mezzanine - Penco Products
mezzanine - Penco Products
mezzanine Unmatched quality. Custom solutions. Your biggest storage needs demand nothing less than world-class experience. ■ Custom designs for unique situations ■ Interface with third-party storage modules ■ Engineering review, calculations and approval stamps for all 50 states for permitting assistance D E S I G N A N D I N T E G R AT I O N When your storage needs get big, so do the challenges. Finding the solution that delivers — on time and within budget — can be daunting. ■ That’s where Penco comes in. We create mezzanine solutions from initial design through final installation — a single-vendor solution that’s also a plugand-play option for working with existing systems and inteSTORAGE SOLUTIONS grators. ■ The benefits don’t stop there. A wide range of decks are available. And of course, Penco shelving systems integrate fully with our mezzanines. ■ Learn more. Contact your sales representative, and find out how Penco can help solve your biggest storage challenges. | M A N U FA C T U R I N G | I N S TA L L AT I O N | W W W. P E N CO P R O D U C T S . CO M Penco uses the latest in design technologies. After an Mezzanine detailing and options assessment of your needs, our engineering department generates accurate and detailed drawings of your project. We'll maintain communication Openings: The deck may be provided with openings to accommodate special handling systems, vertical lifts, stairs, gates, loading docks, ductwork, or any other device passing through the mezzanine. Mezzanines can support an integrated material handling system incorporating a complicated network of conveyors and sortation equipment. with your facility planners, engineers, architects, or general contractors to insure that every important detail is included in the project. Stairs and landings: Pre-fabricated at the factory for easy installation at any point on the mezzanine. Landings are provided for staircases to allow entrance when stairs run parallel to the mezzanine perimeter, or in tight spaces when stairs are required to turn corners. Using standard components from Penco’s line of storage solutions, mezzanines can be designed and configured to overcome a number of storage problems. By building up rather than out, tall systems take advantage of factory space by capturing overhead area that is lighted, heated and paid for, while allowing valuable floor space to be used for more profitable activities. Free-Standing Mezzanine Free-standing mezzanine can be designed to fit specific shape, size, height or load requirements. Custom mezzanines can be designed with longer spans while retaining a load rating of up to 150 pounds per square foot. When designing a custom mezzanine, structural steel components are used. A variety of deck options are available such as Penco Channel Lock Safety Grating, bar grating, 1-1/2” B-Deck with plywood and diamond plate. For applications requiring a custom mezzanine contact your Penco Sale Representive with your requirements. Multi-Level Storage Systems Penco shelving has the structural integrity to allow for custom design of multi-level installations in a myriad of configurations. Our Clipper®, Erectomatic®, RivetRite® and Wide Span shelving systems along with our Pallet Rack integrate smoothly with mezzanine storage situations. Your Penco representative will discuss these options with you to determine which shelving product will work the best with your application. Guardrail can be provided to meet OSHA, BOCA, or any other local standard as requested. All styles include an integral kickplate for added safety. Gates: These may be furnished for access to the mezzanine deck from floor-level lifts. STORAGE SOLUTIONS D E S I G N A N D I N T E G R AT I O N | M A N U FA C T U R I N G W W W. P E N CO P R O D U C T S . CO M | | I N S TA L L AT I O N 800-562-1000 v1 092004