DownLoad - Art In Motion
DownLoad - Art In Motion
This website, the images, and any and all portions thereof are protected pursuant to copyright laws, international treaties and conventions, and other applicable intellectual property laws. All rights are reserved unless expressly indicated otherwise. Any reproduction, downloading, modification, publication, transmission, transfer, sale, distribution, performance, display or exploitation of any of the content, the images or portions thereof, without the express written permission of Art In Motion is strictly prohibited. Art In Motion, in support of our artists, will pursue through legal proceedings, all copyright infringements to the full extent necessary to protect their rights. 02 | A RT I N M OT I O N Marion de Lauzun Born and raised in South West France, Marion de Lauzun now lives in Paris, a stone’s throw from Montmartre. She graduated with a Master's degree in International Management from Northeastern University in Boston, Massachusetts (USA). After working for a few years in the e-commerce sector, she recently ventured into the art world, in particular graphic digital design. She enjoys working with all kinds of graphic designs and elements, such as antique French illustrations, typographic designs, paintings, photos, etc. Her work is influenced by the French Belle Époque (Victorian Era), the Années Folles (Roaring Twenties), as well as her many travels around the World. All images are copyrighted. All sizes are approximate. A RT I N M OT I O N | 03 Marion De Lauzun As The French Say...Eiffel Tower P P AC8900 Print Size:(25 x 50cm) 9 3/4” x 19 3/4” IMAGE SIZE:(25 x 49.7cm) 9 27/32” x 19 9/16” $ PR30 Marion De Lauzun Marion De Lauzun As The French Say...Heart As The French Say...Map P P AC8901 Print Size:(30 x 30cm) 11 3/4” x 11 3/4” P IMAGE SIZE:(30 x 29.7cm) 11 13/16” x 11 11/16” $ PR25 04 P | AC 8 9 0 2 Print Size: (30 x 30cm) 11 3/4” x 11 3/4” IMAGE SIZE:(30 x 29.7cm) 11 13/16” x 11 11/16” $ PR25 A RT I N M OT I O N A rt A telier A lliance Art Atelier Alliance was conceived during the summer of 2010 over a bottle of Chianti shared by 3 new friends. Heralding from different parts of the globe, these kindred spirits shared a strong enthusiasm for fine wine & art. They became fast friends and confidantes while attending a painting holiday in Tuscany. Each had dreamed of becoming a working artist and over many wonderful bottles of wine made a pact that once they returned home to their respective countries: Canada, China & France, each would try and make that dream a reality. They succeeded and are now living their dream. All images are copyrighted. All sizes are approximate. A RT I N M OT I O N | 05 Art Atelier Alliance Tres Chic Fashion Illustration In Red P P En Vogue Fashion Illustration In Red P AC9277 AC 9 2 7 8 Print Size:(25 x 50cm) 9 3/4” x 19 3/4” IMAGE SIZE:(25 x 49.7cm) 9 27/32” x 19 9/16” $ PR30 Art Atelier Alliance Couture Inspired P Fashion Inspired P AC9021 AC 9 0 2 2 Print Size:(40 x 80cm) 15 3/4” x 31 1/2” P IMAGE SIZE:(40 x 79.7cm) 15 3/4” x 31 3/8” $ PR54 06 | A RT I N M OT I O N Paulo Romero Complex Thought 1 P AC7 8 3 0 Complex Thought 2 P AC 7 8 3 1 Paulo Romero Paulo Romero Thought Patterns Deep Thoughts P AC7 8 3 2 P AC 7 8 3 3 Print Size: (50 x 70cm) 19 3/4” x 27 1/2” P IMAGE SIZE:(50 x 69.7cm) 19 11/16” x 27 7/16” $ PR56 08 | A RT I N M OT I O N Gabriella Villarreal Villarreal Century Light 2 P AC 8 7 2 1 Print Size: (50 x 70cm) 19 3/4” x 27 1/2” P IMAGE SIZE:(50 x 69.7cm) 19 11/16” x 27 7/16” $ PR56 Today’s Dream P P AC8722 Print Size: (70 x 50cm) 27 1/2” x 19 3/4” IMAGE SIZE:(70 x 49.7cm) 27 9/16” x 19 9/16” $ PR56 Great Heights P P AC 8 7 2 3 Print Size: (40 x 50cm) 15 3/4” x 19 3/4” IMAGE SIZE:(40 x 49.7cm) 15 3/4” x 19 9/16” $ PR36 All images are copyrighted. All sizes are approximate. A RT I N M OT I O N | 09 Gabriella Villarreal Villarreal Golden Prisms P World Knowledge P AC8724 AC 8 7 2 5 Print Size:(70 x 50cm) 27 1/2” x 19 3/4” P IMAGE SIZE:(70 x 49.7cm) 27 9/16” x 19 9/16” $ PR56 Wendy Kroeker Magic Vista P P AC9209 Print Size:(95 x 33cm) 37 3/8” x 13” IMAGE SIZE:(95 x 33cm) 37 13/32” x 13” $ PR55 Wendy Kroeker Sunlit Botanics 1 P P Sunlit Botanics 2 P AC9 2 0 7 AC 9 2 0 8 Print Size:(50 x 50cm) 19 3/4” x 19 3/4” IMAGE SIZE:(50 x 49.7cm) 19 11/16” x 19 9/16” $ PR50 010 | A RT I N M OT I O N Ivo Blossom Grove 1 P P Blossom Grove 2 P AC8683 AC 8 6 8 4 Print Size: (50 x 50cm) 19 3/4” x 19 3/4” IMAGE SIZE:(50 x 49.7cm) 19 11/16” x 19 9/16” $ PR50 Bella Dos Santos Love Comes in All Shapes P Sweet Smell of Success P AC 7 7 4 4 AC 7 7 4 5 Print Size: (30 x 30cm) 11 3/4” x 11 3/4” P IMAGE SIZE:(30 x 29.7cm) 11 13/16” x 11 11/16” $ PR25 All images are copyrighted. All sizes are approximate. A RT I N M OT I O N | 011 Arnie Fisk Industrial Chic Elements P AC 9 1 3 0 P Print Size: (50 x 25cm) 19 3/4” x 9 3/4” IMAGE SIZE:(50 x 24.7cm) 19 11/16” x 9 23/32” $ PR30 Arnie Fisk Industrial Chic Finial P Industrial Chic Books P P P Industrial Chic Armillary Globe P AC 9 1 3 5 AC 9 1 3 6 Print Size: (24 x 30cm) 9 1/2” x 11 3/4” IMAGE SIZE:(24 x 29.7cm) 9 7/16” x 11 11/16” $ PR15 AC 9131 Print Size: (25 x 50cm) 9 3/4” x 19 3/4” IMAGE SIZE:(25 x 49.7cm) 9 27/32” x 19 9/16” $ PR30 Arnie Fisk Industrial Chic Carpe Diem P AC 9132 Industrial Chic Numbers P Industrial Chic Clock P AC 9 1 3 3 AC 9 1 3 4 Print Size: (30 x 30cm) 11 3/4” x 11 3/4” P IMAGE SIZE:(30 x 29.7cm) 11 13/16” x 11 11/16” $ PR25 All images are copyrighted. All sizes are approximate. A RT I N M OT I O N | 013 Morgan Yamada Japanese Beetle 1 P P Japanese Beetle 2 P AC7092 AC709 3 Print Size:(30 x 40cm) 11 3/4” x 15 3/4” IMAGE SIZE:(30 x 39.7cm) 11 13/16” x 15 5/8” $ PR25 Morgan Yamada The Details of Big Ben P The Details of Eiffel P AC8793 AC879 4 Print Size:(30 x 40cm) 11 3/4” x 15 3/4” P IMAGE SIZE:(30 x 39.7cm) 11 13/16” x 15 5/8” $ PR25 Devon Ross French Cuisine Fork P P AC9178 French Cuisine Knife P French Cuisine Spoon P AC9179 AC 9 1 8 0 Print Size: (25 x 50cm) 9 3/4” x 19 3/4” IMAGE SIZE:(25 x 49.7cm) 9 27/32” x 19 9/16” $ PR30 014 | A RT I N M OT I O N Anastasia Ricci Wine Cellar Reclaimed Wood Sign P Wine Tasting Reclaimed Wood Sign P AC9033 AC 9 0 3 4 Print Size: (50 x 25cm) 19 3/4” x 9 3/4” P IMAGE SIZE:(50 x 24.7cm) 19 11/16” x 9 23/32” $ PR30 Anastasia Ricci Red Wine On Reclaimed Wood P White Wine On Reclaimed Wood P AC903 5 AC 9 0 3 6 Print Size: (40 x 50cm) 15 3/4” x 19 3/4” P IMAGE SIZE:(40 x 49.7cm) 15 3/4” x 19 9/16” $ PR36 Studio Rofino Salut 1 P Salut 3 P AC 9 0 0 2 AC 9 0 0 4 Print Size: (30 x 30cm) 11 3/4” x 11 3/4” P IMAGE SIZE:(30 x 29.7cm) 11 13/16” x 11 11/16” $ PR25 All images are copyrighted. All sizes are approximate. A RT I N M OT I O N | 015 Vera Hills Get Growing 1 P P Get Growing 2 P AC9088 AC 9 0 8 9 Print Size:(70 x 50cm) 27 1/2” x 19 3/4” IMAGE SIZE:(70 x 49.7cm) 27 9/16” x 19 9/16” $ PR56 Brent Heighton Morning Bloom 1 P P Morning Bloom 2 P AC8671 AC 8 6 7 2 Print Size:(60 x 60cm) 23 5/8” x 23 5/8” IMAGE SIZE:(60 x 59.7cm) 23 5/8” x 23 1/2” $ PR57 016 | A RT I N M OT I O N Julie Greenwood From My Garden 1-Gray P P D5409 From My Garden 2-Gray P From My Garden 3-Gray P D5 4 1 0 From My Garden 4-Gray P D5 4 1 1 D5 4 1 2 Print Size: (18 x 18cm) 7” x 7” IMAGE SIZE:(17.145 x 17.145cm) 6 3/4” x 6 3/4” $ PR00 Studio Rofino Sing Song Birds 1 P P Sing Song Birds 2 P AC 8 9 9 8 AC 8 9 9 9 Print Size: (30 x 30cm) 11 3/4” x 11 3/4” IMAGE SIZE:(30 x 29.7cm) 11 13/16” x 11 11/16” $ PR25 Brent Heighton Coastal Shoreline P P AC 8 6 8 6 Print Size: (60 x 60cm) 23 5/8” x 23 5/8” IMAGE SIZE:(60 x 59.7cm) 23 5/8” x 23 1/2” $ PR57 All images are copyrighted. All sizes are approximate. A RT I N M OT I O N | 017 Matina Theodosiou Golden Summer Flock Golden Summer Beach P P AC 9011 P Print Size: (70 x 70cm) 27 1/2” x 27 1/2” P IMAGE SIZE:(70 x 69.7cm) 27 9/16” x 27 7/16” $ PR65 AC 9 0 1 2 Print Size: (50 x 50cm) 19 3/4” x 19 3/4” IMAGE SIZE:(50 x 49.7cm) 19 11/16” x 19 9/16” $ PR50 Matina Theodosiou Golden Summer Daisies P P AC 9 0 1 3 Print Size: (40 x 50cm) 15 3/4” x 19 3/4” IMAGE SIZE:(40 x 49.7cm) 15 3/4” x 19 9/16” $ PR36 All images are copyrighted. All sizes are approximate. A RT I N M OT I O N | 019 Matina Theodosiou Matina Theodosiou Golden Summer Wings P Golden Summer Flight P P P AC 9 0 1 5 Print Size: (30 x 40cm) 11 3/4” x 15 3/4” IMAGE SIZE:(30 x 39.7cm) 11 13/16” x 15 5/8” $ PR25 AC9014 Print Size:(80 x 60cm) 31 1/2” x 23 5/8” IMAGE SIZE:(80 x 59.7cm) 31 1/2” x 23 1/2” $ PR60 Matina Theodosiou Golden Summer Garden P P AC9016 Print Size: (40 x 40cm) 15 3/4” x 15 3/4” IMAGE SIZE:(40 x 39.7cm) 15 3/4” x 15 5/8” $ PR35 Matina Theodosiou Golden Summer Song P AC9017 Golden Summer Shoreline P AC 90 1 8 Print Size:(30 x 30cm) 11 3/4” x 11 3/4” P IMAGE SIZE:(30 x 29.7cm) 11 13/16” x 11 11/16” $ PR25 020 | A RT I N M OT I O N Ken Roko Ocean Whale 1 P AC7368 Ocean Whale 2 P Ocean Whale 3 P AC 7 3 6 9 AC 7 3 7 0 Print Size: (30 x 30cm) 11 3/4” x 11 3/4” P IMAGE SIZE:(30 x 29.7cm) 11 13/16” x 11 11/16” $ PR25 Z Studio Set Sail P The World Awaits P AC 7 1 0 7 Steady As She Goes P P Hope Anchors the Soul P AC 7 1 0 9 AC 7 1 0 8 AC 7 1 1 0 Print Size: (30 x 40cm) 11 3/4” x 15 3/4” IMAGE SIZE:(30 x 39.7cm) 11 13/16” x 15 5/8” $ PR25 All images are copyrighted. All sizes are approximate. A RT I N M OT I O N | 021 Richard Faust Awesome Words 1 P AC9185 Awesome Words 3 P AC9187 Awesome Words 6 P P AC9 1 9 0 Awesome Words 2 P AC 9186 Awesome Words 4 P Awesome Words 5 P AC9188 Awesome Words 7 P AC 9 1 8 9 Awesome Words 8 P AC9191 AC 9 1 9 2 Print Size: (24 x 30cm) 9 1/2” x 11 3/4” IMAGE SIZE:(24 x 29.7cm) 9 7/16” x 11 11/16” $ PR15 022 | A RT I N M OT I O N Edith Lentz Paris Whimsy 1 P P Paris Whimsy 2 P AC 902 3 AC 9 0 2 4 Print Size: (50 x 70cm) 19 3/4” x 27 1/2” IMAGE SIZE:(50 x 69.7cm) 19 11/16” x 27 7/16” $ PR56 Madelaine Morris Playful Squirrel P P AC 9 1 4 7 Playful Skunk P AC 9 1 4 8 Print Size: (24 x 30cm) 9 1/2” x 11 3/4” IMAGE SIZE:(24 x 29.7cm) 9 7/16” x 11 11/16” $ PR15 Morgan Yamada Bear Prince P P D5 4 1 3 Bunny Princess P D5 4 1 4 Print Size: (18 x 18cm) 7” x 7” IMAGE SIZE:(17.145 x 17.145cm) 6 3/4” x 6 3/4” $ PR00 All images are copyrighted. All sizes are approximate. A RT I N M OT I O N | 023 terms and conditions The following Terms and Conditions are for Art In Motion’s Regular Line product. MINIMUMS FOR OPENING ORDERS AND REORDERS ( WHOLESALE PRICING ) PRINTS: $100 & all “D” images must be ordered in quantities of 3 or more. ORDERING Please call: +1-604-523-2648 or call toll free: (866-523-2648 US/Canada). Orders may be faxed free to: +1-604-525-6166 or faxed toll free to: (877-525-6166 US/Canada), order can also be sent by e-mail to Office hours: Monday to Friday, 8:00am to 4:30pm PST. ADD-ON ORDERS Art In Motion cannot accommodate add-on orders. BACK ORDERS Art In Motion cannot accommodate back orders. Please reorder your product(s). PAYMENT METHODS FIRST ORDERS: First orders for new customers are payable by credit card or Wire Transfer. CREDIT: Art In Motion offers 30-day terms on approved credit. Please call for a credit application and allow three weeks for processing. Orders will not be completed until credit has been approved. CREDIT CARDS: Art In Motion accepts Visa, MasterCard, and Discover. COD: Art In Motion does not ship on a COD basis; all orders must be prepaid or charged to a credit card unless credit has been approved. CANCELLED ORDERS Art In Motion reserves the right to charge a 20% restocking fee on cancelled orders. PRICE LIST All products are listed in retail prices. Art In Motion reserves the right to adjust pricing at its discretion. FREIGHT PROGRAMS FOB Compton, CA, USA. Loose prints freight is based on weight and carrier service used. Minimum shipping charge is $15. ORDER CHANGES AND CANCElLED ORDERS A 20% re-stocking fee will be charged for any item(s) that are cancelled or changed. Delivery deferrals requested after the scheduled ship date may result in transfer of the order to a storage facility at the customer’s risk and expense. Orders transferred to storage will be considered ‘delivered’ and said order(s) will be transferred to invoicing for payment by the customer. DAMAGE/RETURN POLICY DAMAGE: Every effort is made to ensure that all goods leave Art In Motion in perfect condition. Claims for damages or quality concerns that are not brought to the attention of Art In Motion within 10 days of receipt cannot be accepted. Please call our Customer Service Department to make a claim. If a box arrives with obvious damage and the product inside may be affected, please do not sign for receipt. In cases where you are unsure whether the product is damaged, please sign, but make a note on the delivery driver’s receipt that the packaging has been damaged, and contact Art In Motion’s Customer Service. Damaged returns will not be accepted without prior approval. TERMS AND CONDITIONS All terms and conditions are subject to revision at the discretion of Art In Motion.
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DownLoad - Art In Motion
FIRST ORDERS: First orders for new customers are payable by credit card or Wire Transfer.
CREDIT: Art In Motion offers 30-day terms on approved credit. Please call for a credit application and allo...
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