Directory of Agricultural Machinery Manufacturers in India
Directory of Agricultural Machinery Manufacturers in India
Directory of Crop Production Machinery Manufacturers in India Dr. C. R. Mehta Dr. B Gaikwad Dr. R. K. Pajnoo Dr. R. K. Tiwari Er. Y.S. Bhokardankar January, 2015 All India Coordinated Research Project on Farm Implements and Machinery ICAR - Central Institute of Agricultural Engineering Nabi Bagh, Berasia Road, Bhopal - 462038, India Extension Bulletin No.: CIAE/ FIM/2015/94 Year : 2015 Compilation and Editing : Dr. C. R. Mehta, Project Coordinator, AICRP on FIM Dr. B. Gaikwad, Scientist, AMD Dr. R. K. Pajnoo, Chief Technical Officer Dr. R. K. Tiwari, Chief Technical Officer Er. Y.S. Bhokardankar, Asst. Chief Technical Officer Word Processing : Sh. A. S. Barod Mrs. M. Lohani Reprography : R.S. Kushwah Published by : Coordinating Cell AICRP on Farm Implements and Machinery Central Institute of Agricultural Engineering Nabibagh, Berasia Road, Bhopal- 462 .38 (India) Telefax : 0755 - 2733385, 2521163 E-mail: Printed at : Neo Printers 17, Sector-B, Industrial Area, Govindpura, Bhopal Ph.: 0755-4235558 Contributors (Principal Investigators / Research Engineers) of Centres of AICRP on FIM S. No. Name 1 Dr. B Shridar 2 Er. T B Bastewad 3 Dr. G S Manes 4 Dr. G Arvind Reddy 5 Dr. Y C Bhatt 6 Dr. V K Tewari 7 Dr. Arun Kumar Affiliation Head & Principal Investigator (FIM Project) Agricultural Machinery Research Centre College of Agricultural Engineering Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore – 641003 (Tamil Nadu) Principal Investigator (FIM Project) Dr. AS College of Agricultural Engineering Mahatma Phule Krishi Vidyapeeth Rahuri – 413722 Distt. Ahmednagar (Maharashtra) Head & Principal Investigator (FIM Project) Department of Farm Machinery & Power Engineering, Punjab Agricultural University Ludhiana – 141004 (Punjab) Head & Principal Investigator (FIM Project) Agricultural Research Institute Prof. Jayashankar Telangana State Agricultural University, Rajendranagar Hyderabad - 500030 (Telangana) Principal Investigator (FIM Project) Farm Machinery and Power Engineering College of Technology & Engineering Maharana Pratap University of Agriculture & Technology Udaipur - 313001 (Rajasthan) Professor & Head Deptt. of Agricultural & Food Engineering Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur – 721302 (West Bengal) Principal Investigator (FIM Project) Deptt. of Farm Machinery and Power Engineering College of Technology, G B Pant University of Agriculture & Technology Pantnagar – 263145 (Uttarakhand) S. No. Name 8 Dr. P L Pradhan 9 Er. Manoranjan Kumar 10 Er. N K Bansal 11 Er. Sindhu Bhaskar 12 Dr. Rana Noor Alam 13 Er. Pankaj Barua 14 Dr. Ajay Verma 15 Er. M B Tamhankar Dr. U R Badegaonkar Affiliation Principal Investigator (FIM Project) College of Agricultural Engineering Orisa University of Agriculture & Tech. Bhubaneswar – 751003 (Odisha) Principal Investigator (FIM Project) Deptt. of Farm Machinery, College of Agricultural Engineering Rajendra Agricultural University, Pusa, Samastipur - 848125 (Bihar) Head & Principal Investigator (FIM Project) Department of Farm Power & Machinery CCS Haryana Agricultural University Hisar – 125004 (Haryana) Principal Investigator (FIM Project) Kelappaji College of Agricultural Engineering. & Tech. Kerala Agricultural University Tavanur - 679573 (Kerala) Research Engineer (FIM Project) Department of Farm Machinery and Power Engineering Sam Hagginbottom Institute of Agriculture Technology and Science Allahabad – 211007 (Uttar Pradesh) Principal Investigator (FIM Project) Deptt. of Agricultural Engineering Assam Agricultural University Jorhat – 785013 (Assam) Deptt. of Agricultural Engineering Indira Gandhi KrishiVishwaVidyalaya Raipur (Chattisgarh) Technology Transfer Division Central Institute of Agricultural Engineering NabiBagh, Berasia Road Bhopal – 462038 (Madhya Pradesh) FOREWORD Indian Agriculture is transforming greatly in the past few decades. Besides efficient water and input management, mechanization of farm operations are becoming indispensable. Sustaining the current levels of production, timeliness of operation, efficient application of fertilizers and plant protection chemicals, reducing the human drudgery and increasing the safety and comfort of farm workers are the main objectives of mechanization. Increasing costs of labour and reducing availability of farm workers make mechanization indispensable. Selective and appropriate mechanization was recommended for long in the country. Often: Selective for what? and Appropriate to whom? are the questions unanswered. We have not resorted to high capacity and high powered machinery for farm operations owing to the small land holding sizes. But the latest introduction of combines in rice producing areas has created a paradigm shift in our thinking. Huge combines are used in small and tiny farms too for harvesting paddy crops. If huge machines such as combines have made their ways into our tiny paddy fields, then why not introducing mechanical powers at all sizes for different farm operations. Our research efforts over several decades after independence have resulted in numerous machineries for different farm operations. These machineries are ranging in sizes from small to very large and operational capacities from few cents to acres of coverage in a given unit time. Numerous producers have come forward to make these machineries and market them. The producers also range from small scale producers to very large scale players. Often the farmers and other farm machinery operators do not have access to the knowledge on who produces and what range of products they produce. Due to the lack of such vital information the buyers are forced to buy farm machines based on the availability in the region than based on needs. Making information available on the farm machinery producers is very important for making farm machinery popular in the country. With this motive, the editors of this compendium have come up with an exhaustive list of farm tractors, power tillers and machinery producers and dealers in the country. The information contained in this compendium will be useful to farmers, extension workers, scientists, students, engineers, manufacturers and teachers. A word of appreciation and congratulations are due to the editors of this highly useful compendium. Date: January, 2015 Place: New Delhi (K. Alagusundaram) Deputy Director General (Engg.) Indian Council of Agricultural Research, New Delhi PREFACE The total power availability on Indian farms has increased from 0.293 to 1.841 kW/ha at CAGR of 4.58% during the last forty one years. The overall mechanization level in India is only 28-30% even though 90% of the total farm power is contributed by mechanical and electrical power sources. One of the major constraints of increasing agricultural production and productivity is the inadequacy of farm power and machinery with the farmers. The average farm power availability needs to be increased to minimum 2.5 kW/ha to assure timeliness and quality in field operations, undertake heavy field operations like sub-soiling, chiseling, deep ploughing and summer ploughing. For research and development, testing and popularization of need based farm implements and machinery for different regions of the country, the Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) launched the All India Coordinated Research Project (AICRP) on Farm Implements and Machinery (FIM) in 1975 with six centres. The number of centres increased during different Five Year Plan periods and presently there are 24 centres working on one or more of three distinct activities under the Project - research and development, prototype manufacturing and prototype feasibility testing. The research and development activity in AICRP on FIM involves design, development, testing and design refinement of need-based farm implements and machinery. Prototype manufacturing activity is for multiplication of research prototypes for multi-location trials, development of manufacturing technology for new machines and promoting their manufacture by involving local manufacturers. The addresses of reputed manufacturer/dealers of improved equipment in different states all across the country will serve as reference material for research and extension workers as well as farmers to bridge the gaps in farm mechanization. The Directory of Crop Production Machinery Manufacturers is an attempt to make available a comprehensive source of information on various crop production machinery manufacturers/dealers in one place. The information has been categorised on the basis of chronology of states of India. The list of manufacturers of tractors and power tillers are also included in the directory. However, their dealer’s addresses are not included in the directory and may be obtained by visiting company website whose addresses are given in the directory. During the course of this work, the information provided by research workers and manufacturers through their publication, pamphlets, and personal correspondence have widely been adopted and edited for brevity and relevance. It is hoped that this compilation on crop production machinery manufacturers would be welcomed by the farming community, extension workers, scientists, students, engineers, manufacturers and teachers resulting in the increased awareness about availability of crop production machinery in different states of India and pave the way for their early adoption. The list of manufacturers provided in the directory is aimed at creating a useful interface for direct interaction by the prospective users to further their knowledge and benefit by adopting them. The information provided in this work has been compiled from various sources and every effort has been made to make it as comprehensive and correct as far as possible without favour or prejudice. However, the inadvertent omission of some of the manufacturers does not imply their exclusion and they are requested to bring it to our notice for inclusion in a future edition of this compilation. Dr. S. Ayyappan, Secretary, DARE and Director General, Indian Council of Agricultural Research and Dr. Director General (Engg.), Indian Council of Agricultural Research, New Delhi have been the source of inspiration in the preparation of this Directory of Çrop Production Machinery Manufacturers. We are very grateful to them for their motivation and guidance. We are also thankful to Dr. Kanchan K. Singh, ADG (Farm Engg.), ICAR; Dr. K. K. Singh, Director, Central Institute of Agricultural Engineering, Bhopal; Dr. L. P. Gite, Project Coordinator, AICRP on ESA and Dr. P. C. Bargale, Head, Technology Transfer Division of CIAE for their help in bringing out this directory. We are thankful to the Research Engineers of the Project and their organisations for providing basic information on different manufacturers of farm tools and equipment in the region. I also thank Dr. B. Gaikwad, Dr. R. K. Tiwari, Dr. R. K. Pajnoo, Er. Yashwant Bhokardankar, Shri A. S. Barod, Mrs. Manju Lohani and Shri Radhey Shyam Kushwaha for their contribution in the preparation of the manuscript. We are thankful to all those who have helped directly or indirectly in preparing this manufacturers directory. January, 2015 C. R. Mehta Project Coordinator, AICRP on FIM Contents Chapter 1. 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 1.10 1.11 1.12 1.13 1.14 1.15 1.16 1.17 1.18 1.19 1.20 1.21 1.22 2. 3. Manufacturers/Dealers of Farm Machinery Page No. Crop Production Machinery Manufacturers Andhra Pradesh Assam Bihar Chhattisgarh Delhi Goa Gujarat Haryana Himachal Pradesh Jharkhand Karnataka Kerala Madhya Pradesh Maharashtra Odisha Punjab Rajasthan Tamil Nadu Telangana Uttar Pradesh Uttarakhand West Bengal Tractor Manufacturers Power Tiller Manufacturers 1 1 20 20 23 27 31 31 45 74 74 75 87 88 98 116 118 140 148 171 187 193 198 202 208 1. Crop Production Machinery Manufacturers S. No. Name & Address District Contact No., Fax and E-mail Products 1.1. Andhra Pradesh 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Amulya Agro Enterprises D No. 1-288, Akkayapali, Near Saibaba EM school, Kadapa - 516003 Babar Agro Industries Mulapet, Nellore -524002 Kadapa Mob : 9440883025 Nellore Mob : 9866906804 Bharath Engineering Works 26-4-1996, Sri Raghavandra Building, Penukonda Road, Melapuram cross, Hindupur 515201, Dist. Anantapur Bhaskara Industries Nandigama - 521185, Dist. Krishna Anantapur Mob : 9440204452 Krishna Mob : 9440230082 Bismillah Auto Engg Works D No. 1-34/9/4/3, K G Road, Atmakur -518422, Dist. Kurnool Brindavan Engineering Industries Plot No.18, SE, Industrial Estate, Kurnool - 518003 Kurnool Mob : 9441225354 Kurnool Mob : 9440293021 1 Rigid cultivator (9/11 tyne), spring loaded cultivator (9 tyne), offset disc harrow, guntaka blade, inter cultivator, disc puddler Rigid cultivator (9/11 tyne), reversible MB plough (3 bottom), leveling blade, inter cultivator, cultivator (5 tyne), half cage wheel Rigid cultivator (9 tyne), disc plough (2 bottom), disc plough-channel/plate type, leveling blade, guntaka blade Rigid cultivator (9/11 tyne), spring loaded cultivator (9 tyne), disc plough (2 bottom), MB plough (2 furrow) Rigid cultivator (9/11 tyne), spring loaded cultivator (9 tyne), offset disc harrow (2 disc), leveling blade, harrow (7 disc), plough (5 bottom) Rigid cultivator (9/11 tyne), spring loaded cultivator (9 tyne), inter cultivator, plough (7 bottom), seed cum fertilizer drill S. No. Coromandal Agro & Marine Agencies 23/897/1, Vahabpet, Near Madras Bus Stand, Nellore – 524003 Elahi Enterprises Anantapur Road, Rayadurg, Anantapur Dist. 515865 Engineering Works C-27, Industrial Estate, Gudiavada, Dist.Krishna Nellore Contact No., Fax and E-mail Mob : 9000600255 Anantapur Mob : 9704793289 Krishna Mob : 9966694786 10. G Satyanarayana Welding Works Opp. ZPH School, Kaligiri 524224, Nellore Nellore Mob : 9441768338 11. Ganesh Agro Machinery Enterprises Tadepallygudem, Dist. West Godavari West Godavari Tel : 08818-227203 7. 8. 9. Name & Address District 2 Products Rigid cultivator (11 tyne), disc plough-channel/plate type (2 bottom), guntaka blade, plough (5 bottom), boot type cultivator (5 tyne) Rigid cultivator (9/11tyne), spring loaded cultivator (9 tyne), MB plough (2/3 furrow), disc harrow (7 disc) Rigid cultivator (11 tyne), spring loaded cultivator (9 tyne), offset disc harrow (12 disc), , harrow (7 disc), plough (7 bottom), half cage wheel Rigid cultivator (11 tyne), spring loaded cultivator (9 tyne), reversible MB plough (3 bottom), guntaka blade, plough (7 bottom), boot type cultivator (5 tyne), tractor drawn bund former Tractor drawn plough, tractor drawn disc harrow, tractor drawn seed drill, power operated groundnut thresher, power operated multi-crop thresher, wheel hoe, manual winnower, manual sickle, manually operated maize sheller, manually operated chaff cutter, manually operated groundnut decorticator, self-propelled boom sprayer S. No. Name & Address District Contact No., Fax and E-mail Mob : 9912206050 12. Golden Agro Engg Works Plot No.173, Phase I, Autonagar, Nellore Nellore 13. Gousiya Engineering Works Plot No. 318, Autonagar, Venkateswarapuram, Udumalapuram, Nandyal mandal, Dist. Kurnool Hanuman Agro Industries 230, Opposite Old Sub Station, Jonnalagadda (V), Narsaraopet, Dist. Guntur Kurnool Mob : 9849751998, 9030517500 Guntur Mob : 9866054516 Hindustan Agriculture Implements Kadiri- Bangalore Cross Road, S.V. Puram (P), Anantapur –515005 Hindustan Engg. Works 174-20/3, Guntur Road, Narsaraopet, Dist. Guntur Anantapur Mob : 9441766081 Guntur Mob : 9963294642 14. 15. 16. 3 Products Rigid cultivator (11 tyne), spring loaded cultivator (9 tyne), disc plough-channel/plate type (2 bottom), inter cultivator, plough (7 bottom), boot type cultivator (5 tyne), half cage wheel Rigid cultivator (11 tyne), disc plough (2 bottom), MB plough (2 furrow), boot type cultivator (5 tyne), tractor drawn bund former, multi-crop thresher Rigid cultivator (11 tyne), spring loaded cultivator (9 tyne), disc plough (2 bottom), disc ploughchannel/plate type (2 bottom), harrow (7 disc), disc puddler, plough (7 bottom) Rigid cultivator (9 tyne), MB plough (2/3 furrow), reversible MB plough, harrow (7 disc) Rigid cultivator (11 tyne), spring loaded cultivator (9 tyne), MB plough (2/3 furrow), offset disc harrow (12 disc), guntaka blade, disc harrow (7 disc) S. No. Name & Address District Contact No., Fax and E-mail Mob : 9848153392 17. Jai Bharathi Engineering Works Plot No. C-25, Industrial Estate, Gudivada, Krishna Krishna 18. Jai Guru Sai Suguna Engineering Works Beside Nalanda Public School, Anakapalli Road, Narsipatnam, Visakhapatnam - 531116 Jayalakshmi Engg. Works D No.4/60, Bustand road, TVS Company Backside, Gudivada -521301, Dist. Krishna Jeelani Industries Peruru Road, Atmakuru–515751, Dist. Ananthapuram Karshak & Sons Shop No. 42, All Karim Trade Centre, M G Road, Secundrabad – 500003 Visakhapatn am Mob : 9989143577 Krishna Mob : 9440448893 Ananthapuram Mob : 9985495582 Hyderabad Tel : 040-27542315 Karuna Engg Works Plot No C-17, Industrial Estate, Gudaivada, Krishna Krishna Mob : 9394221363 19. 20. 21. 22. 4 Products Spring loaded cultivator (9 tyne), disc plough (2 bottom), disc ploughchannel/plate type (2 bottom), MB plough (2/3 furrow), offset disc harrow (12 disc), multi crop thresher, seed cum fertilizer drill Rigid cultivator (9 tyne), spring loaded cultivator (9 tyne), reversible MB plough, offset disc harrow (12 disc), plough (7 bottom), groundnut decorticator Spring loaded cultivator (9 tyne), MB plough (2 furrow), reversible MB plough (3 bottom), multi-crop thresher, seed cum fertilizer drill, paddy thresher Rigid cultivator (9 tyne), spring loaded cultivator (9 tyne) , reversible MB plough, offset disc harrow, harrow (7 disc) Multi-crop thresher, paddy thresher, rotavator, self-propelled reaper, puddler, paddy row seeder, jatropha thresher, castor thresher, sunflower thresher Rigid cultivator (11 tyne), spring loaded cultivator (9 tyne), MB plough (2 furrow), inter, harrow (7 disc), plough (5 bottom) S. No. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. Name & Address District Kisan Mitra Plot No C 5 and 6, Ind Estate, Gudivada- 521301, Krishna Kotiratna Arc Welding & Turning Works 13/3/150/4, Chilakaluripeta Road, Narsaraopet, Guntur Krishna Contact No., Fax and E-mail Mob : 9247424239 Guntur Mob : 9247445275 Krishna Engineering Works Bhavitha Pamarru Road, Kothibomma Centre, Gudivada – 521301, Dist. Krishna Kursheed Engg. Works D No. 1-25-208, H Junction Road, Nuzvid, Krishna Krishna Mob : 9849655609 Krishna Mob : 9848955595 Lakshmi Ganapathi Industries Denduluru mandal, Gangannagudem - 534450, West Godavari Laxmi Engineering Works Plot No.10-A-4, Autonagar, Gudivada - 521301, Dist. Krishna West Godavari Mob : 9440614758 Krishna Mob :9885533043 5 Products Rigid cultivator (9/11 tyne), spring loaded cultivator (9 tyne), ), disc plough-channel/plate type (2 bottom), offset disc harrow (12 disc) Rigid cultivator (9/11 tyne), spring loaded cultivator (9 tyne), disc plough (2 bottom), guntaka blade, plough (7 bottom), boot type cultivator (5 tyne), half cage wheel Rigid cultivator (9/11 tyne), disc plough (2 bottom), disc ploughchannel/plate type (2 bottom), MB plough (2 furrow), harrow (7 disc), boot type cultivator (5 tyne) Rigid cultivator (11 tyne), spring loaded cultivator (9 tyne), disc plough (2 bottom), disc ploughchannel/plate type (2 bottom reversible MB plough (3 bottom) Rigid cultivator (11 tyne), spring loaded cultivator (9 tyne), MB plough (2 furrow) , reversible MB plough harrow (7 disc), paddy thresher Rigid cultivator (11 tyne), spring loaded cultivator (9 tyne), disc plough (2 bottom), disc ploughchannel/plate type (2 bottom), reversible MB plough (3 bottom), plough (7 bottom) S. No. 29. Leader Agro Engineering Works Plot No.32, Phase I, Autonagar, Nellore - 524004 Nellore Contact No., Fax and E-mail Mob : 9866906811 30. M.A.N.Agro Industries Panthulugari Garage, Pradeepnagar, Vizag road, Vizianagaram Mahabub Engineering Works 4/344, Pavagadard, Madakasira - 515301, Dist. Anantapur Mahesh Lathe Works Kota, Nellore Vizianagaram Mob :9949408112 Anantapur Mob : 9849752639, 9866075864, 8922232681 Nellore Mob : 9885593015 Maruthi Agro Enterprises D No. 21/109, Tadipatri Road, Jammalamadugu - 516434, Dist. Kadapa Modern Arc Welding Works 16/256/7/1, S.N.Puram, Gudivada – 521301, Dist. Krishna Kadapa Mob : 9849963548 Krishna Mob : 9848153105 31. 32. 33. 34. Name & Address District 6 Products Rigid cultivator (11 tyne), disc plough-channel/plate type (2 bottom), MB plough (2 furrow), reversible MB plough (3 bottom), leveling blade, inter cultivator, half cage wheel Spring loaded cultivator (9 tyne), offset disc harrow (12 disc), guntaka, spike tooth harrow, disc puddler , multi-crop thresher, paddy thresher Rigid cultivator (9/11 tyne), spike tooth harrow, inter cultivator, harrow (7 disc), boot type cultivator (5 tyne) Rigid cultivator (9/11 tyne), disc plough-channel/plate type (2 bottom), reversible MB plough (3 bottom), plough (5 bottom), boot type cultivator (5 tyne) Rigid cultivator (11 tyne), spring loaded cultivator (9 tyne), offset disc harrow, spike tooth harrow, inter cultivator, disc puddler, bottom plough Rigid cultivator (11 tyne), spring loaded cultivator (9 tyne), disc plough (2 bottom), disc ploughchannel/plate type (2 bottom), offset disc harrow (12 disc), inter cultivator, plough (5 bottom), multi crop thresher, seed cum fertilizer drill S. No. Name & Address District 35. Modern Industries Bus stand road, Gudivada 521301, Dist. Krishna Krishna Contact No., Fax and E-mail Mob : 9885111986 36. Nagesh Engineering Works nd Autonagar, 2 Lane, Gudivada, Dist. Krishna Krishna Mob : 9394233056 37. Navya Agro Industries Plot No. A-3, Industrial Estate, Gudivada - 521301, Dist. Krishna Krishna Mob : 9866631866 38. Nirmala Industries rd Plot No.61, 3 Phase, Autonagar, Guntur - 522001 Guntur Mob : 9963637238 39. Nirmala Industries Plot No.C-1, Autonagar, Gudivada - 521301, Dist. Krishna Krishna Mob : 9440337208, 8674245498 40. Prakash Agro Engineers Proddutar, Dist. Cuddaph Cuddaph Tel : 040-24361791 Mob : 9177118818, 9390032809 E-mail: 7 Products Rigid cultivator (11 tyne), spring loaded cultivator (9 tyne), offset disc harrow (12 disc), inter cultivator, plough (7 bottom), hydraulically operated reversible plough, multi crop thresher Rigid cultivator (9/11 tyne), spring loaded cultivator (9 tyne), disc plough (2 bottom), inter cultivator, disc puddler Rigid cultivator (11 tyne), spring loaded cultivator (9 tyne), rotavator, multi-crop thresher, seed cum fertilizer drill, castor thresher, groundnut decorticator Rigid cultivator (9/11 tyne), spring loaded cultivator (9 tyne), disc plough (2 bottom), half cage wheel, seed cum fertilizer drill Rigid cultivator (9 tyne), spring loaded cultivator (9 tyne), MB plough (2/3 furrow) disc puddler, plough (7 bottom), hydraulically operated reversible plough Paddy transplanter, combine harvester, seeding machine, rotavator, sprayer S. No. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. Name & Address District Contact No., Fax and E-mail Mob : 9440718818 Prakash Agro Industries 267, Meenapuram Road, Kothapalli Panchayat, Proddatur, Dist. Kadapa Prakash Engineers Phase – I, Plot No. 219, Autonagar, Dist. Nellore Kadapa Nellore Mob : 9866101765, 8688858766 Purna Sai Engineering Works Bhimadole Junction, Eluru Road, Bhimadole Mandal -534425, Dist. West Godavari Radhadevi Industries Plot No. 97, IDA, APIIC Ltd Peddapuram, East Godavari -533437 Raghuram Agro Works Peddapadu Road, Srikakulam – 532001 West Godavari Mob : 9440915949 East Godavari Mob : 9848036729 Srikakulam Mob : 9291402991, 9246636895 Raki Industries Plot No. 97, IDA, Peddapuram - 533437, Dist. East Godavari East Godavari Mob : 9848036729 8 Products Spring loaded cultivator (9 tyne), disc plough (2 bottom), reversible MB plough (3 bottom), inter cultivator, harrow (7 disc) Rigid cultivator (11 tyne), spring loaded cultivator (9 tyne), reversible MB plough (3 bottom), leveling blade, inter cultivator, half cage wheel , tractor drawn bund former Rigid cultivator (11 tyne), spring loaded cultivator (9 tyne), M B plough (3 bottom), guntaka blade, plough (5/7 bottom), maize sheller Rigid cultivator (9/11 tyne), spring loaded cultivator (9 tyne), MB plough (2/3 furrow), spike tooth harrow, disc harrow (7 disc) Rigid cultivator (11 tyne), spring loaded cultivator (9 tyne), disc plough (2 bottom), reversible MB plough, spike tooth harrow, chaff cutter Rigid cultivator (11 tyne), spring loaded cultivator (9 tyne), MB plough (2/3 furrow), rotavator S. No. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. Name & Address District Contact No., Fax and E-mail Mob : 9441025046 Rasool Engg. Works D No.13-3-152/1, Chilakalurpeta Road, Narsaraopet - 522601, Dist. Guntur Ratnam Engineers 4-6-11, Opp. R.J.Y. Railway Station, Rajahmundry – 533101 Guntur Rekha Agriplas Ltd. 30-22-77, Banka Venkatswarulu St, Eluru Road, Kanaka Durga Talkies Rd, Sitharamapuram, Arundalpet, Governorpet – 520002, Dist. Vijayawada Riteset Industries Gudivada, Dist. Krishna Vijayawada Krishna Tel : 0864-2439976 Sai Venkatadurga Engg Works Kakinada Road, East Godavari Mob : 9989566838 Rajahmundry E-mail : m; ratnamengineers@rediffmail. com Tel : 0866-2433559, 6612559 Fax : 0866-6613559 E-mail : 9 Products Rigid cultivator (11 tyne), spring loaded cultivator (9 tyne), disc plough (2 bottom), plough (7 bottom), boot type cultivator (5 tyne), half cage wheel Power tiller Tractor mounted sprayer, earth auger, hedge trimmer, grass cutter, lawn mower, brush cutter, fruit harvester Tractor drawn plough, tractor drawn disc harrow, tractor drawn seed drill, power operated groundnut thresher, power operated multi-crop thresher, wheel hoe, manual winnower, manual sickle, manually operated maize sheller, manually operated chaff cutter, manually operated groundnut decorticator, self-propelled boom sprayer Rigid cultivator (11 tyne), spring loaded cultivator (9 tyne), disc plough (2 bottom), reversible MB S. No. Name & Address District Contact No., Fax and E-mail Ramachandrapuram – 533255, Dist. East Godavari 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. Products plough (3 bottom), spike tooth harrow, disc harrow (7 disc), plough (5 bottom) Rigid cultivator (9/11 tyne), spring loaded cultivator (9 tyne), offset disc harrow (12 disc), leveling blade, inter cultivator, seed cum fertilizer drill Saira Agro Industries Shop No.27/328-A, Beside Railway Track, Bommla Satram, Nandyal – 518502, Dist. Kurnool Shareef Engineering Works # 76-105-1A, Bellary Road, Kurnool - 518003 Kurnool Mob : 9985233728 Kurnool Mob : 9866627780, 9849582335 Sneha Kumar Engineering Workshop Nekkonda Road, Narsampet - 506132, Dist. Warangal Sree Kaarthik Agro Industry Koilkuntla Road, Allagadda -518543, Dist. Kurnool Sree Seetharama Small Scale Industries Ramanayyapeta, Industrial Area, Face-II, Flat No.141,Opp. SRMT, Tata Motors, Kakinada, Dist. East Godavari Warangal Mob : 9848243039 Kurnool Mob : 9505518217 Rigid cultivator (9/11 tyne), disc plough (2 bottom), multi-crop thresher, paddy thresher East Godavari Mob : 9885054433, 9396853922 Rigid cultivator (9/11 tyne), spring loaded cultivator (9 tyne), disc plough (2 bottom), reversible MB plough (3 bottom), inter cultivator 10 Rigid cultivator (11 tyne), spring loaded cultivator (9 tyne), disc plough (2 bottom), guntaka, plough (7 bottom) Rigid cultivator (11 tyne), reversible MB plough, leveling blade, disc puddler S. No. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. Name & Address District Sri Balaji Agro Enterprises Plot No.665, D. No.4-265 A, Muddanur Road, Yerraguntal, Kadapa, Sri Bhavani Engg. Works Podili Road, Gandhinagar, Darsi - 523247, Dist. Prakasham Sri Devi Venkateswara Industries Ramachandrapuram, Dist. East Godavari Kadapa Contact No., Fax and E-mail Mob : 9849963548 Prakasham Mob : 9866083595 East Godavari Mob : 94401178270 Sri Durga Venkateswara Enggg. Works Srikakulam Road, Rajam – 532127, Dist. Srikakulam Sri Ganesh Venkateswara Agro Industries Plot No.13, Industrial Estate, Road No.1, Tetali, Tanuku, Dist. West Godaveri Sri Kanaka Durga Automobile Engineering Works 72/270-1, Vinayaka Nagar, Kadapa - 516003 Srikakulam Mob : 9490713963 West Godaveri Tel : 08819-225184 Mob : 9912930863 Rigid cultivator (9 tyne), disc plough (2 bottom), reversible MB plough, guntaka blade, harrow (7 disc), rotavator, groundnut decorticator Kadapa Mob : 9885845347, 9866664061 Rigid cultivator (11 tyne), spring loaded cultivator (9 tyne), disc plough (2 bottom), reversible MB plough (3 bottom), inter cultivator, disc harrow (7 disc) 11 Products Rigid cultivator (11 tyne), spring loaded cultivator (9 tyne), disc plough (2 bottom), offset disc harrow, leveling blade Rigid cultivator (11 tyne), reversible MB plough, leveling blade, boot type cultivator (5 tyne), half cage wheel, maize sheller Rigid cultivator (11 tyne), spring loaded cultivator (9 tyne), MB plough (2 furrow) , offset disc harrow, inter cultivator, plough (7 bottom), half cage wheel Rigid cultivator (9/11 tyne), spring loaded cultivator (9 tyne), disc plough (2 bottom), reversible MB plough, guntaka blade, rotavator S. No. 63. Name & Address District Contact No., Fax and E-mail Mob : 8121001831 Sri Kumar Engineering Works D No.10-68/19/C4/A, RTC Bus Stand Road, Koilkuntla 518134, Dist. Kurnool Sri Lakshmi Ganapathi Engg. Works Main Road, Devarapalli 534313, Dist. West Godavari Kurnool West Godaveri Mob : 9440597089 Sri Lakshminarasima Swamy Industries Korrapadu (v), Bukkarayasamudram (M), Tadpatri Road, Dist. Anantapur Sri Maruthi General Mechanical Works Guntur Road, Dahcepalli, Dist. Guntur Anantapur Mob : 9347063065 Guntur Mob : 9441682682 67. Sri Navadurga Agro Works Rajam- 532127, Dist. Srikakulam Srikakulam Mob : 9440564480 68. Sri Panduranga Agro Industries Trunk Road, Singarayakonda -523101, Dist. Prakasham Prakasham Mob : 9848429295 64. 65. 66. 12 Products Rigid cultivator (11 tyne), spring loaded cultivator (9 tyne), MB plough (2 furrow), reversible MB plough, leveling blade, guntaka, inter cultivator Rigid cultivator (9 tyne), spring loaded cultivator (9 tyne), reversible MB plough, harrow (7 disc), boot type cultivator (5 tyne), hydraulically operated reversible plough, chaff cutter Rigid cultivator (11 tyne), spring loaded cultivator (9 tyne), disc plough (two bottom), offset disc harrow (12 disc), inter cultivator Rigid cultivator (9/11 tyne), spring loaded cultivator (9 tyne), MB plough (2 furrow), reversible MB plough (3 bottom), offset disc harrow, leveling blade, disc harrow (7 disc) Spring loaded cultivator (9 tyne), disc puddler, boot type cultivator (5 tyne), multi-crop thresher, paddy thresher, chaff cutter Rigid cultivator (9/11 tyne), harrow (7 disc), plough (7 bottom), half cage wheel, multi-crop thresher, paddy thresher S. No. Name & Address District Contact No., Fax and E-mail Mob : 9848236455 69. Sri Panduranga Industries GT Road, Singarayakonda 523101, Dist. Prakasham Prakasham 70. Sri Raghava Agro Engg Works Ramachandrapuram 533255, Dist. East Godavari Sri Raghava Krishna Small Scale Engg Works 34-16-20, Cinema Road, Mnadapeta, Dist. East Godavari Sri Raghavendra Agro Agency Plot No.84 & 85, MG Autonagar, Poddaturu 516360, Dist. Kadapa Sri Rama Engg Works O. V. Road, Kandukuru, Prakasham East Godavari Mob : 9347302595 East Godavari Mob : 9989233329 Kadapa Mob : 9440273489 Prakasham Mob : 9440211675 Sri Ramakrishna Small Scale Industries Main Road, East Godavari Mob : 9849972076 71. 72. 73. 74. 13 Products Rigid cultivator (11 tyne), spring loaded cultivator (9 tyne), MB plough (2 furrow), harrow (7 disc), disc puddler, boot type cultivator (5 tyne), tractor drawn bund former Rigid cultivator (11 tyne), disc plough (2 bottom), inter cultivator, disc harrow (7 disc), plough (7 bottom), boot type cultivator (5 tyne), spring loaded cultivator (9 tyne) Rigid cultivator (9/11 tyne), spring loaded cultivator (9 tyne), MB plough (2 furrow), offset disc harrow (12 disc), leveling blade Rigid cultivator (9/11 tyne), spring loaded cultivator (9 tyne), MB plough (3 furrow), offset disc harrow (12 disc), guntaka blade, harrow (7 disc) Rigid cultivator (11 tyne), spring loaded cultivator (9 tyne), MB plough (2 furrow), offset disc harrow (12 disc), harrow (7 disc), disc puddler, half cage wheel, hydraulically operated reversible plough Rigid cultivator (9/11 tyne), spring loaded cultivator (9 tyne), inter cultivator, disc puddler, plough (7 S. No. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. Name & Address Mandapet -533308, Dist. East Godavari Sri Ravi Engineering Works 15-15-3 B, Behind Hanuman Weigh Bridge, Bellary Road, Kurnool - 518003 Sri Raviraj Agricultural Industry Visakha A Colony, Near Sree Rama Agril. Industry, Srikakulam-532001 Sri Renukadevi Engineers H. No.11/273-3, MG Autonagar, Proddatur 516361, Dist. YSR Sri Sai Agro Industries Plot No. C-38 B, Ind. Estate, Gudivada, Dist. Krishna Sri Sai Engg. Works Plot No. C-38-1, Autonagar, Gudivada, Dist. Krishna Sri Sai Engineering Works K.N. Road, Tadepalligudem, Dist. West Godavari District Contact No., Fax and E-mail Products bottom), half cage wheel Kurnool Mob : 9985573266 Srikakulam Mob : 9848521129 YSR Mob : 9441549323 Krishna Mob : 944943418 Krishna Mob : 9848775671 West Godavari Mob : 9440385073 14 Rigid cultivator (9/11 tyne), spring loaded cultivator (9 tyne), disc plough (2 bottom), offset disc harrow (12 disc), plough (5 bottom), half cage wheel Rigid cultivator (9/11 tyne), spring loaded cultivator (9 tyne), disc plough (2 bottom), reversible MB plough, multi-crop thresher, paddy thresher Rigid cultivator (9/11 tyne), offset disc harrow (12 disc), spike tooth harrow, disc puddler, plough (7 bottom), half cage wheel Rigid cultivator (9/11 tyne), disc plough (2 bottom), harrow (7 disc), disc puddler, plough (7 bottom) Rigid cultivator (11 tyne), MB plough (2/3 furrow), seed cum fertilizer drill, chaff cutter Rigid cultivator (11 tyne), spring loaded cultivator (9 tyne), reversible MB plough, inter cultivator, boot type cultivator (5 tyne), tractor drawn bund former, groundnut decorticator S. No. 81. Name & Address District Contact No., Fax and E-mail Mob : 9440510341, 9985721526 Sri Sai Santhoshimatha Agro Works Peddapadu Road, Srikakulam – 532001 Sri Sainadh Agro Industries Srikakulam - 532001 Srikakulam Srikakulam Mob : 9440028447 83. Sri Sambasiva Engg. Works D No.193/36, Vellanki Estate, Munukulla Road, Tiruvuru, Krishna Krishna Mob : 9885647278 84. Sri Satyanarayana Agro Industries Opp. District court, VT Agraharam, Vizianagaram 535004 Sri Satyasai Agro Industries D No. 12-2-17/2/1, Near Yerravanthena, NH 214 Road, Amalapuram 533201, Dist. East Godavari Sri Sinivasa Auto Engineering Works Plot No. C-2,C-3, Ind. Estate, Gudivada Sri Sivajyothi Agro Industries Podalakur village & Mandal, Dist. Nellore Vizianagaram Mob : 9247114135 East Godavari Mob : 9000506078 Krishna Mob : 9989555959 Nellore Mob : 9440589289 82. 85. 86. 87. 15 Products Rigid cultivator (11 tyne), spring loaded cultivator (9 tyne), MB plough (2 furrow), guntaka blade, harrow (7 disc), plough (7 bottom) Rigid cultivator (9/11 tyne), MB plough (2 furrow), levelling blade, harrow (7 disc), rotavator, chaff cutter Rigid cultivator (9/11 tyne), spring loaded cultivator (9 tyne), MB plough (2 furrow), reversible MB plough, offset disc harrow (12 disc), disc harrow (7 disc) Rigid cultivator (9/11 tyne), spring loaded cultivator (9 tyne), MB plough (2 furrow), spike tooth harrow, boot type cultivator (5 tyne), groundnut decorticator Rigid cultivator (11 tyne), spring loaded cultivator (9 tyne), disc plough (2 bottom), MB plough (2/3 furrow), spike tooth harrow, inter cultivator, disc harrow (7 disc) Spring loaded cultivator (9 tyne), MB plough (2 furrow), reversible MB plough, guntaka, multi-crop thresher Rigid cultivator (11 tyne), spring loaded cultivator (9 tyne), MB plough (2 furrow), offset disc harrow (12 S. No. 88. Name & Address District Contact No., Fax and E-mail Sri Sivaramakrishna Agencies Mian Road, Pedaboddepalli, Narsipatnam(M), Visakhapatnam, Sri Srinivasa Engineering Works Adduroad (V), S. Rayavaram (M), Dist. Visakhapatnam Visakhapatn am Mob : 9885532522 Visakhapatn am Mob : 9849812664, 9493612664 90. Sri Varalaxmi Turning & Agriculture implements Bhimadole Jn, Dist. West Godavari West Godavari Mob : 9705463344 91. Sri Venkata Narasimha Engineering Works Kurnool Road, NH - 7, Pebbair – 509104, Dist. Mahbubnagar Sri Venkatalaxmi Engg. Works Bhimadole Jn -534425, Dist. West Godavari Mahbub nagar Mob : 9963055741 West Godavari Mob : 9440457387 89. 92. 16 Products disc), plough (7 bottom), boot type cultivator (5 tyne), half cage wheel Rigid cultivator (11 tyne), MB plough (2 furrow), inter cultivator, plough (7 bottom), castor thresher Rigid cultivator (9/11 tyne), spring loaded cultivator (9 tyne), MB plough (3 furrow), harrow (7 disc), boot type cultivator (5 tyne), maize sheller Rigid cultivator (11 tyne), spring loaded cultivator (9 tyne), MB plough (2 furrow), offset disc harrow (12 disc), inter cultivator, boot type cultivator (5 tyne) Spring loaded cultivator (9 tyne), disc plough (2 bottom), MB plough (2 furrow), offset disc harrow (12 disc), plough (7 bottom), boot type cultivator (5 tyne), half cage wheel Rigid cultivator (9/11 tyne), spring loaded cultivator (9 tyne), MB plough (3 furrow), guntaka blade, boot type cultivator (5 tyne), seed cum fertilizer drill S. No. 93. Sri Venkatanaga Industries Vikarabad - 501101, Dist. Rangareddy Rangareddy Contact No., Fax and E-mail Mob : 9390426190 94. Sri Venkateswara Engg. Works Gudivada, Dist. Krishna Krishna Mob : 9290016660 95. Sri Venkateswara Engg. Works Main Road, Piduguralla, Dist. Guntur Sri Venkateswara Engineering Workshop Main Road, Chinthalapudi - 534460, Dist. West Godavari Sri Venkateswara Industries Plot No.562/A, Autonagar, Guntur - 522001 Guntur Mob : 9440434058 West Godavari Mob : 93475 13575 Guntur Mob : 9848053237 Sri Venkateswara Swamy Agro Industries D.No.16-279/19, Near Balaji Talkies Road, SN Puram, Gudaivad -521301, Dist. Krishna Krishna Mob : 9441215897 96. 97. 98. Name & Address District 17 Products Rigid cultivator (9 tyne), reversible MB plough, offset disc harrow (12 disc), inter cultivator, half cage wheel, maize sheller Rigid cultivator (11 tyne), disc plough (2 bottom), harrow (7 disc), plough (7 bottom), boot type cultivator (5 tyne), hydraulically operated reversible plough Rigid cultivator (9/11 tyne), disc plough (2 bottom), offset disc harrow (12 disc), spike tooth harrow, disc puddler, half cage wheel Rigid cultivator (9 tyne), disc plough (2 bottom), guntaka blade, disc puddler, tractor drawn bund former, castor thresher, chaff cutter Rigid cultivator (11 tyne), disc plough (2 bottom), offset disc harrow (12 disc), inter cultivator, harrow (7 disc), plough (7 bottom), boot type cultivator (5 tyne), half cage wheel Rigid cultivator (9 tyne), spring loaded cultivator (9 tyne), disc plough (2 bottom), MB plough (3 furrow), reversible MB plough, inter cultivator S. No. 99. 100. 101. 102. 103. 104. Name & Address District Contact No., Fax and E-mail Mob : 8886703112, 9491164434 Sri Vijayalaxmi Engineering Works Koilakuntla Road, Allagadda – 518543, Kurnool Srikanth Engg. Works H. No.13-3-150/5, Chilakaluripeta Road, Narsaraopet, Dist. Guntur Kurnool Guntur Mob : 9440703633 Srinivasa Agro Industries D.No.5-16, Maddi -531 219, Padmanabham Mandal, Dist. Visakhapatnam Subramanyeswara Agro Industries Ind. Estate, C 43, Gudiavada, Dist. Krishna Surya Industries Plot No. C 41, Ind. Estate, Autonagar, Gudivada, Dist. Krishna Surya Seetharama Engg. Works Opp. Saw Mill, AKP Road, Narsipatnam -531116, Dist. Visakhapatnam Visakhapatn am Mob : 9951858651 Krishna Mob : 8674242127 Krishna Mob : 9848458246 Mob : 9849797494 Visakhapatn am 18 Products Spring loaded cultivator (9 tyne), disc plough (2 bottom), MB plough (2 furrow), offset disc harrow (12 disc), guntaka blade, inter cultivator Rigid cultivator (9 tyne), spring loaded cultivator (9 tyne), disc plough (2 bottom), reversible MB plough (3 bottom), offset disc harrow (12 disc), inter cultivator, half cage wheels Rigid cultivator (9/11 tyne), spring loaded cultivator (9 tyne), offset disc harrow (12 disc), harrow (7 disc), rotavator Rigid cultivator (11 tyne), spring loaded cultivator (9 tyne), disc plough (2 bottom), multi-crop thresher, maize sheller, paddy thresher Rigid cultivator (11 tyne), spring loaded cultivator (9 tyne), reversible MB plough, guntaka blade, harrow (7 disc), plough (7 bottom) Rigid cultivator (11 tyne), disc plough (2 bottom), guntaka blade, inter cultivator, disc puddler, plough (7 bottom), seed cum fertilizer drill S. No. 105. 106. 107. 108. 109. 110. Name & Address District V.S.R. Enterprises D No. 2-1018, Readspet, K.R.Palli, Dist. Chittoor Venkata Sivasai Agro Industries Podili road, Darsi, Dist. Prakasham Venkateswara Engineering Works Gopannapalem, Denduluru, Dist. West Godavari Chittoor Contact No., Fax and E-mail Mob : 9492551233 Prakasham Mob : 9885155395 West Godavari Tel : 08812-259458, 259758 Mob : 9490147458 Vijaya Arc Welding Works Ind. Estate, Plot No.122, Bhimavaram – 534203, Dist. West Godavari Vijayadurga Engineering Works Beside Telephone Exchange, Hanuman Junction Road, Nuzvid - 521201, Dist. Krishna Visakha Auto Garage Opp. Zilla Court, Plot No. 40, VT.Agraharam, Dist. Vizianagaram West Godavari Mob : 9948811995 Krishna Mob : 9392712936 Vizianagara m Mob : 9603547788 19 Products Rigid cultivator (9/11 tyne), spring loaded cultivator (9 tyne), leveling blade, inter cultivator, harrow (7 disc) Rigid cultivator (9/11 tyne), MB plough (2 furrow), offset disc harrow (12 disc), seed cum fertilizer drill, chaff cutter Rigid cultivator (11 tyne), spring loaded cultivator (9 tyne), reversible M B plough (3 bottom), spike tooth harrow, plough (5 bottom), rotavator, maize sheller, groundnut decorticator Rigid cultivator (11 tyne), spring loaded cultivator (9 tyne), disc (2 bottom), offset disc harrow (12 disc), harrow (7 disc), paddy thresher Rigid cultivator (9/11 tyne), spring loaded cultivator (9 tyne), MB plough (2 furrow), offset disc harrow (12 disc), inter cultivator, plough (7 bottom), hydraulically operated reversible plough Rigid cultivator (9/11 tyne), spring loaded cultivator (9 tyne), MB plough (3 furrow), inter cultivator, boot type cultivator (5 tyne), seed cum fertilizer drill S. No. Name & Address District Contact No., Fax and E-mail Products 1.2. Assam 111. Assam Iron and Fabricators Pvt. Ltd. A.T. Road , P.O. Lahoal, Dibrugarh Dibrugarh Mob : 9435032131, 9435033546 112. HVF Agencies Moranhat, Dibrugarh Madina Engg. Workshop Moirabari - 782126, Dist. Morigaon Punjab Engineering Company Mariani Road, P.O. Rajabari, Jorhat - 785014 Dibrugarh Mob : 9435132807 Tractor drawn leveler, disc harrow, tractor trailer, mower, tea machinery, dozer straight & angle, disc. plough, ridger with seeding attachment, subsoiler Paddy thresher Morigaon Mob : 98594 09637 Paddy thresher Jorhat Telfax: 0376-2320533 Mob : 9435050958 E-mail: Sharma Enterprise A.T. Road, Near Petrol Pump Roha - 782013, Dist. Nagaon Nagaon Mob : 9957454131 Paddy thresher, cultivator, disc harrow, disc plough, hydraulic tractor trailer, sugarcane crusher, MB plough, seed drill, fodder cutter, maize thresher, winnowing fan Paddy thresher 116. Ajanta Agro Implements Anishabad, Khagaul Road, Patna Patna Tel : 0612-2251123 117. Binod Engineering Raza Bazar, Bihia, Dist. Bhojpur Bhojpur Mob: 9334325251 113. 114. 115. 1.3. Bihar 20 Tractor drawn rigid cultivator (9 tyne), tractor drawn disc harrow (12/14 disc), tractor drawn MB plough (2/3/4 bottom), trailer Tractor drawn rigid cultivator (9 tyne), tractor drawn MB plough (2 bottom), tractor drawn disc harrow (12disc), S. No. Name & Address District Contact No., Fax and E-mail 118. Dashmesh Gold Mechanical Works Gulwara, Madhuban. 845420, Dist. East Champaran East Champaran Mob : 9973032456 119. Durga Engineering Workshop Main Road, Noorsari – 803113, Dist. Nalanda Nalanda Mob : 9431687883 120. Kisan Agro NH-31, Devisarai, Bihar Sarif, Dist. Nalanda Nalanda Mob : 9430934365 121. Kisan Engineering Company Kalambagh Road, PO Ramna, Dist. Muzaffarpur Muzaffarpur Mob : 9431238670 21 Products tractor drawn land leveller, tractor drawn seed drill, tractor drawn bund former, power operated maize sheller Tractor drawn spring loaded cultivator (9 tyne), tractor drawn land leveller, tractor drawn disc harrow (12 disc), tractor operated rotavator, tractor drawn zero till seed cum fertilizer drill, tractor drawn bund former, trailer, manually operated winnower, power operated maize thresher, power operated paddy thresher, manual wheel hoe, power operated wheat thresher Tractor drawn rigid cultivator (9 tyne), tractor drawn MB plough (2 bottom), wire-loop paddy thresher, trailer, tractor drawn land leveller, tractor operated rotavator Tractor drawn zero till seed cum fertilizer drill, tractor drawn rigid cultivator (9 tyne), tractor drawn MB plough (3 bottom), tractor drawn land leveller, tractor operated rotavator, trailer Tractor drawn rigid cultivator (9 tyne), tractor drawn spring loaded cultivator (9 tyne), tractor drawn disc harrow (12/14 disc), trailer, tractor drawn land leveller, pedal operated paddy S. No. Name & Address District Contact No., Fax and E-mail 122. Kushwaha Engineering Works Raja Bazar, Bihiya – 802152, Dist. Bhojpur Bhojpur Mob : 9199754825, 9905874770, 9939978575 123. Ma Durga Agro-Tech Pvt. Ltd. NH-57, Near Fly Over, Mabbi, Dist. Darbhanga Ma Shyama Agro Industries Sundarpur Beera, Darbhanga Sadar, Dist. Darbhanga Darbhanga Tel : 06272-320026 Mob : 9334169350, 9204655800 Darbhanga Mob : 9204655800, 9204655801 E-mail : 124. 22 Products thresher, power operated maize thresher, power operated paddy thresher, power operated wheat thresher, manually operated winnower, tractor drawn zero till seed cum fertilizer drill, tractor operated rotavator , power operated winnower, tractor front mounted conveyor reaper Tractor drawn zero till seed cum fertilizer drill, tractor drawn rigid cultivator (9 tyne), tractor drawn MB plough (2 bottom), tractor drawn disc harrow (12 disc), tractor drawn land leveller, trailer, thresher, reaper, maize thresher, potato digger, potato planter, rotavator, cultivator Self-propelled reaper, power tiller Tractor drawn disc harrowtrailed/mounted type (12/14 disc), tractor drawn zero till seed –cumfertilizer drill, manually operated chaff cutter, tractor drawn rigid cultivator,(9 tyne), hydraulic trailer, tractor drawn mould board (3/4 bottom), tractor drawn land leveler, tractor operated rotavator, tractor S. No. Name & Address District Contact No., Fax and E-mail Products drawn ridger (3 furrow), tractor drawn trencher Tractor drawn rigid cultivator (9 tyne), tractor drawn mould board plough (2/4 bottom), tractor drawn disc harrow (12/14 disc), trailer Tractor drawn rigid cultivator (9 tyne), tractor drawn disc harrow (12/14 disc), tractor drawn land leveller, tractor drawn MB plough (3 bottom), power operated maize thresher, power operated paddy cum wheat thresher, trailer Tractor drawn rigid cultivator (9 tyne), tractor drawn spring loaded cultivator (9 tyne), tractor operated rotavator, tractor drawn disc harrow (12/14 disc), tractor drawn land leveller, trailer 125. Malhotra Engineering Works R. K. Bhattacharya Road, Patna Patna Mob : 9835029080 126. S. Raj Engineering Works Prakhand Road, Beldor, Dist. Khagaria Khagaria Mob : 9430994385 127. Universal Engineering Works Near Bhagwanpur Chowk, Muzaffarpur – 842001 Muzaffarpur Mob : 9334113832 E-mail : universalengineering@gmail. com Raipur Tel: 0771-4002050 Mob. : 9425209088 Leveler, cultivator (9 tyne), mould board plough Dhamtari Mob. : 9425208906, 9826323663, 9425208903 Cultivator, cage wheel, tractor datari, terrace blade 1.4. Chhattisgarh 128. 129. Agro Tec Corporation Sharan Complex, Opposite Deshbandhu School, Nahar Para Station Road, Raipur – 492001 Ajay Agro Industries Raipur Sehradabari, Dhamtari 23 S. No. 130. 131. 132. 133. 134. 135. 136. 137. 138. Name & Address Arun Agriculture N.H. 43, Mana Road, Deopuri, Raipur Asian Trading Company Station Road, Raipur Balaji Agro Chowk, Thankhamharia – 491338, Dist. Bemetara Balaji Krishi Kendra Bajrang Chowk, Thankhamharia – 491338, Dist. Bemetara Baliram & Sons 1/B Industrial Estate, Rajnandgaon Batala Engineering Works Heerapur Road, Tatibhandh, Raipur Chandrakar Agro Industries Ring Road No. - 1, Bhatagaon Chowk, Raipur Choudhary Agro Engineering Works Shop No. - 101, Ravi Shankar Stadium Parisar, Durg Emson Auto Plot No. – 01 & 25, Industrial Area, 9 Block, Bhanpuri, Raipur District Contact No., Fax and E-mail Tel: 0771-2411412 Mob. : 9425505644, Mould board plough, cultivator, cage wheel Raipur Mob. : 9826155595 Seed drill Bemetara Mob. : 9406009502 Paddy thresher, M. B. plough Bemetara Mob. : 9406009502 Paddy thresher (10 hp), seed drill, cultivator Rajnandgaon Tel. : 07744-281915 Mob. 9301899909 Hand operated winnowing fan, motor operated winnowing fan Raipur Mob. : 9977220972, 9977666617 Motorized winnowing fan Raipur Mob. : 9303729715, 9179615359 Puddler Durg Mob. : 9827116557 Tractor operated reaper Raipur Tel: 0771-2224452, 4030531 Mob. : 9993030931, Cultivator, seed drill Raipur 24 Products S. No. 139. 140. 141. 142. 143. 144. 145. 146. Name & Address Gupta Agro Tech Corporation Sharan Complex, Opposite Deshbandhu School, Nahar Para Station Road, Raipur Gupta Hardware Bombay Market, Raipur Indian Electrical Near DeshbandhuSangh, Opposite Dr. Sur, Station Road, Raipur Kanhaiya Agro Industries Behind Sundar Nagar Area, Ring Road No. 1, Raipur Khalsa Agro Industries Devarbija, Bemetara, Dist. Bemetara Kisan Agro. Ratanpur Road, Gatouri, Post- Semertal, Dist. Bilaspur Krishna Agro Industries Plot No.714/1, Gram Gatori, P.O. Semartal, Ratanpur Road, Bilaspur Mata Dee Electricals Gupta Complex, Fingeshwar Road, Rajim, Dist. Gariyabandh District Raipur Raipur Contact No., Fax and E-mail Tel: 0771-4002050 Mob. : 9425209088 Products Winnowing fan Tel: 0771-2227674 Mob. : 9755669000 Tel : 0771-2525845/46 Mob. : 9425208862 Power operated winnowing fan Raipur Mob. : 9425506541 Cage wheel, leveler Bemetara Mob. : 9424101234 Disc harrow, rigid type cultivator, mould board plough, terracer blade Bilaspur Mob. : 9827153082 Cultivator, cage wheel, paddy puddler, terracer blade, disc harrow Bilaspur Tel : 07752-659304, Mould Board plough Gariyabandh Mob. : 9753079667 Motor operated winnowing fan, hand operated chaff cutter Raipur 25 Winnowing fan S. No. 147. 148. 149. 150. 151. 152. 153. 154. Name & Address National Machinery Stores G. E. Road, Ganjpara – 491001, Dist. Durg Precision Engineering Works H-45, Aishwarya Residency, Telibandha, G. E. Road, Raipur Punjab Agricultue Works Bemetra, Punjabi Para, Chorbhatti, Bemetra, Dist. Bemetra Ranjeet Engineering Works Station Road, Sanjay Gandhi Chowk, Raipur Sai Nath Agro Industries Sai Tractors Sihawa Road, Dhamtari Shankar Appliances 55 Industrial Estate, Sector D, Sirgitti, Tifra, Bilaspur ShardaTrolly GangparaNadi Road, New Adarsh Nagar, Dist. Durg Shri Vishwanath Auto Engineering Champaran Chowk Navapara, Rajim, Dist. Raipur District Durg Contact No., Fax and E-mail Tel : 0788-4011587 Mob : 9300237205 Products Rotavator, sprayer, power tiller, thresher Raipur Tel: 0771-4210299 Mob. : 9300515035 Winnowing fan Bemetra Mob. : 9893243880 Paddy multi-crop thresher Raipur Tel: 0771-4020083 Mob. : 9893200083 Cultivator, cage wheel, leveler Dhamtari Tel : 0772-2230641 Mob. : 9425209243 Paddy cum multi-crop thresher, rotavator Bilaspur, Mob. : 9300659448, 9301420610 Cultivator, cage wheel Durg Mob. : 9302160892 Tractor, terracer blade, cultivator, cage wheel Raipur Mob. : 9977600666, 9826586040, 9425448431 Tractor, cage wheel, cultivator 26 S. No. 155. 156. 157. 158. 159. Name & Address Surjeet Agriculture Industry Village - Murra, Block Dhamdha, Dist. Durg Usha Enterprises Bandhavapara Bandhava Talab, Purani Basti, Raipur Vandana Agro Industries Ward No. - 11, Thakur Diya Para, Sakti, Dist. Janjgir – Champa Vardhaman Agencies In front of Jain Petrol Pump, Tatibandh Chawk, Raipur Vicky Krishi Udyog Plot no. 42, Industrial Area, Tifra, Bilaspur District Durg Contact No., Fax and E-mail Tel : 0771-4072013 Mob. : 94252-61634 Products Mould Board plough, cultivator, paddy cum multi-crop thresher Raipur Tel : 0771-6450870 Mob. : 9826152526 Winnowing fan Janjgir – Champa Tel: 07757-233203 Mob. : 9300122120 Leveler, rotavator, cage wheel Raipur Mob. : 9425212326 Disc type puddler, maize sheller multi-crop thresher, seed cum fertilizer drill, tractor rear mounted reaper Cage wheel, mould board plough, cultivator Bilaspur Mob. : 9826902214 East Delhi Mob : 9711841690 Laser leveller North West Delhi Tel : 011-27671414, 32592284 E-mail : ASPEE manual and power sprayers, mist blower, aero-blast sprayer 1.5. Delhi 160. 161. AS Laser Systems Pvt. Ltd. 204-205, Mayur Plaza V, Mayur Vihar Phase III, Kondli Gharoli, New Delhi ASPEE Sprayers and Mechanised Equipment B-2/2, Sasco Bhavan, Ground Floor, Naniwala Bagh, Near Akash Cinema, Azadpur, Delhi - 110033 27 S. No. Name & Address District Contact No., Fax and E-mail Tel : 011-25430589, 25431667, 41427670, E-mail : Tel : 011-3719998 Mob : 9810509101 162. Auto Steels 70-B/3, Shivaji Marg Industrial Area, New Delhi 110015 New Delhi 163. Avtar Agro Industries Private Limited No. 734/35, Guru Ram Das Nagar Extension, Laxmi Nagar, Delhi - 110092 Biotronic Bharat Company R-51, Inderpuri New Delhi - 110012 East Delhi Central Delhi Tel : 011-25831827 Mob : 9873888828 E-mail : Dawn Harvest Marketing nd 3488, 2 Floor, Gali Bajarang Bali, Chawri Bazar, New Delhi Garden Tools & Agriculture Equipment 47, G. B. Road, New Delhi 110006 North Delhi Tel: 011-43065851 Mob : 9811007886 E-mail : Tel : 011-23211107, 23210284, 45626770, 45626771 Mob : 9899861695, 9999960466 E-mail : 164. 165. 166. New Delhi 28 Products Rotavator blades, tractor-trolley leaf springs, hooks, U-bolts, torsion bars Tractor drawn MB plough, rigid cultivator (tyne-9), disc harrow (12 disc), tractor drawn seed cum fertilizer drill, thresher Precision pneumatic vegetable seed drill, vegetable transplanter, small thresher, seed counter, onion windrower/digger, onion topper, power weeder, pneumatic garlic planter, multi-crop precision planter, multi-crop thresher, tractor mounted maize picker Hedge trimmer, tree pruner, lawn mower, chain saw Mini fogger, brush cutter, hedge trimmer, thermal fogger, chain saw, lawn mower, earth drill, electric lawn mover S. No. 167. 168. 169. 170. 171. Name & Address District Contact No., Fax and E-mail Tel : 011-23730554, 23359782, 23357739 Products Greaves Agro Equipment Express Building Annexe, 9-10 Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg,New Delhi - 110002 Green Planet Machines Pvt.Ltd. 35, Rani Jhansi Road, 112, Bearing Market, Jhandewalan, New Delhi - 110055 New Delhi New Delhi Tel: 011-23523807, 23522807 Mob : 9868154407, 9311124407 http://www.gardenlawnmachi Honda Siel Power Products Ltd. nd 3 & 4/48, 2 Floor, Enkay House, Malcha Marg Shopping Complex, Chanakyapuri, New Delhi 110021 International Tractors Ltd. Pankaj Plaza-1, Plot No. 2, Karkardooma Community Centre, Karkoordooma, Delhi -110092 Kissan Agro Industries No. 115,Vill Holambi Khurd, near railway station, New Delhi -110082 New Delhi E-mail: https://www.hondasielpower. com/ East Delhi Mob : 8588856339 es/index.asp Tractor drawn seed cum fertilizer drill, tractor mounted reciprocating mower New Delhi Mob : 9811378922 http://www.kissanagroindustri Power operated groundnut decorticator 29 Power sprayer, brush cutter, inter cultivator, power driven harvester, mini combine harvester Electric lawn mower, rotary cultivator, garden blower, chain saw, hedge trimmer, brush cutter, petrol lawn mower, electric trimmer, rotary tiller, battery shear, electric chipper mulcher (bio power), free clip manual lawn mower with grass catcher, garden compact small ride-on-mower Brush cutter, rotary tiller, rotary power weeder S. No. 172. Pacific Machine and Equipments R-51, Inderpuri, New Delhi - 110012 Central Delhi 173. Pramod Gramodyog Okhla Mandi, Okhla, Delhi 110020 S. D International 12 B, Pocket-3, Mayur Vihar1, Delhi - 110091 Shri Ram Agro Sales Corp. C-225/25, Mayapuri, Phase II, New Delhi South Delhi Contact No., Fax and E-mail Tel : 011-25831827 Mob : 9213850190, 9873888828 E-mail: Mob : 09891376301 Centre Delhi Mob : 09953359543 Tractor drawn seed cum fertilizer drill West Delhi Agricultural implement parts, trolley axles, harrow discs Sonalika International Tractor Ltd. Corp. Pankaj Plaza - 1, Plot No. 2, Karkardooma Community Centre, Commercial Complex, New Delhi Spectra Precision Lasers (P) Ltd. E - 4, Second Floor, Bali Nagar, New Delhi - 110015 East Delhi Tel : 011-28112012, 25392567 Mob : 9891486843, 9313897516, 9312436913 Tel : 011-22373785, 22377472 Tel: 011-65905835, 64500310 Fax : 011-25420595, 25437988 Mob : 9310008222 E-mail : Laser land leveller 174. 175. 176. 177. Name & Address District Center Delhi 30 Products Land leveller Tractor operated laser land leveller Rotavator, seed drill, plough, harrow S. No. 178. Name & Address District Contact No., Fax and E-mail Tel: 011-25352643-45, 25352649 Mob.: 9560811033 E-mail :; spx Products SPL (Spectra Precision Lasers) Technologies (P) Ltd. LG - 1, 77-80, Shiv Vihar (West), Vikas Nagar, New Delhi - 110059 West Delhi Laser transmitter, laser plane receiver, bucket scrapper, control box(cb 40) Nihar Agrotech G – 8, Angaraki Building, Near Almeida High School, Pona-Panaji Road, Ponda North Goa Tel : 0832-2315139 Mob : 9822120967 E-mail: Horticultural & forestry tools Tel : 02692-236705, 657055 Fax : 02692-236704 Mob : 9825011981 E-mail: Tel : 0141-5134082 Mob: 9982751587 E-mail: Tel : 0281-2462289, 2462528 Fax : 0281-2462529 E-mail: Sprayers, dusters 1.6. Goa 179. 1.7. Gujarat 180. Adarsh Plant Protect Ltd. 604, GIDC Vitthal Udyognagar - 388121 Dist. Anand Anand 181. Aditya Industries Rai Cherali, TalDhrangadhra, Dist. Surendranagar Almighty Agrotech Pvt. Ltd. 17, Bhaktinagar Station Plot, Rajkot - 360002 Surendranagar 182. Rajkot 31 Hydraulic reversible plough, cultivator Sprayers S. No. 183. 184. 185. 186. 187. 188. Name & Address District Amba Bhavani Agriculture works Opp. Charmriya Dada’s Mandir, At Post- Haripar, TalDhragandhra - 363310, Dist. Surendranagar Ambica Engineering Works N.H. No. 8, Navagam, Opp. Agro Petrol Pump, Kamrej Char Rasta Surat – 394185 Amrutlal Keshavlal Panchal Shakti Chowk, Near Rasala Bazar, Banaskantha 385535 Anand Shakti Near Hanumanji Temple, N.H.-8, At. Vaghashi, Anand Arjun Industries Atkot Road, Jasdan, Dist. Rajkot Baba Agro Industries Nesdi road, Near water tank, Savar Kundla - 364515 Surendranag ar Contact No., Fax and E-mail Mob: 9904552221 E-mail : Products Mechanically reversible MB plough, hydraulic reversible plough, seed cum fertilizer drill Surat Tel : 02621-252110, 253110 E-mail: Rotavator, trolley, loader, cultivator, reversible plough, disc harrow, ridger, plough, leveller Banaskantha Mob: 9924181054 Potato digger, cultivator, seed cum fertilizer drill, leveler Anand Tel.: 02692-266276 Tractor, power tiller Rajkot Mob : 9825620350, 9824220449 Tractor operated plough, leveller, cultivator, trolley, groundnut thresher Amreli Mob :9427555778 E-mail: shailesh.makwana1234@gm MB plough (2/3 bottom), hydraulic reversible plough (2/3 furrow), cultivator 32 S. No. 189. 190. 191. 192. 193. 194. Name & Address District Balwan Agro Industries Plot No. 2240, Lodhika GIDC, Kranti Gate, Opp. Mac. Power CNC, Rajkot 360021 Bhagvati Agriculture Equipment Nr. S.T. Bus Stand, Halvad, Dist. Surendra Nagar Bhagwan Agency 11, Muncipal Shopping Centre, Behind New Bus Stand, Lalbag, Godhra – 389004, Dist. Panchmahal Bhagwati Agriculture Mirjapur Road, Bhuj Bhagwati Krushi Udhyog, Bhagwati Agro Sales Corporation st A/6, 1 Floor, Satyamev Complex-1, Opp. New High Court, Sola - 380060, Dist. Ahmedabad Rajkot Bharat Engineering Works Atkot Road, Gita Nagar, Jasdan - 360 050, Dist. Rajkot Rajkot Contact No., Fax and E-mail Mob: 9924899995 E-mail: Products Rotavator Surendra Nagar Mob:9825903029 Seed cum fertilizer drill, cultivator, ridger Panchmahal Tel : 02672-242960 Tractor, power tiller Bhuj Tel : 0283-2284180 Mob : 9925038455 Tel : 079-27665468, 27665216 Mob : 9377177203, 9426015071 E-mail : bhagwatikrushi.gokul@yahoo,, Tel : 2821-220154, Mob : 9824298245 Tractor, power tiller Ahmedabad 33 Garden tools, castor thresher, chaff cutter, manual and battery spray pump, rotavator, seed cum fertilizer drill, laser leveller, cultivator, cono weeder, multi-crop thresher Multi-crop thresher, tractor operated groundnut decorticator, power operated groundnut thresher, manual groundnut decorticator, seed drill, chaff cutter S. No. 195. Name & Address District Bhavanee Agro Industries Station Road. Chalala. Ta: Dhari, Dist. Ampeli Bhavani Agriculture Engg. Sara road, Ta. Halvad, DistSurendranagar - 363421 Bhavani Iron Works At/Post- Lathidad, Tal- Balod, Dist. Bhavnagar Bhavani Krushi Udhyog 8, Mahashakti Estate, Opp. Samajavadi, Vijapur Highway Road, Tal-Mansa 382845, Dist. Gandhinagar Bhoomi Engineering Sanand Road, Bavla – 325027, Dist. Ahmedabad Ampeli 200. Bilal Engineering Works # 78-21, Behind Onion Market, Bilal Compound, P.B. Road, Davangere Davangere 201. Brahmani Welding Works At PO. Zerada, Ta. Deesa 385535, Dist. Banaskantha Banaskantha 196. 197. 198. 199. Surendranag ar Bhavnagar Gandhinagar Ahmedabad Contact No., Fax and E-mail Mob: 9913084810 Products Seed cum fertilizer drill Mob: 9825751832 E-mail : E-mail: bhavaniaryanworks@hotmail .com E-mail: Cultivator, cultivator cum ridger, seed cum fertilizer drill, leveler Mob:9924432810 E-mail : bhoomiengineering14@gmail .com Tel : 08192-270519 Mob : 9845050008, 9844377866 E-mail : Mob: 9898979709 E-mail : brahmani_welding@yahoo.c om Cultivator, Leveler 34 Mechanical reversible plough, cultivator Mechanical reversible plough, leveling blade, cultivator, MB plough M.B. plough, sprayer, spring cultivator, disc harrow, multi-crop thresher, duck foot cultivator Potato Planter, potato digger, cultivator, seed cum fertilizer drill, leveler, disc harrow, cultivator S. No. 202. 203. 204. 205. Name & Address District Contact No., Fax and E-mail Tel : 02772-240488 Mob : 9426586205 Cama Agencies Near Railway Crossing, Girdharnagar, Himatnagar, Dist. Sabarkantha Captain Tractors Pvt. Ltd. Head Office : Padavla Road, Veraval (Shapar) -360024, Taluka-Kotda Sangani, Dist. Rajkot Sabarkantha Rajkot Tel : 0281-2228216, 2240501 02827-252547, 253916-17 Mob : 9726270707 E-mail : m/ Datar Krushi Near Bus Stand, Shapar, Rajkot Dharti Agro Engineering Survey No. 35, Plot No. 6, Near. Saurashtra Paper Board Mill, Gondal Road, Shapar (Veraval), Rajkot 360024 Rajkot Mob : 9426905422 Mini tractor, cultivator, sickle, serrated sickle, dibbler, single wheel weeder, double wheel weeder, single row weeder cum seed drill, animal drawn automatic seed drill, animal drawn cotton seed drill, animal drawn cultivator, chaff cutter, post hole digger, fertilizer attachment, chisel plough, grapes sprayer, automatic seed drill, rotary tiller, thresher, MB. plough, reversible plough, leveller, automatic seed cum fertilizer drill, sprayer pump, horticulture sprayer, furrow attachment, power reaper, trailer Tractor, power tiller Rajkot Tel : 2827-252220, 252258 Mob : 9427562482, 9414007233, 9428035616-17 E-mail :, Mini tractor operated seed cum fertilizer drill, tractor operated seed drill, tractor mounted seed planter, cultivator (7 teeth, spring type), tractor operated reversible plough, tractor operated seed cum fertilizer drill, ox driven seed drill (teeth-5/10, single/double hopper), manual 35 Products Tractor, power tiller S. No. 206. 207. 208. 209. 210. Name & Address District Dharti Kheti Ozar Kendra Jafarbad Road, At Po. Rajula, Dist. Amreli Field Worthy Equipments Pvt. Ltd. Patel Farm, Bhamariya Kua Bus Stand, N.H. 8, Lambha 382405, Dist. Ahmedabad Gandevi Taluka Khedut Sah. Sangh Ltd. Gandevi, Dist. Navsari Ganesh Agro Equipments Ganesh Raj Industries Opposite Navajivan Hotel,National Highway,Kalol Mehsana Highway,Vadpura 382706, Taluk Kadi, Dist. Mehsana Amreli Gokul Industries Atkot Road, Industrial Area, Same, Jasdan, Dist. Rajkot Rajkot Ahmedabad Contact No., Fax and E-mail Mob:9824432236 E-mail : Tel : 079-25716031 Mob : 9879658097 Products operated seed drill, tractor operated zero till cum fertilizer drill, tractor operated maize and cotton planter, power tiller seed cum fertilizer with patli system Mechanically reversible MB plough Self-propelled vertical conveyor reaper Navsari Te : 02634-329822 Tractor, power tiller Mehsana Tel : 02764-273442-43, 267164, 267446 Mob : 9825012224, 9925031817, 9825319817, 9898615911 E-mail :,, Tel : 2821-221508 Chiesel plough, rotavator, thresher, automatic potato planter, manual potato planter, post-hole digger, tractor mounted harvester, mini harvester, hydraulic trolley, reversible plough, maize sheller, trailer, potato digger, post hole digger 36 Thresher, tractor trailer S. No. 211. 212. 213. 214. 215. 216. 217. Name & Address Gujarat Agro Engineering Survey No-34, Plot No-13, Shantidham Bus Stop, Opp. Somnath Ice Factory, Shapar – 360024, Veraval, Dist. Rajkot Gurukrupa Agriculture Nr. Kutch- Katchiya vad Lodge Morbi-Mandvi Highway, Halvad Gurukrupa Welding Behind Government Hospital Tal: Jodiya – 361011, Dist. Jamnagar Gurukrupa Welding Works At- borada, Ta- Talaja 364130, Dist. Bhavnagar Hariom Agro Industries Neheru Nagar Main Road, Atika, Rajkot - 360002 Jashoda Agro Works Khara Kuva, Sojitra, Dist. Anand Jay Bajrang Industries, Shead No. 3, Navagam Udyaog Nagar, N. H. 8, Kamraj Char Rasta - 394185, Dist. Surat District Rajkot Halvad Jamnagar Bhavnagar Rajkot Anand Surat Contact No., Fax and E-mail Tel : 02827-296195 Mob : 9879916607, 9825768595 E-mail : m Mob: 9998112615 Products Automatic seed drill/planter Cultivator, cultivator with bund former, hydraulic reversible plough Mob: 9427573769 E-mail : m Mob: 9099265658 E-mail: Mob: 9879655500 E-mail : Te: 02697-234993 Mob : 9426394460 Cultivator Mob : 8045136365, 9377771133, 9825130851 E-mail: Trolley, reversible plough, rotavator, loader 37 Cultivator Rotavator, mechanical plough Paddy thresher, mini combine S. No. 218. 219. 220. 221. 222. 223. Name & Address Jay Jalaram Engineering Works Main Road, Opp. Sahyog Society, At Post: Sayan, Tal Olpad, Dist. Surat Jay Shakti Engineering Works Nesdi Road, Savarkunda – 364515, Dist. Amreli Jayant Agro Industries Gondal, Moviya Road, Virabapa’s Farm At. Moviya – 360330, Ta. Gondal, Dist. Rajkot Jayant Engineering Works Infront of S.T. Depo, GIDC, Jasdan, Dist. Rajkot Jayshakti Industries Plot no-4, Madhavi Udyog Nagar Veraval Highway, Dist. Junagarh Khedut Agro Engg. Pvt. Ltd. Plot No. 6, Survey No.191, Near Shantidham Society Road, Near Orke Farm, National Highway 8-B, Veraval (Shaper), Tal. Kotada Sangani - 360024, Dist. Rajkot District Surat Amreli Rajkot Contact No., Fax and E-mail Mob: 9725745506 E-mail: jayjalaramengworks@yahoo. com Tel : 02845-243394, 242394 Mob : 9426456998 Products Cultivator Trolley, MB plough, reversible plough, cultivator, chiesel plough, leveller Tel : 02825-295715 Mob : 9825451256 E-mail : jayantagroindustries@gmail. com Tel : 2821-220301, 220540 Mob : 9426979700 Mini tractor, agricultural machinery Junagarh Mob: 9925728160 E-mail : Duck foot type cultivator, seed cum fertilizer drill, blade harrow Rajkot Tel : 2827-253312-13 Mob : 9426206420, 9979900006, 9397348877 E-mail :,; Mechanical reversible plough, rotavator, tractor operated roto seeder, zero till seed cum fertilizer drill, manual seed drill, tractor operated maize and garlic seed planter, cultivator, manual planter, bullock operated seed drill, tractor operated seed cum fertilizer drill, cotton seed drill, multi-purpose planter, ridge and furrow seed cum fertilizer drill and planter Rajkot 38 Power and tractor operated groundnut thresher S. No. 224. 225. 226. 227. 228. 229. Name & Address District Kiran Corporation 9-E, Rajendra Ind. Estate, Opp. Essar Pump, Kheralu Road, Visnagar – 384315, Dist. Mehasana Kirti Agro Engineering Survey No. 81, Plot No.1/A, Shapar (Veraval), Kotadasangani, Dist. Rajkot Kishan Agro Engineering Narmda Pipe Road, Near Mahendra Mill, Survey No. 211, Plot No. 4 Veraval (Shaper), Dist. Rajkot Kranti Agro Engineering Co. C-1/B-237/1, G.I.D.C., Aji Vasahat, Rajkot – 360003 Mehasana Laxmi Engineering Works Vyara-Unai Road, Vyara 394650, Dist. Tapi Luhar Madhavji Ambabhai & Co opp Tal: School At Post: Hadiyana 361011 Tal. Jodiya, Dist. Jamnagar Tapi Contact No., Fax and E-mail Tel : 02765-233433 Mob : 9825055707 E-mail : Products Single/multi speed rotary tiller Rajkot Mob : 9426269860, 9825360254, 9428276093 Automatic seed drill Rajkot Tel : 02827-252385 Mob : 9825450676, 9825271967 Automatic seed drill/planter, rotavator Rajkot Tel: 0281-2384274, 5549161, 6549161 Fax : 0281-2387773 Mob : 9879060307 Tel: 2626-220363 E-mail : Mob: 9898302076 Tractor driven seed drill, thresher, ox driven seed drill, rotary tiller, rotavator Jamnagar 39 Cultivator, leveller mechanical reversible plough Cultivator S. No. Name & Address District Mahakali Sewing Machines & Iron Works Station Road, Dehgam 382305, Dist. Gandhinagar Makwel Industries 1, Suraj Estate, Opp. Bus Station Unjha - 384170, Dist. Mehsana Gandhinagar 232. Mamta Iron Works Nursery Road, Mahadev Nagar, P.O. Devsar, Bilimora Dist. Navsari Navsari 233. Manish Agro Industries At & Po. Kadiyadra, TA. Idar Dist. Sabarkantha Sabarkantha 234. Maruti Engineering Works 31/32, Royal Estate, At: Delad, Po : Sayan 394130, Ta: Olpad, Dist. Surat Surat 230. 231. Mehsana Contact No., Fax and E-mail Tel : 02716-232480, 233440 Mob : 9898271909, 9898245056 Tel : 02767-282047 Fax : 02767-282483 Mob : 9879566780, 9825068468, 9825068463 E-mail : in http://www.makwelindustries. com/ Tel : 02634-283549 Fax : 02634-284445 E-mail : m Mob: 9426013847 E-mail : manishsharma_eng@yahoo. Tel : 02621-291946 E-mail: 40 Products Chaff cutter, small hand tools Multi-crop thresher, groundnut digger, castor thresher, maize thresher Cono weeder, wheel hoe, animal drawn cultivator, seed drill, plough, tractor operated trailer Reaper Mini rotavator, cultivator, all types harrow, disc plough, MB plough S. No. Name & Address District 235. Mausam Agro Pvt.Ltd. Survey No. 192, RajkotGondal National Highway, Near Santidham Gate, Veraval (Shaper) - 360024, Dist. Rajkot Rajkot 236. Narmada Agro Industries 5, Dagala Plot, Market Yard Ke pas, Visnagar – 384315, Dist. Mehasana New Umiya Agro Industries Chiloda Char Rasta, NH No.8, Chiloda Gandhinagar 382344 R K Agro Industries GIDC-1, Plot No. C/2-89 Near Maruti Show Room, Junagadh Ramvijay Agro Industries Opp. Motipura Bus Stand, Motipura Himamt Nagar – 383001, Dist. Sabarkantha Sahyog Steel Traders Plot No. 2/B, Mamsa Industrial Area, Bhavnagar to Alang Road, Bhavnagar Mehasana 237. 238. 239. 240. Gandhinagar Junagadh Sabarkantha Bhavnagar Contact No., Fax and E-mail Tel : 02827-253454, 253654, 295454 Mob : 9879576965, 9879576963, 9879576920 E-mail : / Tel : 02765-230062 Mob : 9426005235 Mob: 9426006778 E-mail: gautamrakeshpatel@yahoo.c om Tel : 0285-2661493 Mob : 9825210411, 9879506420 E-mail : Tel: 2772-229248 E-mail : m Tel : 0278-2883232 Mob : 9377114087, 9974739090, 9426733899, 9825505685, 9825273404 E-mail : 41 Products Seed drill (Manual/animal/tractor/ power tiller), cono weeder, paddy weeder Thresher Thresher Bullock-drawn seed planter (9 row), seed planter (19 row), rotavator, tractor seed drill (5 - 21 tynes) Rotavator Reversible plough, bakhar, cultivator, rotavator, seed drill S. No. 241. 242. 243. 244. 245. 246. Name & Address District Shakti Agriculture Industries Nr. Span Mall (B. K. Cinema), Kheralu Road, Visnagar, Dist. Mehasana Shakti Iron Works Desai Nagar Plot No.2 Bhavnagar- Rajkot Highway, Bhavnagar Shaktiman Agriculture Industries Nr. Span Mall, Kheralu Road, Visnagar - 384 315, Dist. Mehasana Mehasana Shiv Shakti Agro Engineering Works Sai Ashirwad Complex, Unai Rosd, Po. – Buhari, Tah. Valod, Dist. Tapi Shree Dipeshwari Industries Paldi Three Rasta, Vadnagar Road, Visnagar – 384315, Dist. Mehsana Shree Ram Steel Works At. Old Devadiya, Tal. Halvad – 363030, Dist. Surendranagar Tapi Contact No., Fax and E-mail Mob: 9925631056 Products Cultivator Bhavnagar Tel: 0278-2446328, 2540727 Mob : 9427246125 Rotavator, tiller Mehasana Tel: 02765-292310 Mob : 9825883102, 9825187306 E-mail: http:// .php Mob: 9879773176 Mechanical reversible plough, folding cultivator, leveling blade, cultivator Mehasana E-mail:; Thresher Surendranagar Mob: 9427551730 E-mail : vipulpatelpharmacist@gmail. com Seed cum fertilizer drill, reversible MB plough, hydraulic reversible M. B. plough cultivator, leveler, blade harrow, cultivator cum ridger 42 Mechanically reversible MB plough, cultivator, leveler, sub-soiler S. No. 247. 248. 249. 250. 251. 252. 253. Name & Address Shree Triveni Engineering Works Shreenathji Chamber, Oppo. Syam Motor Garage, Amreli Road, Savarkundla, Dist. Amreli Shreeji Industries GIDC, Plot No. 25, Atkot Road, Jasdan, Dist. Rajkot Shri Baba Ramdev Industries Khodiyar Nagar Nesdi road, Savarkundla - 364515, Dist. Amreli Siddhi Engineers Plot No. 284/2, L-type, B/H Water Tank, GIDC, Odhar, Ahmedabad - 382415 Sitaram Agro Engineering 8/9/10, Patel Industrial Estate At: Delad, PO: Sayan, Ta: Olpad, Dist. Surat Sitaram Industries 1 33/134, Amravan Socity Near Sahkari Kharid-Vechan Sangh, Post Sayan - 394130, Taluka Olpad, Surat Steel Fabrication Industries GIDC-1, Shed No. C-2/85 Behind Post Office, Junagadh - 362003 District Contact No., Fax and E-mail Mob: 9510349218 Mechanically reversible MB plough Rajkot Tel : 2821-220516, 220913, 222315, 220914 Tractor operated multi-crop thresher, thresher, groundnut decorticator Amreli Mob: 9824597371 E-mail : shribabaramdevindustries@g Mob: 9879637383 E-mail: m Mob: 08141555999 E-mail: Mechanical reversible plough Surat Tel : 02621-242245, 243245 E-mail : Tractor trailer, rotavator, Junagadh Tel : 0285-2661575 Mob : 9426924571 Groundnut cum castor seed decorticator, hand rake, harvesting knife, cotton stalk puller Amreli Ahmedabad Surat 43 Products Rotavator Mini rotavator, cultivator, all types harrow, disc plough, MB plough S. No. 254. 255. 256. 257. 258. Name & Address District Subh Agro Industries Plot No. 23, Kishan Industrial Area, Inside Murlidhar, Weigh Bridge, Aji Ring Road Rajkot - 360022 Swaraj Agriculture Near Jayshree Cinema Devla Gate, Savarkundla – 364515, Dist. Amreli Tirth Agro Technology Pvt. Ltd. Near Hotel Krishna Park, Gondal Road, National Highway 27, Vavdi, Rajkot 360004 Rajkot Umiya Agriculture Industries 52-53, G.I.D.C. Estate, Behind Patel Petrol Pump, Kheralu Road, Visnagar 384315, Dist. Mehasana Verona Agro Industries Neheru Nagar Main Road, Atika - 360002, Rajkot Mehasana Amreli Rajkot Rajkot Contact No., Fax and E-mail Mob: 9998232715 E-mail : Products Rotavator Mob: 9879029479 E-mail: .com Tel : 0281-2377204, 2386047, 2380852 02827-270446, 270537, 270457, 661637 Mob : 9227927936, 9667398575 E-mail :,, m/ Telfax : 02765-231593, 220324 Mob : 9825055707 E-mail : Mechanical reversible plough Mob : 9879655500, 9909898999 E-mail : Rotavator, mechanical plough 44 Rotary tiller, rotavator, post hole digger, rotary plough, rotary slasher, rotary shredder, multi-purpose hydraulic platform, fertilizer spreader Garden tools, single/multi speed rotary tiller S. No. 259. 260. 261. Name & Address District Contact No., Fax and E-mail Tel: 02763-270501 Mob: 9825234054 E-mail: Vishwakarma Agricultural Works Opposite Ambica Nagar Society-PartI, Mansa – 382845, Dist. Gandhinagar Vishwakarma Agriculture Repairing Works Vijay Nagar Highway Road, At-Khadiyadra, Tal. Idar, Dist. Sabar Kantha Yash Agromech Private Limited 18, Ashray Bunglows, B/h Maniba School Krishnanagar, Saijpur Bogha -382346, Ahmedabad Gandhinagar Products Hydraulic reversible plough, disc harrow, cultivator Sabar Kantha Mob: 9825825820 Reaper Ahmedabad Mob: 9909965540 E-mail: Chaff cutter Faridabad Tel. .: 0129-2306111, 2306114 Fax.: 0129-2307562, E-mail:; ory.php?menuname=Agricult ure+Equipment Combine, rice transplanter, baler, rotavator 1.8. Haryana 262. Action Construction Equipment Ltd. Jajru Road, 25 Mile Stone, Mathura Road, Ballabgarh, Faridabad 121004 45 S. No. 263. 264. 265. 266. 267. 268. 269. 270. 271. Name & Address Aggarwal Agriculture Works Jind Road, Assandh, Karnal Aggarwal Pump & Pipe Model Town, Narwana, Dist. Jind Ajit Agro Industries Railway Road, Tohana, Near P.N.B, Dist. Fatehabad Aman Vishav Karma Engg. Works Badon Patte, Bus Stand Behbalpur, Hisar Amar Agro Industries Shop No. 20-21, Auto Market, Fatehabad Angrej Haryana Agri. Works Chandigarh Road, Tohana, Fatehabad Anil Engg. Works Near Power House Jagadhari Road, Bilaspur, Dist. Yamunanagar Arjun Industries Railway Road, Kurukshetra Aryan Agro Solutions Pvt. Ltd. Plot No. 155, Near Dheeraj Foot Wear Factory, Rawar Road, Vikas Colony, Karnal 132001 District Jind Contact No., Fax and E-mail Tel : 01749-278560, 278726 Mob : 9896134487 Mob : 9215651130 Fatehabad Mob : 9416229906 Cultivator, zero till seed cum fertilizer drill, Bt. cotton planter Hisar Mob : 9896822013, 9813048612 Fatehabad Mob : 9416127042, 9996660170 Seed cum fertilizer drill, tractor operated sprayer, self-propelled light weight sprayer, tractor operated weeder, carrot digger Zero till seed cum fertilizer drill, Bt. cotton planter Fatehabad Mob : 9991928325, 9050363552 Yamunanagar Mob : 9416246998, 9416466042 Kurukshetra Mob : 9416011486, 7206217686 Mob : 9017457099, 9813462011 Karnal Karnal 46 Products Rotavator, zero till seed drill, straw combine Rotavator, tractor operated sprayer Cultivator, zero till seed cum fertilizer drill, Bt. cotton planter, tractor operated sprayer, disc harrow Cultivator, disc harrow, rotavator Cultivator, disc harrow Plough, disc harrow, rotavator, cultivator, leveller S. No. 272. 273. 274. 275. 276. 277. 278. 279. Name & Address District Ashoka Foundry & Engg. Works G.T. Road, Shahbad (Markanda), Kurukshetra -136135 Auto Springs & General Engg. Co. Mangalpur Chowk, Kunjpura Road, Karnal -132001 Azad Engineering Works Jhansa Road, Near Ritu Nursing Home, Kurukshetra Azad Metals (P) Ltd. Narwana Road, Patran, Dist. Kaithal B. K. & Brother Agri. Works G.T. Road, Mandi Dabwali, Dist. Sirsa B.S. Uttam Agri. Implements Works Near Bhadra Road, Railway Phatak, Mandi Adampur, Dist. Hisar Balaji Agro Works A-164, Auto Market, Hansi Road, Barwala, Hisar Baluja Industries Railway Road, Safidon, Dist. Jind Kurukshetra Contact No., Fax and E-mail Mob : 9996328740 Products Cultivator, raised bed planter, sugarcane cutter planter, potato digger Karnal Mob : 9416335401, 9896233119 Chaff cutter Kurukshetra Tel : 01744-235432 Mob : 9416035432, 9254035432 Mob : 9815214009 Cultivator, zero till seed cum fertilizer drill, disc harrow, rotavator, harrow, cultivator, trolley Rotavator, laser land leveler, straw reaper Sirsa Tel : 01668-227002, Mob. : 9416047002 Tractor operated sprayer Hisar Mob.: 9416791467, 9416438614 Cultivator, seed cum fertilizer drill, Bt. cotton planter, tractor operated sprayer Hisar Mob : 9466727239, 9416983586 Cultivator, seed cum fertilizer drill, tractor operated sprayer Jind Tel : 01686-262607 Mob : 9896862000 Cultivator Kaithal 47 S. No. 280. 281. 282. 283. 284. 285. 286. Name & Address District Barwala Engg. Agro Industries Hansi Road, Barwala, Dist. Hisar Beniwal Agril. Works Siwani Mandi, Dist. Bhiwani Beri Udyog Pvt. Ltd. 100-101, HSIIDC, Sector -3 Karnal - 132001 Hisar Contact No., Fax and E-mail Mob : 9466680000 Bhiwani Mob : 9466205930 Tractor operated sprayer Karnal Tel : 0184-2221571-74, 2262659, 2270415 E-mail :,, Bhai Chara Krishi Yanter Auto Market, Hisar Bharat Agro Industries Chandigarh Road, Tohana, Dist. Fatehabad Hisar Mob : 9034438577 Rigid tyne tiller, spring loaded tiller, sub-soiler, tractor mounted mould board plough, spring loaded tiller, tractor operated post hole digger, rotavator, laser leveller, zero till seed drill, harrow, cultivator, tractor operated twin auger digger for sugarcane planting, disc ridger/bund maker Tractor operated sprayer Fatehabad Mob : 9315143151, 9729349333 Bharat Agro Industries By Pass Road, Uchana Mandi, Dist. Jind Bharat Agro Industries G.T. Road, Opp. Bus Stand, Hansi, Dist. Hisar Jind Mob : 9416387398 Hisar Mob : 9991094577 48 Products Cultivator, seed cum fertilizer drill Cultivator, rotavator, laser land leveler, seed cum fertilizer drill, zero till seed cum fertilizer drill, Bt. cotton planter, tractor operated sprayer, tractor front mounted vertical conveyor reaper Cultivator, rotavator, disc harrow, laser land leveler, zero till seed cum fertilizer drill Tractor operated sprayer S. No. 287. 288. 289. 290. 291. 292. 293. 294. 295. Name & Address Bharat Industries Bus Stand Road, Hansi, Hisar Bharat Industries, G.T. Road, Namestey Chowk, Karnal Bharat Industries Madanpur Village Road, Near Bansal Motors Karnal - 132001 Bharat Steel Discs Delhi Bye-pass, G.T. Road, Karnal - 132001 Boota Singh and Sons Begu Road, Sirsa Bull Agro Industry Rajiv Gandhi Marg, Mayapuri Market, Meera Ghati Chowk, Karnal Chann Agri. Works Auto Market, Shop No. 24, Bhuna Road, Fatehabad Chaudhary Agri. Implement Fatehabad Choudhary Engineering Works Near Railway Pul, Delhi Road, Charkhi Dadri, Bhiwani -127306 District Hisar Contact No., Fax and E-mail Tel : 9812366626, 9896779700 Products Cultivator, disc harrow, Bt. cotton planter, Karnal Tel : 0184-254262, 256049, 261918 Zero till seed drill, straw combine Karnal Mob : 9416085862 E-mail: Paddy thresher Karnal Tel. : 0184-2220262, 2221555, 2200804, 2201918 Sirsa Tel. : 01666-245424 Zero till seed drill, potato planter, power thresher, straw combine, harrow, cultivator, plough Straw combine Karnal Tel. : 0184-4043585 Mob : 9355203793 E-mail : Mob : 9813220396 Fatehabad Mob : 9467800005 Bhiwani Mob : 9416580580 49 Rotary tiller blades, sugarcane harvester blades, J type blades, paddy harvester blades, power tiller blades, imported PTO shaft Cultivator, zero till seed cum fertilizer drill, Bt. cotton planter, plough, seed cum fertilizer drill, disc harrow Zero till seed cum fertilizer drill, Bt. cotton planter Tractor operated sprayer S. No. 296. 297. 298. 299. 300. 301. Name & Address District Choyal Agro Industries Chandigarh Road, Uklana, Dist. Hisar CLAAS India Ltd. 15/3 Mathura Road Faridabad – 121003 Hisar D. K. Enterprises Shop No. 5, Rao Ratan Lal Market, Mohna Road, Village Chandawali, Faridabad - 121004 Darolya International Pvt. Ltd. B 1/08, Sector-11, Near Milan Vatika, Mathura Road, Faridabad - 121006 Dashmesh Agri Works Bus Stand Branch, Bangha Sirsa Office, Dabawali Road, Sirsa Datta Agro Works Tosham Road, Hansi 125033 Dist. Hisar Faridabad Contact No., Fax and E-mail Mob : 9896861738 Products Cultivator, seed cum fertilizer drill, direct seeded drill Baler, mower (3 disc), paddy transplanter, combine (crop tiger 30/40 Trac) Faridabad Tel : 0129-4297000, 2270660, 2255977 Fax : 0129-4042764 E-mail :; Mob : 9953364820 Faridabad Mob : 8377802625 Sirsa Mob : 9050378214 Tractor operated rotavator, combine harvesters, threshers, reaper, agriculture trailers, disc harrow, disc plough, tillers, cultivator, maize sheller, baler, tractor mounted sprayer, knapsack sprayers Cultivator, seed cum fertilizer drill, Bt. cotton planter, tractor operated sprayer Hisar Mob : 9467244737, 9467244738 50 Riding type paddy transplanter Rotavator, cultivator, seed cum fertilizer drill, disc harrow, Bt. cotton planter, multi-crop planter, tractor operated sprayer S. No. 302. 303. 304. 305. 306. 307. 308. 309. 310. Name & Address District Dayal Agro Engineering Works Kaithal Road, Pehowa, Kurukshetra - 136128 Deepak Agro Industries Agroha Mor, Hisar Deepak Stainless Steel Engg. Plot No. 21-22, Barwala Road Agroha Mor, Loha Mandi -125047, Dist. Hisar Delco Automotive 222, 2nd Floor, Ild Trade Centre, Sec-47, Sohna Road, Gurgaon - 122101 Deshmesh Agri. Works Bus Stand, Bopa, Dist. Sirsa Dhariwal Agro Industries Rohtak Road, Jind Dhiman Agro Industries Chandigarh Road, Tohana, Dist. Fatehabad Elcome Technologies Pvt. Ltd. Elcome House A-06, Infocity, Sector - 34 Gurgaon – 122 002 Engineering Sales Corporation 55/3, HSIDC, Karnal Kurukshetra Hisar Contact No., Fax and E-mail Tel : 01741-230528 Products Straw combine Cultivator, tractor operated sprayer Hisar Mob : 9416317923, 9802221085 Mob : 9802221085 E-mail : Gurgaon Mob : 9871941629 Paddy combine harvester Sirsa Tel.: 01696-253017 Mob : 9050378214 Mob : 9802100169, 9416171179 Mob : 9416242391 Disc harrow Tel : 0124-4122222 Fax : 0124-4122200 E-mail : Tel: 01749-2272922, 2221355, 2387536 Laser land leveler Jind Fatehabad Gurgaon Karnal 51 Tractor operated sprayer Cultivator, zero till seed cum fertilizer drill, Bt. cotton planter Rotavator, direct sowing of rice (DSR) drill Straw combine S. No. Name & Address District 311. Escort Ltd. Agricultural Machinery Division Tractor Division 18/4 Mathura Road Faridabad – 121 007 Faridabad 312. Gorakh Agri. Works Narwana Offi. Sitaram Foundry, Patiala Road Narwana, Dist. Jind Goyal Agro. Industries Workshop Road, Yamuna Nagar - 135001 Jind Goyat Agri. Implement Industries Loharu Road, Near Tata Motor's, Bhiwani - 127021 Guru Agro Industries Fatehabad Road, Ratia, Dist. Fatehabad Bhiwani 313. 314. 315. Yamuna Nagar Fatehabad Contact No., Fax and E-mail Tel : 0129-2293904, 2293922, 2293483 Fax : 0129-2293488 Mob : 9968291722, 9868842198 E-mail : /brands-and-products/agrimachinery.html Mob : 9467565553 Mob : 9896300623 E-mail : goyalagroindustries@yahoo. com Mob : 9896359530, 9812412454 Mob : 9315299100, 9416061100 E-mail : 52 Products Shredder, precision planter, seed drill, rotavator, laser land leveller Cultivator, seed cum fertilizer drill, Bt. cotton planter, zero till seed cum fertilizer drill, disc harrow, tractor operated sprayer Cultivator, disc harrow Cultivator, disc harrow, seed cum fertilizer drill, tractor operated sprayer Disc harrow, rotavator, Bt. cotton planter, multi-crop planter, tractor operated sprayer, tractor front mounted vertical conveyor reaper, self-propelled vertical conveyor reaper, straw reaper, sugarcane leaf chopper cum spreader, chaff cutter S. No. 316. 317. 318. 319. 320. 321. 322. 323. 324. Name & Address District Contact No., Fax and E-mail Mob : 9416632351, 9253590586 Cultivator, seed cum fertilizer drill, disc harrow, tractor operated sprayer Sirsa Tel.: 01668-277368 Mob : 9416620509 Disc harrow, Bt. cotton planter, multicrop planter Sirsa Mob : 9416921354 Tractor operated sprayer Ambala City Mob : 9896935649, 9416825849 Cultivator, rotavator, disc harrow, zero till seed cum fertilizer drill, straw reaper Kurukshetra Tel : 01741-220247, 220710 Kurukshetra Tel : 01744-293200 Mob : 9466218096, 9416800000 Tel: 01749-278952 Mob : 9896178930 Rotavator, zero till drill, straw combine, tractor operated potato planter, potato digger elevator Straw combine Guru Kirpa Agro Industries Tosham Road, Siwani 127046, Dist. Bhiwani Guru Nanak Agri. Works Rania Road, Gukawali, Dist. Sirsa Guru Nanak Agriculture Sirsa Road, Elenabad, Dist. Sirsa Guru Nanak Engineering Works SCF- 642, Jalbera Road, Ambala City - 134003 Guru Nanak Krishi Udyog Kaithal Road, Main Chowk, Pehowa, Dist. Kurukshetra Hans Agro Industries Salarpur Road, Kurukshetra Bhiwani Hanuman Krishi Udhyog Near Central Bank of India, Karnal Road, Assandh, Karnal Hari Agro Implements 179, Auto Market, Hisar Haryana Agriculture Works G.T. Road, Daryapur, Dist. Fatehabad Karnal Products Zero till drill, harrow, cultivator Hisar Mob : 9416092304 Rotavator, tractor operated sprayer Fatehabad Tel: 01667-259201 Mob : 9416343403 Rotavator, zero till seed cum fertilizer drill, Bt. cotton planter, post hole digger 53 S. No. 325. 326. 327. 328. 329. Name & Address District Haryana Agro Implements Tosham Road, Hansi, Hisar 125033 Haryana Agro Industry V&PO. Dhingsara, Dist. Fatehabad Haryana Krishi Udhyog Hansi, Dist. Hisar Hind Agro Implements Near I.T.I., Patiala Road, Narwana, Dist. Jind Hisar Hind Agro. Works Near Boys Sen. Sec. School, G.T Road, Gharanda, Dist. Ambala Fatehabad Contact No., Fax and E-mail Mob : 09050362288 E-mail : Mob : 9416226235, 9215226235 Hisar Mob : 9812005615 Jind Mob : 9355131312, 9996738388 Ambala Mob : 9416652360 54 Products Multi-crop planter, tractor operated sprayer Cultivator, Bt. cotton planter, tractor operated sprayers Tractor operated inclined plate planter, zero-till drill Plough, sub-soiler, cultivator, Bt. cotton planter, disc harrow, cultivator with puddler, rotavator, mulcher, seed cum fertilizer drill, laser land leveller, zero till seed cum fertilizer drill, direct sowing of rice (DSR) drill, happy seeder, multi-crop planter, potato planter, raised bed planter, sugarcane cutter planter, paddy transplanter, tractor operated sprayer,self-propelled light weight sprayer, power spray pumps, tractor operated weeder, self-propelled weeder, tractor front mounted vertical conveyor reaper, potato digger, paddy thresher, stubble shaver, straw reaper, straw baler, chaff cutter, chaff cutter cum loader, sugarcane cutter, cotton picker Cultivator S. No. Name & Address District Contact No., Fax and E-mail Mob : 9215651121, 9215151121 Products 330. Hind Export Near Old Bus Stand, Patiala Road, Narwana – 126116, Dist. Jind Jind 331. Hindustan Agriculture Works Sampla Road, Kharkhoda, Dist. Sonipat Hindustan Auto Equipment Plot No. 230, Industrial Area, Phase-1, Panchkula Hindustan Technocast (P) Ltd. Patiala Road, Narwana 126116, Dist. Jind HMT Ltd. Tractor Business Group, Pinjore -134101, Dist. Panchkula Sonipat Mob : 9416670772 Panchkula Tel. : 0172-5057081 Mob : 9501101990 Rotavator Jind Mob : 9254210492 E-mail : Chaff cutter Panchkula Tel : 01733-263825-29, 264017 Fax : 0173-64114 E-mail : hmtr& Rotavator 332. 333. 334. 55 Sub-soiler, cultivator with puddler, rotavator, disc harrow, rotary plough, laser land leveler, scrapper, seed cum fertilizer drill, zero till seed cum fertilizer drill, potato planter , direct sowing of rice (DSR) drill, multi-crop planter, happy seeder, raised bed planter, sugarcane cutter planter, paddy transplanter, tractor operated sprayer, tractor front mounted vertical conveyor reaper, potato digger, stubble shaver, straw reaper, chaff cutter, hydraulic tipping trolley, cotton picker Rotavator, straw reaper S. No. 335. 336. 337. 338. 339. 340. 341. 342. Name & Address District J.P. Jakhar Laser Land Leveler Near Old B.D.O.Block, Hafed Wali Gali, Jind Road Hansi -125033, Dist. Hisar J.S. Haramba Thresher Shah Satnam Marg, Begu, Sirsa Jabal Agriculture Works Ratia, Dist. Fatehabad Jai Bharat Agri. Works Fatehabad Road, Bhattu Mandi, Dist. Fatehabad Hisar Contact No., Fax and E-mail Mob : 9896782070, 9812753317 E-mail : Products Cultivator, rotavator, laser land leveler, zero till seed cum fertilizer drill, tractor operated sprayer, straw reaper Sirsa Mob : 94660-03378 Seed cum fertilizer drill, tractor operated sprayer Fatehabad Mob : 9315610331 Fatehabad Mob : 9728307563, 9416083780 Jai Kishan Agricultural Works Karnal Road, Assandh 132039, Dist. Karnal Jai Shree Krishana Steel Industries Kharaudi Road, Cheeka 136034, Dist. Kaithal Karnal Mob : 9812778000 E-mail : Tel : 01743-221544, 222544 Mob : 9416039544 E-mail : Zero till seed cum fertilizer drill, tractor operated sprayer Zero till seed cum fertilizer drill, plough, seed cum fertilizer drill, disc harrow, cultivator, Bt. cotton planter, groundnut planter, tractor operated sprayer Cultivator, straw reaper, disc harrow Janata Agricultural Implements New Karnal Road, Near Govt. School No. 4, Kaithal Jindal Engg. Works Jindal By Pass, Near Essar Petrol, Kaithal Kaithal Tel : 01746-229541, Mob : 9416292187, 9416228934, 9466836551 Kaithal Mob : 9416292035 Kaithal 56 Rotavator, zero till drill, harrow, cultivator, sub-soiler, laser land leveller, cultivator, direct sowing of rice (DSR) drill, tractor operated sprayer Zero till drill, straw combine Cultivator, Bt. cotton planter, tractor operated sprayer S. No. 343. 344. 345. 346. 347. 348. 349. 350. 351. Name & Address District Jitla Agro Industries G.T. Road, Mandi Dabwali, Sirsa Jiwan Singh Agro Industries Sirsa Chandigarh Road, Uklana Mandi, Hisar Sirsa Contact No., Fax and E-mail Tel : 01746-222431 Hisar Mob : 9416613871 Jyoti Engg. & Agri. Implements Ratia, Dist. Fatehabad K.U. Pumps and Implements Kalsi Complex, Shahbad, Markanda, Dist. Kurukshetra Kalsi Agri. Industries G.T. Road, Mandi Dabwali – 125104, Dist. Sirsa Kalsi Fabricators G.T. Road, Shahbad, Markanda - 136135 Kalsi Udyog Shahbad Markanda 136135, Dist. Kurukshetra Kamboj Agriculture Works, Kula Road, Bhuna, Dist. Fatehabad Kamboj Krishi Udyog Works Kaithal Road, Pehowa, Kurukshetra Fatehabad Mob : 9416315600 Cultivator, seed cum fertilizer drill, zero till seed cum fertilizer drill, Bt. cotton planter, tractor operated sprayer Tractor operated sprayer Kurukshetra Tel : 01666-223240 Rotavator, cultivator, harrow Sirsa Tel.: 01668-223596 Mob : 9354232000 Tractor operated rotary weeder, post hole digger, rotavator, zero-till drill Kurukshetra Mob: 9896259290 Tractor operated potato planter, potato digger elevator Kurukshetra Tel : 01744-240058, 240478 Mob : 9812086955 Zero till drill, potato planter, potato digger, hadamba thresher Fatehabad Mob : 9416993763 Cultivator, tractor operated sprayer Kurukshetra Mob : 9896057623 Zero till seed cum fertilizer drill 57 Products Straw combine S. No. Name & Address District Contact No., Fax and E-mail Tel : 01744-252104 Fax : 01744-2221574 Mob : 9416039104, 9467469369, 9416039104 Products 352. Kamla Engg. Works Near P.N.B., Ismailabad 136129, Kurukshetra Kurukshetra 353. Karam Singh & Sons Plot No. 64, HSIDC Industrial Area, Delhi Pull, Hisar Road, Sirsa - 125055 Karnal Agri. Impex Pvt. Ltd. Plot No. 262, Sector -3, Industrial Area, Karnal 132001 Karnal Agricultural Industries Ltd. Indri Road, Karnal - 132001 Kesar Singh Gurdev Singh Radour Road, Near PNB, Ladwa, Kurukshetra 136132 Khalsa Agri. Industries Chandigarh Road, Tohana 125120, Dist. Fatehabad Sirsa Mob : 9416144779, 9812210487 Karnal Mob : 999222822 E-mail : Plough, disc harrow Karnal Tel : 0184-2267260 Fax : 0184-2267428 Mob : 9991144411 E-mail : Mob : 8930264441, 9416262470 Cultivator, seed cum fertilizer drill, thresher Mob : 9416293019, 9992200078 E-mail : Laser land leveller, disc harrow 354. 355. 356. 357. Kurukshetra Fatehabad 58 Tractor front mounted vertical conveyor reaper, direct sowing of rice (DSR) drill, rotavator, laser land leveler, paddy combine harvester, disc harrow, cultivator, zero till seed cum fertilizer drill, Bt. cotton planter, maize planter, multi-crop planter, seed cum fertilizer drill, raised bed planter, tractor operated sprayer, maize sheller cum dehusker Cultivator, zero till seed cum fertilizer drill, Bt. cotton planter, tractor operated sprayer Tractor operated sprayer S. No. Name & Address District Contact No., Fax and E-mail Tel.: 01697-252552 Mob : 9416442149 358. Khalsa Agri. Works Ratia, Dist. Fatehabad Fatehabad 359. Khalsa Engg. Works Tohana, Hisar Hisar Mob : 9416293019 360. Khalsa Engg. Works Aproach Road, Uklana Mandi, Hisar Hisar Mob : 9416628737, 9467025305 361. Khanderwal Agro Industries Bye Pass Road, Uchana Mandi, Dist. Jind Khandewala Krishi Udyog Back Side Truck Union, Tosham Road, Hansi 125033, Dist. Hisar Jind Mob : 9416664850, 9355364850 Hisar 363. Kisan Agro Industries Hisar Road, Agroha, Dist. Hisar Hisra Tel: 01663-259589 Mob. : 9812000617 E-mail : parvindlohan@khandewala.c om Mob : 9996052943 364. Kisan Agro Industries Link Road, Uchana Mandi 126116, Dist. Jind Kissan Agri. Works Tosham Road, Hansi, Dist. Hisar Jind Mob : 9812122909, 9671060909 Hisar Mob : 9812085121, 9728004577 362. 365. 59 Products Cultivator, Bt. cotton planter, zero till seed cum fertilizer drill, tractor operated sprayer Tractor operated inclined plate planter, zero till drill, thresher, sprayer Cultivator, rotavator, seed cum fertilizer drill, zero till seed cum fertilizer drill, Bt. cotton planter, tractor operated sprayer Zero till seed cum fertilizer drill, cultivator, Bt. cotton planter Sub-soiler, cultivator, disc harrow, rotavator, seed cum fertilizer drill, zero till seed cum fertilizer drill, Bt. cotton planter, tractor operated sprayer, hydraulic tipping trolley Disc harrow, cultivator, seed cum fertilizer drill, zero till seed cum fertilizer drill, Bt. cotton planter, ridger seeder, tractor operated sprayer, power thresher Tractor operated sprayer Cultivator, Bt. cotton planter, disc harrow S. No. 366. 367. 368. 369. 370. 371. 372. 373. Name & Address District Kissan Agro Industries Jind Road, Uchana – 126116, Dist. Jind Kissan Agro Industries VPO Sunderpur, Dist. Rohtak Krishna Agricultural Tools Plot No. 144, Industrial Area, Phase - 1, Panchkula, Chandigarh - 134113, Dist. Panchkula Lamba Agricultural Works Sardulgarh Road, Ratia 125051, Dist. Fatehabad Laxmi Agricultural Implements New Karnal Road, Near Govt. School No. 4, Kaithal Luxmi Sales Corporation Near Paper Mill, Begu Road, Sirsa - 125055 Jind Mahadev Agro Spring Industry Plot No. 4, Sec. 16 Road, Khera Colony, Karnal 132001 Mahendara Agri. Works Ratia, Dist. Fatehabad Karnal Rohtak Panchkula Contact No., Fax and E-mail Mob : 9812122909 E-mail : Mob : 9896598216, 9466825789 Mob : 8376809813 Fatehabad Mob : 9050020377, 9991845477 Kaithal Tel : 01746-226791 Sirsa Tel : 01662-125055 Mob : 9215849337 E-mail : Mob : 9215522931 E-mail : http://www.mahadevagroindu Mob : 9466266617 Fatehabad 60 Products Cultivator, straw reaper Tractor operated sprayer Paddy transplanter (8 row riding type) Cultivator, zero till seed cum fertilizer drill, Bt. cotton planter, tractor operated sprayer Straw combine Chaff cutter Rotary tillers, spring loaded tillers, MB plough, levelers, laser guided land levelers, cultivators Cultivator, zero till seed cum fertilizer drill, tractor operated sprayer, disc harrow S. No. 374. 375. 376. 377. 378. 379. 380. 381. 382. Name & Address District Mahinder Agriculture Implements Fatehabad Mahindra Krishi Udyog Pvt. Ltd. Chandigarh Road, Tohana, Dist. Fatehabad Malot Krishi Yantra Works Tosham Road, Hansi – 125033, Dist. Hisar Fatehabad Contact No., Fax and E-mail Mob : 9416793948 Products Zero till seed cum fertilizer drill, tractor front mounted vertical conveyor reaper Rotavator, laser land leveller, zero till seed cum fertilizer drill, Bt. cotton planter, tractor operated Fatehabad Tel : 01692-230320 Mob : 9416263545, 9355701756 Hisar Mob : 9255523078 Malout Agri. Works Fatehabad Road, Ratia, Dist. Fatehabad Mandhania Machinery Store Dist. Bhiwani Maninder Agri. Implements Bhuna Moad, Fatehabad Matharu Agriculture Works, Chandigarh Road, Tohana, Dist. Fatehabad Fatehabad Mob : 9802288000 Bhiwani Mob : 9813198566 Tractor operated sprayer Fatehabad Mob : 9416793948, 9671627141 Mob : 9896011172, 9812403402, 9416187266 Cultivator, Bt. cotton planter Micron Precision Screws Ltd. 8th Mile Stone, Delhi Road, Rohtak - 124001 Modern Agro-Engineering Works Near Namestay Chowk, G T Road, Karnal - 132001 Rohtak Fatehabad Karnal Mob : 9813116648 E-mail : Tel : 0184-271844, 274144, 205144 Mob : 9812019627 61 Disc harrow, cultivator, seed cum fertilizer drill, leveller, Bt. cotton planter, zero till seed cum fertilizer drill, tractor operated sprayer Cultivator, multi-crop thresher, straw reaper Cultivator, disc harrow, rotavator, Bt. cotton planter, zero till seed cum fertilizer drill, happy seeder, tractor operated sprayer, paddy thresher, stubble shaver, straw reaper Rotavator Zero-till drill, harrow, cultivator S. No. Name & Address District 383. Moga Agriculture Works Ratia, Dist. Fatehabad Fatehabad Contact No., Fax and E-mail Mob : 9416147149 384. Moga Repairing Works Tohana Road, Ratia, Dist. Fatehabad Mohan Agriculture Parts Old Bus Stand, Near Old Pritam Dharam Kanta, Hisar Road, Rohtak - 124001 Nada Agri. Works Thana Road, Ratia, Dist. Fatehabad Narendra & Mahendra Agril. Implements, Kaithal Road, Pehowa, Dist. Kaithal National Agro Industries Uchana Mandi, Dist. Jind Fatehabad Mob : 9896407413 Rohtak Mob : 9215535649 Cultivator, potato planter, disc harrow, tractor operated sprayer, potato digger Fatehabad Mob : 9466681428 Cultivator, zero till seed cum fertilizer drill Kaithal Tel : 01741-223227 Straw combine Jind Mob : 9812230749, 9416376723 389. Neha Ispat Private Limited Jind Road, Narwana 126116, Dist. Jind Jind 390. New Amar Agro. Tech. Opp. Anaj Mandi Gate, Assandh Road, Jundla, Karnal Karnal Tel : 01684-240908-09 Mob : 9896070919 E-mail : Mob : 9896746281, 8950756695 Cultivator, zero till seed cum fertilizer drill, direct sowing of rice (DSR) drill, disc harrow, hadambha thresher, Chaff cutter 385. 386. 387. 388. 62 Products Cultivator, zero till seed cum fertilizer drill, rotavator, disc harrow, Bt. cotton planter, hydraulic tipping trolley Disc harrow Rotavator S. No. 391. 392. 393. 394. 395. 396. 397. Name & Address District New Hindustan Agriculture Works Sampla Road, Kharkhoda, Dist. Sonipat New Hindustan Krishi Udyog Tosham Road, Behind Truck Union, Uttam Nagar, Hansi, Dist. Hisar New Kalsi Agriculture Works G.T. Road, Dabwali, Dist. Sirsa New Narwal Agro Implements G.T. Road, Rama Market, Shahabad, Dist. Kurukshetra New Sampla Agro Industries Rewari Road, Narnaul, Dist. Mahendragarh New Vishwakarma Engg. Works G.T. Road, Fatehabad Sonipat New Vishwakarma Engg. Works Kula Road, Bhuna, Dist. Fatehabad Contact No., Fax and E-mail Mob : 9813828472 Products Straw reaper Hisar Mob : 9896109706, 9813744365 Cultivator, disc harrow, Bt. cotton planter, tractor operated sprayer, chaff cutter, hydraulic tipping trolley Sirsa Tel : 01668-227140 Mob : 9815596536 Tractor operated rotary weeder, rotavator, zero till drill Kurukshetra Mob : 9896552120 Zero till drill, harrow, cultivator Mahendragarh Mob : 9416290368 Seed cum fertilizer drill, cultivator Fatehabad Tel Mob : 01667-230066 : 9416106524 Fatehabad Mob : 9812557442, 9992366541 Tractor operated inclined plate planter, power sprayer, bund maker, cultivator, zero till seed cum fertilizer drill, tractor front mounted vertical conveyor reaper Cultivator, zero till seed cum fertilizer drill, Bt. cotton planter, tractor operated sprayer 63 S. No. Name & Address District 398. Osaw Udyog Village Manglai, P. O. Khuda Kallan, Jagadhri Road, Ambala - 133004 Ambala 399. Oswal Pumps Limited Oswal Estate NH-1, Kutail Road, P.O. Kutail - 132037, Dist. Karnal Paawan Agricultural Works Azad Nagar, Hisar Pal Agro Industries Near Escort agencies, Chandigarh Road, Tohana, Fatehabad Pali Krishi Yanter Tosham Chungi, Gas Agency Road, Near Garg Hospital, Hansi -125033, Dist. Hisar Panchal Agro. Works By Pass Road, Uchana Mandi, Dist. Jind Karnal Parkash Engg. Works Near I.T.I., Narwana, Dist. Jind 400. 401. 402. 403. 404. Contact No., Fax and E-mail Tel: 0171-2891609, 2005234, 2891609 Fax : 0171-2891561 E-mail :;; Tel : 1846616600 Mob : 9416204144 : 9728558894 Products Rotavator (gear and chain drive), laser land leveler, cultivator, zero-till drill, strip-till-drill, roto drill Rotavator Hisar Mob Fatehabad Tel : 01692-231651, 235473 Mob : 9416242391, 9896423191 Hisar Mob : 9050801234 E-mail : Cultivator, tractor operated sprayer Jind Mob : 9416558233, 9467060433 Jind Mob Tractor operated, hydraulic tipping trolley, cultivator, zero till seed cum fertilizer drill, seed cum fertilizer drill, disc harrow, Bt. cotton planter Tractor operated sprayer : 9355131312 64 Rotavator, seed cum fertilizer drill, tractor operated sprayer Rotavator, zero till drill, straw combine, direct sowing of rice (DSR) drill, happy seeder S. No. Name & Address District 405. Partap Iron Works Near Namestey Chowk, G.T. Road, Karnal - 277284, Sector-34, HSIIDC, Karnal Karnal 406. Pawan Hadamba Thresher Works Uklana Road, V&PO. Parbhuwala, Dist. Hisar Piara Singh & Sons Plot No. 300, Sec 3, HSIIDC, Karnal - 132001 Hisar Premi Agril. Works Bhuna Road, Uklana Mandi – 125113, Dist. Hisar Premier Crop Protection Equipment India Pvt. Ltd. st 320, 1 Floor, Opp.Raghu Gas, Krishna Nagar, Basai Road, Gurgaon - 122001 Hisar 407. 408. 409. Karnal Gurgaon Contact No., Fax and E-mail Tel : 0184-22524466, 2256360, 2220446, 2221446, 2256446 E-mail : n, http://www.partapironworks.c om/ Mob : 9416673258, 8059387912 Products Cultivator, tiller, disc harrow, mould board plough, disc plough, rotary tiller, rotavator, land leveler, laser land leveler, disc ridger (bund maker), post hole digger (auger), sub-soiler (chisel plough) Zero till seed cum fertilizer drill, Bt. cotton planter, tractor operated sprayer Tel : 0184-2258268 Mob : 9215536268, 9215736268, 9215836268, 9215636268 http://www.piarasinghandson Mob : 9416102280 Laser land leveller, zero till seed cum fertilizer drill, direct sowing of rice (DSR) drill, tractor operated sprayer, cultivator Tel. : 0124-2307788, 6523677 Fax : 0124-230778 E-mail :; Sprayers, dusters 65 Cultivator, zero till seed cum fertilizer drill, Bt. cotton planter S. No. Name & Address District Contact No., Fax and E-mail Mob : 9991116690, 981252490 E-mail: Tel : 01666-273595, Mob : 9416595695, 9771795795 Products 410. Prince Agro Udyog Jhoju Kalan Tehsil. Dadri, Dist. Bhiwani Bhiwani 411. Punjab Agri. Works Patti Dabur, Ding Road, Sirsa - 125054 Sirsa 412. Punjab Agril. Repairing Works Chandigarh Road, Tohana, Dist. Fatehabad Punjab Agro Industries Near Namastey Chowk, Sham Nagar, G.T. Road, Karnal Punjab Agro Sales (India) Opposite New Grain Market, Delhi bye pass, G.T. Road, Karnal -132001 Fatehabad Mob : 9215775717, 9416175717 Disc harrow, zero till seed cum fertilizer drill, cultivator, seed cum fertilizer drill, harrow, trolley, cultivator, spray pump Disc harrow, zero till seed cum fertilizer drill Karnal Tel : 0184-2261055, 3100283 Rotavator, zero till drill, harrow, cultivator Karnal Rotavator, zero-till drill, harrow, cultivator, trailer R.K. Agro Industries Bye Pass Road, Uchana Mandi, Dist. Jind Rajender Agril. Engg. Works Hisar Road, Tohana, Dist. Fatehabad Jind Tel : 0184-2220113, 22220114 Mob : 9416075113, 9416002113 E-mail: punjab_agro_india@yahoo.c Mob : 9416645612, 9728303271 413. 414. 415. 416. Fatehabad Mob : 9992389184 66 Tractor operated sprayer Cultivator, seed cum fertilizer drill, zero till seed cum fertilizer drill, Bt. cotton planter, Cultivator, zero till seed cum fertilizer drill, disc harrow, Bt. cotton planter S. No. 417. Rajiv Farm Machinery 158, Automobile Market, Hisar - 125001 Hisar Contact No., Fax and E-mail Tel : 01662-245008 Mob : 9416136498, 9416165992 418. Rajpal Agricultural Machinery (P) Ltd. Plot No. 182, Sector -3, HSIIDC, Karnal - 132001 Rampal Agro Industries Uchana Mandi, Jind – 126110 Rathee Agro Industries VPO Sunderpur, Dist. Rohtak Royal Agriculture, Implements G.T.Road, Fatehabad SAS Motors Limited Plot No.- 78, Sector - 3, IMTManesar, Gurgaon - 122050 Karnal Mob : 9992222822 Tractor mounted ridger planter, zerotill drill, disc harrow, cultivator, leveller, bund maker, plough, paddy thresher, tractor trolley, small plot thresher, wheel hand hoe, 2-3 row ridger seeder, power weeder Plough, cultivator (S-tyne) Jind Mob : 9416177004 Disc harrow, hadambha thresher Rohtak Mob : 9896598216 E-mail : Mob : 9416242625, 9416548686 S R Agriculture Works Near Bhuna Road, Fatehabad Fatehabad 419. 420. 421. 422. 423. Name & Address District Fatehabad Gurgaon Tel. : 0124-4245095-98 Fax: 0124-4245099 E-mail:;; Mob : 9416583828, 9728770333 67 Products Tractor operated sprayer Zero till seed cum fertilizer drill, Bt. cotton planter, tractor operated sprayer Rotary tiller, power tiller attachments Zero till seed cum fertilizer drill, Bt. cotton planter, plough, disc harrow, cultivator, seed cum fertilizer drill, tractor operated sprayer S. No. 424. 425. 426. 427. 428. 429. 430. 431. Name & Address District S.B.J. Agro Industries Shed No. 8, Industrial Area, G.T.Road, Nilokheri, Dist. Karnal S.K. Industries Village Simbalwala, TehsilTohana – 125120, Dist. Fatehabad S.S.Krishi Udyog Simbalwala, Tehsil Tohana, Dist. Fatehabad Sachdeva Fabricators NH-1, Village Kutail, Dist. Karnal Sadhu Agro Industries Near Old Bus Stand, G.T. Road, Fatehabad Karnal Sahil Agril. Works Village Mehandipuria 125073, Dist. Sirsa Saini Engg. Works Old Hansi Road, Near Railway Crossing, Jind Saini Krishi Udyog Old Hansi Road, Near Railway Crossing, Jind Contact No., Fax and E-mail Tel : 01745-201800 Mob : 9466517611 Products Rotavator, laser land leveller Fatehabad Mob : 9366660699 Zero till drill, harrow, cultivator Fatehabad Mob : 9802555550 Rotavator Karnal Mob : 9896653555 Rotavator Fatehabad Tel : 01667-231002 Mob : 9896179002, 9416106150, 9416622749 Sirsa Mob Jind Mob : 9416190761, 9315685016 Disc harrow, zero till seed cum fertilizer drill Jind Mob Cultivator, tractor operated sprayer , rotavator : 9813055841 : 9416060773 68 Tractor operated inclined plate planter, zero till drill, power sprayer, bund maker, cultivator, seed cum fertilizer drill, multi-crop planter, tractor operated weeder, stubble shaver Seed cum fertilizer drill, tractor operated sprayer S. No. 432. Name & Address District Sanjeev Jangra Engg. Works Bus Stand Behbalpur, Baddo Patti, Hisar Saraswati Krishi Udyog Karnal Road, Assandh 132039, Karnal Hisar 434. SEC-RJMT Engineering Pvt.Ltd. E-23, S.G.M. Nagar, K.C. Badkhal Road, N.I.T., Faridabad -121001 Faridabad 435. Shaktiman Agro Industries Plot No. 15, G.T.Road, Nilokheri, Dist. Karnal Shankar Krishi Udyog Karnal Road, Assandh 132039, Karnal Sher A Punjab Agro Industries Sirsa Road, Jamal, Dist. Sirsa Shiv Gram Udyog E-5, Work Shop Road, Industrial Area, Yamuna Nagar 433. 436. 437. 438. Karnal Contact No., Fax and E-mail Mob : 9896427312, 9416719920 Products Tractor operated sprayer Sub-soiler, cultivator, rotavator, direct sowing of rice (DSR) drill, zero till drill, straw combine, laser land leveller Karnal Tel : 01749-278501 Mob : 9896430511, 9896290511 E-mail: Tel : 0129-4050769, 4054918, 2422515 E-mail :, Mob : 9034986691 Karnal Mob : 9729078992 Tractor operated sprayer Sirsa Mob : 9992551434 Cultivator, tractor operated sprayer, disc harrow Yamuna Nagar Mob : 9416022194, 9896000152 69 Laser leveler, terracer blade Rotavator, laser land leveler Disc harrow, cultivator, laser land leveler S. No. 439. 440. 441. 442. 443. 444. 445. 446. Name & Address Shiv Shakti Agri. Implements New Karnal Road, Kaithal 136027 Shree Balaji Agro Industries Plot No. B-8, Industrial Area, Nilokheri, Karnal Shri Balaji Agri. Works Bhadra Road, Nathushri Chopta, Dist. Sirsa Shri Balaji Machine Tools, Plot No. 4, Gali No. 43, 33 Feet Road, Sanjay Colony, Sector 23, Faridabad 121004 Sindhu Krishi Udyog V& P.O Shekhpura Hansi, Dist. Hisar Sindhu Trading Co. Opp. Darpan Cinema, Mandi Dabawali - 125104, Dist. Sirsa Sirdh Mechanical Works Jamuni Road, Pilu Khera Mandi - 126112, Dist. Jind Such Tohana Agri. Works Tosham Road, Hansi 125033, Dist. Hisar District Contact No., Fax and E-mail Mob. : 9896226688, 9355375086 Disc harrow, cultivator, tractor operated sprayer Karnal Mob : 9671712000, 9068550020 Rotavator, laser land leveler, zero till seed cum fertilizer drill Sirsa Mob : 8053285011, 9416144337 Cultivator, aeroblast sprayer, disc harrow Faridabad Mob : 9212128611 Laser land leveller Hisar Mob : 9896260810 Cultivator, disc harrow, seed cum fertilizer drill, Bt. cotton planter, Sirsa Mob : 9814425584, 9896540884 Tractor operated sprayer Jind Mob Rotavator Hisar Mob : 9896389088, 8607821261 Kaithal : 9468117018 70 Products Cultivator, seed cum fertilizer drill, disc harrow, tractor operated sprayer S. No. 447. 448. 449. 450. 451. 452. 453. 454. Name & Address District Sumit Enterprises Loharu Road, Budhara 127308, Tehsil Badhra, Dist. Bhiwani Super Agricultural Industries Near Delhi By-pass, Namestey Chowk, G.T. Road, Karnal -132001 Surendra Agri. Implements Danoda, Dist. Jind Sushil Agro Works Near Shiv Mandir, Tosham Road, Hansi -125033, Dist. Hisar Taj Engg. Works Uklana Mandi, Dist. Hisar Texas Distributors 406, Rakshak, South City, Phase-1, Gurgaon - 122001 Bhiwani The Kissan Agri. Works Tosham Road, Hansi, Dist. Hisar The Oriental Science Apparatus Workshops (OSAW), Jawaharlal Nehru Marg, Opp. Civil Hospital, Ambala Cantt. - 133001 Hisar Karnal Contact No., Fax and E-mail Mob : 9812524900, 9416702579 E-mail: Tel : 0184-2271290, 2205882 Mob : 9813290004 Jind Mob Hisar Mob : 9992090508, 9034738521 E-mail: Mob : 94162-80359 Hisar Gurgaon Ambala : 9812380000 Tel. : 0124-2382345 Mob : 8527053370 E-mail : Mob : 9812085121, 9728004577 Tel : 0171-2633834, 2641485 Fax 0171-2643180 E-mail : 71 Products Tractor operated sprayer Zero till drill, harrow, cultivator Zero till seed cum fertilizer drill Cultivator, seed cum fertilizer drill, disc harrow, tractor operated sprayer Cultivator, seed cum fertilizer drill, Bt. cotton planter Tillers, crop harvester, intercrop/vegetable weeder (petrol powered), light weight cultivator, sugarcane weeder (diesel powered),cultivator Seed cum fertilizer drill Rotavator, strip till drill S. No. 455. Name & Address District Thethi Agriculture Implements Bhuna Road, Uklana Mandi – 125113, Hisar Tirupati Udyog 32/3, HSIIDC, Sector 3, Karnal Hisar 457. Usha International Ltd. Plot No. 3, Industrial Area, Sector 32, Gurgaon - 122001 Gurgaon 458. Vance Agril. Works Village Bhapa – 125078, Near Rori Village, Dist. Sirsa Ved Agro Industry Near Old Bus Stand, G.T. Road, Fatehabad Vijata Agro Industries Chandigarh Road, Tohana, Dist. Fatehabad Sirsa 456. 459. 460. Karnal Contact No., Fax and E-mail Mob : 94160-80094 Products Cultivator, seed cum fertilizer drill, Bt cotton planter Tel. : 0184-2261691, 2256009 Telefax : 0184-2220033 Mob : 9416031691, 9215536192, E-mail : championagro.tirupati@gmail .com Tel : 0124-4583100, 4583200 E-mail :s_mohindru@ushainternatio Mob : 9992386771, 9992632302 Cultivator, MB plough, offset disc harrow, disc plough, sub-soiler Fatehabad Mob Fatehabad Mob : 9416186079, 9416246679 Cultivator, zero till seed cum fertilizer drill, seed cum fertilizer drill, Bt. cotton planter, disc harrow Zero till seed cum fertilizer drill : 9416800015 72 Rice transplanter Seed cum fertilizer drill, tractor operated sprayer S. No. 461. Name & Address District Vijay Lakshmi Agri. P. Ltd. Mugal Majra Road, Near Leather Factory, Kunjpura, Dist. Karnal Vishal Gram Udyog Mandal G.T. Road, Hansi, Dist. Hisar Vishal Udyog Opp. Madhuban Police Station, Near HONCAR Showroom, Madhuban 132001, Dist. Karnal Vishavkarma Agro Industries Ratia, Dist. Fatehabad Karnal 465. 466. 462. 463. 464. 467. Contact No., Fax and E-mail Tel : 0184-2385200, 2385400 Hisar Mob : 9416072554 Karnal Mob : 9416114920 Fatehabad Tel : 01697-250877 Mob : 98969-62342 Vishavkarma Engg. Works Bhuna Road, Tohana 125120, Dist. Fatehabad Fatehabad Vishwa Karma Engg. Works Bhuna Road, Uklana 125113, Dist. Hisar Vishwas Agri. Implements Rohtak Road, Hansi, Dist. Hisar Hisar Tel: 01692-220767 Telefax: 01692-220113 Mob : 9354433600, 9466654000 E-mail: Mob : 9416371967 Hisar Mob : 9254866399 73 Products Rotavator, cultivator, disc harrow Cultivator, seed cum fertilizer drill, Bt. cotton planter Cultivator, laser land leveller, disc harrow, leveller, disc ridger/bund maker Cultivator, seed cum fertilizer drill, disc harrow, zero till seed cum fertilizer drill, Bt. cotton planter, tractor operated sprayer Laser land leveller, Bt. cotton planter, multi-crop planter, multi-crop thresher, straw baler, zero till seed cum fertilizer drill, DSR drill, straw reaper Direct sowing of rice (DSR) drill, happy seeder Rotavator S. No. 468. Name & Address Zandu Engineers Manav Chowk, Hisar Road, Ambala City - 134003 District Ambala Contact No., Fax and E-mail Mob : 9416020181 Products Cultivator, disc harrow 1.9. Himachal Pradesh 469. Jagdambe Industries Amb Road, Jhalera, Una Una Tel : 01975-223196 470. Kailash Steel Industries Bharwain Road, Gagret, Una Santokh (Onkar) Iron and Steel Fabrication, Una Sarthak Agro Industries Santoshgarh Road, Rampur, Una Una Tel : 01975-240330 Una Tel : 01975-223353 Una Tel : 01975-223834 Ranchi Tel: 0651-2230137, 2290224 Fax: 0651-2200438 Mob. : 9651220043 Birsa ridger plough, M.B. plough, Birsa potato digger, Dutch hoe, grubber Ranchi Tel : 0651-2283042, 2280621 Bullock cart wheel, cultivator, leveller, cage wheels, rotovator, MB plough, disc plough, mower, seed drill, ridger, disc harrow, combine harvester 471. 472. Maize sheller, cultivator, leveler, disc harrow, trailer, bund former, thresher, seed drill Cultivator, leveler, disc harrow, trailer, bund former Maize sheller, cultivator, leveler, disc harrow, trailer, bund former, thresher Cultivator, leveler, disc harrow, trailer, bund former 1.10. Jharkhand 473. 474. Om Engineering Works (India) Pvt Ltd. Commercial House, Shardababu Street, Hatia, Ranchi - 834003 Neha Fabrication Ratu Road, Ranchi 74 S. No. Name & Address District Contact No., Fax and E-mail Products Portable power sprayer, brush cutter, knapsack power sprayer Tractor trailers (two wheels and four wheels) Power tiller, groundnut thresher, groundnut decorticator, chaff cutter, whole sugarcane planter, multi-crop thresher, paddy thresher, self-feed thresher Manual and power operated sprayers 1.11. Karnataka 475. ACE Power Products 107/1-4, 4th Cross, N.R. Road, Bengaluru - 560002 Bengaluru 476. AIMS Farm Equipment Pvt. Ltd. Vidya Nagar, Hubli Alfa Trailers Humanabad, Dist. Bidar Anand Agritech Nehru Gunj, Gulbarga Hubli Tel : 080-22241247, 41696915 Mob : 9741496023 E-mail : acepowerproducts@rediffmai Tel : 0836-2310430 Bidar Tel : 08482-270903 Gulbarga Tel : 08472-268128, 277249 Mob : 9448457521 E-mail : AS Agencies 7, KS Lane, SJP Road Cross, Bengaluru BELL Agromoachina Ltd. Bellad Chambers, Vidyanagar, Hubli Bhagya Organic Manures and Implements No.4, Kishi Complex, Savadatti Road, Dharwad Bengaluru Tel : 080-22237877, 22234057 Hubli Tel : 0836-2372625, 2372451, 2361665 Rotary tiller, digger, spike power harrow Dharwad Tel : 0836-2390949 Bullock operated seed cum fertilizer drill, iron plough 477. 478. 479. 480. 481. 75 Tractor trailers (two wheels and four wheels) S. No. Name & Address District 482. Bharat Agro Agencies Nehru Gunj, Gulbarga – 585104 Gulbarga 483. Bharat Foundry & Engineering Works D-2 Shed, Industrial Estate, TB Dam Road, Hospet 583203, Dist. Bellary Bhavani Industries Gumbaz Road, Ganjam PO, Srirangapathna - 571143, Dist. Mandya Bijapur Industries Near Bus Stand Road, Gadag Bilal Engineering Works #78-2L, Behind Onion Market, Bilal Compound, P.B. Road, Davangere – 577002 Bismillah Engineering Works Ambigeri Crass, Annigeri – 582201, Tal. Navalguod, Dist. Dharwad Cartman 870, Koramangala, Bengaluru Bellary 484. 485. 486. 487. 488. Contact No., Fax and E-mail Tel : 08472-257447, 655578, 220947 E-mail : Tel : 08394-232240, 232154, 232113 Mandya Tel : 08236-652410, 652702 Gadag Tel : 08372-237466 Mob : 9448136047 Davangere Tel : 08192-270519 Mob : 9845050008, 9844377866 Dharwad Tel : 08380-222337 Mob : 9448868162, 9739231911 E-mail: Tel : 080-22563121 Bengaluru 76 Products Multi-crop thresher, paddy thresher, self-feed thresher Blade harrow cum leveler, MB plough, tillers, cage wheel Bullock operated iron plough, Balaram plough, bund former, adjustable ridger, thresher, cane crusher M.B. plough, cultivator, disc harrow, multi-crop thresher, seed-cumfertilizer drill M.B. plough, cultivator, disc harrow, multipurpose machine, multi-crop thresher. Tillers, cage wheel, seed-cumfertilizer drill Bullock-drawn tillers, MB plough, trailer, cage wheel, seed-cumfertilizer drill, carts S. No. 489. 490. 491. 492. 493. 494. 495. Name & Address District Contact No., Fax and E-mail Tel : 0823-2224158, 2224248 Products Dayananda Engineering Works No. 768, Old MC Road, (Holalu Circle), Mandya 571401 Dev Agro Tools Pvt. Ltd. No.307, Halli Layout, Shanthinagar, Bengaluru - 560027 Fortune Agro Equipments st #35, I Main, Lower Palace Orchards, Sadashivanagara, Bengaluru – 560003 Gayatri Engineering Works Near Hospital Chowk, Bangarpet Road, Kolar 563101 Mandya Cono weeder, plough, cultivator (3,5,7 tynes), puddler Hi Tech Engineering Company Karnala Mansion, Ground Floor, 143, Infantry Road, Bengaluru - 560001 Jai Kisan Equipment Pvt. Ltd. Plot No. 14(1), Kolar Industrial Area, Bidar – 585403 Jengan Trading India nd st 626, 2 Main, 1 Stage, Indiranagar, Bengaluru Bengaluru Fax : 080-22863122 Mob : 9845195168 Bidar Tel : 08482-232040, 232255, 227979 E-mail : Manual and power operated sprayers, knapsack sprayer, air assisted sprayer Bengaluru Tel : 080-25271528, 25213111 Earth auger, hedge trimmer, hand held backpack blower/shredder, lawn mover Bengaluru Tel : 080-26570737 Fax : 080-22291536 Sickle, khurpi, chaff cutter, weeder Bengaluru Mob : 9448396291, 9448395466 E-mail : Tel : 0815-2225045, 2358209 Power weeder, power operated reaper, power sprayer Kolar 77 Steel leveler, bund former, green gram seed drill, paddy puddler, bullock drawn leveler, multi-row plough, deep plough, coconut dehusker Manual and power sprayers S. No. 496. 497. 498. 499. 500. 501. 502. Name & Address District Jyothi Engineering Works Plot No. 2P, KIEDB, Karur Industrial Estate, Opp. DC Office, Davangere – 577002 K.G.N. Fabricators Besides Sai International Hotel, P.B. Road, Davangere – 577002 Kaka Trading Company Gaitond Complex, Old Bus Stand Road, Bidar - 585401 Davangere Kaleem Engineering Works Regulated main gate, Taluk Society Compound, RMC Link Road, Davangere – 577002 Karnataka Village & Agro Industries Davangere – 577002 Kisan Kraft Machine Tools Pvt. Ltd. 32/5C, Dasarahalli Main Road, H.A. Farm Post, Hebbal, Bengaluru – 560024 Davangere Kishan Dust Machine, Manufacturing Unit KPTCL Road, Sahabad, Tal. Chitapur, Dist. Gulbarga Gulbarga Contact No., Fax and E-mail Mob : 9880884064, 9448829386 Products Disc harrow, rigid cultivator, blade harrow, MB plough (two bottom), multi-crop thresher, maize sheller Davangere Mob : 9448423658, 9845940530 Cultivator (rigid & spring tyne) Bidar Tel : 08482-225414 Mob : 9886676116 E mail : Mob : 9448656102, 9448656098 Sprayer, multi-crop thresher, cultivator, MB plough, zero-till drill, rotavator, disc plough Davangere Tel : 08192-270303, Mob : 9880829156 Bengaluru Tel : 080-65461434 Fax : 080-22331583 Mob : 9008602201, 9008602202 E-mail : Tel : 08474-364058, 365887 M.B. plough, disc harrow, multi-crop thresher, cultivator, trailer, leveler, blade harrow, bar point cultivator Garden tools, sprayers, weeders 78 Multi-crop thresher, cultivator, MB plough, disc harrow, blade harrowcum-leveler Hand dusters S. No. 503. 504. 505. 506. 507. 508. 509. 510. Name & Address District Contact No., Fax and E-mail Tel : 08192-257087, 233039 KK Associates 323/7, Sellar, Binny Company Road, Davangere – 577002 Mahalaxmi Enterprises Kalgatagi Road, Dharwad Davangere Dharwad Mob : 9448145720, 9448355721 Manjara Agri Tech, Pvt. Ltd. st #9-6-263/9-6-294, 1 Floor Chanda Complex, Gandhi Gunj, Bidar – 585403 Maruti Krishi Udyog Chanappa Layout, BH Road, Nelamangala - 562123, Dist. Bengaluru Metro Engineering Works #78/1N, Bilal Compound, P.B. Road, Davangere – 577002 Bidar Tel : 08482-224334 Mob: 9448126134 E-mail: Tel : 080-27722361, 27723068 Nandi Trailers Vidyanagar, Hubli - 560021 Naveen Agro Industries PB Road, Belgaum New Haji Hateli Engg. Works Behind Onion Market, P.B. Road, Bilal Compound, Davangere – 577002 Bengaluru Davangere Products Arecanut dehusker Groundnut decorticator, multi-crop thresher, paddy thresher, self-feed thresher, rotavator. Tiller, trailer, cage wheel, seed-cumferti drill Cultivator, multi crop thresher, winnower, post hole digger M.B. plough, cultivator, disc harrow, multi-purpose machine, multi-crop thresher, sprayer, spring cultivator, duck foot cultivator Hubli Tel : 08192-250195 Mob: 9845411578, 9844327864 E-mail : Tel: 0836-332511 Belgaum Tel: 0831-230112 Tiller, cage wheel, seed-cum-ferti drill Davangere Mob : 9845819909, 9740555557, 9880738364 E-mail : Leveller, disc harrow, double bottom reversible M.B. single plough, four wheel trailer, disc plough, cage wheel, rigid cultivator, rotavator, Spring cultivator, seed drill, tipping 79 Trailers (two and four wheels) S. No. 511. 512. 513. 514. 515. 516. Name & Address Noor Jeelani Engineering Works Station Road, Raichur Padmashree Engineering Works KB Medical College, Belgaum Patil Traders S.V. Patil Complex, Indi Road, Bijapur Prakas Engineering & Company Mary Matha Buildding, Besides Nataraj Talkes, Bellary Ratnagiri Impex Pvt. Ltd. th # 1/1 G, 7 Cross, New Guddadahalli Mysore Road, Bengaluru – 560026 Rohan Agro Industries Nehru Gunj, Gulbarga District Contact No., Fax and E-mail Products Raichur Tel : 0831-230112 trailer, multi crop thresher, blade harrow, two bottom fixed M.B. plough (2 bottom) horizontal multi crop thresher, power tiller trailer, duck foot cultivator, single walker maize sheller, vertical multi crop thresher Tiller, cage wheel, seed-cum-ferti drill Belgaum Tel : 0831-2332298 Trailer Bijapur Tel : 08352-224220 Mob : 9448149848 Rotavator, M.B. plough, multi-crop thresher Bellary Tel : 08392-272183, 273882 Thresher Bengaluru Tel: 080-26753601-02, 32710246, 32710162 Fax: 080-26751658 E-mail: Tel: 08472-268128, 277249 Mob. : 9448457521 E-mail: Chain saw, prunner, hedge trimmer, lawn mower, brush cutter, garden tractor, mist blower, sprayer, rotary tiller, auger, power weeder Gulbarga 80 Power tiller, groundnut thresher, groundnut decorticator, chaff cutter, whole sugarcane planter, multi-crop S. No. Name & Address District 517. S S Industries st Plot No. 60/A,1 Phase, Tarihal Industrial Area,Tarihal, Hubli Hubli 518. Saptagiri Enterprises 3/1, P.V.S.B. Charities Building, College Road, Hospet – 583201, Dist. Bellary Savita Steel Industries Door No.20, Industrial Estate, Lakamanahalli, Dharwad Shah Machinery Stores Nehru Gunj Gulbarga - 585104 Bellary 521. Shiva Industries Mandiper, Tumkur - 572101 Tumkur 522. Shree Sai Agro, Industries st Plot No. 61, 1 Phase, Tarihal Industrial Area, Tarihal, Hubli – 580026 Hubli 519. 520. Dharwad Gulbarga Contact No., Fax and E-mail Tel : 0836-2310650, 2310398 Mob: 9945524493, 9945059444, 8362310348 Tel : 08394-222524 Mob : 9880783674, 9880984340 Tel : 08472-277249 Mob: 9448457521 E-mail : Tel : 08472-268128 Fax : 08472-277249 Mob : 9448457521 E-mail: Tel : 0816-2278436, 2273450 Tel: : 0836-2310650, 2310398 Fax : 0836-2310348 Mob : 9945524493, 9945059444 81 Products thresher, paddy thresher, self-feed thresher M.B. plough, cultivator, blade harrow, blade harrow-cum-leveler, disc harrow, ridger, seed-cum-ferti drill Power operated reaper, rotary tiller, power saw, multifunction machine, power weeder, plough, seed-ferti drill, reversible plough, multi crop thresher, sprayer etc. Two wheel trailer (hydraulic), tiller, cage wheel, seed-cum-ferti drill Power tiller, groundnut thresher, groundnut decorticator, chaff cutter, whole sugarcane planter, multi-crop thresher, paddy thresher, self-feed thresher Tractor drawn multi-purpose deep trencher M.B. plough, cultivator, blade harrow, blade harrow-cum-leveller, disc harrow, ridger, seed-cum-fertilizer drill S. No. Name & Address District 523. Shree Sai Implement Industries Sai Chambers, Gokul Road, Hubli – 580030 Hubli 524. Shree Sai Industries Opp. Vijyalaxmi TVS, Show Room, near Shiva Steel, Gokul Road, Hubli – 580030 Shri Mouneshwar General Engineering Works Main Road, Hunasagi, Dist. Gulbarga Shri Sai Farm Equipments st Plot No. 60,1 Phase, Tarihal Industrial Area, Tarihal, Hubli Shri Shivanand Enterprises Stall# 4, Laxmi Complex, Neeligin Road, Hubli Hubli Shri Vinayaka Agro Tech B-38 NGEF Ancillary Industrial Estate, Mahadevepora Post, Bengaluru Bengaluru 525. 526. 527. 528. Gulbarga Hubli Hubli Contact No., Fax and E-mail E-mail: Tel : 0836-2331228, 2332633, 4255771 Fax : 0836-2333287 E-mail: Tel : 0836-2333085, 4152175 Mob : 9945702547, 9448493085, 9448567649, Tel : 08444-200300, 200546 Mob : 9449661970, 9448439951 Tel: 0836-2310650, 2310398, 2333287 Tel : 0836-2353878, 4257878 Mob : 9448236508, 9448564535 Tel : 080-28524455 82 Products M.B. plough, cultivator, blade harrow, blade harrow-cum-leveller, disc harrow M.B. plough, cultivator, blade harrow, blade harrow-cum-leveler, disc harrow M.B. plough, cultivator, blade harrow, blade harrow-cum-leveler, disc harrow, ridger, seed-cum-ferti drill M.B. plough, cultivator, blade harrow, blade harrow-cum-leveler, disc harrow, ridger, seed-cum-ferti drill Rotavator, multi-crop thresher, cultivator, power tiller, ridger Self-propelled reaper S. No. 529. 530. 531. 532. 533. 534. Name & Address Soharr India Agro Division No. 17/B, Kallur Mandi, Industrial Estate Shivamogga – 577292 Souza Sifang Agro Engineering Pvt. Ltd. 402 Kailash Tower, Above Food World, rd 3 Floor, Doddaballapur Puttenahalli, Bengaluru 560064 Sree Balaji Agro, Industries # 114, Urekunte Compound, Opp. Walwalkar (HP) Petrol Pump, PB Road, Davangere Sri Dayanand Engineering Works No.768, Old MC Road (Holalu Circle), Mandya Sri Digambara Swamy Engineering Works Post Yalavara, Tal. Basavana Bagewadi, Dist. Bijapur Sri Durga Engineering Works Vinobha Road, Near Bus Stand, Koppa, Dist. Chickmagalur District Shimoga Bengaluru Contact No., Fax and E-mail Tel: 08182-272954, 324954 Fax: 08182-272954 Mob: 9845653127 Products Power tiller Tel : 080-32956016 Fax : 080-28565342, 41684017 Mob : 9341947465, 9342307960 E-mail: Mob : 9448566987, 9844441009 Power tiller and matching equipment Mandya Tel : 0823-224158, 224248 Sugarcane crusher, drum seeder, cultivator, cono weeder, rotary weeder, iron plough, puddler, leveler Bijapur Tel : 08358-234855 Bullock-drawn seed-cum-ferti drill, bicycle wheel type weeder Chickmagalur Tel : 08265-221184, 221984 Mob : 9448530454 Arecanut dehusker Davangere 83 Multi-crop thresher, cultivator, M.B. plough, disc harrow, blade harrowcum-leveler S. No. 535. 536. 537. 538. 539. 540. Name & Address Sri Lakshmi Venkateshwara Industries. Kotehal, Channagiri Tq., Dist. Davangere Sri Padma Agro Industries Opposite APMC Road, Haveri Sri Raghavendra Engineering Works # 1-11-66, Opp. Agriculture College, Lingsugar Road, Raichur – 584102 Sri Renuka Udyog M I G 1/20, Near K E C Gandhi Nagar, Gokul Road Hubli – 580030 Sri Venkateshwara Engineering Works PB Road, Ranebennur, Dist. Haveri Sri Vinayaka Engg. & Agro Equip. GBN Road, Madhugiri 572132 Branch: JC Road Cross, Near Veerashyva, Kalyana Mantapa, Tumkur District Davangere Contact No., Fax and E-mail Tel : 08180-272484 Mob : 9448439537 Products Trailer, disc harrow, cultivator Haveri Tel : 0836-832848 Raichur Tel :08532-249234 Mob: 9986504399, 9448149234 Hubli Tel : 0836-2335228, 5562134 Mob : 9448103583, 9243288564 Tel : 08375-645348 Sprayers Tel : 08137-282361 Mob : 9964354925 Multi-crop thresher, disc harrow (11 discs), duck foot cultivator, cage wheel, seed drill Haveri Tumkur 84 Bullock drawn hoes, Balram plough, hand operated groundnut decorticator, coconut dehusker Trailer, rotavator, leveler, MB plough, cultivator, seed drill, tillers Maize sheller, special type of multipurpose iron wheels for tractors S. No. 541. 542. 543. 544. 545. 546. 547. Name & Address Srinivas General Engineering Works Arekurhatti, Tq. Navalagunda, Dist. Dharwad Sudha Agro Industries Sindhnur Road, Manvi 584123, Dist. Raichur Sunveer Udyog Behind Corporation Bank, Near Old Bus Stand, Hubli 580029 SV Rangaswamy & Co. Pvt. Ltd. No.2, III Cross, Kalasipalyam, New Extension, POB 6539, Bengaluru - 560002 Tangi Somashekarappa Near Ashvini Photo Studio, Kurugudu - 583116, Dist. Bellary The Ryots Agricultural Produce Cooperative Marketing Society Ltd. Mandya VST Tillers Tractors Ltd. P.B. No. 4801, Mahadevapura, Whitefield Road, Bengaluru -560048 District Dharwad Contact No., Fax and E-mail Tel : 08380-244253 Products Tractor operated seed cum fertilizer drill and tractor operated thresher Raichur Tel :08538-220348, Mob: 9448190348 M.B. plough, thresher, rotavator, seed-cum-fertilizer drill Hubli Tel : 0836- 2351513, 2368934, 2303595 Tractor drawn plough, MB plough (single bottom), cage wheel, trolley, tillers Bengaluru Tel :080-22222301 Mob : 9448605799 Fax : 080-22224497 Sprayer, duster, spray nozzle Bellary Tel :08393-223611 Hand weeder Mandya Tel :08232-224038, 220078, 221359 Bullock drawn seed-cum-ferti drill, tractor operated seed-cum-ferti drill, leveler Bengaluru Tel : 080-28510805-07, 28510275, 23321285 Mob : 9741376007, 9845052427 Power reaper, 8 row paddy transplanter, walking type rice transplanter, power tiller operated seed-cum-fertilizer drill, power 85 S. No. Name & Address District 548. Vani Agro Industries Shankar Vihar Extension, Behind Gokul Restaurant P.B. Road, Davangere 577006 Davangere 549. Varsha Associates Mruthyunjaya Compound, V. P. Extension Chitradurga – 577501 Chitradurga 550. Varushapriya Agrotech Pvt. Ltd. Agro Machinery Division, th st 195,7 Cross,1 Stage, Indiranagar, Bengaluru 560038 Vignesh Agri Tech Pvt. Ltd. 83/84, Raitha Sangha Compound, Poona Bangalore Road, Davangere – 577002 Bengaluru 551. Davangere Contact No., Fax and E-mail E-mail:,, Tel : 08192-234377 Mob : 9448727266, 9448178269 E-mail: Tel : 08194-651721 Fax : 08194-226648 Mob : 9448396261 E-mail: Tel : 080-25250397 Fax: 080-25252780 E-mail:, Tel : 08192-250555 Mob : 9845940529, 9845940530 86 Products weeder Tractor trailer, power tiller trailer, multi-crop thresher, blade harrow, duck foot cultivator, power tiller MB plough, maize sheller, tractor cage wheel, power tiller cage wheel, power tiller cultivator, disc harrow, puddler, rigid cultivator, spring cultivator, land leveller Power tiller, mini tractor, MB plough. disc plough. cultivator, rotavator, seed-cum-fertilizer drill, thresher, sprayer, reversible plough, cultivator, harrow Self-propelled combine harvester, self-propelled paddy transplanter (Yanmar/Kukje), mechanized seeding raising machine, paddy weeders (2/3 rows) Rotavator S. No. 552. 553. 554. Name & Address Vignesh Agri Tech Pvt. Ltd. C H Basaganni Complex, Hangal Road, Opp. KSRTC Bus Stand, Haveri - 581110 Vijaya Shree Agencies and Pragathi Enterprises 40, IV Main, NT Per, Bengaluru Vishal Industries Urekondi Compound, Opp. Walwalkar (HP) Petrol Pump, P.B. Road, Davangere District Haveri Contact No., Fax and E-mail Tel : 08375-235886 Mob : 9845940526 Products Rotavator Bengaluru Tel : 080-26700063, 26702923 Sprayer, tiller, trailer, plough, seed drill Davangere Mob: 9740555557, 9845819909, 9945713192 Multi-crop thresher, cultivator, MB. plough, disc harrow, blade harrowcum-leveller Tel : 0484-2474638 Fax: 0484-2474589 E-mail: Tel : 0487-2320893, 23207252 Fax : 0487-2320951 Mob : 9446568563 E-mail: Self-propelled reaper 1.12. Kerala 555. Kerala Agro Machinery Corporation Ltd. Marketing Division, Athani 683585, Dist. Ernnakulam Ernnakulam 556. Redlands Ashlyn Motors Redlands House, Karikkath Lane, Thrissur – 680001 Thrissur 87 Combine harvester, self-propelled rice transplanter, baler S. No. Name & Address District Contact No., Fax and E-mail Products 1.13. Madhya Pradesh 557. 558. 559. 560. 561. 562. 563. 564. 565. A.S. Engineering and Fabrications Plot No. 6 B-C, Sector-H, Road No. 14 A, Industrial Area, Govindpura, Bhopal 462023 Amar Agricultural, Industries Gwalior Road, Near Rest House, Dabra, Dist. Gwalior Amar Agro Industries A.B. Road, Sarangpur, Dist. Rajgarh Amar Engineering Works Jail Road, Khurai, Sagar Annapurna Agro, Industries Gandhi Road, Murar, Gwalior Arjun Industries Nishatpura, Berasia Road, Bhopal - 462038 Bhopal Tel : 0755-2600167, 2752986 Serrated sickle, tubular maize sheller, serration making plant, components of vegetable planter, cultivator, seed drill, leveler, thresher, trolley, vegetable transplanter Gwalior Tel : 07524-503780 Rajgarh Tel : 07371-222142 Mob : 9826768457 Animal drawn deshi plough, animal drawn seed drill, cultivator, leveler, seed drill, thresher Plough, seed drill, leveller, cultivator, palti plough, wheel, trolley Sagar Tel : 07581-240531, 241455 Gwalior Tel : 0751-5030937 Bhopal Tel : 0755-273529 Asha Agro Industries Lotiya Naka, Indore, Road, Sehore Ashok Engineering Works Old Bus Stand, Sehore Sehore Tel :07562-252355 Sehore Tel : 07562-253374 Barkiya Agro Engineering Industrial Area, AB Road, Sarangpur, Dist. Rajgarh Rajgarh Tel : 07371-222142 Mob: 9826622142 88 Seed drill, duck-foot cultivator, thresher, trolley Cultivator, disc harrow, leveler, seed drill, thresher, trolley Tractor drawn cultivator, tractor drawn seed drill, electric motor/tractor operated thresher, tractor drawn trolley MB plough, duck-foot cultivator, seed drill, thresher Mould board plough, duck-foot cultivator, tractor drawn hydraulic trolley, seed drill Tractor trolley, seed drill, plough, cultivator, leveller, palti plough S. No. Name & Address District Contact No., Fax and E-mail Tel : 07592-408055, 408031 Mob: 9826294216, 9425483416 Tel : 0755-2732427, 2534513 Products 566. Bharat Krishi Yantra Udhyog, 8-Industrial Area, Vidisha Vidisha 567. Bharmal Industries 5, Gurunanak Colony, Berasia Road, Bhopal 462001 Bhopal 568. Bharti Krishi Udyog 24, Industrial Estate, Bina Central India Fabrications A-31, Industrial Area, Govindpura, Bhopal - 462023 Chaudhary Engineering Works Rahatgarh Road, Khurai, Dist. Sagar Dhinjal Agricultural, Industries Gurudwara, Road, Dabra, Dist. Gwalior Dubey Agro Industries Indargarh, Datia Fine Fabrication Works 104/A, Sector-I, Industrial Area, Govindpura, Bhopal 462023 Bina Tel : 07580-22038, 30801 Bhopal Tel : 0755-2586715, 2588270 Sagar Tel : 07581-240595 Mould board plough, seed drill, cultivator, thresher, trolley Gwalior Tel : 07524-222223, 223376 Datia Tel :07522-274315 Mould board plough, cultivator, disc harrow, leveler, seed drill, thresher, trolley, bullock drawn manually metered dufan Cultivator, leveler, seed drill, trolley Bhopal Tel : 0755-2589119 569. 570. 571. 572. 573. 89 Cultivator, seed drill, sprayer, front mounted vertical conveyer reaper, rear mounted reaper, thresher, plough, trolleys Tractor drawn duck foot cultivator, tractor drawn land leveler, tractor drawn seed drill, tractor drawn trolley, electric motor/tractor operated thresher M.B. plough, cultivator, seed drill, self-propelled reaper, trolley Cultivator, trolley Reaper, plot thresher, wheel puddler, decorticator S. No. 574. 575. 576. 577. 578. 579. 580. 581. Name & Address District Gagan Fabricators 10, Housing Board, Chauraha, Berasia Road, Bhopal - 462038 Ganesh Iron Works 22-23, Industrial Area, Rau, Dist. Indore Ganga Industries Near Krishi Upaj Mandi, A.B. Road, Dewas Bhopal Guru Nanak Agro Industries Gandhi Road, Murar, Gwalior Guru Nanak Engineering Works 464, Categorized Market, New Kabadkhana, Bhopal Hari Singh Ago Industries Gwalior Road, Dabra, Dist. Gwalior Hari Singh Sharma Industries Baradari Crossing, Murar, Dist. Gwalior Harjinder Agricultural Industries Jhansi Road, Dabra, Dist. Gwalior Contact No., Fax and E-mail Tel : 0755-2734662 Indore Mob: 9826509525, 9826033671 Dewas Gwalior Tel : 7272-255620, 255720, 255820 Mob; 9425049585 E-mail: Tel : 0751-5030119 Bhopal Tel : 0755-2737650 Gwalior Tel :07524-222524, 226758 Gwalior Tel :0751-368907 Gwalior Tel :07524-222347 90 Products Tractor drawn duck foot cultivator, tractor drawn seed drill, tractor operated thresher, Tractor-trailer, seed drill, seed cum fertilizer drill, panja cultivator, potato planter Wheel for bullock cart, mould board plough, cultivator, disc harrow, leveler, seed drill, thresher, seed grader Cultivator, disc harrow, seed drill, thresher, tractor drawn trolley Tractor drawn duck foot cultivator, tractor drawn seed drill, tractor drawn trolley Bullock drawn manually metered dufan, cultivator, disc harrow, leveler, seed drill, thresher, tractor drawn hydraulic trolley Cultivator, disc harrow, seed drill, thresher, trolley Mould board plough, cultivator, disc harrow, leveler, seed drill, thresher, trolley S. No. Name & Address District Contact No., Fax and E-mail Tel :0734-2580050 Hindustan Krishi Udhyog Agar Road Naka, Ujjain Honda Siel Power Products Ltd. nd 10, Sarnath Complex, 2 Floor, Link Road No.1, Shivaji Nagar, Bhopal 462016 Ujjain Ishtiaq Ahmed and Sons 310, Main Road categorized Market, Bhopal J.K. Industries Indargarh, Datia Bhopal Tel : 0755-4258515, 4258538 Mob: 9826023304, 9826055884, 8889915358 https://www.hondasielpower. com/ Tel : 0755-2734905, 524701 Datia Tel :07522-274325 586. Jain Brother's Old Saifia College Road, Bhopal Bhopal 587. Janak Iron Industries Rangai, Sanchi Road, Vidisha Vidisha Tel : 0755-4240509, 4205048 Mob: 9303131844, 9926344044 E-mail: Tel : 07592-232291 Mob : 9826710113 588. Kachnar Agro Industries Model Ground, Hamidia Road, Bhopal Bhopal 582. 583. 584. 585. Bhopal Tel : 0755-2531923 91 Products Cultivator, seed drill, thresher, tractor drawn hydraulic trolley Brush cutter, lawn mower, power tiller Tractor drawn cultivator, tractor drawn seed drill, tractor drawn land leveler Animal drawn deshi plough, animal drawn disc harrow, seed drill, cultivator, tractor drawn disc harrow, electric motor operated thresher, trolley, Agrimate sprayer, lawn mower, brush cutter, garden tools, MB plough, mechanical reversible plough, hydraulic reversible plough, loader, cultivator panchtans, hydraulic trolley, ditcher, dozer Tractor drawn duck foot cultivator, tractor drawn seed drill, tractor drawn cultivator S. No. 589. 590. 591. 592. 593. 594. 595. Name & Address District Karnal Agricultural, Industries Jhansi Road, Dabra, Dist. Gwalior Krishi Unnat Yantra Nirman Shala, Mehta Bhawan, 21, Berasia Road, Bhopal Krishna Agro-Industries Near Sugar Mill, Crossing, Sehore Kushwah Agro Trading Co. 39, Vaishnov Stadium, Dhar Road, Indore Lakshmi Agro Industries 51, Hamidia Road, Bhopal – 462001 Gwalior Contact No., Fax and E-mail Tel : 07524-223391 Bhopal Tel : 0755-5231142 Tractor drawn seed drill, tractor drawn cultivator electric motor operated thresher Sehore Tel : 07562-225110 Indore Tel : 0731-2247665 Animal drawn weeder, seed drill, duck-foot cultivator, tractor drawn hydraulic trolley Weeder, seed drill, thresher, cultivator Bhopal Tel : 0755-5256341, 5256936, 2738647 Lakshmi Industires 4, Industrial Area, Chola Road, Bhopal – 462038 Lalwani Industries Lalwani Compound, Hamidia Road, Bhopal - 462001 Bhopal Tel :0755-2735543 Bhopal Tel : 0755-2533901, 2523932, 2586596 92 Products Cultivator, disc harrow, leveler, seed drill, thresher, trolley Tractor drawn reaper, tractor drawn duck foot cultivator, tractor drawn seed drill, tractor drawn cultivator, tractor drawn disc harrow (12-14 disc), thresher Cultivator, seed drill, tractor drawn reaper, thresher, tractor drawn trolley Tractor drawn duck foot cultivator, tractor drawn seed drill, electric motor/tractor operated thresher, tractor drawn trolley, tractor drawn mould board plough (2-3 bottom), tractor drawn disc harrow (12-14 disc) S. No. Name & Address District 596. Laxmi Steel Fabs Shop No.1, Nishatpura, Berasia Road, Bhopal Bhopal 597. M P Iron Industries Kaji Camp, Behind Zdi Hotel, Berasia Road, Bhopal - 462038 Malaiya Agro Engg. Pvt.Ltd. 14/A-Sector D-1, Sanver Road, Industrial Area, Indore -452015 Marwari Krishi Udyog Agar Road Naka, Ujjain Modern Agriculture Implements Industries Plot No. 1& 2, Industrial Area, Runija Road, Barnagar - 456771 Dist. Ujjain Modi Industries Bhusa, Mandi Road, Khurai, Sagar Mukesh Agro Industries New Krishi Upaj Mandi, Near Naahar Kanta, Mahu, Nimach Road, Mandsaur Bhopal 598. 599. 600. 601. 602. Indore Ujjain Contact No., Fax and E-mail Tel : 0755-2743375, 4251793, 4259468 Mob : 9993187595, 9425017929, 9425007929, 9893698525 E-mail: Tel : 0755-2556706 Tel : 0731-4024686 Mob : 9893124686 E-mail: Tel : 0734-2581112 Products Self-propelled reaper, tractor front mounted reaper, thresher, leveler, seed-ferti drill, self-propelled walking reaper, power weeder, power tiller matching implements, multi-crop high capacity thresher Wheel hoe, groundnut decorticator, seed drill, seed-cum-fertilizer drill, groundnut digger, multi-purpose tool frame Tractor drawn seed drill, seed cum fertilizer drill, MB plough, reversible plough, cultivator, leveller, tractor trailer Animal drawn twin blade weeder, cultivator, bund former Seed cum fertilizer drill Ujjain Mob: 9827279055 E-mail: kamdenu_krshiyantra@ymail .com Sagar Tel : 07581-240540, 240840 Mould board plough, seed drill, cultivator, tractor drawn trolley Mandsaur Tel : 07422-255520 Mob : 9425108438, 9424538570 E-mail: Mini palti plough, plough (2/3 bottom), tyne cultivator, Bhawani cultivator, panja, leveller, two wheel trailer, seed drill 93 S. No. 603. 604. 605. 606. 607. 608. 609. Name & Address District Contact No., Fax and E-mail Tel : 07422-242479 Naveen Agro Industries Behind Bus Stand, Mandsaur Neeraj Engg. Works Khimlasa Road, Khurai, Dist. Sagar Mandsaur Om Industries 318, Categorized Market, New Kabadkhana, Bhopal Prabhat Krishi Yantra Pvt.Ltd. Indore-Bhopal Road, Lotiya Naka, Sehore Prakash Agro Industries 311-A, Catagorized Market, Main Road, Bhopal - 462001 Bhopal Prakash Krishi Yantra Udyog 4, Kali Parade Industrial Area, Union Carbide Road, Bhopal Prakash Metal Craft Industries 45, F/F, G.D. Complex, Near Krishna Talkies, Jabalpur Bhopal Tel : 0755-2731524 Jabalpur Tel : 0761-5016029, 2610918, 5016029 E-mail: Sagar, Sehore Bhopal Products Cultivator, seed drill, trolley Tel : 07581-240525 Mob : 9425439825 E-mail: Tel : 0755-2745524, 5255524 Seed drill, cultivator, land leveller, trolley, thresher, MB plough Tel : 07562-228005, 226998 Mob: 9826043567 E-mail: Tel : 0755-2735024, 2731524 Mob : 9827053683 Land leveller, tractor drawn seed drill, tractor drawn trolley, cultivator, sowing machine , bakhar, MB plough, reversible plough Tractor drawn duck foot cultivator, tractor drawn seed drill, tractor drawn vertical conveyer reaper, electric motor/tractor drawn thresher, tractor drawn trolley Tractor drawn duck foot cultivator, tractor drawn seed drill, tractor drawn trolley 94 Cultivator, seed drill, thresher, tractor drawn trolley Mould board plough, cultivator, disc harrow, seed drill, seed-cum-fertilizer drill, thresher, trolley S. No. Name & Address District 610. Prime Agro Industries 11, Kali Pared Industrial Area, J P Nagar, Bhopal Bhopal 611. Puja Laghu Udyog Makshi Road, Jamuna Nagar, Dewas Punjab Agro & Allied Industries NH 12, JJ Road Block, Jabalpur Road, Bari, Dist. Raisen Pushpak Agro-Sales Agencies Makshi Road, Jamuna Nagar, Dewas Quality Engineering Work Badnagar Road, Baledi, Dist. Ujjain R.K. Agro-Industries Mureya Road, Chhindwara Rajdhani Engineering Works 10, Ashiana Colony, Berasia Road, Bhopal - 462038 Rishi laser limited Pithampur - 454775, Dist. Indore Dewas 612. 613. 614. 615. 616. 617. Contact No., Fax and E-mail Tel : 0755-2732344, 2535818, 5256659 Mob: 9425375048 E-mail:, Tel : 07272-255669 Raisen Tel : 07486-263595 Mob: 9993351595, 9425620595, 9926672595 Dewas Tel : 07272-255547 Ujjain Tel : 07367-227004 Chhindwara Tel : 07162-247833 Bhopal Tel : 0755-2734968 Indore Mob: 9527002079 95 Products Tractor drawn land leveler, plough, trolley, spray pump, mini plough, tractor drawn duck foot cultivator, tractor drawn seed drill Wheel hoe, bullock cart, mould board plough, cultivator, seed drill, tractor drawn bund former Straw reaper, rotavator, Manually operated twin wheel hoe, bullock drawn seed drill, cultivator, high capacity thresher Animal drawn seed cum fertilizer drill, animal drawn twin blade weeder, cultivator, seed drill, thresher Cultivator, seed drill, tractor drawn trolley Tractor drawn duck foot cultivator, tractor drawn seed drill, tractor drawn trolley Rotavator S. No. Name & Address District Contact No., Fax and E-mail Tel : 07581-240531 Mob : 9826424842, 9425424842 E-mail: Tel : 07592-250602, 236062 618. Sagun Amar Engg. Works Jail Road, Khurai, Dist. Sagar Sagar 619. Sanchi Agro Industries Industrial Area, Vidisha Sanjay Industries Khimlasa Road, Khurai, Dist. Sagar Vidisha Sagar Tel, : 07581-240679, 240689, 240859 Mob : 9425439759 621. Saraf Electrical Industries 104, Categorized Market, New Kabadkhana, Bhopal Bhopal Tel : 0755-2735667 622. Shaligram Sevaram Laghu Udyog Khiljipur Nala, Agar Road, Ujjain Shankar Industries 40, Hamidia Road, Bhopal Ujjain Tel : 0734-2581052 Bhopal Tel : 0755-2536801, 2556901 Sharma Agro-Iron Industries Gwalior Road, Dabra, Dist. Gwalior Sharp Power Agro Industries 56, Industrial Area, Ratlam Gwalior Tel : 07524-223235 Ratlam E-mail: 620. 623. 624. 625. 96 Products Thresher, trolley, seed drill, cultivator, plough, leveller, Cultivator, trolley, plough Seed drill, seed cum fertilizer drill, thresher, cultivator, plough, reaper, thresher, leveler, tractor drawn trolley Tractor drawn cultivator, tractor drawn seed drill, tractor drawn land leveler, electric motor/tractor drawn thresher Bullock cart, cultivator, seed drill Tractor drawn cultivator, tractor drawn seed drill, electric motor/tractor operated thresher, tractor drawn trolley Cultivator, disc harrow, leveler, seed drill, tractor drawn trolley Rotavator S. No. 626. 627. 628. 629. 630. 631. 632. 633. 634. Name & Address Sheetal Industries & Works Udaypura Naka, JJ Road, Bareli Shiv Engineering Works Makshi Road, Dewas Shiv Shakti Agro Industries Near Railway Phatak, Piplia Mandi - 458664, Dist. Mandsaur Shiva Agro Enterprises 11, Near Agrawal Dharmshala, Below Allahabad Bank, Chhola Road, Bhopal Shiv-Shakti Laghu Udyog Agar Road Naka, Ujjain Shiv-Shakti Trolley and AgroIndustries Dholpur Road Bypass Chauraha, Morena Shree Gopal Engg Works Mahu Nimach Road, Tekari Balji, Pipliya Mandi, Dist. Mandsor Shree Guru Nanak Mechanical Works Bhusa Mandi, Khurai, Sagar Shri Agro Engg. Works Station Road, Gadarwada, Dist. Narsinghpur District Bareli Contact No., Fax and E-mail Mob : 9479370182, 9926352583 Products Trolley, cultivator, cage wheel Dewas Tel : 07272-255375 Mandsaur Mob: 9425105522 E-mail: Bhopal Tractor trolley, cultivator, plough, leveller Ujjain Tel : 0755-4256968 Mob: 9893256968 E-mail: rajendrakhurana@yahoomail .com Tel : 0734-2580956 Morena Tel : 7532-231409 Cultivator, disc harrow, leveler, seedcum-fertilizer drill, tractor drawn trolley Mandsaur Mob: 9425976096 E-mail: Seed cum fertilizer drill Sagar Tel : 07581-240715 Narsinghpur Mob : 9009528370 Mould board plough, cultivator, leveler, seed drill, thresher, tractor drawn trolley Trolley, cultivator, tanker, seed drill 97 Cultivator, seed drill, tractor drawn trolley Hydraulic reversible plough, cultivator Mould board plough, cultivator S. No. 635. 636. 637. 638. 639. 640. Name & Address District Contact No., Fax and E-mail Mob: 9425976092 E-mail: shreeganeshengwork1@gma Products Shri Ganesh Engineering Works Opp. Tekai Balaji, Neemuch Mhow Road, Mandsaur 458664 Shri Ganga Laghu Udyog Agar Road Naka, Ujjain Mandsaur Seed cum fertilizer drill Ujjain Mob : 9827090603 Shri Lakshmi Industries I.T.I., Chungi Naka, Patan Road, Jabalpur Shri Manak Industries 70 B, Sec. H, Industrial Area, Govindpura, Bhopal Shri Nawab Krishi Yantra Industries RTO Office, Jabalpur Sudarshan Industries Gram Vikas Nagar Maulana Tal Badnagar, Dist. Ujjain Jabalpur Tel : 0761-2394682 Bhopal Tel : 0755-2581683 Thresher Jabalpur Tel : 0761-2394682 Cultivator, seed drill, thresher, MB plough, trolley Ujjain Mob: 9826381825 E-mail: Rotavator, garlic seed drill, boom sprayer, duck foot cultivator, plough Wheel of bullock cart, cultivator, seed drill, tractor drawn hydraulic type trolley Cultivator, disc harrow, seed drill, thresher, tractor drawn trolley 1.14. Maharashtra 641. 642. Adarsh Engineering Pvt.Ltd. Opp. State Bank of India, Shrirampur, Dist. Ahmednagar Agro Machineries Pvt. Ltd. Plot No. 9 &10, Survey, No.113, Piragut, Taluka Mulshi, Dist. Pune Ahmednagar Tel : 02422-223526, 020-5536935 Tractor trailer Pune Mob : 9371016516 E-mail: Sugarcane harvester, loader 98 S. No. 643. 644. 645. 646. 647. 648. Name & Address District Agro Star Industries 4148, Ande Wada, Asarachi Ves Near Modakeshwar Ganapati Temple, Nasik – 422001 Anand Auto Garage & Trailer Bhau Stop, Manmad Chufully Chandnapuri Shivar, Malegaon Andreas Stihl Pvt. Ltd. Delphi Warehousing Complex, Got No. 53/01, Pune-Nashik Highway, Near Vijay Logistics, Behind Lear Company, Kuruli, Tal. Khed, Dist. Pune Anjani Engg. Works 27 A Mohite Industrial Estate, Wanadongri, Hingna Road, Nagpur Arcad Fertilizer Pvt. Ltd. 101/102 Brahma Garden, Bund Garden Road, Pune 411001 Nasik ASPEE Sprayers and Mechanised Equipment Aspee House, B.J. Patel Mumbai Contact No., Fax and E-mail Mob : 9422249787 Products Agricultural nozzles Malegaon Mob : 9823498454 E-mail : Trailer, cultivator Pune Tel : 02135-616700-01, 02066214242 E-mail:, Brush cutter, chain saw, clearing saw, mist blower, vacuum shredder, backpack blower, hedge trimmer, earth auger, backpack sprayer, pole pruner Nagpur Mob : 9822457946 E-mail: Pune Tel : 020-32947307 Fax: 020-26124590 Mob : 9822016165 E-mail : Tel : 022-67745700, 28822331-36 E-mail: Groundnut decorticator, castor decorticator, wheel hand hoe, seed cum fertilizer drill, cycle hoe, paddy thresher Pumps, sprayers 99 Battery operated sprayer, foot sprayer, branch cutter, high pressure cleaner, tycoon sprayer, knapsack S. No. Name & Address District Road, Malad (W), Mumbai 400064 649. 650. 651. Aum Sai Engineering Gut No. 10, Arangaon, Meherabad, Ahmednagar Bellota Agrisolutions and Tools Private Limited Plot No. 267/4, Sinner Shiv Road, Sinner – 422112, Dist. Nashik Benson Agro Engineering C-8/2, NICE Area, 'A' Road, MIDC, Satpur, Nasik 422007 Contact No., Fax and E-mail Products sprayer, rotary tiller, earth auger, mist blower and duster, tea plucker, chain saw, pole pruner, power sprayer, power weeder, paddy weeder, brush cutter, paddy cutter, tea pruner, engine operated knapsack sprayer, engine operated power sprayer, fogger, hand compression sprayer, spray nozzle, spray lances and gun, spray boom Chaff cutter Ahmednagar Tel : 0241-2548778, 2450981, Nashik Tel. : 02551-302930 E-mail: customercare.agrisolutions@ Agricultural machinery components for soil preparation, seeding and sugarcane harvesting Nashik Tel : 0253-2354653, 2574932 Mob : 9822398240 E-mail: Power weeder, rotary tiller, cultivator, shredder for agricultural waste, sprayer, ridger, wild grass cutter, lawn mower (electric and diesel operated), cycle hoe, coconut dehusker, serrated sickle, manual seed planter, paddy thresher (power operated), seed cum fertilizer drill, seed cum fertilizer drill (manual/bullock drawn) 100 S. No. Name & Address District 652. Bhansali Trailors Pvt. Ltd. Dhantara, Gurudwara Road Kopargaon – 423601, Dist. Ahmednagar Ahmednagar 653. Birar Equipments B-21, Road A, Street No. 4 NICE MIDC, Satpur, Nashik – 422007 Nashik 654. Boraste Agro Implements & Allied Industry B-187, Shree Samartha Coop. Industrial Estate Ltd., Mukhed Road, Pimpalgaon (Basavant),Tal Niphad 422209, Dist. Nashik Nashik 655. Bothara Foundry & Machines Works Plot No. 34 to 40, Industrial Estate, Nagar Pune Road, Ahmednagar Ahmednagar Contact No., Fax and E-mail Tel : 02423-223391-94 Fax : 02423-223394 Mob: 9822439621, 9372719494 E-mail: m Tel : 0253-2350148 Fax : 0253-2341473 Mob : 9822258471, 9028318954 E-mail– http://www.navyugagrotech.c om/ Tel : 02550-251222 Fax : 02550-253222 Mob. : 9960851222, 9860751222, 7350010188 E-mail : Tel : 0241-2551932 101 Products Heavy and medium duty adjustable tiller, spring loaded tiller, offset disc harrow, trailed/mounted two furrow reversible plough, disc plough, mould board plough, seed drill, reversible land leveller, land leveller, rotavator, two furrow ridger, trailers, bund former, sugarcane planter Sprayers, cultivator, two wheel trolley, slurry tank unit, ridge breaker, duster, ridger Mist blower, sprayer, cultivator, slurry unit, trolley, ridger, harrow, bed maker, plough Plough, cultivator, seed drill S. No. 656. 657. 658. 659. 660. Name & Address District Bull Agro Implements st Block # 7 (1 floor), New Market Yard, Kothi Road, Ahmednagar - 414001 Chudekar Agro Engg. Pvt. Ltd. Plot No. 77, Road No. 2, Sector - 1/S, Near Balaji Temple, New Panvel, Navi Mumbai - 410206 Ahmednagar Dahanu Agro Centre Janta Bank Building, Dahanu Road, Dist. Thane Datta Sena Welding Works A/P. Mangale, Tal. Shiroli, Dist. Sangali Deccan Farm Equipment (P) Ltd, C-35, MIDC, Shiroli Kolhapur - 416122 Thane Mumbai Sangali Kolhapur Contact No., Fax and E-mail Mob: 9326251858, 9371877255 Tel : 022-64234707 Mob : 986933780 E-mail: chudekarindustries@yahoo.i n m/ Tel : 02528-220959 Tel : 02345- 220177 Mob : 9850146680, 9850146680 Tel : 0230-2468904, 2468905, 2469002 Fax : 0230-2468905 Mob : 99237700, 976499868 E-mail: m http://www.deccanequipment 102 Products Rotary tiller blades, sugarcane harvester blades, J type blades, paddy twister blades, power tiller blades, PTO shaft Multi-purpose cultivator, deep ploughing tool, sprayer, seed drill, ridge cutting tool, 3 row weed removing tool, lawn cutter, auger wheel, banana plant shredder, chaff cutter Power tiller, trailer and other attachments Trailer Reversible mould board plough, rotavator, trash shredder, sugarcane ratoon manager, sugarcane rooter S. No. 661. 662. 663. 664. 665. 666. Name & Address District Deep Pradeep Engineering Works 534/2, Near Akashwani Kendra, Kolhapur Road, Sangali Dev Enterprises F. 53, MIDC, Satpur, Nashik Sangli Diwane Industries 718, Guruwar Peth, Khadak Mal Ali, Pune Greaves Cotton Ltd. th Corporate Park II, 4 Floor Sion-Trombay Road, Chembur, Mumbai Pune Greaves Power Tiller A/p Belapur Bk., Tal. Shrirampur, Dist. Ahmednagar Green Field Agro Equipment 41/6 Vikrant, Ground Floor, Manisha Nagar, Kalwa, Thane Nashik Contact No., Fax and E-mail Tel : 0233-2331324 Mob : 9371251008 E-mail: Products Rotavator, sugarcane trash cutter, cutting machine, leaf shredder Tel : 0253-2350850 Mob : 9225133036 Tel : 020-2432694 Reversible plough, cultivator, Surrey ridger Mumbai Tel : 022-25264646, 25264723, 252647200, 25262622, 25264800 Ahmednagar Tel : 02422-243609, Mob : 9326611242, 9890998961 Power driven harvester, mini combine harvester, inter cultivator, power tiller brush cutter, power sprayer, duster, sprayer, reaper, paddy transplanter Power tiller drawn planter, cultivator Thane Tel : 022-25426459 Mob. : 9324297960/62/63, 9892828388, E-mail: Website: 103 Sprayer and duster Power tiller operated weeder, sowing, spraying, harvesting and towing equipment, power sprayer S. No. 667. 668. 669. 670. 671. 672. Name & Address District Gurudatta Agro. Agencies & Services 36, Krishi Udyog Bhavan Market Yard, Pune Himani Agro Industries 3, Near RTO Office, Murtizapur Road, Krushi Nagar, Akola Hrushikesk Agro Machinery Co. N-7, A-4/1, Garware Company, CIDCO, Aurangabad - 431003 Irrigation Utilities 168 Industrial Estate, Off Hotgi Road, Solapur Jadhao Agro Industries Pvt.Ltd. Plot No. A-38, MIDC Area, Amravati - 444605 Pune Jagdamba Agro Engineering Aurangabad Road, Lakkad Kot, Jalna Jalna Contact No., Fax and E-mail Tel : 020-24263350, Mob : 9822111294 Products Power tiller, brush cutter, pit digger, battery operated sprayer Akola Tel : 0724-2451892 Trolley, planter, cultivator, V pass, plough, reaper, leveler, duck foot cultivator, seed drill, weeder Aurangabad Tel : 0240-2486610 Mob : 9373445241, 9890145241 E-mail: Tel : 0217-600264 Power weeder, brush cutter, selfpropelled reaper, power tillers, ridger, trolley, sprayer, chaff cutter, rotavator, post hole digger, Tel : 0721-2520608, 2675359, 2675608, 2671382 Fax - 0721-2521131 Mob. : 9422916999, 9422916992 E-mail : m http://www.jadhaoagroinds.c om/ Tel : 02482-234501, 234502 Mob : 9420461501 Disc harrow, cultivator, leveler, seed drill, duck foot cultivator Solapur Amravati 104 Cycle hoe, bullock-drawn seed drill Pulverizer, bullock-drawn harrow, wheel hoe, reversible plough, leveler, seed drill, bullock cart, bakhar, seed cum fertilizer drill S. No. 673. 674. 675. 676. 677. 678. Name & Address District Jay Balaji Tractor Garage & Engg. Mohodi Road, Opp. BPL Tower, Dhule JS Corporation Mangaldas Market, Akola Dhule Jyotirling Agro Pvt. Ltd. Plot no 16/26, Opp. Kolhapure Steels, Nagoan Road (P), Pulachi Shiroli, Tal. Hatkanangale, Dist. Kolhapur Kisan Agro Industries Korli Road, Near Warehouse, Pandharpur Kisan Blower Udyog Kikwari (K), Taluka Satara, Dist. Nasik Kisan Engineering Works C-57, MIDC, Awadhan, Dhule – 424006 Kolhapur Krishi Kendra Near Radhakrishna Talkies, Murtizapur, Akola Akola Akola Pandharpur Contact No., Fax and E-mail Mob : 9422289730 Tel : 0724-2433660, 442050, 2258198, 258065, 2259043 Mob : 9371009934 E-mail:; Tel : 0230-2469642, 2468937 Mob : 9423040338 E-mail: m Tel : 02186-224748 Mob : 9422553334 Nasik Mob : 9422250906, 9422274242 Dhule Tel : 02562-246612 Mob : 9422289812 E-mail: Products Trailer, cultivator, rotavator, reversible plough Thresher Sub-soiler, reversible plough, disc harrow, furrower, cultivator, adjustable tiller, leveler, trailer, sugarcane intercultural implement, ridger, terrace blade Check row planter, sugarcane intercultural and fertilizer application equipment Tractor operated air carrier sprayer Reversible plough, tractor drawn hydraulic operated trailer, cultivator, rotavator 679. Tel : 0724-2415866, 2410866 105 Trailer, agricultural machinery S. No. 680. 681. 682. 683. 684. 685. 686. Name & Address District Krishi Udyogalaya Infront of Ramlata Buismess Centre, Murtizapur Road, Akola Lakhichand Machinery Mart 62 Centre Avenue, In front of Hotel Darshan Towers, Nagpur Leena Engg. & Fab. Works Sangamner, Dist. Ahmednagar Lemken India Agro Equipment Pvt. Ltd. D-59, MIDC, Butibori, Nagpur – 441108 Akola Limaye Associates Rakamal Chowk, Amaravati Maharaja Engineering Works Sangamner Road, Dattanagar, Shrirampur, Dist. Ahmednagar Mane Engineering Enterprises P.O. Kundal, Tal. Palus, Dist. Sangli Amaravati Contact No., Fax and E-mail Tel : 0721-2414061, 2414075 Products Trailer, agricultural machinery Nagpur Tel : 0721-2723426, 2720508 Saint thresher, Jain paddy thresher Ahmednagar Mob : 9890532111 E-mail : Tel : 07104-305400, 08 Fax : 07104-305400, 44 Mob : 9545512229, 9545501199 E-mail :; Tel : 0721-2672710 Reversible plough, cultivator Ahmednagar Tel : 02422-210968 Mob : 9822091168 Plough, harrow, cultivator, ridger Sangli Tel Trailer, spraying equipment Nagpur : 02346-221325 106 Reversible plough, power harrow, tyne cultivator Trolley, agricultural machinery S. No. 687. 688. 689. 690. 691. 692. Name & Address District Maniyar Agro Industries Plot No. E 47, Shiroli, MIDC Kolhapur Maschio Gaspardo India Pvt. Ltd. Plot No. F-27, MIDC Ranjangaon, Village Karegaon, Tal Shirur 412220, Dist. Pune Nahush Krushi Yantriki Seva 986/C, Shukrawar Peth, In front of Saras Garden, Near Mahalaxmi Temple, nd Kurumkar Building, 2 Floor, Pune Nakoda Machine Tools Shop No. 1, Dagdi Chawl, Tejpal Road, Near railway station, Vile Parle (East), Mumbai New Sham Industries Plot No. 16/26, Opp. Kolhapur Steel Works, Shiroli, Dist. Kolhapur Kolhapur Oriental Engineering Company Aranyeshwar Corner, Pune Satara Road, Pune Pune Contact No., Fax and E-mail Tel : 0230-2468077 Mob : 9422412820 Products Trailer Pune Tel : 02138-612500, 642540 Fax: 02138-612501, 642503 Mob : 8554981412 Fertilizer spreader, combine seed drill, precision planter, sub-soiler, power harrow, sprayer, mist blower, shredder, mulcher Pune Tel Battery operated knapsack sprayer Mumbai Tel : 022-26181962, 26121883 Mob : 9869024249 Laser leveller Kolhapur Tel : 0230-240964 Mob : 9423040338 E-mail : m Tel : 020-24227064, 24227012 Mob : 9822025169 Reversible plough (single/two bottom) disc harrow, cultivator subsoiler, ridger, terrace blade, trailer : 020-256271769 107 Reversible plough, roto tiller S. No. Name & Address District 693. Padgilwar Agro Industries 192, Vardhaman Nagar, Central Avenue, Nagpur Nagpur 694. Padgilwar Company Padgilwar Electrical Industries Mangaldas Market, Akola - 444001 Padsons Industries, (P) Ltd H-28/2 Phase – III, MIDC Akola – 444104 Akola Popular Agricultural Implements F - 26/1, Near Parmar Steel MIDC, Shiroli, Kolhapur 416122 Popular Agro Equipment Al-Amin Complex, Balgaon Road, Amravati Popular Steel Works and Agricultural Implements Pvt. Ltd. 1325/1/k, Shivaji Udyam Nagar, Kolhapur - 416008 Kolhapur 695. 696. 697. 698. Akola Amravati Kolhapur Contact No., Fax and E-mail Tel : 0712-2760139, 2763478 Mob : 9823012421 E-mail : Tel : 0724-2433660, 6518616 Fax : 0724-2433660 Mob : 9371009913 E-mail: Tel : 0724-2258099, 6518634 Fax : 0724-2259356 Mob : 9371009904 E-mail:;, Tel : 0230-2469699 Mob : 9011807007, 9822550909, 9370655888 E-mail: Tel : 0721-2573407, 2578790 Tel : 0231-2657376, 2657424, 2672022 Fax : 0231-2657988 E-mail : 108 Products Sprayer, duster, seed planter, brush cutter, cotton picker Maize thresher, paddy thresher, multi-crop thresher, groundnut thresher, power sprayer, animal drawn sprayer, duster Thresher, animal-drawn sprayer, power sprayer Reversible plough (1/2 furrow), Surrey ridger (2/3 furrow), cultivator (7/9/11 tynes), seed drill Trolley, cultivator, disc harrow, seed drill Reversible plough (2/3/4), sub-soiler, rotavator, mould board plough, disc plough, cultivator, seed drill, leveler, sugarcane planter, ditcher S. No. Name & Address District Prabhu Agro Industries Malkapur Road, Bodwod, Jalgaon Proton Electrical Appliances Aurangabad Jalgaon 701. Raina Agrico Pvt. Ltd. Plot No. U-155, MIDC, Hingna Road, Nagpur – 440016 Nagpur 702. Rajkumar Agro Engg. Pvt.Ltd. Near Union Bank Of India, Ghat Road, Nagpur - 440018 Nagpur 703. Rama Machineries Below Saraswat Bank, Agrasen Chowk, Gandhi Bag, Nagpur Nagpur 704. Rashtriya Yantra Karyalaya Pragati Maidan, Saturna, Amravati Amravati 699. 700. Aurangabad Contact No., Fax and E-mail Tel : 02582-275545 Mob : 9422284535 Products Trailer, cultivator Tel : 0240-2487725 Mob : 9325212773 E-mail: Tel : 07104-236204 Fax : 07104-237939 Mob : 9970191892/1 E-mail: Tel : 0712-2725171, 2772570, 2725271 Fax: 0712-2773746 Mob : 8588859772 E-mail: ;; rajkumaragromachines@gm http://www.rajkumaragromac Mob : 9822738939 Chaff cutter, Tel : 0721-2672485, 2677704 Trolley, seed drill, cultivator, plough 109 Rotavator Groundnut decorticator, cultivator, disc harrow, seed drill Power operated HTP sprayer S. No. 705. 706. 707. 708. 709. 710. 711. Name & Address District Rishi Laser Limited Gate No. 229, Alandi Markal Road, Village Markal 412105, Tehsil Khed, Dist. Pune S. K. Industries Plot No. B-34, MIDC, Satara Pune Sai Sonalika Tractors Near Padmavati Petrol Pump, Nagar-Manmad Road, Savedi, Ahmednagar Sai Steel Work Plot No. P.A.P.-4, Behind Gajendra Hotel, MIDC, Shiroli, Kolhapur Sandip Trade Wings A/p Wadala Mahadev, Near Ashoknagar Phata, Taluka Shrirampur, Ahmednagar Sardar Engineering 8, Banjara Layout Pili Nadi, Kampthee Road, Nagpur Sham Fabricators Shivaji Udyam Nagar, Kolhapur Ahmednagar Satara Contact No., Fax and E-mail Mob: 9881730351 E-mail: Products Cultivator, ridger Tel : 02162-244529, 244305 Mob : 9422606029 E-mail – Mob : 9422220438 Reversible plough, mould board plough, seed cum fertilizer drill machine, surrey ridger, cultivator Tel : 0230-2468636 Mob : 9422606465 Tel : 02422-246844 Mob: 9423161618 Reversible plough, hydraulic plough, rotavator, cultivator, surrey ridger, Balram plough Nagpur Tel : 0712-2640328 Trolley, cultivator, disc harrow, seed drill Kolhapur Tel : 0231-2655411 Mob : 9423040319 Tractor trailer, surrey ridger Kolhapur Ahmednagar 110 Chaff cutter, serrated sickle, power weeder Power tiller, trolley S. No. Name & Address District 712. Shree Ganesh Engineering Works Yeola Road, Koparagaon, Dist. Ahmednagar Ahmednagar 713. Shri Datta Engg, & Fabricator 757, Malgagalli, Bhingar, Ahmednagar Shri Ram Associates J-27, Phase 3, MIDC, Akola Office Add. : M21 VHB Collony Gorakshan Road, Akola Shri Samarath Agro Inputs Belapur Khurd, Taluka Shrirampur, Dist. Ahmednagar Shri Venkateshwara Industries Rohalkal (Chakan), Near Bhima River Bridge, Pune Nasik Road, Tal. Khed, Dist. Pune Shri Vishwakarma Automobiles Plot No: 28, MIDC, Phase-2 Akola Ahmednagar 714. 715. 716. 717. Akola Ahmednagar Contact No., Fax and E-mail Tel : 02423-222257, 222742 Mob : 9422228357 E-mail : shreeganesh57@rediffmail.c om; n Tel : 0241-2440115 Tel : 0724-2258325 Mob : 9823090002 E-mail: m Mob : 9822655006, 9763001006 Pune Mob : 982265414031 Akola Tel : 0724-2258588 Mob : 9822699224 111 Products Disc harrow, reversible plough, seed drill, cultivator, ridger, disc plough Cycle hoe Thresher Power tiller drawn multi-crop planter, orchard sprayer, trailer, sugarcane intercultural implement, seed drill, ridger, trailer Paddy thresher Tractor, cultivator, seed drill, reversible plough, thresher, tractor trailer S. No. 718. Name & Address District Shri Wenkateshwara Industries Plot No. 94, Near Kalpana Market, Chikhali Industrial Area, Surya Nagar, Nagpur Shriram Agricultural Implements Narayangaon, Tal. Junnar, Dist. Pune Nagpur 720. Shriram Trailer & Engg. Works Station Road, Vaijapur – 423701, Dist. Aurangabad Aurangabad 721. Smita Industries 191/C, Chinchwad 33, Near Hindustan Lever Co.Near Chinchwad Station, Pune Star Enterprises Seasonal House, Plot No. 6, Atharva Park, Aher Nagar, Chinchwad, Pune – 411033 Sunmoon Sleeves Pvt. Ltd. Parasons House, Venkatesh Nagar, Jalna Road, Aurangabad Pune 719. 722. 723. Pune Contact No., Fax and E-mail Tel : 0712-2764759, 2781917 Products Paddy thresher, cultivator, disc harrow, seed drill Tel : 02132-242180 Mob : 9890290930, 9766548304 E-mail : Telefax : 02436-222828 Mob : 9422205031, 9422203234 E-mail: Tel : 020-27455372 Tractor trailer, bullock drawn ridger, bullock drawn cultivator, bakhar cum cultivator, cycle Kolpe Pune Telefax: 020-27658741 Mob : 9822446911 Sugarcane harvesting knife, serrated sickle, garden tools, cycle hoe Aurangabad Tel : 0240-2339234, 2339235, 2332944 E-mail: Power tiller 112 Trailer, cultivator Serrated sickle, tubular maize sheller, groundnut decorticator, bhendi plucker S. No. 724. 725. 726. 727. 728. 729. 730. Name & Address District Superior Manufacturing Company Balapur Road, In front of Bhirdbadi, Akola Suresh Engg. Works Oposite Shivaji College, Akot Road, Akola – 444001 Surya Agro Mech. Pvt. Ltd. Pune Solapur Road, Hadapsar, Vitthal Nagar, Near Laxmi Colony, Pune – 411028 Akola Suyog Agro Fabrication Engg. Works At. Hanmantgaon, Post Pathare Bk., Tal. Rahata, Ahmednagar Swamy Agro Industries N-7, A-4/1, CIDCO, Aurangabad Swastik Agro Industries, D-156, Street No.10, MIDC, Dhule Swastik Trailer Borkar Vasti Loni-Kolbhar, Pune- Solapur Road, Malimala, Pune Ahmednagar Contact No., Fax and E-mail Tel: 0724-2439208, 2432498 Products Trolley, cultivator, disc harrow, seed drill Akola Tel : 0724-2433936, 2440428 Trolley, agricultural machinery Pune Tel : 020-26990099, 26913455 Mob : 9922024522, 9850957290 E-mail – Mob : 9822548163 Trailer, cultivator, plough, reversible plough, seed cum fertilizer drill, sugarcane harvester Aurangabad Tel : 0240-2480135 Mob: 9873545241 Power tiller, plough, trailer, raised bed maker, sprayer, thresher Dhule Tel : 02562-239780 Mob : 9422250714 Tractor trailer Pune Tel: 020-26913485 Agricultural trailer 113 Bullock drawn sugarcane intercultural implements S. No. 731. Name & Address District Tekade Industries Cooperation Badnera Road, Amravati – 444601 Trans Mech. Systems C 13/14, MIDC, Baramati Amravati 733. Trimurti Agro Industries B-31/32, MIDC, Ahmednagar Ahmednagar 734. Trimurti Agto Industries D-63, MIDC, Awdhan, Dhule Dhule 735. Uday Agency Shivaji Chowk, Shindkheda, Dhule Utkrishth Tiller Sales Pvt.Ltd. 225/1A, Jiyaji Mention, Radha Krishna Hotel, PuneSolapur Road, Hadapsar, Pune Vaibhav Steel Works A-24, MIDC, Shiroli, Kolhapur Venkatesh Agro Engineering Works Jalna Dhule 732. 736. 737. 738. Baramati Pune Contact No., Fax and E-mail Tel : 0721-272144, 2673940 Mob : 9822414078 E-mail:; Tel : 0241-2277757 Tel : 02562-239741 Mob. : 9326217905 Tel : 02566-222769 Mob : 942349423, 9975273799 Tel : 2026993116 E-mail: Products Trolley, cultivator, disc harrow, seed drill Sugarcane tippler, rotavator trailer, front end dozer, front end loader, back hoe Reversible plough, hydraulic plough, cultivator, trailer, disc harrow, seed drill Reversible plough, hydraulic plough, cultivator, trailer, disc harrow, seed drill Power tiller, cultivator, trailer Inter cultivator, tiller, brush cutter, chain saw, sprayer Kolhapur Tel : 0230-6513741 Mob : 9225803041 Cultivator, hydraulic reversible plough, surrey ridger Jalna Tel : 02482-220049 Mob: 9423251759 Adjustable bakhar, bullock cart, bullock drawn reversible plough, seed cum fertilizer drill 114 S. No. Name & Address District 739. Vijay Engg. & Machinery Co. 1420, C Ward, Laxmipuri Kolhapur – 416002 Kolhapur 740. Vikas Engg. Works Plot No. F-44, MIDC-2, In front of Janata Tyres, Akola Vikram Trailors & Steel Furnitures S. M. P. Industrial Area,Plot No. 28, Indapur Road, Akluj Shankar Chandev Shinde, Dist. Solapur Vinit Agro & Steel Industries Pragati Compound, Saturna, Amaravati Vishawas Trailers 1243/85-86, Shivaji Udyamnagar, Kolhapur – 416008 Vivek Engineering Works Plot No. A14, MIDC, Shiroli, Kolhapur Akola 741. 742. 743. 744. Contact No., Fax and E-mail Tel : 0231-2641876, 2641877, 2642515 Fax : 0231-2640420 Mob : 9923207988 E-mail: Tel : 0724-258727 Products Reaper, weeder, rotary tillerbrush cutter Trolley, seed drill, cultivator, plough Solapur Tel : 02185-225558 Mob : 9850519945 E-mail : Trailer, seed drill Amaravati Tel : 0721-2676793, 2677704 Disc harrow, cultivator, leveler, disc harrow, seed drill, duck foot cultivator Kolhapur Tel : 0231-2658662 Mob : 9890033456 Trailer Kolhapur Tel : 0230-2468646 Mob : 9422044555, 9422048446 E-mail: vivekengineeringworks@yah Tractor trailer 115 S. No. 745. 746. Name & Address Yezd Engineering Works Vill. Khedpada, Taluka Dahanu, Thane Yugavatar Mehar Baba Agricultural Machinery’s Office & Works, W 37 A & W 38 A, Phase III, MIDC, Akola District Thane Contact No., Fax and E-mail Tel : 02528-2241018 Products Power tiller trailer, cage wheel, cultivator, chipper, shredder Akola Tel : 0724-2258183, 2459261, 2259303 Bullock drawn precision intercrop seed drill-cum-planter, self-propelled tool bar with attachments such as crop residue disintegrator, tiller, slasher, reaper, inter row cultivator and sprayer Tractor and power tiller operated axial flow thresher, tractor trailer, cultivator, tractor drawn leveler, tractor drawn ridger, tractor cage wheel, power tiller trailer, tractor drawn MB & disc plough, zero-till drill, roto-drill, rotavator, chaff cutter Tractor trailer, cultivator, tractor drawn leveler, tractor cage wheel Hand winnower, pedal thresher, power hold on thresher, animal drawn MB plough, heavy soil plough, interculture plough, manual groundnut decorticator, cono weeder Pedal thresher, hold on power thresher, animal drawn MB plough, heavy soil plough, groundnut decorticator 1.15. Odisha 747. Akriti P.O. Bamra – 768 221, Dist. Sambalpur Sambalpur Tel : 06642-229095, 229336 Mob : 9437051336 E-mail: 748. Durga Agro Engg. Balasore Kartik Enterprises Pvt.Ltd. B-20, Industrial Estate, Cuttack - 753010 Balasore Mob : 9438466468 Cuttack Tel : 0671-2344254 Metaplast Industries Kalyaninagar, Cuttack – 753010, Dist. Cuttack Cuttack Tel : 0671-2344040 Fax : 0671-2345035 749. 750. 116 S. No. 751. 752. 753. 754. 755. 756. Name & Address District Contact No., Fax and E-mail Mob : 9437045567 Nataraj Engg. A-1431, Industrial Estate, Cuttack Prachi Works Pvt. Ltd. S-3/34&35, S-A, Z-B, Mancheswar Industrial Estate, Bhubaneswar 751010, Dist. Khurda Pragati Engineering 11/2, Industrial Estate, Madhupatna, Cuttack – 753010 Cuttack Sahoo Engineering A-37, Industrial Estate, Cuttack Subash Iron & Agrilcultural Industries Industrial Estate, IDCO, Plot No. 8, P.O. Kesinga, Dist. Kalahandi Cuttack Tel : 0671-2340842 Mob : 9238635876 Kalahandi Swain Engineering Works Bhubaneswar Bhubaneswa r Tel : 06670-222115, 223472 Mob : 9437070643, 9437576643 E-mail: Tel : 0674-2560049, 2558889 Khurda Cuttack Tel : 0674-2580286, 2584026, 2432404 Mob : 9437078522 E-mail: Tel : 0671-2345066, 2347435 117 Products Cultivator, tractor trolley Tractor operated axial flow thresher, power tiller operated axial flow thresher, power thresher cum winnower Tractor and power tiller operated axial flow thresher, tractor trailer, cultivator, tractor drawn leveler, tractor drawn ridger, tractor cage wheel, power tiller trailer, tractor drawn MB & disc plough Tractor trailer, cultivator, tractor drawn leveler, tractor cage wheel Manual weeder, MB plough, cultivator, ridger Manual weeder, bullock drawn MB plough S. No. Name & Address District Contact No., Fax and E-mail Products 1.16. Punjab 757. 758. 759. 760. 761. 762. 763. A S Agricultural Works Ludhiana Road, Malerkotla – 148023, Dist. Sangrur Agritech Corporation Jalandhar Road, Industrial Estate, Hoshiarpur Sangrur Tel : 01675-257049 Mob : 98156-54129 Straw combine, combine harvester Hoshiarpur Agricultural implements Ajaco Engineering Products Pvt. Ltd GT Road, Goraya, Jalandhar Amar Agricultural Implements Works Amar Street, Janta Nagar, Gill Road, Ludhiana – 141003 Jalandhar Tel : 01882-509036 E-mail : m Tel : 01826-262271, 262571 E-mail: Tel : 0161-2491780, 2493128 Fax : 0161-2491780 Mob : 9872018040 E-mail: Amar Singh & Sons Near Railway Crossing Ahmedgarh - 148021 Dist. Sangrur Amrinder Agro Industries Rajkot Road, Near PNB Bank, Sanghera, Dist. Barnala Amrit Industries G.T. Road, Goraya, Jalandhar Sangrur Tel : 01675-2404479 Barnala Tel : 01679-232080 Mob : 9779433008, 9779432500 E-mail: Tel:01826-62390 Ludhiana Jalandhar 118 Combine harvester, chaff cutter, straw combine Multi-crop thresher, sunflower thresher, maize dehusker-cumsheller, self-propelled sprayer, power weeder, groundnut thresher, axial flow paddy thresher, chaff cutter, rotary tiller, fodder cutter cum loader, rotary tiller Harambha thresher, seed-cumfertilizer drill, zero-till drill Power operated rotary tiller, seed drill Chaff cutter, agricultural machinery S. No. Name & Address District 764. Anand Tractors & Motors 10540-B, Partap Nagar, St. No.9 & 10, Bhagwan Chowk, Ludhiana Ludhiana 765. Angel Infocom 4A, 2nd Floor, Sargodha Colony, Pakhowal Road, Ludhiana - 141001 Ludhiana 766. Arson Agro Industries C-1, Ind. Focal Point, Moga – 142001 Moga 767. ASS Foundry & Agricultural Works Near Police Station, G.T. Road, Jandiala Guru, Amritsar - 143115 Avtar Kalsi Agro Works Moga, Link Road, Talwandi Bhai, Ferozepur Amritsar 768. Ferozepur Contact No., Fax and E-mail Tel : 0161-2531443, 5015443, 2535859 Mob : 9316922804, 9814021243 E-mail: robinanandindustries@conne Tel : 0161-5021529 Mob : 9988998205, 9803322606 E-mail:, Tel : 01636-222995 Mob: 9815700235, 9815026057 E-mail: Tel : 0183-2432367 Telefax : 0183-2432545 Mob : 9872652367 E-mail: Tel : 01632-231055 Mob : 9814692997, 9814070295 E-mail: m/ 119 Products Tractor, trolley, disc plough, reversible MB plough, rotavator Combine harvester Hydraulic trailer, cultivator, disc harrow Bed planter, zero till drill, seed drill, cultivator (spring/rigid), rotavator, potato planter, reaper, potato digger, thresher, straw combine Zero-till drill, tractor mounted sprayer, seed-cum-fertilizer drill, spray pump, disc ridger, straw reaper, rotary puddler tiller, happy seeder, plough, laser land leveler, rotavator, roto seeder, combine harvester, tractor drive combine, cultivator S. No. Name & Address District 769. Avtar Singh & Sons Near Railway Crossing Ahmedgarh – 148021, Sangrur Sangrur 770. BCS India Pvt.Ltd. Vill. Maangarh, Kohara – Machhiwara Road, P/O Kohara - 141112, Ludhiana Ludhiana 771. Bedico Automotives 94, Street No. 5, Link Road, Dashmesh Nagar Ludhiana – 141003 Ludhiana 772. Bharat Industrial Corporation Akalsar Road, Moga 142001 Moga 773. Bir Singh & Sons Chandigarh Road, Samarala – 141114, Dist. Ludhiana Ludhiana Contact No., Fax and E-mail Tel : 01675-240479, 240278 Mob: 9814246278 Tel : 0161-2848597, 3238598 Mob: 9872874743, 7452848598 E-mail: Tel : 0161-4623910, 5033601, 2539910 Fax : 0161-4624910 E-mail: Tel : 01636-222075, 224075, 229075, 224076 Mob: 9814069075, 9878029075 E-mail: , Tel : 01628-262316 Mob: 9814126316 120 Products Straw combine, seed drill, disc harrow, groundnut digger, potato planter, zero-till drill, high capacity thresher, chaff cutter, Harambha thresher, seed-cum-fertilizer drill, maize sheller, stubble cutter, bund former Reaper binder, power weeder, ridger, potato digger, seed drill, Selfpropelled fodder harvester/grass cutter, lawn mower, cultivator, power sprayer, trolley Rotary tiller blades and bearings Harambha thresher, tractor mounted reaper, self-propelled reaper, paddy thresher, sunflower thresher, potato planter, straw reaper, fodder harvester, fodder chopper-cumtrolley loader, potato digger Zero-till drill, Harambha thresher, straw reaper, sunflower thresher, multi-crop seed-cum-fertilizer drill, stubble shaver, tiller S. No. 774. Name & Address District Crystal Foundry P.O. Box 44, G.T. Road, Goraya, Jalandhar Darshan Singh & Co. P.O. Box 30, G.T. Road, Goraya, Jalandhar Dashmesh Agril. Works Vill. Tehkhanwala, Malout, Muktsar Dashmesh Mechanical Works Pvt. Ltd. Raikot Road, Malerkotla – 148023, Sangrur Jalandhar 778. Dasmesh Agro Works Patiala Road, Moonak, Dist. Sangrur Sangrur 779. Dhiman Engineering Works Samana Road, Bhawnigarh 148026, Dist. Sangrur Sangrur 780. Droli Mechnical Works (Regd.) Near Majestic Cinema, Majestic Road, Moga - Moga 775. 776. 777. Jalandhar Muktsar Sangrur Contact No., Fax and E-mail Tel : 01826-62240 Products Chaff cutter, agricultural machinery Tel : 01826-62692, 62322, 62449 E-mail: Tel: 01637-242551 Mob: 9815204099 Chaff cutter, agricultural machinery Tel : 01675-253726, 254726, 284221 Fax : 01675-261726 Mob : 9814000120, 8872688726, 9417025726, 9815174313 E-mail: out_us.html Tel : 01676-276469 Mob : 9815582576, 8872153653 E-mail: Mob : 9814113461, 8437113461 E-mail: Tel : 01636-223557 Telefax: 01636-223487 Mob : 9814360027, 9814933027, 9463233327 Maize harvester combine, selfpropelled combine harvester, track harvester combine, rotavator, tractor driven harvester combine, straw reaper, cultivator, seed cum fertilizer drill, happy seeder, bed planter, thresher 121 Seed-cum-fertilizer drill, cotton seed drill Zero till seed drill, straw reaper, rotavator, laser leveler, happy seeder Stubble shaver, cultivator, rotavator Fertilizer spreader, cultivator, fodder reaper, spray pump, semi-automatic potato planter, automatic potato planter (2/4 row), automatic potato S. No. Name & Address District 142001 781. Falcon Industries 2524, Janta Nagar, St. No. 5, Gill Road Ludhiana – 141003 Ludhiana 782. Gill Agri Implement Pvt. Ltd. Vill. Danewala, G.T. Road, Malout - 152107 Gill Agro Industries (Regd.) India G T Road, Village Danewala, Malout – 152107, Dist. Muktsar Golden agriculture Works Link Road, Opp. B. D. Office, Mansa - 151505 Muktsar 783. 784. Contact No., Fax and E-mail E-mail: in; http://www.drolimechanical.c om/ Tel : 0161-2490877, 2494840 Fax : 0161-2503156 Mob: 09872620996 E-mail: falcongardentools@rediffmail .com http://www.falcongardentools .com/ Mob: 9317100008 E-mail: Products planter with fertilizer attachment, fodder reaper cum loader, potato digger, fodder cutter cum loader, sub-soiler, potato grader, ridger, disc harrow, Harambha thresher, paddy thresher, sunflower thresher, stubble cutter, potato grader, rotavator, zero till drill, maize sheller Grafting tools, light weight prunner, tea leaf plucking shear, pruning saw, thorn remover, lawn mower, hedge shear Disc harrow Muktsar Tel : 01637-263351-53 Mob: 9872000650, 9417066252, 9417186003 E-mail: Combine harvester, multi-crop thresher, hydraulic disc harrow, trolley, paddy cum multi crop thresher, tractor operated sprayer, reaper, rotavator Mansa Mob: 9799442155 Reaper 122 S. No. Name & Address District 785. Gurdeep Engineering Works Nabha Road, Vill. Chaswal, Bhadson, Patiala Patiala 786. Gurdev Mechanical Works Near Bus Stand, ZiraFaridkot Road, Talwandi Bhai, Dist. Ferozepur Gurdip Singh Avtar Singh V& PO Gehri Mandi, Rly. Station, Jandiala, Amritsar – 143119 Gursukh Agro Works Vill. Jhakroudi, P.O. Samrala, Ludhiana Ferozepur 789. Guru Nanak Agri. Implements Manufacturers G.T. Road, Bye Pass, Near Pathankot Chowk, Jalandhar Jalandhar 790. Guru Nanak Agri.Engg.Works Balkar Combines Barnala 787. 788. Contact No., Fax and E-mail Mob : 9878200027, 7305700027, 8528200027 E-mail: http://www.gurdeepcombines .com/site/ Tel : 01632-230130, 230257 Products Air conditioned combine harvester Straw reaper, agricultural implements Amritsar Fax : 0181-2442188 Mob: 9815891218 Wheat thresher, seed drill Ludhiana Tel : 01628-262422 Mob : 9417100150, 9646000555 E-mail: Tel : 0181-2602670, 5007046, 2600740 Mob: 9855894015 E-mail: http://www.gurunanakagricult Tel : 01679-248250, 248166, 233887 E-mail: Orchard sprayer, aeroblast sprayer 123 Four row semi-automatic planter with fertilizer attachment, potato digger elevator, automatic potato planter, pulverizing roller, bund former, ridger, potato grader, groundnut digger, tiller, disc harrow Multi-crop combine harvester, track combine, tractor driven harvester, straw reaper S. No. Name & Address District Bhatinda Road, Handiaya, Barnala - 148107 791. Guru Nanak Engg. Works G.T. Road, Talwandi Bhai, Ferozepur Gurunanak Industries Sales Corp. Near Tinkoni, Opp. BDO Office, Mansa Ferozepur 793. Harvindera Agro Industries Plant Kankwal Chehllan, Teh. Budhlada, Dist. Mansa Mansa 794. Hind Agro Industries Outside Alohran Gate, Nabha, Dist. Patiala Patiala 792. Mansa Contact No., Fax and E-mail n; Tel : 01632-230357 Mob : 9417929357 Tel : 01652-232998, 500998 Mob : 9316660082 E-mail:, Tel : 01652-255054 Mob : 9417629070, 9501286161, 9463329689 E-mail: m Tel : 01765-226571, 504499 Mob : 9814699997, 9814002910 E-mail: m/ 124 Products Reaper, seed drill, maize thresher, multi-crop thresher, straw reaper, disc harrow Self-propelled vertical conveyer reaper, tractor front mounted vertical conveyer reaper, forage harvester, straw chopper, trash slasher, gardening tools Laser leveller, rotavator Self-propelled combine harvester, tractor mounted combine, straw reaper, rotavator, roto-till drill S. No. Name & Address District 795. Hindustan Agro Industries Opp. – Jaswant Theatre, G T Road, Malout – 152107, Dist. Muktsar Muktsar 796. Hira Agro Industries Cantt Road, Nabha, Dist. Patiala Patiala 797. HR Engineer Samana Road, Bhawnigarh 148026, Dist. Sangrur Sangrur 798. Indo German Agri. Sprayers, and Pressing Works Near Punjab Cold Storage, G.T. Road, Ludhiana Indtec Elektro Control F-6, Focal Point, Phagwara Road, Hoshiarpur -146001 Ludhiana 799. Hoshiarpur Contact No., Fax and E-mail Tel : 01637-500466 Telefax : 01637-502466 Mob: 9216750466, 9257250466, 9815920466 E-mail: hai.agriimpliments@yahoo.c; Tel: 01765-220442, 220701, 220374 Mob: 9417313000 E-mail: Tel : 01672-270185 Mob : 9814113561, 9814319561 E-mail:, Tel : 0161-2749507, 2749508, 2745366 Tel : 01882-248487, 657678 Fax : 01882-249678 Mob: 9876423889, 9216523554, 9217149678 E-mail:; 125 Products Animal driven seed-cum-fertilizer drill, post hole digger, multi-crop seed drill, rear mounted reaper, disc harrow (mounted/trailed type), maize sheller, paddy thresher, multi crop thresher, hopper thresher, Harambha thresher, chaff cutter Combine harvester (self-propelled and tractor operated) Laser leveling system, trolley, straw reaper, spray pump, cultivator, rotavator Sprayers, dusters and blowers Power tiller operated equipment S. No. Name & Address District Ishwar Farmline Equipments Chaunda Road, Amargarh 148022, Dist. Sangrur Sansar Agro Industries Opp. Raja Filling Station, Raikot Road, Malerkotla – 148023, Dist. Sangrur Sangrur 802. Jandu Agro Industries B-36, Focal Point, Moga – 142001 Moga 803. Jandu Engg. Works Majestic Road, Moga - 142001 Moga 804. Jandu Industries Majestic Road, Moga Moga 805. Jhandeana Industries C-68-69-70, Focal Point, GT Road, Moga - 142001 Moga 800. 801. Sangrur Contact No., Fax and E-mail Tel : 1675-284021 Mob : 9216227149, 9216230149 Tel : 01675-251205 Telfax: 01675-260205 E-mail:; m Tel : 01636-221955, 224434 E-mail: Mob: 9855089806, 9855400100 E-mail: Tel : 01636-223204 Tel : 01636-228511, 231208 Mob: 9814833511, 9814832511, 9814034924, 9257233512 E-mail: , 126 Products Self-propelled combines (Farmline) Tractor drawn combine, straw reaper, stubble cutter, rotavator gears Harambha thresher, wheat thresher, straw reaper, automatic potato planter, disc harrow, stub cutter, potato digger, cultivator, bund maker Rotavator, thresher, post hole digger, boom sprayer, disc harrow Disc harrow cultivator, potato digger, potato planter, Harambha thresher, seed drill No-till drill, rotavator, thresher, straw cutter and loader, post hole digger, straw reaper, straw reaper cum trolley, combine harvester (selfpropelled & tractor driven) S. No. 806. Name & Address District John Deere Sirhind Works Chalaila Road, Opp.National Power Grid, Vill. Amampur 147001, Dist. Patiala KS Agrotech Private Limited. Raikot Road, Malerkotla 148023, Dist. Sangrur Patiala 808. Kartar Agro Industries Pvt. Ltd. Amloh Road, Bhadson, Patiala Patiala 809. Kartar Engineering Works GT Road, By Pass, Near Pathankot Chowk, Jalandhar Kumar Traders H.O. 273, New Janak Puri, Netaji Nagar, Ludhiana 141008 Jalandhar 807. 810. Sangrur Ludhiana Contact No., Fax and E-mail / Products Combine harvester Tel : 01675-254555, 259055, 259955 Mob : 9872500655 E-mail: Tel : 1765-260136, 260236, 260486 Mob : 9217100236, 9216408036, 9216905036 E-mail:, kartarcombine@kartarindia.c om, http://www.kartarcombines.c om/ Mob : 9814533526 Combine harvester (self-propelled and tractor operated), straw reaper, rotavator, roto seed drill, laser land leveler Tel : 0161-2782847, 2544747 Mob : 9872942946, 9417244747 E-mail: Rotavator parts, thresher parts, reversible plough parts 127 Multi-crop combine harvester, maize combine harvester, knotter, rotavator Potato digger, potato planter S. No. 811. Name & Address District Contact No., Fax and E-mail Mob: 9872137333 Reaper Sangrur Tel : 01675-222664 Mob: 9417826060, 9463126665, 9876346464 E-mail: Gear boxes for tractor driven combine, straw reaper and stubble cutter, rotavator gear box, rotavator blades Ludhiana Tel : 161-2814336, 2816236 Mob : 9814508500, 9814030436 E-mail: n http://www.mpproductsindia.c om/ Tel : 01636-226135, 226135 Mob : 9815533106, 9815134421 E-mail:, Roto seeder, rotary tiller, leveller, rotavator Laddi Agro Industries Link Road, Mansa - 151505 Lotey Agro Industries M.K. Road, Near Jagan Nath Petrol Pump, Opp. Malwa Gramin Bank, Dhuri - 148024 Dist. Sangrur M. P. Products (India) Vill. Rania, Malerkotla Road, Ludhiana Mansa 814. Madho Agro Industries (Regd.) Plot No. B-3, Industrial Focal Point, G.T. Road, Moga Moga 815. Madho Engg. Works B-1, Focal Point, Industrial Area, G T Road, Moga 142001 Moga 812. 813. Tel : 01636-222709, 227045 Mob : 9814320045 128 Products Wheat cutter thresher, paddy thresher, sunflower thresher, Harambha thresher, seed cleaner, shrub master, straw reaper, seed drill, zero-till drill, rotavator, potato planter, disc harrow, cultivator, fodder cutter-cum-loader, combine harvester Wheat cutter thresher, paddy thresher, sunflower thresher, Harambha thresher, straw reaper, multi-purpose cutter, sunflower thresher S. No. Name & Address District 816. Madho Mechanical Works B-49, Focal Point, G T Road Moga -142001 Moga 817. Maghar Singh Matharu & Sons 893-5, Link Road, Industrial Area - A, Ludhiana Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd Farm Equipment Sector, Mahindra Applitrac, Vill. Chappercheri. P.O- Landran, Sas Nagar, Mohali - 147307 Malkeet Engg. Works Railway Road, Talwandi Bhai, Ferozepur Malkit Agro Industries Cantt Road, Near Preeti Gas, Nabha Malwa Agro Industries Opp. B.D.O. Office, Link Road, Mansa - 151505 Manku Agriculture Works Barnala Road, Pakho Kanchian – 148108, Barnala Manku Agro Tech. Pvt. Ltd. Sehajpura Road, Samana, Patiala Ludhiana 818. 819. 820. 821. 822. 823. Ajitgarh Ferozepur Nabha Mansa Barnala Patiala Contact No., Fax and E-mail Tel : 01636-220135, 227044 Fax : 01636-227021 Mob : 9872971247, 9876071244 Tel : 0161-5025889, 2667889 Products Harambha thresher, paddy thresher, sunflower thresher, straw reaper Trolley, disc harrow, cultivator Mob: 7738895544 E-mail:; sharma.varun@mahindraswa Mob : 9814558724, 9855368798, 9465375061 Rotavator Tel : 01765-523412, 529077, 223412, 504414, 229077 Mob: 9216538998 E-mail: Tel :01679-288608 Mob: 9872357706 Tel : 01764-295112, 225012, 222012, 501012 Mob: 9876727012, 9815621012, 9815626012, Self-propelled combine 129 Zero till drill, wheat thresher, paddy thresher, rotavator Reaper Thresher, rotavator, reaper Harvester combine S. No. 824. 825. 826. 827. 828. Name & Address District Contact No., Fax and E-mail 9815622012 E-mail: http://www.vishalcombines.p _manku.html Mob : 9872476601, 9872153572, 9876430731 E-mail: Manku Repairing & Agri. Works Barnala Road, Near Vhowk, Pakho Kanchian, Dist. Barnala Master Malwa Product C-48, Focal Point, Moga Barnala Moga Tel : 01636-221529, 238912 Mob: 9814090620 Matharu Agricultural Implements Zira Road, Ferozepur Matharu Engg. Works Zira Road, Satiya Wala Chowk, Ferozepur Cant. Ferozepur Tel : 01632-246977, 272028 Ferozepur Matharu Industries Pvt. Ltd. Ferozepur Road, Faridkot 151203 Faridkot Mob : 9855022654, 9815346500 E-mail:, matharuenggworks@yahoo.c om http://www.matharucombine. com/ Tel : 01639-250377, 256177 Mob : 9357750575, 130 Products Harmbha thresher, power duster, reaper, rotavator Agricultural and combine parts and gear box, thresher guide drum, drum pulley set, pulleys for combines and reapers Shrub master, trolley, disc harrow, cultivator Combine harvester, track combine (Fieldking) Laser land leveller, rotavator, rotoseed-drill, puddler, pulverizing roller S. No. 829. Name & Address District MB Agro Industries C-15, Industrial Focal Point, Moga Meghraj Goyal & Co. College Road, Opp. Axis Bank, Barnala Moga 831. Modern Industries 52 Industrial Estate, Jalandhar Road, Hoshiarpur - 146001 Hoshiarpur 832. National Agro Industries Link Road, Industrial Area A, Ludhiana Ludhiana 830. Barnala Contact No., Fax and E-mail 9357750577 E-mail: m; Tel : 01636-225438 Mob : 9814225438 Tel : 01679-230731, 234931 E-mail:; Tel : 01882-251636, 251942 Fax. : 01882-250236, 2202059 E-mail:; Tel : 0161-2222041, 5087853 Fax: 0161-4621299 Mob: 9815043000, 9815064000 E-mail:, http://www.nationalagroinds.c 131 Products Gear boxes for rotavator, stubble master, straw reaper Rotary tiller blades Paddy transplanter, hay baler, manual reaper, rotavator, rotary cutter, chiesel plough, sub-soiler, cultivator, disc harrow, zero-till drill, disc plough, trolley Rotavator, zero-till drill, strip-till drill, multi-crop ridge planter, vegetable transplanter, axial flow vegetable seed extracting machine, thresher parts, gear head, paddy seeder, zero-till multi-crop planter for control tractor traffic, zero-till-fertilizer-seed drill, zero till happy seeder, raised bed planter, seed cum fertilizer drill, S. No. 833. Name & Address District Contact No., Fax and E-mail om; http://www.agriculturalimplem Tel : 01632-230468 New Malwa Agri. Works Near Bus Stand, Talwandi Bhai, Ferozepur New Malwa Agro Works D-41, Focal Point, Moga Ferozepur Moga Tel : 01636-226292 Mob : 9815629937 835. New Punjab Mechanical Works Main Road, Talwandi Bhai, Dist. Ferozepur Ferozepur Tel : 01632-230124, 304124 Mob: 9914700324, 9855330324, 9814767842 E-mail: 836. Parambeer Engineers & Manufacturers C-71 & 72, Focal Point Moga –142001 Moga Tel : 01636-224075, 222075, 229075 Mob : 9814069075 E-mail: 837. Passi Agro-Tech Enterprises Passi Chowk, Pakhowal, Road, Ludhiana – 141013 Ludhiana Tel : 0161-2560476 Mob : 9815708476, 9877014476 E-mail: info@lawnmowersandgarden 834. 132 Products seed drill, vegetable nursery transplanter, maize sheller Straw reaper, zero-till drill, other agricultural implements Thresher guide drum, pulley set, combine and reaper parts, sheller parts Straw reaper, seed drill, thresher, ridger, rotary cutter, Bt cotton drill, land leveler, plough, stubble shaver, disc plough, mud maker (disc model), laser leveler, front mounted vertical conveyer reaper, zero till drill, Harambha thresher, disc harrow, paddy thresher Harambha thresher, tractor mounted reaper, self-propelled reaper, paddy thresher, sunflower thresher, potato planter, straw reaper, fodder harvester, fodder chopper-cumtrolley loader, potato digger Lawn mower, garden tools S. No. 838. 839. 840. 841. 842. Name & Address District Precision Cultivation Aids Pvt. Ltd. Shed No. 10, Science & Technology Entrepreneur’s Park, Near G.N.E. College, Gill Road, Ludhiana – 141003 Preet Tractors Pvt. Ltd. Post Box No. 28 Patiala Road, Nabha – 147201, Dist. Patiala Ludhiana Punjab Agri Industries G T Road Talwandi Bhai – 142050, Dist. Ferozepur Punjab Agriculture Industries Near P.W.D. Rest House, Rampura Phul – 151103, Dist. Bathinda Punjab Engineering Works G.T. Road, Talwandi Bhai, Dist. Ferozepur Ferozepur Patiala Bathinda Ferozepur Contact No., Fax and E-mail Mob : 9463460346, 9463460347, 9779662211, 9915555568 E-mail: Products Laser guided land leveller Tel : 01765-220400, 222609, 329549 Fax : 01765-505949 E-mail: Tel : 01632-230130 Mob : 9417468328 E-mail: Tel : 01651-266462, 500562 Mob: 9815600126, 9216211808 Combines (tractor operated and selfpropelled), maize combine, Tel : 01632-230530, 231430 Telefax : 01632-230130 Mob : 9417468328, 9530800130, 9463100130, 878700430, 9501000430 E-mail:, happytalwandi2010@gmail.c om Straw reaper, vertical conveyer reaper, roto seed drill, multi-crop seed drill, maize thresher, paddy thresher, automatic wheat/multi-crop thresher (hopper model), Harambha thresher, zero till drill, rotavator, multi-crop thresher, laser leveller, disc harrow, plough, cultivator, bund maker (disc model), stubble shaver, cotton seed drill, ridger 133 Reaper, multi seed drill, zero-till drill, rotavator, maize thresher, multi crop thresher, paddy thresher, straw reaper, disc harrow, MB plough Harambha thresher, paddy thresher, rotavator S. No. Name & Address District 843. Punjab Tractors Ltd. S.A.S. Nagar, Mohali – 160055, Near Chandigarh, Dist. Rupnagar Rupnagar 844. Rajarh Agriculture Works Near Sran Hospital, Ludhiana Road, Mandi Mullanpur, Dakha, Ludhiana Ludhiana 845. Rajson Agro Engineering Near Octroi Post, Jagera Road, Ahmedgarh - 148021 846. Ram Chand & Sons Patiala Road, Nabha, Dist. Patiala Ram Dass Agriculture Works Bhagta Bhai Ka, Dist. Bhatinda Rattan Agro Industries C-68-70, Focal Point, GT Road, Moga - 142001 Patiala Rattan Iron Foundary G.T. Road, Goraya – 144409, Dist. Jalandhar Jalandhar 847. 848. 849. Bhatinda Moga Contact No., Fax and E-mail Tel : 0172-2271620-27 Fax : 0172-2271307, 2272731 E-mail: Telefax : 0161-2878832 Mob : 9417199761 E-mail:; Mob: 9815150389, 9855027192 E-mail: Tel : 01765-509077, 507077, 520777 Mob. : 9217077070, Tel : 01651-257852, Mob : 9417405352, 8968640101 Tel : 01636-228511, 231208 Mob: 9814832511, 9814833511 E-mail: Web: Tel : 01826-62421, 62758 134 Products Crawler type self-propelled combine (Swaraj) Tractor operated combine harvester, self-propelled combine harvester, straw reaper, rotavator, fodder cutter, raised bed planter, cultivator Battery operated knapsack sprayer Self-propelled combine, tractor operated combine Harambha thresher, paddy thresher Post hole digger, no-till drill, thresher, straw reaper, combine harvester Chaff cutter S. No. 850. Name & Address District Royal Machinery Store Near Railway Phatak, G T Road, Malout – 152107, Dist. Muktsar Royal Threshers & Implements Shed No.8, I.A., Malwa Road, Ferozepur Muktsar 852. Sadhu Singh & Sons P.O. Box 20, GT Road, Goraya, Jalandhar Jalandhar 853. Saggu Engineering Industries & Saggu Agro Industries College Road, Sunam – 148028, Dist. Sangrur Sangrur 854. Saggu Toka Industries Near Partap Chowk Road, Main Bazar, Moga - 142001 Moga 855. Satnam Agro Industries Main Road, Talwandi Bhai, Ferozepur Ferozepur 851. Ferozepur Contact No., Fax and E-mail Tel : 01637-262008, 260966 Mob: 9417380756 Tel : 01632-226281 Mob: 9417357918, 9815622281 royalthrasher&andimp@yaho Tel: 01826-62717, 62417, 62917 Mob: 9814300021, 9814200017 Tel : 01676-222139, 500188 Mob: 9216620328, 9814321153, 9814320328 E-mail:, Tel : 01636-221131 Mob : 9814083713, 9814292792 E-mail: Tel : 01632-23774, 230274 Mob : 9417319274 135 Products Wheat thresher, trailer, disc harrow Multi-crop thresher, rotavator, seed drill, land leveller, tractor mounted combine, straw reaper Chaff cutter, agricultural machinery Combine harvester Thresher, rotavator, reaper blade Reaper, multi-crop seed drill, maize thresher, straw reaper, disc harrow S. No. 856. Name & Address District Sehmbi Agro Industries Nakodar Road, Malsian, Jalandhar Sehra Motors & Tractor Engg. Works Nehru Garden Road, Jalandhar Sirsa Industries D-16, Focal Point, Industrial Area, Banga Road, Nawanshahr - 144514 Jalandhar 859. 860. 857. 858. 861. Contact No., Fax and E-mail Tel : 01821-271158 Jalandhar Tel : 0181-2257691, 2253512 Shaheed Bhagat Singh Nagar Tel : 01823-224116 Mob : 9872444342 Sonalika Agro Industries Corporation 6, Industrial Estate, Jalandhar Road , Opp. ITI, Hoshiarpur -146001 Hoshiarpur Standard Agriculture Works (Regd.) Standard Chowk, Handiaya, Barnala, Sangrur Stavley Machine & Tools Company Near Unison Engg. Industries, Pathankot Road, Jalandhar Sangrur Tel : 01882-252625, 250376, 205794, 252756 E-mail: es/index.asp Tel : 01679-232530, 239061 Mob : 93175104030 Jalandhar Tel : 0181-2610873, 5093000 E-mail: m 136 Products Potato planter, potato grader, sunflower thresher, wheat thresher, seed drill, reaper, cultivator Potato planter, potato digger, ridger, cultivator Harambha thresher, maize sheller, sunflower thresher, potato planter, cultivator, disc harrow, seed drill, straw reaper, maize planter, maize sheller cum dehusker, multi-crop thresher Multi-crop thresher, paddy thresher, maize sheller/dehusker, thresher, groundnut thresher, trailer, rotavator, seed drill, planter, shrub master, leveller Combine harvester, straw combine, self-propelled high clearance sprayer, sugarcane trash spreader Mower and garden tools S. No. Name & Address District Contact No., Fax and E-mail Tel : 01628-262361 Mob : 9815488361 E-mail: Products 862. Sucha Singh & Bros Chandigarh Road, Samrala, Ludhiana Ludhiana 863. Sunfield Agro Industries GT Road, Bye Pass, Jalandhar Super New Punjab Engineering Works Main Road, Talwandi Bhai 142050, Dist. Ferozepur Jalandhar Tel : 0181-6451670 Mob : 9814973573 Ferozepur Wheat thresher, rotavator, seed cum fertiliser drill, Harambha thresher, multi-crop thresher, front mounted leveler, cultivator, bund maker, ridger, stub cutter, plough, disc type bund maker, paddy thresher, laser leveller, puddler, disc harrow, cultivator, happy seeder, rota seed drill, rotavator Surinder Agriculture Works Near Khalsa School (Boys), Chhapar Road, Mandi Ahmedgarh, Dist. Sangrur Swaraj Combine Division Village Chappercheri P.O. Landran, Dist. S.A.S. Nagar (Mohali) Sangrur Tel : 01632-231321, 231324, 556324, 230224 Mob: 9814918624, 9417951334, 9814900324 E-mail: m, n; http://www.supernewpunjab.i n/ Tel : 01675-245260 Mob : 9814318713 Tel : 0160-2250515-18 Fax: 0160-2250512 E-mail: Crawler type self-propelled combine (Swaraj) 864. 865. 866. S.A.S. Nagar 137 Straw reaper, Harambha thresher, multi-crop cutter thresher, multi-crop thresher, multi-crop seed-cumfertilizer drill, zero-till drill, potato planter, potato digger, tillers, ridger, stubble shaver, lawn mower, chaff cutter, fertilizer spreader Potato digger, potato planter, ridger & cultivator Groundnut digger S. No. Name & Address District T.K. Industries Near Radha Suami Satsang Ghar, M.K. Road, Dhuri, Dist. Sangrur Versa Agro Industries 33-36 D, Industrial Focal Point, Patiala - 147003 Sangrur 869. Virdi Modern Agro Industries G.T. Road, Dalli, Bhogpur, Jalandhar Jalandhar 870. Virdi Tubewell Boring Co. (Virdi Agro Technology) Sangrur Road, Patran, Patiala Patiala 871. Vishal Agricultural Works Near New Grain Market, Bhawanigarh Road, Samana – 147101, Dist. Patiala Patiala 867. 868. Patiala Contact No., Fax and E-mail Tel : 01675-265254 Mob : 9814700139 E-mail:, Tel : 0175-3291010, 2212888, 2232300 Mob: 9815070029, 9779070029 E-mail:; http://www.harvesterblades.c om/ Tel : 0181-2724686 Mob : 9815004587 E-mail: Tel : 01764-245217, 245317 Mob : 9041202217 E-mail: m home.htm Tel: 01764-221012 Fax: 01764-222012 E-mail: 138 Products Gear boxes of rotavator and reaper Thresher blades, combine harvester, jack plane, harrow hub, straw reaper blades, ledger plate Shrub master, cage wheel, leveller, harrow disc, trolley Straw reaper, rotavator, combine harvester, zero till drill, laser leveler Combine harvester (self-propelled and tractor operated) S. No. Name & Address District 872. Vishwakarma Agro Engg. Works Hoshiarpur Road, Jandu Singha, Jalandhar Jalandhar 873. Vishwkarma Agri. Works Near Dhilwal Bhaba, Barnala to Sehna Bhador Road, Pakho Kanchian, Dist. Barnala Vishwkarma Agro Industries Kariyal Road, Dirbamandi – 148035, Dist. Sangrur Barnala Zandu Majestic Road, Moga 142001 Zimidara Agro & Allied Industries Vill. Baran Sarhind Road, Patiala - 147001 Moga 874. 875. 876. Sangrur Patiala Contact No., Fax and E-mail Tel : 0181-2700326 Mob : 9855697425, 9915617440 vishwakarmaagro1984@gma Tel: 01679-288607, 288667 Tel : 01676-242722, 242122 Fax : 01676-243222 Mob: 9814147522 E-mail: Tel : 01636-223204 Mob; 9855089806, 9855400100 Tel : 0175-3293948, 2680048 Mob : 9872482548 E-mail:, / 139 Products Ridger, disc harrow, potato planter, maize sheller, potato digger Power duster, straw reaper, Harambha thresher Straw reaper, rotavator, zero-till drill, combine, laser land leveller Automatic potato planter, potato digger, multi-crop cutter Harambha thresher, stubble cutter, zero till drill Combine harvester, laser leveller, straw reaper, rotavator S. No. Name & Address District Contact No., Fax and E-mail Products 1.17. Rajasthan 877. 878. 879. 880. 881. 882. 883. 884. Abudul Kuyum, Makkad Iron and Welding Works Post Paroli Kotadi, Bhilwara Ashok Agriculture Industries Works Churu Ashrfi Engineering Works Gandhi Nagar, Chittorgarh Bhilwara Tel : 01488-233024 Churu Tel : 01561-2241270 Chittorgarh Mob : 94143969152, 9785033192 B. S. Agro Industries Dabwali Road, Sangaria 335524, Dist. Hanumangarh B.L. Industries Corpo. G-1 45 Malpara, Tonk Hanumangarh Mob. 9414535406 Tonk Tel : 01437-225335 Babu lal Jagida and Company Sinadari Road, Barmer Balveer Singh & Sons Sangaria – 335063, Dist. Hanumangarh Bhagirath Mal Mahaveer Prasad Opp. Central Bus Station, Vansthali Marg Station Road, Jaipur – 302006 Barmer Tel : 0284-294345 Hanumangarh Tel : 01488-250205 Disc harrow Jaipur Tel : 0141-2368101 Mob: 9414072572 E-mail: Multi-crop thresher, disc harrow 140 MB plough, bund former, seed cum fertilizer drill, weeder (2/3 row), bakhar Mould board plough, seed drill (2 row), bakhar Bullock drawn seed cum fertilizer drill, bullock drawn ridger plough, bullock drawn blade harrow, bullock drawn bund former, hand hoe Disc harrow Seed drill (2/3 row), bullock drawn MB plough, bund former, bullock drawn seed cum fertilizer drill Cultivator, chaff cutter, disc harrow, disc plough, thresher, leveler S. No. Bhagwati Enterprises G-11-12, Aanda Plaza, Ayad puliya, Udaipur Bhoor Singh & Sons Court Road, Sangaria 335063, Dist. Hanumangarh Chambal Agro Industries Opp. Bhamarha Mendi Kota Udaipur Contact No., Fax and E-mail Tel : 0294-2410813 Hanumangarh Tel : 01488-250992 Kota Seed cum fertilizer drill, thresher Charbhuja Agro Industries Prakash Nagar, Fay Sagar Road, Ajmer Charbhuja Agro Plot No. G I-A RIICO, Industrial Area, Merta City, Nagaur Charbhuja Welding Works Salavatuya Bijoliya, Bhilwara Ajmer Mob: 9829037317 E-mail: chambalagroindustries@yah Tel : 0145-2600274 Nagaur Tel : 01590-220950 Bhilwara Tel : 01489-236400 891. Darshan Agriculture Works Talera, Dist. Bundi - 323001 Bundi Tel: 0747-2438379 Mob: 9414270166 Cultivator, seed cum fertilizer drill, bund former, leveler, chaff cutter, disc harrow, disc plough, trolley, thresher MB plough, bund former, seed cum fertilizer drill, weeder (2/3 row), bakhar Thresher, seed drill, cultivator, disc harrow, bund former 892. Delux Agro Industries NH - 8, Ajmer Road, Bagru – 303007, Jaipur Dhabhai Industries Sagasji Road, Near Udaipur Ice Factory, Sarvaritu Vilash, Udaipur Jaipur Tel : 01412-168166 Mob: 9829099651, 9799048884 Mob: 9829530023 E-mail: 885. 886. 887. 888. 889. 890. 893. Name & Address District Udaipur 141 Products Ridger plough, MB plough, blade harrow, bund former, cultivator, seed cum fertilizer drill Disc harrow Bund former , MB plough , bullock bund former Disc plough, chaff cutter, multi-crop thresher Cultivator, thresher, seed cum fertilizer drill S. No. 894. 895. 896. 897. 898. 899. 900. 901. Name & Address District Dhonsi Mechanization Opp. Utsav Palace, Main Road, Padampur, Dist. Sri Ganganagar G N Enterprises 23-A, Govt. Press Road Kisan Pole, Udaipur - 313001 Garib Nawaj Engineering Company Gandhi Nagar, Chittorgarh Sri Ganganagar Gurunanak Agriculture Works Hanumangarh Road, Rawatsar - 335524, Dist. Hanumangarh Hindustan Metal E-34, IPEA, Kota Hanumangarh Mob : 9829688001 gurunanakrawatsar@gmail.c om Kota Tel: 0744-2422701 Imaliwala Agrico. Mahammad Kamal PostParoli, Kotadi, Bhilwara India Engineering Works Toda Road, Malpura, Tonk Bhilwara Tel: 01488-233022 Tonk Tel : 01432-288610, 288610 Jai Shri Sham Agricuture Works NH-11, Sikar Road, Bus Stand Ranoli, Dist. Sikar Sikar Tel. : 01576-220272 Mob: 9413648094 Udaipur Chittorgarh Contact No., Fax and E-mail Tel : 01505-223570, 222570 Mob: 9414631570, 9414873737 Mob: 9314475582, 9352521854 Mob: 9314112457 142 Products Thresher Agricultural machines Bullock drawn seed cum fertilizer drill (2/3 row), bullock drawn ridger plough, bullock drawn blade harrow, bullock drawn bund former, hand hoe Disc harrow Bund former, multi-crop thresher, seed drill, disc harrow, MB plough, disc plough, cultivator, bakhar MB plough, bund former, seed cum fertilizer drill, weeder (2/3 row), bakhar Seed drill (2/3 row), bullock drawn MB plough, bund former, bullock drawn seed cum fertilizer drill Seed cum Fertilizer Drill, Disc plough, Cultivator, Thresher, Chaff Cutter S. No. 902. 903. 904. 905. 906. 907. 908. Name & Address District Jangir Engineering Works Kota Road, Talera Dist. Bundi Jasveer Engineering Taleda, Bundi Kailash Krishi Yantra Udyog Old RIICO Industrial Area, Bagru - 303007, Jaipur Kalpana Enterprises NB Complex, Plot no. 48, Pratap Nagar Thane ke Pass, Udaipur - 313001 Shri Kanhaiyalal Ramratan Krishi Yantra Laghu Udyog N. H. 11 Rampura Dabari, Sikar Road, Jaipur - 303704 Bundi Kartar Agro Industries Dabwali road, Sangaria 335063, Dist. Hanumangarh Kota Engineering Works J-36 (B), Indraprastha Industrial Area, Kota - 5 Bundi Contact No., Fax and E-mail Mob : 9460120937 E-mail: Tel : 0747-2438600 Products Disc harrow Thresher, seed drill, cultivator, harrow, bund former Thresher, disc harrow, disc plough Jaipur Mob: 9829433761 E-mail: Udaipur Tel : 0294-2491364 Ridger plough, seed cum fertilizer drill, hand tools Jaipur Tel : 01423–224485, 224685 Fax : 01423-224628 Mob : 8447501226, 9829195072 E-mail:, Hanumangarh Mob. 9414535407 MB plough, seed drill, seed cum fertilizer drill, cultivator, bund former, rotavator, groundnut digger, automatic reversible plough, disc plough (2/4 disc), heavy duty spring loaded cultivator (9 tyne), leveller, rotary tiller, groundnut decorticator, disc harrow (mounted/offset), hydraulic tipping trailer, tractor operated post hole digger, multi-crop thresher, chaff cutter Seed cum fertilizer drill Kota Tel: 0744-2441141 Mob: 9829132141 E-mail: 143 Agriculture equipment S. No. Name & Address District 909. Kuldeep Engineers Near Kothari Way Briz, N.H. 8, Keshariyaji – 313802, Udaipur Udaipur 910. Land and Tractor Equipments G-1/86, V.K.I. Area, Extn., Badharna, Jaipur - 302013 Laxmi Engineering Works Shriram Dharmkata, Kejroli Road, Udaipurya Mode, Chomu, Jaipur Madan Engineering Works Station Road, Jadanu, Nagour Jaipur Mahesh Engineering Works Bus Stand, Barlut, Dist. Sirohi Majeed Engineering Works Katerivala, Tijara, Alwar Manku Repairing Works Bhagatpura Road, Sangaria, Dist. Hanumangarh Metal India E-135, 136 Industrial Area, Kota 911. 912. 913. 914. 915. 916. Contact No., Fax and E-mail Tel : 02907-230630, 230342 Mob : 9414162342 E-mail: kuldeepengineering@yahoo. Mob: 9829793916-18 Products Rotavator Thresher, chaff cutter Jaipur Mob: 9928006376, 9829677828 Multi-crop thresher, cultivator, post hole digger, seed cum fertilizer drill, chaff cutter Nagour Tel : 01581-222199 Sirohi Tel : 02972-260578 Cultivator, seed cum fertilizer drill, bund former, leveler, disc plough, disc harrow, trolley, chaff cutter, thresher Bund former, cultivator, ridger Alwar Tel : 0144-2732141 Cultivator, thresher Hanumangarh Mob. 9460647841 Disc harrow Kota Tel : 0744-2362732 Multi-crop thresher, seed cum fertilizer drill, cultivator, bund former, leveler, harrow, bullock drawn seed cum fertilizer drill 144 S. No. Name & Address District Contact No., Fax and E-mail Tel: 0144-2371388 Products Modern Agriculture Delhi Road, Mungsaka, Alwar Mukesh Agrotech 217/218, Emerald Tower, Ashwini Bazar, Udaipur 313001 Alwar 919. Nakoda Agro. Bhadesar, Chittorgarh Chittorgarh Tel: 0294-2561384, 2420088 Mob: 9414156384, 9414343678 E-mail:, Mob : 9829589182 920. New Laxmi Engineering Works Pal Road, Jodhpur New Saggu Agril. Industries Sadul Shahar, Hanumangarh OK Engineering Works Ratanada, Jodhpur Prakash Trolley Works Pali Road, Bar, Dist. Pali Prem Agriculture Industries II Phase H/28 Industrial Area Sinadari Road, Barmer Puppy Metals Shop No 12, Kali Masjid, New Grain Mandi. Near Arrow Drome Circle, Kota 324007 Jodhpur Tel : 0291-2435908 Hanumangarh Tel : 01503-222359 Thresher, seed cum fertilizer drill Jodhpur Tel : 0291-2513695 Pali Tel : 02937-284217 Barmer Tel : 02982-224272 Disc plough, seed drill, chaff cutter, cultivator Bund former, seed cum fertilizer drill, thresher Cultivator, chaff cutter, disk harrow, disc plough, thresher, leveler Kota Mob. 9214405742 E-mail: 917. 918. 921. 922. 923. 924. 925. Udaipur 145 Seed drill, cultivator, bund former, leveler, trolley Rotavator, reaper, seed drill, planter, shredder, chipper, chaff cutter, thresher, sheller Bullock drawn seed cum fertilizer drill, bullock drawn ridger plough, bullock drawn blade harrow, bullock drawn bund former, hand hoe Thresher, chaff cutter, bund former, seed cum fertilizer drill Disc harrow, cultivator, seed drill S. No. 926. Rajasthan Mechanical Works Ltd. A-188 (B), Road No. 6 D, Vishwakarma Industrial Area, Jaipur – 302013 Jaipur 927. Rakesh Agriculture Industries Bus Stand, Pisangana, Ajmer Ajmer Contact No., Fax and E-mail Tel : 0141-2331549, 5107430 Fax: 0141-2332631 Mob. 9460891224 E-mail:, Tel : 0145-2775331 928. Roshan Agro Engg. Works Katerivala, Tijara, Alwar Sadhu Singh & Sons Sangaria - 335063, Dist. Hanumangarh Saggu Agril. Equipment Mathura Road, Kumher Gate, Bharatpur Sahu Metals Plot No. G-510, Road No.-7, st 1 PIA Anantpura, Kota Sarban Singh & Sons Ubavali Road, Sangaria – 335063, Dist. Hanumangarh Sarvesh Agro Enterprises Bhinder, Udaipur Alwar Mob: 9414317825 Tractor drawn seed cum fertilizer drill, bund former, MB plough, bullock drawn seed drill Thresher, cultivator Hanumangarh Tel : 01488-253115 Disc harrow Bharatpur Tel : 05644-260360 Bund former, seed cum fertilizer drill, thresher Kota Mob: 9829102345, 9785502345 Seed cum fertilizer drill, disc harrow Hanumangarh Tel : 01488-250488 Disc harrow Udaipur Tel : 0294-224051 Sh. Babu Lal Vikas Trolley Works Residency Road, Jodhpur Jodhpur Tel : 0291-2770055 Tractor drawn seed cum fertilizer drill, bund former, MB plough, bullock drawn seed drill Cultivator, seed cum fertilizer drill, automatic disc plough 929. 930. 931. 932. 933. 934. Name & Address District 146 Products Cultivator, disc plough, leveler, disc harrow, chaff cutter, mould board plough, seed-cum-fertilizer drill, rotavator S. No. Name & Address District Contact No., Fax and E-mail Tel : 01437-225335 Products 935. Sharma Engineering Toada Road, Malpura, Tonk Tonk 936. Shri KS Farm Implements (P) Limited NH-11, Jaipur Sikar Road, Bus Stand Rampura Dabri, Dist. Jaipur Shyam Industries Jaipur Jaipur Mob: 9829500660, 9829115072 Jaipur Tel : 01432-243228 Singal Agro Engineering Works Katori Wala Tiwara, Tijara Road, Alwar - 301001 Singhvji Enterprises Shree Niketan ke Samne, Ashok Nagar, Main Road, Udaipur Sohan Engineering Works E-36 Industrial Area, Road No.2, Kota Sujaram Trolley Works M. Post Kuchera, Nagour Alwar Mob: 9983874673 Udaipur Tel : 0294-2418909 Ridger plough, MB plough, blade harrow, bund former, cultivator, seed cum fertilizer drill Kota Mob: 9414177977 Nagour Tel : 01584-280051 Sushil Agro Services Vanasthali Marg, Jaipur Jaipur Tel : 0141-2374687 Disc plough, cultivator, bakhar, thresher, trolley, potato planter and garlic planter Cultivator, seed cum fertilizer drill, bund former, leveler, chaff cutter, disc harrow, disc plough, trolley, thresher Seed cum fertilizer drill, multi-crop thresher, kutti machine, weeder 937. 938. 939. 940. 941. 942. 147 Seed drill, bullock drawn MB plough (2/3 row), bund former, bullock drawn seed cum fertilizer drill MB plough, harrow, disc plough, cultivator, rotavator Seed drill (2/3 row), MB plough, bund former, bullock drawn seed cum fertilizer drill Thresher S. No. 943. 944. 945. 946. 947. Name & Address District Universal Sales Corpo. D-5 A Vandana Apartments, Meera Marg, Banipark, Dist. Jaipur Vikash Agro Engineers Vansthali Marg, Jaipur Vishvakarma Engineering Arjia, Bhilwara Vishwakarma Agro Industries G-181 (A) Udyog Vihar, Jetpura (Chomu), Jaipur 302013 Jaipur Contact No., Fax and E-mail Mob : 9828014218 Products Jaipur Tel : 0141-2361936 Multi-crop thresher, chaff cutter Bhilwara Tel : 01482-264903 Jaipur Yash International 34, 35 Gurudev Vihar, Near Jodla Power House, Sikar Road, Jaipur Jaipur Mob: 9829211777, 9460635977 E-mail: vishwakarmaagro777@gmail .com E-mail: yashinternational_lc@rediffm MB plough, bund former, seed cum fertilizer drill, weeder, bakhar Thresher, Disc harrow, Disc plough Seed cum fertilizer drill, chaff cutter Battery operated sprayer 1.18. Tamil Nadu 948. 949. ABC Krishi Equipments India Private Limited 24, Chinthamani Nagar, Avarampalayam, Coimbatore – 641006 ACN Industries 231 Sanganoor Road, (Opp. to Roots), Ganapathy, Coimbatore – 641006 Coimbatore Tel : 0422-2560109 E-mail: Power weeder Coimbatore Mob : 9360355333 Coconut tree climbers, palm climber 148 S. No. 950. Name & Address District Agro Farm Equipment 16, Sivashanmugam Street, S.V.Nagar, Ambattur, Chennai – 600053 Agro links 91, (Old No. 286), Chinnaswamy Naidu Road, New Siddhapudur, Coimbatore – 641044 Chennai 952. Agro Top Farm Equipment Private Limited 214, Trichy Main Road, Thammampatty Pos. , Gangavalli Tk., Salem – 636113 Salem 953. Alpha Agro 210,Chinnaswamy Naidu, Road New Sidhapudur, Coimbatore Amma Engineering Service #D 334/4, Vigneshwara nagar, Tirupur Road, Vadigapalayam Pudur, Gobi - 638452, Dist. Gopichettipalay Coimbatore 951. 954. Coimbatore Gopichettipal ay Contact No., Fax and E-mail Tel : 044-65486543 Mob : 9444032315 E-mail: Tel: 0422-2526871, 2526673, 2533570 Fax: 0422-2520728 Mob: 9363104775 E-mail: Tel : 04282-226029, 227029 Fax : 04282-226638 Mob : 9789414158 E-mail: Tel : 0422-2520338 Mob : 9994990092 Tel : 04285-227758 Mob. : 9842085545 149 Products Rotavator Power tillers parts and farm implements Multi-crop thresher Power tiller & spare parts Rotavator S. No. Name & Address District 955. Andrew Farm Implements 11-A, Munusamy Street, 1st Cross, Vanagaram Road, Athipet, Chennai – 60005 Chennai 956. Anusham Farm Machinery & Power Equipments Private Limited 232,Sathy Road (Opp.Court), Gobichettipalayam, Erode 638452 Erode 957. Arasan Company Firm Office: 27/A1, Madurai Road, Thachanallur, Tirunelveli 627358 Factory: 5/2A-1A, V.M.Chatram, Tirunelveli - 627011 Tirunelveli 958. B Kay Machine Works Opp. Kovai Medical Centre Hospital, 181, Avanashi Road, Civil Aerodrome Post, Coimbatore Coimbatore Contact No., Fax and E-mail Tel : 044-26532607 Mob : 9444014250, 917661425 E-mail: m Tel : 04285-224251, 224139, 329660 Fax : 04285-227137 Mob: 9443305117, 9443143993 E-mail: Tel : 0462-2333217, 2334684 Fax : 0462-2338216, 2574784 Mob: 9842123803, 9842904899, 9842729021 E-Mail:;,, htm Tel : 0422-2574239, 2573439 E-mail: 150 Products Rotavator Power tiller with attachments such as weeder, ridger, turmeric harvester, earthing up & fertilizer applicator, power weeder Special purpose trailer for sugarcane harvester, power tiller trailer Chaff cutter S. No. Name & Address District 959. Bharath Agro Products 1/145-C, Madurai-Mandapam Road, Opp. Union Office, Paramakudi – 623707, Dist. Ramanathapuram Ramanathap uram 960. Bharath Farm Implements PO Box No.11, 126, Tirupur Road, Udumalpet, Dist. Tiruppur Tiruppur 961. Bhuvana Enterprises 533, Near Kavitha Theater, st Kasthuri Bhavan Hotel, 1 floor, Ramnagar, Coimbatore Coimbatore 962. Bull Agro Implements S.F. No. 200/1B6,Trichy Road, Ravathur Pirivu, Kannampalayam (PO), Coimbatore - 641402 Coimbatore 963. Bupathy Industries 205 (221) NSR Road, Saibaba Mission Post, Coimbatore Coimbatore Contact No., Fax and E-mail Tel : 04564-229230, 223244 Mob: 9345810555, 9443323185 E-mail:, Tel : 0422-5521222 Mob : 9842265180, 9894023829 E-mail: Tel: 0422-2231956, 2233632, 2537726 E-mail: bhuvanaenterprises@yahoo. Tel : 0422-6586655, 2910080, 2910091 Fax : 0422-2687435 Mob: 9366624681 E-mail:; m Mob : 9443024059 151 Products Tractor mounted straw combine Heavy duty spring loaded tiller, rigid plough, bund former, disc harrow, disc plough, leveler, ridger, cage wheel Power and hand sprayer Rotavator blades, rotary tiller blades, sugarcane harvester blades, J type blades, paddy twister blades, power tiller blades, imported pto shaft, rotary tiller, rotavator Trailer S. No. 964. 965. 966. 967. 968. Name & Address District Cauvery Agro Industries 18-G, Nanjappanagar, Singanallur, Coimbatore Chakra Equipment Pvt Limited 10, Royal Garden, Kollidam Check Post, Thiruvanai Koil, Trichy - 620005 Coimbatore Cheran Trailers 228, Udamalai Road, Teacher’s Colony, Pollachi, Dist. Coimbatore Dharanee Agrovatoar 5/123, Kandhampalayam Pirivu, NH-47, Bhavani Main Road, Perundurai - 638052, Erode Coimbatore Dhevakane Enterprises 5/30A, Tiruchengodu Road, Andagalore Gate-6, Rasipuram Tk., Namakkal 637401 Namakkal Trichy Erode Contact No., Fax and E-mail Tel : 0422-2573188, 2592378 Mob: 9843012235 Tel : 0431-2232324, 2232329 Mobile: 9965544744 E-mail: m Tel : 04259-229311, 232606 Mob: 9443933711 Tel : 04294-220490, 225490, 221490, 222490 Fax : 04294-222490 Mob: 9366620490, 9443020490 E-mail: dharaneeagrovatoar@rediffm http://www.dharaneeagrovato Tel : 04287-231960 Telefax : 04287-231690 Mob: 9443231960, 9487531960; dhevakaneenterprises@yaho 152 Products Multi-crop thresher Rotavator, cultivator Cultivator, trailer Rotavator, cultivator Rotavator, tiller S. No. Name & Address District 969. Encore Agri Tech. 1098, Maruthamuthu Nagar, Chennai Salai, Kumbakonam – 612002, Dist. Tanjore Tanjore 970. Escorts Limited 811, Poonamalle high Road, Arumbakkam, Chennai 600106 Chennai 971. Everest Industries (India) Pvt. Ltd. 122-A, Palani Main Road, SV Mill, (PO) Udumalpet, Dist. Tirupur Farm Care Agencies 1/10, Haripuram, Patteeshwaram Road, Cholan Maligai, Kimbakonam TK., Thanjavur - 612703 Farm Equipments Corporation 4, Sai Ram, Street, Jothi Nagar, Kolathur, Chennai – 600099 Tiruppur 972. 973. Contact No., Fax and E-mail Tel : 0435-2442074 Fax : 0435-2442567 Mob : 9798483573 E-mail:; m/ Tel : 044-43521134 Mob : 9500090947 E-mail: in; / Tel : 04252-224338 Mob. : 9843024339 Products Baler, weeder, nursery tray Paddy transplanter, power weeder Special plough, bund former with leveler, bunds maker, bund former with ridger, special disc plough, post hole digger Thanjavur Tel : 0435-2416329 Mob: 9842450529 Cage wheel, tipping trailer Chennai Tel : 044-25561622, 32463070 Mob : 9840133306 http://www.farmequipmentsin Rotavator, rotary tiller 153 S. No. Name & Address District Contact No., Fax and E-mail Tel : 044-28261676, 28273493, 42137084 Fax : 044-28265345 Mobile: 9840734269 E-mail :, 974. Farm Implements (I) Pvt. Ltd. 13, Kumarappa Street, Nungampakkam, Chennai – 600034 Chennai 975. Farm Tech Engineering No. 352-A, New Thillai Nagar, Opp. Vallalar Hospital, Marudamalai Main Road, Coimbatore – 641041 Fermier Engineers (P) Limited 33, Sembudoss Street, Chennai - 600001 Coimbatore Tel : 0422-2430042 Mob : 9843624231, 9443132329, 9787712270 Chennai Gomadhi Engineering Services No. 214, Athiyur Road Chinnegoundanvalasu, Kunnathur, Tiruppur – 638103 Tiruppur Tel : 044-25223917, 25224339, 25245608 E-mail: http://www.fermierengineers. com/ Tel : 04294-263445, 264133 Fax : 04294-264512 Mob: 9843017187, 9344666688 E-mail: 976. 977. 154 Products Ratoon manager, pit digger, sugarcane planter, sugarcane harvester, rotavator, single row power tiller operated sugarcane planter, leaf stripper-cum-detopper, baler, brush cutter, rota slasher, forage harvester, post hole digger, cane pitter, tea harvester, tea pruner, cultivator Power tiller with matching attachments Power sprayer Rotavator, baler, rotary tiller, posthole digger S. No. 978. 979. 980. 981. 982. 983. Name & Address District Greaves Agro Equipment Petrol Engines, Unit, F-62 & 63, Sipcot Industrial Complex, Gummidipoondi, Dist. Thiruvallur Greaves Agro Equipment th Wavoo Mansion, 6 Floor, New 48 (old 39) Rajaji Salai, Chennai Greenfield Equipments India Private Limited #237, A4 1, AVG Layout, SIDCO Industrial Estate, Coimbatore - 641021 Thiruvallur Gupta Industries 22-A, GRK Complex, Sathy Main Road, Gobichettipalayam, Dist. Erode Hi-Tech Engg. Co. Sivagiri, Dist. Erode Erode Jayessar Equipment Private Ltd. 91-C, Chinnasamy Naidu Road, New Sidhapudur, Coimbatore – 641044 Coimbatore Contact No., Fax and E-mail Tel : 044-27921566, 27922919 Products Power sprayer, brush cutter, inter cultivator, power driven harvester, mini combine harvester Chennai Tel : 044-25255200, 25224557 Power sprayer, brush cutter, inter cultivator, power driven harvester, mini combine harvester Coimbatore Tel : 0422-2676767, 2676676 Fax : 0422-2676676 Mob : 9367676767 E-mail:; sruni@greenfieldequipments. in Mob: 944224481, 9366644681, 9360044681 Rotary tiller, turmeric/potato digger, seed drill, multi-purpose seed drill Tel : 04204-240478, 240578 Mob: 9443140478 Tel : 0422-4389872 Fax: 0422-4387439 E-mail: Multi-crop thresher, high capacity maize thresher, agricultural implements Erode 155 Rotavator Power tiller (14.5 hp Kishan Sakthi), power tiller operated rotary tiller, rotary cutter, reaper, trailer and sugarcane earthing up equipment S. No. Name & Address District 984. K.G. Industries No 2, Rajaji Nagar, Iyer Hospital Bus Stop, Trichy Road, Singanallur, Coimbatore - 641005 Coimbatore 985. K.L. Enterprises 43/19-B, Raasi Complex, (Near Kongu Classic Hotel), Paramathi Road, Namakkal 637001 Karumalaian Agro Industry Erode to Perundurai Road, Pavalanthampalayam Perivu Bus Stop, Vellipuranthampalayam (Po), Erode - 638112 Kavi Agro Agency 164, Kumaran Road, Sangiliyandapuram Main Road, Trichy - 620001 Namakkal KB Engineering No.7, Thiruvalluvar Nagar, Pattanam Main Road, Ondipudur, Coimbatore – 641016 Coimbatore 986. 987. 988. Contact No., Fax and E-mail Tel : 0422-2321900, 6726317 Mob : 9842230070, 9842930070, 9677388822 E-mail: Mob : 9600988896, 9443440508 E-mail: Products Multi-crop thresher, maize husker sheller Chaff cutter Erode Tel : 0424-2339053, 2339063 Trailer, tractor drawn implements Trichy Tel : 0431-2301115 Telefax : 0431-2301918 Mob : 9244438510 E-mail : Mob : 09944957983, 9944689435 E-mail: Combine harvester, rice transplanter (walking & riding models), power weeder, brush cutter, rotary tiller, reaper 156 Maize husker sheller, thresher S. No. 989. 990. 991. 992. 993. 994. 995. Name & Address District KB Industries Singanallur Post, Coimbatore Kesavan Industries 87, Dharapuram Road, Udumalpet, Dist. Tiruppur Kovai Classic Industries No. 1, Iyer Hospital Road, Singanallur, Coimbatore – 641005 Coimbatore Kovai Engineering Works (P) Limited 88-A, Iyer Hospital Road, Near Kannapiran Mills, Sowripalayam Post, Coimbatore – 641028 Kovai Farm Engg. th 160 B, KPR Layout - 6 Cross, Singanallur, Coimbatore Kovai Tractors Near Telephone Exchange, 2/101, Irugur Road, Chinnampalayam Post, Coimbatore – 641062 KSNM Marketing SF No. 29/1B, Ona Palayam, Green Home Via, Dheenam Coimbatore Tiruppur Coimbatore Coimbatore Coimbatore Coimbatore Contact No., Fax and E-mail Mob : 9944947983, 9944957983, 9363227983 Tel : 0452-273939, 224495 Products High capacity thresher Sugarcane crusher, rubber roll shredder Mob : 9345837456 E-mail: kovaiclassicindustries@gmail .com http://www.kovaiclassicindust Tel :0422-2316456 Mob: 9843067456, 9344836456 E-mail: n Tel : 0422-2591783 Mob: 9443914224, 9486588228 Multi-crop thresher, power thresher, shredder, horticulture equipment, coconut dehusker, power thresher, reaper Tel : 0422-2625008, 2627109 E-mail:; Tel : 0422-3251175 Mob : 9363261175 E-mail: Trailer, cultivator, disc plough, offset disc harrow 157 Multi-crop thresher, maize thresher, land leveller, shredder, shredder cum pulveriser, wheel barrow, chaff cutter Rotavator Direct paddy seeder, cono weeder S. No. 996. Name & Address Palayam Post, Coimbatore 641109 Kubota Agricultural Machinery India Pvt. Ltd. No. 15, Medavakkam Road, Sholinganallur, Chennai – 600119 District Chennai 997. Kumar Industries 86, Karur Main Road, Naduppalayam, Vellottamparappu post, Erode – 638154 Erode 998. Kumaresh Agencies 518, Nehru Street, Near Kavita Threatre, Ram Nagar, Coimbatore Coimbatore 999. LCT Tractors & Tiller 1985/86, Trichy Road, Singanallur, Coimbatore – 641005 Coimbatore Contact No., Fax and E-mail Tel : 044-61041500, 42994237 Fax : 044-61041600 Mob : 9600057886 E-mail:; Tel : 0424-2338033, 2338633 Mob: 9442238833 E-mail: m m/index.html Tel : 0422-2233632, 2231956, 4377726 E-mail: kumareshagencies@yahoo.c Telefax : 0422-2312047 Mob : 9843035525, 9443060595 158 Products Seeding machine, tractor, walk behind and riding type rice transplanters, power weeder, nursery tray, combine harvester Multi-crop thresher, trailer, groundnut decorticator, agri fertilizer sprayer, rotavator Garden tools, power tiller, power weeder, power saw, power auger, sprayer Thresher, combine harvester, sugarcane harvester, tractoroperated horticultural tools S. No. Name & Address District 1000. Sharp Garuda 37/1-C, Palladam Road, Pappampatti, Coimbatore 600016 1001. Maax Engineering No.24, Vandikaaran Street, Maduvinkarai, Guindy Chennai – 600032 Coimbatore 1002. Magnificent Engineers TS-36, SIDCO Industrial Estate Kurichi, Coimbatore - 641021 Coimbatore 1003. Mahindra & Mahindra Limited st Mahindra Towers, 1 Floor, No. 17/18, Patullous Road, Anna Salai, Chennai 600002 1004. Makita Power Tools India Pvt. Ltd. No.30, Jawarharlal Nehru Salai, 100 feet road, Koyambedu, Chennai – 600107 Chennai Chennai Chennai Contact No., Fax and E-mail Tel : 0422-2634232 Tel : 044-32500041, 43846150 Fax : 044-43595980 Mob: 9884100041 Tel : 0422-3299151, 6534267 Fax : 0422-2673380 Mob: 9843033808 E-mail: Tel : 044-28571078, 28542576 Mob: 9443550261 E-mail: Tel: 044-24792522 Fax: 044-24792533 E-mail:,; 159 Products Power weeder, walk behind power tiller, rice transplanter, weed cutter Cultivator, lawn mower, tea pruner, tea harvester, brush cutter, sprayer, power sprayer, post hole digger, shredder Cono weeder, row marker, transplanter, thresher, zero till seed cum fertilizer machine, power weeder, potting machine, coconut breaker, disc plough Rotavator, combine harvester, power weeder Brush cutter, earth auger S. No. Name & Address 1005. Muththamizh Industries 7/31 Near Jawagar Nagar, New Dharapuram Road, Palani - 624601, Dist. Dindigul 1006. National Engineering Co. Pvt. Ltd. Kakani Towers, 15, Khedar Nawaz, Khan Road, Post Box No. 4534, Chennai – 600006 1007. Need Services Plot No. 14, ‘Ayyan Karunai’ Appar Street, Saravanna Avenue, Vill. & Post Kannivaakkam - 603202, Taluk Chenggalpattu, Dist. Kanchipuram 1008. Om Sakthi Industries 71/27, Lal Bahadur Sastri Road, Kumbakonam – 612001 Dist. Thanjavur 1009. Premier Power Equipments & Product Pvt. Ltd. 37/1C, Palladam Road, Pappampatti, Coimbatore 641016 District Dindigul Contact No., Fax and E-mail Tel : 04545-241175 Mob: 9842009606 E-mail: Products Cultivator, multi-crop thresher, multipurpose trailer, animal feed cutter, duck foot cultivator, shredder, cono weeder Chennai Tel : 044-28279024, 28278529, 28279018 Fax : 044-28279296 E-mail : Power tiller, disc plough Kanchipuram Tel : 044-27438355, 2738355/15 Fax : 044-27438409 Mob: 9443069453 E-mail: Tel : 0435-6956076 Mob : 9789618131 E-mail: n; Tel : 0422-2634733, 2634232 Mob : 9677742389 E-mail: http://www.premierpowerprod MB plough, disc plough, cultivator, disc harrow, rotavator, post hole digger Thanjavur Coimbatore 160 Power weeder Paddy weeder, brush cutter, power weeder, super power tiller, weeder, mini-weeder, rice transplanter, agriweed cutter S. No. Name & Address District 1010. Raja Industries No. 49/10-B (30) Dharapuram Road, Udumalpet Dist. Tiruppur 1011. Rajalakshmi Implements 87, GCT Road, Pulipakkam, Chengalpattu – 603002 Dist. Kanchipuram Tiruppur 1012. Ramakumar Industries 57, Vellakinar Road Mettupalayam Road, Coimbatore - 641029 Coimbatore 1013. Redlands Ashlyn Motors Pic Malumachampatty, Coimbatore Coimbatore 1014. Renuka Industries Rajarajeswari Nagar, Opp District Court, Lakshmi puram (Po), Periyakulam Road, Theni – 625531 Theni Kanchipuram Contact No., Fax and E-mail Tel : 0425-222628-29, 224812 Tel : 044-27422750, 27424750 Mob : 9443716507 E-mail : Tel : 0422-2642056 Fax : 0422-2642301 Mob : 9786652959 E-mail: Mob : 9446568563, 9387103530 E-mail: http://www.redlandsmotors.c om/ Mob : 9486317409, 9943691049 161 Products Sugarcane crusher Paddy transplanter, rotary tiller Rotavator, disc plough, power tiller operated seed-cum-fertilizer drill, tractor operated rotary weeder, tractor operated twin auger digger, sugarcane planter, tractor operated post hole digger Combine harvesters (wheel type and track type), self-propelled rice transplanter Multi-crop thresher S. No. Name & Address District 1015. Rishi Agro Tech 8 B, Pavadi First Street, Opp. Kalaimangal School Side Gate, Erode – 638001 Erode 1016. RJ Sekar Industries Kuppayeevalasu, Porulur (PO), Oddanchatram (Tk), Dindigul - 624616 Dindigul 1017. Rogini Farm Equipments 152, New Vellore Road (Near Bus Stand), Arcot – 632503, Dist. Vellore Vellore 1018. Rohit Industries 26/15 Ramasamy Nagar 1, Kavundampalayam, Coimbatore 1019. S.V. Rangaswamy & Co (P) Limited 80, Ground Floor, Kothri Apartments, Venkatrangam Pillai Street, Triplicane, Chennai - 600005 Coimbatore Chennai Contact No., Fax and E-mail Tel : 0424-2268779, 2269778 Mob : 9965930000 E-mail : Tel : 04553-294452, 260749 Mob : 9787242452 E-mail: Tel : 04172-325481 Fax : 04172-234182 Mob : 9361720203, 9344849841 E-mail: sales@roginifarmequipments .com; http://www.roginifarmequipm Tel : 0422-2449490 Mob: 9363227622 Tel : 044-2844248, 43568083 Mob: 9380581968 162 Products Sprayer High capacity multi-crop thresher Cultivator Lawn mower Sprayer, power weeder, walk behind horticulture equipment S. No. Name & Address District Contact No., Fax and E-mail Tel : 04294-224884 Mob : 9842774799, 9443225797 1020. Sakthivinayaka Engineering Works 1-A Erode Road, Venkamedu Near Petrol Bunk, Perundurai – 638052, Erode 1021. SDF India Pvt.Ltd. Ranipet, Dist. Vellore Erode Vellore Tel : 04172-24715663 E-mail : 1022. Shri Annapoorna Agro. Industries 432, Trichy Road, Coimbatore – 641005 Coimbatore 1023. Shri Sai Industries 23, Kondasamy Street, Peelamedupudur, Peelamedu, Coimbatore 641004 1024. SMT Industries 30, Municipal Office, Road, Pollachi – 642001, Dist. Coimbatore 1025. South East Farm Equipments Private Limited 214/94-C, Trichy Main Road, Thammanpatty P.O., Dist. Salem Coimbatore Tel : 0422-2316667 Mob : 9443331670 E-mail: guruvenkat.venkat@yahoo.c om Tel : 0422-2563966 Mob : 9842206545 E-mail: shrisaiindustries2001@gmail. com Tel : 04259-227757 Mob : 9942673526, 9788327138 Coimbatore Salem Tel : 04282-226638, 227326 Mob : 9244344326, 9244344328 E-mail: 163 Products Trailer, rotavator, leveller, cultivator Hydraulically operated reversible MB plough, rotary tiller, cage wheel, spring loaded cultivator, offset disc harrow, tractor mounted harvester Axial flow paddy thresher, maize, sunflower and groundnut threshers, multi-crop walker type thresher Paddy thresher, groundnut sheller, paddy thresher, multi-crop thresher, maize thresher, chaff cutter Trailer Threshers S. No. Name & Address District 1026. Southern Agro Engine (P) Ltd. 24 A, III Phase, Industrial, Estate, Guindy, Chennai 600032 Chennai 1027. Sree Amman Mills Spares Kartar Agro Industries Pvt Limited, 56/1-3, CPM complex, Narasingapuram, Attur(TK), Salem - 636102 1028. Sree Annapoorna Agro Industries 29, Thiru Nagar, Singanallur, Coimbatore - 641005 1029. Sree Jayamurugan Agro Links 30/199, Palni Road, Near Rayaur Cross, S.V. Mill P.O, Udumalpet - Tk, Tirupur 1030. Sree Lakshmi Lathe Works 219, Anna Street, Hospital Road, Sivagiri – 638109, Dist. Erode Salem Contact No., Fax and E-mail Tel : 044-22500378, 22501325, 22500133, 22501134 Fax : 044-2250039 E-mail: muralimkt@southernagroc.o m; m / Tel: 04282-252735 E-mail: sreeammanmillsatr@gmail.c om Products Power weeder, rice transplanter, sprayer, brush cutter, power reaper Shredder, combine harvester, baler, knotter, rotavator Coimbatore Tel : 0422-2316667, 3238111 Fax : 0422-2316799 Cultivator, maize thresher, sunflower thresher Tiruppur Mob : 9791627194, 9791627195 E-mail: m Tel : 04204-240128, 240328 Mob: 9443714628 Multi-crop thresher, shredder cum pulverizer, shredder (trolley loader lift model), shredder with rotavator, chaff cutter, tractor driven slasher/power weeder Multi-crop thresher, rotavator, cultivator Erode 164 S. No. Name & Address District 1031. Sree Shakthi Engineering Works #108. Nanjappa Chettiyar St. Ondipudur, Coimbatore – 641016 1032. Sree Vinayaga Industries 81, Nehru Street, Opp to Tirupur Textiles, Peelamedu Post, Avinashi Road, Coimbatore – 641004 1033. Sri Balaji Industries 622-1, ELGO Industrial Estate, Trichy Road, Singanallur, Coimbatore – 641005 1034. Sri Bhuvaneswari Industries 1332, Avanashi Road, Peelamedu, (Near Esso Bank), Coimbatore 1035. Sri Cheran Trailer 299, Udumalai road, Teachers Colony, Pollachi – 642001, Dist. Coimbatore Coimbatore 1036. Sri Dhanalakshmi Lathe Works Kodumudi Road, Sivagiri 638109, Erode Erode Contact No., Fax and E-mail Tel : 0422-3250730 Mob: 9894178833 Products Grain thresher Coimbatore Tel : 0422-2577035, 2596203 Multi-crop thresher Coimbatore Tel : 0422-2573464 Mob : 9943023249, 9443023392 E-mail: Coimbatore Tel : 0422-2560193, 2567540 Dehusker, multi-crop thresher, coconut dehusking machine, groundnut digger, high capacity multi-crop thresher, maize thresher, arecanut decorticator Threshers Coimbatore Tel. : 04259-229311 Fax : 04259-232606 Mob : 9443933711, 9486245420 E-mail : Gender friendly equipment, implements, trailer Tel : 04204-240782 Mob : 9443674428, 9443563436 E-mail: 165 Tipping trailer, rotavator, thresher, chisel plough, cultivator, tractor trailer S. No. Name & Address District 1037. SRI Escorts KPS, Complex, 13-A, Sathy Main Road, Cheran Nagar, Thannepandalpalayam, Veerappan Chatram Post, Erode - 641004 1038. Sri Kaliyamman Engg Works Rasipuram Main Road, Vaiyappamalai, Dist. Namakkal 1039. Sri Kannaiamman Industries Gandhi Nagar, KMM School Road, Irugur post, Ondipudur via, Coimbatore 1040. Sri Kiruthigai Engineering 27, Dr. Radha Krishnan Street, S. N. Palayam, Coimbatore – 641007 Erode 1041. Sri Manju Industries P. Vellore, Namakkal 638182 Namakkal 1042. Sri Rama Trailers T.S.42, SIDCO Industrial Estate, Coimbatore - 641021 Coimbatore Contact No., Fax and E-mail Tel : 0424-2535322 Mob : 9952429097 Products Trash cutter, stubble shaver Namakkal Tel : 0428-8233180 Seed drill, cultivator, trailer Coimbatore Tel : 0422-2626390 Thresher Coimbatore Mob.:9791444868, 9994623535 E-mail: Tel : 04268-221856, 220857 Mob : 9443221856, 9443141856 Hand weeders Cultivator, trailer, tractor leveller, cage wheel Tel. : 0422-2672672, 2673564 Mob: 9842287356, 9865904356 166 Power tiller trailer, tipping trailer, cultivator, disc plough, coconut dehusker, disc harrow, chisel plough S. No. Name & Address 1043. Sri Sai Industries 586-2, Avinashi Road, Civil Aerodrome, Coimbatore 641014 1044. Sri Senthil Andavar Agro Agency 1-A, Balaji Mill Compound, Near Fire Service Station, Pollachi Road, Udumalpet 642126, Dist. Tiruppur 1045. Sri Sivasakthi Vinayaga Trailers 175/2, Anna Salai Near Fire Station, Thavittu Palayam, Anthiyur, Erode 1046. Sri Valasumani Hi-tech Engineering Company Sivagiri, Erode 1047. Starmates Associated Traders 52, ABT Road, Pollachi – 642001, Dist. Coimbatore District Coimbatore Tiruppur Contact No., Fax and E-mail Tel. : 0422-2628435 Mob : 9843026281 E-mail: Mob : 9842573173 Products Tipping trailer, thresher Mini tractor, spring loaded tillers, rigid tillers, power weeders, rotary tiller blades, rotary tillers, power tiller (Shakti), rotary plough, rice transplanter Erode Tel : 04256-66112 Mob : 9842086540 E-mail: Seed drill, rotavator, ridger, trailer Erode Tel : 04204-240478, 240578 Mob : 9865888178 Tel : 04259-227298 Mob : 9976657282, 9443936344, 9942118810 E-mail: starassociatedtraders@yaho; http://www.starassociatedtra High capacity multi-crop thresher, trailer, cultivator, rotavator, ridger, shredder Sprayer, weed cutter, hedge trimmer, earth augur, mist blower Coimbatore 167 S. No. Name & Address 1048. Sujatha Agro Engineers and Traders Sujatha Agro Equipments (P) Ltd. 162, Venkataswamy Road East, R.S. Puram, Coimbatore 1049. Tractor and Farm Equipments (TAFE) Ltd. 77, Nungambakkam High Road, Nungambakkam, Chennai - 600034 1050. The Modern Agricultural Machinery Manufacturers 222/1, Annasalai, Anthiyur Bhavani Tk. Erode 1051. The National Engineering Co. (Madras) Pvt. Ltd. Kakani Towers, Old No. 15 /New No. 34, Khader Nawaz Khan Road, Post Box No. 4534, Chennai 1052. Tradelink Services # 5, South Phase, Ambattur Industrial Estate, Chennai District Coimbatore Contact No., Fax and E-mail Tel. : 0422-553925, 555793 Products Sprayers Chennai Tel : 044-66919000 Fax 044-28260224 E-mail: Arecanut dehusker, tractor drawn cultivator (9/11 tyne), rotary tiller Erode Mob : 9842182757 Trailer, chisel plough, rotavator Chennai Tel : 044-28331318, 28332218, 28332296 E-mail: Power tiller engine with attachments, furrow plough, puddler, harrow Chennai Tel : 044-26231267, 26242184, 65612184, 28361741 Mob : 8447571576 E-mail:,, Agricultural PTO shafts, gear boxes, gears 168 S. No. Name & Address District 1053. Trident Farm Implements Private Limited 12/4A, Venkatasubba Reddy Street, Athipet, Chennai 600058 1054. Universal Dairy Equipments 394, Giriamman Koil Street No. 4, Peelamedu, Coimbatore – 641004 Chennai 1055. Universal Industries No.167/5, Medical College Road, Near Medical College First Gate, Thanjore – 613004 1056. Valampuri Industries 2 Thiyagi Kumaran Street (Behind Simpson Company), P.N. Pudur, Coimbatore 641041 Thanjore Coimbatore Coimbatore Contact No., Fax and E-mail Tel : 044-26244743 E-mail: Products Rotavator, reaper, power weeder, rigid cultivator Tel : 0422-2576604 Mob. : 9843021610, 9363103791 E-mail: Mob : 9365892751 E-mail: thanjavuruniversal@yahoo.c om Chaff cutter Tel : 0422-2447566, 4341273 Mob : 9994941243, 9363260034 E-mail: Seed drill attachments, tractor drawn cotton ridge planter, tractor drawn channel former, tractor drawn broad bed furrow former, tractor drawn chisel plough, groundnut stripper, chaff cutter (hand & power), groundnut decorticator, long handed weeder and markers, paddy harvester, groundnut thresher, arecanut dehusker, power weeder, power tiller operated seed-cumfertilizer drill, self-propelled reaper, groundnut digger elevator 169 Multi-crop thresher S. No. Name & Address District 1057. Valarpirai Agencies Near uzhavar Santhai 36, Kottai Main Road, Namakkal - 637001 Namakkal 1058. Valasumani Farm Machines Private Limited 41/3, Muthur Road, Sivagiri, Erode - 638109 Erode 1059. Venus Corporation 24, Rabi Nagar, Trunk Road, Thirvanaikovil, Trichy 620005 Trichy 1060. Vigneswara Altek Engineers Vigneshwara Building 4/16, Rathinagiri Road, Vetri Murugan Nagar, Vilankuruchi, Coimbatore 642126 Coimbatore 1061. Vijay Farm Equipments Manjini, Attur – 636102, Salem Salem Contact No., Fax and E-mail Tel : 04286-224459 Mob : 9003781177 E-mail : Tel : 04204-240578, 240478 Mob : 9865877178, 9500056660 E-mail:; Mob : 94448396291, 8220992794 E-mail:; sureshnair.1635@rediffmail.c om Tel : 0422-3205090, 2666953 Mob : 93663375756 Mob : 9943489222 E-mail: vijayfarmequipments@gmail. com 170 Products Chaff cutter, brush cutter, power tiller Multi-crop thresher Rotavator, automatic seed planter, brush cutter, power chain saw, power weeder, rice transplanter, mobile power sprayer, portable power sprayer, knapsack power sprayer, battery operated piston pump sprayer Power tiller operated seed cum fertilizer drill, trencher, boom sprayer, cotton till planter, heavy duty auger digger, turmeric harvester, cup feed seed planter, groundnut thresher, self-propelled reaper, self-propelled fodder harvester, groundnut digger elevator Multi-crop thresher S. No. Name & Address 1062. Vivega Engineering Nava India Road, Peelamedu, Coimbatore 1063. Vivega Engineering Works 117, Sathy Road, RK Puram Ganapathy, Coimbatore 1064. VKJ & Co. 2/134 A, Subbaiya Pillai (St) Pulivalam, Thiruvarur District Coimbatore Contact No., Fax and E-mail Mob : 9842256889 Products Agricultural shredder Coimbatore Tel : 0422-2531523 Mob : 9443721341 Shredder Thiruvarur Mob : 9486334020 Rotavator Hyderabad Tel : 040-23391331, 23314246 Hyderabad Mob : 8686394666 Multi-crop thresher, paddy thresher, rotavator, self-propelled reaper, puddler, paddy row seeder, jatropha thresher, castor thresher, sunflower thresher Riding type paddy transplanter Hyderabad Mob : 9133444786 1.19. Telangana 1065. A P State Agro Industries Development Corporation 504, Hemitage Office Complex, Hill Fort Road, Hyderabad – 500004 1066. Advanced Agrotech No. 11-6-591, Opposite Devibagh Red Hills, Nampally, Hyderabad 500001 1067. Agro Life Engineering Pvt. Ltd. H.No. 5-5-35/188, Plot No.188, Ayyanna Industrial Park, Prasanthi Nagar I.A., Kukatpally, Hyderabad 171 Rigid cultivator (9 tyne), spring loaded cultivator (9 tyne), disc plough (2 bottom), reversible MB plough, harrow (7 disc), plough (7 bottom), paddy thresher S. No. Name & Address District Contact No., Fax and E-mail Tel : 040-24362338, 24360486 1068. Arun Industries 118-B, Industries Estate, Kattedan, Hyderabad 500077 Hyderabad 1069. B.R. Reddy Engineering Workshop Arapeta, Metpally, Karimnagar Karimnagar Mob : 9949749084 1070. B.V.Ramana Reddy Engineering Manik Bhandar, 'X' Road, Armoor Road, Makloor, Nizamabad - 503003 1071. Bandari Shankar Industries NH-7 Road, Mamidipally X Road, Armoor, Nizamabad Nizamabad Mob : 9866044370 Nizamabad Tel: 08463-228775 Mob : 9704049775, 1072. Bharat Engg. Works KUC Police Station, Bhimvaram, Hanmakonda, Warangal - 506015 Warangal Mob : 9000143257 1073. Chandana Laxmi Trolley Works Plot No. A6, Beside Water Tank, Auto Nagar, Arsapally, Nizamabad - 503186 Nizamabad Tel: 08462-224620 Mob : 9440342016 172 Products Multi-crop thresher, paddy thresher, rotavator, self-propelled reaper, puddler, paddy row seeder, jatropha thresher, castor thresher, sunflower thresher Rigid cultivator (9 tyne), spring loaded cultivator (9 tyne), reversible MB plough (3 bottom), offset disc harrow (12 disc), leveling blade, guntaka blade, spike tooth harrow, plough (7 bottom) Rigid cultivator (9 tyne), spring loaded cultivator (9 tyne), reversible MB plough, harrow (7 disc), plough (7 bottom), boot type cultivator (5 tyne) Rigid cultivator (9/11 tyne), spring loaded cultivator (9 tyne), offset disc harrow (12 disc), harrow (7 disc), disc puddler, plough (7 bottom) Rigid cultivator (9/11 tyne), spring loaded cultivator (9 tyne), MB plough (2 furrow), inter cultivator, hydraulically operated reversible plough Rigid cultivator (11 tyne), spring loaded cultivator (9 tyne), MB plough (2 furrow), offset disc harrow (12 disc), harrow (7 disc), disc puddler, tractor drawn bund former S. No. Name & Address District 1074. Chaturya Engineering Works & Steels H. No. 2-1-59/1, Ashok nagar, Manugur, Khammam Khammam Contact No., Fax and E-mail Mob : 9440108504 1075. Dhanraj Engg Co. Shradhanand Gunj Road, Near Rly. Gate, Nizamabad 503001 1076. Diamond Engineering Works Near LIC Building, Mahbubnagar Road, Kalvakurthy - 509324, Dist. Mahbubnagar 1077. Ekalavya Engineering Thadgam Road, Navipet (V & M), Nizamabad - 503245 1078. Ganesh Enterprises Near New Bus Stand, NH No. 7 Road, Adilabad – 504001 Nizamabad Mob : 9866009566 Mahbubnagar Mob : 9440870100 Nizamabad Mob : 9989116488 Adilabad Mob : 9440060234 1079. Gayathri Industries Plot No.B-22, 23, IDA, Rampur, Warangal Warangal Mob : 9885544993 173 Products Rigid cultivator (11 tyne), spring loaded cultivator (9 tyne), leveling blade, plough (7 bottom), half cage wheels, hydraulically operated reversible plough, groundnut decorticator Rigid cultivator (9/11 tyne), spring loaded cultivator (9 tyne), MB plough (2 furrow), offset disc harrow (12 disc), guntaka blade, disc puddler Rigid cultivator (11 tyne), MB plough (2 furrow), offset disc harrow (12 disc), leveling blade, plough (7 bottom), boot type cultivator (5 tyne), half cage wheel Rigid cultivator (9 tyne), spring loaded cultivator (9 tyne), disc plough (2 bottom), hydraulically operated reversible plough, maize sheller Rigid cultivator (9 tyne), spring loaded cultivator (9 tyne), offset disc harrow (12 disc), harrow (7 disc), disc puddler, boot type cultivator (5 tyne) Rigid cultivator (11 tyne), spring loaded cultivator (9 tyne), disc plough (2 bottom), spike tooth harrow, plough (5 bottom), multi-crop thresher, paddy thresher S. No. Name & Address District Contact No., Fax and E-mail Tel : 040-27173450 1080. Honda Siel Power Products Ltd. 5-C Ground Floor, IDA Nacharam Cross Road, Hyderabad 1081. Incon Engineers Limited B-6/3, IDA Uppal, Hyderabad – 500 039 Hyderabad Hyderabad Tel : 040-27204034, 27201271 1082. Jaya Bharathi Trailers Khammam X Road, Kodad, Nalgonda Nalgonda Mob : 9440189652 1083. Karshak Industries 18-3-14, Chatrinaka, O/s Laldarwaza, Hyderabad – 500053 Hyderabad 1084. Khaja Engineering Works 3-9-122, Autonagar, Medak Medak Tel : 040-24384680, 24382841, 27542315, 56464680 Fax : 040-27542353 Mob : 9391039106 Mob : 9440886324 E-mail : 1085. LCT Feeders (P) Ltd. 6-158, SLNS Colony, Balapur 'X' Roads, Meerpet 500079, Dist. Ranga Reddy Ranga Reddy Tel : 0841-5240427, 5240424 Fax : 0841-5240428 Mob : 9989743397, 9959052838 E-mail : 174 Products Brush cutter, rotary tiller, rotary power weeder Multi-crop thresher, paddy thresher, rotavator, self-propelled reaper, puddler, paddy row seeder, jatropha thresher, castor thresher, sunflower thresher Rigid cultivator (9/11 tyne), disc plough (2 bottom), inter cultivator, plough (7 bottom), half cage wheel, tractor drawn bund former Multi-crop thresher, paddy thresher, rotavator, self-propelled reaper, puddler, paddy row seeder, jatropha thresher, castor thresher, sunflower thresher, maize sheller Rigid cultivator (9 tyne), spring loaded cultivator (9 tyne), offset disc harrow (12 disc), inter cultivator, plough (5 bottom), half cage wheel Multi-crop thresher, cultivator, disc harrow, rotavator, reversible double mould board plough S. No. Name & Address District Contact No., Fax and E-mail Mob : 9440297368 1086. Lokesh Agro Industry NH 7, Yerravalli Cross Road, Itikyal(M) Gadval - 509125, Dist. Mahbubnagar 1087. M.R. Reddy Engineering Works Angadi Road, Narmampet 506172, Warangal Mahbubnagar Warangal Mob : 9949816557, 9700669502 1088. Madhavi Engineering & Mechanical Works Opp. Gotami Model School, Bypass Road, Suryapet, Dist. Nalgonda 1089. Maruthi Engineering Works Rangampalli, Peddapalli, Karimnagar Nalgonda Mob : 9490626908 Karimnagar Mob : 9849244183 1090. Mekins Agro Products Pvt. Ltd. Plot No. 5, IDA, Gandhinagar Balanagar, Hyderabad – 500037 1091. Nagalaxmi Engg. Works No.1-307, Angadi Road., Narasampet - 506132, Warangal Hyderabad Tel : Warangal Mob : 9949816557 040-23085959 175 Products Rigid cultivator (9 tyne), spring loaded cultivator (9 tyne) disc plough (2 bottom), MB plough (2 furrow), harrow (7 disc), plough (5 bottom) Rigid cultivator (9/11 tyne), spring loaded cultivator (9 tyne), disc plough (2 bottom), spike tooth harrow, reversible MB plough, plough (7 bottom), castor thresher Rigid cultivator (9 tyne), spring loaded cultivator (9 tyne), offset disc harrow (12 disc), leveling blade, inter cultivator, half cage wheel, tractor drawn bund former Rigid cultivator (9/11 tyne), spring loaded cultivator (9 tyne), MB plough ( 2 furrow), reversible MB plough (3 bottom), inter cultivator, disc harrow (7 disc), plough (7 bottom) Multi-crop thresher, paddy thresher, rotavator, self-propelled reaper, puddler, paddy row seeder, jatropha thresher, castor thresher, sunflower thresher Rigid cultivator (9/11 tyne), spring loaded cultivator (9 tyne), disc plough (2 bottom), spike tooth harrow, harrow (7 disc), chaff cutter S. No. Name & Address District 1092. Nagamitra Metals Plot. No.22, , Karmanghat, Jyothi Nagar, Hyderabad 500079 1093. Om Bharath Industries 4-306/1, Near KC Camp, Karimnagar Road, Bheemaram, Hanamkonda, Warangal - 506015 1094. Om Sri Bhavani Industries Plot No. 243, IDA, Rampur, Warangal Hyderabad Contact No., Fax and E-mail Tel : 040-24090764 Mob : 9247176826 Warangal Mob : 9000143257 Warangal Mob : 9849828042 1095. Parameswara Mechanical Works Bypass Road, Suryapet, Nalgonda Nalgonda Mob : 9440246592 1096. Pasha Industries Warangal Road, Narsampet, Warangal - 506132 Warangal Mob : 9966772824 1097. Ramana Engineering Works Bhupalapalli X Road, Parakala, Warangal – 506161 Warangal Mob : 9866089143 176 Products Rigid cultivator (11 tyne), reversible MB plough, harrow (7 disc), plough (7 bottom), seed cum fertilizer drill, chaff cutter Rigid cultivator (11 tyne), disc plough (two bottom), spike tooth harrow, plough (7 bottom), rotavator, maize sheller Rigid cultivator (11 tyne), disc plough (2 bottom), guntaka blade, plough (7 bottom), multi-crop thresher, castor thresher Rigid cultivator (9 tyne), spring loaded cultivator (9 tyne), disc plough (2 bottom), leveling blade, inter cultivator, plough (7 bottom), half cage wheel Rigid cultivator (9 tyne), spring loaded cultivator (9 tyne), reversible MB plough, plough (7 bottom), rotavator, chaff cutter Rigid cultivator (9 tyne), spring loaded cultivator (9 tyne), offset disc harrow (12 disc), harrow (7 disc), plough (7 bottom), rotavator, castor thresher S. No. Name & Address District 1098. Ratna Agro Industries Yerravalli Chowrasta, Yerravalli(v), Etikyala(M), Mahbubnagar Mahbubnagar Contact No., Fax and E-mail Mob : 9440207792 1099. Ravi Engineering Works Nataraj Talkies Road, Nalgonda Nalgonda Mob : 9440441575 1100. Ravi Engineering Workshop Parakala, Mahadevpur Road, Parakala, Warangal Warangal Mob : 9849943194 1101. Ravichandra Welding Works D no. 1-5-100, Karimnagar Road, Jagtial, Dist. Karimnagar Karimnagar Mob : 9440071451 1102. Reddy Engineering Works Khammam X Road, Suryapet, Dist. Nalgonda Nalgonda Mob : 8684253326 1103. Reliable Motors #2-5-19/F, Upperpally Cross Road, Near Pillar No. 176177, Rajendranagar Ring Road, Hyderabad Hyderabad Tel : 040-32403141, 24011124 Mob : 9849050593 E-mail :, 177 Products Rigid cultivator (9 tyne), spring loaded cultivator (9 tyne), disc plough (2 bottom), MB plough (2 furrow), offset disc harrow (12 disc), leveling blade, plough (7 bottom) Rigid cultivator (9/11 tyne), offset disc harrow (12 disc), plough (5 bottom), half cage wheel, tractor drawn bund former Rigid cultivator (11 tyne), disc plough (2 bottom), guntaka blade, harrow (7 disc), tractor drawn bund former, seed cum fertilizer drill Rigid cultivator (9/11 tyne), spring loaded cultivator (9 tyne), reversible MB plough (3 bottom), disc harrow (7 disc), disc puddler, half cage wheel Rigid cultivator (9/11 tyne), disc plough (2 bottom), MB plough (2 furrow), plough (5 bottom), half cage wheel Combine harvester (Standard make), power tiller (Greaves make), agro equipment (Lemken make), agricultural equipment (Yanmar make) S. No. Name & Address District 1104. Sai Raksha Motors Kinnera Lodge Complex, Manchiryal, Dist. Adilabad Adilabad Contact No., Fax and E-mail Mob : 9030118918 1105. Sai Ram Engineering Works Industrial Estate, Warangal - 506007 Warangal Mob : 9550498524 1106. Shareef Engg. Workshop NH 7 Road., Mupkal, Balkonda Mandal, Nizamabad Nizamabad Mob : 9440777573 1107. Shiva Sai Agro Engg. Works Dichpally RS, Dist. Nizamabad Nizamabad Mob : 9985865678 1108. Siva Industries Kodad, Khammam X Roads, Nalgonda Nalgonda Mob : 9848461557 1109. Sree Karthik Engineering Works Main Road - Nakrekal, Nalgonda 1110. Sree Saidatta Engineering Works H No. 8-222/4, Old Airport Road., Gauthamnagar, Nalgonda Mob :9849644687 Hyderabad Mob :8008003722 178 Products Rigid cultivator (11 tyne), spring loaded cultivator (9 tyne), disc plough (2 bottom), MB plough (2/3 furrow), disc harrow, inter cultivator Rigid cultivator (11 tyne), spring loaded cultivator (9 tyne), leveling blade, inter cultivator, hydraulically operated reversible plough Rigid cultivator (9/11 tyne), spring loaded cultivator (9 tyne), MB plough (2 furrow), offset disc harrow (12 disc), harrow (7 disc), disc puddler, plough (7 bottom) Rigid cultivator (9/11 tyne), spring loaded cultivator (9 tyne), disc plough (2 bottom), reversible MB plough, seed cum fertilizer drill, paddy thresher Rigid cultivator (11 tyne), MB plough (2 furrow), leveling blade, plough (5 bottom), boot type cultivator (5 tyne), tractor drawn bund former Rigid cultivator (9/11 tyne), MB plough (2 furrow), offset disc harrow (12 disc), guntaka blade, disc puddler, half cage wheel Rigid cultivator (11 tyne), spring loaded cultivator (9 tyne), offset disc harrow (12 disc), harrow (7 disc), half cage wheel, rotavator S. No. Name & Address Ferozguda, Secunderabad Hyderabad - 500011 1111. Sri Anjaneya Engineering Works Sagar Road, Miryalaguda, Dist. Nalgonda 1112. Sri Balaji Industries NH 7, Mamedipally (M) Armoor, Nizamabad District Contact No., Fax and E-mail Nalgonda Mob : 9848467203 Nizamabad Mob : 846228854 1113. Sri Bhavani Industries Plot No.242, IDA, Rampur, Warangal - 506001 Warangal Mob : 9849828042 1114. Sri Hanuman Mechanical Works Bypass Road, Ranganayakulu Gutta – 507003, Dist. Khammam 1115. Sri Kalpana Engineering Works Banswada, Nizamabad Khammam Mob : 9849815638 Nizamabad Mob : 9440727022 1116. Sri Krishna Engineering Works Near Nataraj Talkies, Nalgonda Nalgonda Mob : 9440556619 179 Products Rigid cultivator (9/11 tyne), offset disc harrow (12 disc), plough (5 bottom), boot type cultivator (5 tyne), half cage wheel Rigid cultivator (11 tyne), spring loaded cultivator (9 tyne), MB plough (2 furrow), harrow (7 disc), disc puddler, multi-crop thresher Rigid cultivator (9/11 tyne), MB plough (2 furrow), spike tooth harrow, boot type cultivator (5 tyne), multicrop thresher Rigid cultivator (11 tyne), spring loaded cultivator (9 tyne), disc plough (2 bottom), offset disc harrow (12 disc), Guntaka blade, disc puddler, boot type cultivator (5 tyne) Rigid cultivator (9/11 tyne), spring loaded cultivator (9 tyne), MB plough (2 furrow), reversible MB plough, plough (5 bottom), boot type cultivator (5 tyne) Rigid cultivator (11 tyne), disc plough (2 bottom), MB plough (2 furrow), leveling blade, inter cultivator, boot type cultivator (5 tyne), tractor drawn bund former S. No. Name & Address District 1117. Sri Lakshmi Engineering & Motor Works Near Registrar Office, Bypass Road, Suryapet 508213, Dist. Nalgonda 1118. Sri Lakshmi Welding & General Engineering Works Sathupalli Road., V M Banjar, Dist. Khammam 1119. Sri Laxmi Engineering Works Gollaguda Road, Opp. Govt. Hq Hospital, Nalgonda Nalgonda Contact No., Fax and E-mail Mob : 9666948244 Khammam Mob : 9963257192 Nalgonda Mob : 9848189095 1120. Sri Laxmi Narasimha Industries Main road, Thallada, Dist. Khammam Khammam Mob : 9949965363 1121. Sri Laxmi Narasimha Swamy Engineering Works Hajumanpeta, Miryalaguda, Nalgonda - 508207 Nalgonda Mob : 9989119790 1122. Sri Madhavi Engineering Works X Road, E Bayyaram, Pinapaka Mandal, Khammam Khammam Mob : 9441966102 180 Products Rigid cultivator (9 tyne), spring loaded cultivator (9 tyne), MB plough (2 furrow), reversible MB plough (3 bottom), inter cultivator, plough (5 bottom) Rigid cultivator (11 tyne), spring loaded cultivator (9 tyne), disc plough (2 bottom) Rigid cultivator (9/11 tyne), spring loaded cultivator (9 tyne), offset disc harrow (12 disc), plough (5 bottom) , half cage wheel Rigid cultivator (9/11 tyne), spring loaded cultivator (9 tyne), disc plough (2 bottom), harrow (7 disc), disc puddler, plough (7 bottom) , chaff cutter Rigid cultivator (9/11 tyne), reversible MB plough (3 bottom), offset disc harrow (12 disc), inter cultivator, half cage wheel, tractor drawn bund former Rigid cultivator (9/11 tyne), spring loaded cultivator (9 tyne), disc plough (2 bottom), guntaka blade, plough (7 bottom), half cage wheel S. No. Name & Address District 1123. Sri Manikanta Engineering Works Near Ganesh Temple, Jagtial, Karimnagar 1124. Sri Manikanta Engineering Works DVK Road, Nalgonda Karimnagar Contact No., Fax and E-mail Mob : 9885128123 Nalgonda Mob : 9848892676 1125. Sri Maruthi Industries Plot No.139 & 140, NFC Main Road, Krishna Nagar, Moula-Ali, Hyderabad 500040 1126. Sri New Venkateswara Engineering Works Opp:Chaurch, Ellendu Road, Mahaboobabad - 506101, Dist. Warangal 1127. Sri Nirmala Industries Khammam Hyderabad Tel : 040-27135337, 27121542 Mob : 9849326634 Warangal Mob : 9440936482 Khammam Mob : 9848156076 1128. Sri Padmavathi Engineering Works Sagar Road, Miryalaguda, Dist. Nalgonda Nalgonda Mob : 9866097820 181 Products Rigid cultivator (11 tyne), spring loaded cultivator (9 tyne), MB plough ( 2 furrow), reversible MB plough (3 bottom), half cage wheel Rigid cultivator (9/11 tyne), MB plough (2 furrow), leveling blade, plough (5 bottom), boot type cultivator (5 tyne), tractor drawn bund former Rigid cultivator (11 tyne), MB plough (2 furrow), spike tooth harrow, plough (7 bottom), spring loaded cultivator (9 tyne), multi-crop thresher, paddy thresher Rigid cultivator (9/11 tyne), MB plough (2 furrow), spike tooth harrow, harrow (7 disc), boot type cultivator (5 tyne), seed cum fertilizer drill Rigid cultivator (9/11 tyne), guntaka blade, tractor drawn bund former, multi-crop thresher, seed cum fertilizer drill Rigid cultivator (11 tyne), MB plough (2 furrow), disc plough (2 bottom), leveling blade, plough (7 bottom), boot type cultivator (5 tyne), half cage wheel S. No. Name & Address District 1129. Sri Raghava Engineering Works Bhupalapalli Road, Parakala, Warangal 1130. Sri Rama Engineering Works Sagar Road, Miryalaguda - 508207, Dist. Nalgonda Warangal Contact No., Fax and E-mail Mob : 9949453116 Nalgonda Mob : 9394600062 1131. Sri Sai Agencies 8-6-71, Kothirampur, Hyderabad Road, Karimnagar - 505001 1132. Sri Sai Agro Enterprises H. No.10-93/1, Opp. Sai Dwaraka Mai Function Hall, Bommakal, Durshed Karimnagar 1133. Sri Sai Engineering Works Main Road, Garla Bayyaram - 507211 Dist. Khammam Karimnagar Tel : 0878-2276426 Mob : 9440069326, 9177776426 Karimnagar Mob : 9963867287 Khammam Mob : 9490115657 1134. Sri Sai Kiran Engineering Works Main Road, Kusumanchi - 507109, Dist. Khammam Khammam Mob : 9441133209 182 Products Rigid cultivator (11 tyne), spring loaded cultivator (9 tyne), spike tooth harrow, disc puddler, chaff cutter Rigid cultivator (9/11 tyne), spring loaded cultivator (9 tyne), disc plough (2 bottom), reversible MB plough (3 bottom), offset disc harrow (12 disc), leveling blade Rigid cultivator (11 tyne), spring loaded cultivator (9 tyne), disc plough (2 bottom), plough (7 bottom), boot type cultivator (5 tyne), power tiller Rigid cultivator (11 tyne), spring loaded cultivator (9 tyne), disc plough (2 bottom), guntaka blade, harrow (7 disc), disc puddler, plough (5 bottom) Rigid cultivator (11 tyne), spring loaded cultivator (9 tyne), disc plough (2 bottom), offset disc harrow (12 disc), inter cultivator, castor thresher, chaff cutter Disc plough (2 bottom), MB plough (2/3 furrow), reversible MB plough (3 bottom) S. No. Name & Address District 1135. Sri Sai Teja Constructions Dammapet X Roads, Palvoncha, Khammam Dist. 1136. Sri Sai Thirumala General Engg. Cross Road, Wyra - 507165, Dist. Khammam Khammam Contact No., Fax and E-mail Mob : 9440161206 Khammam Mob : 9440004005 1137. Sri Saibaba Engineering Works Main Road, Rudrur - 503188, Varni (M), Dist. Nizamabad 1138. Sri Sairam Engineering Works Mamillagudem, Mothy, Suryapet, Nalgonda Nizamabad Mob : 9059615555, 9030585969 Nalgonda Mob : 9441339435 1139. Sri Srinivasa Engineering Works 60 Feet Road, NH-9, Suryapet, Nalgonda 1140. Sri Srinivasa Industries Bypass: Vijayawada Road, Suryapet, Nalgonda Nalgonda Mob : 9848990959 Nalgonda Mob : 9989163002 1141. Sri Subramanya Engineering Works 17-1, Beside Maharaja Dhaba, NH-7, Shadnagar 509216, Mahbubnagar Mahbubnagar Mob : 9848581539 183 Products Rigid cultivator (9/11 tyne), spring loaded cultivator (9 tyne) Rigid cultivator (11 tyne), reversible MB plough (3 bottom), disc harrow (7 disc), disc puddler, plough (5 bottom), boot type cultivator (5 tyne), spring loaded cultivator (9 tyne) Rigid cultivator (9/11 tyne), spring loaded cultivator (9 tyne), disc plough (2 bottom), reversible MB plough, seed cum fertilizer drill, maize sheller Rigid cultivator (11 tyne), reversible MB plough (3 bottom), inter cultivator, plough (7 bottom), boot type cultivator (5 tyne), half cage wheel Rigid cultivator (9/11 tyne), MB plough (2 furrow), offset disc harrow (12 disc), leveling blade, inter cultivator, plough (7 bottom) Rigid cultivator (9/11 tyne), disc plough (2 bottom), reversible MB plough (3 bottom), leveling blade, plough (7 bottom), half cage wheel Rigid cultivator (11 tyne), spring loaded cultivator (9 tyne), MB plough (2 furrow), guntaka blade, disc puddler, half cage wheel S. No. Name & Address District 1142. Sri Tirumala Engineering Works Thukkuguda, Ranga Reddy Ranga Reddy Contact No., Fax and E-mail Mob : 9848337226, 9490943667 1143. Sri Venkataramana Engineering Works Main Road, Metpali 505325, Dist. Karimnagar 1144. Sri Venkateswara Engg. Works Govindapally road, Jagtial, Dist. Karimnagar Karimnagar Mob : 9440135998 Karimnagar Mob :9440586241 1145. Sri Venkateswara Engg. Works Opp.SBH Bank, Garepalli, Kataram Mandal, Warangal Road, Dist. Karimnagar 1146. Sri Venkateswara Trailor Works NH-7, Kurnool Road, Pebbair - 509104, Dist. Mahbubnagar 1147. Sri Venkateswara Workshop Pentlavelly, Kollapur, Mahbubnagar Karimnagar Mob : 9441060775 Mahbubnagar Mob : 9985528977 Mahbubnagar Mob : 9908389413 184 Products Rigid cultivator (11 tyne), spring loaded cultivator (9 tyne), reversible MB plough, leveling blade, multicrop thresher, paddy thresher Rigid cultivator (9/11 tyne), spring loaded cultivator (9 tyne), disc plough (2 bottom) Rigid cultivator (11 tyne), spring loaded cultivator (9 tyne), MB plough (2/3 furrow), reversible MB plough (3 bottom), offset disc harrow (12 disc), leveling blade, harrow (7 disc) Rigid cultivator (9/11 tyne), disc plough (2 bottom), inter cultivator, disc puddler, plough (5 bottom) Rigid cultivator (9/11 tyne), spring loaded cultivator (9 tyne), MB plough (2 furrow), offset disc harrow (12 disc), inter cultivator, boot type cultivator (5 tyne) Rigid cultivator (9 tyne), spring loaded cultivator (9 tyne), disc plough (2 bottom), offset disc harrow (12 disc), guntaka blade, inter cultivator S. No. Name & Address District 1148. Sri Venkatswara Engineering Works Plot No. 97, Rajeev Autonagar, Karimnagar 1149. Sri Venugopala Engg. Works H. No. 2-252/2, Main Road, Kalluru, Khammam Karimnagar Contact No., Fax and E-mail Mob : 9346155500 Khammam Mob : 9849621895 1150. Sri Vijayalaxmi Industries H No. 6-3, Khammam Road, Thallada - 507167, Dist. Khammam 1151. Srinivasa Engineering Works Karimnagar Road, Jagtial, Dist. Karimnagar Khammam Mob : 9866918172 Karimnagar Mob : 9395111234, 9885128121 1152. Srinivasa Modern Arc Welding Works Sairam Theatre Road, Khammam - 507003 1153. Sudarshan Welding Engineering Works Pentlavelly -509105, Kollapur Mandal, Mahbubnagar 1154. Sudha Modern Welding Works H. No.8-6-135, Kothirampur, Karimnagar - 505001 Khammam Mob : 9440186235 Mahbubnagar Mob : 9440752601 Karimnagar Mob : 9949647470 185 Products Rigid cultivator (11 tyne), spring loaded cultivator (9 tyne), disc plough (2 bottom), MB plough (2 furrow), inter cultivator, disc puddler Rigid cultivator (11 tyne), disc plough (2 bottom), MB plough (2/3 furrow), offset disc harrow (12 disc), tractor drawn bund former Rigid cultivator (9/11 tyne), spring loaded cultivator (9 tyne), spike tooth harrow, inter cultivator, disc puddler, chaff cutter Rigid cultivator (9 tyne), disc plough (2 bottom), inter cultivator, disc puddler, plough (7 bottom), multicrop thresher, seed cum fertilizer drill Rigid cultivator (9/11 tyne), spring loaded cultivator (9 tyne), disc plough (2 bottom), inter cultivator, plough (7 bottom) Rigid cultivator (11 tyne), spring loaded cultivator (9 tyne), reversible MB plough (3 bottom), leveling blade, plough (5/7 bottom) Rigid cultivator (9/11 tyne), disc plough (2 bottom), MB plough (2 furrow) , offset disc harrow (12 disc), leveling blade, guntaka blade, half cage wheel S. No. Name & Address District 1155. Swastik Metal Works Balapur X Road, Hyderabad Hyderabad Contact No., Fax and E-mail Mob : 8885543397 1156. Thirumala Agro Industries Kalvakurthy, Dist. Mahbubnagar Mahbubnagar Mob : 9848337226 1157. Thirumala Engg. Works H.No.1-10-283., Nar Bust Depot, Main Road, Meetalli - 505325, Dist. Karimnagar Karimnagar Mob : 9396610114 1158. Thiumala Engg. Works Madhira Road, Wyra - 507165, Dist. Khammam Khammam Mob : 9866505238 1159. Tirumala Agrotech D No.1/207/1, Bhongir Road, Chityal, Nalgonda Nalgonda Mob : 9885419668 1160. Vijaya Agro Industries Plot No.180/A, Sri Chakripuram Colony, Kushaigud, Hyderabad 500062 Hyderabad Mob : 8096572136 186 Products Rigid cultivator (11 tyne), MB plough (2 furrow), offset disc harrow (12 disc), harrow (7 disc), half cage wheel, rotavator, castor thresher Rigid cultivator (9/11 tyne), spring loaded cultivator (9 tyne), disc plough (2 bottom), offset disc harrow (12 disc), guntaka blade, half cage wheel Rigid cultivator (9/11 tyne), spring loaded cultivator (9 tyne), MB plough (2 furrow), reversible MB plough (3 bottom), offset disc harrow (12 disc), disc puddler, plough (5 bottom), multi-crop thresher, paddy thresher Rigid cultivator (9/11 tyne), spring loaded cultivator (9 tyne), disc plough (2 bottom), offset disc harrow (12 disc), plough (7 bottom), half cage wheel Rigid cultivator (9 tyne), spring loaded cultivator (9 tyne), disc plough (2 bottom), reversible MB plough, inter cultivator, plough (5 bottom), boot type cultivator (5 tyne) Rigid cultivator (9 tyne), offset disc harrow (12 disc), guntaka blade, boot type cultivator (5 tyne), rotavator S. No. Name & Address District 1161. Vijaya Engineering Works Plot No. 20, Phase II, IDA, Cherlapalli, Hyderabad Hyderabad Contact No., Fax and E-mail Mob : 9848564323 1162. Vijayalaxmi Industries Mamidipally 'X' Road, Armoor - 503224, Dist. Nizamabaad 1163. Vishnu Industries Khammam Road, Kodad - 508206, Dist. Nizamabaad Nizamabaad Mob : 9848014677 Nizamabaad Mob : 9848467557 1164. Vishwakarma Industries Plot No. 5, Road No. 6 Industries Estate, Kattedan, Hyderabad - 500077 Hyderabad Tel : 040-24361482 1165. Viswakarma Engineering Company Plot No. 138, Road No. 26, Industries Estate, Kattedan, Hyderabad – 500077 Hyderabad Tel : 040-24361719 Gautam Budha Nagar Tel: 0120-4221130, 4337971 Mob : 9210900192, 9818304296 E-mail: Products Rigid cultivator (9/11 tyne), MB plough (3 furrow), harrow (7 disc), boot type cultivator (5 tyne), tractor drawn bund former, chaff cutter Rigid cultivator (9/11 tyne), reversible MB plough, offset disc harrow (12 disc), inter cultivator, harrow (7 disc), multi-crop thresher Rigid cultivator (11 tyne), ), disc plough (2 bottom), reversible MB plough (3 bottom), offset disc harrow (12 disc), plough (5/7 bottom), boot type cultivator (5 tyne) Multi-crop thresher, paddy thresher, rotavator, self-propelled reaper, puddler, paddy row seeder, jatropha thresher, castor thresher, sunflower thresher Multi-crop thresher, paddy thresher, rotavator, self-propelled reaper, puddler, paddy row seeder, jatropha thresher, castor thresher, sunflower thresher 1.20. Uttar Pradesh 1166. AJ Precision & Automation Pvt. Ltd. B-179, Phase II, Noida 201304 187 Laser leveller, paddy transplanter S. No. Name & Address District 1167. Ajay Iron & Steel Works D-10, Industrial Estate, Varanasi 1168. Amar Head & Gears Mfg. Co. Plot No.-181, Opp Agarwal Market, HRS Chowk, Delhi Road, Meerut - 250002 Varanasi 1169. Ashoka Implements Mandi Dhanaura, Dist. J.P. Nagar J.P. Nagar 1170. Balaji Agri Industries Pvt.Ltd. Mama Bhanja ka Talab, Rewa Road, Allahabad 1171. Banaras Agro Industries 217/2 Industrial Estate, Varanasi 1172. Banaras Tractor House D-3 Industrial Estate, Varanasi Allahabad Meerut Contact No., Fax and E-mail http://www.ajprecisionautoma Tel : 0542-2207619, 2370077 Tel : 0121-2514056 Mob : 9412703140, 9412782074 E-mail http://www.amaragriculture.c om/ Tel : 05924-273176, 274276 Mob : 9412636370, 9458523200, 9458523300 E-mail:, Tel :0532-2684666-67 Products Chaff cutter, cane crusher Cultivator cum weeder, mini rotary tiller, rotavator, post hole digger, cultivator tynes Cultivator, inter rotary cultivator tiller, reaper binder, petrol tiller, diesel tiller, sugarcane cutter, wheat cutter, power tiller, mould board plough, spring loaded tiller, medium sub soiler, heavy duty bund maker, land leveler Chaff cutter, thresher Varanasi Tel : 0542-2370058, 2451744 Cultivator, trolley, leveller, cage wheel Varanasi Tel : 0542-2372165, 2343189 Cultivator, MB plough, disc plough, trolley, leveller 188 S. No. Name & Address District 1173. Bankura Precision Agricultural Equipments Miranpur, Dist. Muzaffarnagar Muzaffarnagar 1174. Bharti Kisan Thresher Ghorawal, Sonbhadra 1175. Bhartiya Kisan Thresher Pili Kothi, Mirzapur 1176. Chawhan Agri. Implements Industry Kabbakhedi, Near Sandeela Bus Stop, Unnao 1177. Chetram Krishi Yantra Udyog Nawabganj by pass, Unnao 1178. Digital Industrial Products E-62, Sector-9, Greater Noida 1179. Gobind Product Pvt. Ltd. Jarhara Jaidpur Road, Barabanki Sonbhadra Mirzapur Contact No., Fax and E-mail Fax : 01396-244147 Mob : 9997766999, 9837804326 E-mail: m http://www.bankuralaserlandl Mob : 9415257792 Products Laser land leveler Thresher, rotavator Thresher Unnao Mob : 9935239606, 9415647708 Tel : 0515-828738, 891704 Unnao Mob : 9839553028 Noida Telefax : 0120-2546306 Mob : 9811466845 Thresher, disc harrow, leveler, cage wheel, trolley Laser leveller Barabanki Mob : 9415075943 189 Cultivator, disc harrow, trolley, land leveller, cage wheel Thresher, rotavator, disc harrow, cultivator, MB plough, disc plough, potato planter (4 row), potato digger, zero-till seed drill, post hole digger, tractor front mounted reaper, straw reaper S. No. Name & Address District 1180. Gobind Industries Pvt. Ltd. Lucknow Road, Near Safidabad Railway Crossing, Barabanki - 225001 Barabanki 1181. Guru Nanak Iron Industries N H 26, Lalitpur Road Babina Cantt, Dist. Jhansi Jhansi 1182. Kisan Agri. Implements Industry 202 Tagi Nagar, Unnao 1183. Kissan Krishi Yantra Pili Kothi, Mirzapur 1184. Lakshmi Agril. Industries Industrial Estate, Varanasi 1185. Ma Tara Agro Industries Plot No. 9 K, Govindpura, Naraur, Near Hindustan Press, G.T. Road, Rohania, Varanasi Unnao Mirzapur Varanasi Varanasi Contact No., Fax and E-mail Tel : 05248-223056, 227285, 229327 Fax : 05248-229328 Mob : 9415142894, 9415142895, 9415048612 E-mail: deepak_gobind@rediffmail.c om http://www.skumarbarabanki. com/ Telfax :0510-2740649 Mob: 9415412037 E-mail: gurunanakironindustries@ya Tel : 0515-2828757 Products Vertical conveyer reaper, thresher, leveller, rotavator, potato planter, sugarcane planter, MB plough, disc plough, cultivator, disc harrow, chaff cutter, stubble shaver, zero-till drill, straw reaper, grain combine, ridger Multi crop thresher, paddy thresher, groundnut thresher, cultivator, disc harrow, seed-cum-fertilizer drill, maize planter, castor planter, leveller, rotavator, trailer Cultivator, trolley, harrow Tel : 05442-223068 Mob: 9838415961 Tel : 0542-2370211 Thresher, rotavator, reaper, zero till seed drill Chaff cutter Tel : 0542-2370058 Mob : 9335007993, 9616124165 E-mail: Thresher, harrow, cage wheel 190 S. No. Name & Address District 1186. New Bajaj Industries Tehsil Road, Bindaki, Fatehpur - 212635 1187. New Holland Tractors India Pvt. Ltd. Plot No. 3, Udyog Kendra, Greater Noida – 201306, Dist. Gautam Budh Nagar 1188. New Swarajya Krishi Yantra Udyog 122/421,Shastri nagar, Kanpur - 208005 1189. Nitesh Engineering Works 5, Industrial Estate Jagdishpatti, Jaunpur 1190. Patel Krishi Yantra Udyog 28/C, Dawood Nagar, Naini, Allahabad 1191. Punjab Engineers Dashmesh Nagar, Baghpat Road Meerut - 250002 Fatehpur 1192. Rajesh Engg. Works Jogapur, Allahabad-Faizabad Road, Pratapgarh Pratapgarh Gautam Budh Nagar Kanpur Contact No., Fax and E-mail Tel : 05181-2257613 Mob: 9415438186, 9838287000 Tel : 0120-2350401-03 Fax : 0120-2350424-25 E-mail:, Tel : 0512-2237865 Mob : 9936419871 Products Cultivator, leveler, disc harrow, semiautomatic potato planter, trolley, land leveller, thresher Tractor baler Cultivator, leveler, disc harrow, bund former Jaunpur Mob : 9415657241 E-mail : Thresher Allahabad Tel : 0532-2696255 Cultivator, seed drill, leveller, trolley Meerut Tel : 0121-2511627, 6541627 Fax : 0121-2513756 Mob : 9837340086 E-mail : Tel : 05342-221384 E-mail : sagarkrishiyantra@rediffmail. com Potato planter, potato digger, sugarcane planter 191 Cultivator, disc harrow, land leveler, thresher S. No. Name & Address District 1193. Sagar Krishi Yantra Pvt. Ltd. C-14, Factory Area, In front of Telephone Exchange, Choutagrah Bindaki, Fatehpur - 212637 1194. Shaktiman Trolley Works Nawabganj by pass, Unnao 1195. Shiva Agro Agency Shop No. 35, 36, Nai Anaj Mandi, Garh Road, Hapur 1196. Shiva Agro Traders Shop No-44, New Mandi, Near Thana Dehat, Hapur, Ghaziabad - 201001 1197. Shri Thakur Prasad Vijay Kumar Maldahia, Varanasi 1198. Shri Thakurji Engg. Works Pvt. Ltd. Kachhwa Bazar, Mirzapur 1199. Shubhum Industries 441/L-IV/08 Purana Topkhana Bari Road, Balaganj, Lucknow Fatehpur 1200. Sombanshi Agro Implements Works Pvt. Ltd. 2/1 Devkali Katra Road, Pratapgarh Pratapgarh Unnao Hapur Contact No., Fax and E-mail Mob : 9889651655, 9415494697 E-mail : sagarkrishiyantra@rediffmail. com Mob : 9918353712 Tel : 0122-2333833 Mob : 9927039214 Products Trolley, cultivator, disc harrow, land leveler Cultivator, disc harrow, leveller, cage wheel, trolley Laser leveller Mob : 9927064625 Tractor operated laser land leveller Varanasi Tel : 0542-2207619, 2207540 Thresher, Harambha thresher, rotavator, zero till seed drill, seed drill Mirzapur Tel : 05442-282225 Mob : 9935389828 Chaff cutter, sugarcane crusher Lucknow Tel : 0522-2407777, 2998491 Mob : 9956637777, 9818182631 E-mail : Mob : 9450063221 Mould board plough, cultivator, disc plough, laser land leveller, post hole digger, potato digger, potato planter, raised bed planter, reversible plough, rotavator, threshers, zero till drill, brush cutter, tractor trolley Trolley, cultivator, land leveler 192 S. No. Name & Address District 1201. Stitch Well Qualitex Pvt. Ltd. G-58, Sector 6, Greater Noida Noida 1202. Sunlight Foundary 35/5, Gokhale Marge, Lucknow 1203. Tarson Industries Bahua Bag, Bindki, Fatehpur Lucknow Fatehpur Contact No., Fax and E-mail Tel : 0120-2422496, 4222052 Fax : 0120-2422654 Mob : 9811613773 Tel : 05248-222966, 222312 Mob : 9839123230 Tel : 05181-2257522 Products 1204. Tarun Agencies Tehsil Road, Fatehpur 212635 1205. Umrao Agro Industries Bindki, Fatehpur Fatehpur Mob : 7275637479 Sugarcane planter, chaff cutter, cultivator, cane crusher, disc harrow, multi-crop thresher, reaper Trolley, cultivator, disc harrow, land leveler, cage wheel, disc plough, MB plough, thresher Thresher, cultivator Fatehpur 1206. Vijay Krishi Yantra Banthra Bazar, Lucknow 1207. Vikas Trolley Manufacturers 122/1-D-19, Sarojini Naga, Kanpur Lucknow Tel : 05181-2257696 Mob : 9450260390, 9936218801 Mob : 9839123895 Cultivator, disc harrow, disc plough, MB plough, thresher, sugarcane crusher Thresher Kanpur Mob : 9451422644 Trolley Udham Singh Nagar Tel : 05944-242067, 241075 Thresher, cultivator, seed drill, harrow, rotavator, trolley Udham Singh Nagar Tel : 05947-278977, 279764 Rice thresher, harrow, cultivator, ridger Power tiller, power weeder, power saw 1.21. Uttarakhand 1208. Agarawal Agro Traders B-15, Industrial Area, Rudrapur, Dist. US Nagar 1209. Akhtari Agriculture Works Shop No. 18-19-20, New 193 S. No. 1210. 1211. 1212. 1213. 1214. 1215. 1216. Name & Address Anaz Mandi Moradabad Road, Kashipur, Dist. US Nagar Ashok Foundary (Regd.) 416/19 , Niwas Nagar, Allahabad Bank Road, Kashipur, Dist. US Nagar Avon Industries Sakaniya Road Gadarpur, Dist. US Nagar Avtar Agricultural Implements Works Near Hospital, Ramraj Road Bajpur, Dist. US Nagar Bansal Traders Main Market Vikas Nagar, Dehradun Beer Agriculture Works Kashipur Road, Ramnagar Bharat Agriculture Works G.T. Bhadrabad Road, Roorkee, Haridwar Doabaa Agri. Industries Bypass Road, Sitarganj, Dist. US Nagar 1217. Farmers Agro Sells Block Road, Jaspur, Dist. US Nagar District Contact No., Fax and E-mail Products Udham Singh Nagar Tel : 05947-279333 Mob : 9837776293, 9927131511 Udham Singh Nagar Mob : 9837667925, 9837824384 Udham Singh Nagar Tel : 05949-88503 Mob : 9690065764 Dehradun Ramnagar Tel : 01360-250495 Mob : 9412050103, 9412967950 Tel : 05947-251191 Haridwar Tel : 01334-248529 Udham Singh Nagar Tel : 05948-254718-19 Thresher, cultivator, seed drill, plough, harrow Udham Singh Nagar Tel : 05947-220422 Disc harrow 194 Hand operated chaff cutter, power operated chaff cutter, thresher, cultivator, seed drill, plough, harrow, ridger, trolley Thresher, cultivator, seed drill, plough, harrow, ridger, rotavator, trolley Thresher, cultivator, seed drill, plough, harrow, ridger, rotavator, trolley Thresher cultivator, seed drill, plough, harrow, ridger Thresher, cultivator, seed drill, harrow, trolley Cultivator, seed drill, plough, harrow, ridger, tiller, trolley, thresher S. No. Name & Address District 1218. Guru Nanak Gramin Krishi Udhyog Jwalapur, Saray Road, Sitapur, G.T. Road, Roorkee, Haridwar 1219. Gurunanak Industries Bypass Road, Sitarganj, Dist. US Nagar 1220. Gurupal Agri. Works Industrial Area, Rudrapur, Dist. US Nagar Haridwar 1221. H. B. Industries Barilly Road, Kichha, Dist. US Nagar 1222. Harmilap Agri. Store Barielly Road, Near Sonari Maszid, Kichha, Dist. US Nagar 1223. Harpal Industries B-21, Industrial Estate, Rudrapur, Dist. US Nagar 1224. Jai Guru Dev Industries C-17 Industrial Area, Rudrapur, Dist. US Nagar 1225. Jain Agriculture Implements Ramnagar Road, Kashipur, Dist. US Nagar Udham Singh Nagar Contact No., Fax and E-mail Tel : 01334-248147 Mob : 9897249751 Products Harrow, tiller, trolley, thresher Sitarganj Tel : 05948-254400 Cultivator, seed drill, plough, harrow, ridger, thresher Udham Singh Nagar Tel : 05944-244594, 250969 Mob : 9012394000, 9927994000 Tel : 05944-264113 Thresher, cultivator, seed drill, plough, harrow, ridger Udham Singh Nagar Tel : 05944-264208, 264494 Thresher, cultivator, seed drill, plough, harrow, trolley Udham Singh Nagar Tel : 05944-241487, 241260 Thresher, cultivator, seed drill, harrow, trolley Udham Singh Nagar Tel : 05944-243508, Thresher, cultivator, seed drill, 241203, 245571 plough, harrow, ridger, rotavator, Mob: 9568880000, 9927064150pedle thresher, rotary plough Tel : 05947-274046, Rice thresher, harrow, cultivator, 274720, 274296, 275449 ridger, seed drill Mob : 9897634722-30 Udham Singh Nagar 195 Thresher, cultivator, harrow S. No. Name & Address 1226. Kashipur Agriculture Implements New Anaj Mandi, Muradabad Road, Kashipur, Dist. US Nagar 1227. Kohali Agriculture Equipment Civil Lines, Rudrapur, Dist. US Nagar 1228. Lalji & Sons 216/3 Dehradun Road, Purani Tehsil, Roorkee, Dist. Haridwar 1229. Malwa Agriculture Works Kashipur Road, Ramnagar, Dist. US Nagar 1230. Modern Iron Works Near of Rattan cinema, Kashipur, Dist. US Nagar 1231. Mohd. Sharif Hamidi Agril. Works Dariya Road, Dheemer Khera, Kashipur, Dist. US Nagar 1232. National Agriculture Repairing Works (Khotali Wale) Opp. Petrol Pump, Near Hero Handa Agency, Haridwar Road, Laksar District Udham Singh Nagar Contact No., Fax and E-mail Tel : 05947-278977 Products Thresher, harrow, cultivator, ridger Udham Singh Nagar Tel : 05944-242256 Thresher, cultivator, seed drill, harrow, plough, trolley Haridwar Tel : 01332-263545 Mob : 9837920094 Thresher cultivator, seed drill, harrow, ridger, trolley Udham Singh Nagar Tel : 05947-251191 Thresher, cultivator, seed drill, harrow Udham Singh Nagar Tel : 05947-274114, 279114, 277114 Plough, thresher, harrow, cultivator Udham Singh Nagar Mob : 9837779350, 9837592558 Thresher, cultivator, seed drill, plough, harrow, ridger, trolley Haridwar Mob : 9897321057 Thresher, cultivator, seed drill, harrow, ridger, trolley 196 S. No. Name & Address 1233. New Hanspal Agriculture Instruments Industries Bareilly Road, Kichha, Dist. US Nagar 1234. Ravindra Agri. Industries B-18, Industrial Estate Rudrapur, Dist. US Nagar 1235. Sandhu Agricultural Works Near Shivhari Plywood Factory Road, Jaspur, Dist. US Nagar 1236. Santosh Machinery Store Main Market, Jaspur, Dist. US Nagar 1237. Sawdesi Tractor Company Khatima Road, Sitarganj, Dist. US Nagar 1238. Tarai Agriculture Farm 8, Model Colony, Kashipur road, Rudrapur, Dist. US Nagar 1239. United Traders Civil Lines, Rudrapur, Dist. US Nagar 1240. Veer Engineering Works Veer Agriculture Near Anaj Mandi Works, Kashipur Road, Ramnagar District Udham Singh Nagar Contact No., Fax and E-mail Tel : 05944-264158, 265158 Products Thresher, harrow, seed drill, cultivator Udham Singh Nagar Tel : 05944-244699, 244064 Rice thresher, harrow, seed drill, plough Udham Singh Nagar Mob : 9917043016, 9927074404 Thresher, cultivator, seed drill, plough, harrow, ridger, rotavator, trolley Udham Singh Nagar Tel : 05947-222324 Trolley Udham Singh Nagar Tel : 05948-254987, 254057 Thresher, cultivator, seed drill, harrow, trolley Udham Singh Nagar Tel : 05944-244775, 244072 Thresher, cultivator, seed drill, plough, harrow, trolley Udham Singh Nagar Tel : 05944-243585, 253185 Thresher, cultivator, seed drill, harrow Ramnagar Mob.: 9837253091, 9897634723 Cultivator, seed drill, plough, harrow, ridger, tiller, trolley, thresher 197 S. No. Name & Address Contact No., Fax and E-mail Mob: 9259355254, 9319927783 Cultivator, seed drill, harrow, ridger, tiller, trolley, thresher Haridwar Tel : 01332-274744 Mob : 9837146154 Harrow, cultivator, tiller, trolley, thresher 1243. Agro Commercial l8 A, Camac Court, 25 B, Camac Street, Kolkata Kolkata Tel : 033-22874206, 22874139 Mob : 9339872177 E-mail: ; 1244. Agro Equipment Division 320,Marshall House,33/1, N.S Road, Kolkata - 700001 Kolkata 1245. Agro Equipments 24 B/1 B, Dr. Suresh Sarkar Road, Kolkata Kolkata Tel : 033-22302915, 22303736 Mob : 9874790386 E-mail:; Tel : 033-22450894, 22444689 Mob : 9433090577 Multi anchor sub-soiler, multipurpose harrow-cum-leveller, 4 hole pit digger, light weight power tiller, sprayer, bio-shredder, power tiller operated seed cum fertilizer drill, bar harrow, shrub master, rotary plough, post-hole digger, grass cutter, rotavator, fodder cutter cum loader Reaper, thresher 1241. Vijay and Company Haridwar Road, Laksar, Roorkee 1242. Vishwa Karma Agro Engineering Works Malviya Chowk, G.T. Road, Roorkee, Dist. Haridwar District Haridwar Products 1.22. West Bengal 198 Power tiller operated seed cum fertilizer drill, bar harrow, shrub master, rotary plough, sprayer, posthole digger, grass cutter, rotavator, fodder cutter cum loader S. No. Name & Address District 1246. Anjali Farm Equipment Ghoshpur, Arabindo Road, Baduria, Maslandapur 743289, Dist. North 24 Parganas 1247. Bengal Metal Works 69A, Serpentine Lane Kolkata - 700014 North 24 Parganas 1248. Bengal Tools Ltd. Shrachi Tower, 686, Anandapur, EM Bypass-RB Connector Junc., Kolkata Kolkata 1249. Chatterjee & Co. 68, Serpentine Lane, Kolkata Kolkata 1250. Cooch Behar Auto Works 74, Nripendra Narayan Road, IDBI Bank Building, Cooch Behar - 736101 1251. Expo Engineering 65,Bisseswar Banerjee Lane, Howrah 1252. Greaves Agro Equipment Thapar House, 25, Brabourne Road, Kolkata Cooch Behar Kolkata Howrah Kolkata Contact No., Fax and E-mail Tel : 033-24453125 Mob : 9433573166 Products Drum seeder, cono weeder Tel : 033-22271533, 2650574 Fax : 033-22276514 E-mail : Tel : 033-39843984, 39844249 Mob : 9830458107 E-mail : Tel : 033-22271533, 22650574, 22276514 E-mail: Tel : 03582-227485 E-mail: coochbeharautoworks@gmai Tel : 033-26431298 Mob : 9831126323 Horticultural tools, post hole digger, sub-soiler, trailer, blade terracer, disc harrow, disc plough, spring cultivator, MB plough Tel: 033-40120947, 40120948, 40120900 Power sprayer, brush cutter, inter cultivator, power driven harvester, mini combine harvester 199 Self-propelled reaper Rotavator Reaper, mini power tiller Thresher, sprayer S. No. Name & Address District 1253. Maxtone Petrochemicals 1A, Merlin Besara, 13B, Ramesh Mitra Road Kolkata – 700025 1254. New Bengal Agro Implements Krishna Bazar, GT Road, Memari Burdwan, Kolkata, Howrah - 713146 1255. Nipha Exports Pvt. Ltd. 48, Ganga Jamuna, 28/1, Shakespeare Sarani, Kolkata – 700017 Kolkata 1256. Premier Magnetos P.O. Hijli Co-operative, Prem Bazar, Kharagpur 721306 Kharagpur 1257. Shree Ambica Iron Industries Pvt.Ltd. #1A, Nanda Mullick Lane, Beadon Street, Kolkata 700006 Kolkata Howrah Kolkata Contact No., Fax and E-mail Tel : 033-24546419, 40064071 Fax : 033-24546421 Mob : 9831080998 Tel: 0342-2250997, 2251955 Telefax : 0342-2262344 Mob:8377805849 Tel : 033-40214300 Fax : 033-22875104, 22870780 Mob: 9831018529 E-mail: Tel : 03222-279171 Mob : 9434205116 E-mail:, Tel : 033-25306091 200 Products Power tiller, power weeder Rotavator, potato digger, maize thresher, power tiller operated potato seeder, paddy thresher Rotary tiller, rotary tiller blades, cultivator tynes Power tiller operated seed cum fertilizer drill, paddy thresher, cono weeder, knapsack sprayer, decorticator, paddy drum seeder, animal drawn puddler, wheel hoe, plough, groundnut stripper-cumdecorticator, coconut de-husker, rotary puddler Power driven harvester, reaper, power tiller S. No. Name & Address District 1258. Star Agro Industries Domohana, North Dinajpur North Dinajpur 1259. The Bombay Mill Stores 26, N.S. Road, Kolkata Kolkata 1260. Tata Steel Ltd. Agrico Division rd 3 Floor, Tata Centre 43, J L Nehru Road Kolkata - 700071 Kolkata 1261. West Bengal Agro-Industries Corporation Ltd. 23B, Netaji Subhas Road, rd 3 Floor, Kolkata Kolkata Contact No., Fax and E-mail Mob : 9932303677, 9933900000 Tel : 033-22425198 E-mail : Tel : 033-22883475, 22248661/3475 Fax : 033-22888850 Mob : 8334960500 E-mail : ; Tel : 033-22302314-15 E-mail: 201 Products Harvester, thresher, rotavator, cage wheel, cultivator Sprayer Power weeder cum cultivator, rotary tiller, seed cum fertilizer drill, gardening tools Paddy thresher, garden tiller, sprayer, drum seeder, power tiller, vertical conveyor reaper 2. List of Tractor Manufacturers S. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. Address of Manufacturers Action Construction Equipment Ltd. Jajru Road, 25 Mile Stone, Mathura Road Ballabgarh, Faridabad-121004 (Haryana) Tel. : 0129-2306111, 2306114 Fax.: 0129-2307562, E-mail:; Captain Tractors Pvt. Ltd. Padavla Road, Veraval (Shapar) Taluka : Kotda, Sangani - 360024 Dist. Rajkot (Gujarat) Tel. .: 02827-252547, 253916-17, Mob : 9726270707, 9099433133 E-mail: Escorts Limited 15/5 Mathura Road Faridabad – 121003 (Haryana) Tel. : 0129–2250222, 2291230 Fax: 0129–2250009 Farmer Tractor Gondal Road, Maruti Industrial Area Plot No. 24, Near Glotech Steel Village : Kotharia Rajkot - 360004 (Gujarat) Telefax: 0281-2388159 202 Make/model ACE Captain Farmtrac, Powertrac, Escort Jai Kisan Series (ValueMaxx, LoadMaxx, AgMaxx, InfraMaxx and SuperMaxx) Farmer S. No. 5. 6. 7. 8. Address of Manufacturers Mob. : 9925002492 E-mail :; Website : Force Motors Limited Bombay - Pune Road, Akurdi, Pune – 411035 (Maharashtra) Tel: 020-27476380, Extn. 4494 Fax : 020-27475984 E-mail: HMT Limited Group, Pinjore, Dist. Panchkula -134101 (Haryana) Tel. : 01733-263825-29 Telefax : 01733-264114-15 E-mail: Indo Farm Equipment Limited Export Promotion Industrial Park, Phase-II Baddi - 173205, District Solan (Himachal Pradesh) Tel. : 01795-274241 Fax : 01795-274308-309 E-mail : International Tractors Limited Vill. Chak Gujran, P.O. Piplanwala Jalandhar Road Hoshiarpur – 146022 (Punjab) Tel. : 01882-302220, 221, 223 Fax : 01882-302222 203 Make/model Balwan, Orchard HMT Indo Farm DI, RX and Worldtrac series S. No. 9. 10. 11. 12. Address of Manufacturers E-mail :; John Deere India Private Limited Tower 14, Cybercity Magarpatta City Hadapsar Pune – 411013 (Maharashtra) Tel. : 020-66425000 Kubota Agricultural Machinery India Private Limited No. 15, Medavakkam Road, Sholinganallur, Chennai - 600119 (Tamil Nadu) Tel. : 044-61041500, Fax : 044-61041600 Mahindra & Mahindra Limited Akurli Road, Kandivli East, Mumbai – 400101 (Maharashtra) Tel. : 022-66483682, 66483611 Fax : 022-28851484 Mahindra & Mahindra Limited (Swaraj Division) A-29-E, Industrial Area, Phase-VII, Near Chandigarh S.A.S. Nagar - 160055 (Punjab) Tel. : 0172-2271620-27, 0172-2270820-23 Fax : 0172-2271307, 2272731 E-mail: 204 Make/model 5000 C, D, E series Kubota Arjun, Bhoomiputra, Sarpanch, Shaan, Yuvraj Swaraj S. No. 13. 14. 15. 16. Address of Manufacturers Mahindra Gujarat Tractor Limited Near Vishwamitri Railway Over Bridge, Vishwamitri, Vadodara – 390011 (Gujarat) Tel. : 0265-2311617, 2339547 Fax : 0265-2338156, 2338015 E-mail:; New Holland Fiat (India) Pvt. Ltd. Tractor Division Plot No. 03, Udyog Kendra Greater Noida – 201306 Distt. Gautam Budh Nagar (Uttar Pradesh) Tel. : 0120-3056000 Fax: 0120-3056989 Mob. : 9313869659 E-mail: Preet Tractors Pvt. Ltd. PO Box No. 29, Nabha Patiala Road Nabha - 148201 Distt. Patiala (Punjab) Tel. : 01765-220400 Fax: 01765-221619 E-mail: Royal Tractor Pvt. Ltd. Bhavnagar Road, Near Reliance Petrol Pump Amreli – 365601 (Gujarat) Tel : 02792-240534, Mob : 9429184579 205 Make/model Shaktiman models New Holland Preet models Royal (Mini tractor) S. No. 17. 18. 19. 20. Address of Manufacturers E-mail: Same Deutz Fahr India (P) Ltd 72 M SIPCOT Industrial Complex Ranipet - Vellore -632403 (Tamil Nadu) Tel. : 04172-247156-63 Fax: 04172-246330, 244981 Mob. : 9345714371 E-mail: SAS Motors Limited Plot No.- 78, Sector - 3, IMT-Manesar Gurgaon - 122050 (Haryana) Tel. : 0124-4245095-98 Fax: 0124-4245099 E-mail:;; Standard Corporation India Limited Standard Chowk Barnala – 148 101 (Punjab) Tel. : 01679-237981, 241533, 231433 Fax : 01679-242933, 243733 E-mail : Tractors and Farm Equipment Limited 77, Nungambakkam High Road Nungambakkam Chennai – 600034 (Tamil Nadu) Tel. : 044-66919000 206 Make/model SAME Angad Standard Massey Fergusson, Eicher S. No. 21. 22. 23. Address of Manufacturers Fax : 044-28260224 E-mail: Trishul Tractors Pvt. Ltd. Ghoghavadar Road, Gondal-360 311 Dist. Rajkot (Gujarat) Tel. : 02825-227280, 222513 Fax: 02825-223921 Mob. : 9879225000, 9825546964 E-mail:; VST Tiller Tractors Ltd. Box No. 4801, White Field Road Mahadevapura P.O. , Bangalore - 560048 (Karnataka) Tel.: 080-28510805-07, 67141111 Fax: 080-28510221 E-mail: White Wagon Private Limited Rajkot-Gondal Highway, B/H Kishan Petrol Pump Kangashiyali Rajkot – 360 002 (Gujarat) Tel. : 0281-2708273 Mob. : 8980004398, 8980004374 E-mail:, 207 Make/model Trishul VST Mitsubishi Shakti, Mitsubishi Shakti and EuroTrac – VST makes Vaibhav and Utsav 3. Power Tiller Manufacturers S. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. Address of Manufacturers Bengal Tools Limited (Agro Division) Shrachi Tower, 686 Anandapur, E.M.Bypass - R.B. Connector Junction, Kolkata – 700107 (West Bengal) Tel.: 033-39843984, 32401701 Fax: 033-39844249 Mob. : 9163220000 E-mail: Ganga Motors Farm Equipment Division, 23 Ganesh Chandra Avenue Kolkata – 700013 (West Bengal) Tel : 033-22110604, 22116109 Fax : 033-22158432 E-mail: Greaves Cotton Ltd. No.30, Lakshmi Chambers, Anna Salai, Little Mount, Saidapet, Chennai – 600015 (Tamil Nadu) Tel: 044-22304000 Fax: 044-22352271 E-mail: Indtec Elektro Control F-6, Focal Point, Phagwara Road, 208 Make and models Shrachi make Ganga Sifang make Greaves make Kranti make S. No. 5. 6. 7. Address of Manufacturers Hoshiarpur -146001 (Punjab) Tel : 01882-248487 Fax : 01882-249678 Mob : 9217149678 E-mail:; Kavi Agro Agency 164, Kumaran Road, Sangiliyandapuram Main Road, Trichy – 620001 (Tamil Nadu) Tel : 0431-2301918, 2301115 Fax : 0431-2301918 Mob : 9244438510 E-mail : Kerala Agro Machinery Corporation Ltd. (KAMCO) Angamally, Athani - 683585 Dist. Ernakulam (Kerala) Tel.: 0484-2474301 E-mail: Rogini Farm Equipments 152, New Vellore Road,(Near Bus Stand), Arcot – 632503, Dist.Vellore (Tamil Nadu) Tel : 04172-325481 Fax : 04172-234182 Mob : 9361720203, 9344849841 E-mail:; 209 Make and models Kavi make KAMCO make SUN make S. No. 8. 9. 10. 11. Address of Manufacturers SAS Motors Limited Plot No.- 78, Sector - 3, IMT - Manesar, Gurgaon - 122050 (Haryana) Tel. : 0124-4245095-98 Fax: 0124-4245099 E-mail:;; Southern Agro Engine (P) Ltd. 24 A, III Phase, Industrial, Estate, Guindy, Chennai – 600032 (Tamil Nadu) Tel : 044-22500378, 22501325, 22500133, 22501134 Fax : 044-2250039 E-mail:; Tusker Farm Equipments (P) Ltd. 47-A, Hanuman Road, Connaught Place, New Delhi - 110001 Tel. : 011-3348411, 3348412 Fax : 011-3365827 Vijay Engg. & Machinery Co. 1420, C Ward, Laxmipuri Kolhapur – 416002 (Maharashtra) Tel : 0231-2641876, 2641877, 2642515 Fax : 0231-2640420 Mob : 9923207988 E-mail: 210 Make and models Angad make Manam make Imported power tiller Vijay make S. No. 12. Address of Manufacturers VST Tiller Tractors Ltd. Box No. 4801, White Field Road, Mahadevapura P.O. Bangalore – 560048 (Karnataka) Tel. : 080-28510805/06/07, 67141111 Fax : 080-28510221 E-mail: Make and models VST Shakti and Mitsubishi Shakti make 211 212
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