cerco amiche
cerco amiche
S21 AN ROINN OIDEACHAIS AGUS EOLAÍOCHTA _________________ JUNIOR CERTIFICATE EXAMINATION, 2001 ________________ ITALIAN - ORDINARY LEVEL (320 marks) ________________ THURSDAY, 21 JUNE, - MORNING, 9.30 to 12.00 __________________________________________________________________________________ CENTRE STAMP EXAMINATION NUMBER __________________________________________________________________________________ N.B. FOR USE BY EXAMINER ONLY PART SECTION MARK A I B A II B A III B TOTAL GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. There are three parts in this paper: Part I - Listening Comprehension; Part II - Reading Comprehension; Part III - Written Expression. All sections of the paper should be attempted and answers should be written in the spaces provided on the examination paper. (Extra paper is available if required.) Attend carefully to the particular instructions for each item. (Note that in Part I instructions are given on the tape and on the paper.) When you have finished Part I you should proceed immediately to Parts II and III. MAKE SURE TO WRITE YOUR EXAMINATION NUMBER IN THE SPACE PROVIDED ABOVE. [Turn over PART I: LISTENING COMPREHENSION (140 MARKS) Page 1 of 14 A You will hear each announcement, message or conversation twice. During the first hearing you may take notes. You may answer the questions at the end of either hearing. 1. (a) Lorenzo has Tick the correct box Blue eyes Brown eyes Green eyes (b) He is Tick the correct box Shy and reserved Cheerful and silly Nice and intelligent 2. (a) The flat is Tick the correct box on the second floor on the fourth floor on the sixth floor (b) The flat has Tick the correct box one bedroom two bedrooms three bedrooms 3. (a) The pizzeria does deliveries Tick the correct box True (b) False The pizzeria is closed Tick the correct box on Sundays on Mondays on Tuesdays 4. (a) The courses cost Page 2 of 14 Tick the correct box 100,000 lire per year 100,000 lire for three months 100,000 lire per month (b) The offer is valid until Tick the correct box June 30th August 31st August 11th 5. (a) The girl eats Tick the correct box A pizza A cheese sandwich A ham and cheese sandwich (b) The girl pays Tick the correct box 5,500 lire 6,500 lire 5,000 lire 6. (a) Lorenzo’s birthday is Tick the correct box On Sunday June 23 On Saturday June 23 On Saturday June 24 (b) Marta asks to bring Tick the correct box A friend A cake Her sister [Turn over B Page 3 of 14 (i) Lucia is talking to Stefano on the phone. Listen carefully to the conversation. You will hear it three times. First you will hear it right through. Then you will hear it replayed in 5 segments. There will be a pause after each segment to allow you to answer the question on that segment. Finally, you will hear the whole conversation right through again. 1. Why hasn’t Lucia been in touch for a long time? Tick the correct box She was sick She was on holiday She moved to a new house 2. (a) Lucia’s new apartment is Tick the correct box Bigger than her last one Smaller than her last one The same size as her last one (b) There are a lot of shops near the apartment Tick the correct box True 3. False Lucia invites Stefano to go to her house Tick the correct box On Friday On Saturday On Sunday 4. When they meet they are going to play the piano Tick the correct box True 5. False Lucia’s telephone number is Tick the correct box 5678452 5688452 (ii) 5698452 Giulia meets her friend Francesca in the street and they start talking. Listen carefully to the conversation. You will hear it three times. First you will hear it right through. Then you will hear it replayed in 5 segments. There will be a pause after each segment to allow you to answer the question on that segment. Finally, you will hear the whole conversation right through again. Page 4 of 14 1. Francesca’s exams finished Tick the correct box On Monday On Thursday On Friday 2. Which exam did Francesca have problems with? Tick the correct box Maths Geography Science 3. Francesca is going to Ireland to study English Tick the correct box True 4. False Giulia cannot go shopping with Francesca because Tick the correct box She has to meet her mother She has to go to the dentist She has to study 5. (a) On Saturday the two girls are going Tick the correct box To eat a pizza To a party To a disco (b) They are going to meet Tick the correct box at eight o’clock at nine o’clock at ten o’clock [Turn over PART II: READING COMPREHENSION (120 MARKS) A Page 5 of 14 1. Look at the signs, names and notices below. To each question four answers are suggested. By writing (a), (b), (c) or (d) in the box provided, choose the correct answer to each question. (i) You are at a train station in Italy and you must get your ticket. Which sign would you follow? (a) (b) (c) (d) (ii) If you wished to buy oranges, which shop would you go to? (a) (b) (c) (d) (iii) POLIZIA BIGLIETTERIA SALA D’ASPETTO BAGNI CARTOLERIA FARMACIA MACELLERIA FRUTTERIA Where would you expect to see the following sign? È OBBLIGATORIO FARE LA DOCCIA PRIMA DI ENTRARE IN ACQUA (iv) (a) at a swimming pool (b) in a hotel (c) in church (d) at a football ground You arrive at Linate Airport in Milan and you want to collect your luggage. What sign would you follow? (a) (b) (c) (d) 2. BANCA RITIRO BAGAGLI CONTROLLO PASSAPORTI UFFICIO INFORMAZIONI Look at the following ads: 1. 2. Page 6 of 14 3. 4. Which restaurant/s (a) has a garden? (b) are open in August? (c) has Irish music? (d) have air conditioning? (e) is closed on Sundays? [Turn over 3. Read the article about Massimo Di Cataldo and give the correct answers to the statements below by ticking the true or false boxes. Page 7 of 14 Massimo è nato il 25 aprile 1968 a Roma, dove abita con sua moglie. È un cantante famoso per le sue canzoni d’amore e nel 1999 ha partecipato al festival di Sanremo con la canzone Come sei bella. Ama il cinema, soprattutto quello inglese, e gli piace la cucina indiana. Ama i gatti e il suo colore preferito è il rosso. Non è molto sportivo, forse perché non ha molto tempo. Tra i suoi progetti futuri c’è una tournée in Italia e un viaggio in America l’estate prossima, se ha il tempo. True (a) Massimo is married (b) He is an actor (c) He likes Indian literature (d) Red is his favourite colour (e) He does not play a lot of sport (f) He is going to America next Christmas Page 8 of 14 False 4. Read the ad below and answer the questions. (a) What instruments can you learn at the school? ____________________________________________________________________________ (b) The school is only for young people Tick the correct box. True (c) False How much does the first lesson cost? ____________________________________________________________________________ [Turn over Page 9 of 14 5. Read the following invitation and answer the questions. TI INVITO ALLA MIA FESTA DI COMPLEANNO SABATO 23 GIUGNO 2001 ALLE 18,30 NEL GIARDINO DI CASA MIA. PUOI PORTARE UN AMICO. PER FAVORE, PORTA UN PO’ DI MUSICA PER BALLARE. IL DIVERTIMENTO È GARANTITO!! UGURI! (a) This is an invitation to Tick the correct box A post-Junior Cert party A birthday party A party on the beach (b) What date is the party? ____________________________________________________________________________ (c) The party is taking place in a garden Tick the correct box. True (d) False You are asked to bring something to eat Tick the correct box. True False B Page 10 of 14 1. You have received this letter from an Italian girl who offers to become your pen-pal. Read it and answer the questions below. Palermo, 13 maggio 2000 Caro Killian, La mia insegnante di inglese mi ha dato il tuo indirizzo. Mi chiamo Martina e ho quindici anni. Faccio il terzo anno del liceo linguistico. Mi piacciono molto le lingue: studio l’inglese, il francese e il tedesco. Ho una sorella gemella e un fratello più grande che ha 18 anni. Mio padre è meccanico e mia madre ha un negozio di scarpe. Questa è la mia giornata: vado a scuola dal lunedì al sabato; le lezioni cominciano alle 8.00 e finiscono alle 14.00, ma il sabato finiscono alle 13,00. Dopo la scuola torno a casa, pranzo e poi faccio subito i compiti. Poi, se ho tempo, faccio cose differenti: esco con gli amici, suono il pianoforte o ascolto la musica alla radio. Il martedì e il giovedì alle 19.00 vado in piscina. La sera guardo la televisione, leggo un libro o parlo al telefono con un’amica. E tu? Scrivimi e dimmi tutto di te! Martina (a) What languages does Martina study? ____________________________________________________________________________ (b) What do Martina’s parents do? ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ (c) Martina goes to school on Saturdays Tick the correct box. True (d) False Which days does Martina go to the swimming pool? ____________________________________________________________________________ (e) Name two things Martina does in the evening ____________________________________________________________________________ [Turn over 2. You want to enter your name in a pen-pals network. Fill out the form below in English. Page 11 of 14 Nome ____________________________Cognome _________________________________ Data di nascita ______________________________________________________________ Indirizzo ____________________________________________________________________ Città ________________________________________________________________________ Telefono ____________________________________________________________________ Passatempi __________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Page 12 of 14 PART III: WRITTEN EXPRESSION (60 MARKS) A 1. Ciao! Mi chiamo Stefano, ho 15 anni e cerco amici/amiche di penna. Amo la musica, la Formula 1 e il calcio. La mia squadra preferita è la Lazio. Scrivetemi, prometto che vi risponderò! Scrivete a : Stefano Parodi Via Caroncini 35 28100 Novara Write a postcard to Stefano (in Italian) telling him about yourself and your hobbies. (About 25 words). _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 2. You are staying with an Italian family in Palermo. Write a postcard (in Italian) to your Italian teacher. (About 25 words). - Say that you like Palermo very much Say that it is sunny and hot Say that you do not want to return to Ireland _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ [Turn over Page 13 of 14 B (Answer either 1 or 2) 1. In the left column are sentence beginnings In the right column are sentence endings By matching the sentence endings with the sentence beginnings, talk about what you normally do in the summer. Left Column Ogni estate Nuoto e gioco Mangio Bevo Tutte le sere Right Column esco con gli amici molti gelati vado al mare nel mare aranciata e acqua fresca (a) is done as an example of what is intended. (a) Ogni estate vado al mare (b) Nuoto e gioco ________________________________________________________________ (c) Mangio _____________________________________________________________________ (d) Bevo _______________________________________________________________________ (e) Tutte le sere _________________________________________________________________ OR 2. The words in the sentences below are not in the correct order. Can you rewrite them correctly? (a) is done as an example for you. (a) SPORT MIO IL CALCIO PREFERITO È IL IL CALCIO È IL MIO SPORT PREFERITO (b) STUDIO SCUOLA ITALIANO A IO ____________________________________________________________________________ (c) SABATO FESTA COMPLEANNO A VADO UNA DI ____________________________________________________________________________ (d) ATTRICE JULIA PREFERITA È MIA ROBERTS LA ____________________________________________________________________________ (e) MOLTO TENNIS A PIACE GIOCARE MI ___________________________________________________________________________ Page 14 of 14