1 MINISTRY OF CONSTRUCTION, TRANSPORT AND INFRASTRUCTURE E-mail: projekti@mgsi.gov.rs Telephone: +381 11 3616 435 2 Dear, The vision of a modern and successful Serbia lies upon big infrastructural projects, regional transportation connections, competitiveness and employment. You have before you the book of projects that will be the base of a developed country. There are 55 ongoing projects of the total value of 3.1 billion Euros in Serbia. Our plans go beyond that. We wish to raise road, railway, water and air transport and thus construction in Serbia to the level of European standards. The Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure has drawn up a book of 130 planned projects whose total value is 11.5 billion Euros. We have a vision, and we need your support to develop it. I am absolutely certain that we can achieve it by joining our forces. We are inviting you to be a part of the construction history that these projects are making; we want Serbia to use its strategic geographical position in Europe in the best possible way. Before you is a hand reaching out for cooperation. We need you, for together we can build a sustainable future for Serbia. Infrastructural projects are our chance Employment is our chance Regional and strategic connections are our mission European Union is our commitment We did not inherit Serbia; we borrowed it from our grandchildren. What we build today, the future generations will live. We are responsible for their future and so I call upon you to accept our hand and be our partner. Minister of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure Prof. PhD Zorana Mihajlovic 3 PRINT: MILITARY PRINTIG OFFICE “BEOGRAD” 4 Table of contents ONGOING PROJECTS ........................................................................................................................ 7 ROAD TRANSPORT, ROADS AND TRAFFIC SAFETY..................................................................... 9 RAILWAYS AND INTERMODAL TRANSPORT................................................................................. 19 WATER TRAFFIC AND NAVIGATIONS SAFETY ............................................................................. 53 AIR TRAFFIC........................................................................................................................................... 61 CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS AND CONSTRUCTION SITES, SPATIAL PLANNING, URBAN DEVELOPMENT AND HOUSING .......................................................................................... 75 PLANNED PROJECTS.......................................................................................................................... 83 ROAD TRANSPORT, ROADS AND TRAFFIC SAFETY..................................................................... 85 RAILWAYS AND INTERMODAL TRANSPORT................................................................................. 105 WATER TRAFFIC AND NAVIGATION SAFETY................................................................................ 151 AIR TRAFFIC........................................................................................................................................... 173 CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS AND CONSTRUCTION SITES, SPACIAL PLANNING, URBAN DEVELOPMENT AND HOUSING .......................................................................................... 197 INSPECTIONAL SUPERVISION............................................................................................................ 225 5 6 ONGOING PROJECTS 7 8 Road transport, roads and traffic safety 9 10 RESPONSIBLE PARTY PROJECT NAME Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure “Corridors of Serbia” Ltd Corridor X, Е-75 South branch, Nis – FYR Macedonia border INVESTOR: “Corridors of Serbia” Ltd ТERNA SA/Аzvi SA, TADDEI / ЈV TRACE Mostovik / Consortium Alliance X / JV: “Integral Inzenjering” PLC, “INTER-KOP Misar” and “Prijedorputevi” / JV Azvi, Construcciones Rubau / AKTOR S.A Louis Berger SAS / Egnatia ODOS / Eptisa / Geoonsult Geoput Ltd /I.T. CIP/ Highway institute PLC CONTRACTOR: SUPERVISION: PROJECTOR: TECHNICAL CONTROL Highway Institute PLC/ I.T. CIP / Put invest PLC • • STRATEGIC/ LEGAL BASIS: • • • • • PROJECT IMPORTANCE: • PROJECT STATUS INVESTMENT VALUE PROJECT START DATE PROJECT END DATE FUNDING 610,000,000 EUR 26 January, 2011 05 September, 2016 • • • • • • PROJECT DESCRIPTION: World Bank – Loan contract, signed on 1 July, 2009 EIB – Loan contract, signed on 23 October, 2009, annexed on 20 December , 2012 Hellenic plan for Economic Reconstruction of the Balkans (HiPERB), Grant agreement, signed on 26 June, 2009 Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA) 2010, verified in November 2010 Western Balkans Investment Framework (WBiF), verified on 24 November, 2011 The project bears strategic importance. The aim of Corridor X project is increasing the traffic efficiency and improving traffic safety of the two sections of Corridor X, between Nis and Dimitrovgrad (Component 2 – E80 Highway) and Grdelica – Levosoj (Component 1 – E80 Highway) respectively, strengthening the management of roads and road safety in Serbia, enabling sustainable development and enabling Serbia to utilize its geographical location and further its development as the key transit country in the Trans-European network of Transport (TENT) The results of the project implementation will reflect in the reduction of costs for the users of roads, decrease of time of travel and decrease in the rate of mortality (per vehicle km) and severe injuries in road traffic on the project sections. Ongoing project. • • International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, (WB); European Investment Bank (EIB); Hellenic plan for Economic Reconstruction of the Balkans (HiPERB); Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA) 2010, Western Balkans Investment Framework (WBiF); Government of the Republic of Serbia aims at developing and completing the core road infrastructure at Corridor X, as its key priority. This component comprises construction of full-profile highway between Grdelica and Levosoj, Corridor X, in total length of 74.22 km. The component additionally comprises relevant electrical and mechanical installations, accompanying object, toll ramps and booths, interchanges, as well as local road junctions. The component encompasses contracts with consultation companies acting as “Engineer” for the construction works at Corridor X, in accordance with FIDIC contracts. 11 RESPONSIBLE PARTY PROJECT NAME INVESTOR: CONTRACTOR: SUPERVISION: PROJECTOR: TECHNICAL CONTROL STRATEGIC/ LEGAL BASIS: Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure “Corridors of Serbia” Ltd Works on the construction of the left lane of E-75 Highway, between B.C. “Horgos” and Novi Sad and section between B.C. “Kelebija” and “Subotica South” interchange The Republic of Serbia/ “Corridors Serbia” Ltd PZP Belgrade PLC, “Uzice Roads”, “Borovica” Ltd, and “Planum Co” Ltd Highway Institute PLC, I.T. CIP CPV PLC/ VIA inzenjering Ltd. IT CIP/ Put Invest PLC/ IMS • • • • • PROJECT IMPORTANCE: PROJECT STATUS INVESTMENT VALUE PROJECT START DATE PROJECT END DATE • • RSD 9,971,000,000.00, VAT included (Construction Contract) 2010 • • • FUNDING • PROJECT DESCRIPTION: 12 Strategy for development of the railway, road, water, air and intermodal transport in the Republic of Serbia from 2008 until 2015, “Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia No 4/2008” Transport Master plan 2027 The project bears strategic importance. Corridor X is one of the most important pan-Europeans traffic corridors which passes through Serbia and connects Austria, Hungary, Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia, Bulgaria, Macedonia, and Greece. The transport system of the Republic of Serbia is growing compatible with the transport system of the European Union, with the tendency for further modernization. By the means of realizing this important project, there shall be a general improvement in transit traffic in terms of speed, the level of services shall be promoted, international trade courses and transport of passengers shall be simplified. Upon completion, the new highway shall have positive impact on commercial and trade activities in the region and shall contribute to the regional development and cohesion of the broader Balkan area. Due to the lack of financial funds, there are no works on this section. Upon securing the lacking funds. The contractual project end date has expired. The necessary financial funds for the continuation of the construction works have not been provisioned under the 2014 Budget of the Republic of Serbia. Budget of the Republic of Serbia The project comprises of the construction of two sections: 1. Horgos – N.Sad (semi-highway – left highway lane, from km 1+125 to 28+000 and from km 38+000 to 98+000) – 86.88 km − The completion share of this section is 98%. According to the project, two additional rest stops are to be constructed. “Lovcen” rest stop at km 67+000 and “Cenoj” rest stop at km 97+000. Necessary funds: RSD 30 million. Time period needed for the completion of works: 30 days. 2. Y branch: B.S. “Kelebija” – “Subotica South” interchange (semihighway – left lane) – 22.3 km − The completion share of this section is 35%. In order to complete the project, EUR 30 million is to be provided, whereas the time period needed for the completion of works is c. 18 months. RESPONSIBLE PARTY PROJECT NAME INVESTOR: CONTRACTOR: SUPERVISION: PROJECTOR: TECHNICAL CONTROL STRATEGIC/ LEGAL BASIS: Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure “Corridors of Serbia” Ltd Corridor X - EAST Е-80 (traffic direction: Nis – Republic of Bulgaria border) “Corridors of Serbia” Ltd AKTOR SA /TERNA SA / SUBTERRA / Construcciones Rubau EPTISA, IRD, SAFEGE / Ic Consulenten, IGH Highway Institute PLC / Geoput PLC / I.T. CIP Faculty of Civil engineering, Belgrade / CPV PLC / Highway Institute PLC • Strategy for development of the railway, road, water, air and intermodal transport in the Republic of Serbia from 2008 until 2015, “Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia No 4/2008” • Transport Master plan 2027 • • PROJECT IMPORTANCE: • • • PROJECT STATUS • INVESTMENT VALUE PROJECT START DATE PROJECT END DATE FUNDING All preparatory activities in respect to the project documentation, tender and contract have been completed and works on all sections are under way. ≈ EUR 346 million 2011 End of 2015 EIB, EBRD and WB • PROJECT DESCRIPTION Construction of E-80 Highway (Nis – Republic of Bulgaria border) is one of highest state priorities. The construction of the infrastructure corridor Nis- Republic of Bulgaria border shall influence better traffic and economic connection of the Republic of Serbia with its neighbouring countries, as well as faster development of the region which gravitates toward this corridor. Connections of southeast Serbia with west, central and south Serbia and the Timok- Danube basin shall be solidified. Intensification and connecting traffic in the corridor shall influence strengthening economic and other functionalities of Nis, which is the most important hub in Serbia, second to Belgrade. The highway is an integration factor in the national and regional area, but is not a disintegration factor in the local area, meaning local community. EAST E-80 project comprises of the road area between Nis and state border with Bulgaria, in the length of 86.9 km, which has been divided in 10 sections. - Prosek – Bancarevo - Bancarevo – Crvena reka - “Bancarevo” tunnel - Crvena reka – Ciflik - Ciflik – Stanicenje - Stanicenje - Pirot East - Parallel non-commercial road - Pirot East– Dimitovgrad - Dimitrovgrad ring road (alignment and bridges) - “Progon” and “Przojna Padina” tunnels (Dimitrovgrad) 13 RESPONSIBLE PARTY: Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure PROJECT NAME: Е-763 Highway, Belgrade –South Adriatic, section Ub - Lajkovac INVESTOR: The Republic of Serbia CONTRACTOR: Consortium “Putevi uzice” PLC and Planum Co PLC SUPERVISION: “Corridors of Serbia” Ltd PROJECTOR: I.T. CIP STRATEGIC/ LEGAL BASIS: PROJECT IMPORTANCE: • Contractor Contract signed with “Putevi Uzice” PLC and “Planum Co” PLC • The project bears strategic importance as it represents a connection between Serbia and Montenegro and is a part of Belgrade – South Adriatic Highway (Corridor XI). The extension of this corridor towards Romania is planned. The construction of this traffic road shall result in better traffic connection from Serbia to the sea, e.g. Bar port. Greater traffic safety shall be obtained and the time of travel shall be shortened. • • • • PROJECT STATUS • Works are under way: the main construction works have been completed and final works are currently under way. Works shall be completed under the planned timeframe. INVESTMENT VALUE RSD 8,652,617,186.86 PROJECT START DATE July 2010 PROJECT END DATE 30 November, 2014 FUNDING Budget of the Republic of Serbia • • PROJECT DESCRIPTION: 14 • • The length of this section is 12.5 km. This project includes a section of E-763 Highway, Belgrade – South Adriatic, section Ub - Lajkovac, which is a part of the highway alignment between Belgrade and Pozega. The construction of this section is under way. The highway alignment intersects M-5 trunk road, three local and two uncategorized roads, as well as Belgrade – Bar railway road and Lajkovac ring road. RESPONSIBLE PARTY: Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure The City of Belgrade PROJECT NAME: Zemun – Borca bridge with corresponding traffic roads INVESTOR: The Republic of Serbia/ the City of Belgrade CONTRACTOR: China Road and Bridge Corporation / “Ratko Mitrovic Civil Engineering” Ltd SUPERVISION: Louis Berger • PROJECTOR: • • STRATEGIC/ LEGAL BASIS: PROJECT IMPORTANCE: • • • • • • PROJECT STATUS • INVESTMENT VALUE 2011 • PROJECT END DATE • FUNDING • • PROJECT DESCRIPTION Strategy for development of the railway, road, water, air and intermodal transport in the Republic of Serbia from 2008 until 2015, “Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia No 4/2008” Transport Master plan 2027 In the street network system of Belgrade, North Tangent Road belongs to the category of city trunk roads. Its construction creates conditions for interconnection of two over-Danube residential areas, the central city area is protected from transit transport, as conditions are met for the traffic being redirected toward Zrenjaninski road and Pancevacki road and further up north at the city entry point from the direction of Sid, as well as for enablement of better connection of residential areas on the left Danube bank with Zemun and New Belgrade municipalities. The idea projects have been adopted by revision committee. The main projects were completed by 23 March, 2011. The preliminary reports of the technical control were submitted in April and May 2011 The revised projects were submitted to the technical committee at the beginning of July. The projects were verified by technical control on 26 August, 2011. $260,114,003 (project engineering and construction of the traffic road with the bridge) c. $72,000,000 for out-of-pocket expenses (settling property and legal relations, taxes, fees, etc.) • • Deadline for completion of New Novi Sad road - Zrenjaninski road section is 27 December, 2014 Deadline for completion of Zrenjaninski road – Pancevacki road section is27 September, 2015 15% of the investment from the Budget of the Republic of Serbia 85% of the investment from the loan of Exim Bank of China The total length of the traffic road is 21.2 km, including the Danube Bridge, 1,482m of length. The bridge has been designed as a continuous beam of prestressed concrete with two independent 14m- wide bridge constructions, one per each direction. There are eight additional bridge constructions on the traffic alignment, 34- 545m of span, positioned over the channel, traffic roads and railway road. The total area of the route on the construction is 44,000 sqm, area of ground sections in 571,000 sqm, whereas the area of the bridge itself is 41,350 sqm. 15 RESPONSIBLE PARTY : Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure PROJECT NAME: Corridor XI, E-763 Highway, Belgrade – South Adriatic, sections Obrenovac – Ub and Lajkovac – Ljig INVESTOR: The Republic of Serbia CONTRACTOR: Shandong Hi-speed group/ Energoprojekt SUPERVISION: Highway Institute PLC PROJECTOR: CPV PLC/ Highway Institute PLC • STRATEGIC/ LEGAL BASIS: • • • • PROJECT IMPORTANCE: • • • Agreement on economic and technical cooperation in the area of infrastructure between the Government of the People’s Republic of China and the Government of the Republic of Serbia, which came to action on 23 June, 2010. Commercial contract with China Shandong International Economic and Technical Cooperation Group Ltd, Chinese company – contractor. Financial loan agreement with Exim Bank of China The project bears strategic importance. It represents a connection between Serbia and Montenegro and is a part of Belgrade – South Adriatic Highway (Corridor XI). The extension of this corridor toward Romania is planned. Better traffic connection from Serbia to the sea, e.g. Bar port. It shall increase traffic safety and decrease the time of travel. PROJECT STATUS Construction under way. INVESTMENT VALUE $333.74 million PROJECT START DATE 20 June, 2014 PROJECT END DATE 30 April, 2017 FUNDING PROJECT DESCRIPTION 16 • • Exim Bank of China loan - $301 million Budget of the Republic of Serbia - $32.74 million • The total length of the section is 50.23 km. This project comprises of two E-763 Belgrade – South Adriatic Highway sections, Obrenovac – Ub section and Lajkovac – Ljig section, which are part of Belgrade – Pozega Highway alignment. RESPONSIBLE PARTY Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure Road Traffic Safety Agency of the Republic of Serbia Ministry of Interior PE “Roads of Serbia” NAME OF THE PROJECT Project of setting up a unique data base of information of relevance for the road safety (JBPoZBS) STRATEGIC/ LEGAL BASIS • The Law on Road Traffic Safety IMPORTANCE OF PROJECT: • National, strategic project • PROJECT STATUS: Currently, tender documentation for programming and acquisition of equipment needed for setting up JBPoZBS, conducted per World Bank procedure, is under way. Announcement of the tender is in jurisdiction of “Corridors of Serbia” Ltd. The tender documentation has been submitted to the World Bank for evaluation, and upon receiving positive findings, the procedure for the announcement of the tender shall commence. INVESTMENT VALUE: EUR 500,000.00 for the acquisition of equipment (funds from the World Bank loan) PROJECT START DATE: Announcement of tender expected at the end of November, 2014 Opening of offers at the end of January 2015 PROJECT END DATE: / FUNDING: World Bank loan – Construction of Corridor X project. • PROJECT DESCRIPTION: • JBPoZBS shall be located in ABS, which is in charge of analyzing, monitoring and promoting road traffic safety, meaning developing and leveraging JBPoZBS. JBPoZBS project task elaborates on the system for setting up a unique data base, which encompasses connecting the existing data bases, exchanging data, analyses based on the available data in accordance with recommendations of the European Commissions. 17 RESPONSIBLE PARTY: Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure NAME OF THE PROJECT Construction of a bridge on the Drina river, on Ljubovija – Bratunac location, with accessing traffic roads and joint border crossing INVESTOR The Government of the Republic of Serbia PROJECTER I.T. CIP • • STRATEGIC/ LEGAL BASIS IMPORTANCE OF PROJECT: • • • • • PROJECT STATUS: • • • Protocol between the Government of the Republic of Serbia and the Government of the Republic of Srpska on the construction of a bridge on the Drina on Ljubovija – Bratunac location with accessing traffic roads and joint border crossing. By the means of a Conclusion of the Government of the Republic of Serbia, activities on the realization of the planning and technical documentation have commenced. Cross-border programme 2007- 2013, defining the option for Crossborder cooperation within the Instrument for Pre-Accession help: Serbia – Bosnia and Herzegovina, dated 02 August, 2007, enables further collaboration of the two countries, including promotion of collaboration between public (local and regional) stakeholders in the creation of joint policy of traffic development planning. Promotion of border crossings so as to increase the cross-border traffic volume and economic cooperation. Reconstruction of roads and promotion of infrastructure. Expert control of the Adequacy study and idea project is under way. Detailed regulation plan for facilities on the territory of the Republic of Serbia (Ljubovija Municipality) has been adopted. Procedure for enacting public interest for cadastral plot (K.P.) on the territory of the Republic of Serbia. Negotiation for defining the draft of the Agreement between RS and BiH regarding the construction of the bridge and border crossing is expected. By the end of 2014, it is expected that the production of the complete technical documentation shall be completed. Construction is planned to begin in spring 2015, which has been provisioned under the Budget of the Republic of Serbia. INVESTMENT VALUE: EUR 13,000,000 PROJECT START DATE: 2015 PROJECT END DATE: 2017 • FUNDING: • • PROJECT DESCRIPTION: 18 • Budget of the Republic of Serbia (traffic roads on the territory of the Republic of Serbia). Budget of the Republic of Srpska (traffic roads on the territory of the Republic of Srpska). Financing the border crossing shall be defined by bi-state agreement between RS and BiH. The project comprises of the construction of a bridge on the Drina River, on Ljubovija – Bratunac location, with accessing traffic roads and joint border crossing. Railways and intermodal transport 19 20 RESPONSIBLE PARTY: PROJECT NAME: INVESTOR: CONTRACTOR: SUPERVISION: PROJECTOR: STRATEGIC/ LEGAL BASIS: PROJECT IMPORTANCE: PROJECT STATUS INVESTMENT VALUE Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure “JSC Serbian Railways” Reconstruction and modernization of Gilje – Cuprija – Paracin section of Belgrade – Nis railroad “JSC Serbian Railways” ЈV „Italiana Costrucioni S.p.A. / Consorzio Armatori Ferroviari S.C.p.A. Consorzio stabile“ Italy Consortium “GOSA FOM PLC – BRIDGE CONSTRUCTION PLC in reconstruction” “Siemens ltd Belgrade“ Internal supervision of “JSC Serbian Railways“ and “SAFEGE” consultancy Institute of Transport “CIP” • Strategy for development of the railway, road, water, air and intermodal transport in the Republic of Serbia from 2008 until 2015 • National strategy of Serbia for the EU accession • The project bears strategic importance. • By the means of the project, single-track rail section Gilje – Cuprija, on Belgrade – Nis trunk rail road, shall be reconstructed and modernized, meaning that with the construction of another track, one of “bottle necks” of the railway corridor in Serbia shall be eliminated. • The project shall contribute to: - Increase in the quality of passengers and goods transport service; - Increase in the rail road’s capacity by means of the construction of another track; - Increase in competitiveness of JSC „Serbia Railways“ in regards to other means of transport; - Quality of railway integration of JSC „Serbia Railways“ into the transport system of Europe; - Ensuring safe, fast, secure and efficient railway traffic. • The project is realized through three components: - Construction of a new bridge on the Velika Morava river, on Jovac – Cuprija section, of Belgrade – Nis railway road; - Managing construction works on the reconstruction and modernization of Gilje – Cuprija – Paracin section, of Belgrade – Nis railway road; - Acquisition of equipment and managing construction works on the reconstruction and modernization of electrical engineering plants (LOT 1, LOT 2, and LOT 3) of Gilje – Cuprija – Paracin section, of Belgrade – Nis railway road. • Regarding the bridge construction, a contract with JV “Alpine BauGmbH” – METEORIT ltd was signed on 30 December, 2010 in the worth of EUR 8,888,241.86. The works commenced on 10 February, 2011 and were expected to end on 03 August, 2012 (contractual term 540 days). After the bankruptcy of the leading partner “Alpine BauGmbH”, the Contract was terminated on 25 September, 2013. After the public bid procedure, which was conducted in accordance with EIB rules, a new contractor was selected and a contract was signed with Consortium “GOSA FOM – BRIDGE CONSTRUCTION – in reconstruction” in the amount of EUR 2,459,342.25. The works commenced on 23 April, 2014. • Construction works are under way. The expected end date is December 2014. • Activities regarding the realization of electrical engineering works are under way. The expected end date is December 2015. The total value of investment is EUR 39,363,016, as follows: - For work on the construction of a new bridge on the Velika Morava – EUR 8,888,241.86 (for the contract with “Alpine BauGmbH”) and EUR 2,459,342.25 for the new contract with “GOSA FOM – BRIDGE CONSTRUCTION” - For construction works with “Italiana Constructioni S.p.A.” – EUR 16,162,110 - For electrical engineering works with “Siemens ltd Belgrade” – EUR 11,853,320 (in three LOT) 21 2010 PROJECT START DATE PROJECT END DATE FUNDING 2014 – for construction works 2015 – for electrical engineering works Loan from the European Investment bank (EIB IV) • PROJECT DESCRIPTION: - 22 Within the Renovation of railway II project, which is financed by funds of the European Investment Bank, works on the reconstruction and modernization of Gilje – Cuprija – Paracin section are planned. The project comprises of: Construction of a new, double-track rail bridge on the Velika Morava; Construction of a new, double-track section of Gilje – Cuprja – Paracin rail road, in the total length of 10.2 km (from km 140+070 to km 150.287); Construction of single-track rail road “Rasputnica Cuprija” – Paracin, in the length of 6.7 km; Construction of new premises – seven ducts, five underpasses, and one overpass; Construction of a deviation of national II A road No 158 (former regional P214 road) due to the intersection of the new double-track rail road and national II A road, Jagodina – Cuprija section; Arraying Gilje rest stop with construction of accessing traffic roads to the rest stop; Acquisition of equipment and managing works on the reconstruction and modernization of signalling security facilities; Acquisition of equipment and managing works on the reconstruction and modernization of telecommunication and cable facilities; Acquisition of equipment and managing works on the reconstruction and modernization of contact networks and energy facilities. RESPONSIBLE PARTY: PROJECT NAME: INVESTOR: CONTRACTOR: SUPERVISION: STRATEGIC/ LEGAL BASIS: PROJECT IMPORTANCE: PROJECT STATUS Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure JSC „Serbia Railways“ Renovation of railway roads along the key Corridor X section in the total length of 112 km JSC „Serbia Railways“ MORAVIA STEEL; “Vossloh MIN Skretnice” ltd; “JVCA Div” ltd; “Impregnacija” ltd.; “JVCA Alpine kamen” ltd; “PYRKONIT” Ltd; “JVCA Optikus” ltd;Kraiburg Elastik GmbH; “Terra Srbija ltd”;GEISMAR;VAIA CAR SpA;ROBEL Bahnbauschinen GmbH “EGIS” consultancy • Strategy for development of the railway, road, water, air and intermodal transport in the Republic of Serbia from 2008 until 2015; • National strategy of Serbia for the EU accession; • European Union documents and directions regarding transportation. • The project bears strategic importance. • This project provides material needed for managing reconstruction of Corridor X railway sections, which influences the amelioration of the state of railway infrastructure of the railway network of Serbia with the increase of security and reliability of traffic operations. • The planned value for the loan component was EUR 35 million. • For “Acquisition of top layer material” component, value planned under the loan was EUR 28,650,000.00. The total worth of all Contracts for the acquisition of materials is EUR 25,283,300, which is EUR 3,366,700 (12%) less than the planned value. • For this acquisition, there was a tender with nine parties – LOTs (for the acquisition of rails, switches, concrete thresholds with elastic binding, wooden impregnated thresholds, “K” type binding kit, pebbles of igneous and limestone rocks, AT welding kits, geocomposites, and rubber panels for road crossings) - all nine contract were concluded with suppliers of the aforementioned materials, which are currently being realized. • Russian Railways (RZD) shall maintain works on Corridor X section in the total length of c. 112 km, where the aforementioned material shall be used. Upon defining the work dynamics, JSC „Serbia Railways“ shall notify the Bank so as to familiarize it with the planned dynamics of the usage of material, as well as the course of works. • Out of nine parties, deliveries for three parties have already been completed (rails, geocomposites and rubber panels for road crossings), delivery for four parties is under way, whereas deliveries for two parties (concrete thresholds and pebbles) have not commenced yet. • For “Acquisition of mechanization for rail road maintenance” component, the value planned under the Loan was EUR 6,350,000. The total value of all Contracts for the acquisition of mechanization is c. EUR 5,750,000. Component А INVESTMENT VALUE А-1 А-2 Reconstruction of sections along Corridor X Acquisition of top layer materials for the reconstruction of sic sections along Corridor X Acquisition of mechanization for rail road maintenance Planned amount (EUR) Amount of the accepted bids – contracts (EUR) 35,.000,000 28,650,000 25,283,300 6,.350,000 5,748,728 23 PROJECT START DATE PROJECT END DATE FUNDING • PROJECT DESCRIPTION: • • 2010. 2015 Loan of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD IV) The project comprises of acquisition of material (rails, switches, concrete thresholds with elastic binding, wooden impregnated thresholds, “K” type binding kit, pebbles of igneous and limestone rocks, AT welding kits, geocomposites and rubber panels for road crossings) for the reconstruction of railway roads along Corridor X and acquisition of mechanization for rail road maintenance. The material shall be used at the following sections: - Sopot Kosmajski – Kovacevac - Mala Krsna – Velika Plana - Vinarci - Djordjevo - Vranjska Banja - Ristovac - Bujanovac - Bukarevac - Golubinci – Ruma (right railway track) The works are financed with funds from a Loan of the Russian Federation (Annex 2). Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure JSC „Serbia Railways“ PROJECT NAME: Reconstruction of railway section Rasputnica G – Rakovica – Resnik INVESTOR: JSC „Serbia Railways“ CONTRACTOR: Internal supervision of JSC „Serbia Railways“and “SAFEGE” SUPERVISION: consultancy PROJECTOR: Institute of Transport CIP • National strategy of Serbia for the EU accession • Strategy for development of the railway, road, water, air and STRATEGIC/ LEGAL intermodal transport in the Republic of Serbia from 2008 until 2015 BASIS: • Credit contract signed between JSC „Serbia Railways“and European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD, on 27 January, 2012) • The project bears STRATEGIC importance. • By the means of the project, parameters of railway infrastructure are PROJECT promoted, and railway capacity, as well as safety and reliability of IMPORTANCE: railway traffic are increased. Furthermore, the expenses for maintenance of railway infrastructure are reduced. • The Main project was compiled (funded by JSC „Serbia Railways“), PROJECT STATUS and the preparatory activities for the production of tender documents for the execution of works are under way. INVESTMENT VALUE EUR 16,124,000 PROJECT START DATE 2015 PROJECT END DATE 2016 FUNDING Funds from EBRD V loan • The project comprise of the production of technical documentation and execution of works on the reconstruction by overhaul of the elements of civil and electrical engineering infrastructure of a railway section Rasputnica G – Rakovica – Resnik, from km 7+126 to km 14+554 (L= 7,428 m) on the railway road Belgrade – Mladenovac – PROJECT Nis – Presevo – border with FYR Macedonia. DESCRIPTION: • The project includes: - Introduction of double-track traffic; - Increase of speed; - Reconstruction of civil and electrical engineering infrastructure; - Arraying railway stations and station premises. RESPONSIBLE PARTY: 24 RESPONSIBLE PARTY: Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure JSC „Serbia Railways“ PROJECT NAME: Reconstruction of railway section Strazevica (entry) – Jajinci – Mala Krsna (exclusively) INVESTOR: JSC „Serbia Railways“ CONTRACTOR: - SUPERVISION: Internal supervision of JSC „Serbia Railways“and “SAFEGE” consultancy PROJECTOR: Institute of Transport CIP STRATEGIC/ LEGAL BASIS: • • • • By the means of the realization of the project of the reconstruction of railway section Strazevica (entry) – Jajinci – Mala Krsna, parameters of railway infrastructure are promoted, and railway capacity, as well as safety and reliability of railway traffic are increased. Furthermore, the expenses for maintenance of railway infrastructure are reduced. • JSC „Serbia Railways“Commission is working on the revision of the Main project. PROJECT IMPORTANCE: PROJECT STATUS National strategy of Serbia for the EU accession Strategy for development of the railway, road, water, air and intermodal transport in the Republic of Serbia from 2008 until 2015 Credit contract signed between JSC „Serbia Railways“and European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD, on 27 January, 2012) INVESTMENT VALUE EUR 21,777,000 PROJECT START DATE 2015 PROJECT END DATE 2016 FUNDING Funds from the EBRD 5 loan • PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The project comprises of the execution of works on the reconstruction by overhaul of the elements of civil and electrical engineering infrastructure of railway section Strazevica (entry) – Jajinci – Mala Krsna (exclusively) from km 9+896 to km 67+800 on (Belgrade) – Rakovica – Rasputnica K1 – Jajinci – Mala Krsna – Velika Plana railway road. • Planned is as follows: - Reconstruction of c.57.9 km of single-track rail; - Ensuring parameters for the application of D4 category, meaning 22.5t axis pressure; - Arraying road crossing by installing rubber panels; - Replacing steel bridge constructions with concrete constructions; - Replacing switches; - Acquisition and instalment of new isolated systems in order to control a track availability; - Strengthening bottom layer. 25 RESPONSIBLE PARTY : Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure JSC „Serbia Railways“ PROJECT NAME: Reconstruction of the infrastructure of Mala Krsna railway station INVESTOR: JSC „Serbia Railways“ CONTRACTOR: - SUPERVISION: Internal supervision of JSC „Serbia Railways“and “SAFEGE” consultancy PROJECTOR: Institute of Transport CIP STRATEGIC/ LEGAL BASIS: PROJECT IMPORTANCE: PROJECT STATUS • • • National strategy of Serbia for the EU accession Strategy for development of the railway, road, water, air and intermodal transport in the Republic of Serbia from 2008 until 2015 Credit contract signed between JSC „Serbia Railways“and European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD, on 27 January, 2012 • • The project bears STRATEGIC importance. By the means of the reconstruction of the infrastructure of Mala Krsna railway station, parameters of railway infrastructure are promoted, and railway capacity and safety and reliability of railway traffic are increased. Furthermore, it is enabled for the development of economy and the gravitational area to be followed by a suitable railway capacity. • The production of project documentation is under way. INVESTMENT VALUE EUR 6,299,000 PROJECT START DATE 2015 PROJECT END DATE 2016 FUNDING Execution of works shall be financed by funds from EBRD 5 loan, whereas the production of the project documentation shall be financed by “Serbian Railway” funds. • PROJECT DESCRIPTION: 26 The project comprises of the production of technical documentation and execution of works on the reconstruction of the infrastructure of Mala Krsna station, from km 68+641 to km 69+722, on the railway road (Belgrade) – Rakovica – Rasputnica K1 – Jajinci – Mala Krsna – Velika Plana. • Planned is as follows: - Reconstruction of railway and station tracks; - Ensuring parameters for the allowed 225 KN axis pressure on the railway, and allowed 80 KN/m pressure per meter (D4 category); - Reconstruction and modernization of electrical engineering facilities and remote control system; - Reconstruction and substitution of electrical engineering infrastructure; - Reconstruction of the station premises. RESPONSIBLE PARTY: Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure JSC „Serbia Railways“ PROJECT NAME: Renovation of railway section Radinac – Mala Krsna INVESTOR: JSC „Serbia Railways“ CONTRACTOR: - SUPERVISION: Internal supervision of JSC „Serbia Railways“and “SAFEGE” consultancy PROJECTOR: Institute of Transport CIP STRATEGIC/ LEGAL BASIS: • • • • By the means of the renewal of a section of Radinac - Mala Krsna railway road, speed and safety of traffic are increased; transport capacity of the railway is increased, while transportation costs are decreased. Furthermore, provision of quality and reliable service of goods transportation in the region, as well as ameliorating the level of service of passenger transportation and the increase of the railway road’s competitiveness in comparison to other means of transport. • The production of project documentation is under way. PROJECT IMPORTANCE: PROJECT STATUS National strategy of Serbia for the EU accession Strategy for development of the railway, road, water, air and intermodal transport in the Republic of Serbia from 2008 until 2015 Credit contract signed between JSC „Serbia Railways“and European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD, on 27 January, 2012 INVESTMENT VALUE EUR 1,554,000 PROJECT START DATE 2015 PROJECT END DATE 2016 FUNDING: Funds from EBRD 5 loan • PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The project comprises of the production of technical documentation and execution of works on the reconstruction by overhaul of the elements of civil and electrical engineering infrastructure of a railway section Radinac (exclusively) – Mala Krsna (exclusively), from km 7+045 to km 10+871, on the railway road Smederevo – Mala Krsna. • Planned is as follows: - Reconstruction of c. 3.8 km of single-track rails; - Renovation of railway tracks and facilities with amelioration of the elements of the alignment for traffic at the speed of up to 80 km/h, 225 KN allowed axis pressure of the railway and 80 KN/m (category D4) allowed pressure per metre; - Providing UIC-C free profile; - Equipping the railway with the most up-to-date telecommunication and signalling security devices. 27 RESPONSIBLE PARTY : Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure JSC „Serbia Railways“ PROJECT NAME: Renovation of railway section Lapovo – Bagrdan (left and right railway track) INVESTOR: JSC „Serbia Railways“ CONTRACTOR: - SUPERVISION: Internal supervision of JSC „Serbia Railways“and “SAFEGE” consultancy PROJECTOR: Institute of Transport CIP STRATEGIC/ LEGAL BASIS: • • • • • PROJECT IMPORTANCE: • • The project bears STRATEGIC importance. Railway section Lapovo – Bagrdan is a section within Belgrade – Nis railway and is of utmost importance at Corridor X, that is, at the JSC „Serbia Railways“ network, via which the largest scope of transit traffic is conducted. By realizing this project, the parameters of railway infrastructure are promoted, railway capacity is increased and the reliability in railway transport is fortified. Furthermore, the following is accomplished: Enabling safe, fast, secure and efficient railway traffic; Quality integration of JSC „Serbia Railways“ into the transportation system of Europe; Increase of the quality of service of transportation of people and goods and increase in the company’s efficiency; Interoperability of railroads on Corridor X; Competitiveness of railway in comparison to other means of transport. • Production of project documentation is under way. • • • PROJECT STATUS National strategy of Serbia for the EU accession Strategy for development of the railway, road, water, air and intermodal transport in the Republic of Serbia from 2008 until 2015 Credit contract signed between JSC „Serbia Railways“and European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD, on 27 January, 2012 INVESTMENT VALUE EUR 7,790,000 PROJECT START DATE 2015 PROJECT END DATE 2016 FUNDING Funds from EBRD 5 loan • PROJECT DESCRIPTION: 28 The project comprises of the production of technical documentation and execution of works on the reconstruction by overhaul of the elements of civil and electrical engineering infrastructure of railway section Lapovo Putnicka (exclusively) – Bagrdan (exclusively), left and right track, from km 110+200 to km 119+649, on the railway road Belgrade - Mladenovac – Nis – Presevo – border with FYI Macedonia. • Planned is as follows: - Reconstruction of 9.5 km of double-track rails; - Providing parameters for the application of 225 KN allowed axis pressure of the railway and 80 KN/m (category D4) allowed pressure per metre. - Civil engineering arraying of road crossing by installing rubber panels. RESPONSIBLE PARTY : Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure JSC „Serbia Railways“ PROJECT NAME: Renovation of railway section Bagrdan – Jagodine (right railway track) INVESTOR: JSC „Serbia Railways“ CONTRACTOR: - SUPERVISION: Internal supervision of JSC „Serbia Railways“and “SAFEGE” consultancy PROJECTOR: Institute of Transport CIP STRATEGIC/ LEGAL BASIS: • • • • • PROJECT IMPORTANCE: • • • • • National strategy of Serbia for the EU accession Strategy for development of the railway, road, water, air and intermodal transport in the Republic of Serbia from 2008 until 2015 Credit contract signed between JSC „Serbia Railways“and European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD, on 27 January, 2012 The project bears STRATEGIC importance. Railway section Bagrdan - Jagodina is a section of Belgrade – Nis railway road, the most important railway road at Corridor X, via which the largest scope of transit traffic is conducted. By realizing this project, the parameters of railway infrastructure are promoted. Reliability and safety of traffic at Corridor X section are increased; Railway capacity – capacity of the lines, is increased. Competitiveness of railway in comparison to other means of transport; Increase of the quality of service of passengers and gods transportation; Enabling safe, fast, secure and efficient railway traffic. PROJECT STATUS Production of project documentation is under way. INVESTMENT VALUE EUR 6,169,000 PROJECT START DATE 2015 PROJECT END DATE 2016 FUNDING Execution of works shall be financed by funds from EBRD 5 loan, whereas the production of the project documentation shall be financed by “Serbian Railway” funds. • PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The project comprises of the production of technical documentation and execution of works on the reconstruction by overhaul of the elements of civil and electrical engineering infrastructure of railway section Bagrdan (exclusively) – Jagodina (exclusively), right railway track, from km 120+799 to km 134+691, on the railway road Belgrade - Mladenovac – Nis – Presevo – border with FYI Macedonia. • Planned is as follows: - Renovation of railway tracks and facilities with amelioration of the elements of the alignment for traffic at the speed of up to 80 km/h, 225 KN allowed axis pressure of the railway and 80 KN/m (category D4) allowed pressure per metre; - Reconstruction of civil and electrical engineering infrastructure; - Installation of rubber panels at road crossings; - Reconstruction of station premises; - Replacement of bridge thresholds on bridges. 29 RESPONSIBLE PARTY: PROJECT NAME: INVESTOR: CONTRACTOR: SUPERVISION: PROJECTOR: STRATEGIC/ LEGAL BASIS: PROJECT IMPORTANCE: PROJECT STATUS INVESTMENT VALUE PROJECT START DATE PROJECT END DATE Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure JSC „Serbia Railways“ Renovation of railway section Paracin – Cicevac (right track) “JSC Serbian Railways” Internal supervision of JSC „Serbia Railways“and “SAFEGE” consultancy Institute of Transport CIP • National strategy of Serbia for the EU accession • Strategy for development of the railway, road, water, air and intermodal transport in the Republic of Serbia from 2008 until 2015 • Credit contract signed between JSC „Serbia Railways“and European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD, on 27 January, 2012 • The project bears STRATEGIC importance • Railway section Paracin - Cicevac is a section of Belgrade – Nis railway road, the most important railway road at Corridor X, or at the JSC „Serbia Railways“ network, via which the largest scope of transit traffic is conducted. By realizing this project, the parameters of railway infrastructure are promoted, railway capacity is increased and the reliability in railway transport is fortified. • Furthermore, the following is accomplished: - Enabling safe, fast, secure and efficient railway traffic; - Quality integration of JSC „Serbia Railways“ into the transport system of Europe; - Increase of the quality of service of transportation of people and goods and increase in the company’s efficiency; - Interoperability of railway roads on Corridor X; - Competitiveness of railway in comparison to other means of transport. Production of project documentation is under way. EUR 6,147,000 2015 2016 Execution of works shall be financed by funds from EBRD 5 loan, whereas the production of the project documentation shall be financed by “Serbian Railway” funds. FUNDING • PROJECT DESCRIPTION: 30 The project comprises of the production of technical documentation and execution of works on the reconstruction by overhaul of the elements of civil and electrical engineering infrastructure of railway section Paracin (exclusively) – Cicevac (exclusively), right railway track, from km 155+700 to km 170+950, on the railway road Belgrade - Mladenovac – Nis – Presevo – border with FYI Macedonia. • Planned is as follows: - Overhaul of c.15.3 km of the existing right railway track; - Replacement of switches; - Acquisition and instalment of new isolated systems in order to control a track availability; - Strengthening bottom layer; - Providing parameters for the application of 225 KN allowed axis pressure of the railway and 80 KN/m (category D4) allowed pressure per metre. RESPONSIBLE PARTY: Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure JSC „Serbia Railways“ PROJECT NAME: Renovation of railway section Cicevac – Stalac (left railways track) INVESTOR: JSC „Serbia Railways“ CONTRACTOR: - SUPERVISION: Internal supervision of JSC „Serbia Railways“and “SAFEGE” consultancy PROJECTOR: Institute of Transport CIP STRATEGIC/ LEGAL BASIS: • • • • • PROJECT IMPORTANCE: • • • • PROJECT STATUS • National strategy of Serbia for the EU accession Strategy for development of the railway, road, water, air and intermodal transport in the Republic of Serbia from 2008 until 2015 Credit contract signed between JSC „Serbia Railways“and European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), on 27 January, 2012 The project bears STRATEGIC importance. Railway section Cicevac - Stalac is a section of Belgrade – Nis railway road, the most important railway road at Corridor X, or at the JSC „Serbia Railways“ network, via which the largest scope of transit traffic is conducted. Promotion of the parameters of railway infrastructure; Increase of railway capacity and infrastructure reliability; Increase of the quality of service of passengers and goods transportation and increase in the company’s efficiency; Competitiveness of JSC „Serbia Railways“ in comparison to other means of transport on alignments toward Nis and central and south Serbia cities. Production of project documentation is under way. INVESTMENT VALUE EUR 1,720,000 PROJECT START DATE 2016 PROJECT END DATE 2017 FUNDING Execution of works shall be financed by funds from EBRD 5 loan, whereas the production of the project documentation shall be financed by “Serbian Railway” funds. • PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The project comprises production of technical documentation and execution of works on the reconstruction by overhaul of the elements of civil and electrical engineering infrastructure of railway section Cicevac (exclusively) – Stalac (exclusively), left railway track, from km 171+850 to km 175+700, on the railway road Belgrade - Mladenovac – Nis – Presevo – border with FYI Macedonia. • Planned is as follows: - Renovation of the existing left track on the section in the length of 3.9 km; - Replacing switches; - Strengthening bottom layer through installation of tampon; - Installation of rubber panels on road crossings; - Reconstruction and modernization of electrical engineering facilities and system for remote control of electrical engineering facilities; - Overhaul and replacement of electrical engineering infrastructure; - Ensuring parameters for the application of D4 category. 31 RESPONSIBLE PARTY: PROJECT NAME: INVESTOR: CONTRACTOR: SUPERVISION: PROJECTOR: STRATEGIC/ LEGAL BASIS: PROJECT IMPORTANCE: PROJECT STATUS 32 Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure JSC „Serbia Railways“ Reconstruction and construction of the second railway track on the section Pancevacki Bridge – Pancevo Main station on the railway road Belgrade Centre – Pancevo Main station – Vrsac –border with Romania. JSC „Serbia Railways“ RZD International DB International Institute of Transport “CIP” • Agreement between the Government of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Republic of Serbia regarding approving a state export loan to the Government of the Republic of Serbia for financing the delivery of goods, work and services for “JSC Serbian Railways”, dated 11 January, 2013 (confirmed on the territory of the Republic of Serbia by the Law on Confirmation of the Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Serbia and the Government of the Russian Federation, dated 15 March, 2013, published in “Official Gazette of RS – International contracts” No 3/13), including the following amendments and annexes, concluded on 10 December, 2013 in Belgrade, between “RZD International” and JSC „Serbia Railways“; • ANNEX No1 ON THE CONSTRUCTION OF OBJECT “The second railway track on the railway section Pancevacki bridge – Pancevo Main station” (km 4+742 – km 19+600, total length 14,858m) within railway road Belgrade Centre – Pancevo Main station – Vrsac – state border with Romania”, along the Contract on execution of works on the construction of railway infrastructure and delivery of diesel engine trains No300/2013427/1, dated 10 December, 2013; • EU documents – the first, second and third railway package, UIC railway plan; • National strategy of Serbia for Serbia and Montenegro accession to the EU; • Strategy for the development of the railway, road, water, air and intermodal transport in the Republic of Serbia from 2008 until 2015 • The main international trunk railway road E66: Belgrade Centre – Pancevo Main station – Vrsac – state border with Romania, connects our country with the neighbouring Romania, and via Romania, to Eastern European countries (Ukraine, Moldova, and Russia). • Railway road Belgrade Centre – Pancevo Main station – Vrsac and further on to Timisoara connects pan-European traffic corridors 10 and 7 (intersecting in Belgrade) with pan-European corridor 4, which passes through Timisoara. • On the railway section Pancevacki Bridge – Pancevo, in the length of 15 km, the railway road is single-tracked and electrified, thus the project plans for the construction of the second track. The construction of the second track will significantly increase the railway capacity, reduce the time of travel of people and goods, as well as the overall time period for all transit trains. • By means of the project realization, the following is accomplished: - Amelioration of quality and safety of the transport of people and goods, as the reliability of infrastructure is significantly improved; - Enabling a suitable railway capacity to follow economic development; - Completion of a railway road connecting Corridor 10 and 7 to Corridor 4; - Reduction of costs for maintenance of railway infrastructure and transportation means. • Works commenced in March 2014. EUR 56.960.000 2013. 2016. Russian Federation Loan to Serbia with the down payment of 15% • • Project includes construction of the second track on the section Pancevacki Most - Pancevo Glavna from km 4+742 until km 19+600, within railway Belgrade Center - Pancevo Glavna - Vrsac - Romanian border, as well as the delivery of construction material and performance of works. Works entail performance of works on the substructure and superstructure of the railway, construction of the second track on Pancevacki Bridge, reconstruction of stations and station facilities, reconstruction of road crossings, performance of electro-technical works on the electrification of the second track with the installation of signal-safety telecommunication network. 33 RESPONSIBLE PARTY: PROJECT NAME: INVESTOR: CONTRACTOR: SUPERVISION: DESIGNER: STRATEGIC/LEGAL FRAMEWORK: PROJECT IMPORTANCE: 34 Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure JSC „Serbia Railways“ Reconstruction of 6 sections on Corridor X JSC „Serbia Railways“ RZD International Institute of transportation “CIP” • Agreement between the Government of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Republic of Serbia on granting state export credit to the Government of the Republic of Serbia, dated 11 January 2013, for financing the supply of goods, works and services for JSC „Serbia Railways“ (confirmed in the territory of the Republic of Serbia by means of the Bill on “Confirmation of the Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Serbia and the Government of the Russian Federation Granting a State Export Credit to the Government of the Republic of Serbia” dated 15 March 2013, published in the Official Gazette of RS – International Agreements No. 3/13), including subsequent amendments to the same, concluded on 10 December 2013 in Belgrade between “RZD International”and JSC „Serbia Railways“; • ANNEX № 2 dated 16 October 2014 “Reconstruction of infrastructure facilities of the Republic of Serbia railways in the total length of 112221 m within the scope of the development of the European Transport Corridor X” to the Contract on the performance of works on the construction of railway infrastructureand supply of diesel engine trains № 300/2013-427/1 dated 10 December 2013; • Annex 2.1. for the reconstruction of three north sections on Corridor X, in the total length of 65.7 km, in the value of 48.7 million dollars, 16 October 2014. • The EU Documents – The First, Second and Third Railway Package, UIC Railway Plan; • National Strategy of Serbia for the Serbia and Montenegro’s accession to the European Union; • Strategy of railway, road, inland waterway, air and intermodal transport development in the Republic of Serbia 2008 – 2015. - The trunk railway Belgrade-Nis is a part of the Pan-European Corridor X, in the total length of 243 km. The railway line was electrified with single-phase system of 25 kV/50 Hzin the period from 1971 to 1974 and fitted with the SS and ТТ systems, the generation of whichdates back to the late 60s. - Tunnels and railway crossings on the railway line are in poor condition and pose potential danger and traffic safety hazard, as well as the limiting factor in the technology of work. - Through the implementation of the subject projects, the following objects will be achieved: - Increase inthe reliability of the construction and electric and technical infrastructure, - Enhanced traffic safety, - Increase in the railway capacity, - Introduction of new services in passenger and freight traffic, thus meeting the needs of existing users and attracting new transport services users, - Creating conditions for development and application of intermodal transport systems, - Enhanced traffic safety and shorter travel duration, - Provision of UIC-C clearance in this part of the railway line, - Quality railway integration of the Serbian Railways in the European transport system, - Interoperability of railways on Corridor X, - Improvement of the railway connection with Bulgarian and Macedonian railways. - Upgrade of the quality of passenger and freight transport services, - Quality railway connection between Belgrade – Bar railway line and Belgrade – Nis railway line, - Competitiveness of Serbian Railways with respect to other modes of transport on the routes to Nis and the cities in central and south Serbia, • • Activities on defining the elements of the Annex are underway, after which the works schedule will be defined and works commenced. Technical Documentation prepared: Project title PROJECT STATUS: INVESTMENT VALUE: PROJECT START DATE: PROJECT END DATE: FUNDING: PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Section length (km) Value of investment (€) Reconstruction of railway section Sopot Kosmajski – Kovacevac 18.4 5.39 Reconstruction of railway section Mala Krsna – Velika Plana 29.5 6.99 Reconstruction of railway section Golubinci – Ruma 17.9 5.97 Reconstruction of railway section 15.0 Vinarce – Leskovac – Djordjevo Reconstruction of railway section 17.7 Vranjska Banja – Ristovac Reconstruction of railway section 13.8 Bujanovac – Bukarevac 90,000,000.00 dollars Technical documentation status Main Design with Technical Control and Building Licence drawn up Main Design with Technical Control and Building Licence drawn up Main Design with Technical Control and Building Licence drawn up 3.36 Main Design with Technical Control drawn up 2.48 Main Design with Technical Control drawn up 3.13 Main Design with Technical Control drawn up Year 2013 Year 2015 Credit of the Government of the Russian Federation with the participation of the Republic of Serbia in the credit in the amount of 15%. • The project comprises the preparation of technical documentation and performance of works on the following sections: - Sopot Kosmajski – Kovacevac, - Mala Krsna – Velika Plana, - Golubinci – Ruma, - Bujanovac – Bukarevac, - Vranjska Banja – Ristovac, - Vinarce – Leskovac – Djordjevo, • The projects comprise the performance of the following works: - Reconstruction of tracks with the upgrade of alignment elements; increase in the traintraffic speed and the allowed axle load on the railroad of 225 KN and the allowed load of 80 KN/m as per 1 meter of length, - Reconstruction, repair or replacement of bridges and culverts, - Reconstruction and repair of tunnels, - Reconstruction of tracks and station facilities, - Rehabilitationof signalling and safety devices, telecommunications and contact linesystem 35 RESPONSIBLE PARTY: PROJECT NAME: INVESTOR: CONTRACTOR: SUPERVISION: DESIGNER: STRATEGIC/LEGAL FRAMEWORK: PROJECT IMPORTANCE: 36 Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure JSC „Serbia Railways“ Reconstruction, modernization and construction of a double-track line on Stara Pazova – Novi Sad section of the railway line (Belgrade) –Stara Pazova – Indjija –Subotica – Hungarian border JSC „Serbia Railways“ RZD International Institute of transportation “CIP” • Agreement between the Government of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Republic of Serbia on granting state export credit to the Government of the Republic of Serbia, dated 11 January 2013, for financing the supply of goods, works and services for JSC „Serbia Railways“ (confirmed in the territory of the Republic of Serbia by means of the Bill on “Confirmation of the Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Serbia and the Government of the Russian Federation Granting a State Export Credit to the Government of the Republic of Serbia” dated 15 March 2013, published in the Official Gazette of RS – International Agreements No. 3/13), including subsequent amendments to the same, concluded on 10 December 2013 in Belgrade between “RZD International” and “JSC Serbian Railways”; • ANNEX № 3 ON THE FACILITY CONSTRUCTION “Reconstruction, modernization and construction of a double-track line on Stara Pazova – Novi Sad section on the railway line(Belgrade) – Stara Pazova – Indjija – Subotica – Hungarian state border”to the Contract on the performance of works on the construction of railway infrastructure and supply of diesel engine trains № 300/2013-427/1 dated 10 December 2013; • National Strategy of Serbia for the Serbia and Montenegro’s accession to the European Union; • Strategy of railway, road, inland waterway, air and intermodal transport development in the Republic of Serbia 2008 – 2015. • The Spatial Planof the Republic of Serbia, 2010–2020, stipulates a longterm development program for the Corridor X railway infrastructure. The reconstruction, construction and modernization of the existing Corridor X railway lines (Е-70 and Е-85) through Serbiahas been planned with the aim of obtaining high-performance, electrified, double-track railway lines for mixed traffic (passenger and freight) and combined transport, in accordance with the needs, the ratified European Agreements (AGC, AGTC, SEECP), as well as the Trans-European Railway Network Interoperability Standards (TSI). The commercial speed should be at least130 km/h for passenger trains, with minimum designed speed up to 160 km/h. • The Republic of Serbia and JSC „Serbia Railways“are planning the reconstruction, modernization and construction of a modern double-track railway lineЕ-85: Belgrade – Novi Sad – Subotica – Hungarian border – (Kelebia), which represents a section of the railway Corridor Xb: Belgrade – Budapest, as one of the priorities of the railway infrastructure development. • This railway line is of great internal. as well as international importance both for passenger and freight transport. Within the international traffic, it represents the shortest and the most cost-effective railway lineconnecting Belgrade and Serbia with Budapest and Viennaand,via the latter, with parts of Central, Western and Eastern Europe, as well as a transit connection with Greece and the Middle East. • The existing railway(Belgrade) –Stara Pazova –Novi Sad–Subotica – Hungarian border - (Kelebia) in the length of 150 km was built in 1883 as a single-track railway line, nowadays with worn out superstructure and substracture and a large number of restricted speed trips and and slow rides. • • • PROJECT STATUS: • • • • INVESTMENT VALUE: Train travel time from Belgrade to Budapest, across the distance of around 350 km, today amounts to over 8 hours including border waiting time, at a commercial speed of around 43km/h. The objective is to increase the speed and substantially shorten the travel duration. Through the implementation of the subject project, the following abjectives will be achieved: - Increase in the reliability of the construction and electric and technical infrastructure, - Enhanced traffic safety, - Increase in the railway capacity, with significant shortening of tripduration on the subject section, - Introduction of new services in the passenger and freight traffic, thus meeting the needs of existing users and attracting new transport services users, - Creating conditions for development and application of intermodal transport systems, - Enhanced traffic safety and shorter travel duration, - Provision of UIC-C clearance in this part of the railway line, - Quality railway integration of the Serbian Railways in the European transport system, - Upgrade of the quality of passenger and freight transport services, - Increase in competitiveness of Serbian Railways with respect to other modes of transport. The following documentation has been prepared for the subject project: - General Design for the reconstruction and modernization of the railway line(Belgrade) – Stara Pazova – Novi Sad – Subotica – Hungarian state border; - Preliminary Design for the reconstruction and modernization of the railway(Belgrade) – Stara Pazova – Novi Sad, with a Preliminary Report of the State Revision Committe; - Preliminary Design for the reconstruction, modernization and construction of a double-track line Belgrade –Novi Sad –Subotica – Hungarian border for the railway section from km 60+596 to km 67+828,the version in the Sremski Karlovci area; - Detailed regulation plans for the municipalities of Stara Pazova, Indjija and Novi Sad, adopted by the respective general assemblies, by means of Letter No. 300/2014-241 dated 14 February 2014; - Draft of the detailed regulation planfor the area of Sremski Karlovci municipality,submitted to the Sremski Karlovci municipality administration for public review and adoption by the Sremski Karlovci municipality assembly; - Investment Study of the reconstruction and modernization of the railway line(Belgrade) – Stara Pazova – Novi Sad (the preparation of the study was financed from IPA fund); - Environmental Impact Assessment Study; The preparation of the Detailed Design is envisaged to be implemented with the Russian Federation credit funds. The Design Assignment has been prepared and agreed upon and the documentation will be drawn up immediately upon signing the annex for this component of the credit. On 10 October 2014, “RZD Inernational”and the Institute of Transportation CIPconcluded a Contract on the preparation of the stated design documentation, in the value of 9 million dollars. The estimated investment value for the preparation of the missing documentation and performance of works amounts to 370,000,000 EUR. For the purpose of project implementation, it is necessary to provide the funds for participation in the credit (15% of the investment valuе), funds for indirect and overhead costs (preliminary estimated at 1,523,000 EUR), funds for the expropriation of land necessary for construction (preliminary estimated at 5,670,000 EUR, however, the amount will be known upon completion of the design documentation). 37 PROJECT START DATE: PROJECT END DATE: Year 2018 The credit of the Government of the Russian Federation with the participation of the Republic of Serbia in the amount of 15% (in order to proceed with the signing of Annex № 3, the Republic of Serbia needs to provide the participation in the credit in the amount of 15 %) • FUNDING: - PROJECT DESCRIPTION: - - 38 The project comprises reconstruction, modernization and construction of a double-track railway lineon Stara Pazova – Novi Sad section, with alignment elements for speed up to 200 km/h and electricand technical plants, in the first phase, for speeds up to 160 km/h. The modernized railway should facilitate fast, safe and highcapacity railway connection between Belgrade and Novi Sad, and eventually to Subotica and Budapest, namely it should enable a high level of railway services for passenger and freight transportation, along with the implementation of necessary environmental protection measures. A quality connection between Corridor Xb and Corridor X on route Indjija – Golubinci has also been envisaged within this section. The project comprises the performance of the following works: Modernization, reconstruction and construction of tracks with the upgrade of the alignment elements for traffic speed of up to 160 km/h and the allowed raiway line axle load of 225 KN and the allowed load of80 KN/m (category D4)per one meter of length, Reconstruction and construction of bridges and culverts, Reconstruction and construction of tunnels, Reconstruction and construction of tracks and station facilities, Modernization and reconstruction of signalling and safety devices, telecommunications and the contact line system, Delevelling of railway crossings and the construction of parallel roads and access roads towards the railway line facilities. RESPONSIBLE PARTY: PROJECT NAME: INVESTOR: CONTRACTOR: SUPERVISION: DESIGNER: STRATEGIC/LEGAL FRAMEWORK: PROJECT IMPORTANCE: Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure JSC „Serbia Railways“ Overhaul and reconstruction of the railway line(Belgrade) Resnik –Vrbnica – Montenegrian Border JSC „Serbia Railways“ RZD International Institute of transportation “CIP” • Agreement between the Government of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Republic of Serbia on granting state export credit to the Government of the Republic of Serbia, dated 11 January 2013, for financing the supply of goods, works and services for JSC „Serbia Railways“ (confirmed in the territory of the Republic of Serbia by means of the Bill on “Confirmation of the Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Serbia and the Government of the Russian Federation Granting a State Export Credit to the Government of the Republic of Serbia” dated 15 March 2013, published in the Official Gazette of RS – International Agreements No. 3/13), including subsequent amendments to the same, concluded on 10 December 2013 in Belgrade between “RZD International” and JSC “Serbian Railways; • ANNEX № 4 ON THE FACILITY CONSTRUCTION “Overhaul and reconstruction of the railway line (Belgrade) Resnik–Vrbnica – Montenegrian Border”to the Contract on the performance of works on the construction of railway infrastructure and supply of diesel engine trains № 300/2013-427/1 dated 10 December 2013; • The EU Documents – The First, Second and Third Railway Package, UIC Railway Plan; • National Strategy of Serbia for the Serbia and Montenegro’s accession to the European Union; • Strategy of railway, road, inland waterway, air and intermodal transport development in the Republic of Serbia 2008 – 2015. • The project is of a strategic nature. • Railway line Belgrade – Bar (Е-79), in the length of 454.8 km, connects the Republic of Serbia and the Republic of Montenegro. This railway line is of great international, regional, as well as national importance, especially for the development of business relations of Serbia, Montenegro, Albania and Italy. It represents a direct railway line between the Adriatic – Ionian Basin and Paneuropean transport Corridors X and VII (the Danube), and farther towards all the central and Eastern European countries, from the viewpoint of a strategic position of Belgrade. • The significance of the railway line has been acknowledged through AGC and AGTC Agreements. The national significance of the railway line for Serbia has been emphasized by the Spatial Planof the Republic of Serbia from 2010 to 2020, which envisages the rehabilitation of the existing single-track railway line (Belgrade) – Resnik – Vrbnica. • Through the implementation of the subject project, the following objectives will be achieved: - Increase in the reliability of the construction and electric and technical infrastructure, - Enhanced traffic safety, - Increase in the railway capacity, - Introduction of new services in passenger and freight traffic, thus meeting the needs of existing users and attracting new transport services users, - Creating conditions for the development and application of intermodal transport systems, - Enhanced traffic safety and shorter travel duration, - Provision of UIC-C clearance in this part of the railway line, 39 - Quality railway integration of the Serbian Railways in the European transport system, - Upgrade of the quality of passenger and freight transport services, - quality railway connection of Belgrade – Bar railtrack with Belgrade – Nis railtrack, - Competitiveness of Serbian Railways with respect to other modes of transport on the routes to Montenegro and the Port of Bar. Preparatory acivities for the design documentation preparation are underway. Since a portion of the credit funds has been intended for financing the preparation of the documentation, the preparation of the same will commence immediately upon the signing of the annex for this credit component. 198,000,000 EUR For the purpose of project implementation, it is necessary to provide the funds for participation in the credit (15% of the investment valuе), indirect and overhead costs (preliminary estimated at 1,620,000 EUR), as well as funds for VAT. • PROJECT STATUS: • INVESTMENT VALUE: PROJECT START DATE: PROJECT END DATE: Year 2015 Year 2018 The credit of the Government of the Russian Federation with the participation of the Republic of Serbia in the amount of 15% (in order to proceed with the signing of Annex № 4, the Republic of Serbia needs to provide the participation in the credit in the amount of 15 %). FUNDING: - PROJECT DESCRIPTION: - - 40 The project objective is the main repair of the existing railway infrastructure for reestablishing the projected railway line parameters. The prepared Technical and Economic Study for the rehabilitation of the railway line Belgrade–Bar has indicated the viability of investing in the envisaged works and represents a sound basis for the preparation of the necessary technical documentation for a portion of the railway line in the territory of the Republic of Serbia. The project comprises the performance of the following works: Reconstruction of the tracks with the upgrade of the alignment elements for traffic at designed speeds and the allowed railway line load of 225 KN and the allowed load of 80 KN/m per 1 meter of length (category D4), Reconstruction, repair or replacement of bridges and culverts, Reconstruction and repair of tunnels, Reconstruction of tracks and station facilities, Rehabilitation of signalling and safety devices, telecommunications and the contact line system RESPONSIBLE PARTY: PROJECT NAME: INVESTOR: CONTRACTOR: SUPERVISION: DESIGNER: STRATEGIC/LEGA L FRAMEWORK: PROJECT IMPORTANCE: PROJECT STATUS: INVESTMENT VALUE: PROJECT START DATE: PROJECT END DATE: FUNDING: PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure JSC „Serbia Railways“ Construction of the main railway station Belgrade Center (Phase I) JSC „Serbia Railways“ Consortium Energoprojekt Beogradcvor with internal JSC „Serbia Railways“ supervision Institute of transportation “CIP” • Loan Agreement (No. 858) between JSC „Serbia Railways“ and Kuwait Fund for Arab Economic Development, dated 10 December 2012, • Guarantee Agreement between the Republic of Serbia and Kuwait Fund for Arab Economic Development, • Annex to the Loan Agreement, • National Strategy of Serbia for the Serbia and Montenegro’s accession to the European Union; • The project is of strategic importance. • The project is significant for the improvement of the railway infrastructure on Corridor X, as well as for the displacement of the main Belgrade train station from the city center. • Design Documentation for the Project is prepared. • Tender procedure for contractor selection was initiated in January. After publishing the amendments to the tender documentation together with additional explanations by JSC „Serbia Railways“ related to the implemented public procurement procedure, KFAEDgave their consent to the submitted report on the technical bids assessment, on 19 May 2014. • After the confirmation of JSC „Serbia Railways“ that pursuant to the Loan Agreement they are obligated to provide all additional funds in order to cover any shortage in the financing of this agreement, conditions have been fulfilled for launching the procedures for the conclusion of a contract between JSC „Serbia Railways“ and the Consortium headed by Energoprojekt company. • Board of Directors of JSC „Serbia Railways“reached a Decision, on 4 June 2014, on the contract award to the best bidder, the Consortium headed by Energoprojekt company. The contract with Energoprojekt was signed on 12 August 2014 and the works are expected to commence immediately upon the advance payment effected by the Kuwait Development Fund. 10,000,000 KWD 27,497,399.41 EUR Year 2013 Year 2015 • Kuwait Fund for Arab Economic Development (KFAED) Provision of works on the reconstruction of capacities for acceptance, dispatch and traffic control at the railway station Belgrade Center – Phase I includes: - Construction of tracks 3, 4, 7 and 8 and railway yard, - Reconstruction of existing ballasted tracks 9 and 10 – construction of ballastless track - Procurement of superstructure materials for tracks 1 and 2, - Finishing works inunderpasses and on platforms, - Construction and installation of the information system with pictograms for passenger notification and directions, - Repair of slab waterproofing at the level 105, - Contact line and construction of 4 power substations 25/023 кV, - Electric power supply installations in the underpasses and platforms, - Telecommunication systems and installations in underpasses and on platforms, - Dispatching devices and local cable network - Securing of the station Belgrade Center, open line junction Karadjordjev Park and open line junction Dedinjewith electronic signalling and safety devices, - Reconstruction of the station signal box. 41 RESPONSIBLE PARTY PROJECT NAME: INVESTOR: CONTRACTOR: SUPERVISION: DESIGNER: STRATEGIC/ LEGAL FRAMEWORK: Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure JSC „Serbia Railways“ Reconstruction of the section Sicevo-Stanicenje on the railway line Nis - Dimitrovgrad JSC „Serbia Railways“ Consortium “Intekon Enixus” • Protocol between the Government of the Republic of Serbia and the Government of the Czech Republic to the Agreement on economic cooperation between the Council of Ministers of Serbia and Monte Negro and the Government of the Czech Republic was signed on 4th May 2010, • The Framework Agreement between JSC „Serbia Railways“ and Consortium “Inekon Enixus” on the execution of the project entitled “Reconstruction and modernization of Nis – Dimitrovgrad railway line” was singed on 16 November 2010, • The Government of the Republic of Serbia brought a conclusion to adopt the Report on negotiations with the representatives of the Czech consortium “IntekonEnixus” on 11 November 2010, • Individual contractor agreement was signed on 03 October 2014 between JSC „Serbia Railways“ and consortium “Intekon Enixus”, • Strategy for railway, road, inland waterway, air and intermodal transport development in the Republic of Serbia from 2008 to 2015, • National strategy of Serbia for the accession to European Union. • • PROJECT IMPORTANCE: • • PROJECT STATUS: - - 42 Adapting to the conditions of the single European market requires the removal of“bottlenecks”, intensification of transport communications, improvement and creation of infrastructural and other conditions for organization and transport of passengers and freight, and transit in particular. Single track Nis – Dimitrovgrad line is the only railway line of Corridor X which is not electrified. In the present circumstances, because of the poor state of the civil infrastructure along the Nis – Dimitrovgrad railway section, a large number of speed restrictions have been introduced causing significant extension of driving time and unreliable train timetable. The aim of the project for reconstruction of Nis – Dimitrovgrad line is to render this line, as well as all other lines of Corridor X, on the territory of Serbia, restored, safe, reliable, electrified, equipped with the latest signalling, safety and telecommunication equipment and included in the remote control system. A part of the works on the reconstruction and modernisation of Nis – Dimitrovgrad line was implemented in the period 2003 - 2005. Within the Railways Rehabilitation Project I, the first phase of modernisation of Nis – Dimitrovgrad railway line was carried out, i.e: The border station of Dimitrovgrad was reconstructed and converted into a joint border station in accordance with interstate agreements between Bulgarian and Serbian Railways, The railway line from Dimitrovgrad station to the Bulgarian border in the length of 7 km was overhauled, and Dimitrovrgrad station and level crossings were electrified and furnished with the up-to-date digital signaling, safety and telecommunication equipment, Repair and reconstruction of 6 tunnels and 20 bridges was carried out along the entire railway line in order to provide the necessary bearing capacity and clearance for electrification of the railway and combined transport in accordance with AGC and AGTC standards. • • INVESTMENT VALUE: PROJECT START DATE: PROJECT END DATE: year 2015 • FUNDING: • • PROJECT DESCRIPTION: As part of the reconstruction and modernisation of the railway line Nis – Dimitrovgrad (Railways Rehabilitation project II), in 2006 technical documentation was prepared for the reconstruction and modernisation of 60 km long Cele Kula-Stanicenje section. The last phase of modernisation of the railway line Nis – Dimitrovgrad – Bulgarian border is the Project of electrification and modernisation of safety and telecommunication equipment of the railway line from Nis to Dimitrovgrad in the length of 98 km. The preparation of the required design documentation will be funded by the Czech Export Bank as defined by the Individual Contractor Agreement singed on 11 September 2014 between “Serbian Railways“ and Consortium “ Inekon Enixus”. The following step is signing a Loan Agreement which is currently under negotiation between the Ministry of Finance and the Czech Export Bank. It is estimated that 120 million EUR would be needed for the reconstruction and modernization of the railway line. The first phase involves carrying out the construction works on the part of the railway from Sicevo to Stanicenje and preparation of the required design documentation in the value of 54,950,000 EUR - year 2017 The implementation of the first phase – Reconstruction of the railway section Sicevo – Stanicenje shall be funded by a loan of 54.950.000 EUR from the Czech Export Bank. No funding sources have been defined for the execution of works, nor the indirect expenses and overheads (preliminary estimated at EUR 550.000) and expropriation. The project involves the following: Reconstruction and modernisation of railway and station tracks of the railway line Nis - Dimitrovgrad. Electrification of the Nis - Dimitrovgrad line, Modernisation of signalling and safety equipment, Outfitting the railway with modern telecommunication equipment. 43 RESPONSIBLE PARTY: Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure JSC „Serbia Railways“ PROJECT NAME: Post-flood rehabilitation of railway infrastructure (phase 1) on parts of railway lines Resnik - Vrbnica, Sabac - Zvornik INVESTOR: JSC „Serbia Railways“ CONTRACTOR: Meta Balkan for the railway section km 88+ 165 to km 88+180 SUPERVISION: Internal JSC „Serbia Railways“ supervision DESIGNER: STRATEGIC/ LEGAL FRAMEWORK: Institute of Transportation CIP PROJECT IMPORTANCE: • Law on Post-Flood Rehabilitation in the Republic of Serbia (Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia, vol. 75/14) • Floods afflicting central and western Serbia in May 2014 caused major damages to the railway infrastructure. Floodwaters have completely destroyed railway infrastructure on certain sections of the railway lines (Belgrade) – Resnik – Vrbnica – Montenegro border and Sabac – Zvornik, completly disrupting the traffic there. By implementing the railway infrastructure rehabilitation projects in the flood-affected areas, regular passenger and freight railway traffic shall be restored, which shall have multiple economic impact. Technical documentation has been prepared for all railway sections scheduled for work. Works have been completed on the railway section Ruma – Sabac – Zvornik, from km 38+000 tо km 40+400, and the traffic re-established. The selection of contractor to carry out the works on other railway sections is underway. • • • PROJECT STATUS: • INVESTMENT VALUE: PROJECT START DATE: PROJECT END DATE: FUNDING: 5,162,000 EUR year 2014 year 2014 Funded by JSC JSC „Serbia Railways“ • • The projects envisage the performance of rehabilitation works on the complete civil and electrical infrastructure of the railway sections located in areas affected by floods. The works are to be carried out on the following sections: Section Investment value (€) length (m) Railway line (Belgrade) – Resnik – Vrbnica – State border from km 17+550 tо km 17+590 40.0 146,551.72 from km 49+300 to km 49+350 50.0 655,172.41 from km 50+100 tо km 51+300 200.0 from km 81+350 to km 81+555 205.0 1,500,000.00 from km 88+165to km 88+180 15.0 from km 89+790 to km 89+880 90.0 2,000,000.00 from km 90+650 tо km 90+670 20.0 from km 90+800 to km 90+870 70.0 from km 91+520 to km 91+530 10.0 Railway line Ruma-Sabac-Zvornik from km 38+000 tо km 40+400 2400.0 760,000.00 Railway section to be repaired PROJECT DESCRIPTION: 44 RESPONSIBLE PARTY Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure EU Delegation to the Republic of Serbia АP Vojvodina JSC „Serbia Railways“ PROJECT NAME: Construction of a new railway-road bridge across the Danube in Novi Sad in place of the demolished Zezelj bridge INVESTOR: JSC „Serbia Railways“ CONTRACTOR: JV AZVI-TADEI-HC SUPERVISION: ”DB International“ DESIGNER: Italferr • The bridge construction contract was signed on 25 January 2011 with the Spanish-Italian consortium JV AZVI-TADEI-HC. • Improvement of the railway infrastructure on Corridor X. The bridge will be constructed at the site of the former Zezelj bridge which was destroyed. The designed bridge shall be 474 m long. Its cross section provides for two tracks, two traffic lanes and two pedestrian-bicycle paths. • PROJECT STATUS: The Spanish-Italian consortium JV AZVI-TADEI-HC was engaged to carry out the project. Project implementation was running late causing the start of the works to be delayed by more than 5 months. The activities intensified in 2013 and the works are expected to finish in 2015. INVESTMENT VALUE: 48,232,047.91EUR PROJECT START DATE: year 2011 PROJECT END DATE: year 2016 STRATEGIC/ LEGAL FRAMEWORK: PROJECT IMPORTANCE: IPA funds (donation) for LOT 1 (2/3 AP Vojvodina, 1/3 the City of Novi Sad) for LOT 2 FUNDING: • PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The project consists of two parts, namely: - LOT 1 – Fabrication of steel structure elements and delivery to the site in Novi Sad - LOT 2 – Preparation of the Main Design and all civil works on the bridge construction and removal of the temporary bridge MD 88. 45 RESPONSIBLE PARTY Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure EU Delegation to the Republic of Serbia, JSC „Serbia Railways“ PROJECT NAME: Preparation of the Preliminary Design for reconstruction and modernization of the existing railway track and construction of the second track on the line Belgrade – Nis, on the section between Stalac and Djunis INVESTOR: European Commission CONTRACTOR: “Mott MаcDonald” SUPERVISION: - DESIGNER: “Mott MаcDonald” • STRATEGIC/ LEGAL FRAMEWORK: • Strategy for railway, road, inland waterway, air and intermodal transport development in the Republic of Serbia, General Master Plan for Transport in the Republic of Serbia PROJECT IMPORTANCE: • Improvement of railway infrastructure along Corridor X. • The project team was completed with the engagement of “Mott MаcDonald” as the consultant, and the project works have started. In compliance with the donor’s requests, the General Design for this railway section was submitted to the State Revision Committee for adoption, and also a designer was chosen for the preparation of the Spatial Planof infrastructure corridor of this section. PROJECT STATUS: • INVESTMENT VALUE: The value is estimated at 1,500,000 EUR PROJECT START DATE: year 2014 PROJECT END DATE: year 2016 FUNDING: PROJECT DESCRIPTION: 46 • • Western Balkans Investment Fund (WBIF). The exact amount of funds required for the execution of the works will be known upon the completion of this project (the preliminary estimate is 105 million euros) but the sources of funding have not been defined yet. • The project includes the development of the Preliminary Design with the Feasibility Study and the Environmental Impact Assessment Study. The terms of reference prepared by the EU Delegation have been agreed with the relevant Ministry and JSC „Serbia Railways“. RESPONSIBLE PARTY Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure EU Delegation to the Republic of Serbia, JSC „Serbia Railways“ PROJECT NAME: Preparation of Preliminary Design for reconstruction and modernization of the railway line Novi Sad – Subotica – Hungarian border with double tracks INVESTOR: European Commission CONTRACTOR: “Louis Berger” SUPERVISION: - DESIGNER: “Louis Berger” • STRATEGIC/ LEGAL FRAMEWORK: PROJECT IMPORTANCE: • Law on Spatial Planof the Republic of Serbia from 2010 to 2020 (Official Gazette of RS, no. 88/2010) Strategy for railway, road, inland waterway, air and intermodal transport development in the Republic of Serbia, General Master Plan for Transport in the Republic of Serbia • Improvement of the existing and construction of the second track of the railway line Novi Sad-Subotica and improvement of the transport performances of the railway on the strategic Corridor X. • “Louis Berger” has been engaged on the project as the consultant since June 2013. The time for completion of the project is 24 months. Funds have been allocated for the development of the Spatial Planfor the infrastructure corridor of the railway line Novi Sad – Subotica - Hungarian border. The preparation of the Plan is underway and its completion is expected in mid-2015 and it is financed from the resources of JSC „Serbia Railways“. At the initiative of JSC „Serbia Railways“ and with the support of the relevant Ministry and the designer, EU will further finance the preparation of the design documentation for the Novi Sad railway hub so that the required documentation for this route could be produced. • PROJECT STATUS: • INVESTMENT VALUE: 3,950,000 EUR for preparation of the Preliminary Design. Investment value is preliminary estimated at 330 million euros and sources of funding have not been defined yet. PROJECT START DATE: year 2013 PROJECT END DATE: year 2015 FUNDING: PROJECT DESCRIPTION: IPA 2011 • The project includes the development of the Preliminary Design with the Feasibility Study and the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Study. 47 RESPONSIBLE PARTY Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure EU Delegation to the Republic of Serbia, JSC „Serbia Railways“ PROJECT NAME: Preparation of the General and Preliminary Design for the railway bypass in Nis INVESTOR: European Commission CONTRACTOR: “Cowi” SUPERVISION: - DESIGNER: “Cowi” STRATEGIC/ LEGAL FRAMEWORK: • PROJECT IMPORTANCE: • Improvement of the railway infrastructure of the Nis hub and of the branch of Corridor X, Nis – Sofia. • PROJECT STATUS: “Cowi” has been engaged as the consultant on preparation of the design documentation since September 2013. The time period for drafting the documentation is 18 months. The subject project requires the preparation of a Plan for general regulation of bypass around Nis which shall be funded by JSC „Serbia Railways“ and is expected to be completed in 2015. INVESTMENT VALUE: 900,000 EUR PROJECT START DATE: year 2013 PROJECT END DATE: year 2015 • FUNDING: PROJECT DESCRIPTION: 48 Strategy for railway, road, inland waterway, air and intermodal transport development in the Republic of Serbia, General Master Plan for Transport in the Republic of Serbia IPA 2011 • The project includes preparation of the Preliminary Design with the Feasibility Study and the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Study. RESPONSIBLE PARTY Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure EU Delegation to the Republic of Serbia, JSC „Serbia Railways“ PROJECT NAME: Preparation of technical documentation for modernization of the section (Trupale) Nis – Brestovac on railway line Nis – Presevo – border of FYR Macedonia INVESTOR: European Commission CONTRACTOR: „Louis Berger“ SUPERVISION: - DESIGNER: „Louis Berger“ • STRATEGIC/ LEGAL FRAMEWORK: PROJECT IMPORTANCE: PROJECT STATUS: • Law on Spatial Planof the Republic of Serbia from 2010 to 2020 (Official Gazette of RS, no. 88/2010) Strategy for railway, road, inland waterway, air and intermodal transport development in the Republic of Serbia, General Master Plan for Transport in the Republic of Serbia • The project is aimed at improving the railway infrastructure on Corridor X. • All technical documentation has been prepared. The Preliminary Design is currently under review of the State Revision Committee. • INVESTMENT VALUE: 1,000,000 EUR The funds required for the preparation of the required design documentation are preliminary estimated at 2,600,000 EUR. PROJECT START DATE: year 2010 PROJECT END: year 2014 FUNDING: IPA 2008 • PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The project involves preparing the Preliminary Design, Feasibility Study and EIA Study for the railway section Trupale (Nis – Brestovac on the railway line Nis – Presevo – Macedonian border). Modernization includes minimal technical upgrades in line with the speeds of up to 120 km/h with the maximum observance of the existing single track railway line. After completing this section, it is expected that the works will continue on the design of other remaining sections up to the border with FYR Macedonia and also that the investment activities on this railway section are co-funded from the IPA funds of the European Union. 49 RESPONSIBLE PARTY Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure JSC „Serbia Railways“ PROJECT NAME: Procurement of 21 electric passenger trains INVESTOR: JSC „Serbia Railways“ CONTRACTOR: „StadlerBussnangAG“ SUPERVISION: - DESIGNER: - STRATEGIC/ LEGAL FRAMEWORK: • • • Strategy for railway, road, inland waterway, air and intermodal transport development in the Republic of Serbia from 2008 to 2015, Serbian National strategy for Accession of Serbia to EU PROJECT IMPORTANCE: Electrical trains are acquired for the purpose of regional passenger transport in Serbia. These trains are third generation four-carriage FLIRTs, capable of speeds up to 160 km/h, with the capacity of 464 passengers, and furnished with the latest equipment. The trains will serve for providing regional passenger transport service. PROJECT STATUS: Contract No. 300/2013-131 of 04 March 2013 was signed with “StadlerBussnangAG”, Switzerland, for the supply of 21 electrical trains The first train was delivered in September 2014, and the last delivery is scheduled for August 2015. INVESTMENT VALUE: 99,000,000 EUR PROJECT START DATE: Year 2013 PROJECT END DATE: Year 2015 FUNDING: Loan of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD 3) PROJECT DESCRIPTION: 50 • The project involves the procurement of 21 electrical passenger trains and equipment, spare parts, special tools, consumables and technical documentation, as well as training of the personnel in management and maintenance of new trains. RESPONSIBLE PARTY PROJECT NAME: INVESTOR: CONTRACTOR: SUPERVISION: DESIGNER: STRATEGIC/ LEGAL FRAMEWORK: PROJECT IMPORTANCE: Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure JSC „Serbia Railways“ Procurement of new 27 diesel passenger trains JSC „Serbia Railways“ „Mеtrovagonmash“ • Agreement between the Government of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Republic of Serbia on granting state export credit to the Government of the Republic of Serbia dated 11 January 2013 for financing the supply of goods, works and services for JSC „Serbia Railways“ (confirmed in the territory of RS by means of the “Bill on the Confirmation of the Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Serbia and the Government of the Russian Federation Granting a State Export Credit to the Government of the Republic of Serbia” dated 15 March 2013, published in the Official Gazette of RS – International Agreements No. 3/13), including subsequent amendments to the same, concluded on 10 December 2013 in Belgrade between “RZD International” and JSC JSC „Serbia Railways“; • Contract on the execution of works for the construction of railway infrastructure and supply of diesel trains № 300/2013-427/1 dated 10 December 2013; • National Strategy of Serbia for the Accession of Serbia and Montenegro to European Union; • Strategy for railway, road, inland waterway, air and intermodal transport development in the Republic of Serbia from 2008 to 2015. • The current condition of the rolling stock is characterized by a great number of different types of vehicles unevenly employed and with the rate of immobilization which is unacceptably high. The average age of rolling stock is high as well. Among the oldest traction stock are the existing diesel trains of 812/818 series (railcars) with the average age of 45 years. Technical solutions implemented on the stock are mostly outdated, and years of insufficient investment in maintenance has led to a high rate of immobilization and very low overall reliability. • Modernization of railways entails also the acquisition of diesel passenger trains which can comply with the timetables tailored to the demands of the market. • The general objective of the project is the improvement of the overall transport efficiency and satisfying the needs of the transport market at the national level, as well as integration into the traffic structure of the surrounding countries and the European railway system, and increasing of reliability, traffic safety and efficiency of the company. • Project implementation will result in: - Compliance with the timetable and making direct impact on the traffic regularity, - Better quality of the transport service in the passenger traffic, - Greater reliability and availability, which directly affects the quality of transport service in the passenger traffic, - Better work conditions of the railway personnel, - Lesser fuel costs since conventional rail traction consumes much more fuel than diesel trainsets (specific consumption of diesel-locomotives is 3.27 l/km, and of the diesel trainsets is 1 l/km) - Lesser regular maintenance costs (at present, for diesel-locomotive these costs amount to 21.52 RSD/km, and for the new diesel trainsets they are 18.91 RSD/km) - Shorter travel time, being one of the parameters of the quality of transport service and it is reflected in the average commercial speed, which is 39 km/h for diesel-locomotives and 45 km/h for the new diesel trainset. 51 • PROJECT STATUS: • INVESTMENT VALUE: PROJECT START DATE: PROJECT END DATE: 73,850,000 € Year 2016 Loan of the Russian Government with the Republic of Serbia’s participation of 15% in the loan (in order to proceed with singing of Annex №5, the Republic of Serbia is required to provide loan participation of 15%) FUNDING: PROJECT DESCRIPTION: 52 The representatives of JSC „Serbia Railways“ and the Russian company are in the progress of setting out the details of the annex, after which the delivery schedule will be defined. Director of JSC „Serbia Railways“ and the Director General of “RZD International” singed the contract for the supply of 27 new diesel trains (Annex 5) on 16 October 2014 in Belgrade. The value of this contract is 100 million USD. • The project includes the procurement of new diesel trains for transport of passengers via non-electrified lines of JSC „Serbia Railways“ Water traffic and navigation safety 53 54 RESPONSIBLE PARTY: Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure Directorate for Inland Waterways PROJECT NAME: Project of Introducing a Remote Control System of Navigation Marking in Inland Waterways • • • STRATEGIC/ LEGAL FRAMEWORK: • • • • • • PROJECT IMPORTANCE: • • Strategy for Development of Inland Waterway Transport in the Republic of Serbia from 2015-2025 General Master Plan for Transport of Serbia (2009) Strategy of Railway, Road, Inland Waterway, air and Intermodal Transport Development in the Republic of Serbia, 2008-2015 ("Off. Gazette RS", No. 4/08) General Plan and Feasibility Study for Inland Waterway Transport in Serbia (2006) Law on Navigation and Ports on Inland Waters (“Official Gazette of RS“, No. 73/10 and 121/12) European Union Strategy for the Danube Region Danube Commission Recommendations Plan for South East Europe Core Regional Transport Network for Years 2012-2016 and Memorandum of Understanding on South East Europe Core Transport Network Strategic importance of the project: According to the newly established classification of the major transport corridors in EU, the Danube is part of the Rhine/Danube Corridor and the only corridor on the inland waterways as per the classification. In the Republic of Serbia, 87% of the total transportation on the inland waterways is performed on the Danube. The project shall provide necessary preconditions for: - Increase of waterway traffic safety - Improvement of traffic control on the inland waterways - Prevention of accidents - Improvement of inland waterway traffic efficiency Also, the project appeals to the conditions for compliance with White Book of the European Commission: Roadmap to a Single European Transport Area - Towards a competitive and resource efficient transport system PROJECT STATUS: Design documentation is being prepared. INVESTMENT VALUE: 2,650,000 EUR PROJECT START DATE: Year 2015 PROJECT END DATE: Year 2018 FUNDING: • PROJECT DESCRIPTION: IPA 2013 Implementation of RIS (River Information Services) has introduced a better control of inland waterways and internal navigation for government users included in various processes and activities related to internal navigation, such as harbor master's offices (offices of the harbor masters responsible for the safety of the internal navigation), the police (responsible for border control and security), customs office (responsible for control of vessel shipments / border cargoes), Direction for Inland Waterways (responsible for waterways navigation marking, maintenance and operations). 55 • 56 Implementation of RIS is deemed very important; however, it is NOT deemed the only tool for improvement of internal navigation safety and for better management of inland waterways infrastructure. Navigation conditions on the Danube constantly change due to various meteorological conditions, high / low water levels, changes in the river bed morphology due to fluctuation of sedimentation, or diverse obstacles occurring on the waterway. Waterways are marked with so called AtoNs -es (Aids to Navigation), navigation marking systems consisting of miscellaneous elements of different colors, shapes, numbers and illumination characteristics used for marking of river canals, waterway routes and obstacles called BUOYS. The buoys are used for marking the river limits and sizes of the waterway on the very waterway, or to provide other information on the tributaries or different limitations of the available infrastructure. AtoNs or buoys are often damaged, even destroyed by the passing ships, or by adverse meteorological conditions. In such cases, they partially or fully lose their effectiveness. Regular monitoring of status, integrity of the navigation marking system and maintenance of the marking system, especially the floating buoys, i.e. AtoNs , together with effective changes of the navigation marking system (change of position or of buoy type/ AtoNs ), if there are changes in navigational conditions, represent, together with RIS, one of the key components affecting the safety and efficiency of navigation. Use of the virtual buoys, or AtoNs (Virtual buoy/ AtoNs is a common term meaning digitally emitted information received by the electronic equipment of a vessel and read as the data on the type, kind and location of a signal otherwise not existing in the real world, but serving as a data for decision making on navigation courses, and displayed on a particular location on the ECDIS of the vessel, a radar or any other navigation display) makes the skipper aware of an incident or a danger by use of the navigational markings on the electronic display, thus providing a timely caution on the incident earlier than physical aids would do (physically reinstalled buoys on the waterway), or in case where the marking system had to be removed (occurrence of floating ice cover which can completely demolish the marking system on the waterway, in which case the buoys have to be removed) . Virtual buoy/ AtoN relies on the AIS infrastructure which has already been established and operational through implementation of RIS in the Republic of Serbia. RESPONSIBLE PARTY: Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure Directorate for Inland Waterways PROJECT NAME: Regular mechanical maintenance of the waterways • STRATEGIC/ LEGAL FRAMEWORK: • • • • Creating the conditions for safer, more reliable and more resource efficient water traffic implies development of infrastructure on the waterways of the Republic of Serbia for the needs of navigation as well as their regular technical maintenance. Regarding the infrastructure of the waterways, current situation points to the problem of lack of continuous technical maintenance, as a consequence of several decade long neglect of this branch of industry and insufficient funding. The result of such approach is a halfway exploitation of the waterways compared to the available capacities, which could jeopardize the strategic position of the Republic of Serbia. This is particularly significant in view of the fact that the development and the condition of the waterways infrastructure is one of the key factors for providing transport services. • Project funded through regular budget planning. PROJECT IMPORTANCE: PROJECT STATUS: Strategy for Development of Inland Waterway Transport in the Republic of Serbia from 2015-2025 Law on Navigation and Ports on Inland Waters („Official Gazette of RS“No. 73/10 and 121/12) Law on Ministries („Official Gazette of RS“No. 44/2014). Law on Amendments of the Law on the Budget of the Republic of Serbia („Official Gazette of RS“No. 116/14) INVESTMENT VALUE: 2.5 – 2.7 million EUR (annually) from the budget of RS PROJECT START DATE: Year 2015 PROJECT END DATE: Year 2017 FUNDING: Budget of RS • PROJECT DESCRIPTION: • The project presupposes hydrographic measurements, waterways marking, hydro-technical works, and maintenance of the river information services (RIS). Sufficient and steady dimensions of a waterway (width, depth and vertical under bridge clearance of the navigable fairways) enable continual mass transportation at competitive prices. The network of river coast base stations (15 on the Danube and 3 on the Sava) provide signal coverage along the entire courses of both rivers. Electronic navigation charts (ENC) are provided for the entire courses of the Danube, the Sava and the Tisa rivers through Serbia. For the purpose of more effective implementation of these services, "RIS Equipment Program" has been initiated, which included fitting the commercial and government services’ ships with necessary equipment. In view of the fact, maintenance of the system is a priority. 57 RESPONSIBLE PARTY: PROJECT NAME: STRATEGIC/ LEGAL FRAMEWORK: Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure Directorate for Inland Waterways Hydro-technical and excavation works at the critical points on the Danube in Serbia, between Backa Palanka and Belgrade (including monitoring and ecological monitoring of the works) • Strategy for Development of Inland Waterway Transport in the Republic of Serbia from 2015-2025 • General Master Plan for Transport of Serbia (2009) • Strategy of Railway, Road, Inland Waterway, air and Intermodal Transport Development in the Republic of Serbia, 2008-2015 ("Off. Gazette RS", No. 4/08) • General Plan and Feasibility Study for Inland Waterway Transport in Serbia (2006) • Law on Navigation and Ports on Inland Waters („Official Gazette of RS“No. 73/10 and 121/12) • The Danube Commission Recommendations • AGN (European Agreement on Main Inland Waterways of International Importance) • Joint Statement on Guiding Principles for Development of Inland Navigation and Environmental Protection in the Danube Basin • EU Strategy for the Danube Region • • PROJECT IMPORTANCE: PROJECT STATUS: INVESTMENT VALUE: The project is of strategic relevance. According to the new classification of main EU transport corridors, the Danube is part of the Rhine-Danube Corridor, which is the only inland waterway in the classification. • 87% of the total water transport in Serbia is generated on the Danube, and most of the transshipment is performed in the ports along the section between Backa Palanka and Belgrade. The project section includes 6 critical sectors along the Danube between Backa Palanka and Belgrade. The following documentation is finalized and approved: − Feasibility Study with Preliminary Designs − Environmental Impact Assessment Study − Excavation Works – Field Survey − Main Projects for Critical Sectors with Hydro-technical Constructions – Current status of the documentation: − Technical inspection of the main projects has been finished − Waterway work licenses for three critical sectors (Cortanovci, Futog and Preliv) have been obtained − Construction permit is the only document yet to be obtained Total value: 14.2 million EUR • 12.2 million Eur – hydro-technical and excavation works • 2 million Eur – supervision and ecological monitoring of the hydro-technical and excavation works PROJECT START DATE: PROJECT END DATE: FUNDING: Year 2015 Year 2018 IPA 2013 • PROJECT DESCRIPTION: 58 The purpose of the project is to provide minimal depths and widths of the waterways in the periods of low river levels on the common RS-CRO section of the Danube. The navigation conditions on the Danube would thus become more foreseeable in terms of available sizes of the waterway, more reliable in terms of logistics and transport planning and more competitive with other modes of transport. • During the implementation of IPA 2010 project (Preparation of documentation for hydro-technical works on the selected critical sectors on the Danube in Serbia) the total of 24 critical sectors has been identified, with the total length of 70 km. Out of them, 7 critical sectors are located along the route from Backa Palanka to Belgrade (both coasts belong to RS). For 6 out of the 7 critical sectors (excluding Novi Sad, having in mind that the navigation conditions shall be improved upon construction of a new Zezelj bridge and removing a temporary road & railway bridge on the navigation fairway on a river bend/curve, only 90 m wide) projects have been developed using the results of hydrodynamic and morphological modeling (with the results of morphological modeling prevailing over the results of hydrodynamic modeling). The feasibility study with preliminary designs has been approved by the Parliamentary Financial Revision Committee. Environmental impact assessment study has been approved by the Ministry responsible for environmental issues. The main projects have been developed and are undergoing a technical inspection. • The adopted technical solutions presume a combination of excavation of the river deposits and building the non-embedded hydro-technical constructions, meeting the requirements for protection of the environment and the nature. • Implementation of the project would generate a long term prospects for development of inland water transport along the whole course of the Danube. The effects of the project are inseparably interconnected with development of the waterway navigation conditions in other countries in the Danube region, both upstream and downstream from the project section. That is the only way to make the Danube competitive on the pan-European transportation market, and to make a substantial contribution to the overall social and economic development of the Republic of Serbia and the entire Danube region. 59 RESPONSIBLE PARTY: Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure PROJECT NAME: Contribution to/for the membership in IMO – International Maritime Organization and procurement of IMO model courses • STRATEGIC/ LEGAL FRAMEWORK: • • • • • • Strategy for Development of Inland Waterway Transport in the Republic of Serbia from 2015-2025 Law on Maritime Navigation (“Official Gazette of RS“No. 87/11, 104/13); Law on Ministries (“Official Gazette of RS“No. 44/2014), Office Rules for Internal Organization and Systematization of Job Posts in the Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure, July 2014; Law on Amendments of the Law on the Budget of the Republic of Serbia for the year 2014 (“Official Gazette of RS“ No. 16/14) Regulation on Professional Titles, Qualifications for the Titles and Certification of the Seafarers (“Official Gazette of RS“ No. 16/14). International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers – STCW Convention; PROJECT IMPORTANCE: • Alignment with the IMO requirements for cooperation with certified seafarer training institutions PROJECT STATUS: • The project presupposes regular funding from the budget of RS for annual contribution INVESTMENT VALUE: • • Contribution: 2,310,000 RSD Procurement of IMO model courses: 1,661 EUR / 200,000 RSD PROJECT START DATE: Year 2015 PROJECT END DATE: Year 2017 FUNDING: Budget of RS • PROJECT DESCRIPTION: 60 • The project presupposes regular obligation to pay annual contributions for membership in IMO countries / Ministry responsible for (maritime) transport It also presupposes procurement of IMO model courses necessary for issuance of a work permit for a certified institution, according to the Law on Maritime Navigation. Air traffic 61 62 RESPONSIBLE PARTY: PROJECT NAME: STRATEGIC/ LEGAL BASIS: PROJECT IMPORTANCE: PROJECT STATUS INVESTMENT VALUE PROJECT START DATE PROJECT END DATE FUNDING PROJECT DESCRIPTION: RESPONSIBLE PARTY: PROJECT NAME: STRATEGIC/ LEGAL BASIS: PROJECT IMPORTANCE: PROJECT STATUS INVESTMENT VALUE PROJECT START DATE PROJECT END DATE FUNDING PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure “Nikola Tesla Airport”, Belgrade, PLC Extension of jet bridge C • Detailed urban engineering plan of Belgrade Airport, 1989 • Spatial Planof special purpose area for “Nikola Tesla Airport” Belgrade – in preparation • JSC JSC Belgrade Airport “Nikola Tesla” Airport has the total of 19 gates (16 air bridge gates) and 27 parking positions. Such ratio between the number of gates and parking positions points to the problem of insufficient gates, or a potential “bottle neck” in the departure and arrival of passengers. Considering the increase in the number of passengers, and in order to enable unrestricted traffic in the forthcoming period, it is necessary to extend jet bridge C and construct new waiting rooms. • The preparation of the needed documentation for issuing Location permit for technical documentation is under way. Upon obtaining it, procurement process for the selection of projector shall be executed. • Note: Detailed urban engineering plan from 1989, which is a valid planning act, does not provision for enough space planned for the extended jet bridge C. • Total EUR 15,000,000: EUR 2,000,000– public land development fee; EUR 13,000,000– execution of works. • Production of technical documentation and obtaining the needed approval should last c. 15 months. • The works would be completed within 18 months from the date of the completion of technical documentation and obtaining all necessary approvals and permits. • Own funds; • Other sources of funding. • The Project provisions for the extension of jet bridge C and construction of a premise of 10,000 sqm of area. The floorage of the premise: G +1. It is planned for two waiting rooms with four air bridge gates and two waiting rooms with four departure gates with open parking positions to be constructed in the premise. Furthermore, it is planned for an energy supply block and technical block to be formed within the premise. Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure “Nikola Tesla Airport”, Belgrade, PLC Reconstruction of 12-30 landing – take-off strip of JSC JSC Belgrade Airport “Nikola Tesla” Airport • ICAO regulations; Airport Rule book; Document 9157, part one • Safe and secure air traffic, the basic resource of the airport • Establishing PCN and ACN - the basis for the production of technical documentation EUR 43,000,000 – reconstruction 2015 2018 • • • Own funding Other sources of funding Recovery of the paved landing – take-off strip construction was last performed in 2005 by pealing off the wearing layer of asphalt and laying a new layer based on the project developed by Highway Institute. Considering the damages in form of reflection crackings, appearing in the wearable layer, and due to the damages in the bearing construction, it is necessary to conduct a reconstruction depending on the results of the current testing. 63 RESPONSIBLE PARTY: Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure Serbia and Montenegro Air Traffic Services Agency SMATSA ltd Belgrade PROJECT NAME: Enhancing VHF/UHF air-ground radio communication system on behalf of CFC Belgrade STRATEGIC/ LEGAL BASIS: PROJECT IMPORTANCE: • • The Project is a part of the SMATSA ltd Business Strategy The Project has been launched based on the adopted SMATSA ltd Financial plan for 2012, and is conducted based on the adopted Investment program for the Project realization. • • The Project bears strategic importance for SMATSA ltd. By the project, communication is conducted via IP protocol, which is a global trend in aeronautics, due to successive cease of production and support to traditional telecommunication systems based on TDM technology, as well as due to the possibilities provided by the application of VoIP technology. • The project is realized in accordance with the contract concluded on 21 December 2012, in three phases: - Phase I– improvement of systems in Reception centre Belgrade, Reception centre Rudnik and TCC Kosevac – completed; - Phase II – improvement of systems on the location of Transmitting centre Belgrade, Transmitting centre Rudnik, AFC Belgrade –ongoing, c. 50% completed; - Phase III – improvement of system on locations TCC Kopaonik and TCC Podgorica – realization planned in 2015. PROJECT STATUS INVESTMENT VALUE Approximate project cost: EUR 3,300,000 PROJECT START DATE 2012 PROJECT END DATE 2015 FUNDING • Own funding • The project comprises of the replacement of VHF and UHF radio devices which have been operationally used since 2001 and 2003 respectively, and the upgrade of VHF radio device which has been operationally used since 2009, as well as the expansion of the radio network capacity, in accordance with the evaluated increase of air traffic. Upon project realization, all radio devices used by CFC Belgrade shall support VoIP, enabling the radio network for the introduction of this protocol into operational use. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: • 64 RESPONSIBLE PARTY: Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure Serbia and Montenegro Air Traffic Services Agency SMATSA ltd Belgrade PROJECT NAME: Acquisition and installation of laser G force meters and visibility meters for airport flight controllers STRATEGIC/ LEGAL BASIS: PROJECT IMPORTANCE: • • The project is a part of SMATSA ltd Business Strategy. The project has been launched based on the adopted SMATSA ltd Financial plan for 2013, and is conducted based on the adopted investment program for the project realization. • By the means of acquisition, installation and start of operational usage of laser G force meters and visibility meters for the needs of meteorology security of air traffic in operational organization units ABT, AKR, ANI, TPO, APO, ATI, and AVR, a precise and permanent measuring of the position of clouds and visibility, as well as RVR data which are currently unavailable, are provided. It has been provisioned for all the aforementioned data to be available in the system for unified overview of meteorological data (SAWAS) without software changes in users’ application experience. With the introduction of this system, there is a possibility for automatic sending of a complete METAR report, not requiring personnel’s presence. • • • • PROJECT STATUS • • The project is realized in accordance with the contract concluded on 25 March, 2014, in three phases: Phase I – delivery of laserG force meters and visibility meters for airports in Podgorica and Vrsac during 2014 – equipment is in testing phase; Phase II – delivery of laser G force meters and visibility meters for airports in Nis, Batajnica and Kraljevo, during 2015 – production phase; Phase III - delivery of laser G force meters and visibility meters for airports in Tivat and Ponikve – production phase. INVESTMENT VALUE Approximate project cost – EUR 1,000,000.00 PROJECT START DATE March 2014 PROJECT END DATE August 2016 FUNDING Own funding • PROJECT DESCRIPTION: • The project includes installation of laser G force meters and visibility meters at suitable locations, previously approved by Civil Aviation Directorate (DCV)orAgency for Civil Aviation (ACV). By that means, requirements are met for enabling automatic measurement of cloud altitude, visibility and RVR in ABT, AKR, ANI, TPO, APO, ATI and AVR. The data regarding cloud altitude, vertical visibility, visibility and RVR shall be listed in the available system for unified overview of meteorological data SAWAS at designated places. 65 RESPONSIBLE PARTY: Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure Serbia and Montenegro Air Traffic Services Agency SMATSA ltd Belgrade PROJECT NAME: Acquisition and installation of 2D/3D tower simulator for training of airport flight controllers STRATEGIC/ LEGAL BASIS: PROJECT IMPORTANCE: • • The project is a part of SMATSA ltd Business Strategy The project has been launched based on the adopted SMATSA ltd Financial plan for 2013, and is conducted based on the adopted investment program for the project realization • • The project bears strategic importance for SMATSA ltd The project provisions for the acquisition and installation of 2D/3D tower simulator. At the moment, training for airport flight controllers can only be conducted at the radar simulator in CFC Belgrade, which is not in accordance with the simulator’s purpose. Furthermore, the radar simulator is not equipped with all necessary devices for the training of airport flight controllers. In order to satisfy the basic requirements for the training of ADV/ADI flight controllers (working in real-life surrounding, under reallife stress and in different weather conditions) and attaining all training goals of ADV/ADI flight controllers training, it is necessary to acquire 2D/3D tower simulator. The simulator which has been used for the training of airport flight controllers training so far has not been appropriate and as such, could not attract external users. The new 2D/3D tower simulator should enable training at a substantially higher level both for flight control students and licensed flight controllers. The acquisition of a new 2D/3D tower simulator should improve efficiency, quality and comprehensiveness of service. The new training offer should significantly improve the competitive position of SMATSA ltd, which should attract external users, which should increase the profitability of an investment in 2D/3D tower simulator and the annual level of its usage. • • • • PROJECT STATUS • The project is realized n accordance with the contract signed on 25 June, 2014. The Project is in system design phase, including the creation of airport bases and harmonization of HMI functions with users demands (screen appearance, appearance mode and data processing mode). INVESTMENT VALUE Approximate project cost: EUR 900,000.00 PROJECT START DATE 2014 PROJECT END DATE 2015 FUNDING PROJECT DESCRIPTION: 66 • Own funding • The project comprises of the installation and implementation of 2D/3D tower simulator, for the purposes of airport controllers education. The forthcoming phases are; training, factory testing, delivery, installation, and on-site testing. Upon project realization, all future generations of airport flight controllers shall be schooled on 2D/3D tower simulator. By that means, the quality of training and work of flight controllers shall be significantly improved. • • RESPONSIBLE PARTY: Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure Serbia and Montenegro Air Traffic Services Agency SMATSA ltd Belgrade PROJECT NAME: Acquisition of DVOR and DME devices for locations in Belgrade and Vrsac STRATEGIC/ LEGAL BASIS: PROJECT IMPORTANCE: PROJECT STATUS • • The project is a part of SMATSA ltd Business Strategy The project has been launched based on the adopted SMATSA ltd Financial plan for 2014, and is conducted based on the adopted investment program for the project realization • The acquisition of DVOR/DME systems and their installation at the new location within Belgrade Airport complex would enable re-usage of navigational procedures based on VOR/DME and which are used at JSC JSC Belgrade Airport “Nikola Tesla” Belgrade and Batajnica airports, and which have been suspended after the retraction of VOR BEO from operational functioning due to issues with illegal construction in the vicinity of the existing VOR/DME Belgrade. The acquisition and installation of DVOR/DME system for Vrsac airport would enable improvement of the navigational procedures in this airport. Furthermore, it would reduce the need for school flights in TMA Belgrade, and would subsequently reduce fuel costs, simplify the training of SMATSA Aviation Academy students, and would also reduce FC workload at CFC Belgrade terminal sectors. • • The preparation of tender documentation for the repeated procurement process is under way. INVESTMENT VALUE Estimated project cost is EUR 1,150,000.00 PROJECT START DATE 2014 PROJECT END DATE 2015 FUNDING Own funding • PROJECT DESCRIPTION: • The project comprises of the delivery of two complete DVOR/DME systems, with antenna systems, pre-fabricated objects for equipment storage, remote control and maintenance equipment, test equipment, basic spare parts set and accompanying documentation. In addition to the equipment, the following is acquired: accompanying services of producer’s maintenance training, installation supervision and onspot reception, as well as two-year warranty support. Construction works which are a pre-requirement for the installation shall be provisioned under a separate small-scale procurement. 67 RESPONSIBLE PARTY: Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure Serbia and Montenegro Air Traffic Services Agency SMATSA ltd Belgrade PROJECT NAME: Acquisition and installation of systems for uninterrupted real-time analysis of supervisory systems STRATEGIC/ LEGAL BASIS: • • The project is a part of SMATSA ltd Business Strategy. The project has been launched based on the adopted SMATSA ltd Financial plan for 2014, and is conducted based on the adopted investment program for the project realization. • • The project bears strategic importance for SMATSA ltd. Due to the centralized work concept and with the aim of anticipation and identification of potential problems in the shortest possible time frame, a need has been identified for securing an individual system, so as to analyze the quality of all supervisory data in real time, and timely notifications about potential work irregularities. In the course of long-time usage of RASS-S and SASS-SC tools for radar performance analysis, data control quality evaluation, anomaly analysis and problem detection, the need has been observed for an additional system compatible with the existing tools, which would extend their potential and enhance monitoring, analysis and recording supervisory data with the aim of providing services and complying with ICAO and EUROCONTROL standards and recommendations. The new system shall possess functionalities unavailable in the existing tools, such as real-time radar data control (RTQC), advanced off-line analyses, data conversion and constant recording, monitoring and data listing, with the possibility to analyse data from ADS-B and MLAT sensors in the future. PROJECT IMPORTANCE: • PROJECT STATUS • The contract was concluded in October 2014, and is to be realized. INVESTMENT VALUE Approximate project value is EUR 250,000.00 PROJECT START DATE November 2014 PROJECT END DATE July 2015 FUNDING Own funding • PROJECT DESCRIPTION: 68 • The project comprises of the installation of two subsystems: permanently installed system in the forms rivers with equipment for conversion, distribution, processing, recording and listing of data installed in CFC Belgrade and mobile subsystem (installed on a laptop computer) for usage at radar locations, per occasion. Upon project completion, the existing functionalities of tracking radar performances shall be improved and constant recording and real-time quality monitoring of all supervisory sensors (including the new supervisory technologies such as ADS-B and MLAT) shall be ensured. RESPONSIBLE PARTY: Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure Serbia and Montenegro Air Traffic Services Agency SMATSA ltd Belgrade PROJECT NAME: Construction of telecommunication and electrical engineering infrastructure for telecommunication centre (TCC) Rudnik STRATEGIC/ LEGAL BASIS: • • The project is a part of SMATSA ltd Business Strategy The project has been launched based on the adopted SMATSA ltd Financial plan for 2014, and is conducted based on Decision approving construction, in accordance with Article 145 of the law on Planning and Construction, based on the completed main project. • The project is important for the promotion of air traffic security. The project secures redundant telecommunication and electrical engineering connection of the Transmitting and Reception VHF/UHF radio centre Rudnik. By introducing redundancy, the availability of the aforementioned TCC is increased, and in the flight control system it is extremely important for providing services of voice air-ground communication, due to radio coverage provided via it. • The project realization is under way. The completion of works is expected by the end of the year. PROJECT IMPORTANCE: PROJECT STATUS INVESTMENT VALUE Approximate project value: RSD 19,000,000.00 PROJECT START DATE August 2014 PROJECT END DATE December 2014 FUNDING Own funding • PROJECT DESCRIPTION: • The project comprises of the implementation of optical cable on an alignment independent from the current alignment of the optical cable connecting the transmitting and reception VHF/UHF radio centre. On the same alignment, electrical engineering infrastructure shall be constructed, securing redundant power supply of the aforementioned transmitting and reception VHF/UHF radio centres. Upon Project completion, both radio centres shall be able to equally use their own and each other’s electrical generating units, thus increasing the availability of the entire TCC Rudnik. Given that additional infrastructure is constructed on an alignment independent from the existing infrastructure, TCC Rudnik is protected from the consequences of disruption of the existing infrastructure, which directly increases the security level of air travel. 69 RESPONSIBLE PARTY: Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure Serbia and Montenegro Air Traffic Services Agency SMATSA ltd Belgrade PROJECT NAME: Acquisition and installation of systems for uninterrupted real-time analysis of supervisory systems STRATEGIC/ LEGAL BASIS: • • The project is a part of SMATSA ltd Business Strategy. The project has been launched based on the adopted SMATSA ltd Financial plan for 2014, and is conducted based on the adopted investment program for the project realization. • • The project bears strategic importance for SMATSA ltd. Due to the centralized work concept and with the aim of anticipation and identification of potential problems in the shortest possible time frame, a need has been identified for securing an individual system, so as to analyze the quality of all supervisory data in real time, and timely notifications about potential work irregularities. In the course of long-time usage of RASS-S and SASS-SC tools for radar performance analysis, data control quality evaluation, anomaly analysis and problem detection, the need has been observed for an additional system compatible with the existing tools, which would extend their potential and enhance monitoring, analysis and recording supervisory data with the aim of providing services and complying with ICAO and EUROCONTROL standards and recommendations. The new system shall possess functionalities unavailable in the existing tools, such as real-time radar data control (RTQC), advanced off-line analyses, data conversion and constant recording, monitoring and data listing, with the possibility to analyse data from ADS-B and MLAT sensors in the future. PROJECT IMPORTANCE: • PROJECT STATUS • The contract was concluded in October 2014, and is to be realized. INVESTMENT VALUE Approximate project value is EUR 250,000.00 PROJECT START DATE November 2014 PROJECT END DATE July 2015 FUNDING Own funding • PROJECT DESCRIPTION: 70 • The project comprises of the installation of two subsystems: permanently installed system in the forms rivers with equipment for conversion, distribution, processing, recording and listing of data installed in CFC Belgrade and mobile subsystem (installed on a laptop computer) for usage at radar locations, per occasion. Upon project completion, the existing functionalities of tracking radar performances shall be improved and constant recording and real-time quality monitoring of all supervisory sensors (including the new supervisory technologies such as ADS-B and MLAT) shall be ensured. RESPONSIBLE PARTY: Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure Serbia and Montenegro Air Traffic Services Agency SMATSA ltd Belgrade PROJECT NAME: Adaptation of Reception VHF/UHF radio centre Rudnik and upgrading additional facility STRATEGIC/ LEGAL BASIS: • • The project is a part of SMATSA ltd Business Strategy The project has been launched based on the adopted SMATSA ltd Financial plan for 2014, and is conducted based on the adopted investment program for the project realization • SMATSA ltd is focused on continued improvement of conditions and expanding capacities of telecommunication centre Rudnik, as well as adjusting this centre to future needs, considering the importance this centre has in the flight control system. The adaptation of the Reception VHF/UHF radio centre Rudnik is a prerequirement for further upgrade of the system on this location. PROJECT IMPORTANCE: • PROJECT STATUS • Decision on the approval of the execution of works, in accordance with Article 145 of the Law on Planning and Construction, is being obtained, and the process of production of tender documentation for announcing procurement for on-site works is under way. INVESTMENT VALUE Estimated approximate cost: RSD 60,000,000.00 PROJECT START DATE November 2014 PROJECT END DATE September 2015 FUNDING PROJECT DESCRIPTION: • Own funding • The project comprises of the expansion of the existing technical hall within Reception VHF/UHF radio centre facility Rudnik, dislocation of electrical generating unit into designated premise the upgrading of which is planned at the existing lot, and the construction of the accompanying electrical engineering and thermo-technology installations which shall ensure higher quality of power supply and air conditioning of technical devices and systems in the facility. 71 RESPONSIBLE PARTY: Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure PE “Ponikve” Airport PROJECT NAME: Idea project for the airport (civil engineering and building construction) STRATEGIC/ LEGAL BASIS: • Law on Planning and Construction of the Republic of Serbia (“Official Gazette of RS“, No 72/2009, 81/2009, and 24/2011); ANNEX 14, ICAO; Airport Rulebook (“Official Gazette of RS“, No 23/12, 60/12) PROJECT IMPORTANCE: • Basis for the development of the airport, opening of the airport for public transport PROJECT STATUS • The project documentation has been regulated. • Idea project has been submitted for adoption to the State revision committee. INVESTMENT VALUE Estimated approximate value: - EUR 150,000 PROJECT START DATE 2013 PROJECT END DATE End of 2014 FUNDING PROJECT DESCRIPTION: 72 • EU Delegation donation • In accordance with the law on Planning and Construction of the Republic of Serbia, the idea project contains site plan and data regarding: - Micro-location of the premise; - Functional, constructive and formative characteristics of the premise; - Technical-technological and exploitation characteristics of the premise; - Geological engineering – geotechnical characteristics of the ground and soil with preliminary calculation of stability and safety of the premise; - The premise foundation conclusion; - Technical-technological and organizational elements for the construction of the premise; - Measures for the prevention or reduction of negative environmental influence; - Infrastructural idea solution; - Comparative analysis of alternative technical solutions from the aspect of soil characteristics, functionality and stability; - Evaluation of impact on the environment, natural and immovable cultural heritage; - Construction and exploitation rationality; - Costs of construction, transport, maintenance, energy provision, and other costs. RESPONSIBLE PARTY: Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure PE “Ponikve” Airport PROJECT NAME: General regulation plan (with strategic evaluation of influence on environment) STRATEGIC/ LEGAL BASIS: PROJECT IMPORTANCE: PROJECT STATUS • Law on Planning and Construction of the Republic of Serbia (“Official Gazette of RS”, No 72/2009, 81/2009, and 24/2011); Idea project for “Ponikve” Airport • Basis for obtaining the necessary construction permits, attracting domestic and foreign investors for a part of the “Ponikve” Airport complex, which would not be used for purposes of air traffic. • The production of the project is under way. INVESTMENT VALUE RSD 1,500,000 PROJECT START DATE 2013 PROJECT END DATE 2015 FUNDING PROJECT DESCRIPTION: • The City of Uzice • General regulation plan contains: - Plan borders and scope of the construction land; - Division of space on separate entities and zones; - Overall purpose of the land per zones and entities - Regulation and construction lines; - Necessary level baselines of street intersections and public spaces; - Corridors and traffic, energy, utility and other infrastructure; - Measures for protection of monuments of culture and history and protected natural entities; - Zones which must have a plan of detailed regulation with assigned construction ban until the enactment of plan; - Locations which must have urban engineering project produced; - Development and construction plans per entities and zones for which the plan of detailed regulation has not been provisioned; - Other elements of significance for the plan enforcement. 73 74 Construction projects and construction sites Spatial planning, urban development and housing 75 76 RESPONSIBLE PARTY: PROJECT NAME: STRATEGIC/ LEGAL BASIS: PROJECT IMPORTANCE: PROJECT STATUS INVESTMENT VALUE PROJECT START DATE PROJECT END DATE FUNDING PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure Project of improvement of conditions for housing of Roma in substandard settlements • National strategy of social housing • Strategy for improving the position of Roma in the Republic of Serbia • Spatial Planof the Republic of Serbia • The project is strategically relevant, as its realization accomplishes National strategy of social housing within Goal No. 7, improving housing conditions in substandard settlements, as well as the obligation from ratified international legal acts in terms of exercising housing rights, as the basis of human rights. • Benefits from this project can be far more reached than obtaining concrete results on the level of improving housing of Roma and other poor citizens living in substandard settlements. Suitable benefits from practical applications of spatial regulation of the existing settlements and legalization of objects in those settlements can be expected. • Based on the practical examples, it shall be possible to identify the best way for solving this problem, thus fast-tracking legalization, promoting local self-government capacities for solving these issues, increasing safety of housing statuses on ground, which is the basic pre-requirement for improving real estate market, obtaining increase in profit of local selfgovernments and the Republic of Serbia from these activities, etc. • The first phase of the project is being realized, and the second phase is planned to begin mid-2015. • c. EUR 1 million was approved for the realization of the first phase; • c. EUR 9 million is planned for the realization of the second phase Phase I – October 2013 Phase II – mid-2015 Phase I - June 2015 Phase II - end 2016 IPA 2012 and IPA 2013 • The first phase of the project includes: − Setting up a geographical informational system for substandard (Roma) settlements, which shall be used for programming and monitoring the realization of investment activities on improving utility infrastructure in selected settlements and houses; this system shall also be usable for monitoring the realization of other housing projects and projects of the construction of utility infrastructure enforced by MCTI. − Production of the urban engineering plans (detailed regulation plan PDR и general regulation plan PGR), for the production of project documentation; − The production of project documentation for settlements covered by suitable spatial and/or urban engineering plans, which could be: project documentation for the construction of infrastructure, parcelling project which shall regulate statuses of individual construction lots by their entry in register operations, and the project for connecting individual objects to utility infrastructure network. − Development of concepts of housing models, in accordance to which the project of reconstruction/ upgrading/ construction of housing units within certain conceptual models in an area of the previously approved urban engineering plan shall be produced; • The results of the first phase are expected to be realized mid-2015, and the second phase shall be implemented based on the results. The second phase shall include the construction of utility infrastructure, regulation of property-legal conditions on individual lots and improvrment or construction of housing objects. 77 RESPONSIBLE PARTY: PROJECT NAME: STRATEGIC/ LEGAL BASIS: PROJECT IMPORTANCE: Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure Project of post-earthquake housing renovation in Kraljevo • • • • • • • PROJECT STATUS • • INVESTMENT VALUE PROJECT START DATE PROJECT END DATE FUNDING • • • • PROJECT DESCRIPTION: 78 • National strategy of social housing, implementation Law on Housing Law on Social Housing The project bears strategic relevance, as its realization accomplishes several goals on the National strategy of social housing The project realization provides apartments for relocation of households from unsafe housing objects to suitable and safe apartments, as well as settles housing needs of persons unable to provide themselves an apartment on the market based on their personal incomes. The project has been initiated immediately after the earthquake in Kraljevo (December 2010 – February 2011), so as to redirect the EUR 8 million funds from the previously approved, unrealized loan which CEB approved for F/P 1528 Project for refugees’ housing to the new project. As initially, the project was formulated for a bigger amount of credit funds which included EIB loans; in 2013 the project was reformulated. The project is in the preparatory phase, within which the following has been done: - Feasibility report has been prepared, approved by CEB management board, which approved the loan for the financing of F/P 1830 project; - Draft of the project assignment has been prepared, which CEB trusted upon Technical support for Western Balkan (WBIF); - Proposal of the findings for adoption of abbreviated Report about F/P 1830 Project feasibility has been submitted to procedure. The total value of the project is c.EUR 13.6 million. - It is planned for c. 59% of the expenses to be financed with CEB loan, which shall cover for the expenses of the construction of new and demolition of old objects; - The City of Kraljevo shall participate with c. 41% of the Project value, both with financial means in compensation, providing the land and financing the construction of primary and secondary infrastructure and ground decoration. The City shall also cover the expenses of production of idea and execution projects, geotechnical and geophysical researches, supervision of works, technical admission procedures, and project management. Upon ratification of the Contract on loan between the republic of Serbia and Council of Europe development Bank. Should the preparatory activities begin in 2015, the complete construction and relocation would last until H1 2019, primarily due to the fact that it is not possible to construct all buildings immediately, but it is necessary to gradually free locations for construction of new buildings. CEB loan, EU donation for technical support, LCG units’ contribution in form of compensation. The project would comprise of the construction of c. 360 apartments (smaller sizes, of 45 sqm on average – total are 17,000 sqm) for the relocation of families whose apartments were damaged in Kraljevo earthquakes at the end of 2010 at the subject location. The location where the damaged apartments are and which are to be demolished so that new buildings for relocation are constructed, is in “Pic mala” borough, constructed in the period 1947- 1955, for workers of “Magnohrom” wagon factory. The age of housing buildings and the construction system which at the period of construction was not subject to strict seismic standards (which came to use after the Skopje earthquake) are the main reasons why these buildings were more heavily damaged in the earthquake than the rest of the construction fund. Namely, the buildings do not have vertical anti-seismic cerclage, have been distressed and are no longer constructionally safe for living. • • • • There are 21 objects in the settlement, out of which number 16 are multi-story buildings and five one-story objects. Two multi-story buildings are former residential buildings for singles, where mostly poor, Roma families live in completely unsuitable small housing units. Residents of this settlement have mostly very low incomes and the burden of poverty is felt in the settlement. The renovation of this settlement would substantially increase the quality of life of the residents, and at the same time, that would be a positive step in the economic life of the city, which has experienced a substantial economic downfall in the period of transition and privatization. CEB has also provided a grand, which can be used before the realization of the loan, in order to support the preparation of the project and needed documentation, enforcement of certain analyses and settling legal aspects. The total budget of the project has been estimated at EUR 13.5 million, out of which sum EUR 8 million (59%) is loan for construction works, and the rest is the participation of the local self-government in compensation (land, primary and secondary infrastructure, project management, supervision). 79 RESPONSIBLE PARTY: PROJECT NAME: STRATEGIC/ LEGAL BASIS: PROJECT IMPORTANCE: PROJECT STATUS INVESTMENT VALUE Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure Project “Local schemes of social housing” • National strategy of social housing, implementation • Law on Housing • Law on Social Housing • The project bears strategic relevance, as its realization accomplishes several goals on the National strategy of social housing. • Realization of the project provides apartments for settling housing needs of households with low and medium-high incomes that cannot provide apartment on the market. • Furthermore, by the means of the project, basic elements of the system of social housing are strengthened, such as checking and setting-up sustainable financial mechanism through which reliable and sustainable financing of apartment for other potential beneficiaries of housing support from the public sector who cannot provide an apartment on the market with their own means (not only 1,700 households), public housing fund in local self-government units is increased, and local selfgovernments’ capacities for implementation of local housing policies are increased.. • Although the Contract on the loan for the credit for the project realization has been confirmed, the project is on stand-by. • By the end of 2011, numerous pre-requirements for the commencement of the project have been fulfilled, such as the confirmation of the feasibility study, signing preliminary contracts with 12 local selfgovernment units, and adoption of the law on the confirmation of the loan between the Republic of Serbia and CEB for financing the project “Local schemes of social housing F/P 1720”. • MCTI submitted a memorandum to CEB to re-purpose the credit for the project of the reconstruction of objects and infrastructure damaged in May 2014 floods; Feasibility report for the re-purpose has still not been received. • EUR 58 million, as follows: - EUR 32 million loan; - EUR 8 million participation of the Republic of Serbia; - c. EUR 18 million participation in compensation of local selfgovernments PROJECT START DATE PROJECT END DATE FUNDING Cannot be determined at the moment 2.5 years upon the start of the project realization • • • • PROJECT DESCRIPTION: 80 • CEB construction loan Budget of the RS funds (in the form of a loan which apply only to nonprofit sale and which are fully repaid by beneficiaries through apartment repayment) LSG units’ contribution in compensation. Realization of this projects comprises of construction and allocation of c. 500 apartments of social housing for lease renting under favourable conditions to households with low incomes and c. 1,200 apartments for sale under non-profit conditions to households with medium-high incomes in c. 15 LSG units in the Republic of Serbia. The aim of the project is to construct apartments in several cities and municipalities in the Republic of Serbia under non-profit conditions and allocate them under clearly-determined allocation rules to households with low and medium0-high incomes, in two ways – via renting and via sale under non-profit conditions. At the same time, the realization of the • • • project should start local economic development, via stimulating activities in the apartment construction sector, as well as to secure stimuli for further construction of instruments of comprehensive national system of social housing. The project has been envisioned so as to be more sustainable than and as fitting as possible to rational expenditure of financial means from the public sector in the crisis conditions.Feasibility study has shown that, with non-profit investment of all stakeholders (CEB, RS and LSG units), it is possible to achieve amenable apartment prices for households with medium-high incomes, and amenable rental prices for households with low incomes, with the same ratio of obligations and involvement of all stakeholders. Furthermore, to support the feasibility, it should be highlighted that beneficiaries, not the state or the local self-government, shall cover the repayment of loans within the non-profit sale mode, whereas the repayment of CEB loan funds invested in the subsidized rental model shall be repaid as follows: RS – 20%, ultimate beneficiary – 30%, LSG unit – 50%. It is possible to attain greater financial sustainability of the project, should the repayment funds are reinvested during the 5-year grace period, and which would exclusively be reinvested in social housing apartments in public property which would be leased under subsidies rental to households with low incomes. 81 82 PLANNED PROJECTS 83 84 Road transport, roads and traffic safety 85 86 RESPONSIBLE PARTY: Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure PROJECT NAME: Strategy for development of infrastructure of the Republic of Serbia • STRATEGIC/ LEGAL BASIS: • • • PROJECT IMPORTANCE: PROJECT STATUS • Strategy of development in certain areas (information and communication technologies, energy, transport) in the domain of infrastructure. Memorandum of understanding and cooperation between the Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure and interested institutions. Strategic – regional relevance. The Strategy aims at unification and coordination over the application of the adopted actions in the domain of infrastructure, which would result in improvement of overall infrastructure in RS, better control and reduction of costs and sustainable economic development in the domain of infrastructure. Proposal for adding projects to the list of priorities for the 2015- 2020 period. INVESTMENT VALUE EUR 2,000,000 PROJECT START DATE 2015 PROJECT END DATE 2017 FUNDING PROJECT DESCRIPTION: • A strategic partner (the Republic of Serbia, EU, etc) would be needed • At the beginning of the project, a body which would collect information from certain areas in the domain of infrastructure provide guidance for more efficient application and coordinate the realization of activities in certain areas would be formed. The system for monitoring the realization of activities would constantly be improved and adjusted to the current situation, in order to achieve the most efficient results possible and to ensure continuity in the development and improvement of RS infrastructure. 87 RESPONSIBLE PARTY: Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure Road Traffic Safety Agency of the Republic of Serbia PROJECT NAME: Integral information systems of road management STRATEGIC/ LEGAL BASIS: • • Law on roads traffic safety Law on public roads of the Republic of Serbia • • • The project bears national importance. The realization of the project shall enable quality road management. Comprehensive data about road network shall be unified in the same traffic data base. Terminology and logical consistency of road data shall be enabled. The system enables setting up a unique video surveillance system program solution for processing data about the start and finish of each section, road length, processing and storing data about traffic signalization integrated with program solution of traffic data base. The program provisions for the existence of numerous subsystems, all of which among others provide register of regular activities on road maintenance, quality and timely control of executed works, notifications about road passability, monitoring salt expenditure, data about irregular traffic, traffic road ballast. One of the subsystems deals with the road safety data base, within which there are data about traffic accidents, speed characteristics of the traffic, as well as counting traffic flow. • • PROJECT IMPORTANCE: • • PROJECT STATUS - INVESTMENT VALUE EUR 5,000,000.00 PROJECT START DATE 2015 PROJECT END DATE - FUNDING - PROJECT DESCRIPTION: - 88 RESPONSIBLE PARTY: Ministry of Construction, Traffic and Infrastructure PROJECT NAME: Corridor XI, E-763 Highway, Belgrade – South Adriatic, Surcin – Obrenovac and Preljina – Pozega STRATEGIC/ LEGAL BASIS: The Republic of Serbia PROJECT IMPORTANCE: I.T. CIP – idea project/ Concessionaire – main project • PROJECT STATUS • • • INVESTMENT VALUE • • • • PROJECT START DATE • • • International agreement signed between the Republic of Serbia and PR China Conclusion of the Government of RS under which it has been decided for these two sections to be financed per concessionaire contract model. Concession acts, accepted by the Government of RS The project bears strategic importance as it represents a connection between Serbia and Montenegro and is a part of the Belgrade – South Adriatic Highway (Corridor XI) Extension of this corridor toward Romania is planned. The construction of this traffic road shall ensure better traffic connection from Serbia to the sea, e.g. Bar port. Greater security in traffic shall be provided and the time of travel shall be reduced. Conclusion of the Government of RS decides for these two sections to be financed per concessionaire contract model Idea project and Investment study have been completed, and have been adopted by an Independent revisory committee. Based on the signed international contract between the Republic of Serbia and PR China, a tender for the selection of concessionaire has been announced. Negotiation process with the potential concessionaire is under way. The signing of the contract with the concessionaire is planned to take place by 31 March, 2015. PROJECT END DATE Guide value: EUR 450 million FUNDING 2015 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: 2019 Concession model without state indebtedness • The subject of the concession is a part of the E-763 Highway from Surcin to Pozega, as follows: − Section 1: Surcin – Obrenovac: financing, project engineering, construction, usage and maintenance of E-763 Highway from Surcin to Obrenovac, c.17.6km of length; − Section 2: Preljina – Pozega: financing, project engineering, construction, usage and maintenance of E-763 Highway from Preljina to Pozega, c.30.96km of length; − Section 3: Obrenovac – Preljina: usage and maintenance of a part of E-763 Highway from Obrenovac to Preljina, 103.14km of length. 89 RESPONSIBLE PARTY: Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure “Corridors of Serbia” Ltd PROJECT NAME: Morava Corridor (state IA road Pojate - Preljina) • STRATEGIC/ LEGAL BASIS: • • PROJECT IMPORTANCE: • • • PROJECT STATUS • • INVESTMENT VALUE • Strategy for development of railway, road, water, air and intermodal transport in the Republic of Serbia 2008- 2015 (“Official gazette of RS”, No 4/2008). Provision on determining special plan of the special need area for infrastructural corridor of E-761 Highway, section Pojate – Preljina (“Official gazette of RS”, No 98/13) Morava Corridor (highway from Pojate to Preljina) connects the central parts of the Republic of Serbia with two most important traffic roads – Corridor X and E0763 Highway. Its construction shall increase the availability of municipality centres, economic zones and touristic destination. In this area, there is approximately 500,000 citizens, 21,000 small and medium size enterprises do business, and 10 business and one free zone have been established. In this part of Serbia, there are six mountains, c. 20 monasteries and 10 popular destinations for spa tourism. Spatial Planis being produced. Idea and main projects have been completed for the following: − Adrani – Mrcajevci, L=18km, projector – Highway Institute; − Mrcajevci – Preljina, L=13km, projector – Highway Institute; − Pojate – Krusevac (Kosevi), L=27.83km, projector – Institute for Transport CIP. Decision on the location permit for all section is needed. Expert control of the Idea project and technical control of the Main project for Sector I Pojate – Krusevac and section V Adrani – Preljina need to be performed. It is necessary to adopt Project assignment for the production of Idea project with Investment study, as well as for the Main project from Krusevac to Adrani. Project approximate pre-bill for the construction project amount to EUR 55,000,000 PROJECT START DATE 2011 PROJECT END DATE - FUNDING Concession • • PROJECT DESCRIPTION: 90 Section length km In accordance with the existing Spatial Plan of the infrastructural corridor, alignment Pojate – Prlejina has been divided in five sections: − Pojate – Krusevac − Krusevac- Trstenik − Trstenik area − Trstenik – Adrani − Adrani - Preljina RESPONSIBLE PARTY: Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure “Corridors of Serbia” Ltd PE “Roads of Serbia“ PROJECT NAME: Construction of Novi Sad – Ruma road (Fruska gora corridor) STRATEGIC/ LEGAL BASIS: • Strategy for development of railway, road, water, air and intermodal transport in the Republic of Serbia 2008- 2015 (“Official gazette RS”, No 4/2008). • Traffic road from Ruma to Novi Sad not only has a great importance for the transportation system of the Autonomous province of Vojvodina an the Republic of Serbia, but also for the international road network. In future, this road shall connect Vojvodina and Western Serbia, as well as Corridors X and XI with Corridor Vc, part Budapest – Osijek – Sarajevo – Mostar – Ploce. The construction of this traffic road shall increase the availability of municipality centres, economic zones and touristic destination. The future fast traffic road from Novi Sad to Ruma shall connect three municipalities: Novi Sad, Irig and Ruma, over 370,000 people live in the area of these municipalities, 30,000 small and medium size enterprises d business, 12 business and one free zone have been established. In this area, there are touristic destinations, such as Petrovaradin fortress and Fruska gora national park. • PROJECT IMPORTANCE: • • • PROJECT STATUS • Project assignment for the production of Idea project with Investment study has been adopted. Preparation for the announcement of procurement for the preparation of Idea project with Investment study is under way. INVESTMENT VALUE EUR 150,000,000 (out of which sum, RSD 200,000,000.00 for production of project documentation) PROJECT START DATE - PROJECT END DATE - FUNDING A concessionaire is needed for the execution of the road construction works. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: • Section length- 38 km. 91 RESPONSIBLE PARTY: Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure PE „Roads of Serbia“ PROJECT NAME: North part of Highway ring road around Belgrade (E-75-DP connection of Ib order number 13-DP IIa order number 131 and 13-DP Ib order number 10, or Pancevo North interchange) STRATEGIC/ LEGAL BASIS: • Spatial Planof the republic of Serbia • Belgrade as a major European city, located on road and railway Corridor X and water Corridor VII, has issues with transit transport, especially cargo transport, particularity the transport of dangerous chemicals and environmentally harmful products. Regarding transit road traffic, establishing a highway ring around Belgrade is under way, and it should connect the highways for Subotica, Zagreb, South Adriatic, Nis and Vrsac. A particular problem for Belgrade is road traffic in Banat direction via road- railway Pancevacki bridge on the Danube. Road transit passengers and cargo traffic is conducted via overcrowded city streets. Due to these problems, Spatial Planof the Republic of Serbia until 2020, General plan of the City of Belgrade by 2021, and Spatial Plan of the City of Pancevo by 2020, provision for the completion of the Belgrade ring road (Sectors A, B5, B6) which constitutes a part of Corridor X, as well as construction of Sector C, or traffic railway-road corridor Beli Potok/ Bubanj Potok – Vinca – Pancevo with a new bridge on the Danube near Vinca. Spatial Planof the Republic of Serbia provisions for reserving the corridor for the northern part of the Belgrade highway ring road. The construction of the North ring road would complete the highway ring road around Belgrade, which joins the gravitating highway directions, or state roads of IA order and state roads of IB order. The aim is to guide transit road traffic on Belgrade – Pancevo – Vrsac/ Zrenjanin direction outside the Belgrade and Pancevo inner city areas via round traffic road. • • • PROJECT IMPORTANCE: • • PROJECT STATUS INVESTMENT VALUE PROJECT START DATE PROJECT END DATE FUNDING PROJECT DESCRIPTION: 92 • • There is no project documentation at the moment. It is necessary to produce a preliminary Investment study with general project, Spatial Planof the infrastructural corridor, Idea project with Investment study, Study of evaluation of environmental influence and Main project. Unknown • Highway directions gravitating toward Belgrade are: - E-70 Highway: State border with Croatia - “Dobanovci” interchange (crossing with highway ring) and “Pancevo” – Vrsac – state border with Romania (Vatin) – (Timisoara) interchange - E-75 Highway: Horgos – Novi Sad – “Novi Banovci” interchange (crossing with highway ring) and “Bubanj potok” interchange – Nis – state border with Macedonia (Presevo). − Highway E-763: Belgrade – South Adriatic: “Surcin” interchange – Obrenovac – Cacak – Pozega – Ivanjica – state border with Montegro (Boljari). − Highway Belgrade (“Jabuka” interchange on highway ring) – Zrenjanin – state border with Romania (Timisoara). • North ring road around Belgrade as a future highway ring represents continuation of Bubanj Potok – Vinca – Pancevo ring road and would be spread next to Jabuka – Padinska Skela settlements and would join E-75 Highway Horgos – Novi Ssad – Batajnica (Belgrade) over the Danube near Novi Banovci. The length of the North ring road would be c.37km and would be designed for the estimated speed on 120km/h. Transverse profile of the highway would be 28.49, wide, with three traffic lanes per direction with median. • • RESPONSIBLE PARTY: Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure PROJECT NAME: Corridor XI, E-763 Highway, Belgrade – South Adriatic, Pozega – Boljare section STRATEGIC/ LEGAL BASIS: PROJECT IMPORTANCE: • Memorandum on collaboration between G.I.D.C. joint venture and the Ministry of Construction and Urban Engineering, signed on 7 August 2013 • The project bears strategic importance as it represents connection between Serbia and Montenegro and is a part of Belgrade – South Adriatic Highway (Corridor XI). The extension of this corridor toward Romania is planned. By the means of the construction of this traffic road, better traffic connection from Serbia to the sea, e.g. Bar port. Greater traffic security shall be ensured and the time of travel shall be reduced. • • So far, preliminary Investment study with general project has been produced and the Government of RS has adopted the decision on the production of Spatial Planof the infrastructural corridor for this section. The commencement of the production of the plan documentation is expected. • EUR 1,830,900,000 (estimated value). PROJECT STATUS INVESTMENT VALUE PROJECT START DATE - PROJECT END DATE - FUNDING • Production of the Spatial Planof the infrastructural corridor is financed by the joint venture. • There is not a defined financing model (concession, loan) for the continuation of the project realization. • • PROJECT DESCRIPTION: • The section length is 107 km. “G.I.D.C.” ltd joint venture was establishes by signing Memorandum on cooperation between the Republic of Serbia and Global Capital Advisors management, a company registered in the United Arab Emirates. The memorandum provisions for “G.I.D.C.” ltd joint venture to finance the production of plan and technical documentation for this section of the Highway. Activities of the G.I.D.C. joint venture regarding the selection of the plan processor are expected. 93 RESPONSIBLE PARTY: Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure JSC "Serbia Railways" PROJECT NAME: Preparation of General plan and Preliminary investment study for highway Nis – Merdare (a section of Nis - Merdare highway) STRATEGIC/LEGAL FRAMEWORK: • Spatial Planfor the Republic of Serbia • • Highway Nis - Pristina (Route 7 in SEETO network) would provide the connection of Kosovo and Metohija with Corridor 10, and further on with Trans-European transport network (TEN-T) towards Romania and Bulgaria. Enabled access to Albanian ports. • Kick-off meeting scheduled for 2 December 2014 PROJECT IMPORTANCE : PROJECT STATUS: INVESTMENT VALUE: 900.000 Euros PROJECT START DATE: 2 December 2014 PROJECT END DATE: 2 December 2015 FUNDING: PROJECT DESCRIPTION : 94 • European Union, Western Balkans Investment Framework (WBIF 2013) • Preparation of General Project together with the Preliminary investment study for Nis – Merdare section 90 km. RESPONSIBLE PARTY: Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure The Building Directorate of Serbia PROJECT NAME: Construction of border crossing Batrovci – phase 2 STRATEGIC/LEGAL FRAMEWORK: • PROJECT IMPORTANCE : • • • PROJECT STATUS: • • • INVESTMENT VALUE: PROJECT DATE: START Finalization of Phase 2 would mean the finalization of the whole complex of the border crossing. The entire existing and planned traffic infrastructure within the complex would be put into operation. Construction of the custom cargo terminal would enable the automatic release of two lanes for passenger vehicles, at the very border crossing and contribute to the removal of a bottleneck situation. Planning and technical documentation of the main project - Phase 2 has been obtained. Taking into consideration that the project documentation was collected 10 years ago, it is necessary to analyze the new needs for a good functioning of the border crossing and whether it is necessary to do a revision so as to obtain a larger capacity of the border crossing. Building Directorate of Serbia is appointed to, on behalf of The Republic of Serbia, take the rights and duties of the investor for the construction of the border crossing Batrovci. The construction of the abovementioned border crossing is planned to have two phases. Phase 1 was finalized in 2004. The finalization of Phase 2 entails construction of a new custom cargo terminal with the planned additional traffic facilities, infrastructural facilities, building construction facilities, as well as the construction of the facilities within the custom cargo terminal. 4 million еuros − Performance of works 3 million euros − Allocation of land / expropriation 800,000 euros − Other expenditures 200,000 euros • Upon the procurement of the financial means, it takes around two months to finalize the tender procedure of hiring the contactor, and around 6 to 12 months for the construction itself. PROJECT END DATE: • Upon the set-off of the construction works, it takes around 6 to 12 months to finalize the construction works. FUNDING: • To fund Phase 2, possibilities of funding through the available EU funds are to be looked at, or the option of allocating funds from the budget of The Republic of Serbia. PROJECT DESCRIPTION : • The total area of building construction facilities that are the subject of the construction of Phase 2 is 6505, 00 m2. • The construction of Phase 2 entails dismantling and demolition works as well as adaptation works on the facilities constructed in the Phase 1 as a transit solution ( ~ 685,00 m2) so as to create minimal technological conditions for the traffic operation and passenger and cargo control at the crossing. 95 RESPONSIBLE PARTY: Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure PROJECT NAME: Construction (upgrade) of the state highway class IB, number 13, Belgrade - Cetna - Zrenjanin STRATEGIC/LEGAL FRAMEWORK: • Spatial Planfor the Republic of Serbia PROJECT IMPORTANCE : • • Better regional connection of Belgrade with The Central Banat District Economic development of the neighboring municipalities is enhanced, enhancing the overall quality of life PROJECT STATUS: • • Preparation of the preliminary design finalized A dynamic strategy for the implementation of this project has been suggested • Estimated value of the construction of the facility is around 110 million euros - Estimated value of preparation of technical documentation 3.5 million euros - Documentation without the main design 3.1 million euros INVESTMENT VALUE: PROJECT START DATE: PROJECT END DATE: 2017 2018 FUNDING: • PROJECT DESCRIPTION : Project entails upgrade of the second lane on a section of the state highway class 1B, number 13, between Zrenjanin and Belgrade residential area Borca, the future location of the intersection with the North Tangent of the ring road around Belgrade. Upgrade includes 56.5km of road divided into 7 sections, and the construction of two new interchanges has been planned: 'Centa' and 'Ecka'. RESPONSIBLE PARTY: PROJECT NAME: STRATEGIC/LEGAL FRAMEWORK: PROJECT IMPORTANCE : PROJECT STATUS: INVESTMENT VALUE: PROJECT START DATE: PROJECT END DATE: FUNDING: PROJECT DESCRIPTION : 96 concession Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure Highway Belgrade - Vrsac - Romanian border 1. National priorities for international aid for the period 2014-2017 with projections up to 2020. 2. Spatial Planfor the Republic of Serbia until 2020 3. Development strategy for railways, road transport, water traffic, air traffic and intermodal transport in The Republic of Serbia from 2008 until 2015. 4. General Master plan for transport of The Republic of Serbia 20092027 (GMPT) • Project is of great strategic importance since it represents the connection between Serbia and Romania and is planned as the extension of the highway Belgrade - South Adriatic (Corridor 11) • Construction of this road will mean better connections through Eastern Europe , e.g. European Union • No documentation available for the project. Preparation of a complex technical documentation needed. • Cost-benefit analysis has not been done yet • • Section is around 91km long. The aim of this project is the construction of the highway from the end of the ring road around Belgrade to Vrsac and Romanian border. RESPONSIBLE PARTY: PROJECT NAME: STRATEGIC/LEGAL FRAMEWORK: PROJECT IMPORTANCE : PROJECT STATUS: Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure JSC "Serbia Railways" Highway Nis - Pristina • • • • • • INVESTMENT VALUE: PROJECT START DATE: PROJECT END DATE: • Spatial Planfor the Republic of Serbia Highway Nis - Pristina would allow connection of Kosovo and Metohija with Corridor 10, as well as further connections with Bulgaria and Romania. Enabled access to Albanian ports Public Company PE “Roads of Serbia“ together with the Serbian European Integration Office have applied for funding for the construction of Main Design with a preliminary investment study . Donors have granted funds for the construction of the technical documentation. European Integration Office has submitted the Public Company "Business Center Palilula"draft of the project for the preparation of documentation Estimated value of the investment is around 840 million euros - For the finalization and adoption of the preliminary investment study with the main design, a budget of 900.000 euros has been obtained from donors Western Balkan Investment Framework/WBIF/ 2013 from EU Budget. • Funding has still not been obtained for the rest of the technical documentation, preliminary documentation and the highway construction. • Total length of the section Nis - Pristina is 120km − Section Nis - Merdare 90km − Setion Merdare - Pristina 30km. • FUNDING: PROJECT DESCRIPTION : RESPONSIBLE PARTY: PROJECT NAME: STRATEGIC/LEGAL FRAMEWORK: PROJECT IMPORTANCE : PROJECT STATUS: INVESTMENT VALUE: PROJECT START DATE: PROJECT END DATE: Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure Highway Е-761, section: Pozega - Uzice - The Republic of Srpska (Bosnia and Herzegovina border) • Spatial Plan for the Republic of Serbia • The project has great strategic value. This project would enable connecting central parts of The Republic of Serbia, east - west with the two most important routes of the country, that belong to the European network of roads Highways E-75 and E-63, Belgrade - South Adriatic. The road connection in our country starts from the Bulgarian border, and continues via Zajecar, Paracin, Pojate, Krusevac, Trstenik, Kraljevo, Cacak, Pozega, Uzice and to the Republic of Srpska border. Preliminary investment study and main design have been finalized and adopted by the State Revision Committee. Estimated value 850 million euros • • • - FUNDING: PROJECT DESCRIPTION : • • Total length of the section is around 60km Main design of the highway Е-761, section Pozega - Uzice - Republic of Srpska border included two possible solutions. 97 RESPONSIBLE PARTY: PROJECT NAME: Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure Ministry of Interior Setting up telecommunication infrastructure and the equipment for traffic management and traffic safety control on the finalized sections of Corridor 10 as • Cooperation agreement between Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure, Public Company 'Business Center Palilula'andMinistry of Interior by which rights and obligations are defined with a view to obtaining efficient traffic managementand traffic improvement on the state highways. • National, strategic project • Finalized main project for the set up of the telecommunication infrastructure on the section Belgrade - Nis of Corridor 10. Obtainment of assets and the implementation of the project expected. Finalized project assignment for the integrated traffic management and traffic safety control on the section Belgrade - Nis (tender inquiry for the system design has been floated by PE PE „Roads of Serbia“ ) STRATEGIC/LEGA L FRAMEWORK: PROJECT IMPORTANCE : PROJECT STATUS: • INVESTMENT VALUE: • Estimated 300 milliondinars for the main project of the telecommunication infrastructure installation • Dependent on the available resources PROJECT START DATE: PROJECT END DATE: • FUNDING: • • • PROJECT DESCRIPTION: 98 1.2 % of gross insurance premium in traffic (Ministry of Interior share), pursuant to the Law on Compulsory Traffic Insurance unallocated funds from committed credit facilities Budget of PE PE „Roads of Serbia“ The installation of telecommunication infrastructure along the finalized sections of Corridor 10 enables data transfer of the data collected from the external equipment necessary for traffic safety management and control (VMS, RWIS, video surveillance etc), as well as mutual connection of the operation/control centers with the view to managing and controlling traffic safety. RESPONSIBLE PARTY: PROJECT NAME: STRATEGIC/LEGA L FRAMEWORK: PROJECT IMPORTANCE : Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure Road Traffic Safety Agency of The Republic of Serbia Improvement of the quality in data collection and input into the traffic accidents database by police officers of traffic police • The Law on Road Traffic Safety (“Official Gazette of RS“No 41/09, 53/10 and 101/11) • Decision of the European Union Council 93/704 on the creation of a Community database on road accidents in the European Union • National, international, strategic, project • Project assignment has been prepared and fund allocation is expected from the rebalance of budget or from the budget plan of the Road Traffic Safety Agency of The Republic of Serbia for 2015. PROJECT STATUS: INVESTMENT VALUE: 4.5 million + 1.5 million dinars PROJECT START DATE: Beginning of 2015 PROJECT END DATE: Second half of 2015 FUNDING: PROJECT DESCRIPTION : RESPONSIBLE PARTY: PROJECT NAME: STRATEGIC/LEGA L FRAMEWORK: PROJECT IMPORTANCE : PROJECT STATUS: INVESTMENT VALUE: PROJECT START DATE: PROJECT END DATE: FUNDING: PROJECT DESCRIPTION : Road Traffic Safety Agency of The Republic of Serbia ( with the support of Ministry of Interior) • Training for 500 traffic police officers: • Data collection at the scene of an accident and data input into accident database. Training plan and program preparation and guidelines for data collection in accordance with the previously realized projects of Road and Traffic Agency of the Republic of Serbia: "Monitoring the basicfeatures of traffic accidents in Serbia, in accordance with the CADaS recommendations of the European Commission" . Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure Road Traffic Safety Agency of The Republic of Serbia Creating of WEB-GIS application for representation of road traffic signs and traffic safety monitoring • The Law on Road Traffic Safety („Official Gazette of RS“No 41/09, 53/10 and 101/11) • National, international, strategic, project • Project assignment preparation in process 2 million dinars • First half of 2015 • Second half of 2015 • Road Traffic Safety Agency of The Republic of Serbia • Creating of WEB-GIS application that will enable spatial representation of the most significant traffic safety signalization such as traffic accidents and ensuing consequences, traffic safety performance indicators, social attitudes on the dangers of road traffic , risk of traffic injuries and death etc. 99 RESPONSIBLE PARTY: PROJECT NAME: STRATEGIC/LEGAL FRAMEWORK: PROJECT IMPORTANCE : PROJECT STATUS: INVESTMENT VALUE: PROJECT START DATE: PROJECT END DATE: FUNDING: Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure Road Traffic Safety Agency of The Republic of Serbia Measuring performances indicators of the traffic safety for 2015 • The Law on Road Traffic Safety („Official Gazette of RS“No 41/09, 53/10 and 101/11) • National and international significance • Project assignment preparation in process 6 million dinars April 2015 November 2015 • PROJECT DESCRIPTION : • Road Traffic Safety Agency of The Republic of Serbia Measuring performances indicators of the traffic safety based on the existing (defined) methodology concerning: seat belt use, infant car seat safety, protective helmets for drivers and cyclists, use of daytime running headlamps, speed of the moving vehicle, and driving under the influence of alcohol. The development of methodology for the measurement of the indicators related to the ratings and quality of the road network (state highways as well as roads under the jurisdiction of the municipalities/cities) and for the measurement of the indicators related to the ratings and quality of postcrash care. RESPONSIBLE PARTY: Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure Road Traffic Safety Agency of The Republic of Serbia PROJECT NAME: Development Strategy of the Road Traffic Safety Agency of The Republic of Serbia • The Law on Road Traffic Safety (“Official Gazette of RS“ No 41/09, 53/10 and 101/11) PROJECT IMPORTANCE : • National, strategic project PROJECT STATUS: • Project assignment preparation in process STRATEGIC/LEGAL FRAMEWORK: INVESTMENT VALUE: 3 million dinars PROJECT START DATE: March/April 2015 PROJECT END DATE: November/December 2015 FUNDING: Road Traffic Safety Agency of The Republic of Serbia • PROJECT DESCRIPTION : 100 Project should define the directions for the future development of the Road Traffic Safety Agency of The Republic of Serbia, its mission, vision and its place and role in the system of traffic safety in Serbia. This project will open up a field of new activities that should be developed in the years ahead, the need for new jobs, employee development for the existing employees and an accelerated development of certain areas of activity of the Agency. RESPONSIBLE PARTY: Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure Road Traffic Safety Agency of The Republic of Serbia PROJECT NAME: Benchmarking of traffic safety institutions in local self-governments • The Law on Road Traffic Safety („Official Gazette of RS“No 41/09, 53/10 and 101/11) PROJECT IMPORTANCE : • National, strategic project PROJECT STATUS: • Project assignment preparation in process STRATEGIC/LEGA L FRAMEWORK: INVESTMENT VALUE: 4 million dinars PROJECT START DATE: February / March 2015 PROJECT END DATE: November / December 2015 FUNDING: Road Traffic Safety Agency of The Republic of Serbia • • PROJECT DESCRIPTION : • • The project should attach onto the project 'Benchmarking method of the traffic safety institutions within the local governments in the Republic of Serbia, strategic significance and potential', whose realization is in progress and the defined deadline of finalization is 25 December 2014. The project should analyze the operations of traffic safety institutions within all local governments of The Republic of Serbia, which will make it possible to recognize the best possible practice within the field of traffic safety in Serbia. The project should be implemented based on the methodology defined for the project implemented in 2014. This project should serve as a base for the creation of ranking system for the work efficiency of local bodies for traffic safety and enable creation of guidelines for the priority measures and activities so as to improve traffic safety within the local communities. The project should set and initiate a more active participation of local traffic safety bodies so as to improve traffic safety. 101 RESPONSIBLE PARTY: Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure Road Traffic Safety Agency of The Republic of Serbia PROJECT NAME: Children's traffic safety analysis (up to 14 years of age) with recommendations of measures and activities to improve children's safety • The Law on Road Traffic Safety (“Official Gazette of RS“No 41/09, 53/10 and 101/11) PROJECT IMPORTANCE : • National, strategic project PROJECT STATUS: • Project assignment preparation in process STRATEGIC/LEGAL FRAMEWORK: INVESTMENT VALUE: 3 million dinars PROJECT START DATE: February / March 2015 PROJECT END DATE: August / September 2015 FUNDING: Road Traffic Safety Agency of The Republic of Serbia • PROJECT DESCRIPTION : • • • 102 The project should provide data on the children's traffic safety indicators on the territory of The Republic of Serbia. Within this project, all traffic accidents occurring between 2010 and 2014, with children participants (up to 14 years of age) should be analyzed, performing the in-depth analysis of all traffic accidents involving children fatalities. The analysis of the indicators should be conducted within the local governments municipalities with a special focus on traffic accidents involving kids and which occurred in the proximity of school facilities. Additionally, it is necessary to analyze the ways of educating children about the traffic safety within the regular school curriculum, and form an overview of the course books being used for such purpose. The results of the analysis for each local government as well as state highways should be given. Based on the results, it is necessary to form measures and activities in order to improve the safety of children in traffic and suggest possible dynamics of implementation. Additionally, based on the completed analysis, it is necessary to propose improvements of the ways children are educated about the topics of traffic safety. RESPONSIBLE PARTY: Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure Road Traffic Safety Agency of The Republic of Serbia PROJECT NAME: Traffic safety analysis of the senior category 65+, with the proposed measures and activities for the improvement of traffic safety of the abovementioned category STRATEGIC/LEGA L FRAMEWORK: • The Law on Road Traffic Safety (“Official Gazette of RS“No 41/09, 53/10 and 101/11) PROJECT IMPORTANCE : • National, strategic project PROJECT STATUS: • Project assignment preparation in process INVESTMENT VALUE: 3 million dinars PROJECT START DATE: February / March 2015 PROJECT END DATE: October / November 2015 FUNDING: Road Traffic Safety Agency of The Republic of Serbia • PROJECT DESCRIPTION : The project should provide information about the indicators of traffic safety for the age category 65+ on the territory of The Republic of Serbia. All traffic accidents involving this age category in the period between 2010 and 2014 should be analyzed with an in-depth analysis of the accidents in which the persons participated as pedestrians. • The analysis of the indicators should be realized within local governments - municipalities, with special attention being paid to the most frequently used roads within the zones of interest for this age category (65+) • The results of the analysis for each local government as well as state highways should be given. • A special segment should cover the analysis of organization and realization of health examinations, and needs and possibilities for the introduction of additional health examinations for the category 65+. • Upon the results of the analysis, measures and activities for the improvement of safety of the category should be defined. The prescribed measures should be adopted within local governments with the support of state institutions. 103 104 Railways and intermodal transport 105 106 RESPONSIBLE PARTY: Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure PROJECT NAME: Construction of intermodal terminals and logistics centers on the territory of The Republic of Serbia STRATEGIC/LEGAL FRAMEWORK: • • General Masterplan for Transport Law on Spatial Planfor the Republic of Serbia2010 - 2020 • • The development of intermodal transport has been recognized and defined as one of the factors that may contribute to the accelerated economic development of The Republic of Serbia and thus to the association and accession to the European Union. The implementation of intermodal transport will allow the products and goods to reach the buyers in Serbia faster, in a more quality way and at a lower cost of transport, as it is the case in the developed countries. This project's goal is to reduce unemployment rates and attract investments in the wider region of Pirot and Southeast Serbia. Specific goals: − Greater availability of land to be used for industrial and logistic development − Distribution and supply chain development for existing and future industries within the boundaries of the economic zone − Reduction of environmental pollution by providing multimodal transport Target groups are: − the unemployed from the inner parts of the country − regional municipalities − local and regional companies potential investors • Projects proposals • • • In total: ≈ 53 million euros ≈ 40 million euros - Construction of the logistic center with intermodal terminal in Vrsac ≈ 13 million euros - Construction of the logistic center Pirot. • Starting date depends on the financial resources • • • PROJECT IMPORTANCE : • PROJECT STATUS: INVESTMENT VALUE: PROJECT START DATE: PROJECT END DATE: FUNDING: PROJECT DESCRIPTION : • public private partnership , concession • Project consists of: 1. Construction of the logistic center with intermodal terminal in Vrsac 2. Logistic center Pirot (feasibility study completed). 107 RESPONSIBLE PARTY: Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure Belgrade Land Development Public Agency PROJECT NAME: Construction of Intermodal terminal in Belgrade STRATEGIC/LEGAL FRAMEWORK: 1. Strategy of railway, road, inland waterway, air and intermodal transport development in The Republic of Serbia, 2008 - 2015, „Official Gazette of RS“, No 4/2008. 2. Cooperation protocol on the construction of intermodal terminal with the logistic centre between The Republic of Serbia - Ministry of Infrastructure and Energy, the city of Belgrade and Belgrade Land Development Public Agency • • PROJECT IMPORTANCE : • • PROJECT STATUS: • Attracting future investors and job openings The implementation of intermodal transport will allow the products and goods to reach the buyers in Serbia faster, in a more quality way and at a lower cost of transport, as it is the case in the developed countries. Reduction of high cost of logistics, which is an integral part of the product price in Serbia Intermodal terminal will contribute to the rapid economic development of Serbia and thus to the accession to the European Union. Environmental, spatial and energy efficiency of this mode of transport should be particularly highlighted. Preliminary design, feasibility study, investment study, environmental impact assessment, cost and benefit analysis and tender documentation for works and equipment have been finalized. INVESTMENT VALUE: 19.5 million euros (including4 million euros for expropriation) PROJECT START DATE: January 2016 PROJECT END DATE: July 2017 • FUNDING: • • PROJECT DESCRIPTION : 108 • • The plan is to obtain funds necessary for the realization of the project from: EU/IPA 2015, Budget of The Republic of Serbia, and the city of Belgrade Budget. In accordance with the signed protocol, the city of Belgrade is to provide the funds necessary for the expropriation, in the amount of 4 million euros. Future intermodal terminal will have a direct connection with Corridor 10, e.g. it will be connected to the railway station in Batajnica, via the service road for interchange Batajnica (whose construction is near completion) The area of intermodal terminal with access roads is 13 hectares. Based on the preliminary design, Intermodal terminal will have three train tracks, each one being 650m in length (2 transfer tracks for loading and unloading of containers and 1 manipulative track with the accompanying facilities) RESPONSIBLE PARTY: PROJECT NAME: STRATEGIC/LEGAL FRAMEWORK: PROJECT IMPORTANCE : PROJECT STATUS: INVESTMENT VALUE: “JSC Serbian Railways" Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure Modernization of Belgrade - Budapest railway on the section belonging to The Republic of Serbia • Strategy of railway, road, inland waterway, air and intermodal transport development in The Republic of Serbia • General Masterplan for Transport in The Republic of Serbia • Agreement on Economic and Technical cooperation in the field of Infrastructure between the Government of The Republic of Serbia and the Government of The People's Republic of China (with two annexes) • Spatial Planfor the Republic of Serbia 2010 - 2020 defined a long-term railway infrastructure development of the Corridor 10. In accordance with the needs, ratified European agreements (AGC, AGTC, SEECP) and standards of interoperability (TSI) of the Trans-European Rail network, reconstruction, construction and modernization of the existing railway of the Corridor 10 (Е70 and Е-85) through Serbia into double - track electrified 'high - performance' railway for the mixed (passenger and cargo / freight) traffic and combined transport. Commercial speed should be minimum 130km/h for the passenger trains with the projected speed of up to 160km. • The Republic of Serbia and JSC „Serbia Railways“ as one of the priorities of development of the railway infrastructure plan the reconstruction, modernization and construction of a modern double -track railway E-85: Belgrade - Novi Sad - Subotica - Hungarian border - (Kelebija), which represents a part of the railway Corridor Xb: Belgrade - Budapest; • This railway has great national and international significance for both passenger and rail freight traffic. In the international traffic it is the shortest and the most rational rail connection between Belgrade and Serbia and Budapest and Vienna, and through them with parts of central, west and east Europe as well as the transit connection with Greece and Middle East. • The existing railway Belgrade - Stara Pazova - Novi Sad - Subotica Hungarian border - (Kelebija), total length of 188km, was built n 1883, it has one track and run-down track superstructure and substructure and a big number of permanently reduced speeds and slow rides. • The train ride from Belgrade to Budapest, around 350km, is over 8 hours with the border stop and the commercial speed is about 43km/h. The goal is to increase the commercial speed of trains and shorten the time of travel by modernizing the railway system. • Project is in the preliminary/start up phase • There are ongoing trilateral negotiations on the realization of the project between The People's Republic of China, The Republic of Hungary, and The Republic of Serbia. • In Beijing, 6 June 2014, the first trilateral meeting was held. Agreed minutes from 8 August defined the next step to be the preparation of the mutual plan of cooperation. • In December 2014, The Second Summit of the Prime Ministers of China and countries of Central and Eastern Europewill be held in Belgrade, within which the activities on this project will be continued. • Estimated value of the project is 1.5 billion euros, and the realization of the project in The Republic of Serbia is estimated to be 885 mililion euros. PROJECT START DATE: PROJECT END DATE: FUNDING: • Potential funding models of the Project, as specified in the conclusions from the first trilateral meeting, should be contained in the Plan of cooperation. Chinese party is in charge of its preparation. 109 • PROJECT DESCRIPTION : RESPONSIBLE PARTY: PROJECT NAME: STRATEGIC/LEGAL FRAMEWORK: PROJECT IMPORTANCE : PROJECT STATUS: Project entails reconstruction, modernization, and construction of a double-track railway Belgrade - Budapest, for the speed of 160km/h. The modernized railway should provide fast, safe and high-capacity railway connection between Belgrade and Budapest, e.g provide a high level of railway service for passenger and freight transport, together with the necessary environmental protection measures. • The project defines performance of the following works: - Modernization, reconstruction and construction of the track with the enhancement of elements of the alignment for the traffic of 160km/h and allowed axel load of 225KN on the track and allowed load per meter of 80KN (D4 category) - reconstruction and construction of bridges and culverts - reconstruction and construction of tunnels - reconstruction and construction of tracks and station facilities - modernization and reconstruction of signal and safety devices, telecommunications and contact network of signal-safety devices - grade separated interchange of level crossings with the construction of parallel roads and access roads to the railway facilities. Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure Project of the construction of railway for high speed trains Belgrade Budapest • Strategy of railway, road, inland waterway, air and intermodal transport development in The Republic of Serbiafrom 2008 to 2015 • National Strategy of Serbia for Accession to the European Union • Agreement on Economic and Technical cooperation in the field of Infrastructure between the Government of The Republic of Serbia and the Government of The People's Republic of China (with two annexes). • Construction of high speed railway means connection of railway network in Serbia with the European TEN-T railway network for high speed trains. • Corridor 10 becomes a strategic route for both Serbia and the countries of Central and Western Europe. • Transport system of The Republic of Serbia will be fully integrated with the transport system of Europe, which will increase the quality of passenger transport. • • • INVESTMENT VALUE: • PROJECT START DATE: PROJECT END DATE: FUNDING: 4.5 billion euros - approximate estimated value. – where the estimated value for its realization on the territory of The Republic of Serbia counts 2.5 billion euros; - • • PROJECT DESCRIPTION : • 110 Project is in the preliminary/start up phase There are ongoing trilateral negotiations between The People's Republic of China, The Republic of Hungary and The Republic of Serbia related to the details of this project's realization. Preliminary design is being drafted; Potential funding models of the project (public private partnership, concession etc) Construction of railway for high speed trains is the project entirely independent of other forms of transport. It is a unified system where there are no intersections with other forms of transport, and signalization technology is introduced directly into the driver's compartment with speeds over 250km/h . Railway would connect Belgrade and Budapest, with the length of 350km, which would reduce the time of travel by 2 hours. RESPONSIBLE PARTY: PROJECT NAME: STRATEGIC/LEGAL FRAMEWORK: PROJECT IMPORTANCE : PROJECT STATUS: INVESTMENT VALUE: PROJECT START DATE: PROJECT END DATE: FUNDING: Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure JSC “Serbian Railways" Modernization of railway Belgrade - Sarajevo, the section belonging to The Republic of Serbia • Strategy of railway, road, inland waterway, air and intermodal transport development in The Republic of Serbiafrom 2008 to 2015 • General Masterplan for Transport in The Republic of Serbia • National Strategy of Serbia for Accession to the European Union • Project has national and strategic significance • Realization of Belgrade - Sarajevo project, direct railway connection in achieved between the two regional centers on the Balkans which creates opportunities for faster economic development of both regions. • Conditions for economic and industrial development of the region are created. • Existing railway infrastructure on the route Belgrade - Ruma - Sabac - Zvornik Grad on the territory of The Republic of Serbia has different characteristics on different alignments and sections, e.g different quality regarding the speed of operation of trains, load-bearing capacity, the physical condition of track superstructure and substructure, traction, electromechanical equipment etc. • Taking into consideration the condition of the infrastructure and the level of required services, it is necessary to modernize and improve the existing infrastructure, with the view to enhancing safety, speed and comfortability. • Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina should adjust and synchronize the planned activities for the modernization of the railway infrastructure with regards to the technical and technological parameters and the realization dynamics. • It is necessary to form an expert working group with the representatives from the government of The Republic of Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina that would coordinate all activities and reach decisions related to the project. • It is necessary to form an expert working group with the representatives from the government of The Republic of Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina so as to analyze and suggest all needed measures and activities for the setting up of railway traffic Belgrade - Sarajevo ,which would include: − analysis of the current state of the infrastructure − estimates of the expected transport capacity for both passenger and freight transport − necessary works on the infrastructure − estimates of the necessary funds for the preparation of project documentation and performance of works − investment study 120 millioneuros (in The Republic of Serbia) • • PROJECT DESCRIPTION : - not defined To connect Belgrade and Sarajevo it is possible to achieve railway connections using a part of Corridor 10 towards Shid, e.g Belgrade - Ruma - Sabac - Zvornik - Doboj - Sarajevo. To realize this railway connection on the territory of The Republic of Serbia it is necessary to realize the project of reconstruction of the existing railway Ruma - Sabac - Zvornik - Line junctionDonja Borina – Bosnia and Herzegovina state border which includes: - Reconstruction of the length of 77km of railway, maintaining the existing elements of the alignment for traffic operation, at speeds of up to 120km/h. - reconstruction of the tracks Sabac, Stitar Petlovaca, Prnjavor Macvanski, Loznica, Koviljaca and Zvornik - equipping of tracks and station facilities with appropriate devices for safety and telecommunications, together with the electrification of railway with the system 25kV/50 Hz. 111 RESPONSIBLE PARTY: Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure JSC "Serbian Railways" PROJECT NAME: Modernization of rail line Belgrade - Sarajevo, the section belonging to The Republic of Serbia • STRATEGIC/LEGAL FRAMEWORK: • • • • • PROJECT IMPORTANCE : • PROJECT STATUS: INVESTMENT VALUE: Strategy of railway, road, inland waterway, air and intermodal transport development in The Republic of Serbiafrom 2008 to 2015 General Masterplan for Transport in The Republic of Serbia National Strategy of Serbia for Accession to the European Union EU documents - First, second and third railway package , International Union of Railways (UIC); Project has national and strategic significance Railway Belgrade - Tirana connects The Republic of Serbia, Montenegro and Albania. This railway is of great regional importance, especially for the development of business connections of Serbia, Montenegro, Albania and Italy. It also represents a direct railway connection between The Adriatic - Ionian Basin and Pan - European traffic Corridors 10 and 7 (Danube) and further on with Eastern and Central European countries, having in mind the strategic position of Belgrade. Importance of this railway for Europe has been confirmed trough AGC and AGTC agreements. National importance of the railway for Serbia has been highlighted throughSpatial Planfor the Republic of Serbia2010 2020. • There are ongoing activities for the preparation of project documentation for the railway section going through The Republic of Serbia. • 400 millioneuros - estimated value of the investment for the railway sections going through The Republic of Serbia, e.g the section Lapovo Kraljevo - Kosovo Polje - Prizren - Skadar. PROJECT START DATE: - PROJECT END DATE: - FUNDING: PROJECT DESCRIPTION : • • Unknown source of funding Railway section Lapovo - Leska 200 million euros • The goal of the project is to modernize the existing railway infrastructure and build new infrastructure on the necessary sections. Project entails reconstruction and modernization of the section Lapovo Kraljevo - Lesak, as well as Leska - Prizren, and railway construction Prizren - Skadar, along the river White Drin where the railway will be connected with the existing railway Podgorica - Tirana. Railway has suitable technological and exploitive characteristics. • • 112 RESPONSIBLE PARTY: PROJECT NAME: STRATEGIC/LEGAL FRAMEWORK: PROJECT IMPORTANCE : PROJECT STATUS: INVESTMENT VALUE: PROJECT START DATE: PROJECT END DATE: FUNDING: PROJECT DESCRIPTION : Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure JSC "Serbian Railways" Project of modernization of integrated telecommunication system JSC „Serbia Railways“ (Huawey) Phase I • Agreement on economic and technical cooperation in the field of infrastructure between the government of The Republic of Serbia and People's Republic of China and the Law confirming the aforementioned Agreement. • Memorandum of understanding between Huawei International Pte. Ltd. and JSC „Serbia Railways“ • Letter of intentions China Eximbank - Chinese export - import bank, submitted to Huawei • Framework agreement signed betweenJSC „Serbia Railways“ and Huawei Technologies • Commercial agreement for the Modernization of the integrated system of telecommunications of JSC „Serbia Railways“ (Phase 1) between Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd and JSC "Serbian Railways". • Railway telecommunications network is technically and technologically outdated starting from transmission systems (aerial cable lines, copper coins, analog transmission systems), to the network of general and specific purpose (teleport 'step by step', relay devices etc.) • The purpose of this project is to modernize, enhance, and build an integrated system of telecommunications (IST) of JSC "Serbian Railways", that will represent the infrastructure necessary for implementing speech services, data transmission services, and railway traffic management services, with the view to improving employees' working environment, public and work safety, internal communication and road system services, all in accordance with the current international standards. • For the realization of the project it is necessary to plan a guarantee that would be issued by The Republic of Serbia in the Law on Budget 2014 of The Republic of Serbia • It is necessary to include the issuance of 24.7 million USD state guarantee in the Law on Budget 2014 in order to finance Phase 1 of the Project by Export Import Bank of China • Estimated value of Phase 1 of the project is 24.7 million USD. 2014 2016 • • • • • • • Export Import Bank of China Phase 1 specifies the construction of optical infrastructure, new IP/MPLS network transmission system and electrical power supply system, which entails the following subsystems: Optical cable infrastructure, SDH/DWDM transmission system, IP/MPLS and power supply system on the 4 sections of railway on Corridor 10, total length 461km: Belgrade railway junction - 119 km Section Belgrade (Resnik) - Lapovo - 96km Section Lapovo - Nis 142km Section Belgrade (Batajnica) - Sid –104 km. All abovementioned systems represent the base infrastructure for the implementation of new telecommunication and signal-safety services as well as all types of services necessary for efficient rail traffic management. 113 RESPONSIBLE PARTY: Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure JSC "Serbian Railways" PROJECT NAME: Modernization and electrification of railway Pancevo - Vrsac - Romanian border • STRATEGIC/LEGAL FRAMEWORK: Strategy of railway, road, inland waterway, air and intermodal transport development in The Republic of Serbiafrom 2008 to 2015, „Official Gazette of RS“, No 4/2008. Law on Spatial Planfor the Republic of Serbia2010 - 2020, „Official Gazette of RS“, No 88/2010 National Strategy of Serbia for Accession to the European Union • • • Railway Pancevo - Vrsac is a non-electrified railway. Modernization of railway Pancevo - Vrsac - Romanian border enhances reliability and quality of transport services within Serbian railways in the following ways: - enabled access to Belgrade railway junction to all trains coming from Vrsac without traction vehicle change - the increase of quality of passenger and freight transport services - enables economic development to be accompanied by corresponding railway capacities - completion of railway that connects Corridor 10 and Corridor 7 with Corridor 4, - the reduction of costs of railway infrastructure maintenance, and rolling stock PROJECT STATUS: • Preliminary design for the modernization of railway Pancevo - Vrsac Romanian border has been prepared INVESTMENT VALUE: • • Preliminary estimated value of the investment is 45,000,00 euros Accurate value will be known upon the completion of the project documentation PROJECT IMPORTANCE : PROJECT START DATE: - PROJECT END DATE: Unknown source of funding FUNDING: • Project entails: electrification of the railway section Pancevo - Vrsac - Romanian border - reconstruction of the existing railway - reconstruction of existing railway safety system with electronic axle counters - equipping railway with adequate telecommunication devices and digitalizing the entire railway - securing crossings PROJECT DESCRIPTION : 114 RESPONSIBLE PARTY: PROJECT NAME: STRATEGIC/LEGA L FRAMEWORK: PROJECT IMPORTANCE : PROJECT STATUS: Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure JSC "Serbian Railways" Relocation of railway infrastructure (railway station Belgrade) from Sava amphitheater due to realization of "Belgrade on Water" • Strategy for the creation of conditions for the construction of Belgrade on Sava, in the area of "Sava Amphitheater", conditioned by the relocation of railway installations • Investments in 2014 are necessary so as to provide the realization of Phase 1, and then of Phase 2 and 3 of "Belgrade Waterfront" • Decision on the preparation of Strategic assessment of environmental impact of Special Purpose Area Spatial Plan- the arrangement of the coastal area of the Sava for „Belgrade Waterfront“project. • Decision on the preparation of Special Purpose Area Spatial Planfor the organization of the coastal area of the Sava for the purposes of "Belgrade on Water" • Project is of great strategic value • Relocation of railway infrastructure of Belgrade train station is a necessary prerequisite for the realization of „Belgrade Waterfront“project (release of land for the construction of business, residential, cultural and sport facilities within „Belgrade Waterfront“complex) and fits into the project of revitalization and modernization of railway junction Belgrade. • A part of the relocated infrastructure will be used as support of the existing infrastructure on other locations of Belgrade railway junction (railway station Belgrade Center, Belgrade Marshalling, Ostruznica, TPS Zemun) • Railway infrastructure at Belgrade and Belgrade Spoljna stations has been dismantled • The remaining part of the infrastructure will be dismantled when technical condition for the relocation of installations and manpower into other junction points of Belgrade railway junction are obtained, and upon the allocation of funding for the realization of the relocation. INVESTMENT VALUE: PROJECT START DATE: PROJECT END DATE: FUNDING: 2,550,000 euros 2014 2014 • PROJECT DESCRIPTION : Unknown funding source Association „Belgrade Waterfront“initiated activities for the relocation of the public railway infrastructure, facilities for passenger and freight railway transport, facilities for maintenance of locomotives and passenger wagons, facilities for equipping sleeping and dining cars, as well as all other railway facilities within the railway complex of Belgrade railway station and Sava amphitheater, for the purposes of realization of „Belgrade Waterfront“project, that would be realized through three Phases: - Phase 1 - dismantling of the track in the coastal area would incorporate: dismantling of electrotechnical and electroenergetic infrastructure of western plate, cargo station, Belgrade Spoljna station, construction of new track connections at the entrance of Belgrade station, dismantling of a coastal part of the installation, providing a new location for the container terminal ZIT. - Phase 2 is the relocation of the rail tracks within the zone of „Belgrade Waterfront“complex - Phase 3 is the final relocation of all the functions of railway station Belgrade: - Abolition of transport of hazardous materials through Belgrade and removal of all railway installations. 115 RESPONSIBLE PARTY: Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure JSC "Serbia Railways" PROJECT NAME: Reconstruction and the extension of construction of TPS Zemun complex for the needs of "Belgrade Waterfront” project • Strategy for the creation of conditions for the construction of Belgrade on Sava, on the territory of "Sava amphitheater" conditioned by the relocation of the railway installations. Necessary investments in 2014 that would make possible the realization of Phase 1, and continuation of Phase 2 and 3 of the project „Belgrade Waterfront“ Main design of Belgrade railway junction, Passenger traffic (1977); General urban plan of Belgrade until 2021. Detailed urban plan of technical-passenger station Zemun; Main design of traffic technology with the technical analysis of transport capacity of the railway and official junctions of Belgrade railway junction system between official junctions Batajnica and Pancevacki most ("Institute of Transportation CIP") • STRATEGIC/LEGAL FRAMEWORK: • • • • • • Project is of great strategic value. Railway station Zemun is a middle-stop on the major railroad Belgrade - Sid - Croatian border and is situated on the Pan-European Corridor 10 through Serbia. Due to realization of the project of modernization of major railways on Corridor 10 and „Belgrade Waterfront“ project and taking into consideration vast areas of unused developed land within the area of the railway station and rail tracks, Zemun station has become the most significant railway installation for technical-passenger operations in Serbia and Belgrade railway junction, with the possibility of upgrade and change of use of the existing railway infrastructure within the station for other technological operations on the railway. • PROJECT IMPORTANCE : • JSC "Serbia Raiways"have prepared the project task with the objective of preparing the project documentation. After the funding has been obtained, realization of the project may commence. • INVESTMENT VALUE: Preliminary estimated value of the investment is 45.5 million euros. The exact value of the necessary assets will be known upon the completion of project documentation. It is also necessary to obtain the assets for indirect and incremental costs. PROJECT START DATE: 2015 PROJECT END DATE: 2017 FUNDING: Funding source not defined PROJECT STATUS: • PROJECT DESCRIPTION : 116 • Zemun station has two technical-technological units: (1) Passengerfreight station Zemun and (2) Technical-passenger station Zemun that make one technological unit. Within the complex of technical-passenger station Zemun there are facilities that have a characteristic of public railway infrastructure, such as rail tracks, departure and arrival platforms, contact network, safetysignaling devices, cables, telecommunication network, water and sewage installations, access tracks and passing loops etc; • JSC “Serbia Railways“ is planning to prepare all the necessary technical documentation for the reconstruction and finalization of building works on TPS Zemun, which will be in accordance with new technological demands for railway passenger and freight transport, and are based on the following: - commencement of the project “Belgrade Waterfront“ - there have been many decades since the basic principles of railway traffic and the estimated volume of traffic were determined as the base for the calculations of the necessary railway capacities. - Belgrade railway junction capacities were designed based on the needs of the railway network of former Social Federalist Republic of Yugoslavia and ought to be adjusted to the new conditions and demands. - an increase in the number of trains for urban and suburban passenger transport has been planned for Belgrade railway junction - technical characteristic of passenger wagons and train sets for passenger transport are different now, and thus the existing station technology must be adjusted to the contemporary transport media - technology of handling express goods, mail, car transportation wagons, sleeping and dining cars has been changed; 117 RESPONSIBLE PARTY: PROJECT NAME: STRATEGIC/LEGAL FRAMEWORK: Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure JSC "Serbia Railways" Reconstruction and upgrade of Belgrade Center station facilities as the transition phase of realization of the relocation from Sava amphitheater for the needs of “Belgrade Waterfront“ project • Strategy for the creation of conditions for the construction of Belgrade on Sava, on the territory of "Sava Amphitheater" conditioned by the relocation of the railway installations. • Necessary investments in 2014 that would make possible the realization of Phase 1, and continuation of Phase 2 and 3 of the project “Belgrade Waterfront“ General urban plan of Belgrade until 2021. Technical study of the finalization of Belgrade railway junction • • • • PROJECT IMPORTANCE : • PROJECT STATUS: • INVESTMENT VALUE: PROJECT START DATE: PROJECT END DATE: FUNDING: JSC "Serbia Railways" have prepared the project task with the objective to prepare the project documentation. After the funding has been obtained, realization of the project may commence. 10,100,000 euros 2014 2015 Funding source not defined • • PROJECT DESCRIPTION: • • 118 Project is of great strategic value. JSC "Serbia Railways" plan toreconstruct and upgrade the necessary railway infrastructure of the station Belgrade Center within the „Belgrade Waterfront“project. This will be the next step of the realization of the relocation of the passenger capacities from Belgrade station within “Belgrade Waterfront“project. Belgrade station will together with the new capacities due for construction within Phase 1, financed through the Kuwait fund for economic development, take over the function of the central passenger terminal in the city of Belgrade. Beside its significance for the railway system, Belgrade station not only has the role of attracting tourists, but also Belgrade citizens due to its planned phase construction of business - commercial contents above the track installations within the terminal complex. Thus, Belgrade Center terminal gets a significant role in the increase of attractiveness of the zone around Mostar, Belgrade Fair, Autokomanda and Clinical Center Belgrade. Through the phase realization of "Belgrade on water", station Belgrade will lose its role of the main train station. Belgrade station will have the role of the main train station, but also the main passenger terminal in Belgrade and Serbia. The project specifies the construction of new infrastructural installations within the station facilities (platforms, elevators, station access tracks and roads) and also facilities and installations for staff members and passenger accommodation. The project specifies modern hospitality services, contemporary equipment for railway traffic handling within the station itself, a modern security system for protection of staff and passengers within the station facilities and in traffic. The project also specifies a high energy efficacy of the whole complex. RESPONSIBLE PARTY: Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure JSC "Serbia Railways" PROJECT NAME: Reconstruction and upgrade of a part of Belgrade Marshalling station for the purposes of relocation of railway capacities from Belgrade Station and the construction of the railway terminal in Makis for the purposes of “Belgrade Waterfront“project • STRATEGIC/LEGAL FRAMEWORK: • • • • • PROJECT IMPORTANCE : • • Project is of great strategic value. JSC "Serbia Railways" plan to move all the infrastructural, staff, and mobile railway capacities connected to the railway freight traffic within the Belgrade Station and Belgrade railway junction into one main place as defined in the Belgrade Waterfront“ project. Due to the „Belgrade Waterfront“project and the construction of the inner and outer major ring roads, railway station Belgrade Marshalling and Ostruznica represent an ideal railway junction for admission, revision and dispatching of goods on the territory of Belgrade as well as in the transit through the city. In order to react efficiently and eliminate potential unplanned situations in Belgrade railway junction, the optimal location for the equipment and cars of the additional rolling stock as well as the accompanying staff and additional equipment is Belgrade Marshalling. • JSC "Serbia Railways"have prepared the project task for the relocation of freight installations into Belgrade Marshalling and Ostruznica stations with the objective of preparing project documentation. After the funding has been obtained, realization of the project may commence. • Preliminary estimated value of the investment is 38 million euros. Upon the completion of project documentation the exact value of needed assets will be known. It is also estimated that it will be necessary to obtain assets for the land expropriation (preliminary estimated value 3 million euros) as well as incremental and indirect costs of designing (estimated value of 1.425 million euros) PROJECT STATUS: INVESTMENT VALUE: PROJECT START DATE: PROJECT END DATE: 2015 2018 Funding source not defined FUNDING: • PROJECT DESCRIPTION : Strategy for the creation of conditions for the construction of Belgrade on Sava, on the territory of "Sava amphitheater" conditioned by the relocation of the railway installations. Necessary investments in 2014 that would make possible the realization of Phase 1, and continuation of Phase 2 and 3 of the project “Belgrade Waterfront“ General urban plan of Belgrade until 2021. Technical study of the finalization of Belgrade railway junction • According to GUP of Belgrade 2012, Belgrade Marshalling station complex which is planned to develop into the main railway freight terminal of Belgrade, of ecologically acceptable characteristic, will be kept for the needs of railway freight traffic and the construction of freight tation Makis in the Phase 1, Freight station is a public railway infrastructure and it represents a base on which the construction of additional facilities that constitute a railway freight terminal is planned. 119 • • • • 120 Railway freight terminal Belgrade should have both closed-space and open-air warehouses, connected with freight station via industrial tracks and cover the entire space between the existing Belgrade Marshalling and Obrenovac road, the total area of 200 hectares, and meet all the condition for the protection of the drinking water safeguard zones. The complex of Belgrade Marshalling station is well connected with the surroundings via major road Belgrade - Obrenovac, Belgrade bypass road and Belgrade circular road and has many unused spaces that could be used for the construction of the freight handling facilities. According to GUP of Belgrade 2021, the location of the railway freight terminal is located parallel to the complex of Belgrade Marshalling, between the railway station Belgrade Marshalling and Obrenovac road. Due to the realization of „Belgrade Waterfront“project, terminal ZIT that is currently located next to the Belgrade Spoljna station should be moved to the nearby area of Ostruznica station, which would ensure the expansion of railway capacities as well as capacities related to handling containers and other consignments within the terminal. RESPONSIBLE PARTY: PROJECT NAME: Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure JSC "Serbia Railways" PE “Roads of Serbia“ Construction of bypass railway Beli Potok - Vinca with the construction of road-rail bridge and railway triangle Zuce - Bubanj Potok, Pancevo Hipodrom - Pancevo Varos for the project „Belgrade Waterfront“and highway bypass Bubanj Potok - Vinca - Pancevo • STRATEGIC/LEGAL FRAMEWORK: • • • • • • • • PROJECT IMPORTANCE : • • • • PROJECT STATUS: • Strategy for the creation of conditions for the construction of Belgrade on Sava, on the territory of "Sava amphitheater" conditioned by the relocation of the railway installations. Necessary investments in 2014 that would make possible the realization of Phase 1, and continuation of Phase 2 and 3 of the project „Belgrade Waterfront“ General urban plan of Belgrade until 2021. Spatial Planfor The Republic of Serbia Technical study of the finalization of Belgrade railway junction Project is of great strategic value. This traffic corridor is of great importance for The Republic of Serbia, Belgrade and Pancevo. A special issue for Belgrade is road and rail traffic towards Banat via Pancevo road-rail bridge on the Danube. Passenger and freight transit road traffic is conducted through crowded city streets. Freight railway traffic (around 1.5 million tones out of which 60% are hazardous substances) is conducted by rail through Sava amphitheater and along Sava and Danube banks around Kalemegdan. The goal is to divert railway freight traffic and transportation of hazardous substances, and transit road traffic Belgrade - Pancevo Vrsac/Zrenjanin, outside the inner city area of Belgrade and Pancevo, via a bypass railway and bypass road, in accordance with the Spatial Planfor the Republic of Serbia, General Plan of Belgrade, and Spatial and Urban plan of Pancevo. Within „Belgrade Waterfront“project, JSC "Serbia Railways"plan to separate railway traffic for passenger transport (that goes through the city area), and railway freight transport (that would circumvent the city area) by reorganizing the traffic in the Belgrade railway junction. A part of the existing bypass railway on the route Batajnica Ostruznica - railway section К/К1allows freight train traffic outside the city area south - west/north, but lacks part of the railway bypass east west/north/south which would be completed by constructing a new single-track railway Beli Potok - Vinca - Pancevo Varos. Without the realization of this project, the relocation of railway traffic from the city zone (railway around Kalemegdan) and the construction of „Belgrade Waterfront“is not possible. For freight bypass railway Beli Potok - Vinca - Pancevo, highway bypass Bubanj Potok - Vinca - Pancevo, and road-rail bridge across the Danube at Vinca, Main design, Preliminary design, Investment Study, and Environmental Impact Assessment Study have been conducted. The preparation of documentation and Designs was financed by The Ministry of Infrastructure and the city of Belgrade in 2007 and 2008, and all the documentation was prepared by the "Institute of Transportation CIP". DRP (Detailed Regulation Plan) has been prepared for the abovementioned facilities, especially for the territory of the city of Belgrade and the city of Pancevo. The City Council of Pancevo prepared DRP and the public access took place in Belgrade. 121 • INVESTMENT VALUE: Total construction value is around 430 million euros. - 96 million euros - the value of the construction for the freight bypass railway Beli Potok - Vinca - Pancevo - 205 million euros - for the highway bypass Bubanj Potok - Vinca Pancevo - 129 million euros - for road-rail bridge across the Danube. • Total investment value of construction, planning and design, indirect costs that entails conditions and consents, administrative taxes, permits and professional supervision is around 470 million euros. PROJECT START DATE: 2015 PROJECT END DATE: 2020 FUNDING: • • • PROJECT DESCRIPTION : • • 122 Due to the specificities and connections between road and rail design solutions in the mutual corridor, the most rational option is the simultaneous construction of both roads and the bridge across the Danube. The project involves the construction of a highway bypass Bubanj Potok - Vinca - Pancevo and electrified single-line railway Beli Potok Vinca - Pancevo Varos with a road-rail bridge across the Danube and the railway triangles Zuce - Bubanj Potok and Pancevo Hipodrom Pancevo Varos. The planned railway would be designed according to the standards of the AGC and AGTC agreements, with axle-load 22.5t/os and 8t/m, UICGC clearance, max. speed of up to 120km/h on the open railway, 50km/h on the triangle and 120km/h on the bridge across the Danube. The railway would have type 60E1 tracks with concrete sleepers (stone crushed ballast closed track construction) and the whole railway would be electrified by 25kV/50Hzsystem. The project also includes the electrification of the existing single-track Pancevo Hipodrom - Pancevo Varos. The bridge across the Danube is the key facility, with the option of phase-construction that should enable safe operation of road, rail, and water transport. The bridge consists of the main bridge and access constructions for highway and railway, where the railway is placed across the middle section of the bridge and the highway lanes are positioned on the aligning sides. The process of reconciliation of The Memorandum of Understanding between TheMinistry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructureand Chinese company Sinohidro Corporation Limited on the mutual realization of the project as a public - private partnership or some other form of financial model, except for the classic borrowing, is in the process. RESPONSIBLE PARTY: Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure JSC "Serbia Railways" PROJECT NAME: Vukov spomenik station platform reconstruction • STRATEGIC/LEGAL FRAMEWORK: • • • PROJECT IMPORTANCE : • Strategy of railway, road, inland waterway, air and intermodal transport development in The Republic of Serbiafrom 2008 to 2015, „Official Gazette of RS“, No 4/2008. Law on Spatial Planfor the Republic of Serbia2010 - 2020, „Official Gazette of RS“, No 88/2010 National Strategy of Serbia for Accession to the European Union For the purposes of improving railway transport services of JSC "Serbia Railways", a procurement of new electromotor trains is planned. In order for passengers to get on and off the trains, the platforms are required to fit the height standards needed for the use of such trains and thus a reconstruction of Zemun, Rakovica, Vukov spomenik and Pancevacki most station platforms is necessary. The realization of the project would substantially improve safety and quality of urban and suburban railway traffic. • JSC "Serbia Railway" are conducting prepartory activities for the preparation of documentation that will commence upon the attainment of funding. INVESTMENT VALUE: • • 1.5 million euros - performance of works 36,500 euros - preparation of technical documentation PROJECT START DATE: • PROJECT END DATE: • 2015. FUNDING: • Unknown source of funding PROJECT DESCRIPTION : • The project of reconstruction of platforms at Vukov spomenik station specifies the reduction of the platform height from 960mm to 550m. PROJECT STATUS: 123 RESPONSIBLE PARTY: PROJECT NAME: Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure JSC "Serbia Railways" Zemun station platform reconstruction • • STRATEGIC/LEGAL FRAMEWORK: • • • PROJECT IMPORTANCE : • PROJECT STATUS: INVESTMENT VALUE: Strategy of railway, road, inland waterway, air and intermodal transport development in The Republic of Serbiafrom 2008 to 2015, „Official Gazette of RS“, No 4/2008. Law on Spatial Planfor the Republic of Serbia2010 - 2020, „Official Gazette of RS“, No 88/2010 National Strategy of Serbia for Accession to the European Union Contract between JSC "Serbia Railways" and the city of Belgrade on the expansion of railway traffic passenger transport on the territory of Belgrade and its integration into the public transport system of Belgrade. For the purposes of improving railway transport services of JSC "Serbia Railways", a procurement of new electromotor trains is planned. In order for passengers to get on and off the trains, the platforms are required to fit the height standards needed for the use of such trains and thus a reconstruction of Zemun, Rakovica, Vukov spomenik and Pancevacki most station platforms is necessary. The realization of the project would substantially improve safety and quality of urban and suburban railway traffic. • JSC "Serbia Railway" is conducting preparatory activities for the preparation of documentation that will commence upon the attainment of funding. • • 1.2 million euros - performance of works 30,000 euros - preparation of technical documentation PROJECT START DATE: 2015 PROJECT END DATE: FUNDING: • Unknown source of funding PROJECT DESCRIPTION : • The project of reconstruction of platforms at Vukov spomenik station specifies the reduction of the platform height from 960mm to 550m. 124 RESPONSIBLE PARTY: Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure JSC "Serbia Railways" PROJECT NAME: Pancevacki most station platform reconstruction • • STRATEGIC/LEGAL FRAMEWORK: • • • PROJECT IMPORTANCE : • PROJECT STATUS: INVESTMENT VALUE: Strategy of railway, road, inland waterway, air and intermodal transport development in The Republic of Serbiafrom 2008 to 2015, “Official Gazette of RS“, No 4/2008. Law on Spatial Planfor the Republic of Serbia2010 - 2020, “Official Gazette of RS“, No 88/2010 National Strategy of Serbia for Accession to the European Union Contract between JSC "Serbia Railways" and the city of Belgrade on the expansion of railway traffic passenger transport on the territory of Belgrade and its integration into the public transport system of Belgrade. For the purposes of improving railway transport services of JSC "Serbia Railways", a procurement of new electromotor trains is planned. In order for passengers to get on and off the trains, the platforms are required to fit the height standards needed for the use of such trains and thus a reconstruction of Zemun, Rakovica, Vukov spomenik and Pancevacki most station platforms is necessary. The realization of the project would substantially improve safety and quality of urban and suburban railway traffic. • JSC "Serbia Railway" are conducting prepartory activities for the preparation of documentation that will commence upon the attainment of funding. • • 250,000 euros - performance of works 6,300 euros - preparation of technical documentation • The project of reconstruction of platforms at Vukov spomenik station specifies the reduction of the platform height from 960mm to 550m. PROJECT START DATE: PROJECT END DATE: FUNDING: PROJECT DESCRIPTION : 125 RESPONSIBLE PARTY: PROJECT NAME: Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure JSC "Serbia Railways" Rakovica station platform reconstruction • • STRATEGIC/LEGAL FRAMEWORK: • • • PROJECT IMPORTANCE : • PROJECT STATUS: INVESTMENT VALUE: Strategy of railway, road, inland waterway, air and intermodal transport development in The Republic of Serbiafrom 2008 to 2015, “Official Gazette of RS“, No 4/2008. Law on Spatial Planfor the Republic of Serbia2010 - 2020, “Official Gazette of RS“, No 88/2010 National Strategy of Serbia for Accession to the European Union Contract between JSC "Serbia Railways" and the city of Belgrade on the expansion of railway traffic passenger transport on the territory of Belgrade and its integration into the public transport system of Belgrade. For the purposes of improving railway transport services of JSC "Serbia Railways", a procurement of new electromotor trains is planned. In order for passengers to get on and off the trains, the platforms are required to fit the height standards needed for the use of such trains and thus a reconstruction of Zemun, Rakovica, Vukov spomenik and Pancevacki most station platforms is necessary. The realization of the project would substantially improve safety and quality of urban and suburban railway traffic. • JSC "Serbia Railways" is conducting prepartory activities for the preparation of documentation that will commence upon the attainment of funding. • • 750,000 euros - performance of works 18,800 euros - preparation of technical documentation PROJECT START DATE: 2015 PROJECT END DATE: FUNDING: • Unknown source of funding PROJECT DESCRIPTION : • The project of reconstruction of platforms at Vukov spomenik station specifies the reduction of the platform height from 960mm to 550m. 126 RESPONSIBLE PARTY: PROJECT NAME: Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure JSC "Serbia Railways" Construction of Belgrade Kosutnjak station • • STRATEGIC/LEGAL FRAMEWORK: • • • PROJECT IMPORTANCE : PROJECT STATUS: INVESTMENT VALUE: Strategy of railway, road, inland waterway, air and intermodal transport development in The Republic of Serbiafrom 2008 to 2015, “Official Gazette of RS“, No 4/2008. Law on Spatial Planfor the Republic of Serbia2010 - 2020, „Official Gazette of RS“, No 88/2010 National Strategy of Serbia for Accession to the European Union Detailed Regulation Plan for the spatial cultural-historic unit Topcider Phase 1, stage 2 (Patrijarha Dimitrija Street - from Pere Velimirovica Street to Oslobodjenje Street) Contract between JSC "Serbia Railways" and the city of Belgrade on the expansion of railway traffic passenger transport on the territory of Belgrade and its integration into the public transport system of Belgrade. • The realization of this project will provide enhanced quality of passenger transport services and better railway transport connections within the integrated system of passenger transport in the city of Belgrade, and result in the opening of new stations. • JSC "Serbia Railways" is conducting preparatory activities for the preparation of documentation that will commence upon the attainment of funding. • • 2 million euros - performance of works 13,000 euros - preparation of technical documentation PROJECT START DATE: 2015 PROJECT END DATE: FUNDING: • Unknown source of funding PROJECT DESCRIPTION : • Construction of stations with all necessary facilities and access roads. 127 RESPONSIBLE PARTY: Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure JSC "Serbia Railways" PROJECT NAME: Rebuilding of railway infrastructure from the consequences of floods on parts of the railway of Serbian railways (Phase 2) STRATEGIC/LEGAL FRAMEWORK: • Law on Post-Flood Rehabilitation in the Republic of Serbia(“Official Gazette of RS”No.75/14) • • Project is of great strategic importance. The floods in the central and western Serbia in May 2014 caused extensive damage to railway infrastructure. Torrential water has partially damaged the railway infrastructure on certain sections of major roads and regional roads: Resnik - Vrbnica, Belgrade - Nis, Mala Krsna - Pozarevac - Majdanpek and resulted in the impaired traffic flow. Due to the impact of vast quantities of flooding water from the nearby terrain, the railroad, railroad switch constructions and axle have been partially damaged. Realization of rebuilding projects on flooded areas will result in the increased safety and speed of regular passenger and freight railway traffic flow, which is of great economic importance. • PROJECT IMPORTANCE : • PROJECT STATUS: INVESTMENT VALUE: 4,421,000 euros PROJECT START DATE: 2014 PROJECT END DATE: 2015 FUNDING: PROJECT DESCRIPTION : 128 • Unknown source of funding • Projects specify performance of works to rebuild parts of damaged railway constructional and electrotechnical infrastructure on the railway sections situated in the flooded areas. RESPONSIBLE PARTY: Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure JSC „Serbia Railways“ PROJECT NAME: Reconstruction of Pozarevac-Majdanpek railway from the consequences of floods(phase 2) • STRATEGIC/LEGAL FRAMEWORK: • • • • • PROJECT IMPORTANCE : • • • PROJECT STATUS: INVESTMENT VALUE: Strategy of railway, road, inland waterway, air and intermodal transport development in The Republic of Serbia, 2008 - 2015, „Official Gazette of RS“, No 4/2008. Law on Spatial Plan for the Republic of Serbia 2010 – 2020, „Official Gazette of RS“, No88/2010 Law on Post-flood Rehabilitation in the Republic of Serbia,“Official Gazette of RS“, No75/14 The aim of reconstruction of Pozarevac-Majdanpek railway is to increase the reliability and quality of transport services on "Serbia Railways" network, through achieving the following objectives: increase of allowed carrying capacity of the railway will enable the increase of the railway capacity and reliability of infrastructure, improve the quality and speed of railway traffic on national network, in order to attract the flow of passengers and goods by the level of service of the JSC "Serbian Raiways", realization of a secure, fast, safe and efficient railway traffic, reduction of the costs of maintenance of roads, which will come as a consequence of the increased volume and share of railways in meeting the needs of transport of the economy and population of the region, ensuring that economic development of gravitational area is followed by the appropriate railway capacity, or that a railway development encourages the development of regional economy, • Railways conduct preparatory activities for the preparation of documents which will start after providing the necessary financial resources. • Preliminary estimated investment value is 30 million euros PROJECT START DATE: - PROJECT END DATE: - FUNDING: • PROJECT DESCRIPTION : • • Reconstruction of the track and installations under the existing elements of the route for the traffic flow at speed up to 100km/h, allowed axle load on the railway of 22.5 tons and allowed load per meter of 8.0 t/m, then the category D4, for the total 254km of the railway. Providing free profile UIC-B, and UIC-C where possible, Equipping of the railway with the appropriate telecommunications and signaling and safety devices. 129 RESPONSIBLE PARTY: PROJECT NAME: Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure JSC “Serbia Railways“ Rebulding of railway infrastructure from the consequences of floods on (Ruma)-Sabac-Zvornik railway (phase 3) STRATEGIC/LEGAL FRAMEWORK: • • PROJECT IMPORTNACE: • • • PROJECT STATUS: INVESTMENT VALUE: PROJECT START DATE: PROJECT END DATE: FUNDING: PROJECT DESCRIPTION: 130 • • • The floods in the central and western Serbia in May 2014 caused extensive damage to railway infrastructure. Due to the suspension of traffic on main lines, there was a transfer of a part of the passenger and freight traffic to regional and local lines, which caused indirect damage to the railway infrastructure and led to a reduction in the speed of rolling stock and disorders in track parameters, due to the increased volume of traffic. Due to the need of improving the technical condition of the railway and track installations in order to increase the axle load of the railway and speed of thetrains, track reconstruction in a length of 29.1 km on the part of of the railway Sabac – Zvornik is needed. Reconstruction of the railway means an improvement of the railway connection with Bosnia and Herzegovina, and increase in safety and reliability of passenger and freight traffic on that relation. The railway (Ruma) Sabac - Zvornik is part of the Belgrade – Sarajevo railway, at the territory of the Republic of Serbia. The preparatory activities for the elaboration of project documentation are undertaken, which will be accessed after providing the necessary financial resources. Preliminary estimated investment value is 10,603,000 euros. For the construction of the main project the amount of necessary funds is 742,241 euros. 2015 • Funding source is not defined. • To launch the project of reconstruction of the track, it is necessary to draw up technical documentation, provide needed construction materials and hire third parties to perform work on the railway substructure and superstructure and railway installations. The project includes: - Recording of the condition of artificial objects of substructure with the assessment of load bearing capacity for axle load of 22.5 tons; - Work on the substructure and superstructure between official places Petlovaca - Lesnica, Loznica - Brasina and Donja Borina and Zvornik; - Drainage works on the roadbed; - Restoration and insurance of slopes; • RESPONSIBLE PARTY: Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure JSC „Serbia Railways“ PROJECT NAME: Reconstruction and modernization of Senta-Apatin railway • STRATEGIC/LEGAL FRAMEWORK: • • • The aim of reconstruction and modernization of Senta-Apatin railway is to increase the reliability and quality of transport services on JSC "Serbian Raiways" network, through achieving the following objectives: • improve the quality and speed of railway traffic on national network, in order to attract the flow of passengers and goods by the level of service of the JSC "Serbian Raiways", • realization of a secure, fast, safe and efficient railway traffic, • increase of carrying capacity of the railway, safety and reliability of infrastructure, • ensuring that economic development of gravitational area is followed by the appropriate railway capacity, or that a railway development encourages the development of regional economy, • Better connectivity to the future port Apatin, integrated logistics center and industrial park Apatin with lines towards Subotica and Bogojevo further towards Novi Sad. • reduction of the costs of maintenance of roads, which will come as a consequence of the increased volume and share of railways in meeting the needs of transport of the economy and population of the region. • The railway undertakepreparatory activities for the elaboration ofdocumentation, which will be accessed after providing the necessary financial resources. PROJECT IMPORTANCE: PROJECT STATUS: Strategy of railway, road, inland waterway, air and intermodal transport development in The Republic of Serbia, 2008 - 2015, “Official Gazette of RS“, No 4/2008. Law on Spatial Plan for the Republic of Sebia, 2010-2020, „Official Gazette of RS“, No 88/2010 National Strategy for the Accession of the Republic of Serbia to the European Union INVESTMENT VALUE: 9,000,000 euros PROJECT START DATE: - PROJECT END DATE: - FUNDING: Not defined • PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Project includes: - Reconstruction of the track and installations under the existing elements of the route for the traffic flow at speed up to 60km/h, allowed axle load on the railway of 225 KNand allowed load per meter of 80 KN/m, therefore for the category D4. - Equipping of the railway with the appropriate telecommunications and signaling and safety devices. 131 RESPONSIBLE PARTY: PROJECT NAME: STRATEGIC/LEGAL FRAMEWORK: PROJECT IMPORTANCE: PROJECT STATUS: INVESTMENT VALUE: PROJECT START DATE: PROJECT END DATE: FUNDING: Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure JSC „Serbia Railways“ Reconstruction and modernization of Pancevo-Zrenjanin-Banatsko Milosevo-Senta-Subotica railway • Strategy of railway, road, inland waterway, air and intermodal transport development in The Republic of Serbia, 2008 - 2015, “Official Gazette of RS“, No 4/2008. • Law on Spatial Planfor the Republic of Sebia, 2010-2020, “Official Gazette of RS“, No 88/2010 • National Strategy for theAccession of the Republic of Serbia to the European Union • The goal of reconstruction and modernization of PancevoZrenjanin-Banatsko Milosevo-Senta-Suboticarailway is to increase the reliability and quality of transport services on ‘Serbia Railways’ network, through achieving the following objectives: • enabling alternative transportation line in case of the works on the railway Belgrade-Zemun-Novi Sad-Subotica-Hungarian border • improve the quality and speed of railway traffic on national network, in order to attract the flow of passangers and goods by the level of service of the JSC "Serbian Raiways", • realization of a secure, fast, safe and efficient railway traffic, • increase of carrying capacity of the railway, safety and reliability of infrastructure, • ensuring that economic development of gravitational area is followed by the appropriate railway capacity, or that a railway development encourages the development of regional economy, • Better connectivity to the future port Apatin, integrated logistics center and industrial park Apatin with lines towards Subotica and Bogojevo further towards Novi Sad. • reduction of the costs of maintenance of roads, which will come as a consequence of the increased volume and share of railways in meeting the needs of transport of the economy and population of the region. • Section represents a parallel railway route with Corridor 10, that is, reconstruction enables the railway traffic between Belgrade and Subotica with the additional line, which helps in reducing railway traffic on Corridor 10. • The railway undertake preparatory activities for the elaboration of documentation, which will be accessed after providing the necessary financial resources. 96,000,000 euros • • • • - PROJECT DESCRIPTION: - 132 Project includes: Reconstruction of the track and installations under the existing elements of the route for the traffic flow at speed up to 100km/h, allowed axle load on the railway of 22.5 tons and allowed load per meter of 8.0 t/m, therefore, for the category D4. Equipping of the railway with the appropriate telecommunications and signaling and safety devices. RESPONSIBLE PARTY: Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure JSC „Serbia Railways“ PROJECT NAME: Reconstruction of Petrovaradin-Beocin railway • STRATEGIC/LEGAL FRAMEWORK: Strategy of railway, road, inland waterway, air and intermodal transport development in The Republic of Serbia, 2008 - 2015, “Official Gazette of RS“, No 4/2008. Law on Spatial Planfor the Republic of Sebia, 2010-2020, “Official Gazette of RS“, No 88/2010 • • PROJECT IMPORTANCE: The railway Petrovardin - Beocin connected the economy of the Municipality of Beočin, and above all, the cement factory with the lines of Corridor X, and through them with the Western, Central and Eastern Europe, as well as Turkey and the Middle East. Currently is out of function. With the re-establishment of the railway traffic on the railway Petrovardin - Beocin, many advantages coud be used in comparison to the road traffic and there would be a redistribution of flows of goods from road to rail. At the same time, the railway belongs to the gravitational area of Novi Sad, and as such is included in the development plans of the city of Novi Sad for inclusion in public transport of passengers. In this way, the transport would be cheaper, which would have a favorable impact on the final cost of the product; proportionately,damaging influence and the degradation of the natural surroundings, as well as the environment would reduce. • • PROJECT STATUS: • Main design of reconstruction of Petrovaradin-Beocin railway is set up. INVESTMENT VALUE: • • Preliminary estimated value is 12,000,000 euros. Upon completion of the project documentation,the necessary funds for the realization of the project will be determined. PROJECT START DATE: - PROJECT END DATE: - FUNDING: • PROJECT DESCRIPTION: • • Reconstruction of the track and installations under the existing elements of the route for the traffic flow at speed up to 100km/h, allowed axle load on the railway of 225 KN and allowed load per meter of 80 KN/m, Equipping of the railway with the appropriate telecommunications and signaling and safety devices on the railway Electrification of the railway 133 RESPONSIBLE PARTY: Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure JSC „Serbia Railways“ PROJECT NAME: Reconstruction and modernization of Lapovo-Kraljevo-Raska-Lesak • STRATEGIC/LEGAL FRAMEWORK: Strategy of railway, road, inland waterway, air and intermodal transport development in The Republic of Serbia, 2008 - 2015, “Official Gazette of RS“, No 4/2008. Law on Spatial Plan for the Republic of Sebia, 2010-2020, “Official Gazette of RS“, No 88/2010 National Strategy for the Accession of the Republic of Serbia to the European Union • • • PROJECT IMPORTANCE: PROJECT STATUS: INVESTMENT VALUE: Railway Lapovo-Kraljevo-Raska-Lesak is a part of the railway BelgradeTirana at the territory of the Republic of Serbia. • The aim of the reconstruction of railway Lapovo-Kraljevo-Raska-Lesak is to increase the quality of transport services on the ‘Serbia Railways network, through achieving the following objectives: - a realization of a secure, fast, safe and efficient railway traffic, - the improvement of the quality of transport services of passengers and goods - an increase in the competitiveness of the railway in relation to alternative routes and forms of transportation - an increase in turnover of freight wagons and reduction of the necessary working stock for the same amount of goods, - reducement of transport costs,maintenance costs of rail infrastructure and rolling stock, as well as - reduction of the costs of maintenance of roads, which will come as a consequence of the increased volume and share of railways in meeting the needs of transport of the economy and population of the region. • The railway undertake preparatory activities for the elaboration of documentation, which will be accessed after providing the necessary financial resources. • Preliminary estimated investment value is 200,000,000. euros. Upon completion of the project documentation, the exact amount of necessary funds will be determined. PROJECT START DATE: - PROJECT END DATE: - FUNDING: • • PROJECT DESCRIPTION: • • 134 Reconstruction project of Lapovo-Kraljevo-Raska-Lesak railway includes: repairs of 152 km of the railway for axle weight 225 kN and mass per meter of 80 kN / m with the improvement of elements of the travk for the traffic flow at speed up to 120 km / h, electrification of the railway with the 25kV / 50Hz system, modernization of telecommunication system, safety-signaling installations and security of road crossings, providing free profile UIC-C for electrified railways and enabling the use of all technologies of intermodal transport without restrictions. RESPONSIBLE PARTY: Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure JSC „Serbia Railways“ PROJECT NAME: Repair of (Stalac)-Krusevac-Kraljevo railway • STRATEGIC/LEGAL FRAMEWORK: Strategy of railway, road, inland waterway, air and intermodal transport development in The Republic of Serbia, 2008 - 2015, “Official Gazette of RS“, No 4/2008. Law on Spatial Plan for the Republic of Sebia, 2010-2020, “Official Gazette of RS“, No 88/2010 National Strategy for the Accession of the Republic of Serbia to the European Union • • • PROJECT IMPORTANCE: The aim of the reconstruction of railway (Stalac)-Krusevac-Kraljevo is to increase the quality of transport services on Serbian railway network, through achieving the following objectives: - a realization of a secure, fast, safe and efficient railway traffic, - the improvement of the quality of transport services of passengers and goods - an increase in the competitiveness of the railway in relation to alternative routes and forms of transportation - an increase in turnover of freight wagons and reduction of the necessary working stock for the same amount of goods, - reducement of transport costs, maintenance costs of rail infrastructure and rolling stock, as well as - reduction of the costs of maintenance of roads, which will come as a consequence of the increased volume and share of railways in meeting the needs of transport of the economy and population of the region. PROJECT STATUS: - INVESTMENT VALUE: Estimated value is 44,000,000 euros PROJECT START DATE: - PROJECT END DATE: - FUNDING: • PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Reconstruction project of (Stalac)-Krusevac-Kraljevo railway includes: - repair of 56 km of the railway with the improvement of construction parameters on the part from Krusevac and Kraljevo, - construction of stable electric traction, that is, of the electrification of the railway with the 25kV / 50Hz system, within a distance of 72 km from Stalac to Kraljevo, - construction of electric traction substations. 135 RESPONSIBLE PARTY: PROJECT NAME: STRATEGIC/LEGAL FRAMEWORK: JSC „Serbia Railways“ Provincial Secretariat for Economy, Employment and Gender Equality Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure Reconstruction/construction of Segedin-Horgos-Subotica-Cikerija-Baja railway • Strategy of railway, road, inland waterway, air and intermodal transport development in The Republic of Serbia • Law on Spatial Plan for the Republic of Sebia andand regional Spatial Planof AP Vojvodina predict that the railway, and in this regard, the retention of dismantled railway lines with the purpose of renovation under right conditions • Development strategy Danube Kris Mures Tisa (DKMT) region. • • • PROJECT IMPORTNACE: • • The project is of interstate strategic importance, as a transversal connection to Corridor 10, should be a railway of local and regional character, which would be primarily used for regional passenger traffic and connecting cities. This project primarily connects three regional center - Segedin, Subotica and Baja. It facilitates the flow of passengers and goods. Travellers will be enabled a fast connection not only with Segedin and Baja, but also with the regional center ofKecskemet and Budapest. Connection to the Danube portin Baja, especially for enabling fast and inexpensive transportation of finished products from Subotica Free Zone to Baja to the port and further down the Danube. It significantly facilitates the transport of goods, especially towards the south-west Europe, not only from Subotica, but also from Szeged, i.e. south-east Hungary. The transport path in this case is reduced for a few hundred kilometers. • PROJECT STATUS: INVESTMENT VALUE: PROJECT START DATE: PROJECT END DATE: FUNDING: There is ongoingelaboration of technical documentation for the section Segedin - Horgos - Subotica that allow the tender call for the works since the beginning of 2015. • Completion of the project is expected in late November this year. • For the railway Subotica - Csikéria - Baja there is ongoing preparation of pre-investment project documentation, including Study on the impact of the railway to environment. 150,000,000,00euros. - Section from Segedin to Subotica 75,000,000,00 euros - Section from Subotica to Baja 75,000,000,00 euros • 2012 started the Elaboration of project documentation • 2016 - reconstruction of Segedin Subotica • • The first phase of the section from Segedin to Subotica until 2019 The second phase of the section from Subotica to Baja until 2027 • Sections of the railway that are in the territory of Hungary are funded by the EU resources and Hungary budget. The section of the railway from the state border at Horgos to Subotica and further until the state border in Csikéria will befinancedmostly from donations (IPA or CEF funds), and partly from the budget of the Republic of Serbia, as self participation. • • PROJECT DESCRIPTION: 136 The total length of the railway is 100,95 km, out of which 26,63km goes through Serbia -the section Horgos (state border) – Subotica, and Subotica - Csikeria (state border) 11,90 km. Substructure project is done for speed up to 160 km/h, and electrical control equipment is done for 100 km/h. • The project includes the elaboration of the following documents: - Preliminary design and Studies of the impact to the environment of the section Subotica - Horgos - State border (according to Serbian regulations), - Project for approval and Study of the impact to the environment for the section Segedin - Reske - State border (in accordance with Hungarian regulations), - The audit of the current documentation including feasibility study - Tender documents for the construction of Segedin-Reske-HogosSubotica railway (according to the "Yellow FIDIC") - Basic documentation regarding the route of the railway Subotica - Baja. • After completion of documentation, the works on the railroad would begin. The reconstruction / construction of the railway includes the following: - Reconstruction of Subotica-Horgos-Segedin railway and - The construction of the railway in the Republic of Serbia on the territory from Subotica until the Hungarian border (direction toward Baja) RESPONSIBLE PARTY: PROJECT NAME: STRATEGIC/LEGAL FRAMEWORK: Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure JSC „Serbia Railways“ Reconstruction of Markovac-Resavica railway • PROJECT IMPORTANCE: • • • PROJECT STATUS: • INVESTMENT VALUE: PROJECT START DATE: PROJECT END DATE: FUNDING: • PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The railway Markovac - Resavica connects the economy of the Municipality of Despotovac, with the lines of Corridor X, and through them with the Western, Central and South-eastern Europe, as well as Turkey and the Middle East. With the reconstruction and modernization of the railway, many undeniable advantages coud be used in comparison to the road traffic and there would be a redistribution of flows of goods from road to rail, especially in the transport of bulk materials. Length of the railway is 53,4km. In this way, the transport would be cheaper, which would have a favorable impact to final cost of the product, and this wouldproportionately reducethedamaging influence and the degradation of the natural surroundings and the environment. With the reconstruction of the railway, the conditions for the transport of an additional 250,000 tonnes of cargo annually are created. The railway undertake preparatory activities for the elaboration of documentation, which will be accessed after providing the necessary financial resources. Upon completion of the project documentation, the necessary funds for the realization of project will be determined, estimated value of the works is 20,000,000 euros. Project of reconstruction and modernization of Markovac-Resavica railwayincludes elaboration of project documentation and the works: - Reconstruction of the line and installations under the existing elements of the route for traffic flow at speed up to 100 km/h, installation of rails type S49, D4 category for allowed axle load on the railway of 22.5 t and allowed load per meter from 8t, - Equipping the railway by appropriate telecommunications and signaling-safety devices, as well as equipping the railwaywith signal box which would reduce the number of operative stations. 137 RESPONSIBLE PARTY: Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure JSC „Serbia Railways“ PROJECT NAME: Reconstruction of Novi Sad-Odzaci-Bogojevo railway • STRATEGIC/LEGA L FRAMEWORK: Strategy of railway, road, inland waterway, air and intermodal transport development in The Republic of Serbia, 2008 - 2015, “Official Gazette of RS“, No 4/2008. Law on Spatial Plan for the Republic of Sebia, 2010-2020, “Official Gazette of RS“, No 88/2010 • • PROJECT IMPORTANCE: • PROJECT STATUS: INVESTMENT VALUE: • The railway undertake preparatory activities for the elaboration of documentation, which will be accessed after providing the necessary financial resources. • Upon completion of the project documentation, the necessary funds for the realization of project will be determined, estimated value of the works is 19,000,000 euros. PROJECT START DATE: - PROJECT END DATE: - FUNDING: • PROJECT DESCRIPTION: 138 The railway Novi Sad - Odzaci - Bogojevo is the existing traffic capacity, which connects the economy of district of Backa with the lines of Corridor X. Length of the railway is 76.5 km. With reconstruction of the railway, the conditions for the transport of additional 80,000 tons of cargo annually are created. Project of reconstruction and modernization of Novi Sad-Odzaci-Bogojevo railway includes elaboration of project documentation and the works: - Reconstruction of the line and installations under the existing elements of the route for traffic flow at speed up to 100 km/h, installation of rails type S49, D4 category for allowed axle load on the railway of 22.5 t and allowed load per meter from 8t, - Equipping the railway by appropriate telecommunications and signaling-safety devices, as well as equipping the railwaywith signal box which would reduce the number of operative stations. RESPONSIBLE PARTY: Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure JSC „Serbia Railways“ НАЗИВ ПРОЈЕКТА: Reconstruction of Paracin- Stari Popovac railway STRATEGIC/LEGA LFRAMEWORK: • The railway Paracin-Stari Popovac is the existing traffic capacity, currently out of function, which used to connect the economy of the Municipality of Paracin, with the lines of Corridor X. Length of the railway is 15 km. With the reconstructionof the railway on the line Paracin-Stari Popovac, many undeniable advantages would be used in comparison to the road traffic and there would be a redistribution of goods from road to rail. In this way, the transport would be cheaper, which would have a favorable impact to final cost of the product, and this would proportionately reduce the damaging influence and the degradation of the natural surroundings and the environment. With the reconstruction of the railway, the conditions for the transport ofadditional 200,000 tonnes of cargo annually are created. • PROJECT IMPORTANCE: • PROJECT STATUS: INVESTMENT VALUE: • The railway undertake preparatory activities for the elaboration of documentation, which will be accessed after providing the necessary financial resources. • Upon completion of the project documentation, the necessary funds for the realization of project will be determined, estimated value of the works is 3,000,000 euros. PROJECT START DATE: - PROJECT END DATE: - FUNDING: • PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Project of reconstruction and modernization of Paracin-Stari Popovac railway includes elaboration of project documentation and the works: - Reconstruction of the track and installations under the existing elements of the route for traffic flow at speed up to 100 km/h, installation of rails type S49, D4 category for allowed axle load on the railway of 22.5 t and allowed load per meter from 8t, - Equipping the railway by appropriate telecommunications and signaling-safety devices, as well as equipping the railwaywith signal box which would reduce the number of operative stations. 139 RESPONSIBLE PARTY: Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure JSC „Serbia Railways“ PROJECT NAME: Reconstruction and modernization of Ovca-Padinska Skela railway STRATEGIC/LEGAL FRAMEWORK: • - PROJECT IMPORTANCE: - - - PROJECT STATUS: • INVESTMENT VALUE: PROJECT START DATE: The railway undertake preparatory activities for the elaboration of documentation, which will be accessed after providing the necessary financial resources. 9,000,000 euros - PROJECT END DATE: - FUNDING: • PROJECT DESCRIPTION: • 140 The aim of reconstruction and modernization of Ovca-Padinska railway is to increase the reliability and quality of transport services on JSC "Serbia Raiways" network, through achieving the following objectives: improve the quality and speed of railway traffic on national network, in order to attract the flow of passengers and goods by the level of service of the JSC "Serbian Raiways", realization of a secure, fast, safe and efficient railway traffic, increase of carrying capacity of the railway, safety and reliability of infrastructure, ensuring that economic development of gravitational area is followed by the appropriate railway capacity, or that a railway development encourages the development of regional economy, reduction of the costs of maintenance of roads, which will come as a consequence of the increased volume and share of railways in meeting the needs of transport of the economy and population of the region. with the reconstruction of the railway, the conditions for the transport ofadditional 50,000 tonnes of cargo annually are created. Reconstruction of the line and installations under the existing elements of the route for traffic flow at speed up to 60 km/h, allowed axle load on the railway of 22.5 t and allowed load per meter from 8t, therefore, for the category D4. Reconstruction of the existing telecommunications and signalingsafety devices. RESPONSIBLE PARTY: Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure JSC „Serbia Railways“ PROJECT NAME: Construction of a new, one track, electrified railroad from the crossroads "Jezava" to the station Smederevo Teretna and new Port of Smederevo • Strategy of railway, road, inland waterway, air and intermodal transport development in The Republic of Serbia, 2008 - 2015, “Official Gazette of RS“, No 4/2008 General Urban Plan of the City of Smederevo STRATEGIC/LEGAL FRAMEWORK: • • PROJECT IMPORTANCE: The construction of a new, one track, railway from the railway station Smederevo to a new port on Danube, will allow the relocation of cargo capacity of the existing port and the existing capacity of the cargo part of the railway station Smederevo in the industrial zone of the city of Smederevo, that is: allocation of capacity and cargo contents from the existing port, relocation of handling content for loading and unloading of goods from existing station Smederevo, but retention of all functions and the portion of the capacity for passenger transport by rail, allocating capacity to maneuver wagons, splitting and forming of freight trains, and allocating capacity for receiving and shipping of freight trains with goods transhipped in the Port from river vessels in freight wagons • • • • СТАТУС ПРОЈЕКТА: • There are ongoing activities of raising funds for the preparation of the necessary documentation, which will determine the value of the investment. INVESTMENT VALUE: 12,000,000 euros PROJECT START DATE: - PROJECT END DATE: - FUNDING: • PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The project of building a new railroad from the crossroads Jezava to the station Smederevo Teretna and new Port of Smederevo includes: - construction of a new section of the railway junction of 6km length, one track, electrifiedrailwayfrom the crossroads Jezava to new station Smederevo Teretna and to the new Port of Smederevo, for the traffic speed of trains to 80km/h, allowed axle load on the railway of 22.5 tons and load per meter of 8.0 t for category D4. - providing free profile UIC-C - equipping of the railway and stationswith modern telecommunication and electronic signaling-safety devices 141 RESPONSIBLE PARTY: Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure JSC „Serbia Railways“ PROJECT NAME: Construction of railway terminals for goods STRATEGIC/LEGAL FRAMEWORK: • Strategy of railway, road, inland waterway, air and intermodal transport development in The Republic of Serbia, 2008 - 2015, “Official Gazette of RS“, No 4/2008 • The importance of the construction of railway terminals for goods is reflected in: - enhancing the quality of transport and logistics services of railway on the transport market of Serbia, the Balkans and Europe, - the inclusion of transport-distribution system of our country in the Balkan and European trends, - attracting international commodity flows (primarily transit) - reducing the costs of transportation and distribution of products, - concentration of goods traffic and rational redistribution between road and rail transport, - the introduction and application of technologies of intermodal transport and modern logistics strategy, - a unique serving business entities, industrial complexes and urban areas, - protection of the environment and increase of safety traffic • The railway undertake preparatory activities for the elaboration of documentation, which will be accessed after providing the necessary financial resources. • Upon completion of the project documentation, the necessary funds for the realization of project will be determined. Preliminary estimated value of the first phase of the realization of the works is 16,000,000 euros for a railway terminal for goods, taking into account that the realization phase will be defined during the design phase. PROJECT IMPORTANCE: PROJECT STATUS: INVESTMENT VALUE: PROJECT START DATE: - PROJECT END DATE: - FUNDING: • PROJECT DESCRIPTION: • • 142 Project of construction of railway terminals for goods includes preparation of project documentation and execution of construction work at the same or suitable locations in the area of the following railway junctions: Belgrade, Novi Sad, Subotica, Smederevo, Nis, Nis, Kraljevo, Pozega, Sremska Mitrovica, Krusevac, Zrenjanin, Sabac, Ruma, Jagodina, Lapovo, Sombor, Dimitrovgrad. In the first phase the necessary activities for building a terminal in Belgrade, Novi Sad, Smederevo, Aleksinac, Nis, Kraljevo, Pozega, Sremska Mitrovica will be undertaken. Railway terminal for goods would include open and closed storage, the necessary machinery and transshipment capacities in accordance with the defined concept of a network of terminals, with the use of modern logistics technologies for handling the goods (containers, transport of road vehicles etc). RESPONSIBLE PARTY: Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure JSC „Serbia Railways“, Information Systems for elaboration of timetable and operational monitoring of PROJECT NAME: timetable execution on the railway • Strategy of railway, road, inland waterway, air and intermodal transport development in The Republic of Serbia, 2008 - 2015, “Official Gazette of STRATEGIC/LEG RS“, No 4/2008. AL FRAMEWORK: • Law on Railways • Law on Interoperability • Improvement of timetable development, transition from hand to electronic structure of train routes, driving time calculations, intervals, limited speed and all necessary elements for creation of graphs and timetable booklets, and their elaboration for the period of validity of the timetable on railway lines PROJECT JSC "Serbian Raiways". IMPORTANCE: • Improvement of the operational monitoring of timetable execution on all lines the execution order of driving all stripes. • Improvement of management of public railway infrastructure JSC "Serbian Raiways". PROJECT • The railway undertake preparatory activities for the elaboration of documentation, STATUS: which will be accessed after providing the necessary financial resources. INVESTMENT 600,000 euros VALUE: PROJECT START DATE: PROJECT END DATE: FUNDING: • The project of information systems for elaboration of timetable and management of operational functioning of train traffic on the railways PROJECT includes preparation of the following project documentation: - The purchase of software DESCRIPTION: - The purchase of the adequate computer equipment, - Training of employees and implementation of programs. RESPONSIBLE PARTY: PROJECT NAME: STRATEGIC/LEGAL FRAMEWORK: PROJECT SIGNIFICANCE: PROJECT STATUS: INVESTMENT VALUE: PROJECT START DATE: PROJECT END DATE: FUNDING: Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure JSC „Serbia Railways“, Supply of information systems for project management • • Purchase of a software package for managing projects will allow adequate IT support for planning, monitoring and coordination of technical documentation. Creating the conditions for the establishment of electronic business systems and multimedia concepts in support of the management structures of the company. In initial phase 1,500,000 еuros • • 2015 2015 Not defined • • PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Project of information systems purchase for managing projects includes: - The purchase of software - The purchase of the missing adequate computer equipment, - Training of employees and implementation of program. 143 RESPONSIBLE PARTY: Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure JSC “Serbia Railways“, PROJECT NAME: Modernization of 50 electric engine trains series 441 and 461 • STRATEGIC/LEGA L FRAMEWORK: National Strategy for the Accession of the Republic of Serbia to the European Union Strategy of Economic Development of the Republic of Serbia Strategy of railway, road, inland waterway, air and intermodal transport development in The Republic of Serbia • • • The program of modernization of rolling stock directly affects the modernization of the traffic of the country and it has strategic importance, because it stimulates the overall economic development, increases the level of transport connections with Europe and create the conditions for the significant involvement of foreign capital into our economy. Apart from the impact on the development of the transportation system of the country, modernization of railway rolling stock indirectly affects the level of living standards and the development of the region, both along the main routes and regional and local railways, with a smaller volume of transport. With the proposed project,JSC "Serbia Railways"would achieve savings in the costs of current and investment maintainance and achieve significant financial effects by making a higher income, which would support faster development of the railways. The project of modernization of the abovementionedengine trains would lead to improvement of the structural elements in engine trains, essential technical characteristics, and therefore exploitation characteristics. Increased reliability and safety of the rolling stock will realize greater volume of transport. On the other hand, the costs would be significantly reduced, since the modernization reduce the costs of current and investment maintenance. They would also improve the exploitation parameters and reduce exploitation costs. Reducing costs and having the possibility of better offer on the transport market, the railway increases productivity, with long-term effects. • • PROJECT IMPORTANCE: • • • PROJECT STATUS: INVESTMENT VALUE: PROJECT START DATE: PROJECT END DATE: FUNDING: PROJECT DESCRIPTION: 144 • There are ongoing activities of finding sources for the elaboration of the necessary documentation, which will determine the value of the investment. • 4,900 eurosis estimated value for the elaboration of the project documentation 35,000,000 euros is estimated value of modernization. • • There are ongoing activities of searching for the funding source. • The project includes the following activities: - Elaboration of the technical documentation for the project of modernization of 50 electric engine train series 441 and 461 and the creation of tender documents - Modernization of electric engine trains series 441 and 461 - Technical inspection and republic administrative fee for obtaining a use permit for the use of railway vehicles for all towing vehicles. RESPONSIBLE PARTY: Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure JSC “Serbia Railways“ PROJECT NAME: Modernization of 25 diesel-electric engine trains series 661 • STRATEGIC/LEGA L FRAMEWORK: National Strategy for the Accession of the Republic of Serbia to the European Union Strategy of Economic Development of the Republic of Serbia Strategy of railway, road, inland waterway, air and intermodal transport development in The Republic of Serbia • • • PROJECT IMPORTANCE: • PROJECT STATUS: INVESTMENT VALUE: • There are ongoing activities of finding sources for the elaboration of the necessary documentation, which will determine the value of the investment. • 5,000 eurosis estimated value for the elaboration of the project documentation 30,000,000 euros is estimated value of modernization. • PROJECT START DATE: - PROJECT END DATE: - FUNDING: PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Diesel engine trains series 661 are intended for hauling trains for passenger and goods transport, and in the absence of manoeuvre engine trains may be engaged to perform manoeuvre work. Based on the critically reviewed technical condition of diesel engine trains 661 and their major components and aggregates, it was estimated as justified that outdated technical solutions should be replaced or modernized. Within the modernization, the installation of the new modern components, assemblies and aggregates instead of the existing ones is planned, which further enhance the functionality, availability and reliability of these engine trains. With the proposed project, "Serbian Railways" JSC would achieve savings in the costs of current and investment maintenance and achieve significant financial effects by making a higher income, which will accelerate faster development of the railway. This results in improving the overall transport efficiency and meeting the needs of the market of transport services at the state level, integration into the traffic structure of the neighbouring countries and in Europe's railway system, increase of reliability, traffic safety and efficiency of the company. • There are ongoing activities of searching for the funding source. • The project includes the following activities: - Elaboration of the technical documentation for the project of modernization of 25diesel-electric engine trains series 661 - Modernization of diesel-electric engine trains series 661 - Technical inspection and republic administrative fee for obtaining a use permit for the use of railway vehicles for all towing vehicles. 145 RESPONSIBLE PARTY: ‘‘JSC Serbia Railways’’ Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure PROJECT NAME: Modernization of 15 electric engine trains type 412/416 STRATEGIC/LEGA L BASIS: • • • National EU Pre-Accession Strategy of the Republic of Serbia Economic development strategy of Serbia Strategy for the development of railway, road, water, air and intermodal transport in the Republic of Serbia • The program of the modernization of means of transport directly influences the modernization of transport in the country and is strategically important for the country, as it boosts the overall economic development, increases the level of the country’s traffic connectivity with Europe and creates conditions for substantial involvement of foreign capital in our economic flows. By the means of leveraging the advantages of railway traffic in mass goods transport, the state traffic policy would be based on more rational principles by creating savings and reducing jams on traffic roads. In addition to the influence on the development of the country’s transportation system, the modernization of the means of railway transport has indirect influence on the level of the standard of living and the regional development, both in the vicinity of trunk railway roads and nearby regional and local railway roads with smaller volume of transportation. The modernization of electric engine trains type 412/416 should provide successful realization of the demands of transport order and technological process in the railway, with the aim of railway becoming a competitive part of the transportation system. By the means of the proposed project, JSC ‘‘Serbia Railways’’would score significant savings in current and investment maintenance and accomplish significant financial effects by generating higher income, which would stimulate faster development of the railway. By the means of the project of modernization of the aforementioned electric engine trains, there would be an improvement of constructive elements, relevant technical and exploitation characteristics. The increased reliability and safety of these railway means of transportation shall generate a greater transportation volume. • • PROJECT IMPORTANCE: • • PROJECT STATUS: • Activities regarding finding the funds for the production of the needed documentation, which shall outlay the investment value, are under way. INVESTMENT VALUE: • • EUR 7,500 – estimated value needed for the production. EUR 15,000,000 – estimated value of the modernization. PROJECT START DATE: - PROJECT END DATE: - FUNDING: PROJECT DESCRIPTION: 146 • Ongoing activities on finding the source of funding. • • The project provisions for the following activities: Preparation of technical documentation for the project of the modernization of 15 electric engine trains type 412/416; Modernization of electric engine trains type 412/416; Technical admission and state administrative tax for obtaining exploitation permit for the usage of the means of railway transport. • • RESPONSIBLE PARTY: Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure JSC “Serbia Railways“ PROJECT NAME: Modernization of 25 diesel electric locomotives series 642 and 641-300 STRATEGIC/LEGAL BASIS: • • • National EU Pre-Accession Strategy of the Republic of Serbia Economic development strategy of Serbia Strategy for the development of railway, road, water, air and intermodal transport in the Republic of Serbia • The project of the modernization of diesel electric locomotives would improve constructive elements on locomotives, relevant technical characteristics and exploitation characteristics, which lead to accomplishing all listed both general and specific project goals and leads to the improvement of environmental conditions, as resulting synergy influence of the reduction of noise and exhaustion gas emission. The modernization of diesel electric locomotive series 642 and 641-300 should also provide the successful realization of the demands of transportation timetables and technological process on the railway, so as to make the railway a competitive part of the transportation system. Additionally, from this project’s economic point of view, the resulting effect reflects in the fact that the modernization represents a minor investment in comparison to the acquisition of a new vehicle fleet, and extends their duration by approximately 10 years. This represents an important factor in the careful management of the expenses of the means of transport, and considering the fact that the funds for the acquisition of new vehicles would be insufficient to satisfy all needs, modernization of the aforementioned vehicles imposes itself as a necessity, in order to satisfy certain transport demands. PROJECT IMPORTANCE: • PROJECT STATUS: • Activities regarding finding the funds for the production of the needed documentation, which shall outlay the investment value, are under way. INVESTMENT VALUE: • The estimated value is c. EUR 15,000,000 PROJECT START DATE: - PROJECT END DATE: - FUNDING: • • PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Ongoing activities on finding the source of funding. The project provisions for the following activities: - Production of technical and tender documentation for the modernization of 25 diesel electric locomotive series 642 and 641-300; - Modernization of diesel electric locomotives series 642; - Technical admission and state administrative tax for obtaining the exploitation permit for the usage of means of railway transport. 147 RESPONSIBLE PARTY: Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure JSC “Serbia Railways“ PROJECT NAME: Modernization of 2,000 cargo wagons STRATEGIC/LEG AL BASIS: PROJECT IMPORTANCE: • • • National EU Pre-Accession Strategy of the Republic of Serbia Economic development strategy of Serbia Strategy for the development of railway, road, water, air and intermodal transport in the Republic of Serbia • The project of the modernization of cargo wagons would improve their technical characteristics and exploitation characteristics. The increased reliability and safety of these means of transport shall provide greater volume of transportation. By the means of the proposed project, JSC „Serbia Railways“would score savings in the expenses of current and investment maintenance and would accomplish faster development of the railway. By reducing the expenses and having the option for a better offer on the transportation market, the railway increases productivity, with long-term effects. • • PROJECT STATUS: INVESTMENT VALUE: • Activities regarding finding the funds for the production of the needed documentation, which shall outlay the investment value, are under way. • EUR 6,000 – estimated value needed for the production of project documentation. EUR 40,000,000 – estimated value of the modernization. • PROJECT START DATE: - PROJECT END DATE: - FUNDING: • • PROJECT DESCRIPTION: 148 Ongoing activities on finding the source of funding. The project provisions for the following activities: - Production of technical documentation for the project of modernization of cargo wagons of all types and the production of biding documentation; - Modernization of cargo wagons. • It is necessary to modernized cargo wagons satisfy all the standards which are applied in the European railways. RESPONSIBLE PARTY: Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure JSC “Serbia Railways“ PROJECT NAME: Acquisition of 1,000 new cargo wagons STRATEGIC/LEG AL BASIS: PROJECT IMPORTANCE: • • • National EU Pre-Accession Strategy of the Republic of Serbia Economic development strategy of Serbia Strategy for the development of railway, road, water, air and intermodal transport in the Republic of Serbia • By the means of the proposed project, JSC “Serbia Railways“would score savings in current and investments maintenance costs and achieve significant financial effects by obtaining bigger profit, which would stimulate faster development. The project of the acquisition of this type of wagons would improve the technical characteristics and exploitation characteristics. The increased reliability and safety of these means of transport shall provide greater volume of transportation. By reducing the expenses and having the option for a better offer on the transportation market, the railway increases productivity, with long-term effects. • • PROJECT STATUS: INVESTMENT VALUE: • Activities regarding finding the funds for the production of the needed documentation, which shall outlay the investment value, are under way. • EUR 5,000 – estimated value needed for the production of project documentation. EUR 150,000,000 – estimated value of the acquisition. • PROJECT START DATE: - PROJECT END DATE: - FUNDING: • • PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Ongoing activities on finding the source of funding. The project provisions for the following activities: - Production of technical and tender documentation; - Acquisition of cargo wagons. - Technical admission and state administrative tax for obtaining the exploitation permit for the usage of means of railway transportation the railway road network of JSC “Serbia Railways“. 149 RESPONSIBLE PARTY: Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure JSC “Serbia Railways“ PROJECT NAME: Modernization of 50 passenger cars STRATEGIC/LEG AL BASIS: PROJECT IMPORTANCE: • • • National EU Pre-Accession Strategy of the Republic of Serbia Economic development strategy of Serbia Strategy for the development of railway, road, water, air and intermodal transport in the Republic of Serbia • The project of the modernization of passenger cars would improve the overall transport efficiency and satisfaction of the transportation services market on the state level, integration with the transportation structure of the surrounding countries and the railway system of Europe, increase of reliability and safety of the traffic and increased efficiency of the company. On the other hand, the costs would reduce significantly, as the planned modernization reduces current and investments maintenance costs. They would also improve the exploitation parameters and reduce the exploitation costs. By reducing the expenses and having the option for a better offer on the passenger transportation market, the railway increases productivity, with long-term effects. • • PROJECT STATUS: INVESTMENT VALUE: • Activities regarding finding the funds for the production of the needed documentation, which shall outlay the investment value, are under way. • EUR 5,000 – estimated value needed for the production of project documentation. EUR 50,000,000 – estimated value of the modernization • PROJECT START DATE: - PROJECT END DATE: - FUNDING: • • • PROJECT DESCRIPTION: 150 Ongoing activities on finding the source of funding. The project provisions for the following activities: Production of technical and tender documentation for the project of the modernization of cargo wagons of all types and the production of biding documentation; - Modernization of passenger cars; - Technical admission and state administrative tax for obtaining the exploitation permit for the usage of means of railway transportation; • It is necessary for modernized cargo wagons to satisfy all the standards which are applied in the European railways. Water transport and navigation safety 151 152 RESPONSIBLE PARTY: Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure Department for water transport and navigation safety PROJECT NAME: Project for technical support and institutional capacity building in Department for water transport and navigation safety • STRATEGIC/LEGAL BASIS: • • • Strategy on the development of water transport in the Republic of Serbia from 2015 to 2025 Law on Navigation and Ports on Inland Waters (“Official Gazette of RS” No 73/10 and 121/12) Law on Ministries (“Official Gazette of RS” No 44/2014), Law on amendments and supplements of the Law on the budget of the Republic of Serbia (“Official Gazette of RS” No 116/14) • Creating conditions for the Department for water transport and navigation safety to achieve greater reliability and efficiency of work. Bearing in mind the technical and technological progress, and the modern communication methods, it is important to provide technical support to the staff so as to simplify the work process and enable timely reactions to the set requirements. PROJECT STATUS: • Planned project INVESTMENT VALUE: • EUR 5,000 for the complete computer equipment (10 employees in the Department for water transport and navigation safety) PROJECT IMPORTANCE: PROJECT START DATE: 2015 PROJECT END DATE: 2017 FUNDING: Budget of RS • • PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The project provisions for the acquisition of 10 computers, five printers and five scanners. Bearing in mind the outdated equipment and subsequently, their frequent malfunctions and blockades and postponing of responding to the set requirements, it is necessary to acquire the new computer equipment which shall be able to follow the It technology progress (hardware and software), or operative system which provides the option for monitoring word processing, images, presentations et al. Additionally, this new technology provides more humane working conditions (anti-radiation protection of the employees, bearing in mind the time period spent in front of the computer), as well as environmental protection. 153 RESPONSIBLE PARTY: PROJECT NAME: Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure Water Directorate The project of the implementation of water gage stations and the system for bridge clearance surveillance • STRATEGIC/LEGA L BASIS: • • • • • • Strategy on the development of water transport in the Republic of Serbia from 2015 to 2025 (“Official Gazette of RS” No 004/08) General master plan for transport in Serbia 2009- 2027 Master plan for inland waterways Law on Navigation and Ports on Inland Waters European Union strategy for the Danube region The Danube Commission recommendations Long-term plan 2012- 2016 for the basic transportation network of South East Europe and Memorandum of understanding on the basic transportation network of South East Europe • PROJECT IMPORTANCE: The project bears strategic importance: according to the newly set-up classification of the main waterway corridors in the EU, the Danube is a part of Rhine-Main-Danube channel and is the only inland water corridor in this classification. In the Republic of Serbia 87% of total inland water transport is conducted on the Danube. • The project shall create the necessary pre-requirements for: − Increased navigation safety − Improvement in inland water traffic management − Prevention of traffic accidents − Improvement of efficiency of inland water traffic • Additionally, the project addresses the White Book and the European Commission work document harmonization conditions. The plan toward the creation of a unique European transport area – according to competitive and efficient transportation system. Planned project PROJECT STATUS: INVESTMENT VALUE: PROJECT START DATE: PROJECT END DATE: FUNDING: EUR 8,700,000 2017 2020 • PROJECT DESCRIPTION: • • 154 Unknown The aim of this project is to establish an extensive water gage station system, stations for tracking available bridge clearance and introduction of a system for distribution of the collected data, which encompasses a complex communication network for support to direct provision of navigation safety- related information to the participants in the navigation process on the Serbian part of the Danube course. In Serbia, the official water gage data are monitored by the Republic Hydrometeorological Service, which provides data from nine water gage stations in the following locations: Bezdan, Apatin, Bogojevo, Backa Palanka, Novi Sad, Zemun, Pancevo, Smederevo, and Veliko Gradiste. Most of water gage stations have daily monitoring. Considering the average inter-station distance of 65 km, it is clear that the water level between two water gage station can only be measured approximately (based on a suitable model which is a better-case scenario, but not the practice which requires regular calibration which is an expensive model, or by linear approximation which is not precise). • • Additionally, daily readings at wter gage stations do not always appropriately reflect the water level changes, and this influences the possibility of providing correct information about availabe water depths to the participants in the transportation process, as well aas to official institutions responsible for the navigation safety and maintenance of waterways. By increasing the density of water gage stations and reducing inter-station distance, as well as shortening time period between two water level readings, linear approximation of the available depths can be considered sufficiently accurate for the needs of navigation. Combined with other measures, such as regular hydro-graphic measures of river beds, planning and decision making process of ship commanders and the authorized state institutions can be significantly improved. Modern water gage stations also measure water flow at certain points, which is of key importance for providing up-to-date water level forecast as well as hydrological modelling. 155 RESPONSIBLE PARTY: PROJECT NAME: Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure Water Directorate Hydro-technical and dredge excavation on critical sectors on the Sava river • • • • • • • STRATEGIC/LE GAL BASIS: • • • • • • • • • • PROJECT IMPORTANCE: • PROJECT STATUS: • • • INVESTMENT VALUE: 156 Strategy on the development of water transport in the Republic of Serbia from 2015 to 2025 General master plan for transport in Serbia (2009) Strategy for the development of railway, road, water,air and intermodal transportation in the Republic of Serbia 2008- 2015 (“Official Gazette of RS” No 4/08) General plan and feasibility study for inland water transport in Serbia (2006) Law on Navigation and Ports on Inland Waters (“Official Gazette of RS” No 73/10 and 121/12) Framework agreement of the Sava river basin (FASRB) Strategy for the implementation of the Framework agreement of the Sava river basin (2011) Decision 26/06 on the international commission for the Sava basin on the adoption of detailed parameters for the classification of Sava waterway AGN (European Agreement on Main Inland Waterways of International Importance) Master plan for inland waterways European Union strategy for the Danube region The Danube Commission recommendations Long-term plan 2012- 2016 for the basic transportation network of South East Europe and Memorandum of understanding on the basic transportation network of South East Europe Joint statement about leading principles of development on inland water transport and environmental protection in the Danube basin Bi-state agreement between Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina on the inland waterway navigation and maintenance The project has been estimated as strategically important and has received a high score in PPF5 evaluation (ranked 8th among projects in the domain of transport) The Sava is and international waterway connected with the Danube, which, under the new classification of the main EU transport corridors is a part of the Rhine-MainDanube corridor, which is the only waterway under this classification. The transport volume on the Sava river has been limited due to several critical navigation segments, which influences the transport planning and complete integration of this river in the sustainable logistics chains. Sabac and Sremska Mitrovica ports are important trans-shipment spots on the Sava river. Preparation of technical documentation for the critical sectors on the Sava river in Serbia have been a matter of a project financed through IPA funds for Bosnia and Herzegovina. The project was cancelled in April 2014. (Until the end of H1 2015, the preparation of a Study on the evaluation of environmental influence, revision of the existing Investment study, production of idea projects, production of main project and tender documentation for hydro-technical works and the supervision and ecological monitoring over works were planned) The project was cancelled, thus it is necessary to obtain a new source of funding in order to proceed with the preparation of the necessary technical documentation. EUR 9.3 million in total: − EUR 1 million – preparatory activities, revision and updating the existing Investment study (ISRBC, 2008), Study on the evaluation of the environmental influence, permission for the Investment study and idea projects, production of the Main project for the critical sectors with hydro-technical constructions, tender documentation for the works and for the supervision an ecological monitoring); − EUR 7 million: hydro-technical works and dredge excavation; − EUR 1.3 million: supervision and ecological monitoring over the hydrotechnical works and dredge excavation. PROJECT START DATE: PROJECT END DATE: • Preparation of the missing documentation and obtaining conditions, opinions and agreements would last 1.5 years. • Works would be executed in 2-year period from the moment of the completion of the preparation of the documentation and obtaining all conditions and permits. • The project has been proposed for financing within IPA 2014- 2020. The project has been estimated as strategically relevant and has received a high score under evaluation by PPF5 (ranked as 8th among projects in the transport sector). FUNDING: • PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The purpose of the project is providing the minimum depth and width of the Sava river waterway in low water level periods. That way, navigation condition on the Sava river would become more predictable in the sense of available waterway dimension, more reliable in the sense of logistics and transport planning, and more competitive in comparison to comparable means of transportation. • Six critical sectors for the Sava river navigation have been determined. • Technical components of the project imply: − Involving all interested parties of the project in the regular Stakeholder forum (bearing in mind the existence of the great number of protected areas and sensitive habitats of endangered species alongside this segment of the river); − Morphological modelling; − Multi-criteria analysis and selection of the most favourable solution; − Revision of the Investment study and preparation of idea projects; − Preparation of the Study on the environmental influence (in cross-border context for the river segment upstream the Drina confluence) − Preparation of the main projects (based on the selection of the best solution via multi-criteria analysis) − Preparation of compensation measure which relate to the environment; − Preparation of the tender documentation for hydro-technical works and dredge excavation and for the supervision and ecological monitoring of the hydro-technical works and dredge excavations (the monitoring includes hydrology, hydrography, biology, quality of banks, water quality and other ecological parameters) − Execution of hydro-technical works (combination of dredging the river banks and unsubstantiated hydro-technical constructions, such as river groynes, brinks, etc) − Supervision and ecological monitoring over the works (monitoring, prior to, during and after the executed hydro-technical works). • The project implementation would contribute of the integration of the Sava river in the pan-European transport network. The project effects are correlated to the improvement of waterways in other countries upstream. This way only, the Sava river can become a part of the integrated system of inland waterways and can significantly contribute to social-economical development of the Republic of Serbia and the entire region. 157 RESPONSIBLE PARTY: PROJECT NAME: STRATEGIC/LEGAL BASIS: PROJECT IMPORTANCE: PROJECT STATUS: INVESTMENT VALUE: PROJECT START DATE: 158 Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure Water Directorate Hydro-technical and dredge excavation on critical sectors on the joint RSCRO segment of the Danube (including the preparation of the missing documentation) • Strategy on the development of water transport in the Republic of Serbia from 2015 to 2025 • General master plan for transport in Serbia (2009) • Strategy for the development of railway, road, water,air and intermodal transportation in the Republic of Serbia 2008- 2015 (“Official Gazette of RS” No 4/08) • General plan and feasibility study for inland water transport in Serbia (2006) • Law on Navigation and Ports on Inland Waters (“Official Gazette of RS” No 73/10 and 121/12) • The Danube Commission recommendations • AGN (European Agreement on Main Inland Waterways of International Importance) • Joint statement about leading principles of development on inland water transport and environmental protection in the Danube basin • European Union strategy for the Danube region • Bi-state agreement between Serbia and Croatia on the inland waterway navigation and their technical maintenance • The project bears strategic importance and has received a high score within PPF5 evaluation. • According to the newly set-up classification of the main waterway corridors in the EU, the Danube is a part of Rhine-Main-Danube channel and is the only inland water corridor in this classification. In the Republic of Serbian 87% of total inland water transport is conducted on the Danube. • The investment study and idea projects have been prepared. It is necessary to harmonize the technical solutions between the two countries. So far, the following steps within the Bi-state commission for enactment of the Bi-state agreement have been taken: • Adoption of new characteristic navigation levels; • Identification of the critical sectors (the Croatian party has accepted the critical sectors defined by the Water directorate); • Adoption of the methodology of prioritization of the critical sectors (for infrastructural works and for the technical maintenance of the waterway). The prioritization of the critical sector has been conducted by the Water Directorate and shall be presented at the next meeting of the Bi-state commission (until the end of 2014). • EUR 48.5 million in total (including the preparation of the complete documentation and the execution of works in both states): − EUR 3.5 million – preparatory activities, including the harmonization of technical solutions between the two states, Study on the evaluation of environmental influence in the cross-border context, approval of the Investment study and idea projects in both states, Main projects for the critical sectors with hydro-technical constructions, tender documentation for works and for the supervision and ecological monitoring); − EUR 40 million – hydro-technical works and dredge excavation; − EUR 5 million – supervision and ecological monitoring over hydrotechnical works and dredge excavations. • Preparation of the missing documentation and obtaining conditions, opinions and approvals from the relevant institutions in both states would last three years. PROJECT END DATE: FUNDING: • Works would be executed in 3-year period from the moment of the completion of the preparation of the documentation and obtaining all conditions and permits • • The project has been proposed for financing within IPA 2014- 2020. The project has been estimated as strategically relevant and has received the highest score under evaluation by PPF5. • PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The purpose of the project is providing the minimum depth and width of the joint RS – CRO sections of the Danube waterway in low water level periods. That way, navigation condition on the Danube would become more predictable in the sense of available waterway dimension, more reliable in the sense of logistics and transport planning, and more competitive in comparison to comparable means of transportation. • 17 critical sectors for the joint RS – CRO navigation section of the Danube navigation have been determined. For these 17 sectors, an Investment study with idea project has been prepared, based on the hydrodynamic modelling.It is necessary to perform morphological modelling for the aforementioned 17 critical sectors, after which, the best possible solutions shall be selected. • Technical components of the project imply: − Involving all interested parties of the project in the regular Stakeholder forum (bearing in mind the existence of the great number of protected areas and sensitive habitats of endangered species alongside this segment of the river); − Morphological modelling of all 17 sectors; − Multi-criteria analysis and selection of the most favourable solution; − Harmonization of the Investment study and preparation of idea projects; − Preparation of the Study on the environmental influence in crossborder context; − Preparation of the main projects (based on the selection of the best solution via multi-criteria analysis) − Preparation of compensation measure which relate to the environment; − Preparation of the tender documentation for hydro-technical works and dredge excavation and for the supervision and ecological monitoring of the hydro-technical works and dredge excavations (the monitoring includes hydrology, hydrography, biology, quality of banks, water quality and other ecological parameters) − Execution of hydro-technical works (combination of dredging the river banks and unsubstantiated hydro-technical constructions, such as chevrons, river groynes, brinks, etc) − Supervision and ecological monitoring over the works (monitoring, prior to, during and after the executed hydro-technical works). • The project implementation would create a long-term perspective for the development of inland water transport on the entire Danube river course. The project effects are inextricably connected to the improvement of the navigation conditions in other Danube region countries, both upstream and downstream from the project section. This is the only way in which the Danube can become a part of the integrated system of inland waterways and can significantly contribute to social-economical development of the Republic of Serbia and the entire region. 159 RESPONSIBLE PARTY: Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure Water Directorate PROJECT NAME: Project of implementation of voice VHF system on the Danube • • • • STRATEGIC/LEGAL BASIS: • • • • • • • • • PROJECT IMPORTANCE: PROJECT STATUS: INVESTMENT VALUE: PROJECT START DATE: PROJECT END DATE: FUNDING: 160 Strategy on the development of water transport in the Republic of Serbia from 2015 to 2025 General master plan for transport in Serbia (2009) Strategy for the development of railway, road, water,air and intermodal transportation in the Republic of Serbia 2008- 2015 (“Official Gazette of RS” No 4/08) General plan and feasibility study for inland water transport in Serbia (2006) Law on Navigation and Ports on Inland Waters (“Official Gazette of RS” No 73/10 and 121/12) European Union strategy for the Danube region The Danube Commission recommendations Long-term plan 2012-2015 for the Basic transportation network of South-east Europe and the Memorandum of understanding about the Basic transportation network of South-East Europe Regional agreement on radio-communication services on inland waterways. The project bears strategic importance. According to the newly set-up classification of the main waterway corridors in the EU, the Danube is a part of Rhine-Main-Danube channel and is the only inland water corridor in this classification. In the Republic of Serbian 87% of total inland water transport is conducted on the Danube. The project shall create the necessary pre-requirements for: − Upgrading the navigation safety; − Promotion of inland waterway transport managements; − Prevention of accidents; − Improvement of the efficiency of inland waterway transport. Additionally, the project addresses the conditions for the harmonization with the relevant EU transport ACIS for the waterway sector, as follows: − Chapter 14: Transport, sector for waterways – inland waterways and maritime: Regulations 789/2004, 2919/86, Directives 2006/87, 87/540/EC, 2009/46/EC, 2005/44, and 200/56/EC, 91/672 and 96/50, STCW Convention, Directive 2012/35 annex to Directive 2008/106. − Chapter 21: Trans-European networks – Decision No 884/2004/EC of the European parliament and Council, dated 29 April 2004, annex to the Decision No 1692/96/EC about the Guidelines of the Community for the development of the transEuropean transport network; Decision No 1692/96/EC of the European Parliament an Council, dated 23 July 1996 on the Guidelines of the Community for the development of transEuropean transportation network, annexed in 2001 and 2004. − White Book and working document of the European Commission: the plan towards a unique European transport area – according to competitive and efficient transportation system. Planned projects EUR 4,100,000 2017 2020 Unknown • • • • PROJECT DESCRIPTION: • • The aim of the project is to set up VHF voice communication on the Danube in the Republic of Serbia so as to enable complete radiotelegraphic service in accordance with the international requirements and standards. In accordance with the international understanding, formalized via a so-called Basel- RAINWAT (Regional Arrangement on the Radiocommunication Service for Inland Waterways ) agreement, the radiotelephone service on inland waterways consists out of five categories: − Ship – ship; − Nautical information; − Ship – port authorities; − On-ship communication; − Public communication (not obligatory). At the moment, it is not possible to track VHF voice communication between vessels navigating on the Serbian part of the Danube, nor is it possible to establish VHF voice communication between port authorities from remote location of the river bank with the vessels navigating on the different sectors of the Danube; Harbourmaster’s offices, which are within the Ministry of Transport, are the port authorities for transport management. The jurisdiction of Harbourmaster’s offices alongside the Danube bank in Serbia has been divided per geographical principles. The current organization of work and working hours is such that only three out of 10 Harbourmaster’s offices work 24 hours a day, and they have the possibility of uninterrupted transport management and implementation of the revision process. Those are Harbourmaster’s offices in Bezdan,Veliko Gradiste, and Prahovo. Considering the limited human resources and VHF communication which covers local sector, transport management on the entire Danube river flow in Serbia is considered rather limited. The official communication channel on the Danube is 16th channel (VHF range, 156.8 MHz frequency), which, at the same time, is the international channel for communications and warnings. The implementation of such system implies installation of a network of VHF stations throughout the Serbian sector of the Danube, connection with communication link, integration into the existing functional RIS system which would add the functions for the support to transport management, setting up services for the tracking and management of vessel traffic (VTMS) from remote location and support the navigation process by making it more secure, reliable and competitive. 161 RESPONSIBLE PARTY: Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure PROJECT NAME: Arraying of 12 Harbourmaster’s offices and Harbour branch offices • • STRATEGIC/LEG AL BASIS: • • • PROJECT IMPORTANCE: • Strategy on the development of water transport in the Republic of Serbia from 2015 to 2025 Law on Navigation and Ports on Inland Waters (“Official Gazette of RS” No 73/10 and 121/12) Law on Ministries (“Official Gazette of RS” No 44/2014) Guidance on the inner organization and systematization of working posts in the Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure , July 2014; Law on amendments and addendums of the Law on the Budget of the Republic of Serbia 2014 (“Official Gazette of RS” No 116/14) Improving the Harbourmaster’s offices to the level which enables optimal functioning PROJECT STATUS: Planned project INVESTMENT VALUE: RSD 7,676,000 PROJECT START DATE: 2015 PROJECT END DATE: 2017 FUNDING: Budget of the Republic of Serbia/ Donation • PROJECT DESCRIPTION: 162 • In the Sector for water traffic and navigation safety, the following tasks are performed which apply to: organization and securing water transport and navigation safety; strategy for the development of the infrastructure on waterways; tracking and implementation of multilateral and bilateral agreements in the area of water transport cooperation with international organizations in the area of water transport; monitoring of movement and delays of vessels; inspectoral supervision; plans and the development in water transportation system; taking steps for stimulating the development of water transport; safety of the technical-technological system of water transport; construction and reconstruction of facilities for navigation safety; regulation works on inland waterways; keeping record files of vessels and record on: vessels, crew, navigation, state of the waterway, and facilities for the navigation safety. Harbourmaster’s offices and Harbour branch offices are regional units of the Ministry performing governed, technical and other expert tasks which ensure the navigation safety and which apply to: entry-exit revisions on river border crossings in cooperation with other competent bodies; monitoring movement and delays of vessels; vessel traffic service (VTS); issuing ship documents and books, issuing personal and other documents to the vessel crew members; performing technical and other expert tasks in the area of navigation; determining boats’ and floaters’ capability for sailing or floating; collecting statistical data about water transport on waterways; preparation and data processing; reaching decisions about vessel registration; keeping ship and other vessels registries and record files on vessels, crew, navigation and state on the waterway; implementation of wartime regimen of the navigation and taking steps in emergency situations in collaboration with the ministry competent of interior (search and rescue), et al. • Bearing in mind the aforementioned, it is necessary to provide: - Flags and notice boards on the facilities where the official offices of Harbourmaster’s offices and Harbour branch offices are located, with the inscription of the Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure, in the amount of RSD 72,000. - Technical and interior office decoration (computers, printers, scanners, desks. Chairs, and closets) in the amount of RSD 144,000. - Construction works on maintenance of the existing facilities (painting, acquisition and instalment of wood joinery, arraying toilets and electrical and other installations) in: * Harbourmaster’s office Smederevo in the amount of c. RSD 3,000,000; * Construction works on the maintenance in other existing facilities of Harbourmaster’s offices and Harbour branch offices, in the amount of c. RSD 3,164,000. 163 RESPONSIBLE PARTY: Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure Department for Water Transport and Navigation Safety PROJECT NAME: Arraying 12 Harbourmaster’s offices and Harbour branch offices for the purposes of the Department for Water Transport and Navigation Safety and the Inspectoral supervision Department • • STRATEGIC/LEGAL BASIS: • • • PROJECT IMPORTANCE: • Strategy on the development of water transport in the Republic of Serbia from 2015 to 2025 Law on Navigation and Ports on Inland Waters (“Official Gazette of RS” No 73/10 and 121/12) Law on Ministries (“Official Gazette of RS” No 44/2014) Guidance on inner organization and systematization of working posts in the Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure, July 2014; Law on amendments and addendums of the Law on the Budget of the Republic of Serbia 2014 (“official Gazette of RS” No 116/14) Improving functionalities of Harbourmaster’s offices to the level which enables adequate provision of services to interested parties. PROJECT STATUS: Planned project INVESTMENT VALUE: RSD 184,390,000 PROJECT START DATE: 2015 PROJECT END DATE: 2017 FUNDING: Budget of RS/ Donation • PROJECT DESCRIPTION: 164 • In the Sector for water traffic and navigation safety, the following tasks are performed which apply to: organization and securing water transport and navigation safety; strategy for the development of the infrastructure on waterways; tracking and implementation of multilateral and bilateral agreements in the area of water transport cooperation with international organizations in the area of water transport; monitoring of movement and delays of vessels; inspectoral supervision; plans and the development in water transportation system; taking steps for stimulating the development of water transport; safety of the technical-technological system of water transport; construction and reconstruction of facilities for navigation safety; regulation works on inland waterways; keeping record files of vessels and record on: vessels, crew, navigation, state of the waterway, and facilities for the navigation safety. Harbourmaster’s offices and Harbour branch offices are regional units of the Ministry performing governed, technical and other expert tasks which ensure the navigation safety and which apply to: entry-exit revisions on river border crossings in cooperation with other competent bodies; monitoring movement and delays of vessels; vessel traffic service (VTS); issuing ship documents and books, issuing personal and other documents to the vessel crew members; performing technical and other expert tasks in the area of navigation; determining boats’ and floaters’ capability for sailing or floating; collecting statistical data about water transport on waterways; preparation and data processing; reaching decisions about vessel registration; keeping ship and other vessels registries and record files on vessels, crew, navigation and state on the waterway; implementation of wartime regimen of the navigation and taking steps in emergency situations in collaboration with the ministry competent of interior (search and rescue), et al. • Inspectoral department for the activities regarding navigation safety within the Sector for inspectoral supervision exercises inspectoral supervision within laws and other regulations in the area of water transport. • Bearing in mind the aforementioned, it is necessary to provide: - The acquisition of 12 boats in the amount of RSD 100,800,000 for exercising regular activities of Harbourmaster’s offices and Harbour branch offices in the Department for water transport and navigation safety and Inspectoral supervision departments; - Acquisition, installation and maintenance of RIS equipment for 12 boats in the amount of RSD 64,800,000; - Provision of fuel and regular maintenance for the boats in the amount of RSD 18,790,000. 165 RESPONSIBLE PARTY: Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure Department for Water Transport and Navigation Safety PROJECT NAME: Printing of all certificates for professional titles in inland navigation and maritime and motor boat navigators • • • STRATEGIC/LEGAL BASIS: • • • • • PROJECT IMPORTANCE: • Strategy on the development of water transport in the Republic of Serbia from 2015 to 2025 Law on the maritime navigation (“Official Gazette of RS” No 87/11, 104/13) Law on Navigation and Ports on Inland Waters (“Official Gazette of RS” No 73/10 and 121/12) Law on Ministries (“Official Gazette of RS” No 44/2014) Guidance on the inner organization and systematization of working posts in the Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure , July 2014; Law on amendments and addendums of the Law on the Budget of the Republic of Serbia 2014 (“official Gazette of RS” No 116/14) Decree on titles, conditions for obtaining titles and certifications for the members of the crew of maritime ships (“Official Gazette of RS” No 16/14) International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers – STCW Convention Improving functionalities of Harbourmaster’s offices to the level which enables adequate provision of services to interested parties. PROJECT STATUS: Planned project INVESTMENT VALUE: - PROJECT START DATE: 2014 PROJECT END DATE: 2015 FUNDING: Budget of RS • PROJECT DESCRIPTION: • 166 The project includes printing forms of navigation permits, certificates for motor boat navigators, forms of ship documents and ship books (ship records, et al.). te aforementioned is necessary for performing regular activities within jurisdictions. A set-up administrative tax is paid by the clients for the issuance of the aforementioned forms. RESPONSIBLE PARTY: Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure PROJECT NAME: Data base for the issued authorizations (identification documents) for the crew members in maritime and inland water navigation. • • STRATEGIC/LEGAL BASIS: • • • PROJECT IMPORTANCE: • Strategy on the development of water transport in the Republic of Serbia from 2015 to 2025 Law on the maritime navigation (“Official Gazette of RS” No 87/11, 104/13) Law on Navigation and Ports on Inland Waters (“Official Gazette of RS” No 73/10 and 121/12) Decree on titles, conditions for obtaining titles and certifications for the members of the crew of maritime ships (“Official Gazette of RS” No 16/14) International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers – STCW Convention Improving functionalities of Harbourmaster’s offices to the level which enables adequate provision of services and responding to requests of interested institutions and persons (monitoring of the authorizations issued in Serbia). PROJECT STATUS: Planned project INVESTMENT VALUE: Unknown PROJECT START DATE: 2015 PROJECT END DATE: 2017 FUNDING: IPA 2015 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: • The project includes the acquisition of hardware and system software, production of applicative software and staff training. 167 RESPONSIBLE PARTY: Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure PROJECT NAME: Acquisition of 12 company cars for the purposes of Harbourmaster’s offices and Harbour branch offices • • STRATEGIC/L EGAL BASIS: • • • PROJECT IMPORTANCE: • Strategy on the development of water transport in the Republic of Serbia from 2015 to 2025 Law on Navigation and Ports on Inland Waters (“Official Gazette of RS” No 73/10 and 121/12) Law on Ministries (“Official Gazette of RS” No 44/2014) Guidance on the inner organization and systematization of working posts in the Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure , July 2014; Law on amendments and addendums of the Law on the Budget of the Republic of Serbia 2014 (“official Gazette of RS” No 116/14) Improving functionalities of Harbourmaster’s offices and Harbour branch offices to a higher level of operations which enables adequate reaction and responding to requests within their jurisdictions in the areas of several competent municipalities and cities. PROJECT STATUS: Planned project. INVESTMENT VALUE: c. RSD 12,000,000 PROJECT START DATE: 2015 PROJECT END DATE: 2017 FUNDING: Budget of RS/Donation • PROJECT DESCRIPTION: • 168 Harbourmaster’s offices and Harbour branch offices are regional units of the Ministry performing governed, technical and other expert tasks which ensure the navigation safety and which apply to: entry-exit revisions on river border crossings in cooperation with other competent bodies; monitoring movement and delays of vessels; vessel traffic service (VTS); issuing ship documents and books, issuing personal and other documents to the vessel crew members; performing technical and other expert tasks in the area of navigation; determining boats’ and floaters’ capability for sailing or floating; collecting statistical data about water transport on waterways; preparation and data processing; reaching decisions about vessel registration; keeping ship and other vessels registries and record files on vessels, crew, navigation and state on the waterway; implementation of wartime regimen of the navigation and taking steps in emergency situations in collaboration with the ministry competent of interior (search and rescue), et al. Each of the existing 12 Harbourmaster’s offices and Harbour branch offices performs management tasks in several competent municipalities and cities. Bearing in mind the aforementioned, it is necessary to provide company cars for 12 Harbourmaster’s offices and Harbour branch offices. Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure Department for Water Transport and Navigation Safety Certification of ISO 9001:2008 management system in the area of maritime PROJECT NAME: navigation in accordance with STVW • Strategy on the development of water transport in the Republic of Serbia from 2015 to 2025 • Law on the maritime navigation (“Official Gazette of RS” No 87/11, 104/13) • Law on Ministries (“Official Gazette of RS” No 44/2014) • Guidance on the inner organization and systematization of working posts STRATEGIC/LEGAL in the Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure , July 2014; BASIS: • Law on amendments and addendums of the Law on the Budget of the Republic of Serbia 2014 (“official Gazette of RS” No 116/14) • Decree on titles, conditions for obtaining titles and certifications for the members of the crew of maritime ships (“Official Gazette of RS” No 16/14) • International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers – STCW Convention • The Republic of Serbia, as a successor of the membership in the International Maritime Organization (IMO), is obliged to certify the ISO 9001:2008 management system, in accordance with international quality management standards and the defined requests, procedures and instructions. PROJECT • By the Law on Maritime navigation of the Republic of Serbia, the Ministry IMPORTANCE: of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure and Harbourmaster’s Office Belgrade as obliged to apply and maintain the Quality management system, meaning to document the implementation of activities in the Department of Water transport and navigation safety. The Department itself defines the quality management policy (in regards to the maritime navigation) and must comply to it. PROJECT STATUS: • Lacking funds for the certification and check-up. INVESTMENT EUR 2,150 VALUE: PROJECT START 2014 DATE: PROJECT END 2015 DATE: Budget of RS FUNDING: • The project comprises of the Certification of System management for harmonization with ISO 9001:2008 of the Ministry competent for transport – area of maritime navigation which is regulated by the Law on maritime navigation and STCW Convention. The Certification is executed by an internationally recognized and independent certification body, with which a contract has been signed and which has enacted the initial checks of the course of the preparation of the documentation for certification in the course of the preparations for the inspection of European agency for PROJECT maritime safety (EMCA). In November 2013, EMCA executed a work DESCRIPTION: check of the Serbian administration and other institution which deal with the training of seafarers. During the procedure, the harmonization of Serbian legislation in the area of maritime transport with the EU regulations, as well as their implementations, was controlled. The final score was positive. • The project realization includes financing in the amount of EUR 1,150 for the certification and 2x500 EUR for two supervisory controls. RESPONSIBLE PARTY: 169 RESPONSIBLE PARTY: PROJECT NAME: STRATEGIC/LEGAL BASIS: PROJECT IMPORTANCE: PROJECT STATUS: Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure Construction of new and modernization of the existing ports with intermodal terminals on the territory of the Republic of Serbia • Strategy on the development of water transport in the Republic of Serbia from 2015 to 2025 • Law on Navigation and Ports on Inland Waters (“Official Gazette of RS” No 73/10 and 121/12) • Law on Spatial Planning of the Republic of Serbia 2010- 2020 (“Official Gazette of RS” No 88/10) • General master plan for the transport in Serbia (2009) • Strategy for the development of railway, roads, water, air and intermodal traffic in the Republic of Serbia 2008- 2015 • General plan and the feasibility study for inland water transport in Serbia (2006) • The aims in 1a priority area of the Strategy for the Danube region – “Improvement of mobility and multimodality: inland waterways,” are the increase of cargo river traffic by 20% by 2020 as compared to 2010, removing the obstacles for navigation bearing in mind the specifics of each of the Danube sectors and its navigable tributaries, as well as setting-up of manageable management of the infrastructure of inland waterways. • Inland navigable waterways of the Republic of Serbia constitute of the Danube (588km), the Sava (211km), and Tisa (167km), as well as a network of navigable channels within Danube-Tisa-Danube hydrosystem (HS DTD -600km); • The Danube as a European corridor, is navigable through its entire water course through the Republic of Serbia and constitutes for 85% of the entire goods transport on navigable inland waterways of the Republic of Serbia. • Planned project • Extension of port areas shall be determined after the production of suitable documents which shall show the needs for the extension of the existing port areas or the construction of ports on new locations. • INVESTMENT VALUE: 170 THE DANUBE: − The extension of port area in Apatin. It is necessary to produce technical documentation which shall point out to the adequacy of the port positioning, meaning determine the port area, construction and the development of the port in Apatin. ≈ EUR 27 million, according to the estimation of local self government − The extension of port area Bogojevo. The estimated investment value: EUR 3.2 million, superstructure – EUR 2.4 million. − The extension of port area Backa Palanka. Estimated investment value: infrastructure – EUR 5.1 million,superstructure – EUR 5.6 million; − The extension of port area Novi Sad. Estimated investment values: infrastructure – EUR 4.9 million, superstructure – EUR 9.8 million. − The extension of port area Belgrade - Project. Production of the documentation for determining port area, construction and development of a new port in Belgrade. It is necessary to look into the measures and the way for gradual dislocation of the port to a new location, in accordance with the points of the Spatial Planof RS, 2010- 2020/ − The extension of port area Pancevo. Estimated investment value: infrastructure – EUR 9.3 million, superstructure – EUR 20.7 million; − The extension of port area Smederevo. Estimated investment value: infrastructure – EUR 22.9 million, superstructure – EUR 34.3 million; − The extension of port area Prahovo. Estimated investment value: infrastructure – EUR 3.0 million, superstructure – EUR 9.8 million; • THE SAVA: − The extension of dock area in Sremska Mitrovica. Estimated investment value: infrastructure – EUR 1.7 million, superstructure – EUR 2.0 million; − The extension of dock area in Sabac. Plan documentation of the city of Sabac provisions for the construction of new port dock basin terminals, on the right bank of the Savariver on 98th km. port area of the future Sabac port should be based on the devolution model, so as to accomplish the best possible usage of the existing port infrastructure and equipment on the territory of the city. • THE TISA: − The extension of dock area in Senta. Estimated investment value: infrastructure – EUR 3.0 million, superstructure – EUR 4.0 million; • TOTAL: c.EUR 169 million, without estimates for the Belgrade port and Sabac port. PROJECT START DATE: PROJECT END DATE: FUNDING: • • • • PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The commencement of the project depends on financing. • • • • The project needs to be presented to potential foreign investors, thus providing the financial means needed for the realization of the project (PPP, concession, etc.) The development of intermodal transport has been recognized and defined as one of the factors which could contribute to the faster economic development of the Republic of Serbia. There is a partially constructed infrastructure in the Republic of Serbia, both on the railway roads and in ports for the trans-shipment of cargos. With the existing terminals, there are significant limitations conditioned by the existing locations, outdated equipment and available investments for the development. The exact amounts for the necessary investments in comparison to the extension of port areas shall be determined after the production of suitable documents. A constituting part of these documents shall be an evaluation of costs and suggestions for financing the construction and development plans of certain ports. The extension of port area Belgrade – structure of the new port in Belgrade should constitute: general cargo terminal, container terminal, bulk cargo terminal, fluid cargo terminal, Ro-RO terminal, Hucke pack terminal, and other terminals. he extension of port area Apatin- construction of a new port in Apatin on the area of c. 160 hectares (provided urban planning plan documentation); Construction of the new port in Apatin shall be defined after the production of the Investment study which shall point out to the position of the new port. In accordance with the data on the transport of goods which gravitates toward and from the hinterland of Apatin port shall determine which port terminals are needed. The extension of port area Bogojevo – plans for the development of Bogojevo port with the aim of specialization of this port for transshipment and storage of wheat and mineral fertilizers, as well as to enable the construction and development of intermodal transport. The extension of port area Backa Palanka – Plans for the development of Backa Palanka port are strategically focused on the construction of 171 • • • • • • • • 172 container terminal, fluid cargo terminal, as well as a terminal for transshipment and storage of wheat. The extension of port area Novi Sad – Plans for the development of Novi Sad port include the increase of efficiency for the trans-shipment of wheat, raw materials and artificial fertilizers, extension of operative coast – vertical quay, acquisition of new trans-shipment mechanization, modernization of informational system, construction of container terminal and wheat terminal, reconstructionof industrial gauges and travel network, construction of wheat silos with 20,000 t of capacity; RO-RO and Hucke pack terminals, development of logistics subsystems and additional services. The extension of port area Beocin. Bearing in mind the average annual circulation of goods (more than 80% of it goes to plaster and coal for the purposes of the Beocin cement factory), it is necessary to look at a systematic solution for this port in the sense of its annexation to the port are of Novi Sad port, where the port would be a specialized terminal for bulk cargo within Novi Sad port. The extension of port area Belgrade – plans for the development of Pancevo port imply the extension of the port area, construction of a new operative bank, construction ofnew and rehabilitation of the existing port land traffic roads, open storage areas and industrial gauges within the future broader port area, introduction of multimodal transport systems by constructing container and RO-RO terminals, the possibility for involvement of a navigation channel and developed operative bank within HIP ‘Azotara’ into a future port area. The extension of port area Senta – plans for the development of Senta port need to be strategically determined toward the utilization of the Tisa river potentials as an international waterway. In that sense, a need has been recognized for the construction of silos with driers, cold storage, as well as acquisition of various other forms of trans-shipping mechanization; The extension of port area Prahovo – Plans for the development of Prahovo port include construction and extension of the operational bank, acquisition of additional portal cranes and the extension of storage capacities. Furthermore, the extension of Prahovo port area implies the construction of dangerous cargo terminal, as well as rehabilitation and reopening of the existing wheat silos or the construction of a new one. The extension of dock area Sremska Mitrovica – plans for the development of the future Sremska Mitrovica port: extension of the port area, construction of a new operative port, construction of storage areas, as well as the acquisition of additional trans-shipping mechanization; The extension of doc area Sabac – construction of a new Sabac port (a preliminary feasibility study has been produced, the construction of the new port is on the area of “Sabac” free zone JSC, 35 hectares. The city of Sabac and “Sabac” free zone JSC agree on joint investment with potential investors, where they are willing to offer the lans and the developed infrastructure) The extension of port area Smederevo – the construction of a new Smederevo port, of the area of 20 hectares; Development plans: construction and extension of operative bank on “New port” area and the acquisition of additional portal cranes. “Old port” location is in the centre of the city of Smederevo, where the construction of exclusively passengers’ dock open to international transport is planned. The existing trans-shipping equipment would be dislocated to “New port” location. Priority investment is the construction of an industrial gauge on “New port” operative bank location and the connection to the network of industrial gauges within the Steel plan complex. Air traffic 173 174 RESPONSIBLE PARTY: Ministry of Construction, Transportation and Infrastructure Civil Aviation Directorate of the Republic of Serbia PROJECT NAME: Improving the level of security and operability of the tertiary airport network in the Republic of Serbia STRATEGIC/LEGAL BASIS: • Strategy for the development of transport in the Republic of Serbia • The aim of the project is the evaluation of technical-technological equipment of the first group of tertiary airport network in order to improve thelevel of security in everyday operations. The first group of the airports consists out of the following: Subotica, Zrenjanin, Sremska Mitrovica, Veliko Gradiste, Valjevo, Trstenik, Leskovac, Krusevac, Smederevo, and Bor. PROJECT IMPORTANCE: • PROJECT STATUS: • Planning INVESTMENT VALUE: • The evaluation of average investment per airport is RSD 12 million – the total investment value is RSD 120 million. PROJECT START DATE: 2015 PROJECT END DATE: 2020 - FUNDING: • PROJECT DESCRIPTION: • Tertiary airports need to be equipped with the following: electrical-energy installations, hydrants and hygiene with hydrant installation, telecommunication installation (telephone and Internet), anti-fire equipment, waste management equipment, ambulance and anti-fire equipment. In the event of using the airport for international purposes in the area of general aviation, airports are to be equipped with skiagraphs for luggage control and metal detector for passenger control The airports need to be equipped with facilities for crew and passenger areas, as well as special technical and hygiene facilities. Furthermore, it is also necessary to provide hangar area. 175 RESPONSIBLE PARTY: Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure JSC Belgrade Airport “Nikola Tesla” PROJECT NAME: Construction of a new landing- take-off strip (including the system of belonging manoeuvre areas and platforms) STRATEGIC/LEGAL BASIS: PROJECT IMPORTANCE: • • Detailed urban engineering plan of Belgrade Airport 1989, Spatial Planfor the special purpose areas of Belgrade Airport “Nikola Tesla” Belgrade Airport – in preparation • The project bears strategic importance considering the state of the existing landing – take-off strip which requires reconstruction which is not possible to handle rationally and efficiently in the conditions of the current and future expected volume of air traffic. Another landing – take-off strip provides the needed availability of the basic airport resource; Additionally, another landing – take-off strip should provide a sustainable competitiveness of the airport in comparison to the airports in wider surrounding as well as the satisfaction of the needed capacities in the planned period. • • PROJECT STATUS: • Planning INVESTMENT VALUE: • • EUR 340,000,000 including the landing rolls and platforms system; Land provision costs not included PROJECT START DATE: 2015 PROJECT END DATE: 2022 FUNDING: PROJECT DESCRIPTION: 176 • BOT/ Concession or another source of finance • New landing – take-off strip with 3,400m * 60m with landing rolls system for fast connection to the parking platforms and servicing aviation, as well as landing rolls for connection with the existing manoeuvre areas, the total area of which is 2,830,000 sqm. The project shall be realized in phases by constructing subsystems which constitute technologically functional entities which can be utilized immediately upon construction. • RESPONSIBLE PARTY: Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure JSC Belgrade Airport “Nikola Tesla” PROJECT NAME: Terminal for the new landing – take-off strip STRATEGIC/LEGAL BASIS: • Detailed urban engineering plan of Belgrade Airport 1989, • Spatial Planfor the special purpose areas of Belgrade Airport “Nikola Tesla” Belgrade Airport – in preparation • Forming new national airline company has significantly increased the transport volume at Belgrade Airport “Nikola Tesla” airport. The existing technical-technological capacities are not proportionate to that and they cannot accept such increase in the transport volume, so it is necessary to construct new capacities. • • The project bears strategic importance. The existing terminal facilities can provide annual capacity of five million passengers, with significant reconstruction and enlargement investments. The passenger number growth trend in the previous period and projections for future time period show that the existing capacities of the terminal shall not be satisfactory by 2025, which could put the airport in the situation that it cannot meet the service demand. • Planning PROJECT IMPORTANCE: PROJECT STATUS: INVESTMENT VALUE: EUR 189,000,000 Land provision costs not included PROJECT START DATE: 2015 PROJECT END DATE: 2022 FUNDING: • BOT/ Concession or another source of finance • Passengers terminal (126,000 sqm) for the new landing – take-off strip shall provide the missing capacities for servicing passengers, aviation and luggage, improvement in the level of services to passengers and other airport users (airline companies, providers of commercial services and state institutions), provision of the necessary security and safety levels of all segments and functional entities. The project shall be realized in phases by constructing subsystems which constitute technologically functional entities which can be utilized immediately upon construction. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: • 177 RESPONSIBLE PARTY: Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure JSC Belgrade Airport “Nikola Tesla” PROJECT NAME: Cargo terminal at the new runway STRATEGIC/LEGAL FRAMEWORK: • • Detailed urban plan of Belgrade Airport 1989, Spatial Planfor the special purpose area Belgrade Airport “Nikola Tesla”– in preparation • • The project is of strategic importance. The existing cargo terminal can only meet the current cargo traffic requirements with the available technology and capacities and is not in compliance neither with modern multimodal and the expected intercontinental traffic needsnor with the expected expansion of cargo traffic. The cargo terminal at the new runway will providea more efficient and cost-effective connection with inland traffic flow, as well asthe space necessary for crossdockings on the land side. PROJECT IMPORTANCE: • PROJECT STATUS: • Planning INVESTMENT VALUE: • • 44 000 000 EUR Excluding the cost of obtaining land PROJECT START DATE: Year 2016 PROJECT END DATE: Year 2022 FUNDING: PROJECT DESCRIPTION: • BOT/Concession or other funding • The new cargo terminal covering the surface of 44 000 m2will provide storage and transloading capacities, modern technology and equipment for servicing bulk and airshipments in the modern intermodal transport units (air cargo containers and general purpose containers), as well as modern safety and security technologies and IT and communication systems integrated in the respective systems of other participants in the international and domestic transportation. The terminal will also comprise an area for state agencies and providers of commercial services in cargo transport. The terminal will have necessary roadways and access roads, as well as parking lots for vehicles and equipment both on the air-side and on the land-side. • • 178 RESPONSIBLE Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure PARTY: JSC Belgrade Airport “Nikola Tesla” PROJECT NAME: Construction of thermal power plant with electric power block STRATEGIC/LEGAL • Existing planning document FRAMEWORK: PROJECT • Raising the level of the remote heating service quality and reliability IMPORTANCE: across the entire airport complex. • Technical documentation has been completed for the thermal power plant PROJECT STATUS: and for the the electric power block – thermal power plant substation – it is in the final stage. • 3,000,000 EUR thermal power plant and substations INVESTMENT VALUE: • 500,000 EUR power transformer substation PROJECT START Year 2015 DATE: PROJECT END Year 2018 DATE: FUNDING: • Other funding • Construction of the thermal power plant with an electric power block comprises a tendering procedure for two lots – the first lot being the PROJECT construction of the thermal power plant with combined boilers, DESCRIPTION: distributors, substations and pertaining elements, and the second one being the construction of the power transformer station. RESPONSIBLE Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure PARTY: JSC Belgrade Airport “Nikola Tesla” PROJECT NAME: Construction of a hotel and business center within the airport complex STRATEGIC/LEGAL • The existing planning document, program/spatial concept of Belgrade FRAMEWORK: Airport complex • Raising the level of services and establishing new types of services PROJECT facilitating the development of the entire airport complex, as well as the IMPORTANCE: development of the local community • The existing planning document and a new planning document in PROJECT STATUS: preparation INVESTMENT 24,000,000 EUR VALUE: PROJECT START Year 2016 DATE: PROJECT END Year 2019 DATE: FUNDING: • PPP or strategic partnership • Gross building area of the Hotel amounts to 10 000 m2and • The building is designed to be a single functional whole. The connection between the Hotel and the existing passenger facilities would be implemented by means of a bridge footway towards the connecting area between Terminal 1 and Terminal 2, as well as by means of an underpass towards the international arrivals area of Terminal 2. • Gross building area of the Business Center amounts to 5.000 m2and is PROJECT designed for trade, business and catering facilities, for the purpose of DESCRIPTION: enriching the main amenities of the “East” passenger area. • The building is designed to be a single functional whole. The connection between the Business Center and the existing passenger facilities would be implemented by means of a a bridge footway towards the connecting area between Terminal 1 and Terminal 2, as well as by means of an underpass towards the international arrivals area of Terminal 2, which will be available to the Business Center visitors. 179 RESPONSIBLE PARTY: Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure Serbia and Montenegro Air Traffic Service SMATSA LLC Belgrade PROJECT NAME: Construction of telecommunication and electric power infrastructure for the needs of ATC Nis STRATEGIC/LEGAL FRAMEWORK: PROJECT IMPORTANCE: • • The project is a part of SMATSA LLC business strategy The first will be initiated upon the adoption of SMATSA LLC Financial Plan for 2015 • The Project is important for air navigation safety at Constantine the Great Airport in Nis. The telecommunication infrastructure which is the subject of the construction will be used for the connection of devices and systems, provision of services in air navigation within the Nis Airport runway area with ATC Nis building.The electric power infrastructure should provide uninterrupted electric power supply of the units around the runway. • • PROJECT STATUS: INVESTMENT VALUE: • Detailed Designed has been prepared and a procedure has been initiated with the competent Ministry for obtaining Decision under Article 145 of the Law on Planning and Construction, for implementing the first phase of the project; the implementation of the second phase is not envisaged in the Strategic document. Estimated value: 44,000,000.00 RSD - First phase 30,000,000.00 RSD - Seconf phase 14,000,000.00 RSD PROJECT START DATE: • • First phase: April 2015 Second phase: the implementation of the second phase is not currently envisaged in the Strategic document. PROJECT END DATE: • • First phase: October 2015 Second phase: the implementation of the second phase is not currently envisaged in the Strategic document. FUNDING: • Own funds • The project comprises the replacement of worn telecommunications and electric power infrastructure for connecting devices and systems used for the provision of services in air navigation within Nis Airport runway area with ATC building. Upon project implementation, all the ATC devices and systems in the Nis Airport area will be interconnected via a reliable telecommunication network system with uninterrupted power supply, thus directly improving the degree of air navigation safety. The second phase should include the construction of telecommunication and electric power supply infrastructure up to the radio navigation equipment outside Nis Airport complex, which would create more favourable working conditions. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: 180 RESPONSIBLE PARTY: Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure Serbia and Montenegro Air Traffic Service SMATSA LLC Belgrade PROJECT NAME: Construction of a new ATC tower facility Belgrade STRATEGIC/LEGAL FRAMEWORK: PROJECT IMPORTANCE: • • The project is a part of SMATSA LLC. business strategy. The project would be implemented upon adoption of financial plans for the forthcoming years and upon the preparation of the respective Detailed Design and obtaining of a Building Licence. • The project is of strategic importance both for SMATSA LLC. in the capacity of air navigation service provider and for the Republic of Serbia, namely Nikola Tesla Airport development. Traffic intensification at Nikola Tesla Airport must be supported by adequate air traffic control capacities expansion, for which purpose the construction of a new ATC tower Belgrade represents a fundamental condition for the development and growth of Belgrade Airport. • • A procedure is currently underway regarding the selection of an optimum site for the construction of the new ATC control tower facility and the coordination with entities outside SMATSA LLC., which will be affected by the postion of the ATC tower. Furthermore, analyses of certain sites for the construction of the ATC tower facility are also being carried out. • The estimated value of the project according to the currently available data: 10,000,000.00 EUR This value largely depends on the selected site, primarily due to the required tower height and due to the pertaining infrastructure extent. PROJECT STATUS: INVESTMENT VALUE: • PROJECT START DATE: Year 2015 PROJECT END DATE: Year 2017 FUNDING: PROJECT DESCRIPTION: • Own funds • The project comprises the construction of a facility with dome surface lager than the existing one with the aim of surmounting the issue of accommodating the equipment necessary for the provision of air traffic control services at Nikola Tesla Airport and providing a suitable environment for the operation of ATC controllers. The construction of the new facility will serve to surmount the problems in the existing facility, referring to obsolete and inadequate installations. 181 RESPONSIBLE PARTY: Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure Serbia and Montenegro Air Traffic Service SMATSA LLC Belgrade PROJECT NAME: Joining of SMATSA LLC COOPANS (Cooperation of ANSP) in the project • STRATEGIC/LEGAL FRAMEWORK: • • • PROJECT IMPORTANCE: PROJECT STATUS: INVESTMENT VALUE: • SMATSA LLC is strategically committed to the joining of COOPANSin the project with the aim of cost optimization during DPS (Data Processing System) upgrade. The joining would be implemented upon adoption of the respective decisions regarding the financial plans for the coming years and negotiation with the participants inCOOPANS initiative. The project should enable the improvement of the АТМ data processing system for the provision of ATC services for the purpose of compliance with SESAR programs derived from SES II Regulation. The project is strategically important given that it provides a continuous improvement of the air traffic control vital system, assuring interoperability and harmonization with surrounding air traffic control centers. Joint action of a large number of system users (air navigation service providers), leads to a better system testing and validation, engaging less resources of each individual user, resulting in high reliability of system operation, within the scheduled deadlines and under economically more favourable conditions than the ones achieved when operating individually. • Investment analysis of the joining is underway, intended to show the savings realized through the subject project in contrast to the individual upgrade of the DPS. • The estimated value of the joining comprising the latest developed software version in compliance with the applicable requirements and regulations and pertaining hardware: 18,000,000.00 EUR PROJECT START DATE: Year 2015 PROJECT END DATE: Year 2020 FUNDING: PROJECT DESCRIPTION: 182 • The decision as to the funding method is yet to be made and International financial institutions are envisaged as an option. • DPS upgrade includes: - Upgrade of software tools for air traffic controller support (Java) and aircraft identification radar system (Enhanced Mode S) - Upgrade of the system for data exchange with surrounding air traffic control units via OLDI messages - Upgrade of technological and software tools – safety nets, medium term and tactical conflict detection, - Upgrade of data processing and recording system hardware, - System upgrade pursuant to the standards from SES regulation PBN – sections II and III - Preparation for the development of a new ATM system that supports i4D/SWIM functionalities. RESPONSIBLE PARTY: Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure Serbia and Montenegro Air Traffic Service SMATSA LLC Belgrade PROJECT NAME: Construction of a new radar station • STRATEGIC/LEGAL FRAMEWORK: • • The project is of strategic importance for SMATSA LLC. In the southeast region of Serbia (to the south and to the east of Vranje) and in the zone of interest of SMATSA LLC. covering 30 NM from the state border, at lower altitudes of the en route airspace (below FL200),there is no suitable radar coverage using exclusively SMATSA LLC radars since the requirement for double coverage with secondary radars has not been met in accordance with EUROCONTROL radar standard. For this reason, a new, permanent solution is sought in order to find a new location for the construction of a radar station. • Analyses are being carried out for selecting a location where a new radar station would be built with the aim of obtaining the necessary radar coverage, as well as the analyses of available infrastructure. • Estimated value: 5,000,000.00 EUR PROJECT IMPORTANCE: PROJECT STATUS: INVESTMENT VALUE: The construction of a new radar station represents a part of SMATSA LLC. business strategy in the forthcoming period. The project is intended to be implemented through several independent procedures for the procurement of services, works and goods in the period from 2015-2017, and after adopting Financial Plans for the forthcoming years and relevant Investment Programs. PROJECT START DATE: Year 2015 PROJECT END DATE: Year 2017 FUNDING: • Own funds • PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The project comprises several phases. The starting point is the selection of the location for the secondary radar and the construction of a new radar station, while fulfilling the requirements for the desired coverage, bearing in mind other vital aspects affecting the selection of the location (technical and construction aspects, property and legal aspects, as well as financial, safety aspects, etc.). • The following phases would be: - Provision of land, - Designing the radar station building and necessary infrastructure - Construciton of radar station building and connection to the infrastructure, - Procurement of the secondary radar - Preparation of technical documentation for the needs of obtaining radar frequencies - Installation of the new radar in the newly built radar sation building. 183 RESPONSIBLE PARTY: Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure Serbia and Montenegro Air Traffic Service SMATSA LLC Belgrade PROJECT NAME: Upgrade of SMATSA LLC. navigation systems • STRATEGIC/LEGAL FRAMEWORK: PROJECT IMPORTANCE: PROJECT STATUS: • The upgrade of navigation systems is a part of SMATSA LLC. business strategy. The project is intended to be implemented through several independent procedures for the procurement of navigation devices and systems in the period from 2015-2020, and upon adoption of Financial Plans for the forthcoming years and relevant Investment Programs. • The project would serve as a final step in completing the procedure of refurbishment of the worn-out ground radio-navigation infrastructure in Serbia and Montenegro, as well the improvement of infrastructure at Batajnica and “Morava” Kraljevo Airports. • Preparation of design documentation INVESTMENT VALUE: 8,400,000 EUR PROJECT START DATE: Year 2015 PROJECT END DATE: Year 2020 FUNDING: • • PROJECT DESCRIPTION: 184 Own funds The project includes several separate procurement procedures: - Procurement of 7 DVOR devices for replacing the existing VOR devices in Serbia and Montenegro and 2 ILS/DME systems for replacing the existing Instrumetal Landing System (ILS) at Batajnica Airport and for the needs of enabling precise instrumental landing at “Morava” Kraljevo Airport. The imeplementation is scheduled for 2015-2018. The procurement of civil works for DVOR and ILS foundations is scheduled for 2016. - Procurement of 35 NDB devices to replace all the existing NDBs in Serbia and Montenegro. The imeplemtation is to take place in the period from 2017-2020. The procurement of 12 modular facilities with diesel power units and AC cabinets for replacing the worn-out modular facilities for the accommodation of NDB – envisagedin the period2015-2017. - Procurement of 8 VDF systems for replacing all the existing VDFs at the airports in Serbia and Montenegro. The imeplementation is scheduled for the period from 2018-2020. Procurement of civil works for VDF foundtions is scheduled for 2018. RESPONSIBLE PARTY: Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure Serbia and Montenegro Air Traffic Service SMATSA LLC Belgrade PROJECT NAME: Implementation of VoIP communication domain • STRATEGIC/LEGAL FRAMEWORK: • operational air traffic Implementation of VoIP solution in the operational air traffic communication domain is SMATSA LLC. strategic choice and thus introduced in the Business Strategy for the forthcoming period. The project is to be implemented through several separate procedures of the procurement ofgoods in accordance with the decisions on adopting the financial plans for the following years. • Observation of global tendencies and regulations; defining the technical solutions for the implementation; preparation of respective analyses. Upon obtaining all necessary information, the preparation of corresponding investment and technical documentation will commence. • The estimated value of procurement and integration of the systemsnecessary for VoIP solution implementation: 5,500,000.00 EUR PROJECT START DATE: Year 2018 PROJECT END DATE: Year 2020 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: the The worldwide aviation development strategy, especially in the domain of aviation telecommunciations development, indicates that within several years the TDM-based telecommunication systems will no longer be in use. The telecommunications market has for a number of years been fully oriented towards IP solutions including VoIP. Bearing in mind that after the production of the traditional TDM systems ceases and the support for the same is no longer available, so the required safety level will be impossible to maintain, the air traffic service providers are gradually preparing to implement new technologies. Anticipating the trends among equipment manufacturers in the market, SMATSA LLC. is planning to launch a strategically important project for the implementation of VoIP solution in the operational air traffic communication domain. PROJECT STATUS: FUNDING: in • PROJECT IMPORTANCE: INVESTMENT VALUE: solution • Own funds • The project will comprise the replacement of the most significant part of the telecommunication network with IP-based devices and systems, as well as the upgrade or replacement of voice communication systems (VCS) in Central Flight Control Belgrade and the integration of these systems with the IP-compatible VHF/UHF radio units which are currently being implemented. 185 RESPONSIBLE PARTY PROJECT NAME: STRATEGIC/ LEGAL FRAMEWORK: PROJECT IMPORTANCE: PROJECT STATUS: INVESTMENT VALUE: PROJECT START DATE: PROJECT END DATE: FUNDING: Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure City of Nis Constantine the Great Airport Regional Development Agency (RDA) South Runway rehabilitation including taxiway construction and apron expansion with the preparation of design and technical documentation • Master Plan for Transport in the Republic of Serbia – defined in Annex IV – Air Traffic Development; • The Air Traffic Development Strategy in the Republic of Serbia for 20102020; • City of Nis Development Strategy; • Nis airport zoning plan with access roads. • Rehabilitaton of the runway leads to the development of the aiport infrastructure which increases the quality and safety of air traffic. Improving the airport, as one of the potentials of the South Serbia region, offers the possibility of increasing the number of passangers on existing routes, as well as the possibility of introducing new routes, thus attracting investors who would invest in the supporting infrastructure and services. • This in turn results in the accumulation of capital at the local level, and also boosts the economic growth and improves the social and economic situation in the city of Nis, first of all, and then in the entire region as well. • Implementation of this project will create the conditions for increasing the air traffic. The airport’s distinctive features and its major impact on the development of the surrounding region, is creating the need for at least 710 new employees per one position at the airport (according to the European experience and research). • Design and technical documentation must be produced and potential sources of funding identified. 6,000,000 EUR Year 2015 Year 2018 • • • • • PROJECT DESCRIPTION: 186 • • • • Commercialisation The project of runaway rehabilitation including taxiway construction and apron expansion involves partial repair of sections of the existing 2500x45m runway containing cracks and growing deformations as a result of years of exploitation. The project includes all preparatory works and precisely details the methods for the runway repair, as follows: Geodetic survey of joints and damages of the runway pavement surface, Geotechnical investigations for the analysis of the existing pavementstructure, Core drilling of asphalt layers, Laboratory testing of the existing asphalt layers, Preparation and paving of the runway surfaces. Construction of the taxiway with the total length of 2900m and width of 23m, involves works on excavation, compacting and surfacing with asphaltic concrete. The taxiway physically connects the end of the runway on the west side (threshold11) with the apron. It runs parallel to the runway. The project also envisages construction of the taxiway which is the shortest link between the new apron and the physical end of the runway on the east side (threshold 29). The exhisting 275x100m apron shall be significantly expanded to the dimensions 830x123m, and this will increase the number of parking positions for the aircrafts. RESPONSIBLE PARTY: PROJECT NAME: STRATEGIC/ LEGAL FRAMEWORK: PROJECT IMPORTANCE: PROJECT STATUS: INVESTMENT VALUE: PROJECT START DATE: PROJECT END DATE: FUNDING: Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure City of Nis Constantine the Great Airport Regional Development Agency (RDA) South Adaptation and extension of the existing airport terminal including preparation of desing and technical documentation • Master Plan for Transport in the Republic of Serbia – defined in Annex IV – Air Traffic Development; • The Air Traffic Development Strategy in the Republic of Serbia for 20102020; • City of Nis Development Strategy; • Nis airport zoning plan with access roads. • Reconstruction and extension of the airport terminal building leads to the increase of quality and safety of air traffic. Improving the airport, as one of the potentials of the South Serbia region, offers the possibility of increasing the number of passangers on existing routes, as well as the possibility of introducing new routes, thus attracting investors who would invest in the supporting infrastructure and services. • This in turn results in the accumulation of capital at the local level, and also boosts the economic growth and improves the social and economic situation in the city of Nis, first of all, and then in the entire region as well. • On the other hand, introducing new routes, as a result of improving the infrastructure and imlplementing modern work and business standards, will attract a greater number of tourst to this reagon. Use of modern technologies reduces the cost price of certain services and products, thereby increasing the airport revenues and the economic growth of the people dealing with the supporting activities and affecting also the related results to be achieved by this project. • Design and technical documentation must be produced and potential sources of funding identified. 5,000,000 EUR • • PROJECT DESCRIPTION: • The dimensions of the existing terminal building are 47x30m. Passanger terminal features the following facilities: check-in, passport control, customs control and x-ray screening; lobbies and waiting rooms for departing passangers; baggage sorting area; baggage claim, lobby for receiving the arriving passanger, shops, cafeterias as well as offices of the airport personnel, representatives of airlines and travel agnecies Upon a thorough inspection of the state of the terminal buiding, the recommendations of the technical institutions in charge of the building construction and the technical service of the Civil Aviation Directorate were to carry out the reconstruction and expansion of the terminal building so that the passanger transit, stay and use of the airport services would be in compliance the laws and regulations related to the air traffic. The existing terminal building will be expanded and reconstructed to include more check-in desks, and provide better reception of luggage, with a more spaceous lobby that will provide greater comfort to the passanger, both at the departure and the arrival gate. All works will be done in compliance with the new laws and regulations thus raising the safety to the highest possible level. New design solutions will also lead to the increase of revenues of the supporting activites. 187 RESPONSIBLE PARTY PROJECT NAME: STRATEGIC/ LEGAL FRAMEWORK: PROJECT IMPORTANCE: PROJECT STATUS: INVESTMENT VALUE: PROJECT START DATE: PROJECT END DATE: FUNDING: Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure City of Nis Constantine the Great Airport Regional Development Agency (RDA) South Reconstruction of the power supply of the Nis airport marking and lighting system – approach lights • Master Plan for Transport in the Republic of Serbia – defined in Annex IV – Air Traffic Development; • The Air Traffic Development Strategy in the Republic of Serbia for 2010-2020; • City of Nis Development Strategy; • Nis airport zoning plan with access roads. • Developing airport infrastructure also leads to the development of services, as well as the increase of quality and quantity of the services provided by the arport. • This in turn results in the accumulation of capital at the locallevel, and also boosts the economic growth and improves the social and economic situation in the city of Nis, first of all, and then in the entire region as well. • On the other hand, introducing new routes, as a result of improving the infrastructure and imlplementing modern work and business standards, will increase the airport revenues and the economic growth of the people dealing with the supporting activities and will affect the related results to be achieved by this project. • Design and technical documentation must be produced and potential sources of funding identified. 185,000,000 RSD Year 2015 Year 2018 • • • • PROJECT DESCRIPTION: • 188 Commercialisation The project will ensure unification of technological solution for the supply of power to the marking and lighting system entirely from one place in the civilian part, and for the remote monitoring via the control station of the integrated monitoring and managment system of the lighting units, radio navigation equipment and power supply. Also this project envisages addition of new precision approach lights CAT 1. Expansion of the existing and creation of new cable ducts for the power and telecommunication cables are forseen by this project as well. Also, a new cable duct system will be installed at CAT 1 approach and at the part of the runway which is not fitted with sufficient quantity of the same. All solutions defined by the main desing are consistent with the technological and the power supply requirements as well as the appropraite constant current regulators and the intended application of the integrated system. The project also envisages a system for the management and monitoring of the following subsystems: - Marking and lighting of runway and other maneuvering areas; - Ground radio navigation devices; - Meteorological equipment; - Power plants and auxiliary power sources; - Apron reflector lighting; - System formanagement and monitoring of distant objects of ground radio navigation devices; - Fire protection system. The system provides: - Instructions for the operation of services in emergency and hazardous situtations; - Instructions for monitoring traffic conditions in visibility categories ICAO for A/P Nis; - Storing operational data. RESPONSIBLE PARTY: Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure The City of Nis Constantine The Great Airport Reginal Development Agency South PROJECT NAME: Logistic development zone Nis STRATEGIC/LEGAL FRAMEWORK: • The implementation of the construction project “Logistic development zone Nis“began in early 2012 when the EU MISP Program (which is being implemented by EPTISA consulting company) began preparing a Feasibility Study for the stated project. • The project gives rise to the opportunity to useintermodal transport and interconnection of the road, railway and air traffic. The project implementation and the foundation of a center will create the conditions for offering adequate manpower, financial possibilities for the development ofentrepreneuriship and logistics, attracting investments, industrial reallocation, improvement of relations within the local business community and creating conditions for increasing the activities of the same, as well as establishing new companies in highly profitable fields. • The EU MISP Program has prepared the Feasibility Study. The preliminary design needs to be prepared, as well as an IPA application. PROJECT IMPORTANCE: PROJECT STATUS: INVESTMENT VALUE: 10,000,000 EUR PROJECT START DATE: Year 2015 PROJECT END DATE: Year 2020 FUNDING: The project has been proposed for IPA 2014-2020 funding • PROJECT DESCRIPTION: • Initially the project envisaged basic infrastructure with the area of around 26ha at Constantine the Great Airport and the construction of the first logistic center facilitywith the area of around 20.000 m2. The value of the project has been estimated at almost 20 million euro. Later on, during the project elaboration(Feasibility Study), it was agreed,primarily due to the financial viability and feasibility, that the project would focus on the construction of the primary and secondary infrastructure on the entire site with the construction of the main elements of the logistic center with the area of almost 30 ha. The City of Nis is in the final stage of preparing the Detailed Regulation Plan for the Airport, which elaborates on the entire area of Constantine the Great Airport with the protection zones, according to the Civil Aviation Directorate. 189 RESPONSIBLE PARTY: PROJECT NAME: STRATEGIC/LEGAL FRAMEWORK: PROJECT IMPORTANCE: PROJECT STATUS: Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure The City of Nis Constantine The Great Airport Reginal Development Agency South Development and implementation of the project of integrated security and protection system (video surveillance, access control, surveillance control), as well as the outhouse construction and perimeter construction (fencing and the road along the fencing) of the Nis Airport complex • Air Traffic Law; • National Civil Aviation Security Program; • Rules for Authorization of Security Checks; • ICAO Regulations • The specific purpose and importance of the "Nis Airport" complex demands that the needed and required strict control of the passengers, luggage, goods, employees and visitors movement through a restricted area • For permanent high safety level of the Nis Airport complex, the safety measures defined in the project are a prerequisite. • The common aim of the project is to define all the necessary parameters for practical implementation and desired efficiency. Basically, the project should define the requirements for an adequate and reliable method of detection of any unauthorized access and stay in the predefined narrow perimeter areas of the complex buildings, in terms of their injury-crossing, and for immediate reporting such incidents to the Security Control Center. • The activities to be performed during the Airport complex construction works are clearing of the site off any vegetation and trees, as well as the ground levelling due to a number of ditches, holes and mounds. Also, the ground should be roughly prepared by use of construction mechanisation. The road on the inside of the fencing can be paved with ground stone. Minimum width of the paved road should be 2.5 m. • In order to contribute to prevention of criminal activities, sabotages or diversions, and to ensure the highest possible security level at Nis Airport, in accordance with the high standards and trends in this field implemented at other international airports, any inadequate elements of the security system need to be eliminated, and the requirements for a reliable system at Constantine the Great Nis Airport reviewed. • The project design and technical documentation is to be developed, and the potential funding sources identified. INVESTMENT VALUE: PROJECT START DATE: PROJECT END DATE: FUNDING: 2,000,000 EUR • • PROJECT DESCRIPTION: • • • 190 Detection of unauthorized access and stay Modern and adequate electronic system of detection and indication of an unauthorized access and stay in narrow perimeter areas along the entire outer limit (fencing) line of the building complex as well as inside the major interior complex areas: the hall and the restaurant, the arriving and departing gates (passengers) and the sorting area (luggage). The cameras to be mounted in the perimeter area, along the fencing, need to be selected among the highest quality products of the kind. The part of the equipment to be installed which can be easily reached by passengers (electro distribution cabinet etc.) need to have such protection which would ensure timely engagement of the security personnel and equipment. The complex area not restricted to the passengers should be covered by cameras for person re-identification RESPONSIBLE PARTY: Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure Serbia and Montenegro Air Traffic Service SMATSA LLC Belgrade The City of Nis Constantine The Great Airport Regional Development Agency South PROJECT NAME: Procurement and integration of navigation system for precise instrumental landing (ILS CAT I) • STRATEGIC/LEGAL FRAMEWORK: Master Plan for Transport in the Republic of Serbia – defined in Annex IV – Air Traffic Development; The Air Traffic Development Strategy in the Republic of Serbia for 2010-2020; City of Nis Development Program for 2014. • • • PROJECT IMPORTANCE: • • PROJECT STATUS: • The integration of the precise instrumental landing system will create the conditions to improve the quality and enhance the safety of air traffic at the Constantine the Great Airport in Nis. The modernization of the airport, as one of thepotentilly profitable resources in the southern Serbia region, will provide an opportunity to increase the number of passengers on the existing routes, as well as the opportunity to introduce new routes and attract investors who would invest in the pertaining infrastructure and services. Consequentially, this will give rise to the local capital accumulation, thus higher economic growth and improvement of the social and economic situation in the city of Nis, as well as in the entire region. On the other hand, a larger number of tourists will be attracted to the region by introducing new routes, improving infrastructure and implementing modern working and business standards. The required tehnical documentation needs to be prepared (obtaining prerequisites from the relevant institutions, which are necessary for further designing) INVESTMENT VALUE: 1,500,000 EUR PROJECT START DATE: - PROJECT END DATE: - FUNDING: PROJECT DESCRIPTION: • Serbia and Montenegro Air Traffic Service Belgrade/Republic of Serbia/the City of Nis • ILS CAT I is intended for navigation procedures for precise instrumental landing and it enables lateral and vertical instrumental guidance. The obstacle limitationsurfaces are thus less restrictive than the surfaces applicable in case of imprecise landing such as VOR/DME or NDB/DME. Integration of the ILS requires wider consideration of the terrain configuration. It is necessary to find a solution which will enable the establishment of ILS landing at the airport which minimally deviates from the ICAO criteria for navigation procedures preparation, while maintaining an acceptable level of operational safety. • SMATSA LLC. 191 RESPONSIBLE PARTY: PROJECT NAME: STRATEGIC/ LEGAL FRAMEWORK: PROJECT IMPORTANCE: PROJECT STATUS: INVESTMENT VALUE: PROJECT START DATE: PROJECT END DATE: FUNDING: Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure Ponikve Airport Public Company Airport fencing construction • Air Traffic Law of the Republic of Serbia (“Official Gazette of RS“ No.73/10, 57/11); • ANNEX 14, ICAO; • Regulation on Aerodromes (“Official Gazette of RS“ No. 23/12 and 60/12). • Openness of the airport to the commercial flights. • Connection of the western regions of Serbia and the eastern regions of Bosnia and Herzegovina by air to the other European countries. That would upgrade the development of tourism in the first place, but also attract foreign and home investors and the entire region of Western Serbia (increasing the direct and indirect revenues of the region). • The fencing preliminary design has been developed. • The Main design and the tender documentation are yet to be completed. Undefined Year 2014 Year 2016 • • PROJECT DESCRIPTION: • RESPONSIBLE PARTY: PROJECT NAME: STRATEGIC/ LEGAL FRAMEWORK: PROJECT IMPORTANCE: PROJECT STATUS: INVESTMENT VALUE: PROJECT START DATE: PROJECT END DATE: FUNDING: PROJECT DESCRIPTION: 192 Ponikve Airport Public Company, City of Uzice, Municipality of Cajetina, "Nikola Tesla" Airport The boundaries of the controlled airport area (Airside) have been defined for maximal spatial expansion of the airport and for the instrument landing conditions, i.e. with the main runway strip width of 2 x 150 m. The project envisages fencing around the entire controlled area of the airport. The length of the airport controlled area fencing is 9,230 m. "Nikola Tesla" Airport is to donate 6.5 km of the old fencing, the length of usable fencing is 4 km; the exact total length shall be known upon the donation. Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure Ponikve Airport Public Company Procurement of the airport lighting systems • Law on Planning and Construction of the Republic of Serbia (“Official Gazette of RS“ No. 72/2009, 81/2009 and 24/2011); • ANNEX 14, ICAO; • Regulation on Aerodromes (“Official Gazette of RS“ No. 23/12 and 60/12). • Opennes of the airport in the adverse weather conditions and at night, which would increase the Ponikve Airport passenger number (increase of direct and indirect revenues of the region). • The discussions with the representatives of the airport lighting systems production companies have been held, the information on the types and installation methods have been gathered. 700,000 EUR Year 2015 Year 2017 • • Ponikve Airport Public Company, City of Uzice, Municipality of Cajetina Without procurement of the lighting system, the airport cannot be open in the impaired visibility conditions (fog), nor can it be open for night flying, which considerably limits the airport utility. RESPONSIBLE PARTY: PROJECT NAME: STRATEGIC/ LEGAL FRAMEWORK: PROJECT IMPORTANCE: PROJECT STATUS: INVESTMENT VALUE: PROJECT START DATE: PROJECT END DATE: Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure Ponikve Airport Public Company Upgrading the airport fire fighting category (Rescue & Fire Fighting Category 5) • Regulation on Rescue and Fire Fighting Services at Aerodromes (“Official Gazette of RS“ No. 30/2005 of 05 April, 2005); • Air Traffic Law of the Republic of Serbia (“Official Gazette of RS“ No. 73/10, 57/11); • Preliminary Design of the Ponikve Airport • Handling the larger passenger aircrafts (with more than 100 seats) – Airbus, Boeing. • Handling the larger aircrafts would ensure organized arrival of large number of foreign turists (improvement in development of turism, attraction of foreign and home investors and the entire region of Western Serbia). • The plan envisages gradual upgrading of the airport rescue and fire fighting category to Category 5 (partial procurement of the rescue and fire fighting equipment) • Undefined (after the renewal of "Nikola Tesla" Airport rescue and fire fighting system, part of its old equipment is expected to be installed here) FUNDING: STRATEGIC/ LEGAL FRAMEWORK: PROJECT IMPORTANCE: PROJECT STATUS: PROJECT DESCRIPTION: • Year 2017 • Ponikve Airport Public Company, City of Uzice, "Nikola Tesla" Airport, Municipality of Cajetina The airport already has part of the equipment required by the Regulation. Following the inflow of the financial resources and implementation of the donations, the conditions for upgrading to the rescue and fire fighting Category 5 shall be created. Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure Ponikve Airport Public Company The airport platform construction • Air Traffic Law of the Republic of Serbia (“Official Gazette of RS“ No. 73/10, 57/11); • Preliminary Design of the Ponikve Airport • ANNEX 14, ICAO; • Regulation on Aerodromes (“Official Gazette of RS“ No. 23/12 and 60/12). • Providing the area for handling the arriving and departing aircrafts • The preliminary design of the aircraft has been developed as the basis for development of the detailed design of the airport platform for the aircraft arrival and departure handling INVESTMENT VALUE: PROJECT START DATE: PROJECT END DATE: FUNDING: Year 2015 • PROJECT DESCRIPTION: RESPONSIBLE PARTY: PROJECT NAME: • 1,670,000 EUR Year 2015 Year 2017 • • Ponikve Airport Public Company, City of Uzice, Municipality of Cajetina, Republic of Serbia The airport platform is part of the infrastructure of every airport. In order to facilitate the Ponikve Airport handling of larger passenger aircrafts, the existing platform needs to be relocated and widened to meet the requirements of Regulation on Aerodromes and ANNEX 14 (ICAO) 193 RESPONSIBLE PARTY: PROJECT NAME: STRATEGIC/ LEGAL FRAMEWORK: PROJECT IMPORTANCE: PROJECT STATUS: INVESTMENT VALUE: PROJECT START DATE: PROJECT END DATE: FUNDING: Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure Ponikve Airport Public Company Airport building construction • Air Traffic Law of the Republic of Serbia (“Official Gazette of RS“ No. 73/10, 57/11); • Preliminary Design of the Ponikve Airport • Regulation on Aerodromes (“Official Gazette of RS“ No. 23/12 and 60/12). • Building a commercial airport (providing the area for handling of arriving and departing passengers, opening of a border crossing…), increasing direct and indirect revenues of the region • The preliminary design of the aircraft has been developed as the basis for development of the detailed design of the airport building 1,700,000 EUR Year 2015 Year 2017 • Ponikve Airport Public Company, City of Uzice, Municipality of Cajetina, Republic of Serbia The airport building is an integral part of the infrastructure of any airport to be used for public air traffic PROJECT DESCRIPTION: • RESPONSIBLE PARTY: PROJECT NAME: STRATEGIC/ LEGAL FRAMEWORK: Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure JAT Tehnika Capital investment • The company business performance annual review • The investments in Jat Tehnika, whether from its own budget or from the available credit loans on the market, are impossible at the moment, due to the amount of the required funds but also due to the specific nature of the business. The investment in development of the engine workshop is necessary in the near future bearing in mind the fact that the engine type CFM56-3, which Jat Tehnika can maintain at the moment, shall be withdrawn from use. Dynamics of the project implementation shall depend on the priorities and the inflow of the funds PROJECT IMPORTANCE: PROJECT STATUS: INVESTMENT VALUE: PROJECT START DATE: PROJECT END DATE: FUNDING: PROJECT DESCRIPTION: 194 • • 17,950,000 EUR, that is 2,132,460,000 RSD Year 2015 Year 2018 • • The project implementation is not possible without an adequate partner The scope of the project presupposes the procurement of: - Adapter for checking the CFM56-7 and CFM56-5 engines; - Tools and equipment for disassembly, assembly, cleaning and inspection of the CFM56-7 and CFM56-5 engines; - Workshops for disassembl disassembly, assembly, cleaning and inspection of the CFM56-7 and CFM56-5 engines; - Data acquisition equipment for the engine test bench; - Correlation of the engine test bench; - Correlation of APU test bench; - Various instruments and equipment. RESPONSIBLE PARTY: Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure JAT Tehnika PROJECT NAME: Investments in fixed assets and facilities STRATEGIC/ LEGAL FRAMEWORK: • The company business performance annual review PROJECT IMPORTANCE: • The investment would ensure the increase of the capacities, higher quality of the services and higher safety level during performance of the services PROJECT STATUS: • Dynamics of the project implementation shall depend on the priorities and the inflow of the funds INVESTMENT VALUE: 820,000 EUR, that is 97,416,000 RSD PROJECT START DATE: Year 2015 PROJECT END DATE: Year 2020 FUNDING: PROJECT DESCRIPTION: • The funds for the investments shall be provided from the sinking funds and the loans from the business banks • The plan envisages investments in: - Upgrade and extension of the current applications functionality, implemented in the year 2013, and expected to be fully functional in the year 2015; - Equipment for entering the fuel tank; - Completion of the galvanization workshop – chrom/nickel coating line - Crane for ATR - Tools for landing gear - Cutting tools and accessories - CONRAC Pipe profiling tools - Special tools for disassembly of the CFM56 engine to the component level - Special tools for overhaul of the aircraft and engine components - Tools for the structure technicians - IT equipment - Waste oil container - Lighting in Hangar 1 195 196 Construction projects and construction sites spatial planning, urban development and housing 197 198 RESPONSIBLE PARTY: The Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure and The Faculty of Civil Engineering of the University of Belgrade PROJECT NAME: Energy Performance of Buildings – Public Building Typology in the Republic of Serbia • STRATEGIC/ LEGALFRAMEWORK: • • • • Pursuant to Decision 2009/05/ made by the Ministerial Council of the Energy Community on 18 December 2009, as well as the First and the Second National Plan for Energy Performance in the Republic of Serbia which have been adopted, and the goal set to minimum 9% decrease inthe final energy consumption in the ninth year of implementation, calculated with regard to the final energy consumption in 2008 (0.7524 Mtoe), to securesustainable decisions, established upon qualitative and quantitative data of building construction sector, in which 60% energy is spent in the Republic of Serbia. • The framework which has been prepared in compliance with the previous residential building typology project. PROJECT IMPORTANCE: PROJECT STATUS: Law on Planning and Construction (“Official Gazette of RS“ no. 72/09, 81/09 - correction, 64/10-US, 24/11, 121/12, 42/13-US, 50/13-US and 54/13) National Plan for Adoption of the European Union Acquis (2013-2016) The Second Republic of Serbia Energy Performance Action Plan for the period 2013-2015 Stabilization and Association Agreement INVESTMENT VALUE: - PROJECT START DATE: January 2015 PROJECT END DATE: December 2015 FUNDING: • GIZ • PROJECT DESCRIPTION: In order to be able to have insight in energy consumption in buildings in the Republic of Serbia and also for the sake of defining the term ”building with almost zero energy consumption“ and development of the program for energy performance of buildings, typology of public building in the Republic of Serbia need to be done; • Typology of public buildings encompasses: - building structure, typology, developed according to already adopted principles, and harmonized with specific national characteristics and predefined already existing heating systems; - with regard to each adoptedbuildingtype the following is to be defined: typical thermal layer elements, withcalculatedheat transfer coefficients, heating system properties and hot water preparation, type frequency in the total national fund of public buildings, to make assessment of possible decrease in energy consumption in public buildings. 199 RESPONSIBLE PARTY: The Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure PROJECT NAME: Development of the Base of Referential Buildings’ Thermal Properties in Serbia • STRATEGIC/ LEGALFRAMEWORK: • Law on Planning and Construction (“Official Gazette of RS”, no. 72/09, 81/09 - correction, 64/10-US, 24/11, 121/12, 42/13-US, 50/13USand 54/13) National Plan for Adoption of the European Union Acquis (2013-2016) The Second Republic of Serbia Energy Performance Action Plan for the period 2013-2015 Stabilization and Association Agreement Project of strategic importance Harmonization with EPBD requirements (especially the updated Directive2010/31), elaborated wthin the “Energy Performance of Buildings in Member Countries” (author and publisher: ENSI). A reliable energy passport validation procedure. Validation of energy passports of buildings according to the measured rather than calculated data. Minimized risk of deliberate and inadvertent mistakes made during the validation procedure of energy passports of buildings. Shortened time of validation of energy passports of buildings. Possiblity of processing several energy passports of buildings within the validation prcedure. Less personnel in the sector implementing the validation procedure of energy passports of buildings. Measurement results regarding thermal properties of buildings obtained from the selected sample would present true circumstances and an insight in the actual energy consumption within the building construction sector. Such a kind of realistic data give an opportunity to propose all the more accurate measures for the improvement of energy performance, thus considerably increasing economic effects of implementation of the measures for increase in energy performance of buildings. Considerable effect is a chieved in the qualiy improvement system. Sustainable decision making, based on qualitative and quantitative data. Performance improvement: implementation of organizational/functional examinations, standardizations of business processes and procedures and introduction of quality management system,etc. Support in public policy making: preparation of public policy documents, study development and carrying outresearch. Communication improvement: raising consciousness on relevance and results of energy performance, improvement of cooperation with local self-administrations, networking, information access availability, etc. Economic effects cannot be precisely determined. • • • There are no project documents CONTRACTOR: Selection in a public procurement procedure Bidding dossier is required • • • • • • • • • • • • PROJECT IMPORTANCE: • • • • • • PROJECT STATUS: INVESTMENT VALUE: EUR 250,000 PROJECT DATE: January 2015 START January2017 PROJECT END DATE: FUNDING: 200 • International financial institutions • • • PROJECT DESCRIPTION: • Base of thermal properties of buildings should be a part of CREP as the only applicable data base within the energy passport validation process implemented by the Ministry. The base should rely on the TABULA facilty typology making the unique data set therewith, together with the facility classification. Data contained within the basis are obtained by measuring thermal properties of a building envelpe and the pertaining systems (heating, cooling, electricity, preparation of hot sanitary water and ventilation). Measuringshould be done on a representative sample of buildings according to the TABULA classification, including public-purpose facilities. For the total number of facilities in Serbia, with the order of magnitude of 3 million, the order of magnitude of a representative sample of buildings would be in between 0.2 and 0.27 per mill of facilities, depending on the level of the desirable accuracy and the treshold of reliability for the total fund. In addition, the sample should also satisfy the adequate level of geographical and climatic frequency all over Serbia. 201 RESPONSIBLE PARTY: The Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructureand GIZ PROJECT NAME: Improvement of CREP (Central Registry of Energy Passports) • STRATEGIC/ LEGALFRAMEWORK: • • • • • PROJECT IMPORTANCE: PROJECT STATUS: Law on Planning and Construction (“Official Gazette of RS”, no. 72/09, 81/09 - correction, 64/10-US, 24/11, 121/12, 42/13-US, 50/13USand 54/13) National Plan for Adoption of the European Union Acquis (2013-2016) The Second Republic of Serbia Energy Performance Action Plan for the period 2013-2015 Stabilization and Association Agreement Sustainable decision-making, established upon qualitative and quantitative data, i.e. the central base of all the documents of relevance for energy performance within building construction. Performance improvement: implementation of organizational/functional examinations, standardizations of business processes and procedures and introduction of quality management systems,etc.Support in public policy making:preparation of public policy documents, study development and carrying out researches, opinion polls, etc.Communication improvement:raising consciousness on the relevance and results of energy performance, improvement of cooperation with local self-administrations, networking, information access availability, etc. Basic elements of improvement have been defined. INVESTMENT VALUE: - PROJECT START DATE: January 2015 PROJECT END DATE: June 2015 FUNDING: • PROJECT DESCRIPTION: • Improvement of the Central Registry of Energy Passports (inclusive of making reports on energy examination of a new building, restored, reorganized, adapted / mandatory data entry template ); • Improvement of the energy issuance system and mandatory CREP data entry; • Making links towards Ministry-approved free-of-charge energy performance elaboration softwares; • Additional CREP improvements that will ensure simpler and easier preparation of various types of regular reports (Ministries, local selfadministrations), as well as ”extraction“ of specific data searched according to a particular criterium, with a possibility of a graph presentation; • CREP and MVP link; • Setting up a special “section” within CREP that will be a certain type of the central base of all the documents relevant for building condtruction energy performance / legal framework; • Creation of a simple software, i.e. computer application, allowing all interested persons to check energy performance of their residential buildings and simulate effects of the improvement of energy performance, with the calculation of optimum cost-effective investment in electricity. 202 GIZ RESPONSIBLE PARTY: The Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure Development and implementation of the unique national software establishing energy properties of buildings • Law on Planning and Construction (“Official Gazette of RS”, no. 72/09, 81/09 - correction, 64/10-US, 24/11, 121/12, 42/13-US, 50/13-US and • 54/13)/ National Plan for Adoption of the European Union Acquis STRATEGIC/ (2013-2016) LEGALFRAMEWORK: • The Second Republic of Serbia Energy Performance Action Plan for the period 2013-2015/ • Stabilization and Association Agreement • To considerably improve quality system applied when energy properties of buildings are established, because it would make possible an unambiguous validation of energy passports of buildings. • To enable objective comparability principle with regard to energy properties of buildings in Serbia. • To avoid random interpretation of procedures and the use of entry data for the calculation of energy properties of buildings. • To ensure a unique procedure for the calculation of energy properties of buildings. • To make considerable effect within the quality improvement system. PROJECT • Sustainable decision-making, established upon qualitative and quantitative IMPORTANCE: data • Performance improvement:implementation of organizational/functional examinations, standardizations of business processes and procedures and introduction of quality management systems, etc. • Support in public policy making: preparation of public policy documents, study development and carrying out researches, opinion polls, etc. • Communication improvement: raising consciousness on the relevance and results of energy performance, improvement of cooperation with local selfadministrations, networking, information access availability, etc. • Economic effects cannot be precisely determined. • There is no project documentation PROJECT STATUS: • CONTRACTOR: Selection in a public procurement procedure • Bidding dossier is required INVESTMENT RSD 3,000,000 (Maximumpublic procurement cost) VALUE: PROJECT START January 2015 DATE: PROJECT END DATE: June 2015 FUNDING: Budget of the Republic of Serbia • Applicable legal regulations in Serbia require elaborate descriptions of energy properties of buildings and certificate awarding with regard to energy properties of building constructon facilities (energy passport of buildings). Calculation methods are clearly presented in the Energy Performance of Buildings Rulebook. • Applicable legal regulations stipulate that energy properties of buildings should be established according to the methods described in this Rulebook before the final development of the national softwareestablishing energy PROJECT performance of buildings. DESCRIPTION: • The unique software establishing energy properties of buildings has not ben developed yet. • This project would finalize development of such a software, under the supervision of competent expert and state authorities. • This software would be in compliance with already developed Central Registry for Energy Passports (CREP) software, thus completing national software tools within the relevant field. PROJECT NAME: 203 RESPONSIBLE PARTY: The Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure andThe Faculty of Civil Engineering of the Belgrade University PROJECT NAME: “Building with almost zero energy consumption“ • STRATEGIC/ LEGALFRAMEWORK: • • • • PROJECT IMPORTANCE: PROJECT STATUS: Law on Planning and Construction (“Official Gazette of RS”, no. 72/09, 81/09 - correction, 64/10-US, 24/11, 121/12, 42/13-US, 50/13US and 54/13)/ National Plan for Adoption of the European Union Acquis (2013-2016) The Second Republic of Serbia Energy Performance Action Plan for the period 2013-2015 Stabilization and Association Agreement All the buildings used by the state administration and local selfadministration, which are EU member countries, should be “buildings with almost zero energy consumption“ up to 31 December 2020, and after 31 December 2018 – all new buildings should fall within this category In the pipeline INVESTMENT VALUE: PROJECT START DATE: January 2015 PROJECT END DATE: December 2015 FUNDING: GIZ • PROJECT DESCRIPTION: 204 Definition of“buildings with almost zero energy consumption“ in Serbia: - Testing of the potential of our building fund, especially when it comes to new buildings (possible decrease pursuant to architectural measurements); - Investigation procedures within the application of renewable energy sources; - Economic analysis of suggested measures with future prospects; - Definition of “buildings with almost zero energy consumption“; - Guidelines for Design and Construction Guidelines “buildings with almost zero energy consumption“. RESPONSIBLE PARTY: The Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure PROJECT NAME: Amendments and Supplements to Current Rulebooks • STRATEGIC/ LEGALFRAMEWORK: • • • • PROJECT IMPORTANCE: • PROJECT STATUS: Law on Planning and Construction (“Official Gazette of RS”, no. 72/09, 81/09 - correction, 64/10-US, 24/11, 121/12, 42/13-US, 50/13US and 54/13)/ National Plan for Adoption of the European Union Acquis (2013-2016) The Second Republic of Serbia Energy Performance Action Plan for the period 2013-2015 Stabilization and Association Agreement Harmonization of all supporting rulebooks with amendments and supplements to the Law on Planning and Construction Detailed definition of the calculation of energy consumption in buildings In the pipeline INVESTMENT VALUE: PROJECT START DATE: December 2014 PROJECT END DATE: September 2015. године FUNDING: GIZ • PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Analysis of the existing rulebooks and detected flaws, as well as defining of the draft Rulebook supplement: - Energy consumption calculation(for lighting and electric appliances) - Energy consumption calculation for cooling - Energy consumption calculation for ventilation - Energy consumption calculation for water heating - Audit of the energy used for heating - Audit of terminology, ideas, statements,... - Harmonization of markings, units… - Detailed analysis (complete calculation of several typical facilities) prior to setting up a permitted consumption limiting value 205 RESPONSIBLE PARTY: The Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure and GIZ PROJECT NAME: Strengthening of local self-administration capacities witin the domain of energy performance in buildings • STRATEGIC/ LEGALFRAMEWORK: • • • PROJECT IMPORTANCE: • PROJECT STATUS: Law on Planning and Construction (“Official Gazette of RS”, no. 72/09, 81/09 - correction, 64/10-US, 24/11, 121/12, 42/13-US, 50/13US and 54/13)/ National Plan for Adoption of the European Union Acquis (2013-2016) The Second Republic of Serbia Energy Performance Action Plan for the period 2013-2015 Stabilization and Association Agreement Secured full implementation of regulations within the domain of energy performance in buildings, and the control thereof Implementation in the Central Serbia has commenced INVESTMENT VALUE: PROJECT START DATE: October 2014 PROJECT END DATE: December 2015 FUNDING: GIZ • • PROJECT DESCRIPTION: • • • 206 Capacity building: training and workshops, seminars, conferences, technical hands-on etc. Performance improvement:implementation of organizational/functional examinations, standardizations of business processes and procedures and introduction of quality management systems, etc. Support in public policy making: preparation of public policy documents, study development and carrying out researches, opinion polls, etc. Communication improvement: raising consciousness on the relevance and results of reforms, improvement of cooperation with civil society associations, networking, information access availability, etc. CREP implementation training RESPONSIBLE PARTY: The Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure PROJECT NAME: Strengthening of state administration capacities witin the domain of energy performance in buildings • STRATEGIC/ LEGALFRAMEWORK: • • • PROJECT IMPORTANCE: • PROJECT STATUS: Law on Planning and Construction (“Official Gazette of RS”, no. 72/09, 81/09 - correction, 64/10-US, 24/11, 121/12, 42/13-US, 50/13-US and 54/13) National Plan for Adoption of the European Union Acquis (2013-2016) The Second Republic of Serbia Energy Performance Action Plan for the period 2013-2015 Stabilization and Association Agreement Having signed theStabilization and Association Agreement (SAA), Serbia has undertaken to gradually harmonize its internal legislation with EU acquis, as well as to apply it consistently and transparently In the pipeline INVESTMENT VALUE: – PROJECT START DATE: January2015 PROJECT END DATE: - FUNDING: • • PROJECT DESCRIPTION: • • Capacity building: training and workshops, seminars, conferences, technical hands-on etc. Performance improvement:implementation of organizational/functional examinations, standardizations of business processes and procedures and introduction of quality management systems, etc. Support in public policy making: preparation of public policy documents, study development and carrying out researches, opinion polls, etc. Communication improvement: raising consciousness on the relevance and results of reforms, improvement of cooperation with local selfadministrations, networking, information access availability, etc.via CREP implementation 207 RESPONSIBLE PARTY: The Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure PROJECT NAME: Defining indicators of energy performance of buildings • STRATEGIC/ LEGALFRAMEWORK: • • • • PROJECT IMPORTANCE: • • Harmonization with EU standards and procedures for the establishment, monitoring and reporting on the effects of implementation of energy performance improvement measures within the building domain. To secure transparent reporting regarding the implementation of proposed measures for energy performance increase within the building domain according to EU Quality monitoring of the implementation ofthe Second Republic of Serbia Energy Performance Action Planfor the period 2013-2015 To make considerable effect in the quality improvement. Economic effects cannot be precisely determined. • • • There is no project documentation CONTRACTOR: Selection in a public procurement procedure Bidding dossier is required • • PROJECT STATUS: Law on Planning and Construction (“Official Gazette of RS”, no. 72/09, 81/09 - correction, 64/10-US, 24/11, 121/12, 42/13-US, 50/13US and 54/13)/ National Plan for Adoption of the European Union Acquis (2013-2016) The Second Republic of Serbia Energy Performance Action Plan for the period 2013-2015 Stabilization and Association Agreement INVESTMENT VALUE: RSD 1,000,000 PROJECT START DATE: June 2015 PROJECT END DATE: December 2015 FUNDING: Budget of the Republic of Serbia PROJECT DESCRIPTION: 208 • • Developed indicators should be transparent to EU bases. Indicator establishing procedures should be regulatory which requires either a special-purpose rulebook or their inclusion in the already existing ones. RESPONSIBLE PARTY: PROJECT NAME: STRATEGIC/ LEGALFRAMEWORK: PROJECT IMPORTANCE: The Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure Building sector compliance analysis within the domain of manufacture of construction products which are built in thermal layers of buildings with requirements for transposing (adapting to European legislation) the Construction Products Regulation • Law on Planning and Construction (“Official Gazette of RS”, no. 72/09, 81/09 - correction, 64/10-US, 24/11, 121/12, 42/13-US, 50/13-US and 54/13) • National Plan for Adoption of the European Union Acquis (20132016) • Stabilization and Association Agreement • Law on Technical Requirements for Products • In order to harmonize Serbian legislation with EU legal acquis, MGSI should transpose Construction Products Regulation (Regulation (EU) no. 305/2011) into the legal system of the Republic of Serbia. • Regulation stipulates standardization and accreditation of about 1200 construction products, so that the preparatory phase requires specialized and detailed survey of construction material and product market in Serbia, in order to render a quality and applicable regulation suitable for Serbian economics. • Analysis of the construction material and product marketwill be developed for the relevant products through this project. PROJECT STATUS: In the pipeline EUR 40,000 year 2015 INVESTMENT VALUE: PROJECT START DATE: PROJECT END DATE: FUNDING: • • • PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Unknown Obtaining public information about companies registered in the Republic of Serbia, necessary in order to carry out Projectstipulated activities; Preparation of the company list for each and evry selected activity code; Defining company selection criteria; Criteria implementation (application of filters to the prepared Excel file lists) and selection; The first company list drafting; Presentation of the applied methods, the list of companies selected for research and its approval; Making the final company list; Data collection and preparation of the documents necessary for the field research. This phase contains three subphases, namely: 1. The firtst phase - to make a representative sample - to make a list of harmonized European standards for products included in the Project - to make questionnaires 2. Phase Two (field work) – to visit selected companies and to gather field data by filling in questionnaires. 3. Phase Three (data processing and analysis – processing and analysis of the data gathered in the field and preparation of the Study working draft 4. The fourth phase (Study preparation and promotion) – Exchange of the results of the relevant research with representatives of professional public life and other interested parties and preparation of the final Study/Analysis version. 209 RESPONSIBLE PARTY: PROJECT NAME: STRATEGIC/ LEGAL FRAMEWORK: PROJECT IMPORTANCE: PROJECT STATUS: INVESTMENT VALUE: PROJECT START DATE: PROJECT END DATE: FUNDING: The Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure Improvement of new technologies within the facility construction process – pilot project of the quality improvement system • Planning and Constructon Act (“Official Gazette of RS”, no. 72/09, 81/09 - correction, 64/10-US, 24/11, 121/12, 42/13-US, 50/13-US and 54/13) • National Plan for Adoption of the European Union Acquis (2013-2016) • The Second Republic of Serbia Energy Performance Action Plan for the period 2013-2015 • Stabilization and Association Agreement • A step forward of the Republic of Serbia towards the introduction of new technologies in the facility construction process. • Introduction of such a practice would solve facility acceptance issues and also ensure quality construction and reaching the target assessment regarding the energy performance increase in the building construction sector. • Improved quality system. • Allows placement of new technologies on the EU market. • Economic effects cannot be precisely determined in this project planning phase. • Interest of all participants within the construcion chain, from the project engineer, via contractor and investor, to supervisory bodies. • There is no project documentation • CONTRACTOR: Selection in a public procurement procedure • Bidding dossier is required EUR 50,000 January2015 January 2017 Budget of the Republic of Serbia, PPP • • PROJECT DESCRIPTION: • • 210 Recent practice has indicated to a great disproportion between the designed and the implemented thermal properties of facilities. This disproportion is mainly due to the lack of control of thermal properties of the installed material. During the facility construction, each construction process participant shall ensure building quality as stipulated in the project documentation. Thermal properties of building materials and structures are to be controlled and checked directly on the site before installation, thus guaranteeing the final energy performance of buildings at technical acceptance. This means that quality control of materials and complex construction elements being installed are of the utmost relevance for reaching energy performance of the constructed building with regard to the designed performances. Project implementation focuses on new control technologies applied to thermal properties of building structures and materials via a portable and robust measuring station easily handled on the site. A mobile station should be profitable and simple to handle, since it will be implemented on sites and operated by workers who are not necessarily highly qualified. Operation of the mobile station should be tested within the relevant construction environment. RESPONSIBLE PARTY: PROJECT NAME: STRATEGIC/ LEGAL FRAMEWORK: PROJECT IMPORTANCE: PROJECT STATUS: The Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure New Legal and institutional framework for construction products in the Republic of Serbia • Planning and Constructon Act (“Official Gazette of RS”, no. 72/09, 81/09 - correction, 64/10-US, 24/11, 121/12, 42/13-US, 50/13-US and 54/13) • National Plan for Adoption of the European Union Acquis (2013-2016) • Stabilization and Association Agreement • Law on Technical Requirements for Products • To create a legal frame which shall ensure design and implementation of facilities in the Republic of Serbia safe to individuals, domestic animals or property, and friendly to environment and requirements for placement and/or delivery to the construction product market, namely by establishing harmonized rules on the presentation of properties of construction products with regard to their essential properties. Working group has been established INVESTMENT VALUE: PROJECT START DATE: PROJECT END DATE: FUNDING: RSD 4,500,000 January 2015 December 2016 • PROJECT DESCRIPTION : • • GIZ Phase One – preliminary activities (II/2014) - Analysis of theEU Construction Product Regulation number 305/2011 - Analysis and Test of the National Legislation - Harmonization with the Regulation - Translation and explanation of terms of the Regulation Phase Two – to draft regulations, to present draft regulations, to start regulation acceptance procedure (public discussion, round tables…) (IV/2015.) Phase Three–regulation takeover follow-up activities will include presentation, interpretation and implementation of the rules and supporting documents (implementation and application guidelines, sectorrelated and counseling guides), as well as educational seminars for industrial representatives, CAB (conformity assessment body) and representatives of inspection bodies(2016) 211 RESPONSIBLE PARTY: The Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure PROJECT NAME: Energy recovery of residential buildingsin the Republic of Serbia • STRATEGIC/ LEGAL FRAMEWORK: • • • PROJECT IMPORTANCE: Law on Planning and Construction (“Official Gazette of RS”, no. 72/09, 81/09 - correction, 64/10-US, 24/11, 121/12, 42/13-US, 50/13-US and 54/13) National Plan for Adoption of the European Union Acquis (2013-2016) / Stabilization and Association Agreement Ratification Law on the EU Framework Convention on Climate Change, annexes inclusive ("The Official Gazette of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia- International Treaties", number 2/97) Kyoto ProtocolRatification Law attached to theEU Framework Convention on Climate Change ("Official Gazette of RS", no. 88/2007 and 38/2009) • СО2 depletion • PROJECT STATUS: Proposal of the Federal Ministry for Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety of the Federal Republic of Germany has given its proposal on the joint implementation of a pilot project in the field of environmental protection in Serbia INVESTMENT VALUE: - PROJECT START DATE: Upon signing the Agreement PROJECT END DATE: - FUNDING: PROJECT DESCRIPTION: 212 • The Federal Ministry for Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety of the Federal Republic of Germany • The project should propose the Ministry, howerever, since it has not yet been signed as an agreement, the content thereof shall be defined thereafter RESPONSIBLE PARTY: PROJECT NAME: STRATEGIC/ LEGAL FRAMEWORK: PROJECT IMPORTANCE: PROJECT STATUS: INVESTMENT VALUE: PROJECT START DATE: PROJECT END DATE: FUNDING: The Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure Rehabilitation and energy recovery of facilities owned by the Serban Armed Forces • Law on Planning and Construction (“Official Gazette of RS”, no. 72/09, 81/09 - correction, 64/10-US, 24/11, 121/12, 42/13-US, 50/13-US and 54/13) • National Plan for Adoption of the European Union Acquis (2013-2016) / Stabilization and Association Agreement • Ratification Law on the EU Framework Convention on Climate Change, annexes inclusive ("The Official Gazette of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia- International Treaties", number 2/97) • Kyoto ProtocolRatification Law attached to theEU Framework Convention on Climate Change ("Official Gazette of RS", no. 88/2007 and 38/2009) • To use potential of the existing buildings no longer in use. • To prevent further degradation of the existing facilities no longer in use. • To solve the issue of residential and office space. • Efficient and economically sustainable building management. • Economic effects cannot be precisely determined before the implementation of the project phase one which should include technical and economic analysis of the project implementation. • There is no project documentation • CONTRACTOR: Selection in a public procurement procedure • Bidding dossier is required RSD 3.000.000 (Phase One) January 2016 January 2018 • • PROJECT DESCRIPTION: • • Budget of the Republic of Serbia, PPP The project should be implemented in three phases: 1. To solve legal and property relations 2. To make main projects and obtain building permits 3. Facility construction and reception Facilities of the Armed Forces the purpose of which could change through rehabilitation and energy recovery procedures into other-purpose public buildings or residential buildings, are classified in 4 groups: 1. Large capital facilties used for command structure accommodation (e.g. General Staff Building in Belgrade, commands of lower-rank formations of armed foreces, etc.) 2. Cultural and sports facilities (Armed Force Houses, Sports Centers, etc.) 3. Accomodation facilties (barracks) 4. Logistics facilities (restaurants, warehouses, hangars, wartime technical equipment storage facilities, etc.) Within the implementation of the project phase one, it is essential to make an inventory study of armed force facilities including options for the change of facility purpose, and to send official invitations and to potential investors in order to provide them. Phases 2 and 3 should be implementd by investors, based on the RRR principle.The Ministry should clearly define contractual liabilities regarding the implementation of phases 2 and 3, with clearly set deadlines and also to continuously monitorproject implementation. 213 RESPONSIBLE PARTY: PROJECT NAME: The Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure LED solar panel (ongrid) lighting in Corridor X • STRATEGIC/LE GAL FRAMEWORK: • • • PROJECT IMPORTANCE: PROJECT STATUS: • • Memorandum of Understanding and Cooperation between the Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructurewith Serbian Corridors. Energy Developmen Strategy of the Republic of Serbia up to 2025 with projections until 2030 Memorandum of understanding and cooperation between the Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure and the interested institutions Strategic - regional – local significance To save electricity and relieve energy system of the Republic of Serbia, to secure better lighting in highways and to considerably improve traffic safety, especially if taken into ccount that currently only certain sections are lighted (interchanges and tolls). The main LED solar panel (on grid) lighting project in Corridor 10 is in the pipeline. INVESTMENT VALUE: € 5,800,000 (on grid Belgrade-Novi Sad) €29,000,000.00 € for500 km (Subotica-Nis) PROJECT START DATE: year 2015 PROJECT END DATE: year 2020 FUNDING: • In search of strategic partners • Technical support:cca 500km (Subotica-Nis) i.e.Belgrade-НовиСад (cca 100km) The project is to be planned and implemented in cooperation with the relevant business entited which already have experience in implementation of projects of the kind in Serbia. Calsulation should be made for the necessary LED lights thus taking into account lights in interchanges (the old lights should be replaced since the polls next to the loops have also to support the structure bearing a certain number of solar panels at a certain height; according to the bearing capacity calculation which should be made, decide whether poll replacement is necessary). To optimize proportion of the distance of battery banks, cables and panels and based thereon set the number of battery banks, their distance and capacity. Battery banks are located either in a small garden in between two highway lanes, well insulated in order to prevent big loss which might be incurred at low temperatures). In comparison with the size of the funds already provided, the project could be implemented successively, per sections of Highway Е75. • • PROJECT DESCRIPTION: • • 214 RESPONSIBLE PARTY: PROJECT NAME: The Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure Strategy for the Improvement of Enery Performance in the Republic of Serbia • STRATEGIC/ LEGAL FRAMEWORK : Energy Developmen Strategy of the Republic of Serbia up to 2025 with projections until 2030 • Law o Energy of the Republic of Serbia. • Memorandum of Understanding and Cooperation between the Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure and the interested institutions • • PROJECT IMPORTANCE: • Strategic - regional significance. The aim of the strategy is to improve energy system and energy erformance of the Republic of Serbia by implementing cutting-edge technologic solutions, decreasing expenses of the energy system itself and through the sustainable economic development in the energy domain. The strategy will directly decrease expenses of the Budget of the Republic of serbia, it will improve performance of the energy system of the Republic of Serbia and also create more job positions and ensure environmental protection. PROJECT STATUS: Proposal for the inclusion of the project in the priority list for the 2015 -2020 INVESTMENT VALUE : PROJECT START DATE: PROJECT END FUNDING: € 2.000.000 year 2015 year 2017 In search of strategic partners (The Republic of serbia, EU funds, etc.) • • PROJECT DESCRIPTION: • • The project would be implemented in cooperation with the relevant Republic of Serbia, regional and EU institutions as well as with individuals-experts in energy and energy performance field, all with the aim o make all the more detailed, realistic and applicable strategy. Throughout the Strategy making procedures there will be round tables, expert gatherings, study visits where participants could exchange their ideas, experience and harmonize and choose the best possible solutions regarding the energy system of the Republic of Serbia. The Strategy will include guidelines for better use of EU funds in the domain of energy performance, as well as guidelines for development of market competition and job creation. In addition, there should also be guidelines regarding environmental protection and economic significance of the crossborde trade in CO2 quotes. A part of the project would be establishment of an expert bodywhich should make selection and make activity plans and also implement such activities and the effect thereof on the energy system of the Republic of Serbia. 215 RESPONSIBLE PARTY: The Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure PROJECT NAME: Vinca Dump recovery Main Project STRATEGIC/LEGAL FRAMEWORK: • Memorandum of Understanding and Cooperation between the Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure and the interested institutions • • Strategic – regional – local significance The project should ensure electricity supply in compliance with EU requirements which stipulate that the use of alternative energy sources should increase by 20% until 2020. Construction of a Belgrade dump is a strategic project which would considerably help the waste disposal and recycling system. For the time being, the place where waste is disposed of considerably pollutes the environment and the nearby agricultural land, and it is a source of diseases and water, soil and air pollution. If waste matters are taken care of, the environment would be in much better condition especially in a city such as Belgrade, with a couple of million of inhabitants, and thereby the recovery and closing of the old Vinca dump would contribute to the recuperation of a national disaster which might break out if the use of Vinca dump continues. • PROJECT IMPORTANCE: • PROJECT STATUS: • The Main Vinca Dump rehabilitation Project is in progress. INVESTMENT VALUE: € 25,800,000 PROJECT START DATE: year 2015 PROJECT END DATE: year 2017 FUNDING: PROJECT DESCRIPTION: 216 • In search of strategic partners • The project would be implemented in cooperation with the relevant Republic of Serbia, regional and EU institutions, so that to improve and make better use of alternative ways for waste disposal in the Republic of Serbia. The role and the significance of a dump in the Republic of Serbia would greatly contribute to the environmental improvement in the Danube region, Belgrade etc. • RESPONSIBLE PARTY: The Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure PROJECT NAME: Incineration Plant Construction Main Project STRATEGIC/LEGAL FRAMEWORK: • • • PROJECT IMPORTANCE: • PROJECT STATUS: • Memorandum of understanding and cooperation between the Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure and the interested institutions. Strategic – regional – local significance The project should ensure electricity supply in compliance with EU requirements which stipulate that the use of alternative energy sources should increase by 20% until 2020. Waste Incineration Plant construction in municipalities in which waste is accumulated and use such waste as the energy production base, leave the idea of dump globalization and the former“unimplemented practice”. Incineration Plant Construction Main Project is in progress. INVESTMENT VALUE: € 13,800,000 PROJECT START DATE: year 2015 PROJECT END DATE: year 2017 FUNDING: In search of strategic partners • • PROJECT DESCRIPTION: • Theproject should be planned and implemented in cooperation with the relevant Republic of Serbia, regional and EU institutions, so that to improve and make better use of alternative energy sources in the Republic of Serbia. To give clear and distinguished presentation of Incineration Plant in the Republic of serba through the implementation of projects within the RES domain. Efficient implementation of RES in the Republic of Serbia, especially construction of the incineration plant, will greatly decrease quantities of hazardous waste in the Republic of Serbia, while production and placement on the market of thermal and electric power will come out as waste processing products. 217 RESPONSIBLE PARTY: The Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure PROJECT NAME: Strategy for Development of Utility Service Companies in the Republic of Serbia • STRATEGIC/LEGAL FRAMEWORK: • • • • • • PROJECT IMPORTANCE: • PROJECT STATUS: • INVESTMENT VALUE: PROJECT START DATE: PROJECT END DATE: FUNDING: Proposal for the inclusion of the project in the priority list for the period 2015 -2020 year 2015 year 2017 • In search of strategic partners (The Republic of serbia, EU funds, etc.) • Strategy would include representatives of local self-administrations, state institutions and the private sector. There should be given a proposal for a draft legal regulation, incentive for the development of efficient privately-owned companies, adapted to consumers’ needs. Bases would be made for the organization of legal and proprietary relations with regard to the property used by public utility companies, bases which promote investment of private capital within the relevant sector and price quotation methods applied to utility services in compliance with market economics. A body for cooperation and coordination with institutions competent for waste management and environment protection would also be established, so that utility companies could operate as efficiently and as profitably as possible. • • 218 Strategic - regional significance The aim of the Strategy is to improve utility service companies of the republic of Serbia, do cut down expenses from the budget of the Republic of Serbia, and to establish sustainable economic development in the domain of utility service companies. The strategy should create utility service companies competitive on the market, providing efficient services, and thus having positive influence on the Republic of Serbia economy. € 2,000,000 • PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Strategy of Restructuring Utility Service Companies in the Republic of Serbia. Law on Environmental Protection of the Republic of Serbia. Waste Management Law of the Republic of Serbia. National Strategy of Sustainable Development of the Republic of Serbia. Memorandum of Understanding and Cooperation between the Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure and the interested institutions RESPONSIBLE PARTY: The Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure PROJECT NAME: Main Project for the construction of hydrogen-powered Thermal, Electricity and Cogenerative energy Plants STRATEGIC/LEGAL FRAMEWORK: • • • PROJECT IMPORTANCE: • PROJECT STATUS: • Memorandum of understanding and cooperation between the Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure and the interested institutions. Strategic – regional – local significance The project should ensure electricity supply in compliance with EU requirements which stipulate that the use of alternative energy sources should increase by 20% until 2020. Construction of thermal, electricity and cogenerative energy plants basically powered by water, thus meeting all EU Directives in terms of environmental safety, and also excuding hydrogen accumulation, which means that safety is not hindered. Project design and main project for the construction of hydrogenpowered thermal, electricity and cogenerative energy plants. INVESTMENT VALUE: € 1,850,000 PROJECT START DATE: year 2015 PROJECT END DATE: year 2017 FUNDING: In search of strategic partners • PROJECT DESCRIPTION: • • • Theproject should be planned and implemented in cooperation with the relevant Republic of Serbia, regional and EU institutions, so that to improve and make better use of alternative energy sources in the Republic of Serbia. To present the role and the importance of hydrogen-powered plants in the Republic of Serbia in a clear and distinguishable manner, through the implementation of projects in the domain of RES Efficient application of RES in the Republic of Serbia, especially construction of hydrogen-powered plants that will considerably improve the connection between the science and economy. Energy generation from hydrogen is one of the purest energy generation modes. Given the appropriate production process control, generation of large quantities of thermal and electricity energy is possible. Stipulated power of thermal, electricity and cogenerative energy plants powered by hydrogen is 1 MW. 219 RESPONSIBLE PARTY: PROJECT NAME: The Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure STRATEGIC/LEGAL FRAMEWORK: Strategy for Waste Management in the Republic of Serbia • Legal waste management in the Republic of Serbia • Strategy for waste management in the Republic of sebia for the periof 2010 – 2019. Memorandum of understanding and cooperation between the Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure and the interested institutions • • PROJECT IMPORTANCE: • PROJECT STATUS: • year 2015 PROJECT START DATE: year 2017 PROJECT END DATE: In search of strategic partners (The Republic of serbia, EU funds, etc.) • • PROJECT DESCRIPTION: • • 220 Proposal for the inclusion of the project in the priority list for the period 2015 -2020 €2.000.000 INVESTMENT VALUE: FUNDING: Strategic - regional significance The aim is revision of already existing strategy, especially in the domain of improvement of strategic waste management in the Republic of serbia, support of recycling and the collection of eco fees from the sustainable economic development in the domain of waste management. Revised strategy would contribute to the stability and continuation within the waste management domain and more efficient implementation of the measures stipulated therein. The aim of the project is revision of the existing strategy and establishment of the section which is to be more efficient and simpler for implementation in practice The strategy will cover all important fields of economy and society (relations of public and private capital within the waste management domain, raising consciousness of citizens etc.) The new strategy rests upon good experience fom the previous five years, which is how long the existing waste management strategy has been in operation, and which will be discussed in expert gatherings and at practical experience exchange meetings, both from Serbia and the whole of Europe. Through the development of strategies guidelines will be provided for the change in public utility activities and the domain of waste management project funding. RESPONSIBLE PARTY: The Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure PROJECT NAME: Wind farm Construction Project STRATEGIC/LEGAL FRAMEWORK: • • • • PROJECT IMPORTANCE: PROJECT STATUS: • Memorandum of Understanding and Cooperation between the Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure and the interested institutions Strategic – regional – local significance The project should ensure electricity supply in compliance with EU requirements which stipulate that the use of alternative energy sources should increase by 20% until 2020. Wind Farm construction, primarily in Vojvodina, and then in other parts of the republic of Serbia as well, in which all necessary measurements have been done, namely such as winf parameters and production assessment. Power plant capacity in Vojvodina is 120MW for Dolovo and Pancevo, where have been measured the best wind parameters in the whole Serbia, measured at the highest measuring poll in the Balkans, 125 m high, as well as in therest of the project included territory of municipalities kovin, Plandiste, Kovacica, Alibunar, with the total capacity cca370MW. The main wind farm construction project has been made INVESTMENT VALUE: € 1,100,000/M PROJECT START DATE: year 2015 PROJECT END DATE: year 2017 FUNDING: PROJECT DESCRIPTION: • In search of strategic partners • Theproject should be planned and implemented in cooperation with the relevant Republic of Serbia, regional and EU institutions, so that to improve and make better use of alternative energy sources in the Republic of Serbia. It is to present the role and the relevance of windgenerators in the Republic of Serbia in a clear and distinguishable manner, through the implementation of projects in the domain of RES. Efficient implementation of RES in the Republic of Serbia, especially construction of wind farms, can contribute to better development of infrastructure and raise consciousness of citizens regarding the application of alternative energy sources. • 221 RESPONSIBLE PARTY: PROJECT NAME: STRATEGIC/LEGAL FRAMEWORK: The Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure Project of Lake cleaning in Cacak region and Project of the Lake Palic and Ludos cleaning • Memorandum of Understanding and Cooperation between the Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure and the interested institutions. • • PROJECT IMPORTANCE: • PROJECT STATUS: • Strategic – regional – local significance The project should ensure electricity supply in compliance with EU requirements which stipulate that the use of alternative energy sources should increase by 20% until 2020. Lake cleaning in Cacak region (all permits obtained from competent authorities), and the palic and Ludos Lakes, and not only from the ecologic point of view but at the same time turning mud and compost into energy combustible material. Project design of the cleaning of lake in the Cacak region and Project of the Lake Palic and Ludos cleaning have been made INVESTMENT VALUE: € 3,200,000/per plant PROJECT START DATE: year 2015 PROJECT END DATE: year 2017 FUNDING: In search of strategic partners • PROJECT DESCRIPTION: • 222 Theproject should be planned and implemented in cooperation with the relevant Republic of Serbia, regional and EU institutions, so that to improve and make better use of alternative energy sources in the Republic of Serbia. It is to present the role and the relevance of lake cleaning in the Republic of Serbia in a clear and distinguishable manner, through the implementation of projects in the domain of RES. Lake cleaning can greatly contribute to better function of natural flora and fauna, tourism, water sports, and better electricity generation. RESPONSIBLE PARTY: PROJECT NAME: The Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure LED solar panel (ongrid) lighting in Squares located in local selfadministrations in Serbia (ten squares, in the towns as suggested by the Ministry) • STRATEGIC/LEGAL FRAMEWORK: PROJECT IMPORTANCE: PROJECT STATUS: • • Memorandum of Understanding and Cooperation between the Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure and local institutions. Energy Developmen Strategy of the Republic of Serbia up to 2025 with projections until 2030 Memorandum of understanding and cooperation between the Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure and the interested institutions • • Regional – local significance The project should save electricity and relieve energy system of the Republic of Serbia, improve energy efficiency of local selfadministrations, to secure lighting in public areas and to increase safety of citizens, primarily the youth. • LED solar panel (ongrid) lighting in squares located in local selfadministrations i Serbia (ten squares, in the towns as suggested by the Ministry) INVESTMENT VALUE: € 1,560,000 (on grid) PROJECT START DATE: year 2015 PROJECT END DATE: year 2016 FUNDING: • In search of strategic partners • • Technical support: 10 sets-ten squares The project should be planned and implemented by the relevant business entities which already have experience in other projects of the kind carried out in Serbia. Based on the technical calculation, set the number of lights depending on the square size. Baed thereon determine the capacity of the battery bank and other installations necessary so that the system would operate. Proposedinvestment valuerefers to 16 lights (per square), incusive of the pertaining equipment, cables and automatic machines. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: • • 223 RESPONSIBLE PARTY: PROJECT NAME: STRATEGIC/ LEGAL FRAMEWORK: PROJECT IMPORTANCE: The Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure SINOMACH - CNEEC Construction of the industrial, commercial and technology park Stublenica • Conclusion of the Republic of Serbia Government made on 8 September 2014. • Construction of this park is very important for economic and commercial development of the region. • State-owned company founded by the People’s Republic of China: China National Machinery Industry Corporation (SINOMACH) China National Electric Engineering Corpration Limited (CNEEC), has shown interest in developing the first industrial, commercial and technology park “Stublenica” in Ub, in cooperation with the Republic of Serbia. PROJECT STATUS: INVESTMENT VALUE: - PROJECT START DATE: - PROJECT END DATE: - FUNDING: • China National Machinery Industry Corporation (SINOMACH) China National Electric Engineering Corpration Limited (CNEEC) PROJECT DESCRIPTION: • The plan covers construction of industrial and commercial facilities. 224 Inspectional supervision 225 226 RESPONSIBLE PARTY: The Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure The project of technical assistance and institutional strengthening of PROJECT NAME: inspection services • Memorandum of Understanding and Cooperation between the Ministry STRATEGIC/ of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure and the interested LEGAL FRAMEWORK: institutions • • • PROJECT IMPORTANCE: PROJECT STATUS: • INVESTMENT VALUE: PROJECT START DATE: PROJECT END DATE: FUNDING: Strategic - regional – local significance The function of the project is to connect and strengthen, in an institutional manner, the inspection services within the EU, the region and Serbia. The fundamental segments of the ministry’s inspection activities are the following: − Inspection control over the construction and use of the national 1st and 2nd order roads, − Inspection control over the national and international road traffic and transport, − Inspection control over the railway traffic and transport, − Inspection control over the transport and traffic on water, − Inspection control over the construction activities, − Inspection control over the town-planning activities, − Inspection control over the utilities activities. The construction of the Project design regarding the technical assistance and institutional inspection strengthening is currently underway EUR 100,000 year 2015 year 2017 • We are searching for a strategic partner Technical Assistance: A software for operation and monitoring the activities of the inspection Other software packages when necessary and in agreement with the donators • PROJECT DESCRIPTION: • • • 1 multi-user package 1 multi-user package The project should be planned and implemented together with the relevant institutions in the EU, the region and in Serbia, with the purpose of providing equipment and professional development for the activities performed by the inspection services. The role and the significance of the inspection in the law enforcement depends greatly on their equipment, networking and the ability to conduct the inspection and control over the form of the violation of law and to determine the facts and the existence of the offence or criminal act, in the shortest time period after the offense or the criminal act is reported by a citizen, authority or an organization. Efficient operation of inspection services implies greater budget increase based on charged fines for offences and criminal acts. Greater inspection efficiency leads towards higher percentage of compliance and enforcement of legal provisions, the respect of civil rights and freedoms. The networking within the inspection contributes greatly to faster provision of information, work activities and procedures. 227 RESPONSIBLE PARTY: PROJECT NAME: STRATEGIC/ LEGAL FRAMEWORK: PROJECT IMPORTANCE: The Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure The project of technical assistance and institutional strengthening of inspection services • Memorandum of Understanding and Cooperation between the Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure and the interested institutions • Strategic - regional – local significance • The function of the project is to connect and strengthen, in an institutional manner, the inspection services within the EU, the region and Serbia. • The fundamental segments of the ministry’s inspection activities are the following: − Inspection control over the construction and use of the national 1st and 2nd order roads, − Inspection control over the national and international road traffic and transport, − Inspection control over the railway traffic and transport, − Inspection control over the transport and traffic on water, − Inspection control over the construction activities, − Inspection control over the town-planning activities, − Inspection control over the utilities activities. PROJECT STATUS: • INVESTMENT VALUE: EUR 50,000 PROJECT START DATE: year 2015 PROJECT END DATE: year 2017 FUNDING: PROJECT DESCRIPTION: • We are searching for a strategic partner • • • • 228 The construction of the Project design regarding the technical assistance and institutional inspection strengthening is currently underway Organizing a three-month workshop for educating and strengthening the work activities of the republican, city and local self-government inspection. The project should be planned and implemented together with the relevant institutions in the EU, the region and in Serbia, with the purpose of providing professional development for the activities performed by the inspection services. For better productivity, it is necessary to educate and present the organization and the conduct necessary for the productive law enforcement, all through a several month period activities at the workshop and through cooperation with all inspectors enforcing the law. Clear definition of subordination and responsibilities of each individual subject is one of the main topics that should be addressed at the workshop. In addition, it is necessary to educate in relation to the competencies and cooperation with other authorities in the law enforcement upon which the inspections have to act. RESPONSIBLE PARTY: PROJECT NAME: STRATEGIC/ LEGAL FRAMEWORK: PROJECT IMPORTANCE: PROJECT STATUS: INVESTMENT VALUE: PROJECT START DATE: PROJECT END DATE: FUNDING: The Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure The project of technical assistance and institutional strengthening of inspection services • Memorandum of Understanding and Cooperation between the Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure and the interested institutions • Strategic - regional – local significance • The function of the project is to connect and strengthen, in an institutional manner, the inspection services within the EU, the region and Serbia. • The fundamental segments of the ministry’s inspection activities are the following: − Inspection control over the construction and use of the national 1st and 2nd order roads, − Inspection control over the national and international road traffic and transport, − Inspection control over the railway traffic and transport, − Inspection control over the transport and traffic on water, − Inspection control over the construction activities, − Inspection control over the town-planning activities, − Inspection control over the utilities activities. • The construction of the Project design regarding the technical assistance and institutional inspection strengthening is currently underway EUR 200,000 year 2015 year 2017 • We are searching for a strategic partner Technical Assistance: Uniforms and shoes with fluorescent vest and 100 sets other parts of clothing and footwear • PROJECT DESCRIPTION: • • The project should be planned and implemented together with the relevant institutions in the EU, the region and in Serbia, with the purpose of providing equipment and professional development for the activities performed by the inspection services. The role and the significance of the inspection in the law enforcement depend greatly on their equipment and the necessity to be clearly recognizable during the performance of the inspection control. Efficient operation of inspection services implies greater budget increase based on charged fines for offences and criminal acts. Greater inspection efficiency leads towards higher percentage of compliance and enforcement of legal provisions, the respect of civil rights and freedoms. The planned inspector’s protective equipment contributes to health protection and prevention of work injuries, building reputation and productivity of the inspection during their work activities. 229 RESPONSIBLE PARTY: PROJECT NAME: STRATEGIC/ LEGAL FRAMEWORK: PROJECT IMPORTANCE: The Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure The project of technical assistance and institutional strengthening of inspection services • Memorandum of Understanding and Cooperation between the Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure and the interested institutions • Strategic - regional – local significance • The function of the project is to connect and strengthen, in an institutional manner, the inspection services within the EU, the region and Serbia. • The fundamental segments of the ministry’s inspection activities are the following: − Inspection control over the construction and use of the national 1st and 2nd order roads, − Inspection control over the national and international road traffic and transport, − Inspection control over the railway traffic and transport, − Inspection control over the transport and traffic on water, − Inspection control over the construction activities, − Inspection control over the town-planning activities, − Inspection control over the utilities activities. • INVESTMENT VALUE: The construction of the Project design regarding the technical assistance and institutional inspection strengthening is currently underway EUR 200,000 PROJECT START DATE: year 2015 PROJECT END DATE: year 2017 FUNDING: • PROJECT STATUS: We are searching for a strategic partner Technical Assistance: Motorboats with equipment Binoculars Night vision devices • • PROJECT DESCRIPTION: • • 230 8 sets 8 pieces 8 pieces The project should be planned and implemented together with the relevant institutions in the EU, the region and in Serbia, with the purpose of providing equipment and developing the activities of the inspection service for the safety of navigation. The role and the significance of the navigational safety inspection in the law enforcement depends greatly on their equipment and the ability to conduct the inspection and control over the form of the violation of law and to determine the facts and the existence of the offence or criminal act, in the shortest time period after the offense or the criminal act is reported by a citizen, authority or an organization. Efficient operation of inspection services implies greater budget increase based on charged fines for offences and criminal acts. Greater inspection efficiency leads towards higher percentage of compliance and enforcement of legal provisions, the respect of civil rights and freedoms. The inspection has a special significance and role on the route of the Danubian corridor. RESPONSIBLE PARTY: PROJECT NAME: STRATEGIC/ LEGAL FRAMEWORK: PROJECT IMPORTANCE: PROJECT STATUS: The Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure The project of technical assistance and institutional strengthening of inspection services • Memorandum of Understanding and Cooperation between the Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure and the interested institutions • Strategic - regional – local significance • The function of the project is to connect and strengthen, in an institutional manner, the inspection services within the EU, the region and Serbia. • The fundamental segments of the ministry’s inspection activities are the following: − Inspection control over the construction and use of the national 1st and 2nd order roads, − Inspection control over the national and international road traffic and transport, − Inspection control over the railway traffic and transport, − Inspection control over the transport and traffic on water, − Inspection control over the construction activities, − Inspection control over the town-planning activities, − Inspection control over the utilities activities. • The construction of the Project design regarding the technical assistance and institutional inspection strengthening is currently underway INVESTMENT VALUE: EUR 1,100,000 PROJECT START DATE: year 2015 PROJECT END DATE: year 2017 FUNDING: We are searching for a strategic partner Technical Assistance: Laptop computers Vehicle-compatible printers Vehicle-compatible scanners Mobile phones with photo and audio recording of high resolution and quality, GPS included Laser distance meter • PROJECT DESCRIPTION: • • 100 pieces 100 pieces 100 pieces 100 pieces 100 pieces The project should be planned and implemented together with the relevant institutions in the EU, the region and in Serbia, with the purpose of providing equipment and developing the activities of the inspection service. The role and the significance of the inspection in the law enforcement depends greatly on their equipment and the ability to conduct the inspection and control over the form of the violation of law and to determine the facts and the existence of the offence or criminal act, in the shortest time period after the offense or the criminal act is reported by a citizen, authority or an organization. Efficient operation of inspection services implies greater budget increase based on charged fines for offences and criminal acts. Greater inspection efficiency leads towards higher percentage of compliance and enforcement of legal provisions, the respect of civil rights and freedoms. The planned equipment, as the integral part of field vehicles, significantly accelerates the work and actions on the field. 231 232