied for each of the three Alternative Routes. Table 3.1.8-1 provides a detailed description of each cultural resource category and data sources for previously identified cultural resources that were consulted during the background research and Table 3.1.8-2 provides data regarding the types and counts of cultural resources within 1,000 feet of each Alternative Route. Alternative A Background research indicates that a total of 54 previously identified cultural resources are located within 1,000 feet of the centerline of Alternative Route A. This total does not include the historic (1920s) existing PSE&G 230-kV transmission line and associated historic substations, which were surveyed and recommended eligible by Richard Grubb and Associates (2003). This total includes 29 historic architectural resources and 25 registered archaeological resources. Of the 29 historic architectural resources, a total of eight are listed on both the NRHP and the NJRHP: six of which are located in Morris County and two are located in located in Sussex County. One historic architectural resource, in Sussex County, has a Certification of Eligibility (COE) designation issued by the NJ SHPO and one historic architectural resource, also in Sussex County, the Appalachian Trail, has a Determination of Eligibility (DOE) issued by the Keeper of the National Register. Five historic architectural resources have NJ SHPO opinions of eligibility; four in Morris County and one in Sussex County. Fourteen additional historic architectural resources, all of which are located in Morris County, 65 The Louis Berger/CAI Alliance PSE&G Alternative Route Identification Report have been previously documented as part of county planning surveys but have not been issued opinions or determinations of eligibility. Table 3.1.8-1 – Definitions of Cultural Resource Categories and Data Sources Category Definition Units Data Source(s) National and Historic Properties Listed on the New Jersey National Register of Historic Places NRHP and NJRHP boundaries Registers (polygons and point locations) were (NRHP) and the New Jersey Counts Listed Historic obtained from the files of the New Register of Historic Places (NJRHP) Properties within 1,000 feet of the Route Jersey Historic Preservation Office. within 1,000 Centerline feet Historic Properties within 1,000 feet of the Route Centerline for which a Certification of Eligibility has been issued by the New Jersey State Boundaries (polygons and point Historic Historic Preservation Officer (NJ locations) of Historic Properties with Properties with SHPO). For properties not already a Certification of Eligibility a Certification listed on the New Jersey Register of Counts designation were obtained from the of Eligibility Historic Places, a Certification of files of the New Jersey Historic within 1,000 Eligibility satisfies a prerequisite to Preservation Office. feet apply for funds from the New Jersey Historic Trust, as well as several county preservation funding programs. Historic Properties within 1,000 feet Historic Boundaries (polygons and point of the Route Centerline for which a Properties with locations) of Historic Properties with Determination of Eligibility has been a issued by the Keeper of the a Determination of Eligibility Counts Determination designation were obtained from the National Register, National Park of Eligibility files of the New Jersey Historic Service, Department of Interior. It is within 1,000 a formal certification that a property Preservation Office. feet is eligible for registration. Historic Properties within 1,000 feet of the Route Centerline for which a Historic NJ SHPO Opinion of eligibility has Boundaries (polygons and point Properties with been issued by the State Historic locations) of Historic Properties with a NJ SHPO Preservation Officer. It is in Counts a NJ SHPO Opinion were obtained Opinion within response to a federally funded from the files of the New Jersey 1,000 feet Historic Preservation Office. activity that will have an effect on historic properties not listed on the National Register. Historic Historic Properties greater than 50 Properties Surveyed by years of age within 1,000 feet of the Route Centerline that have been Boundaries (polygons and point County within previously surveyed as part of locations) of Historic Properties that 1,000 feet for have been surveyed but not formally which a formal county planning surveys but which Counts have not been listed in the NRHP or issued an eligibility status were eligibility NJRHP or have not been issued a obtained from the files of the New status from Jersey Historic Preservation Office. NJHPO or the NJ SHPO Opinion, Certification of Eligibility, or Determination of Keeper of the Eligibility. National Register has 66 The Louis Berger/CAI Alliance PSE&G Alternative Route Identification Report Category not been issued Table 3.1.8-1 – Definitions of Cultural Resource Categories and Data Sources Definition Units Data Source(s) Archaeological Sites within 1,000 feet Archaeological Sites within 1,000 feet of the Route Centerline that have been registered with the New Jersey State Museum (NJSM) and which have been assigned a Smithsonian trinomial numbering system (SITS) number by the NJSM. Counts Boundaries (polygons and point locations) of Registered Archaeological Sites were obtained from the files of the New Jersey State Museum. 67 The Louis Berger/CAI Alliance PSE&G Alternative Route Identification Report Category Table 3.1.8-2 – Cultural Resources Number of Resources Per County (Essex: Morris: Sussex: Warren) Alternative A National and New Jersey Registers Listed Historic Properties within 1,000 feet Historic Properties with a Certification of Eligibility within 1,000 feet Historic Properties with a Determination of Eligibility within 1,000 feet Historic Properties with a SHPO Opinion within 1,000 feet Historic Properties Surveyed but which were not Issued a formal eligibility status from NJHPO or the Keeper of the National Register within 1,000 feet Archaeological Sites within 1,000 feet Total Cultural Resources Alternative B Alternative C 8 (0:6:2:0) 1 (0:0:1:0) 1 (0:0:1:0) 5 (0:4:1:0) 8 (0:6:1:1) 0 (0:0:0:0) 1 (0:0:0:1) 10 (0:4:6:0) 2 (0:1:0:1) 0 (0:0:0:0) 0 (0:0:0:0) 4 (0:4:0:0) 14 (0:14:0:0) 14 (0:14:0:0) 36 (0:27:0:9) 25 (3:22:0:0) 54 (3:46:5:0) 51 (3:25:11:12) 84 (3:49:18:14) 15 (1:5:0:9) 57 (1:37:0:19) Six of the previously documented historic architectural properties within 1,000 feet of the Route centerline would be crossed by Alternative Route A (Table 3.1.8-3). Of the 25 previously registered archaeological resources, 23 are prehistoric archaeological sites, one is a historic archaeological site, and one is a multi-component prehistoric and historic archaeological site. Three of the archaeological sites (two prehistoric sites and one multi-component prehistoric and historic archaeological site) are located in Essex County, and 22 are located in Morris County (21 prehistoric sites and one historic archaeological site). None of these registered archaeological sites have been listed or previously determined to be eligible for the NRHP/NJRHP. Three of the registered prehistoric archaeological sites are within the right-of-way. One prehistoric site is within 500 feet of the right-of-way. The remaining 21 registered archaeological sites are beyond 500 feet of the right-of-way. Table 3.1.8-3 – Previously Recorded Historic Properties Crossed by Alternative A # of Linear Feet Crossed by Resource Name Eligibility Status County Alternative Route A Appalachian Trail DOE Sussex 450 High Point State Park NR/SR Sussex 15,000 Main Street Historic District/Sparta SHPO Opinion Sussex 500 Multiple Resource Area Morris Canal NR/SR Morris 100 Split Rock Furnace Complex NR/SR Morris 3,750 Weldon Mine Historic District SHPO Opinion Morris 2,050 Total 21,850 Alternative B Background research indicates that a total of 84 previously identified cultural resources are located within 1,000 feet of the centerline of Alternative B. This total does not include the historic (1920s) existing PSE&G 230-kV transmission line and associated historic substations, which were surveyed and 68 The Louis Berger/CAI Alliance PSE&G Alternative Route Identification Report recommended eligible by Richard Grubb and Associates (2003). This total includes 33 historic architectural resources and 51 registered archaeological resources. Although the total number of previously identified historic architectural and archaeological resources in the vicinity of Alternative B is proportionately larger than for Alternatives A and C, the disparity between the amount of documentation available for cultural resources within 1,000 feet of each of the three Alternative Routes may be related to the need for documentation of cultural resources as part of more recent development/planning projects along the corridor of Alternative B and may be reflective of a greater potential for a large number of previously un-surveyed cultural resources in the vicinity of Alternative Routes A and C. Of the 33 historic architectural resources, a total of eight are listed on both the NRHP and the NJRHP: six are located in Morris County; one is located in Sussex County; and one is located in Warren County. One historic architectural resource, The Appalachian Trail in Warren County, has a Determination of Eligibility issued by the Keeper of the National Register. Ten historic architectural resources have NJ SHPO opinions of eligibility; four in Morris County and six in Sussex County. Fourteen additional historic architectural resources, all located in Morris County, have been previously documented as part of county planning surveys but have not been issued opinions or determinations of eligibility. Seven of the previously documented historic architectural properties within 1,000 feet of the Route centerline would be crossed by Alternative Route B (Table 3.1.8-4). Of the 51 previously registered archaeological resources, 49 are prehistoric archaeological sites, one is a historic archaeological site, and one is a multi-component prehistoric and historic archaeological site. Three of the archaeological sites (two prehistoric sites and one multi-component prehistoric and historic archaeological site) are located in Essex County. Twenty-five are located in Morris County (24 prehistoric sites and one historic archaeological site). Eleven archaeological sites, all of which are prehistoric sites, are located in Sussex County. Twelve archaeological sites, all of which are prehistoric sites, are located in Warren County. None of these registered archaeological sites have been listed or previously determined to be eligible for the NRHP/NJRHP. Table 3.1.8-4 – Previously Recorded Historic Properties Crossed by Alternative B # of Linear Feet Crossed by Resource Name Eligibility Status County Alternative Route B Appalachian Trail DOE Sussex 1,350 Morris Canal New York & Susquehanna Railroad Historic District Old Mine Road Historic District NR/SR Morris 100 SHPO Opinion Sussex 150 NR/SR Warren 50 NR/SR Morris 3,750 Stillwater Historic District SHPO opinion Sussex 11,450 Weldon Mine Historic District SHPO Opinion Morris 2,050 Split Rock Furnace Complex Total 18,900 Eleven of the registered prehistoric archaeological sites are within the right-of-way. Five registered prehistoric sites are within 500 feet of the right-of-way. The remaining 35 registered archaeological sites are beyond 500 feet of the right-of-way. Alternative C Background research indicates that a total of 57 previously identified cultural resources are located within 1,000 feet of the centerline of Alternative Route C. This total includes 42 historic architectural resources and 15 registered archaeological resources. 69 The Louis Berger/CAI Alliance PSE&G Alternative Route Identification Report Of the 42 historic architectural resources, two are listed on both the NRHP and the NJRHP: one of which is located in Morris County and one is located in Warren County. Four historic architectural resources have NJ SHPO opinions of eligibility, all of which are located in Morris County. Thirty-six additional historic architectural resources have been previously documented as part of county planning surveys but have not been issued opinions or determinations of eligibility: 27 in Morris County and nine in Warren County. Three of the previously documented historic architectural properties within 1,000 feet of the Route centerline would be crossed by Alternative Route C (Table 3.1.8-5) Table 3.1.8-5 – Previously Recorded Historic Properties Crossed by Alternative C # of Linear Feet Crossed by Resource Name Eligibility Status County Alternative C Bartleyville Historic District County Survey Morris 400 Old Main Delaware & Lackawanna SHPO opinion Morris 850 Railroad Historic District Morris Canal NR/SR Morris 650 Total 1,900 Of the 15 archaeological resources, 14 are prehistoric archaeological sites, and one is a historic archaeological site. One of the archaeological sites (a multi-component prehistoric and historic site) is located in Essex County. Five archaeological sites are located in Morris County (4 prehistoric sites and one historic archaeological site). Nine archaeological sites, all of which are prehistoric sites, are located in Warren County. None of these registered archaeological sites have been listed or previously determined to be eligible for the NRHP/NJRHP. No previously registered archaeological sites are located within the right-of-way. However, six of the registered prehistoric archaeological sites and the one registered historic archaeological site are within 500 feet of the right-of-way. The remaining eight registered archaeological sites are beyond 500 feet of the right-of-way. Impacts on Cultural Resources The Project Route selection has taken into account the number, types, and possible effects to cultural resources which have been issued formal eligibility status by the NJ SHPO and/or the Keeper of the National Register that have been previously identified within 1,000 feet of the centerline of each Alternative Route. Historic architectural resources that were previously documented in county planning surveys and archaeological sites which have been registered with the NJSM were also considered within 1,000 feet of the centerline of each Alternative Route. Historic architectural properties greater than 50 years of age are likely to be visually affected by the new transmission line unless the relationship of proposed tower structure height to topographic and vegetative conditions does not prohibit visual accessibility. Visual effects are unavoidable and would be associated with each of the three Alternative Routes in varying degrees. Attempts to minimize and/or mitigate such visual effects will be a key component of the Project. The Project may also have direct effects to historic architectural properties if additional right-of-way property acquisition is required for any of the Alternative Routes. As per NJ SHPO requirements, an assessment of potential visual and direct effects to previously identified historic architectural resources, as well as an inventory and evaluation/assessment of previously un-surveyed architectural properties greater than 50 years of age within a 1/3 mile radius of each tower structure location will be required for the selected Preferred Route (NJ SHPO Meeting Minutes 06/27/2008). The Project may also affect the historic (1920s) existing PSE&G 230-kV transmission line and associated historic substations. As a result, eligibility evaluation, and assessment of 70 The Louis Berger/CAI Alliance PSE&G Alternative Route Identification Report Project effects to the historic (1920s) existing PSE&G 230-kV transmission line and associated historic substations would also be required. Archaeological sites within the right-of-way and access roads of the selected Preferred Route are likely to be directly affected by the Project through either actual construction activities and/or compaction of archaeological deposits and/or features as a result of construction vehicle traffic. As such, Project related ground disturbing activities, such as tower construction, modification of existing access roads, and creation of new access roads would seek to avoid previously recorded archaeological resources. Archaeological subsurface testing will be conducted in areas of high archaeological sensitivity (areas of proposed ground disturbance within 500 feet of surface potable water less with less than 15% slopes; areas of proposed ground disturbance within 500 feet of previously registered archaeological sites; areas of proposed ground disturbance within 300 feet of non-extant historic structures) to identify the presence or absence of previously un-recorded archaeological resources that may be affected by the Project. Conclusions Based upon the background research conducted for each of the three Alternative Routes, Alternative B would likely have the least impact on cultural resources for the following reasons: • Alternative B would use the existing right-of-way. As a result, no new right-of-way property acquisition would be required for Alternative Route B, thereby eliminating direct effects to known and potential historic architectural properties. Additionally, ground disturbance associated with the establishment of new right-of-way is not necessary. As a result, direct effects to known and potential archeological sites within the existing right-of-way and proposed tower structure locations would be avoided where possible during the design and construction process. Additionally, as Alternative Route B would use the existing right-of-way, the need for new access roads, and therefore the need for additional ground disturbance related to the construction of new roads, and consequently direct effects to archaeological resources would be less than those required for Alternative Routes A and C. • Although tower structure height would increase as part of the Project, and although visual effects to previously documented historic architectural properties may not be avoidable, because Alternative Route B would use the existing right-of-way, the replacement of existing tower structures along the existing 230-kV right-of-way would minimally change viewsheds to/from known and potential historic architectural resources. By comparison, the construction of new and/or additional tower structures within portions of Alternative Routes A and C would introduce new right-of-way with new visual elements and a radically different viewshed to/from known and potential historic architectural resources. • Although a larger number of known archaeological sites exist in the vicinity of Alternative Route B, and although 11 sites are located within the existing right-of-way and 5 sites are within 500 feet of the existing right-of-way, this information allows the development of measures to avoid direct effects to these resources at early stages in the design process. 3.1.9 Aesthetics For the purpose of this report, aesthetics are defined as a mix of landscape character, the context in which the landscape is being viewed, and the scenic integrity of the landscape. To analyze the potential visibility and visual impact of the proposed project, the three alternatives were reviewed through analysis of landscape character, field evaluation, and environmental factor tabulations. Existing Landscape Character Landscape character encompasses the patterns of landform (topography), vegetation, land use, and aquatic resources (i.e. lakes, streams, and wetlands). The landscape character is influenced both by natural systems (see section 3.1.1, Geology and Soils, section 3.1.2, Surface Water, section 3.1.3, 71 The Louis Berger/CAI Alliance PSE&G Alternative Route Identification Report Wetlands, and section 3.1.4, Vegetation) as well as our interactions and use of land (see section 3.1.6, Land Use, section 3.1.7, Recreation, and section 3.1.8, Cultural Resources). In natural settings the landscape character attributes are natural elements, where as in pastoral or rural/agricultural settings they may include man made elements such as fences, walls, barns and occasional residences. In a more developed setting the landscape character may include buildings, lawn areas and landscaping, pavement, and utility infrastructure. Alternative Routes Alternative A Alternative A crosses the Delaware River at the northern edge of the Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area (DWNRA) within Montague Township. East of High Point State Park the route passes through mixed hardwood-evergreen forested areas, scattered large lot residential properties, and agriculture. Rolling hills with pastures, croplands and fields provide for long views across the pastoral landscape. Figure 3.1.9-1 shows an example of the pastoral landscape along the virgin right-of-way east of the river valley. Figure 3.1.9-1 View of Farm Field Along River Road Looking North 72 The Louis Berger/CAI Alliance PSE&G Alternative Route Identification Report Crossing into High Point State Park the alignment follows an existing gas main. Here the landscape is primarily dominated by hardwood forests with little intrusion except from the roadways and utilities including the gas main the route parallels in this area. The gas main easement is dominated by low herbaceous cover. The alignment crosses the Appalachian Trail at the west end of the park adjacent to the gas main easement. Figure 3.1.9-2 shows the clearing associated with the gas main in High Point State Park. Figure 3.1.9-2 View of the Existing Pipeline Right-of-Way at High Point State Park Looking Southeast 73 The Louis Berger/CAI Alliance PSE&G Alternative Route Identification Report Continuing east from High Point State Park the route continues across rolling hills with scattered farmsteads, agricultural lands, scattered woodlots, and residential development. Long pastoral views across the landscape continue to dominate the visual impression of the area. Figure 3.1.9-3 shows an example of this type of visual impression. Figure 3.1.9-3 View of Meadow along Clove Road Looking North North of Lake Hopatcong the route turns east to meet the Roseland-Bushkill 230-kV line at the Jefferson switching station. From this point east alternatives A and B follow the same alignment to Roseland and would be double circuited with the existing Roseland – Bushkill 230-kV transmission line to the East Hanover/Roseland switching station and would be placed entirely within the existing right-of-way. As the route continues east the scenery is interspersed with more developed lands and recreational areas including the Rockaway River wildlife area, Wildcat Ridge natural area, Buck Mountain State Park, Pyramid Mountain State Park, and Troy Meadows natural area. 74 The Louis Berger/CAI Alliance PSE&G Alternative Route Identification Report As the line turns south toward Roseland, the density of development increases, especially residential and commercial uses. The landscape is dotted with houses, commercial developments, and roadway and utility infrastructure. Woodlands and pastures give way to landscape trees and manicured lawns and parking lots as shown in Figure 3.1.9-4. Figure 3.1.9-4 View of Common Area at Chase Run Looking North 75 The Louis Berger/CAI Alliance PSE&G Alternative Route Identification Report Alternative B This alternative crosses the Delaware River within the Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area in Hardwick Township at the crossing point of the existing Roseland – Bushkill 230-kV line. Driving along Old Mine Road in the Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area the line crosses the road near the Watergate Recreation Site. The landscape in this area is that of a hardwood forest interspersed with field and meadow openings. These openings appear to be from farming activities in the area prior to the establishment of the national park. The wooded areas are dominated by hardwood with occasional stands of pines most likely planted by the Civilian Conservation Corp in the 1930’s. When approaching the line on Old Mine Road, the transmission line is not visible until one reaches the cleared right-of-way because of the wooded landscape in this area. Once within the cleared right-of-way, long views are possible up the cleared right-of-way due to the hilly terrain in this area as illustrated in Figure 3.1.9-5. Figure 3.1.9-5 View of the Existing Transmission Line Crossing at Millbrook-Flatbrook Road Looking West Toward the Delaware Water Gap Recreation Area 76 The Louis Berger/CAI Alliance PSE&G Alternative Route Identification Report The route crosses near Watergate Recreation Site and then crosses the Appalachian Trail at the east edge of the park near Meadowbrook Road. Watergate Recreational Site is an open area of meadows and ponds remnant of a romantic designed park setting. Due to the topography and open nature of the Watergate Recreation Site long views of the meadows, ponds and hills beyond are provided to viewers. See Figure 3.1.9-6 of the Watergate Recreation Site. The existing line is visible in the distance. Figure 3.1.9-6 View of Watergate Recreational Site Looking Southwest from the Parking Area 77 The Louis Berger/CAI Alliance PSE&G Alternative Route Identification Report Heading east from the Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area the landscape becomes more pastoral with farmland interspersed with housing developments close to the recreational lakes (see Figure 3.1.9-7) and occasional rural stretches with hardwood forests. With the rolling topography and open landscape along alternative B between the park and Jefferson switching station many long pastoral vistas incorporating the existing line can be found. Figure 3.1.9-7 View of Existing Transmission Line Crossing Lake Mohawk Looking West Under the existing transmission lines the right of way has been cleared of trees and large shrubs and is dominated by herbaceous vegetation. As the route heads east, it joins up with Alternative A north of Lake Hopatcong at the Jefferson switching station. From this point east alternatives A and B follow the same alignment to Roseland. 78 The Louis Berger/CAI Alliance PSE&G Alternative Route Identification Report Alternative C Alternative C crosses the Delaware River into New Jersey near the hamlet of Foul Rift. Here the landscape is rural and dominated by agriculture fields. Several existing transmission lines, as well as the Martin’s Creek Power Plant, dominate the scenery. The proposed line would be double circuited with an existing 115-kV line across Oxford and Mansfield Township. Figure 3.1.9-8 shows the existing 115-kV line in this area. Figure 3.1.9-8 View of Agricultural Field near Phillipsburg-Belvidere Road Looking Northeast 79 The Louis Berger/CAI Alliance PSE&G Alternative Route Identification Report Where the route crosses the Pequest and Rockport Game Farm Wildlife Areas the landscape is dominated by hardwood forests. Progressing east of the Rockport Game Farm Wildlife Area the line would parallel an existing 230-kV line. East of the game area, the landscape becomes more residential in nature composed of residential development, occasional commercial properties as well as a more intensive roadway network and utility infrastructure. Figure 3.1.9-9 illustrates the landscape at Bee Meadow Park where the existing transmission lines cross Bee Meadow Pond in Hanover Township. Figure 3.1.9-9 View of Existing Transmission Lines at Bee Meadow Park Looking West 80 The Louis Berger/CAI Alliance PSE&G Alternative Route Identification Report East of I-287 the development adjacent to the route becomes more intensively developed, similar to the eastern portion of Alternative A and B, woodlands and pastures give way to landscape trees and manicured lawns and parking lots landscape. Figure 3.1.9-10 shows the eastern portion of the route where the line parallels an existing railroad. Figure 3.1.9-10 View of Existing Transmission Lines Parallel to Existing Railroad near Merry Lane Looking West 81 The Louis Berger/CAI Alliance PSE&G Alternative Route Identification Report Viewer/User Groups The visual impact of the proposed routes is influenced by many factors. The viewer is one of these factors, not only who is viewing the line but their expectations, activities and frequency of viewing the line. Four types of viewers were identified within the study area. Local Residents Local residents are those people who live in the area of the proposed transmission line. These folks may view the line from their yard or home, while driving on local roads or during other activities in their daily lives. The sensitivity to the visual impact of the line by local residents may be mitigated by exposure to existing transmission lines and other dissonant features already within the viewshed. Changes in the landscape that can be viewed from homes and neighborhoods can be highly sensitive. Commuters and Travelers These are people who travel by the route on their way to other destinations. They may view the line on a regular basis or only once. Typically, drivers will have limited views of the transmission line where vegetation or structures provide screening and where the line is crossing high above the road surface. The visual perception of the line for commuters and travelers is anticipated to be relatively low. The commuters and travelers are typically moving and have a relatively short duration of visual exposure to the line. Drivers tend to be occupied with traffic and navigation and are to a much lesser degree concerned with off-road views. Passengers would have a greater occasion for off-road views. In those instances where the line is constructed parallel and immediately adjacent to the roadway, views of the structures and line are more common and of longer duration. Employees These are people who work at local businesses, primarily in commercial areas along the routes. Employees will experience the line as they commute and potentially from their place of employment. They may view the line from the parking lot as they enter their place of business or from inside the building. Workers may not have views to the outside and will be focused on their work rather than views of the landscape. Due to limited views and focus, employees are not anticipated to have high sensitivity to a new transmission line near their place of work. Recreational Users This includes local residents and tourists involved in recreational activities at the Delaware Water Gap National Recreational Area, trails, state and local parks, beaches and boating facilities, golf courses, historic and culture sites, and natural areas. Scenery and visual quality may or may not be an important recreational experience for these viewers. For some users scenery may be an important part of their experience as their activities may include attentiveness to views of the landscape for a long period of time. Such viewers may also have a high appreciation for visual quality and high sensitivity to visual change. These viewers and the effect of the alternative routes on these resources are discussed in section 3.1.7, Recreational Lands and section 3.1.8, Cultural Resources. Scenic Integrity and Visual Absorption Scenic integrity is the degree from which the landscape character deviates from a natural, naturalappearing landscape in line, form, color, and texture of the landscape. In general natural and natural appearing landscapes have the greatest scenic integrity. As man-made incongruities are added to the landscape the scenic integrity diminishes. Landscapes with historic character may have man made elements that are part of the historic context. These landscapes also have scenic integrity for which modifications may alter the integrity of the landscape. Furthermore, some landscapes have a greater ability to absorb alterations with limited reduction in scenic integrity. The character and complexity as well as environmental factors influence the ability of a landscape to absorb changes in landscape. The scenic integrity of Alternative A is the greatest of the three proposed routes. Alternative A has the greatest crossing of natural lands (forested land, aquatic resources and wetlands). Alternative A crosses 82 The Louis Berger/CAI Alliance PSE&G Alternative Route Identification Report approximately 29 miles of natural lands while Alternative B crosses approximately 9 miles and Alternative C crosses approximately 16 miles. These natural lands are in areas of virgin rights-of-way where no existing utility infrastructure is present. The ability of these areas of virgin rights-of-way to absorb the changes in the visual landscape is less than along the other two alternatives which either utilize or parallel existing right-of-way. Alternative A utilizes approximately 24 miles of virgin right-of-way while alternatives B and C do not utilize any. Double circuiting the proposed 500-kV double circuit with an existing 230-kV line under Alternative B, would offer the least degree of notable change on the landscape. All of Alternative B would be double circuited with the existing 230-kV line. The new structures would be taller than the existing structures and therefore there would be an increase visual impact both in mass and in distance that the structures are discernable. The existing structures are approximately 70 to 150 feet in height, where the proposed structures are anticipated to range from 150 to 195 feet in height. Alternative C would parallel an existing 230-kV line for approximately 19 miles. The existing transmission line and other development along this route have diminished the scenic integrity of the landscape character of Alternative C, an additional line on separate structures would increase the diminished characteristics more than re-building an existing 230-kV double circuit line on the same structures as the new 500-kV line, as proposed for Alternative B. Impacts on Aesthetics Regardless of the route, the transmission line would cross through visual resources and the line structures, conductors, and the cleared right-of-way will be visible in some degree. The visual presence of the line will be influenced by many factors such as the amount of screening, the distance viewed, other disturbances in the viewshed, background terrain and textures, and the sensitivity of the viewer. In open pastoral settings long vistas may be afforded from elevated views across pastures, fields and open lands. Alternative C has the greatest crossing of agricultural lands. Alternative C crosses approximately 7 miles of agricultural lands while Alternative A crosses approximately 4 miles and Alternative B approximately 2 miles. In forested settings an extensive amount of natural screening is present which will limit direct visual access to the line except when viewed from within the cleared right-of-way. Assuming a typical height of 115-195 feet and a tree height of about 70 to 110 feet, in areas where mid to long views of forested ridges and tree lines are afforded, the upper portion of the structures will be visible above the forest canopy. The degree the line effects the scenic integrity of the landscape will be reduced at longer viewing distances as the line becomes a smaller part of the overall vista. If viewed from within the cleared rightof-way or an adjacent clearing such as the gas main easement along Alternative A, the line will be highly visible. Where the woodlands adjacent to the clearing are intact, the visibility of the line will quickly diminish with distance from the clearing. In addition to forests; smaller stands of trees, hedgerows, adjacent landscaping and structures provide a degree of screening of for the transmission line along all the alternative routes. In the case of Alternative A, trees and other woody vegetation would need to be cleared for the new virgin right-of-way as well as where it is parallel to the existing gas pipeline (approximately 28 miles). Alternative B would not require additional clearing outside of the existing rightof-way which is already predominately clear of trees and woody vegetation. Route C would require clearing of the new right-of-way where it would parallel an existing 230-kV transmission line (approximately 19 miles). Residents along the route will have the most frequent visual interaction with the proposed route. To gain a comparison of residential visual impact, Table 3.1.9-1 identifies the number of residences within 500 feet of the centerline of the proposed route. This distance is similar though slightly more inclusive than the 300-foot distance used by the US Forest Service to delineate the immediate foreground of an observation point (Forest Service, 1995). As the table shows Alternative C will place the route within 500 feet of the most residences (1,243 residences). 83 The Louis Berger/CAI Alliance PSE&G Alternative Route Identification Report Table 3.1.9-1 – Residences within 500 feet of the Proposed Centerline by Alternative Alternative A B C Residences 717 851 1,243 Conclusions A new 500-kV transmission line will have a visual impact on the landscape character of any of the Alternative Routes. Aesthetics and visual impact of a transmission line are influenced by multiple factors: the landscape character of the surrounding area, the viewer’s activities and scenic expectation, the visual integrity and visual absorption potential of the landscape, and the visibility of the line. Alternative A has the greatest scenic integrity; this route crosses more natural lands (forested land, aquatic resources, and wetlands). The engineering of Alternative B, double circuiting with an existing 230-kV line offers the least degree of notable incremental change in the landscape. Constructing an additional line on separate structures, Alternative C, would decrease the scenic integrity of the landscape more than re-building an existing 230-kV double circuit line as proposed for Alternative B. Alternative C crosses the most agricultural land allowing for long pastoral views across the landscape. Alternatives A and C would require new right-of-way either virgin or parallel to another utility. Alternatives A and C would require clearing of trees or woody vegetation for new right-of-way. Alternative C is within 500 feet of the greatest number of residences. Taking these factors into consideration, Alternative B would have the least visual impact. Alternative B crosses the least amount of natural lands. Alternative B follows the alignment of an existing transmission line, minimizing additional modification of visual integrity. Alternative B crosses less open agricultural lands minimizing long pastoral views. Alternative B would not require new virgin or parallel right-of-way. 3.2 3.2.1 Engineering Analysis Potential Construction Impacts Regardless of Which Alternative is Selected Geology and Soils Soil compaction would result from the movement of heavy vehicles along the right-of-way during construction. Soil compaction causes decreased soil productivity for producing forage or crops, since the compacted soil cannot readily exchange gases with the air or absorb water and plant nutrients. Additionally, because the water absorption rate is reduced, water from precipitation runs off compacted soils more readily and increases soil erosion. To mitigate for soil compaction of deep soils in agricultural areas or other sensitive areas, ripping could be performed to break up compaction caused by construction vehicles and blading could be used to level rutted soils. Rutting may occur in the right-of-way or along access roads during construction of the transmission line due to the movement of heavy vehicles. On sloping soils, precipitation may cause water to be channeled in ruts and cause washing and erosion. Mass wasting, or slope failure, such as creeps, slides, and falls are of concern as a result of access road construction. Mass wasting often results from a combination of several factors, such as placement of roads on unsuitable soils or unstable hillsides, inappropriate placement of road fills and stream crossings, or inadequate drainage structures for the road. To reduce the potential for these impacts, a range of soil erosion and sediment control measures during construction, operation, and maintenance of transmission lines would be taken in accordance with Best Management Practices (BMPs) specified in a soil erosion and sediment control plan submitted to the county Soil Conservation Districts for approval prior to the start of earth disturbing activities. These measures would typically include: 84 The Louis Berger/CAI Alliance PSE&G Alternative Route Identification Report • • • • • • • • Where possible, soils types which are at risk to impact would be avoided by construction activities; (e.g., to reduce soil erosion and mass wasting hazards, steep soils would be avoided; and to reduce compaction and rutting, wet or fine textured soils would be avoided). Stringing sites and material handling yards would not be placed on steep slopes or on soils subject to erosion or slippage. Trees and tall shrubs would be cut at the soil surface and the root mass left in place to help retain the soil in place and prevent erosion, except that grubbing may be performed at structure sites for installation of foundations, and possibly along a narrow portion of the right-of-way for vehicle access and safe wire stringing. Herbaceous vegetation and low growing shrubs would not be disturbed except as necessary for construction vehicles to move up and down the right-of-way. Wet soils would be spanned between structures where ever possible. Where wet soils must entered, equipment with wide flotation tires would be used or temporary mats would be laid down for construction vehicle access and would be removed after construction is completed. Provisions for reseeding soils disturbed during construction and the appropriate use of soil erosion control devices such as soil erosion control netting, silt fences, and mulch. Temporary construction access roads would be designed using BMPs, including water bars, temporary culverts, diversion ditches, water collection basins, sediment traps, and other features. Construction bid packages would include provisions for the above soil protection requirements. In areas where blasting could be required for structure foundations for structure construction, nearby wells could be directly affected if wellheads should be damaged. If such activities should cause alteration of groundwater flow, yields of wells could be adversely affected on a short term basis. No long term affects on aquifers would be expected from any blasting that may be necessary during construction. In order to avoid potential impacts to wells and well-head protection areas, alternative structure and associated foundation types could be considered to minimize or eliminate the need for blasting in such sensitive areas. During construction, an environmental construction monitor would ensure that all contractual environmental protection requirements (including those related to soils) are adhered to by the construction contractor. Following construction, the transmission line right-of-way would be patrolled on a periodic basis and any soil erosion or other soil related problem caused by the transmission line identified and properly corrected. Surface Water Resources and Aquatic Habitat Access roads have the potential to affect the natural hydrology of a watershed area by intercepting, concentrating and diverting surface flow from its natural flow pattern. Roads can expand the channel network via road ditches and reduce infiltration rates of precipitation, generating larger amounts of surface runoff. All of these factors combine to alter the quantity and timing of surface flow, which, in turn, affects the overall hydrology of a watershed. Improperly designed or inadequately maintained drainage structures can lead to upstream channel aggradation, increased surface runoff with added sedimentation, or affect the formation of gullies. Access roads created for construction activities would, in most cases, be temporary and would be removed following construction. These areas would be restored using BMPs (and Riparian Zone mitigation, where required) that would minimize the effects of soil compaction and temporary vegetation removal. Aquatic species are sensitive to factors such as water clarity, temperature, and flow characteristics. Transmission line construction and operation activities altering these factors would be localized and impacts would be minimized with properly designed access roads and construction practices. Increases in warm water runoff and decreases in shade cover, which contribute to increases in water temperature, are of primary concern in cold water streams that provide habitat for species such as trout. 85 The Louis Berger/CAI Alliance PSE&G Alternative Route Identification Report An access road or right-of-way running parallel to a stream is generally the greatest concern when considering limits on stream shade due to lack of canopy cover. However, maintaining a shrub canopy over a stream on/along a right-of-way can serve to maintain water temperature. Appropriate design and maintenance of drainage structures, as previously discussed in Geology and Soils, would minimize the potential effects that access roads may have on stream hydrology. Properly maintained drainage structures would prevent water from becoming trapped on the road surface or becoming concentrated with increased sediment load. Additionally, steps to return disturbed soil in the right-of-way to its original state, as discussed in the Geology and Soils section of this report, would minimize increases in surface runoff caused by transmission line construction and maintenance. This would minimize any changes in local stream water quality. 3.2.2 A. Design Considerations Configuration of the New Transmission Line Overhead 500-kV Alternating Current (AC) Transmission Line Constructing the proposed new line as a conventional 500-kV AC overhead line provides the greatest capacity and provides the most reliable system for the least cost. Other Transmission Line Alternatives Considered Transmission lines alternatives considered include: • Underground 500-kV AC Transmission Line • Overhead 500-kV equivalent DC Transmission Line • Underground 500-kV equivalent DC Transmission Line Underground 500-kV AC Transmission Line A 500-kV underground design, while technically possible, is not a practical alternative in the instant case due to: • • • • charging current and reactive compensation o reactor stations would need to be installed approximately every 10 or so miles reliability o very limited operational history o cable faults result in exponentially longer outages compared to overhead environmental impacts o 400 times more surface disturbance along the right-of-way constructability o rock conditions and mountainous topography Overhead 500-kV Equivalent DC Transmission Line Overhead 500-kV DC transmission structures would take up nearly the same space as an overhead 500kV AC overhead line. However, the DC system requires an extensive land area to accommodate for the AC-DC converter stations and requires expensive terminal equipment. A basic rule of thumb is that each 1,000 MVA of capacity requires a converter station on each end that will occupy the area of a football field. This line will be rated at 3,000-plus MVA, which represents a significant constraint to constructability. Underground 500-kV Equivalent DC Transmission Line This alternative has characteristics of both the underground 500-kV AC option and the overhead 500-kV equivalent DC option including reliability experience and environmental impact. B. Natural Conditions 86 The Louis Berger/CAI Alliance PSE&G Alternative Route Identification Report The design must respond to the natural conditions along the right-of-way. This includes the need to deal with steep land; avoid wetlands; properly cross rivers, valleys, roads, etc; be able to withstand weather conditions; have the required construction access roads; and be designed for maintenance access. C. Conductor and Shield Wires The structure must be designed to reliably support the weight of the conductors and shield wires under all anticipated weather conditions. This also includes the stresses on the conductor and shield wires from the forces of wind and the additional weight when coated by winter ice1. Either three-bundle or four-bundle conductors may be used for the proposed 500-kV line. Each of these bundles represents a single phase conductor. The four-bundle conductor would likely be used on the PSE&G portion of the line. The three-bundle conductor would likely be used for the PPL portions of the line. Use of multi-bundled conductors reduces the audible noise produced by the conductors when energized. D. Visual and Other Environmental Restrictions Design requirements will be affected by the need to minimize the visual impact of the new structures, conductor, and the cleared right-of-way to blend in with the existing surroundings. Other environmental concerns (e.g., avoiding wetlands, stream floodplains, sensitive habitats) may also affect the location of the structures and access roads, and could influence the number and height of the structures, and other design concerns. E. Electrical Clearance Requirements Unlike the rigging on ships or cranes, the conductors on transmission lines are energized while transmitting electrical power. The power will “flash over” on a path of least resistance to grounded objects if adequate clearance between the conductors and the objects is not maintained. These objects include many common features on the landscape such as trees, buildings, antennas, light poles, fences, vehicles, and the soil itself. Clearances also have to be maintained between the conductors and the supporting structure and between the circuits on double-circuit structures and between the phases themselves in the same circuit. National Electrical Safety Code, other regulations, and the engineering practices of PSE&G and PPL state that proper clearances must be maintained. F. Foundation Requirements The design of the transmission line will also include the design of specialized foundations. Double-circuit 500-kV transmission structures will require large buried foundations. These are typically cylindrical, steelreinforced concrete foundations on which the base of the structure is bolted. Each foundation is designed specifically for each structure site based on subsurface conditions. Foundation dimensions will vary from structure to structure and depending on local soil and rock conditions the foundations may range from 4 to 12 feet in diameter and up to about 40 feet deep. Steel pole structure types will require larger, but fewer foundations than lattice steel structure types. G. Right-of-Way Clearing Requirements Trees and tall growing shrubs must be removed from the right-of-way to prevent interference with the construction and operation of the transmission line. Specific clearances must be maintained to provide for that reliability and meet NERC and New Jersey Board of Public Utilities compliance requirements. Danger trees are tall trees outside the right-of-way that could fall toward the right-of-way and strike either conductors or structures. These trees must be selectively cut at the time of line construction, and periodically thereafter. Narrower rights of way require more frequent maintenance. 1 Transmission lines transmit 3-phase electrical power. Each phase requires one or more conductors. A single-circuit transmission line structure must be capable of supporting three phases. A double-circuit structure must be capable of supporting six phases. “Shield wires” are one or two smaller steel cables or fiber optic cables that are suspended above the upper conductor. The shield wires are intended to intercept lightning strikes, which would electrically interfere with the power system if they were to strike the conductors directly. The shield wires may also have fiber optic communications capability for use in controlling the operation of the transmission and substation system. 87 The Louis Berger/CAI Alliance PSE&G Alternative Route Identification Report H. Construction Access Requirements Part of the overall design effort is to ensure that adequate construction access is available to each structure site. Construction would, in most cases, require that each structure site be accessible by equipment capable of boring excavations for the foundations, trucks to deliver concrete necessary for each foundation, and cranes capable of erecting the structures. Smaller vehicles will also have to reach all sites to deliver materials and workers. Helicopter access may also be necessary. Construction access may require the installation of temporary graded roads, temporary bridges and culverts, and a graded level working site at each structure. Level sites would also be needed at periodic intervals along the line for setting up the stringing equipment necessary for installing the conductors and shield wires. I. Future Maintenance Access Periodic access on a cycle of between 1 and 4 years will be required to treat or mechanically remove taller growing saplings and brush to ensure that the right-of-way is maintained in a cleared condition pursuant to State and Federal regulations. Re-clearing is necessary to prevent the taller growing trees and brush from interfering with the reliable flow of electrical power and to allow vehicular access when necessary for maintenance or repairs. Once constructed, the transmission line may be subjected to annual aerial or foot patrols for inspection. The line must be designed to ensure that conductors, shield wires, insulators, and other components are readily accessible for repairs while strictly avoiding the requirement to de-energize the line to make repairs. The need for this “hot line” access would affect the design of the structures, the positioning of the conductors, and the spacing of parallel lines on the right-of-way. The intent is to avoid access limitations and electrical safety issues for helicopter work or for work from the ground on the energized transmission line. J. Electric and Magnetic Fields New Jersey laws state that the electric field strength at the edge of the right-of-way must not exceed 3 kilovolts per meter (3-kV/m). Since raising the conductors will reduce the electric field strength on the right-of-way, meeting the electric field requirements would likely require raising the conductors which increases the height of the structures. Where possible, widening the right-of-way could also be used to meet electrical field levels at the edge of the right-of-way. K. Audible Noise Audible noise occurs due to electrical discharge in the form of corona. This corona occurs on high voltage conductors when the electric field level at the conductor surface exceeds the ionization strength of the surrounding air. The size and shape of the conductors directly affect the amount of corona activity and larger, smoother conductors will produce less corona than smaller ones. The transmission line design parameters that have the most significant effect on corona are the number of subconductors in the bundle and the diameter of each conductor. An increase in the either the number of subconductors in the bundle or the diameter of the conductor will result in a reduction of the corona produced by the line. corona is more evident during periods of wet weather as the water droplets form an irregular surface on the conductor and enhance the corona activity. PSE&G must meet New Jersey administrative code for audible noise which is 50 dBA at night at the edge of the right-of-way. 3.2.3 Conceptual Engineering Summary of the Three Alternative Routes A conceptual layout was made for each alternative and construction cost estimates were developed based on these conceptual layouts. Alternative A would consist of new right-of-way as well as existing right-of-way while Alternatives B and C would be constructed entirely on existing right-of-way unless design considerations along the eastern-most portion of this Alternative C could not be overcome. The existing right-of-way portion of Alternative A is common to Alternative B. 88 The Louis Berger/CAI Alliance PSE&G Alternative Route Identification Report Alternative A Alternative A would be approximately 50.5 miles in length in New Jersey. This alternative has approximately 27.7 miles of new transmission line right-of-way and 22.8 miles of existing right-of-way. The new right-of-way width would be 200 feet while the existing right-of-way width is nominally 150 feet. The new right-of-way would have 500-kV single circuit structures while the existing right-of-way would have double circuit structures supporting the new 500-kV circuit and a new 230-kV circuit. Altogether, there would be approximately 290 structures for this alternative. There would be 219 new tangent suspension structures, 24 suspension angle structures and 47 dead-end structures, either large angle or in-line dead-end types. The spans between structures would range from approximately 700 feet to 2,000 feet. A new switching station would be constructed in Jefferson Township at the line’s intersection with the Branchburg to New York 500-kV transmission line. Along the existing right-of-way, the new structure locations would closely match the existing 230-kV steel lattice structure locations. The estimated structure heights would range from 115 feet for the single circuit 500-kV structures to 195 feet for the double circuit 500-kV/230-kV structures. The estimated construction cost for Alternative A would be 1.1 times the estimated cost to construct Alternative B. Alternative B Alternative B would approximately 45.7 miles in length in New Jersey. This alternative would be constructed entirely on existing right-of-way and the width is nominally 150 feet. The new double circuit structures would support a new 500-kV circuit and a new 230-kV circuit. Altogether, there would be approximately 234 structures for this alternative. There would be 176 new tangent suspension structures, 19 suspension angle structures and 39 dead-end structures, either large angle or in-line dead-end types. The spans between structures would range from approximately 700 feet to 2,700 feet. The new structure locations would closely match the existing 230-kV steel lattice structure locations. The estimated structure heights would range from 150 feet to 195 feet for the D/C 500-kV/230-kV structures. A new switching station would be constructed at the same location described in Alternative A. The estimated construction cost for Alternative B would be the least costly of the three alternatives. Alternative C Alternative C would be approximately 43.4 miles in length. This alternative is entirely on existing right-ofway that varies from approximately 135 feet to 400 feet in width. The existing right-of-way configuration has varying circuits along this alternative. At the Martins Creek Substation, for 0.3 miles the existing 230-kV circuit within the 200 foot right-of-way would be replaced with a double circuit 500kv/230kV circuit. For the next 14 miles, the existing 115-kV circuit within the 200 foot wide right-of-way would be replaced with a double circuit 500kV/115kV line. For the next 19 miles, the existing 285 foot right-of-way has an existing double circuit 230-kV line that we assume would remain; a single circuit 500-kV line would be installed within the southerly portion of the right-of-way. A new switching station would be constructed in the community of Long Valley at the line’s intersection with the Branchburg to New York 500-kV transmission line. For the next 2 miles, the existing 400 foot right-of-way has two double circuit 230-kV line that would remain; a single circuit 500-kV line would be installed within the southerly portion of the right-of-way. For the next 10 miles heading east from the Greystone Substation, the existing 290 foot right-of-way has two existing double circuit 230-kV lines. One of the double circuit 230-kV lines would be undergrounded for about 10 miles and a new single circuit 500-kV line would be built. For the remainder of the 0.8 miles, the existing 135-foot right-of-way has an existing single circuit 230-kV line. This line would need to be undergrounded in order for the new single circuit 500-kV line to be built on the existing right-of-way. Commercial and residential development abutting the existing right-of-way along this segment of Alternative C would prevent expansion of the existing right-ofway without substantial environmental impacts. The new double circuit structures would support a new 500-kV circuit and either a new 230-kV circuit or a new 115-kV circuit. Altogether, there would be approximately 306 structures for this alternative in New Jersey. There would be 241 new tangent suspension structures, 18 suspension angle structures and 47 dead-end structures, either large angle or in-line dead-end types. The spans between structures would range from approximately 600 feet to 1,500 feet. Along the existing right-of-way, the new structure 89 The Louis Berger/CAI Alliance PSE&G Alternative Route Identification Report locations would closely match the existing structure locations. The estimated structure heights would range from 115 feet for the single circuit 500-kV structures to 195 feet for the double circuit 500-kV/230kV structures. The estimated construction cost for Alternative C would be 1.8 times the estimated cost of constructing Alternative B. 3.3 Public Outreach and Input Routing team members participated in public open houses held throughout the study area. The purpose of the open houses was to inform the public of the project and involve them in providing information for the Preferred Alternative decision-making process. Three Open Houses were held by PSE&G in New Jersey, occurring on the following dates at the times and locations indicated: June 23, 2008, 4 p.m. to 8 p.m., Sussex County Community College, Newton, NJ June 24, 2008, 4 p.m. to 8 p.m., The Frelinghuysen Arboretum, Morristown, NJ June 25, 2008, 4 p.m. to 8 p.m., Warren County Community College, Washington, NJ In addition to the Public Workshops, PSE&G was requested by Montville, Wantage, and Sparta to meet in those towns and PSE&G did so on July 15, 24, and 28, respectively. An additional nine public meetings, some of which were attended by New Jersey residents, were held by PPL in Pennsylvania as follows: June 16, 2008, 5 p.m. to 8 p.m., PPL East Mountain Business Center, Wilkes-Barre, PA June 17, 2008, 5 p.m. to 8 p.m., Hilton Scranton & Conference Center, Scranton, PA June 18, 2008, 5 p.m. to 8 p.m., Wallenpaupack Area High School, Hawley, PA June 19, 2008 5 p.m. to 8 p.m., Fernwood Resort & Conference Center, Bushkill, PA June 23, 2008, 5 p.m. to 8 p.m., Berwick High School, Berwick, PA June 24, 2008, 5 p.m. to 8 p.m., Tamaqua Community Center, Tamaqua, PA June 25, 2008, 5 p.m. to 8 p.m., Forks Township Community Center, Easton, PA June 26, 2008, 5 p.m. to 8 p.m., Northampton Community Center, Northampton, PA PSE&G publicized the selection of the three alternative routes, the public workshops in New Jersey that were held to gather input on the three alternatives, and other aspects of the Susquehanna to Roseland Project by the following methods: • • • • Full details on the project Web site, "" Meetings with local officials in the towns along each of the routes, key government agencies, and newspaper editors and reporters; Newspaper and radio advertisements to announce the locations of the public workshops; and An e-mail address for comments, "" An informal format was employed at the public workshops using various displays to explain various aspects of the project. Displays were staffed by representatives of PSE&G; routing team members; and other experts who explained the project to attendees, received information and other input from attendees, and answered their questions or recorded their questions for later follow-up. The displays and literature provided covered various subjects, such as the electrical need for the line, engineering and construction requirements, normal right-of-way acquisition procedures, and route selection procedures. An important aspect of the open houses was the use of the one inch to 500-foot scale aerial photo map sheets. These sheets showed the Alternative Routes under consideration at the time of the open houses, along with features such as residences, barns, field edges, roads, streams, and other information that allowed landowners and other attendees to see their local area or area of concern. Attendees were asked to write any comments they believed important pertaining to the location of the Alternative Routes or other resources in the study area on the map sheets. Routing team members assisted attendees in locating their property or other areas of concern on the photography and assisted them in marking the 90 The Louis Berger/CAI Alliance PSE&G Alternative Route Identification Report photo sheets with their concerns. Following the open houses, comments recorded on the aerial photo map sheets were digitized and include in the GIS database for this project. In addition to verbal comments received during the open houses, attendees were provided with several other methods of offering additional information on the project, including questionnaires, responding by email or letter, and monitoring the project website ("”), where project information and maps showing the routes under consideration were placed for public review and comment. In addition to the public workshops, PSE&G held meetings in Montville, Wantage, and Sparta on July 15th, 24th, and 28th, respectively. Figure 3.3-1 summarizes the public comments received during the public outreach process. As of August 4, 2008, PSE&G has received 460 individual comments from residents, property owners, agencies, and other stakeholders following the public meetings and through responses received on PSE&G’s project website. The comments fall into a number of categories, including aesthetics, conservation, electromagnetic fields (EMF), health, the desire to keep informed about the project, requests for maps, the need for the project, noise, property values, recreation, vegetation management, water, wildlife, and “other.” Based on these results, property values, health/electromagnetic field effects, and aesthetics were of primary concern for those that commented. The Preferred Route selection process took these concerns into consideration by attempting to maximize the distance of the centerline from residences and other sensitive resources such as schools and churches when not following existing rights-of-way. A substantial number of comments also noted the desire to be kept informed. In discussions during various public meetings, it was evident that people were also concerned about the effects of construction on resources of importance to the local community, such as measures that would be taken to protect wellheads, aquifers, and surface waters from impacts. These concerns are interspersed among various comment categories shown on the bar chart. Many of the comments categorized as “other” expressed opposition to one or more of the Alternative Routes. Comments received from persons in municipalities crossed by the Alternative Routes are as follows: Alternative A, 223; Alternative B, 33; common portions of Alternatives A and B, 127; Alternative C, 187; and common portions of Alternatives A, B, and C, 126. 91 The Louis Berger/CAI Alliance PSE&G Alternative Route Identification Report Figure 3.3-1 Public Comments Received as of August 4, 2008 92 The Louis Berger/CAI Alliance PSE&G Alternative Route Identification Report 3.4 Preferred Route Identification The routing team assimilated the environmental information pertaining to all resource areas discussed in Section 3.1 and the engineering information presented in section 3.2, and summarized the attributes and deficiencies of each of the three alternative routes under consideration. The results of this summary are presented below. Pros and Cons of Alternative A in New Jersey Pros • • • Cons • • • • • • • • • • • Provides opportunity to cross the Delaware River at a location that minimizes impacts to the Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area and avoids crossing the river at a designated wild and scenic river segment The fewest number of residences within 250 feet of the centerline (284). Crosses Appalachian Trail adjacent to an existing pipeline right-of-way, although the incremental impact of the new above ground structures would be substantial. The most incremental impact to the existing landscape associated with the portion of this route that is virgin right-of-way. Crossing of extensive airport buffer zone along the virgin right-of-way portion of this alternative could result in the FAA requiring protective measures such as lights on towers and balls on conductors, thus increasing the visual impact of this alternative. The most forested land on the right-of-way (18.4 miles). Clearing of forested land on the virgin right-of-way portion of this Alternative Route would result in habitat fragmentation of intact forest parcels. The most amount of total wetlands crossed (10.0 miles). The most amount of forested wetlands crossed (2.4 miles); functions of this wetlands would most likely be permanently altered if mature trees are cleared from these wetlands. The most distance of Natural Heritage Priority sites (sensitive plant and animal habitat) crossed (4.4 miles). The most state park crossed (4.9 miles). Crosses the most distance (4.1 miles) of previously recorded historic properties, including High Point State Park. Approximately 185 parcels associated with the virgin right-of-way portion of this alternative. None of these parcels currently have easements that would allow the construction of a new transmission line, whereas the other two alternatives would use existing transmission line rightsof-way currently either owned in fee or under easements. The most Highland Preservation Area crossed (18.8 miles), nearly two miles of which would be associated with virgin right-of-way. Pros and Cons of Alternative B in New Jersey Pros • • • • • • The least forested land on the right-of-way (0.3 miles). The least amount of forested wetland on the right-of-way (0.1 miles), thus potential change in wetland functions would be the least on this Alternative Route. The least number of C-1 streams crossed (10) which are already crossed by an existing 230-kV transmission line on the same alignment. Essentially no change in the existing land use because line could be constructed in existing rightof-way. Crosses Appalachian Trail on an existing 230-kV transmission line right-of-way. The least distance of Highlands Planning Area crossed (9.0 miles). 93 The Louis Berger/CAI Alliance PSE&G Alternative Route Identification Report • • Cons • • • Would cross 17.1 miles of Highlands Preservation Area but nearly all on an existing cleared rightof-way. Likely to have the least incremental impact on historic and archaeological resources compared to the other two Alternative Routes because the existing right-of-way would not need to be expanded, and existing structures would be replaced with new, albeit taller, structures, minimizing new ground disturbance. One existing residence removal or relocation in New Jersey may be required. Crosses a substantial portion of the Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area, including a designated “scenic” segment of the designated Delaware River wild and scenic river and would locally diminish its recreational and scenic value. Crosses a substantial distance (3.6 miles) of previously recorded historic properties, including the Stillwater Historic District. Pros and Cons of Alternative C in New Jersey Pros • • • • • • • • • Cons • • • • • • • • Crossing of Delaware River in an industrial setting on the PA side – less impact to wild and scenic river segment than Alternative B and the least amount of combined adverse effects on recreational and scenic resources of National significance (Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area, Appalachian Trail, and designated wild and scenic river segments). The least amount of total wetlands crossed by the right-of-way (4.4.miles). The least amount of Natural Heritage Priority sites (sensitive plant and animal habitat) crossed (1.3 miles). No state parks would be crossed by this alternative. Crosses the least distance (0.4 miles) of previously recorded historic properties compared to the other two Alternative Routes. Crosses the least distance (3.9 miles) of slopes greater than 20%. Shortest of the three alternatives in New Jersey (43.4 miles). The least Highlands Preservation Area crossed (15.1 miles). The new line could most likely be constructed within existing utility rights-of-way. Substantial forested land on the right-of-way (11.4 miles) About 19 miles of this Alternative Route would entail expansion of the currently utilized right-ofway to the south and additional vegetative clearing to accommodate the parallel alignment of the new transmission line. Would require dismantling about three miles of the Morristown and Erie Railroad System, in East Hanover during construction, at a minimum. This would require customers currently served by this freight line to receive goods via alternative means, potentially increasing traffic on local roads. If construction adjacent to the railroad could not be feasibly implemented or engineering challenges along the eastern-most portion of this Alternative Route could not be overcome, the right-of-way along this portion of Alternative C may need to be expanded, resulting in substantial impacts in this heavily developed area. Addressing the unusual engineering and construction challenges from the Greystone Substation to Roseland would make construction of this alternative in New Jersey substantially more costly than either of the other two alternatives The most crossings of C-1 streams (21). The most number of residences within 250 feet of the new centerline (478). The most Highlands Planning Area crossed (25.1 miles). 94 The Louis Berger/CAI Alliance PSE&G Alternative Route Identification Report Based on its assessment of the pros and cons of the three Alternative Routes under consideration, the routing team selects Alternative B as the Preferred Route in New Jersey. This selection is based on the following factors: • • • • • Alternative B would be constructed entirely within an existing transmission line right-of-way for its entire length in New Jersey, which would minimize impacts to the natural and human environment. No construction on virgin right-of-way would be required, which represents a substantial advantage over Alternative A (where over 24 miles of new right-of-way would be needed). No substantive additional clearing would be required, which represents a substantial advantage over Alternative C (where vegetative clearing would be needed along 19 miles of rightof-way if the new line would be constructed parallel to an existing line). Alternative B has by far the least amount of wooded wetland crossed (0.1 mile), compared to Alternative A (2.4 miles) and Alternative C (1.3 miles). Thus Alternative B would have the least potential to permanently alter this type of wetland habitat. Aesthetic impacts associated with Alternative B would be substantially less than the virgin rightof-way portion of Alternative A. Incremental aesthetic impacts associated with Alternative B would be slightly less compared to Alternative C because of the need to clear vegetation along the 19 mile portion that would parallel the existing 230-kV transmission line. Removal of forest in this area would reduce screening, and the wider cleared right-of-way would be more visually intrusive. Taller structures than currently exist would likely be needed in the 2.6 miles portion of Alternative B that is within the Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area in New Jersey, but means to minimize this incremental impact would be explored with the National Park Service. Alternative B crosses by far the least amount of forested land (0.3 miles) compared to Alternative A (18.5 miles) and Alternative C (11.4 miles). This would result in substantially less potential for soil erosion and permanent alteration of forest habitat and no incremental increase in forest fragmentation. Alternative B does not have nearly the same level of substantial engineering and constructability challenges (and associated increased costs) that are associated with Alternative C. In addition, PPL's route selection process also resulted in the selection of Alternative B as the preferred alternative for the Susquehanna to Roseland Project. After a similar routing process, which included mapping, field visits, a potential route network, and subsequent public outreach meetings and agency consultation, PPL deduced that Alternative B is the best route from an economic, environmental, land use, and public perspective. 95 The Louis Berger/CAI Alliance PSE&G Alternative Route Identification Report 4. REFERENCES Anderson, Elaine. 1984. The Central Railroad of New Jersey's First 100 Years, A Historical Survey. Center for Canal History and Technology, Easton, Pennsylvania. Avian Powerline Interaction Committee (APLIC). 2006. Suggested Practices for Avian Protection on Powerlines: The State of the Art in 2006. Edison Electric Institute, APLIC, and the California Energy Commission. Washington, D.C. and Sacramento, California APLIC and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. 2005. Avian Protection Plan Guidelines. Available at: " tectionPlanGuidelines.pdf" Accessed 7/21/2008 Appalachian Trail Conference (ATC), 2000. Policy on Roads and Utility Developments. Berger (Louis Berger & Associates, Inc.) 1986 Route 92, Mercer, Middlesex and Somerset Counties, Technical Environmental Study, Volume I, Cultural Resources. Report prepared for Federal Highway Administration and New Jersey Department of Transportation, Trenton. Bodle, Wayne K. 1977. Old Mine Road Historic District. National Register of Historic Places Nomination Form. On file, New Jersey Historic Preservation Office (NJDEP), Trenton, New Jersey. 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