Bring all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be food in My


Bring all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be food in My
Bring all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be food in My house,
and try Me now in this,” Says the Lord of hosts,“If I will not open for you
the windows of heaven and pour out for you such blessing that there will not be
room enough to receive it.” (Malachi 3.10)
DIZIMO - os primeiros frutos
Edição I – 2013
Coordenator: UCKG HelpCentre
Layouts: Luis Bernardino
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No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means. Transgressors
will be prosecuted according to the law. Scripture quotations in this publication are from the New King
James Version, property of Thomas Nelson, Inc.
Important notes 8
Introduction Tithe - what does it mean? 10
The establishment of the tithe 15
The unfaithfulness and the poverty of the people of Israel
Let’s test ourselves
The difference between tithes and offerings 18
God is the Owner of everything TITHES and OFFERINGS
The blood of the Church 19
Money and the Work of God 20
God’s “obligation” de Deus 21
The tithe and the tither 22
Criticism despite all evidence 22
The right to demand 23
Partners of God 24
Unlimited blessings vs. Limited blessings 24
The blessings resulting from the offerings 25
Evaluated according to the tithes and offerings 7
1st - How should an employer give tithe? 27
2 - How should the self-employed tithe? 29
3rd - How should an employee tithe? th
4 - Does the employee have to give the tithe when they take
advance money? th
5 - When you get a loan, is it necessary to give the tithe? 6th - Do I need to give the tithe of a transportation allowance? 30
7th - How should be the tithe of those who do not work? 8th - How should a person give the tithe of sold goods? 31
9th - How should a pensioner tithe? 31
10th - How should a person who works on commission tithe? th
11 - When you receive goods, should you tithe? 32
12th - How should a person who buys and sells goods tithe? th
13 - Can I not give the tithe this month and give it next month? 32
14th - Can I give the tithe on behalf of someone else? 33
15th - Can I give the tithe in any church? 34
16th - Where should I place the tithe? th
17 - Can I give the tithe to the poor? To be a tither is 35
Gift Aid 36
Testimony 8
Important notes
Much is said about the tithe. The greatest part of Christianity recognises it and
adopts it as an unquestionable biblical practice. However, questions have risen in
the hearts of God’s children for listening to many rumours coming mainly from
the world and the media—rumours that can turn into doubts.
This book will help you, faithful servant of God, to defend your faith from these
attacks and to conquer for your life the blessings that come from the practice of
returning the tithe.
NOTE: All the biblical references found in this booklet were extracted from the New
King James Version of the Bible.
Tithe—what does it mean?
Before we construct any critique regarding the tithe, it is important to know,
in first place, its literal and spiritual significance.
It is impossible for a Christian or any other human being to grasp the importance of the tithe for their personal life and for the Work of God without first
understanding its value.
The word “tithe” comes from the Hebrew language, asar, and it means ten or
the tenth part. However, if we analyse its root, we will find out that it means to
accumulate, to grow, to enrich. In other words, when we surrender the tenth
part of what we receive monthly or of the profits of a business or company to
God, we are, unlike many people think, going to be favoured with God’s blessings, receiving financial prosperity, growth, and accumulating possessions.
One of the greatest signs that the act of returning the tithe brings prosperity is
in the intensity with which God orders the people of Israel to bring the tithes
to His house and, thereafter, test Him:
Bring all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be food
in My house” (Malachi 3:10)
God also promises to rebuke, through the tithe, the demon that causes money
poverty, which the Bible calls, “the devourer”. This demon has been the main villain in the lives of many people on the face of the earth. Not one country is free
from it. Even the so-called developed nations are filled with beggars and people
who live in the brink of poverty; this is because this evil spirit works specifically
on a person’s finances, causing losses, unemployment, debts, bankruptcy, etc. It
And I will rebuke the devourer for your sakes, so that he will
not destroy the fruit of your ground, nor shall the vine fail to bear
fruit for you in the field,’ says the LORD of hosts.” (Malachi 3.11)
The spiritual meaning of the tithe goes far beyond its monetary value. It’s
through the tithe that many souls are saved all over the world, for it enables
men and woman of God to spread the Good News, the Gospel of Salvation,
to the four corners of the world.
Through the tithes, the Church can reach out to millions of people, simultaneously, through radio and TV programmes, newspapers, leaflets, etc.
Tithes are also used to maintain the house of God, where every day many
people who are tormented, sick, addicted and oppressed find relief from
their burdens, spiritual deliverance and have their lives transformed.
The Church plays an important role in our society. It brings the lost and needy closer to God, leading them to a new, blessed and happy life. This is why
it is so important that we keep the Church open every day. And so, a person who understands the spiritual meaning of the tithe is blessed; their faithfulness, intrinsically connected to the salvation of millions of souls, makes
them valuable allies of God in the war against the devil.
Their lives will certainly be blessed and their prayers heard by the Lord Jesus.
“Now My eyes will be open and My ears attentive to prayer
made in this place. For now I have chosen and sanctified this house,
that My name may be there forever; and My eyes and My heart will
be there perpetually.” (2 Chronicles 7.15,16)
The act of returning the tithe plays an important part in the history of God’s people. They would always give the first ten per cent of their crops and herds to God.
Abraham was one of the first men in the Bible to return the tithe. Right after the
God of Israel promised him that he would be the father of a great nation and the
owner of all the land where he lived, Abraham built an altar for the offerings and
the tithes:
Then the LORD appeared to Abram and said, ‘To your descendants I will give this land.’ And there he built an altar to the LORD,
who had appeared to him” (Genesis 12.7)
Although there were no laws or regulations that officially established the tithe,
Abraham frequently presented it on the altar, where the religious ceremonies
of praise and sacrifice to the True God were celebrated. When his nephew Lot
was taken captive by King Chedorlaomer and his allies, Abraham took with him
three hundred and eighteen men and chased after them until he defeated them,
freeing his nephew and bringing in the spoils. And, once again, Abraham made
sure he separated the tithe of the spoils and handed it to the priest:
Then Melchizedek king of Salem brought out bread and wine;
he was the priest of God Most High. And he blessed him and said:
‘Blessed be Abram of God Most High, Possessor of heaven and earth;
and blessed be God Most High, Who has delivered your enemies into
your hand.’ And he gave him a tithe of all.” (Genesis 14.18-20)
A person expresses unrestricted trust in God when he or she returns the
tithe; in exchange for their trust, they receive a fulfilled and happy life from
Him. Abraham was a living testimony of that. He believed, he was faithful
and he loved the Most High God like none of his contemporaries. He himself
decided to honour God with the tenth part of all that he had, without selfish
ambitions or greed. God knew Abraham’s heart and the zeal that he had for
His house. This is why God blessed him and his family, extending his posterity and giving him a long and abundant life:
This is the sum of the years of Abraham’s life which he lived: one
hundred and seventy-five years. Then Abraham breathed his last
and died in a good old age, an old man and full of years, and was
gathered to his people.” (Genesis 25.7,8)
The establishment of the tithe
The law that established the tithe in Israel originated from the need to sustain
the tribe of Levi, which was designated to care exclusively for the tabernacle of
meeting. The tribe of Levi would not work in normal trades and should dedicate themselves entirely to the service of the congregation. Therefore, since they
could not work to provide for their families, God determined that part of the
harvests, of the animal offspring and of everything that was usually traded be
given in the temple:
The LORD said, ‘Behold, I have given the children of Levi all
the tithes in Israel as an inheritance in return for the work which
they perform, the work of the tabernacle of meeting. Hereafter the
children of Israel shall not come near the tabernacle of meeting,
lest they bear sin and die. But the Levites shall perform the work
of the tabernacle of meeting, and they shall bear their iniquity; it
shall be a statute forever, throughout your generations, that among
the children of Israel they shall have no inheritance. For the tithes
of the children of Israel, which they offer up as a heave offering to
the LORD, I have given to the Levites as an inheritance; therefore I
have said to them, ‘Among the children of Israel they shall have no
inheritance.’” (Numbers 18.21-24)
The people would give the tithe of their crops and herds, except for the animals that were considered impure. As the animals were taken to the pastures,
one from each ten was separated as the tithe. The produce from the land, after
being offered, could, according to the convenience or necessity of the producer, be exchanged for money, as long as the values were two times relative to
the value of the produce. But, the redemption of the tenth part of the sheep
flock or of the herd of cattle was not allowed, for they were considered most
holy to the Lord.
Nevertheless no devoted offering that a man may devote to the
LORD of all that he has, both man and beast, or the field of his possession, shall be sold or redeemed; every devoted offering is most holy
to the LORD.” (Leviticus 27.28)
As long as the children of Israel followed God’s principles and gave the tithe of
all that they possessed, they prospered. They had abundant harvests and their
herds were increased.
The children of Israel became so rich that the tabernacle was too small to receive their tithes, that is, the animals and all the produce of the field that were
taken to the priests every month:
As soon as the commandment was circulated, the children of
Israel brought in abundance the firstfruits of grain and wine, oil and
honey, and of all the produce of the field; and they brought in abundantly the tithe of everything. And the children of Israel and Judah,
who dwelt in the cities of Judah, brought the tithe of oxen and sheep;
also the tithe of holy things which were consecrated to the LORD
their God they laid in heaps.” (2 Chronicles 31.5-6)
The unfaithfulness and the poverty of the
people of Israel
As the years passed, the children of Israel began to forget God’s commandments;
they desecrated His house, offering impure animals on the altar of the tabernacle, and stopped giving the tithe. The consequences were disastrous.
The land was struck with poverty, and its inhabitants suffered with hunger.
The land no longer produced in abundance, and the animals were born sick, if
not cripple.
The people who delighted in plentiful harvests were now living off the crumbs
of fruitless plantations.
In a way, the priests were responsible for the devastation of Israel, for they
allowed the people to act freely, without warning them about the consequences
of their unfaithfulness to God:
For the lips of a priest should keep knowledge, and people
should seek the law from his mouth; for he is the messenger of the
LORD of hosts. But you have departed from the way; you have
caused many to stumble at the law. You have corrupted the covenant
of Levi,’ Says the LORD of hosts. ‘Therefore I also have made you
contemptible and base before all the people, because you have not
kept My ways but have shown partiality in the law.” (Malachi 2.7-9)
The children of Israel were also to blame for their unfaithfulness to God, since
every individual’s responsibility towards God and His law must be a pure and
voluntary expression of faith—and not an obligation.
Let’s test ourselves
Many people know and believe that, if they test God, they will receive a positive
Many are those whose tithe today is equal to the salary they received when they
became tithers, that is, their salary has been multiplied by ten. Who benefits
from this? God and the tithers themselves. Indeed, with your salary’s increase,
you will live better, calmer and happier. You will help your church to save those
who are lost, without the knowledge of the Word of God.
Examine yourselves as to whether you are in the faith. Test
yourselves. Do you not know yourselves that Jesus Christ is in you?—
unless indeed you are disqualified.” (2 Corinthians 13.5)
The difference between tithes and offerings
The tithe is the first 10% of all our income—this is a commandment.
The offering is different because it is not a commandment. You give if you want.
God sees our faithfulness to Him when we return the tithe, and He sees our love
and dedication to His Work when we give our offerings. The Lord said:
... For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.”
(Luke 12.34)
Offerings are so important that the Apostle Paul dedicated two chapters of his
second letter to the Christians who were at Corinth to talk about them.
“For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though
He was rich, yet for your sakes He became poor, that you through
His poverty might become rich.” (2 Corinthians 8.9)
And he also warned Timothy about the dangers of greed:
For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil, for which
some have strayed from the faith in their greediness, and pierced
themselves through with many sorrows.” (1 Timothy 6.10)
The love of money—and not money itself—is the root of all evil; this is what
enslaves people. God tests our love for Him through our tithes and offerings.
God is the Owner of everything
To clarify a bit more about the tithe, let’s take the following example: usually,
people who own uncultivated land rent it to farmers so they will look after it;
this is the agreement: farmers will clean the land and furrow it, kill ants and
harmful insects, sow the seed and take care of it until the harvest. Then, they
pay the landowners part of what they have harvested, which most of the times is
50% of the produce.
Now, God asks for 10% of all our income—very little compared to what He has
given us. Our life, our intelligence, our existence, the earth, the rain, the sun, in
short, everything that exists in the world, as well as in heaven, belong to Him
and we are nothing but mere administrators of what is His.
Now therefore, if you will indeed obey My voice and keep My
covenant, then you shall be a special treasure to Me above all people;
for all the earth is Mine.” (Exodus 19.5)
The blood of the Church
It is the Holy Spirit who guides His Church. He reveals the Kingdom of God to
the world. However, the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ would never be able to
spread the Gospel of Salvation to the nations if it weren’t for an indispensable
tool: money. It was precisely for this reason that God established the law of tithes
and offerings in the Church.
We understand that money is for the Church what blood is for the human body.
Money makes it possible for people to receive eternal life wherever they are: at
home, in hospital, in prison, etc. Billions of people will spend eternity in hell
simply because no one told them about salvation through Jesus Christ. And if
there was no one to tell them about Jesus, it’s because there was no one to finance
the missionary work through their tithes and offerings.
Bring all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be food
in My house.” (Malachi 3.10)
Money and the Work of God
If Christians all over the world loved those who are lost more, they would not
hesitate to offer their money to the Work of God, and the means of mass communication would not be in the hands of unbelievers. Imagine if, right now, you
who have the desire and the faith to win souls for the Lord Jesus had an opportunity to speak to all the nations of the world at once, how many souls would you
win for the Lord Jesus Christ? But this is not possible… Why not? Simply because we do not have enough money to pay for that. The truth is, Christians are not
really doing all they can. When we set our minds to do something, everything is
possible. Apostle Paul said:
I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” (Philippians 4.13)
Money is an essential tool in the Work of God. It can change the course of this
world through the living and powerful message of the Gospel of the Lord Jesus
Christ. Money is so important in the Work of God that God invites us to test
Him in tithes and offerings (Malachi 3:10).
Every Christian should have the desire to be blessed financially, to enjoy God’s
generosity and show through their own lives that God is truly the Owner of all
the gold and silver on the face of the earth, as it is written:
The silver is Mine, and the gold is Mine,’ says the LORD of
hosts.” (Haggai 2.8)
God’s “obligation”
When we pay our tithes to God, He is obligated (because He promised) to fulfil
His Word and rebuke the devouring spirits that destroy people’s lives, causing
sickness, accidents, addictions, social degradation, etc. When we are faithful tithers, we enjoy all the plenitude of the earth, having God on our side, blessing
us in everything we do. The tithe is the first ten per cent of a person’s income,
which is dedicated to God.
The Lord established the tithe as a tax that His creation had to pay. Every citizen
has to pay their taxes to the government in order to enjoy the benefits of their
countries; likewise, through our tithes, those who are in darkness can benefit
from the message that we preach—through radio and TV programmes, newspapers, etc. The tithe is important to God and to the Church. Today, it is impossible
to save those who are lost without money.
The tithe and the tither
Paying the tithe is extremely important to the tither. Abraham, for example, only
became truly blessed after paying his tithe to Melchizedek.
Only after this act of faith, submission, and faithfulness did God establish His
covenant with Abraham, saying:
And I will make My covenant between Me and you, and will
multiply you exceedingly […] As for Me, behold, My covenant is
with you, and you shall be a father of many nationss.” (Genesis 17.2-4)
Thus, Abraham became the father of a great nation, Israel, and the predecessor
of Jesus, our Saviour.
The tithe is so important that it was established well before the Ten Commandments, and if it was important before the Law and also during the Law, why
wouldn’t it be after the Law as well?
On one occasion, Jesus was rebuking the scribes and the Pharisees about the way
they practised the Law. He taught that justice, mercy and faith are the most important things that you can take from the Law of Moses; however, they shouldn’t
omit the others that are also important. In this specific case, one of the “weightier matters of the law” that Jesus Christ talks about is nothing more nothing
less than the tithe. It says:
Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you pay tithe
of mint and anise and cummin, and have neglected the weightier
matters of the law: justice and mercy and faith. These you ought to
have done, without leaving the others undone.” (Matthew 23.23)
Criticism despite all evidence
Whenever we speak about the tithe, we become the target of jokes, objections
and criticism. Obviously, if a person does not have spiritual understanding, even
if they are able to understand the definition of tithe, they will have a hard time
accepting the fact that they need to obey this determination from the Creator.
Those who do not understand or disagree with God in this aspect will naturally
find it very difficult to accept to give 10% of their (almost always) hard earned
salary to the church without knowing what will be done with it.
Millions of people, however, have been abundantly blessed through the practice
of giving the tithe.
The right to demand
Who has the right to test God and demand what He has promised? The tithers!
This is one of the main reasons we should give the tithe. We can and are entitled
to put God to the test. He Himself invites us to do just that, and such invitation
is made with regards to the tithe:
Bring all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be food
in My house.” (Malachi 3.10)
We know many famous people who have tested God with regards to the tithe
and have become great millionaires, such as Mr Colgate, Mr Ford and Mr Caterpillar. Men like these, who, despite their businesses and wealth, worried about
being faithful to God, tend to be more and more blessed.
Try Him in this aspect and you will see what will happen in your life. Everyone
will be surprised by your prosperity. Your money will not end, on the contrary,
it will multiply in such a way that you will be able to acquire what you’ve always
wanted. You will not lack absolutely anything, for the Lord will be with you.
The Lord is my shepherd: I shall not want” (Psalm 23.1)
Partners of God
Fullness of peace, joy, happiness and pleasure. Fullness of food, energy and
strength. Fullness of health, love and life. This is what awaits you if only you
would put into practice something so basic, yet so important. One of the biggest
revelations to man is that God wants to be our Partner. He wants us not only to
enjoy His blessings but also to help Him share His Word with everyone. When
God created man, He made him according to His image and likeness, so that he
would have communion with Him. God wants to have with us the same relationship He had with Jacob.
The foundation of our relationship with God is: what belongs to us (our life, our
strength, our money) belongs to God, and what belongs to Him (the blessings,
peace, happiness, joy and every good thing) belongs to us. We become partakers
of all that belongs to God. The Bible says that we are co-heirs with Christ and
heirs of God:
Therefore you are no longer a slave but a son, and if a son, then
an heir of God through Christ” (Galatians 4.7)
One of the most impressive things about God is His concern for humankind
Throughout the Bible, we see God inviting humankind to have communion with
Him and enjoy true happiness. God blesses everyone who calls upon Him in
spirit and in truth. When we are His allies, we are committed to Him and He
with us. We belong to each other and walk together, in the same way God treated
Adam and Eve before they disobeyed, giving them an abundant life and having
communion with them daily.
Unlimited blessings vs. Limited blessings
The blessings resulting from the tithe are limitless, that is, they never end. Faithful tithers are always receiving blessings, not only financial but also physical
and spiritual ones. Tithing blesses the tither in all the areas of their life, because
it was established by God.
When God created the earth, He took a day of rest. That day represented the
tithe. When He gave Adam and Eve the Garden of Eden, He gave them authority over everything but the tree of knowledge. That tree represented the tithe.
The Lord Jesus is the Tithe of God. He was given by God so that we could have
a godly nature. So, tithing is extremely important for the physical, spiritual and
financial life of faithful Christians.
The blessings resulting from the offerings
The blessings resulting from the offerings are many, but not as many as those
resulting from the tithe—these are unlimited. The blessings that result from the
offerings are somehow limited. For example, when Abel brought his offering to
the Lord, he took the best of his flock, which were the “first fruits”, that is, the
first fruits of his flock to God. Cain also brought an offering to the Lord, the
fruit of his crop. However, the Lord accepted Abel’s offering, as he brought in the
first fruits of his animals, whereas Cain did not please the Lord, for he did not
bring in the first fruits of his crops. God also praised the poor widow when gave
two coins because, from her poverty, she gave her all. The truth of the matter is:
when someone brings an offering to the Lord, He does not look at the amount,
whether it is much or little, but whether the person is giving his or her best. God
never looks at what a person is bringing in their hands, but rather at what is left
in their pocket.
Evaluated according to the tithes and
God compares the offering that we give to the offering that we could give. According to Jesus, the poor widow gave more than all of the rich people around her.
Why? Because she gave all she had. Those rich men gave huge sums, but they
were leftovers in their pockets. The leftovers from our tables are what we usually
give to the pigs. Indirectly, those people treated God like a fool, because they
gave what was left over. Offerings bring blessings when they are given with love
and dedication; we receive in the same way that we give offerings. If we sow little,
then we will reap little. They are so important that the Apostle Paul dedicated
two chapters of his second letter to the Christians who were at Corinth to talk
about them (2 Corinthians 8:9).
When we return the tithe, God sees our loyalty to Him. When we give our offerings, God sees our love and dedication to His Work. In both cases, God gives
us the opportunity to show how much we love Him, just as the Lord Jesus says:
... For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” (Luke
Money is to the Work of God as blood is to the human body. God allows His
Church to need money because He wants His servants to teach people to give
their offerings and tithes, so they may also receive. Jesus says:
Give, and it shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed
down, and shaken together, and running over, shall men give into
your bosom. For with the same measure that ye mete withal it shall
be measured to you again.” (Luke 6.38)
For people to receive good measure, they need to give first. The Apostle Paul,
giving instructions to Timothy, said:
For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some
coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves
through with many sorrows.” (1 Timothy 6.10)
Money is not the root of all evil. It’s the love of money that enslaves people. We
believe that God asks for money through tithes and offerings to test His children.
1st - How should an employer give tithe?
The tithe of an employer is not calculated in the same way as the employee; it is very
different and there are many other things to consider, in order to avoid any mistakes
and consequently, to avoid any future financial problems in the company.
To find the correct amount of the tithe of the business, it is necessary to use the equation (E - D) x 10% = tithe.
This is: E = revenue yield (sales or services) and D = business expenses (taxes, rents,
wages, etc.). With this small mathematic formula, any business is able to calculate
the correct amount of tithe that should be withdrawn. To illustrate this better, these
calculations should be followed in the examples below:
Let us say that one month, your business had a turnover of £15,000, and the expenses for the employees, taxes, water, electricity, telephone, basic materials and the rent
was to the value of £12,800. Apply the equation, which is: £15,000 - £12,800 = £2,200
x 10% = £220. The tithe is £220,00.
These calculations apply only with small companies, whose bill never exceeds this
limit, as it is a small enterprise. In the case of larger companies, the basic calculation
is always through the account balance, where it is deducted from the value of the
profit or labour of the owner.
Conclusion: The tithe of the business should be taken from the labour or from the
profit of the company and not from gross monthly bills. This attitude could cause
irreparable damage to the structure of the company or even stop it from growing.
Look at the example below:
A company had a turnover of £15,000 and their expenses were £12,800. After the
equation mentioned (£15,000 - £12,800 = £2,200 x 10% = £220), the correct tithe
is £220,00. But, if the company gives the tithe of the gross value of turnover, that
is £1,500,00, it will give £1.280,00 more than the correct value of the tithe owed; it
would completely invalidate its activity, for not earning income for the maintenance
of the company and of their families.
There is still the case of the business owner wanting to tithe from the profit of their
company and not just from individual profit. In this case, they should proceed in
the same way for the purpose of calculations, taking into account any peculiarities.
2nd - How should the self-employed tithe?
A person who is self-employed works as a freelance or the owner of a business
rather than an employer, e.g. selling beauty products, electrical items, imported items, barbers, hairdressers, beauticians, bricklayers, painters, etc. The formula to calculate the tithe is simple.
We will take as an example a bricklayer who was hired to renovate a house for
£5,000. In this case, multiply the total value by 10%. Let’s see:£ 5,000 x 10% =
£500,00. This is the correct tithe.
If the value of renovating the house did not include construction materials,
so the bricklayer should include them as expenses. For example: the budgeted
price was for £5,000,00, and the materials £2,250.
Then, £5,000 - £2,250 = £2,750 x 10%. The tithe would be £275.
Generally speaking, people who are self-employed should always take out of
the monthly or weekly bill the expenses with tools and any other products; the
tithe should only be taken out from the profit.
When the tithe is taken from the gross income, it is possible tithe is being
taken from what is not profit. For example, a dressmaker sells a dress for £250.
The fabric cost £185 and the trimmings cost £45. Then, £250 - £185 - £45 =
£20 X 10% = £2.
The correct tithe is £2. If the dressmaker gives the tithe of the gross income of
the dress, that is, £25, it would be exceeding the amount of the tithe by £23.
The tithe should always be taken from the profit and not from the gross.
3rd - How should an employee tithe?
Every employee should be aware of the following topics: salary, benefits and
deductions. The tithe of the salary of an employee should be from the gross
monthly income and not from the net income. Let’s see why. The salary of
an employee discounts social security (which gives the employee the right to
public hospitals and other services), health insurance, meal allowances, etc.
These are not expenses, but benefits that are utilised by the employee.
Sometimes, deductions are made by the HMRC, for those who earn above the
determined value, but this tax is also considered as a benefit, as generally, it is
returnable if you have dependents (children, etc.)
4th - Does the employee have to give the tithe
when they take advance money?
When you take advance money in the middle of the month, the tither has
two options: he can immediately give the tithe and deduct it at the end of the
month, or save it all to take out the tithe when you receive the complete salary.
It should be pointed out that if you ask for an advance in your salary, the
amount you will receive at the end of the month will be smaller. To avoid
compromising your faithfulness to God, it is advised that you tithe from the
advance, so it will not accumulate.
5th - When you get a loan, is it necessary to
give the tithe?
In the case of a loan, it is not necessary to take out the tithe, because the payment of the financial instalments has to come from a source of income that
you should already have tithed.
6th - Do I need to give the tithe of a transportation allowance?
In this case, it is important to know the mechanism of this benefit. It is advised
that you consult your own pay slip or go to the personnel department of the
company that you work for to verify the discounted value.
7th - How should the tithe of those who do
not work be?
The tithe is always ten per cent of a person’s salary, the company’s profits, seasonal
jobs, or benefits.
However, a person should never give the tithe of what does not belong to them. For
example, a woman receives money from her husband to do the shopping for the
month, and she decides to give the tithe on behalf of her husband.
We can affirm that this is wrong. A person cannot give the tithe for someone else
without their consent, even if this person is your husband.
If the husband gives his wife money so she can use it as she pleases, then she must
give the tithe; but she should not tithe the money for the groceries or to pay the bills.
8th - How should a person give the tithe of sold
Normally, when a Christian buys goods, furniture and properties, the money
used to buy them is already tithed. In this case, it is not necessary to separate the
tithe again, except in cases in which there are profits; but, it is worth emphasising
that the tithe should be taken from the profit and not from the value of gross
The tithe of the total sales of goods should be separated only if the owner, during
the period of acquisition, bought with money that was not tithed or received it
as an inheritance.
9th - How should a pensioner tithe?
Pensioners usually receive the wages on a monthly basis and without discounts;
therefore, they should give the tithe of the gross amount.
10th - How should a person who works on
commission tithe?
Just like a normal employee, those who work on commission should give the
tithe from the gross salary.
11th - When you receive goods, should you
We should analyse each case carefully. Let’s say a person who has no income, or
earns very little, inherits a house that is worth £50,000. In this case, the person
can start paying the tithe on a monthly basis or take the tithe when the property
is sold. In case of small goods or gifts, you should act according to your conscience. Even if it is an insignificant amount, it’s your faithfulness that pleases
12th - How should a person who buys and
sells goods tithe?
People who buy and sell goods should take the tithe from profit and not
from the gross. For example, a car dealer buys a car for £10,000 and sells it
for £12,500. With this sale, the profit is £2,500. Using the formula mentioned
above: £12,500 – £10,000 = £2,500 x 10% = £250. The tithe is £250.
13th - Can I not give the tithe this month and
give it next month?
There are many situations that can lead a Christian to be in this situation, but it is
important to remember that our faithfulness to God should be above any circumstances. The tithe is the first fruits of a person’s income. Failure to do so opens a
door for the devouring spirits to act again! There are many who failed to give their
tithe properly and were never able to settle their financial lives again.
The correct thing to do is to serve God in first place, and then others:
Honor the LORD with your possessions and with the firstfruits
of all your increase; so your barns will be filled with plenty, and your
vats will overflow with new wine.” (Proverbs 3.9-10)
14th - Can I give the tithe on behalf of
someone else?
The tithe, as we mentioned before, is an individual act that expresses dependence
on God. So it cannot be given on behalf of the husband, the wife, the children or
relatives without their consent. There are people who act thoughtlessly and sometimes cause confusion and inconvenience to their families. For example: a Christian wife who works alongside her unbelieving husband in a family trade should
never take the tithe without her husband’s consent, unless he himself takes it or
gives her permission to do so.
15th - Can I give the tithe in any church?
The purpose of the tithe is to maintain the house of God. The Bible does not mention a specific church, but it does say that we should bring it to the house of God.
However, we believe a person should give the tithe in the church he or she attends,
takes part in the Lord’s Supper, and hears the Word of God.
16th - Where should I place the tithe?
The tithe should be placed on the altar of the church, as the Bible teaches. Through the tithes, the Church can fund evangelisation projects, pay the bills (e.g.
water, electricity, telephone, etc.) and open new temples.
17th - Can I give the tithe to the poor?
The tithe cannot be used randomly, although it would help the needy and deprived. However, the Church is responsible for the administration of the tithes. If
all Christians decided to use the tithe to make donations to the poor, the Church
would not be able to function properly. Sincere Christians know the needs of
their Church and, therefore, would never use their tithe incorrectly, even if it
looks like a noble gesture.
To be a tither is:
- To be grateful for everything that one has: health, the air that they breathe, physical and mental strength, etc. When a person does not know what they should be
grateful for, it’s because they are not faithful!
- To have consideration for others, so they will never depend of anyone. A person
who does not consider others ends up depending on them. When we put God
first, we don’t bother about our own position.
- To not allow the desire to achieve material things have dominion over you. You
must always seek to have self-control.
- To consider money as a tool and not as your main objective.
- To develop the habit of giving. In this way, you will always grow and nobody will
be able to prevent this from happening.
- To be generous. Tithing makes you a mature person, who is able to establish
what you conquer.
- To not give money to the Church or to God as a form of contribution; otherwise,
it will be good for nothing, not even for your own benefit.
Gift Aid:
What is Gift Aid?
The government has provided a way to assist every registered charity. This way is
called “Gift Aid”. It is a government initiative to make your donations worth more
to the UCKG HelpCentre. We can claim tax relief on your donations at no extra
cost to you.
How do I know if I can sign the Gift Aid Declaration?
The only condition is that you must be a tax payer paying income tax, from either
employment or pension at the basic rate of 20%, or even lower.
How does Gift Aid help the UCKG HelpCentre?
Gift Aid helps the UCKG HelpCentre by making your gifts worth nearly a third
more without any cost to you. The church will then be able to invest much more in
evangelisation and more souls will be saved.
Do I have to do it?
No, but if you do, the UCKG HelpCentre benefits by claiming an extra 25p
for every £1 you donate. This means, e.g. if you donate £10 and sign a Gift Aid
declaration the UCKG HelpCentre can claim an additional £2.50 at no extra cost
to you.
Do I have to make a donation with my declaration?
You do not have to make a donation in order to sign the declaration.
What do I need to do?
It is very easy to save souls through the Gift Aid scheme. We are encouraging
all our supporters to sign for Gift Aid. All you need to do is fill out the Gift Aid
declaration (overleaf) and either hand or post it to the Gift Aid Officer (232 Seven
Sisters Road, London N4 3NX).
At the beginning of each month we hold the consecration
of the Tithers in every UCKG HelpCentre. This
Consecration with Holy Oil is based upon the ancient
Biblical prophets, symbolising the separation of God’s
“I grew up in complete poverty; there were six of us living in a one bedroom flat. My
family had no money whatsoever—not even money to buy food. We would survive on
the leftovers that we found in rubbish heaps.
At the age of 13, I was forced to live as a prostitute for 10 years to help support my
family. As I got older, my life got even worse. I developed the same heart condition that
killed my father years before. It was a very scary time for me. I could only speak for
short periods of time and would have trouble climbing stairs or doing anything else that
required exertion or even slight heavy breathing.
On top of that, I was in debt and had been given several eviction notices while facing
an immigration problem at the same time! I’d cried so much over my problems, but
learned at the UCKG that I had to be strong and face up to them with the determination
to beat them. That’s why I made a Chain of Prayer—I needed changes and I needed
them quickly!
I was delighted when my doctor started coming back with positive test results on my
heart. Soon the heart problem could no longer be detected and my symptoms left!
When I started to tithe, I saw an immediate change in my finances. I was promoted
three times in two years, which helped me to clear all my debts. I got my permanent
stay, and have bought a brand new Mercedes.”
Mercy Adeoshun, Peckham
Books that will inspired you!
Nothing to Lose
his book reveals secrets kept for decades, and moments of
decision and spiritual discoveries given in great detail by Bishop
With 288 pages filled with intimate details of his life, Bishop
Macedo also tells about the family illness that started the founding of the
Universal Church. It also gives a report of the 11 days he spent in a
police station in São Paulo.
In the next two volumes of the trilogy, the founder of the UCKG will
speak in detail about the growth of the church, the acquisition of TV
Record and other unpublished stories of his past.
The Supernatural Power
of Faith
This book will challenge you
to explore what is underneath
the tip of the iceberg.
Unleash the Supernatural
Power of Faith‘ and learn
how to overcome. You‘ll be
amazed on how much you‘ve
been missing!
The Real Meaning
of the Cross
In this publication Bishop
Crivella tries to help us
understand the depths of
meaning and mystery in the
cross. With this understanding
it will be easy for you to love
Jesus as you should and
devote yourself to Him.
“The V-Woman”
Forget everything you‘ve heard
about being a woman. Hollywood,
women‘s magazines, advice
from friends, Disney movies,
Lady Gaga. If there was a pill for
amnesia, this book would come
with a free dose. The modern
woman is out of fashion. Here
comes the V-Woman.
The Faith of Abraham
The faith of Abraham
focuses on the key qualities
in Abraham‘s character that
made him an outstanding
man, blessed in every way.
Read and find out how
you can achieve a life of
distinction through a close
relationship with God.
Christian Books Plus | 386-388 Brixton Road, Brixton - SW9 7AW LONDON
Better than a new pair of
40 Secrets for the single woman
n this book Mrs Nanda Bezerra draws on her own experiences
and offers valuable tips. The author says, these tips will transyou into a gracious woman. Many women who are suffering
in a bad marriage today were well aware of the signs whilst dating but, unfortunately, chose to ignore them.
In the book, the author reveals secrets that
will help you to avoid these mistakes and
will also bring amazing results in all areas
of your life. These tips should not be read
all at once (if you are able to resist temptation), but one secret should be read a day in
order to work on a different task each day.
Before the 40 days are up, you will see the
benefits in you.
In‚ Better Than a New Pair of Shoes
you will find wisdom and tools to
deal with situations common to most
women. Talking to you, not down to
you, Cristiane Cardoso speaks from
her experiences - good and bad and shares insights into what
she has learned on her
journey as a single
woman, then wife,
then mother and
now a counselor to
thousands of women
The Profile of the
Youth of God
The Profile of a
Woman of God
In the Footsteps of
Learn how to
become a youth of
God and live a life of
success and victory
as you venture
through the pages of
this book.
What is a woman‘s
role in God‘s creation?
Within this book, Bp
Macedo answers this
and many other questions about women.
In a very simple and
straightforward way,
he speaks about
a woman‘s family,
marriage, character,
love, passion and
When the Holy Spirit
inspired Bishop
Macedo to write this
book, He knew that
one day it would be
an encouragement
and guide for people
who were anxious to
receive the Holy Spirit.
This book deals with a
subject that is of vital
importance to true
This is an easy-toread book that will not
only help people find
their way out of their
problems, but also
teach them how to get
the most out of life. And
most importantly, how
to live forever.
UCKG HelpCentre
Weekly Schedule
Monday to Friday at 7.30pm also at 7am, 10am & 3pm
* Some of the times do not apply to all HelpCentres, call 020 7686 6000
SUNDAY: Main weekly meeting
– 10am | 7.30am
This is the main weekly meeting. Get closer to God, learn how to pray effectively,
seek God’s intervention.
MONDAY: Prayer and faith-building meeting to help tackle financial issues such as:
debts, slow business, court cases, unemployment and money wasting.
TUESDAY: See the Healing Day meeting as a way to promote physical well-being as
a complement to your doctor’s advice as you receive healing prayers for health related
WEDNESDAY: Be equiped with the right tools to develop an intimate relationship with
God as you receive the spiritual understanding to make it through life... and beyond.
THURSDAY: No success can compensate for failure in your family. Receive guid­­ance and
prayerful support to resolve various family issues.
FRIDAY: All evil needs to prosper is for good people to do nothing. Receive strong prayers
with the laying on of hands and determine your deliverance and spiritual protection.
Let us help you find a suitable partner, God’s way. Meeting for singles, divorced, dating,
engaged or widowed. (Taking place o­nly at the Rainbow Theatre) 7pm
Headquarters - London
232 Seven Sisters Road – N4 3NX Finsbury Park
(next to the Station of Finsbury Park)
7 da
ays that can change your life
Help is at hand - 7 days a week - Daily sessions at 7am, 10am, 3pm & 7.30pm
If we are faithful to God, the Creator of all things, He will certainly be faithful
to us and never fail to provide for us. So, dear reader, God is glorified with
the firstfruits of all our income, and 90% with His protection is worth much
more than 100% without His protection.