Letter from The Practitioner Council


Letter from The Practitioner Council
Vol. 4 No.2 Fall 2013
Letter from The Practitioner Council
silomar 2013 was memorable and those in attendance may have been blessed to attend our last conference gathering by the
sea in Pacific Grove on the beautiful Monterey Peninsula. For some people any change from the status quo creates a deep
sense of grief, while others receive announcements about change with a sense of excited expectancy and joyous anticipation of
opening to something greater.
The Practitioner Council continues to savor the Asilomar summer conference experience, each one of us in a different way. One
member of our council has been navigating up the Pacific Coast as an annual pilgrimage every August for the past 20 years. Another
member was there for the first time. For all of us, creating and nurturing friendships is what makes Asilomar special. The
inspirational speakers and interactive workshops stimulated powerful transformational experiences that will forever remain etched in
our hearts and souls.
In a way Asilomar 2013 felt like a rite of passage, as if we are shifting from head to heart, honoring our history, yet also
celebrating what is coming. There were opportunities to connect through Heart Circles every day, as well as opportunities to join in
spiritual practice such as visioning, journaling, meditation or chanting.
It was wonderful to assemble for our Practitioner Town Hall gathering, engaging in spiritual practices, laughing, singing and
experiencing loving support and camaraderie. Another highlight was having a Practitioner Council representative on the licensing
panels for the online Practitioner students. We witnessed 9 new Practitioners ‘cross the threshold’ and become licensed. Kudos to
Dr. Christina Tillotson and her team for their stellar work with the Distance Education program.
Before the conference even began, the Practitioner Council convened for a pre-conference planning meeting. We spent two days
reviewing our programs and our work together. We are especially excited about launching the PLUS program (Practitioner
Leadership Unity Summit) that will bring together the Practitioner leaders geographically from their respective Centers to connect,
build community and initiate regional collaboration.
Our Regional Practitioner Representative (PR) program continues to move forward, building momentum and energy; we have
welcomed several new PR’s and are thrilled that almost every region is filled. Our next series of quarterly conference calls is
scheduled for September 21, 23 and 28th. These calls offer inspiration, resources, spiritual practice and connection.
Centers for Spiritual Living has decided not to schedule a conference at Asilomar for 2014 and we certainly realize it is not
possible to move forward while holding on to what was. Recognizing that change is difficult for some people, roving Practitioners
were available all over the conference grounds to provide treatment to those who were grieving. Perhaps we will return to our
beloved Asilomar grounds, perhaps not. We asked Practitioners at the conference to hold the
highest consciousness for the unfoldment of how and where our community will meet in the
future – and we invite all who are reading this to join us in remembering the words of our
founder, Ernest Holmes: “Life is an adventure in which we never know what is going to
happen just beyond the turn of the road … If we disconnect ourselves from the past and find Letter from The Practitioner Council (1)
ourselves firmly rooted in God today, in Love, in hope, in joyful expectancy, and in grateful Memorable Experiences at Asilomar (2-3)
acknowledgment, and if we learn to harmonize with everything that transpires today, Techno Cosmic Mass (3)
tomorrow will blossom like a new flower in our experience.”
The Bus Ride (4)
As we get ready to shift into the fall season, it’s time to start planning our trips to Practitioner Update (4)
Orlando for the 2014 Spiritual Living Convention scheduled from February 16 – 21. It’s Practitioner Graduates (5)
Online Practitioner Student (5-6)
going to be a W.O.W. experience! We look forward to seeing you there.
Your Practitioner Council
Linda Watson, Chair
Baji Daniels, Vice-Chair
Dee Sermons, Secretary
Deborah Ford, Financial Liaison
Susan Panhke, PR Program Coordinator
Jeanette Vinek, PR Program Coordinator
PRACtical Wisdom-Fall 2013—1
Distance Learning Graduates (6)
Online Practitioner Program Transforms
Lives (7)
To Everything There is a Season (8)
Practitioner Unity Leadership Summit (9)
Regional Practitioner Representative
Program (10)
Calling All Practitioners (11)
Contact Us (12)
Memorable Experiences at Asilomar
Patricia Hill
Yuba Center for Spiritual Living,
Yuba City, California
One of my most memorable experiences at
Sharri Johnson
CSL Cumberland Valley
Enola, PA
This is my first time at Asilomar.
I have three roommates, none of
us known to the others before this
week. This afternoon I was alone
in my room reading when one of
my roommates came into the room
in considerable distress. She asked
for treatment. I was ready, so we
sat together as I treated for her
peace, inspiration, comfort and
security. When she left she was
uplifted and smiling. Preparing for
my panels was nothing to fear. I
am ready!
Asilomar was the year I worked with two
other people to videotape the whole
conference. I recall that after the session we
had taped of Dr. Hornaday, we stepped
outside Merrill Hall and he talked to us about
our videotaping service to the organization.
That was 1987. Dr. Hornaday was a beautiful
note: Dr. William Hornaday was known
with great affection as "Dr. Bill." He served
as senior minister at Founder's Church of
Religious Science in Los Angeles. He was a
student of Ernest Holmes and is considered
one of the great leaders in the New Thought
Elizabeth Fox
Center for Spiritual Living Yuba Sutter
Marysville, CA
memorable experience at Asilomar was
when I was moved by Spirit to come to the Chapel.
When I was here for the first time, I walked into
the chapel and I could feel Spirit move through
me. I was actually moved to tears as I could feel
the presence of "God." I had never ever
experienced any feeling like that before, and I was
changed forever. I was humbled. I could never go
back to the place I was before. I also love the
musical artists. Robin Hackett is amazing. I love
all kinds of music, and I've learned that the music
at Asilomar is my way of connecting with Source.
John Karn
Center for Spiritual Living Midtown
Atlanta, GA
A particularly memorable experience I've had
at Asilomar is getting to meet all the ministers
whose talks I've listened to as podcasts for so
many years - - Arleen Bump, David Leonard,
Patrick Cameron, etc. Also meeting so many
amazing people and forming lifelong
friendships is what I will also cherish, not to
mention seeing the seals and sea lions on the
marina. It's all so wonderful!
Continued page 3
PRACtical Wisdom-Fall 2013—2
Memorable Experiences at Asilomar — continued
Margie Lueckfeld, RScP
Mountainside CSL
Placerville, CA
believe I have gone to 7 or 8 CSL Conferences at Asilomar. Being here now takes me back to my first
experience in 2004. That experience made a profound change in my life.
There was a plethora of speakers, workshops, food, loving warm people, along surrounded by God's
nature. Scanning the 2004 Asilomar program, I was captured by the title of
Matthew Fox's workshop, "Techno Cosmic Mass." Coming from a Catholic
faith where my roots of spirituality were first awakened, curiosity and
Thank you
excitement led me to a safe and uplifting experience that Wednesday evening
Fox –
at Merrill Hall. The word Mass connotes ritual and communion to me, and
the cosmos is the universe where I am centered. The word Techno brought it
The Cosmic Mass
all to the present moment with music and dance.
— Awesome —
I experienced an at-one-ment as we were gently guided to bring forth the
angels and sacred spirits from different faiths. Singing and chanting, we were
guided to form a circle within a circle, the outer circle moving clockwise and
the inner circle moving counter-clockwise. The speed and vibration increased as we moved with each other in
harmony, mind, body and spirit, dancing together as one. It was riveting!
We were then guided to quietly and gently walk around the loved-filled room, moving from one person to
the other, taking a God moment to look into each other's sacred eyes with healing love. I recall a tall sweet
young man I was holding hands with who asked me to stay. When I felt it was time to move on, I gently let go
and affirmed it was all good and he would be safe.
At the end of this wonder-filled enlightened experience, I was soaking wet, literally. This ritual filled me
with pride and from then on I felt comfortable keeping any symbols or memorabilia from my previous
faith. All I can say is WOW!
Te c h n o C o s m i c M a s s
Condensed reprint of information from Asilomar's 2004 Program "Guaranteed!" (p. 48)
The "Techno Cosmic Mass" (TCM) is a conscious effort to reinvigorate
Western ritual by deconstructing the forms of worship we have
inherited from the modern era. We reconstruct these forms of worship
by going back to the pre-modern practice of dance. Dance takes us out
of our heads and connects us to the earth again. Joy results.
Techno Cosmic Mass integrates live music, electronica, multi-media
imagery and eastern and indigenous spiritual elements. It creates a
multi-cultural, intergenerational and ecumenical form of worship.
"Techno" refers to the sacred use of technology in our worship—
computer generated art, multivision projection and digital dance
music; all this encourages us to celebrate with our bodies.
"Cosmic" brings forth cosmology, the sacred union of all creations, connecting ancient wisdom and the new
"Mass" is an ancient Judeo-Christian form of ritual which brings a community together to experience a
common story, offering praise and thanksgiving to the Creator; and spiritual sustenance for works of compassion
and justice in the world.
PRACtical Wisdom-Fall 2013—3
The Bus Ride
Dear Practitioners,
thought I would share with you an experience I had
recently: I went to downtown Los Angeles yesterday to pick up
some information in a beautiful old building at 9th and Hill for some reason I started thinking about Ernest Holmes and
felt like he had probably seen this building - as it turns out,
probably so! It is only a block from Trinity Auditorium where
he spoke and worked for a while. Feeling that connection with
our Founder stood me in good stead because on the bus ride
back a fight broke out in the rear of the bus with shouting and
punches. Some of the passengers tried to restrain the two
young men but to no avail. The bus driver was ordering them
off the bus but they were not stopping and continued throwing punches at one another. I went into treatment
mode seeing only God in both young men and no conflict. I was moved to turn around (they were fighting
just behind me now) and I just said, "God bless" in a very low key way. They stopped and the bus driver
opened the door and one of them left the bus and the other went back to his seat. At the next stop, the driver
asked the other young man to leave because he had been fighting. At first he yelled and cursed the driver, then
he stopped and said, "I'm sorry. I am just really angry right now." He then came up to the front of the bus and
had a quiet respectful conversation with the driver. The driver allowed him to go back to his seat where he
remained with no trouble until he reached his stop. This stuff works!! We just have to remember to apply it in
the moments when our more basic make-up may be telling us to dive for cover.
Pat Gentry, RScP
Founder’s Church, Los Angeles, CA
Practitioner Update
Annie Glasgow, RScP
CSL Practitioner Coordinator
This year we licensed about 200 new Practitioners from our many CSL communities and now
have about 2500 active Practitioners.
We are currently working to update our database for upcoming renewals from which a report
will be generated listing all Practitioners and their Center affiliation, first license date and last
renewal. This will allow Ministers to be aware of those Practitioners scheduled for renewal.
Very soon there will be an announcement on the Practitioner Google listserve about
renewals. The Ministers will be sent the pass code for the online option and we highly encourage
everyone to renew online. We'll be using a new website which our IT team is currently testing
and is intended to be user-friendly and streamlined. We are no longer able to take credit cards
over the phone (a new law) so those who don't renew online must send a check or money order
for their payment.
PRACtical Wisdom-Fall 2013—4
Online Practitioner Graduates at Holmes Institute graduation Seaside CSL,
Encinitas, CA, June 2, 2013.
Front row: Rev. Christina Tillotson, Elizabeth Kessler, Linda Watson, Inka Omholt, Shannon McConnell, Sharri Johnson
Back row: Jeannette Bisbee, Lucienne Larrabure, Guenter Maier, Laurie Langcastor, David Dewhurst, Jackie LaBarre
My Experience as an Online Practitioner Student
by Lucienne Larrabure, RScP
After 2 years of studies at Alquimia, the teaching chapter center of Lima Peru, I was ready to start the first year of
Practitioner training, and at the same time preparing to move to the US. When I first contacted Rev. Christina in
May 2011, she welcomed me in a way that meant more than just being able to continue my studies; even before
leaving Peru, I had the feeling of being part of a spiritual community,
connected with group of like-minded people that were on the same path. Rev.
Christina was the bridge between leaving my country and moving to the US - a
bridge of love and welcome and a clear demonstration that Spirit provides
divine guidance, support and comfort.
Knowing there are no coincidences in the Mind of God, my two years of
online classes were my first two years in the US. Every Wednesday night, our
online class came together in sacred time, independent of time zones,
countries and continents. We were together in presence and essence each week
in our transformational experience of understanding spiritual principles. My
online class became an imaginable companion and support in my process to
Photo: Laura Adler
adapt to a new city, country, and culture.
Ocean Cliff Mall, Lima Peru
Rev. Christina is an extraordinary facilitator, teacher and guide. I admire
and honor her capacity to provide rich classes each week. A strong bond between our classmates was established
quickly. Having a prayer partner in another country or state we connect with every week for prayer and sharing
contributed to this closeness. One of the richest parts of the online student experience is the beauty of diversity. The
variety of backgrounds and cultures of the students sharing the same transformational experience makes it very
Continued to page 6
PRACtical Wisdom-Fall 2013—5
Memorable Moments at Asilomar
Above: Linda Watson, RScP
Emeritus with Lynn
Frankenberger, RScP (CSL
Greater Las Vegas)
Right: Online Practitioner 1
and 2 students at Questhaven
Retreat Center in San Diego,
CA with Dr. Christina Tillotson
(Dean of Distance Education)
and instructors, Pat Watson,
RScP, Rev. Simon
Shadowlight, Rev. Robert
Brzezinski and Linda Watson,
RScP Emeritus (guest
Photo by: Guenter Maier
Right: Linda Watson,
RScP Emeritus with Patti
Wendt - newly licensed
practitioner from InSpirit
CSL (Orange County, CA)
Above: These Practitioners are
joyously interacting at the
townhall gathering.
Left: Council members
(top) Jeanette Vinek,
RScP and Dr. Dee
Sermons, RScP;
(front) Deborah Ford,
Linda Watson, RScP
Emeritus, and Dr. Baji
Daniels, RScP.
Right: Akanke Cadden,
Vanessa Tomie with
Zorito, and Cynthia
Chang, Center for
Spiritual Living—
Ashbury Heights, San
Online Practitioner Student — continued from page 5
interesting, whether it’s attending class at midnight or the challenge of not
being a native English speaker. To listen from that place of total connection
with Source. To share online, means to be able to speak from that place of
absolute love and openness so your words carry the essence of the message.
Online classes help develop your inner spiritual qualities to connect at a soul
level and to experience the Presence in a powerful way. I am honored to be part
of the 2013 Online class of Practitioners. Our group was from 5 different
countries: Germany, United Kingdom, Canada, US and Peru. I call my
classmates my brothers and sisters of Truth and they constantly enrich my life
in many ways. We are truly well prepared to connect with people around the
world, which is certainly in alignment with our mission as Practitioners.
Photo: Laura Adler
Sweetheart Park, Lima Peru
Born in Lima Peru, Lucienne is an online graduate licensed Spiritual Practitioner living in Detroit, Michigan for the past 2
years. Her experience includes 12 years empowering women in starting their own businesses and transforming their lives.
As a public speaker, her motivational talks were delivered to an audience of 800 people. She is the owner of a portal
website of the largest resort area south of Lima with vast online marketing experience and is also a sales trainer and
successful international real estate agent. Lucienne offers Practitioner sessions in Spanish and English and is in the
process of starting a teaching chapter in the Detroit area.
PRACtical Wisdom-Fall 2013—6
Online Practitioner Program Transforms Lives!
By Jeannette Quinn Bisbee, RScP
Some of us walk into a Center for Spiritual Living and find a community of like-minded individuals or hear a
minister who inspires us. Some of us take classes and learn about affirmative prayer. Some find our entire world
expanded and transformed, changing our thinking, our beliefs and our lives. And a few of us choose to follow the
path of becoming a licensed Spiritual Practitioner.
But, what if there is not a CSL close enough to attend classes? What if a student completes the classes in
preparation for becoming a Practitioner, but then a new life beckons and one must relocate far away from a CSL?
That is just what happened to me! I found Centers for Spiritual Living after becoming a widow. At CSL I
discovered Ernest Holmes, his marvelous teachings, my beloved ministers, the wonderful church community, and
the great classes which transformed my life. Truly, it restored my desire to live and move forward. I knew I had to
become a Practitioner. But, I also affirmed and treated for a new partner in my life; that joyous dream was realized
when I married and moved to Canada in 2010. But how was I going to become a Practitioner without a Center for
Spiritual Living nearby?? Would that dream have to die?
Absolutely not! I graduated and was licensed as a Spiritual Practitioner at Asilomar in August of 2013. I was
blessed to live my dream through the vision and support of Dr. Christina Tillotson, Dean of the Distance Education
Program for the Holmes Institute. Over the past 10 years, she has made it possible for 69 students in 6 different
countries to achieve their dream of becoming licensed Practitioners. Her personal vision to make distance
education a reality continues to transform the world as these Practitioners expand the teachings around the globe.
The online Practitioner Program is a two year program in which the students participate in sacred service, have
prayer partners, and meet in an “online classroom” for three-hours a week September through May. Additionally,
we attend a 5-day spiritual retreat and graduation ceremony in San Diego at the end of May. The relationships
forged during our online classes culminate when we finally connect in person at the retreat. This year those of us
(first and second year students) assembled at Questhaven Retreat Center near San Diego were treated to Linda
Watson, RScP Emeritus and chair of the CSL Practitioner Council as our guest facilitator. She shared wisdom and
insights from her many years of teaching and mentoring Practitioners in addition to valuable guidance acquired
from being engaged in a successful Practitioner business spanning 20 years. Linda was inspired by our enthusiasm
and vision and we were in awe of her gifts and her sharing - it was a mutual experience of love and appreciation!
Please help spread the word - if you know of anyone in a distant location who wants to embark upon the
dedicated path of being a Practitioner, or someone at a Center ready to become a Practitioner where there are too
few students to form a class, don’t let them be discouraged; refer them to Dr. Christina Tillotson and the Distance
Practitioner Training program and let them witness their dream come to a blessed manifestation. What my
experience has taught me is what we affirm and believe does in fact become the fabric of our daily lives!
Jeannette Quinn Bisbee recently graduated and was licensed from the Online Practitioner Program in 2013.
She has contributed to Science of Mind magazine, gave an Insight Talk at the 2013 Asilomar Conference,
and writes the blog for the Science of Mind Archives and Library. Her goal is to start a CSL Study Group in
Southwest Ontario, Canada--her home since 2010.
Editor’s Note: Information about the Distance Practitioner Training Program and all distance learning can be
obtained by contacting Dr. Christina Tillotson, Dean of Distance Education, at Christi999@roadrunner.com
R U Catch'n IT?
6th Annual Southern California Practitioner Conference
Guidance Church, Rev. Dr. Nirvana Reginald Gayle-Minister and Spiritual Director
Los Angeles, California ― Friday, October 11, 2013 — Sunday, October 13, 2013
Guidance Practitioners join Licensed Spiritual Practitioners throughout California and beyond in
celebrating the 6th Annual Southern California Practitioner Conference, a time for renewal, rejuvenation,
recommitment and rededication to the Spiritual Truths of the Ages.
“R U Catch’n IT?” takes us back to the beginning by simply asking Practitioners to turn within and
acknowledge to what extent they are standing in the True Consciousness of the Divine Most High
God. Are we actually Walking the Talk of the Master or are we simply walking with no language and
talking with no movement?
Don't miss this opportunity at Guidance Church, Los Angeles, CA
For more information - www.regonline.com/rucatchnit
PRACtical Wisdom-Fall 2013—7
To Ever yt hing Ther e is a Season
by Linda Watson, RScP Emeritus
As the seasonal wheel turns, the Autumn Equinox heralds the arrival of the Fall season. As the long summer days
are transformed into the shorter days of Fall and Winter, Nature slows down, shedding, releasing, letting go. It is
the time of the harvest…reaping what was seeded in Springtime, a grateful gathering in of resources in preparation
for Winter, and discarding that which is no longer needed. A
time to strive for internal balance, reflecting the balance of
light and dark as the sun crosses over the equator.
Each season reveals Nature’s divine wisdom. The Equinox
offers us an invitation for reflection and recollection, of
turning inward and realigning with our intentions and our
vision. It is a time of ripening, of noticing what has or has not
come to fruition, and through our observations, insights and
experiences, to affirm our choices (seeds) or make course
corrections (plant different seeds).
It is a time of letting go and releasing. Nature serves as a
constant reminder that change is necessary for transformation
to occur. A tree releases its leaves in order for the next cycle to
begin, some animals shed their outer layers of skin to make
Photo by: Linda Watson
way for another one. Yielding must occur for the new to
emerge. We are invited into this same dynamic process…letting go, shedding, releasing all that has become
outworn, used up, no longer useful. We are reminded of the ephemeral nature of life – that everyone and
everything has its season – and remain simultaneously aware of the invitation to remain open to the infinite,
endless possibilities which beckon us to live a more expanded, enlarged version of our life.
As the wheel turns, I wish you a rich and bountiful season of harvesting, deepening and celebrating Life in all
of its fullness.
To everything there is a season, and a time for every purpose under the sun; a time to be born,
a time to die; a time to plant and a time to reap…
Ecclesiastes 3:1
Linda is a Practitioner Emeritus (Lifetime), inspirational speaker, and yoga & dance instructor by profession and
passion, working at the intersection of spirituality and wellness for over 30 years. Her passion is
engaging others in cultivating soulful, healthy lifestyles, sharing her unique blend of practical
tools, inspiring wisdom and passionate presence. Trained and mentored by the luminous
visionaries, Dr. Michael Beckwith and Dr. Jean Houston, Linda’s path
has been guided by their wisdom and teachings. As a full-time
Practitioner for 23 years, Linda has served at the Agape International
Spiritual Center, as a UCSL Global Heart Practitioner and now as
Practitioner Emeritus. In 2009 she received the UCSL Jackie Sorensen
Professional Practitioner Award and in 2012 she was the recipient of the
CSL Practitioner Meritorious Award. She travels extensively and
continues to inspire others at leadership training seminars and retreats.
Serving her second term as Chair of the CSL Practitioner Council, Linda
Linda Watson receives
is dedicated to leading Practitioners into our expanded, unified presence in the world.
award at CSL
Originally from Chicago, Linda resides in southern California, has two adult children
integration convention in
and spends as much time as possible on her yoga mat and the dance floor,
New Orleans, LA.
celebrating life!
Contact Linda at lindajoy99@aol.com or 714.585.5070
Disclaimer: Every article, photograph and graphic on these electronic pages is considered to be intellectual property and protected by the same copyright laws
that apply to print publications. Unless specifically otherwise stated, the artists and authors have given permission for thi s web site to use their works,
specifically Centers for Spiritual Living and its related print and digital communications. Please respect their work and always ask for permission to use it. To
do otherwise is discourteous, out of integrity and illegal. If you'd like to use any graphic from the site, reprint an articl e, forward to a non-practitioner friend, or
have questions, please send email to the PRACtical Wisdom Coordinator at baji@bellsouth.net. You will then be put in touch wi th the author or artist to work
out the details. In general, most authors and artists will give permission, provided that proper credit is given.
PRACtical Wisdom-Fall 2013—8
Practitioner Leadership Unity Summit
The vision of the PLUS program is to create community among Practitioners, to build a network that
extends beyond the boundaries of our individual Centers. To achieve this, the Practitioner Council will host
regional meetings for the leaders of Practitioner groups (or designated Practitioners) from their respective
Centers. The Practitioner Representatives (PRs) from the areas as well as the Regional Support
Coordinators (RSCs) will also be part of the team invited to meet with the Practitioner leadership. The
intention of these meetings is to mobilize and connect the leaders in geographical proximity and provide an
opportunity for them to collaborate and create a sense of community.
The Practitioner Council will host a luncheon or dinner and facilitate a program with an emphasis on
collaboration, building community and leadership skills. These meetings will also serve as an opportunity
for the Practitioner Council to hear directly from the Practitioner leadership how we may best offer our
ongoing support.
The meetings will be scheduled in the areas where there is interest, excitement and support expressed.
The PRs will work in tandem with the Practitioner Council to identify and invite the Practitioner leaders to
the meetings and help coordinate logistics and scheduling.
The Practitioner Council is excited about mobilizing the Practitioner leadership from all our Centers and
we envision great things unfolding for all Practitioners everywhere.
The process involved in planning a summit for your area:
Contact Practitioner Council program coordinators listed below.
PR compiles a list of leaders to contact from each center in the designated geographical area.
Determine a location. Ideally a CSL Center willing to host the event.
Establish a summit date in collaboration with Practitioner Council, the PRs in the area and the
RSC. Be sure to check calendars at the Centers involved for potential events already scheduled
which could impact attendance.
Program Coordinators:
Jeanette Vinek: jeanette.vinek@ubc.ca
Deborah Ford: deboraheford14@gmail.com
Are you ready to experience the
2014 Spiritual Living Convention
Feb. 16-21 Orlando, Florida
PRACtical Wisdom-Fall 2013—9
Regional Practitioner Representative Program
To inspire, connect, support and empower practitioners.
To create a sense of spiritual community.
To facilitate Practitioner engagement at a local, regional, national and international level.
Jeanette Vinek
Coordinator Regional Practitioner Representative
Region 1 - S. CA and HI
Region 2 - Los Angeles Area
Region 3
San Francisco Bay Area
Central Valley and Central Coast
Region 4 - N. CA and OR
Region 5 – AK-MT-WA
Western Canada
Region 6 - AZ-ID-NM-NV-UT
Region 7 -TX and CO
Region 8
Region 9
Region 10
Region 11
Canada NS-ON
Region 12 – International
Africa – Asia/Indonesia - Middle East –
Australia – New Zealand – Europe and British
Isles – West Indies
Region 13 – International
Puerto Rico, Central America, Mexico, South
PRACtical Wisdom-Fall 2013—10
140 Applecrest Court
Kelowna, BC, CA
V1V 1W6
Regional Practitioner Representative
Currently Recruiting
Region 2 - Pat Gentry
Founders Center for Positive Spirituality
(310) 621-1533 (C)
Region 3 – Richard Watts
Center for Spiritual Living Vallejo
(707) 319-2783 (C)
Currently Recruiting
Region 5 – Val Benedict
Centre for Spiritual Living Kelowna
(250) 808-1511 (C)
Region 6 – Deborah Haass
Center for Spiritual Living Prescott
(530) 913-5899 (C)
Christine Betts
Mile-Hi Church
(303) 523–3362 (C)
Kimberly Burgner
Northwest Arkansas Center for Spiritual Living
(479) 595-9385 (C)
Region 9 - Randy Southerland
Spiritual Living Center of Atlanta
(678) 361-6155 (C)
Region 10 - Charlie Sheppard
Center for Spiritual Living Asheville
P (828) 712-9229 (C)
Region 11 - Barbara Gilfillan
Concordia Center for Spiritual Living
(401)486-9650 (C)
Currently Recruiting
Region 13 – Ninoska Duenas
Founders Center for Positive Spirituality
(818) 618-3562 (C)
We are growing our sense of Community and Connection! Your Regional Practitioner Representatives invite
you to our Quarterly Regional Practitioner Teleconference Calls in September. Join us to hear about what's
new in CSL and what's in store for all of us. The calls run approximately one hour. You are free to join any
call that works for your schedule, whatever region you live in.
If you would like us to cover a particular topic, or would like to share some information, please contact one
the Regional Practitioner Representatives listed below.
Love and Blessings,
Jeanette Vinek
Practitioner Representative Program Coordinator
CSL Practitioner Council
Centers for Spiritual Living
Quarterly Practitioner Teleconference Schedule
September, 2013
Regional Practitioner Representatives
Sept 21, 2013
Eastern Time........................ 10:00 am
Central Time.......................... 9:00 am
Mountain Time...................... 8:00 am
Pacific Time...........................7:00 am
Barbara Gilfillan
Conference Line
Code 836448#
Sept 23, 2013
Region 9: AL-FL-GA-MS
Region 11: CT-MA-ME-NH-NJ-NY-PARI-VT–Eastern Canada: NS-ON
Region 12 – International: Africa–Asia/
Indonesia-Middle East–Australia–New
Zealand– Europe/British Isles–West Indies
Region 8 – Kim Burgner
Region 9 - Randy Southerland
Region 10 - Charlie Sheppard
Region 11 - Barbara Gilfillan
Region 12 – Recruiting
Open to all Regions
Eastern Time......................... 8:30 pm
Central Time.......................... 7:30 pm
Mountain Time...................... 6:30 pm
Pacific Time.......................... 5:30 pm
Randy Sutherland
Conference Line
Code 836448#
Sept 28, 2013
Eastern Time......................... 1:00 pm
Central Time....................... 12:00 pm
Mountain Time.................... 11:00 am
Pacific Time........................ 10:00 am
Christine Betts
Conference Line
Code 836448#
PRACtical Wisdom-Fall 2013—11
Region 1: Southern CA-HI
Region 1 – Recruiting
Region 2: Los Angeles Area
Region 2 – Pat Gentry
Region 3 – Richard Watts
Region 4 – Recruiting
Region 3: SF Bay Area-Central ValleyCentral Coast
Region 4: Northern CA-OR
Region 5: AK-MT-WA-Western CanadaBC-AB-SK-MB
Region 6: AZ-ID-NV-NM-UT
Region 7: TX-CO
Region 13 - International: Puerto RicoCentral America- Mexico-South America
Region 5 – Val Benedict
Region 6 - Deborah Haass
Region 7 – Christine Betts
Region 13 – Ninoska Duenas
PRACtical Wisdom
Editorial Staff
Baji Daniels, RScP
Shelly Walker, RScP
Linda Watson, RScP Emeritus
Laura Adler, RScP
The mission of PRACtical Wisdom is to
expand the support for all Practitioners
worldwide and be written for Practitioners
by Practitioners. The goal of this newsletter
is to bring together all Practitioners and to
create a bond of community, consciousness
and upliftment. Participation is vital to its
success. If you’ve never considered yourself
a writer, that’s okay. Simply share your
thoughts and ideas in your best prose. We
trust your Divine Nature to write it
beautifully through you.
The intention of the Practitioner newsletter,
known as PRACtical Wisdom, is to be a
communication forum in which articles of
inspiration, education, support and
information are disseminated to all
Practitioners on a quarterly basis. It is a
publication created, written and published
by Practitioners.
PRACtical Wisdom-Fall 2013—12
Guidelines for Submitting Articles for Publication
Article Submissions
We invite you to submit articles of approximately 600 to 800 words that you believe
will be pertinent to your fellow Practitioners and their practices, activities, education,
support and information. Please submit articles as Rich Test Format (.rtf) files.
Articles and poetry, written by active Centers for Spiritual Living Practitioners who
are in good standing and who are not also ministers, will be considered for
publication. Editors/publishers will review and determine which articles best fit in each
publication and will notify the author via email. We wish to include a photograph and
short biography of you with your article, please submit both of these as well.
Because PRACtical Wisdom is intended to support and uplift Practitioners, not to
sell goods or services, we have established the following guidelines for an
announcement to a Practitioner’s newsletter.
Pertinent to a Practitioner’s practice such as workshops, retreats and events
Activities sponsored by a regional Practitioner core, or a Centers for Spiritual Living
Outside events, aligned with SOM principles such as Centers for Spiritual Living
sponsored events for Practitioners, of interest to the national Practitioner
Copyright and permissions
Every article, photograph and graphic on these electronic pages is considered to be
intellectual property and protected by the same copyright laws that apply to print
publications. Unless specifically otherwise stated, the artists and authors have given
permission for this Website to use their works, specifically www.csl.org and its related
Facebookpage. Please respect their work and always ask for permission to use it. To
do otherwise is discourteous, out of integrity and illegal. If you’d like to use any
graphic from the site, reprint an article, forward to a nonpractitioner friend, or have
questions, please send email to the PRACtical Wisdom coordinator at
baji@bellsouth.net. You will then be put in touch with the author or artist to work out
the details. In general, most authors and artist will grant permission provided that
proper credit is given.
Photographs and illustrations
We invite you to share images you find to be inspiring and appropriate for the article
you’re submitting. All photographs and illustrations must be unencumbered by
copyright issues or you must obtain proper permissions before submittal. All such art
must be .jpg files, minimally 200 dpi. Please feel free to ask the editorial staff for help.
Submit all articles to:
Centers for Spiritual Living Practitioner Council, Publisher
Linda Watson, Chair — lindajoy99@aol.com
Baji Daniels, Vice-Chair — baji@bellsouth.net
Dee Sermons, Secretary — deeisat1@aol.com
Deborah Ford, Financial Liaison — deboraheford14@gmail.com
Susan Pahnke, Regional Practitioner Program — hymnzmom@yahoo.com
Jeanette Vinek, Regional Practitioner Program — jeanettef@telus.net