2007 Annual Report - Web Control Center


2007 Annual Report - Web Control Center
Annual Report
Annual Report
Thanks and Praise...
“I want to thank you for the beautiful booklet that arrived in today's
mail. I read every word and found peace in knowing others share my
sorrow, especially during this time of the year.”
-- Catherine
“I just saw the annual report on the website and saw my precious
daughter's picture 4 times! Thank you for putting her pictures in there to
show how kids with PWS can thrive and be tall and slim!”
-- Ann
“Peter and I just want to say thank you from the bottom of our hearts for
all your support and hope and kind words. Without your support with
the grant, we would not have been able to attend and we are so glad we
did, we got so much hope, support and met a lot of wonderful people.”
-- Melissa and Peter
“I do very much appreciate all the help the National Office gave me
during that really rough time. It gave me hope that there was a better
way of dealing with my daughter.”
-- Judy
PWS Advisory Board Meeting
January 2007
Sarasota, Florida
“We would just like to say thank you to those of you that responded to
our question. Our daughter is now home from the hospital, and our
family is starting to adjust to having a member with PWS.”
-- Chris and Heather
Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS) is a birth defect identified in 1956 by Swiss doctors
A. Prader, H. Willi, and A. Labhart. There are no known reasons for the genetic accident that
causes this lifelong condition, which affects appetite, growth, metabolism, cognitive
functioning and behavior. Prader-Willi Syndrome Association (USA) was organized in 1975
to provide a resource for education and information about PWS and support for families
and caregivers. PWSA (USA) is supported solely by memberships and tax-deductible
contributions. To make a donation, go to www.pwsausa.org/donate.
from the Executive Director
What a Year!
For thousands of families and professionals, 2007 was an amazing year for
services from PWSA (USA):
* For the first time in history, families of those with PWS have access 24
hours a day, 7 days a week, to emergency medical counseling and referral
through a pilot project launched in February.
* We handled almost a thousand crisis counseling calls, up more than a
third from 2006, covering everything from behavior at school through
insurance eligibility to law enforcement and residential placement issues.
* PWSA (USA) spent more than twice as much on research as in any prior
year, and we made five exciting new research grant awards.
* I testified before the Commissioner of Social Security, who committed to
improving the SSI disability determination process for young adults
with PWS.
* Millions more Americans learned about PWS as our national
spokesperson, Clint Hurdle, led the Colorado Rockies to the World
Series through an unprecedented sweep of all 7 playoff games.
For PWSA (USA) staff, 2007 saw major changes as well:
* Janalee Heinemann became full-time Director of Research and Medical
Affairs, and I came on as Executive Director.
* We added a full-time Crisis Assistance Counselor, Evan Farrar, who
coordinates two Crisis and Family Support teams that meet weekly by
* The headquarters office relocated within Sarasota, to a better-equipped
Our Mission: PWSA (USA) is an organization of
families and professionals working together to
promote and fund research, provide education, and
offer support to enhance the quality of life of those
affected by Prader-Willi syndrome.
facility where, for the first time, Administrative Assistant Dorothy Sass no
longer has to work in a literal closet!
* Staff were reorganized so that we now have, in addition to Janalee in research
and medical affairs and Evan Farrar in crisis counseling, Barb McManus in her
new role as Director of Family Support and Jodi O’Sullivan in hers as Director of
Development and Communications. Our staff now includes a grandmother,
two mothers, a stepmother, and an aunt of individuals with PWS.
The Association was ideally situated to make these investments because, since
2004, it had generated net income of nearly a million dollars. During 2006
alone PWSA (USA) raised nearly half a million dollars more than it expended, so
the Board decided to invest prudently in these services expansions, spending
about 4% more than received during 2007. We face some serious challenges
looking ahead – during 2007 research and Angel drive contributions were each
about $75,000 less than in the prior year in light of the shaky economy – but we
are committed to obtaining and using needed resources to serve the PWS
family nationwide.
Since I joined the Association on June 1, 2007, I have had the privilege of
working with the most committed families, professionals, and staff members
that I have ever known. Before coming to PWSA (USA), I spent most of my
career, in and out of government, serving families struggling with such
challenges as dementia, substance abuse, and other impairments, but nothing
could truly prepare me for working with the heroes I see each day. Every
researcher seeking a cure, every residential care provider designing specialized
schedules for each resident, every uncle or aunt or neighbor holding a
fundraiser, and most especially every parent struggling to help their child
achieve his or her full potential – these are the heroes of PWSA (USA), and I am
proud to have the chance to work with you as Executive Director.
Craig Polhemus
Executive Director
Research and Medical Intervention Support
In 2007 we had a lot of exciting movement regarding Research. PWSA
(USA) approved funding for five new grants for a total of $197,990:
PWSA (USA) has been involved with several collaborative research
Genetics of Restricted Repetitive Behavior -- will potentially provide both
genetic and behavior links between PWS and autism spectrum disorder, and
strategies for treatment.
Janalee Heinemann, in her new role as Director of Research and Medical
Affairs, is co-chair of the CPAG (Coalition for Patient Advocacy Groups) with
the ORD (Office of Rare Diseases) that is in conjunction with the NIH rare
diseases grant with which we participate. There are over 7,000 rare
diseases. The meetings give visibility and focus to OUR rare disease and
help to promote the concept that researchers collaborate with advocacy
Development Of A Microsphere Suspension Assay For The High
Throughput Screening Of Prader-Willi Subjects -- shows great promise for
providing a cost effective, cutting edge technique for identifying PWS
diagnosis more in detail.
Expression Of Four Genes Between Chromosome 15 Breakpoints Bp1 And
Bp2 in Subjects With Prader-Willi Syndrome and Impact On Cognitive And
Behavioral Measures
The Effect of Rimonabant on Weight Gain and Body Composition in
Children with PWS (extended)
Gonadal Function in Infants, Adolescents and Young Adults with PraderWilli Syndrome
Ongoing Research Grants supported in 2007:
Impact of Dietary Content upon Gastrointestinal Motility in PWS Individuals
The Expression and Regulation of Necdin in the Mouse Central Nervous System:
Relation to Hyperphagia
Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Reduced Satiety in Prader-Willi
Syndrome and Obesity
Causes of Death in Prader-Willi Syndrome
The Use of Psychotropic Medications in Prader-Willi Syndrome
“It was only after reading the Hope package from you all, that I felt more
capable of managing Joseph's condition….One of the first things that I will be
suggesting is starting yearly fundraisers to help the PWSA continue to offer
families the great support that you have been doing all by yourselves. I also
want to find out how to generate government funding for the group to help
with research. I know that I am not the only one that feels, if a cure is found so
that no child will ever know PWS, not one moment will be in vain.”
We have data on more than 1,600 medical surveys, and in 2007 sent out
three focused surveys on autism & PWS, scoliosis & PWS, and assisted
reproduction. The results have been valuable to multiple PWS researchers
both in the USA and around the world.
Our study of deaths in PWS continues and in 2007 three articles published in
medical journals came out of our study of deaths. These have been shared
with families who have worked with us by filling out our questionnaires,
releasing medical records and autopsies, and in some cases donating tissue.
PWSA (USA) also sponsored young researchers to attend the Conference on
Clinical Research for Rare Diseases.
As a freestanding non-profit, not being affiliated with any one institution
gives us the freedom to share our data freely with all.
We are not about protecting our information—but about saving lives!
“By the way we just received the latest GV -- thank you so much for the
summary of the research conference. I plan to print the full report with the GHrelated studies highlighted for Payton's endocrinologist -- he is a good guy but
definitely on the conservative side when it comes to GH treatment and PWS so
I am always trying to educate him on our visits (which I am sure he just loves -ha). Thanks for always providing us with such great resources!”
Research and Medical Intervention Support
Hospitals, physicians, and parents from all over the world consult with PWSA
(USA) with medical emergencies and questions daily. Through phone, fax
and email, PWSA (USA) consults with both our Clinical and Scientific
Advisory Boards and responds to all through a Triage Support System.
In 2007, Janalee Heinemann did medical presentations in New York;
Romania; Bethesda, Maryland; Texas; Las Vegas; and California. She also
spoke at the international (IPWSO) conference and international Alström
conference. PWSA (USA) also sponsored an awareness booth at the national
psychiatric conference in Orlando.
On a pilot basis, PWSA (USA) now provides 24-hour-a-day support for
medical crises and provided medical emergency support and medical
advocacy for 302 families in 2007. This does not account for the hundreds of
professionals worked with via phone and email on situations where they
cannot give a name due to confidentiality, therefore are not in the database.
We are busy saving lives 24-hours-a-day!
“Re: PWSA (USA) After Hours Medical Crises Support
I think this is an incredible resource. We seem to never have any
emergencies during the day of course and in these situations we are
always faced with dealing with a Dr. and staff that knows nothing about
PWS or our child. (Like the ER Dr. that told us Ethan's chest Xray
looked "fluffy" and wanted to send us home?????) It's wonderful to have
some support available when we need it most!!”
International Support
In 2007 PWSA (USA) sent packets of educational materials free of charge to
professionals and parents in other nations. These nations are encouraged
to translate the material into their own language. PWSA (USA) has members
in many nations that have no other support system in their country. Email
support is provided daily for desperate parents and professionals in other
countries, and in 2007, people from 187 countries visited PWSA (USA)’s
website. Our Director of Medical Affairs and several of our clinical and
scientific advisory board members presented at the international meeting in
Romania in 2007.
In 2007, PWSA (USA) donated $17,349 towards our international
organization IPWSO (International Prader-Willi Syndrome Organization) and
to support the conference in Romania. This does not include the free
educational materials donated around the world to newly developing
countries. IPWSO translated PWSA (USA)’s medical alert booklet into many
languages, and has distributed it to 80 countries.
Bereavement Program
Our bereavement coordinator, Norma Rupe, provided bereavement support
for the families of 17 PWS deaths reported in 2007. We are glad to report
this was down from 25 in 2006 and 34 in 2005. Individualized bereavement
booklets were also sent in memory of nine close relatives of people with
PWS and holiday booklets were created and sent to 48 families. Norma also
provides emotional support to the families through phone calls.
“Hello, Norma. I want to thank you for the beautiful booklet that arrived
in today’s mail. I read every word and found peace in knowing others
share my sorrow, especially during this time of year.”
“We received the most beautiful memorial put together by your
Association. We would like to thank you wholeheartedly as it truly
reflects all of our feelings about keeping Debbie’s spirit alive.”
We are saving lives around the world!
“Janalee, Congrats! I was impressed in
Romania how much both you and Pam
have become leaders and role models for
other rare disease advocates.”
“This time I am not writing in a rush of panic.
I just want to thank you so very, very much.
You can’t know how grateful I am.
I feel like your actions have probably saved my son’s life.”
Crisis Intervention Program
2007 was a year of organizational change designed to respond to the
increasing crisis intervention needs of people and families living with
Prader-Willi syndrome. After years of dedicated and groundbreaking crisis
intervention service, David Wyatt retired as our Alterman Crisis Intervention
Counselor and moved into the role of Alterman Crisis Counselor Emeritus.
He continues to volunteer so that the crisis program can utilize his years of
experience and wisdom. To help fill the void left by David’s retirement, and
to meet the ever increasing demand for services, Evan Farrar was hired as a
full-time Crisis Intervention Counselor based in the Sarasota office. Also,
with David’s retirement, Kate Beaver became the Alterman Crisis
Intervention Counselor continuing to work on a part-time basis from
In 2007, we also created an eight person Extended Crisis Team (ECT) which
meets monthly via conference call to develop strategies and create
resources for the crisis program. Evan Farrar serves as the ECT Team Leader
while Craig Polhemus, Executive Director, is the Team Coordinator.
This increased level of communication and planning for the Crisis program
was needed because last year we continued to see a dramatic rise in the
number of people contacting PWSA for crisis assistance. In 2007 we
received 1,021 crisis contacts up from 730 in 2006. While the contacts are
frequently complicated and cover a range of issues, school problems along
with behavioral issues both at home and in residential placement settings
increased significantly.
In 2007, the Willett Fund continued to be an essential resource for the Crisis
Intervention Program. Through the Willett Fund, we provided training
“Thank you so very much. I tell you every time I think life is sailing
smoothly I’m thrown a curve. But that curve ends up in teaching a
lesson for me or someone else. You were very thoughtful and
considerate and a God-send for us.”
across the country for teachers and schools when all other attempts at
mediation and education had failed for children with PWS, provided
transportation for emergency medical and behavioral intervention, and
helped cover legal costs in exceptional situations. Thanks to the Willett and
Alterman Funds, PWSA (USA) has been able to offer a true hand of help to
people and families feeling overwhelmed and alone in times of serious crisis.
As we move into the future, the Crisis Intervention Program remains
dedicated to continuing to provide the highest level of professional crisis
assistance to people and families living with PWS.
Words of Praise for the Crisis Intervention Program
“Another HUGE thanks to PWSA crisis program for sending all of the
wonderful information on growth hormone.”
“I would like to extend a heart-felt “thank-you” to everyone who had
a part in securing the waiver for my brother. He smiled for the first time
in weeks when I told him the good news. “
“Once again thanks for your help. You have given us a light
at the end of the tunnel.”
“I want to say thank you to the folks at PWSA for all the support and
information that you sent me. It was such a big help!”
“I appreciate your e-mails, your calls to the doctor and just knowing
you were there for us when I needed someone.”
“Thank you very much for helping my youngest sister get her
growth hormone approved by the insurance company. It was very
stressful for my parents, especially my mother. ..we feel very
fortunate that we have someone like you to take their time to
put together information and mail it out. It was very nice of you
to get the growth hormone approved.”
Family Support and Other Programs
In 2007, PWSA (USA) established a new position of Director of Family
Support. This position is held by Barbara McManus of Tonawanda, NY.
Family Support coordinates services such as Parent Mentoring, Volunteers,
and State and Regional Chapter Support.
New Parent Mentoring Program
Every new parent that calls PWSA (USA) is looking for support and
guidance. With that first call they are offered a consultant with another
parent with a child who has Prader-Willi syndrome. This program offers the
match for new parents, but it doesn’t end there. PWSA (USA) offers a free
one-year membership including the bi-monthly newsletter and a package
of materials called our “Package of Hope.” In 2007, we gave out 187
packages. New parents of infants and toddlers (0-5) numbered 162 in this
year, while 25 were parents of older children.
Volunteering or acts of kindness is making a difference in the lives of those
with Prader-Willi syndrome. We have active volunteers as governing board
members, clinical and scientific board members, state and local chapter
support people, moderators of our support groups, parent mentors,
grandparents, siblings, other relatives, and this list could go on and on. You
might ask, “What are they doing for PWSA (USA)?” Some are used as
consultants or they are fundraising, holding awareness meetings, support
meetings, typing, proofreading, stuffing envelopes, etc. No job is too large
or too small and every job is important. Without our volunteers (100 plus)
this organization would not exist.
State and Regional Chapter Support
At the 2007 national conference, the state chapter representatives met to
“Good morning, Barb, David and Janalee. I promised Norm
that I would thank you again for him for all of your help with
his grandson, Justin, who is feeling much better now. Norm
and Joyce are very grateful for your help…
he couldn’t stop raving about y’all! Thank you!!!”
discuss their state involvements on fundraising, support groups and other
topics of interest. At this meeting the leaders learned of the many new
opportunities available to them through PWSA (USA). The new executive
director, Craig Polhemus, was available at this most important meeting. Our
state associations will be experiencing expansion and renewal with increased
support from PWSA (USA).
Many changes took place in 2007, including an electronic offering of the
newsletter via email. This new feature enhances our ability to reach out to our
members in ways that we have never done before. Our members only section
of the website is filled with handout style publications for easy downloading,
listing of current news worthy items and other resources for our membership.
PWSA (USA) gave out 465 free memberships during 2007. No parent is denied
membership due to financial reasons. We had 477 new memberships in 2007
with a total of 3,615 memberships at the close of 2007. Memberships include
parents, friends, relatives, providers, medical professionals and educators.
Website and Email Support Groups
PWSA (USA)’s dynamic website is the world’s largest single source of
information on Prader-Willi syndrome. In 2007, we had 187 countries visit our
site with a monthly accumulative visitor total of 1,063,305! While these
visitors were on our website, they viewed 1,878,490 web pages. The site has
changes daily and at the close of 2007 there were 3,370 web pages. Currently
we have nine email support groups (Ages 0-5; Ages 6-12; Teen; Sibling; People
with the Syndrome; Spanish Speaking; Military Families; Dual Diagnosed with
Autism; and Grandparents) plus a Chapter Leaders Support group . Our
support groups are moderated by volunteers (two per group) to keep the
groups focused on topics that are specific to their purpose.
“Dear Janalee and Barbara, Yesterday morning I was notified that
growth hormone for PWS was passed here in Australia…I wish to
thank you both for all the data you supplied to us here in Australia,
I believe that if not for this data we would not have GH passed here.”
Awareness and Development
2007 saw many new initiatives for awareness and development, while still
maintaining many of what has been successful in the past. One of the biggest
changes that occurred in an effort to help generate awareness is a logo
change. Formally, PWSA (USA)’s logo was a triangle with a sun and the color
was orange. The new color is red and the logo, along with the organization’s
name, contains a new tagline, “Still hungry for a cure,” written in a child-like
font to emphasize children are affected by PWS. As more integrated
marketing and awareness efforts are implemented, PWSA (USA) expects to
increase name recognition in different segment targeted markets.
Another exciting change with regard to awareness is the extension of PWS
Awareness Week to PWS Awareness Month. It became apparent over time that
with enthused involvement from membership, one week did not allow
enough flexibility to accomplish the activities volunteers were coordinating all
over the country. A month devoted to PWS awareness has enabled more
efforts to take place and reduced the stress of time-constrained volunteers
(many of whom spend a great deal of time caring for a loved one with PWS) to
make something happen in just seven days. The result of this change has
been very encouraging and plans to develop more integrated awareness
month efforts are in the works already for 2008 and beyond.
On the development side, with a generous donation from a family, PWSA
(USA) worked with a consultant group to develop a new Development and
Communications Strategic Plan as part of the organizations overall strategic
plan. PWSA (USA) used some of the recommendations from the consultant, as
well as input from staff, Board, constituents and volunteers, to embark on an
ambitious quest to raise more funds and visibility for the organization and the
syndrome to occur over several years. Among one of the priority initiatives for
development is the creation of a major gifts program. The hiring of a new staff
Chris Bevacqua (coordinator of the 3rd Annual Jack Martin
Bevacqua Dinner-Dance) said, “We began our first year raising
$12,000 and the second $15,000 and now $20,000. It is some
work but worth it in the end….Every time a merchant whom
I solicit looks at me crazy when I say Prader-Willi syndrome,
I know I am able to educate one more person.”
member in development part-time in 2007 to assist the one full-time staff
member is a demonstration of the commitment to this area and there are
plans to grow this department further.
One of the areas that has seen tremendous growth over the past several
years has been grass roots fundraising. From a net grass roots income of
approximately $50,000 in 2004 to over $300,000 in 2007 with the hiring of
a dedicated staff member in 2005, grass roots fundraising continues to be
a critical resource for PWSA (USA) to maintain day-to-day operations.
Many, many committed volunteers have spent countless hours making
this happen.
Examples of awareness and fundraising efforts:
The Genetic Disease Foundation’s Gala on June 11 honored then
incoming PWSA (USA) Board member Jamie Bassel and his wife,
Jacqueline Kotler-Bassel, for their work to get appointment plans to hire a
new researcher to focus on PWS in year’s time at Mount Sinai Hospital in
NY, a major commitment to advancing knowledge about the syndrome.
The Bassels worked with the PWSA (USA) NY Chapter to collaborate with
the Department of Genetics and Genomic Sciences at Mt. Sinai, one of the
largest in the nation with state-of-the-art equipment.
Thanks to the Capraro Family of Oak Brook Terrace, Illinois and friends of
Lea Capraro, the fall 2007 Thriller Night Spooktacular at Butterfield Country
Club netted $105,000 to benefit PWSA (USA).The adult costume party was
attended by 200 people and included dinner, dancing, live and silent
auction, prizes and entertainment. Bill and Tina Capraro’s daughter Lea,
who has PWS, and her siblings Will and Tori ran a card drawing that
earned $11,000. Bill is a PWSA (USA) Board of Directors member.
“We continue to be amazed by the generosity of
our friends who support the PWS organization,”
said Tina Capraro, adding, “It was very rewarding
to send a check to the folks at PWSA (USA).”
Media Coverage
PWSA (USA) works with many families and volunteers nationally to help them
place PWS in the news, offering support however necessary. Many times,
PWSA (USA) staff are interviewed and quoted. As the world’s leading
education and awareness source on PWS, PWSA (USA) has helped create
dozens of media hits. Following are a few examples of media success by
PWSA (USA), chapters, and volunteers:
One of the biggest opportunities to generate PWS awareness in the media
came when PWSA (USA) spokesperson Clint Hurdle, manager of the Colorado
Rockies baseball team, led his team in an incredible winning streak against
magnificent odds that earned them their first ever National League
Championship and a place in the 2007 World Series. Hurdle’s five-year-old
daughter, Madison, has PWS. In countless interviews, Hurdle spoke about
PWS, generating hundreds of media hits nationally and internationally.
Among those hits are The Boston Globe, The Washington Post,
NBCSports.com, SportsBusinessNews.com, cbs4denver.com, Chicago SunTimes, Minneapolis Star Tribune, and Philadelphia Daily News. The list is long
and also includes numerous blogs. When messages of appreciation and good
luck wishes poured into the PWSA (USA) website, they responded:
“We feel very fortunate to have been given our daughter Madison, who has PWS,
and the related platform in which to bring awareness to this syndrome that has
affected many of our loved ones. We do believe that things happen for a reason...
We were blessed with Madison... Clint was given the opportunity to be manager
for the Colorado Rockies baseball club which has been so generous with their
time, energy and financial backing. We humbly feel that we are doing what any
of our other PWS families would be doing if given the same circumstances.
We all need to work together for the lives of our special children.”
“They cared because they got to know him through their teachers.”
-- article about Sonny Roberto
Mom, Nina Roberto, wrote, “This beautiful article (was) about
children at a local school learning about PWS and wanting
to make a difference in my son’s life.”
Another family helped generate PWS awareness in the media at the NASCAR
Craftsman Truck Series in the fall in Florida. The Fiske family secured spots to
place logo decals on most trucks in the event. Jacob, who is 2 with PWS, has
his cousin JB to thank. JB works on Mike Skinner’s team. The event was
broadcast on the Speed Channel.
The Utah chapter again hosted their Party at the Park in April which was
attended by more than 900 people. A TV commercial ran 80 times in the three
weeks before the event, telling what PWS is. They found new families and
educated thousands.
Barb Dorn, mother of Tony, 22, along with Melissa Sirovina and daughter,
Kayla, 12 ½ who has PWS, were interviewed in Milwaukee, WI about PWS on
TMJ 4’s “The Morning Blend Show.”
Cindy Galyean, aunt to Alexis Stephens, 3 who has PWS, planned a bowling
fundraiser in honor of her niece in North Carolina. The Herald ran a two-page
spread about the event and PWS: “Striking Up Awareness: ‘Bowling for Alexis’
to spread the word about PWS, raise funds for research.” It included a sidebar
story, “Questions and Answers about PWS,” and pictures of adorable Alexis.
An article titled, “Students Learn the Joy of Giving Back” appeared in The
Queens Courier in New York about how students raised funds to fulfill the wish
of Sonny Roberto, 5 who has PWS, for toys. The article explained PWS and
pictured Sonny with a big smile surrounded by the many children who
supported him.
In Ohio, The Lancaster Eagle-Gazette ran a story, “Car show to raise awareness
about eating disorder,” featuring Julianna Romine, 2 ½ who has PWS. Her
parents, Dawn and Tom, coordinated the event to raise money for PWS
“Considering you never really know how long
you have or what questions they will ask, it went well.”
—Barb Dorn, about media interview she gave
Grassroot Events
Diamond: $50,000+
Major Donor: $1,000 + (cont’d)
Golf Fore PWSA Charity Annual Golf Tournament in Honor of Madison Hurdle
—Clint and Karla Hurdle and Committee
Fundraiser in honor of Chelsea Lyn Reddinger
—Lori Reddinger and Bruce Loser
Hungry for a Cure Thriller Night Spooktacular—Bill and Tina Capraro
McDougall Marathon in honor of Noelle—Amy McDougall and Family
Gold: $20,000+
Poker Night in honor of Ethan McElheney—C. Preston and Chea McElheney
Silver: $10,000+
Richmond, VA Marathon in honor of Luke—Tim and Bobbi Mukoda
1 Annual Dash for Prader-Willi—Matt and Cindy Szapacs and Kate Madden
Run to Heal—Jim Palmer
4th Annual Jack Martin Bevacqua Dinner-Dance—Chris Bevacqua
Shawna's Walkathon for PWS—Shawna Bush and Joyce Bush
4 Annual Prader-Willi Classic LPGA Pro-Am Event, Tennis Tournament
and Night of Comedyin Honor of Josilyn Faith Levine and Zakary Maxwell Bassel
—Levine and Bassel Families
Sophie's Walk for PWS Awareness—Jennifer Bolander and PWS Assoc. of OH
In Honor of Hudson Self’s 1st Birthday—Josh and Megan Self
Contributor: $500 +
2nd Annual Tuskegee Airmen Motorcycle Club of VA “Prader-Willi Bowling”
Fundraiser—Sharon Mayo
Dress Down Day and Pretzel Day at EDS—Heidi Metcalf
Elizabethtown College Student Night of Music—Autumn Metcalf
"Give Your Heart for Phillip" Fundraiser—Emily Sprague
Jenna's Hope for a Cure—Emanuel and Pam Santos
PWS Yard Sale in honor of Trevor Wolfer—Roxanne Wolfer
Ragnar Relay for Jett Lewis and PWSA—Brett and Dee Dee Lewis
Seattle to Portland Bicycle Classic Fundraiser—Mike Kuna and Scott Kuna
Bronze: $5,000+
3rd Annual Jacob Bingo—Anita Perrault and Family
3rd Annual Madison Hurdle Softball Tournament—Dino and Bobbi Martello
Annual Charity Golf Outing—Maurice Fox and Peter Kearney
Co-ed Slow Pitch Softball Tournament in Honor of Anneke Kramer
—Shannon Daale, Stephanie Daale and Stacy and Ryan Kramer
Putt for PWS in Honor of Charlie and Riden
—Dominique DeLeage, Jessica Howard and Fiona Olson
Major Donor: $1,000 +
2 Annual Super Bowl Fundraiser—Steck and Fleming Families
3rd Annual Clyde’s Run in Memory of Clyde Mays
—Debbie Lange/ Georgia Assoc. for PWS, Inc.
Bears Training Camp Event—PWS Association of Illinois
Bowling for Alexis—Cindy Galyean
Dress Down Day in honor of Madison Smith—Anita Streubel
Fun Day at the Moose for PWSA (USA)—Barbara Emmons
Vendor Fair in honor of Brooke Detiege—Nicki Detiege
Supporter: $499 and under
Casual Day at St. Thomas the Apostle School In honor of Dylan Krambeer
—Chris & Angela Krambeer
Casual Day Fundraiser in honor of Grant Whiting—Deb Whiting
Gavin’s Day—Jennifer Jones
Benefit in honor of Dillon Willis—N.E.S.C.
Julianna’s Wish—Dawn & Tom Romine
Macy's Shop for a Cause Day—Heather Valeo
Premier Designs PWS Fundraiser—Denise Castiello
Tupperware Fundraiser for PWSA (USA)
—Yolanda Ornelas and April Kercheville
Annual Donors
Diamond: $10,000+
Silver: $2,500+
Agape Foundation
Alterman Trust
Jamie and Jacqueline Bassel
Baylor College of Medicine
Bears Care
Bill and Tina Capraro
Storr Family Foundation
CIBC World Markets Corp.
Colorado Rockies Baseball Club
Combined Federal Campaign
Gerald J. and Dorothy R. Friedman Foundation
Josilyn’s Faith Foundation
Jim and Kit Kane
Pfizer Inc.
PWS Association of Colorado
PWS Association of Pennsylvania
Joseph and Rosemarie Schreier
The National Christian Foundation
Jason and Christine Waldrop
Lois and Steve Willett
David and Janice Agarwal
Steve Braccini
Vince and Florence Connelly
Peter Dellaportas
Express Computer Systems
R. B. Galloway
Gulfco, LTD
Ralph and Susan Johnson
Johnson & Johnson Matching Gifts Program
JP Morgan Chase
Kennedy Space Center Federal Credit Union
Stephen and Michele Leightman
Rob and Debra Lutz
Doris Miller
Ohio Families of PWSA
Ryan and Jodi O’Sullivan
Michael Peebles
Plante & Moran PLLC
Prader-Willi California Foundation
Professional Education Institute
Qwest Service Corporation
Rowland & Moore LLP
Mark and Linda Ryan
Schwab Charitable Fund
Shapiro, Robinson & Associates, Inc.
Sunset Management Services, Inc.
Teammates For Kids Foundation
Tommy and Michelle Torbert
United Way – Johnson & Johnson
Paul and Amy Wissmann
Gold: $5,000+
Alan and Phyllis Fishman
Jim and Joan Gardner
Clint and Karla Hurdle
Lewis Katz Foundation
David and Anne Miller
Multi-Financial Securities
Gregory and Sandra Olson
PWS Association of Florida, Inc.
PWS Association of Michigan
PWS Association of Ohio
Texas PWS Association
The Saint Paul Foundation
Joyce Wacks
Annual Donors
Bronze: $1,000+
Bronze: $1,000+ (cont’d)
Bronze: $1,000+ (cont’d)
John and Dawn Allard
Mary Ann Arant
Steve Asbury
William and Fiorella Auriemma
Richard and Marcia Balderson
Mark and Joy Bitzer
Alan Bleser
Ken and Kathy Boehl
David and Deborah Bossy
Steve and Lisa Byers
David and Michelle Campbell
Daniel and Joanne Cascio
Susan Cassidy
John and Susan Ciciora
Anthony and Christine Costello
Cumberland Valley Corvette Club
Mike Dahlheim
Joseph A. DiFilippo
Dynamic Solutions International Corp.
Patrick Donlon
Mike Durkin
Elisabeth Dykens
Gary Ferdig
Gayla Fitzpatrick
Marty and Elissa Flaska
Karen Hamlin Fochs
Shawn and Nicole Fox
Maurice Fox
Jim and Sue Fuller
Bob and Barbara Gallagher
Bruce and Lori Gilbert
Gemini Incorporated
Mark Greenberg and Robin Fleischmann
Global Impact Combined Federal Campaign
Thomas Hall
Chris and Tonya Hardman
Lawrence and Ann Harris
Robert and Cecilia Harrison
Linda Hartigan
Tim and Carol Hearn
Al and Janalee Heinemann
Joe and Sheila Hengemuhle
Hergo Ergonomic Support Systems Inc.
Robert and Mary Hill
Christopher and Debra Hinton
Michael and Karen Hipskind
Clint and Louise Hurdle
Independent Health Association Inc.
InterCall, Inc.
William and Donna Jallick
Ralph Johnson
David and Linda Kaugher
Darrin and Lori Kerbs
Bill and Barbara Kerrigan
John Kidd
Marjorie King
John Koudounis
Thomas and Eileen Leahy
Wallace and Virginia Livingston
John and Caron Lizzadro
Jim and Carolyn Loker
Long Island Super Sport Team
Mark and Linda Lozier
Thomas and Amy Luttrell
Damian and Beth Ann Marano
Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly
Preston and Chea McElheney
Merrill Lynch & Co. Foundation, Inc.
Midwest Bank and Trust Company
Mile High United Way
Robert and Darlene Mukoda
Ryan and Susan Mullaney
Kevin Mullen
Jessica Murray
Network for Good
Neutral Tandem
Donovan Nichols
Martin Niehaus
Thomas and Diane Nussbaum
O’Keefe Family Foundation
David and Nancy O’Neill
James Palmer
Dorothy Papsadora
Carole Wolford-Pennington
Kyle and Anita Perrault
Pershing LLC
Pfizer Foundation Matching Gifts Program
Pfizer United Way Campaign
Pieland LLC
Craig and Susan Polhemus
Prudential Foundation Matching Gifts
PWS Association of MD, DC, VA, Inc.
PWS Association of Pennsylvania
PWS Association of Utah
PWS Association of Wisconsin, Inc.
RBC Dain Rauscher Foundation
Readywise LLC
Shawna Richard
John and Carolyn Rodman
Daniel Romano
Robert Rosenthal
Sam and Barbara Rubinson
Bill and Norma Rupe
Safeway Insurance Company
Christopher and Claudine Schramko
James and Denise Steck
William Stege
Michael Steger
Stephen E. Cramer & Associates, LLC
Hans and Carol Storr
Jeffery and Terese Surges
Antone and Laura Tatooles
Barbara Thomas
The Community Foundation of Greater Birmingham
Annual Donors
Bronze: $1,000+ (cont’d)
Contributors $500 +
Contributors $500 +
The Natalie and Jared Hankins Fund
Keys Tinney
Lee Underwood
United Way of Bartholomew County Inc.
United Way of Central Maryland
United Way Special Distribution Account of NY
Vanguard Charitable Endowment Program
A. J. Welch
Weiss Benjamin Gussin Block LLP
Marcia White
Roger and Kathy Wilson
John and Michelle Yager
Douglas and Carrie Yakola
Richard and Joan Zajeski
Allan Zalesky
Peter and Juliet Birnbaum
David and Cathy Braner
Andrew and Laurie Braun
Jere and Isa Breneisen
James and Dolly Brien
Gail and Merrick Bromberg
Scott Bubier
Michael and Jocelyn Bush
Kenneth Byck
Camperships for Retarded Children
Caldwell Chiropractic P.C.
Candor Electric Inc.
Willie Carpenter
Beth and Dave Cass
Gerald and Nadine Caveney
Nadia Cavner
CH2M Hill Micro Source
Gregory Cherpes M.D.
Theresa Kurtz and Richard Chew
Robert and Barbara Christenson
Jean Christman
John and Donna Coffey
Paul and Alexis Colianni
Jeffrey Conn
Kevin and Kathleen Connor
Coors Distributing Company
Duane and Caroline Coykendall
Constance and John Craig
Michael Crownhart
Penelope Crownover
Geralyn Marano and Anthony Cuda
Regina and Anthony Dain
Joseph Davenport
David Dempsey
Chris and Nicki Detiege
David Dragul
William and Nancy Dvorak, Jr.
Dynamic Network Association
Eastern Massachusetts CFC
Elizabethtown College
A. Engel
First State Bank
Walter and Marge Foran
Forest Gate Inc.
General Mills
Henry and Tonilyn Gianatasio
James and Sally Giancola
Martin and Gladys Gillette
Global Impact-CFC Overseas
Thomas Wake and Michelle Goecke
Goldman, Sachs & Co. Matching Gift Program
Charles and Theresa Goudie, Jr.
Jon and Tasha Graham
Mitch and Lisa Gurick
Gurtz Electric Company
Philip and Laura Gutman
John Halter
Harp Interactive / Harp Advertising
Melissa Hassan
Latroy Hawkins
John and Mary Sue Heybach
Thomas and Jessica Howard
Rick and Mary Ellen Huether
Richard and Helen Iacabucci
IBM Employee Services Center
Nancy and Olivia Ivankoe
Daniel and Jody Jackson
James Jacobson
Daniel and Linda Jannette
Matthew and Jamie Johnson
Matthew Johnson
Karlie Anne Interiors Inc.
Mark and Mary Ann Kaufman
Frank Keenan, Jr.
Kennesaw State Univ. Foundation Inc.
Contributors $500 +
Jim and Patty Accursio
Paul and Mariette Adrian
Akin & Porter Produce Inc.
Alliance Group Services Inc.
AME Community Services Inc.
American Express Company
Charlie and Dorothy Arant
Donald Armento MD
Margaret and James Avent
Terrence Bachner
Roger Bailey
Cinda and Curt Ball
JoAnne Riley Barron
John and Mary Ann Bellanti
Steven and Isabel Berg
Timothy and Aimee Bernard
Heide Betman
Alfred and Marie Bevacqua
Christie and Kevin Bevacqua
Randeep Binning
Arlene Bird
Annual Donors
Contributors : $500+ (cont’d)
Contributors $500 + (cont’d)
Contributors $500 + (cont’d)
Joesolyn Calderson Kidd
William Killian
John and Bonnie Kraft
Joseph and Kathleen Kusper
Michael and Mary Kwasigroch
Robert Lebow, M.D.
Richard and Maria Licata
Living the Dream Foundation
Mary Ann Lockhart
Robert E. Lorenzini
Jean and Douglas Lowe
Priscilla and David MacInnis
Ronald Madden
Patrick and Jamie Maloney
James and Maureen Marino
Marcia and David McClure
James and Jill McNichols
Merck Partnership for Giving
Kim and Lonnie Meredith
James Miller
Miller Metals
Lota and Dave Mitchell
Scott and Victoria Mordell
Morrissey & Thompson/Ryan Interior Design
Heather Muckenhirn
James and Line Mullins
Michael and Janice Naborowski
Sunil Nayak
Mary Palumbo
David Paoli
William Parrillo
Partners in Pediatrics
Lamar and Barbara Paul
Joseph and Kathleen Perrino
Anina and David Pfeiffer
Patricia Pfeiffer
Mike and Amy Pfeiffer
Charles and Deloris Phillips
Virginia and Raymond Podmenik
Jeff and Karolyn Porter
Peter and Joy Poulos
John and Lisa Prunkl
Brogan and Ann Ptacin
Quality First Produce, Inc.
Quality Mitsubishi
Kevin and Michelle Quinlan
Chuck Ranberg
Rajeev and Tanuja Rathi
Sanjeev and Sapna Rathi
Jacqueline Reid-Piscitelli
Joseph and Elizabeth Rocci
Diane Roth
Timothy Russell
Richard Ruzicka, Jr
S & L Beans Inc.
Eric and Karyn Schaupeter
Brad Schultz
Gary and Sharon Seedorf
Diane and Robert Seely
Robert and Tanya Selden
George and Georgene Sessler
Margi Shaw
Staci and Mitchell Sklar
Shannon and Brian Smith
Gina Spata
Damon Stephens
Adam Stillo
Bev Stutzman
Leo and Sonia Talarico
Alice and Peter Tenbeau
The Jewish Community Foundation
The Perricone Family Charitable Trust UAD
David and Karen Thomas
Gerad Thorell
Francis and Mary Beth Tighe lll
James Trentacosta
Michael and Tracy Trilla
Triple S Holdings LTD
Trivalent Group Inc.
United Way of NYC
United Way of Southeastern PA
Susan Wagner
Gerald and Christine Waldrop
Dan and Joanne Walker
Walmart Foundation
Francis Warzecha
Wayne and Karen Wendel
Western Piece Dyers & Finishers Inc.
James and Kathryn Willett
Howard and Genevieve Willis
Monica and Robert Wing
Jeff and Nancy Wingren
Roxanne and Jeff Wolfer
Tara Wright
Sarah and Tom Young
David and Wendy Young
Supporters $100 to $499
Chaigne Family
Elizabeth Abel
Phyllis and Robert Abrahamsen
Karen Abrams
Ann Adams
Ashley Adams
Joan Adams
Donald and Arlene Adler
Stephanie and Richard Adlin
Adobe Systems Inc.
Barbara and Paul Aiello
Alan Rocca Fine Jewelry
Gary and Kim Albers
Mark and Alice Alcorn
Lisa and Michael Aldorasi
Richard and Jolayne Alger
Annual Donors
Supporters : $100 to $499 (cont’d)
Supporters : $100 to $499 (cont’d)
Supporters : $100 to $499 (cont’d)
Alger Farms Inc.
Nathaniel and Kimberly Aliberto
Susan Allen
Mike and Lisa Allen
Allstate Giving Campaign
Wayne Alton
Catherine and Rudy Alvarez
Sean Amery
Carolyn Anderson
Susan Anderson
David and Gloria Anderson
Abe and Lori Anderson
Allen and Kathy Angel
Debora and George Angelillo
Ann Finlay Inc.
Anthony and Jean Antin
Jean and Andreas Antoniou
Amy Arant
Robert Arbuckle
Lorraine and Robert D. Arbuckle
Archer Daniels Midland Company
Matthew Arizin
Gerard Ashbeck
Brian Atwater
Shawn Audino
David and Mary Auger
Franklin and Jane Austin
David Austin
Automatic Data Processing Inc.
AVC Inc.
Debra Ayers
Ronald and Eileen Ayotte
Lisa Bach-Roesch
Bill and Marilyn Baggett
Richard and Linda Baker
Melissa Balderson
Michael and Marianne Balesterri
John and Tonya Bandy
Cheri Barbarow
Christopher and Robyn Barnes
Barbara Barney
Tina and Stanley Baron
Douglas Basler
Peggy and Murray Bass
Joseph Battaglia
Laura Bauden
Mike and Jan Baum
Kara and Steven Bauman
Jim and Kelly Bayzick
Kathrine Beam
Heather Beam
Perry and Carol Beaton
Ann and Jay Behnken
Ken and Betty Behnken
Philip and Kathleen Beichert
Laura Bellofatto
Delfin Beltran, M.D.
Melissa Benenfeld
Margaret and Clifford Bennett
Elizabeth and William Bennett
Tom and Darlene Benoit
Jennifer and Mourad Bensaid
Bernadette Berardi - Coletta
Kevin and Catherine Bercaw
Ernest Bergman
Brady and Katie Bernhoft
Robert Bernstein
Berry's Paint, Wallpaper & Flooring Inc.
Berthel Lewis Electric Inc.
Darrell Beutel
Moe and Tina Beydoun
Ellen Bickford
Bill Benson & Associates, Inc.
Robert and Maureen Bingle
John and Marilyn Bintz
Rita and John Birnhak
R.J. and C.A. Bisdorf
Clara Bishop
Stephanie Bittle
Mary Claire Blackshaw
Joanne Bladel
Tommy and Diane Blankenship
Erin and John Blankenship
Henry Block
Richard and Seena Bloom
Charles and Catherine Blum
Claribel and Ricardo Bocanegra
Dan Bonenberger
Rich and Malea Bonk
Bookkeeping + More
Thomas and Mary Booth
Eva Boratto
Todd and Mary Borndale
Allan and Kathleen Boucher
Catherine Bouton
Brent and Cindy Bowen
Laura and Kevin Bower
Boyce United Methodist Church
Chris Boyd
Kit and Beverly Bradshaw
Jessica Brantley
Jim and Renee Breit
David and Joan Brennan
William and Maureen Brice
Michelle and Jay Brien, Jr.
Kathleen and Michael Brinati
Deborah and John Brostrom
Toby and Jennifer Brower
Thomas and Rose Marie Brown
Beth Brown
Brown-Hutcherson Ministries Inc.
Bryan and Angela Brunette
Albert and Marcia Bryant
Mary Buchanan
Annual Donors
Supporters : $100 to $499 (cont’d)
Supporters : $100 to $499 (cont’d)
Supporters : $100 to $499 (cont’d)
Janet Buchberger
Sheryl Buchbinder
Robert and Mary Buddig
Darlene and Dwain Buer
William Bulman
Laurie Bunn
Alonzo and Barbara Burdine
Suzanne Burgess
John Burke
Phil and Joy Burley
Shirley Burnett
James Burney, Jr.
Jean and Gerald Burns
Beverly and Harvey Bush
Kenneth and Yvonne Bush
Andrew or Beth Bussey
Julian Butler
Merlin and Ranae Butler
Butterball Farms Inc.
Joni Byker
C&D Transport & Drive Services Inc.
Nancy and Thomas Cahey
Rick and JoNell Caldwell
Thomas and Carol Campbell
Natasha and Roy Campbell
Claire and Craig Cannon
CAPI Donuts Inc. DBA Dunkin Donuts
Catherine and Charles Carey
Robin Carroll
Lois Carson
Jimmy and Rosalyn Carter
Richard and Barbara Carter
Timothy and Rebecca Casey
Ray and Sharon Casey
Suzanne Cassidy, MD
Bill and Judy Castle
Thomas and Kathleen Catagnus
Raymond Cecora
Alfred and Carol Celentano
Robert Ceppos
Jenny Chan
Albert Chang
Carol and Bernard Charles
Robin Chen
Ringo Suek and Monica Chen
Barbara Cheney
Peter Chester
Patrick and Erica Chilson
Michele and Paul Chmura
Susan Christ
Christ Church of Oak Brook
Dennis Ciccone, Jr
Jacqueline Cinnamond
Citigroup Global Markets Inc.
Dewey and Rosemarie Clark
David Clark
CMS Micro Systems
Mark Coatney
Jim and Judy Coats
Kristin Colangelo
Rosemarie and Joseph Cole
Collins, Einhorn, Farrell & Ulanoff PC
John and Susan Comes
Sara Conley
Mary and Ken Conry
Donny Conway
William and Jody Cooley
Jerald Cooper
John Cooper
Franca and Larry Copeland
James and Lorrie Corbett
Gerald Corless
Allan and Dorothy Cornnell
Julie Corridan
Rhea Utley and Jacques Cote
Kenneth and Charlene Cotuno
Paul and Joan Couture
Gloria Cox
Karl and Sharon Cressman
Kathleen and Alan Critchley
Richard L. Critchlow
Hall Critz
Walter and Suzanne Crowell
Mark and Kim Cummings
James and Bronda Curtis
Robert Daale
Shannon Daale
Robert and Donald Daale
Daale Farms Inc.
Daale Trucking Inc.
Megan and Matthew Daily
Ole and Kristin Dam
Butch Damson
Bernard and Jody Dan
John and Mary Ann Danese
Daughters of Penelope
Julie Davidson
Tom and Thelma Davidson
Angel and Max Dawson
Richard and John DeDora
Jonathan and Amy Deex
Jennifer Bevacqua Delaconcepcion
Delaware Valley Rose, LP
Raymond and Tana Derrick
Louis and Mary Ann Desarno
Bill and Connie Devitt
Colleen DiColella
Dimare Homestead Inc.
Hal and Sally Dingley
Linda and John Dionisio
Najah Dipaolo-Brown
Sandy and Frank Ditta
George and Barbara Dobozynski
Karen Dockemeyer
Annual Donors
Supporters : $100 to $499 (cont’d)
Supporters : $100 to $499 (cont’d)
Supporters : $100 to $499 (cont’d)
Jeff and Julie Doherty
William and Nancy Doman
Donald F Stegeman Trust
Anne Donovan
Robert and Lisa Dow
Robert & Cathleen Dowe
Walter Drag
Bill and Stephanie Dragan
Carlos and Jackie Duarte
Karleen Duca
Ross and Jane Dudley
Larry Dunagan
Robert and Faith Duncan
Lisa Dwyer
Susan and Hugh Dykens
Richard and Sheila Eatroff
Jeff and Catherine Eby
Vera and Warren Edblad
Edward L. Myrick Produce
Paul and Sandra Eichelberger
Jeff Eichelberger
Aaron and Allyn Elleman
Zak Elyasi
Penny Ensley
Episcopal Church of the Nativity
Ken Evanoski
Michael and Susan Evans
Mary Evans
Deborah Evans
Mark and Kathy Evans
Debbie and Mike Fabio
Daniel and Wendy Fain
Anthony and Denise Farace
Garrett Farnsworth
Michael and Mary Farrand
John Philson and Susan Farwell
Danny and Stacey Faul
Oliver Favalli
Jerry and Suzanne Fawbush
Arline Feigen
Selina Garces and James Fein
William Feldman
Todd Fender
Raffael and Ana Feniello
James and Robin Ferguson
Maria Victoria Fernandez
Phillip Field
Elsa Filosa
Martin and Sheila Finan
June and Eamonn Finnerty
Salvatore and Shannan Finocchiaro
Firm Investments LLC
First Congregational Church
Jan Fisher
Wilma Fiske
Maureen and Garry Fiske
Kenneth and Mich Fiske
Kevin G. Fitzgerald
Maureen Fitzgibbens
Brian Flaherty
Flavor 1st Produce, Inc.
Denise and Bill Fleming
Renee and Richard Fletcher
James Flood
Michael and Judy Floodstrand
Florida Vegetable Inc.
Patricia Foley
Monica Folken
James and Monika Folmer
Four Oaks Bank & Trust
C. Kenna Fox
Michael Fox, D.D.S.
Tony and Donna Franco
Tyler and Kala French
Susan Froatz
Heinrich and Anna-Maria Froehlich
Robert and Tabitha Fuja
Maryanne and Edmund Funai
Funtime Travelers
Nina Galaz
Ann Gamble
James and Jeanne Gannon
Christy and Josh Gardner
Pamela and Melton Gardner
Joan and Tom Garrett
Barry Gasaway
Richard and Jennifer Gemberling
Gerald & Karen Kolschowsky Foundation Inc
Wanda Gerard
Todd Gerba
Theresa Gesell
GF Foundation
Henry and Joan Gianatasio
GJ&P Enterprises Ltd.
Kelly and Patrick Gibbs
Mandy Gildersleeve
Edward and Janine Gill
Penny and Sean Gillespie
Leonard and Judy Gingerella
Steve and Sandra Ginn
Tom and Sandy Giusti
GlaxoSmithKline Foundation
Francis and Barbara Glenski
Donna and William Goepfrich
Carol and Dave Goettlicher
Charles Goldfarb
Carol and Gary Goodno
Donald and Peg Goranson, Jr.
Norbert Gorgas
Jim and Joni Gorman
Rev. Dawn Gotoh
Barbara and David Gow
Valerie and James Grabicki
Annual Donors
Supporters : $100 to $499 (cont’d)
Supporters : $100 to $499 (cont’d)
Supporters : $100 to $499 (cont’d)
Maureen Grace
Graduate Women in Business
Edward and Marisa Green
Louise and Sidney Greenswag
Nathan Greer
Elizabeth and Andrew Greskovics
Jennelle Grier
Donna Griffo-Johnson
Janice and Paul Griggs
Doris and John Groenboom
Marie Grosso
Cindy and Sandy Guerrero
Robert and Mary Gulick
Florence Gunnison
Richard Hadsall
Nancy Hagemeier
Steve Hager
Norine and Cecil Haggard
Mark and Susan Hall
Joshua and Sonja Hall
Brian and Terri Hall
Halliburton—Global Impact
Maureen Hamilton
Lee and Jack Hancock
Melvin and Jane Handwerger
Martin Hanley
Mike and Charlene Hanna
Carol Hanna
Carl Hanson
Steve and Pam Hanson
Ronald and Ellen Hardin
Nancy Hardman
James and Peggy Hardy
Gay Harrington
Jim and Carol Harris
Francis and Joan Hart
Kelly and Brian Hartley
Mike and Linda Hartnett
Robert and Laura Hash
Esther Hassan
Jo and Floyd Hatcher
Howard and Mary Elaine Hayden
Ann Giovando and Chad Haynes
James Headley
Kerry Headley
Roger Healy
Arnold Hearn
Heart of West Michigan United Way
Gretchen and John Heathman
Emily Heller-Haggard
Raymond and Kathleen Henderson
Marjorie Henderson
Nancy Henderson
Barbara and Ken Henderson
Bob and Doris Hendrickson
Sara O. Henry
Robert Henson
William and Rosemarie Hepworth
Jacqueline Herbert
Barrett Heywood, III
Judy and Lonnie Hicks
Andrea Hidalgo
Jennifer Hill
Jason and Denise Hodges
William or Nicholas Hodgkinson
Gary and Linda Hodlin
Brad Hofland
Regina Hollrah
Patrick Holston
Kent Holwadel
John Homer
Patricia Hooker
Sara Hooley
Michael Hoover
Pete and Carolin Hopkins
Christina and Scott Hopkins
Tom Hopper
Alberta Hopper
Robert and Peggy Howell
Douglas Howie
Hubble’s Body Shop Inc.
George and Anne Huber
Agnes and Thomas Hughes
Jennie and William Hughes
Daniel and Jenna Huitink
Craig Hulsey
Caryn and Richard Hunt
James and Laura Hunt, Trustee
Cheryl and Larry Hurst
IBM Retiree Charitable Campaign
Dennis Imhoff
Julie Imholt
Terry and Tracy Inghram
Integra Foundation Inc.
Iowa Lamp Corporation
Nadeem Iqbal
Irish, Inc.
Craig and Maureen Jackson
Drew Jacobs
Brent and Elizabeth James
Margit and James Jamieson
Kenneth Jandik
John and Elizabeth Jaskowiak
Ellen Jeager
David and Phyllis Jeffery
David and Phyllis Jeffrey
Kim and Gregory Jehlik
Jennison Associates LLC
Tammy Jernigan
Karen and Tim Jobe
John Williams Construction, Inc.
Kyle and Marie Johns
Kelley Johnson
Annual Donors
Supporters : $100 to $499 (cont’d)
Supporters : $100 to $499 (cont’d)
Supporters : $100 to $499 (cont’d)
Sherri Johnson
David and Sandra Johnson
Nannette and Jeffrey Johnson
Timothy and Cynthia Johnson
Eric and Julie Johnson
Charlene and David Johnson
Hattie Johnson
Peyton and Jadyn Joiner
Jennifer and Ben Jones
Thomas and Shaune Jones
Herbert Jones
James Jones
John and Chris Jones
Char and James Jordan
JPMorgan Chase Foundation
Renee Kaine
Art and Beth Kane
Tom Kane
Lois Jean Kane
Norm and Charlotte Karin
George and Sara Karpach
Kevin and Lyle Kaskie
Elaine and Stanley Katz
Charles and Mary Kaufman
Colleen Kearney
Kerry Keating
Robert and Sue Keen
Thomas and Kathleen Kelahan
Margaret and Donald Kelly
Karen Kemp
Tom and Kathleen Kemp
Barbara Kennedy
Patsy and Jeffry Kennedy
Rev. Dan Kenner
Al and Linda Kenneth
Elizabeth Kenney
Kentuckiana Yacht Employees
Jon Kerner
Kim & Brad Keywell
Kevin and Julia Kipka
Laurie and Paul Kitchin
Robert and Alexandra Klas
Christine and Allan Klassen
Kenneth and Dorothy Kleckner
David Klein
David and Melissa Koch
James and Mary Koopmans
Richard and Shelly Kopietz
Virginia Koroleski
Mark and Pam Koss
Steven Kowalchik
Mark Krinsky
Michele and Edgar Kroeze
Frank Krohn
Gina Kronenberg
Timothy Kruglet
Jessica and George Kruse
Judith and Luis Kubichek
Carolyn Kuhl
Mike and Lori Kuna
George and Lee Ann Kuntz
Erik Kurchinski
John Kutcher
Galen and Anne LaBree
Mary Lagana
Trisha Marie Lair
Colleen and Ken Lamb
Ginny Lammers
Roy and Diane Landgren
Tom Lane
Jessica Lang
Janet and Gordon Lankton
Susan Lantz
Curtis Latzo
Erin and Joseph Lauer
Marie Bevacqua and Martin Lawlor
John and Betty Lawther
Bonnie and Steve Lazar
James Lazarus
Susan Geishenhorn and James Lazarus
Linda Leahy
Michael and Patricia Leahy
John and Wendy Leary
Patrick and Kay Leary
Henry and Margaret Lee
John Lee
Phillip D. K. Lee, MD, FAAP, FACE
Karin and Mike Lehman
Rick and Carla Lehrmann
Anna Leightman
Keidi Leister
David and Susan Leitten
Lori and John Lens
Erik and Robbie Lenski
Catherine Leonard
Hope and Nelson Leonard
Patricia Lescarbeau
Ronnie and Ira Levine
Joshua and Kristin Levy
Denise and Brett Lewis
John and Carol Lietzow
Liberty Diversified Industries
Chad and Betsy Lindsey
Dennie and George Lindsey
Tim and Carol Lindsey
Mark and Jill List
Thomas and Debra Lloyd
David and Dori Locke
Lockport Lower Elementary School
Ruth and George Lockwood
Paula Loh
Lorraine and Bart Lombardi
Chester and Roberta Lonnquist
Janis and Robert Loper
Annual Donors
Supporters : $100 to $499 (cont’d)
Supporters : $100 to $499 (cont’d)
Supporters : $100 to $499 (cont’d)
Raquel and Adalberto Lopez
Eileen Lord
Nora Lott-Haynes
Adele McSorley Louden
Thomas and Sheryl Love
Signe Holte Lovsland
Georgene and Ralph Lowe
Judy and John Lucas
Kay Lucente
Steve and Susan Lundh
Louellen and Michael Lusk
Adam Lusk
Phil and Hue Luts
Jason Lydon
John Lynch
Luther and Nancy Lynn
Jerrod Lynott
Nancy Mackey
Suzette LaVigne and Eric Macks
Ralph and Mary Ann Macks
Cathryn and John Maczko
Elizabeth Siccone and Salvatore Maglione
Magnolia Packing Inc.
Maryellen and Leo Magrini
Ellen and Michael Maguire
Rene and Irene Mailloux
Mark Malin
Mallon Family Foundation
Pierluigi Mancini
Norbert and Grace Mandeville
Alice Marek
Arlene Marko
Brian Marley
Gerard and Kerry Marsh
Angelo Martello
Dennis and Jacquellyn Martin
Elizabeth Martin
Michael and Julie Martin
Kristine Martineau
Dennis Martino
Catherine Masi
Diane Masterson
Susan Matesevac
Robert Matsunaka
Brian and Stacy Mattioni
Joseph and Mary Ellen Matts
Stewart and Bronnie Maurer
Brian and Adria Mazzocchi
Ann McAdam
Bill and Jean McCall
Shawn and Chris McCandless
Helen and Frank McCarney
Sue Ann McClaren
Robert and Deborah McCracken
McDonald & Rogers LLC
Bridget and Randy McDonald
Debra and Harry McDougall, Sr
Linda McGee
Jean McGovern
James McGuire
McKinsey and Company
Joe and Joanna McMahon
Joseph McManus
Barbara McManus
Siki Giunta and Dustin McNabb
Marilyn McNichols
Thomas and Patricia McRae
Kim Meador
Mike and Barbara Means
Gloria Means
Judith Medeiros
Kevin and Kara Medved
Michael and Jeanine Meeuwenberg
Mark and Tammy Meeuwenberg
Robert Meiring
Ronald and Gwen Melincoff
Angela Mellon
Wendy Wolf and Mitchell Menzer
Heidi and Michael Metcalf
Carol Michels
Michigan CAT
Microsoft Giving Campaign-The JK Group Inc.
MidAmerica Bank
Kiyomi Miller
John and Margie Miller
Joyce Miller
Jason Lusk and Cynthia Milligan
Calvin Minakata
David and Lisa Miniat
Sara Saltzbart Minier
Kathleen Minor
Patricia Minos
Linda Mitchell
Terry and Debbie Mleczewski
Charles Monfort
Mark and Veronica Moniello
Carole Monroe
John and Jean Mook
Christine Moore
Paula Moran
Mark and Margaret Morehouse
Dan Morgan
Joseph and Jane Morris
Debbie Mrazek
MSB Finance Club
Thomas Mudd
Tim and Lisa Mukanos
Dave and Tammy Mukoda
Kash and Sue Mukoda
Kash and Sue Mukoda
Tim and Bobbi Mukoda
Sean Mullen
Thomas and Joan Mullins
George and Catherine Mulry
Annual Donors
Supporters : $100 to $499 (cont’d)
Supporters : $100 to $499 (cont’d)
Supporters : $100 to $499 (cont’d)
Marte and John Murphy
James and Eve Murty
Peter Musser
M.U.S.T.-Mgmt & Unions Serving Together
Ben and Raina Nadler
Albert Nanney
Nick and Melissa Natale
National Institute of Child Health & Human Dev.
National Nail Corp.
Linda Nelson
Prudence and Tom Nelson
Darrow and Renate Nelson
Olga and Richard Newberry
Newgate Capital Management LLC
John and Cindy Nicotra
Alison and Ron Nielsen
Nikao Ministries, Inc.
Don and Michele Nolan
Charles Nolte
North Penn United Way
Norbert Nowicki, Jr.
Rob O'Brien
Ocean Screens Inc.
Edward and Brenda O'Connor
Kristen and Timothy O'Connor
Bernie and Millie O'Connor
Christy O'Donnell
Chris and Christy O'Gara
Thomas and Judith O'Keefe
Elizabeth Olsen
Sigrid Olson
Clarence and Reba Olson
Fiona Olson
Michael and Nancy O'Malley
Lisa Anderson Oppenheim
Jeanette and Jim Orahood
Carrie Orahood
Ray and Ruth Organ
Original Ferrara Inc.
Greg and Yolanda Ornelas
Lisa and Jerry Otto
Todd and Kelly Overman
Susan Pabst
Joseph Padula
Louis and Joyce Pagano
Stacy and Adam Painter
Gregory Pajot
Michael Palermo
Thomas and Carolyn Pampinella
Sam and Libby Panepinto
Tracy Panza
Lloyd and Alice Parcell
Jacqueline Parker
Denise and Jason Parkrosz
John and Martha Parrott
Bill Parry
Guy and Thelma Parsons
Abel and Barbara Parsons
Kerry, Mark and Grace Partin
Raul and Debbie Pastran
Chris and Shelby Pate
William and Bonnie Patient
Kenneth and Elizabeth Patin
Stephanie Patterson
Steve and Jan Patterson
Vernon and Nancy Paulson
Brian and Sonya Peake
Marlene Pearman
Charles Peknic
Ed and Patricia Pelszynski
Karen Pendleton
Bonnie and David Pendley
Maria Peninger
Pepsico Foundation
William (Bubba) and Susan Perkins
Michael Perkins
Donald Perrault
Joseph Perrotto
Harry and Muriel Persanis
Lisa and Jeffrey Peters
Tania Peterson
Craig and Frances Peterson
John Petraglia
Mel and Chris Pfeiffer
Rich and Pat Pfeiffer
Graham Phalen
Phillips Communications & Equip. Co., Inc.
Dennisse Colon and Howard Phillips
David and Elizabeth Phillips
Joanne and Donald Phin
Shannon Piccolo
Mary and Joe Pichirallo
Pam Pick
Pickner Law Office, P.C.
Donna and Willie Piercy
David and Lesley Pincus
Daniel and Kim Pinda
Lee Pinkowitz
Pinnacle Construction Group
Pittsburgh Partnership
Barbara and David Plyes
Edward and Denise Poe
John and Bobbi Pogrant, Jr.
Sharon Pohn
Brian and Ning Pollak
Ilene Fine and Jay Pomerance
Taryn Pond
Pope & Tart, Attorneys at Law
Mary Porter
Manuel Porth, MD
Carol Potts
Marlene Pratto
Kendra and Todd Prentis
Annual Donors
Supporters : $100 to $499 (cont’d)
Supporters : $100 to $499 (cont’d)
Supporters : $100 to $499 (cont’d)
Presbyterian Women
Kenneth and Ruth Prettyman
Preston Prince
Rudolph Prochazka
PS90 Social Committee
Donna and Robert Ptak
Richard White and Beverly Purrington
PWS Association of Minnesota
Qdoba Restaurant Corporation
QSI, Inc.
Renata and Lino Queirolo
William Quinlan
John Quinn
Ilean Rabens
Timothy and Andrea Radigan
Edward and Sue Ragland
Harold and Diane Ranck
Christine and Richard Ranieri
Rapid Valley Sanitary District/Water Service
Sue and Alex Ratnofsky
Bobby and Anna Sue Ray
Robert and Barbara Raymond
Randy Recca
Redstone Federal Credit Union
Thomas and Carolanne Reid
June and Bob Reifeiss
Jennifer and Kenneth Reighard
Ken Reinking
Jan and Kathy Renwick
Tammy and Doug Renwick
Anthony Revis
Michael Parker and Megan Rhyne
Jan Richardson
Anthea Richardson
George and Janice Richardson
Donald Richardson
Betty Richmond
Christopher and April Ringler
James and Mary Risch
Severino and Catherine Roberto
Cristina and Phil Roberts
Tom and Sue Roberts
Robinson and Cole LLP
Rockport Construction Inc.
Mary Rodino
Jack Roe
Dr. and Mrs. W. J. Roenigk
Mark and Nanette Roenigk
Kimberly Rosas
Harry and Carol Rose
Cheryl Ross
Daniel and Kristine Ross
Candace Rossman
James and Magdalene Rountos
Roy Lee Smith Produce Inc.
Frank and Christy Roylance
Jeff Ruden
Nicholas and Lisa Ann Ruggiero, Jr.
Carolyn and Michael Ryan
Elias and Hope Sabbagha
Sahira Sadiq
Margaret Wilmsen and Ronald Safer
Salesforce.com Foundation
Saltz Mine Technology Inc.
Michael and Jinhee Salzman
Bill and Maria Lisa Sammons
Christopher Sandel
Gerardo and Meyle Santiago
Angel and Yvette Santiago
Leslie and Charles Saporito III
Joseph Sapp
James and Margie Sappington
Dennis and Marie Sargent
Randy and Carrie Satterly
Anthony Savarese
Donald and Cathleen Savery
Anne Scardino
Ronald and Marilyn Schaaf
Samuel and Patrice Scheck
Lyle and Rita Schertz
Jessica and Joshua Schmidt
Philip Schmidt
Daniel and Kay Schmidt
Mary Schmitt
Sandra and Ken Schoen
Agnes Schultes
Karen and William Schulz
Thomas and Kimberly Schumacher
Kathryn Schumann
Charlotte Schwartz
Carolyn Schweizer
Ryan Schwiesow, D.C.
Michael and Maria Sclafani
Louisa Sclafani
Scott T. Bosgraaaf Trust
Ashley Scott
Linda and Michael Sczepkowski
Robert Seely
Heather and Kenneth Sessa
Eileen Seyfarth
David Shaddy
Todd Shaffer
Damien Shane
Gene and Beverly Shapert
John Shaver
James Sheppard
Pamela Christine Sherry
Mark and Jill Shields
Michele and Troy Shingleton
Janet Colturi and Troy Shingleton
Jacqueline and Gary Shuk
Jaime Siebert
Barbara Siegfriedt
Mark and Maria Siegfriedt
Annual Donors
Supporters : $100 to $499 (cont’d)
Supporters : $100 to $499 (cont’d)
Supporters : $100 to $499 (cont’d)
Kim Sillence
Louise and Michael Silvester
Nancy and Ralf Simon
Holly Sims
Victor Sirchia
Shannon Skupas
David and Gloria Slightom
Lori and Scott Slightom
Matthew Smalley
Smiles for Life Foundation
Jeff and Karen Smith
Ken Smith
Kirk and Janet Smith
Thomas Smith
Peter and Lucia Smith
Leo Smith
Roy and Marjorie Smith
Lisa Smith
Michael Smith
Rebecca and Matthew Smith
Cynthia Smith
Norva and Bobby Smith
Lisa Smith
Kevin Snodgrass, MD, DDS, PC
Edwin and Theodora Sojka
Lisa Somalski
Mabel Soo
Lee Ann and Roger Souders
South Peace Distributors LTD
Donna and Neil Spencer
Angela Spradlin
Emily and Tracey Sprague
Ken and Vicki Sprake
Sarah Spruce
Anne St. Onge
Suzanne St. Onge
St. Thomas School Activity Program
Brandy Stack
Staff & Students of Pennell Elementary
Finis and Loretta Stafford
Wavelene Stamp
Joseph and Debbie Stangarone
Lynne Stanley
Kathryn Stazzone
Risha Stebbins
Michael Steck
Robert and Lisa Steck
Meg Stein
David and Amy Steinbarth
Tammi and Gary Steinberg
Georgette Stempkowski
Edith Stephens
Stepping Out Inc.
Stew Jackson Foundation Inc
Looman and Judith Stingo
John and Joan Stoner
Eric and Tammy Stratton
Janet Stromberg
Bernard and Amy Stubbs
Peggy Stutts
Donald Suden
Jerome and Francine Sullivan
Andy and Estee Summers
Darryl and Daphne Sumrall
Rick and Jonna Lynne Svabek
Jenny and Johan Sverdrup
Paul Swank
Ronald and Sandy Swanson
David Swanson
Ruth Deutscher and Chris Sweeney
Cindy and Matt Szapacs
Ed and Linda Szapacs
Robert Tabacchi
Tailor Maid Cleaning Services
James and Karen Tarbell
John Tascheck
TCG Management Inc.
Martin and Marla Teichman
Susan Templeton
Terra-Cast Stone Spreading LLC
Douglas and Wanda Terrell
Shannon Terry
The Dorsey & Whitney Foundation
The Egg and I Highlands Ranch
The Egg and I Restaurant
The Kensington Group - Remodeling, LLC
The Management Office Team of Lowe Enterprises, Inc.
The Pampered Chef
The Prudential Foundation Matching Gifts
The Standard
Therm Flo Inc.
Allan and Ingrid Thomas
Kurt and Linda Thompson
Algot and Mary Thorell
Stanley and Tracy Thorp, Jr.
Elizabeth Tietgen
Kyla Tillapaugh
George and Katharine Tizzano
TL Technologies Inc.
Donald and Thelma Toby
Steven Tomasini
James Tomkins
Total Engineering Services Team Inc.
Dorothy Townsend
Philip and Anne Traynor
Dr. and Mrs. Bruce Trimble
Hong Der Tsai
Turning Leaf Homes Inc.
Henry Underwood
Powell and Joanne Underwood
United Way of Buffalo & Erie County
United Way of Central Indiana Inc.
United Way of Delaware
United Way of Metropolitan Atlanta, Inc.
Annual Donors
Supporters : $100 to $499 (cont’d)
Supporters : $100 to $499 (cont’d)
Supporters : $100 to $499 (cont’d)
United Way of Northeast New York Inc.
United Way of the National Capital Area
United Way of Salt Lake
United Way of West Michigan
Deepak and Paroo Uppal
John and Julie Utley
Jared Utley
Phyllis Uzendowski
John Vaghini
Heather and Richard Valeo
James and Wava Van Becelaere
Betsy and Jeff Van Loben Sels
Ted and Jennifer Van Zelst
Michael Vastano DDS
Veltman Investment Services
Verizon Foundation
Maurice and Helen Vermeulen
Philip and Jill Vicino
Don and Betty Vincent
George and Shannon Vindiola
Nicholas and Michelle Vitalo
Marion and Jorge Vizoso
Vogel Foundation
Kelly Volpe
Alton and Judy Wagnon
Todd and Sandy Wakai
Marjorie and Robert Walcutt
Merv and Judy Waldman
Marsha and Edward Walker
Skye Lin Walker
Sandy and Natalie Walker
June and Dick Wallace
Ann Walsh
John and Gloria Walsh
Richard Walton
Jack and Louise Warden
B J Waterman
Ruth Watson
Wayne F. and Barbara B. Miller Family Trust
Anne Webb
Connie Webb
Eleanor and Richard Weiner
John and Nancy Weingart
Lynn and Shelley Weitekamp
Evelyn Weitekamp
Wellpoint Associate Giving Campaign
Ken and Lynda Wells
Roger and Sara Wenner
Roger and Ronda West
Karl and Denise Westenfield
Western Carolina Produce Inc.
Jann Whalen
Sarah Whetstone
Dorothy and Hardin White
Brian and Lara White
Kathleen and Collins Whitfield
Hank and Ronaele Whittington
Wick and Brother Inc.
Arlene Williams
Carol and Jerry Williams
Dr. and Mrs. R. D. Williams
Carrol and Sally Williams
Archibald Williamson III
Andrew Willis
Jean and Chuck Willoughby
Elwood and Mary Jane Wissmann
Robert and Karen Wissmann
Madeleine and Bob Wojciechowski
Richard and Denise Wolcott
Janice and Jim Wollam
Arthur and Ida Wollock
Andrew Wong
Darlene and Al Wong
Yeanna Woo
Bud and Karen Wood
Sandra and Sam Wood
Robert and Daylene Wood
Richard and Gwendolyn Woodruff
Ernest and Karen Wright
Jamie Wujcik
David Wyatt
Peter and Kathleen Wyka
Herbert Yamamura
Gerald Yass
Dan and Malou Young
Susan Lantz and John Youngkin
Dwight and Dawn Youngkin
Alex and Alexa Yu
Yum! Brands Foundation, Inc.
Zakerski & Company
Alice and Herb Zarov
Linda Zick
Due to space restrictions, we were unable
to list donations less than $100. Thank
you very much for your support of
Please call the office to notify us of any
corrections to the list of donors.
Board of Directors and Advisory Boards
Directors and Officers
Clinical Advisory Board
Co-Chair—Carol Hearn, Plymouth, MN
Co-Chair—Ken Smith, Pittsburgh, PA
Secretary—Julie Doherty, Tallahassee, FL
Janice Agarwal, Zionsville, IN
Jamie Bassel, New York, NY
Bill Capraro, Oak Brook Terrace, IL
Linda Gourash, Pittsburgh, PA
John Heybach, Chicago, IL
Steve Leightman, Cherry Hill, NJ
Carolyn Loker, Kalamazoo, MI
Jackie Mallow, Oconomowoc, WI
Mark Ryan, Newhall, CA
Mary K. Ziccardi, Cleveland, OH
Chair—Daniel J. Driscoll, Ph.D., M.D., University of Florida
Health Science Center, Gainesville, FL
Moris Angulo, M.D., Winthrop University Hospital, Mineolo, NY
Ivy Boyle, M.D., Bellefaire JCB, Cleveland, OH
Janice Forster, M.D., Pittsburgh Partnership, Pittsburgh, PA
Linda Gourash, M.D., Pittsburgh Partnership, Pittsburgh, PA
Bryan Hainline, M.D., Ph.D., Riley Children’s Hospital,
Indiana University School of Medicine, Indianapolis, IN
Jim Loker, M.D.., Bronson Methodist Children’s Hospital, Kalamazoo, MI
Jennifer Miller, M.D., M.S., University of Florida, Gainesville, FL
Norma Tarrazas, R.D., L.D., Texas Children’s Hospital, Houston, TX
Barbara Y. Whitman, Ph.D., St. Louis University, St. Louis, MO
Liaison Members:
Suzanne B. Cassidy, M.D., U.C.I. Medical Center, Orange, CA
Janalee Heinemann, M.S.W., Director of Research & Medical Affairs,
Carolyn Loker, Board of Directors, PWSA (USA)
Ken Smith, Board of Directors, PWSA (USA)
Scientific Advisory Board
Chair—Merlin G. Butler, M.D., Ph.D., Children’s Mercy Hospital, Kansas City, KS
Chair Emeritus—Vanja Holm, M.D., University of Washington, Seattle, WA
Suzanne B. Cassidy, M.D., U.C.I. Medical Center, Orange, CA
Joe Donnelly, ED.D., University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS
Elisabeth M. Dykens, Ph.D., Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN
David Ledbetter, Ph.D., Emory University School of Medicine, Atlanta, GA
Phillip D. K. Lee, M.D., EMD Serono Inc., Rockland, MA
Harriette Mogul, M.D., M.P.H., New York Medical College, Valhalla, NY
Sue Myers, M.D., St. Louis University, St. Louis, MO
Robert Nicholls, D. Phil., Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA
Ann Scheimann, M.D., Texas Children’s Hospital.,
Baylor College of Medicine, Dallas, TX
Rachel Wevrick, Ph.D., University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, CN
Barbara Y. Whitman, Ph.D., St. Louis University, St. Louis, MO
Adults with PWS Advisory Board
Shawn Cooper, Georgia
Brooke Fuller, Michigan
Conor Heybach, Illinois
Kate Kane, Maryland
Lauren Lange, Georgia
Andy Maurer, South Carolina
Margaret Miller, Pennsylvania
Abbott Philson, Maine
Statement of Activities
2007 Financial Review
Prader-Willi Syndrome Association (USA)
8588 Potter Park Drive, Suite 500
Sarasota, FL 34238
(800) 926-4797 or (941) 312-0400
fax (941)312-0142