A beginner`s guide to Fusion Rifles
A beginner`s guide to Fusion Rifles
~ I bet you don’t have one of these…. Because I don’t either! A beginner’s guide to Fusion Rifles A compendium for learning how to use the most nerfed special in the game *To view videos, right click on the black box where it should be and click “play video” on the drop-down menu, it will take a second to load up. Battlecrates | Crucible Radio | Fusion Rifle Beginner’s Guide | Crucibleradio@slack.com Table of Contents What is a Fusion Rifle? Types of Fusion Rifles Split Shifter Pro Long Far Gone Panta Rhei The Vacancy The Vortex Thesan FR4 Midha’s Reckoning Elevating Vision Hitchhiker FR4 Ashraven’s Flight Darkblade’s Spite Techeun Rage Susanoo Queenbreaker’s Bow Plan C Telesto Fusion Rifle Basics ● Beginner’s Tips ● Body Aim Perk/Stat Choices ● Base Stats Perks Braced Frame Rifled Barrel Accelerated Coils Hot Swap Rangefinder Eye of The Storm Hidden Hand Hip Fire Rescue Mag Underdog “Plan C” ● Sights ● What to Look For ● Thesan FR4 Battlecrates | Crucible Radio | Fusion Rifle Beginner’s Guide | Crucibleradio@slack.com Advanced Tips Special Cases Conclusion Battlecrates | Crucible Radio | Fusion Rifle Beginner’s Guide | Crucibleradio@slack.com What is a Fusion Rifle? Well, that’s the point of the guide now isn’t it? A fusion rifle is a delayed-charge particle rifle similar in function to the famous Spartan laser of the Halo series. The weapon works as follows: 1. Holding down the trigger charges up the weapon 2. Once the charge reaches max, it releases a burst of 7 bolts that each do the same amount of damage to BOTH THE BODY AND HEAD ~As previously stated, most fusions only have body damage. It’s good to know that there are three fusion rifles that have critical damage to the head: The Vex Mythoclast the Sleeper Simulant, and the Queenbreaker’s Bow. A fusion rifle in action: https://youtu.be/g793foWPPeM Battlecrates | Crucible Radio | Fusion Rifle Beginner’s Guide | Crucibleradio@slack.com Types of Fusion Rifles There are multiple types of fusion rifles that all vary in impact, range, and stability. These are the ones you will see in the crucible. The Split Shifter Pro falls into the FASTEST charge rate possible on a fusion out of the choices here at a whopping 34 charge rate. It also has the lowest impact out of all fusion rifles, at a lacking 74. Thus, SSP hits for 37-38 per each bolt. Its handling speeds are high, but it kicks like a bronco forcing you to acquire braced frame. Honestly, unless you’ve got much experience with this speed, use Long Far Gone over this fusion type. THIS REQUIRES THAT YOU MUST HIT AT LEAST 6 OUT OF 7 BOLTS FOR A KILL The Split Shifter Pro can be acquired from a random drop off of the crucible, the weekly crucible bounty. https://youtu.be/6Jn_Ho-GBME Battlecrates | Crucible Radio | Fusion Rifle Beginner’s Guide | Crucibleradio@slack.com Long Far Gone is the Split Shifter Pro’s cousin, coming in with an impact tier of 76 and a charge rate of 32. This leaves for a standard bolt strength of 40 per bolt, allowing a 5-bolt kill. This weapon is acquired from either the nightfall strike reward, purchased from the vanguard vendor for 150 marks or from a legendary special engram. You want this to drop with Hot Swap, braced frame or rifled barrel, and kneepads so your slide length matches the charge time of your fusion rifle. NOTE: A fantastic starter roll of this can be achieved from the mission “Neverending Battle” which is the ending quest to one of the Vanguard quest chains. https://youtu.be/ixvutsNoZTM Battlecrates | Crucible Radio | Fusion Rifle Beginner’s Guide | Crucibleradio@slack.com The next tier of impact up from the SSP/ Long Far Gone class houses this rifle, the Panta Rhei. With an impact tier of 86 and a charge rate of 24, this rifle falls into the “Mid-Tier” set of fusion rifles along with its exotic step cousin Plan C. It can be acquired by a legendary special package, off of a Crucible Package from Lord Shaxx or purchase from the crucible quartermaster for 150 marks. This rifle hits for a strong 46 to the body per pellet, allowing a 5 bolt kill and requiring more time to charge. Noteworthy tier perks Braced frame Rifled Barrel Hidden Hand Rangefinder https://youtu.be/ixvutsNoZTM Battlecrates | Crucible Radio | Fusion Rifle Beginner’s Guide | Crucibleradio@slack.com The vacancy is of the next highest impact class, High impact low charge. With a massive 95 impact allowing the vacancy to hit for a whopping 49 for a 4-5 bolt kill depending on the situation. This weapon has a fantastic base roll from the FWC vendor in the tower for 150 legendary marks at rank 3. The roll is probably your best option as it is literally perfect in every way. (Hot Swap, Braced Frame, Rangefinder). Omolon burst patterns curve up and to the right, unlike other fusion rifles so you have to account for this when controlling vertical kick. https://youtu.be/SXZQht5TO4k Battlecrates | Crucible Radio | Fusion Rifle Beginner’s Guide | Crucibleradio@slack.com The only other fusion in the game on tier with the Long Far Gone, the Vortex is the other fusion rifle available from the Future War Cult. What it sports over its brother in crime? A massively high aim assistance, giving it a startling ability to bend bullets to your target’s lovely body. (If you’re running rifled, of which I suggest) This weapon is recommended to have the same perks as SSP or the Long Far Gone, so Rifled Barrel and Kneepads are viable choices here. This weapon can be used either as a reactionary defensive weapon, or an offensive “Shotgun-Rush” style. Here, the best option is to pick up a roll with rifled barrel, be ready to try your hand at one of the fastest fusion rifles out there. Battlecrates | Crucible Radio | Fusion Rifle Beginner’s Guide | Crucibleradio@slack.com The Thesan FR4, noted for its massively high base stability of 81, is the standard for competitive high impact fusions. You can only obtain this from a gunsmith package or rank up package and requires a specific roll to excel. The Thesan FR4 pellets each hit for 48 for a 5-bolt kill, 1 less than the vacancy, but in a trade for a higher stability it is considered to be worth it. ~The “god roll” for the weapon is considered to be hot swap, rangefinder and accelerated coils. We will discuss this roll when we talk about perks in the next section. Omolon burst patterns curve up and to the right, unlike other fusion rifles. https://youtu.be/pG7JOGh2Hsc Battlecrates | Crucible Radio | Fusion Rifle Beginner’s Guide | Crucibleradio@slack.com Probably one of the most interesting looking fusions in the game, Midha’s Reckoning is a strange addition to the highest impact tier. As it shares similar impact with Thesan FR4 and The Vacancy, Midha’s Reckoning brings ballistics to the table to max out at a whopping 50 damage per bolt potentially creating a 4-shot kill. (Similar to other raid Fusion Praetorian Foil) Sadly enough, Midha’s Reckoning isn’t a viable choice in the crucible as it has VASTLY below average stability and awkward recoil pattern compared to its brothers in arms. It’s only saving graces belong to its massive impact and fantastic sight. However, if you enjoy using the fusion rifle please don’t stop using it. This weapon can be obtained from the Totem’s checkpoint on either normal or Hard mode in the raid. https://youtu.be/x_rBfN3V0ys Battlecrates | Crucible Radio | Fusion Rifle Beginner’s Guide | Crucibleradio@slack.com The trials fusion rifle, coming in at a massive 94 impact brings a strong punch for a somewhat low aim assistance. The major sport about this weapon is that it has an NEAR DIRECTLY vertical recoil, similar to Y1 fusions. Its charge time is similar to the vacancy in aspect, however its bullets travel slightly faster due to the higher base range. One can only acquire this fusion rifle from the Trials of Osiris and its respective packages, so may the sun gods favor you! The roll that you are looking for is the one with HOT SWAP! Since all trials weapons are unchanging in perks other than the last node, hot swap is the only talent you are looking for to know that it is good. For talents, you want MD-reflex and braced frame to maximize stability and handling speed! Battlecrates | Crucible Radio | Fusion Rifle Beginner’s Guide | Crucibleradio@slack.com The hitchhiker FR4 is of the highest impact tier at 100 and does 51 damage to the body on all standard targets in the crucible. The weapon has low overall base stats but compromises this flaw with its godly impact. Running with a low base aim assistance of 30 and 39 equip speed, this hitchhiker does not always play well in the crucible. Paired with its crippling charge time of 10 (Or 1.1 seconds), the Hitchhiker is to be used PURELY as a defensive weapon in the crucible. This weapon can be acquired from both Dead Orbit packages and Arach Jalal himself for 150 legendary marks. With the roll of Hidden Hand, braced frame, and Hot Swap, this weapon is a godly weapon to pick up right off of Arach himself. That being said, the Hitchhiker’s impact is absolutely beastly, it can 1-shot any super and will “Rez-voop” in all circumstances. Is this worth it for the charge time? I’ll leave that up to you as the player! Battlecrates | Crucible Radio | Fusion Rifle Beginner’s Guide | Crucibleradio@slack.com Ashraven’s flight is one of the most interesting fusion rifles in the set, boasting balanced base stats and a panta rhei class impact with more range and less stability then its brother in law. This weapon can only be acquired from the iron banner (if it is being sold), or from the rank 5 package at the end of each character’s grind. Ashraven’s is interesting in that it’s recoil pattern strikes similarities to year one fusion rifles of its class, giving it a strong role in the meta today since it tends to not adhere to normal charge pathing. The roll for this weapon that makes it truly shine goes as follows: 1. 2. 3. 4. ORES Scope Hot Swap Rifled Barrel or Braced Frame Rangefinder Perks like kneepads and rescue mag can be substituted in for Rangefinder, but Hot Swap gives an immense increase to accuracy and is suggested. DO NOT SCRAP A FUSION THAT HAS ORES AND BRACED/RIFLED, they will still work QUITE well. Battlecrates | Crucible Radio | Fusion Rifle Beginner’s Guide | Crucibleradio@slack.com The Darkblade’s Spite is a boss specific loot drop from “The Sunless Cell” Strike on the dreadnaught. This fusion rifle boasts a strong range coefficient shared with its distant Omolon cousin, The Vacancy. This rifle has low base stats except for its above average range so it isn’t really a strong choice for PvP, especially with its lackluster charge time. However, in the right hands the Darkblade’s is one of the deadliest fusion rifles out there with the uncanny ability to score ridiculous ranged kills with the right perk set. Only when this weapon gains a god roll, does it truly become usable. Recommended roll: Braced Frame/Rifled barrel, Hot Swap, Rangefinder. Battlecrates | Crucible Radio | Fusion Rifle Beginner’s Guide | Crucibleradio@slack.com The fusion that is only available from rank 3 gunsmith for warlocks, Susanoo boasts fantastic base stats with a Panta Rhei class fusion rifle and a pre-set perk set including Braced Frame. Susanoo sports ballistics, and is the only legendary fusion rifle currently that is able to do so other then Midha’s Reckoning. When swapping in between these ballistics, it should be noted that EACH INDIVIDUAL BALLISTIC HAS ITS OWN RECOIL PATTERN. Keep that in mind while you try out the preferred options. Braced frame is going to be the defacto choice here, along with the ballistics you can run. This weapon is an Omolon fusion rifle, so as such it curves to the right. This is different from other non-omolon fusions. Battlecrates | Crucible Radio | Fusion Rifle Beginner’s Guide | Crucibleradio@slack.com The new queen’s wrath fusion added in with the April update, Techeun Rage is a VERY interesting fusion rifle. This fusion rifle seems to have less impact and overall base stats then even the Split Shifter Pro, making it seem worse than all of its fusion brethren combined. However, these base stats are a complete lie, as the weapon fires and acts similar to the Panta Rhei class fusion rifle. Not much is known about the Techeun rage other than the fact that it can roll most of the same basic perks that regular fusions can, but at random. The God roll you are looking for: 1. 2. 3. 4. MD-Reflex/ Reflex Hidden Hand Rifled Barrel/ Braced Frame Hot Swap/Rangefinder This weapon boasts a brokenly high aim assistance, making a god roll on this weapon highly desirable for any true fusion rifle user. Battlecrates | Crucible Radio | Fusion Rifle Beginner’s Guide | Crucibleradio@slack.com The Queenbreakers’ Bow is one of the strangest weapons in the game, similar to a vandal’s “Line Rifle”. Along with being the strangest looking rifle in the game, it charges up and shoots one projectile that functions similar to a sniper bolt, however this bolt has travel time like a fusion rifle pellet. While this weapon has a massive aim assistance of 80, the travel time is the downfall of this weapon’s true lethality, making bolts miss because of said travel time. The Queenbreakers’ Bow sports two sights, a combat and ranged sight that each function differently. The ranged charges longer and does more damage, while the combat sight charges faster but does less damage and has less range. The reticles on both are awkward and hinder the weapon’s overall aim assistance under fire and while moving. That being said, the weapon is still incredibly fun to use and will teach even the most inexperienced players a thing or two about positioning, and fusion rifles in general. (Not to mention making a lovely sound effect) It is recommended that you run the COMBAT sight as this is the easiest to learn, along with the Single Point Sling as your middle choice for easy switch body shots. NOTE: The QBB, has incredibly accurate hip fire, this can be used well in tandem with a hand cannon for body shots. In total, the QBB’s combat sights hit for 244 on the head and 167 on the body. Battlecrates | Crucible Radio | Fusion Rifle Beginner’s Guide | Crucibleradio@slack.com The only current special slot Y2 fusion rifle other than Telesto and the QBB (sorry Sleeper Simulant), Plan C is considered by some to be the strongest fusion rifle in the game. It brings a perfect perk set in Hip Fire, Accelerated coils, Hammer Forged, Perfect Balance along with its namesake perk: Plan C, which drastically lowers the charge time directly after swapping weapons. This effect has an 10 second internal cooldown. Plan C comes with its own awkward impact tier and absurdly high base stats all across the board with a 100 reload and equip speed with an above average range of 47 baseline. It shares most similarities to the previously mentioned Panta Rhei in charge time, and each pellet hits for 47-48 depending on ballistics and enemy armor. Typically, a Plan C user can either run max stability or max range, entailing either: Field choke – Hammer forged Smart Drift Control – Perfect Balance A mirror build has come with Field choke /PB or SDC/ hammer forged. Use whichever suits you. Is it worth the exotic slot? Well, can you use the fast charge effectively? Also, how well can you hold your own against Plan C’s most annoying enemy, the shotgun? ~Has a permanent Battle Runner Perk built in! Plan C can be acquired from the weekly nightfall bounty, the nightfall, purchased from the kiosk if you had a Y1 version for 150 marks, or acquired directly from an exotic special engram. Regular Charge https://youtu.be/Ksvnn3jlosA Fast Charge https://youtu.be/OZjlJKad92A Battlecrates | Crucible Radio | Fusion Rifle Beginner’s Guide | Crucibleradio@slack.com This awkward fusion was introduced to Y2 as a fancy pop-rocks shooter that destroyed void burn nightfall with ease. Unlike normal fusion rifles, Telesto’s bullets stick to targets and surfaces and then explode dealing the particles damage to the target in the blast radius. The only use Telesto has in the crucible currently is to bar entry into certain objectives for seconds at a time, however with an impact of 71, it shares its tier with the Split Shifter pro and its damage numbers fluctuate with range. Unless you use this for fun, I recommend you save this one for void shields and nightfalls only. This fusion rifle can be acquired by the same means as Plan C, through engrams, crucible nightfall bounties, and the nightfall. Basic Fire https://youtu.be/uOu_J_yBcsw Example of pellets https://youtu.be/V_VlXIIY8Ng Battlecrates | Crucible Radio | Fusion Rifle Beginner’s Guide | Crucibleradio@slack.com Fusion Rifle Basics Nothing is better than practice, but use these tips to get a feel for your fusion! Fusion rifles function differently from all other weapon types in that they require a good amount of planning to use them effectively. Standard aerial engagement--------> ^ | | < - - These pictures show around the typical position you should be charging from in both an aerial and a ground view with the mid-tier fusion Panta Rhei. Standard ground engagement Battlecrates | Crucible Radio | Fusion Rifle Beginner’s Guide | Crucibleradio@slack.com Beginner’s Tips 1. If you have your fusion out and someone shows up on your radar, consistently tap the trigger to and begin to walk as you gauge where they are trying to get the jump on you from a. This is that iconic charge noise that you hear as users round corners. 2. As they get closer, don’t be afraid to let loose a full charge if you think they are rounding a corner or rushing you, it's a 50/50 shot at an absolutely free kill. a. Try to predict where your enemies are going, a good practice for this is rumble versus shotgun “warriors” who try to engage you head on. 3. Fusion rifles have a very high ammo capacity, second only to sidearms, so don’t be afraid to use your ammo aggressively when rounding corners where you think enemies are. 4. Fusion rifles don’t always believe that you can get the kill in one charge. Be ready to take out your primary if the person doesn’t die instantly from your charge. Also noted, a good handling speed on your primary is a smart choice. 5. Finally, try to experiment with your playstyle and find the niche that fits your style as EACH INDIVIDUAL FUSION functions differently with each perk and stat set. 6. BELIEVE IN THE WEAPON! a. Your fusion rifle can do amazing things, the long range kill listed below is one of them. Believe that your weapon can do these things and charge like there’s no tomorrow. Battlecrates | Crucible Radio | Fusion Rifle Beginner’s Guide | Crucibleradio@slack.com Body Aim When you fire a fusion rifle, you want to make sure that you aim towards the lower half of your opponent’s body as all fusions kick up no matter the stability you have. The goal is to get 5-7 pellets of a charge on to the body of your opponent, effectively killing them from range. As you get further away from your opponent, you want to aim lower than the torso but no lower than around the knees of your opponent. Below is an example of 3 kills that show this effect (https://youtu.be/9oZcET7yKXg) In this clip: 1. The first kill is aimed towards the head and doesn’t score a one-shot kill 2. The second is a close-range body shot and scores a kill 3. The third is a long-range knee-shot that scores a kill The first kill was aimed too high as not all 5 pellets required to kill hit their mark. The second and third are perfect, using player mistakes and strong body aim to punish two players. Also, the third kill is an aerial kill and will be discussed in advanced tips. Notice how no matter what happens, I’m always swapping between my special and primary in order to either incur the Plan C perk OR finish of a wounded opponent. This is crucial, as you never truly know if you will get the shot perfect. Battlecrates | Crucible Radio | Fusion Rifle Beginner’s Guide | Crucibleradio@slack.com Perks/Stats Base Stats Range: Increases particle speed, directly proportional to aim assistance a) Particle speed is how fast your pellets travel to reach your target, equating to about 224-292m/sec from low to high. (Courtesy of Exxtrooper) Stability: Tightens the spray cone of the pellets fired by a fusion rifle, required for longer range killed and a staple for low impact fusions. Aim Assistance: Increases the amount that bullets “bend” to their target, the more aim assistance you have, the crazier the bend. Charge Rate: How fast a fusion will charge Impact: How hard a fusion rifle hits (Between 37-50 damage per pellet) Battlecrates | Crucible Radio | Fusion Rifle Beginner’s Guide | Crucibleradio@slack.com Perks ~Your standalone choice for most fusion rifles, its only competition is rifled barrel. ~This works on the Panta Rhei, as well as the other mid and low impact counterparts. It loses its cone tightness but gains an immense amount of aim assistance and particle speed. Balance range and stability with perks like Rifled Barrel and Braced Frame as you see fit. ~Reduces charge time and impact slightly, works extremely well for the Thesan FR4. ~An odd perk, when you switch to your fusion with this perk, a 4-second buff is applied that increases cone stability and aim assistance MASSIVELY for the allotted time. ~Increases the BASE range of the fusion by 10% while aiming down the sights of the weapon (ADS). For example, a fusion rifle with a base range of 37 will be jacked up to 40 when aiming down the sights of the weapon (ADS). *THIS IS NOT AFFECTED BY ANY PERKS ON THE WEAPON, A.K.A RIFLED BARREL.* Battlecrates | Crucible Radio | Fusion Rifle Beginner’s Guide | Crucibleradio@slack.com ~This directly increases your stability and aim assistance similar to the perk “Hot Swap”, however this only activates when you are wounded. (Around 40% health, the “Red Bar” of health) ~The go to first node perk, just above hip fire. Hidden Hand increases your aim assistance directly, allowing you to get more ridiculous shots at range and “Bends” bullets more aggressively. Seen on Plan C, this increases the amount of hip fire accuracy that the rifle brings to the table. Typically, this is seen as bad considering the hip fire accuracy nerf of patch 2.1, however it can be used to increase your aerial game immensely. (See elite tips) An interesting choice in place of Hidden Hand, this perk procs at around the same threshold as Eye of the Storm. Instead of giving you more stability, the perk instantly refills your magazine that is CURRENTLY IN YOUR WEAPON. If it is full, there is no benefit however if you have only one burst left in the cartridge, it completely refills it. THIS DOES NOT AFFECT RESERVE AMMO. Another “when health is low” mechanic, this one increasing range. This perk is ok, it's not great but it’s not horrible. Don’t throw out a good rolled rifle if it has this perk, you can make it work. Exclusive to Plan C, this perk allows Plan C to charge almost blindingly fast when swapped to. The buff lasts about 2 seconds and has an internal cooldown of about 10 seconds. (See Plan C) Battlecrates | Crucible Radio | Fusion Rifle Beginner’s Guide | Crucibleradio@slack.com Sights Standard Sight for the Split Shifter Pro, increases aim assistance, handling, range and stability. A strong choice. Strong choice for stability and range, second only to ORES. The go-to choice in sight for the Long Far Gone, increases handling and aiming speeds a strong amount. The recommended sight for the Panta Rhei, increases aim assistance to aid in the longer range kills for which it is known for. Simple omolon iron sights Other choice to iron sights, improved target acquisition, slightly faster handling. Battlecrates | Crucible Radio | Fusion Rifle Beginner’s Guide | Crucibleradio@slack.com Special Cases & What to look for These are the perks you are looking for on a regular fusion, in no particular order. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Braced Frame Rifled Barrel Hidden Hand Rangefinder Hot Swap Thesan FR4 The god roll for the Thesan is a special case and was sold in the first package ever sold by the gunsmith, the combination is as follows: ● ● ● ● Candle/Torch sight Hot swap Accelerated Coils Rangefinder Ashraven’s Flight This gun is very unique in that it can roll all perks and scopes available to fusion rifles, the god roll goes as follows: 1. Braced Frame/Rifled Barrel 2. Hidden Hand Eye of The Storm 3. Hot Swap/Rangefinder Battlecrates | Crucible Radio | Fusion Rifle Beginner’s Guide | Crucibleradio@slack.com Advanced Tips Again, positioning is absolutely everything with a fusion! Use grenades and good movement to bring players directly into your own choke points. o It is always good to know where map choke points and doorways, your fusion rifle cannot always do everything! Remember that you entire toolkit is what truly makes you viable so lead in with a grenade or smoke to ensure you get the kill. The “long far gone” class of fusion rifles can be used as a “leading shotgun” in a sense. You can play extremely aggressively with them and score a strong lead when played correctly. Not many people know how to counter a good fusion user, use this lack of knowledge to bring doom to your enemies. Air Play is a valid option for you as a fusion user! 1. The forward jump charge and hip firing through the air is a fantastic last ditch effort and can make even the most seasoned shotgunners regret the day they chose to mess with you 2. Hip fire and Icarus help with this as they both secretly buff you’re in air accuracy one way or another, so use them properly. 3. Lastly, this works incredibly well with the Empyrean Bellicose titan exotic and the warlock perk “Angel of Light”, give them a try. 4. Keep in mind, this has its limits so don’t expect it to work every single time. Do not ever try to force a fusion to do what you want, you have to learn the fusion’s charge pattern and play around it! P.S. Eye of the Storm is absolutely brokenly powerful when active and tends to lead to the “WTF” moments where you get crazy range kills. HAVE FUN FOR THORN’S SAKE! Battlecrates | Crucible Radio | Fusion Rifle Beginner’s Guide | Crucibleradio@slack.com Conclusion 1. Fusion rifles are underused and quite dangerous in the right hands 2. There are many types and each one functions differently 3. The perks on a fusion define the way it’s cone spreads and how fast its bullets travel 4. This is a nuanced weapon, that requires practice and time to learn how to use No matter what anyone says, your goal is to have fun, so try what you feel is best and aim for a solid roll to begin tearing through foes with energy based goodness! And remember: “Good fighters have contingency plans. Great fighters don’t need them.” Battlecrates | Crucible Radio | Fusion Rifle Beginner’s Guide | Crucibleradio@slack.com Image and info sources | Plugs "Fusion Rifles." Planet Destiny. N.p., n.d. Web. 29 Mar. 2016. Exxtrooper. "Destiny PVP Weapon Stats Spreadsheet 2.0." TTK Spreadsheet. Exxtrooper, Oct. 2015. Web. <https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1L7F V9l4hXo2tHD3XlFUp854XvJIwTKFIPvASLduP PS4/edit#gid=0>. You can find me on twitter @BattlecratesTV and soon, I will begin to stream soon on twitch at Twitch.tv/BattlecratesTV, but most of the time, I’m an active poster in the crucible radio slack of which you can find the application for in one of the various crucible radio podcasts! Those can be found on YouTube via this link. Battlecrates | Crucible Radio | Fusion Rifle Beginner’s Guide | Crucibleradio@slack.com