New Issues in Deregulated Power Markets and Practical Use of
New Issues in Deregulated Power Markets and Practical Use of
9 0 0 2 C New Issues in Deregulated Power Markets and Practical Use of Sustainable Energy E E P P A Ryuichi YOKOYAMA 横山 隆一 Waseda University 早稲田大学 Copyright: Copyright: Ryuichi Yokoyama, Waseda University, Japan, Japan 9 0 0 2 C Outline of Presentations E E P P A - New Issues in Electric Power Industries and Markets - New Dimensions for Reduction of CO2 Emissions in Electric Power Sector - Practical Use of Sustainable Energy and Future Electricity Delivery Systems for Reliable Power Supply - The Role of Large Scale Energy Storage in Practical Use of Sustainable Energy - Back to the Basics toward Reliable and Efficient Power Supply Copyright: Copyright: Ryuichi Yokoyama, Waseda University, Japan, Japan 9 0 0 2 C New Issues in Electric Power Industries and Markets E E P P A Copyright: Copyright: Ryuichi Yokoyama, Waseda University, Japan, Japan 9 0 0 2 C Regulations on Monopolized Power Industry Monopolized Power Industry Generation Traditionally, the public utilities ,such as electricity, gas, water, telecommunications, finance, airlines, and ground transportation have been regulated - Limited market participation, - Regulated rate making, - Regulated business rules - Regulated supply obligations. E E P P A General Power Utilities Transmission and Distribution Regulated Rate Customers Household Factory, etc. Office, Bldg, Shopping Arcade, etc. Department Store, Large Hospital, Large Office Building, etc. Large Factory etc. - Necessary for daily life and industrial activities - High risk businesses by large capital investment - Naturally established regional monopolies - Industries with national security concerns Copyright: Copyright: Ryuichi Yokoyama, Waseda University, Japan, Japan 9 0 0 2 C Transition of Electricity Supply Structure due to Deregulations Social Requirements for Deregulation of Markets - Competition principal to create new business - Versatile services and eligibility for customers - Fairness and transparency of competitive markets E E P P A - Revitalization of economy Reliable and stable power supply Reduction of market power Transition of Structure in Electric Industries Introduction of Competition Principle Competition in Wholesale Market Vertically Integrated Structure of Power Supply Generation Open Access of Transmission Complete Competition Competition in Retail Market Competitive Structure of Power Supply Supplier Supplier Supplier Transmission(ISO) Transmission Distribution Disco. Disco. Disco. Customers Customer Customer Customer Copyright: Copyright: Ryuichi Yokoyama, Waseda University, Japan, Japan 9 0 0 2 C Happenings of Negative Aspects in Front Runners of Power Markets Liberalization of Electricity Markets E E P P A California Energy Crisis ENRON Debacles Complexity of Power Flow by Immature Market Design Price Volatility Poor Reliability CO2 Reduction Large Scale Blackouts New Aspects and Issues Decrease in Investments for Delivery Networks ? Market Manipulation Copyright: Copyright: Ryuichi Yokoyama, Waseda University, Japan, Japan 9 0 0 2 C Occurrence of Large Scale Blackouts under Liberalization of Power Industry Country Date and Time Italia 2003.6.26 2003.6.27 Major cities including Rome and Milan 2003.8.14 North-east US and Canada including 11 major cities 2003.8.28 20% of London area、 Underground and traffic lights stopped Influenced Area E E P P A USA and Canada U.K. China Denmark and Sweden Italia 2003.9. 4 Shanghai 2003.9.23 Denmark and Southern Sweden including Copenhagen 2003.8.28 All areas in main Italia except for Sardinia Island Cause of Blackout Rapid increase of demands because of Summer heat Cascading trips of transmissions and generation in northern Ohio Transmission failure caused by failure of transformer’s alarm Scale of Damage Duration Time App. 6 mil. people Rotation blackout App. 62Gw App. 50 mil. people 724 Mw 0.15 mil. People Stop of a thermal generation plant by full loading operation during Summer heat App.1.2Gw Cascading outages and voltage collapse caused by a nuclear generation plant App. 3Gw Deficiency of domestic supply capacity caused by cascading trips of International interconnection lines App. 1000 Com. 43 hours 35 minutes 2 hours App. 4 mil. people 2 hours App. 24Gw More than 13 hours App. 57 mil. people Copyright: Copyright: Ryuichi Yokoyama, Waseda University, Japan, Japan 9 0 0 2 C Congestion Management Schemes Adopted in USA and EU Countries Scheme Price Signal-Based E E P P A Method Country /Area ( Depend on Price Elasticity ) Locational Marginal Price Market Splitting Auction E.U. U.S.A. (PJM, NY/ISO ) NordPool (Continents) Operation Rule-based ( System Operator-Centered ) Re-dispatch Transmission Loading Relief Sweden U.S.A. Copyright: Copyright: Ryuichi Yokoyama, Waseda University, Japan, Japan 9 0 0 2 C Large Volatility and Upward Tendency of Electricity and Fuel Prices 20 05 .7 20 05 .1 20 04 .7 20 04 .1 20 03 .7 20 03 .1 E E P P A Trend in wholesale electricity prices (one-year forward price for 2004-2006 delivery) Source: EEX Leipzig Crude oil Heavy oil Coal Trend in fuel prices Source:KEMA Copyright: Copyright: Ryuichi Yokoyama, Waseda University, Japan, Japan 9 0 0 2 C Future Prospects of Supply Capacity Margin on the EU Continent (Summertime peak) E E P P A (Wintertime peak) : Supply capacity margin for peak load (Pessimistic & conservative scenario) :Supply capacity margin required, 5% of total power generation capacity : Supply capacity margin for peak load (Optimistic scenario) z Supply capacity margin refers to an excess of supply capacity estimated during peak load, and z it is estimated by subtracting the estimated peak load and system service reserve from the supply capacity. (Source)UCTE, “UCTE SYSTEM ADEQUACY FORECAST (2005-2015)” UCTE: Trade association of transmission companies in which 23 European nations and 33 TSOs participate. The power consumption of the regions covered by UCTE is about 80% of the whole of Europe. Copyright: Copyright: Ryuichi Yokoyama, Waseda University, Japan, Japan 9 0 0 2 C Kyoto Protocol regarding Reduction of Green House Effect Gas Emission in Japan In 2007, total emission of GHE gases in Japan has exceeded that of of Reference year 1990 by 6.2%, and to attain the Kyoto Protocol, it is necessary to reduce the emission by 6.8% E E P P A (10 G ton CO2) (+7.7%) (+6.2%) 1,300 CO2 Reduction by Technology 6.8 % CO2 Reduction (-0.6%) 1,200 12.2 % CO2 Reduction ( - 6%) 1,100 - 3.8% CO2 by Forest absorption - 1.6% CO2 by Kyoto Mechanism 1,000 Reference year 1990 2005 2007 Enforcement year 2008 ~ 2012 Reference: Dept. of Environment, Japan Copyright: Copyright: Ryuichi Yokoyama, Waseda University, Japan, Japan 9 0 0 2 C Sources of CO2 Emission in the World (Drawn up based on 1971-2007 Data) E E P P A Others: 47:6% Source of CO2 Emission Electric generation (Coal plants) 7.05 G ton: 26.0% Steel plants: 6.3% Cement plants: 2.9% 9.2 % 26.6 % Expectation for reducing 52% of total CO2-emission in the World Transportation 4.65 G ton: 17.1% 17.1 % IEA CO2 emission from Fuel combustion 1972-2005,2007 etc. Copyright: Copyright: Ryuichi Yokoyama, Waseda University, Japan, Japan 9 0 0 2 C Countermeasures for Reduction of CO2 Emission by Japanese Electric Power Utilities - Diversity of countermeasures for CO2 emission reduction - New development and high operation ratio of nuclear plants keeping the security and safety of operations - New Construction and High Ratio of Operation of Nuclear Generation E E P P A Supply Supply side side Expansion Expansionof of Non -fossil Energy Non-fossil Energy - Development and Diffusion of Sustainable Energy Hydro, Geothermal, Photo Voltaic, Wind , and Biomass Enhancement Enhancementof of Facility FacilityEfficiency Efficiency - Improvement of Thermal Gen. Efficiency Combined cycle generation , High efficiency coal plants - Reduction of Transmission Loss High voltage transmissions, Low loss transformers International International Corporations Corporations - Utilization of Kyoto Mechanism Financial support for clean and green development - Participation to APP Education, Pier Review and Campaign RR& &DDetc. etc. - CCS, Clean Coal Technology Copyright: Copyright: Ryuichi Yokoyama, Waseda University, Japan, Japan 9 0 0 2 C CO2-Emission by Various Generation Resources (Methane included) 975 Coal thermal Oil thermal E E P P A LNG thermal 742 608 519 Gas CC 22~25 Nuclear Hydro 11 Geothermal 15 Direct emission by generation fuel combustion Indirect emission for fuel transportations etc. 53 P.V. 29 Wind 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 Life cycle CO2 emission ( g – CO2/Kwh at sending end ) Reference: CRIEPI Japan Report 2001、August and 2000、March Copyright: Copyright: Ryuichi Yokoyama, Waseda University, Japan, Japan 9 0 0 2 C Comparisons of Generation Costs of Various Generation Resources z Nuclear , Coal, and LNG plants have low generation costs including fixed costs z Oil thermal plants show high generation cost due to high ratio of fuel cost in the total cost, and generation costs are very sensitive to fuel costs E E P P A 5.3 Nuclear Generation costs by Japanese Yen / kWh 5.7 Coal thermal 6.2 LNG thermal Oil thermal 10.7 11.9 Hydro ordinal 0 2 4 6 (Japanese Yen) 8 10 12 14 Reference:METI Electric Industry Council, 2004 January, Assumption:Life time;40 years, The rate of operation;80%, Discount ration;3% Copyright: Copyright: Ryuichi Yokoyama, Waseda University, Japan, Japan 9 0 0 2 C Transitions of Generation Mix in Japan 〇 The degree of self –sufficiency in primal energy is extremely low in Japan. 〇 In order to cope with the increase of electric demands, the generation mix has been shifted from hydro plants, thermal plants and nuclear plants by going through repetitive energy crisis. 〇 Now, nuclear plants and sustainable energy are the key technology against Global Warming E E P P A Transition of Generation Mix of utilities (Generated Kwh-base) 100% 1.3 18.6 27.3 31.1 80% 52.5 60% 78.7 14.0 73.2 52.1 42.4 21.7 40% 16.0 0.1 20% 20.0 29.3 26.4 0% 1955 1960 1965 Hydro > Thermal 13.6 27.2 17.2 2.6 2.4 4.6 14.1 1973 28.6 Coal 19.4 LNG Hydro 10.7 10.8 10.2 9.1 26.4 23.7 10.5 12.1 Oil,etc. 5.4 10.0 22.3 22.4 22.2 34.0 30.8 41.5 25.6 20.8 2005 2017 34.3 27.3 3.8 9.8 9.7 13.7 1979 1985 1990 1995 Thermal > Hydro Nuclear 18.4 2000 Nuclear - centered Generation Mix Reference: Blue Paper of Generation Developments in Japan Copyright:: Ryuichi Yokoyama, Waseda University, Japan, Copyright Ryuichi Yokoyama, Waseda University, Japan 9 0 0 2 C Significance of Nuclear Generation for CO2 Reduction in Japanese Utilities - In spite of remarkable increase of demand (Kwh), CO2 emission (Kg CO2/Kwh) has been lowered by Nuclear-centered generation mix in Japan E E P P A 0.8 Estimate ; App.0.37 Demand (100 Gwh) Power demand (100 Gwh) 7,500 0.417 5,000 CO2-emission at Ge. end (kg-CO2/kWh) 2,500 Nuclear generation (Gwh) 0.4 0.2 Target; 0.34 20% Reduction against 1990 0 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 0.6 CO2-emission at demand-end (10Gt-CO2)) 0.410 1995 2000 2005 2010 CO2-emission(kg-CO2/kWh) CO2-emission (10Gt-CO2) 10,000 Fiscal year 0.0 - Goal and Estimate of CO2-emission Through 2008 to 2012, 5 years average - Dotted lines show CO2 emission estimates without long term Nuclear stoppages Copyright: Copyright: Ryuichi Yokoyama, Waseda University, Japan, Japan 9 0 0 2 C Comparison of CO2 Emission among Countries ( Kg-CO2 / Kwh at Generation End ) CO2 emission in Japan is relatively low compared with other countries France( Nuclear centered) and Canada( Hydro centered) are the top runners in the world. As Germany abolished nuclear plants by national consensus, the ratio of coal plants is high. International Comparisons of CO2 emission(at generation end ) CO2 emission (kg-CO2/kWh) E E P P A Composition of Generation Composition of resources (%) Generation Fuels (%) - 1.00 0.80 0.60 0.40 0.00 France 0 79 Canada Japan Italy UK Germany USA 15 28 11 5 21 27 19 7 58 2 60 2 9 1 80 100 100 60 13 3 40 1 20 0 16 Oil Gas Coal 80 5 0.46 0.44 20 40 4 0.58 0.50 0.40 0.20 0.09 0.20 17 *CHP Plants include 21 5 28 51 17 1 0.96 0.86 4 3 7 6 3 China 2 16 0 39 34 2 14 1 Renewable energy Hydro Nuclear 2 1 India 3 2 11 18 50 50 0 79 4 9 69 *Data in 2005 : Ryuichi Yokoyama, Waseda University, Japan, Copyright Japan *Reference:EnergyCopyright: Balance of OECD Countries 2004-2005 9 0 0 2 C New Dimensions for Reduction of CO2 Emission in Electric Power Sector E E P P A Copyright: Copyright: Ryuichi Yokoyama, Waseda University, Japan, Japan 9 0 0 2 C Contribution of Electric Utilities for Carbon Free Society ○ Main streams of CO2 reduction by electric utilities are ; - Supply side : Enhancement of Efficiency and Nuclear and Sustainable Energy - Demand Side : Efficient Facilities and Energy Saving by Electrification ○ Practical and effective countermeasures on supply and demand sides under cooperation among government, industries and academic organizations E E P P A Supply side Enhancement Enhancement of of Efficiency Efficiency Reduction Reduction of of CO CO22 --Expansion Expansionof ofNuclear Nuclear --Diffusion Diffusionof ofSustainable SustainableEnergy Energy × Demand Side Efficient Efficient Facilities Facilities Energy Energy Saving Saving by by Electrification Electrification -- Energy Energy Storage, Storage, Heat Heat pump pump -- Electric Electric Vehicles Vehicles Carbon -Free Society Carbon-Free Society Copyright: Copyright: Ryuichi Yokoyama, Waseda University, Japan, Japan 9 0 0 2 C Contributions of Advanced Energy Technologies to 50% CO2 Reduction up to 2050 CO2 Emission (G-ton) Supply side : 30 % -Efficient Gen. & CCS: 12 % -Advanced Nuclear Plants: 12 % -High Tech. Photo Voltaic: 7 % E E P P A Demand side : 30 % -FC and Electric Vehicles: 11 % -Domestic Conservation: 11 % -Steel Manufacturing: 8% 50% Possibility of 60% CO2 Reduction by Technologies Diffusion of Existing Technologies : 40 % Estimated in 2008 by Research Institute of Energy, Japan Scenarios: No Innovations, Innovations Copyright: Copyright: Ryuichi Yokoyama, Waseda University, Japan, Japan 9 0 0 2 C Contribution of Nuclear Plants for CO2 Reduction By installation of single nuclear plant (1.38 MW Unit) ⇒ Approximately 7.0 M-ton CO2 reduction ・The ratio of operation is assumed to be 85%. ・Annual generation is about 10.3 T-Wh ・Generation as the substitution of Oil thermal plants E E P P A If the ratio of operation of whole nuclear plants could be enhanced by 1% ⇒ Approximately 3 M-ton CO2 emission reduction (APP. 0.3% for Kyoto Protocol Agreements) By rising the average ratio of operation up to 90%、 ⇒ App. 3% reduction of total CO2 emission from Generation sector ・Total capacity of Nuclear plants::49.47 G-kW by 55 units(at the end of 2006) ・Annual increase of generation :App. 4.3 T-Wh ・CO2 reduction: 3.0 M-ton×15% (90% - 75%)/1360 M-ton ( Actual value at 2005)= App. 3 % Copyright: Copyright: Ryuichi Yokoyama, Waseda University, Japan, Japan 9 0 0 2 C Nuclear Plants in Operation and Construction ○ In operation (Commercial): : 55 Units(Total capacity 49.467 GW) at May, 2008 (商業用・2008年5月末現在) ○ Under construction and Preparations :13 Units( Total capacity 17.23 GW ) E E P P A Reference: Nuclear and Energy by FEPC2008 3 10 366.8 1,356.2 Copyright: Copyright: Ryuichi Yokoyama, Waseda University, Japan, Japan 9 0 0 2 C Transition of Nuclear Plant Manufacturers in the World and Japan 1980’s (USA) E E P P A (France) (Germany) Mitsubishi Heavy Ind. Mitsubishi Heavy Ind. (USA) (SW) (USA) Toshiba Hitachi Toshiba Hitachi Cooperation in nuclear sector in 2006, October Mitsubishi Heavy Ind. (UK) (Sweden) Nuclear Plant Manufacturer Group in 2006 2000’s 1990’s Mitsubishi Heavy Ind. Toshiba purchased in 2006, October Toshiba Toshiba Merger in nuclear sector in 2006, November Hitachi Hitachi (USA) Copyright: Copyright: Ryuichi Yokoyama, Waseda University, Japan, Japan 9 0 0 2 C Practical Use of Sustainable Energy and Future Electricity Delivery Systems for Reliable Power Supply E E P P A Copyright: Copyright: Ryuichi Yokoyama, Waseda University, Japan, Japan 9 0 0 2 C Introduction of Renewable Energy in Countries - The ratio of renewable energy against total generation in Japan is 9.1% - The ratio in Germany is 10.1%. ( Hydro energy included ) (TWh) E E P P A 400 Others Biogas, Liquid Biomass Solid Biomass City Wastes Wnd P.V. Geothermal Hydro 350 300 250 200 15.6% 9.9% 9.1% 10.1% 50 Pump-up Hydro excluded 50% 40% 30% 20% 15.0% 8.5%4.3% 0 France Germany Italy (%) 60% 51.3% 150 100 ※ Hydro included Japan Sweden 10% 0% Spain USA UK ※Generation capacity; TWh, The ratio of Renewable energy in primal energy; % Reference :I EA, ENERGY BALANCES OF OECD COUNTRIES, 2004-2005 Copyright: Copyright: Ryuichi Yokoyama, Waseda University, Japan, Japan 9 0 0 2 C Targeted Installation and Benefits of Sustainable Energies in Electric utility Sector Benefits of Sustainable Energy - Improvement of the degree of self-sufficiency in domestic energy: E E P P A Enhancement of energy national security - Environmentally friendliness: No emission of pollution and CO2 emission in Generation - Expected reduction of generation cost: Numerous diffusion of sustainable energy lowers the generation cost of new energy Target of Installation (Unit: G-kl Oil Equivalent) 2005 2020 2030 5.9% 8.2% 11.1% New Energy 1,160 2,036 3,202 Hydro 1,732 1,931 1,931 Geothermal 570 631 679 The ratio of sustainable Energy with regard to Primal Energy Supply Reference: Long term demand/supply prospects 2008, METI, Japan Copyright: Copyright: Ryuichi Yokoyama, Waseda University, Japan, Japan 9 0 0 2 C Economic Issues of Sustainable Energy and Markets Cost Transition of Photo Voltaic Generation in 1993 - 2006 Unit: 10MW 400 260 Yen/kWh 170.9 Generation cost Yen / KWh1 140 Yen /kWh 137.4 113.2 86.0 370 85.9 111.9 82 Yen /kWh 200 74 Yen /kWh 170 120 106 45.2 74 Ye/kWh 107 33.0 58Ye/kWh 65 Ye/kWh 93 28.0 52Yen /kWh 84 20.9 75 13.3 11.5 18.9 5.7 62.0 43.0 49Yen /kWh 48Yen /kWh Accumulated PV capacity Domestic use 46Yen /kWh 46Ye/kWh 47Ye/kWh 71 66 68 69 67 9.1 3.1 4.30.6 6.01.3 0.2 3.3 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2.4 Economical Issues 120 100 120 Ye/kWh 63.7 0 140 E E P P A System cost 10K Yen / KW 200 160 142.2 Accumulated instigated capacity 180 80 60 40 20 0 Cost Competitiveness of Sustainable Energy in 2008 - High Initial Installation Costs - Large scale diffusion leads to a large amount of power system operation cost for mitigating output fluctuations - As diffusion of generation using sustainable energy, the generation cost is expected to become lower and the sustainable energy market itself will expand remarkably. - Too many installation of sustainable energy generation brings about high cost, since generation in less economic sites would come intoCopyright: the markets. Copyright: Ryuichi Yokoyama, Waseda University, Japan, Japan 9 0 0 2 C Monthly Fluctuations of Wind Generation Output (KW) 2500 2500 Generation 2000 2000 1500 1500 E E P P A 1000 1000 500 500 00 1 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 (Day) Output Ratio Output/Rated Capacity) Output Fluctuations of Sustainable Energy Daily Fluctuations of PV Generation Outputs (%) 70 60 Fine 50 40 30 Cloudy 20 10 Rainy 0 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 (Hour) Various Various countermeasures countermeasures such such as as ,, installation installation of of BESS BESS (Battery) (Battery) must must be be taken taken for for Large eneration Large scale scale and and centralized centralized introduction introduction of of sustainable sustainable energy energy ggeneration Reference: New Energy Council, METI, Japan Big Big Issue Issue ;; Who Who pays pays the the cost cost for for stabilizing stabilizing the the output output of of sustainable sustainable energy energy generation, generation, Utility, Utility, Producers, Producers, or or Customers Customers ?? - Outputs of sustainable energy are influenced by meteorological conditions, such as wind velocity and weather, then electricity is not available all day long and imbalance of generation and consumptions of electric power cause the deviations of frequency and voltages - As Large scale storage of electricity is not possible, utilities carry out real-time control to keep supplydemand balance. - Due to no controllability of out puts for sustainable energy generation, in case of large scale installation of utilities have to regulate by using oil-fuel thermal generation plants. Copyright: Copyright: Ryuichi Yokoyama, Waseda University, Japan, Japan 9 0 0 2 C Estimated Frequency Deviation by Fluctuations of PV and Wind Generation Outputs - Frequency is kept by the balance of Supply (Generation) and Demand (Consumption) within a permissible range. - More than ± 0.2 Hz deviations deteriorates industrial activities and products - Frequency deviation is in inverse proportion to power system capacity ( Larger system is, the smaller the deviation becomes) E E P P A Japan-East Area (50Hz) Japan-West Area (60Hz) Capacity of the Power System 80 GW 100 GW 360 GW Maximum Capacity of PV and Wind Installation to keep Frequency within Permissible range : ± 02.Hz 1.6 GW 2.0 GW 7.2 GW Frequency (In case of 50Hz) Supply (Generation) UE (UCTE) System coefficient: 1%MW/0.1Hz Demand (Consumption) Copyright: Copyright: Ryuichi Yokoyama, Waseda University, Japan, Japan 9 0 0 2 C Influence of Photo Voltaic Generation to Distribution Networks - Voltage increase by reverse power flows from PV generators to Utility distribution networks - In out step of voltages from the permissible range, PV outputs are regulated or PV generators are disconnected automatically (Output limitation scheme) - The permissible range of voltages is 101±6V(202 ± 12V at 200V lines) E E P P A Power flow (Current) Distribution Transformer P.V. 107V Permissible Voltage Range 95V P.V. P.V. No PV output limitation Controlled PV outputs No PV installation Distance from Transformer - Necessity to take proper countermeasures to prevent from voltage deviations by controlling or disconnecting outputs of PV and Wind for widely introducing PV and Wind generation. In case of countermeasures from utility side: Who pays ? Copyright: Copyright: Ryuichi Yokoyama, Waseda University, Japan, Japan 9 0 0 2 C Stabilization of Wind Generation Outputs by BESS ( Battery Energy Strange System ) Constant output from Wind Gen. and BESS Output fluctuations of Wind E E P P A Wind Generators 34MW-NAS Battery ~ - Charge and discharge to match output of wind generation BESS (NAS Battery) Power System Application: Futanata Wind farm in Rokasho Village - Generators: 1,500 kW × 34 Units - NAS Battery: 2,000 kW × 17 Units Copyright: Copyright: Ryuichi Yokoyama, Waseda University, Japan, Japan 9 0 0 2 C Influence of PV Generation to System Operation Present situation After Large scale Installation of PV Generation Pumped –up hydro Pumped –up hydro Pumped –up Hydro Pumped –up Hydro E E P P A Thermal Hydro Nuclear Problem( After PV installation) - In case of sudden decrease of PV outputs, it is necessary to provide additional power form utility grids. - As Japanese girds are radial structures, it is difficult to transfer deficient power from adjacent areas - On the other hand, as European grids are mesh structure, there are many interconnections between areas. PV Gen. Thermal Hydro Nuclear Sudden Decrease of PV Outputs Provision of Additional Supply by Grid Japanese Grid European Grid (Mesh Structure) (Radial Structure) Copyright: Copyright: Ryuichi Yokoyama, Waseda University, Japan, Japan 9 0 0 2 C Strategic Technology Developments for Next Generation Battery and BESS Large scale BESS for Grid Interconnections High Performance Battery for Electric Vehicles Controller Stabilization of Sustainable energy generation PV generation E E P P A Laudations Output from BESS Wind generation Controller Charger Synthesized output ~ - AC?DC Converters BESS Common Theme Low cost Direction::Large scale, Longevity Practical implementation MWh class BESS, Low cost, Longevity, Heat control for thousand-module battery, High voltage battery, DOC control, Maintenance free Next Generation BESS New materials for electrodes and electrolytes for new specifications to use sustainable energy, n[New Battery systems with low cost and performance to be able to expect break through Basic Technology Life time estimation for sustainable energy based BESS, Durability, Testing method of safety and standards. Motor Battery Direction: High density, High power High Performance Elements Li-ion Battery, its new Materials, Auxiliary devices ( Motors, Controllers, etc.) Next Generation Battery Innovative batteries and storage systems based on new concept and their materials and battery response control schemes Basic Technology Extension of battery life cycle, Analysis of deterioration mechanism, Enhancement of performance, Testing method of battery safety and safety standards. Copyright: Copyright: Ryuichi Yokoyama, Waseda University, Japan, Japan 9 0 0 2 C New Business Models and Technical Developments for Future Energy Delivery Networks Virtual Power Plant : System operation and ancillary service by integrated control of numerous DG s ① Virtual Power Plant (Encorp) ② Dispatching Backup Generation (Electrotec) ③ Virtual Utility (ABB, Edison-Project) E E P P A Micro Grid : Power supply network for a specific area ① CERTS Consortium for Electric Reliability Technology Solution ② Micro Grid (Encorp) Power Park : Multi quality and multi menu power supply ① Delaware Premium Power Park (AEP, EPRI, Siemens) ② Pleasanton Power Park (Real Energy) ③ Custom Power Park(Westinghouse Elec. Co, EPRI) Others ①Energy Web, Smart Grid, DisPower, Copyright: etc. Copyright: Ryuichi Yokoyama, Waseda University, Japan, Japan 9 0 0 2 C Features of Proposed Energy Delivery Networks Virtual Power Plant (ENCORP) Micro-Grid (EOLBNL) E E P P A Custom Power Park (Westinghouse) C om m odity od ity P ow er M od ules: Incom in g P ow er C on ditioning (D V R ) S eam less Isolation (SS B ) Services : C om m odity od ity P ow er C u stom sto m P ow o w er P ark a rk D irty L oad B u ffer and C om pensation (D S T A T C O M ) S h ort T erm E n ergy S torage (SM E S,F W ,B attery ) O n -L ine M onitorin g an d D iagn ostics Pleasanton Power Park (Real Energy) L ong T erm L oad B acku p M anagem ent O ption and (M /G ,F uel.C ell O p tim ization ) In stallation M aintenan ce T rainin g E n gin eerin g Seam less T ran sfer (SS T S ) Im p roved proved P ow er P rem iu m ium P ow er P ow er for N on - L in ear L oad s inear Reference: Chris Marney, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Copyright: Copyright: Ryuichi Yokoyama, Waseda University, Japan, Japan 9 0 0 2 C Implemented NEDO Projects in Japan for Energy Delivery Systems up to 2008 Projects E E P P A Current status ( at Oct. 2008. ) EXPO-2005 Chubu Area Centralized New Energy Installation Demonstrative Research Project Implemented in Nagoya Hachinohe Municipal Project on Restoration of Electricity from Water Stream Implemented in Hachinohe Kyoto Eco-energy Project Implemented in Kyoto Roppongi Hills Urban Area Energy supply System Demand Area Power System (CRIEPI) FRIENDS Project Implemented in Roppongi Implemented in Akagi Implemented in Sendai Copyright: Copyright: Ryuichi Yokoyama, Waseda University, Japan, Japan 9 0 0 2 C Features of Future Energy Delivery System Kyoto Eco-energy Project (Kyoto, Fuji Elec. Co.) Demand Area Power System (CRIETI) Upper transmission network Communication line Customer Biogas generation in F-area :400kw Fuel cell:250kw Energy Supply Low voltage customer E E P P A Pole mounted Transformer Supply-Demand Interface Central operating system Energy Demands Loop Controller High voltage Low voltage Communication line Hachinohe Municipal Microgrid Project E Primary school Wind generation:8kW Control system Waste timbers E Middle school PV generation:10kW Conventional boiler Gas holder K Middle school Wind generation:8kW Layered tank Sublimated Gases are used for engine fuels Wooden biogas boiler 1.0 ton/h Area sewage treatment office K Primary school PV generation:10kW City Hall and Office PV generation:10kW Wind generation:4kW Tohoku Elec. Com. : 20kw center Comprehensive supports (Kyoto Prefecture) Dispatching Control Research projects (NRI) Technical support Grid connection (KEPCO) Y- Town office Y- Hospital Grid Kyoto Wind Museum Global Common 5 building Power Receiving terminal Power NAS Battery High temperature Gas system Timber tips from Pavilion constrictions PAFC Power Ngate Gov.Pavilion PV-generation: 330kW Lead battery 50kW ×2Unites PV generation T-area :30kw Sewage treatment Aichi EXPO-2005 New Energy System (METI, Japan) Biogas engine 170kW ×3Unites PV generation:50kW Dispatching control.s, System developments (Fuji Elec.Com.) Power Monitoring and consol Methane fermentation system Refrigerator MOFC Refrigerator Cool water Air conditioning Refrigerator Garbage from EXPO pavilions City Gas SOFC Copyright: Copyright: Ryuichi Yokoyama, Waseda University, Japan, Japan 9 0 0 2 C Undergoing Implementation Projects in Japan for Future Energy Delivery Systems Projects E E P P A Shimizu Microgrid : Current status (at Oct. 2008.) Practical Operation in Tokyo area since 2005 Control tech. using several types of distributed generators Shimizu Institute of Technology (SIT), Shimizu Corporation Holonic Energy System: Contribution to Grid Voltage Control and Isolated Operation with Distributed Energy Resources Yokoyama Research Center, ,Tokyo Gas Company Practical Operation in Yokohama area since 2005 Multi Menu Electricity supply Project Tohoku Welfare University Under Implementation in Sendai since 2007 Others (by NEDO, JICA) Under Implementation in China, Thailand, etc. Copyright: Copyright: Ryuichi Yokoyama, Waseda University, Japan, Japan 9 0 0 2 C Shimizu Microgrid Control Technology using Several Types of Distributed Generators E E P P A SIT Shimizu Institute of Technology (SIT), Shimizu Corporation Shimizu Microgrid, Tokyo Battery 400kWh Copyright: Copyright: Ryuichi Yokoyama, Waseda University, Japan, Japan 9 0 0 2 C Components and Structure of Microgrid installed in Shimizu Laboratory Control system E E P P A Gas engine 350 kW Gas engine 90 kW Ni-MH 50 kW × 8 hrs EDLC 100 kW × ±2 sec Photovoltaic 10 kW Purchase from the grid Power Heat recovery Absorption 排熱回収 Refrigerating machine Hot/Chilled water HP Chiller Reservoir Lab. Heat Copyright: Copyright: Ryuichi Yokoyama, Waseda University, Japan, Japan 9 0 0 2 C Targets of Shimizu Microgrid Microgrid in Urban Area CO2 reduction, Power supply system in case of emergency E E P P A ・Production facilities ・Hospitals, Bank ・IT data center, Office… ・Urban development Microgrid in Rural Area Promotion of - Renewable energy, - Biomass energy To - Islands - Solar park or Wind farm - Un-electrified villages in developing countries Copyright: Copyright: Ryuichi Yokoyama, Waseda University, Japan, Japan 9 0 0 2 C Analysis and Measurements of Load and Fluctuations 700 E E P P A Frequency analysis of Load Fluctuations ・Frequency Decomposition on Load Fluctuations 500 400 300 200 100 0 0:00 6:00 12:00 18:00 24:00 Amplitude (kW) ・Analysis of Load Change Characteristics ・Decision of Power Supply Devices and Capacity 600 Load (kW) Measurement of Load Profile Frequency (Hz) Spectrum analysis of frequency to be compensated by each device Copyright: Copyright: Ryuichi Yokoyama, Waseda University, Japan, Japan 9 0 0 2 C Amplitude (dB) Frequency Response and Load Following Ability of Active Power Resources Electric double layer capacitor Good Max. E E P P A Gas engine Gas engine Battery NG 0.01 0.1 1 10 Frequency (Hz) Bias Min. Time Load following ability Gas engine Good for fluctuations with a period 100 sec Phase Battery for fluctuations with a period 1 sec EDLC (Capacitor) NG 0.01 0.1 1 10 for fluctuations with a period 0.5 sec Frequency (Hz) Copyright: Copyright: Ryuichi Yokoyama, Waseda University, Japan, Japan 9 0 0 2 C Operation Scheme for Compound Generation According to Each Device Response Speed E E P P A Stepwise Load Change Gas Engine Generator Battery Time Electric Double Layer Capacitor Load Change stepwise EDLC Output Rapid Response Battery Output Middle Response Gas Engine Output Slow Response Copyright: Copyright: Ryuichi Yokoyama, Waseda University, Japan, Japan 9 0 0 2 C Contribution of Proposed Microgrid to Load Following Operation and Cost Reduction E E P P A Conventional Microgrid Operation Power 600 Power kW kW Purchased Electricity from the grid 800 400 200 Distributed Generators 0 0:00 4:00 8:00 12:00 Time 16:00 20:00 0:00 Present Microgrid Operation 800 Load following control 600 400 Distributed Generators 200 Purchase from the grid 0 0:00 4:00 8:00 12:00 16:00 20:00 0:00 Time Copyright: Copyright: Ryuichi Yokoyama, Waseda University, Japan, Japan 9 0 0 2 C Overview and Future Plan of Microgrid in Shimizu laboratory Islanded Supply Area (Important Load) Collaboration Center Acoustic Lab. Multi-function Testing Lab. E E P P A Multi-purpose Testing Lab. c Microgrid Control Room c PV 10kW Structural Testing Lab. Energy Center GE Gas Engine Gen. 350kW 3D Vibration Gas Engine Gen. 90kW Testing Lab. GE Heat Storage EDLC Super Tank Capacitor Security Ni-MH Battery Entrance D C D Biotope Main Office C Wind Tunnel Safety & Security Center Receiving Point 1 Testing Lab. Receiving Point 2 Low Voltage Mini-microgrid Gas Engine Gen. 22kW ・ ・Gas TurbineGen. 28kW ・Lead-acid Battery 20kWh Clean Room Lab. Ultra-Clean Room Lab.(old) Electromagnetic Environment Lab. Geometrical Centrifuge Lab. Copyright: Copyright: Ryuichi Yokoyama, Waseda University, Japan, Japan 9 0 0 2 C Demonstration of Islanding operation Connecting → Islanding → Connecting Permissible Power quality E E P P A Frequency: 50±0.2Hz Voltage : Fluctuation within ±10% Current breaker for Islanding Operation Islanding area Clean Room Energy Plant EDLC Multi Purpose Ward Sound Ward CGS Load:300~400kW CGS Receiving Bus NI-ion Battery Multi Purpose Ward Tokyo Electric. Co. Large Equip. Ward Ward Wind Tunnel Ward Ward Clean Room Clean Room Saver Copyright: Copyright: Ryuichi Yokoyama, Waseda University, Japan, Japan 9 0 0 2 C Microgrid at Hangzhou Dianzi University, China 中国浙江省 杭州電子科技大学 Microgrid enhancing PV proportion up to 50% E E P P A Construction site マイクログリッド構築位置 PV Generators:120kW Diesel generator :120kW ・Compensation of PV output fluctuation in case of Connecting operation ・Power quality stabilization in case of Islanding operation International Cooperative Demonstration Project for Stabilized and Advanced Grid-connection PV Systems(NEDO) Copyright: Copyright: Ryuichi Yokoyama, Waseda University, Japan, Japan 9 0 0 2 C Microgrid at Hangzhou Dianzi University, China E E P P A Diesel generator Start construction:Dec., 2007 Completion:end of Sept., 2008 Start operation:Oct., 2009 Demonstration: End of Sept.,2009 Lead acid battery Copyright: Copyright: Ryuichi Yokoyama, Waseda University, Japan, Japan 9 0 0 2 C Structure and Components of Autonomous Energy Delivery Networks Intelligent Fuel Cells Control System E E P P A IT Use Monitoring ,Communication and Control Wind Generator Domestic Customers Electricity/Heat Supply Gas Turbine Loop Network Battery Energy Storage System Large Customers PV generation Electricity/Heat Supply Copyright: Copyright: Ryuichi Yokoyama, Waseda University, Japan, Japan 9 0 0 2 C The Role of Battery in Power Supply Utility Applications E E P P A Load Leveling • Efficiency/Economic • Overload Reliving • Deferment of Facility Spinning Reserve Voltage & Frequency Control Customer Applications Load Leveling • Contract Keep • Peak Cut Power Quality Power Supply in Emergency Substitution for Distributed Generators Wide Utilization of Renewable Energy Copyright: Copyright: Ryuichi Yokoyama, Waseda University, Japan, Japan 9 0 0 2 C Structure of New Energy Storages in Practice Ni-MH Battery High Performance Lead Battery Terminal e- → Liquid plug ↑ e- Upper/Lower Liquid level E E P P A Storage case Strap Terminal (--) Separator Grass mat Terminal(+) Electric Double Layer Capacitor (EDLC) e- → 放 電 Discharge 正 正 極 (+)極 負 負 極 (--)極 H 2O H 2O e- ↓ N iO OH ← e- 水素 Hydrogen H+ e- → OH- OH - N i(O H ) 2 オキシ水酸化ニッケル 水素吸蔵合金 Metal hydroid Ni-OH2 Li-ion Battery 電子 e- → Electron 負 極 (--) 負 極 放 電 Discharge (+) 正 極 正 極 Li+ 炭素材料 (黒鉛層間化合物) Carbon Material 遷移金属酸化物 Metal Oxide Vacant Li site 空のLi+サイト Copyright: Copyright: Ryuichi Yokoyama, Waseda University, Japan, Japan 9 0 0 2 C Cell Structure of NAS (Sodium/Sulfur) Battery Na Cartridge Terminal (-) Terminal (+) Safety Insert E E P P A Sodium(Na) Na Cartridge 520 mm Safety Insert Solid Electrolyte ( β-Alumina ) Sulfur - + Electrical Disch Isolation Na Ch S β-Alumina Sodium Flow (With Graphite Felt) Cell Case 90 mm Produced by NGK INSULATORS, LTD Copyright: Copyright: Ryuichi Yokoyama, Waseda University, Japan, Japan E E P P A 9 0 0 2 C The Role of Large Scale Energy Storage in Practical Use of Sustainable Energy for Stable Power Supply Copyright: Copyright: Ryuichi Yokoyama, Waseda University, Japan, Japan 9 0 0 2 C Performance of Batteries Energy Storage Systems in Practice Battery E E P P A NAS REDOX Flow Lead Zinc-Br 1.4 2.0 1.8 100 110 430 120 220 600 80 85 80 40~80 5~50 20~50 Pump Water Pump Medium Large Medium Voltage V 2.08 Energy Density Wh/kg 780 Wh/l 1,000 Efficiency %-DC 87 Temperature C deg 280~350 Auxiliaries Heater Self Discharge No Reference: NGK INSULATORS, LTD Copyright: Copyright: Ryuichi Yokoyama, Waseda University, Japan, Japan 9 0 0 2 C Capacity and Characteristics of Practical Energy Storage Systems Necessity: Capacity be MW Scale, Discharge for 5 – 6 Hours for Large Scale Energy Generation 5 - 6 Hours Long Term Response ○ Minutes Ni-MH Battery 1kW NAS Battery REDOX Flow 10kW 100kW 1MW Long Term Response Lead Battery Short Term Response Electric Double Layer Capacitor High-Speed Fly Wheel Low –Speed Fly Wheel Seconds Quick Response Maximum Discharge Time E E P P A Li-ion Battery 10MW SMES 100MW Capacity(W) Copyright: Copyright: Ryuichi Yokoyama, Waseda University, Japan, Japan 9 0 0 2 C Present Costs and Prospects of Practical Energy Storage Systems 10000 Storage Energy Costs of Batteries (100 US$ /kWh) 1000 EDLC Fly フライ ホイール Wheel E E P P A 100 Li-ion Battery Ni-鉛蓄電池 MH REDOX Flow ニッケル Battery Battery 10 Lead Battery Lead Battery(Expected) NAS Battery NAS Battery (Expected) 1 10 30 Fixed Costs 100 (100 US$ /kW) *Storage Energy Cost (100 US$ /kWh) = Fixed Cost (100 US$ /kW) ÷Time Capacity 300 ○ Assumed Time Capacity ・ NAS Battery: Battery:7.2 Hours ・ REDOX Flow Battery: Battery:1~8 Hours ・ Lead Battery: Battery:5 Hours ・ EDLCタ: 6~8 Seconds EDLCタ:6 ・ フFly Wheel: Wheel:15 Seconds Copyright: Copyright: Ryuichi Yokoyama, Waseda University, Japan, Japan 9 0 0 2 C Features and Instillation of NAS Battery Features of NAS Battery • • • • • High Performance Battery Sodium (Na) & Sulfur (S) with β-Alumina Solid Electrolyte Target: Load Leveling → Quality Enhancement Cost → Same Level as Pumped Storage Hydro Totally 139MW has been Installed to Customers E E P P A Performance of NAS Battery Installation Energy Density Energy Efficiency Maintenance Characteristic Cycle Life Construction Period : About 3 times that of Lead-Acid : 87% ( Battery) : 95% ( Inverter/Converter One Way ) : 78% ( Total include heater loss ) : Periodical Inspection ( 3 years ) : No self-discharge, No memory-effect : 4500 Cycles = 15 years : Few Months Commercial Installation: 139 MW at 83 sites Commercial Installation: 270 MW at 200 sites (2007.6:TEPCO) (2009.1:NGK) Rapidly Increase in Overseas Copyright: Copyright: Ryuichi Yokoyama, Waseda University, Japan, Japan 9 0 0 2 C Structure and Component of Cell and Module Fuses Output Power : 50 kW Storage Capacity : 360 kWh Cells E E P P A 0.67 m 2.2 m 1.7 m Side Heater Connecting Bars Cover Main Poles 320 Cells/module Charge: 8 hours Discharge: 7.2 hours Main Pole Vacuum Thermal Enclosure Bottom Heater Sand Cell Remarks: Heater is required to keep the Temperature of 300 Degree C Sulfur and Sodium are abundant, butCopyright: dangerous to treat Japan Copyright: Ryuichi Yokoyama, Waseda University, Japan, 9 0 0 2 C Remarkable Price Redaction of NAS Battery System £/kW 12,000 1000 kW System 10,800 E E P P A 10,000 Design & Quality Battery Cost Cost 8,000 6,000 5,630 T4.1 cell 12.5kWModule 4,000 T4.2 cell 25kWModule (Battery + PCS) Design & Materials 4,370 T5 cell 50kWModule 2,000 0 System Cost 2,252 Mass Production 900 – 1,130 700 1995 1997 1999 2001 8 48 48 48 2004 - 2008 400 Estimated 1600 Amount of Production (MWh / Year) Reference: INSULATORS, LTD,2008 Copyright: Ryuichi Yokoyama, Waseda University, Japan, Copyright:NGK Japan 9 0 0 2 C The Role and Use of BESS ( Battery Energy Storage System) • The uncertainty and perturbation of outputs from Renewable Energy should be leveled using BESS. • It is indispensable for islands and remote areas, unlike urban area, as their generation capacity is small. • Flat load has advantage to get inexpensive energy. – Power market reveals the difference of tariff between day and night. Economical benefit became clear. • Micro Grid: Countermeasure for Energy Imbalance • Request for High Power Quality: Quality - Sensitive Loads – Honda introduced 12MW NAS battery in a R&D Center. – Fujitsu introduced 2-4 MW NAS batteries in three sites. E E P P A Copyright: Copyright: Ryuichi Yokoyama, Waseda University, Japan, Japan 9 0 0 2 C Instillations by Companies of NAS Batteries E E P P A Honda Fujitu Electric Co/ - For high performance of CO2-emission Reduction by NAS battery, Installed companies appeal the “ Clean and Green Corporation ”. - The advantage will become obvious when CO2-emission trade starts. Copyright: Copyright: Ryuichi Yokoyama, Waseda University, Japan, Japan 9 0 0 2 C Output Stabilization of Wind Generation by NAS Battery at Futamata Wind Farm 50 MW Wind farm (1.5 MW×34 Units) E E P P A 2 MW NAS Battery Package × 17 sets 44m 82m 34MW – NAS Battery (2MW×17 sets) In Rokkasho Village 2MW DC/AC Converter × 17 sets 33.5m Co. Copyright: : Ryuichi Yokoyama,Wind WasedaDevelopment University, Japan, CopyrightReference:Japan Japan 9 0 0 2 C Wind Power and NAS Battery Hybrid System with Output Stabilization E E P P A 34 MW NAS equipped in 51 MW Wind Farm Copyright: Copyright: Ryuichi Yokoyama, Waseda University, Japan, Japan 9 0 0 2 C Present Price of NAS Battery System ( In Committal ) 1,000 kW ( 1 MW ) E E P P A NAS System Cost (Battery + Power Conditioner) 2MW NAS x 17 USA $/kW GB £/kW Europe €/kW China Y/kW Japan Y/kW 1,400 1,900 700 900 900 1200 10,000 13,000 15,0000 20,0000 Copyright: Copyright: Ryuichi Yokoyama, Waseda University, Japan, Japan E E P P A 9 0 0 2 C Back to the Basics toward Reliable and Efficient Power Supply Copyright: Copyright: Ryuichi Yokoyama, Waseda University, Japan, Japan 9 0 0 2 C Future Diversity of Uses of Battery Energy Storage Systems Supply Side Generation Plants Battery for PSS and LFC E E P P A Large Scale BESS for Load Leveling Voltage control Mobile Use Substation Pumped –Up Hydro Plant Battery for Spinning Reserve Substitution of Pumped –Up Hydro Plant By BESS Demand Side Stationary-Type Domestic-use Battery UPS-use Battery (10~30kWh Class) Battery for Electric Vehicles (10~300kWh Capacity) Battery for Plug-in Hybrid Cars(3~10kWh Capacity) Copyright: Copyright: Ryuichi Yokoyama, Waseda University, Japan, Japan 9 0 0 2 C Concept of Adequacy and Security in Power System Reliability Reliability in Power System E E P P A Supply–side Reliability (Supply Reliability) Customer-side Reliability (Outages ) Static reliability Adequacy Capability of power supply against maintenances and outages of facilities Dynamic reliability Security ( Trunk system ) Capability of preventing the system from spreading outages Copyright: Copyright: Ryuichi Yokoyama, Waseda University, Japan, Japan 9 0 0 2 C Fundamentals for keeping Supply Reliability Reliability System Operation E E P P A Security Normal State Efficient and stable system operation Emergency State System Developments Networks Integrated forming of generation and networks ・Concentration of power to system operators (Information, System control) ・Obligation of obedience of rules by market participants Cost is charged to all customers in utilities which operate the reserve facilities Privileges of ownership Necessary cost for network expansions is charged to all customers Adequacy Generation Preparation of reserves Available from markets Cost is charged to all customers in utilities which construct the reserve facilities Copyright: Copyright: Ryuichi Yokoyama, Waseda University, Japan, Japan 9 0 0 2 C Coordination of Goals of Electric Power Utilities against Global Warming Premise: Stable, Reliable, and Clean Power supply for All Customers with Reasonable Price E E P P A Energy Security (Stable Power Supply) Economic Environmental Growth Conservation (New (CO2 Reduction Business) etc.) ・Promotion of CO2 Reduction by coordinating Major Goals “ 3E ” ・Contribution to create the Efficient Energy Use Society Copyright: Copyright: Ryuichi Yokoyama, Waseda University, Japan, Japan 9 0 0 2 C Back to the Basics Toward Reliable and Efficient Power Supply Reliable Supply and Environmental Preservation ・Diversification of power supply (Generation best mix) ・Development of nuclear and new/sustainable energy technologies ・Adequacy of energy delivery networks and supply margins E E P P A Increase in Efficiency of Management ・Improvement in profitability (Asset management for high return) ・Improvement of financial structure (Capital ratio versus investments) ・Installation of efficient and reliable facilities (Cogeneration management) Strengthening and Upturn of a Profit Base ・Development of new business, such as ESCO, Solution and Information business, Distributed energy technologies, Foreign business etc.) ・Accurate forecasting of power demands and electricity price in markets Back Back to to the the Basics Basics for for Reliable Reliable and and Efficient Efficient Power Power Supply Supply Copyright: Copyright: Ryuichi Yokoyama, Waseda University, Japan, Japan 9 0 0 2 C Thank you for your attention E E P P A Ryuichi YOKOYAMA 横山 隆一 Waseda University 早稲田大学 Copyright: Copyright: Ryuichi Yokoyama, Waseda University, Japan, Japan