TEMPLE BETH EL OF BOCA RATON TAMMUZ-AV-ELUL JULY/AUGUST 2015 | 5775 Etz C hayim: a Tree of Life High Holy Days 5776 PAGE 15 Blue Jeans Shabbat PAGE 7 24-hour personal response and care 888-616-0707 Etz Chayim a Tree of Life This summer I am beginning my twentieth year in the rabbinate, and I am particularly blessed that Temple Beth El has given me the privilege of serving here for sixteen of my nineteen years. Among the many blessings of longevity in this position is the privilege I have of watching many young people in our congregation grow into their adulthood. Children whose namings I have celebrated are graduating from high school, and along the way I have had the joy of celebrating their B’nai Mitzvah and Confirmations. Now I also enjoy the sacred honor of being asked to stand beneath the Chuppah with children whose B’nai Mitzvah and Confirmations I enjoyed years ago. The Psalms call the Torah an Etz Chayim – a Tree of Life. And in many ways, Temple Beth El is an orchard in which so many trees have been carefully planted and cultivated over the years. A tree is an extraordinary and holy thing. You take a small seed, plant it in the soil, and with a little water and God’s blessing, it grows into a sapling, takes root, and reaches skyward. As its roots sink ever more deeply into the ground, its branches spread out and eventually, over time, bear beautiful and delicious fruit. The falling leaves and fruit cover the earth below with richness and nutrition, earth held tightly by the loving embrace of its roots. Thus Torah and tradition work much the same way as planting a tree. You take the wisdom and energy of tradition and plant it in the soul of a young person. With a little love, and God’s blessing, he grows into his full self, takes root in a family and community, and reaches skyward. There is another side to this blessing. I am also given the honor of helping families suffer through the illnesses and losses of loved ones I have been privileged to know, whose spirits and love have meant so much to me. To grieve together with members of our community whom I have been fortunate to know for many years is an equally special and sacred honor. new seeds are planted and a new tree grows alongside. Torah and tradition work much the same way. You take the wisdom and energy of tradition and plant it in the soul of a young person. With a little love, and God’s blessing, he grows into his full self, takes root in a family and community, and reaches skyward. As her roots sink ever more deeply into the ground of her people, her country, her history, and her BY RABBI DAN LEVIN DLEVIN@TBEBOCA.ORG tradition, she grows and spreads out, and eventually, over time, blossoms into the fullness of life. Eventually new seeds are planted and young life again grows alongside. Temple Beth El is still a young congregation, and yet we are truly blessed to see how successive generations are taking root in our community. This past May, we celebrated confirmation with three students whose parents also celebrated confirmation on our bima. Each day I watch with joy as young parents whose B’nai Mitzvah and weddings I celebrated bring their young children to our Early Learning Center. I love to follow the lives of Temple Beth El’s alumni on Facebook, watching with pride as my former students are embracing their own Jewish lives, raising their own Jewish families, and offering their gifts of time and service to their own communities. Continued on page 33 July/August 2015 • THE CHRONICLE 3 A MESSAGE FROM BARRY PODOLSKY Increasing Engagement Temple Beth El President Barry Podolsky bmp111@aol.com 954-326-2180 Hello from your new President. I am truly honored to have the opportunity to lead this amazing congregation for the next two years. But my first official words need to be “thank you” to our Past President – Patty Beck. For over four years, she led our Beth El community with distinction. We have a balanced budget. We are completing a major capital campaign to renovate and expand the Schaefer Campus and expand the Beck Campus. We revised our by-laws and restructured our governance (Board of Trustees.) We completed a new strategic plan and already implemented many components. In other words, Patty left us in terrific shape. My focus for the next few years is to increase “engagement.” We have many wonderful programs, but we are still not reaching enough FULFILLING the promise of our congregation on a daily/weekly/monthly basis. So your Board and our talented staff will be working to create some new experiences. Some may not resonate, but we are going to try a lot of different ideas. As they appear in The Chronicle or in the Weekly Email, I hope you will give them careful consideration. Of course, if you have some interesting ideas, don’t hesitate to contact me. Like Patty, I am YOUR President. Let me know what you like. Let me know what can be improved. The generous and hard-working congregants that started our holy congregation always envisioned member participation at a high level. As we move from generation to generation, let’s keep that spirit active at Temple Beth El. Our congregation continues to respond to our goal of 100% participation in the Fulfilling the Promise Capital and Endowment Campaign. While we continue to raise the necessary funds, the Facilities Planning Task Force, chaired by Beth El congregant Richard Bluestein, has been meeting regularly to help guide the future renovations to the Temple’s facilities. We are presently working diligently to select the lead architect for the project. A formal RFP (request for proposal) was issued and sent to nine qualified architectural firms, seven of whom submitted proposals by the May 27th deadline. The Task Force now has the difficult job of reviewing the proposals, interviewing the finalists and making a final selection recommendation to the Board of Trustees. We anticipate that a final architect selection recommendation will take place no later than June 30, 2015 and that Board approval will be secured in July. The design, permitting and contractor selection process is expected to last roughly 18 months. This would result in a construction start date in early 2017. We will continue to provide updates in The Chronicle as the project continues to progress forward. All of us together truly have the power to make a difference. Now is your chance to make your gift if you have not yet done so. Visit www.tbeboca.org/all-of-us or contact Eliza Prince-Atias, Director of Development 561-391-8900 or eprince-atias@tbeboca.org Make a gift of $36 or more and receive an All of Us t-shirt. For a full list of campaign participants, see pages 28-29. 4 THE CHRONICLE | tbeboca.org HEBREW MARATHON Learn or improve your Hebrew in time for the High Holy Days! Saturday, August 29, 2015 9:30am - 1:30pm Schaefer Family Campus Come for a one-day Hebrew Marathon and by the end of the day be able to recognize the Hebrew letters and start to read! Materials fee and lunch: $15 RSVP to Joanne Kabel at 561-391-8900 or jkabel@tbeboca.org. TISHA B’AV Sunday July 26, 2015 10:30am Schaefer Family Campus JERUSALEM: A BIOGRAPHY The commemoration of the destruction of the Temple marks just one chapter in the amazing story of the City of Peace. We will explore the history of the city, and the remarkable rebirth we have witnessed in our own day. A NEW YEAR AND A NEW HIGH HOLY DAY PRAYERBOOK Mishkan HaNefesh HIGH HOLY DAY WORKSHOPS WITH RABBI DAN LEVIN AND CANTORIAL SOLOIST LORI SHAPIRO Wednesday, August 26, 2015 7:00pm Schaefer Family Campus Wednesday, September 2, 2015 7:00pm Beck Family Campus Become familiar with the new Machzor (prayer book) and learn how it can enhance your worship and understanding of these sacred days on the Jewish calendar. Each workshop will provide a unique and in-depth look at the Days of Awe – Join us for both! Selichot SO YOU BOUGHT A GERMAN CAR…. THE ROAD TO FORGIVENESS. Saturday, September 5, 2015 7:30 pm Workshop and Services followed by a dessert reception Growing up, many of us would never have bought a German car because we could not forgive the Germans for the atrocities of the Holocaust. Today, that is not the case. Join us for a Selichot workshop to delve into the meaning of forgiveness and spiritual release. Our learning will be followed by the gorgeous and powerful words and music of the Selichot service, and a dessert reception. July/August 2015 • THE CHRONICLE 5 Celebrate Shabbat JULY 2015 Summer Services in the Atrium Every Friday at Temple Beth El Schaefer Family Campus at 7:30pm, except for the third Friday of every month when services are at 6:00pm. Visit www.tbeboca.org/ worship for a complete service schedule. JULY IN THE ATRIUM: 5 JEWS TO KNOW Join us in prayer and song as our rabbis share with us the thoughts and teachings of their favorite prominent Jewish leaders of today. JULY 3: THE TEACHINGS OF AVI WEISS Rabbi Greg Weisman JULY 17: THE TEACHINGS OF ELIE WEISEL Rabbi Greg Weisman Rabbi Avi Weiss is the intellectual leader of the Open Orthodoxy movement, a liberal expression of Orthodoxy that includes the recognition of women as spiritual and educational leaders. He is the founder of the rabbinical seminary Yeshivat Chovavei Torah and Yeshivat Maharat for Orthodox women Elie Wiesel is the 1986 Nobel Peace Prize recipient, an author, human rights activist, and Holocaust survivor. He is the author of 57 books, a professor emeritus, and served as true Chairman of the U.S. Holocaust Council, spearheading the construction of the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington, DC. JULY 10: THE TEACHINGS OF RUTH CALDERON Rabbi Jessica Spitalnic Brockman With a Ph. D in Talmud, Ruth Calderon took these Israeli political world by storm when she joined the new Yesh Atid party and subsequently became a Knesset member after the party won 19 seats. Her initial speech on the floor of the Knesset included personal anecdotes and talmudic quotations in a plea for mutual understanding and respect. JULY 24: THE TEACHINGS OF ART GREEN Rabbi Dan Levin One of the foremost contemporary minds in Jewish spirituality, Art Green blends modern Judaism with deep emphasis on how to reclaim our emerging spirituality and connection to the Divine. JULY 31: THE TEACHINGS OF DONNIEL HARTMAN Rabbi Dan Levin Donniel Hartman is the most prominent Israeli voice for pluralism. He often represents the conscience for modern Israel, urging Israeli society to reinforce its moral core from a transdenominational investment in Torah and tradition. NEW ADULT EXPERIENCES Conversations Shabbat Studio on the Cutting Edge SAVE THE DATES DESIGNED TO CONNECT ADULTS IN THEIR 40’S AND 50’S A TWO PART SERIES EXPLORING CONNECTION, SPIRITUALITY, BELIEF, TRUST AND COMMUNITY Tuesday, November 3, 2015 Spiritual Junkie Gabby Bernstein with Yoga Journey’s Leslie Glickman Tuesday, January 12, 2016 Robert Putnam, Harvard Professor and Poet Laureate of Civil Society ENJOY A LEISURELY SHABBAT DINNER WITH FRIENDS WHILE HEARING FROM THOSE WITH ACCESS TO THE MOST POWERFUL PLAYERS IN THE WORLDS OF ENTERTAINMENT AND SPORTS Friday, October 16, 2015 “Jews in Hollywood” Friday April 15, 2016 “Jews in Sports” SPACE IS LIMITED AND THESE EVENTS WILL SELL OUT. WATCH FOR DETAILS ABOUT THIS NEW AND EXCITING GROUP IN THE SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER CHRONICLE. 6 THE CHRONICLE | tbeboca.org e J e Blu t a b b a h S s an COME SEE FRIENDS AND FAMILIES YOU HAVEN’T SEEN ALL SUMMER! BBQ DINNER AND SHABBAT EVENING SERVICE FRIDAY, AUGUST 21 SHABBAT EVENING SERVICE AT 6:00 PM BBQ DINNER AT 7:30 PM RSVP at www.tbeboca.org/special-events or call 561-391-8900 $18 per person, $12 per child ages 4-10 ($20/person, $15/child after August 16) Sponsored by Temple Beth El Brotherhood & Sisterhood Catered by Artisan Foods July/August 2015 • THE CHRONICLE 7 Mazel Tov to the 2015-2016 Board of Trustees! We had a great night at the Annual Meeting in June, voting in our new Board, honoring volunteers and outstanding employees and celebrating “All of Us!” Together, we will make 2015-2016 the best year ever! FIRST ROW VP of Mausoleum, Allen Lev with John Rogers Exemplary Professional Service Award winner Judy Levine, and Joseph Q. Kline Lifetime Achievement in Volunteerism Award winner Mike Blackman Barry Podolsky, President Trustee, David Morse with wife, Jennifer SECOND ROW Louis Beck, with outgoing President, Patty Beck Secretary, Shari Schwamm with Executive VP, Neal Slafsky THIRD ROW VP of Social Action, Wendy Walin with husband, Steve Trustee, Tracey Grossman, with Gina Shugar, VP of Membership and Engagement with husband, Greg VP of Facilities and Technology, Jeffrey Katz A Mitzvah a Month Each month, one or more Mitzvah Projects is highlighted by the Social Action Committee. Register online at www.tbeboca.org/getinvolved or contact Joanne Kabel in the clergy office at 561-391-8900 or jkabel@tbeboca.org. SHAPE THE FUTURE OF THE REFORM MOVEMENT… AND BE TRANSFORMED IN THE PROCESS. Join the Temple Beth El delegation to the URJ (Union for Reform Judaism) Biennial in Orlando, Florida, November 4-8, 2015 $ 50EN0D STIP TO !* T T A END Featured presenters include MSNBC’s Chuck Todd, New York Times columnist Nicholas Kristoff, award-winning author Anita Diamant, Rabbi Rick Jacobs, Jewish music legends Neshama Carlbach, Dan Nichols and more. Early Bird registration deadline is September 10, 2015. For more information or to register, visit www.urj.org/biennial or contact Jan and Allen Lev, Co-Chairs of the Temple Beth *first-time attendees only, El Biennial delegation at Janblev@gmail.com. one stipend per family 8 THE CHRONICLE | tbeboca.org Food Drive JULY Donate dry, non-perishable, unopened food items at the Schaefer Family Campus for the Jacobson Family Food Pantry at Ruth and Norman Rales Jewish Family Services. Please bring items to help those in our community who are in need! Children’s AUGUST Clothing Drive Donate gently used children’s clothing to The Giving Tree. Please bring your donations to the Beck Family Campus! JULY Tell Me A Story: Storytellers and their Stories AUGUST LE BETH P E EM SENI R CIRCLE O RS I Educator Marion Hirschmann and Clergy Tuesdays, August 4, 11, 18 and 25, 2015 Schaefer Family Campus 12:00-1:00pm Kabbalah will be our topic with celebrated Boca educator Marion Hirschmann and our own clergy. Marion will be with us for the first two weeks to provide an understanding of Kabbalah from its earliest beginnings until modern times and the influence it has had on the genesis and transformation of Hasidism. Then our rabbis will help us unpack the mystical texts as they relate to our lives and our world and what they mean to us today. For information or to sign up, contact the clergy office at 561-391-8900. SE N Kabbalah: Overview, Evolution and Place in our Lives Today A few spots still available. Don’t miss this fantastic excursion into Jewish history and culture in the Caribbean islands of St. Thomas, Tortola and the Bahamas. Led by Rabbi Dan Levin and Caribbean expert Dana Sprott, this week at sea on the Norwegian Getaway will be a treat for the mind, body and spirit. L Clergy and Education Staff Tuesdays, July 7, 14, 21 and 28, 2015 12 :00– 1:00pm Schaefer Family Campus Tell Me A Story – Explore the role of storyteller in the Jewish tradition throughout the ages. “Aggadah” or “legend” informs many of our ancient texts and the depth and breadth of midrash, the stories of our people which inspire us to this very day. This will be an ancient and modern journey through the world of Jewish storytelling and those who created the stories. Saturday, October 24 to Saturday, October 31 , 2015. UP Bring your own lunch. Drinks provided. Jews and the Caribbean Cruise D LUNCH & LEARN A FEW TILL SPOTS S LE AVAILAB T adult education TRAVEL n M I D - 6 0 ’S A N SENIOR CIRCLE SUMMER EVENT Jewish Life in Germany Today An Exhibit and Talk from the German Consul General Schaefer Family Campus Sunday, July 12, 2015 • 1:00pm Dessert reception to follow NO RSVP • FREE Any questions, contact Joanne Kabel 561-391-8900 or jkabel@tbeboca.org. On-going social, educational, experiential programs for the senior population of Temple Beth El (Temple Beth El members in their mid-60’s and up) Generously Sponsored by Gary and Diane Glick July/August 2015 • THE CHRONICLE 9 Many children who have grown up at Temple Beth El are now adults raising their own children here — planting their own roots, making their own traditions, passing on to the next generation the shared experiences, history and beliefs that unite us. What brought them back here? For some, it’s the lifelong friendships, for others the sense of tradition. But no matter the reason, there’s one thing upon which they all agree – Temple Beth El is home. TA K I N G MARISA Warren Spiro My favorite memory is after our class was confirmed; TBE organized a sleepover for all of us. A night of pizza and my best friends - what more could you ask for? We were allowed to stay up late even though in the morning we had ‘work’ - as assistants in the TBE Sunday School. I am so comfortable with TBE and know that Logan will make best friends here. Two of my girlfriends from TBE were the maids of honor at my wedding, they are still my closest friends and I only want Logan to have that. I want to instill a sense of Jewish culture and love that I have, which I know he will get growing up at TBE. And since I speak for Logan, I’m sure he would say “I love watching the big kids sing at Tot Shabbat!” Susie Brown Siegel with daughter Sarah, Marisa Warren Spiro with son Logan and Marisa Eisenberg Silver with daughter Lindsay. The three moms started at Temple Beth El in preschool and children are now enrolled together at the Beth El Early Learning Center at the Beck Family Campus SUSIE Brown Siegel My favorite memory was going on weekend retreats to Coco Beach. This was a great time spent with friends and getting away from school life even if it was just for a little. I was lucky enough to be with the same group of friends from religious school, Confirmation and high school, which has created lasting friendships to this day. The best part of raising my daughter, Sarah here is experiencing what my parents felt while I was at TBE. And being part of a greater educational and religious system that I know will always be there for my daughter and family through the years. ABOVE Bat Mitzvah with Marisa Eisenberg Silver and Susie Brown Siegel. 10 THE CHRONICLE | tbeboca.org MARISA Eisenberg Silver Whether it was at Religious School or Tuesday night academy or Confirmation class or Journey through Judaism - I loved having that guaranteed weekly time to see my “Temple friends”. That translated into so many other experiences in my life - March of the Living, Camp Coleman and SEFTY. These friendships have become life long and we have so many shared memories!! The best part of raising my daughter Lindsay at TBE is knowing she will have the chance to develop the same type of lifelong friendships that I have. And she will be raised in a warm, loving synagogue and have a wonderful Jewish education. SHARI Schwamm STACY Brown One of my favorite things to do was to lead the youth group service and sing on the Bima with my friends. My husband Craig and I were married at the Temple in 1989. Our 3 children, Ryan (21), Hallie (18) and Carly (15) have all celebrated their Bar or Bat Mitzvah and after next year can all say they were Confirmed at the Temple. The best part of raising our children here has to be watching them experience the same things I did, and seeing the many positive changes that have occurred since I grew up. My children love to say how when we are at Temple they can find my Confirmation picture on the wall. Temple Beth El has been my spiritual home for the past 30 years. I am now happy to be the Secretary of the Board and incoming coSisterhood President. I look forward to celebrating many more Simchas in the future. My family joined Temple Beth El in 1975 before the building construction. My favorite childhood Temple Beth El memory is my Bat Mitzvah in January 1978. My mother reminded me that I said, “I wish this day would never end.” I also remember fun times with Phyllis Robinson. The best part of raising my child, Blake, at Temple Beth El is how special it feels to me that he is forming his Jewish identity at the same temple that I did. Blake’s favorite part: Rabbi Levin. Shari Shwamm with fellow BOFTYites and current Temple Beth El parents Marcy Schultz, Paul Jaffe, Alan Klasfeld and Michael Singer. ABOVE Stacey Brown and Phyllis Robinson with their children currently enrolled in Religious School. RIGHT Stacey Brown and Phyllis Robinson at their Sweet 16. PHYLLIS Robinson BARRY Krinsky Best memories: being sent to Robin’s office for talking during Sunday School; having my Bar Mitzvah in Israel on Masada with Rabbi Singer and other TBE families; listening to Cantor Rosen’s beautiful voice at services. I still sing in the shower to some of his tunes. Best part of raising children at Temple Beth El: Passing down the warmth and traditions of Temple Beth El to the next generation; sharing the experience of Bat Mitzvah with my daughter in Israel with Rabbi Dan 30 years after my Bar Mitzvah in Israel; sitting on the same Bima with my wife Stacey and my daughter Caitlin at my son Drew’s Bar Mitzvah 28 years later. What Drew says about Temple Beth El: It’s a safe haven where we all relate because of our shared heritage. My favorite childhood memory is sneaking a cup of Sanka into the bathroom and drinking it after a Friday night service at the Moravian Church. We were the Boca Raton Jewish Congregation then and we met at the church on the corner of 12th Avenue and Palmetto. It was about 1973 and my first foray into my current addiction to coffee. The best part of raising Ava at Beth El is watching her walk in my footsteps and down the hallways I remember my father building. She was named on the Bima where I was Bat Mitzvahed. She is going to the Sunday School where I went to Sunday School. And soon she’ll be there for her Bat Mitzvah. There’s just history there. Ava’s favorite part: the ark. ABOVE Alan Klasfeld with daughter Susie, Jodi Jacobson with son Drew and Barry Krinsky with son Drew — past Confirmands with Confirmation class of 2015. July/August 2015 • THE CHRONICLE 11 n maimonides institu te for jewish learning Generations Robin Eisenberg Director of Jewish Learning and Living reisenberg@tbeboca.org BY R O B I N E I S E N B E R G , R J E As Temple Beth El continues to grow and thrive, one of the blessings is that we have so many families with a second and third generation as members. Throughout this Chronicle you will see and hear from a number of those families. One of the true blessings, for me and for Beth El, is to welcome Marcy Schultz back as the Associate Director of Jewish Learning and Living. Many of you know, Marcy was our Assistant Director for seven years. During that time she enhanced our Family Education Programs, took an active role in developing and teaching our Confirmation class and was the “go to” person for the Main Campus (now Schaefer Family Campus.) But for me, Marcy’s return is a testament to my thirty one years at Temple Beth El. Marcy was a sixth grader when I arrived at Temple Beth El. She and Lisa Pollock (who now lives in California but whose parents, sister and nephews are still part of Beth El), were our very first song leaders and first teenagers hired! Marcy returned after college and taught music, Mommy and Me, and was BOFTY advisor. Marcy then moved several times for her husband’s work. She and I always stayed in touch. Then in 2004 Marcy “came home” to influence future generations of Beth El children, both her own and our community’s. I am thrilled to welcome Marcy back and look forward to having her insights, Marcy Schultz energy and experience making a difference in our students’ and families’ lives! RELIGIOUS SCHOOL IMPORTANT DATES July 31, 2015 Regular rate registration ends August 1, 2015 Late registration rates go into effect. Friendship or day of the week requests cannot be guaranteed with late registration. Sunday, September 20, 2015 Monday September 21, 2015 First days of Religious School Week of Sunday, September 27, 2015 The first full week of Religious School IN THE EVERYONE’S CLUB With the huge success of our youth groups this year, we have changed the membership structure of Club Rishon (Grades K-1), Club Kitanim (Grades 2-3), Club Chaverim (Grades 4-5), and Jr. BOFTY (Grades 6-8). All students enrolled in Religious School grades K-8 are automatically enrolled in our Youth Groups, with no additional membership form or fee. We have an exciting year planned with more trips and events than ever. Jules Wolfberg Director of Youth Engagement Jwolfberg@tbeboca.org 12 THE CHRONICLE BOFTY – Boca’s Original Federation of Temple Youth Grades 9-12 BOFTY membership dues and structure will remain the same, but you can expect many more events in 2015-2016. BOFTY will host monthly events in addition to our Tuesday night dinners and NFTY-STR (National Federation of Temple Youth – Southern Tropical Region)events. SAVE THE DATE: August 22, 2015 – BOFTY’s opening event. | tbeboca.org YOUTH GROUP FOR GRADES K-8 To register for any of our youth groups or events, please visit www.tbeboca.org/youth-engagement or contact Jules Wolfberg at jwolfberg@tbeboca.org or 561-391-8900. College Caravan for grades 9-12 Date: October 21-23, 2015 Cost: Approx $250-300 Beth El teens and teens from our neighboring congregations will spend 2 and a half days touring 4 different schools – FSU, UF, UCF, and UNF. Each school will include a tour, stop at the bookstore, Hillel, and meeting with Beth El Alumni. More information will be available in late August. New Beginnings Cindy Korshin Beth El Early Learning Center Director ckorshin@tbeboca.org Welcome Back Tot Shabbat Saturday August 22, 2015 at 10:00am Beck Family Campus Start the school year with old friends and new as we come together to celebrate Shabbat. Beginnings are filled with excitement, anticipation and even a little trepidation. The new school year is no exception. Interestingly enough, children fare better than adults. Whenever a young child begins a new school year and their surroundings are not yet familiar, it is very normal to see some tears at drop off. Here is how we can help: •Let the teacher know if there is something in particular your child enjoys playing with. The teachers will do everything they can to try and engage your child and play with him/her. If your child has any fears it’s also helpful to let the teacher know. •Some young children need to take a transitional object with them from home. The teachers will aide your child in putting their special object away once they feel comfortable. •Children feel comfortable and secure with routines. As much as possible try to keep your morning relaxed and predictable. •Try to make your drop off brief. Always say goodbye and remind your child when you will be picking him/her up. •The teachers will be happy to contact you and let you know how your child’s day is going. Let them know how you prefer to be contacted. As our school year begins we are also very excited to welcome Ronni Graf as the EARLY LEARNING CENTER IMPORTANT DATES CHILDCARE Thursday, July 30, 2015 at 7:00pm Parent Orientation Monday, August 3, 2015 First day of school BY C I N DY KO R S H I N PJ Library Summer Ice Cream Series Wednesday, July 8, 2015 5:30-7:00 pm Brendy’s Yogurt and Ice Cream* 9101 Lakeridge Blvd., Boca Raton Join Temple Beth El, PJ Library, and Rabbi Greg Weisman for an afternoon of delicious ice cream, crafts, and a great PJ Library story. Cool off with yummy treats and great friends! * 20% discount new Assistant Director of the Beth El Early Learning Center. Ronni has been working in the field of early childhood for many years and brings a wealth of knowledge and experience with her. She has many new innovative ideas to share. Additionally Kelli Haar, who has been a valued member of our teaching staff, has graciously accepted the position as our Educational Support Specialist. Kelli will continue to teach in the classroom as well. We are also excited to welcome Temple Beth El Cantorial Soloist Michelle Auslander Cohen as our new music teacher. She will lead Tot Shabbat and bring music into the classroom, teaching both Judaic and popular early childhood favorites! Please welcome Ronni and Michelle and congratulate Kelli when you see her. We anticipate an incredible year working, learning and loving your children together. EARLY CHILDHOOD Thursday, August 20, 2015 at 7:00pm Parent Orientation Friday, August 21, 2015 from 10:00-11:00am or 1:00-2:00pm Student Orientation Monday, August 24, 2015 First day of school Monday, August 24 and Tuesday August 25, 2015 Welcome Back Breakfast sponsored by Sisterhood and Beth El Early Learning Center parent organization, Parenthood. Ronni Graf July/August 2015 Kelli Haar • THE CHRONICLE 13 n maimonides institu te for jewish learning B’NAI MITZVAH Jared Weinstein Son of Julie Berman Brooks and Gregg Weinstein March 7, 2015 9:00 AM Seth Greenberg Son of Bryan Greenberg August 10, 2015 Israel Tara Katz Daughter of Alison and David Katz August 22, 2015 11:30 AM Jared Weinstein Seth Greenberg Ashley Lavalle Daughter of Lisa and Daniel Lavalle August 29, 2015 9:00 AM Tara Katz Skylar Brustein Son of Christy and Alan Brustein August 29, 2015 11:30 AM Jaime Brustein Son of Christy and Alan Brustein August 29, 2015 11:30 AM Ashley Lavalle Skylar Brustein Jaime Brustein Max Morris MITZVAH PROJECTS Shelby Hotz For my Mitzvah Project I am helping Family Promise, an organization that shelters homeless families. I am donating new and gently used toys and games to replace the old and broken ones currently in the Boca Raton shelter called the ‘260 House.’ In the past I visited the families in the 260 House after school to play with the younger children and to sit down to dinner with the families. My Torah parsha is Noach which deals with faith and trust in one another. Family Promise residents have faith that volunteers like me will provide food and a sense of community during their hard times. I have faith that these families will get through their hard times and find a home. Family Promise keeps families together, so I would appreciate donations of games 14 THE CHRONICLE | tbeboca.org Max Morris Son of Valerie Morris August 29, 2015 6:00PM Austin Stein For my mitzvah project, I taught children at Florence Fuller Child Development Center how to play the recorder. I spent six weeks teaching them to play basic rhythms, styles, and tempos on recorders. At the end of the six weeks, I had my students put on a concert for their parents. The parents were so proud of their children and the children were so grateful for all they had learned. I will never forget the smiles on the children’s faces. I plan on continuing to provide music lessons to children in the future! and toys for all ages. I notice that everyone enjoys jigsaw puzzles, board games and remote control cars/vehicles. I am grateful for any and all donations. If you like, you can make a donation or provide a gift card and I will purchase toys on your behalf. You can drop your donations off in the marked bins at either campus this fall or call my dad Larry Hotz any time at (914) 329-0847 or email him at lehotz@gmail.com to arrange a pick-up. Thank you for helping me make the world a better place. HIGH HOLY DAYS 2015 5776 High Holy Days 5776 2015 CONTENTS 16 Annual Giving 18 Sustaining Membership 19 High Holy Days General Information 20 Service Descriptions 21 Service Schedule 22Additional Services 23Ticket Order Form 24Annual Giving Form 25Youth Program SAVE TIME. Request tickets online at www.tbeboca.org/high-holy-days-2015 beginning July 1, 2015. July/August 2015 • THE CHRONICLE 15 HIGH HOLY DAYS 2015 5776 Giving ANNUAL At Temple Beth El, our philosophy is to ensure that anyone who wants to worship or obtain a Jewish education is able to join our temple family, regardless of financial constraints. We count on our generous and caring congregation to donate to our Annual Giving Campaign to help defray the costs of membership fees, early childhood education and religious school tuition for those in need. As a congregation we have provided over $415,000 of financial assistance to members this past year. 253 families received membership assistance, 112 children received religious school scholarships, and 29 children were given aid for early childhood education. We are extremely grateful to each of you who made a contribution to last year’s Annual Giving Campaign. We could not have done this without you. For more information on how to contribute to Annual Giving, please contact Eliza Prince-Atias, Director of Development, at 561-391-8900 or at eprince-atias@tbeboca.org. ANNUAL GIVING 2014-15 CHESED (LOVING KINDNESS) $10,000 - $14,999 Patty and Louis Beck Lew Gould Mary Perper Sandra Sokolof and Steve Soble TZADDIK (RIGHTEOUS PERSON) $5,000-$9,999 Marlene and Richard Bluestein Sherry and Ken Endelson Elaine and Herb Gimelstob Marion and Sanford Goldstein Carolyne and Ed Levy Susie and Paul Malnove Linda and Bobby Schmier Edith and Martin Stein Marilyn and Jay Weinberg NER TAMID (ETERNAL LIGHT) $3,600-$4,999 Maddi and Wes Finch Donna and Barry Goldberg Howard Guggenheim CHAI (LIFE) $1,800-$3,599 Anonymous Sheila and Dick Asher Doris and Jerry Berkman Debra and Stephen Block Alene and Richard Court Peggy and Robert Edelheit Carol Ellis Sheila and Robert Furr Gladys and Arnold Granet Ursula and Lenny Hess Sondra Homer-Warner Yvette and Aviv Katz Suzanne and Jeffrey Katz Cindy and Duncan Morton Judith and Brad Oren Barbara and Frederic Reitman Myrna and Norm Ricken Charlotte and Morris Robinson Shirley and Norman Saferstein Jane Skelton Simone and Sam Spiegel Christy McElhaney and Mark Sunshine Fran and George Weinberg CHACHAM (WISE PERSON) $1,000-$1,799) Marilyn Anderson Leslie and Michael Baron Janis Manley and Steve Barrow 16 THE CHRONICLE Marilyn and Stanley Barry Toni and Arnold Berliner Mollye and Glen Berngard Rabbi Jessica Brockman Judi and Craig Donoff Marilyn and Robert Dragin Lori and Jayson Dubin Joan and David Dubov Lorraine and Howard Freeman Lynda and Michael Frost Joan Goldburg Glenda and Ken Gordon Dawn and Chuck Graubert Ruth and Bert Harnett Bonnie and Herb Hirsch Stanley Kaplan Stanley Kaufelt Cristina and Donald Keusch Sara Jo Kobacker Stacey and Barry Krinsky Dale Simon and Kenneth Lassman Mimi and Len Leeds Jan and Allen Lev Aimee and Rabbi Dan Levin Madison and Steven Levin Sarina and Jerry Lind Ed Listengart Stephanie and Nate Lowen Diane Perkins and Paul Mandel Susan and Bruce Moldow Jennifer and David Morse Rosalie and Edward Nachlas Nicki and Jason Neimark Fredda and Richard Neimark Bill Newman Arlene Oppenheim Carole and Len Pedvis Fred Perlstein Susan and Barry Podolsky Jerry Podolsky JoAnn and Philip Procacci Michael Ralby Deana and Hy Richman Mimi Sadler Matthew Sakolove Marla Schaefer and Steven Weishoff Jennifer and Craig Shapiro Lori Shapiro Gina and Greg Shugar Myra and Merle Singer Myrna Skurnick Linda and Richard Sommers Natalie and Isi Sudit Robin and Barry Tartarkin Iris Weingarten Ellie and Norman Weiss Serena and Richard Werber | tbeboca.org Henry Wolff, Jr. Beth and Jeff Zipper KAVOD (HONOR) $500-$999 Anonymous Liliana Abramson Andrea and Michael Aronsohn Susan Beil Judith and Stephen Beiner Marjorie and Dennis Berg Jill and Ian Berger Annie and Michael Bergner Mindy Berlin Erika and Harold Bishins Marianne Bobick Zelda and Samuel Chafetz Myra and Barry Cohen Linda and Charles Cohen Patricia and Dan Cohen Stuart Cummings Edythe and Morton Dranoff Edwin Early Robin Eisenberg and Andrea Broido Jean Erdheim Nancy Jo and Alan Feinberg Adele Feinerman Hinda and Marvin Finston Adele Friedland Sheryl and Marty Fromowitz Linda and Ivan Gefen Lucille and Bob Geller Joy and Jason Goldman Gay and Herbert Greenbaum Susen Grossman Joan and Jack Halpern Clarissa and Mike Harris Michelle and Mitch Hershey Marcia Hoffman Renee and Barry Honig Herb Hutt Grace and Jack Jaiven Bobbi and Jack Kalmanson Joanna and William Karp Deanna and Hank Katz Natalie Klebanoff Buddy Magod Marcia Matles Steven Melman Arlene and Robert Merson Diane More Jennifer and David Oppenheim Newton Oshinsky Nicole and Leslie Pachter Betsy and Stephen Pearl Natalie Pelavin Susan Pierce A.R. and Esther Potoff Laure and Owen Rheingold Laurie and Joel Rosenberg Debbi and Larry Rosenblum Maxine and John Ross Tammy and Mitch Ross Tobe and Joshua Rubin Mike Salem Elaine Schlessberg Sharyn and Bob Schneiderman Jacqueline and Neal Shear Madeline Siegel Debbie and Larry Silver Anna and Mike Singer Lois and Geoff Solomon Susan and Mark Sosin Rasheena and David Taub Ronna and Marc Taub Cis Teltser Ilyne Mendelson and Steve Terk Barbara Zallea and Daniel Twer Tobie Wagner Phyllis and Alan Weiner Gail Weisbaum Linda and Dennis Weiss Evelyn Weitzman Jacquelyn and Al Wheeler Linda and Eric Workman Lisa and Andrew Zwick SIMCHA (JOY) $250-$499 Anonymous Shelley and John Addleson Benita and Stuart Appel Marian and Irene Aronson Joan and Harold Bader Stan Bass Bobbie Bernheim Claire and Leo Bernstein Judy and Mike Blackman Betsy and David Blechman Ellen and Howard Bolner Judy and Stephen Carlin Gerry Casper Lisa and Brian Cauff Stephanie and Richard Chestnov Carolyn Cohen Lindy and Steven Cohen Edythe and Ted Davis Shirley and Warren Deutsch Helene and Jay Eichler Sue and Steve Feldman Karen and Stephen Feller Debra and Roy Fleishman Brianna and James Garrett Carol and David Gart Janet and Donald Germaine Irving Goldstein Ethel and Mike Gordon Frances Greenbaum Susan and Meyer Haberman Bruce Hausman Ida Herst Brigitte and Bruce Himelstein Ellen and Paul Hirsch Debi and Herb Jackman ANNUAL GIVING CATEGORY TOTAL CONTRIBUTION Chaver (Friend) $1 - $99 Bracha (Blessing) $100 - $249 Simcha (Joy) $250 - $499 Kavod (Honor) $500 - $999 Chacham (Wise Person) $1,000 - $1,799 Chai (Life) $1,800 - $3,599 Ner Tamid (Eternal Light) $3,600 - $4,999 Tzaddik (Righteous Person) $5,000 - $9,999 Chesed (Loving Kindness) $10,000 - $14,999 Bonim (Builders) $15,000 - $17,999 Torah (Our Greatest Gift) $18,000 & over Susan and Brett Juliano Judy and Norman Kaufman Ivy and Steve Kaufman Myrna Keisman Shirlee Kling Jodi and Michael Krumholz Phillis and Hal Levine Michael Lipton Phyllis and Stephen Lyons Nancy and Bill Malnove E.J. and Steve Manton Susan Mawyer Debra Mochan Pam Nadler and Mark Sickles Marcia and Ken Namerow Candace and David Neustein Lynn and Joseph Ouslander Anne Paskin Dorothy Pearl Ellen and Ed Pollock Michele and Ken Pritzker Sandy and Sandy Putesky Stephanie Reiner Mary and Elliot Rice Linda and Norman Rose Enid Rosenthal Jackie and Mark Saltzman Rosanne and Jay Sangerman Barton Satsky Harriett and Jeff Schilit Allan and Judi Schuman Jill and Jan Schuman Arline and Cole Schuster Debbie and Michael Simon Jill and Alan Slootsky Jerry Spiegelman Tammi and Jon Stein Sheryl and Jeffrey Unger Lenore and Herbert Wachtel Wendy and Steve Walin Beverly and Walter Warheit Lorraine and Chaim Wender Barbara Silver and Steven Willner Ruth Winston Marilyn and Hubert Wulkan BRACHA (BLESSING) $100-$249 Anonymous Henriette and Jay Abrams Beverly and Joel Altman Mark Asofsky Debbie and Chas Averbook Judith and David Axelrod Lilia Babcock Bruce Bakerman Ann Lois Ballon Marcia and Michael Beckerman Ruth Berg Michele and Steve Berg Ferne and Bill Berger Millicent Berman Bernice and Gerry Brauser Suzy and Brian Broad Bruce Brodsky Mindy and Craig Brodsky Victoria Bronfman Nancy and David Carver Hannah Chestnov Elizabeth Ciano Barbara and Arnold Cohen Melissa and Joel Cohen Connie and Roy Cohen Lori Cohen-Vogel Jessica and Michael Cohn Susie Coleman Maxine and Joseph Copulsky Maureen and Brock De Lorenzo Rita and Richard Diamond Tia and Grant Disick Abigail Ditzian Selma Drucker Sandi Eastman Maxine Ebert Jennifer Eisenberg Elysa and Scott Elk Holli and Scott Feller Beverly Fine Liz and Greg Fine Phyllis Fink Sybil Firestone Aline Fisher Deena and Seymour Freeman Suzan and Stephen Garber Kris and Chuck Gaspari Dawn and Bob Gaynor Nancy and Greg Gefen Edie and Larry Gise Marni and Michael Gleiber Anne and Jerry Gold Harlean and Stretch Goldberg Liana and Daniel Goldburg Karen and Andrew Goldring Felicia and Eric Gordon Rose Goteiner Emily Gould Kathy and Devin Grandis Judith and Stanley Gray Laurie and Jon Greene Maxine Grindlinger Karina and Andy Groszman Marian and Marvin Gruber Carrie Hacker Sally and Murray Halperin Rachel and Brian Halpern Liz and Ben Hampton z”l Andrea and Roger Hampton Barbara Harper Sheilah and Bob Harrow Denise and Bruce Harwin Paul Heller Rhea Herman Meredith and Marc Hirsh Yolanda and Richard Holiber Karen Hollander Cindy and Paul Homer Diane and Saul Hoppenstein Ruth Howard Peggy and Robert Hunter Shelley and Barry Hymowitz Susan and Alan Jacobs Ruthie Jacobson Marcia and Sherman Jacobson Maida and David Kahn Frieda Kammerman Karen and Jan Kaplan Elaine and Peter Kaplan Alison Carter and David Katz Rhoda and Jack Kaufman Judy and Chet Kay Michelle and Trevor Keyes Joel and Marcia Kirschner Michael Kirshon Rebecca and Alan Klasfeld Leonie Klein Steven Klein Rebecca and Neil Kleinberg Rosamond Koffman Jodi and Richard Kornblath Michael Kotler Adrienne and Irwin Kotlove Tina and Jeffrey Kranitz Jennie and Larry Kreger Bianca and Aaron Krickstein Marsha Eisenberg and Ezra Krieg Talya and Warren Kupin Judy Kuritz Shirley Ladd Barbara and Marvin Leventhal Ellen and Charles Levine Rose and Irving Levine Rebecca Elman and Andrew Levy Barbara and Jerry Lewin Fran and Harvey Lifton Jack Lipsey Karen and Larry London Lysa Long-Burke and John Burke Renee Maltz Barbara Manning Shelley and Larry Marcus Alan Markowitz Sandra Martin Lisa and Bob Marton Michael Matras Kristen and Jeff Mesuk Marvin Miller Marjorie and Adrian Minor Leslie and Charles Mishner Melissa and Adam Moldof Sondra and Stuart Muchnick Diane and Steve Nathan Arline and Eli Neuren Lois and Justin Niles Sheri Nusbaum Robert and Janice Parsont Howard Pasekoff Kelly and Michael Passeroff Paul and Barbara Patti Abbi and Seymour Pecker Barbara and Jay Pisik Andrea and Mark Platt Margie Plough and Maurice Plough, Jr. Elkie and Ron Potkin Hanna Raijer Irene Randall Ellie and Stan Rassler Carole and Bob Ratner Sherry Redler Heather and Warren Redlich Lisa and Alan Reichstein Idah Robins Jackie and Louis Robinson Debbie and Federico Rochwerger Doug Rolfe Lisajane and Kevin Romer Melinda and David Rossler Elaine and Norman Roth Barbara Rovin Bunny and Allen Sabath Marcia and Bob Sack Julie and Lon Sadowsky Ginny Salus Nancy Saylor Trish and Mark Schaum Joy Scher Robyn and Neil Schiller Sue and Jim Schiller Susan and Gadi Schnabel Margo and Brett Schneider Marcy and Barry Schultz Leslie Schwam Shari and Craig Schwamm Estelle Schwartz Susan and David Schwartzfarb Amy and Martin Segel Susan and Jonathan Shapiro Bonnie and Hal Shapot Janet and Brian Sherr Sandra and Dave Shore Gloria and Larry Siegel Susie and Micha Siegel Muriel and Leon Simon Sharlene and Steven Slootsky Laura Rubinoff and Jeff Smurlick Carol Snyder Cyndi and Dana Stamler Dorothea and Harvey Starin Rona and Sandy Steinberg Beverly Stewart Pat and Norman Stolack Lauren and David Tolces Ann and Sherman Tufel Teresa and Michael Turetzky Dorothy Uchin Tabitha and Jared Ullman Gloria Visnov Jan Wallach Robin and Gary Warren Linda Sheridan and Jeffrey Wasserman Janet and Harold Wayser Joan and Tom Weidenfeld Dorothy and Ira Weiner Jill and Paul Weiner Saragale and Frank Weinstock Claire Weisberg Karen and Howard Weiss Richard Weiss Randi and Steven Weiss Shayna and Andy Weitz Helen and Joel White Pat White Carolin and Joern Wiegand Abbe Wolf Jerry Zensky Stuart Zeuner Dona and Neal Ziegler Herbert Zimelis Living Trust CHAVER (FRIEND) $1-$99 Anonymous Jannette Abejean Patti and Richard Abramowitz Priscilla and Len Adler Sandi and Bob Altner Kerry Appelbaum Joanne and Ely Attman Ann and Fred Axelband Nattie Bachman Irving and Irving Baker Pearl Baker Ricki and Milton Barbarosh Lisa Barenboim Traci and Seth Benedon Sheryl and Scott Berenson Marci and Alan Bergman Carole and Stu Berk Paul Bernstein Elsie and Jack Blanco Honey and Jack Boshes Lenore and Jim Brachman Danielle and Steven Brackett Amy and Robert Brand Reginee and Mark Bromson Fredda and Len Broverman Jennifer and Andrew Brown Dana Brown Doreen and Michael Lichtenstein Roz and Rob Littman Yu Yu Lowenthal William Lucas Stacey and George Luck Lisa and Ben Lusskin Peggy Madan Marty Malaga Ashley Malnove Jille Marc Jessica and Aldo Marchena Nicole and Brian Mark Sheryl and Rollie Martin Elizabeth and Marvin Mehlman Dorothy Merlin Michelle and David Miller Helen Miller Melissa and Dan Morris Fran and Nathan Nachlas Rosalind and Hyman Nozik Fran and Dave Oney Gail Oren Melissa and Richard Panzarella Judie Parmet Jessica and Eric Pendergraft Harriet Pioquinto Sarah Pollak Gina and Ed Polokoff Esther Poritz Gloria and Sonny Potter Karen and Jeffrey Press Joanne Binder and Sy Presten Sandy and Peter Quinter Sabrina and Al Raciti Rachael and Rob Rand Sarah and Jason Rathaus Roni and Seth Robert Babs Robin Judith and Jack Rosenberg Hilary and Erik Rosenstrauch Lisa and Ken Rosenthal Sandy and Larry Roth Robert Ruben Ali and Dan Rubin Shirley Rudd Cheryl and Adam Runsdorf Rochelle and Paul Ruttenberg Candice and Donald Sakolove Lois Saltzman Selma Schepps Karen and Lenny Schloss Irwin Schneider Joan and Leo Schreiber Hynda Schuman Rita and Tully Schuster Stacey and Rob Sefton Roberta and Lorrie Shafer Karen and Larry Shagrin Ronni Shelley Sydney and Craig Siegel Gertrude Siegel Sari Siegel and Todd Siegel Marisa and Scott Silver Jocelyn and Marc Silverman Beverly Simon Brian Sindel Stacey and Andre Slintak Jill and Brian Smith Gail Smith Janet Snyder Jonathan Soble Barbara Solomon Larry Solomon Michael Solomon Nancy Spielman Anita and Earl Starkoff Leslie and Rick Steinberg Sophia and Bodhi Stone Deborah and Marc Straus Brenda and Tony Straus Janet and Allan Sussberg Robert Sussman Lisa Swartz Betty Taub Elissa Tobin Randi Tompkins Kim and Cliff Trinkofsky Shelly and Ed Turetzky Alice Turner Lorraine and Dennis Udwin Renae VanWagner Sheva Vapne and Hona Vapne Jo Ann and Mark Warren Cheryl and Robert Weiner Milton Weitzer Jessica and Marc Winnick Michelle and Todd Wolff Ruth M. Woolfe Darlene Wulkan Rachel and Richard Wurman Gayle Zimmerman George Brown Cici and Phil Buda Charles and Barbara Burghardt Judith Chason Claire Cohen Michele and Ira Cohen Lois Cohen Tracey Scherr and Richard Cohen Rita Cohen Nancy and Randy Colman Cheryl and Marc Cooper Debbie and Erik Covitz Sheri and John Crowley Valerie and Jack Cutler Linda Holtz and Chuck Distler Franklin Drachman Jaime and Jason Engelman Irene and Merrill Epstein Ruth Fagan Marlene and Denny Faust Roberta and Alan Feldscher Emily and Bryan Feuerberg Marni and Michael Feuerman Claudia Fishman Robin Flaks Stacy and Jason Forstot Melanie and Fred Fram Bea Frank Randi and Dan Frazin Roni and Alan Freedman Carin and Scott Friedman Sallye and Al Frohman Mark Gabay Karen and Jeff Galin Roberta and Marvin Galler Carol Garcy Deborah Gilchrist Lisa and Adam Glass Delia and Jonathan Goldberg Doris Goldstein Clarice and Mark Goldstein Barb and Stuart Goldstein Kenny Goodman Sondra Gorodinsky Hilary and Jim Gottlieb Ellen and Steven Gottsegen Hank Gracin Rachel and Lorin Graef Kim and Steven Graham Marjorie and Stanley Greenbaum Sylvia Greenberg Jennifer and Jonathan Greenwald Alison and Michael Gross Lynn Guez Barbara Gyomory Adele and Ed Haymes Susan Heimberg Norma Heit Karol and Marshall Hershon Karyn and Glen Hoffman Taryn Hoffman Joyce and Arnold Honig Roslyn Hopin Susan and Larry Hotz Claudia Del Castillo-Hronsky and Brian Hronsky Deanna and Irwin Isert Frieda Jaffe Dorothy Pomerance and Jack Jaffe Barbara and David Jay Dawn and Harold Jonas Elinor and Jay Josephson Michele and Monte Kahme Barbara and Jack Kanfer Helene and Herbert Karger Chris and Bruce Kassover Cookie Katz Lillian Kent Barbara Kessler Andrew Kirsch Penny and David Klein Janet Kline Fay and Richard Kline Kathleen and Ken Koffman Saul Kopeika Cindy Korshin Margaret Kottler Joan Kramer Rita and Spencer Kreger Seba and Paula Krumholtz Toby and Murray Lacher Susan and Eric Lebersfeld Jay Leicher Alyssa and Jeff Lerner Sherry and Ken Lerner Michael Levine Karen and Steven Levine Shirley and Herman W. Levitt Natalie Lewis July/August 2015 • THE CHRONICLE 17 HIGH HOLY DAYS 2015 5776 SUSTAINING Membership What is a family? Temple Beth El is a family. We are home. And as Robert Frost wrote: “Home is the place where … they have to take you in.” We do. We will. That means we have to come together to take care of those who are vulnerable, who require our love and embrace, who need the wisdom and guidance of a caring rabbi and a holy tradition. This year regular dues for a typical family will be $2,180. However, if one were to spread the Temple’s total operating expenses evenly over each of our member families, the cost per family would be just over $5,000. Without the generosity of Sustaining Members who give above and beyond standard dues, we simply cannot be the family we need to be. This need remains pressing despite the recent, generous gifts made to the Fulfilling the Promise Campaign which are restricted to future capital improvements and enhancing the endowment. To demonstrate our immense gratitude, Temple Beth El offers unique benefits for this generous group. Please consider becoming a Sustaining Member to ensure Temple Beth El continues to be warm and welcoming to all. Or if you are already a Sustaining Member, please think about stepping up a level. Please contact Eliza Prince-Atias, Director of Development at 561-391-8900 or eprince-atias@tbeboca.org. SUSTAINING MEMBERSHIP HAS ITS BENEFITS! We proudly offer all Sustaining Members: Recognition on the Sustaining Member Wall of Honor at the Schaefer Family Campus, annual special reception honoring Sustaining Members and exclusive listing in The Chronicle. PATRON - $2,600 • 5 Complimentary Tribute Cards* PILLAR- $3,100 • 5 Complimentary Tribute Cards* • 2 Complimentary Guest High Holy Days Tickets at FAU GUARDIAN - $3,700 • 5 Complimentary Tribute Cards* • 2 Complimentary Guest High Holy Days Tickets at FAU • 2 Complimentary Tickets to One Blue Jeans Shabbat Dinner • 2 Priority Tickets to “Conversations on the Cutting Edge.” FOUNDER- $5,000 • 5 Complimentary Tribute Cards* • 2 Complimentary Guest High Holy Days Tickets at FAU • 2 Complimentary Tickets to One Blue Jeans Shabbat Dinner • 2 Priority Tickets to “Conversations on the Cutting Edge” • Annual Dinner and Chat with Clergy BENEFACTOR- $7,500 • 5 Complimentary Tribute Cards* • 2 Complimentary Guest High Holy Days Tickets at FAU • 2 Complimentary Tickets to One Blue Jeans Shabbat Dinner • 2 Priority Tickets to “Conversations on the Cutting Edge.” • Annual Dinner and Chat with Clergy • 2 Complimentary 2nd Night Passover Seder Tickets • Intimate brunch at Temple Beth El President’s Home GRAND BENEFACTOR- $10,000 • 5 Complimentary Tribute Cards* • 2 Complimentary Guest High Holy Days Tickets at FAU • 2 Complimentary Tickets to One Blue Jeans Shabbat Dinner • 2 Priority Tickets to “Conversations on the Cutting Edge.” • Annual Dinner and Chat with Clergy • 2 Complimentary 2nd Night Passover Seder Tickets • Intimate brunch at Temple Beth El President’s Home • Private Shabbat Dinner with Temple Beth El President and Clergy for your Family *A tribute card is an acknowledgement Temple Beth El mails to a recipient of your choice in honor, memory or celebration of a person or event. Does not include High Holy Day tribute booklet. SUSTAINING MEMBERS 2014-15 GRAND BENEFACTOR Patty and Louis Beck Freyda and Ed Burns Lew Gould Velia Sweet BENEFACTOR Maddi and Wes Finch Sara Jo Kobacker Edith and Martin Stein FOUNDER Anonymous Lorraine and Howard Freeman Marion and Sanford Goldstein Jill and Steven Hacker Hillary and Rodger Krouse Carolyne and Ed Levy Stephanie and Nate Lowen JoAnn and Philip Procacci Myrna and Norm Ricken Jacqueline and Neal Shear Simone and Sam Spiegel GUARDIAN Anonymous Sheila and Dick Asher Joan Goldburg Kenny Goodman Glenda and Ken Gordon Silvana and Barry Halperin Ida Herst Meredith and Marc Hirsh Nilma and David Igdaloff Lee Kallen Marilyn Kraus Bonnie and Lew Lepene Joanna and Bob Meisel Arlene and Robert Merson Susan and Barry Podolsky Deana and Hy Richman Cheryl and Adam Runsdorf Paula and Larry Runsdorf Linda and Bobby Schmier Francine and Art Siegel Fran and George Weinberg PILLAR Marjorie and Dennis Berg Toni and Arnold Berliner Dorothy and Maurice Bucksbaum Lindy and Steven Cohen Andrea and Robert Colton Marilyn and Robert Dragin Elaine and Herb Gimelstob Corinne and Jerry Gorelick Karen and Stuart Grossman Ruth and Bert Harnett Sheilah and Bob Harrow Stacey and Barry Krinsky Charna Larkin Arlene and Ira Lazar Jan and Allen Lev Sarina and Jerry Lind Susan and Bruce Moldow Mary Perper Dale and David Pratt Laurie Silvers and Mitchell Rubenstein Tobe and Joshua Rubin Stephanie and Steven Schuster Debbie and Larry Silver Jane Skelton Deb and Neal Slafsky Ilene and Peter Wohlgemuth Wendy and Sol Zoberman Lisa and Andrew Zwick PATRON Anonymous Priscilla and Len Adler Sandi and Bob Altner Debbie and Chas Averbook Marcia and Michael Beckerman Ferne and Bill Berger Barbara and Jonathan Berman Betsy and David Blechman Marlene and Richard Bluestein Robin and Ken Bresky Andrea and Roy Bresky Patricia and Dan Cohen Shirley and Warren Deutsch Tia and Grant Disick Lois and Leonard Dopkins Edythe and Morton Dranoff Jean Erdheim Sheila and Robert Furr Rani Garfinkle Lucille and Bob Geller Gladys and Arnold Granet Marian and Marvin Gruber Lorri and Cliff Hark Cindy and Paul Homer Pam and Tom Kaplan Deanna and Hank Katz Ann Kelman Cristina and Donald Keusch Harold Kirstein Marci and Jeff Langley Mimi and Len Leeds Melissa Friedman-Levine and Brad Levine Robert Levinson Brooke and David Lukes Nancy and Bill Malnove Christy McElhaney and Mark Sunshine Fran and Nathan Nachlas Stacy and Steven Needell Jennifer and David Oppenheim Carole and Len Pedvis Margie Plough and Maurice Plough, Jr. Renee and Mitch Rauch Charlotte and Morris Robinson Debbi and Larry Rosenblum Linda and Norman Rose Mimi Sadler Jackie and Mark Saltzman Trish and Mark Schaum Marcy and Barry Schultz Shari and Craig Schwamm Mara and Michael Shapiro Jill and Alan Slootsky Esther and Mike Solnik Wendy and Steve Walin Beverly and Walter Warheit Marilyn and Jay Weinberg *As of May 20, 2015. This does not include new Sustaining Members for 2015-2016 18 THE CHRONICLE | tbeboca.org High Holy Days 5776 2015 MEMBERS MUST REQUEST TICKETS NO LATER THAN FRIDAY AUGUST 21, 2015. TICKETS WILL BE MAILED IN LATE AUGUST. REMEMBER tickets will be provided when at least one-third of your 2015-2016 dues have been paid. SAVE TIME Request tickets online at www.tbeboca.org/high-holy-days-2015 beginning July 1, 2015. Members must request tickets by August 21, 2015. MEMBER TICKETS FAU PARKING Each adult member of Temple Beth El is entitled to one ticket. Children ages 8-26 will receive tickets at no charge. You must include your children’s names and ages with your ticket request. Tickets will be provided to members “in good standing” —at least 1/3 of your 2015-2016 Temple membership obligations paid, or monthly billing up-todate, and no outstanding past-due invoices. FAU Student Union/Kaye Auditorium is located on FAU’s Boca Raton Campus at 777 Glades Road just east of I-95. On Rosh HaShanah and Yom Kippur, you may park in any available spot in lots 10, 12, 13 or 14. On Yom Kippur Eve (Kol Nidre) you may park in any available spot in any parking lot including the parking garage on Volusia Street (PG1). If the spot is metered, you must pay for it. Please do not park in special reserved spots. To get to the lots, enter the main entrance of FAU at Glades Road and 10th Avenue (West University Drive). SERVICE LOCATIONS Turn left at the second traffic light onto Volusia Street. Members may choose to celebrate services Make the first right into lot 10. If lot 10 is full, you may either at FAU or at Temple Beth El. take the third right into lots 12, 13 and 14. • Simultaneous services will be held at the Shuttle buses will run regularly on Rosh HaShanah and Student Union/Kaye Auditorium at Florida Atlantic University and in the Rabbi Merle E. Yom Kippur day, but not during Kol Nidre, starting one hour before services. Pick up will be clearly marked at both the Singer Sanctuary at Temple Beth El for the south entrance of the Basketball Arena (directly across from First Day of Rosh HaShanah, Yom Kippur the athletic field house) and at the entrance to the Tom Oxley Evening, and Yom Kippur Morning. Athletic Center. It is also a quick walk east on Volusia Street, • If you are a member and are crossing over West University Drive and following the covbringing a guest you must attend ered walkway into the north entrance of the student union. services with them at FAU. • Guests who are not members of Temple Beth El must attend services at FAU. PURCHASE GUEST TICKETS • Services for Rosh HaShanah evening, chilFOR $150 EACH dren’s services for Rosh HaShanah afternoon We welcome your family and friends to High Holy and Second Day Rosh HaShanah services Day services. Guest tickets are $150/person for the will take place at Temple Beth El ONLY. entire holiday, or $75 for each holiday. Due to space • Services for Yom Kippur afternoon and considerations, guest tickets are for FAU services only, children’s services for Yom Kippur will take except for Rosh HaShanah Evening Services, Second place at Temple Beth El ONLY. Day Rosh HaShanah, and Yom Kippur afternoon services • There will be a community Yizkor when we celebrate together at Temple Beth El. service free and open to the public on RECIPROCITY REQUESTS Yom Kippur afternoon at 3:30 pm in For Temple Beth El members who will be attending the Cohen Atrium at Temple Beth El. services out of our area, please fill out the Reciprocity Request and we will make the request for tickets on your behalf. July/August 2015 • THE CHRONICLE 19 HIGH HOLY DAYS 2015 5776 HIGH HOLY DAYS Congregational Worship SERVICE TICKETS ARE REQUIRED (Tickets are not required on second day Rosh HaShanah and Yom Kippur Afternoon Services.) Gather together as a community to spend the holiest days of the Jewish calendar in a meaningful worship service. Our Clergy lead us in reflective prayer, uplifting words and awe-inspiring music. On this journey, we turn to God and ask for forgiveness: “And for all these, God of forgiveness, forgive us, pardon us, and grant us atonement.” HIGH HOLY DAYS Family Participation SERVICE FOR YOU AND YOUR CHILDREN TO WORSHIP TOGETHER ON ROSH HASHANAH AND YOM KIPPUR MORNING TEMPLE BETH EL COHEN ATRIUM 10:00 AM SPECIAL FAMILY PARTICIPATION TICKETS ARE REQUIRED. LIMITED AVAILABILITY: 550 TICKETS Share the High Holy Days together as a family, with family-friendly liturgy and a festive, participatory environment. The service is designed for Temple Beth El member families with children in 3rd grade and up and will be a meaningful High Holy Day experience for all. All Temple Beth El youth and teens are encouraged and welcomed to help lead and participate in the High Holy Day Family Participation Service. Please contact Juliane Wolfberg, Director of Youth Engagement at 561-391-8900 or jwolfberg@tbeboca.org or call the clergy office for more information. 20 THE CHRONICLE | tbeboca.org HIGH HOLY DAYS Young Children’s SERVICE FOR YOU AND YOUR YOUNGER CHILDREN ON ROSH HASHANAH AT 3:00 PM AND YOM KIPPUR AT 1:30 PM TEMPLE BETH EL SINGER SANCTUARY NO TICKETS ARE REQUIRED. Bring your young children ages 8 and under to this afternoon service designed especially for them and filled with music, story and our famous High Holy Day skits. Open to the public— bring your friends and neighbors! SERVICE TIMES FOR TEMPLE BETH EL MEMBERS ROSH HASHANAH Rabbi Dan Levin, Rabbi Jessica Spitalnic Brockman and Rabbi Greg Weisman will rotate between services at Temple Beth El and FAU. Cantorial Soloist Lori Shapiro will be at FAU and Cantorial Soloist Michelle Cohen will be at Temple Beth El for morning Rosh HaShanah and Yom Kippur services. All Clergy will be together for Yom Kippur Afternoon Services at Temple Beth El. DATE TIME TEMPLE BETH EL FAU Sunday, September 13 Monday, September 14 8:00pm Rosh HaShanah Evening Service No service at FAU. Attend evening services at Temple Beth El. 10:00am Rosh HaShanah Congregational Morning Service Rosh HaShanah Congregational Morning Service Park in lots 10, 12, 13 or 14. See details on page 19. Bus service available. 10:00am Rosh HaShanah Tot and Youth Program A High Holy Day experience for children while parents are in Morning Services. Registration required. (See page 25) Rosh HaShanah Tot Program For children ages 2-3. Registration required. See page 25. 10:00am Family Participation Service Temple Beth El member families enjoy a full High Holy Day experience together, with familyfriendly liturgy and a festive, participatory environment. (For families with children in 3rd grade and up) Limited availability: 550 tickets 3:00pm Young Children’s Service For children (ages 8 and under) to attend with parents or grandparents 4:00pm Tashlich Service Meet in front of Temple Beth El and walk to a nearby stream to cast off the sins of the previous year. 10:00am Second Day Rosh HaShanah Morning Service YOM KIPPUR Tuesday, September 15 No service at FAU Attend morning services at Temple Beth El. DATE TIME TEMPLE BETH EL FAU Tuesday, September 22 8:00pm Yom Kippur Evening Service (Kol Nidre) Yom Kippur Evening Service (Kol Nidre) Park in any available spot, no bus service provided. Wednesday, September 23 10:00am Yom Kippur Congregational Morning Service Yom Kippur Congregational Morning Service Park in lots 10, 12, 13 or 14. See details on page 19. Bus service available 10:00am Yom Kippur Tot and Youth Program A High Holy Day experience for children while parents are in Morning Services. Registration required.(See page 25) Yom Kippur Tot Program For children ages 2-3. Registration required. See page 25. 10:00am Family Participation Service Temple Beth El member families enjoy a full High Holy Day experience together, with family-friendly liturgy and a festive, participatory environment. (For families with children in 3rd grade and up) Limited availability: 550 tickets 1:00pm Afternoon Study Session with Rabbi Brockman Remembering Rabin 20 years after the assassination 1:30pm Young Children’s Service For children (ages 8 and under) to attend with parents or grandparents 2:15pm Service of Spiritual Renewal 3:30pm Yom Kippur Afternoon Service, Yizkor and Ne’ilah for Beth El Members 3:30pm Community Yizkor Service open to the public in the Cohen Atrium No services at FAU. Attend Yizkor and Ne’ilah at Temple Beth El. SEE PAGE FOR 22 FOR ADDITIONAL HIGH HOLY DAY SERVICES AND YOM KIPPUR STUDY SESSIONS July/August 2015 • THE CHRONICLE 21 HIGH HOLY DAYS 2015 5776 ADDITIONAL High Holy Days SERVICES All services at Temple Beth El Schaefer Family Campus Tickets Are Not Required YOM KIPPUR AFTERNOON STUDY SESSION REMEMBERING RABIN 20 YEARS AFTER THE ASSASSINATION WITH RABBI JESSICA SPITALNIC BROCKMAN Wednesday, September 23 1:00pm Please join us on Yom Kippur as we reflect on what we have learned and where we have faltered in the 20 years since the assassination of Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin. 22 THE CHRONICLE | tbeboca.org SELICHOT So you bought a German car….The Road to Forgiveness. Saturday, September 5, 2015 at 7:30 pm Workshop and Services followed by a dessert reception Growing up, many of us would never have bought a German car because we could not forgive the Germans for the atrocities of the Holocaust. Today, that is not the case. Join us for a Selichot workshop to delve into the meaning of forgiveness and spiritual release. Our learning will be followed by the gorgeous and powerful words and music of the Selichot service, and a dessert reception. SHABBAT SHUVA – THE SABBATH OF REPENTANCE Friday, September 18 at 6:00pm KEVER AVOT (CEMETERY SERVICES) Sunday, September 20 Beth El Mausoleum at 12:45pm Eternal Light Cemetery, Boynton Beach at 12:45 PM (meet at the central Mausoleum Chapel) SUKKOT Sunday September 27 at 6:30pm Sukkot Family Service at Temple Beth El Monday, September 28 at 10:30am Sukkot Festival Study Session at Temple Beth El SIMCHAT TORAH Sunday, October 4 at 6:30pm Simchat Torah Family Service at Temple Beth El Monday, October 5 at 10:30am Simchat Torah Service with Yizkor at Temple Beth El TICKET ORDER FORM SAVE TIME. Request tickets online at www.tbeboca.org/high-holy-days-2015 Members must request tickets by August 21, 2015. MEMBER TICKET REQUESTS Children (Admission tickets will be issued only to children aged 8-26 on your membership) Print Member Name Print Co-member Name Address City, State Zip Phone SECTION 1 Print Name Age Print Name Age Print Name Age Print Name Age Email PLEASE DO NOT CUT FORM Please choose which location you would like to attend q FAU Kaye Auditorium OR q Temple Beth El Schaefer Family Campus If you are attending services at Temple Beth El, which morning service would you like to attend? q Congregational worship service OR q Family Participation Service—limited availability, 550 tickets (recommended for families with children 3rd grade and up) SECTION 2 GUEST TICKET REQUESTS Print Name As a member, you may request tickets for your guests. You may also request tickets for members of your immediate family (parents, siblings, & children over the age of 26). Print Name Print Name Guest tickets are $150 per person for both Rosh HaShanah and Yom Kippur or $75 per holy day. Are you a Sustaining Member? If yes, please refer to the Sustaining Member benefits card for guest ticket information. I am requesting tickets for (Check one or both.) q # _______for Rosh HaShanah q # _________ for Yom Kippur Total number of guest tickets Remember, if you have guests attending our services, you must attend services with them at FAU. Amount due for guest tickets: $ SECTION 3 RECIPROCITY REQUEST If you are a member in good standing and plan to be out of town during the High Holy Days, we will request tickets at another synagogue on your behalf. You must contact the out-of-town synagogue to arrange ticket pick-up. Print Your Name Temple Name Temple Address City State Phone Zip Fax I am requesting tickets for (Check one or both.) q # _________ for Rosh HaShanah q # _________ for Yom Kippur KINDLY RETURN BY AUGUST 21 P leas e retu rn to Temple Beth E l of Boc a Raton 333 SW 4 th Avenue | Boca Raton, FL 33432 P 561 391 8900 | F 561 395 8913 www.tbeboca.org July/August 2015 • THE CHRONICLE 23 HIGH HOLY DAYS 2015 5776 ANNUAL GIVINGDue to our printing and production schedule, tributes will be accepted only through August 21. Save time and contribute online at www.tbeboca.org/high-holy-days-2015 Honor and Remember Tributes appear in the Services and Tributes for the Days of Awe 2015/5776 booklet. Deadline for submission of tributes is August 21. Should a loved one pass away after this date, please let us know and the Rabbis will read his/her name on Yom Kippur. IMPORTANT: Print your name as you would like it to appear in the booklet: HONOR CELEBRATES LOVED ONES OR JOYOUS OCCASIONS AND IS USED DURING THE SHOFAR SERVICE ON ROSH HASHANAH MORNING. $25.00 per tribute. For Simchas: Please print names and occasions you wish to honor. Please print clearly as names will appear exactly as written. Attach extra sheets if necessary. SECTION 4 In honor of (name) Occasion In honor of (name) Occasion Number of tributes x $25 $ REMEMBERS DEPARTED LOVED ONES AND IS USED DURING THE YIZKOR SERVICE REMEMBER ON YOM KIPPUR AND OTHER YIZKOR SERVICES THROUGHOUT THE YEAR. $25.00 per tribute. In memory of: Please print names of departed friends and loved ones whom you wish to remember. Please print clearly as names will appear exactly as written. In memory of (name) In memory of (name) In memory of (name) In memory of (name) In memory of (name) Number of tributes CONTRIBUTE x $25 SECTION 5 $ YOUR CONTRIBUTION HELPS SUPPORT THE TEMPLE AND MAKES ITS SERVICES AND PROGRAMS AVAILABLE TO EVERYONE. I/We will make a contribution in the amount of $ Your Total Annual Giving Contribution = $(add sections 4, 5 and 6) SECTION 6 SECTION 7 q Please do not list me as an Annual Giving contributor in Temple Beth El publications. PAYMENT INFORMATION You may pay either by check made payable to Temple Beth El, or by credit card. You may also contribute online at www.tbeboca.org Total Amount Due for High Holy Days Tickets and Annual Giving I agree that Temple Beth El of Boca Raton will charge my credit card for the amount due. q Visa q Mastercard q Discover q American Express Amount Due $ (add sections 2 and 7) q Check Enclosed Card Number (please print clearly) Security Code Expiration Date Print name as it appears on credit card Signature X KINDLY RETURN BY AUGUST 21 24 THE CHRONICLE | tbeboca.org P leas e retu rn to Temple Beth E l of Boc a Raton 333 SW 4 th Avenue | Boca Raton, FL 33432 P 561 391 8900 | F 561 395 8913 www.tbeboca.org HIGH HOLY DAY TOT AND YOUTH PROGRAM For your children while you are at adult worship. Save time and register online at www.tbeboca.org/high-holy-days-2015 We’ve designed an engaging High Holy Days Tot and Youth program for children ages 2 through 2nd Grade. This enriching hands-on program will start at 10:00am and finish simultaneously with morning worship on the first day of Rosh HaShanah and Yom Kippur. This program is not meant to replace the High Holy Days Young Children’s Service, but it is an additional experience that will allow parents to attend the morning worship services. Reservations must be received by August 21 to ensure proper staffing and group placements by age. Walk-ins are not accepted, due to staffing requirements. There is a $5 donation per child per holiday. Siblings will not be in the same group unless they are in the same grade level at school. TOT PROGRAM Ages 2-3 Staffed by teachers from our Early Learning Center, children will experience High Holy Days with activities that are appropriate for them. Activities may include Torah parade, listening to the Shofar and coloring apples and honey. YOUTH PROGRAM Pre-K through 2nd Grade Staffed by teachers from our Religious School, children will participate in art projects, stories, song sessions, snacks and Tefillah. Contact the Religious School office with any questions at 561-391-8900. TOT PROGRAM — AT TEMPLE BETH EL AND FAU 10:00 AM ‘Child 1 TOT’S Birth date q Temple Beth El q FAU q Rosh HaShanah morning $5.00 q Yom Kippur morning $5.00 Child 2 TOT’S Birth date q Temple Beth El q Rosh HaShanah morning $5.00 q FAU q Yom Kippur morning $5.00 Child 3 TOT’S Birth date q Temple Beth El q Rosh HaShanah morning $5.00 q FAU q Yom Kippur morning $5.00 YOUTH PROGRAM — AT TEMPLE BETH EL ONLY 10:00 AM Child 1 Child 2 Child 3 YOUTH Grade (circle one) q Rosh HaShanah morning $5.00 Pre-K q Yom Kippur morning $5.00 K 1st 2nd YOUTH Grade (circle one) q Rosh HaShanah morning $5.00 Pre-K q Yom Kippur morning $5.00 K 1 st 2 nd YOUTH Grade (circle one) q Rosh HaShanah morning $5.00 Pre-K q Yom Kippur morning $5.00 K 1st 2nd Parent Name Parent Home Phone Parent Mobile Phone Physician’s name (in case of emergency) Physician’s Phone Does your child have any medical condition(s), food or drug allergies, or other needs of which we should be aware? ____Yes _____No If yes, please list: In case of an accident or other health-related emergency, I do hereby authorize the childcare providers to call the above named physician and follow his/her instructions. If it is impossible or impractical to contact the physician, other appropriate emergency measures may be taken. Total Amount Enclosed $ Parent signature KINDLY RETURN BY AUGUST 21 Date P leas e retu rn to Temple Beth E l of Boc a Raton 333 SW 4 th Avenue | Boca Raton, FL 33432 P 561 391 8900 | F 561 395 8913 www.tbeboca.org July/August 2015 • THE CHRONICLE 25 n sisterhood u pdate Shari Schwamm and Debbi Rosenblum Sisterhood Co-Presidents n by our ever popular summer book discussion. The book will be All the Light We Cannot See by Anthony Doerr. With new beginnings comes new opportunities. Please join us and plant some roots of your own! UPCOMING EVENTS Annual Summer Girls’ Night Out! Thursday, July 9, 2015 Boca Raton Museum of Art followed by dinner at the Yard House in Mizner Park. Private Docent Tour at 6:00pm Dinner at 7:30pm The Exhibit: “Beauty Is Power” traces the life of Polish-born cosmetics mogul Helena Rubenstein, and shows art from her collection, including works by Miro and Chagall. Admission to the exhibit is $15. Dinner is $25. Cost for both: $40. Summer Book Discussion and Potluck Dinner Thursday, August 27, 2015 Dinner and dessert at 6:00pm Book discusssion at 7:00pm Schaefer Family Campus We are excited to be reading “All The Light We Cannot See” by Anthony Doerr. $10 if you bring a dish; $20 with no dish. RSVP for both events at www.tbeboca.org/sisterhood brotherhood u pdate Andrew H. Zwick, and Alan S. Klasfeld Brotherhood CoPresidents 26 With the start of the new fiscal year comes new leadership. Sisterhood is pleased to welcome Shari Schwamm and Debbi Rosenblum as the co-presidents for the 2015-2017 term. We are looking forward to an exciting year of special programs, events, and celebrations with our wonderful Sisterhood. My name is Shari Schwamm and my roots are deeply planted here at Temple Beth El. I grew up here at TBE. I was confirmed, President of BOFTY, and married my husband Craig on the bima in 1989. My children are now following in my footsteps and have been active here as well. I am Debbi Rosenblum. My husband Larry and I joined TBE in 1996. I have taught everything from Mommy and Me through high school and my children also grew up here at Temple Beth El. Both Shari and I believe in planting roots and watching what grows. We are ready to dig in and help TBE’s Women of Reform Judaism grow and flourish as it has been for many years. We are also excited to welcome all of you to our exciting and innovative programming. Please mark your calendars for our summer kickoff event at the Boca Museum of Art on July 9th followed How exciting it is for us to have the honor of being the first CoPresidents of Temple Beth El Brotherhood. We have been blessed the last three years to have thrived as a group under the outstanding and visionary leadership of past-president Larry Hotz. The job became big enough that it will take two of us to fill Larry’s shoes but we feel we are up to the task. Brotherhood 2015 will be moving forward with many of the great events and programs that have become a staple of our group such as Movie and Mouthpiece, THE CHRONICLE | tbeboca.org Father and child camping, Super Bowl BBQ and football game, and of course our fantastic Charity Golf Fundraiser. We are excited about bringing back our monthly Sunday Morning Brotherhood Networking Breakfast and will be testing the waters for interest in creating a Brotherhood Bowling League. Our goals for this year are to program events that will be of interest across a broad range of ages so there will be something for everybody. We want to promote the true atmosphere of “brotherhood” in that we feel each member of TBE is connected to each other socially, spiritually and professionally and we remain committed as a service organization to augment and enhance Temple Beth El in all ways possible. We are always interested in feedback and will answer any questions about our organization and events. Feel free to contact us anytime at info@tbebrotherhood.org. Time to sell your home? 1. duPont REGISTRY Partnership with Mizner Grande Realty with 20 Page Full Color Spread around the World to 54 Countries. 2. Weekly Full Color Advertising in the Sun-Sentinel. R E A L T Y 3. Homes & Land of the Palm Beaches Full Color Magazine. 4. High Impact Advertising in the Boca Raton Magazine. 5. High Impact Advertising in the Delray Beach Magazine. 6. Mizner’s Dream – The Official Magazine of the Boca Raton Resort & Club with our 19 page Full Color Spread sitting in 1,065 rooms at the Boca Hotel & Resort always! Elsie Kaprel 561.271.6674 Call or Text 7. Full Color Direct Mail to over 10,000 qualified buyers monthly. 8. Boca Club Life - Premier Club Member Magazine for the Boca Raton Resort & Club with a readership of over 10,000. 9. Millions of viewers everyday on Realtor.com, SunSentinel.com & MiznerGrandeRealty.com. 10. High Powered Optimization obtaining qualified buyers daily for your property . Welcome New Members Jessica and Paul Benedetto and their daughter, Juliet Joyce and Sheldon Silverstein Tara and Lee Feldman and their son, Ayden Michele and Jonathan Simon and their son, Ian Michelle and Ralph Foreman and their son, Jacob Nancy and Stanley Singer Jennifer and Benjamin Gene and their daughter, Sophia Risa and Joseph Sontz Eileen and Harvey Kamil Marisa and Brian Spiro and their son, Logan Joanna and Bruce Kandel and their sons, Joseph and Roman Michelle and Michael Tannenbaum and their children, Ella and Jacob Ellie and Martin Lifton Penny and Dr. Andrew Turkell Denise and Seth Madnick and their daughter, Sadie Rebecca and Chandler Weiner Stephanie and Evan Manevitch and their children, Ari and Ava Alison and Jeffrey Weinstein and their children, Mollie and Max Jessica and Matthew Martin and their daughter, Ella Pat White Gloria Melman and Barry A. Broder Julie Wolkoff Diane and Stanley Miller Bonnie and Robert Zalkowitz Lissette and Felix Redensky and their daughter Isabelle Jill and Eric Relkin and their sons, Spencer and Chase Jill and Dr. Daniel Zapson and their children, Alexandra, Benjamin and Julia Alan Sands Karen and Markdavid Zummo-Hurley and their son, Marco Joy and Marvin Silverman July/August 2015 • THE CHRONICLE 27 FULFILLING the promise GIFTS AS OF JUNE 18, 2015 Anonymous Liliana Abramson Lisa and Ira Allekotte Sandi and Robert Altner Alumni Original East Pre-School Sophie Amichai Marilyn Anderson Jennifer and Karl Andrews Maxine Arno Irene Aronson and Marian Aronson Sheila and Dick Asher Debbie and Chas Averbook Judith and David Axelrod Nattie Bachman Joan and Harold Bader Marisa and Matthew Baker Pearl Baker Bruce Bakerman Ann Lois Ballon Ricki and Milton Barbarosh Lori and David Bargas Donna Barnett Sindi and Michael Bass Stan Bass Patty and Louis Beck Judith and Stephen Beiner Traci and Seth Benedon Gary Berg Marjorie and Dennis Berg Ruth Berg Jill and Ian Berger Linda and William Berger Shifra and Eyal Berger Annie and Michael Bergner Toni and Arnold Berliner Mollye and Glen Berngard Bobbie Bernheim Andy Bernstein Jill and Adam Bershad Faith Birnberg Judy and Mike Blackman Betsy and David Blechman Marlene and Richard Bluestein Ellen and Howard Bolner Amy and Perry Borman Shirley Levin Bowen Lenore and Jim Brachman Rabbi Jessica Spitalnic Brockman Linda and Paul Brody Reginee and Mark Bromson Julie and Ari Brooks Brotherhood of Temple Beth El George Brown Melinda Brown Dorothy and Maurice Bucksbaum Freyda and Ed Burns Barbara Butan Danielle and Rob Butler Allison and Adam Canter Lisa and Brian Cauff Judith Chason Cindy and Shabtai Chassan Linda and Jay Cherry Anne Chervony Stephanie and Richard Chestnov Toby Chudnow Elizabeth Ciano Carolyn Cohen Claire Cohen Debra and Elliot Cohen Linda and Charles Cohen 28 THE CHRONICLE | tbeboca.org Melissa and Joel Cohen Michelle and Yaniv Cohen Carolyn and Jeff Coleman Susanne Coleman Nancy and Randy Colman Andrea and Robert Colton Nicole and James Conway Alene and Richard Court Edythe and Ted Davis Maureen and Brock Delorenzo Shirley and Warren Deutsch Rita and Richard Diamond Daniela Diaz-Padua and Ignacia Diaz Tia and Grant Disick Robin and Eric Donner Amy Doran Kathleen Douglas Lori and Jayson Dubin Joan and David Dubov Marla and Scott Dudak Margery Ehrlich Helene and Jay Eichler Debbie Eisenberg Jennifer Eisenberg Nancy Eisenberg Robin Eisenberg and Andrea Broido Rebecca Elman and Andrew Levy Estate of Janet Rosenblum Nicole and Glen Ettman Peggy Falk Nancy Jo and Alan Feinberg Adele Feinerman Reva Felder Susan and Stephen Feldman Holli and Scott Feller Karen and Stephen Feller Marni and Michael Feuerman Maddi and Wes Finch Deborah and Michael Finger Hinda and Marvin Finston Andy Fiorillo Aline Fisher Staci and Jonathan Fishman Karen and Sean Fowler Pam and Keith Frazer Randi and Daniel Frazin Roni and Alan Freedman Lorraine and Howard Freeman Melissa Friedman-Levine and Brad Levine Deborah and Mike Freudenberg Lauren Friedman and Richard Koblick Guy Fronstin Lynda and Michael Frost Sheila and Robert Furr Roberta and Marvin Galler Suzy and Stephen Garber Carol Garcy Rani Garfinkle James Garrett The Gaspari Family Mariya Gavrylchuk and Dan Fishman Lucille and Robert Geller Edie and Lawrence Gise Judith Goldberg Marlene Goldberg Joy and Jason Goldman Clarice and Mark Goldstein Lisa and Jeffrey Goldstein & Family Marion and Sanford Goldstein Glenda and Ken Gordon Corinne and Jerry Gorelick Luanne and Larry Gotterer David Hanowitz and Eric Gottlieb Lauraleigh and Leonard Gould Lewis Gould Ronni and Tim Graf Kimberley and Steven Graham Gladys and Arnold Granet Judith and Stanley Gray Laurie and Jon Greene Alison and Brian Gross Alison and Michael Gross Esta Gross Susen Grossman Tracey and Gabe Grossman Marian and Marvin Gruber Jill and Steven Hacker David Hall Sally and Murray Halperin Silvana and Barry Halperin Joan and Jack Halpern Rachel and Brian Halpern Ina and George Hankin Allyson Harman Barbara Harper Sheilah and Robert Harrow Bruce Hausman Adele and Ed Haymes Melanie and David Hecker Allison and Bill Heller Lisa and Jeff Henschel Ida Herst Ursula and Leonard Hess Beth and Gavin Hirsch Bonnie and Herb Hirsch Meredith and Marc Hirsh Seth Hochman Jamie and Jonathan Hock Karyn and Glen Hoffman Yolanda and Richard Holiber Cindy and Paul Homer Renee and Barry Honig Larry Hotz Paula Hurtado and Ricardo Ramirez Herb Hutt Shelley and Barry Hymowitz Debbie Igdaloff-Nieman Debi and Herb Jackman Simone and Justin Jacobs Jodi Jacobson Grace and Jack Jaiven Rita and Sonny Judson Joanne Kabel and Barry Lippner Michele Kahme Bobbi and Jack Kalmanson Kathie and Donald Kaplan Pam and Tom Kaplan Joanna and William Karp Deanna and Hank Katz Suzanne and Jeff Katz Tiny Katz Beth Kaufman Ivy and Steve Kaufman Myrna Keisman Betty and Jon Kimmel Bonnie and Brad Kirsch Michael Kirshon Gail and Harold Kirstein Natalie Klebanoff Karen Klebenoff Leonie Klein Cindy Korshin Adrienne and Irwin Kotlove Margaret Kottler Jennifer and Josh Kramer Joan and Mel Kramer Tina and Jeffrey Kranitz Stacey and Barry Krinsky Gail and Keith Kronish Brenda and David Kronzek Miriam Krovetz Paula and Seba Krumholtz Judy Kuritz Amy LaGala Marci and Jeffrey Langley Cheryl Lavaux Arlene and Ira Lazar Becky and Ricky LeBaron Mimi and Len Leeds Jay Leicher Bonnie and Lew Lepene Marianne Minkoff Lerner Jan and Allen Lev Jane Leventhal Aimee and Rabbi Dan Levin Cantor Irving B. Levine Judy Levine Betty and Harvey Levins Rick Levitt Carolyne and Ed Levy Barbara and Jerry Lewin Margie and Mark Licht Jack Lipsey Edward Listengart Laura and Steve Litinsky Bronia and Eugene Lopatukhin Stephanie and Nate Lowen Jackie Luback Faye Lucarelli-Kanter and Doug Kanter Stacey and George Luck Lisa and Ben Lusskin Phyllis and Steve Lyons Carol z’’l and Buddy Magod Geraldine Mailender Janis Manley and Steve Barrow Barbara Manning Elsie and Steve Manton Lisa and Bob Marton Marcia Matles Rhea and Joseph Mayerchak Ilyne Mendelson and Steve Terk Arlene and Bob Merson Barbara and Stephen Michel Eileen Miller Katie and Kevin Miller Marvin Miller Marjorie and Adrian Minor Annette and Ken Mogell Susan and Bruce Moldow Humberto Morales Diane More Jennifer and David Morse Cindy and Duncan Morton Pam Nadler and Mark Sickles Marcia and Ken Namerow Cheryl and Robert Newman Estate of Edwin Newmark Lois and Justin Niles Lottie and Erik Nilsen Ken Novikoff Sheri Nusbaum Fran and Dave Oney Arlene Oppenheim Jennifer and David Oppeheim Newton Oshinsky Susan and Mark Pachman Sari Padorr Judie Parmet Helene and Richard Paul Betsy and Stephen Pearl Abbi and Seymour Pecker Natalie Pelavin Diane Perkins and Paul Mandel Nicole and Mac Phillips Dr. Susan Resneck Pierce Cara and Rian Pillitteri Anna and David Pincus Andrea and Mark Platt Margie and Maurice Plough, Jr. The Podhurst, Dern, Koffsky, Weinberg Foundation Jerry Podolsky Lois and Milton Podolsky Susan and Barry Podolsky Dawn and David Pollay Ellen and Edward Pollock Dorothy Pomerance and Jack Jaffe Dale and David Pratt Eliza Prince-Atias and Kobi Atias Siona Puterman Sandra and Sanford Putesky Rachael and Robert Rand Ellie and Stanley Rassler Helen Ratner Rosalie Ratner Jason Reasor Sherry Redler Laure and Owen Rheingold Deana and Hy Richman Ann Marie Reit Roni and Seth Robert Babs Robin Idah Robins Charlotte and Morris Robinson Jackie and Louis Robinson Mike Robinson Dr. Douglas Rolfe Lisajane and Kevin Romer Melissa and Carlos Romero Crystal Romero-Sherman and Brett Sherman Linda and Norman Rose Debbi and Larry Rosenblum Helayne and Joel Rosenblum Lisa and Kenny Rosenthal Susan and Richard Rosser Sheila and Philip Rubin Tobe and Joshua Rubin Laura Rubinoff and Jeff Smurlick Jackie and David Rudnick Cheryl and Adam Runsdorf Michael Salem Jean Satin Bonnie and Jamie Schaefer Marla Schaefer and Steven Weishoff Trish and Mark Schaum Selma Schepps Elaine Schlessberg Gabi Franchini Schmier and Jeff Schmier Margo and Brett Schneider Jocelyn and Elliot Schnier Hanita and Mordecai Schreiber Marcy and Barry Schultz Hynda Schuman Laurie and Michael Schuster Leslie Schwam Shari and Craig Schwamm Dina and Andrew Schwartz Elaine and Rabbi N. William Schwartz Amy and Martin Segel Jennifer and Craig Shapiro Lori Shapiro Karen and Gary Sheres Elizabeth and Adam Shonson Gina and Greg Shugar Michelle and Scott Shulman Francine and Art Siegel Gloria and Lawrence Siegel Kelly and Mike Silberman Debbie and Larry Silver Patti and Scott Silverman Sandra and Victor Silverstein Debbie and Michael Simon Brian Sindel Anna and Mike Singer Myra and Rabbi Merle Singer Sisterhood of Temple Beth El Jane Skelton Deb and Neal Slafsky Jill and Alan Slootsky Gail Smith Shelly Smith The Smolka Family Cara and Eric Snyder Lois and Geoff Solomon Linda and Richard Sommers Susan and Mark Sosin Simone and Sam Spiegel Gerald Spiegelman Aileen Spilka Madeline and Robert Spitalnic Susan and Andy Stallone Gina and Bill Staples Leslie and Rick Steinberg Rona and Sandy Steinberg Beverly Stewart Betty Stone Nanci and Fred Stone Christy and Mark Sunshine Janet and Allen Sussberg Velia Sweet Cecile Talesnick Ronna and Marc Taub Cis Teltser Marilyn and Dennis Thompson Elissa Tobin Lauren and David Tolces Randi Tompkins Shelly and Ed Turetzky Lorraine and Dennis Udwin Lois Victor Lenore and Herbert Wachtel Jill and Matthew Wahler Wendy and Steve Walin Michel Wasserman Joan and Tom Weidenfeld Marilyn and Jay Weinberg Phyllis and Alan Weiner Jill and Paul Weiner Joanne Weiner Iris Weingarten Tami and Rabbi Greg Weisman Karen and Howard Weiss Linda and Dennis Weiss Norman Weiss Shayna and Andy Weitz Evelyn Weitzman Robyn and Scott Wellikoff Serena and Richard Werber Jackie and Al Wheeler Ilene and Peter Wohlgemuth Dani Wolff-Ferrigno and Will Ferrigno Miriam & Gerald z’’l Wolpin Julie Yates-Schiller and Bruce Schiller Marilyn and Paul Yentis Barbara Zallea and Daniel Twer Beth and Jeffrey Zipper Wendy and Solomon Zoberman Lisa and Andrew Zwick July/August 2015 • THE CHRONICLE 29 13 20 27 12 19 26 10:30 AM-Tisha B’Av Service Tisha b’Av 6 5 SUNDAY SFC-Schaefer Family Campus BFC-Beck Family Campus MONDAY 7 28 12:00 PM-Lunch & Learn 21 12:00 PM-Lunch & Learn 14 12:00 PM-Lunch & Learn 12:00 PM-Lunch & Learn TUESDAY Re qu es t High Ho ly Da y Tic kets 29 1:00 PM-MCI Support Group 7:00 PM-Board of Trustees Meeting 22 15 5:30 PM-PJ Library Ice Cream Event (OOT) 8 1 WEDNESDAY 30 J ul y 9 6 :0 0 pm Sist er ho od Su m m er G ir ls N ig ht O ut 7:30 PM-RAC Committee Meeting 23 16 Out (OOT) 9 6:00 PM-Sisterhood Summer Girls Night 2 THURSDAY FRIDAY 7:30 PM-Shabbat Evening Service 31 24 7:30 PM-Shabbat Evening Service 17 6:00 PM-Shabbat at 6 7:30 PM-Shabbat Evening Family Service 10 7:30 PM-Shabbat Evening Service School & Offices Closed 3 2015 2014 JULY MAY 9:30 AM-Shabbat Morning Torah Study 10:45 AM-Shabbat Morning Minyan 25 9:30 AM-Shabbat Morning Torah Study 10:45 AM-Shabbat Morning Minyan 18 9:30 AM-Shabbat Morning Torah Study 10:45 AM-Shabbat Morning Minyan 11 9:30 AM-Shabbat Morning Torah Study 10:45 AM-Shabbat Morning Minyan Closed Independence Day - School & Offices 4 SATURDAY 17 24 31 16 23 30 8/30 - 9/05-Family Promise Host Week 10 9 MONDAY 1st Day of ELC at BFC 3 2 SUNDAY SFC-Schaefer Family Campus BFC-Beck Family Campus 4 12:00 PM-Lunch & Learn 25 18 8:00 AM-Finance Committee Meeting 12:00 PM-Lunch & Learn 11 12:00 PM-Lunch & Learn 12:00 PM-Lunch & Learn TUESDAY 1:00 PM-MCI Support Group 7:00 PM-HHD Workshop 7:30 PM-Social Action Committee Mtg 26 19 12 5 WEDNESDAY Discussion & pot luck dinner 6:00 PM-Sisterhood Summer Book 27 20 13 6 THURSDAY FRIDAY A ug us t 2 1 B lu e J ea n Sh ab bat D in ne r 6 pm Se rv ic e 7 :3 0 pm D in ne r 7:30 PM-Shabbat Evening Service 28 21 6:00 PM-Shabbat at 6 7:30 PM-Blue Jean Shabbat Dinner 14 7:30 PM-Shabbat Evening Family Service 7:30 PM-Kabbalat Shabbat Service 7:30 PM-Shabbat Evening Service 7 2014 2015 AUGUST 6:00 PM-Bar Mitzvah of Max Morris Brustein 9:00 AM-Bat Mitzvah of Ashley Lavalle 9:30 AM-Hebrew Marathon 9:30 AM-Shabbat Morning Torah Study 10:45 AM-Shabbat Morning Minyan 11:30 AM-B’nai Mitzvah of Skylar & Jamie 29 9:30 AM-Shabbat Morning Torah Study 10:00 AM-Welcome Back Tot Shabbat (BFC) 10:45 AM-Shabbat Morning Minyan 11:30 AM-Bat Mitzvah of Tara Katz 22 9:30 AM-Shabbat Morning Torah Study 10:45 AM-Shabbat Morning Minyan 15 9:30 AM-Shabbat Morning Torah Study 10:45 AM-Shabbat Morning Minyan 8 9:30 AM-Shabbat Morning Torah Study 10:45 AM-Shabbat Morning Minyan 1 SATURDAY Yahrzeit Gifts from 03/21/2015 to 05/22/2015 Irving Abrams by Henriette & Jay Abrams Ethel Abrams by Henriette & Jay Abrams Patricia N. Frank by Priscilla Adler Albert Aron by Marlene Aron Selma Axelrod by Stephen Axelrod Rose Nerenberg by Leslie & Michael Baron Daniel Barry by Marilyn & Stanley Barry Alex Berg by Dennis Berg Lesley Meckler by Randi & Mitchell Berg Mary Berliner by Toni & Arnold Berliner Jimmy Goldgeier by Toni & Arnold Berliner Mollie Blackman by Judy & Mike Blackman Rose Blum, Herman Blum & Nathan Fischer by Bruce & Lori Blum Irene Findler by Marianne Bobick Bud Levin by Shirley Levin & Julius Bowen Sarah Titefsky by Bernice Brauser Miriam Mehlman by Andrea & Roy Bresky Stephanie Afromsky by Brian Broad Mary Jane Brown by George Brown Steven Brown by Carol & Murray Brown Evelyn Dorsey Gleaves & Elliott Benjamin by Linda & Jay Cherry Shirley Cohen by by Harvey Cohen Sidney Cohen by Ron Cohen Yetta Schneier by Maxine & Joseph Copulsky Joan W. Cummings by Stuart Cummings Sarah Kazanow by Ann Dershowitz Aaron Kazanow by Ann Dershowitz Anna Rabinovitz by Ann Dershowitz Gertrude Deutsch & Sam Deutsch by Shirley & Warren Deutsch Evelyn Hess by Shirley & Warren Deutsch Diane Robin Hammer by Saralyn & Gerry Dicker Dr. Emanuel F. Hammer by Saralyn & Gerry Dicker Chalres David Rosenfeld by Sandy Dickerman Ella Faust by Marlene & Denny Faust Rose Reich by Phyllis Fink Ileen Bogart by Andy Fiorillo Alan Firestone by Sybil Firestone Eva Ouziel by Sybil Firestone Joseph E. Banks by The Frazin Family Abner Friedland by Adele Friedland David Friedlieb by Corinne Friedlieb, Lysa Friedlieb & Eric Reid Richard Fisher by Carol Friedsam Stella Friedsam by Ron Friedsam Mollie Fromstein by Ruth & Jim Fromstein Gilbert Garber by Stephen Garber Harriet Mellinger by Suzan & Stephen Garber Selma Serenco by Cindy Gitlitz Dr. Sanford Glanz by Franklin Glanz Irving Glatzer by Ronald Glatzer Carolyn Lowe Schwartz by Joan Goldburg Herbert M. Schwartz by Joan Goldburg Ron Goldberg by Joan Goldburg Fanny Krasnov by Mitzi Goldenberg Lil Kopman by Irving Goldstein Helene Goldstein by Irving Goldstein Lillian Goldstein by Irving Goldstein Mr. & Mrs. Jim Gordon Charlotte Miller by Glenda & Ken Gordon Fannie Shakin by Corinne & Jerry Gorelick Norman E. Jutras, Sr. by Kimberly Jutras Graham Eva Schmidt by Sylvia Greenberg Jonathan Schwartz by Sylvia Greenberg Annalee Y. Schwarz by Laurie & Jon Greene Benjamin Greene by Laurie & Jon Greene Morris Grossman by Stuart Grossman Pauline Hampton by Liz & Ben Hampton Reba Kadin by Bruce Hausman Bessie Elson by Dorothy Hewett Joseph Hirsch by Bonnie & Herb Hirsch Isadore Bernhard by Bonnie & Herb Hirsch Grandma Bee by Meredith & Marc Hirsh Josef & Pola Geclman & Szimek by Frieda Jaffe Matilda R. Sokal by Maida & David Kahn Martha & Herbert Kirschner by Bobbi & Jack Kalmanson Jean Kirshon by Michael Kirshon Irene Kornblath by Jodi & Richard Kornblath Sylvia Simon by Sheila Krichman Klara Marx by Eva Laski Helena Lazarovic by Debbie & Jacob Lazarovic Maura Lennon by Gail Lennon Nettie Friedman by Jane Leventhal Haya Shtaygrood by Manya Levina Ruth Kieran by Barbara & Jerry Lewin William Kieran by Barbara & Jerry Lewin Abraham Grunwald, Jansje Grunwald & Sella Spellman by Sarina & Jerry Lind Frances Meth & Emanuel Meth by Susan Litchfield Moe Anapoell by Shelley & Larry Marcus Lesley Mecker by Melvin Meckler Ruth S. Davidson by Arlene & Robert Merson Samuel Davidson by Arlene & Robert Merson Millie Regan by Eileen Miller Beverly Miller by Marvin Miller Morris Robinson’s 80th birthday by Joseph Falso by Ellen Joy & Raphael Fleming by Carlyn & Lothar Mayer by Beverly & Leon Schekter by Ann & Michael Winess in support of needy families during Passover by Sherry & Jerry Isackson Phyllis Wasserberg and Jerry Podolsky by Ruth Berg Rabbi Levin and Lori Shapiro and in honor of Jack’s Bar Mitzvah by Marjorie & Adrian Minor Rabbi Dan Levin by Myrna & Norm Ricken In Honor of CONTINUING EDUCATION FUND in honor of Charles Dryfoos 90th birthday by Marba Mallet AMY S. KLEIN SHAPIRO MEMORIAL EDUCATIONAL FUND in honor of Gladys Schaffer’s special birthday by Marilyn Anderson & Bernie Berger GIVING TREE FUND BUD LEVIN ENDOWMENT FOR ADVANCED JEWISH EDUCATION FUND in honor of Diana Shirocky’s graduation from college by Shirley Levin & Julius Bowen EARLY CHILDHOOD FUND in honor of Robin Eisenberg, Rabbi Jessica and Lori Shapiro being 2015’s Women of Valor by Robin & Gary Warren & Family EARLY CHILDHOOD SCHOLARSHIP FUND in honor of Judy Levine’s retirement and being selected for the John Rogers Staff Award by Tracey & Gabe Grossman GELFAND/ARPE YOUNG CHILDRENS INNOVATIVE EDUCATION FUND in honor of the recovery of Stuart Altman by Michael Gelfand the birth of Lucas Bernard Jaiven by Michael Gelfand GENERAL FUND in honor of Michelle Auslander Cohen for the beautiful concert by Judith & Michael Orenstein Ruth Berg’s 90th birthday by Elena & Larry Midolo by Leslie Schwam Robin Eisenberg being honored by Sisterhood by Julie Vanek Robin Eisenberg, Cantor Lori Shapiro and Rabbi Jessica Spitalnic Brockman by Debbie & Jacob Lazarovic Sawyer Feller’s Bar Mitzvah by Myra Rubenstein Diane and Gary Glick by Steinberg Global Asset Management 32 THE CHRONICLE in honor of Ruth Berg’s 90th birthday by Maxine Arno Jim Gordon’s birthday by Enid & Robert Winikoff MARY ANN AND MILTON HOFFMAN &FLORENCE AND MORRIS SCHWARTZFARB ENDOWMENT FUND in honor of the birth of Hunter Solomon Norton and to thank Rabbi Dan Levin by Elissa & Robert Norton MUSIC FUND in appreciation of the meaningful memorial service for Joseph Merlin by Felicia & Eric Gordon MYER WEINGARTEN ENDOWMENT FUND in honor of Don Gabay’s birthday by Iris Weingarten PAUL AND ELLEN HIRSCH ENDOWMENT FUND in honor of Ellen Hirsch by Elizabeth & Roger Levine PLOUGH FAMILY ENDOWMENT FUND (JR.) in honor of Mike Blackman receiving the John Q. Kline Lifetime Achievement in Volunteerism Award by Stuart & Gayle Coleman Rader PLOUGH FAMILY FUND SUPPORTING RELIGIOUS SCHOOL in honor of the engagement of the daughter and the birth of the grandson of Gail and Irwin Cohen by Margie Plough & Maurice Plough, Jr. PODOLSKY FAMILY ENDOWMENT FUND in honor of Lois and Milton Podolsky by Ruth Berg | tbeboca.org PRAYER BOOK FUND in honor of Glen Berngard’s special birthday by Yolanda & David Tisdale RABBI’S DISCRETIONARY FUND in honor of Ruth Berg’s special birthday by Roberta & Lorrie Shafer Rabbi Jessica Brockman by Gerald Weinberger Rabbi Jessica Brockman for the baby naming of Ellie Hoekzema by The Workman Family Robin Eisenberg receiving the Rebecca Gratz Award by Roberta & Lorrie Shafer Dr. Jack Kalmanson’s birthday by Rhona Guberman by Ruth & Arthur Maron Mitch and Babara Kaplun’s 60th wedding anniversary by Liliana Abramson & Jerry Zensky the naming of our grandson, Jadon Alexander Rhein by Ricki & Milton Barbarosh the blessings for my 90th birthday by Ruth Berg Rabbi Dan Levin and the birth of Hunter Solomon Norton by Susan & David Schwartzfarb Rabbi Weisman for the naming of Hannah Jenny Witenstein by Samara PriceWitenstein & Mathew Witenstein Susan and Jamie Weiss to support of needy families in Boca on Passover by Ursula & Lenny Hess in support of needy families during Passover by Marianne Bobick by Sherry & Jerry Isackson by Fran & George Weinberg to thank Rabbi Dan Levin by Benita & Stuart Appel Rabbi Levin and Rabbi Weisman and in memory of Samuel Resnick by Alice & Harry Resnick & Family Rabbi Levin for a beautiful and meaningful blessing for Aaron Tucker and Danielle Torrent in honor of their upcoming wedding by Debi & Herb Jackman Rabbi Dan and Cantor Lori for the wonderful Bar Mitzvah experience for Alec Gordon by Felicia & Eric Gordon Rabbi Levin and in memory of Jane Barocas by Jill & Adam Bershad Rabbi Levin and in honor of their mother’s memory by Laurie Silvers & Mitchell Rubenstein RELIGIOUS SCHOOL FUND in honor of the marriage of Joshua Marcus to Debra Bogdanoff by Robin Eisenberg & Andrea Broido the birth of Paxton Ben Gottlieb by Robin Eisenberg the birth of Kayde Elijah Levy by Robin Eisenberg & Andrea Broido the birth of Hunter Solomon Norton by Robin Eisenberg & Andrea Broido the birth of Caleb Mason Pollack by Robin Eisenberg the engagement of Lauren Schmier toTim Carey by Robin Eisenberg the birth of Bianca Skye Smith by Robin Eisenberg the wedding of Chandler Weiner to Rebecca Holman by Robin Eisenberg SAMUEL & MOLLIE LUKS ENDOWMENT FOR SPECIAL NEEDS EDUCATION FUND in celebration of Passover by Samantha Kaplan by Ann Teitelbaum by Fran & George Weinberg in honor of the wedding of the grandson of Irving Appel by Fran & George Weinberg Ida Cotler’s grandson’s graduation and becoming a doctor by Fran & George Weinberg Marilyn Comiter’s birthday by Fran & George Weinberg Alma Herman’s granddaughter’s graduation from college by Fran & George Weinberg Mother’s Day by Fran & George Weinberg in support of Temple Beth El by Marilyn & Richard Comiter SAMUEL & MOLLIE LUKS SHABBAT MORNING MINYAN FUND in honor of the speedy recovery of Norman Kaufman by Fran & George Weinberg the speedy recovery of Marilyn Rattner by Fran & George Weinberg Passover by Pam, Andrew & Mason Comiter by Karen & Jan Kaplan by Fran & George Weinberg TREES TO ISRAEL in celebration of Ariel Shulman’s graduation from high school and many accomplishments by Emily Gould Yahrzeit James “Jim” Moran by Jan Moran Irving Cooper by Arline & Eli Neuren Paul Mosbach by Hedy Nuriel Dora Oppenheim by Arlene Oppenheim Bernard Paskin by Anne Paskin Mark Weisberger by Fred Perlstein Samuel Pielet by Joan Pielet Harold Serlin by Jerry Podolsky Irvin Isaac Straas by Sarah Pollak Irene Weitzner & Sayde Rassler by Ellie & Stan Rassler Meer Redensky by Fira & Joseph Redensky Lillian Karlit & George Redler by Sherry Redler Louis Robins by Idah Robins Sara Tavel by Idah Robins Herbert N. Lesser by Gloria Rothstein & Family Anne Ruben by Robert Ruben Harry Braunstein & Albert Kraftsow by Freda Sacks Samuel Sadler by Mimi Sadler Morris Kahn by Jean Satin Norman Schlessberg by Elaine Schlessberg Samuel Sandhaus by Elaine Schlessberg Eva Slupow by Stephanie & Steven Schuster Ida Schwamm by The Schwamm Family Lois R. Schwartz by Mel Schwartz Reeva Kolstein by Rabbi N. William & Elaine Schwartz Bernard Schwartz & Ronald Schwartz by Ray Schwartz Dr. Murray Siegel by Gertrude Siegel Sandra Siegel by Lawrence Siegel Edith L. Bernstein by Debby Silver Jean Zucker by Jill, Alan, Erick, Jodi & Jen Slootsky Anne Bloom by Rona Steinberg Burt Karr by Velia Sweet Lillian Newman by Cecile Talesnick Ira Yavarkovsky by Leonard Tamchin Manya Kiperva, Senya Kipervas, Klara Polterman, Semen Tesler, Arkady Teslyar, Fany Teslyar, Polina Teslyar, Motya Grozzman & Sara Vexler by Mikhail Teslyar Asher Marder by Harriet Lee Toback Alex Tufel by Ann & Sherman Tufel Bosha Uchin Schwartz & Samuel Borinsky by Dorothy Uchin Mildred Urban, Louis Urban & Zvi Shpilner by Barbara & David Urban Toba Vainberg by Rabbi & Mrs. Samuel Vainberg Dvorhod Latvensky, Yacob Latvensky, Abraham Latvensky, Emanuel Latvensky, Itsrach Latvensky, Leah Arjjeve & Elya Arjeve by Sheva Vapne & Hona Vapne Martin Visnov by Robin Visnov Esther Arno by Murray & Susan Vogel Amalia Wagner, Adolph Wagner, Elsa Wagner & Berthold Wagner by Tobie Wagner Bernard Hoffman by Wendy & Steve Walin Joseph Goldrich by Randy & Peter Warheit Joan W. Cummings & Edith Wartenberg by Robin & Gary Warren Myra Wayser by Janet & Harold Wayser Reba Gladstone Weinberg, Sondra E. Weinberg & Charles Paul Weinberg by Marilyn & Jay Weinberg Leah & Abraham Epstein by Jill & Paul Weiner Marilyn Solomon by Randi & Steven Weiss Joseph Lessans & Albert Weitzman by Evelyn Weitzman Joseph C. Wheeler by Jacquelyn & Al Wheeler Frances Abramson by Laura Whiteman Rose G. Labowitz & James I. Applebaum by Laura Whiteman Marilyn Kehlmann by Wendy & Sol Zoberman May/June 2015 • THE CHRONICLE 33 Our Congregation Mourns Jean Klein*, wife of Morton Klein Goldie Krinsky Blank, grandmother of Barry & Stacey Krinsky, great grandmother of Drew & Caitlin Krinsky Stephen Wolkoff*, husband of Julie Wolkoff Walter Kraemer, grandfather of Kenny & Ashley Kraemer, great grandfather of Jonah Kraemer Marvin Kuritz, husband of Judy Kuritz Marty Litt, father of Stacey & Robert Sefton, grandfather of Brooke & Alexa Sefton Ellen Wrubel, grandmother of Marissa Wrubel and Michael Wrubel Ruth Appel, mother of Stuart & Benita Appel, grandmother of Brenna & Scott Appel Esther Thompson, sister of Miriam & Jack Boshes Emily Gordon*, mother of Lenny & Karen Schloss, grandmother of Michael & Carly Schloss Annabetta Kaufman*, wife of Sidney Kaufman Bernard Greenwald, father of Stuart & Audrey Greenwald, grandfather of Jonathan & Jennifer Greenwald and Nikki & Avri Benhamo Philip Meisel, father of Bob & Joanna Meisel, grandfather of Daniel & Jason Meisel Myra Schwartz*, mother of Lori Shapiro, grandmother of Elizabeth & Adam Shapiro Diane Cohen, mother of Lori Cohen-Vogel, grandmother of Adam & Matthew Vogel Bernard Passman, father of Stacey & George Luck, grandfather of Ryan & Carly Luck Blanche Debeauchamp, beloved member Jane Barocas, mother of Adam & Jill Bershad, grandmother of Jessica, Jack & Jolie Bershad Samuel Resnick, father of Henry & Mary Resnick, grandfather of Jacob & Aaron Resnick, brother of Ruth Jacobson Barbara White*, wife of Pat White Grace Ileen Goldberg, mother of Joanie Shagrin, grandmother of Lindsay, Rebecca & Eric Shagrin Gloria Kline*, mother of Phyllis Brucker, aunt of Margie & Maurice Plough, Jr., Leonard Stein, grandfather of Mandy & David Friedlander, great grandfather of Elizabeth & Brady Friedlander Belle Lazarus, mother of Geraldine Mailender, grandmother of Rabbi Pam & Brad Mandel, great grandmother of Sadie & Naomi Mandel *Laid to Rest in the Temple Beth El Mausoleum Mazel Tov To Carly & Jonathan Brackman on the birth of their daughter Sienna Bliss Brackma, grandparents are Terri & Stephen Chetek Lindsey & David Silverman on the birth of their son Jake Carter Silverman, grandparents are Judi & Craig Donoff Erika & Brad Milhauser on the birth of their daughter Cali Jules Milhauser, big sister is Liv Milhauser Jaclyn & Jason Naparstek on the birth of their daughter Harper Riley Naparstek, big sister is Brielle Naparstek Kelly & Mike Silberman on the birth of their daughter Hannah Elizabeth Silberman Sisterhood Contributions YES FUND: In honor of: The birth of Zachary A. Schwartz, grandson of Gail and Irwin Cohen, by: Dr. Merrillll, Irene, Jennifer and Melissa Epstein Jan and Allen Lev The engagement of Jenny, daughter of Gail Cohen, to Andrew Baraniak by Jan and Allen Lev The marriage of Chandler Weiner to Rebecca Holman, son of Sheryl and Robert Weiner by Irene, Dr. Merrill, Jennifer and Melissa Epstein The birth of Adi, grandson of Randi and Arnie Falchook, by Irene, Dr. Merrill, Jennifer and Melissa Epstein The engagement of Robbie Platt, son of Andrea and Mark Platt, to Alexis by Jan and Allen Lev The marriage of Esther Falchook, daughter of Dr. Arnie and Randi Falchook, to Darren by Irene, Dr. Merrill, Melissa and Jennifer Epstein Speedy Recovery of Mitch Hershey by Jan and Allen Lev Thank you to Steve and Lindy Cohen by Irene, and Dr. Merrill Epstein 34 THE CHRONICLE In memory of: Belle Lazarus, mother of Geraldine Mailender, by: Lisa and Dr. Andrew Zwick Jan and Allen Lev Gloria Kline, mother of Phyllis Brucker, by Jan and Allen Lev Gloria Kline, aunt of Margie Plough, by Jan and Allen Lev Emily Gordon, mother of Lenny Schloss, by Jan and Allen Lev Ruth Appel, mother of Stuart Appel, by Jan and Allen Lev MITZVAH FUND: In memory of Esther Potoff by Irene Epstein Tribute cards are a great way to honor a loved one. The cost is $18.00, and the money is used to fund various Women of Reform Judaism projects. For further information and to purchase a card, email Glenda Gordon at glendashoper46@gmail.com or phone Glenda at 561-495-2980 | tbeboca.org Rachel & Ryan Dubois on the birth of their son Jackson Dubois, great grandparents are Adrienne & Irwin Kotlove Doreen & Michael Lichtenstein on the birth of their son Cash Levi Lichtenstein, big sisters are Taylor, Hayley & Payton Gina & Bill Staples on the birth of their son Levi Franco Staples, big sister is Sophia Staples Debra & Adam Cutler on the engagement of their daughter Erica Kinne to Glenn Epstein Danielle Hecker & Jason Thomassy on their recent marriage Etz Chayim a Tree of Life Continued from page 3 In our prayerbook, we celebrate God’s holiness by declaring “L’Dor VaDor Nagid Godlecha – From generation to generation we will tell of Your greatness. The best testimony we can offer to our experience of God’s presence in our lives is to stand back and look with wonder at how each of us continues to grow. We look at ourselves and celebrate the growth we continue to achieve – notwithstanding the scars on our boughs of limbs we have lost and wounds we have suffered through the years. We look out at the forest of those whose seeds we helped to plant, with amazement and pride at the lives we inspired them to lead. We wonder who will one day grow in the place where we now stand, and know that the passing of the generations attests to the eternal and growing spirit of the Jewish people and our covenant with the Holy One. Exclusively for Temple Beth El The Hilton Boca Raton Suites offers discounted rates to all members, affiliates, family & friends. PRESERVING YOUR Legacy Your travelers will enjoy: Spacious Two Room Suite Complimentary full cooked to order breakfast each morning Complimentary two hour cocktail reception each evening Complimentary local transportation within the Boca Raton area Located just minutes from Temple Beth El, area attractions and local beaches For reservations call 561- 483-3600. Be sure to ask for the special discounted Temple Beth El Rate. With over 25 years of experience as a Board Certified attorney Mark A. Schaum, Esq., CPA provides the knowledge, reliability and integrity you need to protect your most important asset… your family. LAW OFFICE OF MARK A. SCHAUM, P.A. Wills & Trusts | Estate and Charitable Planning Estate and Trust Administration | Taxation and Business Formation markschaumlaw.com 561.750.7575 | information@markschaumlaw.com 1801 N. Military Trail, Suite #203 Boca Raton, Florida 33431 7920 Glades Road Boca Raton, FL 33434 www.bocaratonsuites.hilton.com Law Office of Mark A. Schaum, P.A. proudly serves clients throughout Palm Beach County and Broward County. *Board Certified in Wills, Trusts & Estates Law You’ll never walk alone We are here to help guide you and to answer any questions you may have about our facilities as well as Jewish traditions regarding end of life. Call our Mausoleum Director for a private tour or consultation. 333 SW 4th Avenue, Boca Raton, FL 33432 561 391 8901 www.bethelmausoleum.org Serving the Jewish Community of South Florida July/August 2015 • THE CHRONICLE 35 In Memory of Gifts from 03/21/2015 to 05/22/2015 ADAM JAY HARRIS MEMORIAL RELIGIOUS SCHOOL FUND in loving memory of Diana Cohen by Tracey & Gabe Grossman Emily Gordon by Tracey & Gabe Grossman ANNA SCHWARTZ PETERSON COLLEGE TUITION FUND in memory of Arlane Ginsburg by Jackie & Louis Robinson BUD LEVIN ENDOWMENT FOR ADVANCED JEWISH EDUCATION in memory of Myra Schwartz by Shirley Levin & Julius Bowen CARYN & PETER MINTZ RELIGIOUS SCH SCHOLARSHIP FUND in loving memory of Gloria Kline by Tracey & Gabe Grossman CONTINUING EDUCATION FUND in memory of Mrs.Thelma Wolfson by Jackie & Louis Robinson EARLY CHILDHOOD FUND in memory of Marvin Kuritz by Betsy & David Blechman & Family by Emily Gould by Barbara & Jerry Lewin FULFILLING THE PROMISE in memory of Myra Schwartz by Michelle, Yaniv, Eliana & Liora Cohen Gene Zetkin by Jean Satin GELFAND/ARPE YOUNG CHILDRENS INNOVATIVE EDUCATION FUND in memory of Jack Cohen by Michael Gelfand Joyce Lazer by Shirley Gelfand Margaret Ackerman Schmitt by Michael Gelfand GENERAL FUND in memory of Ruth Appel by Carin & Scott Friedman Myron Baker by Joseph & Libby Shapiro Family Foundation of Florida, Inc. Goldie Krinsky Blank by Susan & Barry Podolsky John Derr by Rita & Richard Diamond Emily Gordon by The Frazin & Reivers Families Bernard Greenwald by Mimi & Len Leeds by Laurie Silvers and Mitchell Rubenstein Marvin Kuritz by Susan & Barry Podolsky Belle Lazarus by Michele & Steve Klausner Carol Magod by Stephanie & Marvin Anzel George Sway by Sheilah & Robert Harrow Ruth Weissman by Roberta & George Mikhael ISRAEL YOUTH TRAVEL FUND in memory of Belle Lazarus by Aline Fisher Augusta Barnett Unger and Alvin Charles Unger by Aline Fisher JOYCE THRONE MEMORIAL GARDEN ENDOWMENT FUND in memory of Ruben Schuster by Rita & Tully Schuster MARION & MILTON HOFFMAN AND FLORENCE & MORRIS SCHWARTZFARB ENDOWMENT FUND in memory of Florence Schwartzfarb by Susan & David Schwartzfarb 36 THE CHRONICLE MILTON KOTLER MEMORIAL ENDOWMENT FUND in memory of Milton Kottler and Dr. Morris Erdheim by Jean Erdheim MIRIAM & ALBERT ZWICK ENDOWMENT FUND in memory of Emily Gordon by Lisa & Andrew Zwick MUSIC FUND in memory of Sam Bloom by Jackie & Louis Robinson Myra Schwartz by Helene Avidon MYRA SCHWARTZ ENDOWMENT FUND in memory of Gloria Geller by Hillary & Rodger Krouse Majorie DiPangrazio by Hillary & Rodger Krouse Bernard Passman by Hillary, Rodger, Steven, Samuel & William Krouse Abraham Platt by Margaret Kottler Myra Schwartz by Marilyn Anderson Arlette Baker Ricki & Milton Barbarosh Lynn Barr Stan Bass David & Tina Beale Susan & Walter Beisel The Benrubi Family Ruth Berg Marjorie & Dennis Berg Linda & William Berger Sondy & Bob Berman Judy & Mike Blackman Honey & Jack Boshes Suzy, Brian, Helen & Isaac Broad Denise Calderon Judy & Stephen Carlin Lois & Dennis Charney Judith Chason Chavurah Yachad: Andrea & Mark Platt, Jan & Allen Lev, EJ & Steve Manton, Diane & Gary Glick, Fran & Art Siegel, Betsy Silverfine & Russ Levine, Debi & Herb Jackman and Phyllis & Steve Lyons Stuart Cummings Rita & Richard Diamond Amy Doran Robert Dragin Selma Drucker Robin Eisenberg & Andy Broido Irene, Dr. Merrill, Jennifer & Melissa Epstein Sue & Steve Feldman Nina Finkel & Len Effron Aline Fisher Lorraine & Howard Freeman Lucille & Bob Geller Edie & Larry Gise Eileen Gottsegen, Ellen & Steven Gottsegen Emily Gould Tracey & Gabe Grossman Havurah Group: Elaine & Bernard Shulman, Lois Saltzman & Gerald Spiegelman, Ellie & Stan Rassler, Judith & Stanley Gray, Anne & Jerome Gold, Joan & Harold Bader Marcia Hoffman Susan, Alan Jacobs & The Entire Family Cookie Katz Renee & Gary Kay Myrna Keisman Adrienne & Irwin Kotlove Margaret Kottler Evelyn & Herb Krickstein Hillary, Rodger, Steven, Samuel & William Krouse Dale Simon & Kenneth Lassman Mimi & Len Leeds Jan & Allen Lev Daryn & Arthur Lewis E.J. & Steve Manton | tbeboca.org Loui Marver Gail Miller Susan & Mark Pachman Natalie Pelavin Andrea & Mark Platt Margie Plough & Maurice Plough, Jr. Susan & Barry Podolsky Sandy & Sandy Putesky Ro Ratner Paula & Kevin Ray Sherry Redler Ida Robins Jackie & Louis Robinson Richard Rosen Helayne & Joel Rosenblum Helen Rosenthal Cheryl & Michael Sayers Linda & Bobby Schmier Rita & Tully Schuster Shapiro, Blasi & Wasserman, P.A. Cantor Elaine Shapiro & Michael Zimmerman Francine & Art Siegel Debby Silver Stuart Silver Debbie & Michael Simon Jill, Alan, Erick, Jodi & Jen Slootsky Linda & Richard Sommers & Family Velia Sweet H. Barry Swickle Susie & Mark Tabor Ronna & Marc Taub Shelly & Ed Turetzky Wendy & Steve Walin Robin & Gary Warren Cheryl & Robert Weiner Phyllis & Alan Weiner Lisa & Andrew Zwick PAUL AND ELLEN HIRSCH ENDOWMENT FUND in memory of Freda Lemke by Ellen & Paul Hirsch PLOUGH FAMILY FUND SUPPORTING RELIGIOUS SCHOOL in memory of Emily Gordon by Margie Plough & Maurice Plough, Jr. Bernard Greenwald by Margie Plough & Maurice Plough, Jr. Marvin Kuritz by Margie Plough & Maurice Plough, Jr. Belle Lazarus by Margie Plough & Maurice Plough, Jr. Gloria Kline by Judy & Mike Blackman PRAYER BOOK FUND in memory of Richard C. Barrows by Hynda Schuman RABBI’S DISCRETIONARY FUND in memory of Mike Baker by Arlette Baker by Marilyn & Robert Dragin Julius Letovsky by Hinda & William Letovsky Philip Meisel by Joanna & Robert Meisel Karl Neimand by Stephanie & Steven Schuster Arthur Regenstreif and Irving Regenstreif by Helen Regenstreif Bejamin Schuman by Hynda Schuman Clara Sherman and Morris Schuster by Rita & Tully Schuster Esther Thompson by Honey & Jack Boshes by Lucille & Bob Geller RELIGIOUS SCHOOL FUND in memory of Jane Barocas by Robin Eisenberg Bernard Greenwald by Robin Eisenberg Annabetta Kaufman by Robin Eisenberg Belle Lazarus by Robin Eisenberg & Andrea Broido Leonard Stein by Robin Eisenberg RELIGIOUS SCHOOL SCHOLARSHIP FUND in memory of Diana Cohen by Andrea & Mark Platt RICHARD ALLEN BRANSDORF MEMORIAL ENDOWMENT FUND in memory of Stanley Garfinkle by Beverly & Marvin Bransdorf Myra Schwartz by Beverly & Marvin Bransdorf Anne Seff by Beverly & Marvin Bransdorf SAMUEL & MOLLIE LUKS SHABBAT MORNING MINYAN FUND in memory of Myra Schwartz by Fran & George Weinberg Sol Sokloff by Fran & George Weinberg SIDNEY & ANNABETTA KAUFMAN & FAMILY EDUCATION FUND in memory of Annabetta Kaufman by Helene & Jay Eichler STEVE BROWN ENDOWMENT FUND in memory of Steven B. Brown by Hope & Philip Borish by Dana Brown & Family by Debbie & Jacob Lazarovic by Pam Nadler & Mark Sickles Hannah Fleck by Dana Brown & Family TEMPLE BETH EL WOMEN OF REFORM JUDAISM in memory of Martha Maier by Phyllis & Stephen Lyons TREES TO ISRAEL in loving support of Bobbi’s family by Esta Gross & Mimy Shegota in memory of Melissa Barash by Meredith Gould Warren Bellock by Marjorie & Dennis Berg Diana Cohen by Esta Gross & Jackie Luback Adele Cowiser by Natalie Klebanoff Carl Dorfman by Sandra & Steven Camhi Arnie Learner by Sandra Ungar Judah Mansbach by Norma Locker Joseph Rubenstein by Norma & Layne Locker Myra Schwartz by Esta Gross & Jackie Luback Dianne Wilkins by Norma & Layne Locker Gifts Gifts from 03/21/2015 to 05/22/2015 GENERAL FUND The Estate of Harriet Oster RABBI’S DISCRETIONARY FUND Dale and David Pratt Howard Singer Giving Tree Gifts from 03/21/2015 to 05/22/2015 GIVING TREE FUND Tamara Director Elaine Olinsky Ken & Lynne Margolius Wendie & Stephen Ploscowe Edith & Martin Stein Cathleen Sullivan HarveySellsBoca.com #1 Keller Williams Agent Florida Region 2014 #1 Hall of Fame Award for Closed Units (Top 1% Nationally) • Over $500 Million in Sales* • 65 Properties SOLD in 2014 • Over 35 Years Real Estate Sales Experience • • * Since 1979 May/June 2015 • THE CHRONICLE 37 TEMPLE OFFICERS Barry Podolsky Neal Slafsky Shari Schwamm Bruce Moldow Mark Sunshine Kenneth Gordon Lisa Zwick Karyn Hoffman Gina Shugar Wendy Walin Allen Lev Jeffrey Katz Ilyne Mendelson Danielle Butler Patty Beck* Charles Abell Marc Applebaum** Richard Asher Daniel Beckerman Donald Berger Mike Blackman Alvin Cohen** Michael Frost Herbert Gimelstob** Stanley Gray Ronni Namerow-Graf Cliff Hark President Executive Vice President Secretary Vice President of Finance Vice President of Leadership Development and Governance Vice President of Religious Activities Vice President of Development Vice President of Education Vice President of Membership & Engagement Vice President of Social Action Vice President of Mausoleum Vice President of Facilities & Technology Vice President of Adult Experiencess TRUSTEES Aline Fisher Stephen Manton LEADERSHIP COUNCIL Ida Herst** Larry Hotz Marc Jaro Barry Krinsky Jaime Kshonz Richard Levitt Stephanie Lowen Robert Marton Kenneth Mogell Lisa Oken David Pincus Mark Platt* Marjorie Minor David Morse Maurice D. Plough, Jr. Margie Plough Morris Robinson Trish Schaum Dina Schwartz Jennifer Shapiro Elizabeth Shonson Bernard Shulman** Rabbi Merle Singer Michael Singer Alan H. Weiner** *Immediate Past President ** Past President TEMPLE LEADERS OF BLESSED MEMORY MATH Robin Donner Mathematics 1:1 tutoring pre-algebra algebra I&II geometry CELEBRATE! rsdonner1227@gmail.com 561.894.8967 38 Let Temple Beth El cater your next event Weddings, Bar and Bat Mitzvahs, Special Birthdays or Corporate Events, Temple Beth El and our preferred caterers can help plan the party of your dreams. Contact Event Coordinator Lauren Alcalay at lalcalay@tbeboca.org or 561 391 8900. THE CHRONICLE James B. Baer Frances Cohen Stanford Hermann Joseph Q. Kline LTC Ben Lake Cis Rader Irving Rifkin Stanley Rose Albert Schiff PROFESSIONAL STAFF Rabbi Daniel Levin Rabbi Jessica Spitalnic Brockman Rabbi Greg Weisman Lori Shapiro, CANTORIAL SOLOIST Michelle Auslander Cohen, CANTORIAL SOLOIST Rabbi Merle Singer, D.P.S., D.H.L., D.D., RABBI EMERITUS Cantor Martin Rosen, CANTOR EMERITUS Steve Kaufman, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Mark Erickson, DIRECTOR OF FINANCE Susan Stallone, DIRECTOR OF COMMUNICATIONS AND PROGRAMMING Jason Reasor, DIRECTOR OF FACILITIES Eliza Prince-Atias, DIRECTOR OF DEVELOPMENT Rachael Rand, CONGREGATIONAL ENGAGEMENT COORDINATOR David Oney, MAUSOLEUM DIRECTOR Esther Lupin, LICENSED CLINICAL SOCIAL WORKER MAIMONIDES INSTITUTE FOR JEWISH LEARNING Robin Eisenberg, RJE, DIRECTOR OF JEWISH LEARNING AND LIVING Marcy Schultz, ASSOCIATE DIRECTOR OF JEWISH LEARNING AND LIVING Cindy Korshin, DIRECTOR OF EARLY LEARNING CENTER Ronni Graf, ASSISTANT DIRECTOR OF EARLY LEARNING CENTER Juliane Wolfberg, DIRECTOR OF YOUTH ENGAGEMENT Schaefer Family Campus 333 SW 4th Avenue | Boca Raton, FL 33432 |561 391 8900 Beck Family Campus www.tbeboca.org | tbeboca.org 9800 Yamato Road | Boca Raton, FL 33434 |561 391 9091 Dis c over a sense of refinemen t in down t own Bo c a Ra t on w here 170 residen c es adja c en t t o Mizner Par k fuse t e c hnolo g y, s t yle, luxur y and lo c a t ion. Visi t our On-Si t e Sales C en t er | Fur nished Models Mon/Fr i: 10am - 5pm | Sa t - Sun: 11am - 5pm Ran g in g from $400k - Over $2 million 199 Eas t Bo c a Ra t on Road I 561.600.9195 I www.Tower155. c om Another Quality Development by COMPSON ASSOCIATES ORAL REPRESENTATIONS CANNOT BE RELIED UPON AS CORRECTLY STATING THE REPRESENTATIONS OF THE DEVELOPER. FOR CORRECT REPRESENTATIONS, REFERENCE SHOULD BE MADE TO THE DOCUMENTS REQUIRED BY SECTION 718.503, FLORIDA STATUTES, TO BE FURNISHED BY A DEVELOPER TO A BUYER OR LESSEE. THIS OFFERING IS MADE ONLY BY THE OFFERING DOCUMENTS FOR THE CONDOMINIUM AND NO STATEMENT SHOULD BE RELIED UPON IF NOT MADE IN THE OFFERING DOCUMENTS. THIS IS NOT AN OFFER TO SELL, OR SOLICITATION OF OFFERS TO BUY, THE CONDOMINIUM UNITS IN STATES WHERE SUCH OFFER OR SOLICITATION CANNOT BE MADE. PRICES, PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE. Non-Profit Organization U.S. POSTAGE PAID Boca Raton, FL Permit No. 37 333 SW 4th Avenue | Boca Raton, FL 33432 CURRENT RESIDENT OR DATED MATERIAL | PLEASE RUSH A Reform congregation affiliated with The Union for Reform Judaism Joshua M. Berlin, M.D. Board Certified in Dermatology Specializing in All Forms of Dermatology Care and Skin Surgery Trained at Cleveland Clinic, Ohio in Dermatology And The Berlin Center for Medical Aesthetics Offering Cosmetic & Laser Skin Treatments • Fraxel® • Chemical Peels • Micro Dermabrasion • Facials • Age Spots BeThesDA heAlTh CiTy / BoynTon BeACh 10301 Hagen Ranch Road • Entrance “D” – Suite 930 561-739-5252 IntellIgent SkIncare For a lIFetIme Member of Temple Beth el of Boca Raton 40 THE CHRONICLE | tbeboca.org