Queen Wilhelmina State Park


Queen Wilhelmina State Park
Queen Wilhelmina State Park
Teacher’s Handbook
Queen Wilhelmina State Park
Teacher’s Handbook
Mission Statement
Queen Wilhelmina State Park
Curriculum Description
Field Trip Guidelines
Student Information
Program Descriptions
A Lifetime Dream
Animal Adaptation
Animal Tracks
Arkansas Map
Native American Games
Interpreting our magnetic sun
Magnetic Connection
Explore the Sun Cards
Protection From Ultraviolet
The Sun in a Different Light
- Banner & Model
Where Does the Energy
Come From?
School Reservation Form
Mission of Queen Wilhelmina State Park
to provide a quality destination and recreational experience, to protect and
interpret the natural and historic resources that lead to the inclusion of this
area into the Arkansas State Park System, and to promote tourism in
Interpretive Mission of Queen Wilhelmina State Park
to reveal the meaning and relationships between resources and the public
through a combination of arts with the goal of gaining public support for the
protection of the resource for future generations.
Queen Wilhelmina State Park
The beginning of this lodging tradition high atop Arkansas's second highest mountain is
rooted in the 1890s when railroad expansion was big business in this country. Arthur
Stilwell, vice president of the Kansas City, Pittsburg and Gulf Railroad (KCP&G), decided to
build the first north-south railroad, a route from Kansas City, Missouri to Port Arthur, Texas,
to provide rail access to the Gulf of Mexico. This brought the railroad's route through
Arkansas, and inevitably the Ouachita Mountains, the southernmost of the state's two
mountain ranges. During the routing of the tracks through the valleys of the rugged
Ouachitas, a flat area near the top of 2,681-foot Rich Mountain was discovered. This
windswept, mountaintop location was brought to the attention of the investors of the
KCP&G, many of whom were Dutch, as a site to build a resort retreat featuring a grand
hostelry to entice railroad patrons to travel the rails.
The luxurious hostelry of Victorian splendor was constructed of native stone and timber at a
cost of $100,000. Illuminated by carbide lights, the inn made for a glorious site as carriages
topped Rich Mountain from the train stop at the base of mountain's north side. Thirty-five
guest rooms graced the second floor with at least four water closets to serve the guests.
Maids and cooks were housed above on the third floor. The glorious first floor was the place
to socialize. An especially beautiful setting was the dining room which, when converted to a
ballroom, seated 300 people.
Queen Wilhelmina of the Netherlands was to be crowned in September 1898. Since the
railroad was largely financed by Dutch interest, the magnificent resort retreat for
passengers on the line was called "Wilhelmina Inn" to honor the young queen. A suite of
rooms was located in the southeast corner of the second floor and named for Wilhelmina in
the vain hope she would visit.
The grand opening was June 22, 1898. Soon, Wilhelmina Inn became known as the "Castle
in the Sky." The grandeur of this mountaintop inn with its breathtaking scenery, fine
accommodations, and exquisite service, however, was to last only a few short years. Less
than three years after the inn's opening, the KCP&G, facing enormous financial troubles,
was sold to what is now the Kansas City Southern Railroad. With the new owners in place,
the inn was abandoned by its former owners to languish into disrepair. Although the inn did
not close permanently until 1910, its heyday had quickly come to an end. The building soon
fell into decay.
By the 1930s, only remnants of the original structure's stone fences and fireplaces
remained, standing as stark silhouettes against the sky. The year 1940 brought a brief
respite and renewed hope for the desolate remains. Earnest Rolston, a professor from
Centenary College in Shreveport, Louisiana, decided to create a summer music school
using a portion of the inn. The idea was good, but unfortunately the timing was not. The
beginning of World War II in 1941 ended any further attempt to restore the ruins.
After the decade of the 40s, the 1950s brought renewal into sight. The war years had
brought travel awareness to the many men and women who had served in the Armed
Forces. The birth of America's travel and tourism industry was on the horizon. In light of
this, State Senator Landers Morrow and other community leaders created Resolution 17 to
create a new Arkansas state park on the site where Wilhelmina Inn once reigned over the
Ouachita Mountains of Arkansas. Act 76 was passed by the Arkansas General Assembly in
1957. Plans were soon underway to construct a new state park lodge on the site of the
original inn.
Like a phoenix rising from the ashes, the second inn opened its doors on June 22, 1963.
Although it is less grand than the original hostelry, this lodge contained 17 guest rooms and
a restaurant. Gracing the same site as the first inn, the second structure was built with
some of the rockwork still remaining from its predecessor. Operated for 10 years by the
State of Arkansas, the facility was a popular travel attraction until the evening of November
10, 1973, when a fire that began in the kitchen area destroyed it. There was no loss of life,
but the building was totally destroyed.
To carry on the lodging tradition atop Rich Mountain, Arkansas State Parks lost no time in
constructing a new lodge on the same site. The $3 million state park lodge opened in 1975.
Today, this lodge is the crowning attraction of Queen Wilhelmina State Park. Currently
closed while undergoing a major renovation, the lodge will reopen late 2013. Within
walking distance of the lodge are the park's campground with 41 sites and a modern
bathhouse, a playground, the park amphitheater, and hiking trails. Open seasonally are a
miniature train and mini-golf course (admission fees apply).
Queen Wilhelmina State Park is a cloud-capped hideaway wrapped in the cool mountain
breezes of summer or the blaze of fall colors in autumn. It is a winter wonderland or the
magic of spring. Come experience the panoramic scenery at this Arkansas getaway high
atop 2,681-foot Rich Mountain, Arkansas's second highest peak.
The park is lush with nature and embedded with history regardless of the
season or time of year.
Queen Wilhelmina State Park staff invites you and your students to visit the park and enjoy
this unique, valuable resource in the heart of the Ouachita Mountains. Our programs
support the Arkansas curriculum frameworks, and we are happy to work with you to develop
customized programs to meet your curriculum needs or the special needs of your students.
Arkansas State Parks takes pride in its varied programs for school groups and its support
and services for teachers. With advance notice and curriculum guidelines from the teacher,
our staff will plan educational experiences that are exciting, and reinforce your classroom
goals. This packet describes our current program offerings, explains how to make
reservations, and guidelines for a memorable experience.
Queen Wilhelmina State Park’s current curriculum is designed for grades pre k-12 and is
correlated to the Arkansas Curriculum Frameworks for Earth and Space Science, Life
Science, Arkansas History. If you visit the park; Students, teachers, and chaperones should
be prepared physically for the moderate hiking involved in many programs. Specialized
programs can be developed specifically for your topic of study with adequate notice.
The park resource is a natural hands-on complement to the classroom. Teachers are
encouraged to engage students in pre-visit and post-visit assessment activities that help
them maximize their park experience. Interpreters can help you design activities for
students upon request.
Earth and Space Science (ESS), Life Science (LS)
Arkansas History:
Time, Continuity, and Change (TCC), People, Places, and Environments (PPE), Production,
Distribution, and Consumption (PDC), Social Science Processes and Skills (SSPS)
The Queen Wilhelmina State Park curriculum emphasizes the concepts of energy flow,
ecosystem structure, life cycles, biodiversity, succession, Arkansas natural
divisions, and Arkansas history. Earth Science, Life Science, and Arkansas History
strands from the Arkansas Education Frameworks are correlated to our curriculum and are
the core of Queen Wilhelmina State Park.
Arkansas Natural Divisions
Ozark Plateau—Parts of the region are rugged with long, deep valleys, sharp cliffs,
bluffs, and ledges. The principal rock formations are sandstone, shale, and limestone.
Arkansas River Valley—Between the Ozarks and the Ouachitas, it is up to forty miles
wide. While the valley is somewhat flat, here also is Arkansas’ highest mountain.
Ouachita Mountains—The geology of the Ouachitas has had a great effect on the
forests of the region as sandstone weathers into a sandy soil that favors pine trees
Delta—The Delta was once a land of rivers and vast wetlands, and today this area is
home to some of the richest farmland in America.
Crowley’s Ridge—Completely surrounded by the Delta, the ridge “towers” 200 feet.
Here, the rivers left a ridge 150 miles long and 5 miles wide.
Gulf Coastal Plain—Level and rolling lands, hilly sections, bottoms and occasional
prairies are found here. The sandy hills are good sites for pine trees.
Queen Wilhelmina State Park is open year-round for programs, but outdoor school
programs focusing on natural history and cultural history need special consideration. For
flora and fauna school programs April, May, and September are the best months. In class
programs can be scheduled throughout the school year. Small groups, one class or less,
are recommended for maximum benefit for students, allowing more hands-on activities and
individual attention to student needs. Long hiking lines and large groups usually result in
disappointment and failure to achieve curriculum goals.
The goal of the interpretive staff at Queen Wilhelmina State Park is to maximize your
student’s visit. We recommend that you bring only one class/ grade (depending on
number of total students) each day if you intend to hike.
The preferred method of contact is to email the park at queenwilhelmina@arkansas.com
Attention Park Interpreter, or call (479) 394-1364 between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and
5:00 p.m. Wednesday through Friday. Direct contact to the Park Interpreter is
All programs are free.
When you schedule your visit, please supply the following information:
Your name
School name, address, phone number, your email address
Prep period or best time to contact you
Number of students and grade level
Preferred and alternate trip dates
Estimated time of arrival and departure
Educational objectives; program choices from this packet
Special needs for students with disabilities
Queen Wilhelmina State Park is on Talimena Scenic Drive on Hwy 88 West, 14 miles
west of Mena. Consider bus time in your field trip plan.
The road up the mountain is steep and curvy. Travel time to the park is at least 30
minutes from Mena. Upon arrival at the park, check in at the Visitor Center, allow time
for restroom breaks and try to keep the group on time.
Inclement weather may require changes in activity plans, and most of our outdoor
programs have an indoor alternative. Due to park program demand, rescheduling is
difficult. Check with the interpreter before the visit if the forecast is questionable. Notify the
park immediately if circumstances require visit cancellation. Inform students as early as
possible of weather changes so they may dress appropriately.
School groups can bring sack lunches and have the use of the day use picnic area.
Restrooms are located at the day use area and in the campground. Because school
programs are planned around the lunch hour, discuss this time with the Park Interpreter
prior to visit.
We recognize that the gift shop is an important part of the field trip experience. Twentyminute group rotations work best for most groups. NOTE: ALL SALES ARE FINAL.
Dressing for adverse weather is just one aspect of safety. Students participating in school
programs at Queen Wilhelmina State Park are expected to take a certain amount of
responsibility for their behavior, even though they are under constant supervision from
teachers and chaperones. Arkansas state parks are a valuable resource, and belong to
each person. Students are encouraged to take responsibility for helping to keep their park
clean and leave it better than they found it.
It is required that students have proper supervision. One chaperone: ten students is ideal.
All adults are expected to participate in activities with students. Students should not be
allowed to wander away from the group. All chaperones should clearly understand their
disciplinary duties, dress appropriately, and stay with the students during the school visit.
We require chaperones to set cell phones to vibrate. If a chaperone must take a call, leave
the area as it is disruptive to the learning process and sets a poor example for students.
Class discipline is the teacher’s responsibility and from whom chaperones take their cue.
This allows interpreters to do their job to the maximum benefit for each student. Please
explain to all students that appropriate and orderly behavior is expected during their visit.
Use simple rules of respect for park resources and courtesy toward each other, keeping in
mind that there are usually other visitors at the park at the same time. ALL PLANTS,
Students’ comfort is important to the learning process. This can be achieved through
proper communication both in the classroom and at home. Once the students arrive at the
park or the interpreter arrives at the classroom, their time is very limited. Beginning the
program on time will enhance their learning experience and enjoyment and minimize
If visiting the Park
Dress appropriately. It is best to watch the weather forecast several days in advance.
Layers are best, including long pants and socks.
The most sturdy shoes students have, no open-toed shoes, expect them to get dirty.
Rain gear with head protection (if in weather forecast), no umbrellas.
Coat or jacket (seasonally; even if it is calm and clear in the valley, it can be windy on
the mountain). It is usually 10-15 degrees cooler at the park
Hat or visor.
Pencil and notebook or clipboard (to write on)
Water bottle (1 liter recommended)
Camera (optional)
Insect repellent (warm weather months)
Sunscreen (warm weather months)
TV, Radio, tape or CD player, electronic games
Pocket or sheath knives
Loose jewelry
Discuss with students:
 Time and date of departure from school
 Educational objectives
 Lunch time
 Free time
 Any school requirements such as permission slips
 Field Trip supplies
 Dress code and appropriate dress
 Money for gift shop and vending ($20 maximum recommended, all sales final)
 Departure from park and arrival at school
 Rules of teacher and park, disciplinary action
Programs are available Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays only.
A Lifetime Dream
Program Description: How did the railroad get here? How did the original
Wilhelmina Inn come to be? We will look back into the life of Arthur Stilwell as
the mastermind who made a lifetime dream his reality, as a hard working
entrepreneur, during an economic hard time.
Objective: To look into the Life of Arthur Stilwell, as the founder of Mena and
business man who brought the rails through our valley.
Grade Level: Any
Length: 15-20 minutes
Group Size: 1 class to entire grade level
Arkansas Frameworks
Grades K-4 Social Studies
Standard 6: History
Students shall analyze significant ideas, events, and people in world, national, state, and local
history and how they affect change over time.
Kindergarten: H.6.K.9 Recognize examples of current and early transportation
Grade 1: H.6.1.10 Discuss methods of transportation of today and long ago
Grade 2: Compare past and present means of transportation and communication in Arkansas
Grade 3: H.6.3.15 Identify the modes of transportation in westward movement (e.g., wagons,
horses, railroads)
Grade 4: H.6.4.16 Describe how new forms of transportation and communication impacted the
Westward Expansion of the United States (e.g., pony express, railroads, telegraphs)
Strand: Economics
Standard 8: Resources
Students shall evaluate the use and allocation of human, natural, and capital resources.
Grade 3: Define and discuss characteristics of an entrepreneur
Grade 4: E.8.4.5 Identify Arkansas entrepreneurs
Grades 7-8 Social Studies
Content Standard 6:
Students shall analyze political, social and economic changes in Arkansas.
RP.6.AH.9-12.3 Examine the development of manufacturing and industry in Arkansas using
available technology (e.g., railroad, timber, electricity)
Grades 9 – 12 Social Studies
Strand: Reconstruction through Progressive Era
Content Standard 6: Students shall analyze political, social and economic changes in Arkansas.
Examine the development of manufacturing and industry in Arkansas using available technology
(e.g., railroad, timber, electricity)
Animal Adaptation
Program Description: Through the use of real “stuffed” animals, pantomime,
and games, concepts of animal adaptation will be revealed. Program requires
students to use critical thinking skills.
Objective: To show that each species has physical and behavioral
adaptations that ensures its survival.
Grade Level: Any
Length: 30 minutes
Group Size: 1 class to entire grade level
Arkansas Frameworks
K-4 Science
LS.4.4.1 Recognize environmental adaptations of plants and animals
LS.4.4.2 Illustrate the interdependence of organisms in an ecosystem
5-8 Science
LS.3.6.4 Investigate careers, scientists, and historical breakthroughs
related to adaptations and selective breeding
LS.3.6.5 Describe behavioral adaptations of organisms to the
environment: hibernation, estivation, tropism, territorial behavior,
LS.3.6.7 Describe the following structural adaptations for survival in the
environment: coloration, mimicry, odor glands, beaks, feet, wings, fur,
ears, spines, teeth, thorns, characteristics of seeds
LS.3.8.13 Identify basic ideas related to biological evolution: diversity
of species, variations within species, adaptations, natural selection,
extinction of a species
Animal Tracks
Program Description: After identifying the tracks of various species found in
western Arkansas, the children will make track prints using rubber animal
Objective: To make students aware of the characteristics of the tracks of
animals that live in western Arkansas.
Grade Level: K-3
Length: 20 – 30 minutes
Group Size: 1 class
Arkansas Frameworks
K-4 Science
LS.2.1.1 Classify animals into major groups according to their
structure: mammals, birds, and fish
Arkansas Map
Program Description: The students will gather around a giant physiographic
map of Arkansas for a tour of the natural divisions of the state. Discussion of
how geography affects the lives of people will be emphasized.
Objective: To introduce students to the natural divisions of Arkansas and how
the places people live influence their way of life.
Grade Level: Any
Length: 30 minutes
Group Size: 1 class
Arkansas Frameworks
K-4 Arkansas History
PPE.2.1. Explain how geography and the environment affect the way
people live in Arkansas.
PPE.2.3. Distinguish the six natural geographic regions recognizing the
highland/lowland areas of Arkansas.
PPE.2.4. Compare and contrast the features of Arkansas’ rural and
urban geographic areas.
PPE.2.5. Understand the various types of maps and how to use them.
SSPS.1.2. Interpret information from visual aids, such as charts, graphs
and maps.
K-4 Science
ESS.8.4.1 Locate natural divisions of Arkansas: Ozark Plateau,
Ouachita Mountains, Crowley’s Ridge, Mississippi Alluvial Plain (Delta),
Coastal Plain, Arkansas River Valley
5-8 Arkansas History
PPE.2.1. Analyze how humans have adapted to, altered, and been
affected by physical environments in Arkansas.
PPE.2.3. Distinguish similarities and differences among the six natural
geographic regions of Arkansas.
Program Description: After a short discussion of the benefits, and possible
dangers, of bats, students will participate in an interactive game that will show
how bats use echolocation.
Objective: To introduce students to bats and their special adaptations.
Grade Level: Grade 2
Length: 30 minutes
Group Size: 2 classes
Arkansas Frameworks
K-4 Science
LS.2.K.3 Match parents and offspring
LS.2.1.1 Classify animals according to common characteristics (e.g., movement,
body coverings, diet)
LS.2.2.1 Classify animals into major groups according to their structure: mammals,
birds, fish
LS.2.2.2 Differentiate among herbivores, carnivores, and omnivores
LS.2.3.1 Classify animals as vertebrates and invertebrates according to their
LS.2.4.1 Classify vertebrates into major subgroups: mammals, birds, fish,
amphibians, reptiles
Program Description: Through storytelling, puppet shows (K-2 only), and a
real “stuffed” bear, students will learn how a once common animal almost
became extinct but was saved through wildlife management. Along the way,
the students will learn about the habits, foods, and habitat of the black bear.
Objective: To expose students to the habits, foods, habitat, and history of the
black bear.
Grade Level: K-1; 2 and up
Length: 30 minutes
Group Size: 2 classes
Arkansas Frameworks
K-4 Science
LS.2.K.3 Match parents and offspring
LS.2.K.4 Identify basic needs of plants and animals: food, water, light, air, and space
LS.2.1.1 Classify animals according to common characteristics (e.g., movement, body
coverings, diet)
LS.2.2.1 Classify animals into major groups according to their structure: mammals, birds,
Program Description: Students will learn about different types of butterflies
and their host plants through the use of visual aids and discussion, May
include a craft activity.
Objective: To explore the life cycle of the most beautiful creature of the insect
Grade Level: Any
Length: 30 minutes
Group Size: 2 classes
Arkansas Frameworks
K-4 Science
LS.3.K.2 Illustrate complete metamorphosis (e.g., butterfly, frog)
LS.3.1.2 Compare and contrast complete metamorphosis and
incomplete metamorphosis
5-8 Science
LS.3.6.5 Describe behavioral adaptations of organisms to the
environment: hibernation, estivation, tropism, territorial behavior,
LS.3.6.6 Differentiate between innate behaviors: migration, web
spinning, defensive posture, communication, imprinting and learned
behaviors: speaking a language, using tools, hunting skills
LS.3.6.7 Describe the following structural adaptations for survival in the
environment: coloration, mimicry, odor glands, beaks, feet, wings, fur,
ears, spines, teeth, thorns, characteristics of seeds
Native American Games
Program Description: Students will play chunkey, Zuni Indian toy, and
several other games requiring eye-hand coordination played by various Native
American people.
Objective: To enable the student to understand the similarities and
differences between children of Pre-Colombian Native American cultures and
modern children.
Grade Level: 3-6
Length: 30 minutes
Group Size: 1 class
Arkansas Frameworks
K-4 Arkansas History
TCC.1.4. Describe how history is a continuing story of people, places,
and events.
TCC.2.4. Explain how people, places, events, tools, institutions,
attitudes, values, and ideas are the result of what has happened in the
5-8 Social Studies
PPE.1.2. Demonstrate an understanding that one’s identity is connected
to ideas and traditions from the past and from other cultures.
Program Description: Students will observe and learn about a number of
pioneer tools, hear a story from the McGuffey Reader, and engage in several
interactive activities. Best done in the park. Can be done at school if an
appropriate site is available.
Objective: To allow the students to empathize with the people of the late
1800s and early 1900s and to understand some of the differences in their lives
and the present.
Grade Level: 5th
Length: 30 minutes
Group Size: 2 classes
Arkansas Frameworks
5-8 Arkansas History
TCC.1.4. Analyze how past decisions and events affect subsequent decisions throughout
Arkansas’s history.
PPE.2.1. Analyze how humans have adapted to, altered, and been affected by physical
environments in Arkansas.
PDC.1.2. Assess how goods and services are limited by available natural and human
resources requiring individuals and societies to make choices to satisfy wants and needs.
Interpreting our magnetic sun
Includes 5 programs with activities and demonstrations that explore the Sun
and its powerful magnetic fields, how these fields generate the features we
observe, and how the Sun’s magnetic activity affects our way of life and
technologies here on Earth.
Listed below are the programs:
Explore the Sun Cards
Grade Level: 1st and up
Length: 5-30 minutes depending on what is discussed
Group Size: 1 class
Objective: to learn different things about the sun.
Program Description: : we will use the illustrated cards to help participants
understand more about the Sun and its magnetic fields and answer some of
the questions they might have about the Sun.
Magnetic Connection
Grade Level: 4th and up
Length: 5-30 minutes depending on what is discussed
Group Size: 1 class
Program Description:
With this activity, you can demonstrate the direct connection between the
magnetic activity on the Sun and its impact on technologies we use in our
everyday lives, such as GPS and cell phones. With a simple set--‐up including
magnets, compasses, and a few images, you can demonstrate how the Sun’s
magnetic activity generates solar storms and what impacts they have here on
Participants will understand:
…the connection between the Sun’s magnetic activity and the Earth’s
magnetic field.
…how solar storms are generated from the Sun’s magnetic activity.
…how solar storms interact with the Earth’s magnetic field to cause auroras
and impact our technological infrastructure.
Protection From Ultraviolet
Grade Level: All
Length: 15-30 minutes depending on what is discussed
Group Size: 1 class
Program Description:
Participants have a free exploration of ultraviolet light and how it can be
blocked by different materials. They learn that the Sun gives off different kinds
of energy: heat, visible light and invisible light in the form of ultraviolet rays; the
Earth’s atmosphere protects us from most of the harmful UV rays; and here
are ways we can protect Ourselves from the Sun’s harmful rays.
Participants explore UV light and whether it can be blocked by different
Participants understand that the Earth’s atmosphere protects us from most
of the harmful UV rays.
Participants understand that there are ways we can protect ourselves from
the sun’s harmful rays.
The Sun in a Different Light - Banner & Model
Grade Level: 4th and up
Length: 5-30 minutes depending on what is discussed
Group Size: 1 class
Program Description:
This flexible resource can be used on its own as a colorful backdrop and
reference, as the centerpiece of an introduction to the Sun before observing,
or as a drop in station along with the Magnetic Connection box. You use the
banner and 3D model to prepare participants to observe the Sun by discussing
what features of the Sun are revealed in different wavelengths of light, how
those features are caused by the
Sun’s magnetic activity, and how that magnetic activity affects us here on
Earth. It also gives the opportunity to introduce solar storms and discuss the
Sun’s internal structure.
Participants are prepared for the experience of observing the Sun.
Participants understand that different wavelengths of light reveal a variety
of features caused by the Sun’s magnetic activity.
Participants can envision the Sun as a sphere.
Participants understand that the Sun’s internal structure contributes to
generating the Sun’s magnetic fields.
Where Does the Energy Come From?
Grade Level: 3th and up
Length: 5-30 minutes depending on what is discussed
Group Size: 1 class
Each participant will play the part of an energy source or user, and participants
will sort themselves into energy chains. This will lead participants to discover
that the Sun is the ultimate source of energy for almost everything that we do
in our daily lives. You will also have the option of discussing other topics
including renewable vs. non--‐renewable energy, the efficiency of different
energy choices, and food chains.
Participants connect each energy user (living or technological) to its source
of energy.
Participants discover that the chains of energy formed all trace back to the
Participants are surprised that the technology that runs on fossil fuels also
has the Sun as its ultimate energy source.
Participants notice that some energy users access the Sun's energy in
fewer steps than others.
Arkansas Frameworks
K-4 Science
ESS.10.K.1 Distinguish between celestial bodies and other objects in the sky: sun, moon, other stars,
clouds, birds, planes
5-8 Science
ESS.10.5.1Compare the physical characteristics of the sun to other stars: size, color, brightness
ESS.10.7.1 Identify and model the causes of night and day
ESS.10.6.8 Compare and contrast solar eclipse and lunar eclipse
ESS.9.7.2 Demonstrate that Earth has a magnetic field that is detectible at the surface with a compass
ESS.9.7.3 Compare and contrast Earth’s magnetic field to those of natural or human-made magnets with • North
and South poles • lines of force
Southern Belle
Queen Wilhelmina State Park
School Group Reservation Form
Contact Information:
School Name________________________Contact Person______________________
School Address______________________City/State/Zip________________________
Daytime Phone & Prep Period___________Email______________________________
# of students_____________
# of teachers/chaperones__________________
Dates of Field Trip:
1st choice______________ 2nd choice____________ Arrival Time_____________
Lunch Time_____________ Gift Shop Time_________Departure Time__________
Program Requests:
___ A Lifetime Dream
___ Native American Games
___ Animal Tracks
___ Arkansas Map
___ Bats
___ Bears
___ Butterflies
___ Animal Adaptation
___ Pioneers
___ Magnetic Connection
___ Explore the Sun Cards
___ Protection From Ultraviolet
___ The Sun in a Different Light - Banner & Model
___ Where Does the Energy Come From?
Hikes: in park only (each trail has various talks themed to nature and or history)
___ Lovers Leap
___ Ouachita trail (portion in our park)
___ Spring Trial
___ Reservoir Trail
Special Programs:
I am interested in a specific program or topic not listed above. I would like a program
Please list any special accommodations or needs your class may have:_____________
Return this form to Queen Wilhelmina State Park, or preferably, use to organize your field
trip plans before calling or emailing the park.
Queen Wilhelmina State Park
3877 Hwy 88 West
Mena, Ar 71953
(479) 394-1364
FAX (479) 394-0061
Yvonne Duvall: yvonne.duvall@arkansas.gov