President`s Message - Fontana Teachers Association
President`s Message - Fontana Teachers Association
Volume 35, Issue 3 October 2013 President’s Message Update This week I had the opportunity to meet with the Common Core work group. I was pleased to see that every site was represented as well as FTA and the district. The group is working hard to select essential standards, develop sample lesson plans, adjust pacing guides and make necessary changes to report cards as we move into the implementation of Common Core. This is a difficult job and I want to express my appreciation to those teachers who are working with such dedication. I know how difficult it is to be away from your classroom. For more information on the process or to give input contact the representative from your site. As we enter into Fall, I’d like to update you on some new legislation. This week Governor Brown signed AB 484 launching a major overhaul in school accountability. This bill significantly reduces state testing but DOES NOT eliminate it. The following tests will still be given: CELDT-all grades, CAHSEEgrades 10-12, Fitness Gram-grades 5, 7, and 9, CAPA (ELA, Math, Science)- grades 2-11, STS- grades 2-11 to students in US schools less than one cumulative year, Science CST and CMA- grades 5, 8 ,and 10, Math CST- Algebra II and Summative Math students, ELA CST-grade 11. In addition, all students in grades 3-8 and 11 may take the Smarter Balance Assessment although exactly how this will be done is still unknown. It could be that students will take ELA or Math, or maybe only certain schools. We will keep you updated as more information comes forth. API will be suspended until a Base API is established in spring 2016. This will be based on the Smarter Balanced assessment given in the spring of 2015. At that time subgroups will become numerically significant at 30 for the following groups: ethnicity, SES, EL, SWD and at 15 for Foster Youth. It’s also possible that attendance rate, promotion/retention rates, graduation rates, and career readiness will also become a part of the calculation. It appears that the District is on schedule to have a new superintendent in place by November 1. As you know, negotiations and some of the other work of the association has been on hold as the search has been conducted and I look forward to being able to proceed with grievance and negotiation issues. page 1 Article 14 of your Collective Bargaining Agreement (Contract) by Barbara “Bubba” Smith, Executive Director for FTA The Fontana Unified Teachers Association (FTA) contract with the School District includes many policies and procedures that protect our members. Among them is Article 14 and its subsections, which define Work Year and Workday. The contract states that a dismissal duty plan must be equitably allocated among the bargaining unit members, with no member being assigned dismissal duty more often than alternating weeks, except for the first two weeks of classes. Work Year Article Traditional Schedule For teachers on a traditional schedule, the work year is 182 days, of which 180 days are allocated to teaching. Article (1) i and ii Before School Duty Elementary Morning duty may not be more than ten minutes in duration, no more than one week at a time, and no more often than every other week. Article Teachers on assignment The work year for teachers on assignment is 192 days. Article Elementary Evening Events No more than two evening events during the school year and no events more than 60 minutes long. These events may include, but are not limited to, Back to School Night and Open House. Article FTA members in their first year of employment Bargaining unit members in their first year of working for the District have a work year one day longer than the above sections. Workday Article 14.2.3 Workday begins Members of the bargaining unit must be at their work/ school site 30 minutes before the beginning of the instructional day. This is a requirement of the California Education Code of Regulations, Title 5, Section 5570. Article Dismissal time/Elementary Members assigned to elementary school sites may leave upon the dismissal of students at that site except when they have after school duty. Article Dismissal time/Secondary Members teaching at secondary schools may leave after completing six consecutive periods at their school sites. Articles 14.2.4 through Extended Day There are times when the workday needs to be extended in order to complete essential and professional duties as identified in the contract. Articles 14.2.4 through describe the types of meetings and activities that could cause an extended day. Specific Duties Article Dismissal Duty page 2 Article Secondary Evening Events No more than two evening events during the school year and no events more than 90 minutes long. These events may include, but are not limited to, Back to School Night, Open House or Graduation. Article Minimum Days at the end of the Trimester or Semester Where a school site has a minimum day at the end of the first or second trimester (elementary and middle school) or at the end of the first semester (high school) members may leave the site with the dismissal of students provided that their work area is neat and orderly and they notify the administrative office that they are leaving. Article Minimum Days (Wednesdays) Elementary Half the available minimum day minutes each month shall be allocated as follows: Half for District Directed activities which include but are not limited to: staff meetings, grade level meetings, staff development, grade level planning, IEP, SIT, Action plans, required student assessment reporting and any other meetings or functions that may be required by the district or Administration. Except in emergencies, meetings and activities mandated by the district and school administration shall be confined to district directed time. The other half of minimum day minutes each month shall be member directed which may include: class continued on page 3 Organizing and Political Action Committee The FTA Organizing and Political Action Committee have come together this year to form a joint committee. The Political side of this committee deals with any pending legislation and school board elections. We do not have any school board elections this year and at this time no pending legislation. Organizing revolves around issues involving the contract and our members. Our last major issue was rallying together to bring back a comprehensive counseling program. We have also successfully organized for raises and health care in the past. So if you are the kind of person who loves to get involved with specific issues, this may be the committee for you! If interested please contact the office. 909.829.0940 Some of our Organizing team attending the 2013 Organizing for Power Conference Stay in the Loop! Sign up for FTA email alerts at 13-14 Rep Council Meeting Dates August 14 September 11 October 9 Nov. 13 Dec. 11 January 22 February 12 March 12 April 9 May 14 continued from page 2 preparation, regular student assessment activities, readying the classroom, report cards and progress reports, or any other activity that is a part of regular classroom duties. Remember the key word here is member directed. If they are telling you what to do it’s District time. Article 14.2.6 Lunch Period Each workday, members shall get an uninterrupted, duty-free lunch period for no less than 30 minutes. The lunch period shall not include passing periods or any time when the member has required contact with students. Miscellaneous Duties There are many articles in the contract that address extended days because of inclement weather and miscellaneous workday provisions. These issues are addressed in Articles through 14.3.4. Instructional Days There is an array of information in the contract impacting instructional days for FTA members. The following articles contain important information that should be reviewed carefully when questions arise over instructional days. Article 14.4.1 Instructional Day for Secondary Schools Article 14.4.2 Instructional Day for Elementary Schools Article Basic Kindergarten Workday 13-14 TGIF Dates August 9 September 13 October 11 November 8 December 13 January 17 February 14 March 14 April 11 May 9 page 3 Fontana Teachers Association Teachers Recognizing Teachers Program Last month at the September 11th, Rep. Council meeting we started a program where we (FTA) would honor our members for their accomplishments in the field of education, their dedication and commitment for our students and the community of Fontana and their participation in Association advocacy. The honorees we recognized are: Ana Díez, a TOA at the district office who received a tribute for her valuable contribution in identifying recipients’ of the Seal of Bi-Literacy during the 2012-13 school year. Jo Shelly, a teacher at Fontana High School who received her tribute for having been selected to work at the RIMS/AVID Program at the county level. We honored her continuous support of students, so they can achieve their goals. Trent Stillman, a teacher at Beech Elementary School who received his tribute for his valuable contribution to the improvement of communication between Fontana Teachers Association and the Fontana Community, and Maria Josie Ervin, a teacher at Kaiser High School who received her tribute for her endless dedication to the Bilingual Students in Fontana and her promotion of the first Spanish Spelling Bee in the Inland Empire. If you would like to nominate someone, or to receive more information about this program contact your site Rep or call the FTA office at (909) 829-0940 for the nomination form. Elementary Director and Community Outreach Chair, Trent Sillman receiving his “TRT” award from FUSD School Board Member Shannon O’Brien at the September Rep Council Meeting. page 4 Save the Date Holiday tgif Fri. Dec. 13 at Fta Office 16850 Seville Ave. Fontana 92335 Fontana Teachers Association Teachers Recognizing Teachers Program We are pleased to announce the honorees that are being recognized for the month of October: Maryann Birgham from Wayne Ruble Middle School is being recognized for spearheading the Common Core Mathematics training for her colleagues. She goes above and beyond the call of duty as a teacher, and is always on the lookout to provide the best for her staff and students. Patti Hernandez from Hemlock Elementary school is being recognized for her idea to initiate a food bank and clothing closet for the less fortunate families in the Fontana community. When she first started , she ran this program out of her home and has since moved it to a church on Slover. Patti and her husband, Mario, work tirelessly to help the less fortunate students and families of Fontana meet their daily needs with clothing and food. Estella Borerro from Oleander Elementary School is being recognized for being a role model and for her diligent work with the students of FUSD. Estella has had a major influence on the success of the ELL students at her site. She was an ELL student herself and a graduate of Fontana High School. Her compassion and commitment to her students and colleagues is remarkable and she continues to give back to the Fontana community now as a teacher. For more information about this program contact your site rep or call the FTA office at (909) 829-0940 to obtain a copy of the nomination form. The Director’s Bookshelf Negotiation Boot Camp by Ed Brodow (ISBN # 0-385-51849-8) By Trent Stillman (Elementary Director) This month I elected to share a helpful text I read entitled, Negotiation Boot Camp: How To Resolve Conflict, Satisfy Customers, And Make Better Deals. The book was written by Ed Brodow, considered one of America’s top negotiation experts. I have always admired our FTA Negotiations Team and wanted to understand some of the elements involved in negotiations. As an Elementary Director, I hoped the text would also provide some insights on the give and take we find ourselves in daily. True to it’s title, the book is divided into twelve weeks, the same length as boot camp. The book is helpful in allowing the reader to learn what type of negotiation style they lean towards. Ed Brodow uses many real negotiation experiences from his life to elaborate on what works and what does not. The author points out we all are engaged in negotiations daily whether its buying a car, or dealing with a child who needs to do their homework. A key skill to negotiations in any situation that Mr. Brodow mentions is the art of listening. He suggests we follow a 70/30 rule when speaking to anyone. A good negotiator, he points out, listens 70% of the time and never talks more than 30%. Listening, he also points out, needs to be of an active rather than a passive nature. Because issues being negotiated are so vital, it is imperative we are actively listening to the other party. The book was helpful in explaining what types of scenarios negotiators strive for. Outcomes to negotiations are covered such as win/lose, and win/win. Sometimes the author explains you win by just walking away from a negotiation. Finally the book brings readers toward the intense benefit of preparing in advance of the negotiation. A negotiator should role play and envision the approach the other team will advance. Anticipating the strategy of the other team helps with staying calm and maintaining an independent course. In the end, it’s a book I would suggest membership reads if you’ve ever wondered about the art of negotiation. NEA RA UPDATE by Nancy Hofrock I have had the privilege of representing Fontana Teachers at the NEA Representative Assembly for several years. In 2012, I stepped up my advocacy as I submitted my first new business item and was elected as the Chair of the NEA English Language Learner Caucus. Caucuses work during the RA and though out the year to promote items of interest for their caucus membership. The NEA ELL caucus advocates for English Language Learners and their teachers within the NEA. In 2012, NBI 50 called for NEA to work with partner organizations to highcontinued on page 8 page 5 Human Rights Committee By, Lynnette Monk Dezan A focus of the Human Rights Committee this year is to bring more awareness to issues that GLBT members and students struggle through, survive, live, function, and deal with on a daily basis. We will be partnering with neighboring teachers associations to promote activities and trainings, as well as holding trainings at the FTA office. The first visual arts and essay contest of the year is the Hispanic Heritage Month Contest. As technology imbeds itself further into daily life, we felt it was important to make technology an option for student entries. Students interested in submitting an entry in media presentation format are encouraged to do so. However, the entry cannot be used for the César Chavez Awards Program. Contest entries are due by Monday, October 28, 2013 by 4:00 p.m. at the FTA Office and the Awards Ceremony will be on Tuesday, November 19th from 5:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. for members, students and their families. More detailed information has been sent to the sites and can be accessed on the FTA web site. Anyone interested in participating in the Human Rights Committee please join us at our next meeting, Tuesday, October 15th at 3:45 p.m. at the FTA office. Grant and Scholarship Opportunities & CTA offers a number of grant and scholarship opportunities for members. Just log into to create an account and get started. CTA Scholarship for Members – Up to five (5) - $3,000 scholarships (approx. 75-100 applicant annually) Available to members for credential, degree or graduate programs Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Scholarship for active CTA members, their dependents or an act ive member of Student CTA (SCTA) Must be pursuing a teaching related career in public edu cation and be a member of a defined ethnic minority group. GLBT “Guy DeRosa” Safety in Schools Grant and Scholarship Program Grant: supports projects and presentations that promote understanding and respect of GLBT persons Available to students or CTA members who implement a GLBT project and/or presentations at a public school for students and/or employees Gay Straight Alliance (GSA) GSA’s will be eligible for project activities and/or presentations that promote a safe public school environment for all GLBT persons seed money to establish a GSA Scholarship Program – will support members enrolled in a teacher/counseling credential or graduate program that are pursuing a career in public education and who understand the importance of GLBT educators as role models in our public schools. Go to website for criteria specifics. page 6 Not Quite Burned Out, But Crispy Around The Edges! Is this how you are feeling lately? Then these sessions are for you! Fontana Teachers Association is presenting a series of workshops to help you rejuvenate and feel good about getting up in the morning. For more information or to reserve your spot, call the FTA office at 909.829.0940 Rep Council Training on September 25, 2013 at the FTA Office. Dates of sessions: All sessions will be 10am-4pm October 26, 2013 November 16, 2013 March 8, 2014 April 12, 2014 January 11, 2014 May 3, 2014 February 8, 2014 June 7, 2014 Barbara “Bubba” Smith leading the Rep Training at the FTA Office on September 25, 2013. Community Outreach Chair, Trent Stillman and Organizing Team Member, Hassan Yahya at the Annual Fontana Safety Fair. page 7 continued from page 5 light best practices for working with Long Term English Learners. Long Term English Learners are students who have been in English Language Development programs for six or more years and have not reached the reclassification criteria. NEA is in the final stages of editing to bring forth these promising practices. Laurie Olsen is the lead author on the project. She is an expert who coined the term, “Long Term English Learner.” Many of Fontana students are Long Term English Learners and require specially designed programs to enable them to move to English Proficiency. During the 2013 NEA RA, the NEA ELL Caucus and the NEA Hispanic Caucus worked together to pass three New Business Items. NBI 17 called for NEA to inform membership through existing communication channels about the NEA Common Core Standards Toolkit and its use to ensure that the needs of English Language Learners and students page 8 with special needs are met as the Common Core State Standards are implemented. The Toolkit can be viewed at nea. org. NBI 18 called for the development of an NEA Policy Statement on English Language Learners. NEA is still pulling together staff and stakeholders to complete this work. The policy will be brought back to the 2014 NEA RA. The third business item, NBI 19, directed NEA to develop a trainer of trainers program to prepare teachers to present the NEA English Language Learner Advocacy Toolkit to our membership. NEA is completing the toolkit and will call for applications to be trainers in the near future. FTA Social Events TGIF at Pancho Villa’s Important FTA Email Addresses Sue Felt ftapres@ Nancy Hofrock ftavp@ Grievance Team grievance@ Negotiations Team negotiations@ Nathalie nalvarez@ Mandy 10/12/13 3:00pm to 5:00pm apeters@ Disneyland Tickets Barbara “Bubba” Smith 1 Day 1 Park $88.25 Adult (ages 10 and up) $82.50 Kids (ages 3 - 9) 1 Day Park Hopper $125.00 Adult (ages 10 and up) $109.00 Kids (ages 3 - 9) No Block Out Days Tickets Expire December 31, 2014 Cash Only (prices subject to change) AMC & Regal Movie Tickets $8.00 No Restrictions Extra Charge for 3D Cash Only FTA Office ftaoffice@ Fontana Teachers Assocation 16850 Seville Ave Fontana, CA 92335 909.829.0940 fax 909.829.0466 ftaoffice@