Features - South Plantation High School


Features - South Plantation High School
Section Editor: Melissa Zargon
Page 9
Will you prom with me?
Taylor Camacho staff writer
Cortez and King share
a common love for cats,
which is what inspired
his promposal. Both
being dedicated DECA
members, Cortez made
sure to pop the question
in the DECA room.
King was prompted
with a poster that read
“It would ‘purrty’ cool
if you went to prom
with me.”
She was also given a
stuffed animal that was
of course, a cat. The
couple is excited and
ready for prom.
The picture above displays Joey Cortez on the left asking his pawsitively purrfect girlfriend Maya to prom in the Deca office.
Katelyn Laystrom’s
face lit up as she
was presented with a
pleasant surpise when
William Carlson made
an appearance in her
fifth period Marketing
IV class. His electrifying poster board displayed outlets and read,
“You’re my plug so
prom with you would
be lit.” He also had
some delicious desserts
to accompany the poster. Make sure to catch
these best buds gleaming bright at prom.
Katelyn Laystrom’s face was illuminated when Will Carlson shined
bright like a diamond with this “lit” promposal.
It is that time of the year again, grab
your tissues and cameras because it is
promposal season.
Seniors from high schools all over
America are getting ready for prom.
This means dress shopping, limousine
renting, and finding perfect dates.
It is 2016 so girls, do not be afraid to
ask your crush and guys do not let the
possibility of getting a “no” prevent you
from asking someone you really admire.
We have all seen the promposals
on twitter with big banners, dozens of
roses, and charming smiles, but what are
our fellow students capable of?
The urge to share a private moment
with potentially millions of strangers is
now a common goal in teenage life, and
promposals are made to be consumed
From flash mobs to dropping down
on one knee, asking a date to prom is
now as elaborate as the most imaginative of engagement stories.
The simple days of shyly asking
‘Will you go to prom with me?’ are over
— instead, elaborate promposals are
filling America’s high school halls.
Whether one likes or dislikes the over
-the-top flare of promposals, one cannot
deny that they are now a rite of passage
in a students high school career.
These grand, over-the-top gestures
of romance, surprise and humor are in
the name of high school puppy love, all
with the potential for public humiliation,
or social media fame. Not every promposal goes viral. For instance, our own
school has seen some sentimental and
heartfelt promposals that may have not
gone viral on twitter, but are well known
to fellow paladins.
Ally Alsina’s boyfriend
Rhys Friedman is dual
enrolled at Broward
College, so the couple
rarely accompanies each
other for lunch. When
Alsina saw Friedman at
lunch she knew something was up. He walked
up to Alsina with a Wing
Stop bag that read, “I’m
just winging it…Prom?’
Friedman knew that their
shared love for chicken
wings would add a sentimental touch to the act.
Wings were Rhys Friedman’s delicious stop on the way to asking
Allison Alsina to prom
Faaris Uddin and
Ashley Cador met in Ms.
Aleandre’s AP literature
class. Uudin placed his
promposal in a textbook
where the play Hamlet
began. Aleandre pretended to be angered at Cador,
who has a reputation for
being an argumentive
student, and made her
open the textbook, where
Cador was then also surprised with a poster that
read, “I’m Oh-pheelin
ya. Let’s make a connection at prom. It would be
Hamlet and Ophelia... I mean Faaris Uudin and Ashley Cador are
sure to “make a connection” at prom.
Good luck to
graduating seniors!
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2016 l The Sword & Shield l Senior Issue
Seniors taking the next step
Najwa Naami and Laura Tero
Najwa Naami and Laura Tero link arms to show their support for each other, and the friendship they have had over the years. Photo by Shea Roche.
Najwa Naami likes
kangaroos; cute kangaroos. She also likes
Tennis. She also likes
Nova Southeastern University. She also likes the
idea of majoring in Biology. Najwa Naami likes a
lot of things.
Laura Tero likes all
things renaissance. Laura wears many hats
and you can find her
either at the Renaissance
fair or the magnet office.
She is a master of many
things; specifically a web
Laura Tero Staff Writer
May l page 10
People always talk about having
regrets in the way they did things in
high school. To be honest the only regret I have is not getting enough sleep.
I lived my life how I wanted to, since
freshman year I’ve done what I wanted
to do, succeed in nearly everything
I wanted, and made some amazing
When I entered South in my
Freshman year I thought that my high
school experience was going to drag on
forever, but then I blink and it was the
start of Senior year. For some reason I
thought that senior year was going to
be easy, again I was wrong.
Even before senior year started I was
busy with interning in the Magnet office and working on the school website.
Everyone underestimated how much I
could actually push myself to do this
year. Web Design 4 student, ASL 4
student, Vice President for Sign of the
Knights, Secretary for one semester in
Paladins United, Magnet Intern, Leader
in Paladin Society, and Webmaster for
the Sword & Shield.
This year I took the most challenging position I have ever had as the first
ever Webmaster for the Newspaper.
Working with the newspaper staff and
advisor, Mrs. Polin, was an amazing
experience. For most of the year I wasn’t
even in the class I would only come in
during my lunch time to work on the
website and gain input from the editors and advisor. One of the things that
always inspires me is finding people
who have an amazing vision and the
newspaper was the perfect fit. Something
I regret is not being involved sooner. I
would like to thank everyone involved
for allowing me to have such an amazing
There are so many people who I need
to thank for helping me become the person I am today, but there is only so much
space to write in. So firstly, thank you
to Mrs. Polin for giving me so many opportunities in such a short span of time.
Thank you Ms. Rosario for giving me
so many traits that I can carry into the
new phase in my life. Thank you Mrs.
Collins for showing me that my love for
something can never die and for teaching
me something that I will hopefully use
for the rest of my life. Lastly, thank you
to Mr. Duarte for being in my life for all
these years; you really and truly are the
father figure I haven’t had.
Najwa Naami Staff Writer
Four years, thirty-six months,
one hundred forty-four weeks, seven
hundred forty days, four thousand four
hundred forty hours, two hundred sixty-six thousand four hundred minutes,
fifteen million nine hundred eightyfour thousand seconds, and here I am. I
remember the first day of high school,
butterflies in my stomach, getting lost
in the hallways on the way to class,
and feeling both excited yet horrified at
the fact that I was starting highschool.
Despite the long nights, bags under my
eyes, and the amount of hours spent
after school, high school wasn’t all that
bad. I met many amazing new people,
whom I am glad to call my friends, and
I got to participate in many cool events.
It’s easy to say that high school has
taught me a lot and that I am definitely
not the same person that walked through
those doors freshman year. I have
changed and for the better. High school
has taught me a lot, from valuable life
lessons to information I need to know in
order to be successful later in life. Now
that I am almost done with high school
and I have successfully gotten into
college, I can now fully appreciate what
all my teachers have taught me and I can
cherish all that I have learned throughout
my four years in high school.
Despite the stress I went through
to keep a high GPA and participate in
extra-circular actives; it was definitely
worth all the hard work. Through it all, I
have my parents to thank for giving me
the impression that I am unstoppable,
and along with many others who have
guided me along the way.
I realize that my four years of high
school are wrapping up. Fifteen million
nine hundred eighty-four thousand seconds are coming to an end making way
for a whole new beginning.
Congratulations to French Congrés competitors
Sandina Dominique, Esther Jacques, Kitnucie
Jean-Baptiste, Enrico Joseph, Michaella Joseph,
Marcoven Laguerre, Talitha Lockerd, Emose Lucius,
Sergio Marin, Lucy Mathieu, Najwa Naami, Aaliyah Pierre, Immacula Pierre, Sarah Richard, Katina
Roubonneeau, Kristen Taylor, and Angelica Zeas
To join French Club, stop by
RM. 177 for more information
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Hero Island in Islands of Adventure is home to the monumental Hulk rollercoaster. Also, the Wizarding World of
Harry Potter makes any trip magical. With Butter Beer
As the high school years draw to a close, many stuand wands, you really feel like you’ve stepped into the
dents hope to experience some places before graduation.
Whether it is a theme park with their family or a day at
Kennedy Space Center is one of ten NASA field
sea, there are a plethora of places to visit in Florida.
centers. People can take a look inside a real space shuttle
As a child, Disney was the most magical place
and learn what it feels like to take off with a space simuon earth. Even now, the fun still remains. So if you want
lator. Where else could you touch a moon rock, meet an
to reminisce those
astronaut, and
childhood memattend a rocket
ories, of prinlaunch? Kennecesses, princes
dy Space Center
and animals that
is a memorable
can sing, before
destination to
entering adultexperience the
hood, visit Walt
history of space
Disney World in
science and
Orlando. From
flying elephants to
space mountain,
Lowry Park
the oppurtunities
Zoo is a 63for fun are utterly
acre nonprofit
zoo located in
“It is
Tampa, Florida.
immersive and
The zoo is a
magical. The
whole family can
for almost one
have fun together.
hundred animals
It is always a great
the goal of
Drawings of NASA space center, on the left, and Gator land, on the right, attributed to award winning artist Anjelina Deonarain
experience,” says
either improving
Kyle Spohn, freshspecies survival
If you are more on the thrilling side, Gator Land rates or helping injured animals. There are many places
Another location is Discovery Cove, also in
will definitely be your place to visit before graduating.
to dine, shop, and interact with the wildlife. Some of the
Orlando. There, people swim with dolphins, feed tropical Thousands of Alligators and Crocodiles are showcased as animals you can interact with are stingrays, birds, farm
birds and walk on the ocean floor. It is nice to break away well as the rare “White Gators.” You can feed the gators
animals, giraffe, giant tortoise, and ponies.
from all the stress of home and relax in the sun. You can
and ‘wrestle’ them. Along with the shows, the Gator zip
Looking for an interesting and educational
be a dolphin trainer for a day, drift along in the Wind
line will ensure your day will be filled with fun.
excursion? The museum of Discover and Science is the
Away River, and visit birds in the Aviary.
A trip with a bit of history would be St. Augusperfect place to get both without being in a classroom.
Car racing fans can cheer on their favorites at
tine. It is the oldest continuously occupied European-esThere are two stories of interactive exhibits, which
the Daytona Speedway.
tablished settlement within the borders of the United
include space and rocks. And you can top your visit off
“It is a really cool experience and a fun time for
States. Many people visit there to experience the nation’s
with an IMAX film.
the family. It is a must see in my opinion.” Said ninth
oldest city. St. Augustine has beaches, helicopter tours,
So before you toss your purple graduation caps
grader, Joseph Moskowitz.
and zoos that will guarantee a good time.
in the air, make a journey of visiting your local touristical
It has been the home of the Daytona 500, the most
Universal Orlando Resort is a step up from
treasures. These places guarantee a fun time and memoprestigious race in NASCAR. There are monthly events
Disney World when it comes to thrill rides. Marvel Super ries that will inhabit your mind for the rest of your life.
Megan Leiter staff writer
such as concerts and contests.
The Florida Keys is a great place to unwind and
be on the ocean. You can visit the Southern Most Point
of the United States and fish on the clear blue water. The
first island you will encounter in the Keys is Key Largo
which offers some of the best diving and snorkeling.
Islamorada has many vacation resorts and great fishing.
The last destination, Key West, is the farthest you can go
while still being in the U.S.
2016 l The Sword & Shield l Senior Issue
Must-see places to visit before graduation
South students take China
Felicia Arnett staff writer
Tamara Loriston, senior.
All of the students who went on the trip had the
On March 17th, a group of teenagers made their
opportunity to visit a high school in Beijing, to interact
way to the Miami International airport, full of excitewith Chinese students their age. The Chinese students
ment and anticipation. To most spring-breakers the day
were excited to welcome and network their new friends
was typical, but for thirty-three students and a few lucky
from America. The Chinese students put on a play for our
chaperones from our school, it was the start of their jourstudents and gave them gifts, such as pens, notebooks,
ney to China, the most populous country in the world.
and bookmarks.
While most kids sat at home, went to beach,
Interestingly, the play was performed in
or visited family, these students went to Beijing, a
English, instead of Chinese. Their attempt to
city full of rich culture and amazing food. Beijing
accommodate our students by mending the
is the epitome of the city life, with not much nature
language barrier made all of of the travelers feel
to see, but plenty of shops and restaurants on the
welcomed in such a different environment.
bustling streets. Regardless of the grime, smog, and
“We got to meet kids our age, and talk
crowded streets, it gave an experience of a lifetime
to them, we noticed how similar we were and
that attendees will never forget.
how many things we had in common. It was
“China is the most unique place because it’s
great! I even got to talk to a boy we nicknamed
the only country you don’t hear anything in English,”
monkey because that was his role in the play. He
said Mr. Marino.
told us he visited the United States last summer
One of the places they visited was the famous Forand how he plans to go to college here,” said
bidden City, which has been in its prime for nearly
Jade Sierra, junior.
600 years. It was the imperial palace that served for
Many of the teachers and chaperones
the Ming Dynasty to the Qing Dynasty. The Forbidwho accompanied the students, such as Mr.
den City provided a lavish home to emperors, and as
Clevenger, Mr. Marino, Mr. Reed, and Ms.
a ceremonial and political center of Chinese govHjelsand, really enjoyed the teens being able
ernment. The Forbidden City is listed as one of the
to bond and talk to each other, as well as being
largest collections of preserved ancient wood structures
fully immersed in the culture.
This photo was captured while students were treking across the Great Wall.
in the world, and it covers about 180 acres.
The students also used a lot of their
Separating the Forbidden City was the Tianantime to shop and attain as many Chinese products
men Square, a large city square that the students also
Of course, one cannot go to China without seeas possible. They were astonished by the cheap prices,
visited. The square holds the great hall of people, the
ing the Great Wall. In Beijing alone, the Great Wall meaand availability of brand names. Learning how to bargain
National Museum of China, monuments of the revolusures over 342 miles long, and are about 5,500 miles in
for goods was an exciting part of the trip, and many
tion, and the Chairman Mao Zedong Memorial Hall. In
total. There are eight Great Wall sites to visit in Beijing.
students enjoyed doing so.
recent times, it has been known for as the main area for
“Being able to walk on the Great Wall after
It was $2,500 well spent, for the experience of a
the Tiananmen Square protests of 1989.
learning about it in school was such a surreal experience.
lifetime. However, this is just a drop in these teenagers’
The Temple of Heaven was also a place of interest.
Thinking about the history that occurred on the wall, and
journeys of life, along with a complementary red jacket
It was where older Chinese dynasties used to perform
being in the exact place that hundreds of warriors used to
to hold those memories forever.
the Heaven Worship Ceremony. Now it is opened as a
be, altered my perspective in a life changing way,” said
May l page 11
public park that showcases ancient philosophy, religion,
and history. Students were lucky enough to take the eye
opening tai-chi class, filled with peaceful exercises show
by a Tai-Chi master, and the chance to try themselves.
“Experiencing a Tai-Chi class at the Temple
of Heaven really made the fact that we were across the
world feel real,” said Satisha Singh, sophomore.