almetyevsk Creating the gold standard in biCyCle friendly Cities in russia James Thoem Copenhagenize Design Co. James Thoem - Copenhagenize Design Co. Гульнара Делекторская - Креативное агентство Evolution, Казань James Thoem - Copenhagenize Design Co. Гульнара Делекторская - Креативное агентство Evolution, Казань James Thoem - Copenhagenize Design Co. Гульнара Делекторская - Креативное агентство Evolution, Казань James Thoem - Copenhagenize Design Co. Гульнара Делекторская - Креативное агентство Evolution, Казань CoPenhageniZe design Co. the biCyCle urbanism PeoPle urban Planning design CommuniCations James Thoem Copenhagenize Design Co. Working With almetyevsk James Thoem Copenhagenize Design Co. introduCing almetyevsk James Thoem Copenhagenize Design Co. introduCing almetyevsk founded in 1953 PoPulation - 152 580 siZe - 7km x 4km 500m James Thoem Copenhagenize Design Co. N introduCing almetyevsk James Thoem Copenhagenize Design Co. existing biCyCle infrastruCture James Thoem Copenhagenize Design Co. learning from denmark James Thoem Copenhagenize Design Co. Challenges Climate Wide streets road Conditions sPraWl James Thoem Copenhagenize Design Co. oPPortunities density Wide streets PolitiCal Will James Thoem Copenhagenize Design Co. vision James Thoem Copenhagenize Design Co. vision a place where the young and old, rich and poor can cycle alongside one another on a safe and connected network of best practice bicycle infrastructure. James Thoem Copenhagenize Design Co. vision 50km of bicycle infrastructure 10% modal share 20% student modal share equal gender split safer streets James Thoem Copenhagenize Design Co. the netWork Gafiatu llina Stroite ley Shevchenko Gertsena Rizy Fakhretdina A m in ov a Lenina Bicycle Network Local Roads Arterials/Collectors Park Water 0km James Thoem Copenhagenize Design Co. 1 2 3 street level P 40 1.5m 2m 2m 2m 3m 12m James Thoem Copenhagenize Design Co. 3m 2m 3m 1.5m CamPaigns Л иде р ди сре х сийски городо в по рос е вел ои нфрастр уктур Альметьевск Соз дав ать бла здоров гоп олу ое и буд чное ущ е е Москва Санкт-Петербург James Thoem Copenhagenize Design Co. Екатеринбург Novosibirsk казань engagement bike to Work/sChool Work PlaCe ComPetitions CyClovia (insPired by bogota) branding James Thoem Copenhagenize Design Co. and then What? PeoPle riding bikes! data the gold standard James Thoem Copenhagenize Design Co. James thoem ProJeCt manager CoPenhageniZe design Co. CoPenhagen, denmark email - Website - blog - CoPenhageniZe.Com James Thoem Copenhagenize Design Co.
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