Annual Report 2012-2013 - San Francisco General Hospital
Annual Report 2012-2013 - San Francisco General Hospital
Supporting The Heart of Our City Annual Report January 2012 – June 2013 Table of Contents Letter from the Board Chair and President.............................. 1 Vocational Rehabilitation Program ............................................ 2 Brendan Burkhart’s story................................................................ 3 WrapAround Project ......................................................................... 4 Ted Bush’s story.................................................................................. 5 Kaiser Permanente: Investing in the Future of Health Care.............................................................................. 6 Medical-Legal Partnership ............................................................ 7 Financials ............................................................................................. 8 Donor List: January 1, 2012 – June 30, 2013.................... 9 – 16 Board of Directors, Advisory Council, and Staff......................................................... inside back cover Promoting excellence in research, education, and care for all at San Francisco General Hospital and Trauma Center Dear Friend, Thanks to the generosity of community members like you, the Foundation has been proud to support the Heart of Our City—San Francisco General Hospital and Trauma Center—for the past 20 years. During that time, we have been able to partner with the Avon Foundation to expand breast care for women in underserved communities by opening the Avon Comprehensive Breast Care Center on the hospital’s campus and funding a MammoVan that brings breast care to the streets with mobile screenings. We have raised funds for the development of the Orthopaedic Trauma Institute which brings leading physicians from around the world to San Francisco to develop the latest breakthroughs in orthopaedics, and holds annual courses to educate physicians from developing countries in the best orthopaedic care. In 2004, we launched our Hearts Grants program which has used general support from our donor community to award $3.7 million to directly fund hospital needs. These grants have ranged in size from $228,000 used to update equipment in the Opthamology Clinic to $8,000 used to translate Traumatic Brain Injury education materials into Spanish and Chinese to ensure the best care for all patients at The General. None of these accomplishments would be possible without you, our conscientious donors, who give what you can to support a hospital that does so much for our city. from January 1, 2012 through June 30, 2013, the end of our new fiscal year. In this report, we invite you to learn more about all the ways your gifts allow the Foundation to partner with The General to improve care every day. The Vocational Rehabilitation Program operates a variety of unique social enterprises that provide job training and a pathway into competitive employment, including a Food Service and Baking Certificate Program (see p. 2). Thank you for being a valued member of the community of donors supporting The General. With your help, we can be sure The General has the resources it needs to provide the best care to everyone in San Francisco. With gratitude, Judy Guggenhime Chair Matt Carbone President The WrapAround Project and the Medical-Legal Partnership are two innovative programs that take care beyond the hospital walls to truly help patients become well. Over the past 10 years, Kaiser Permanente has provided more than $2.5 million in support to The General, helping to implement programs that are reducing heart attacks and strokes. We were delighted to highlight their commitment to healthcare and public health (see p. 6). | Last year, Brendan Burkhart was seriously injured when he was in an accident on his scooter in downtown San Francisco. He was rushed to The General where the remarkable hospital staff saved his life and stayed by his side until his family arrived from out of the country. Brendan and his family were thrilled to share their gratitude and their story with you (see p. 3). Ted Bush recently retired after being a nurse at The General for 28 years, and has been a loyal donor to the Foundation for the past seven. He shared with us what he loves about The General, and why he decides to support the Foundation with a monthly gift (see p. 5). Supporting the Heart of Our City We are pleased to share this annual report with you, which covers the 18 month period The WrapAround Project addresses core risk factors facing young victims of violence and provides them the support and tools to change their lives (see p. 4). The Medical-Legal Partnership reduces health disparities by providing patients with legal assistance to help improve poor living conditions (see p. 7). 1 Providing a Path to Recovery & Employment A s the City’s largest provider of acute psychiatric care and only provider of 24-hour psychiatric emergency care, The General treats more than 6,500 patients suffering from chronic mental illness per year. Their condition is often complicated by persistent homelessness, substance abuse, chronic medical problems and criminal justice involvement. The Foundation, with support from First Republic Bank, The Bank of America Charitable Foundation, Million Dollar Round Table, Levi Strauss & Co., and individual donors, is proud to support the Vocational Rehabilitation Program at The General in its efforts to provide work and Maria Rosa Galdamez, Peer Counselor, provides coaching and mentorship to participants in the Baking and Catering training program. job training to 100 people recovering from mental illness annually. “We believe that individuals achieve greater satisfaction with life and well-being when engaged in productive and meaningful activity,” explains Mindy J. Oppenheim, M.Ed., Director, Vocational Rehabilitation Program. One of the many successful ventures operated by the Vocational Rehabilitation Program (VRP) is the Food Service and Baking Certificate Program. This program provides job training for 25-35 people recovering from mental illness each year. With a Hearts Grant provided by the Foundation, a training kitchen outfitted with an industrial refrigerator and freezer, convection oven, commercial proofer and other baking equipment was established at The General. The participants learn food preparation and baking techniques, and run a catering business that San Francisco General Hospital Foundation services hospital and non-hospital customers. “The new kitchen allows us to increase the 2 The Vocational Rehabilitation program operates a variety of unique social enterprises including: Hot Dog & Coffee Carts “Happy Buns” hot dog cart provides job training to approximately 15-20 individuals per year and has generated enough revenue to hire one of the program graduates as a Peer Counselor and job coach. He currently manages the hot dog cart and reports that, “Being hired is the best thing that ever happened to me in 20 years!” Receptionist Training number of trainees and grow our catering business. Profits from social enterprises have also Provides participants with phone, data entry, and computer skills. created Peer Counselor positions which allow us to hire our graduates and provide better Sewing Program training and support to our clientele,” explains Mindy. Clients make sensory modification blankets for the hospital’s Occupational Therapy program. Job training activities can serve Clothing & Book Distribution as a stabilizing force for the mentally ill, leading to reduced symptoms, reduced substance use, and a greater feeling of self-worth and integration into competitive employment and the community. The VRP provides a first step (back) into the work world. Yearly, approximately 10-15% of Shay Davis, SF’s Bounty the program participants obtain competitive employment.a The donation process and distribution of books and clothing to nearly 300 patients weekly is managed by VRP clients. “I thought this would may be hard on some of our clients, especially those who were patients in these units in the past. Yet our participants remind me that it’s their turn to give back. One client recently said to me, ‘If the patients see me working and being productive it will give them hope that they will get better too and can get back to work,’” shares Mindy Oppenheim. Men’s shoes and pants are especially needed. If you would like to make a donation of cash or clothing, please email A Grateful Family’s Expression of Thanks to The General B rendan Burkart was riding his scooter home after work in North Beach when the accident happened. He has no memory of the collision itself, but knows a cab driver saw his body on the pavement outside the Broadway Tunnel, made a u-turn to block traffic, and called 911, most likely saving his life. When the paramedics arrived a few minutes later, they found one of Brendan’s ribs had punctured his lung, and it was filling with fluid. The paramedics knew Brendan was close to dying, and so they rushed him to The General. He spent the next five days being treated for a painful collection of injuries including a broken collarbone and shoulder blade, in addition to his broken ribs and punctured lung. Brendan has only vague memories of his time in the hospital. His parents, however, remember everything. Ebony, a nurse assistant, came on duty that night. Eileen remembers her well. “We had just been told that we couldn’t stay overnight with Brendan and I was in tears. Because of all the medication he was on, Brendan hadn’t connected with the staff. Ebony talked and joked with Brendan. She listened to him, moved pillows around, and tried to make him comfortable. I felt I was leaving him in good hands.” Before the accident, Brendan had been pursuing a career as a paramedic. Unfortunately, the nature of his injuries means it would be a long time before he would be able to lift and transport an adult patient. Instead, he is planning to pursue a career as a technician in an Emergency Department. In addition, he has registered for classes to start the process of becoming a Registered Nurse. “Hopefully this experience will help me take better care of people and anticipate how they’re feeling and what they’ll need. Grateful patient Brendan Burkart The Burkart family knows that many people in the hospital were integral to the care that Brendan received, and acknowledged them in a heartfelt letter of thanks they sent to the hospital after Brendan was discharged: “We continually marveled at the high level of care, the professionalism, the quality of surgery and diagnosis, and the kindness we received during Brendan’s stay. We were amazed by [the staff’s] patience and kindness. We noticed and appreciated the respect they showed to us and other patients under their care. We hope you will know who you are and accept our gratitude.”a | Judith Lippe, City by the Bay Mary, a staff nurse in the ICU, was the family’s main point of contact over the next few days, and helped Eileen and Steve make a hard decision about Brendan is now well on his way to a full recovery. He has been working with a physical therapist to regain full range of motion in his right shoulder and is ready to get back to work. Supporting the Heart of Our City When Eileen and Steve arrived at the hospital a day later after travelling from overseas, they were greeted by Rebecca, a nurse practitioner in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU), who stayed after her shift to ensure the Burkarts were updated on Brendan’s injuries and his prognosis. whether to allow doctors to perform an epidural to help manage Brendan’s pain. “In a busy place like the ICU, we felt like we knew Mary, and we certainly trusted her,” said Eileen. 3 I n 2006, about a third of the young people who were treated for violent traumas at The General were returning to be treated for injuries caused by further violence. Dr. Rochelle Dicker, a trauma surgeon, founded the WrapAround Project to help break the cycle by addressing the core risk factors confronting these patients. Young victims of violence are invited to participate in the program while they are still in the hospital and most open to change. “This is when they have the A-ha! moment, what we call the ‘teachable moment,’” explains Dr. Dicker. Those who are receptive are connected with a case manager who mentors them for six months, and sometimes up to a year and a half. Case managers assess clients to determine their specific needs, establish goals, and connect them with mental health, continuing education, drug rehabilitation, job training, employment and other services best suited to help them. Part of the success stems from cultural competency. Case managers are African American and Latino men who come from the same communities that the clients do. “We try to work with kids under 18 to have the most impact on their lives. With young kids and young minds, you can still mold a positive outcome,” explains Javier Antezana, a case manager who has been with the program for 8 years. “For every person who’s injured, there are at least ten more family members and neighbors who are affected by the violence,” says Dr. Dicker. In 2006, the median cost of hospitalizing and treating a gunshot victim was $75,000. “The WrapAround Project makes life sense and business sense,” says Dr. Dicker. San Francisco General Hospital Foundation Javier Antezana, Social Work Associate, with Lawrence Thomas, WrapAround Project graduate. Heart: Marrianne Fay, Mi Hermano, Mi Corazón. 4 Since the program’s establishment, the incidence of repeat admissions for violent injury has decreased considerably. Where there had been a Extending Care Beyond the Hospital Walls 16% recidivism rate, now just 4% of violent trauma victims who’ve been through the program have returned to The General. “Our clients say they’ve never felt this way about a hospital before,” Antezana continues. “They used to think, ‘We get healed, we get kicked out.’ But after going through this program, they’ve left gangs, received mental health services and have gotten help with post-traumatic stress disorder.” Thanks to generous support from AT&T and the Metta Fund, more than “With young kids and young minds, you can still mold a positive outcome...The WrapAround Project makes life sense and business sense.” 400 clients have participated in the program since its inception. Some of the program’s graduates are in college. Some even want to go into medicine. The program succeeds because it provides opportunities that many of us take for granted. “We give them hope, just by letting them know that we’ll be here for them the next day. We give them the tools they need to succeed in life,” shares Antezana.a A fter graduating from high school in 1967, Ted Bush thought he was going to be drafted for deployment to Vietnam. While he waited, he looked for temporary work at the local hospital. Despite having no medical experience other than a four day First Aid course, Ted was hired and immediately told to staff the various ambulance services. Ted was sure there had been a mistake. He expected to be mopping floors and moving oxygen tanks. But with so many people away fighting the war, Ted was more qualified than many. “And so I did it. And I got hooked,” explains Ted, now 65 and recently retired after a long career as a nurse at The General. Ted soon found out that he would not have to go to Vietnam, and by 1976 he had completed his training to become a registered nurse. In 1990, Ted settled in San Francisco and began his career at The General. “By that time I had worked a lot of places. This was the first time I had encountered such an intense, pervasive mission of providing healthcare as a right, not a privilege. I really fell right into that. I loved that we didn’t say no to anyone.” As a nurse in Hematology/Oncology for the past 10 years, Ted’s primary focus has been caring for patients with blood disorders, including cancer and sickle cell disease. “A lot of my job was focused on patient education—making sure patients understand what they need to do to get better. I’d talk to them when in the hospital and then follow up with them at home to make sure they were taking the right medications.” Ted also embraced the teaching aspect of being a nurse at The General. “Because it is a training hospital, there are new residents and medical students coming through all the time. I liked to make them feel welcome, make them feel at home, and give them the support they need while in our clinics.” Ted Bush, Hematology/Oncology nurse. Heart: Michael Speight, The Tattoo. Though Ted appreciated the Foundation right away, it wasn’t until years later that he became a regular donor. Ted had been hearing from his patients about a support group called CARE—Cancer Awareness Resources and Education. For many of them, it was one of the only safe spaces they could come together and share how they were feeling about their diagnosis. “Suddenly a light bulb went off—I was giving money to several organizations I didn’t know very well when I could see the good that was being done right here in the hospital.” Ted became a monthly donor to the CARE program, and has maintained his support for the past 7 years. “I was giving money to several organizations I didn’t know very well when I could see the good that was being done right here in the hospital.” | “People don’t have to give a lot. What is important is the connection you are making with an institution you care about. It’s a valuable relationship for the donor, for the hospital, and for the Foundation.”a Connecting as a Nurse and a Donor Supporting the Heart of Our City Ted was working the day the announcement was made that the San Francisco General Hospital Foundation was being established. “I went down to the cafeteria and there was a big sign on the bulletin board. I thought, what a smart idea.” 5 Investing in the Future of Health Care H elping people fight disease and recover from trauma is only part of the wellness equation. When patients leave their physician’s office or are discharged from the hospital, they need to return to environments that support their total health. That’s the mantra of Kaiser Permanente, a health care organization with more than 70 years of experience. San Francisco General Hospital Foundation “Kaiser Permanente shares The General’s long history in the Bay Area and its commitment to providing high quality care. We’re proud to provide funding and clinical expertise that’s advancing innovative technologies and programs that take patient care to an even higher level,” says Christine Robisch, Kaiser Permanente’s Senior Vice President and Area Manager in San Francisco. 6 Christine Robische, Senior Vice President and Area Manager, Kaiser Permanente with Lt. Governor Gavin Newsom. Sharon McCole-Wicher, Director of Operations for the Behavioral Health Center presents Erica Simonich, Stacey Murphy, Sheree Bayeur and Venus Peralta with scholarships to continue their nursing education. “Our work with the safety net positively impacts the larger health care system. Our support of The General is an investment in the future of health care.” Recognizing the connection between the health of their members and the health of the communities where they live, work, learn and play, Kaiser Permanente has provided more than $2.5 million in support to San Francisco General Hospital Foundation since 2003. That support has been leveraged in a myriad of areas, including the implementation of the nationally recognized eReferral system. eReferral has dramatically reduced patient wait times and has enhanced the efficiency and effectiveness of specialty visits by transforming communication between primary care providers and specialists at The General. eReferral has become a model for improving access to specialty care in safety-net health care systems around the state and across the country. Kaiser has also supported the development and expansion of quality improvement and evidence-based specialty care programs including one that helps prevent heart attacks and strokes. Kaiser provided funding for the Dorothy Washington Nursing Scholarship program which awards scholarships to nurses to continue their education. In addition, Kaiser is an ongoing sponsor of the Heroes & Hearts luncheon fundraiser. “Our work with the safety net positively impacts the larger health care system. Our support of The General is an investment in the future of health care,” explains Robisch. She adds that when it comes to health, collaboration is critical. “No single organization can meet the growing and complex health needs in our communities today. That’s why we work side by side with a variety of communitybased organizations that serve tens of thousands of people each year.”a Daniel Tousignant, Tree of Life Reducing Health Disparities in the Community A sthma is the number one reason that children are hospitalized at The General. If we can help a two-year old live in an apartment with fewer asthma triggers, we save the child from worsening disease and we save the medical care system from costly acute care visits and hospital stays,” explains Amy Whittle MD, Assistant Professor of Pediatrics and Medical Director, Children’s Health Center Medical-Legal Partnership (MLP). Asthma Clinic aren’t aware that some of the problems they have are legal in nature. “Having the medical provider introduce me to the family in the medical home is a real advantage. Families are sometimes distrustful of attorneys. When families see that I’m a member of the team at the clinic, they are more likely to accept my advice and help,” shares Jia Min Cheng, Attorney for the MLP program. The most common issue that arises, perhaps because of its direct connection with asthma, is housing. Factors such as leaky roofs, mold, and rodent infestations produce poor indoor air quality that can cause or exacerbate asthma and allergies. These and other problems can undermine the efficacy of even the best medical treatment. While medical providers can prescribe medications and counsel patients about environmental triggers, they don’t always have the tools to address the underlying housing conditions that contribute to illness. Dr. Whittle explains that children living in poverty frequently experience destabilizing factors that can adversely impact health. Families often don’t know that they have a legal right to remedy these issues. Many of the families referred from the “Our program costs are minimal—essentially the attorney’s time,” shares Dr. Whittle. “But with this small investment, we help patients and their families open the door to better living conditions and better health.”a Pediatric patient Acacia Cross Johnson Supporting the Heart of Our City Partially funded by the Lisa and Douglas Goldman Fund and the William G. Gilmore Foundation, the Medical-Legal Partnership links two professions serving the same vulnerable population. When underlying social circumstances are identified as factors impairing a patient’s health, they can be referred to an on-site attorney for free legal assistance. By placing a lawyer from Bay Area Legal Aid in the medical clinic, patient families receive assistance with issues related to housing, public benefits, education, and family law. | A child with allergic rhinitis lived in an apartment with carpeting. The apartment flooded and the child’s symptoms became significantly worse. The medical providers wrote letters to request removal of the carpet but the landlord refused, citing the high cost of linoleum. When the medical providers referred the case to the MLP attorney, Jia Min, she was able to help the parties come to agreement where the carpet would be replaced with linoleum, the landlord and his staff would undergo training in fair housing practices, and the landlord would pay the family a small sum in damages. Terry Hoff, Untitled 7 Financials January 1, 2012 – June 30, 2013 San Francisco General Hospital Foundation is grateful for the generous support of our donors. Your contributions enable the Foundation to provide resources for high-impact, sustainable Revenue initiatives that support the excellence of San Francisco General Hospital and Trauma Center. Foundations Expenditures 29% Individuals Program Support Fundraising and Events Nonprofits and Government 8% 61% 15% 45% 7% Personnel Corporations Other 4% 15% Project Management 4% In-Kind Other 3% San Francisco General Hospital Foundation 5% 8 Professional Services 4% Patient Care 96% Education and Training 2% Program Support Volunteers 2% Thank You! $1,000,000 and up Flight Attendant Medical Research Institute David Franklin Jenkins Lisa and John Pritzker Arthur Rock and Toni Rembe San Francisco Health Plan Wells Fargo Foundation $999,999 - $500,000 Anonymous Avon Foundation for Women The Stanley S. Langendorf Foundation $499,999 - $250,000 AT&T California Ray and Dagmar Dolby Fund The Estate of Margaret Mary Jordan The Horace W. Goldsmith Foundation Foundation Connie and Kevin Shanahan $249,999 - $100,000 $99,999 - $50,000 Stryker Instruments Ruth and John Stumpf Darian, Rick, Adam, and Ben Swig Threadlife Union Bank United Nations Voluntary Fund for Victims of Torture UnitedHealth Group University of California, Los Angeles VISA U.S.A. Inc. Wells Fargo $49,999 - $25,000 The Bank of America Charitable Foundation, Inc. The Brin Wojcicki Foundation Chinese Community Health Care Association Cummins West, Inc. Design Industries Foundation Fighting AIDS The Estate of Arlene A. Hynes Firedoll Foundation First Republic Bank a Priscilla and Keith Geeslin The George H. Sandy Foundation a James C. Hormel and Michael P. Nguyen Janssen Therapeutics Laszlo N. Tauber Family Foundation Macy’s Foundation The Mary Wohlford Foundation Mimi and Peter Haas Fund The Miner Anderson Family Foundation OMEGA Medical Grants Association Orthopaedic Research and Education Foundation Pacific Gas & Electric Co. Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman, LLP Alexander and Kelly Jane Rosenblatt The Safeway Foundation Sodexo, Inc. To Celebrate Life Breast Cancer Foundation Vinson & Elkins, LLP Webcor Builders $24,999 - $10,000 a a a a a a a a a a a Anonymous Anonymous Andrews Kurth, LLP Behavioral Diabetes Institute Mary and Tom Bersot Burr Pilger Mayer, Inc. Amy Busch and Kevin Cameron Sheana W. Butler The C.F. Roe Slade Foundation A. Sue Carlisle, PhD, MD Stacey B. Case Lyman and Carol Casey Charles Schwab & Co, Inc. Charles and Margaret Ann Charnas Monica Devereux and Chris Columbus Comerica Bank Compass Group The Conway Family Foundation, an advised fund of Silicon Valley Community Foundation The Coulter/Weeks Charitable Foundation Susan Currin and Emmanuel Ungson William and Phyllis Draper Dana and Bob Emery The Estate of Patricia M. Flanagan Sakurako and William Fisher John and Laura Fisher Fong & Chan Architects Franklin Templeton Investments Donald and Janie Friend Robert and Michelle Friend Tamara Fritz Gilead Sciences Inc. The Ginn Family Foundation Harqua Foundation Lisa and Chris Hauswirth Health Advocates, LLC Jacobs Engineering Foundation a James and Marybee Johnston a Lona Jupiter a a a a a a a a Kaiser Permanente Christina and John Keker Richard and Mary Jo Kovacevich Law Office of Esther Herrera Mount Zion Health Fund of the Jewish Community Federation and Endowment Fund Ellen Magnin Newman Paul and Sandy Otellini Betty Ann Prien Robert N. and Ella S. Ristad Foundation Sanford and Jeanne Robertson Laura A. Robertson, MD Thomas and Shelagh Rohlen Rosenberg Ach Foundation San Francisco Study Center San Francisco 49ers San Francisco Giants Sarlo Foundation of the Jewish Community Federation and Endowment Fund Schiff Hardin LLP Sephora USA, INC. Xiu Jin Shi Diana Kapp and David Singer Patrick Smith and Bart Vis Lawrence and Joyce Stupski Target Beth S. Veniar Barbara and Stephan Vermut Walgreens Westlake International Group Jamie Whittington and Peter Pastreich Kendrick and Linda Wilson Heart Circle donors are indicated with a a. The Heart Circle recognizes non-event annual gifts from individuals of $1,000 or more that provide operating support = Silver to the San Francisco General Hospital Foundation or a designated hospital program. Heart Circle levels: a = Platinum a = Gold | AO North America Center for Orthopaedic Trauma Advancement a Mrs. Donald G. Fisher Connie Frank Genentech USA, Inc. Intel Corporation Jewish Vocational & Career Counseling Service Lisa and Douglas Goldman Fund McKesson Foundation Phil Schlein and T Beller a Mrs. Deborah G. Seymour Supporting the Heart of Our City Pam and Larry Baer Richard and Kim Beleson California HealthCare Foundation Chevron a Judith and Richard Guggenhime Metta Fund William and Sally Neukom San Francisco Community Clinic Consortium The San Francisco Foundation State of California Synthes, USA University of California at Davis University of California, San Francisco San Francisco General Hospital Foundation gratefully acknowledges the generous support of our donors for their gifts and pledges made from January 1, 2012 – June 30, 2013. 9 $9,999 - $5,000 a a a a a a a a San Francisco General Hospital Foundation a 10 a Agfa HealthCare Aon Risk Solutions John H. Bell Donald Bovee, Trustee Stephanie R. M. Bray California Association of Public Hospitals & Health Systems California Pacific Medical Center Foundation California Pacific Medical Center Matthew and Lynn Carbone Helen O. J. Chong Coca-Cola Yayoi Kambara and Richard Coughlin James K. DiCarlo Dodge & Cox Fire Fighters Cancer Prevention Fund Spencer and Caroline Fleischer Kimberly Fullerton and Stephen Johnson Giant Creative/Strategy John A. Gibbons, Jr. Harvey and Gail Glasser John and Marcia Goldman Philanthropic Fund Gordon & Rees, LLP Greenberg Traurig Ann Bolger and Ronald Helow Stephen S. Hurst, MD The Isabel Allende Foundation Rebecca Jackson, MD Joseph and Kathleen Jolson KPMG LLP Lesbians for Good Levi Strauss & Co. Judith A. Luce, MD and John M. Luce, MD Susan Magley Margaret Mak and David Lichtman Edna Lee Warnecke and Jim Marks Mervyn Maze, MD and Janet Maze Joseph McCune and Karen Kay Smith-McCune Theodore and Kirsten Miclau Robert and Cristina Morris Jennifer Moses Organogenesis Inc. Pacific Union International, Inc. Partners Healthcare Thomas and JaMel Perkins Pivot Interiors PwC San Francisco Federal Credit Union San Francisco International Airport San Francisco AIDS Foundation Yvonne and Angelo Sangiacomo The Schow Foundation Sue Schwartz John and Doris Seto Raub F. Shapiro Shook, Hardy & Bacon, LLP Siemens Medical Solutions USA, Inc. Smith & Nephew Wound Management Roselyne C. Swig Carey and Sarah Timbrell Leon Tuan and Susan Maggay U.S. Trust, Bank of America Private Wealth Management UA Local Union 38 UC San Francisco University Community Partnerships Office van Löben Sels/ RembeRock Foundation Wetherby Asset Management William G. Gilmore Foundation a Earnestine L. Wilson $4,999 - $2,500 Isabella Balilea, RN Leith and Stewart Barry Nancy and Joachim Bechtle Brenda Bottum John Buoymaster Elizabeth S. Burnham David Chi Jennifer Coffey Mitchell Cohen, MD and Stephanie Tomasky David Cush Michael P. Daly Maria Suzette and Rodney De Jesus Trina and Robert Dean Mary L. Dorking Eleanor Drey and Warren Saunders For Goodness Sake Patricia and John Gallagher Gloria G. Getty Moses and Verle Ann Grossman Roger Halligan Herman Miller Healthcare Pat Holliday Thomas Holton Kara’s Cupcakes Jay P. Kloo Martina and Michael Knee Koret Foundation The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society Yingna Lin Sally N. Lovett Todd and Lizzie Marinchak Woody and Cynthia Marshall Debra Matityahu, MD and Amir Matityahu, MD Matrix Biosurgical, Inc. June and James McCarthy Million Dollar Round Table Foundation Nespresso USA, Inc. Edgar and Talia Pierluissi Portsmouth Plaza Parking Corporation Mary and MacGregor Read H. Allan and Helen McKenna Ridley Kristin Romer Denise Sangster Paula and Frank Schultz Strong Legacy Planning LLC Stryker Orthopaedics Sutton Suzuki Architects Douglas and Charlotte Tracy David and Susan Tunnell United Way of the Bay Area Eike Waltz Thomas and Ruth Ann Watkins Morgaine and Lann Wilder Wilkes Bashford The William and Alice Hinckley Fund Brenda Yee $2,499 - $1,000 Anonymous (2) Anonymous Wendy Ackerman Richard T. Levine and Kathy Ales, MD American Academy of Family Physicians Timothy and Meeta Arcuri Philip and Whitney Arnautou Ashlyn Dyer Foundation James Baer Della Bahan Bank of America Matching Gifts Program Roger and Sloan Barnett William and Jamie Bartlett Edward Bartlett Joelle L. Benioff Gina Benson Kirsten Bibbins-Domingo and Patrick Domingo Betsy Blumenthal and Jonathan Root Bocholt Foundation Rena Bransten Rachel Brass and Richard Foster Nora M. Brennan Brides Against Breast Cancer, LLC John and Deborah Buehler Byer Foundation Teresa Sol Callan and Bill Callan Gillian Otway and Andre Campbell Aimee and William Carlson Todd and Susan Carter Eliza and Dean Cash The Chartres Lodging Group, LLC Chaves & Associates Rachel Chin, MD and Thomas Wu, MD, PhD Myrle and David Ching George and Sheri Clyde Deborah Cohan and Steven Schiff Tessa B. and Adam Collins Michael and Mary Frances Connolly Matthew and Jennifer Cook Deborah Cook Shapiro Dory Culver and Walter Nirenberg Daniel Wehmeier and Marian Beard Fund Michael Darga Uta Landy and Philip Darney Gretchen de Baubigny Donna De Santis Samantha and Brad DeJean Josephine Dentoni Theresa A. Dentoni, RN Courtney Derby Rochelle Dicker, MD James Dilley, MD Barbara Drye and Charlie Goldberg George M. Drysdale Joyce M. Dubay Leslie Dubbin Fern Ebeling Ann W. Eliaser Lucinda and Grenville Emmet Douglas and Barbara J. Engmann Brenda Entzminger Ruth Fallenbaum and Zeese Papanikolas Farella Braun & Martel, LLP Genevieve and Michael Farr Gloria and Saul Feldman Rosaly Ferrer and Ramon Calubaquib Kathleen D. Flanagan Pamela Flood James and Astrid Flood John E. Fobes, II and Catherine Fobes Kathryn L. Fowler, RN John Fu Elena Fuentes-Afflick, MD Jessica and Stephen Galloway Barbara A. Garcia, MPA Joy Gavia Linda Gebroe and Rebecca Silverstein Mona C. Geller William A. George, PharmD Lisa Erdberg and Dennis Gibbons Dennis and Susan Gilardi Douglas and Lisa Goldman Ronald and Catherine Goldschmidt Edward W. and Nina M. Gomez Constance and Goodyear Baron Newton and Michele Gordon Thomas and Carol Gottlieb Mary O. Gray, MD The Green Mango Foundation INC Barbara and John Greenberg David Hayes Sara Haynes and Michael Scippa HealthPoint Christopher and Deirdre Hockett Fred and Melinda Hom Kerry Honey Schuyler Hudak Mr. and Mrs. George H. Hume Jordan and Sarah Hymowitz IndexUniverse LLC Valerie E. Inouye Integra LifeSciences Corporation J & R Associates Ilona Frieden and Mark Jacobson Shermineh Jafarieh and Jasbir Takhar Benji Jasik Mrs. George F. Jewett, Jr. Katharine H. Johnson Jennifer M. Johnson Kathryn Jung and Clifford Wong Donald and Roslyn Kahn Maurice Kanbar Patricia H. Kelso Lynn Kirshbaum Carolyn Klebanoff and Fred Cohen, M.D. C. Bethan Powell and Abner Korn C. Richard Kramlich Margot Kushel and Ari Krantz Elaine and Jonathan Leong Nancy Livingston and Fred Levin Barry and Marie Lipman Lucasfilm Foundation Robert and Connie Lurie John S. MacGregor, MD, PhD Sanjeev and Kathy Malaney Geoff and Kathy Manley Cynthia Mar Dr. and Mrs. Wm. Margaretten Alma Martinez and Paul Dybbro Anne Matta William and Leigh Matthes Christine and Stan Mattison Todd and Stephanie May Michael and Kristen McCarthy George and Karen McCown Jessica McDermott Julian McLain Medline Industries, Inc. Eric Meinberg, MD Jose Miramontes, MD Tom Mitchell MJM Management Group Anson Moon Maggie Mui Patricia Munter and Jeff Loomans Iman Nazeeri-Simmons and Taj Simmons Valerie Ng and Kenneth Li Evelyn Nussenbaum Meagan and Dan Nye Gene O’Connell and Joel Hurwitz Ohlen Design, Inc. Pacific Union & Christie’s International Real Estate Ann and James Paras James and Cynthia Parks Richard Patel Robert and Anne Pedrero Peet’s Coffee & Tea Mark and Mauree Jane Perry a Mrs. Elizabeth C. Peters Richard and Tanya Peterson Roland Pickens Mike Piha Mary and Bill Poland Patric and Mary Powell Debra Rachleff Rainbow Grocery Cooperative Victoria and Phillip Raiser Helen H. Raiser Red Umbrellas Joanna Rees and John Hamm The Retirement Research Foundation A. Jean Robinson Jerome and Margaret Rosenthal Nicolas and Alexis Ruhl Matthew Ryan Susan Ryan Margaret Rykowski San Francisco Public Health Foundation David and Barbara Sanchez Jack and Betty Schafer Gisela and William Schecter Hilary K. Seligman, MD Eric Shaffer J. Gary and O. J. Shansby Margaret Payne and Dean Sheppard Shorenstein Realty Services LP John and Lucretia Sias Michael and Jenny Silva Allan P. Sindler Barbara Sklar Victoria C. Smith Susan and Paul Sniderman James L. Sorensen, PhD Stein & Lubin LLP G. Craig and Maureen O’Brien Sullivan Swig Foundation Telecare Corporation Thidwick Books Robert and Bette Thomas Cathryn Thurow and Robert Cornwell Jonathan and Mahsati Tsao Amanda Wallis Karl and Judith Weisgraber Ralph and Ann Welsh Kathryn and David Werdegar Whole Foods Market Elena P. Whorton Sharon and John Wicher Jean Wildberg Troy S. Williams a Diane B. Wilsey Kristin B. Wilson Jane Wolf Wade and Brenda Woodson Anita and Ronald Wornick Art Yerkes Laura Yip Mark A. Ziering Charles Zukow and John A. Ferrara $999 - $500 Anonymous (5) Abraham Ayad Memorial Fund Mark Addis Katharine M. Albright Emogene Alexander Barbara W. Armstrong Hilary R. Armstrong Eileen M. Ashmore Peter and Joan Avenali Michael Bade Daniel and Carolyn Banchero Laurie Barkin and Brian Brosnahan Christopher and Cynthia Barton Thomas and Johanna Baruch Erin Baudo Bruce Bauer Stanley and Rita Bell George Berridge Jennifer F. Biederbeck Mary G.F. Bitterman Michael and Nancy Borah Veronica Sanchez and Jeffery Borenstein Kelly Bourke and Jeff Wartell Michael Bowen Philip E. Bowles Lynda Boyden Susan E. Brandt Peter and Leela de Souza Bransten Tangerine M. Brigham Jennifer Brokaw and Allan Fry Julie Brooks Lesley Bunim Rebecca A. Burad Eugenia R. Callan Pen and John Callan Clark and Elizabeth Callander Joseph and Elaine Camarda David S. Cantu Joyce Hansen and Henry Chambers William and Gayle Lai Chan Liu Cheng Emilie Christie The Chrysopolae Foundation Mary N. Clancy Sara H. Schnell Dan Schwager Megin Scully Bonita L. Seaman John and Pamela Sebastian SF Noir The Movie LLC Gary and Dana Shapiro George Shardlow Rachel Shay Wylie and Judith Sheldon Kathleen Shepherd William and Shira Shore Charlotte and George Shultz Cynthia B. Silverstein Stefan G. Simon, MD Sing for America Foundation Peter and Lucia Sommers David Sostarich Phil Spiegel Eric and Gayle Starr Joelle Steefel Henry and Joyce Steier Jody Steinauer and Michael Richards Chief Greg Suhr Elizabeth H. Sutro Irene and Peter Tabet Edward J. Tapper, MD Patricia Tashima Robert and Gail Telfer Richard and Margaret Tempero Jacqueline Stewart and T. Peter Thomas Larissa Thomas Shannon and Christopher Thyne Ruth R. Timbrell Suzanne Titus-Johnson Nancy Tivol Tuy-Viet Tran Stephanie Tsao Justine Underhill Guy Vandenberg Sandra Veneigh Claudia Volpi Jose Vulpes Blue Walcer Dina Wallin Elizabeth Weise and Elizabeth Murphy Robert T. Weston John and Marilyn Whitcher Frances Petrocelli and Charles Wilson Mary and Michael Wolfe Jenson Wong Cynthia W. Woods Frank and Kay Woods Janice and Dave Woods Jessica Wynne Julieta Ylagan Merla Zellerbach and Lee Munson Roland Zepf Michel and Sandra Zrnic $499 - $250 Steven and Carol Dimmick Charles and Miriam Dimmler Phillip Dixon Clement Donahue, MD Pamela Dubier Kevin and Laura Dunne Priscilla C. Dwyer, RN Leonard Edwards Kay Egan Karin F. Eklund Heather Elder John and Cynthia Ewers Joan Fanning Jenna and Steven Feinberg Raheela Ghafur and Eberhard Fiebig Frederick S. Fields Walter and Janet Finkbeiner Marcia Forman Helena Foster Rose R. Frigo Antonio Garcia Julie Gardner Grant and Austra Gauger Mark Gilbert David and Shannon Gilbert Ann Girard Robert Glen Cheryl Goldberg Seth Goldman Margie Golub Kaminsky and Lawrence Kaminsky Zhang X. Gong Pamela Gonzalez John Gordan, MD and Robin Allan Clare Gordon Julie Baller and Howard Graves Patric Greene John Gressman Priscilla Grevert Alice P. Gross Marsha and Ralph Guggenheim Rita V. Guiliano Pratima Gupta Steven and Ally Gwozdz Barbara L. Haller, MD, PhD Kelly and Michael Halper Philip and Maurine Halperin Josephine G. Hardin Theresa Harrelson Florence and Peter Hart Sophie and Boe Hayward Evora Heard Micaela Heekin Jo Anne and Totton Heffelfinger Susan Hendrickson Linda P. Henson Steven and Ruthann Herman Rita A. Hernandez Amy Herrick Lana Hess Joyce and William Hetts Vincent Hoenigman Jennifer Holderness Mary B. Hooper Alec Hunter Perkins and Serena Perkins Rafael Ibarra IBM Employee Charitable Contribution Campaign James M. Illig Graig Inaba Eric and Elizabeth Isaacs Lucille B. Jackson Donna E. Jacobs Aiyana Johnson Raquel Katzenberger Reid Kennedy Eric R. Kessell Anne L. Kinderman, MD Jennifer King Susan Kitazawa, RN Peggy Knudson Mary M. Knudson, MD Jane E. Koehler, MD Jordan L. Kramer, MD Ronald H. Labuguen, MD and Therese Labuguen Kathleen Lacey Susan Schwartz and Frank Lalle Latina Breast Cancer Agency Law Offices of Steven H. Herman Stanley Lee Kiren and Michael Leeds Ed Leung Crystal Leung Jerry and Toby Levine Darrell W. Lew Brad Lewis Ludwig Lin Judith Lippe Judith B. Lipsett Jun Ting Liu, RN Nancy Lockhart Marie Loo Connie M. Lopez Keith E. Loring, MD Betty Louie Craig Lutz Main Street Research Jamiee Mallari Emad Mansour Andrea Barczak and Ralph Marcucio G. Steven and Gail Martin Scott Matagrano Josie Mathes Kay Taneyhill and George Matiasz Shanna and David McBurney Scott McCallister Francis and Diane McCarthy William and Christine D. McClure Susan McDonough Mary McGuire-Hickey and John Hickey Sonia Melara Robert J. Merck Scott Metcalf Mary Miller Hideyo and Kathleen Minagi Pooja Mittal, DO Cynthia Molstad Amanda Monchamp Maura and Robert Morey Maura Morey Gina Moscone Glynn I. Moses Barbara Mow Kaitlin Mulderig Linden Murphy Karen L. Napitan, RN Melissa Nau J. Renee and Ricardo Navarro Jennifer Neal Dana Nelson, RN John Newman William and Nancy Newmeyer William K. Nisbet Alicia Nogales Courtney Norris Ernest Notar, MD and Winkie Campbell-Notar Marilyn Ohm-Smith Jane Orkand Anonymous Vikki Abendroth Donald I. Abrams, MD Access Destination Services Lannie J. Adelman James Alexander Kathleen S. Alioto, MD Angela G. Alvarez American Academy of Pediatrics Benjamin Amundson Thomas and Helen Anawalt Kelly Anderson AT&T United Way Employee Giving Campaign Eva S. Auchincloss Deborah and John Avakian Howard Backen and Lori O’Kane Backen Ann and Peter Barden Philanthropic Fund Ted Bartlett and Donna Hoghooghi Richard Baruch Bay Drug, LLC Paula Bennett Allison Bennett Robin Bennett Christina E. Benson Mitchel and Joan L. Berger Teresa Bergeson Amy Berler Bersot Capital Management Ruth Lee and Chittasane Bhongsudhep Commander Michael Biel Carol and Bruce Bird Bittter Badger Inc Dana and Robert Blum Jennette Boakes, MD John Bortner Laurene Bourey Robert and Daphne Bransten Leslie Brenman Adam Brezine Richard Brooks, MD Victoire and Owsley Brown Crystal Brown Kathleen Budge Carrie Busch Amber Caldwell Bonnie Campbell Carmen F. Carino Don and Alison Carlson A. Michael and Jean K. Casey John P. Cello, MD Sheree Chambers Ellen C. Champlin Mabel Chan Barbara C. F. Chang Matthew and Lisa Chanoff Renee Charnas Fenella Chee Alice Chen, MD Nenita Cheng Tsz Yan Cheung Stephanie Chigos Antonia Clark Marie G. Clyde Gail Cocking Sophie W. Cole, MD Elaine Coleman, RN Fraser Conrad Craig Corbitt Nancy and Peter Cornwell Holly Cost and Jose Gutierrez Marina Costabile Brandon Cox James A. Cox Anne and Matthew Cramer Andrea Crowley Fe Masamayor and Barry Cusick Richard and Laura Davis Aaron Del Tredici Ana Delgado Janice Demayo Reid and Peggy Dennis Elizabeth and Robert Devlin Sarah Dey Burton Dean DiGiovanni Sarah DiLullo | Paulette and David Kessler Elizabeth A. Kind Katherine Kinghorn Suzanne Klahr Janet M. Kosewic Ae Y. Kyong La Loma Produce #7 Stephanie Langelaar Jude and Eileen Laspa Linda Lee Robin and David Lee Mark and Kerri Lehmann Maxine Leibowitz David Levine Alan and Sharon Levins Jay and Sharon Levy Brian A. Lewis and Walter W.K. Chong Kelley and Dustin Long Rommie Lucia Amie Eigner and Paul Luongo Jane R. Lurie Katherine L. Luttrell Jacquelyn J. Maher, MD Mahlmeister and Associates Charlot Malin Meir and Yotvat Marmor Rosalie M. Marshall David and Kathleen Martin Anne and Stephen Massocca J. Patterson and Susie McBaine June R. McKay Mcquarrie Associates Mechanics Bank Jane T. Meier, MPH Charles and Laura Mills Winona Mindolovich Deborah L. Minor Elizabethchild Morgen Babak and Elham Motie Donald Mungai Kathy Murphy Paul Negulescu, MD Larry and Kathleen Nibbi Hope Page and Al Norris Patricia O’Connor and Gregory Jennings Ann and Todd Oppenheimer Peter and Janet Osborne Forrest Outlaw Melville and Gail Owen Christine L. Oyer Gerald B. Pang Paranoid US James A. Parker Nancy W. Parker, RN, MS Lisa U. Pascual, MD and David W. Mead, MD Andrew and Roslyn Payne Elisha and Ricardo Perez Alexander and Ann Peters David and Emily Scott Pottruck Richard and Ellen Price Nicole M. Prieto Paul and Cynthia Pringle Sheryl and James Reuben James Reynolds Sylvia Reynolds William and Dena Richardson Julie Rosen David and Peggy Rothman Raymond Ryan, Jr. and Jennifer Braun Ana C. Sampera, RN, MS and Stephanie Sampera Morris Schambelan, MD Michelle and Michael Schneidermann Supporting the Heart of Our City Lisette Coen Larry Colson Joanna Constatino Tristan Cook Mary Costello Coulter 2006 Management Trust Jeffrey and Laura Critchfield Lucinda Crocker Dominic Daprile Justin Dauterman Christiane P. de Bord Catherine T. De Martini Elaine Dekker Nancy S. Di Sabato Margaret DiLaura Carol Dimeling, MD Steven and Pamela Rose Dinkelspiel Robert C. Durkin, MD and Paraluman Stice-Durkin Lisa Edwards Stouffer and Carolyn Egan Harold and Carole Elkin Stephanie Abramovich and Ian Epstein Christian and Jacqueline Erdman Ericksen, Arbuthnot, Inc. Evelyne Etcharren Alicia Fernandez and Teresa Villela Hannah E. Frick Katherine Fullerton-Bloom and Jeffrey Bloom Anne Fung Frederick and Peggy Furth Jerome and Leah Garchik Catherine Garzio Paul and Debora Gaspari Terri Gelbaum Ingrid Gillette Rick and Val Girling Patricia Goldring Arnold and Nora Goldschlager Paulette Goodrich Richard and Michele Goss Linda Grais and John Freund Katherine Gregory Susie and Alan Greinetz David and Patricia Grubb Diana Guevara James C. Hall The Handlery Foundation Scott and Laura Harrison Tomoki Hashimoto, MD Chief Joanne Hayes-White Jon J. Hayward Alice He Deirdre Henderson Francoise P. Herrmann Jan Hirsch Leslie M. Holpit James C. Hormel, Jr. and Kathleen Gillaspie Hormel Lawrence M. Howell Megan Huchko William Huen, MD Michael and Sheila Humphreys Laura Hur Colleen Irwin Stacey Jackson Emily and Steve Janowsky Kenneth and Suzanne Johnson Diane Jones, RN Sam and Kim Jones Rachael Kagan and Timothy Rowe Vicki and Scott Kahn Judith F. Karshmer, MD Philip Katzenberger 11 San Francisco General Hospital Foundation 12 Dennis R. Otto Stanley L. Padilla Su-Moon Paik and Bob Brown John Paquette Melissa Partin Laurence Peiperl Dr. and Mrs. Murat Pekmezci Peninsula Health Care District Betsy and Richard Perry Stacy Perry Marijane G. Pierson Genevieve Plusa Michael and Liz Pola Susan E. Porth Susan Promes, MD Armando Quintana Lynne D. Raider Jeffrey Ralph Diana Ramirez Betsy Ratner Jean K. Reilly Catherine Reuhl Jeannette Revel-Mauro Oliver Richner Priscilla Stoyanof Roche and David Roche Laura C. Rodormer John Roediger Hadley R. Roff Kandice Strako and Philip Rosenthal Meredith Rosenthal Betsy Roth Madeleine Russell-Shapiro Joan Ryan and Barry Tompkins Martha Ryan Terry Saltz San Francisco General Hospital & Trauma Center David H. Sands Jaimie Sanford and Ted Storey Baljeet S. Sangha Carol C. Savio Lisa Schatz Marianne Schier Jennifer Schimmel Barbara Schlein Mark Schlesinger Richard and Phyllis Schlobohm SEIU Local 1021 Dore Selix-Gabby Philanthropic Fund Suzanne G. Seton Jonne Sevekow Shilpa Shah Kenneth Sheppard Spencer Sherwin Alicia Silva Barbara Silver Lydia Bayne and Roger Simon Roy E. Simon Louie and Connie Sisneros Walter Slater Janette C. Smith Jeffrey Sosnaud and Jean Curran Sourcecorp Deliverex Ted Speros E. Spokes Connie and David Sprinkle Susan V. Sprunk Robin A. Stackhouse, MD Margaret and Michael Stafford Harise Stein, MD Elizabeth Steinfield, RN Michael Stipicevic Loretta Strachowski, MD Agnes G. Summers Joseph E. Sweeney, III Elsie R. Talley Julin and Meiyu Tang Olive Thaler David Thom, MD Sandra and John Thompson Clayton Timbrell Margaret Timbrell Araceli T. Tonel James Townsend Marlene Tran Peggy Trethewey Christine Tripp True Sunshine Episcopal Church Robert Tufel Jacqueline P. Tulsky, MD US Bank Yvonne and Robert Uyeki Eduardo A. Valdez Van Der Hout, Brigagliano & Nightingale, LLP Mary and Florence Vassar Marilyn and Murray Waldman Elisbeth Wallerstein Barbara Walter and Paul Tasner Kai Wang Katherine Ward Mark Watson Joan Weefer Carol A. Weitz Bernice R. Welles, MD and Robert Welles Spencer Wells Louis Spencer and Alexandra Wells Martha Whittaker Eliza Williams Justine Williams Charles R. Wilson Lisa G. Winston, MD Susan Wlodarczyk James and Imelda Wong Art and Janet Wong Stanley and Linda Wulf Quincy Yang Timothy Yau Phyllis and George Yee Susan S. Yoo, MD Eve Zaritsky Wen Zhao Andrea Zola $249 - $100 Anonymous (6) Judy S. Abe Nasrin Aboudamous Mauro and Janet Accomazzo Deborah Affonsa Michelle Ahlstrom Amy Akbarian Joseph C. Akzam Marci Alborghetti and Charlie Duffy Barbara Blasdel and Eugene Alexander Max Allen Mary Allen Jonathan B. Allen Carola Allgayer Charles Allison, MD Julie Cheever and Fred Altshuler Loi Uiden Amend Zane Amenhotep, MD American Conservatory Theater Donna and Robert Ames-Heldfond Aurora C. Ancheta Arthur and Erika Andreas Bruno and Velma Andreatta Marise Arena Louis J. Armstrong, Sr. Henry Arnold Christine Arthur Ellen Ashley and Kyle Coachman Elizabeth L. Ashley Veronique Au Amy Autry Amir Azad Soraya Azari Colleen Backstrand Matthew and Sasha Bainer Cedric and Dee Bainton Kimberly Bakker John Balkcom Philippe Ballaire Jon Ballesteros Jacob Ballon Debbie Ballon Kathryn Ballou and Linda Sims Albina Balser-De Vazquez and Rafael Vazquez-Rivera Bank of the West Employee Giving Program Vanda Baptista and John Majka Joan and John Barkan Marianne L. Barrett Eileen Barry and Mike D’Arcy Ignatius Bau Brian Bauer Maria Lourdes Bayog BC Restaurant, LLC Kendall Beck Catherine Becker Chad Belicena Robert Belot Maria Bennett Rhoda Berbery Bruce Berg Ocean Berg Gabrielle Berger Richard and Maureen Bergson Ethel Bernal Gary R. Bidwell Janet Bijur Chris Bjorklund John Blaisdell Marc D. Blakeman Jason Bley Peter J. Bockrath Thomas Bodenheimer Jane O. Bogart Helen Bogner Nancy B. Bohn Rosahlie T. Borgonia Darrach Bourke Josephine Bovill-Erpf Jamie N. Bowles Alexis Braden C. Michael Bradley Jane R. Brady Emily Brakebill Larrain Bratt Lori Brent Benjamin Breyer Arthur and Dorothy Bridgeman Courtney V. Broaddus, MD Robert Brody and Andrea Jacoby Laura Brodzinsky Steven Bromer Rebecca Brooks Michala C. Brown Louise Brown Timothy and Margaret Brown John F. Brown, MD Scott and Ana Cristina Brubaker David Bruce Brigitte Brunner John and Mary Bruno Earline L. Bryan Sally Ann Buchmann Chris Bulger Beverly R. Buller Linda and Tom Burns Domenique and David Buxton Robert and Ruth Byrd Max and Brookes Byrd Akilah Cadet Erin L. Callahan Rachael Callcut Sheryl Calson Norma B. Campbell James M. Campbell, MD Raymond Canepa Kyle Carbert Ralph A. Carlson Patricia Carr, RN Diane C. Carr, RN, NP John Casserly Gerald N. Caudle Clara Cespedes Karen Chan Kenneth and Alice Chan Agnes I. Chan David and Joanne Chan Jeanette and Low C. Chan Brooke Chappell Jack Chase, MD Colleen Chawla Katherine Chen Wendy Chen Naila and Chee Cheong Yu-Hung and Kerry Chiang Allan B. Chinen, MD Crandall and Leta Ching Edward and Loretta L. Chow Lincoln Chu Terrence Chun Candy Chung Marta Cieslak Ruth H. Cisek William and Polly Clark Charles Clark and Arlene Waksberg Carolyn M. Clark Joseph Clement Eugene and Leslie Clements Elaine D. Climpson Clorox Company Foundation Jean Coblentz Carole A. Cohen Vera Cole Catherine Coleman Romain Colignon Natalie Collins Community Health Charities of California Elaine E. Connell Katherine J. Connolly Raymond and Monica Conrady Betsy and Gary Coover Jane V. Corbett, RN, EdD Stanley and Anne Cordes John A. Cortez, LCSW Sarah Cottrell Paul Couey Christina Covalesky Pulesi L. Cowles Beverly C. Cramer Elizabeth Cretti Janis Crumb Brian and Sandra Cruz Henry and Mary Anne Cuenca Kevin Cuffe Vivian and John Curd Sasha and Lauren Cuttler Melody Davenport-McLaughlin and Roland McLaughlin Lukejohn Day Jocelyn V. De Dios Sylvia I. de Trinidad Carmen Cote de Vaughn Daryl Dehn Maria G. Delucchi Yasemin Denari Ruth A. Derius Lorna G. Deruyter Nikhil Desai Daniel and Monica Devoy Randolph Diamond Fred and Peggy Dias Paolo and Christina Diaz Louise Dimattio and William Corbett Jones Monara Dini Earl Diskin John R. Domingos James and Nina Donnelley Sara Donyea and Richard Damm Genevieve Duboscq Ron Dudum Susan Duncan Michael and Marisa Duncan Mary Lou and Victor Durante DW Associates Joan C. Eckart Doug Eckman Lindsey Economou Maurice and Marguerite A. Edelstein Damon Edwards Mae and David Eguchi Jessica Eisler Joseph Ellin and Jacqueline Aiken Richard Elliott Virginia M. Elmore Patricia S. Elvebak Debra Murov and Joseph Engelman Stuart and Susan Engs Anita and Rogelio Enriquez David and Renee Erle Lorre Erlick Ralph P. Ermoian, MD and Kristen Kelly, MD Martha Espana Helene Ettelson Andrea and Cameron Evans Rita Fabri Jackson and Margaret Fahnestock Karen Fan Amber Farinha Betsy W. Feichtmeir Lois and Roland Feller Amy Felsenthal Elaine Felter Olallo Fernandez Laurence and Joann Finberg Donald L. Fink, MD Fitwell Chiropractic Sports Medicine David and Victoria Fleishhacker Robert Fletcher Elizabeth D. Flick Flavio and Germelina Flores Robert S. Fong May L. Fong Francis and Nancy Foster Jenny Fowler Tom and Myrna Frankel Margo Freistadt and Lynn Ludlow Donald H. Friedman John Friend Peter and Luz Frohwein Bethany Fuller James E. Gabbard Cecily Gallup Gap Foundation Gap Giving Program Jean Gapayao Joshua Garcia Leah Garrison and Gary Kauf Cary and Adam Gasner Lisa Gaston Susan Gaynon Harry Gazarian Alan and Angelita V. Gelb Donna A. George Charlotte German Arlene M. Getz Sara and Michael Ghirawoo Helen V. Gibbons Irwin and Marion Gibbs James Gibilisco Linda C. Gilbert Gwendolyn J. Gilbo Ann Gillen Stanton and Marsha Glantz Amy Glass Yvonne L. Glaze James M. Glick, MD Maria Gloria Rando Andrew Goldberg Robert Goldsmith, MD Kate Goldstein-Breyer Janice Gonsalves Angela G. Gonzalez Gloria D. Goodall William Goodwin David Gordon Laura Gottlieb Elaine Adamson and Edward Gould Eric Graber Helen M. Graves Michele Greenfield Kelly Grimes Tamra Groode Amy M. Grossman Judy and Gary Grossman Melvin M. Grumbach, MD Kate Poole and Anthony Grumbach Kevin Grumbach and Lisa K. Martin David and Margie Guggenhime Gum Moon Residence Hall Mary Haake Katherine Hafner Margaret and Cornelius Hagan Jeffrey Halbrecht Julie Hambleton, MD and Harry Hollander, MD Stuart and Carrie Hamm Hali Hammer and Margaret Hutchison Genevieve Handy Douglas K. Hanks, MD Carlina F. Hansen Erik Hansen Mary Hao Robert D. Harames Elizabeth Harleman Julianne Harper Peter Harrison and Suzanne Maloney Margaret Hart George L. Hatch Karl and Michele Heisler Christine L. Hejinian Carol L. Held Claude Hemphill, MD, MAS Colleen Henry Mohammadsaf T. Herfat Safa Herfat Anna Hernandez Jane G. Nelson William Nelson Tokie Nerio A. Jane Neville Victoria Nevin Julie D. Newhall Sara J. Newmann, MD and Douglas Sovern Kimvan Nguyen Patricia Nicholson Annelie Nilsson Elaine F. Ninokata Stephen L. Nishimura, MD Ann Nore Ina Novel Laurie O’Brien Joseph J. O’Brien Maria E. O’Brien Kasey O’Connell Robert E. O’Donnell Hitomi Ann Ohsawa Minette and Gerry Okimoto Don A. Olson, PhD and Nancy Olson Mairin O’Mahony Chiyeko and Hanaes Ono Mary Orbe Fern Orenstein-Donenfeld Felisa Orozco Marie Luise Otto James and Joan Paddor John and Amy Palmer Jing-Yu Pan Yuk Pang Thomas Panlilio Alison M. Paolercio, RN Edna Paredes Carole L. Parfett Margaret L. Parker Mary A. Paro Rena Pasick, PhD Robert and Carolyn Passmore Alexandra and David Pastor Pat Ryan Moving & Storage Virginia Patterson Wanda L. Paul Christopher H. Pederson Carla Peguese Stephan A. Pehlivanian Paula Pell Sima Pendharkar Mary Anne and Arthur Perkins Frances W. Peters Howard Peters Jesusa Petersen Laura Petrillo Rosalba M. Petrini Anne Pfeltz Selena Phipps Diane Piagneri Annette Pinto Joanne Plachutin James Polissm Nela and Cesar Ponferrada Lauren Poole and Charles Masten William and Catherine Poole Pour Guys Soma, LLC Progressive Grounds Cafe Dat Quach Purificacion Quevedo-Maghinang and Rodolfo Maghinang Kelly Quinn Masa Rambo Geri Ramirez Thomas Rando and Donna Ferriero, MD Neda Ratanawongsa, MD Arturo Razote Shirley A. Reece, MSW Emily Reichman Careth B. Reid Edward C. Remedios Carol Rhine-Medina and Jose Medina Connie K. Richardson Eileen Richey Matthew Rigdon Mary Roberts Anita Roberts Judith Roberts Shannon Rodelander Marguerite Roemer and Wesley F. Leung Dillon Rogers and Adrienne Leight Catherine Rollhaus Jessica Romm Benjamin and Ellen Ron Marie M. Rongone Carol Roos Carol Rosanelli Frank R. Rosenbach Harry and Ann Roth Arthur L. Roth Scott and Ruthanne Roth Olympia Martyn and Donald Rubin John and Carole Ruffo Robert N. Ruggles Mary Ryan Nancy Rynd Alex and Judith Saldamando Marie and Daniel Sampior Andrea Sandvig Ursula Santamaria Stephanie Saporita Judy Sardinia Martine Sargent, MD Laura Sargent Urmimala Sarkar, MD Josh Schechtel Adam Schickedanz, MD and Heather Bennett, MD Dean D. Schillinger, MD Norman Schlossberg Jeffrey Schmidt, RN Mimi Schreiber Nicole Schroeder Judith L. Schultz Cynthia S. Schwabacher-Jamplis Michael and Mary Schymeinsky Donna Marie Scippa Stacey and Andy Scott Pamela Scrutton and William Morrison Ned Segal Niraj Sehgal Linda Seidel and Michael Field Robert S. Seipel, MD Denise Selleck Blair and Richard Shane Gillian Shaw Patrick and Lorraine Shea Patricia Sheehan Timothy and Mary Sheehy Richard Shepherd Alistair Sherret Kirsten Shilakes Philip Shilane Herman and Marianne Shine Suzanne Shinkle Adrienne Shiozaki-Woo Anne Simons and Michael Castleman Wendy Sinton Mark S. Siobal Sam Siu Patricia M. Skala Deborah Lupton E. Skidmore David and Millicent E. Smith Caroline A. Smith Mark Sommer Carolina Soria Maria Spears Jennifer Spencer Bala Srinivas Vinita and Benoit Srinivas-Levet Rebecca Stamey-White Steven Stapp Frances Stark Julie Brook and John Stedman Phil Maloney and Monica Steinisch Eunice L. Stephens Robert Stock Elizabeth H. Storey Naomi Stotland Nicole Strauss Barbara A. Strohbehn Hua Su Eleanor Su Karlyn Sugai Daniel and Gilda Sullivan Ray Sumalinog Laurie Summer Andrea Sun Gompol Suwanpimolkul Richard Swart Lindsay Swift Kathleen Switzer Helen Szeto Glenn and Karen Szeto Alan A. Tabor Joyce B. Talal Roger Tanaka Audrey Tang Om and Beverly Tangri Doug Tapley Lucie Tardif Wan Lan Tay Walker C. Taylor Teck Hing Teo Jennifer Thomas Christena Thompson Lawrence Thorpe Jessica Tipton Annika Toernguet Allen Tom Isabel Toscano William Trevor Winnie Tsang Ronnie D. Tuazon Bren J. Turner Leslie R. Tynes United Way California Capital Region University of San Francisco Marian Urman Ajay Vaidya Gustavo J. Vallejo Tom S. Vass Ryan Vilardi Louis Vizcarrondo Edward H. Voigt Peter Von Lukanovic Christine Wachsmuth, RN Leah Wagner-Edelstein and Jason Edelstein Gregg and Kelli Walker Katy Wall Mike Walsh Luann Walsh David Wangler Stephen Ward Stanley and Janet Maleski Janis Mandac-Dy Jane Mangan Evelyn C. Manies Liz Mann Quimby Margaretten Emily Marlowe Michael Marsden Laure Marshall Tanya Marston Christine Martin, RN Laura L. Martin Massachusetts Medical Society Carol Massey Julie Mayer Joan Mc Grattan Jack W. McAninch, MD R. Trigg McClellan, MD Sharon Mccole Wicher Donald and Judy McCubbin Sherrill and William McGrane Mairi McKeever Richard G. McKinney, MD June and George McLaughlin Monica R. McLemore RN, MPH, PhD Priscilla McMillen Margaret McNamara and Jeffrey Clayton Mary Jane McRory Youcef Mebarek David E. Meders Tekeshe Mekonnen William and Roni Mentzer Mary Mercer Pamela Merchant Melly Metcalf Amy W. Meyer Alice Micklewright Marilyn Milkman and Adam Gordon Christina A. Miller Helen J. Miller Walter and Judith W. Miller Toni Mirosevich Robert and Dace Mitchell Penney Mitchell, MSW Katherine E. Moe John and Susan Molinari Monterey Mushrooms, Inc. Carol M. Montgomery Vanda Monti Claudia Mooney Robert I. Moore Ferruccio Morassi Katherine E. Mori Kenji Morinaga Susan Morse Allison P. Morton Jane Moss Lisa Moy Jane S. Mudge Kathleen Mulligan Ellen Mulligan Elaine M. Mullins Ricardo and Patsy Muñoz Niall Murphy Yvonne Murphy Daniel and Lloyda Murphy Kathryn Murray Masato and Eriko Nagao Patricia T. Nagle Saburo and Masako Nagumo Penny N. Nakatsu Amir Nassihi Sarah Nathan Pathima Nathan-Funk Nancy M. Nee | Pamela L. Koe Mary E. Koestler, RN, PhD Douglas and Barbara Konecky Sandy Koo Steven Koster April Krall Chase Krieger Kai Kristensen Jeff and Christine Krolik Philip Kurien Christopher Kusaba Peter and Rachel Kushel Matthew E. Kutcher, MD Anthony Kwok Sharon Kwong, MSW Athena Kyle Laura Lalor, RN Paul and Winnie Lam Jean-Claude Langer Kevin Langley Lori Laqua Niels Larsen Lisa Lattanza, MD Karen Lau Mark Leary, MD Emily Lee Emily Lee Carol A. Lee Donna H. Lee Shirley Lee-Poo Emma Lee-Soon Libby Leffler Jenny Leon John and Rose Ann Leonard Raymond and Rebecca Leung Lydia Leung Fred Levinson Robert M. Levy Denise Lew Lolly Lewis and Steve Kahl Young Ja and Arthur Lewis Shari Libicki and Andrew Coblentz Michael Lidbetter Jenna Liddell Hunt Phung Lieu Tracy Lieu life uniform Marie Lilly and Robert Henriquez Bonnie Lindahl Robert and Paula Linderman Bin Liu, PhD Maria Lobato Robert and Edith S. Lockhart Syida Long Rosa Lopez Frank and Sally R. Lopez Eva Heung Lan Louie Connie Love-Miles Steven Low Charles and Mary Lowrey Richard and Molley Lowry Jane F. Luckoff James and Patsy Ludwig Paula J. Lum, MD Peter Lupo Steven Lurie Kara Lynch Edward Lynch Margaret Lynch and William Bennett Kathy and Bob Lynch Michael and Joan Lyons Rebecca R. Lytle Brock Macdonald Patrick J. Mack Lisa Maffucci Malcolm Cravens Foundation Supporting the Heart of Our City Franco Herrera Warren Hersowitz Yoneko Higashigawa Deirdre Higgins Mary E. Hildebrand Sheila Himmel Beverly J. Hines Jonas Hines Peter Ho Judy Ho Kiki Ho Sallie B. Holloway Alea Holman Ting and Vincent Hom James and Helena Hom Kimberlee Honda Roderick Hong Henry and Brigit Hoppin Jean Horan Stanford M. Horn Kathryn Horner Erika Opper and James Horton Fiaz and Seema Hossain Carolee Houser Natalie Howard Joanne L. Howard Edward L. Howes, Jr., MD Thomas M. Hresko Ivan Huang Michael Huang Mary H. Hudson Darril Hudson William L. Hughes, Jr. Freddie F. Hurt Shannon Huth RN, CCDS Demetria Iacocca Susan E. Ilnicki Virginia M. Ingham Ann Irwin Michael and Dawn Isaacs Hatsumi Ishi Janis K. Ito Susan Jacobson and Byron Sigal David Jacobson Sharad Jain, MD Sam James, MD Blossom L. Jang Sara Jeevanjee Bennie and Linda Jeng Lynn Jimenez-Catchings and John Catchings Bonnie Johnson Hal Jordy, III Ann Jorgensen Velma Joseph William O. Kaiser Richard Kallet Kimberly Karp Donald M. Kay, MD John M. Kelly Jenny Kempenich Rebecca Kennedy and Craig Williams Linda L. Kepner Susan M. Kern Fred Kerri Meredith Kessler Sara Keyak Kristen J. Kiley Richard Kim Gregory Kimball Leigh Kimberg and Melissa Lim Professor Max C. Kirkeberg Gabrielle Kivitz Catherine and Rae Kleinen Barbara J. Knego Jennifer Knox 13 Nina Ward Sara Wardell-Smith Meredith Warden Carol Watts Shannon Weber John H. Weidinger, Jr. Michael and Barbara Weiner Barry R. Weingast Lucia H. Weir Stacey Wells Matthew Wendt Linda A. Werner Larry and Susan Westall Albert and Janet Wetter Tim and Sally White Stephen White Amy Whittle, MD Angie Wilcox Harold Wilensky Susan J. Willey Sarah S. Wilson Janine Wilson Mark Wilson, MD Terry and Amy Wong Patty Wong Piera Wong David Y. Wong Donald and Margaret Kim Wong Jenson Wong, MD Nicole Wood Eleanor S. Woodbury John Woody Naomi Wortis, MD Margaret Wrensch Syliva Wu Ping Chun Wu Megan Wyman Robert and Peggy Wynne Keith R. Yamamoto Kay Yatabe, MD Jacqueline Young Emily Yu Marya Zlatnik Lorna and Douglas Zlock Naomi Zubin San Francisco General Hospital Foundation $99 - $50 14 Anonymous (6) Nancy Achorn Loretta Adema Tashan Adrivas Gloria E. Aguila Daniel Aguirre Andres and Jill Alcantar Josette Allan American GI Forum Elwyne Anselmo Liza Ashbrook Harriet A. Ashley Olga Astromoff Gerry Audet Gregory Backstrom Chelsea Bahney Satt Bains Jane Baker Thedford and Mary Ballard Dorothy W. Banks Kirsten and Jason Barash Judith C. Barker Leonor P. Barnett Alan Bartholomew Paul F. Baumann B. Bawden Sharon Bearg George W. Beatty R. J. Berg Ken Bermudez Lucy Bernholz Burton and Joan Berry Rachel Berry-Millett Judith Betro Monell T. Beurmann Aline Bier Jennifer Bishko Liana Blechinger Margaret C. Boyd Jo E. Brainin-Rodriguez, MD Suzanna Brickman Patricia Brison Marcy K. Brown Katrina A. Brown David B. Brownell Beth Brumell, RN Quyngh-huong Bui Maxwell Bunuan Margaret Burgon Giselle A. Burgos Mateo Burtch Brian Bustamante Ruth F. Byrne Carla J. Campodonico Bridget Cannata Rosa M. Carrillo Jeanne A. Caturegli Mary and Mark Cervantes Paul and Janice Chafee Ramen and Archana Chakrabarti Helen L. Chan Michael Chan Emily Chapman James T. Chappell Randolph H. Chase, MD Florence Cheng Jia Min Cheng Edward Cheung James and Linda Chin Mabel Chong James Chong Tiffini Chow Edward Chu Tiffany Chu City and County of San Francisco, Dept. of Public Health Evelyn Clair Diana Coffa Diane Connolly Ingrid Coolins Richard and Patricia Covert Theodore W. Craig Harold D. Crosby, Jr. Doretha Cross Ryan Cuenca Carrie Cuenca Mary A. Culpeper Deborah Davidson Zachary Davis Louis J. De Benedetti Ronald Del Rosario John and Jobyna Dellar Alaena DeStefano Robin and Ed Deutsch Karen E. Devaney Stephen and Beth Devener Galen and Marilyn L. Dillman Maureen Dolan Edgar and Carol Donahoe Maura Donohue John A. Doran John Dowling Maryanne Downes and Granger E. Tripp Diane P. Downing, RN Winifred Downing and Eileen Roddy David Drabble and Susan Gearhart Lisa L. Duffell Jean Duncan David Duong Lucia Edwards Laura Jean Ellingsen Sari J. Ellovich H. Martin Ems Jose Estevez Norman and Rita Faix Daniel and Susan Federman Gustave Feldman Frank Fennema Paula A. Ferland Carol G. Fink Mary Fitzgerald Owen and Constance Flannery Kathy and Emil Flock Susan Floore George M. Fong Megan Foote Wallace and Faega Friedman Dorothy M. Frye Lynn D. Fuller Louise Y. Fung Juliann Fusaro, RN Julia and Darrel Galletly Rose Ganimian Evelina Gara Erik Garcia Elizabeth Gartland Tracey Gearlds Bruce I. Gilbert Milton and Jean Goldberg Debbie Gold and Michael Goldstein Antonio Gomez Philip Gomez Jodi Gradinger-Wes Mary A. Grant Martin Grasse Blake Gregory Richard Grube Hattie Grundland Robert S. Gunderson Leandro Gungab Dylan Gwaltney P. L. Hagerty Charles and Rae Hagner Megan Hamilton Donald and Shirley Hancock Delores Harkin Joseph H. Harris, Jr. Christine Harris Alma A. Harris Mitchel Hawkins Tegan Hayunga Tom and Sara Hayward Jean Hayward, MD Sonja Healey Maureen Healy Victor and Muriel Hebert Erin Hedley Edwin Hermawan Gladys Hernandez Elaine Hilp Sarah Hodgson Joan and Dan Holden David and Barbara Holman Joseph and Lorraine Holmes Marie Tam Hong Sylvia Horack Georgiana Talusan Horwitz Laura Hotiely Brit Howard M. Rita Howe Carolyn Hoyum Beverly J. Hubbard Albert Hwu Bernard Hyde and Dorothy Christian Joseph Iacocca Alexander and Lilia Jackson Shonul A. Jain Robert L. Janack Mark T. Jensen Richard Jesson Jeanie S. Joe Wesley Johnson Samuel R. Johnson Barry and Adelaide Johnson Adrienne Jonas Frederick E. Jordan Joszi Meskan Associates Agnes Jue and Don McPartland John W. and Mary C. Kabala Rebekah Kaplan Emily G. Karabines Beryl C. Kay Michael Kazanjy Delia Kekulawela Kay Khoo and Bit Lim Sheila and Thomas Kiernan Elsie Kim Miryo Kim Mike Kitay James J. Knopf Anna L. Ko Kathryn Kojimoto Adam Komosa Eric Kondo Ming and Har Koo Suzanne Korey Shruti Kothari John C. Kuhn, MD George and Lillian Kumansky Anda Kuo Lillian and Man-Him Kwok Richard and Karen Landucci Paul Lane Scott Lange Hassan Lashkari Joy M. Lau Mary P. Lavin James and Anne Lazarus Wenia S. Lee Raymond and Lucille Lee Quon and Faye Lee Linda Lee Clark Lefavour Valarie Lefavour Steven Leiner and Mary Mays Muriel Leland Tosca C. Lemont Susan Lemos Donald W. Leonard Howard Letherwood Diamond Leung Leland Levy and Judy Huey Ed G. and Frances E. Levy Henry and Pansy Lew Nancy Lew Maryann Siochi-Mercado Lin Dorothy W. Lindheim Peter Linenthal Mary Linn Ana M. Lising Barry and Carol Livingston Nancy Loo-Manning Lawson Louie Kristin Lucey James and Ann Lung Jennifer Lurie Joe and Judy Luu Jeanne Lynch Audrey Lyndon Catherine Lyons May Ma Ruben and Maria Macedo Michael and Jean Macia Rosemary MacLeod Mary C. Magee Andrew Maiorano Kathleen Mallory Herman Malvet Giuseppina Manetti Maureen Mangilit Madeline Mann Amanto Marcotulli Andres and Ann Marin Andrea K. Marmor, MD Kathleen Martinelli Vicki Martinson Mary Maselli Susan Mason Susan and Steven Masters Lynda Mathews Tomas Matlak David Mattes Edward Matthews Albert Mazzie, MD and Margaret Mazzie Janice Mc Intosh Michelle McCain Sarah and John McCuskey Elizabeth A. McDonald Mary L. McDonnell John McDonough Johanna McGinty Ingeborg K. McGlynn Leola M. McGrath Benjamin McKendall, Jr. Tracey McLean John McLens Charlotte McMinn Vanessa Merton Susan and Sterling P. Meyer Kevin and Erin Meyers Themistocles and Dare T. Michos Jeanie Miley Thomas J. Miller Howard and Ellie Miller Donald Millhauser Norma B. Mina Shelley Mitchell Ellen Grace Moffatt, MD Brian Mohlenhoff Virginia R. Molinari Lee Morse Demissie Mulatu Kim Mulligan Ramona and Raul Muniz Virginia Murillo Jessica Murphy Kara Myers Maggie Nakamura Howard R. Neckel Mary Nelson, RN, MPA John and Kathleen Nerney Jon Nettleton Dora L. Ng Phi N. Nguyen Kim Nguyen Kari Nicolls Michelle Nicolls Robert A. Nissenson Kathleen O’Brien Diana T. Ogimi Nancy Ann Okano Richie Olson Taryn Oneill Mr. and Mrs. Jerry D. Opper Leopoldo Ortiz Leroy D. Ortopan Marina O’Shea Nancy Ozaki Juliet R. Palarca, RN Helen M. Pang Brenda Parnell Partners for a Better World Benjamin Pascual Louise L. Patterson Don and Gari Patton Scott Paulson Laurae Pearson Elwyn K. Peckham David B. Perry Lois A. Peterson Nick Pfeifer Victoriya and Yuriy Pfening Doug Pham Vincent and Giuseppina Pignataro Edward Pineiro Elizabeth Pinsor Vardamar Edith and Ira Plotinsky Marie C. Poka Peter Pollat, MD Marlina Pon Melissa Preovolos Leonard and Katina Price Cheryl S. Price Loy Proffitt Brigetta S. Pryor Miriam Ramirez Chisako and Ronald Ress Jennifer Rhodes Elizabeth Richard Claire Richmond John and Susan Richmond Michael Robak James and Eileen Downing Roddy Frederick and Joel Anne Roll Thomas Ronacher Barbara M. Rosa Dennise Rosas Michael Rosenthal Barbara Rothkrug George and Teresa Saba Wayne Sackett Robert and Beth Saltzman Marilyn Saner Sylvia Santiago Mary E. Sapiro David Sarne, MD Lucy Mae Jackson Scarbrough Edward Schiffer Charles Schlangen Katherine Schmidt George and Christine Schoenbachler David and Claire Schoenfeld Margaret Schrand Jean F. Schulz Jessica Schumer, MD Jacob G. Schurman, IV Wendy Sebastian Harlan A. See Kok and Avis See-Tho Clare Senchya Brad Shapiro Stanley and Barbara Shaw Thomas and Roseann Shea Malini K. Singh, MD, MPH Judy S. Sit Diane M. Sklar, M.D. Carolyn Smith George H. Smith Lorraine H. Smookler, MD Abby Snay Francine Sneddon Teri Zappacosta Roxann and Neil Zarchin T. G. Zimmerman $49 - $25 Anonymous Beverly Mangus, RN Mary E. Mannix-Cantillon Julius and Ruth Mansbach Louise C. Marcal Eugenie Marek Charles C. Martin Mark Maurer Elaine Mayers Tommie and Mayfield Kathryn McClellan Kathleen McGuire Katie E. McPeak, MD Valerie C. Meehan Duke Meek Michele Meeker Elba R. Melara Susanna L. Meneses Nancy L. Merchant Edith M. Merrifield Clara Mikowski Mickay D. Miller Juliet T. Mills Martha and Richard Milton Stookey George Mironoff Larry B. Mishkind Joanne and Peter Moore Bennie and Marietta Moore Julian E. Morales Valerie L. Mountain Emina S. Muftic Vivian Mullaney Mary L. Murphy Aashin Nagpal Richard Nahem Lenore Naxon Steve and Candice Newburn Scott Newcombe Alexander and Mimi Ng Thuc-Quyen Nguyen Kimanh Nguyen and Trang Truong Harold L. Nickerson William and Isabella Nicolay Martin and Florence Norman Hillevi A. Null Edward T. Ochi Patricia O’Connor June Oerth Kazumatsu Ohno Zabrina Olivares Naimeh Omran Caroline Orejana Janice Osborne Geri O’Shea-Miller Alice and George Oshima Karishma Oza Maria Palacios Delia I. Palma Christina A. Papapietro Robert and Carol S. Parvin Maria J. Pasion Marie J. Perada Lita Peralta Hazel Perkins Misa Perron-Burdick Julia Peterson Mack Pong Jonathan and Lisa Pontell Michael Poplardo Terry and Linda R. Post Judith Pribyl-Jasperson Marcella Pryor Herminio and Petronila Pugay Claire Quam-Wickham Kathryn Quanstrom Patricia Quinlan Benjamin and Darwyn Ramirez Yesenia Ramirez Kristen Rauscher Patricia Regan Peter Rengstorff Carol Robinson Verwina and Robert Roble Edna A. Rodis Carlos R. Rodriguez Demian D. Rose Alan Roth Kimberly Roth Wendy Rothenberg Elizabeth Rotter John Roumeliotis Paul and Ana Maria Russo Ernest Sabini Francisco Saenz Edward Saliba Guido J. Salomone, Jr. Elaine and George Sampior Valerie and Peter Samson Anaclita San Juan Grimaldo Sanmiguel Jerome Satorre Payam Sazegar Stephanie Schneider Susan Schneider Jerri Schoenstein Janice Schulman Timothy Schulte Joan M. Schweizer Mildred Scott Lew D. Serbin Sek and Lai Seto Brian Shaw William G. Shaw Yasaman Shirazi Serafim Shorshteyn Dorothy Shull Rebecca Siegel Claudine Silveira Mary Sisney Meredyth K. Skemp Mieczyslaw and Irena Skrobik Rene Smey Paula E. Smith Virginia M. Snyder H. W. Soeldner Betty L. Spiegel Jon Spinner Robert Spivack Chester Stagnaro Anna C. Steeves Stephanie Steinberg Victor N. Stern Inge M. Stoltenberg Helen R. Storrs Sherri Sugarman George Suncin Mary H. Suzuki Jimmie H. Takeuchi Marie-Louise Tanner Priya Thridandam Cesar A. Tinio Robert Titlow Benjamin and Ruby Tom Shim Tom Noberto and Rhodora Torres Dr. M. Christine Torrington Phuc Truong Patricia Tyler Eugenia and Paul Urtiew Elizabeth Uy-Smith Thomas and Donna Van Der Heide Alicia Velasquez Jacqueline Vespignani Danilo and Teresa Violago David Huang Cynthia Huang Margot Hughes-Lopez, MPH Danielle Hummel-Sass Amber Iacocca Veronica Iacocca Malik Imtiyaz Carol Inocencio Ryu Inoue Anne Irving Mary M. Isaak Paula and Francis Itaya Bruce Jacks Cheryl Jay Rachel Jergensen Laura Jetton Gina B. Johnson Carl E. Johnson Philippe Jolivalt Helen Jue Mrs. William A. Juliano Steve Juliano Susan Kadoguchi B. Diana Winyard and Norman Kahn Henry and Grace Kan John L. Kay E. David and Virginia Keller Lawrence Kenney Shirley A. Kennon Tekoa King Toni King Anthony Kivlen Timothy Kline Marilyn G. Klinger John H. Knight John and Jane Knox Lynn and Scott Kobren Alex Koth Henry and Beatrice Krivetsky David and Mari M. Kurose Susanna Kwan Anna and Randall Kwock Agnes and Jean Labadie Chuck Hai Lam Patricia and Thomas F. Landers David and Teresa Lau Susan K. Lauritzen, MD Chet Wing and Kim Chiu Lee Wai Ling Lee Rick and Betty Lee Carol Leitch Norman and Irene Lew Jeanette Lew Eula Lewis May C. Lim Wilfredo Lim Michelle Lin, MD Trevor Lindsay, RN Joan Little William S. Lo Miguel Logarta Bertha L. Lopez Juanito and Aurora Lopez Alfred Lopez and Robert Perry William and Anne Loskutoff J. David Lowe Alice Lowe Christine Lozada Siu Lu Catherine Lucas Huu Luu and Quan Hong Michael J. Lynch Paula M. Lynch Francis and Wilma Madamba Rosalia Fama Maddumba Evelyn C. Madfes Greg Mahusay | Anonymous (5) AARP Pacific Heights Chapter Zachary Abbott Cheryl Abriam Judy Adami Jean and Marie Jeanne Alfaro Faith Allen Margaret Allsebrook Amenah Alsrogy Christiane M. Alvarez Michael and Patricia Amodeo Lisa Anderson Julia Avramides and Myron Jones Mary Carolyn Bacigalupi Kathy Clark Bailey Carina Baird Giovanni and Mary Ellen Baldocchi Maria A. Balmaceda Timothy Barry David Bates Janette G. Bautista Gaylen Baxter Elizabeth N. Bell Robert M. Bellina Carol and Michael Blecker Amy and Jeff Block Mrs. Marvin H. Bloom Nicole Bores Linda K. Boyd James Bran Daniel and Valerie Bremner Odeon and Dorothy Briones Helynna Brooke Florence Broussal Barbara K. Bundy Cynthia Burton Gerry P. Calgaro Donna Calles-Gustafson Ana Calletos Romicelle Camins-Wilson and Stanley Wilson Dorothy J. Campbell Angie Canas Angela Y. Canepa Sean Carroll Frances M. Carter John and Shirley Casey Mario and Teresa Castagnola Adithya Cattamanchi Immaculada S. Cayabyab George Chai Shirley Chai Debra Liu and Hoover Chan Kiu Chan Lina C. Chao Purba Chatterjee Esther Chen Joyce Chen Yu Yu Huang and Shawn Chen Jennifer K. Cherry Lisa Chew Lisa Chin Uyen Chung James L. Clough Miranda Coffey Fran Collier James V. Compton Courtney Coster Patricia Cowden Lolita B. Cox Pamela Coxson Patricia Martin and Jeffrey Craig Kevin Crawford Stephanie Cruz Jane R. Cunningham Sandra Curtis Mae M. Daniels Robert Darchi Kristen Darmody Chloe Dawn Christine Dehlendorf, MD Estrella M. Dela Cruz Roger Delgado Jill DeStefano Ruth Dettering Walter and Joan DeVaughn Sara Devlin Robert Dionisio Chav Doherty Kaht Dorward, MD and Edward Cohen, MD Raymond and Carol Driscoll David and Esperanza Ebarle Monnie R. Efross Walter Robert Ems David Erkkila Susan Esher Randy E. Falk Bruce W. Fay Laura L. R. Fernandez Ronald J. Ferrari Carolyn Flagiello Laverne Flonteny Melvin Flyer Stanley S. Fong Jennie Fong Wilmer Fong Chad Freeman Joan Frenkel Jonathan Funk Lorena Galo Dawa Gangshar Annette and Robert Gargollo Ernesto and Nelda Gedalanga Rose Gilardi Esperanza Giron Irene and Alfred Glassgold Robert Gnat Jude Gogan Zubin Goldman Diane Goldstein Judy and Jefferey Gough Al and Diane Gragnani Evelyn B. Gray Jacalyn Greenberg Jeanette and Gustave L. Grialou Steve L. Griffin Conception E. Griffiths Linda Gerard and Daniel Grossman Isac and Minette Gutfreund Brenda Ha Dianne Habing G. and T. Hallett William Halprin and Mary Fox David Hammer and Kate Danforth Kathy Hao Harbor Medical Center UW Medicine Heather Harris, MD Valerie Harris Alvin and Mary Harris Stella Hasapas Carmen Hernandez Mitsuru M. Hirano Katherine B. Hirschfeld Arlene L. Ho Marguerite J. Homrig Comelia Hoppe Xiuzhen Huang Supporting the Heart of Our City Brenna Souza Elyse Souza Barbara Spack Monica Spahr The Sports Basement, Inc. Vaughn Spurlin Linda Squires-Grohe Sarah J. Stamatoplos Cordelia Stearns Donald E. Stevens Jo Ann Stewart Christopher Stewart, MD Maria and Jack Stone Jay Stone and John Braun Clifford J. Straehley, MD David and Barbara Styles Forina W. K. Sue Sean P. Sullivan Alicia A. Sullivan Laura Sullivan Jennifer Sumalinog Walter Swan, Jr. Randall and Linda Swanson Louise Swig Anneliese and Tilafaige F. Taape Jeffrey Tabas, MD Kurt Talke Sharon Tan Aunreun C. Tan Bliss Temple Thein Thein Lobsang Thinley Sona Thomasian David Thompson, MD LeAnn Thornton Karen A. Tomcala Mitsuko Toyama Sonia Tsoi Jessica Tu Molly Turner Dona Tversky Berta A. Valderrama Leon Van Steen Frances Verrinder, PhD., MFT Ned Viall Paul Viscogliosi Ruth S. Vose Judson Walsh James and Aldona Watts Ralph and Mariana Weddington Marilyn Weeks Ann E. Wellington Ann E. Wharton Joshua White Blanche L. White Thomas W. Whitehead Nancy Whitesell-Starr David Wickum Stanley and Carolyn Wiener Remy Wildrick Richard O. Williams Kathleen Williams Carol Winslow Holly Wong Richard and Lila Woo Dennis Woo Eunice Woo Harvey and Sandy Woo Arthur and Lauren Wu Ellen Wu Yuri Yakubov Andrea Yiasemis Rita Yon Michael Young Gloria Yu Sandra X. Yu Mabel L. Zamacona 15 Corry Wagner Ryan U. Walsh Xiaojun Wang May X. Wang Pauline Wang John and Carmen Washington Jesse Wedler Lewis L. Wei Martin Wence Doris Weshler Courtney White Dan Wickering Sharon Wilensky Jessica Wolf Arthur K. Y. Wong Karen Wong Virginia W. Wong Joseph Woods Alan Wu Clover Wu Josephine Yee Cheryl Yee Jow-See and Yuk-Yau Yip Nina E. Youkelson Katherine J. Young Sarah Young Kurt Yusi Joyce Zanze Judy Zappacosta Adi Zarchi Yu Zhou Norman A. Zilber Christine Zupanovich San Francisco General Hospital Foundation $1 - $24 16 Anonymous (39) Cornellia Abitona Sam Abou-Ara Olga Abramova Robin E. Acker Patricia S. Ackerman Gezu Acko Maria Agiorre Martin Aguilar Ariana Aguilar Melinda Aguilar Pierre Aguirre Alameda Alliance for Health Agnes Alarcon Laura Alejandro Dolores Alejo Bertha L. Alfaro Barrett Allen Janel Allison James Alvarado Marissa and Joel Andrade Erlinda Andres Ed Ang Daisy Angeles Jeanne Angier Christina Anthony Neomar Aragona Susan Aranbulo Pierre Athley Joaquin Audaluz Puo Auelua Doris I. Baldwin Ricardo Ballin Michael L. Bankert Mae-Ann Barga Gail S. Barklow Alan Barr Jose Barrera Ana C. Barriere Gary Bates Ganj Bates Kenneth Baugh Vickey Beltran Shanee Ben-Haim Shannon D. Bennett Danielle Berthold Renee Betancourt Louis H. Bieler, Jr. Antoinette Bishop Vanessa Blazv Tatyana Blokhina Noel Blos Maria Barajas Liza Bongco Olivia Boudreaux Jean Branch Carolina Bravo Victoria Brooks Caitlin Brooks Kristin Brown Gale Brownlee Mary L. Burke Darwin Cabalsa Salome Cabunoc Stephanie Cambier Vivian Cansino Jorge Cardoba Cynthia and Rommel Carillo Fran Carter Rosalba Castaneda Giorgio Castillo Tatiana Castillo Nelva Castillo Linda Cazar Patricia Cha Jenny Chacon Tiela Chalmers Alice Chalmon Evan Chan Norm Chan Sze C. Chan Edmond Chan Juliet Chan-Mach Ken Chea Perry Chen Xiao Chen Victoria Chen Yang Chen Peter Cheng Carol Yun Kuen Cheung Diane Chew Ivan Chin Wiley Ching Anna Chodos Jennifer Chon Andrea Chong Felicia Chow Sybil Christopher Betty Christopher Gary Chu Patty Coggan Amanda Conroy Nuchele Contreras Shelly Cooper Leonardo and Lourdes Cordero Kenia Coronado Michele Cortez Patty Cowdina Dameon Craig Sylvia Crawford Maria Isabel Cruz Gracia Cuellar Michael and Patricia Daly David Dao Luis S. Ponce De Leon Carlos De Sousa Byron Decuire Jessica Delos Carlos DeSousa Barbara Dimanlig Judith F. Dispo Celestine Dixon Henrietta Domingo Peter J. Drachsler Chris Dunne Barbara A. Dykas Swet Eng Lynn Engel Leo Evangelista Lynne F. Feldsher Adam Ferguson Chanelle Fields-Davis Gretchen Flores Myron Fong Valerie Fralau Brandi Frazier Perry F. Fry Ceslie Galan Charley Galdamez Jessica Galens Mary C. Gamma Patricia J. Ganz Southard Jean Gapagas Joseph Garcia Timoteo Garcia James Genevro J. C. Gertsch Kim Giang Zipporah Giles Tina Gimenez Raymond Gin Mary P. Go Brooke Goforth Stuard Goldberg Rosalio Gomez Diana Gonzales Jackie Gray Rudy and Angie Graziani Marie Grill Inna Grinberg Cristian Guandigue Reena Gupta Carmen E. Gutierrez Lawrence Haber Jason Habing Brenda Halla Thomas and Frances Haney Kristin Hardy Moriah Hart Jacqueline Haslam Maria N. Haynes Rachel Heidt Michelle Henley Dennis and Leonora Henneberry Imelda Hernandez Yolanda Gayce Herron Jon Hicks Mary L. Hicks Arnold G. Hider Frances C. Hinojosa Cheryl Ho Maria Marcela Hodgers Renee Hsia Angela Hu Paing C. Huang Anna Huang Cindy Huang-Watson Auliya Hughes Russell Huie Ling Hung Tsaudez Ireia Jo Jackson Steven Jackson Christina Jaldon Leah Jarlsberg Lauris Jensen Tamara Johnson Virginia Johnson Kenneth Jones Mark Jones Chock and Susie Jong Tom and Sukyee Jow Carl Kacher Marilyn J. Kane Jennifer Kanenaga Jasmeen Karan Gary and Ilene Katz Delia Kelculawla Richard W. Keller MasuMa Keng Ken Kim Candace Kim Stephen Kiyoi Walter and Valerie Kocian John Ming Chuong Kong Joyce Konigsberg Andrea J. Kozimor Isaak and Zhanna Krasnov Hal Kress Jenna Kruger Mary Kuoch Helen Kwan Anthony Kwong Lily C. Lai Valentina Laletina Cindi Lam John Lam Alice Lam Christine Lan Linh Lan Norma Landucci Enrique Lantican Christina Lau Ken Lau Astor Laura Rowena Y. Law and Keith S. Yuen Evelyn Lawler Ether Lazo Rita Lee Eugene Lee Tsehainesh Legese Paul E. Lenoir Rosana Leon Joel James Leong Astor Leung Grace Leung Bonnie Lewis Donna Li Hua Li Lillian Li Manuel Li Jo Li Grace Liao Sandra Lieu Janet Lim Eduardo Lim Christina Limos Wilson Lin Simmie Lin Li-Li Lin Helen Lin Cecilia Lipp Sally Liu Aiwen Liu Roberto Liwanag Ashley Llarena Shane Loetterle Amy Logan Piper Logas Brian Long Stella Loo Andrea Lopez Luis Lopez Theresa Lorenzano Natasha Lowery Julia Lu Michael Lucas Anne Luetkemeyer Albert Luis Dominic Lung Wen J. Luo Jean Tran Bich Ly Victor Lyde Courtney Lyles Ruth K. Lym Frawley J. Lynch Michael Macayan Virginia Magno Elizabeth Maloney Cyndy Mande Evelyn Maningdine Margaret Mann Rogelio Manzana Carol Mao Annie Mar Terrence Marcotte, RN Vanessa Marsh Rosendo Martin Sue G. Martin Esperanza Martinez Antoinette Mason David Matchett and Carol Snow Lesley Mccaskey Anne McGowan Maureen McVerry Shanthony Mendoza Jorge Mestayer, Jr. Cynthia Mienert Melonie C. Miles Oscar Miranda Maria Molina Irene E. Molinari Jillian Mongelluzzo Mercedes I. Montecinos Grace Montelongo Luis Monterrosa John J. Montgomery Sandra Morales Michelle Moreia Richard L. Moresco Kazuhito Morioka Jessica Morton Lidia Moy Demissie Mukatu Edna C. Mulgrew Manjot Multani Donald and Lillian Munakata Jose Murillo Alicia and Sanjay Narayan Pat Nassos Alfonso Nepomuceno Khoung Ngo Frank Ngo Lang Nguyen Tuyet Nguyen Baotram Nguyen Tony and Mary Nguyen Jessica Nielson Ester Nino Shuusike Ninogara Manny Norona Notre Dame de Namur University Angela Ocampo Maureen O’Connor Karen O’Donnell William Olsen Jasminka Omerovic Adriana Oropeza Shirley Ortega and Jodi Garcia Alberto Ortega Susannah Owen Patricia Owens Wendy Palma P. Michael Panagopoulous Nancy Paquin Kortney Parman Josephine Pascua Mary Pastor Gloria S. Pastore Robert and Lia Pastore Swati and Dharmesh Patel Eleanor D. Paulsen Ludmila Pawlikowska Denise Payton Rachel Pechter Esperanza S. Pedrin Frank Pena Carmen Pena Richard Pennes Ralphe Peppars Laura Pereda John and Gene Perotti Nina Petsko Robert Pineda Andrea D. Pittman Roy and Lorraine Podesta Helen Pon C. H. Porter, Jr. Jennifer Potstada Steve Preminger Christini Probosinulo Laura Pullen Amy Quach Vinh Quanh Aisha Queen-Johnson Patricia C. Quinn Cecilia Quintanilla Yvette Radillo Mary Ramirez Howard Ratner Sherry Redd Britt Redick Allan Renken Margaret M. Resh Linda Reyes Jerry Reyes Annette Delos Reyes Janice Reynolds Grace Ricco-Pena Evelyn Rochemont Raquel Rodriguez Eva Romani Melissa Rosenstein Yunis and Grace Saeed Zohra Saiyed Laura Salcido Khin M. San Shinder Sandhu Aunite Santiago Eunice Santiago Jacqueline Sarangelo Rommel Sarangelo Balram Sarin Maria Rowena F. Satorre Susie Savala Bernadette Schild Carroll and David Schreibman Hernan L. Segre Hanif Shaika Vajid Shaikh Mohamed Shameem Patricia Shears Lynn Shey Emma Sicat, RN Matt Sier Alice Sing Jack Yeung Lai Yim Frances M. Yoshioka Brian and Doris Yu Sharm Yula Kay and Darrick Yun Adrian Yusuf John Zablan Nura Zalditar Mario and Julita Zaratan Isabella Zelaya Maria and Jorge Zuloaga Tribute Gifts In Honor of Betty Dvorson Leland Levy and Judy Huey In Honor of Dr. Joseph Roll Mary O. Gray, MD In Honor of Bill Schecter, MD William and Nancy Newmeyer In Honor of Dr. Margaret Knudson Law Office of Esther Herrera In Honor of Bo Han Su Clover Wu In Honor of Dr. Margot Kushel Vanessa Merton In Honor of Boe and Sophie Hayward Dillon Rogers and Adrienne Leight In Honor of Dr. Mark Wilson Hideyo and Kathleen Minagi In Honor of Brenda Lederman Fern Orenstein-Donenfeld In Honor of “God’s Grace In My Life” Mary Lou and Victor Durante In Honor of Canari Brooks Ashlye Wright In Honor of Aimee Fowler Carlson Elizabeth and Robert Devlin In Honor of Carol and Lyman Casey A. Michael and Jean K. Casey In Honor of Alana Baer Nancy Tivol In Honor of Alex Rosenblatt Mr. and Mrs. George H. Hume Robert and Michelle Friend Blair and Richard Shane Irene and Peter Tabet In Honor of Alex Rosenblatt’s Birthday Patric and Mary Powell In Honor of Alex Rosenblatt and Will Richardson John E. Fobes, II and Catherine Fobes In Honor of Cathy Walters Danielle Hummel-Sass In Honor of Charles Charnas Patric and Mary Powell Carol Watts Katharine H. Johnson In Honor of Charles Zukow Patricia Goldring In Honor of Cherise Marie Matthew Wesley Johnson In Honor of Christian Bundy Barbara K. Bundy In Honor of Dr. Orlo Clark Donald Mungai In Honor of Dr. Richard Coughlin Richard T. Levine and Kathy Ales, MD Joelle L. Benioff Veronica Sanchez and Jeffery Borenstein In Honor of Dr. Richard Schatz Richard and Kim Beleson In Honor of Dr. Rochelle Dicker and Wraparound Jose Miramontes, MD In Honor of Dr. Teresa Villela Lucy Bernholz In Honor of Dr. Theodore Miclau Albina Balser-De Vazquez and Rafael Vazquez-Rivera In Honor of Dr. Ven L. Wilson Earnestine L. Wilson In Honor of Dr. William Schecter Julie Baller and Howard Graves In Honor of All Dedicated Staff Members Mabel Chong In Honor of Clara and Luis Alberto Munoz Ricardo and Patsy Muñoz In Honor of all of the hardworking nurses at SFGH Megan Solomon In Honor of Clem Donahue, MD Josh Schechtel In Honor of Eleanor Drey, MD Philip Darney and Uta Landy In Honor of Connie Frank Richard and Margaret Tempero In Honor of Eric Hoffman Clara Mikowski In Honor of Connie Shanahan Joanna Rees and John Hamm Arthur L. Roth In Honor of George H. Clyde, Jr. Max and Brookes Byrd In Honor of all the homeless that need care Bruno and Velma Andreatta In Honor of Amy Busch Deborah Cook Shapiro Mary and Michael Wolfe In Honor of Amy Salomone and Nicholas Thornton LeAnn Thornton In Honor of Ana Sampera Sharon and John Wicher In Honor of Andy Ach Lawrence M. Howell In Honor of Debby Roisman Sandra Curtis In Honor of Don Fink, MD B. Diana Winyard and Norman Kahn In Honor of Dr. & Mrs. Jenson K. Wong Sarah Young In Honor of Anna Heath Rebecca A. Burad In Honor of Dr. Andre Campbell Antonio Garcia Stephanie Saporita In Honor of Annabella Marie Chigos Stephanie Chigos In Honor of Dr. Claude Hemphill Karl and Judith Weisgraber In Honor of Antionette Griffin, RN, MSN Laurie Barkin and Brian Brosnahan In Honor of Dr. Geoff Manley Kelly Bourke and Jeff Wartell Sakurako and William Fisher In Honor of Dr. Isaac V. Hardy Kristin Hardy In Honor of Gillian Otway Sharon and John Wicher In Honor of Grad Green Sharon and John Wicher In Honor of Harlan L. Kelly Jr. Jessica Romm In Honor of Healthy Boobs Lucie Tardif In Honor of James Donahoe Richard Nahem In Honor of Lannie Adelman Lois A. Peterson In Honor of James Joseph Connell Elaine E. Connell In Honor of Larry Baer Arthur Rock and Toni Rembe In Honor of Jamie Whittington and Peter Pastreich Jay and Sharon Levy In Honor of Laura Robertson, MD Linda Grais and John Freund Sophie W. Cole, MD In Honor of Janice Papedo RN, PhD Laurie Barkin and Brian Brosnahan In Honor of Leigh Kimberg, MD Linda Seidel and Michael Field In Honor of Jay Kloo Sharon and John Wicher In Honor of Jessica Price Genevieve Duboscq In Honor of Jessica Price Carol Winslow In Honor of Joann Siobal Mark S. Siobal In Honor of John Karan and Family Jasmeen Karan In Honor of Jose, Luis, and Anthony Escobar Cynthia and Rommel Carillo In Honor of Josephine Honn Judith Betro In Honor of Joshua Baer’s High School Graduation Amy and Jeff Block In Honor of Judge Herbert Donaldson Louise Swig In Honor of Judith Benkert Holly Cost and Jose Gutierrez In Honor of Judy and Richard Guggenhime Lindsay Swift David and Margie Guggenhime In Honor of Judy Guggenhime Hope Page and Al Norris Constance and Goodyear Baron Deirdre Henderson Lolly Lewis and Steve Kahl Evelyn Nussenbaum Betsy and Richard Perry Paul and Cynthia Pringle Norman Schlossberg Kendrick and Linda Wilson In Honor of Heather Bennett and Adam Schickedanz Rachel Berry-Millett Thomas Bodenheimer Henry and Brigit Hoppin Brian Mohlenhoff Sonja Healey In Honor of Julia Damasco Dennis and Susan Gilardi In Honor of Helen Marzan Diana Guevara In Honor of Kathryn Fowler Betty Ann Prien In Honor of Ian Ruder Susan Morse In Honor of Kathy Ballou Sharon and John Wicher In Honor of Jack McAninch, MD Michael and Sheila Humphreys In Honor of Kent Walker Barber Anne Matta In Honor of Julie Shulaw Margaret Allsebrook In Honor of Julin Tang, MD Grant and Austra Gauger In Honor of Leslie Dubbin Sharon and John Wicher In Honor of Leslie Holpit Sharon and John Wicher In Honor of Lisa Goldman Debra Rachleff In Honor of Lisa Hauswirth Hope Page and Al Norris Christopher and Deirdre Hockett Emily and Steve Janowsky In Honor of Lissa Sturdevant Gaylen Baxter In Honor of Loren Schaller Kathy and Emil Flock In Honor of Lynn & Matt Carbone Elisbeth Wallerstein In Honor of Many Wonderful People at SFGH Susan Kitazawa, RN In Honor of Margaret Timbrell Kate Goldstein-Breyer In Honor of Marlene Tran Winnie Tsang In Honor of Martha Ryan Matthew Ryan In Honor of Mary Bersot Joanne L. Howard Susan E. Porth Mark Sommer In Honor of Mary O’Connor Maureen O’Connor In Honor of Mary Powell Ann W. Eliaser In Honor of Matthew, Stephanie, and Annabella Chigos Ana C. Sampera, RN, MS In Honor of Michael Daly Carol G. Fink In Honor of Mike Silva Vincent Hoenigman In Honor of Moses Grossman, MD William and Roni Mentzer Linda Gerard and Daniel Grossman In Honor of Mr. & Mrs. Kwan Kit Chan Alice He In Honor of Mr. Lewis Pell Richard and Kim Beleson In Honor of Barbara and Irwin Moed Alison M. Paolercio, RN In Honor of Dr. David Auth Richard and Kim Beleson In Honor of Gilbert Brown Bliss Temple In Honor of Kevin Grumbach & Lisa Martin Anthony and Kate Grumbach | In Honor of Antonio Garcia Maura Donohue In Honor of Dr. Daniel Lang Margaret Mak and David Lichtman In Honor of Ed Tolentino Glynn I. Moses In Honor of James D. Marks MD, PhD Leopoldo Ortiz Supporting the Heart of Our City Vineeta Singh Tina Slater David Smith Jenine Smith David Snyder Erika Sol Fe Solis Megan Solomon Eric Suess Regina M. Sullivan Eric Sun Rita Sung Matthew Sur Abby Swinington Frances Tai Isaac Tam Rowena Tam Linda Tan Nelly Tan Augustine and Frances Tang Lorrie Tanioka Lourdes Tejuco Yvonne Tello Rosanna Thach Elmo and Evelyn Tharp Rita Tijerino-Diaz Douglas and Elena Tinloy Nam To Cindy Tom Vickie Tomola Kelly Toth Tho Tran Angela Tsai Sam Tse Goldie Tse Ping Tse Maw Maw Their Tur Rita Ung, CT (ASCP) Lan Ung Rafael F. Valdes Reginald Vanhook Manolo and Georginia Vanta Jacob Vattathil Krystina Vergara Jocelyn Vergel De Dios Michelle Vilar Cy Villarosa George Villavicencio Marigloria Villelas Elma Vlass Brigitte Watkins Anna Wegrzyn Mark Weinstein Catherine Weiser Michael Wen Ruby Westbrook Gabrielle Westergren Anna L. Wi Sherie William B. K. Williams Stacey A. Williams Mildred R. Wohl Eloisa Wolfert Joyce Wong Keith W. Wong Kathy Wong Ashlye Wright Ming Wu Stephanie Wu Angelique Xanthopoulos Phillip Xiao Aiqun Xu Kiyoko Yamasaki Benita Yan-Chiu Sarah Yang Frances Yee Andy Yeh 17 In Honor of Mr. Monroe Baer’s 90th Birthday Howard and Ellie Miller In Honor of Mrs. Fran Harvey James K. DiCarlo In Honor of Rachel Crandell Orkand Brian Bauer In Honor of Ms. Janie Friend Marsha and Ralph Guggenheim In Honor of Rebecca Jackson Deborah Cohan and Steven Schiff In Honor of Myles Russell Brooks Ashlye Wright In Honor of Richard Couglin, MD Stephen S. Hurst, MD In Honor of Nancy Herrera Meredith Rosenthal In Honor of Richie Shinn Kevin and Laura Dunne In Honor of Nancy Parker’s Retirement Hali Hammer and Margaret Hutchison In Honor of Robert Sampera Ana C. Sampera, RN, MS In Honor of Nela Ponferrada Sharon and John Wicher In Honor of Norman Null Lincoln Chu In Honor of Nurse Midwives of SF General Anonymous In Honor of Pam & Zachary Baer Betsy Blumenthal and Jonathan Root In Honor of Pam and Larry Baer Anonymous Nancy Tivol Richard and Kim Beleson Sakurako and William Fisher Laszlo N. Tauber Family Foundation San Francisco General Hospital Foundation In Honor of R.W. Strong Betsy and Gary Coover In Honor of Ms. Carol Myers John and Shirley Casey In Honor of Natalie A. Ayala Ashley Llarena 18 In Honor of Prisca Geeslin Paulette and David Kessler In Honor of Pam Baer Roger and Sloan Barnett Clare Gordon Judy and Gary Grossman Jennifer M. Johnson David Levine Sara H. Schnell Eric and Gayle Starr Swig Foundation Marilyn and Murray Waldman In Honor of Pam Baer’s Birthday Lynn and Scott Kobren In Honor of Patrick H. Maloney Elizabeth Maloney In Honor of Patti O’Connor Sharon and John Wicher In Honor of Paul Chaves Chaves & Associates In Honor of Paula Carien Schultz Judith L. Schultz In Honor of Paula Schultz Florence and Peter Hart In Honor of Paula Schultz’s Birthday Robert and Daphne Bransten In Honor of Peter R. Summers Agnes G. Summers In Honor of Shermineh Jafarieh and Jasbir Takhar Blue Walcer In Honor of the Trauma Center Staff Stanford M. Horn In Honor of Shieva Khayam-Bashi, MD Carolyn Smith Caroline A. Smith In Honor of the UCSF Clinical Lab at SFGH Valerie Ng and Kenneth Li In Honor of Shilo Ratner’s Great Art Work Betsy Ratner In Honor of Stephen and Merrill Sherwin Spencer Sherwin In Honor of Stephen Sherwin, MD Tom Mitchell In Honor of Roland Pickens Gene O’Connell and Joel Hurwitz In Honor of Steven and Barbara Vermut John A. Gibbons, Jr. In Honor of Rommel, Synthya, and Alyssa Solano Cynthia and Rommel Carillo In Honor of Sue Currin Sharon and John Wicher Peninsula Health Care District In Honor of Ruedi and Mattias Keller David and Renee Erle In Honor of Susan Magley & Associates Matthew Rigdon In Honor of Russ Burbank Scott and Ana Cristina Brubaker In Honor of Ruth Stumpf Rommie Lucia Malcolm Cravens Foundation Jamie N. Bowles Peggy Trethewey Cynthia W. Woods In Honor of Sally Lovett Patricia Nicholson In Honor of Sarah Accomazzo and Noah Finneburgh Loy Proffitt Mauro and Janet Accomazzo Helynna Brooke Kyle Carbert In Honor of Sarah Kim, MD Kristen Darmody In Honor of Vanessa Guerrero David Huang In Honor of Vanessa Guerrero and David Huang John Fu Jonas Hines Philip Shilane In Honor of Veronica Potestivo Raymond Gin In Honor of Wine Bev Kenneth Jones In Honor of his coworkers Robert Gnat In Tribute of Anita Turner Louise L. Patterson In Honor of Susan Sniderman Jennifer Lurie In Tribute of Elizabeth Welch Karen A. Tomcala In Honor of Suzanne and Ignatius Piscitello Mary Mercer In Tribute of Thomas Holton and Grant Campbell Thomas Holton In Honor of Sylvia Jacobson David Jacobson In Appreciation of the Care and Love from Dr. B. Harleman Gail Cocking In Honor of Teresa Callan Jennifer Spencer In Honor of Terry D. Carter Tommie and Mayfield In Honor of Terry Dentoni Sharon and John Wicher In Honor of the anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Patric Powell Ann W. Eliaser In Honor of SFGH Barbara A. Garcia, MPA In Honor of Boe, Sophie and Eloise Hayward Tom and Sara Hayward In Honor of SFGH Medical Social Workers John A. Cortez, LCSW In Honor of the Department of Family & Community Medicine David and Kathryn Werdegar In Honor of SFGH Nurse Midwives Hali Hammer and Margaret Hutchison In Honor of the Emergency Department Robert Gnat In Honor of SFGH Nurses Alison M. Paolercio, RN Art Yerkes In Honor of The Emergency Room Staff Margo Freistadt and Lynn Ludlow In Honor of Sheila Sutherland Janine Wilson In Honor of the Nurses Susan E. Brandt In Honor of the Marriage of Shermineh Jafarieh and Jasbir Takhar Catherine Coleman Satt Bains In Honor of the Nursing Staff at 6C Birth Center Mahlmeister and Associates In Honor of Shermineh Jafarieh Oliver Richner In Honor of Troy Williams Sharon and John Wicher In Honor of the Staff Working at 4-B Gail Cocking In Honor of the Suwanpimolkul Family Gompol Suwanpimolkul In Gratitude for Care of Charles Charnas Careth B. Reid In Memory of Margaret Eaker Mary E. Hildebrand In Memory of Alan Koch Tiela Chalmers In Memory of Barbara Asinelli Emogene Alexander In Memory of Elliot Rapaport, MD Francis and Diane McCarthy In Memory of Barbara Chang G. and T. Hallett Norman and Irene Lew Brian A. Lewis and Walter W.K. Chong In Memory of Erika Booker Gina B. Johnson In Memory of Bess and Sam Levy Robert M. Levy In Memory of Estela Garcia Neda Ratanawongsa, MD In Memory of Carl Benson Christina E. Benson In Memory of Father Thomas Phelan Michael and Mary Schymeinsky In Memory of Chester W. Lee Carol A. Lee In Memory of Christine Chourre McNamee Laurie O’Brien In Memory of Colleen Halligan Patricia Cha James and Nina Donnelley Bonnie Lewis Mary Maselli Don A. Olson, PhD and Nancy Olson The Retirement Research Foundation Thomas and Ruth Ann Watkins Pat Holliday Roger Halligan Gene Matsko Eike Waltz In Memory of Connor Bell John H. Bell In Memory of Corley Stevens Katherine L. Luttrell In Memory of Dan Theisen Anne and Matthew Cramer Matthew and Lynn Carbone In Memory of Darryl Y. Wong David Y. Wong In Memory of David Lee Derus Ruth A. Derius In Memory of Alan Lin Eliza and Dean Cash In Memory of Daw Kyin Kwe Thein Thein In Memory of Alma Petrini Rosalba M. Petrini In Memory of Dick and Marylouise Terheyden Jeanne Lynch In Memory of Andrew Marchetti Evelyn B. Gray Rudy and Angie Graziani Giuseppina Manetti Eva Romani In Memory of Angelica Beltran Vickey Beltran In Memory of Anna M. Coughlin Yayoi Kambara and Richard Coughlin Robert C. Durkin, MD and Paraluman Stice-Durkin Amir and Debra Matityahu Mohammadsaf T. Herfat Theodore and Kirsten Miclau In Memory of Anne E. Hresko Thomas M. Hresko In Memory of Anthony R. Silva Comerica Bank In Memory of Arthur Ratner Howard Ratner In Memory of Donna W. from Texas Annie Mar In Memory of Doris Lasky Lewis Brad Lewis In Memory of Doris T. Carlson Ralph A. Carlson In Memory of Dorothy Ann Wilson Sarah S. Wilson In Memory of Douglas Lee Glenn and Karen Szeto In Memory of Dr. Connie Wofsy Diane Jones, RN In Memory of Dr. John “Jack” Laurent Elizabeth Pinsor Vardamar In Memory of Dr. Sam Hughes Shelley Mitchell In Memory of Ernie W. Ko Anna L. Ko In Memory of Fernando C. Gomez Antonio Gomez In Memory of Filomeno Pignataro Vincent and Giuseppina Pignataro In Memory of Fred D. Corfec Carla J. Campodonico In Memory of Geeta Srinivas Vinita and Benoit Srinivas-Levet In Memory of Geeta Srinivas, MD, FACOG Bala Srinivas In Memory of Genie di San Faustino Richard and Michele Goss In Memory of George Grivet Lorna G. Deruyter In Memory of Gerald Saner Marilyn Saner In Memory of Gina Gustavo J. Vallejo In Memory of Gloria Vizcarrondo Louis Vizcarrondo In Memory of Harold & Rudy Kuan Tracey Gearlds In Memory of He Sook Chi David Chi Craig Corbitt Steven Low In Memory of Henry Morris Claire Richmond Donald and Shirley Hancock In Memory of Henry Steinisch Phil Maloney and Monica Steinisch In Memory of Holly Entzminger Brenda Entzminger In Memory of Irene Yeu Lisa Chew In Memory of James A. Smith, Jr. Elma Vlass In Memory of James C. Hayburn Ruth H. Cisek In Memory of Jamie Donahoe Edgar and Carol Donahoe Meredyth K. Skemp In Memory of Jean Parrott Karen Wong In Memory of Jeff Sato Domenique and David Buxton In Memory of Jeffrey Matthew Crotty Harry and Ann Roth In Memory of Jenny Soo Eunice Woo In Memory of Jerome Sapiro Mary E. Sapiro In Memory of Jimmy Hall Blanche L. White In Memory of Ly Dai Nguyen Phi N. Nguyen In Memory of Patrick F. Ebarle David and Esperanza Ebarle In Memory of Teng F. Tang Julin and Meiyu Tang In Memory of M.E. Bitterman Mary G.F. Bitterman In Memory of Pearl Mirosevich Toni Mirosevich In Memory of Teri Keyser Joseph H. Harris, Jr. In Memory of Mack Craig, Sr. Dameon Craig In Memory of Pete L. Peters Frances W. Peters In Memory of Marcus Law Dr. Clement Donahue In Memory of Peter Gregory FitzGerald George Shardlow In Memory of Thomas More Murphy Daniel and Lloyda Murphy In Memory of Joanne Kelly John M. Kelly In Memory of Mariana Canelo & Ramona Hernandez Gladys and Hernandez In Memory of John B. Molinari John and Susan Molinari In Memory of Thomas Oliver Theresa Harrelson In Memory of Ray Faure Alex and Judith Saldamando In Memory of Ulla Commins Alice Chen, MD In Memory of John C. Scully Megin Scully In Memory of Martha Matus Lorena Galo In Memory of Raymon Bass Ashlye Wright In Memory of Valerie McDonough Laura Hotiely In Memory of John Hejinian Christine L. Hejinian In Memory of Martin Selim Dora L. Ng In Memory of Rex Spray, RN Mary C. Magee In Memory of John J. Murphy, Sr. Mary L. Murphy In Memory of Marty Hill, RRT Richard Kallet In Memory of Rick Haber Alan and Angelita V. Gelb In Memory of John M. Dentoni Josephine Dentoni In Memory of Marvin Bloom, MD Mrs. Marvin H. Bloom In Memory of Robert A. Fishman, MD Robert and Gail Telfer In Memory of John McDougall Kern Susan M. Kern In Memory of Mary Ellingsen Laura Jean Ellingsen In Memory of Walter Newman Mr. and Mrs. George H. Hume Robert and Daphne Bransten Ann W. Eliaser William and Sally Neukom Ann and Peter Barden Philanthropic Fund Philip E. Bowles Amy Busch and Kevin Cameron James T. Chappell Vera Cole Dagmar Dolby Sara Donyea and Richard Damm Helene Ettelson Marcia Forman Tom and Myrna Frankel Wallace and Faega Friedman Jessica and Stephen Galloway Jerome and Leah Garchik Gloria G. Getty Douglas and Lisa Goldman John and Marcia Goldman Philanthropic Fund Judy and Jefferey Gough The Handlery Foundation Elaine Hilp James C. Hormel and Michael P. Nguyen Ann Irwin Donald M. Kay, MD John and Jane Knox C. Richard Kramlich Richard and Karen Landucci James and Anne Lazarus Emily Lee Fred Levinson Shari Libicki and Andrew Coblentz Kathleen Martinelli Leola M. McGrath Edith M. Merrifield Walter and Judith W. Miller MJM Management Group Monterey Mushrooms, Inc. Vanda Monti Tokie Nerio Thomas and JaMel Perkins Lynne D. Raider Victoria and Phillip Raiser Cynthia S. Schwabacher-Jamplis Connie and Kevin Shanahan Sherri Sugarman Roselyne C. Swig Robert Tufel Jean Wildberg Frances Petrocelli and Charles Wilson Jacqueline Young Lyman and Carol Casey In Memory of Jose Leon Sisneros Louie and Connie Sisneros In Memory of Mary June Allen Max Allen In Memory of Josephine Gapayao Jean Gapayao In Memory of Mary Newmann Sara J. Newmann, MD and Douglas Sovern In Memory of Julie Kirschner Susan and Sterling P. Meyer In Memory of Mary Serwick Stephen Ward In Memory of Julie Wong Annie Mar In Memory of Mary Wagner Edward Lynch In Memory of Keely Brzozowicz Ralph P. Ermoian, MD and Kristen Kelly, MD In Memory of Matthew Cocking Gail Cocking Henry and Mary Anne Cuenca Ryan Cuenca Carrie Cuenca Kimberly Roth In Memory of Lee Clayton Beverly C. Cramer In Memory of Lenore Sindler Allan P. Sindler In Memory of Leon Olson Sylvia Santiago In Memory of Leonisa Celis Immaculada S. Cayabyab In Memory of Leroy Christopher Betty Christopher In Memory of Lillian Kumansky George and Lillian Kumansky In Memory of Lillyane Rictmann Evelyn C. Madfes In Memory of Lionel Horwitz Georgiana Talusan Horwitz In Memory of Lisa M. Fuller Ralph P. Ermoian, MD and Kristen Kelly, MD In Memory of Robin Alexandra Murray Susan Duncan Deirdre Higgins In Memory of Robin Murray Tiffini Chow Randy E. Falk Donald H. Friedman IndexUniverse LLC In Memory of Rossano Roundtree Laura Gottlieb In Memory of Russell Lefevre Sylvia Santiago In Memory of Ruth Byrd Robert Byrd In Memory of Sam Kingston David Matchett and Carol Snow In Memory of Michael J. Madick, DDS James and Joan Paddor In Memory of Sook Ja Kim Young Ja and Arthur Lewis In Memory of Michele Mason Antoinette Mason In Memory of Sophia Porter C. H. Porter, Jr. In Memory of Mr. & Mrs. Chan Do Sit Judy S. Sit In Memory of Sophie Ann Williamson Hilary K. Seligman, MD In Memory of Mr. and Mrs. Enrique Garcia Odeon and Dorothy Briones In Memory of Stanley Florence Broussal In Memory of Mr. C.V. Briones Odeon and Dorothy Briones In Memory of Mrs. Verle Anne Campbell Grossman Chiyeko and Hanaes Ono In Memory of Norman J. Lattanza Lisa Lattanza, MD In Memory of Louis R. Orr and Gustavo Luna Ralph A. Carlson In Memory of Olga C. Clifton Margaret C. Boyd In Memory of Luciana Ballesteros Jon Ballesteros In Memory of Oma & Opa Munster Francine Sneddon In Memory of Stanley Jackson Steven Bromer In Memory of Stella Chin Denise Lew In Memory of Stella, Jim, Earl, Harold and Lamar Marie-Louise Tanner In Memory of Susan Bedor Rudich Barbara L. Haller, MD, PhD In Memory of Susan Marshall Paula J. Lum, MD In Memory of Tara Grassman Carina Baird In Memory of Willie and Justine Wilson Mark Wilson, MD In Memory of Yvonne Barillas Yvonne Tello In Memory of Zachary Josef Kabala John and Mary C. Kabala In-Kind Gifts 18 Rabbits Ayla Beauty Baruh Spirits Company Beaulieu Vineyard Bellafina Proscecco Benefit Cosmetics Bon Appetit Food Management Company Books, Inc. Laurel Village Laura Brainin-Rodriguez C. Mondavi & Family Julianne Carroll Alice Chen, MD Greta Cheng Effie Chow Clear Channel - San Francisco Clif Bar & Company Coach America CUSA FL, LLC Comcast SportsNet The Corner Office Isabel Cruz Cummins West, Inc. Cyrus Noble Bourbon Dance with Life Chiropractic Don Francisco’s Coffee Alicia Fernandez and Teresa Villela Ghirardelli Chocolate Company Harmony Capital LLC Hartmann Studios Hawaiian Ola Hint Water Anne Hughes, RN, PhD Jordan and Sarah Hymowitz Intuitive Touch Massage JC Decaux Jelly Belly Kaiser Permanente Kara’s Cupcakes KCBS Radio Rosangel Klein Teresa Lacayanga Maria E. Leach Levi Strauss & Co. Bradley H. Lewis, MD Lolly Lewis and Steve Kahl John M. and Judith A. Luce Fiona McCusker Richard G. McKinney, MD Jeremi McManus Theodore and Kirsten Miclau Mary Miller Michael Mondavi Family Estate Ricardo and Patsy Muñoz NBC11 Jasminka Omerovic We have done our best to ensure the accuracy of this list. Special Note: Due to the late timing of when we are notified of gifts or pledges made through third parties (i.e. workplace giving or combined charity programs) this listing may not be complete. As such, we will make every effort to include these donors in our next annual report. If you notice an error or omission, please contact Catherine Brobston at 415.206.3215 or In Memory of Mark T. McGuinness Jeanne Lynch In Memory of William D. Loring Keith E. Loring, MD | In Memory of Timothy Mannix Mary E. Mannix-Cantillon In Memory of Werner Brand Stefan G. Simon, MD Orange Photography Rachel Orkand Katherine Pang Peet’s Coffee & Tea Eliseo Perez-Stable Philz Coffee Pink Shutter Photobooths Quady Winery Diane Robbins Roesy Affair Event Planning San Francisco Business Times San Francisco Chronicle San Francisco Giants San Francisco Magazine Sephora USA, INC. Sodexo Health Care Services The Sports Basement, Inc. St. Francis Fountain Stages Salon William Todebush Trader Joe’s Urban Bazaar Virgin America Vodka Spirits West Coast Vending and Food Service, Inc. WHERE Magazine Whole Foods Market Deborah Wianecki Widmer Brothers Brewing Company World Team USA Meiwen Wu Shu-Mei Wu Young’s Market Company Supporting the Heart of Our City In Memory of Philip Macdonald Mickay D. Miller Sylvia Reynolds Linda and Tom Burns Frank Fennema David and Emily Scott Pottruck Helen H. Raiser 19 Board of Directors, Advisory Council, and Staff Board Of Directors Advisory Council Foundation Staff Matthew Paul Carbone President Eunice Azzani Sara E. Haynes, MPH Interim Executive Director & Director of Development Judy Guggenhime Chair Lynn Jimenez-Catchings George H. Clyde, Jr. Julia Damasco Kirsten Bibbins-Domingo, PhD, MD Vice President Susan Desmond-Hellman, MD, MPH Gretchen de Baubigny Tina and Neil L. Diver Lucinda and Grenville T. Emmet, III Mary Lu Everett Susan and Daniel Federman Jonathan Tsao Vice President Astrid and James C. Flood Mary Bersot, CFA Treasurer Jessica Galloway Helen Archer-Dusté, RN, MS Secretary San Francisco General Hospital Foundation Lyman H. Casey Pam Baer Vice President Connie Shanahan Vice President 22 Nancy Bechtle Tina Frank Sydney Goldstein Moses Grossman, MD Richard J. Guggenhime Charlene C. Harvey John H. Bell Brandt Hooker Amy Busch, PhD Eleanor and Philip C. Hopewell A. Sue Carlisle, PhD, MD Sheila and Michael Humphreys, MD Charles Charnas Mary Huss Susan A. Currin, RN, MS Lucy Johns. MPH Prisca Geeslin Talmadge E. King, Jr., MD Magdalen Mui Gretchen Lieff Lisa Hauswirth Sally N. Lovett Geoffrey T. Manley, MD, PhD John Luce, MD Theodore Miclau, MD Stephanie and William MacColl, Jr. Magdalen Mui Rosalie M. Marshall Ellen Magnin Newman James Messemer Ann Paras Leanne and James Monfredini Roland Pickens, MHA Herbert H. Myers Laura A. Robertson, MD Gene M. O’Connell Alex Rosenblatt Gerald B. Pang Philip S. Schlein David E. Post Patrick T. Smith Vivian Rapaport Ruth Ann Stumpf Laura and John W. Rende Leon Tuan William and Gisela Schecter Beth S. Veniar Paula C. Schultz Jamie Whittington Deborah G. Seymour Ex-officio Director David Sanchez, PhD Amir Azad Bookkeeper Ethel Bernal Database Administrator Catherine Brobston, MA Annual Fund Coordinator Molly Carter Capital Campaign Manager Rachel Dulay Interim Director of Finance and Operations Alice He Staff Accountant Patrick Heryford Development Officer, Corporate & Foundation Relations Elaine Leong Marketing & Events Coordinator Katie Moe Director of Marketing Nathan Pugh Senior Staff Accountant Leah Wagner-Edelstein, MA Development Officer, Individual Giving Charlotte Shultz Lucretia and John B. Sias Jo Schuman Silver Jean and Richard Slottow Maureen and G. Craig Sullivan Barbara Vermut, MSW, ACSW Paul Volberding, MD and Mary Cooke, MD Christine Wachsmuth, RN Michaela A. West, MD, PhD Charles Zukow Jack Dynis, Divided Heart (XO) Our Mission To promote excellence in research, education and care for all at San Francisco General Hospital and Trauma Center – The Heart of Our City. Supporting the Heart of Our City 2789 25th Street, Suite 2028 San Francisco, CA 94110 Tel 415.206.4478 Fax 415.206.5965 Printed on recycled paper
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