April edition - NebraskaCowman.com
April edition - NebraskaCowman.com
NEBRSKA ANTIQUE FARMING ASSOCIATION APRIL 2016 APR2016 INSIDE THIS ISSUE: TRAN DRIVE: JUNE 4-12 APRIL MEETING HIGHLIGHTS UP COMING EVENTS: LIGHTER SIDE: UP COMING EVENTS: HUFF-N-PUFF GARDEN TRACTOR PULL APRIL 16 STERLING, NE AT 1:00 TRACTOR DRIVE MAY 1ST BENKELMAN, NE JIM RUSSELL CALL 308289-6135 CHEYENE COUNTRY CRUISERS CAR AND TRACTOR SHOW MAY 14TH ST FRANCIS, KS STERLING NE PICNIC TRACTOR SHOW JUNE 4TH 9-3:30 NEBRASKA ANTIQUE FARMING MEETING Sunday April 3rd a combination of meetings were held at the Alda Village Hall. First the Nebraska Antique Farming Association held its meeting. Following that a potluck was enjoyed by all. Platte Valley Machinery Association hosted the event for all the tractor clubs in the state. People from 11 different clubs attended. Last meeting was the Nebraska Chapter 12 IH meeting. All meetings had great attendance. The segment leaders for each day went over what they had planned so far for each day of TRAN 2016. Most of the routes are all planned out. A few of the leaders need to firm up some details but everything is shaping up. TRAN 2016 sounds like a wonderful time. If you haven’t done so yet send in your registration and join for a day or the whole trip. 47 people have signed up so far for some portion of the drive. 11 have signed up for the whole trip. Remember registrations have to be in by May 1st so don’t put off sending them in. Be sure not to get left out of the fun. 2016 is the 80th birthday of Homestead National Monument in Beatrice. The monument would like to see 80 tractors on display there Saturday morning. Join in the fun and help us make this a reality for them. They have offered space to have the tractors displayed there Friday and a place to leave and unload trailers. Let’s help them meet their goal and show up at Beatrice to make history. EVENTS CONTINUED: HERITAGE FESTIVAL TRACTOR SHOW AND RODEO June 4th & 5th Lincoln Co Historical Museum North Platte 308-5345640 ANTIQUE TRACTOR & GAS ENGINE SHOW June 4th & 5th Pawnee Park, Columbus, Ne 402564-3669 MID-STATES ANTIQUE TRACTOR PULL June 5th Ashland, NE SAPPA VALLEY SHOW June 4th Oberlin, KS ALL NEBRASKA TRACTOR DRIVE June 10th – 11th Starting at Hastings 308-2334555 FARNAM FOUNDER’S DAYS June 24th – 25th Tractor drive 3:00 Friday, Parade, tractor show and antique tractor pull Saturday contact: Randy 308-537-6154 The 2017 TRAN route was discussed. Since we were going to be in Lincoln on the Friday of the trip we asked to be an official part of the Nebraska 150 Celebration. Donelle heard last week that we had been accepted as an official part of the celebration. The event planner Cynthe Johnson wrote Donelle “The Nebraska 150 Celebration is pleased to inform you that the Tractor Relay Across Nebraska has been approved as an Official Event of the 2017 Sesquicentennial. Your event fits perfectly with our mission and we are excited to add it to our celebration.” Remember to like them on Facebook at facebook.com/nebraska150 and follow them on Twitter@ne150 to stay current with the latest news and developments. This is quite an honor for our organization. Wouldn’t it be quite something if we could get 150 tractors to surround the State Capital that day to commerate this occasion. Later in this newsletter if a copy of a petition that we would like our members to help circulate to have June 9, 2017 declared as “Nebraska Antique Farming Day” in conjunction with Nebraska 150th birthday. Please feel free to copy the petition and help us with this. We voted to rent a 15 passenger van to help shuttle drivers that needed taken from start to finish of each day in order to move equipment along. The club will pay the cost up front but hope that the entire cost will be covered by people who use the van to go back and forth. If you want to order magnets, caps, banners or tee shirts they have to be ordered by May 1st also. Tregg Reiss is ordering window stickers advertising Nebraska Antique Farming Association also. Look for these on the web page nebraskacowman.com/nafa. Also follow us on Facebook at Nebraska Antique Farming Association NAFA. Copies of the 2015 and 2014 TRAN DVD’s are also available for $10.00 each. Don’t miss out on a great tractor drive and fun send in your registration today. EVENTS CONTINUED: 2016 TRAN ROUTE CORTLAND FEST Day 1 Beatrice to Geneva – Ron & Donelle Moormeier June 25th Contact Donelle 402-432-2480 Day 2 Geneva to Hastings – Rich & Donna Wilton GROVER CLEVELAND DAYS July 9th St. Paul, NE ANTIQUE MACHINERY & THRESHING SHOW July 16th – 17th Waverly, NE ANTIQUE TRACTOR & GAS ENGINE FESTIVAL July 16th Kimmell Orchard, Nebraska City 402-873-5293 TRI-STATE ANTIQUE ENGINE & THRESHERS SHOW July 28th – 30th Bird City, KS TRACTOR & ENGINE SHOW July 30th – 31st Ashland, NE ELKHORN VALLEY ANTIQUE TRACTOR & MACHINERY DISPLAY Aug 3rd – 7th Springfield Fairgrounds Day 3 Hastings to St. Paul – Rich & Donna Wilton Day 4 St. Paul to Broken Bow – Ed & Donna Axmann Day 5 Broken Bow to Thedford – Perry Meyer & Marv Sierks Day 6 Thedford to Hyannis – Leo & Jo Nickel Day 7 Hyannis to Alliance – Gordon Greenamyre, Kevin Howard and Mike McGinnis Day 8 Alliance to Scottsbluff – Gordon, Kevin and Mike Day 9 Scottsbluff to Agate Fossil – Craig Heyward TRAN 2017 Route June 3 Holyoke, CO to Wallace, NE June 4 Wallace to Curtis June 5 Curtis to Elwood June 6 Elwood to Axtell June 7 Axtell to Fairfield June 8 Fairfield to Wilber June 9 Wilber to Lincoln June 10 Lincoln to Plattsmouth Remember the special day being planned for the 150 day in Lincoln. More details to be announced as they become available. Segment leaders are needed for the 2017 tractor drive. Contact Donelle 402-429-2480 or Randy 308-537-6154 if you are interested in being a leader. EVENTS CONTINUED: ANTIQUE TRACTOR PULL & SHOW 2018 Proposed TRAN Route June 2 Blair to Snyder June 3 Snyder to Lindsey June 4 Lindsey to Ericson June 5 Ericson to Taylor June 6 Taylor to Halsey June 7 Halsey to Mullen June 8 Mullen to Tryon June 9 Tryon to Arthur June 10 Arthur to Ogallala th Aug 6 Fairgrounds, Ogallala 308-284-4066 LOUP VALLEY OLD IRON Aug 7th Ord, NE PLATTE VALLEY ANTIQUE & COLLECTORS SHOW August 19-21st Dyer Park Ayr, NE 402-469-4455 DEER CREEK SODBUSTER ANTIQUE MACHINERY SHOW Routes need to be adjusted because there are no motels in a few end locations. Some segments already have leaders for them. Aug 13th – 14th Sterling RAE VALLEY ANTIQUE TRACTOR & HORSE PLOWING BEE Aug 26th – 29th Petersburg, NE STATE FAIR TRACTOR SHOW AND PARADE Aug 26th – Sept 5th THREE CORNERS TRACTOR DRIVE Sept 11 contact Jim at 308-289-6135 2019 is the 200th birthday of the American Legion. The upcoming State Legion leader has asked that when we plan our route that we take in any 200th legion birthday celebrations that is held during our tractor drive. Things are still being scheduled so no plans have been made at this time. The next Nebraska Antique Farming Association meeting will be in late September or early October at Kirk’s Restaurant in Lexington. Date and time will be announced in a newsletter and email when a date has been set. If you have an item for sale or an event to get on the calendar be sure to email bedson1955@hotmail.com or call Brenda at 308-539-6764. Howard will also list them on the web page for us. Thanks for your help. EVENTS CONTINUED: PIERCE OLD TIME THRESHER’S BEE Sept 10th – 11th Pierce, NE OLD TRUSTY DAYS Sept 10th – 11th Clay Center, NE HUSKER HARVEST DAYS Sept 13th – 15th Grand Island, NE BENKELMAN ANTIQUE TRACTOR PULL Sept 17th LEGACY OF PLAINS MUSEUM Sept 17th – 18th Gering, NE TRACTOR TREASURES Sept 17th – 18th Steele City, NE HERITAGE POWER SHOW Sept 24th & 25th Genoa, NE HARVEST FESTIVAL FILLEY STONE BARN Oct 11th Filley, NE All these companies were first reorganized in 1913 as two connected firms: the existing M. Rumely Co. Inc. THE RUMELY (effectively the manufacturing side), and the new The Advance-Rumely Company of La Porte, Indiana was Rumely Products Co. (the sales and distribution side). organized in 1915 as a producer of many types of A further reorganization brought about the final agricultural machinery, most notably threshing Advance-Rumely Company by 1915, a move which machines and large tractors. Advance-Rumely was both streamlined the organization and highlighted its purchased by Allis-Chalmers Manufacturing Company in famous forebears. Advance-Rumely hadn't quite 1931, and the company's main works would become what finished its expansion goals, either: the Aultman- was later known as the "La Porte plant". Taylor Company of Mansfield, Ohio was picked up in Thanks to various mergers and acquisitions, the 1923 company's origins stretched as far back as 1836. Despite all of the history and diversity in engineering However, the origin of the two components of the acquired along with all of their corporate assets during corporate name—Advance Thresher Company and M. the 1910s, most of this was left by the wayside as Rumely Company—were somewhat newer, though still Advance-Rumely sought to fold everything under its long-lived in the agricultural equipment industry. new brand name or that of Rumely. The general Meinrad Rumely emigrated from Germany in 1848, joining financial collapse of the Great Depression, beginning his brother John in the operation of a foundry in La Porte, in 1929 and carrying on through the early 1930s, Indiana. This basic operation gradually expanded by 1859 began to take its toll on Advance-Rumely. into the production of corn shellers and As early as January 1930, the Rumely management complete threshing machines powered by horses. began seeking a buyer for the company. Following success in this new field, Meinrad then bought Correspondence with Otto Falk, president of the Allis- out his brother's portion of the business and incorporated Chalmers Manufacturing Company, proved fruitful: it as the M. Rumely Company by 1887. Starting in 1895, Allis-Chalmers agreed to take over the firm and did so the line expanded to include steam-powered traction by May 1931. engines. Meinrad died in 1904, but his sons continued to manage the business. Rumely's most famous product, the kerosene-powered Rumely Oil Pull traction engine, was first developed in 1909 and began selling to the Rumely had already discontinued its traction engine lines in favor of newer-style tractors, but AllisChalmers had a line of those that was quite successful. The remaining Rumely-branded tractors public by 1910.[1] were discontinued. Allis-Chalmers was more Meanwhile, Advance Thresher Company was founded in interested in Advance-Rumely's line of threshing and 1881 with a factory in Battle Creek, Michigan. In addition harvesting machines (not to mention the sprawling to their namesake threshing machines, this company was plants that built them). Also of interest to Allis- also a prolific producer of steam traction engines. Chalmers was Rumely's extensive dealer network, From 1911-1912, M. Rumely Company began purchasing which was instantly converted to the complete Allis- other firms in the agricultural equipment business. Both Chalmers product line. And the "La Porte plant", as Advance Thresher Company and Gaar-Scott & Company Advance-Rumely's main headquarters was now were acquired during 1911.[2] Then, in 1912, Rumely called, became known as the "Harvester Capitol of the expanded further with the purchase of Northwest World" thanks to its eventual production of Allis- Thresher Company (out of Stillwater, Minnesota) and the American-AbellEngine and Thresher Company . [3] Chalmers' successful All-Crop harvester line. Allis-Chalmers would eventually succumb to bankruptcy and the dismantling of its vast business interests in 1985, but by that time Advance-Rumely was only a memory. NEBRASKA FARMER APRIL MAGAZINE ARTICLE Family Ranch Two sisters, one blonde and one brunette, inherit the family ranch in 1975. Unfortunately, after just a few years, they are in financial trouble. In order to keep the bank from repossessing the ranch, they need to purchase a bull so that they can breed their own stock. Upon leaving for another ranch to check on the possibility of buying a bull, the brunette tells her sister, When I get there, if I decide to buy the bull, I’ll contact you to drive out after me and haul it home. The brunette arrives at the man’s ranch, inspects the bull, and decides she wants to buy it. The man tells her that he will sell it for $499. After paying him, she drives to the nearest town to send her sister a telegram to tell her the news. She walks into the telegraph office, and says, I want to send a telegram to my sister telling her that I’ve bought a bull for our ranch. I need her to hitch the trailer to our pickup truck and drive out here so we can haul it home. The telegraph operator explains that he’ll be glad to help her, then adds, It’s just 99 cents a word. Well, after paying for the bull, the brunette only has $1 left. She realizes that she’ll only be able to send her sister one word. After thinking for a few minutes, she nods, and says, I want you to send her the word comfortable. The operator shakes his head. How is she ever going to know that you want her to hitch the trailer to your pickup truck and drive out here to haul the bull back to your ranch if you send her the word, comfortable? The brunette explains, My sister’s blonde. The word’s big. She’ll read it real slow. (com-for-da-bull) Three Girls Three girls named Marie, Alexis and Taylor were driving through the country, when all of a sudden their car stalls. Marie remembers seeing a farm a little ways back, so her and Alexis walk to the farm, leaving Taylor guarding the car. When Marie and Alexis get to the farm, they tell the farmer what happened. The farmer raises a gun to their head and tells them to get a fruit, vegetable, whatever, just get something from the garden. Marie grabs a turnip, and Alexis grabs a single grape. Just as they come back into the farmer’s house, Taylor walks in. He tells Taylor to do the same as they just did, and Taylor heads off toward the garden. While she’s out in the garden, the famer tells Marie and Alexis to shove whatever they have up their ass, and who ever laughs, dies. Marie laughs first, so the farmer shoots her. Then Alexis laughs and she gets killed too. So they are floating out of their bodies, and Alexis asks Marie why she died. Marie said that the thought of sticking a turnip up your ass was just too funny. Marie then asked Alexis why she laughed, Alexis said: “I was Taylor coming around the corner with a pineapple! Knock Knock What grows when fed but dies when watered? Fire. What do you give a sick horse? Cough stirrup! Why did the tomato blush? Because he saw the salad dressing! What do you call an arctic cow? An eskimoo! What do you call a pig thief? A hamburglar! What do you call a sleeping bull? A bull-dozer. What did the baby corn say to the mama corn? Where’s popcorn? Why did the pig take a bath? Because they like being amoosed! What do you call a horse that lives next door? A neigh-bor! Why did the cabbage win the race? Because it was ahead! Why did the police arrest the turkey? They suspected it of fowl play! What do you get when a chicken lays an egg on top of a barn? An eggroll! Why were the baby strawberries crying? Their ma and pa were in a jam What type of horses only go out at night? Nightmares! What is a horse’s favorite sport? Stable tennis! Why did the farmer feed his pigs sugar and vinegar? He wanted sweet and sour pork! What did the farmer get when he crossed an owl with a goat? A ‘Hootinanny’ What did the farmer say when he lost one of his cows? What a miss-steak. Who takes care of the farm when the farmer is sick? The farmacist (pharmacist). Why did the lamb call the police: He had been fleeced. Why was the cucumber mad? Because it was in a pickle! How did the farmer find his lost cow? He tractor down. What do you call cattle with a sense of humor? Laughing stock. Farmer: Why can’t you make bread like my mother?” Wife: “Why can’t you make dough like my father?”