District 126 News - Oak Lawn Public Library
District 126 News - Oak Lawn Public Library
District 126 News Alsip Hazelgreen and Oak Lawn School District 126 11900 South Kostner Alsip, IL 60803 www.dist126.org Volume I, Issue 1 Craig Gwaltney, Superintendent of Schools Lane Elementary Summer 2011 Hazelgreen Elementary Welcome to the first issue of District 126 News! Each trimester, the newsletter will be utilized to keep the community updated on what is happening in District 126, as we continue to implement programs that meet our mission - District 126 Where Children Come First! District 126 is excited to launch new literacy instruction for all students in grades K-8! To prepare our students for the increased rigor of the new Common Core Standards for English/Language Arts, we will use comprehensive reading programs from Benchmark Education, Scholastic Education and Voyager Learning. All programs provide a strong non-fiction focus and provide interactive technology. Parents will receive detailed information throughout the school year. In addition, we are increasing our use of technology in the classroom. Five classrooms throughout the district will be piloting classroom sets of netbooks. The netbooks will be used for daily instruction, improving student interaction and instructing students in a 21st century learning environment. We will be looking to possibly expand the use of netbooks in classrooms in the 2012-2013 school year. We are also using 40 iPads throughout the district for student individual instruction. Students and teachers will use the technology to enhance instruction and increase student engagement. As always, we are using the summer break to make improvements to the schools in our district. This year, Lane and Hazelgreen schools are getting all new bathrooms. The bathrooms in both schools are original to the building and are between 40 and 50 years old. Every inch - from the piping, walls, floors and fixtures - will be replaced. Electric hand dryers will be installed to eliminate the use of paper towels. Hazelgreen’s multipurpose room is being renovated to create a new lunchroom. The old kitchen is being rebuilt and air conditioning is being added to that space. New doors will replace the current multi-purpose room doors that are original to the building. The room will be used for performances, as the stage will remain with a new LCD projector being installed to enhance the use of the space. Lastly, a new fitness center is being built at Prairie Junior High in place of the old industrial arts room. The facility will have 32 fitness stations that will include treadmills, stair climbers, elliptical machines and stationary bikes. The room will also have 12 resistance machines to build strength for every part of the body. The facility will be used as part of the Prairie Junior High fitness curriculum in Physical Education classes. Today, it is more important than ever to teach our kids the importance of lifelong fitness. The facility will also be available for District 126 staff members before and after school hours. Stony Creek Elementary Prairie Junior High Science Olympiad Club at Hazelgreen Science Olympiad is a national organization that seeks to bring science to life, to show how science works, to emphasize problem-solving aspects of science and the understanding of science concepts using a teamwork and cooperative learning strategies approach. Mrs. Rodriguez, one of our ESL teachers, decided to establish and lead a Science Olympiad Club at Hazelgreen. Students were very excited about learning new science concepts and putting things into motion during the competition. Lane Field Day - Celebrating Teamwork! Lane School held its annual Field Day on June 1st. The theme of the day was teamwork and students participated in a variety of activities such as tug-of-war, water games, water balloon toss, etc. Upon completion of Field Day, staff and students all enjoyed a hot dog lunch. The annual staff vs. student volleyball game took place to culminate a successful day full of activities. Everyone enjoyed an outdoor day of fun, cooperation and teamwork! PJH Students Enjoy New Additions to Building and Technology During the 2010-2011 school year, PJH students enjoyed the new addition and renovations that were completed at the school and several new pieces of technology that enabled their learning to become more interactive. Students were excited to be able to use Flip Cameras to record themselves for projects, book talks, interactive math problems and classroom debates. In addition, each classroom was outfitted with an overhead projector and throughout the building students and teachers had access to several document cameras and interactive tablets. Stony Creek School Spelling Bee Each year Stony Creek School conducts a spelling bee for our 4th, 5th and 6th graders. Classroom bees are held to select representatives who participate in the building wide competition. All classroom winners, alternates and their classmates attended the building-wide spelling bee. It was highly contested with many great spellers showing their knowledge. Breast Cancer Walk This year the students and staff at Hazelgreen School decided to focus our yearly philanthropic efforts on breast cancer by having a breast cancer walk. As many of you know, one of our beloved staff members lost her courageous battle to breast cancer, and we thought what better way to honor her and the other staff and community members that have been impacted by breast cancer. Our walk was a huge success in that we raised nearly $3,000, which was donated to the Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure. Students Work to Provide Safety As part of a safe school environment, our Safety Patrol Team works to see that all students travel to and from school safely. The team, with the help of school staff, works as crossing guards at entrance and exit locations on school grounds to help keep walkers and drivers safe. Celebrating Talent at Lane School PBS Abounds at District 126! The elementary schools in District 126 have implemented a system for emphasizing and recognizing positive behavior in their students. Positive Behavior Supports (PBS) has been utilized in the schools for the past few years. Students are required to follow the 3R’s of Respect, Responsibility and Readiness! To celebrate positive choices, students earn tickets for demonstrating positive behavior throughout the day. Big Ticket Events, such as dances, outdoor activities, games, etc. are held at each elementary school during the year. Students gain entrance to the events by submitting tickets they have earned. This year, Hazelgreen School created its first PBS Student Club where students model appropriate behavior and promote the Big Events to assist the PBS staff committee with various committee duties. The Lane School talent show was once again a huge success! The performers did a wonderful job and were confident in showing off their talents to their teachers, families and peers! There were a variety of acts in this year’s show including singing, dancing and poetry reading. We are proud of the talents of our Lane Lions and were excited for them to perform to a “full house” during both the afternoon and evening performances. The show was a huge success and a wonderful time was had by all! Illinois Principals Association Student Award Prairie Junior High Students Stand Up to Bullying Prairie Junior High students sponsored a Stand Up to Bullying Day in conjunction with national Mix-it-Up at Lunch Day. Students held discussions in their classrooms and participated in different activities which included eating lunch with different students, watching an episode of “If You Really Knew Me”, and forming the shape of a peace sign in the gym. Students were surprised to learn that they had things in common with other students that they never thought they would have anything in common with. Hazelgreen students Ellen Mueller and Connor Kapala were the 20102011 recipients of the distinguished Illinois Principals Association award. These students were selected because of their outstanding academic achievement, excellent character, and commitment to their school community. Lane School Walks for Autism Speaks Lane School hosted an Autism Speaks Walk-a-Thon during the afternoon of Tuesday May 31st. Prior to the walk, staff and students participated in a variety of fundraising activities including Hat Day, Crazy Hair Day, and Wear Blue Day. During each of these days, students donated to their classroom fundraising collection in order to participate in the spirit day. The culminating activity to the fundraising was the walk-a-thon. Students and staff walked the perimeter of Lane School to raise awareness of Autism. As a school, we raised $450 in just a few days for this important cause and the money was donated directly to the Autism Speaks organization! Sharon Presley Award The Sharon Presley award is given each year to sixth grade students who best model the behaviors and practices of a past Stony Creek student, Sharon Presley, who passed away. Attention to academics, citizenship and leadership qualities are all used to select the honorees of this award. Congratulations to this year’s winners, Zachary Charters and Politimi Labrakis. They are pictured here with Mr. Presley, Sharon’s father. Hazelgreen School Wins Battle of the Books This year Hazelgreen School won the District 126 Battle of the Books. Battle of the Books is a competition orchestrated by the three Elementary Media Center Teachers in conjunction with the Alsip Library. The competition is fun, yet very challenging, as students have to remember intricate details for over 20 books! Pictured here is the Battle of the Books team. Stony Creek Service Club and Student Council Sponsor Charity Water Fundraiser The Service Club and Student Council of Stony Creek School sponsored a Charity Water fundraiser during the 3rd trimester of our school year. The Charity Water organization develops wells for third world communities to assure clean drinking water is available for villages. Each well provides water to that village for 20-30 years. The Stony Creek student body participated in a Penny Wars contest and purchased Charity Water bracelets as a way to raise funds for this project. Additional fundraisers were held at Prairie Jr. High School to support this program as well. Over $4,000 was raised toward this world community service project. PJH Hosts 6th Annual Lock-In Throughout the school year, PJH students work hard to earn an invitation to the annual overnight Lock-In celebration held in May. The Lock-In takes place from 10 p.m.-6 a.m. at PJH and includes a dance, pizza party, indoor carnival games, inflatables and a movie. The Lock-In was created as an incentive to reward students for meeting four important criteria: participation in extracurricular activities, good attendance, good academic standing and good behavior. This past year, PJH reached an all time high and had over 260 of our 400 students qualify to attend. All PJH students agree that Lock-In is one of their most fun and most memorable experiences at PJH. Alsip, Hazelgreen & Oak Lawn Elementary School District #126 11900 S. Kostner Ave Alsip, IL 60803 (708) 389-1900 www.dist126.org NON-PROFIT ORG. U.S. POSTAGE PAID Permit No. 399 Blue Island, IL POSTAL CUSTOMER Alsip, IL 60803 Lowest mailing costs are obtained by using postal routes which may or may not coincide with District 126 Boundaries. District 126 School Board District 126 Administration Michael Pierce, President Brian McLaughlin, Vice President Marigrace Sinnott-Snooks, Secretary Kimberley Powers, Member Scott Sullivan, Member Joe LaChica, Member Bryan McLawhorn, Member Craig Gwaltney, Superintendent Dr. Jan Mulqueeny, Assistant Superintendent Steve Gress, Business Manager Virginia Sulek, Special Education Coordinator Lori Connolly, Coordinator for Assessment & Instruction Joe Fracaro, Chief of Maintenance District 126 Schools Lane School 4600 West 123rd Street Alsip, IL 60803 (708) 371-0720 Patti Egan, Principal Hazelgreen School 11751 South Lawler Alsip, IL 60803 (708) 371-5351 Leah Humphrey, Principal Stony Creek School 11700 South Kolin Alsip, IL 60803 (708) 371-0220 Jay Hollingsworth, Principal Gina Fiske, Asst. Principal Staff Members Celebrate Anniversaries 5 Years 10 Years 15 Years Roberta Biesen Rose Carroll Nathan Dreisbach Sharon Fox Maribel Gonzalez Allen Grace Samia Hasan Harmony Hitchcock Mary Ann Jackson Patricia O’Sullivan Christie Orzechowski Amanda Baikie Barb Castro Kelly Ciraulo Shannon O’Neil Katie Connolly Laura Daly Sarah Danahey Karen Kiffmeyer Jo Maietta Jill March Victor Matias Nancy Mayfield Adrienne O’Neill Shelby Raney Gini Sulek Linda Vucko Prairie Junior High 11910 South Kostner Alsip, IL 60803 (708) 371-3080 Maureen Paulmeyer, Principal Nicole Leggett, Asst. Principal Dates to Remember Tuesday, August 23, 2011 First day of school Students in Grades 1-8 attend 8:30 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. Wednesday, August 24, 2011 First full day of school for Students in Grades 1-8 Thursday, August 25, 2011 First full day of school for Kindergarten Students Monday, September 5, 2011 Labor Day - No School 20 Years Joan Lenzi 25 Years Barb LaMantia Janice Zwiers 30 Years Ellen Meyers Hafner District 126 News Alsip Hazelgreen and Oak Lawn School District 126 11900 South Kostner Alsip, IL 60803 www.dist126.org Volume I, Issue 2 Craig Gwaltney, Superintendent of Schools Winter, 2011 District 126 Announces Two-Way Immersion Program District 126 is proud to launch a two-way Spanish immersion program at Stony Creek School beginning for Kindergarteners in the Fall of 2012. The goal is for all participants to be able to read, write and speak in English and Spanish when they leave District 126. This program is based on research that Junior High and High School students who are fluent in more than one language perform academically as well as or better than their non-bilingual peers. During their education within this program, students will be interacting socially and academically in Spanish as well as English to develop both social and academic proficiency in both languages. In this kindergarten class, children will learn how to read in both English and Spanish. This is a wonderful opportunity for students in our district. Informational meetings for the parents of incoming kindergarteners will be held at Stony Creek on Thursday, May 3, 2012 at 2:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. El Distrito de 126 anuncia el inicio del programa dual para el año 2012. Los niños de kínder tendrán la oportunidad de experimentar el aprendizaje en dos idiomas. El distrito 126 está orgulloso de lanzar un programa dual de español e inglés en la escuela Stony Creek. El objetivo es que todos los participantes en el programa dual podrán leer, escribir y hablar en ambos idiomas inglés y español cuando salgan del distrito 126. Este programa se basa en investigaciones hechas a estudiantes de pre-secundaria y secundaria que dominan más de un idioma y que tienen éxito académico, igual o mejor que sus compañeros que no son bilingües. Durante su educación dentro de este programa, los estudiantes van a interactuar socialmente y académicamente en ambos idiomas español e inglés para desarrollar las habilidades sociales y académicas en ambos idiomas. En esta clase de kínder, los niños aprenderán a leer en ambos idiomas inglés y español. Esta es una oportunidad maravillosa para los estudiantes de nuestro distrito. Reuniones informativas para los padres serán el jueves 3 de mayo de 2012 a las 2:00pm y 7:00pm en la escuela Stony Creek. Kindergarten Round-Up Parents of incoming kindergarteners are encouraged to attend Kindergarten Round-Up at your neighborhood school. It will be held on Thursday, April 19, 2012 at 2:00 p.m. or 6:30 p.m. at Hazelgreen, Lane and Stony Creek Elementary Schools. Information about the school, registration and immunization forms will be available. Kindergarten students must be 5 years old on or before September 1, 2012. Parents are required to provide an official birth certificate (not from the hospital) or passport for the child. Incoming kindergarten students are required to have a physical, dental examination and an eye examination. If you want health examination forms before our Kindergarten Round-Up, they are available on our website: www.dist126.org under the Health and Wellness section. Parents As Teachers Playgroups are hosted at Lane School each month. Each month has a different theme. The upcoming dates are: 1/23, 2/20, 3/19, 4/23 and 5/21, from 9:15 to 10:00 a.m. Please call 708- 293-4137 to register for all dates. District Welcomes New Staff Members At the beginning of the school year, District 126 welcomed the following new staff members: Miss Arends, ELL/Bilingual Teacher-Stony Creek; Ms. Arias, Kindergarten Bilingual Teacher-Lane; Miss Cortese, 1st Grade Teacher-at Hazelgreen; Mrs. Gomez, 2nd Grade Bilingual Teacher-Lane; Ms. Guido, START Teacher-Hazelgreen; Mr. Hillhouse, District Music Teacher; Miss Lopez, 1st Grade Bilingual Teacher-Stony Creek; Ms. Quintana, Technology Aide-Lane; Mrs. Regan, Special Education Teacher-Hazelgreen; Mrs. Reif, Special Ed/Fine Arts Teacher-Stony Creek; Ms. Robinson, Social Worker-Lane and Hazelgreen; Mr. Rodelo,1st Grade Bilingual Teacher-Lane; Miss Saenz, Instructional Aide-Stony Creek; Miss Van Bruggen, maternity leave replacement-Prairie; Mrs. Williams, Learning Center Director-Prairie; Mrs. Wilson, Reading Specialist-Hazelgreen. Ms. Quintana, Mr. Rodelo, Ms. Arias and Mrs. Gomez Mrs. Regan, Miss Cortese, Ms. Robinson, Mrs. Wilson and Ms. Guido. Mr. Hillhouse, Mrs. Williams and Miss Van Bruggen Miss Saenz, Mrs. Reif, Miss Lopez and Miss Arends Elementary Art Award Winners Announced The District 126 Elementary Art Award winners for the 20102011 school year showed their artwork to the School Board at the September Board Meeting. Ms. Bernie Hanacek and Mr. Jay Hollingsworth announced the winners and described the art projects. Pictured are Liliana Esparza, Lauren McHale, Connor Kapala and Sydney Emerson. Ayah Abughoush was not present, however, her artwork is pictured. Stony Creek Students are Ready to Learn Janine Omar, Jason Kargol and Lauren Banicki study a bulletin board which lists the names of the 27 students identified as “Ready to Learn” students for the first trimester, one of the three R’s of positive behavior at Stony Creek School. The 3 R’s (Respect, Responsible and Ready to Learn) are the goal of every student. Each trimester a student from each homeroom is selected as showing the focused behavior. These three students were selected from their respective classrooms for this recognition. Prairie Junior High Talent Show is a Success Lane School Participates in Fire Safety Week The 2011 talent show was a huge success with parents, students, and teachers. The students amazed the audience with their singing, dancing, and instrument-playing abilities. The show was hosted by 8th graders Lucas Henley and Paloma Avina who introduced acts and got the crowd excited. Students who sang songs were; Ali Leon, Nicole Almazan, Ciarah Mitchell, Megan Costello, Eunice Oladesu, Lauren Cherep, Megan Sullivan, and Kara Kosman. Students that danced were; Natasha Hunter, Ariel Brown, Antonia Lewis, Paloma Avina, Essence Patterson, Essasia Patterson, and Hashina Halona. Two large groups that joined the show were the 7th grade girl’s choir and the Poms dance team. There was also some teacher talent that “trashed” the show with their rhythmic song on trash cans. Mr. Storch had help from Herb Sommer, Angel Angulo, Ricky Radz, and Lucas Henley running lights, sound, and music. Once again, the students at Lane participated in National Fire Prevention Week and learned more about fire safety by participating in the annual poster contest. This year’s theme was “PROTECT YOUR FAMILY FROM FIRE”! All students who participated in the poster contest received an ice cream treat coupon from our local McDonald’s. The goal of this program is to teach the importance of fire safety and reduce the number of injuries and deaths caused by fires. Pictured are the classroom fire poster winners. Stony Creek Walks for Cystic Fibrosis The Stony Creek School Student Council recently held a walk-a-thon to raise money to be donated to organizations working for a cure for Cystic Fibrosis. Although the original request was for each student to donate one dollar to “walk for the cause”, a number of students shared that they knew someone affected by this condition and worked to raise more money than was expected. The 595 students of Stony Creek School raised over $2,000 to fight Cystic Fibrosis. Pictured here are our Student Council President, Jonathon Runquist with Student Council Sponsors, Mrs. Maietta and Ms. Snow. Hazelgreen’s Chess Scholars The benefits of students learning the game of chess are endless, as research suggests. This is why we have committed to another year of Chess Club at Hazelgreen. Students meet every Thursday in the Media Center to work on the fundamentals of Chess. As pictured, students are using strategic critical thinking and problem-solving skills as they compete in their weekly matches. We have seen such tremendous success from students in all grade levels who are participating in Chess Club. Lane Student Council - Leaders in Action The new Student Council officers and representatives have been elected at Lane and are busy at work in providing leadership and service to the Lane School community. Currently, Student Council is sponsoring its annual Food Drive. The donations collected for the Food drive are given to the Worth pantry for families in need during this season of giving. Prairie Wins Chamber of Commerce Award Hazelgreen Honors Grandparents/Special Persons Prairie Jr. High was selected as a winner in the Alsip Chamber of Commerce/Partners in Progress Award Program for the addition to the building and their new sign. The program recognizes the many homes, businesses and public buildings that go a long way to make Alsip a community to be proud of! Grandparents/Special Persons’ Day, an annual event at Hazelgreen, was a huge success. The Grandparents/ Special Persons enjoyed a continental breakfast, toured the building, and created a craft with the Hazelgreen students. As always, the event was well attended with over 275 attendees. Red Ribbon Week-Lane Puts a Cap on Drugs Lane School celebrated Red Ribbon Week on October 2428th. The focus of the week was to support a drug-free world and promote students making healthy choices. Students participated in lessons to encourage healthy decision-making and signed a pledge committing to a life free of drugs. To kick-off the festivities, each student received a Red Ribbon bracelet to show their support of this important cause. Throughout the week, students participated in a variety of spirit days to show their unity in taking a stand against drugs. Pictured above are students participating in one of the most popular spirit days titled “Put a Cap on Drugs”. Students wore their favorite hat to school to promote their commitment to a world free of drugs. Hazelgreen Honors Those Who Serve In honor of the 10-year anniversary of the tragedy of September 11th, the students, staff and families of Hazelgreen treated our first responders, Fire and Police Departments, to a spaghetti dinner, and all of the Hazelgreen students wrote letters of gratitude. The students and parents prepared the meals, and Mrs. Tischer and Mrs. Tinley assisted Mrs. Humphrey with delivering the meals and letters to the Police and Fire Departments. 9th Annual District Turkey Trot is a Success The annual District 126 Turkey Trot had 204 participants this year! This family-friendly event promotes life-long fitness within the community. Medals were awarded in each division for both boys and girls and adult winners received a frozen turkey! The District 126 Foundation for Educational Excellence sponsors this annual event. A new sponsor, Sports Authority, donated gift certificates and coupons. To learn more about the District 126 Foundation for Educational Excellence and the upcoming beanbag tournament they are sponsoring, visit our website at www.dist126.org. Stony Creek Fall Fest The Stony Creek PTO sponsored the annual Fall Fest for the family and friends of our school. Games of chance, face painting, food, fun and train rides sponsored by the Alsip Police Department, were enjoyed by all of our guests. Pictured below are a number of Stony Creek School students stopping for a moment to smile for the camera (at least we think they are smiling…). Lane’s Kindergarten Class Celebrates 50 Days In honor of the 50th day of Kindergarten, the two Kindergarten classes celebrated by having a “Fifties Party” Students made a 1950’s style patterned record necklace and received a pair of cool fifties sunglasses. The teachers and students wore clothing from the 1950’s era to school, participated in many “counting to 50” activities and participated in centers with a focus on the number 50. Prairie Receives Award from Imagine Nation Prairie Junior High is proud to have been selected as one of the “2010-2011 Imagine Nation National Top 50 Schools”! Prairie Is one of thousands who use the Imagine Learning Program in order to assist English Language Learners with their language acquisition. The program tailors its support to the students’ needs and gradually decreases the support in their native language as their English Language skills become stronger. Hazelgreen Chalk Walk The Chalk Walk, sponsored by the Hazelgreen PTA, was a great way to bring Hazelgreen families together to kick off the school year! Hazelgreen students, families and staff decorated squares of concrete on the sidewalk outside of Hazelgreen School. We rocked to the sounds of DJ Hornet, ate “summery” snacks, and spent time bonding as a Hazelgreen family! Alsip, Hazelgreen & Oak Lawn Elementary School District #126 11900 S. Kostner Ave Alsip, IL 60803 (708) 389-1900 www.dist126.org NON-PROFIT ORG. U.S. POSTAGE PAID Permit No. 399 Blue Island, IL POSTAL CUSTOMER Alsip, IL 60803 Lowest mailing costs are obtained by using postal routes which may or may not coincide with District 126 Boundaries. District 126 Administration District 126 School Board Craig Gwaltney, Superintendent Dr. Jan Mulqueeny, Assistant Superintendent Steve Gress, Business Manager Virginia Sulek, Special Education Coordinator Lori Connolly, Coordinator for Assessment & Instruction Joe Fracaro, Chief of Maintenance Michael Pierce, President Brian McLaughlin, Vice President Marigrace Sinnott-Snooks, Secretary Kimberley Powers, Member Scott Sullivan, Member Joe LaChica, Member Bryan McLawhorn, Member District 126 Schools Lane School 4600 West 123rd Street Alsip, IL 60803 (708) 371-0720 Patti Egan, Principal Hazelgreen School 11751 South Lawler Alsip, IL 60803 (708) 371-5351 Leah Humphrey-Mason, Principal Stony Creek School 11700 South Kolin Alsip, IL 60803 (708) 371-0220 Jay Hollingsworth, Principal Gina Fiske, Asst. Principal Dates to Remember Thursday, January 5, 2012 - School Resumes Friday, January 13, 2012 - School Improvement Day Students attend 8:30 - 11:45 a.m. Monday, January 16, 2012 - Martin Luther King, Jr. Day - No School Friday, February 10, 2012 - School Improvement Day Students attend 8:30 - 11:45 a.m. Monday, February 13, 2012 - Lincoln’s Birthday (Observed) - No School Friday, March 2, 2012 - Teacher In-service Students attend 8:30 - 11:45 a.m. Monday, March 5, 2012 - Casimir Pulaski Day - No School Tuesday, March 20, 2012 - Teacher Institute Day - No School Monday, March 26 - Friday, March 30, 2012 - Spring Break - No School Prairie Junior High 11910 South Kostner Alsip, IL 60803 (708) 371-3080 Maureen Paulmeyer, Principal Nicole Leggett, Asst. Principal District 126 Seeks Committee Members This spring District 126 will be creating a new strategic plan to articulate a vision of what the district should be like in the coming years. Currently, we are working from the plan that was created in 2007. We will be surveying community members and creating a strategic plan committee. If you are interested in receiving a survey and/or being part of the committee, please contact the district office at (708) 389-1900 or send an e-mail to PlanningDist126@dist126.org. District 126 News Alsip Hazelgreen and Oak Lawn School District 126 11900 South Kostner Alsip, IL 60803 www.dist126.org Volume I, Issue 3 Craig Gwaltney, Superintendent of Schools Spring, 2012 Planning for our Future In January, the Board of Education of Alsip, Hazelgreen and Oak Lawn School District 126 initiated a planning process to guide the district into the future. Over 30 parents, staff and community members participated in a series of meetings that resulted in a strategic plan. The plan will create a roadmap to lead us from where we are now to where we would like to be in 3-5 years. The plan focuses on four areas: Curriculum and Student Achievement, 21st Century Learning, Facilities and Finance, and Community Partnerships. The School Board will review the committee’s work at the May Board meeting and will approve the plan at that time. Once the Board approves the plan, it will be posted on the District website. Registration Dates for 2012-2013 School Year Kindergarten Kindergarten pre-registration will be held at Lane, Hazelgreen and Stony Creek Elementary Schools from 1:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. on Thursday, April 19, 2012. Informational meetings will be held at 2:00 p.m. and 6:30 p.m. The Two-Way Immersion Program parent meeting will be held at Stony Creek School on Thursday, May 3, 2012 at 2:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. All Students Required registration/fee payment for all grades at all schools will be held at Prairie Junior High on Wednesday, July 25, 2012 and Thursday, August 2, 2012 from 12:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. School District 126 Foundation for Educational Excellence The District 126 Foundation for Educational Excellence was formed to provide all of our students with the opportunity to develop to their full potential and to enable members of the community to help. The Foundation holds several events to raise funds for various programs and projects which enhance, enrich and supplement learning opportunities for students, staff and community. One such fundraiser is the upcoming 12th Annual Golf Outing, which will be held on Wednesday, June 13, 2012 at Waters Edge Golf Course in Worth. Join us for a day of camaraderie and fun! For more information, visit our website. Purchase Your Commemorative Brick Now! Be a part of District 126 forever! The Alsip Hazelgreen and Oak Lawn School District 126 Foundation for Educational Excellence offers our families and alumni a chance to purchase commemorative bricks that will be a lasting part of the brick paver outdoor floor system that makes up the Prairie Junior High Courtyard. All of the proceeds from the sale of the bricks goes directly back to our schools’ programming through the Foundation. To order your brick(s), please visit our website, or stop by the Prairie Junior High Office at 119th & Kostner. Bricks must be ordered by Friday, April 27, 2012. Lane Loves to Read Stony Creek Holds Science Fair The Lane School students and staff once again celebrated Valentine’s Day in a special way. All students participated in our annual “Lane Loves to Read Day” on Friday, February 10th. The theme of this special day was KINDNESS! The entire Lane staff was excited to share their love for reading with the students. To kick off the day, all students had an opportunity to listen to a story centered on the theme of kindness. Upon completion of the story, the students chose a kind word to use on a consistent basis to show those around us that we care about them. The students then created a heart decoration including their kind word which is posted in an all-school hallway for all to see. This event is a great way to celebrate Valentine’s Day by focusing on our love for reading! Students at Stony Creek School recently participated in the school’s Science Fair. Student participation was voluntary, with many students participating in the day-long event. Students selected a scientific theory to investigate and create a display of what they discussed during the project. Pictured here are students presenting their findings to judges, staff and fellow students. This activity was open to the public for viewing and explanations of experiments as well. PJH is Awarded “Safe Routes to Schools” Grant During the Fall of 2010, Mrs. Paulmeyer, Principal of Prairie Junior High, received information about the IDOT Illinois “Safe Routes to Schools” grant. This grant is federally funded and aims to provide monetary awards to schools in order to enable and encourage students to walk or bike to and from school safely. Over the past year and a half, Mrs. Paulmeyer worked closely with the Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) and Vince Cullen from the Village of Alsip Public Works Department to develop a plan to increase the safety of our students’ routes to school. Mrs. Paulmeyer also surveyed PJH students about the modes of transportation they use to arrive at school and the routes they take coming to and from school. With all this information, Mrs. Paulmeyer formulated a proposal and submitted it to the SRTS Grant Committee. We are pleased to report that PJH was an approved recipient of this grant and was awarded over $178,000! The funds will be used to build some additional sidewalks around the south side of Prairie and in front of St. Terrence Church. In addition, there will be some new crosswalks painted on the street and also some speed feedback trailers and portable signs that will be purchased. For more information on this program, visit http:// www.saferoutespartnership.org. Hazelgreen Collects Box Tops and Pop Tabs Hazelgreen Student Council members continue to collect Box Tops for Education and pop tabs. Because of these little pop tabs, we are able to make a donation to the Ronald McDonald House at Hope Children’s Hospital. Our Student Council representatives also sold Smencils (scented pencils) to make a monetary donation to Ronald McDonald House and to contribute to the District 126 Clark Alford and Marilyn Clemens Scholarship Funds. Student Council is facilitated by Mrs. Kamphuis and Mrs. Czarnecki. Lane PFO Family Sweetheart Dance On February 3rd, the Lane School gym was transformed into a dance floor for all Lane families. The Lane School PFO once again hosted its annual Family Sweetheart Dance. This funfilled evening included pizza and desserts, dancing, family pictures, candy counting contests, and socializing with other families and friends. Everyone truly enjoyed dancing the night away and a wonderful time was had by all! Thank you to our Lane School PFO for hosting this lovely evening event! Stony Creek Celebrates its Diversity Stony Creek students and staff recently enjoyed a buildingwide Diversity Celebration. Students learned about foods, customs and everyday life of the different heritages of the students of Stony Creek. All students participated in this “wall of diversity” where they dressed a paper doll in the cultural costumes of their heritage. The paper dolls were then posted on the wall showing the differences and similarities between all people in our school. Prairie’s Jazz Band Has Debut Performance The new Prairie Junior High Jazz Ensemble opened Alan B. Shepard’s Jazz Dinner Dance last month at Gaelic Park. This was their first performance and over 200 people were in attendance. The night included a dinner, music, raffles and lots of dancing! Our PJH students were able to get a real taste of what it is like to be in a professional jazz band. They participated in a short rehearsal beforehand with some high school students, adapted to their surroundings, did a sound check and played remarkably! Students Find a Use for Empty Milk Containers Members of Mrs. Berrones’ Early Childhood and Preschool program found a use for milk jugs once the milk was gone. With the help of their teachers, they put together empty milk jugs, making an igloo in their classroom. Pictured here are students measuring the height of the igloo. They spent a few days enjoying the structure before it found its way to a local recycling site! PBS at Hazelgreen Positive Behavior Supports, also known as PBS, is a philosophy we have wholeheartedly embraced in District 126. PBS involves supporting students by focusing on positive incentives and praise. Students have to show evidence of the 3R’s, Respect, Readiness and Responsibility, in order to earn tickets/points. These tickets/points can then be cashed in to attend our big ticket events or purchase items from our PBS store. Pictured are the staff that played in our Student vs. Staff Floor Hockey game, which is part of our per-trimester big ticket events. Both teams played a good game, and the Hazelgreen staff won with a score of 14-10! Hazelgreen Students Study Science The 4th grade students at Hazelgreen have been working on magnetism and electricity in Science. In this lesson, students are assembling a parallel circuit to learn that one D-cell battery can light multiple bulbs better than a series circuit can. The students in Ms. Law’s class really enjoy the hands-on science experiments, especially when they are linked to books in our new reading curriculum. Lane School Jumps Rope for the Heart Lane School just completed another successful Jump Rope for Heart program. Each student had an opportunity to learn about how to achieve and maintain a healthy heart through a variety of fun games and activities during their Physical Education classes. In addition to these educational experiences, several students chose to raise money for the American Heart Association’s educational and research efforts. Through the generosity and hard work of students, families, friends and teachers, Lane School was able to raise $1,087! Prairie Choir Competes at Contest Congratulations to the Prairie Junior High Choirs! Both choirs here at PJH attended the Illinois Grade School Music Association’s Organizational Choir Contest which was held at Summit Jr. High in Frankfort on Saturday, March 10. The choirs sang in front of three judges that gave them scores on their singing abilities with rankings being 1st, 2nd, and 3rd. The 7th grade Girls choir received a 2nd rating (only one point away from a 1st) and the 8th grade Concert Choir received a 1st rating and is now eligible to compete at the State Choir Contest on April 21st. Spotlight on our School Board The District 126 School Board is comprised of seven residents of the school district who are elected to serve four-year terms without compensation. The School Board is required to meet in public. It is a governmental body which can take action only by majority vote at a public meeting. Our School Board meets on the second Thursday of the month, except for the months of July and December. The public is always welcome at the School Board meetings. The dates of the meetings, agendas and minutes are posted on our website. For more information on the role of the School Board, please visit our website. Pictured: Front row, left to right, Marigrace Sinnott-Snooks, Board Secretary, and Kim Powers. Back row: Brian McLaughlin, Board Vice President; Scott Sullivan; Michael Pierce, Board President; Bryan McLawhorn and Joe LaChica. Alsip, Hazelgreen & Oak Lawn Elementary School District #126 11900 S. Kostner Ave Alsip, IL 60803 (708) 389-1900 www.dist126.org NON-PROFIT ORG. U.S. POSTAGE PAID Permit No. 399 Blue Island, IL POSTAL CUSTOMER Alsip, IL 60803 Lowest mailing costs are obtained by using postal routes which may or may not coincide with District 126 Boundaries. District 126 Administration District 126 School Board Craig Gwaltney, Superintendent Dr. Jan Mulqueeny, Assistant Superintendent Steve Gress, Business Manager Virginia Sulek, Special Education Coordinator Lori Connolly, Coordinator for Assessment & Instruction Joe Fracaro, Chief of Maintenance Michael Pierce, President Brian McLaughlin, Vice President Marigrace Sinnott-Snooks, Secretary Kimberley Powers, Member Scott Sullivan, Member Joe LaChica, Member Bryan McLawhorn, Member District 126 Schools Lane School 4600 West 123rd Street Alsip, IL 60803 (708) 371-0720 Patti Egan, Principal Hazelgreen School 11751 South Lawler Alsip, IL 60803 (708) 371-5351 Leah Humphrey-Mason, Principal Stony Creek School 11700 South Kolin Alsip, IL 60803 (708) 371-0220 Jay Hollingsworth, Principal Gina Fiske, Asst. Principal Prairie Junior High 11910 South Kostner Alsip, IL 60803 (708) 371-3080 Maureen Paulmeyer, Principal Nicole Leggett, Asst. Principal Our mission is to graduate responsible and self-confident students who are prepared for the challenges of high school and beyond through a personalized education which provides a sound academic foundation and promotes the student’s social, emotional and physical development in a safe, supportive environment. Dates to Remember Thursday, April 19, 2012 Kindergarten Registration Friday, May 4, 2012 Teacher In-Service - Students attend 8:30 - 11:45 a.m. Friday, May 25, 2012 Teacher Institute Day - No School Monday, May 28, 2012 Memorial Day - No School Monday, June 4, 2012 Teacher In-service -Students attend 8:30 - 11:45 a.m. Tuesday, June 5, 2012 Last Day of School - Students attend 8:30 - 10:00 a.m. Wednesday, June 13, 2012 Foundation for Educational Excellence Golf Outing Wednesday, July 25, 2012 All-School Registration at Prairie Junior High - 12:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. Thursday, August 2, 2012 All-School Registration at Prairie Junior High - 12:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.