Tourism and Leisure Management
Tourism and Leisure Management
c S M e r u s i e L d n a m t s n i e r u m o e T g a n a M ent agem n a M rism u France o , E T L L A I M AUV DE ch e Fren h t y b redited ndes Écoles c c a e gramm ence des Gra o r P e Degre Confér Double th e f o s A im me m a r g o pr edg knowl d n a lls he ski t sition p o o l p e a v e n o To d o take ourism t t d e e h t r i n i requ ibility y. s n o p s of re dustr n i e r u is and le e Cristina BACELLAR, Programme Director, EM NORMANDIE. The Tourism and Leisure Management programme is designed to train future executives seeking to work in a rapidly-developing sector which requires people with management skills combined with expertise specific to the tourism and leisure market. “Increased competition, geopolitical uncertainties, the development of the Internet, all of these things call for skilled operational professionals who have the tools and knowledge to anticipate, create and mobilise their teams. EM NORMANDIE offers a recognised Master’s Degree, in partnership with the University of Brighton, whose award is accredited by the World Tourism Organization. This vocational degree features input from numerous professionals, residential seminars, an internship, an in-company field project and further business experiences. This is a relationship-based programme, combining culture and experience which is, taught by international professors from the EM NORMANDIE and the University of Brighton, favouring the exchange of ideas and mixed learning. If you are looking for an English degree programme which prioritises your personal and professional development, welcome to Deauville.” BUSINESS NETWORK EM NORMANDIE has an extensive business network, including national and international companies and institutions. Providers of internships and jobs for the students, they contribute to the high quality of the programme through the strong involvement of their personnel. This network of contacts constitutes a strong “career accelerator” for young graduates which helps them in their search for employment. Our business network: ACCOR Group, Amadeus IT Group SA, Atout France, Aviareps AG, Carlson Wagonlit Travel, Chamber of Commerce of Pays d’Auge, Deauville Congress Center (CID), Disney Business Solutions, Interface Tourism, Las Vegas Convention and Visitors Authority, Lower Normandy Region, Lucien Barrière Group, Pierre et Vacances, Pullman Rive Gauche Paris, Qatar Airways France, Relais & Châteaux, The Boston Consulting Group, Town of Deauville … Jacques Olivier CHAUVIN, Former General Manager, Relais & Châteaux. “Increasing international competition in tourism has necessitated a greater emphasis on quality and management skills. These can only be obtained through well-designed programs of higher education, such as those at EM NORMANDIE in Deauville, which provide a good balance between concepts and field projects.” France ation, rism u t i s c i e tou conom icult e leader in th e French f f i d a th ite “Desp d the world f tourism on 200,000 o e t e: remain d the impac r all to se t jobs and n o a f ec r r i o r t d a c of se cle or in t s i c e to 7% r y i d g m n o n i t o n i n l o ec ou mil ion am nies, 2 compa f consumpt y of Tourism tr lo tourism a leve rce: French Minis nds of enter a m u e o S d GDP.” to the able to ponse ates will be s e r a u es re grad nstitut me co ucation. Futu m a r g her ed ree pro ny, le deg e area of hig b u o compa d t n h t e This m in anage ncy, sionals profes r as: ist age conference m e park, r u o t a o t r m ation, the sec t manager in an event o tion in a the ent organis in c a m t u n ic n Prod f departmen nd commun gional gover a e r do g a r e o in t l H ry... n arke loca indust e r d of m officer for a u a e is H y, n and le otions e facilit tourism e h n Prom or of a leisur t in t, ct ager n Dire m consultan pment man lo is e r n Tou tructure dev s n Infra ON, ourism ÉLISSirector, f the t ation P o s s e d l e l e c D Gi rent n nt edu naging Career ties i n u t r oppo r e the cu anagem erfectly h a sound m p s e s dres s wit nce.” mme a aduate progra ernational gr tional experie is h T “ t a r in e r p ry fo nt o indust releva ed by a h ic r n e r Ma Forme roup. G ACCOR The HEC Entrepreneurs pedagogical approach: Learning to make decisions and manage through action ! Each field project is entrusted to a company, a public or private development organisation and undergoes a rigorous selection process by the MSc programme director. Each field project is carried out by a team of three students over a period of 5 weeks. The students approach the field project as junior consultants and are considered as real assistants by the professional in charge of supervising and supporting them. At the end, a final day is organised when each team presents its work to a panel of executives and managers of companies specialised in the subject of the field project. The panel evaluates the quality of the analysis and the relevance of the recommendations. Very much based in corporate reality, this pedagogical approach was developed in partnership with the Groupe HEC Paris. It allows students to build a CV rich in diversified experience, to acquire multiple competencies and to develop their capacity to take risks and work in teams… qualities which are essential to the professional success of future managers. ut Find o hool the sc ANDIE about NORM e EM el on th chann andy rm eEmno ww /Th w.youtu tions forma NDIE n i e r A Mo NORM on EM norma m e . m/ www aceb www.f andie m EMNor die orman y @EMN rmand no TheEm cal i g o g a Ped e Schem ATTENDANCE PATTERN n Full Time 15 months, starting september n Semester 1 (September - December) n Semester 2 (January - April) n Semester 3 (May - December) n Work placement (between 4 and 6 months) n Dissertation or Integrative Business Project ACADEMIC INPUT Critical Issues in Tourism Managing Service Operations Service Industry Marketing Sustainable Tourism Strategic Management in Service Business International Hospitality Development BUSINESS SKILLS Additional courses in cooperation with professionals of the tourism industry: crisis management, destination marketing, yield management, press review on the tourism and leisure business, cross-cultural management, business travel, transport industry, entrepreneurship, Distribution eTourism… FIELD PROJECT A 5-week field project dealing with service quality management in tourism, found and validated by the programme tutors for the students FIELD TRIPS (one week each) n Dubai (UAE), Paris (France) n Meetings with professionals of the tourism and leisure industry to know more about their business 1 CONTEST (2 weeks) Team work on a real business issue given by a company 1 WORK PLACEMENT Between 4 and 6 months: May - December DISSERTATION OR INTEGRATIVE BUSINESS PROJECT Students complete a 12,000 - 15,000-word Master-level dissertation or integrative business project FACULTY EM NORMANDIE AND UNIVERSITY OF BRIGHTON The faculty is closely involved in research work linked to tourism industry and participates in the work of the following organisations: n Centops - Center for Tourism Policy Studies n TedQual - Institute for Quality in Tourism Education of the World Tourism Organization n AIEST - International Association of Scientific Experts in Tourism n ATLAS - Association for Tourism & Leisure Education Guest speakers and experts from the industry provide an added input to the lectures. They come from companies and organisations such as: Accor Group, Atout France, Carlson Wagonlit Travel, Deauville Congress Center (CID), Synodiance, Lucien Barrière Group, Pullman Rive Gauche Paris, Qatar Airways France, The Boston Consulting Group, … ials n o m i t Tes , VENEL Julie A7 graduated, 200 nt, elopme l, ss Dev e in s u s Trave B s r re e p g x a an E Man Paris. Americ ed , I decid erature und and it L d n o n. ea b a ck g r ard Brighto anguag rman L my academic a double aw University of had the e G in r’s of ent, the ry, I a maste yability re Managem MANDIE and rism indust , which are pleting and emplo u u s R o m is t ie O o e c N c L e n M h r a d t M e “Afte m an scop the E onsult ped at the E ts of is c y c e r b e h u t ld , p o e e s T n c fi a e n lo in to e a ll id e r a d v th ’s F w r e le , n to le s to ste hd input o Deauvil the Ma pproac e thank joined me, based in ng academic al experienc g teaching a and Last Min n ro m in up el & progra n to the st ine professio action learn Barrière Gro up leader. e Trav u io l n e it a gro e d th in g t in th d ty s h ig li in r it ly a a o a In a it w g n e p ess A nity to t of th rojects an hos opportu able elemen successive p p, the Europe p as a Busin g projects”. k u in u r y o o lt a r r m u G G m s , con hus a re ing ccor NDIE. T nship with A ston Consult bal strategic A M R O r o N te glo r the B onth in y with an 8-m w, I work fo ealing mostl d o , n Right Dept in Paris Tourism , USITE Ruta Lduated, ll as a s w e ce e g re e la D p l ’s r M aste beautifu urism in the perfect and to a t e b o a to s in th flexibiuville is s w e re , e need ivation ills, and Dea an executiv ful situations pport o m k in s s s a e s eo e ti e m th li g tr in s “My ngua l qua d gives e my la the essentia bility to work me is that it t cultures an v o r p a n im k m , e a r in r le g fe p th o o if d pr pe y. I to stud ills, a love of ouble degree tudents from d sk et s is n e o th m ti f a o t, e en nic ommu e added valu al developm y are c h n industr ersistence. 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This lo leisure e e e F n m a l m a m d Fil l politic to the touris me offered a n io t a d ram . intern ularly suite nt prog NORMANDIE e m ic e t r g a pa n M a E m by e it n web s g w o t e l l i r Deauv uville.o a e d . w ww ent m e g a n de Ma rmandie e l o c É de Norigins date backls ose o schoo mobile DIE, wh in business dents N h your A M R de wit ation a u o O t c m N h s s e a 0 e fl form The EM , is one of th around 2 40 Scan th d find all in website ! excess 1 an ANDIE M pho ne R to 187 rance. It has an alumni in ovides O EM N as pr on the in F s and h NORMANDIE rs with s e in s g bu EM neu studyin 10,000. The and entrepre l in their s of r x e e ce manag now-how to gement de k d ana ns, dge an École de M le w its mea k o n e in h s T e . r li the k s career l netwo trength chosen ormandie’s s internationa veloped e N its n, and tions. It has d esearch io it b m r u it d t n s its a a tner in of teaching r a assets p 0 ge on the taff. of 15 n d a e r d e n its s grou a wid ality of mmes progra n and the qu DIE RMAN regio EM NO ited of the m is com inable f o r e ta s b to su Mem pment lo e dev rs Partne Contact Séverine GROULT, Programme Assistant + 33 (0)2 50 31 11 00 - Nathalie NÉEL, Head of Communication and Promotion + 33 (0)2 31 46 78 99 École de Management de Normandie Non-profit association under the 1901 Act, operating under a private law contract 25, avenue de la République - 14800 DEAUVILLE Tél. : +33 (0)2 50 31 11 00 - Fax : +33 (0)2 50 31 11 09 9, rue Claude Bloch - 14052 CAEN CEDEX 4 Tél. : +33 (0)2 31 46 78 78 - Fax : +33 (0)2 31 43 81 01 30, rue de Richelieu - 76087 LE HAVRE CEDEX Tél. : +33 (0)2 32 92 59 99 - Fax : +33 (0)2 35 42 11 16 - The École de Management de Normandie has been created by the Chambers of Commerce of Caen and Le Havre. Member of the Chapitre des Écoles de Management de la Conférence des Grandes Écoles (CGE) • Member of the Polytechnicum de Normandie • Member of the Fondation Nationale pour l’Enseignement de la Gestion des Entreprises (FNEGE) • Associate Member of the Union des Grandes Écoles Indépendantes (UGEI) • Member of Campus France • Founding member of the European Master of Business Sciences (EMBS) • Member of the European Foundation for Management Development (EFMD) • Member of the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB) • EPAS accreditation for the pre-experience EM NORMANDIE Master's degree. B.D.S.A. Le Havre - RCS 325 437 507 00024 -11/2011 - Communication Department EM NORMANDIE - N° SIREN : 479 806 630 - Code NAF : 8542Z - Photography : © EM NORMANDIE / © / © S.Guichard / © OT Deauville, CID Deauville / © / © Goodshoot / © Vincent Rustuel - Printed in France : Imprimerie Lecaux / Certification de la gestion durable des forêts. - Tirage : 1 000 ex. No contractual document. Not to throw on the public highway. ille, v u a e on D Locati ndy, France Norma us seaside resofrotr