Anie Coutu est étudiante au programme d`orthophonie à l`Université
Anie Coutu est étudiante au programme d`orthophonie à l`Université
Anie Coutu est étudiante au programme d’orthophonie à l’Université Laurentienne. Elle a récemment complété son baccalauréat en orthophonie et elle étudie présentement au programme de maîtrise en orthophonie. Depuis le début de ses études universitaires, Anie a vécu plusieurs expériences pratiques dans son domaine en participant à des conférences et en travaillant comme assistante de recherche. Elle s’intéresse au bilinguisme et aux langues en contexte minoritaire. Résumé (projet de Bacc à Actualisation linguistique en français : une intervention orthophonique ?) De façon traditionnelle, les familles canadiennes non immigrantes choisissent leur langue maternelle, soit l’anglais, soit le français, comme langue d’instruction pour leurs enfants. Cependant, nous voyons présentement une hausse quant à l’inscription d’enfants anglophones dans les écoles de langue française au Canada. Il en résulte une grande présence d’enfants anglo-‐dominants dans les écoles de langue française, en contexte minoritaire. Le Ministère de l’Éducation de l’Ontario a mis en place un programme-‐cadre d’actualisation linguistique en français (ALF) afin d’appuyer ces enfants. Il va de soi que ce programme comble un besoin significatif, étant donné la prévalence d’enfants anglophones inscrits dans des écoles de langue française en situation minoritaire en Ontario. Toutefois, il existe peu de recherches scientifiques appuyant son efficacité. Le but de cette étude est donc de décrire comment les conseils scolaires interviennent auprès des élèves qui apprennent le français comme langue seconde par l’entremise du programme ALF. De plus, cette étude cible à examiner le rôle de l’orthophoniste dans ce genre d’intervention. Un sondage électronique a été créé, destiné aux enseignants, éducateurs et orthophonistes qui gèrent les séances d’ALF dans 68 écoles élémentaires parmi 4 grands conseils scolaires français du Nord de la province, cherchant des détails quant à la prestation du programme ALF. Vingt individus ont répondu au sondage et 14 parmi ceux-‐ci l’ont complété. Les résultats permettent de conclure que la prestation du programme ALF est différente d’une école à l’autre parmi les conseils francophones de l’Ontario inclus dans cette étude. Ces résultats soulignent également le besoin d’avoir plus de recherches centrées sur ce programme en raison de l’absence d’une structure concrète et homogène à suivre. Seulement un répondant du sondage s’est identifié comme orthophoniste, ce qui révèle peut-‐être que les orthophonistes font plus souvent partie intégrante de l’équipe responsable du programme et ne sont pas les principaux intervenants. Cependant, nos résultats montrent que les orthophonistes offrent une perspective différente, mais importante quant à l’appui en ALF. Photo : Anie Coutu qui explique son affiche au Child Language Symposium, Coventry, Royaume-‐Uni. Résumé (projet de maîtrise à Accès et offre active des services de soins auxiliaires en français dans les communautés francophones en situation minoritaire du Nord-‐Est de l’Ontario : une validation d’outil) Plusieurs études montrent que la langue de communication entre le fournisseur d’un service de santé et l’individu recevant ce service a un impact sur sa qualité et son efficacité. Dans la région du Nord-‐Est de l’Ontario, près d’une personne sur quatre est francophone (23,4 %). Malgré cette forte présence de francophones, il existe un manque de données décrivant les services auxiliaires de la santé (SAS) de langue française disponibles aux habitants des communautés francophones en situation minoritaire (CFSM) ainsi que l’offre active de la part des professionnels capables d’offrir ces services en français. Les études montrent que les Canadiens francophones habitant en CFSM ont en moyenne plus de problèmes de santé que leurs concitoyens anglophones. Il est aussi connu que les services de santé en français sont plus difficiles à accéder en CFSM, malgré les lois mises en place pour assurer leur présence. De nombreux chercheurs ont étudié ce phénomène au niveau des services de santé classiques, mais très peu de recherches existent quant aux SAS : c’est-‐à-‐dire l’orthophonie, l’ergothérapie et la physiothérapie. La présente étude avait comme objectif de créer et de valider un outil mesurant la disponibilité et la qualité des SAS en français dans les CFSM du Nord-‐Est ontarien. Cet outil servira à faire valoir les besoins d’accès adéquat aux services d’orthophonie, d’ergothérapie et de physiothérapie et de déterminer la satisfaction de l’usager quant à la disponibilité de ces services en français. MÉTHODE : Deux questionnaires mesurant respectivement la perception des orthophonistes, des ergothérapeutes et des physiothérapeutes envers l’offre active de leurs services en français et la perception des utilisateurs de ces services ont été créés. Un troisième questionnaire pré-‐test a été créé afin de recevoir une rétroaction sur la composition de l’outil. La validité de contenu de l’outil d’enquête a été établie à l’aide d’une recension d’écrits et de consultations menées auprès d’experts du domaine de l’orthophonie. Sa fidélité a été examinée à partir des données recueillies auprès de l’échantillon qui ont participé au pré-‐test. RÉSULTAT : L’outil démontre une bonne cohésion interne et les réponses obtenues démontrent une solidité aux questions. L’emploi de l’outil auprès d’un plus large échantillon est maintenant possible. Il s’agit des premiers pas d’une démarche visant à mesurer les comportements d’offre active en faveur des SAS en français. CONCLUSION : Étant dit, cet outil pourra être utilisé par plusieurs qui cherchent à en connaître plus sur l’offre des SAS en français. DOES NOT PRINT—) N GUIDE plate produces a 100cmx200cm an use it to create your aluable time placing titles, cs. 1.510.649.3001 K S TA R T n and out oster zoom in and out to the level ble to you. Go to VIEW > ZOOM. , and Affiliations ding the title, the names of the utions. You can type or paste text mplate will automatically adjust the ox. You can manually override this our text. am_coutu@lauren/ Lauren/an&University,&Sudbury&ON,&Canada& CONTEXT( RESULTS( In Canada, French and English are co-official languages. However, the status of these languages remains unequal in most of the country. Outside of Quebec, English-speaking Canadians find themselves within a majority context: French being the minority language. In Ontario, French medium elementary schools have seen a significant increase in the linguistic and cultural diversity of their students; most of whome come from families who use English in their households and have very limited knowledge of French. Initially, these children often have difficulties at school due to their insufficient language competence in French and are faced with the challenges of having to learn, develop and maintain a minority language. To help these French Language Learners (FLL), the Ontario Ministry of Education created an intervention program called Actualisation Linguistique en Français, or ALF. This program aims to help these FLLs develop the French language skills necessary for them to succeed in other academic areas. The ALF curriculum, composed of the contents and expectations of the program, is very vague and abstract in terms of how this intervention should be given. It states which competencies to work on, but does not specify how or by what means these competencies should be taught. Because of the lack of a concrete structure to follow, we do not currently know how these interventions are being provided throughout the different schools in the province. is available on our free poster hs / Graphics and dropping from your desktop, SERT > PICTURES. Resize images he SHIFT key and dragging one of the al-looking poster, do not distort your portionally. The aim of this study was to look at how French medium schools in Ontario intervene and help children who are FLL through a specific language planning program instated by the province to support the needs of FLLs (ALF). This program, although widely used, has received very little scientific attention. This is interesting because 1. the program was created over 20 years ago, 2. it is used in many schools throughout the province and 3. there is a high demand for this type of program to accommodate FLLs in the minority context. Through means of survey data, this study looked at the practices and techniques used by schools to teach FLL. This study also looked at the Speech and language pathologist’s (SLP) role in these types of FLL programs. Even though this type of intervention deals with language and communication, it is not part of the official scope of practice of an SLP to intervene within these programs. This study thus sought out to discover the SLP’s perspective within this intervention context to see if their implication would be an asset. Objec&ves) 1.(Discover(how(French(medium(schools(in(Ontario(intervene(and(help(FLLs(through( means(of(the(ALF(program.( 2.(Examine(the(role(and(perspecOve(of(the(SLP(within(FLL(intervenOon.(( METHOD( This study used an investigation method by means of survey data. A 34-question electronic survey was created using a secure online survey website, Free Online Surveys, in order to obtain information on the workings of the ALF program within Ontario’s French medium schools as well as on the practices and techniques used by the individuals providing this intervention. The participants of this study were all professionals working under one of four French medium school boards in the North of the province. DISTORTED( uality Check Bad&prin/ng&quality& ORIGINAL( at 100% magnification. If they look You can also manually change the col to VIEW > SLIDE MASTER. After you fi sure to go to VIEW > NORMAL to conti PracOces(and(techniques(used(by(the(school(personnel(respondents((homeroom(teachers,(resource(teachers(and( school(principal)(while(providing(ALF(intervenOon(to(FLLs( Vocabulary&and&concept&drills&&(n&=&4)& Learning&concepts&through&play/games&(n&=&4)& Use&of&many&visual&aids&during&sessions&(n&=&3)& Use&of&a&kinaesthe/c&approach/gestures&(n&=&2)& Oral&communica/on&ac/vi/es&(n&=&3)& Cu]ng&words&into&syllables&(n&=&1)& One&on&one&interven/on&for&students&with&complex&needs& (n&=&2)& Songs&and&nursery&rhymes&to&help&remember&concepts&(n& =&3)& How to ad The template com formatted placeho blocks. You can ad pasting the existin from the HOME me Text s Adjust the size of your text based on present. The default template text o Follow the conference requirements. PracOces(and(techniques(used(by(the(SLP(respondent(while(providing(ALF(intervenOon(to(FLLs( AIM(AND(RESEARCH(OBJECTIVES( ach side of the title. You can insert a from your desktop, copy and paste S. Logos taken from web sites are nted. Zoom it at 100% to see what al poster and make any necessary Both quantitative and qualitative analyses were performed on received survey data. Practices and techniques stated by respondents were grouped into categories. The school personnel respondents (n=19) valued repetition and drilling of vocabulary words and French language concepts the most to help FLLs. The practices used seem to favour creativity and interactive learning (games, songs, etc…). The SLP’s perspective (n=1) was unique. This respondent valued the use of conversation stimulation during ALF intervention, as these children often don’t have the opportunity to use and practice French outside of school. The SLP’s strategies are based on strategies founded by research commonly used within the speech therapy field in other types of intervention. hould be bigger than your name(s) ogos / Seals How to change the tem You can easily change the color them DESIGN menu, click on COLORS, and c choice. You can also create your own Anie&Coutu,&B.Sc.S.,&Chantal&MayerNCriOenden,&Ph.D.& ne answer your poster ew our template tutorials, go and click on HELP nt your poster, go online to Q U I C K S TA R Language&Planning&Programs&for&French&Language&Learners:& What&is&the&Role&of&the&SLP?& Vocabulary&and&concept&drills&(repe//on)& Learning&concepts&through&play/games& Ask&openNended&ques/ons&and&avoid&ques/ons&that&can& end&conversa/on& Allow&/me&for&the&child&to&think&and&respond& Make&many&comments& Modeling&(using&yourself&as&example)& Offer&choices&to&the&child&(ask&choice&ques/ons)& Establish&links&between&vocabulary/concepts&and&the& child’s&life/environment&for&beOer&understanding& Group&learning&(grouping&children&with&similar&skill&sets)& Scaled&learning&(star/ng&with&simple&tasks&then&gradually& adding&levels&of&difficulty)& How to add To add a table from scratch click on TABLE. A drop-dow and columns. You can also copy and a paste a table PowerPoint document. A pasted table by RIGHT-CLICK > FORMAT SHAPE, TEX Graphs / In terms of program administration, many inconsistencies were found from one respondent to the next, revealing that this intervention is not provided in a uniform fashion throughout French medium schools in Ontario. You can simply copy and paste charts Some reformatting may be required d document has been created. Differences(in(program(administraOon(among(respondent(answers( Interven/on&is¬&always&given&by&the&same&person&& Length//ming&of&sessions&differs&& Curriculum&is¬&always&used&(40%&of&respondents& admiOed&to¬&using&the&curriculum&at&all)& No&set&evalua/on&guideline&of&child’s&progress&to& determine&when&to&withdraw&child&from&the&program& Decision&to&withdraw&child&from&the&program&is¬&made& by&the&same&person&& Type&of&training&(if&any)&on&ALF&implementa/on&received& by&respondent&varies& How to change the co RIGHT-CLICK on the poster backgroun column options available for this tem also be customized on the Master. VIE How to remove CONCLUSIONS( If you are working in PowerPoint for W poster, save as PDF and the bars will delete them by going to VIEW > MAST Setup to match the Page-Setup in Pow PDF. You can also delete them from th Results allow us to conclude that FLL intervention through means of the ALF program is done differently from one Ontario school to the next. We can hypothesize that these inconsistencies are due to the lack of a concrete structure provided by the program’s curriculum. More studies would be necessary. Save your Save your template as a PowerPoint d PowerPoint of “Print-quality” PDF. In terms of the SLP’s perspective, we can determine that it is different, yet important. Collaboration between the SLP and the school personnel would be an asset. LIMITATIONS(AND(FUTURE(TRACKS( The number of participants limited this study. We were not able to get a generalized picture on how ALF is administered throughout the entirety of the province. Additionally, 6 out of 20 respondents abandoned the questionnaire, leaving us with data blanks. The survey itself also acts as a potential limit to this study as we were unable to administer a pre-test of the survey; a vital step in the investigation method. Due to the lack of prior scientific attention this program received, this study serves as a starting point for future studies. Changes can be made to the program’s curriculum in order to give a concrete intervention structure to follow and to foster a multidisciplinary approach thus including input from an SLP. Studies aiming to measure the success of the program could also be beneficial, as this program currently does not have any significant data in regards to whether or not it truly works. REFERENCES( Participation in this study was anonymous. The only personal information obtained were the role of the participant within their school as well as the school board under which they were employed. 68 schools were called to participate in this study. In total, 20 individuals answered the survey, all claiming to be responsible for providing ALF intervention within their school. Among these 20 participants, 6 of them abandoned the questionnaire at different times. However, the answers provided by these 6 participants prior to abandonment were still considered during data analysis. School(Board( ParOcipants( Role( ParOcipants( Conseil(Scolaire(public(du(Grand(Nord(de( l’Ontario( n&=&5&(25%)& Homeroom&teacher& n&=&12&(60%)& Conseil(Scolaire(catholique(du(Nouvel9 Ontario( n&=&8&(40%)& Resource&teacher& n&=&6&(30%)& Conseil(scolaire(catholique(Franco9Nord( n&=&4&(20%)& SLP& n&=&1&(5%)& Conseil(scolaire(catholique(du(district(des( grandes(rivières( n&=&3&(15%)& School&principal& n&=&1&(5%)& American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (2004). Preferred Practice Patterns for the Profession of Speech-Language Pathology [Preferred Practice Patterns], Centre franco-ontarien de ressources pédagogiques. (2005). Le référentiel en ALF et en PDF. Ottawa, CFORP. Landry, R., Allard, R., & Deveau, K. (2010). École et autonomie culturelle. Enquête pancanadienne en milieu scolaire francophone minoritaire. Institut canadien de recherche sur les minorités linguistiques. Ministère de l’Éducation. (2004). Politique d’aménagement linguistique de l’Ontario pour l’éducation en langue française. Imprimeur de la Reine pour l’Ontario. Ministère de l’Éducation. (2010). Le curriculum de l’Ontario de la 1re à la 8e année. Actualisation linguistique en français. Imprimeur de la Reine pour l’Ontario. Student discounts are available on our Go to and clic ©&2013&PosterPresenta/ &&&&&2117&Fourth&Street&,&Unit&C&&&&&&&&& RESEARCH POSTER PRESENTATION DESIGN © 2012 &&&&&Berkeley&CA&94710& &&&&