Week 2 - Wideview Public School


Week 2 - Wideview Public School
Week 1
Term 2
To any parents or
children who have
taken photos at
school events
carnivals, excursions, gardening,
band and dance
events, etc), could
you please send
copies of your best
photos to me at
Bus timetable, 2
Nut Free
2016 Classes
Infants Choir
Music Groups
Primary Choir
Kinder 1st Day 7
Canteen News 8
P & C News
After much anticipation, it is with great excitement that we welcome everyone to the 2016
school year. Everyone at the school is eagerly
looking forward to another exciting and dynamic year of sharing, learning and growing at
Wideview Public School. Despite the fact that a number of students have relocated and our year 6 group has moved to high school our total enrolment numbers
to commence 2016 are higher than what they were at the same time last year.
This is a very positive outcome and we warmly welcome the significant number of
new families who have joined us for the first time – it’s so great to have you join
our wonderful educational community.
Kindergarten students have all
settled in extremely well and really
appear to be enjoying their first days
at school. As I observed their little
faces entering formal school for the
first time, I reflected on all the understandings and
school and also about the extraordinary journey ahead of them in primary school.
They are so settled and confident. Thanks to all parents who have prepared them
for ‘big school’ so well. Thank you as well to the Year 6 ‘buddies’ who are doing a
great job in looking after their new young friends.
One of the features of the first few days has been the fantastic quality of school
uniform. The wearing of uniform has a strong
impact on school image and pride. We encourage all students to wear full school uniform every day. This includes school hats
which are required to be worn in the playground at all times as part of our Sunsafe
We have been advised by Transdev that the latest bus timetables for our
school are available on their website for download now.
Simply follow this link www.transdevnsw.com.au
 From the ‘Timetables’ menu, simply select Wideview Public at the bottom
to download the latest timetables.
For more information on Student Opal cards, visit transportnsw.info/schoolstudents or 131 500.
Kindergarten Best Start assessment
Our newest and youngest students officially commenced their school
journey this week. Last week they undertook their Best Start assessment with Miss Hayward, Mrs Hodges, Mrs Griffin and Mrs Chapman. This assessment looks at early reading and writing skills, their
ability to communicate with others, and how they recognise and
work with numbers, groups and patterns. This is highly useful information for the class teacher and is used to help design learning programs to cater for all students. Parents will receive a detailed report
in coming weeks after all information has been collated and analysed.
We are trying to be a NUT FREE SchoolAnaphylaxis—What is anaphylaxis?
Anaphylaxis is a
severe and sudden
allergic reaction. It
occurs when a person is exposed to
an allergen (such as
food or insect
bites). We currently have a number of Anaphylactic students enrolled at Wideview
Public School. Many schools have students
with such allergies. As a community we are
requesting the students do not bring nut
products to school. Most importantly we
remind you that students should never
share their food at school or pressure any
other child to try something to eat.
Morning Supervision
Please be advised that for safety reasons students
should not arrive at school before 8.45am. Students must remain seated in the morning until the
teacher on duty rings the bell. If a student needs
to arrive earlier than 8.45am for band or sports/
club practice, then younger siblings should not be
left unattended at school. Don’t forget that Before
School Care operates from 6.30am each day and
until 6:30pm each evening.
Absentee Notes
If your child is going to be absent from school or is
away for any reason could you please be sure to
send in a written note to the office as soon as possible after the absence. Alternatively you may call
the school office, use the school App or e mail a
note to the school and this will be forwarded on
to the appropriate teacher.
Classes for 2016
Mrs Griffin and Mrs Chapman
Mrs Dempsey
Mrs Hodges
Mrs Fullagar
Miss Hayward
Miss Whelan
Mr Coleman
Mrs Asmanas and Mrs Follows
Mr Richardson and Mrs Wargren
Mr Shilling
Mr Harpur
Mrs Lake and Mrs McNally
Mr Carlos
Mrs Kelett
Mrs Donahue
Mr Thomas
Assistant Principals
Early Stage 1 (K)
supervisor Mrs Griffin
Stage 1 (1-2)
supervisor Mr Coleman
Stage 2 (3-4)
supervisor Mr Harpur
Stage 3 (5-6)
supervisor Mr Thomas
The role of the Assistant Principal, additional to their primary role of classroom teacher, is the leadership of the programs and initiatives of their stage. They provide support to parents and teachers on
their stage about student welfare, liaise with parents, support of the Principal, school planning responsibilities and a number of other roles specific to their stage.
Support Programs
Library Mr Milasas
EAL/D (English as an additional Language or Dialect) Ms Mosler
LAST (Learning & Support Teacher) Ms Mosler
RFF Mrs Norman ( sports skills program), Mr Milasas ( library and research skills)
School Counsellor Mrs Hardingham (Wednesday only)
School Administrative Manager Mrs Hansen
School Administrative Officers Mrs Fawdry , Mrs Wadling, Mrs Gibson and Mrs Gleeson
General Assistant Mr Fawdry
Infant’s Choir
Infant’s Choir will resume Friday 19th February (week 4) at 8.40am in the School Hall. In Terms 1-2 Infants Choir is for Years 1 & 2 only. New members of the choir are always welcome! You will need to
bring an A4 display folder.
This year we ask that parents do not stay in the hall to watch Choir Practise. We appreciate your enthusiasm but it makes it very difficult to teach the children songs with noise in the background. Thank you
for understanding.
We look forward to a wonderful year of singing!
Mrs Chapman and Mrs Follows
Wideview Music Groups Information
Welcome Back!
We have an exciting year of music planned for our music group in 2016. It will surely be our biggest year
yet! We have a wide variety of choices to cater for all students that are interested in music.
This year we have added a new dimension to the music program. We have structured the program so
that the children can participate in more them one group for one inclusive fee of just $70 per term. Our
aim is to make music accessible to as many children as possible.
Below you will find the range of programs offered and the times that they are running. So get involved!
Rehearsal Times:
Opera House Recorders
Beginner Recorders
Senior Percussion
Junior Percussion
Senior Band
Junior Band
Senior Guitar Groups
Junior Guitar Groups
Monday 8:00-840
Monday 8:40-9:00
Tuesday 8:00-840
Tuesday 8:40-9:00
Wednesday 3:15-4:15
Thursday 8:15-9:00
Friday 8:00-8:40
Friday 8:40-9:15
Music Room
Music Room
Music Room
Music Room
School Hall
Music Room
Music Room
Music Room
Starts Week 3
Starts Week 4
Starts Week 3
Starts Week 4
Starts Week 3
Starts Week 3
Starts Week 3
Starts Week 3
Please come and see me if you want to find out more.
Malcolm Harpur
Scripture and Ethics 2016
Scripture and Ethics classes at Wideview are starting on Wednesday 17th February.
Both Ethics and Scripture (Combined and Catholic) are organised by external organisations which rely on
volunteers from within the community to deliver these lessons every week. Curriculum and lessons
planned are approved by the NSW Government.
While all of the Scripture classes are going ahead as planned, Ethics is available for Kindergarten and Years
5 and 6 only. Until more volunteers are found, students enrolled in Ethics in Years 1-4 will be attending
Non-Scripture. If you would prefer your child to be in Scripture during this time, please let the office know
in writing (or email) as soon as possible to assist us in forming classes.
If you would like to know more about being a volunteer ethics teacher, please contact the Ethics Coordinator for Wideview, Judith Ellis, on judyellis@westnet.com.au
SCHOOL CALENDAR The Calendar is updated each week.
Please check regularly for any additions or
changes which will be marked in red for your convenience.
Term 1 2016
Parent Information Evening
5:00-5:30—Kindergarten Classrooms
5:30-6:00—Year 1 & 2 Classrooms
6:00—6:30—Year 3 & 4 Classrooms
6:30-7:00— Year 5 & 6 Classrooms
Book Club Orders due
Swimming Carnival—Hornsby Pool
Current Notes
Due date
Text Books
10 Feb
8 Feb
Walking in Berowra
Indicates note is available for download from the school website.
Fynn R, Violet T
Kieran M, Lucy D
Zoe R, Dylan D
Bryce K, Lincoln J
Extra Curricular Activites
At Wideview we have many extra curricular
activities that your child is able to participate in. Some examples are; Choir, band,
dance, guitar, language group, recorder
group and many more. Later in the newsletter is a timetable of these activities with
contact details if you would like to make
any enquiries.
William J, Elizabeth G
Good news for all those
big savers. Student banking will commence on
Wednesday 10th February. Please bring your
bank book to the office by
Primary Choirs
Art Alive
Last year our choir auditioned to again be part of the NSW Arts Alive Combined
Choir. We have been accepted into the Combined Choir and will be singing at the
Sydney Town Hall in July. This choir will consist of year 5 and 6 singers as well as
some selected year 4 singers. This choir will rehearse on Monday mornings and
the students will need to be in the hall and ready for an 8:30 start. This choir will have a small fee to cover
the associated costs.
Primary Choir
Due to our growing choir numbers, we have decided to include a Primary Choir for our year 3 and 4 singers. This choir will rehearse after eating time on Wednesdays (1:20-1:50). They will sing at assemblies and
on the Performing Arts Night.
Mrs Asmanas will be attending a training day on Monday 29th February and we will then be able to begin
our Arts Alive rehearsals on Monday 7th March.
Both choirs will begin rehearsals on Wednesday 17th February during lunch.
If you would like to join either the Arts Alive or Primary Choir and you have not given your name to Mrs
Asmanas please do so by Wednesday 10th February.
Any questions can be emailed to Mrs Asmanas (amy.asmanas@det.nsw.edu.au)
5D Class Members Puzzling out the Solar System
Kindergarten’s First Day!
The first day of Kindergarten is always filled with emotion. Excitement, nerves, happiness and a little bit
of sadness for some at the start of a new chapter!
This week, 61 new Kindergarten students started at Wideview. It was a lovely day with seamless transitions and very few tears!
Kindergarten is always a wonderful, satisfying year to teach as you see so much growth and development
in such a short time. We look forward to seeing this group of children thrive and blossom as they learn
and grow at Wideview.
All the best Kindergarten!
Mrs Chapman (on behalf of all the Kindy teachers)
Welcome back to all and also a big Welcome to the kindy kids and their parents/caregivers. The canteen is now
open for recess and lunch. Orders can be arranged for Wednesday, Thursdays and Fridays, on Tuesday we are open
at lunchtime for drinks and snacks.
We offer an online lunch ordering service called “Munch Monitor” details at the bottom of this page if you need to
set up a new log in. Orders are to be processed online by 9am, after this time Munch Monitor will close down for
the morning so that we can extract the orders for the canteen. You can also come over to the canteen and order
your lunch via our lunch bags sitting on top of the Canteen Red Box, please add 10cents extra for payment of the
lunch bag.
Please find included in this newsletter our new Term 1 Summer Menu with a few new additions. This time we have
salads made into the clear shake cups (with dome lids) for something a little different and hopefully easier for kids to
eat. If you have any queries about the menu or the canteen please come over to the canteen to see me, message on
our facebook page, or email us.
As you can see we have a few regular volunteer vacancies that need to be filled. 3 rd Wednesday of the month, 2nd
Thursday of the month, 4th Thursday of the Month and also the 5th Friday of the month (not many of those) – please
see Dianne ASAP if you are able to help out on a regular basis.
February 2016
Canteen Open for
Snacks at
Jo Adams
Katrina Mancer
Kathy Waters and
Julie Lowe
Canteen Open for
Snacks at
Mary Chivers
Canteen Open for
Snacks at
Viv Halbedl and
Bronwyn Thompson Kerstin O’Sullivan
and Anne Chilton
Canteen Open for
Snacks at
Melissa Mills
Virginia Pieper and
Dani Choate
PHONE : 9456 1655 (116)
EMAIL : wideviewcanteen@gmail.com
FACEBOOK : www.facebook.com/Cafe4Kids
ONLINE ORDERING : www.munchmonitor.com
P&C News
It's been a busy start to the year in our new space! For anyone who missed it, we are now located in the
old WOOSHC demountable, at the main school entrance.
* Our new opening hours are: Thursdays from 8.30-10.00am and Fridays on even weeks of term from
* Keep an eye on our second-hand rack for pre-loved uniform bargains.
* Thanks for your patience in start-of-term queues! Remember to avoid the queues, you can order via
Munchmonitor and items will be delivered to your child's classroom the following Thursday. Munchmonitor user name is :WPS and the password:munch2082
* Please feel free to email me with any queries: wideviewuniform@gmail.com
Sophie van Genugten - Uniform Shop Co-ordinator
Towards the end of last year and through the holidays we have planted some lovely fruit trees and some
frangipani trees in the back gate garden. Over the holidays we noticed our first fruit developing ready for
a new year of gardening. You may have also noticed a gorgeous white picket fence and some new plants
in the upper fairy garden and uniform shop area. A big thanks to the lovely yr1 family who donated the
fence. The kids are going to love it!
We had a wonderful group of supportive families involved with our garden projects last year and hope to
see you all plus many new families joining us throughout 2016! A special thanks to Geoff for his contribution to the school and for all his hard work and dedication he will be greatly missed this year but we
strive to continue creating beautiful natural spaces for our children.
Do you love meeting new people or have some ideas for our school garden...then we look forward to
hearing from you! We aim to provide a casual group get together for working bees without the pressure
of feeling the need to commit to every event. Drop by for one or drop by for all! We would love to have
some more families on board to continue creating beautiful spaces that enhance our children’s learning
environments and their self worth.
Keep an eye out in the coming weeks for our first working bee for 2016!
Join our Facebook page for news and updates: www.facebook.com/Cafe4Kids
Sandwich Board
Summer Sizzlers Specials
Hot Food
Bread / Rolls / Wraps: Wholemeal unless
specified. We only use Nuttelex spread.
No spread will be used unless requested.
Please check the newsletter,
posters at the canteen and munch
monitor for details of these weekly
*• Twisty Bolognaise
◆ Available at Recess Only
✓ Gluten Free
* Dairy Free
• Egg Free
NB: In the unfortunate event that we
do not have stock of an ordered item,
for a drink or pre-packaged item a
replacement to the same value will be
given, if the child does not like it can be
returned to be swapped or refunded.
For canteen made food, the student will
be attempted to be notified prior to their
meal time to find an alternative. Some
hot foods need to be collected from the
canteen to avoid spillage. This includes
Hot Chocolate Drinks, Baked Beans
Spaghetti / Rice Cups.
*• Vegemite
• Cheesy Cheese
✓*• Tasty Tuna
✓*• Chunky Chicken
Wholesome Ham
✓*• Rainbow
Delight Salad
Canteen Open Wed / Thurs / Fri Only
Conventional Orders must be placed
before 9.30am
Recess Orders need to be written on
a paper bag labelled ‘RECESS ORDER’
and clearly marked with the child’s name
and class.
Lunch Orders need to be placed in the
order box at canteen door by 9:30am.
Please write orders on brown paper bag
with child’s name and class clearly
marked. Enclose correct money where
possible. Change will taped to the outside
of the bag. If a paper bag is not supplied,
an additional charge of 10c will be
Phone: 9456 1655
Email: wideviewcanteen@gmail.com
✓*• Captain
*• Beef Burger
✓• Picnic
• Vegie Sushi
• Sushi Pack
Comes with your choice of
chocolate or strawberry milk, OKF
Sparling Juice or Focus Water.
(No substitution allowed)
lettuce / tomato / carrot
/ cucumber / cheese
Gluten-free bread
Shake Cup
Meal Deal
Chicken nuggets (3) with vegie
sticks with above choice of drink.
Hot Pizza Sub Roll
(baked in the oven)
Tiny Teddy’s / Mini Cookies
GF Gingerbread Man
Original Gingerbread Man
Finger Bun (Good Tucker)
GF Snaps Lite’n Tangy Crisps
Bottled Water
Focus PlayWater
Blackcurrant / Fruit Tingle /
Lemonade / Lemon Lime
Bread: Wholemeal unless specified.
Gluten-free bread add $0.20.
Juice (200ml)
Orange / Apple /
Blackcurrant & Apple
Plain Milk
Flavoured Milk
Chocolate / Strawberry / Banana
Pineapple / tomato
Gluten-free bread
Steamed Rice Cup
Ham or Chicken w/Cheese
Tuna, Cheese
Extra Fillings (each)
✓ Sea Salt / * Honey Soy Chicken
Served warm in a cup
with Peas & Corn
OKF Sparkling Juice
Lemon / Strawberry / Grape Raisin
Hot Chocolate
• Homemade Sausage Roll ◆
• Homemade Pizza ◆
Chicken nuggets (6) with vegie
sticks with above choice of drink.
Meal Deal
lettuce / tomato / croutons
/ cheese / cucumber /
caesar dressing
Mayonnaise / French
Chicken schnitzel with lettuce /
tomato & cheese with above
choice of drink.
*• Chicken Nugget
• Caesar Salad
Dressing in a cup
*• Chicken Schnitzel Burger
*• Chicken Nugget
vermicelli / chicken
/ lettuce / cucumber /
cherry tomato / carrot
/ thai dressing ✓
Shake Cup
on the Cob
Long roll with pizza sauce & cheese
Beef with lettuce / tomato & cheese
with above choice of drink.
Meal Deal
large salad plus
2 pineapple rings or
ham or chicken or tuna.
*• Thai Chicken
Meal Deal
*• Beef Burger Meal Deal
lettuce / tomato / carrot /
cucumber / cheese
✓*• Super Salad
Shake Cup
3 nuggets with sweet chilli,
barbecue or tomato dipping sauce.
Twisty Bolognaise & above
choice of drink.
Salad Boxes
*• Terrifically Twisty
• Chicken Nuggets
* Spaghetti or Baked Beans
ham / tomato / lettuce.
Ham w/Salad
✓*• Chicken w/Salad
Extras (each)
*• Chicken Schnitzel Burger
Sushi / vege sticks / anzac cookie
Café 4 Kids
Meal Deals
Chicken schnitzel with lettuce /
tomato & cheese
Hommus / cheese stick / cherry
tomatoes / cucumber sticks / carrot
sticks / rice crackers.
Cheese Stick
Vegie Sticks
✓ Fresh Popcorn
* Jelly Cup with Fruit
✓ Yoghurt (Vanilla)
• Canteen Made Biscuit
• Canteen Made Muffin
✓*• Apple Slinky / Orange
cut in 4
✓*• Frozen Pineapple Slice
✓*• Frozen Orange
* Red Rock Chips
Beef with lettuce / tomato & cheese.
Summer Packs
(Margarine Optional)
Homemade Bolognaise over
Pasta Spirals
lettuce / tomato / carrot
/ cucumber / cheese.
Important Ordering Info
Roll /
Snacks Available at recess & lunch.
Tomato base with cheese.
• Homemade Cheese Pizza ◆
Just cheese.
• Homemade Garlic Pizza ◆
Garlic with cheese.
• Chicken Nuggets ◆
3 nuggets with sweet chilli,
barbecue or tomato dipping sauce
You can place your lunch order online at www.munchmonitor.com.au before 9.00am on day of order | Username: wps | Password: munch2082
Extra-Curricular Activities at Wideview 2016
Available to
Run by
Where and when
Band - Senior
Year 3-6 by
Malcolm Harpur
Assembly Hall, Wednesday 3:15pm
Band- Junior
Year 3-6
Malcolm Harpur
Music Room, Thursday 8am
Choir -Primary
Years 3-6
Debra Hodges and Amy
Assembly Hall, Monday, Tuesday and
Wednesday 2 half lunch
Choir- Infants
Year 1 and 2
Kinder from
Semester 2
Jo Chapman and Kylie
Dance - Junior
Years 3 and 4
Dance - Senior
Contact Teacher/s
Other information
$70 per term
to Band
$70 per term
to Band
Malcolm Harpur
Assembly Hall, Friday 8:40 -9am
Jo Chapman and
Kylie Follows
Candice Jones - Email –
Assembly Hall, Wednesday 8am to 9am
$75 per term
plus $80
costume fee
Payable to
Candice Jones
Danielle Donahue
and Amy Asmanas
Group is limited to 24 dancers,
selected by audition in Term1.
Dancers will also need black
jazz shoes. Some excursion
fees will also apply.
Years 5 and 6
Candice Jones - Email –
Assembly Hall, Tuesday 8am to 9am
$75 per term
plus $80
costume fee
Payable to
Candice Jones
Danielle Donahue
and Amy Asmanas
Group is limited to 24 dancers,
selected by audition in Term1.
Dancers will also need black
jazz shoes. Some excursion
fees will also apply.
Guitar group –
Year 3-6 by
Joe Manton- contact Mal
Music Room, Friday 8am
$70 per term
to Band
Mal Harpur
While payment is by the term
commitment for the year is
Guitar group –
Year 3-6
Joe Manton- contact Mal
Music Room, Friday 8:40am
$70 per term
to Band
Mal Harpur
While payment is by the term
commitment for the year is
Run by
Peter Durant
0404 092 747
Where and when
Assembly Hall, Monday 6-9pm
Assembly Hall, Saturday 10:30am-12
Please call
GKR Karate
Contact Teacher/s
GKR Karate
Available to
T:\Office\Forms and form letters\Extra Curricular Activities\2016.docx
Malcolm Harpur
Debra Hodges and
Amy Asmanas
While payment is by the term
commitment for the year is
While payment is by the term
commitment for the year is
All children will need an A4
display folder for words of
All children will need an A4
display folder for words of
Other information
Percussion Group Senior
Year 2-6
M.McNaught 0419 483238
Music room, Tuesday 8-8:40am
$70 per term
to Band
Malcolm Harpur
Percussion Group Junior
Year 1
M.McNaught 0419 483238
Music room, Tuesday 8:45-9:05am
Malcolm Harpur
Recorders Beginners
Years 1-6
M.McNaught 0419 483238
Music room, Monday 8:45 – 9:05am
Recorders – Opera
House Group
Years 2 - 6
M.McNaught 0419 483238
Music room, Monday 8-8:40am
$70 per term
to Band
$70 per term
to Band
$70 per term
to Band
French Language
Michelle Adamson- 0450
694 608
Assembly Hall Monday 3:25-4;25
Spanish Language
Natalie Roy -0430 286 590
Assembly Hall Tuesday 3;30-4:30
Action Dance
Tiffany Pendlebury -0456
706 515
Assembly Hall, Wednesdays
Belcastro School of
Jan Belcastro -94562638 or
0408473 803
Assembly Hall, Thursday 3:30-5:00
Please call
Adamson for
Please call
Natalie Roy
for cost
Please call
Tiffany for
cost and times
Please call Jan
for cost
T:\Office\Forms and form letters\Extra Curricular Activities\2016.docx
Malcolm Harpur
Malcolm Harpur
Attend Eisteddfods
While payment is by the term
commitment for the year is
While payment is by the term
commitment for the year is
While payment is by the term
commitment for the year is
Major performance at the
Opera House
While payment is by the term
commitment for the year is