clovelly park/mitchell park
clovelly park/mitchell park
CLOVELLY PARK/MITCHELL PARK ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AUTHORITY, SOUTH AUSTRALIA REF: 05/17900, 61324 3 DECEMBER 2014 VOLUME 1 REPORT CLOVELLY PARK/MITCHELL PARK ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT FINAL REPORT EPA REF 05/17900, 61324 VOLUME 1 REPORT PREPARED FOR Environment Protection Authority, South Australia PREPARED BY Fyfe Pty Ltd ABN 57 008 116 130 ADDRESS L3, 80 Flinders Street, Adelaide SA 5000 CONTACT Mr Marc Andrews, Division Manager - Environment TELEPHONE direct 08 8201 9794 mobile 0408 805 264 FACSIMILE 61 8 8201 9650 EMAIL DATE 3/12/2014 REFERENCE 80276-2 REV0 ©Fyfe Pty Ltd, 2014 Proprietary Information Statement The information contained in this document produced by Fyfe Pty Ltd is solely for the use of the Client identified on the cover sheet for the purpose for which it has been prepared and Fyfe Pty Ltd undertakes no duty to or accepts any responsibility to any third party who may rely upon this document. All rights reserved. No section or element of this document may be removed from this document, reproduced, electronically stored or transmitted in any form without the written permission of Fyfe Pty Ltd. Document Information Report prepared by: Dean Noske Senior Environmental Geologist, Fyfe Pty Ltd Date: 3 December 2014 VIRA prepared by: Dr Sim Ooi Principal, Salcor Consulting Date: 3 December 2014 Reviewed by: Dr Ruth Keogh Principal Environmental Scientist, Fyfe Pty Ltd Date: 3 December 2014 Approved by: Marc Andrews Division Manager - Environment, Fyfe Pty Ltd Date: 3 December 2014 Client receipt by: Danielle Torresan Senior Advisor, Site Contamination, SA EPA Date: 3 December 2014 Revision History Revision Revision Status Date Prepared Reviewed Approved REV 0 Final 3 December 2014 DAN / SO RK MJA EPA REF 05/17900, 61324 FINAL REPORT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT CLOVELLY PARK/MITCHELL PARK CONTENTS Page VOLUME 1 LIST OF ACRONYMS vi EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ix 1. INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 Purpose 1 1.2 General background information 1 1.3 Definition of the assessment area 2 1.4 Identification of contaminants of potential concern 3 1.5 Objectives 3 1.6 Site contamination audits and industrial licenses 4 2. CHARACTERISATION OF THE ASSESSMENT AREA 5 2.1 Site identification 5 2.2 Regional geology and hydrogeology 5 2.3 Historical information 8 2.4 Registered groundwater bore search 13 2.5 Data quality objectives 15 3. SCOPE OF WORK 17 3.1 Preliminary work 17 3.2 Field investigation and laboratory analysis program 17 3.3 Data interpretation 20 4. METHODOLOGY 21 4.1 Occupational health and safety 21 4.2 Intrusive investigation works 21 4.3 Laboratory analysis 30 80276-2 REV0 3/12/2014 PAGE I EPA REF 05/17900, 61324 FINAL REPORT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT CLOVELLY PARK/MITCHELL PARK 5. QUALITY ASSURANCE AND QUALITY CONTROL 31 5.1 Field QA/QC 31 5.2 Laboratory QA/QC 35 5.3 QA/QC summary 36 6. RESULTS 37 6.1 Surface and sub surface soil conditions 37 6.2 Soil field results 38 6.3 Groundwater field measurements 38 6.4 Geotechnical testing results 42 6.5 Soil analytical results 43 6.6 Groundwater analytical results 43 6.7 Soil vapour analytical results 49 6.8 Passive air sampling results 55 7. GROUNDWATER FATE AND TRANSPORT MODELLING 57 8. VAPOUR INTRUSION RISK ASSESSMENT 58 8.1 Objective 58 8.2 Areas of interest 58 8.3 Risk assessment approach 58 8.4 Tier 1 assessment 59 8.5 Tier 2 assessment 60 9. CONCEPTUAL SITE MODEL 68 10. CONCLUSIONS 76 11. REFERENCES 79 12. STATEMENT OF LIMITATIONS 83 LIST OF TABLES Table 2.1 Table 2.2 Summary of existing information for the Assessment Area Summary of registered (potentially) down-gradient bores within a 2 km radius 80276-2 REV0 3/12/2014 9 14 PAGE II EPA REF 05/17900, 61324 FINAL REPORT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT CLOVELLY PARK/MITCHELL PARK Table 2.3 Table 3.1 Table 3.2 Table 4.1 Table 5.1 Table 5.2 Table 5.3 Table 5.4 Table 5.5 Table 6.1 Table 6.2 Table 6.3 Table 6.4 Table 6.5 Table 6.6 Table 6.7 Table 6.8 Table 6.9 Table 6.10 Table 8.1 Table 8.2 Table 8.3 Table 8.4 Table 9.1 Data Quality Objectives 15 Scope of field investigation program 17 Scope of laboratory testing program 20 Summary of field methodologies 23 Field QA/QC procedures - Soil 32 Field QA/QC procedures - Groundwater 33 Field QA/QC procedures – Soil vapour 34 Field QA/QC procedures – Indoor and outdoor air sampling 35 Laboratory QA/QC procedures 36 Groundwater elevation summary 39 Groundwater Concentration Summary – COPC 44 Soil vapour concentration summary: 2m depth – COPC 49 Soil vapour concentration summary: 4m depth – COPC 50 Soil vapour concentration summary: 8m depth – COPC 51 Soil vapour concentration summary: 10m depth – COPC 52 Soil vapour concentration summary: targeted locations – COPC 53 Comparison of Monroe and former MMAL TO-17 and TO-15 data – COPC 54 Comparison of Mitchell Park TO-17 and TO-15 data – COPC 55 Passive air sampling results 55 Summary of soil parameters adopted for vapour intrusion modelling 63 Summary of building assumptions adopted for the vapour intrusion modelling for slab-onground 63 Summary of building assumptions adopted for the vapour intrusion modelling for crawl space 64 Summary of chemical parameters adopted for vapour intrusion modelling 66 Summary of existing information for the Assessment Area 68 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 6.1 Figure 8.1 Piper Diagram – Total Data TCE indoor air screening criteria and the corresponding site-specific response levels* 80276-2 REV0 3/12/2014 48 62 PAGE III EPA REF 05/17900, 61324 FINAL REPORT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT CLOVELLY PARK/MITCHELL PARK FIGURES Figure 1 Figure 2A Figure 2B Figure 3 Figure 4 Figure 5A Figure 5B Figure 5C Figure 5D Figure 6A Figure 6B Figure 7 Follow Page 84 Site Location and Assessment Area Assessment Point Locations Assessment Point Locations – Relocation Area and Surrounds Groundwater Elevation Contour Plan Groundwater TCE Concentration Plan Soil Vapour TCE Concentration Plan – 2 m Soil Vapour TCE Concentration Plan – 4 m Soil Vapour TCE Concentration Plan – 8 m Soil Vapour TCE Concentration Plan – 10 m Predicted TCE Indoor Air Concentrations (Modelled) Predicted TCE Indoor Air Concentrations (Modelled) – Relocation Area Geological Cross Section – Assessment Area VOLUME 2 APPENDICES Appendix A Appendix B Appendix C Appendix D Appendix E Appendix F Appendix G Appendix H Appendix I Appendix J Appendix K Appendix L Appendix M Appendix N Appendix O Appendix P Appendix Q Appendix R Appendix S Appendix S1 Appendix S2 Appendix T Historical Report Summary EPA Summary of Investigations for Sites Surrounding the Assessment Area Additional Information Supplied by the EPA DEWNR Registered Groundwater Database Search Results Radiello Sampling Information Field Sampling Sheets, Survey Data and Hydraulic Conductivity Calculations Borehole Log Reports Equipment Calibration Records Certified Laboratory Certificates and Chain of Custody Documentation Drill Core Photographs Tabulated Results – Soil, Groundwater, Soil Vapour and Geotechnical Bluesphere Environmental Groundwater Fate and Transport Modelling Report Tabulated Results – Indoor and Outdoor Air Samples Tier 1 Assessment – Monroe and Eastern RA/MMAL sites, Clovelly Park Tier 1 Assessment – Clovelly Park Residential Area Tier 1 Assessment – Mitchell Park Residential Area Geotechnical Parameters Building Construction Plan Vapour Intrusion Model – Source Vapour (Soil Vapour) Soil Vapour Source Model – Slab-on-Ground Soil Vapour Source Model – Crawl Space Summary of Vapour Attenuation Factors 80276-2 REV0 3/12/2014 PAGE IV EPA REF 05/17900, 61324 FINAL REPORT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT CLOVELLY PARK/MITCHELL PARK Appendix U Appendix V Appendix W Appendix X Appendix Y Appendix Z Appendix Z1 Appendix Z2 Appendix AA Appendix BB Appendix CC Model Validation Soil Vapour Validation Tier 2 Assessment (Soil Vapour) – Monroe and Eastern RA/MMAL sites, Clovelly Park Tier 2 Assessment (Soil Vapour) – Clovelly Park Residential Area Tier 2 Assessment (Soil Vapour) – Mitchell Park Residential Area Vapour Intrusion Model – Source Groundwater Groundwater Source Model – Slab-on-Ground Groundwater Source Model – Crawl Space Tier 2 Assessment (Groundwater) – Monroe and Eastern RA/MMAL sites, Clovelly Park Tier 2 Assessment (Groundwater) – Clovelly Park Residential Area Tier 2 Assessment (Groundwater) – Mitchell Park Residential Area 80276-2 REV0 3/12/2014 PAGE V EPA REF 05/17900, 61324 FINAL REPORT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT CLOVELLY PARK/MITCHELL PARK LIST OF ACRONYMS ACH Air Exchange per Hour AHD Australian Height Datum ALS Australian Laboratory Services ASTM American Standard Testing Material BGL Below Ground Level BTEX Benzene, Toluene, Ethylbenzene, Xylenes BTOC Below Top of Casing COC Chain of Custody COPC Contaminants of Potential Concern CSM Conceptual Site Model CT Certificate of Title 1,1-DCA 1,1-dichloroethane 1,2-DCA 1,2-dichloroethane 1,1-DCE 1,1-dichloroethene 1,2-DCE 1,2-dichloroethene DEWNR Department of Environment, Water and Natural Resources DNAPL Dense Non-Aqueous Phase Liquid DO Dissolved Oxygen DPTI Department for Planning, Transport and Infrastructure DQI Data Quality Indicator DQO Data Quality Objective EC Electrical Conductivity EoH End of Hole EPA Environment Protection Authority FID Flame Ionisation Detector GDA Geocentric Datum of Australia GPA Groundwater Prohibition Area GPR Ground Penetrating Radar HIL Health Investigation Level IPA Isopropyl Alcohol ITRC Interstate Technology and Regulatory Council J&E Johnson and Ettinger LL Liquid Limit LOR Limit of Reporting 80276-2 REV0 3/12/2014 PAGE VI EPA REF 05/17900, 61324 FINAL REPORT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT CLOVELLY PARK/MITCHELL PARK LS Linear Shrinkage MMAL Mitsubishi Motors Australia Limited MQO Measuring Quality Objectives NAPL Non-Aqueous Phase Liquid NATA National Association of Testing Authorities ND Non Detect NDD Non Destructive Digging NEPM National Environment Protection Measure ORP Oxidation-Reduction Potential (redox) PAH Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons PCA Potentially Contaminating Activity PCBs Polychlorinated Biphenyls PCE Tetrachloroethene PI Plasticity Index PID Photoionisation Detector PL Plastic Limit PQL Practical Quantification Limit PSD Particle Size Distribution QA Quality Assurance QC Quality Control RA Relocation Area R&C Reckitt and Colman RB Rinsate Blank RFT Request for Tender RPD Relative Percentage Difference SAGASCO South Australian Gas Company SA EPA South Australian Environment Protection Authority SAHC South Australian Health Commission SAQP Sampling and Analysis Quality Plan SCAR Site Contamination Audit Report SVOC Semi-Volatile Organic Compound SWL Standing Water Level TB Trip Blank TCA 1,1,1-trichloroethane TCE Trichloroethene TDS Total Dissolved Solids 80276-2 REV0 3/12/2014 PAGE VII EPA REF 05/17900, 61324 FINAL REPORT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT CLOVELLY PARK/MITCHELL PARK TOC Total Organic Carbon TRH Total Recoverable Hydrocarbons US EPA United Stated Environment Protection Agency UST Underground Storage Tank VC Vinyl Chloride VHC Volatile Halogenated Compounds VIRA Vapour Intrusion Risk Assessment VOC Volatile Organic Compound WHO World Health Organisation 1 1 TRH = TPH (measurable amount of petroleum-based hydrocarbon = complex mixture of crude oil and natural gas (> 250 compounds), including aromatics, aliphatics, paraffins, unsaturated alkanes and naphthalenes) plus various other compounds, including fatty acids, esters, humic acids, phthalates and sterols. 80276-2 REV0 3/12/2014 PAGE VIII EPA REF 05/17900, 61324 FINAL REPORT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT CLOVELLY PARK/MITCHELL PARK EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Identification of the Assessment Area An approximately 123.6 ha Assessment Area, located within the suburbs of Clovelly Park and Mitchell Park, has been defined by the South Australian Environment Protection Authority (EPA). It is bounded by Main South Road to the east and south-east, Alawoona Ave (and a line representing its eastern extension through the former Mitsubishi Motors Australia (MMAL) property) to the north, Sturt River to the west and Sturt Road to the south. The Assessment Area has been subdivided into two main areas, identified as the Clovelly Park area and the Mitchell Park area and separated by the Tonsley rail line. Within the Clovelly Park area, the northern portion of the residential area (i.e. north of Ash Avenue) has been identified as the Relocation Area, comprising the Eastern Relocation Area (Eastern RA) and the Precautionary Relocation Area (Precautionary RA). Background information The following three areas of existing/former industrial site use have been identified within the Assessment Area: The current Monroe site, previously owned/operated by WH Wylie, has been used for the manufacture of motor vehicle parts since the 1950s. The former MMAL site (of which only the southernmost section (Section 14) is located within the Assessment Area) was used for the manufacture of motor vehicles from the early 1960s until 2009. The site was sold in 2010 and is currently being redeveloped by Renewal SA for mixed use (including commercial and residential) purposes. The Eastern RA was owned/occupied by Reckitt and Colman (R&C), a chemical manufacturer, from 1963 to 1969. It was subsequently purchased by Chrysler Australia Limited (Chrysler – precursor of MMAL). Site use by Chrysler and/or WH Wylie from the late 1960s until the 1980s is considered likely to have involved various industrial activities. Previous investigations across these areas, as well as the adjoining northern residential area of Clovelly Park (the Precautionary RA), have identified chlorinated hydrocarbon contamination within soil, groundwater and/or soil vapour, resulting in concerns regarding potential impacts on human health due to vapour intrusion. Site conditions Soil Subsurface geological conditions are generally consistent across the Assessment Area and are dominated by the clays and silty clays of the Hindmarsh Clay formation. Although present, structural defects (fractures and voids) have not been identified as to have a significant influence on vertical vapour migration. By contrast, the presence of discontinuous sand and gravel lenses could be enabling some preferential lateral vapour migration, particularly in the vicinity of the Monroe property and Eastern RA. 80276-2 REV0 3/12/2014 PAGE IX EPA REF 05/17900, 61324 FINAL REPORT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT CLOVELLY PARK/MITCHELL PARK Groundwater Depth to groundwater across the Assessment Area ranged from approximately 9 to 13 m below ground level (BGL) and the inferred flow direction was towards the west to north-west. Groundwater chemistry indicated that all wells were installed within a single aquifer, characterised by salinity levels of between 400 to 13,100 mg/L total dissolved solids (TDS), the latter indicating considerable variation across the Assessment Area and the potential for localised recharge zones. Contaminants of Potential Concern Contaminants of Potential Concern (COPC), as identified by the EPA for the Assessment Area include the following chlorinated hydrocarbon compounds: trichloroethene (TCE), tetrachloroethene (PCE), 1,2dichloroethene (1,2-DCE: cis- and trans-) and vinyl chloride (VC). These COPC were confirmed by the Fyfe investigations, with TCE identified as the main contaminant in groundwater and soil vapour and the main driver in terms of potential human health risks associated with vapour intrusion into indoor air spaces. Scope of work A detailed soil, soil vapour and groundwater investigation program was undertaken across the Assessment Area between August and November 2014. It involved the following scope of work: installation of 34 groundwater monitoring wells into the uppermost aquifer – locations included roadways, council verges, reserves and the Eastern RA installation of soil vapour bores at 103 locations, including individual, clustered and nested bores to depths of <1 to 10 m BGL (171 soil vapour probes in total) – locations included suburban streets, council verges, reserves, service trenches associated with stormwater and sewer mains, residential properties within the Precautionary RA and the Tonsley rail corridor drilling of 25 soil bores to a nominal depth of 6 m BGL within the Relocation Area and the southern part of the MMAL site gauging of the 34 newly installed groundwater wells and 39 existing wells on the Monroe and former MMAL properties sampling of 66 groundwater wells, including 30 new wells, 35 existing wells on the Monroe and former MMAL properties and one private (disused) bore in Mitchell Park, for COPC analysis sampling of 135 soil vapour probes (36 probes could not be sampled due to the tightness of the clays) for COPC and general gas analysis (TO-17 and, to a lesser extent, TO-15 analytical methods) analysis of selected soil samples from soil bore, groundwater monitoring wells and soil vapour bores for COPC analysis passive indoor and outdoor (ambient) air sampling at selected residential and reserve area locations for COPC analysis hydrogeological (aquifer) testing of 20 monitoring wells to establish aquifer hydraulic conductivity; and collection of soil samples from four additional locations for geotechnical analysis. The data were used to undertake a Vapour Intrusion Risk Assessment (VIRA), to predict indoor air concentrations of TCE, as well as for the purpose of groundwater fate and transport modelling to support with the determination of a Groundwater Prohibition Area (GPA). 80276-2 REV0 3/12/2014 PAGE X EPA REF 05/17900, 61324 FINAL REPORT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT CLOVELLY PARK/MITCHELL PARK Identified impacts Soil The results of the soil sampling and laboratory testing program have not resulted in the identification of any concentrations of COPC that exceeded the laboratory limits of reporting. Groundwater The main COPC, TCE and 1,2-DCE (cis- and trans-), were commonly encountered within groundwater across the Assessment Area. Three separate plumes have been identified: Plume A: centred on GW20 on the south-western portion of the Monroe property and extending beneath the Eastern RA. Plume B: centred on MWS14_01 on the south-western portion of the former MMAL property. Plume C: located in the vicinity of MW_EPA16, on the western boundary of the former MMAL property and south of Alawoona Ave. Plume migration appears to be in the same general west to north-westerly direction as groundwater flow and impacts have extended beneath adjacent residential areas of both the Clovelly Park and Mitchell Park areas. Soil vapour A definite correlation between the configuration of the groundwater chlorinated hydrocarbon plumes and the observed soil vapour concentrations (at various depths), as well as a general increase in soil vapour concentrations with depth through the soil profile, has been identified. The exception, comprising one location just inside the western boundary of the Monroe property, could be indicative of a soil source, or lateral vapour migration at a shallow depth. Targeted soil vapour investigations undertaken along lengths of the sewer and stormwater mains within Chestnut Court and Ash Ave, Clovelly Park, have not identified the associated service trenches as significant preferential pathways for lateral soil vapour migration. Concentrations of TCE within soil vapour at sub-slab locations beneath selected residences on Chestnut Court and Ash Ave were generally consistent with those obtained from road verges and reserves elsewhere within the Relocation Area. Since a soil vapour concentration detected at 2 m BGL in the southern portion of the Mitchell Park area does not coincide with the location of any identified groundwater chlorinated hydrocarbon contamination, this is considered likely to reflect a separate source, possibly located along nearby Sturt Road. Passive air sampling Passive indoor and outdoor air sampling at six selected properties and one reserve area in Clovelly Park, as well as a reserve in Mitchell Park, was undertaken in association with the sub-slab soil vapour bore investigation in support of the VIRA modelling. The results indicated that there was a general correlation between the predicted indoor air concentrations, as determined by the VIRA and the measured indoor air concentrations. The results also correlate with the expected distribution of soil vapour in relation to groundwater source areas on the adjoining existing/former industrial properties. 80276-2 REV0 3/12/2014 PAGE XI EPA REF 05/17900, 61324 FINAL REPORT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT CLOVELLY PARK/MITCHELL PARK Assessment of risk: Natural attenuation of groundwater impacts The presence of TCE daughter products, including 1,2-DCE and VC, within the uppermost aquifer beneath the Assessment Area is considered indicative of TCE breakdown via reductive dechlorination. However, the degree to which natural attenuation is occurring in groundwater across the Assessment Area is considered likely to be highly variable. Groundwater fate and transport modelling The groundwater fate and transport modelling indicated that the chlorinated hydrocarbons are expected to continue to migrate in the medium and long term such that detectable concentrations of these contaminants could reach the location of the Sturt River (approximately 0.7 km west of the MMAL site), and areas further west, in approximately 20 years. The groundwater modelling assumed on-going source contribution(s) from the industrial areas of Clovelly Park. It is understood that the EPA will use this information to establish an appropriate GPA, or restriction area, in accordance with the provisions of Section S103S of the Environment Protection Act 1993. Vapour intrusion risks The VIRA involved a two-tier assessment approach. Whereas the Tier 1 screening risk assessment compared the measured soil vapour TCE concentrations to an adopted guideline value, the Tier 2 risk assessment involved the application of the US EPA (2004) Johnson and Ettinger vapour intrusion model to predict indoor air TCE concentrations for residences (of both slab-on-ground and crawl space construction) across the Assessment Area. Site-specific geological, hydrogeological and 2 m soil vapour data (collected in sub-slab and external locations) were used in the modelling, the latter aimed at providing a level of conservatism to the VIRA. The results of the Tier 2 risk assessment were used to infer concentration contours between the soil vapour sampling locations. The predicted indoor air TCE concentrations were assessed against the adopted indoor air criteria or response levels developed by the EPA and SA Health. The results for predicted indoor air concentrations of TCE within the Clovelly Park Relocation Area indicated the following: 3 six residential properties: 20 to <200 µg/m response level 3 14 residential properties: 2 to <20 µg/m response level; and nine residential properties: non-detect to <2 µg/m response level. 3 The results for predicted indoor air concentrations of TCE in close proximity to the Relocation Area indicated the following: one residential property on southern side of Ash Avenue, Clovelly Park: 2 to 3 <20 µg/m response level two residential properties on Mimosa Terrace, Clovelly Park: >non-detect to 3 <2 µg/m response level; and 12 residential properties along Woodland Avenue, Mitchell Park: >non-detect to 3 <2 µg/m response level. The predicted levels of TCE in indoor air for the remaining properties in the southern Clovelly Park and Mitchell Park areas correspond to the safe (i.e. nothing detected) response level. 80276-2 REV0 3/12/2014 PAGE XII EPA REF 05/17900, 61324 FINAL REPORT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT CLOVELLY PARK/MITCHELL PARK 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 Purpose Fyfe Pty Ltd (Fyfe) was commissioned by the South Australian Environment Protection Authority (SA EPA, referred to herein as the EPA) to undertake a detailed soil, soil vapour and groundwater investigation and risk assessment program within an EPA designated assessment area (herein referred to as the Assessment Area) located within the suburbs of Clovelly Park and Mitchell Park, South Australia. The extent of the Assessment Area referenced within this document is identified on Figure 1. 1.2 General background information 2 The EPA was first notified in late 2008 of groundwater chlorinated hydrocarbon contamination beneath the southernmost portion of the former Mitsubishi Motors Australia Limited (MMAL) industrial site. Since that time, numerous soil, groundwater, soil vapour and indoor air assessment activities have been undertaken by others, as detailed in Appendix A. This has included work on the former MMAL and adjacent Monroe Australia (Monroe) industrial properties. Localised work has also been undertaken by the EPA, SA Health and others within an area of residential land use bounded by the Monroe property to the east, the former MMAL property to the north, Birch Ave (and adjoining rail lines) to the west and residential properties along the southern side of Ash Avenue in Clovelly Park – this area is referred to herein as the Relocation Area of Clovelly Park, as depicted on Figure 1, and comprises two sub-areas, identified as the Eastern Relocation Area (Eastern RA) and the Precautionary Relocation Area (Precautionary RA), as follows: Eastern RA: The easternmost portion of this residential area in (northern) Clovelly Park, bounded by Chestnut Court to the west and Ash Ave to the south, was formerly owned and occupied by the Reckitt and Colman (R&C) industrial facility (for a six year period during the 1960s) as well as Chrysler (precursor of MMAL) until the 1980s. During the early 1980s, the existing buildings on this area (i.e. the original R&C laboratory buildings) were converted to residential use. A small area north of the buildings remained as vacant land and was developed into the Chestnut Court Reserve. Residents located in this area were relocated in 2010, following the identification of concerns regarding indoor air quality. Further assessment by others has subsequently been undertaken to better understand the chlorinated hydrocarbon contamination of the soil, groundwater and soil vapour in this area, and the implications for indoor air quality. Precautionary RA: The remaining vacant land, west of the Eastern RA, was developed for residential use during the late 1980s by the SA Housing Trust. Following a review by the EPA and SA Health of the most recently completed assessment work undertaken by Monroe in May 2014, SA Health advised that a 2 Site Contamination is defined by the Environment Protection Act 1993 as existing if chemical concentrations are present on or below the surface of a site in concentrations above background, the contaminants are there as a result of activity at the site, or elsewhere, and their presence has resulted in actual or potential harm (that is not trivial) to the health and safety of human beings, taking into account current and proposed land uses, or water or the environment. 80276-2 REV0 3/12/2014 PAGE 1 EPA REF 05/17900, 61324 FINAL REPORT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT CLOVELLY PARK/MITCHELL PARK potential risk to human health was associated with vapour intrusion into indoor air from the identified chlorinated hydrocarbon contamination. As a precautionary measure, voluntary relocation was therefore recommended to residents within the remaining Housing SA properties along Chestnut Court and the northern side of Ash Avenue in Clovelly Park. Based on the assessment work undertaken by others (refer to Appendix A), it was predicted that there was also some potential for a chlorinated hydrocarbon groundwater contaminant plume to extend in a general westerly direction from the former MMAL property towards the residential suburb of Mitchell Park. The extent of the groundwater plume, its likely source area/s and the potential associated risks to human health and/or the environment had not been fully established. As a result, the EPA initiated this recent work (completed in late 2014). The main objective of this work was to assess and better characterise the potential human health risk posed by vapour intrusion emanating from the groundwater and/or possible soil 3 (i.e. source area/s), chlorinated hydrocarbon impacts . 1.3 Definition of the assessment area As detailed on Figure 1, the current Assessment Area covers an area of approximately 123.6 ha within the suburbs of Clovelly Park and Mitchell Park. It is bounded by Main South Road to the east and south-east, Alawoona Ave (and a line representing its eastern extension through the former MMAL property) to the north, Sturt River (concrete culvert) to the west and Sturt Road to the south. The boundaries of the Assessment Area were established by the EPA on the basis of the following: the previous identification of soil, soil vapour and/or groundwater chlorinated hydrocarbon contamination on both the Monroe property and the southern portion of the former MMAL property the identification of an inferred (general) west to north-westerly groundwater flow direction, from the former MMAL and Monroe properties towards the residential areas of Clovelly Park and Mitchell Park the previous identification of soil, soil vapour, groundwater and/or indoor air concentrations of chlorinated hydrocarbons within a portion of the residential area of Clovelly Park (as discussed in Section 1.2) that was considered to be of potential concern with respect to human health; and the results of a series of unrelated investigations on properties that bordered the current Assessment Area, whereby groundwater investigations had not identified any evidence of chlorinated hydrocarbon contamination – the results of these investigations have been summarised by the EPA (as presented in Appendix B). 3 Note that the term “impact” has been used by Fyfe to indicate identified concentrations of compounds (specifically chlorinated hydrocarbons) that are not naturally occurring (i.e. concentrations above background that have resulted from anthropogenic activities). The use of this term does not denote that the presence of these compounds represents a risk to either human health or the environment and the term “impact” is therefore not directly interchangeable with the term “Site Contamination”, the latter defined under the Environment Protection Act 1993 to include actual or potential harm to human health and/or the environment. 80276-2 REV0 3/12/2014 PAGE 2 EPA REF 05/17900, 61324 FINAL REPORT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT CLOVELLY PARK/MITCHELL PARK 1.4 Identification of contaminants of potential concern The contaminants of potential concern (COPC) for the Assessment Area comprise a number of chlorinated hydrocarbon compounds. The main COPC identified to date is trichloroethene (TCE). TCE was widely used as a solvent (e.g. for degreasing activities) in industrial facilities prior to the 1990s, at which point its potential detrimental effects on human health and its persistence in the environment was recognised and its use was phased out in favour of less harmful chemicals. Although TCE can be present in the environment as a primary contaminant, it can also occur as a breakdown product of tetrachloroethene (PCE), the latter also formerly used for industrial purposes (e.g. degreasing, dry cleaning) and identified by others (refer to Appendix A) as a contaminant on the Monroe property. Additional COPC identified for the assessment area include the breakdown products of TCE, namely 1,2-dichloroethene (1,2-DCE: cis- and trans-) and vinyl chloride (VC). Although the EPA requested that chloroform be included within the analytical suite adopted by Fyfe, this does not represent a COPC specific to the Clovelly Park/Mitchell Park area. Chloroform is used in a number of industrial processes (e.g. in the production of refrigerants and plastics and as a solvent) and can occur as a breakdown product of chlorine-containing compounds (e.g. chlorinated drinking water). The inclusion of chloroform in the list of COPC for the Assessment Area is understood to be part of a broader study of groundwater quality within South Australia currently being undertaken by the EPA. 1.5 Objectives The key objectives of the recent environmental assessment program are as follows: to determine the nature and extent of groundwater contamination within the Assessment Area for the identified COPC to determine the nature and extent of soil contamination within a selected portion of the Assessment Area (i.e. potential source area/s mainly associated with former industrial activities) for the identified COPC to determine the nature and extent of soil vapour contamination within the Assessment Area for the identified COPC to identify potential sources of chlorinated hydrocarbon impacts identified within soil, soil vapour and/or groundwater within the Assessment Area to use collected data to undertake vapour intrusion modelling and risk assessment with respect to chlorinated hydrocarbon impacts within the Assessment Area to prepare a detailed conceptual site model (CSM) 80276-2 REV0 3/12/2014 PAGE 3 EPA REF 05/17900, 61324 FINAL REPORT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT CLOVELLY PARK/MITCHELL PARK to provide information to support the definition (extent and geometry) of a Groundwater Prohibition Area (GPA), including a buffer zone, to be designated by the EPA within the Assessment Area, in accordance with the provisions of Section S103S of the Environment Protection Act 1993. 1.6 Site contamination audits and industrial licenses Work by others is continuing on both the Monroe and former MMAL properties and is largely overseen by three Site Contamination Auditors, including Mr Phil Hitchcock (Australian Environmental Auditors) and Mr Adrian Webber (Mud Environmental) for the former MMAL property (i.e. currently being redeveloped by Renewal SA as the Tonsley Park Redevelopment site) and Mr Steve Kirsanovs (Kirsa Environmental) for the Monroe property. Although these auditors have been commissioned by either Renewal SA or Monroe, they are accredited under the Environment Protection Act 1993 to act in an independent capacity and oversee the assessment of the nature and extent of any site contamination present at these properties. The former MMAL site, occupied by a car manufacturing facility from about 1964 to 2009, is no longer used for industrial activities and is currently in the process of being redeveloped for mixed use (retail, TAFE facilities, light industrial, and residential) purposes. By comparison, the Monroe property hosts an on-going industrial facility that is currently licensed (EPA licence 1136) for manufacturing and mineral processing (surface coating), waste treatment and disposal and fuel burning. The Commissioner of Railways also holds a current EPA licence (29702) for materials handling and transportation along the Tonsley rail line, passing between the suburbs of Clovelly Park and Mitchell Park and along the western boundary of the former MMAL property. 80276-2 REV0 3/12/2014 PAGE 4 EPA REF 05/17900, 61324 FINAL REPORT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT CLOVELLY PARK/MITCHELL PARK 2. CHARACTERISATION OF THE ASSESSMENT AREA 2.1 Site identification For the purpose of this investigation program, the Assessment Area (as defined in Section 1.2 and Figure 1) has been subdivided into two main areas, identified as the Clovelly Park area and the Mitchell Park area and separated by the Tonsley rail line: The Clovelly Park area includes the southern portion of the former MMAL (current Renewal SA) property, the existing Monroe property and an adjoining residential area, the latter bordered by Sturt Road to the South, Main South Road to the south-east, the Tonsley rail line to the west and the former MMAL and Monroe properties to the north and east. The northern portion of the Clovelly Park area includes Relocation Area. The Mitchell Park area encompasses a portion of the suburb of Mitchell Park (southern Mitchell Park) bounded by the Tonsley rail line to the east, Sturt River to the west, Alawoona Avenue to the north and Sturt Road to the south. 2.2 Regional geology and hydrogeology Information regarding regional geological and hydrogeological conditions has been sourced from Selby and Lindsay (1982), Belpario and Rice (1989), the South Australian Department of Mines and Energy (1962, 1992) and Green et al. (2010). 2.2.1 Geology The southern suburbs of Clovelly Park and Mitchell Park lie within the Golden Grove - Adelaide Embayment area of the St. Vincent Basin, which consists of a succession of Tertiary and Quaternary age sediments. The sediments were first deposited in swamps and from streams draining from the highlands, followed by various cycles of marine deposition which occurred as the ocean advanced and retreated over the land surface. Tectonic activity during the late Tertiary and early Quaternary periods resulted in variations within the thickness of the strata, with uplifting (mountain building) and subsequent erosion resulting in the deposition of riverine sediments, including sands and gravels, which were subsequently overlain by a thick sequence of alluvial clays with lenses of sand and gravel. These units deposited within the Tertiary and Quaternary times have formed a series of aquifers and confining layers (aquitards). The recent geological evolution of the area has largely been controlled by global sea level fluctuations. The natural soils underlying the fill material in the Assessment Area are typified by the Quaternary age soils and sediments of the Adelaide Plains, which generally include Callabonna Clay, Keswick Clay, Pooraka Formation and Hindmarsh Clay: 80276-2 REV0 3/12/2014 PAGE 5 EPA REF 05/17900, 61324 FINAL REPORT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT CLOVELLY PARK/MITCHELL PARK Callabonna Clay represents the uppermost unit of the Adelaide Plains and consists of dark red-brown clays, sandy clays and clayey sands. The thickness of the Callabonna formation is not known and it has not been identified by Fyfe in the Assessment Area. Keswick Clay comprises generally silty to sandy clays which tend to be massive (poorly bedded) and can range in thickness from about 0.5 to 6.8 m. They have generally been described as mottled clays (yellowgreys to green-greys with reddish to yellowish mottles) and include sand lenses and silty zones proximal to ephemeral river lines. Fyfe have also not identified Keswick Clay in the Assessment Area. The underlying Pooraka Formation, which has a general thickness of at least 4 m, consists of unconsolidated red-brown poorly sorted clayey sand/silts, gravel, conglomerate and breccia (as colluvial sheet wash). The depositional environment of the Pooraka Formation is typically associated with alluvial fan and residual lag deposits, forming extensive, coalesced, low-angle fans, interbedded occasionally with more porous lenses and channels of fine sands and silts. Being more porous than the surrounding clays/silts, these sand/silt lenses act as underground drainage channels and are generally more saturated than the surrounding clays. Therefore, where contamination exists, these lenses typically provide preferential pathways for contaminant migration. If present (i.e. possibly on the Monroe property – refer to Appendix A), the extent of the Pooraka Formation is considered likely to be of limited extent within the Assessment Area. Underlying the Pooraka Formation, and making up the basal unit of the Adelaide Plains soils and sediments, is the Hindmarsh Clay which has a maximum general thickness of more than 100 m. The Hindmarsh Clay unit comprises a basal gravel layer, a middle layer of mottled red-brown to orange clay and an upper layer of fluvial and alluvial red-brown silty sand. This unit is considered to be the predominant soil type encountered in the Assessment Area. The Quaternary age sediments of the Adelaide Plains are underlain in sequence by a succession of Tertiary age sediments, including the Hallett Cove Sandstone, Port Willunga Formation and South Maslin Sands. These sedimentary units are in turn underlain by metamorphosed basement rock of the Proterozoic Umberatana Group. The Eden Burnside Fault, located to the east of the Assessment Area, represents a threshold between the fractured Precambrian basement rocks of the Mount Lofty Ranges and the Tertiary/Quaternary sedimentary deposits of the Adelaide Plains. 2.2.2 Hydrogeology The aquifers identified within the Quaternary age sediments of the Adelaide Plains are typically found within the coarser interbedded silt, sand and gravel layers of the Hindmarsh Clay formation and vary greatly in thickness (typically from 1 to 18 m), lithology and hydraulic conductivity. Confining beds between the Quaternary aquifers consist of clay and silt layers and range in thickness from 1 to 20 m. These confining beds vary in terms of the amount of coarser grained material they contain, their bulk hydraulic conductivity and/or 80276-2 REV0 3/12/2014 PAGE 6 EPA REF 05/17900, 61324 FINAL REPORT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT CLOVELLY PARK/MITCHELL PARK the presence and density of fractures. In addition, their absence in some areas allows direct hydraulic connection between the aquifers. In total, six Quaternary aquifers have been identified within the Adelaide region and are numbered Q1 to Q6, although the sixth (Q6) aquifer typically does not occur in the vicinity of the Assessment Area: The Q1 aquifer is the uppermost aquifer in the Adelaide region and is typically located at depths of between 3 and 10 m below ground level (BGL), with an average thickness of 2 m. Generally, the Q1 aquifer contains water of low salinity, believed to be due to active recharge from surface drainage and from lateral inflow from the fractured rock aquifer within the Mount Lofty Ranges to the east of the Assessment Area. The gradient of the Q1 aquifer is generally flat and flow direction is typically towards the north-west. The top of the Q2 aquifer generally occurs at a depth of between 16 and 30 m BGL within the vicinity of the Assessment Area. Its thickness ranges from 0.5 to 10 m, with an average of 2 m. The Q2 aquifer demonstrates a wide range of salinity values, from less than 500 mg/L to over 29,000 mg/L total dissolved solids (TDS). The general flow direction of the Q2 aquifer is towards the north-west. Depths to the Q3 aquifer within the vicinity of the Assessment Area range from 31 to 45 m BGL. The Q3 aquifer consists of gravel and sand and has an average thickness of 3 m. The salinity of the Q3 groundwater within the vicinity of the Assessment Area ranges from approximately 1,500 to 2,500 mg/L TDS. The general flow direction of the Q3 aquifer is towards the north-west, consistent with the two overlying aquifers. The Q4 aquifer within the vicinity of the Assessment Area occurs at depths of between 46 and 60 m BGL and consists mainly of gravels and sands. Salinity readings within the Q4 aquifer are typically low and range from approximately 600 to 900 mg/L TDS. This suggests that recharge occurs via lateral flow from another (possible Tertiary) aquifer. The depth of the Q5 aquifer within the vicinity of the Assessment Area is between 65 and 80 m BGL, with an average thickness of 2 m. Salinities within the Q5 aquifer are generally between 1,000 and 5,000 mg/L TDS. Aquifers within the Hindmarsh Clay formation are known to be slow to recharge as a result of low permeability. In addition, it has been queried as to whether a laterally discontinuous perched aquifer is present in the vicinity of the Monroe site, particularly at its western end and off-site to the west (i.e. within the adjoining residential area). If this is the case, it could be indicative of differential depositional environments having resulted in the contemporaneous formation of gravel or sandy deposits at some locations (e.g. along former river lines), with silt or clay deposits at others. The specific effects (if any) of the Eden-Burnside Fault on the behaviour of groundwater within the Assessment Area have not been determined. However, it is reported that active stresses within the fault have resulted in a highly fractured “zone of breakage” which creates “exceptional” conditions for groundwater 80276-2 REV0 3/12/2014 PAGE 7 EPA REF 05/17900, 61324 FINAL REPORT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT CLOVELLY PARK/MITCHELL PARK flow both across and along it. In addition, cross fault fractures may enhance or inhibit groundwater flow (depending on their orientation relative to the hydraulic gradient), thereby acting as either preferential flow paths or zones of restricted flow, collectively enabling flow in the direction of the regional hydraulic gradient along the length of the fault. Groundwater flow across the fault is considered to be spatially highly variable due to the variability of rock types, geological structures, fracture aperture sizes and fracture density; this is made more unpredictable by the highly conductive nature of the fault and its “zone of breakage”. In addition, a downward hydraulic gradient from the Quaternary to the Tertiary aquifers may be resulting in at least partial recharge of the Tertiary aquifers. 2.3 Historical information Prior to commencement of site works, Fyfe personnel undertook a detailed review of numerous assessment reports compiled by others (and provided by the EPA) that pertained to various portions of the Monroe and 4 former MMAL properties as well as the adjoining residential area of Clovelly Park . This (northern) residential area of Clovelly Park was subject to the following former land uses: The former R&C property, bounded by Chestnut Court to the west and Ash Avenue to the south, is currently identified as the Eastern RA. It hosts a northern reserve/playground (the Chestnut Court Reserve) and an adjoining Housing SA property (to the south of the reserve), the latter occupied by the slabs of the demolished R&C buildings. The former laboratory buildings were converted into the Unity Housing Apartments and Housing Units and used for residential purposes from the mid-1980s to mid2009. Two vacated Housing SA residences (Nos. 22A and 22B), fronting Ash Avenue (further to the south), were developed in the early 2000s. In the late 1960s, subsequent to the use by R&C, the land was owned by Chrysler. This included both the Eastern RA and the Precautionary RA, the latter currently occupied by residential dwellings along Chestnut Court and the northern side of Ash Avenue. It is not know what activities Chrysler undertook on this land. Fyfe also received information from the EPA that included historical and stereographical reviews of aerial imagery pertaining to the broader areas of Clovelly Park and Mitchell Park as well as the main existing and former industrial facilities in the area (the Monroe, former MMAL and Eastern RA). The additional information compiled and supplied by the EPA is provided in Appendix C. Information pertinent to the Assessment Area, as collated by Fyfe from a review of the existing assessment reports and the information provided by the EPA, is presented in Appendix A and has been summarised in Table 2.1. 4 This area was bounded by the Monroe property to the east, the former MMAL property to the north, Birch Ave (and the adjoining Tonsley rail line) to the west and residential properties along the southern side of Ash Avenue (Nos. 1 to 21) and the northern portion of Mimosa Terrace (Nos. 9 and 11) – identified as the Eastern RA and the Precautionary RA. 80276-2 REV0 3/12/2014 PAGE 8 EPA REF 05/17900, 61324 FINAL REPORT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT CLOVELLY PARK/MITCHELL PARK Table 2.1 Summary of existing information for the Assessment Area Topic Summarised Information Local geology Within the Monroe property, the soil profile has been described as including up to 3.8 m of imported/reworked fill material associated with historical levelling of the naturally sloping ground. Natural soils comprise Pooraka Formation (calcareous zone) overlying Hindmarsh Clay (predominantly low to high plasticity silty and sandy clays with lesser inclusions of sands and gravels), with the latter encountered at depths of between 0.35 and 6.5 m BGL. Occasional layers, pockets and thin lenses of gravelly clay, gravels (calcareous, siltstone or ironstone) and/or sands have been encountered within the Hindmarsh Clay and diagonal fissures have also been identified in high plasticity clay layers. Although the surface of the Hindmarsh Clay unit generally dips towards the north-west (consistent with topography), it has an undulating interface with the Pooraka Formation (where the latter is present in the Assessment Area – e.g. on the Monroe property). Topographically, the southernmost portion of the MMAL property, located to the north of the Clovelly Park residential area and identified as Section 14, is approximately 10 m lower than the adjoining Monroe property. Soils have been described as comprising fill materials (including sandy gravels, sands with various silt, clay and/or gravel contents and/or silty to sandy clays), to depths of up to 1.1 m BGL at some locations. Underlying natural soils generally comprise sandy or clayey silts interspersed with low to high plasticity silty and sandy clays, the latter often noted to have a firm to stiff consistency, to contain variable amounts of gravel and calcareous material and to sometimes grade into clayey sands (also with minor gravel contents). Discrete lenses of sand and/or gravel have been identified within clay layers and, although these lenses appear to be generally quite thin (≤ 0.1 m), gravel/sand beds of over 1 m in thickness have also been identified. Clay layers have been described as visibly fractured in some instances. Limited work undertaken within the Eastern RA and the Precautionary RA indicate a similar soil profile to Section 14 of the MMAL site (and the natural soils of the Monroe site), whereby the soil profile is dominated by low to high plasticity silty and sandy clays (with variable gravel and calcareous contents), grading to clayey sands in places. A series of gravel bands, located within a high plasticity silty clay layer, were encountered at depth in the northern portion of the Eastern RA (i.e. the Chestnut Court Reserve). Local hydrogeology Within the Monroe property, shallow perched groundwater has been identified beneath some areas, ranging in depth from approximately 0.6 m BGL on the eastern side of the property to 5.9 m BGL on the western side. Perched groundwater is considered to be associated with the fill materials and more permeable calcareous materials of the Pooraka Formation (immediately overlying the Hindmarsh Clay). Given the difference in elevation between the Monroe and former MMAL properties, this shallow perched aquifer does not extend onto the latter but is expected (although has not been observed) to “daylight” at the unsealed face of the embankment above MMAL Section 14. Within the Monroe property, the deeper (i.e. uppermost Quaternary) aquifer has been encountered at depths of between approximately 10.5 and 15 m BGL (i.e. beneath the constructed site level). Although it has a general west to north-westerly flow direction, a potential for localised variations in flow direction (due to preferential flow paths through higher permeability zones – i.e. natural or associated with leaking services) has been identified. This aquifer is considered to be semi-confined by lower permeability clay strata. The maximum hydraulic conductivity of the uppermost (continuous) Quaternary aquifer beneath the Monroe site has been estimated as 0.037 m/day. An estimated (horizontal) groundwater seepage velocity of 2 to 20 m/year has been calculated, noting that contaminant migration rates are likely to be lower. Based on an assumed effective porosity of 2 to 20%, a hydraulic gradient of -4 0.06 and an assumed hydraulic conductivity range of 1.1 x 10 to 0.037 m/day, the porewater velocity was subsequently inferred to be 0.01 to 4.1 m/y. 80276-2 REV0 3/12/2014 PAGE 9 EPA REF 05/17900, 61324 FINAL REPORT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT CLOVELLY PARK/MITCHELL PARK Groundwater within the uppermost aquifer beneath the southern portion (Section 14) of the former MMAL site is considered to flow in a general westerly direction. Some localised mounding (presumably due to infiltration from leaking services) has been identified in the north-western portion of Section 14. Within Section 14, measured depth to groundwater ranges from approximately 5.3 m BGL (i.e. near the eastern site boundary – although this could represent perched water, it was not identified as such) to 14.5 m BGL (i.e. south-central and western portions of Section 14). Possible perched water has also been identified at a depth of approximately 7.4 m BGL to the north of the western portion of Section 14. Groundwater has been interpreted to be present within sandy/silty clay layers in the Hindmarsh Clay formation, although interbedded sandy gravel layers have also been identified. Hydraulic conductivity measured in one well located on the western side of Section 14 was interpreted to be -3 2.4 x 10 m/day. Groundwater within the uppermost aquifer beneath the residential area (i.e. the Eastern RA and Precautionary RA) of Clovelly Park (adjacent to the former MMAL and Monroe properties) has been interpreted to be present at depths of between 10.5 and 22.8 m BGL, but mostly between about 14 and 15 m BGL. The maximum depth was identified on the Eastern RA, to the east of 22A and 22B Ash Ave. Groundwater was inferred to flow in a general west to north-westerly direction, including towards the south-western portion of MMAL Section 14. Groundwater in this area is considered to occur as either an unconfined upper regional water bearing unit or a deeper semi-confined zone. Where encountered, water has been identified within a thin band of gravelly clay, located above a dry clay layer. Perched water has also been encountered in this area, occurring at depths of between 3 and 4.7 m BGL along Ash Ave (i.e. immediately south of No. 6 Ash Avenue). Yield is considered to be generally low, with many wells found to be dry subsequent to installation. Based on laboratory data, as well as measured electrical conductivity readings, the salinity of groundwater within the uppermost (continuous) aquifer within this area, has been interpreted to range from about 230 to 15,600 mg/L TDS, and to generally increase with depth. Bands of relatively low salinity groundwater have been identified as passing through the former MMAL property (from north-east to west), with generally higher salinity groundwater beneath the Monroe property and in the vicinity of the Eastern RA. This higher salinity has been interpreted to indicate slow porewater movement (i.e. consistent with lower permeability) although it could also be related to the estuarine depositional environment. An additional band of lower salinity groundwater beneath the Monroe site has been interpreted as related to possible infiltration from a large leaking stormwater drain that extends in a south-westerly to north-easterly direction beneath the property. Local hydrology The closet surface water body to the Assessment Area is the Sturt River, located within a concrete culvert approximately 0.7 km to the west of the western boundary of the former MMAL property and comprising part of the Patawalonga River catchment. Until 1964, the north-eastern portion of the former MMAL property (i.e. distant from Section 14) was cross-cut by a tributary of the Sturt River but flow was diverted into two buried concrete pipes. These pipes ultimately empty into the Sturt River, downstream of the property. The Warriparinga Wetlands (part of the Sturt River that has reportedly been stocked with native vegetation and fish and represents an area of cultural significance for the Kaurna people) are located approximately 0.85 km to the south-west but may not be directly down-gradient (i.e. too far south) of the Monroe and former MMAL properties. Two stormwater detection basins (ponds) have been identified in the vicinity of Bradley Grove in Mitchell Park. Based on their apparent depth, relative to the depth of the uppermost aquifer in this area, it is considered unlikely that they represent receiving bodies for groundwater discharge.* A stereoscopic review of the 1959, 1969 and 1979 aerial images by the EPA (as detailed in Appendix C) indicates that there were a series of possible surface drainage lines located on the Monroe property. These appeared to extend in a general westerly direction onto the south- 80276-2 REV0 3/12/2014 PAGE 10 EPA REF 05/17900, 61324 FINAL REPORT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT CLOVELLY PARK/MITCHELL PARK eastern portion of the former MMAL site (i.e. Section 14) and possibly also through the Eastern RA and adjoining residential area of Clovelly Park. Another possible surface drainage line was visible in the south-western corner of the former MMAL property and an area of surface soil staining was noted in the western corner of the Monroe site, at the suspected location of the Monroe ‘graveyard area’. History of land use The approximately 8 ha Monroe facility commenced operations in the late 1950s under the control of WH Wylie and Sons (WH Wylie) and is still operational. It was sold to Monroe in 1977. Although the site has largely been owned by WH Wylie/Tenneco/Monroe since the 1950s, a small northern portion was owned by Chrysler/MMAL between 1963 and 1989, although it is believed to have remained undeveloped. The site has been used predominantly for the manufacture of motor vehicle parts and, although there were numerous extensions and modifications to buildings between the 1960s and 1990s, potentially contaminating activities at the site have remained fairly consistent over time. These activities have included solvent storage, bulk fuel storage, wastewater/stormwater treatment, chrome plating, waste disposal and site development (including filling). Chemicals identified as having been used on the site included TCE, 1,1,1-trichloroethane (TCA) and dimethyl chloride (dichloromethane). Whereas the use of TCE was phased out from about 1987 and TCA washes were made obsolete in 1994, dimethyl chloride continued to be used into the late 1990s. A “graveyard” area, used for the dumping of old equipment and possibly other materials, is understood to have been located immediately adjacent to the south-eastern corner of former MMAL Section 14. A stereoscopic review of the 1959 aerial image by the EPA (as detailed in Appendix C) indicates that a small (apparent) excavation area was present at the current location of the waste treatment plant on the Monroe property. The approximately 64 ha MMAL site was purchased by Chrysler/Mitsubishi in a piecemeal fashion between the early 1960s and 1995. The car manufacturing facility commenced operation in 1964 under the management of Chrysler. A portion of the broader site was owned by WH Wylie (and subsequently Monroe) between 1957 and 1994, although specific activities undertaken on this area have not been determined. Car manufacturing operations ceased in about 2009 and the site is currently being redeveloped for mixed use (retail, TAFE facilities, light industrial and residential) purposes. The southernmost portion of the site (i.e. Section 14) was purchased by Chrysler between 1961 and 1964. It comprised the “southern pad” area of the facility and was largely unpaved until the mid- to late-1980s. It was used primarily for the storage of dies, equipment and waste steel, the unboxing of car parts, the temporary stockpiling of oil impacted soils and the overflow storage of new vehicles. It was also occupied by a construction shed and compound used for metal fabrication and chemical storage. An unpaved “graveyard” area was reported to have formerly been located in the south-western corner of Section 14, immediately adjacent to the north-western (residential) portion of Clovelly Park. Although the use of solvents has not been identified on Section 14, the former “graveyard” area was used for the storage of oil-coated waste steel and equipment, possible drums of chemicals/fuel and the temporary storage of an old floor removed from the Plating Shop. Reckitt & Colman (R&C), a chemical (i.e. health, hygiene and home products) manufacturing company, purchased the area to the west of the Monroe property and south of the MMAL property in 1963 and occupied the land until 1969. The land was purchased by Chrysler in 1969, who appear to have used the area primarily for car storage purposes, and then to the South Australian Housing Trust (Housing SA) in 1984. Anecdotal information also indicates that the Eastern RA may have been used (at least partly) by WH Wylie until the 1980s although there is no formal verification of this use or the activities undertaken (may have included die casting and a mechanical laboratory). The southern boundary of the Eastern RA (as described in Certificate of Title Volume 3314 Folio 125) appears to have extended along the northern side of Ash Ave, as far as the western side of No. 18. The western boundary extended north, along the western fence line of No. 18 Ash Ave and through the western portions of Nos. 12 and 15 Chestnut Court. Specific chemical use by R&C has not been determined. 80276-2 REV0 3/12/2014 PAGE 11 EPA REF 05/17900, 61324 FINAL REPORT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT CLOVELLY PARK/MITCHELL PARK Distribution of identified contaminants Within the north-eastern part of the Clovelly Park residential area (i.e. the Eastern RA), TCE has been detected in soil at depths of approximately 0.2-0.4 m BGL and 5-5.1 m BGL. This area was identified as a former storage area located to the north-east of the former laboratory building (i.e. where areas of surface staining were evident in aerial photographs taken in the 1960s and 1970s) and soil vapour results have indicated the presence of a “hotspot” of TCE in soil, with maximum soil vapour readings at about 4 m BGL. Elsewhere on the Eastern RA, soil vapour monitoring detected increasing total ethene concentrations with depth, interpreted to possibly be indicative of a groundwater (as opposed to a soil) vapour source. Across the adjoining residential area (i.e. Ash Ave and Chestnut Court within the Precautionary RA), soil vapour screening has identified the main chemical of concern to be TCE (i.e. 96% of impacts), followed by 1,2-DCE (cis- and trans-) as well as lesser PCE and VC. Where nested vapour bores were installed in the residential area (e.g. No. 10 Chestnut Court), the results have indicated increasing TCE concentrations (i.e. based on interpretation from photoionisation detector (PID) readings obtained at 1, 2, 4, 7 and 10 m BGL) with depth and groundwater impacts in this area are also characterised by the presence of TCE, PCE and 1,2-DCE. Soil vapour impacts at Nos. 22 and 24 Ash Ave, as well as Nos. 10 and 21 Chestnut Court, have also been identified as elevated (i.e. compared to the remainder of the residential area). Indoor air monitoring of residences located on, and in the immediate vicinity of, the Eastern RA 3 resulted in the detection of elevated TCE concentrations (up to 50 µg/m ) within the former Unity Housing Apartments (7 Chestnut Court) and Unity Housing units (22, 24 and 26 Ash Ave) – these residences have since been vacated and/or demolished. Further investigation of possible preferential pathways for vapour intrusion at 7 and 24 Ash Ave identified elevated TCE 3 concentrations (up to 10,000 µg/m ) in an outdoor stormwater drain and yard sink as well as a sewer access ports and various indoor plumbing traps. Subsequent indoor air monitoring results for residences along Chestnut Court indicated that the highest concentrations of TCE were present in the vicinity of the Chestnut Court bend (i.e. Nos. 6, 8, 9 and 10) as well as the northwestern end of the street (No. 21). The latter adjoined groundwater and soil vapour impacts detected in the south-western corner of former MMAL Section 14. A maximum concentration of 3 84 µg/m was detected in the closed bedroom of the unoccupied residence at 10 Chestnut Court. On the adjoining Monroe site, elevated concentrations of TCE and PCE have been detected in soil (i.e. multiple locations, including the rear of the western building, the northern building, the duck pond, between the pond and the central roadway, inside and outside the southern building, the shipping container storage area, the aftermarket loading area and the former oil store). Additional chlorinated compounds used on the site and/or present in groundwater include PCE, chloromethane, 1,1-dichloroethene (1,1-DCE), 1,1-dichloroethane (1,1-DCA), 1,2dichloroethane (1,2-DCA) and TCA. Based on the detected concentrations of TCE in groundwater, the presence of dense non-aqueous phase liquid (DNAPL) is suspected and the monitoring of soil vapour bores has identified elevated TCE, cis-1,2-DCE, VC and/or PCE concentrations across seven areas of the site. With respect to the MMAL site, groundwater impacts have been identified as occurring across Section 14 and include TCE, cis-1,2-DCE, VC and PCE. The highest groundwater concentrations of all these chemicals have been detected in the westernmost potion although impacts are also present beneath the eastern portion (i.e. adjacent to the Monroe site). Soil vapour monitoring results, which included elevated concentrations of TCE, 1,2-DCE, VC and PCE, are reported to be higher than would be expected with a groundwater source (i.e. which would be expected to have largely attenuated between the depth of the water table and 4 m BGL) and to therefore be indicative of vapour migration through soil, but occurring at a different rate than groundwater – this has yet to be confirmed. Concentrations were also stated to increase with depth in the soil profile and decrease with distance from the southern and eastern site boundaries. Groundwater contaminant concentrations, particularly with respect to the Monroe site, have been stated to be relatively stable over time although some decreasing concentrations have been identified in the south-western portion of the former MMAL site. The latter is considered 80276-2 REV0 3/12/2014 PAGE 12 EPA REF 05/17900, 61324 FINAL REPORT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT CLOVELLY PARK/MITCHELL PARK to possibly be due to dilution as a result of increased recharge and higher groundwater levels. Identified contaminant source areas Although no actual soil chlorinated hydrocarbon impacts have been identified on the former MMAL property, and a specific source area(s) cannot therefore be designated, the distribution of the chlorinated compounds in groundwater has been delineated as four distinct plumes (although delineation between plumes 1 and 4 is impeded by the presence of the main building on the MMAL site): 1. northern portion of Monroe site, extending off-site to the west, beneath the eastern portion of the former MMAL site (i.e. Sections 11 and 8 to the north of the eastern portion of Section 14) 2. southern portion of Monroe site, extending off-site to the west, beneath the south-eastern portion of MMAL Section 14, the Eastern RA and the eastern end of Chestnut Court 3. south-western corner of MMAL Section 14, immediately north of the residential area and adjacent to the railway line to the west – in some cases, the impacts in this south-western corner of the MMAL site have been attributed to an off-site source, located within the Eastern RA/Precautionary RA to the south-east; and 4. approximately 200 m north of plume 3, and west of the main MMAL building on Section 18 (i.e. north of the western portion of Section 14), adjacent to the railway line to the west – this plume appears to be fully contained within the MMAL site and does not extend to the currently identified area of impact. Soil chlorinated hydrocarbon impacts have been identified in the northern and southern portions of the Monroe site (i.e. source areas for plumes 1 and 2) as well as the northern portion of the Eastern RA, although it is currently unclear whether the latter is actually contributing to groundwater impacts. Based on elevated soil vapour results, possible localised soil sources are also suspected in the vicinity of Nos. 10 and 21 Chestnut Court, located in the Precautionary RA. Note: *Reduced water levels within potential receiving water bodies, relative to groundwater levels, have not been determined. 2.4 Registered groundwater bore search A recent (2014) search of the Department of Environment, Water and Natural Resources (DEWNR) database (WaterConnect), undertaken by Fyfe, indicates that there are 65 registered groundwater wells within a 500 m radius of the residential area of Clovelly Park (i.e. centred on No. 10 Chestnut Court, Clovelly Park), including a number of wells located on the Monroe and former MMAL properties. Drilled depths range from approximately 7 to 35 m BGL and, where recorded, wells were cased to depths of between approximately 1 and 23 m BGL. Standing water levels (SWLs) recorded between 1963 and 2011 for 14 bores ranged from 1.97 to 15.24 m BGL, whereas yield in four wells (recorded in 1963) ranged from 0.13 to 0.25 L/sec. Of the 65 bores, 55 were installed for the purpose of investigation although six were dry and one was backfilled. Of the remaining 10 bores, for which the purpose was not listed, one had been abandoned, two were backfilled, four were listed as of unknown status and the status of two was not recorded. Salinity readings obtained in 1963 for four bores ranged from 3,546 to 3,831 mg/L TDS. A broader search of the DEWNR database for a 2 km radius identified 405 registered bores, including a number that were recorded as having been installed for irrigation or domestic purposes. In terms of bores that could potentially be located hydraulically down-gradient of the Monroe and former MMAL properties, 80276-2 REV0 3/12/2014 PAGE 13 EPA REF 05/17900, 61324 FINAL REPORT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT CLOVELLY PARK/MITCHELL PARK those listed in Table 2.2 are noted to be of potential interest, although some were identified as having been drilled in a deeper (possible Tertiary T1) aquifer. The results of the DEWNR groundwater database searches are included in Appendix D. However, based on the results of an EPA letter-drop survey, only one private domestic bore has been identified within the Assessment Area. Table 2.2 Bore No Summary of registered (potentially) down-gradient bores within a 2 km radius Approximate location* Purpose Status Cased depth (m BGL) SWL (m BGL) Salinity (mg/L TDS) 6627-1781 0.75 km SW Town water supply Operational 72 30.5 1,170 6627-7016 1.5 km SW Irrigation Operational 41 14 1,513 6627-7316 1.4 km SW Domestic Operational 27 15 1,132 6627-7317 1.2 km SW Domestic Operational 23 12 719 6627-7892 1.6 km WSW Domestic Operational 18 11.5 1,479 6627-8075 0.7 km NW Domestic Operational 21 10 3,195 6627-8162 0.95 km W Town water supply Operational 39 23 1,457 6627-8523 1.5 km NW Domestic Operational 18 13.5 1,312 6627-8558 1.4 km W Town water supply Operational 25 14 1,017 6627-8602 1.2 km WSW Town water supply Operational 39 18 918 6627-8812 1.4 km SW Irrigation 36 1,317 6627-8914 1.25 km NW Domestic 18 2,704 6627-9201 1.9 km W Domestic 31 1,193 6627-9219 1.75 km W Domestic 27 6627-9331 1.5 km NW Domestic 24 899 6627-9415 1.7 km W Domestic 30 1,105 6627-10182 1.5 km SW Domestic 29 19.5 1,586 6627-10881 1.5 km NW Domestic 12 10 1,116 6627-11016 1.8 km NW Domestic 24 12 1,429 6627-14193 0.8 km NNW Irrigation 4 6.2 6627-14197 0.85 km NNW Irrigation 4 6.2 6628-19799 1.8 km NNW Irrigation 45 17 Operational 15 Comments Deeper aquifer Deeper (T1) aquifer 1,222 1,083 Deeper (T1) aquifer Note: *relative to 10 Chestnut Court, Clovelly Park 80276-2 REV0 3/12/2014 PAGE 14 EPA REF 05/17900, 61324 FINAL REPORT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT CLOVELLY PARK/MITCHELL PARK 2.5 Data quality objectives The Data Quality Objective (DQO) process, as described in Australian Standard AS4482.1-2005 and the National Environment Protection (Assessment of Site Contamination) Measure (ASC NEPM, 1999) 5 Schedule B2 Guideline on Data Collection, Sample Design and Reporting, and more fully documented in the NSW DEC (2006) Guidelines for the NSW Site Auditor Scheme, involves a seven-step iterative approach that was initially developed by the United States Environment Protection Agency (US EPA) to facilitate the systematic planning and verification of contaminated sites assessment projects. As stated in ASC NEPM (1999) Schedule B2, the first six steps of the DQO process comprise the development of qualitative and quantitative statements that define the objectives of the site assessment program and the quantity and quality of data needed to inform risk-based decisions. These steps enable the project team to communicate the goals, decisions, constraints (e.g. time, budget) and uncertainties associated with the project and detail how they are to be addressed. The seventh step comprises the development of a Sampling and Analysis Quality Plan (SAQP) to generate the data required to adequately characterise any site contamination issues and assess their associated potential environmental and human health risks under the proposed land use scenario. The DQOs defined for the Assessment Area are summarised in Table 2.3. Table 2.3 5 Data Quality Objectives Objective Comment Step 1 – Statement of the Problem The problem is that historical potentially contaminating activities (PCAs), and other activities of significance for possible site contamination, have historically been undertaken on portions of the Assessment Area and/or adjacent to the Assessment Area. Where identified, these PCAs are described in the historical assessment reports reviewed by Fyfe and summarised in Appendix A. Based on the review of the reports, the potential exists for soil, groundwater and soil vapour contamination to have occurred within the Assessment Area as a result of both on-site and off-site sources. Step 2 – The Decision that Needs to Result from the Investigation The assessment works commissioned by the EPA were necessitated to determine the contamination status of site soils and groundwater and to understand the risk to public health from potential soil vapour generation. In doing this, Fyfe have undertaken soil vapour modelling and vapour intrusion risk assessment works aimed at evaluating whether concentrations of identified soil, groundwater or vapour contaminants (if any) pose an unacceptable risk to human health. Step 3 – Inputs to the Decision The information that was required to resolve the decision statement includes the collection of physical and chemical data from across the Assessment Area. The collected data, as well as physical observations regarding the geology of the area and possible preferential contaminant pathways, was used to determine potential risks to human health via groundwater fate and transport and vapour intrusion modelling. All references to the ASC NEPM (1999) refer to the version amended on 16 May 2013. 80276-2 REV0 3/12/2014 PAGE 15 EPA REF 05/17900, 61324 FINAL REPORT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT CLOVELLY PARK/MITCHELL PARK Objective Comment Step 4 – Boundaries of the Investigation The lateral boundaries of the Assessment Area are as defined in Section 1.3 and depicted on Figure 1. Vertically, the investigations extended as far as the maximum drilled depth (20 m BGL). Step 5 – Decision Rules The decision rule will be based upon the identification of predicted indoor air concentrations of TCE, associated with groundwater and soil vapour impacts, which exceed adopted response levels. Step 6 – Decision Error Tolerances The purpose of establishing decision error tolerance is to control the acceptable degree of uncertainty upon which decisions are made, in order to avoid the making of an incorrect decision and to enable identification of additional investigation, monitoring or remediation activities required, on the basis of accurate data, for protection of human health. The Measuring Quality Objectives (MQO) include the quality assurance (QA) activities that were conducted during the assessment, and the quality control (QC) acceptance criteria adopted for data quality indicators (DQIs) applicable to the assessment. Step 7 – Optimisation of the Sample Collection Design Data collection was undertaken in general accordance with the methodologies outlined in the ASC NEPM (1999) as well as AS4482.1-2005, AS4482.2-1999, AS/NZS 5667.1:1998, AS/NZS 5667.11:1998, SA EPA (2007) and CRC CARE (2013). As determined by the EPA, the data collection design included systematic and targeted sampling patterns to investigate, and delineate, areas of potential contamination impacts identified on the basis of historical investigation results. 80276-2 REV0 3/12/2014 PAGE 16 EPA REF 05/17900, 61324 FINAL REPORT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT CLOVELLY PARK/MITCHELL PARK 3. SCOPE OF WORK The scope of work undertaken by Fyfe was generally consistent with that requested within the original EPA request for tender (RFT), dated 22 July 2014. Some modifications to the original workscope occurred based on site findings and additional site information was collected, where required, in order to achieve project objectives. 3.1 Preliminary work Preliminary work involved the following: review and summation of all available historical reports (as supplied by the EPA) pertaining to the Monroe and former MMAL properties as well as the adjoining residential area of Clovelly Park (Eastern RA and Precautionary RA) – refer to Section 2.3 and Appendix A development of a preliminary CSM based on a review of the historical data preparation of a detailed health and safety plan covering all aspects and stages of the work detailed planning with all key stakeholders prior to the execution of the field investigation program. 3.2 Field investigation and laboratory analysis program The scope of the field investigation program undertaken by Fyfe between 29 August and 12 November 2014 is summarised in Table 3.1. The scope of the laboratory testing program is summarised in Table 3.2. Plans showing the soil bore, groundwater monitoring well, soil vapour bore and passive air sampling locations are included as Figure 2A, 2B, 3 and 5A to 5D. Table 3.1 Scope of field investigation program Scope Item Description of works Date of works Monitoring well drilling and installation Individual groundwater well permits, as obtained from DEWNR, were provided to Fyfe by the EPA prior to well installation. Groundwater monitoring wells were installed to depths of between 9 and 20 m BGL at 34 locations across the Assessment Area. Of the 34 locations, eight were sited across the Clovelly Park area, within roadways, council verges, reserves and the Eastern RA. The remaining 26 wells were located across the Mitchell Park area, within roadways, council verges and reserve areas. 29 August to 1 October 2014 80276-2 REV0 3/12/2014 PAGE 17 EPA REF 05/17900, 61324 FINAL REPORT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT CLOVELLY PARK/MITCHELL PARK Date of works Scope Item Description of works Soil vapour bore drilling and installation Clovelly Park 29 August to 16 October 2014 Clustered soil vapour bores were installed at 15 systematic locations to nominal depths of 2, 4, 8 and 10 m BGL. Of the 15 locations, four were situated within the former MMAL property and three were on the Monroe property. Some locations (SV_EPA 21 to 23 and SV_EPA 72) did not contain all of the designated sample points due to groundwater occurrence at the nominated depth. In addition to the clustered locations: individual shallow soil vapour bores were installed to 2 m BGL at 17 systematic locations, within council verges and nature strips and on the former MMAL property 21 soil vapour bores were installed to a depth of approximately 2 m BGL on an approximate 40 m wide spacing along the length of the SA Water sewer and stormwater mains on Chestnut Court, Ash Avenue and a portion of Mimosa Terrace in Clovelly Park – this was aimed at assessing backfill material surrounding the underground service as a potential vapour migration pathway* six nested soil vapour bores (12 vapour probes in total) were installed to depths of 1 and 2 m BGL within six residential properties (i.e. 4, 9, 15 and 16 Chestnut Court as well as 4 and 6 Ash Avenue) – this was aimed at assessing vapour migration within the sub-surface beneath the concrete slabs of the residences; and one nested soil vapour bore (three vapour probes in total) was installed to depths of 0.5, 2 and 4 m within the Eastern RA. Mitchell Park Clustered soil vapour bores were installed at 14 locations to nominal depths of 2, 4 and 8 m BGL within suburban streets, council verges, reserves and the Tonsley rail corridor. In addition to the clustered locations: individual shallow soil vapour bores were installed to 2 m BGL at 26 systematic locations, within suburban streets, council verges and reserve areas two clustered vapour bores (six vapour probes in total) were installed to depths of 2, 4 and 8 m BGL within council verges on the western and northern sides of the Mitchell Park Kindergarten (and community centre), located on the corner of Lanark Ave and Cumbria Court; and one clustered vapour bore (three vapour probes in total) was installed to depths of 2, 4 and 8 m BGL within the Tonsley rail corridor, adjacent to the residential property on 11 Woodland Road (i.e. due to the proximity of the south-western corner of the former MMAL property) Whereas the clustered soil vapour bores comprised a line of individual drill holes spaced at approximate 2 m intervals, the six nested bores within the Clovelly Park residential properties comprised multiple vapour probes within a single drill hole. Soil bore drilling and sampling A total of 25 soil bores were drilled to a nominal depth of 6 m BGL within the 30 August to Clovelly Park area. These soil bores were located in the vicinity of the Eastern 15 September RA and the southern part of MMAL Section 14. 2014 Soil samples were collected at regular intervals throughout the soil profile and at intervals where changes in lithology were noted. 80276-2 REV0 3/12/2014 PAGE 18 EPA REF 05/17900, 61324 FINAL REPORT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT CLOVELLY PARK/MITCHELL PARK Scope Item Description of works Date of works Groundwater well development All 34 newly installed groundwater monitoring wells were developed following the completion of the well installation program. 6 to 13 October 2014 Groundwater gauging All 34 newly installed monitoring wells, as well as 39 existing wells, were 12 to 13 October gauged to assess total well depth, SWL and the presence/absence of non 2014 aqueous phase liquid (NAPL). This was undertaken as a discrete event prior to the commencement of groundwater sampling. Groundwater sampling Groundwater sampling involved a total of 66 wells, including: 30 of the newly installed wells 35 existing wells within the former MMAL, Monroe and Eastern RA properties; and one disused well located on a private property within the Mitchell Park area. 14 October to 12 November 2014 Soil vapour sampling Sampling of all soil vapour bores was undertaken by SGS Leeder Consulting (SGS Leeder) using TO-17 sample collection methods. In total, vapour samples were able to be extracted from 135 locations. Additional samples were collected using TO-15 methods for comparison purposes and Tedlar bag samples were collected for general gas assessment. Air sampling Passive indoor and outdoor (ambient) air sampling was undertaken within the 21 to 28 October Clovelly Park and Mitchell Park areas using Radiello samplers deployed over a 2014 seven day period. Selected locations, as detailed in Appendix E, included: Indoor Air Sampling (selected bedrooms) 4 Ash Avenue 6 Ash Avenue 4 Chestnut Court 9 Chestnut Court 15 Chestnut Court 16 Chestnut Court Outdoor Air Sampling (backyards of houses/temporary fenced locations in reserves) 12 to 29 October 2014 4 Ash Avenue 4 Chestnut Court 15 Chestnut Court 16 Chestnut Court Chestnut Court Reserve Harken Avenue Reserve, Mitchell Park Surveying The locations of all monitoring well, soil bore and soil vapour bore locations 3 to 7 November were surveyed relative to Geocentric Datum of Australia (GDA) by a Fyfe 2014 licensed surveyor. The elevations of the monitoring wells were also surveyed, relative to Australian Height Datum (AHD). Survey data are included in Appendix F. Aquifer testing Hydrogeological (aquifer) testing was attempted on 20 wells but, due to a combination of poor recovery, insufficient water and/or too rapid recharge, only 11 rising head (slug) tests could be successfully completed. Data was subsequently evaluated by Fyfe to estimate the hydraulic conductivity of the aquifer beneath the Clovelly Park and Mitchell Park areas and provided to BlueSphere Environmental (BlueSphere) for use in the groundwater fate and transport modelling (refer to Section 7). 80276-2 REV0 3/12/2014 6 to 7 November 2014 PAGE 19 EPA REF 05/17900, 61324 FINAL REPORT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT CLOVELLY PARK/MITCHELL PARK Scope Item Description of works Date of works Additional geotechnical testing Additional drilling works were undertaken at four locations for the specific purpose of collecting soil geotechnical information. Drill sites included two locations in Clovelly Park and two locations in the Mitchell Park areas to a maximum depth of 8 m BGL. 11 and 12 November 2014 Note: *Although it was proposed to install 22 soil vapour bores, one location (SVS_EPA11) met with refusal and could not be installed Table 3.2 Scope of laboratory testing program Scope Item Description of works Soil testing Soil samples were collected from groundwater monitoring wells, soil bores and deeper soil vapour bore locations in Clovelly Park as well as selected individual shallow soil vapour bore locations across the Assessment Area. Of the soil samples collected, 314 primary soil samples were analysed for COPC, including: 72 samples from soil bores within the Clovelly Park area (three samples per bore) 125 samples from groundwater monitoring wells within both the Clovelly Park and Mitchell Park areas (approximately four samples per bore); and 117 samples from soil vapour bores (targeted and systematic). Geotechnical testing A total of 31 soil core samples from both the Clovelly Park and Mitchell Park areas were analysed for: atterberg limits (liquid limit, plastic limit, plasticity index, linear shrinkage) moisture content; and particle size distribution (PSD). Groundwater testing Groundwater samples from 66 existing and newly installed monitoring well were analysed for: COPC TDS major cations and anions (calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, chloride and alkalinity); and natural attenuation parameters (nitrate, sulfate, ferrous iron, methane). Soil vapour testing All 135 soil vapour samples (TO-17 and TO-15) were analysed for COPC. Tedlar bag and TO-15 samples were analysed for general gases (helium, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, methane, carbon dioxide, ethane, argon, carbon monoxide and ethylene). Air testing (Radiello) All 12 Radiello samples were tested for COPC (except VC, although this was originally requested by Fyfe). Note: COPC included TCE, PCE, 1,2-DCE (cis- and trans-), VC and chloroform. 3.3 Data interpretation Following the receipt and collation of the field and laboratory data, hydrogeological (fate and transport) and vapour intrusion risk assessment (VIRA) modelling (refer to Sections 7 and 8, respectively) was undertaken to enable an assessment of risk and to refine the CSM (Section 9). 80276-2 REV0 3/12/2014 PAGE 20 EPA REF 05/17900, 61324 FINAL REPORT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT CLOVELLY PARK/MITCHELL PARK 4. METHODOLOGY 4.1 Occupational health and safety 4.1.1 Site walk over and service location Prior to the commencement of intrusive investigation works, both Fyfe and EPA personnel walked over the Assessment Area to consider and discuss the practicability and accessibility of each proposed sampling location, as originally designated in the EPA RFT. SA Health attended the site walk over and observed some of the proposed sampling locations in the Clovelly Park and Mitchell Park areas. Once agreed, each proposed drilling location was cleared of underground services by a professional service location company (APMS) using conventional (electronic) service detection methods as well as Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR – considered to be a suitable method for determining service locations in sensitive settings such as residential road verges). A Fyfe representative was present during the service location process. Where underground or overhead services were present and/or deemed to be a potential safety risk during drilling activities, the location of the hole(s) was moved to an area considered by the Fyfe representative and service locator to be safe. All changes to drilling locations were recorded on a site plan for future reference. Any subsequent work undertaken by Fyfe (i.e. additional to the requirements of the EPA RFT) was subjected to similar controls (where relevant). 4.1.2 Traffic management Given that works were largely undertaken within suburban streets, Fyfe employed the services of a qualified traffic management company (Workzone) in order to ensure safety for pedestrians and road users, minimal disruption to traffic flow and the provision of a safe working environment. 4.2 Intrusive investigation works 4.2.1 Non-destructive digging (NDD) Following the identification and marking of all underground services, each drilling location was hand augered to a depth of 1 m BGL as an additional measure to ensure the safety of staff and underground assets. In discussions with the EPA it was considered that hand clearance was the most suitable approach given standard NDD vacuum truck methods could reduce the integrity of the soil screening/vapour assessment and the upper metre of the soil profile was deemed important to log based on the potential presence of fill materials and to investigate potential shallow source areas. 80276-2 REV0 3/12/2014 PAGE 21 EPA REF 05/17900, 61324 FINAL REPORT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT CLOVELLY PARK/MITCHELL PARK All spoil that resulted from hand augering was placed within core trays for logging, field screening, sampling and photography. 4.2.2 Mechanical drilling As proposed, Fyfe utilised the following drilling methodologies for various phases of work. All mechanical drilling was supervised by senior Fyfe personnel at all times. Sonic Drilling At the specific request of EPA, sonic drilling methods were utilised for the drilling of all 34 groundwater monitoring wells, the 25 soil bores and the 10 m deep soil vapour bores within the Clovelly Park Area. The sonic drilling services were provided by Numac Australia Pty Ltd (Numac). General Methodology Sonic drilling is a technique that relies on audio frequencies (50-120 Hz) to allow penetration of the stratum and is noted as being one of the most advanced drilling methods currently available. It is essentially a soil penetration technique that applies the principles of Bingham’s findings on the fluidisation of porous materials in combination with the laws of inertia (Hutter, 1997). As the drill string and head vibrate, a thin layer of surrounding soil is liquefied along the rods to penetrate with minimal push. In the Clovelly Park area it was noted that there was some compaction and also stretching of returned drill core in certain locations. The compaction was likely due to the vibrations resulting in the loss of structure of the clays changing it to a higher density material with a lower porosity. Stretching of the core was evident where rotation, in addition to vibration, was required to penetrate harder clay/calcrete units. As rotation was required, water was added to cool the drill bit. This water was pumped under pressure and the majority was retained by the formation, entering the pore space of the clay during the loss of structure and having a swelling effect. Core samples were extruded into clear plastic sleeves, minimising the loss of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and reducing the potential for operator exposure to in-ground contaminants. Cores recovered from the sonic rig were placed in labelled core trays for detailed logging, sampling and photographing. Push tube drilling Push tube drilling methodologies were utilised for the drilling and installation of the 2, 4 and 8 m deep soil vapour bore locations within both the Clovelly Park and Mitchell Park areas. Drilling contractors used for the push tubing works were Aussie Probe (2, 4 and 8 m holes), A&S Drilling (8 m holes) and Drilling Solutions (2, 4 and 8 m holes). General Methodology Direct push sampling is the simplest and most common method used to collect undisturbed soil profiles from the surface down to the depth of interest. The collected profiles can readily provide visual evidence of soil contamination as well as a record of lithology versus depth. 80276-2 REV0 3/12/2014 PAGE 22 EPA REF 05/17900, 61324 FINAL REPORT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT CLOVELLY PARK/MITCHELL PARK Direct push sampling utilises a percussive top drive hammer to drive a dual tube sampling system into unconsolidated formations. The core is undisturbed and either collected in a clear 1.2 m long liner (A&S Drilling and Drilling Solutions) or discharged directly into a core tray (Aussie Probe) for direct qualitative observation, field screening and sampling. The push tube method was implemented by Fyfe for the soil vapour work, over the alternative solid auger method, for its speed, retention of sample integrity, reduced cost of managing and removing drilling spoil, and its easy and accurate bore lithology profiling. 4.2.3 General field methodologies General field methodologies employed by Fyfe during the installation/construction of the groundwater wells and soil vapour bores, as well as sampling of various media, are detailed in Table 4.1. Relevant field sampling sheets are included in Appendix F and borehole log reports are presented in Appendix G. Table 4.1 Summary of field methodologies Activity Details Groundwater well installation Each borehole, after completion of drilling using Sonic methods, was fitted with 50 mm class 18 uPVC casing with a basal section of slotted well screen, the extent of the latter dependent on conditions encountered during drilling. A filter pack, comprising clean graded sands of suitable size to provide sufficient inflow of groundwater, was installed within the annular space between the borehole and the well casing and extended from the base of the screened interval to approximately 0.5 m above the termination of the slotted casing. A minimum 0.5 m long bentonite collar, comprising pelleted or granulated bentonite, was placed above the filter pack to prevent water seepage downward along the well casing or borehole from ground surface. Each well was grouted up to surface level and fitted with a ground flush-mounted (lockable) steel gatic cover. Care was taken to ensure that the gatic was installed flush mounted to prevent tripping and lawn mowing hazards. Sonic drilling utilises a positive method of constructing monitoring wells by building the well inside the drill riser pipe. The casing, screen, bentonite seal and grout were inserted in the riser pipe and the pipe was then vibrated out of the ground. The vibrations additionally helped to centre the well screen and casing as well as eliminate potential bridging by the bentonite. Soil vapour bore installation Clustered soil vapour bores Within each soil vapour bore, teflon tubing attached to a soil vapour probe was inserted to the base of the hole, which had been prefilled with approximately 0.05 to 0.1 m of clean filter pack sand. An additional 0.4 to 0.45 m of sand (i.e. approximately 0.5 m in total) was then added to the hole and topped by a bentonite plug seal of approximately 0.5 m thickness. A bentonite slurry and a grout/cement mix was added to surface. The soil vapour bore was completed with a standard flush-mounted gatic cover. Nested soil vapour bores (within single drill hole) beneath residences After concrete coring through the hardstand slab, each borehole was hand augered to 2 m depth and the first (deepest) probe installed at approximately 2 m BGL. The hole was then completed to 1 m depth (as above) and the second (shallower) probe was installed at this depth. The borehole was then completed to surface (as described above). Nested soil vapour bore (within single drill hole) on Eastern RA At one location (SV_EPA3) on the Eastern RA, a nested soil vapour bore was installed that 80276-2 REV0 3/12/2014 PAGE 23 EPA REF 05/17900, 61324 FINAL REPORT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT CLOVELLY PARK/MITCHELL PARK Activity Details included three vapour probes within a single drill hole. This location targeted the slab of the former Unity Housing flats/laboratory building and included vapour probes placed at depths of approximately 0.6, 2 and 4 m BGL. The soil vapour bore was then completed to surface (as described above). Soil logging On completion of the drilling ‘run’, the drill core was discharged from the plastic sleeving or push tube into a clean core tray. The core was firstly measured and inspected for any obvious shrinkage (core loss) or stretching (core gain). Particular attention was paid to the physical description of the core as the physical nature of the soils was deemed paramount in understanding the movements of contaminants in the subsurface. As such, logging was undertaken in accordance with the ASC NEPM (1999), which endorses AS1726-1993. In addition to the requirements of AS17726-1993, particular attention was paid during logging to any lithological variations such as sand/gravel lenses or secondary porosity (such as clay fracturing) which may act as potential preferential pathways for contaminant vapour/groundwater migration through the sub-surface. Any identified olfactory or visual evidence of contamination was clearly identified on the borehole log sheet, along with the presence of any fill material and/or any other evidence of contamination. Additional significant features observed (clay fracturing) were also noted on the log sheet and were sketched and photographed. Core photography Following completion of drilling at each location, each core box was photographed under natural light conditions, prior to the collection of samples. Care was taken to ensure that the natural soil conditions (including in situ colour, weathering condition, void filling etc.) were clearly evident and that any structural features were clearly exposed. Field screening of soils Field screening of individual soil layers was undertaken at all drilling locations and involved the use of either a photionisation detector (PID) unit or a flame ionisation detector (FID) unit. Units used for the work program were especially fitted with an 11.7 eV lamp which was considered suitable for the detection of chlorinated compounds. Units were calibrated on a daily basis against an isobutylene calibration gas of known concentration. Field screen samples were collected with care to ensure the sample was representative of the soil stratum from which it was collected and experienced minimal loss of volatile compounds. The soil material was placed immediately into a zip lock bag and sealed, ensuring the bag was half filled (i.e. such that the volume ratio of soil to air was equal). Soil clumps within the bag were manually broken up and the bag was left to rest for a minimum of five minutes but no longer than 20 minutes. Prior to testing, the bag was shaken vigorously to release any vapours within the soil. To test, the tip of the PID/FID probe was inserted into the bag and the maximum VOC reading recorded after a nominal 10 second period or when the reading had peaked. Results were recorded on the appropriate bore log sheets. Sample nomenclature Boreholes The following nomenclature was used over the duration of the work program for soil bores, soil vapour locations and groundwater monitoring wells: SB_EPA – Soil bores MW_EPA – Groundwater monitoring wells SV_EPA – Soil vapour bores (clustered, nested and single) SVT_EPA – Targeted soil vapour locations (houses (nested sub-slab), Clovelly Park); and SVS_EPA – Targeted soil vapour locations (services (stormwater and sewer), Clovelly Park). Clustered and nested soil vapour locations were typically labelled A to D in the Clovelly Park area and A to C in the Mitchell Park area, where: A – represents a 2 m soil vapour bore 80276-2 REV0 3/12/2014 PAGE 24 EPA REF 05/17900, 61324 FINAL REPORT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT CLOVELLY PARK/MITCHELL PARK Activity Details B – represents a 4 m soil vapour bore C – represents an 8 m soil vapour bore, and D – represents a 10 m soil vapour bore. The exceptions were: SVT_EPA (trench) soil vapour bores: A represents 1 m whereas B represents 2 m BGL; and SV_EPA3A to C: A represents 0.6 m, B represents 2 m and C represents 4 m BGL. Details of bore installation are provided on the bore log sheets in Appendix G. Samples Environmental samples were labelled in a manner consistent with both Fyfe and EPA databases. Each soil/groundwater/vapour sample was given a unique sample number based on the borehole type and the location. Soil Samples Borehole_EPA Number/Sample Range, for example: SB_EPA1/0.5-0.6 for sample from soil bore 1, taken from between 0.5 m to 0.6 m BGL MW_EPA1/0.5-0.6 for sample from monitoring well 1, taken from between 0.5 m to 0.6 m BGL SV_EPA1D/0.5-0.6 for sample from the deepest clustered/nested soil vapour probe (10 m) installed at soil vapour bore location 1, taken from between 0.5 m to 0.6 m BGL; and SVT_EPA1/0.5-0.6 for sample from a targeted soil vapour bore location 1, taken from between 0.5 m to 0.6 m BGL. Inter- and intra-laboratory duplicate samples were given extraneous identifiers so as to disguise to the laboratory that they were duplicate samples. Duplicate sample numbers were recorded on the bore log sheet. Groundwater Samples Groundwater samples were listed by their monitoring well ID. Inter- and intra-laboratory duplicate samples were given extraneous numbers prefixed by ‘QC’. The duplicate sample numbers were recorded on the groundwater field sampling sheets. Vapour Samples Vapour samples were labelled by the borehole ID, with the sample depth reflected in the associated letter (A to D), for example: SV_EPA20D is a soil vapour sample collected from the 10 m soil vapour bore SV_EPA20. Duplicate samples were clearly nominated as such, for example – if the above soil vapour sample was SV_EPA20, the duplicate soil vapour sample was labelled as SV_EPA20 dup. Radiello Radiello samples were supplied with unique identifiers by the manufacturer and were maintained during the sampling process. Blanks Trip blanks were labelled with the precursor ‘TB’, whereas equipment rinsate blanks were labelled ‘RB’. Soil bore sampling 80276-2 REV0 3/12/2014 Soil sampling was undertaken in general accordance with AS4482.1-2005 and AS4482.21999. Sampling of soil core and hand auger cuttings was undertaken directly from a clean (decontaminated) or new soil core tray. PAGE 25 EPA REF 05/17900, 61324 FINAL REPORT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT CLOVELLY PARK/MITCHELL PARK Activity Details Soil samples were typically recovered from the following (approximate) intervals: Groundwater monitoring wells: 1.0 m intervals Soil bores: varied intervals, and Soil vapour wells: varied intervals. Based on the above, soil samples from soil bores and selected soil vapour locations (i.e. deeper sonic drilled locations and shallow holes not adjacent to monitoring wells) were generally collected at the following nominal depth intervals: surface to 0.15 m BGL 0.45 to 0.6 m BGL 0.85 to 1.0 m BGL; and 1.0 m intervals thereafter. Sampling intervals were adjusted accordingly to ensure that discrete soil/fill types, and/or layers showing evidence of contamination (i.e. odour, staining and/or elevated PID/FID readings) were sampled. Given the absence of detectable volatile concentrations in the field screening (PID) results, soil samples selected for analysis were typically chosen on a random basis to ensure coverage across the entire strata. However, where potential preferential pathways were encountered (e.g. calcrete and gravel lenses, sand lenses and fractures) samples from these areas were often included for analysis in preference to other samples. Hand equipment and recycled core boxes used to recover the core soil samples were cleaned prior to each location, in accordance with the following procedures: adhered soil and/or other matter were removed by scrubbing and flushing with clean water; and sampling equipment was scrubbed in phosphate free detergent solution before being rinsed in clean water. Disposable nitrile gloves worn by field personnel were changed between the collection of each soil sample. Environmental soil samples were collected in laboratory supplied screw top jars with minimal (if any) headspace allowed. The jars were tightly closed and kept on ice in a portable cooler until delivery to the laboratory under Fyfe chain of custody procedures. Collection of geotechnical Geotechnical samples of core and soil cuttings were collected using hand auger, sonic rig, soil samples and push tube sampling methodologies. Core samples collected via sonic and push tube techniques (i.e. undisturbed samples) were collected as follows: An appropriate representative core length (greater than 40 cm) of the strata to be tested was selected from the core tray as soon as possible after removal from the core barrel and wrapped in plastic cling wrap to retain moisture content. The sample was then placed within a plastic poly weave bag and labelled with the sample number and corresponding depth. Samples of cuttings from the hand auger (disturbed samples) were collected as follows: The strata to be tested were segregated within the core tray immediately following discharge from the auger. Care was taken to ensure lithological boundaries were not crossed during sampling. An appropriate soil volume (generally 1 kg) was placed within a green plastic or plastic poly weave bag and clearly labelled with the sample number and corresponding depth. Each sample was placed within a chilled insulated box (esky) and transported to the geotechnical laboratory for the required testing. 80276-2 REV0 3/12/2014 PAGE 26 EPA REF 05/17900, 61324 FINAL REPORT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT CLOVELLY PARK/MITCHELL PARK Activity Details Groundwater well development Groundwater wells were developed using a steel bailer. The bailer was repeatedly lowered into the screened portion of the well and then rapidly pulled upwards. This rapid movement draws water in through the screened portion of the well with the purpose being that the higher velocities entrain silt particles that may be trapped in the sand pack or screen and draw them into the well. Groundwater gauging Groundwater levels in the newly installed and existing monitoring wells within the Clovelly Park and Mitchell Park areas were gauged over a two day period using an interface probe prior to the commencement of the groundwater sampling program. All monitoring wells were gauged for SWL and the presence of NAPL. In addition to SWL, the total well depth was also gauged and labelled on the gauging sheet as the ‘end of hole’ (EoH) measurement. If a monitoring well was deemed not serviceable, dry, inaccessible or unable to be located, this information was also noted. Groundwater sampling Groundwater sampling within both the Clovelly Park and Mitchell Park areas was undertaken in general accordance with AS/NZS 5667.1:1998, AS/NZS 5667.11:1998 and SA EPA (2007) using a combination of: conventional low flow sampling in areas which were deemed appropriate (i.e. higher recharge rates) manual bailing; and collection of grab samples using low flow techniques. Bailing and grab sampling were only undertaken in areas of lower flow rate where conventional low flow technologies were not viable. Regardless of the sampling methodology, the sampling equipment used to recover the groundwater samples was cleaned or replaced prior to each sample being taken in accordance with the following procedures: the stainless steel micropurge pump casing used for low flow sampling was scrubbed in phosphate free detergent solution before being deionised in clean water; and disposable sample tubing, air tubing, pump bladders and bailers were replaced prior to the purging and sampling of each well. Disposable nitrile gloves worn by field personnel were changed prior to the collection of each sample. Groundwater samples were collected in laboratory-supplied screw top bottles, containing appropriate preservative (if required) with no headspace allowed. The bottles were tightly closed and kept on ice in a portable cooler until delivery to the laboratory under Fyfe chain of custody procedures. Conventional Low Flow Methodology Conventional low flow sampling techniques, using micropurge equipment, were adopted predominantly in the western portion of the Mitchell Park area where higher flow rates were encountered. Low flow sampling comprises sampling the monitoring well from within the depth of the well screen at a flow rate that is below the recharge capacity of the formation. The specific rate of pumping typically does not exceed 1 L/min. By purging at low flow rates, only groundwater that enters through the well screen is purged from the well. Because “stagnant” water located above and below the pump intake in the bore casing is not drawn into the pump, the entire casing volume is not required to be purged prior to sampling. The flow rate used on site was dependent on the hydraulic performance of each well and the desire to minimise the mobilisation of suspended colloidal material (turbidity). The flow rate for low flow sampling in any given well was based on the ability to establish a low rate 80276-2 REV0 3/12/2014 PAGE 27 EPA REF 05/17900, 61324 FINAL REPORT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT CLOVELLY PARK/MITCHELL PARK Activity Details at an acceptable level of drawdown (i.e. up to 0.1 m), which was monitored constantly using an electronic water level meter. During purging, indicator parameters such as pH, conductivity, dissolved oxygen, and oxidation-reduction potential (ORP, or “redox”) were monitored and recorded for every (approximate) litre of purged water, using a 90FLMVI water quality meter and a flow cell. The indicator parameters were used to identify relative changes in water chemistry. An initial change in the water chemistry measurements typically indicates that water is being drawn from a different source (“active” versus “stagnant” water), and stabilisation of these parameters indicates that the water is coming from a steady-state source, namely the formation immediately surrounding the monitoring well screen near the pump intake. Once the indicator parameters were observed to have stabilised over three consecutive readings, samples were collected by disconnecting the sample tube from the flow cell and filling the sample bottles. Grab Sample Collection Using Low Flow Methodology This method utilised the basic principles of low flow sampling (as described above) but with the following exemptions: The purge rate was started at the lowest setting and drawdown was observed, recording the field parameters as per usual. If drawdown exceeded the 0.1 m mark, purging continued, recording the parameters as per above until stabilisation was reached. A sample was then collected using the methodology described for conventional low flow sampling. The field sampling sheet was clearly annotated that the well was grab sampled. This methodology, as opposed to manual purge methods using disposable bailers, was preferred as it resulted in generally less (or equal) disturbance of the water column. Bailing Method Bailing methods were utilised in some areas of Clovelly Park and Mitchell Park and were generally only suitable/practical when a reasonably small volume of water was to be removed from the monitoring well. Wells were typically purged dry and allowed to recharge over night prior to sampling. Care was taken during the purging to ensure minimal agitation of the water column whilst lowering and raising the bailer. During purging, water quality parameters were recorded at set intervals which were dependant on the volume of water required for removal and/or the recharge rate. During sampling of the recharged monitoring well, additional care was taken to minimise the amount that the sample was agitated when it was removed from the well. In order to achieve this, the bailer was lowered into the well carefully so that it did not splash when contacting the water. When the bailer was fully lowered to the depth where the sample was to be collected, it was removed from the monitoring well with a constant steady motion. Once the bailer had been removed from the monitoring well, the sample was decanted into the sample vessel by inserting a device into the bottom of the bailer. This device gently lifts the check valve from the bailer’s valve seat, allowing a stream of water to flow out of the bottom of the bailer through the device, thereby minimising exposure to the atmosphere. Hydraulic testing 80276-2 REV0 3/12/2014 Slug tests were undertaken to estimate the hydraulic conductivity (K) of the aquifer within various portions of the Assessment Area. The tests involved removing a slug of water from each well, following which recovery of the groundwater level was recorded using an electronic water level instrument set to record water levels at approximate pre-planned intervals (as required for computer analysis). PAGE 28 EPA REF 05/17900, 61324 FINAL REPORT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT CLOVELLY PARK/MITCHELL PARK Activity Details Soil vapour sampling Soil vapour sampling was undertaken in general accordance with CRC CARE (2013) and ASTM (2001, 2006) guidance. All soil vapour sampling works were undertaken by SGS Leeder who have extensive experience in soil vapour monitoring events similar to the works completed at Clovelly Park and Mitchell Park. Suitably trained and experienced personnel were utilised to undertake all soil vapour sampling. SGS holds National Association of Testing Authorities (NATA) accreditation for all soil vapour sampling and laboratory analytical works. Following collection, soil vapour samples were kept on ice in a portable cooler until delivery to the laboratory under SGS Leeder chain of custody procedures. TO-17 Methodology The sampling methodology is outlined in the ASTM Guide D5314-92 (2006). Teflon tubing, attached to the soil gas probe within the bore, was connected directly to the sampling equipment. The soil gas samples for VOC analysis were collected onto Solid Sorbent Air Toxics Thermal Desorption Sampling Tubes using an SKC constant flow airsampling pump. A back-up sample was also collected onto a carbon sorbent tube. Samples for general gas analysis were collected into Tedlar bags. Where flow was restricted due to geological conditions Tedlar bags were used to decant samples directly to reduce ‘stripping’ of sample tubes. Samples were collected from the sample point directly into the sorbent sampling tubes. It should be noted that the sample did not pass though the pump, rotameter or plastic tubing which all have the potential to contaminate the samples. A lung sampler was used to collect Tedlar bag samples for general gas analysis. Tracers were employed to ensure ambient drawdown did not occur when sampling shallow soil vapour locations. A shroud was set up around the sampling point and tracer chemicals were introduced at high concentrations by flooding the shroud with helium and placing a cloth soaked in isopropyl alcohol (IPA) into the shroud. The Tedlar bag samples were analysed for helium (as part of the general gas suite) whereas thermal desorption tube analysis included IPA. The sampling flow rates of the pump were set at the commencement of sampling and monitored during sampling to ensure flow was maintained and that the formation was capable of sustaining the removal of the sample from the boreholes. A vacuum gauge was also included in the sampling train and was monitored during sampling to ensure vacuum did not exceed five inches of mercury (as outlined in ITRC (2007)). The sampling period was accurately recorded to enable the calculation of the sample volume collected on each of the sorbent sampling tubes. Rotameters used to measure the flow rates were calibrated on-site each day using a primary standard. Vacuum gauges were checked during the shut-in test at each sample location. The thermal desorption sampling tubes were individually desorbed and analysed prior to sampling to confirm the tubes were not contaminated and were capable of achieving the desired detection limits for the compounds of interest, in accordance with US EPA TO-17. A trip blank was included with the thermal desorption sampling tubes prepared and sent to site, and returned with the samples for analysis (i.e. to ensure the samples were not contaminated during transport). TO-15 Methodology For comparison purposes (i.e. with previous sampling results), eight soil vapour points (four each within Clovelly Park and Mitchell Park) were also sampled using the TO-15 methodology. 80276-2 REV0 3/12/2014 PAGE 29 EPA REF 05/17900, 61324 FINAL REPORT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT CLOVELLY PARK/MITCHELL PARK Activity Details The EPA TO-15 method utilises a passivated 1 L stainless steel canister (Summa), connected to a sample train, to collect a vapour sample. Air sampling Passive diffusive air sampling can yield qualitative and/or quantitative information for many individual compounds and chemical classes (e.g. VOCs). Sampling with passive diffusive devices, such as Radiello, yields several benefits — no sampling pump is required, it is discreet and it can achieve low reporting limits. Passive air samplers such as Radiellos are typically used when assessing long-term (i.e. more than 24 hours) indoor/ambient air quality. Based on this, the Radiellos were placed in nominated locations inside and outside selected residential properties and reserve areas (refer to Table 3.1). During deployment and across the duration of the sampling period, the weather conditions were monitored using a portable weather station supplied by the EPA. After seven days, the passive samplers were removed from their locations and submitted for laboratory TO-17 analysis. Waste water disposal Waste water was stored within plastic bulk water containers in a designated off-site location prior to removal/disposal by a licensed waste removal company. The off-site location was arranged by the EPA and was located at the Department for Planning, Transport and Infrastructure (DPTI) works depot on Sturt Road. Waste soil disposal All surplus soil cores and cuttings were stored off-site within an industrial waste disposal bin (as supplied by Southern Waste ResourceCo and located within the DPTI works depot on Sturt Road), prior to disposal. Analytical results pertaining to the soils have been forwarded to the licensed receiving facility and all of the soil has been classified as ‘Waste Fill’, in accordance with the Environment Protection Regulations 2009. Note: The American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) is an internationally recognised source of testing methods. 4.3 Laboratory analysis The following laboratories were used for the analysis of the environmental samples: all primary soil and groundwater samples were forwarded to Australian Laboratory Services (ALS), whilst secondary samples were forwarded to Envirolab Group (Envirolab) soil vapour samples collected by SGS Leeder, including samples for TO-15, TO-17 and general gas analysis, were analysed at their laboratory whereas secondary vapour samples were forwarded to Eurofin Air Toxics (in the United States) for TO-17 analysis geotechnical soil samples were analysed by Coffey Geotechnics Radiello samples were analysed at the SGS Leeder laboratory. 80276-2 REV0 3/12/2014 PAGE 30 EPA REF 05/17900, 61324 FINAL REPORT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT CLOVELLY PARK/MITCHELL PARK 5. QUALITY ASSURANCE AND QUALITY CONTROL Data quality is typically discussed in terms of accuracy, precision and representativeness. In order to assess the quality of the data collected during the Fyfe investigation program, specific QA/QC procedures were implemented during both the field sampling and laboratory analysis programs, as detailed in the following sections. 5.1 Field QA/QC Field QA procedures generally include the collection of the following QC samples, aimed at assessing possible errors associated with cross contamination as well as inconsistencies in sampling and/or laboratory analytical techniques: intra-laboratory duplicate (duplicate) samples: submitted to the same (primary laboratory) to assess variation in analyte concentrations between samples collected from the same sampling point and/or the repeatability (precision) of the analytical procedures inter-laboratory duplicate (split or triplicate) samples: submitted to a second laboratory to check on the analytical proficiency (accuracy) of the results produced by the primary laboratory equipment rinsate blank samples: used to assess whether decontamination procedures have been sufficient and/or whether cross-contamination may have occurred between samples trip blank samples: used to assess whether cross-contamination may have occurred between samples during transport. Whereas analyte concentrations within both the rinsate and trip blank samples should be below the laboratory limits of reporting (LORs), the inter- and intra-laboratory duplicate sample results are assessed via the calculation of a relative percentage difference (RPD), as follows: RPD = (Concentration 1 − Concentration 2) x 100 (Concentration 1 + Concentration 2) / 2 A maximum RPD within the range of 30% to 50% is generally considered acceptable, with higher RPD values often recorded for organic compounds and where low concentrations of an analyte are recorded. 80276-2 REV0 3/12/2014 PAGE 31 EPA REF 05/17900, 61324 FINAL REPORT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT CLOVELLY PARK/MITCHELL PARK 5.1.1 Soil Table 5.1 presents conformance to field QA/QC procedures undertaken as part of the soil investigations. Table 5.1 Field QA/QC procedures - Soil QA/QC Item Detail Field procedures Field procedures were undertaken in accordance with ASC NEPM (1999), Australian Standards AS4482.1-2005 and AS4482.2-1999 and Fyfe standard field operating procedures. Details are provided in Table 4.1. Calibration of field equipment Documentation regarding the calibration of field equipment is included in Appendix H. Decontamination of equipment All equipment that was in contact with soil cores prior to sampling (core trays and drill core barrels) were decontaminated between sampling locations using potable water and Decon 90™ phosphate free detergent. Sample tracking Chain of Custody (COC) documentation was used for the transport of all samples to the laboratory and is included in Appendix I. Sample preservation and storage Samples were kept in laboratory supplied containers in a chilled insulated box (esky) prior to, and during, transport to the laboratory. Duplicate samples In total, 22 intra-laboratory and 25 inter-laboratory duplicate samples were analysed with respect to 314 primary soil samples, thereby constituting a ratio of approximately one duplicate per seven primary samples (or 22%). Inter- and intra-laboratory duplicate RPDs could not be calculated as all soil concentrations were below the laboratory LORs. Rinsate blank samples An equipment rinsate blank sample was collected from the decontaminated core barrels at the commencement of each day of sampling and analysed for the COPC to confirm the effectiveness of the decontamination procedures. The analytical results obtained for the rinsate blank samples were all below the laboratory LORs, thereby indicating that the decontamination practices during the soil sampling program were acceptable. Trip blank samples A trip blank sample was included within each container (esky) of sample jars provided by the analytical laboratory and returned to the analytical laboratory. Trip blank samples were analysed for the COPC. The analytical results obtained for the trip blank samples were all below the laboratory LORs, thereby indicating that there was no impact on sample quality during storage or transport to the analytical laboratory. 80276-2 REV0 3/12/2014 PAGE 32 EPA REF 05/17900, 61324 FINAL REPORT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT CLOVELLY PARK/MITCHELL PARK 5.1.2 Groundwater Table 5.2 presents conformance to field QA/QC procedures undertaken as part of the groundwater investigations. Table 5.2 Field QA/QC procedures - Groundwater QA/QC Item Detail Field procedures Field procedures were undertaken in accordance with ASC NEPM (1999), Australian/New Zealand standards AS/NZS 5667.1:1998 and AS/NZS 5667.11:1998, SA EPA (2007) and Fyfe standard field operating procedures. Details are provided in Table 4.1. Calibration of field equipment Documentation regarding the calibration of field equipment is included in Appendix H. Decontamination of equipment All disposable equipment (tubing, pump bladders, plastic bailers and bailer cord) were replaced between wells. Re-usable equipment (micropurge pump) was decontaminated between sampling locations using potable water and Decon 90™ phosphate free detergent. Sample tracking COC documentation was used for the transport of all samples to the laboratory and is included in Appendix I. Sample preservation and storage Samples were kept in laboratory supplied containers in an esky prior to, and during, transport to the laboratory. Duplicate samples In total, eight intra-laboratory and five inter-laboratory duplicate samples were analysed with respect to 66 primary groundwater samples, thereby constituting a ratio of approximately one duplicate per five primary samples (or 19%). Intra- and inter-laboratory duplicate sample RPDs were calculated where both data sets had a reported concentration above the specific analyte laboratory LOR. In total, 132 data pairs had calculated RPDs, of which only 14 were able to be calculated for COPC. All calculated RPDs for COPC were within the acceptable range. In total, eight calculated RPDs were found to exceed the acceptable range for nitrate, ferrous iron and alkalinity. Rinsate blank samples An equipment rinsate blank sample was collected from the internal surface of a bladder (prior to use) and/or the pump housing at the commencement of each day of sampling and analysed for the COPC to confirm the effectiveness of the decontamination procedures. The analytical results obtained for the rinsate blank samples were all below the laboratory LORs, thereby indicating that the decontamination practices during the groundwater sampling program were acceptable. Trip blank samples A trip blank sample was included within each container (esky) of sample bottles provided by the analytical laboratory and returned to the analytical laboratory. Trip blank samples were analysed for COPC. The analytical results obtained for the trip blank samples were all below the Laboratory LORs, thereby indicating that there was no impact on sample quality during storage or transport of the samples to the analytical laboratory. 80276-2 REV0 3/12/2014 PAGE 33 EPA REF 05/17900, 61324 FINAL REPORT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT CLOVELLY PARK/MITCHELL PARK 5.1.3 Soil vapour Tables 5.3 presents conformance to field QA/QC procedures undertaken as part of the soil vapour investigations. Table 5.3 Field QA/QC procedures – Soil vapour QA/QC Item Detail Field procedures Field procedures were undertaken in accordance with ASC NEPM (1999) as well as ASTM (2001, 2006), IRTC (2007) and CRC CARE (2013) guidance. Details (as provided by SGS Leeder) are included in Table 4.1. Sample tracking Chain of Custody documentation was used for the transport of all samples to the laboratory and is included in Appendix I. Sample preservation and storage Samples were kept in laboratory supplied containers in an esky prior to, and during, transport to the laboratory. Duplicate samples In total, 40 intra-laboratory and nine inter-laboratory duplicate samples were analysed with respect to 139 primary soil vapour samples, thereby constituting a ratio of approximately one duplicate per two to three primary samples (or 35%). Inter- and intra-laboratory duplicate RPDs were calculated where both data sets had a reported concentration above the specific analyte LOR. In total, 227 data pairs had calculated RPDs, of which eight intra-laboratory and five inter-laboratory duplicate sample pairs were found to exceed the acceptable range (50% for field duplicates, as advised by SGS Leeder, based on California EPA (2012)) for COPC and/or general gases. Leeder SGS have advised that such RPD exceedances are not unusual and no concerns have been raised regarding the overall quality of the data. Trip blank samples Trip blank samples were included within containers (eskies) of samples provided by the analytical laboratory and returned to the analytical laboratory. Trip blank samples were analysed for COPC. The analytical results obtained for the trip blank samples are included in the certified laboratory reports in Appendix I. The results were all below the laboratory LORs, thereby indicating that there was no impact on sample quality during storage or transport of the samples to the analytical laboratory. Leak detection analysis The analytical results obtained for the helium blank samples (Tedlar bags) and the concentrations of IPA within the thermal desorption tube samples were all below the laboratory LORs, thereby indicating that there were no significant leaks or ambient air drawdown. 80276-2 REV0 3/12/2014 PAGE 34 EPA REF 05/17900, 61324 FINAL REPORT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT CLOVELLY PARK/MITCHELL PARK 5.1.4 Indoor and outdoor air Table 5.4 presents conformance to field QA/QC procedures undertaken as part of the passive indoor and outdoor air sampling program. Table 5.4 Field QA/QC procedures – Indoor and outdoor air sampling QA/QC Item Detail Field procedures Field procedures were undertaken in accordance with the Radiello manual produced the supplier. Nitrile gloves were worn during deployment and collection of the Radiellos and particular care was taken to ensure that the adsorbing cartridge was not touched. Samplers were located at a consistent height of approximately 1.5 m and left in place for a period of seven days. Care was taken to ensure that each label was completed correctly (with start and end time and dates) and that the label accompanied the adsorbing cartridge at all times. Sample tracking Chain of Custody documentation was used for the transport of all samples to the laboratory and is included in Appendix I. Sample preservation and storage Samples were kept in glass vials (when not deployed) and were transported to the laboratory in an esky, but at ambient temperature. Duplicate samples Duplicate Radiello samplers were deployed at 4 Chestnut Court (indoor air) and the Harken Avenue Reserve in Mitchell Park (outdoor air). The results indicated good correlation between the primary and duplicate samples. 5.2 Laboratory QA/QC Laboratory QA procedures generally include the performance of a number of internal checks of data precision and accuracy that are aimed at assessing possible errors associated with sample preparation and analytical techniques. Specific types of QC samples analysed by laboratories, and the relevant acceptance criteria are as follows: internal laboratory replicate samples: maximum RPD values of 20% to 50% spike (matrix and surrogate ) recoveries: recoveries of between 70% and 130%, although this varies depending on practical quantification limits (PQLs) laboratory control blanks: results below the laboratory LORs. 6 7 6 7 A matrix spike is prepared by splitting a field sample and spiking each portion with a known quantity of a target compound to ascertain the effects of the specific sample matrix on the recovery of the analyte. A surrogate spike comprises a sample spiked with a pure substance that has similar chemical properties to the target analyte, but is unlikely to be found in the environment, such that the spike compound is expected to behave, during analysis, in the same way as the target compound. 80276-2 REV0 3/12/2014 PAGE 35 EPA REF 05/17900, 61324 FINAL REPORT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT CLOVELLY PARK/MITCHELL PARK Table 5.5 presents conformance to laboratory QA/QC procedures undertaken as part of the overall investigation program. Table 5.5 Laboratory QA/QC procedures QA/QC Item Detail Samples analysed and extracted within relevant holding times Soil, groundwater and soil vapour samples were generally analysed within specified holding times. The exception was VC analysis in the first two batches of soil samples (ALS reports EM1409099 and EM1409247) whereby holding times were exceeded by up to five days due to miscommunication with the analytical laboratory. Advice obtained from ALS indicates that there is a potential for this holding time exceedance to result in decreased VC concentrations. However, since no other volatile contaminants (including parent products of VC) were detected in any of the soil samples, it is considered unlikely that detectable concentrations were present (i.e. and underestimated). Laboratories used and NATA accreditation The laboratories used (ALS, EnviroLab, SGS Leeder and Coffey Geotechnics) were NATA accredited for the analyses undertaken. Appropriate analytical methodologies used* Refer to the laboratory reports in Appendix I. Laboratory LORs The laboratory LOR is simply the minimum concentration of a substance in a sample that can be reliably detected by a laboratory. The LORs are presented in the laboratory certificates of analysis (Appendix I) and are considered to be generally appropriate**. Laboratory internal QC analyses Results obtained for the laboratory internal QC samples were within the acceptable limits of repeatability, chemical extraction and detection. Full details regarding laboratory QA/QC procedures and results are presented in the certified laboratory certificates contained in Appendix I. Notes: *In accordance with Schedule B3 of ASC NEPM (1999). **Ultra-trace analysis for VC (although not requested by the EPA) in groundwater would have resulted in a lower LOR. 5.3 QA/QC summary In summary, it is considered that: the field QA/QC programs were generally undertaken with regard to relevant legislation, standards and/or guidelines and were sufficient for obtaining samples that are representative of site conditions; and the overall laboratory QA/QC procedures and results were adequate, such that the laboratory analytical results obtained are of acceptable quality for addressing the key objectives outlined in Section 1.5. 80276-2 REV0 3/12/2014 PAGE 36 EPA REF 05/17900, 61324 FINAL REPORT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT CLOVELLY PARK/MITCHELL PARK 6. RESULTS 6.1 Surface and sub surface soil conditions Soil borehole, groundwater well and soil vapour borehole log reports are included in Appendix G and provide details of natural soil and fill types encountered at each of the sampling locations. Photographs of drill cores obtained as a part of the intrusive investigation works are included as Appendix J. 6.1.1 Fill materials Fill material was encountered at the surface in the majority of systematic sampling locations and comprised predominantly gravels and sands used as sub-grade beneath existing hardstand areas and extending to depths of less than 0.3 m BGL. At some locations, fill material consisted of re-worked clays and/or sandy silts utilised as topsoil material. Waste inclusions (e.g. bricks, asphalt and/or ash and charcoal) were present in a limited number of fill layers. Fill material, consisting of cobbles, gravel, sand and clay, was also encountered from surface to depth within targeted soil vapour bores installed within service trenches associated with the sewer and stormwater mains in Clovelly Park. 6.1.2 Natural soils Natural soils encountered during the drilling works were considered to be indicative of the Quaternary (Pleistocene) Hindmarsh Clay layer which underlies the majority of the Adelaide metropolitan area. These clays were encountered within all boreholes and were generally identified as silty clay with varying amounts of sand and/or gravel, often containing continuous and discontinuous lenses of this material where fluvial influences were particularly pronounced. The clays encountered during the work program were predominantly logged as being red brown or mottled red brown, yellow brown, brown, white and/or grey. The consistencies of the clays were typically very stiff to hard, but they were also often observed to be softer, and occasionally friable, near the top of the unit (i.e. upper 1 to 2 m). This is likely due to weathering and/or the presence of increased sand content within the upper portion of the profile. Although the Hindmarsh Clay unit is traditionally noted as being highly plastic (Selby and Lindsay, 1982), the plasticity was found to vary between low and high in the Assessment Area and was directly proportionate to the ratio of secondary components (i.e. silt, sand and gravel) to clay observed within the core. This was confirmed by both the geotechnical testing results undertaken by Fyfe, as well as works undertaken by Selby and Lindsay (1982), which suggest that the Hindmarsh Clay formation within the Assessment Area is likely to be composed of 50 to 70% clay. 80276-2 REV0 3/12/2014 PAGE 37 EPA REF 05/17900, 61324 FINAL REPORT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT CLOVELLY PARK/MITCHELL PARK According to Stapledon (1971), the Hindmarsh Clay unit typically contains many structural features and defects which greatly influence the vertical permeability of the clay mass, including joints, fissures and other minor defects formed post-deposition (e.g. root/tube casts, sinkholes etc.). Given the fact that jointing is typically only identifiable within open excavated faces, it was difficult to determine whether steeply or gently dipping joints were intersected during the drilling works. Sonic drill core collected from between 6 and 12 m BGL within Clovelly Park monitoring wells MW_EPA1, MW_EPA2 and MW_EPA3, as well as soil vapour bore SV_EPA18D, were re-inspected several days after drilling. On drying, it was observed that the core ‘broke’ into prismatic blocks of between 20 and 200 mm in width on the intersection of visible planes. Closer observation and measurement indicated that planes were dipping at angles of between approximately 65 and 88°, confirming the likely presence of steeply dipping jointing and other structural defects within the Hindmarsh Clay formation. 6.2 Soil field results During the course of the drilling works, no odours, elevated PID readings or visual indicators of chlorinated hydrocarbon impact were detected. Although two field screen soil samples collected from shallow soil vapour drill holes were noted to contain an organic odour, further investigation indicated that these odours were indicative of degraded heavy end petroleum hydrocarbon, and not chlorinated hydrocarbon, impact. Similar odours were not identified at adjacent sample locations. 6.3 Groundwater field measurements 6.3.1 Groundwater elevation and flow direction Groundwater levels were gauged using an interface probe, prior to purging and sampling. All 34 newly installed wells, as well as the 39 existing wells (located on the Monroe and former MMAL properties as well as the Relocation Area), were gauged for SWL and the presence of NAPL (both light and dense). In addition to SWL, the total well depth was also gauged and labelled on the gauging sheet as the EoH measurement. If a well was not serviceable, dry or inaccessible, or if it was unable to be located, this information was clearly noted on the gauging sheet. The well elevations, depths and comments regarding the serviceability of each well are provided in Appendix F. Of the 34 wells installed by Fyfe, four wells (MW_EPA3, MW_EPA6, MW_EPA7 and MW_EPA9) were dry at the time of gauging. Of the 39 existing wells, four wells (Monroe: GW17 and GW25; MMAL: MWS14_05 and MM GW06) were unable to be sampled. Whereas monitoring well GW17 was located beneath an existing large container, GW25 was found to be blocked by tree roots, MM GW06 was unable to be located and MWS14_05 was buried beneath newly laid asphalt. Groundwater elevation contours constructed from the gauging data and corrected water elevations (m AHD) confirmed that the overall groundwater flow direction across the Assessment Area was west to north- 80276-2 REV0 3/12/2014 PAGE 38 EPA REF 05/17900, 61324 FINAL REPORT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT CLOVELLY PARK/MITCHELL PARK westerly and generally consistent with both historical data and regional groundwater flow. Groundwater contours and the inferred flow direction are shown on Figure 3. Groundwater depths for each portion of the Assessment Area are summarised in Table 6.1. The average depth to water within the uppermost aquifer across the Assessment Area ranged from approximately 9.3 to 8 13.2 m below top of casing (BTOC) and appears to be indicative of the shallow aquifer typically present within the Hindmarsh Clay formation. Table 6.1 Groundwater elevation summary Area Well/Minimum (m BTOC) Well/Maximum (m BTOC) Average (m BTOC) Monroe GW15 (9.658) GW27 (17.758) 12.616 Former MMAL URS04 (4.91) URS03 (12.608) 9.315 Relocation Area W7 (11.526) W6 (15.896) 13.191 Clovelly Park MW_EPA5 (10.717) MW_EPA6 (15.936) 13.172 Mitchell Park MW_EPA25 (5.81) MW_EPA11 (13.0) 9.637 6.3.2 Field parameters Field measurements were recorded during the purging and sampling of all monitoring wells. These measurements may be used as an indication of the physical and chemical state of the groundwater and can also be used to assist in the interpretation of in situ biodegradation. The final field parameter readings recorded prior to sampling are included on Table 1 (Appendix K) whilst the purging and sampling records for the October/November 2014 groundwater monitoring event are included in Appendix F. The groundwater field parameters from each portion of the Assessment Area are summarised below: Existing Wells - Monroe Site Groundwater pH ranged from 4.89 to 7.74, thereby indicating acidic to slightly alkaline conditions. Electrical conductivity (EC) measurements ranged from 2,432 to 9,420 µS/cm and were found to be reasonably consistent across the site, thereby indicating that it is underlain by moderately saline water. The field EC readings were generally consistent with the salinity (TDS) data obtained from the analytical laboratory. Redox concentrations ranged from -48 to 178 mV, thereby indicating moderately reducing to strongly oxygenating conditions. Measured dissolved oxygen (DO) concentrations ranged from 1.2 to 6 ppm, indicating moderately to highly oxygenated water, consistent with the observed redox readings. 8 As the monitoring wells were all installed with flush mounted gatic covers, BTOC was essentially equivalent to BGL. 80276-2 REV0 3/12/2014 PAGE 39 EPA REF 05/17900, 61324 FINAL REPORT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT CLOVELLY PARK/MITCHELL PARK o Temperature ranged from 20.8 to 24.7 C. Existing Wells - MMAL Site Groundwater pH ranged from 6.02 to 7.91, thereby indicating slightly acidic to slightly alkaline conditions. Field EC measurements ranged from 440 to 13,140 µS/cm and, with the exception of MWS14_10, were reasonably consistent across the site, thereby indicating that it is underlain by moderately to highly saline water. The field EC readings were generally consistent with TDS data obtained from the analytical laboratory. Redox concentrations ranged from -162 to 175 mV, thereby indicating strongly reducing to strongly oxygenating conditions. Measured DO concentrations ranged from 0.3 to 7.1 ppm indicating poorly to highly oxygenated water, consistent with redox readings. Temperature ranged from 20.5 to 25 C. o Existing Wells - Relocation Area Groundwater pH ranged from 5.84 to 6.91, thereby indicating slightly acidic to neutral conditions. Field EC measurements ranged from 1,515 to 13,310 µS/cm and, with the exception of MWS14_13, were reasonably consistent across the site, thereby indicating that it is underlain by highly saline water. The EC data recorded for MWS14_11 and MWS14_13 were not consistent with corresponding laboratory TDS readings and could be indicative of a fault with the EC probe at these locations. Other field EC readings obtained from the Relocation Area were generally consistent with the TDS data obtained from the analytical laboratory. Redox concentrations ranged from -122 to 83 mV, thereby indicating strongly reducing to moderately oxygenating conditions. Measured DO concentrations ranged from 2.1 to 7.5 ppm, indicating highly oxygenated water. Groundwater temperature generally ranged from 22.1 to 24.4 C. Although the temperature reading o o obtained from well W5 was above 30 C, this reading was considered to be indicative of a temperature probe malfunction and is therefore deemed to be erroneous. Newly Installed Wells – Clovelly Park Groundwater pH ranged from 5.89 to 7.78, thereby indicating slightly acidic to slightly alkaline conditions. 80276-2 REV0 3/12/2014 PAGE 40 EPA REF 05/17900, 61324 FINAL REPORT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT CLOVELLY PARK/MITCHELL PARK Field EC measurements ranged from 7,500 to 13,490 µS/cm and were reasonably consistent across the site, thereby indicating that it is underlain by typically highly saline groundwater. The field EC readings were generally consistent with the TDS data obtained from the analytical laboratory. Redox concentrations were found to range from -168 to 83 mV, indicating that groundwater within the broader Clovelly Park area ranges from strongly reducing to moderately oxygenating. Measured DO concentrations ranged from 0.08 to 6.6 ppm, indicating poorly oxygenated to highly oxygenated water, consistent with redox readings. Groundwater temperature ranged from 17.5 to 24.4 C. o Newly Installed Wells – Mitchell Park Groundwater pH ranged from 6.58 to 7.65, thereby indicating slightly basic to slightly alkaline conditions within newly installed wells within the Mitchell Park area. Field EC measurements ranged from 2,530 to 11,770 µS/cm and were reasonably consistent across the site, thereby indicating that groundwater beneath the broader Mitchell Park area is moderately to highly saline. The field EC readings were generally consistent with the TDS data obtained from the analytical laboratory. Redox concentrations ranged from -61 to 184 mV, indicating that groundwater within the broader Mitchell Park area ranges from moderately reducing to strongly oxygenating. Measured DO concentrations ranged from 0.77 to 7.9 ppm, indicating that groundwater within the broader Mitchell Park area ranges from poorly to highly oxygenated, generally consistent with redox readings. o Groundwater temperature ranged from 20.5 to 25.9 C. Although several temperature readings o obtained from the Mitchell Park area were above 30 C, these readings are considered to be indicative of a temperature probe malfunction and are therefore deemed to be erroneous. 6.3.3 Hydraulic conductivity Hydraulic conductivity (K) for the uppermost aquifer within the Hindmarsh Clay formation was calculated by Fyfe on the basis of the hydraulic (slug) testing undertaken on 20 selected wells across the Assessment Area. The results, included in Appendix F, indicated that data for only 11 of the wells were considered relevant. -3 Calculated K values ranged from 4.05 x 10 to 0.429 m/day. This information was supplied to BlueSphere for use in their groundwater fate and transport model (refer to -4 Section 7 and Appendix L), whereby a range of suitable down gradient hydraulic conductivity values (4.3 x 10 -5 to 2.9 x 10 cm/sec, equivalent to 0.03 to 0.37 m/day) were adopted. 80276-2 REV0 3/12/2014 PAGE 41 EPA REF 05/17900, 61324 FINAL REPORT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT CLOVELLY PARK/MITCHELL PARK 6.4 Geotechnical testing results Tables of geotechnical testing results are presented in Appendix K and copies of certified laboratory reports are included in Appendix I. 6.4.1 Particle size distribution (PSD) The results indicate that, of the 31 samples submitted for PSD analysis, the predominant grading was CLAY with varying quantities of sand, silt and gravel. Samples of natural soil were classified as CLAY or Silty CLAY, although clay was the predominant fraction in all samples. Backfill materials encountered within the services trenches associated with the sewer and stormwater mains in Clovelly Park consisted of sands and silty sands, overlain by clayey silts and silty clays (containing varying amounts of gravel/cobbles). The classifications obtained from the laboratory were deemed to be consistent with soils logged by Fyfe. 6.4.2 Moisture content The moisture content results indicate that core samples obtained by Sonic drilling methods have lower moisture contents than those obtained by other more traditional drilling methods. This is most likely due to the additional heat generated when rotation was required to penetrate harder units. The average moisture content reported from core obtained by the sonic drill rig was 7.9%, whereas the average moisture content of core obtained from conventional push tube and hand auger methods was 12.5%. Moisture content, with respect to soil type, depth and location, was considered in more detail for the purposes of the vapour intrusion risk assessment, as detailed in Section 8. 6.4.3 Liquid limit The liquid limit (LL) is often conceptually defined as the water content at which the behaviour of a clayey soil changes from plastic to liquid. Soil is placed into the metal cup portion of the measuring device and a groove is made down its centre with a standardized tool of 13.5 mm width. The cup is repeatedly dropped 10 mm onto a hard rubber base at a rate of 120 blows per minute, during which the groove closes up gradually as a result of the impact. The number of blows for the groove to close is recorded. Within the 10 samples tested, the LL ranged from 34 to 68%.Although this is lower than that predicted by Kay and Cavagnaro (1984) for the Hindmarsh Clay (i.e. 80 to 100%), it may be due to the higher silt and sand components in the soils tested for the Assessment Area. 6.4.4 Plastic limit The plastic limit (PL) is determined by rolling out a thread of the fine portion of a soil on a flat, non-porous surface. If the soil is plastic, this thread will retain its shape down to a very narrow diameter. The sample can 80276-2 REV0 3/12/2014 PAGE 42 EPA REF 05/17900, 61324 FINAL REPORT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT CLOVELLY PARK/MITCHELL PARK then be remoulded and the test repeated. As the moisture content falls due to evaporation, the thread will begin to break apart at larger diameters. The plastic limit is defined as the moisture content where the thread breaks apart at a diameter of 3.2 mm. Within the 10 samples tested, the PL ranged from 12 to 23%, indicative of moderately to highly plastic clays. 6.4.5 Plastic index The plasticity index (PI) is a measurement of the range of water content where the soil exhibits plastic properties and is defined as the difference between the liquid limit and the plastic limit (PI = LL-PL). Soils with a high PI tend to be clay, those with a lower PI tend to be silt, and those with a PI of 0 (non-plastic) tend to have little to no silt or clay. The PI readings obtained for the 10 samples are indicative of moderately to highly plastic clays, consistent with the Fyfe field logging results. 6.4.6 Linear shrinkage The linear shrinkage limit (LS) is the water content where further loss of moisture will not result in any more volume reduction and is essentially equivalent to the minimum water content. The LS readings were found to range between 8 and 16.5%, which is generally consistent with silty and sandy clay soil types. 6.5 Soil analytical results Tables of soil analytical results are included in Appendix K and copies of certified laboratory reports are included in Appendix I. Of the soil samples collected from the soil bores, soil vapour bores (targeted and systematic) and groundwater wells, 314 primary samples were selected for analysis of the COPC, the concentrations of which were all below the laboratory LORs. 6.6 Groundwater analytical results Tables of groundwater analytical results are included in Appendix K and copies of certified laboratory reports are included in Appendix I. 6.6.1 Contaminants of Potential Concern (COPC) Of the 66 groundwater samples obtained from the newly installed and existing wells across the Assessment Area, all samples were selected for the analysis of COPC. Concentration ranges are summarised in Table 6.2 and a plan showing the distribution of TCE in groundwater across the Assessment Area is included as Figure 4. 80276-2 REV0 3/12/2014 PAGE 43 EPA REF 05/17900, 61324 FINAL REPORT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT CLOVELLY PARK/MITCHELL PARK Table 6.2 Groundwater Concentration Summary – COPC Analyte Minimum (µg/L) Maximum (Location) (µg/L) % Samples > LOR PCE <5 28 (GW20) 17% TCE <5 10,700 (GW20) 67% DCE (cis) <5 11,100 (GW19) 50% DCE (trans) <5 110 (GW26) 33% <50* 800 (GW26) 25% <5 <5 0% PCE <5 8 (URS05) 6% TCE <5 2,640 (MWS14_01) 65% DCE (cis) <5 749 (URS05) 53% DCE (trans) <5 21 (URS05) 24% VC <50 <50 0% Chloroform <5 <5 0% PCE <5 <5 0% TCE <5 1,690 (MWS14_11) 57% DCE (cis) <5 1,010 (MWS14_11) 57% DCE (trans) <5 26 (MWS14_11) 43% VC <50 <50 0% Chloroform <5 6 (MW_EPA2) 14% PCE <5 <5 0% TCE <5 1,180 (MW_EPA1) 25% DCE (cis) <5 188 (MW_EPA1) 25% DCE (trans) <5 5 (MW_EPA1) 25% VC <50 <50 0% Chloroform <5 <5 0% PCE <5 <5 0% TCE <5 2,630 (MW_EPA12) 58% DCE (cis) <5 172 (MW_EPA11) 35% DCE (trans) <5 6 (MW_EPA12) 8% VC <50 <50 0% Monroe Site (12 samples) VC Chloroform Former MMAL Site (17 samples) Eastern RA (7 samples) Clovelly Park (4 samples) Mitchell Park (25 samples) 80276-2 REV0 3/12/2014 PAGE 44 EPA REF 05/17900, 61324 FINAL REPORT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT CLOVELLY PARK/MITCHELL PARK Analyte Minimum (µg/L) Maximum (Location) (µg/L) % Samples > LOR <5 <5 0% PCE - <5 (MW_PB) - TCE - 145 (MW_PB) - DCE (cis) - 23 (MW_PB) - DCE (trans) - <5 (MW_PB) - VC - <50 (MW_PB) - Chloroform - <5 (MW_PB) - Chloroform Private bore – MW_PB (1 sample) Note: An ultra-trace detection limit for VC was not requested by the EPA. The summary results presented in Table 6.2, and depicted on Figure 4 (TCE only), show the spread of the COPC in groundwater across the Assessment Area and the relative percentages of impacts involving the main primary contaminant (TCE) and its daughter products, namely DCE (cis- and trans-) and VC, as formed through the process of reductive dechlorination (refer to Section 6.6.2). Detectable concentrations of PCE were present within two wells (GW20 and GW27) on the Monroe property, as well as one well (URS05) on the former MMAL property boundary (i.e. directly adjacent to the Monroe property). In addition, VC was only encountered within groundwater below the Monroe site. 6.6.2 Natural attenuation parameters Natural attenuation processes result in the reduction in mass or concentration of a compound in groundwater over time or distance from the source. Attenuation of contaminant mass or plume size will occur under suitable conditions through a combination of naturally occurring physical, chemical and biological processes, including biodegradation, dispersion, dilution, adsorption and volatilisation. Primary lines of evidence of natural attenuation occurring can be drawn from historical groundwater and/or soil chemistry data that demonstrate a clear and meaningful trend of declining contaminant mass and/or concentrations. Primary lines of evidence are used to determine whether plumes are shrinking, stable or increasing. Secondary lines of evidence include data that indirectly demonstrate the type of natural attenuation processes active at the site. Such an assessment can be achieved by analysis of physical and chemical indicators of biodegradation processes such as levels of DO, nitrate, ferrous iron (Fe(II)), sulphate, methane, carbon dioxide and other parameters. According to Wiedemeir et. al. (1998), the most important process in the degradation of the chlorinated compounds is the process of reductive dechlorination. During this process, microbes present within the substrate utilise the chlorinated compound as an electron acceptor (something to breath), whilst carbon (sourced from natural organic matter, fuel hydrocarbons or other anthropogenic organic compounds) are 80276-2 REV0 3/12/2014 PAGE 45 EPA REF 05/17900, 61324 FINAL REPORT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT CLOVELLY PARK/MITCHELL PARK utilised as a food source. During the process of reductive dechlorination a chlorine atom is removed and replaced with a hydrogen atom, thereby producing a daughter product. Generally, reductive dechlorination occurs by sequential dechlorination from PCE to TCE to DCE to VC to ethene. During reductive dechlorination, all three forms of DCE (cis-1,2-DCE, trans-1,2-DCE, 1,1-DCE) can theoretically be produced. However, cis-1,2-DCE is typically a more common intermediate product than trans-1,2-DCE. Hydrogen is typically the preferred electron donor during dechlorination. There are several competing microbial processes which utilise available hydrogen including de-nitrification, ferric iron (Fe(III)) reduction, sulfate reduction and methanogenesis. These processes typically occur prior to, or concurrent with, the formation of daughter products. Therefore, the presence of several specific chemical species in groundwater samples can be used to infer biodegradation processes. For example, under anaerobic conditions, low concentrations of nitrate typically indicate that de-nitrification or nitrate reduction is occurring whereas reduced sulphate concentrations in impacted samples may indicate sulphate reducing activities. Since Fe(III) is reduced to Fe(II) during the process of iron reduction, elevated levels of Fe(II) in the groundwater may be indicative of microbial iron reduction. Assessment of Natural Attenuation Data Utilising the Bio-attenuation Screening Process developed by Wiedemeir et. al. (1998) a first pass screening assessment of the COPC and natural attenuation parameter data has been undertaken. The screening process requires comparison of collected chemical data against a weighted table of values for each parameter/analyte. The final score is then graded from 0 to >20 and a result of inadequate evidence (0 to 5), limited evidence (6 to 14), adequate evidence (15 to 20) or strong evidence (>20) is obtained. Based on a review of the data obtained by Fyfe, the strongest evidence of biodegradation occurring, although rated only as adequate evidence in accordance Wiedemeir et. al. (1998), was identified in well MWS14_07, located on the former MMAL property. The data for MWS14_07 have been interpreted as follows: o the temperature reading was >20 C, indicating suitable temperature conditions the ORP reading was <-100 mV, suggesting that a reductive pathway is likely the Fe(II) level was >1 mg/L, suggesting that a reductive pathway is likely the nitrate concentration was <1 mg/L – concentrations exceeding 1 mg/L may result in completion with a reductive pathway the methane concentration was >0.5 mg/L, implying methanogenesis may be occurring the chloride concentration was twice that of the background concentrations (assumed from the most westerly down-gradient wells) – elevated chloride concentrations are the likely daughter product of organic chlorine 80276-2 REV0 3/12/2014 PAGE 46 EPA REF 05/17900, 61324 FINAL REPORT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT CLOVELLY PARK/MITCHELL PARK DCE was present – if cis-DCE is > 80% of the total DCE, it is likely to be a daughter product of TCE (rather than a primary contaminant). In addition, there was limited evidence of natural attenuation occurring at the following locations: GW27 (Monroe) MWS14_04 (former MMAL) MWS14_08 (former MMAL) MWS14_09 (former MMAL) GW32 (Relocation Area) W6 (Relocation Area). In accordance with the screening process, there was inadequate evidence of biodegradation occurring across the remainder of the Assessment Area. This indicates that biodegradation is probably not occurring or is occurring too slowly to produce sufficient concentrations of natural attenuation indicators to draw any definitive conclusions. 6.6.3 Water quality (anions, cations, total dissolved solids) The groundwater ionic data obtained from across the Assessment Area is graphically represented on a Piper diagram in Figure 6.1. Piper diagrams show the relative concentrations of seven to eight ions in solution – in this case, the cations Ca, Mg, Na and K and the anions Cl, SO4, CO3 and HCO3. In most natural waters, these ions make up 95% to 100% of the ions in solution. The Piper diagram includes two trilinear plots, one for anions (on the lower right) and one for cations (on the lower left). For each sample, the information from each trilinear diagram is projected up into the central quadrilateral. Therefore, each sample will plot in each frame of the Piper, once representing cations, once representing anions, and once representing the combination. The results indicate a relatively consistent groundwater composition across the Assessment Area, with groundwater being sodium/potassium and chloride predominant. This in turn suggests that the groundwater sampled across the Assessment Area is most likely derived from a single aquifer. Measured salinity levels across the Assessment Area ranged from approximately 400 to 13,100 mg/L TDS and were generally consistent with the field EC readings. Lower salinities (<1,000 mg/L TDS) were recorded within the former MMAL property and may be indicative of localised recharge (e.g. subsurface stormwater pipe leakage). Higher salinities (>7,000 mg/L TDS) were detected within the Clovelly Park area, including the Eastern RA and Monroe properties, whereas salinities within the Mitchell Park area were generally lower (<7,000 mg/L TDS). It should be noted that wells located adjacent to the Sturt River had measured TDS levels significantly lower than those obtained elsewhere in Mitchell Park, potentially indicating that some groundwater recharge could be occurring from the Sturt River. Ionic charge balance ranged from 0.03 to 6.68%, with higher concentrations of cations and anions observed beneath the Relocation Area. 80276-2 REV0 3/12/2014 PAGE 47 EPA REF 05/17900, 61324 FINAL REPORT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT CLOVELLY PARK/MITCHELL PARK Figure 6.1 Piper Diagram – Total Data 80276-2 REV0 3/12/2014 PAGE 48 EPA REF 05/17900, 61324 FINAL REPORT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT CLOVELLY PARK/MITCHELL PARK 6.7 Soil vapour analytical results Tables of soil vapour analytical results are included in Appendix K and copies of certified laboratory reports are included in Appendix I. Of the 139 soil vapour thermal tube samples obtained from across the Assessment Area, all samples were selected for the analysis of COPC. Samples were unable to be gathered from 36 soil vapour sampling locations due to the tightness of the formation and the potential for the increased vacuum to damage the sample tubes as well as the possibility of stripping volatiles from the soil (i.e. as opposed to measuring actual soil vapour). 6.7.1 Soil vapour TO-17 results The analytical data obtained during the TO-17 soil vapour sample analysis program are summarised in Tables 6.3 to 6.7, in accordance with depth. Table 6.3 Soil vapour concentration summary: 2m depth – COPC Analyte Minimum 3 (µg/m ) Maximum (Location) 3 (µg/m ) % Samples > LOR PCE <5 1,900 (SV_EPA20A) 33% TCE <5 1,300,000 (SV_EPA20A) 33% DCE (cis) <5 63,000 (SV_EPA20A) 33% DCE (trans) <5 6,600 (SV_EPA20A) 33% VC <5 320 (SV_EPA) 33% Chloroform 17 470 (SV_EPA20A) 100% PCE <5 38 (SV_EPA60A) 67% TCE <5 110,000 (SV_EPA67) 55% DCE (cis) <5 <5 0% DCE (trans) <5 9.3 (SV_EPA67) 11% VC <5 <5 0% Chloroform <5 10 (SV_EPA72A) 22% Monroe Site (3 samples) Former MMAL Site (9 samples) 80276-2 REV0 3/12/2014 PAGE 49 EPA REF 05/17900, 61324 FINAL REPORT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT CLOVELLY PARK/MITCHELL PARK Analyte Minimum 3 (µg/m ) Maximum (Location) 3 (µg/m ) % Samples > LOR PCE <5 500 (SV_EPA3B) 22% TCE <5 140,000 (SV_EPA3B) 28% DCE (cis) <5 6,500 (SV_EPA1) 22% DCE (trans) <5 490 (SV_EPA3B) 17% VC <5 41 (SV_EPA1) 11% Chloroform <5 75 (SV_EPA1) 39% PCE <5 320 (SV_EPA40A) 11% TCE <5 940 (SV_EPA33A) 28% DCE (cis) <5 <17 0% DCE (trans) <5 7.3 (SV_EPA40A) 3% VC <5 <17 0% Chloroform <5 470 (SV_EPA25) 22% Clovelly Park (18 samples) Mitchell Park (36 samples) Table 6.4 Soil vapour concentration summary: 4m depth – COPC Analyte Minimum 3 (µg/m ) Maximum (Location) 3 (µg/m ) % Samples > LOR PCE <5 230 (SV_EPA20B) 50% TCE 36 79,000 (SV_EPA20B) 100% DCE (cis) <5 950 (SV_EPA20B) 50% DCE (trans) <5 340 (SV_EPA20B) 50% VC <5 <6.3 0% Chloroform 20 110 (SV_EPA20B) 50% PCE 19 73 (SV_EPA65B) 100% TCE 91 290,000 (SV_EPA64B) 100% DCE (cis) <5 28 (SV_EPA64B) 67% DCE (trans) <5 46 (SV_EPA64B) 33% VC <5 <5 0% Chloroform <5 10 (SV_EPA64B) 67% Monroe Site (2 samples) MMAL Site (3 samples) 80276-2 REV0 3/12/2014 PAGE 50 EPA REF 05/17900, 61324 FINAL REPORT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT CLOVELLY PARK/MITCHELL PARK Analyte Minimum 3 (µg/m ) Maximum (Location) 3 (µg/m ) % Samples > LOR PCE <5 760 (SV_EPA3C) 40% TCE <5 240,000 (SV_EPA3C) 20% DCE (cis) <5 6,100 (SV_EPA3C) 20% DCE (trans) <5 1,000 (SV_EPA3C) 20% VC <5 40 (SV_EPA3C) 20% Chloroform <5 74 (SV_EPA3C) 40% PCE <3.8 18 (SV_EPA40B) 30% TCE <3.8 2,200 (SV_EPA33B) 60% DCE (cis) <3.8 18 (SV_EPA34B) 10% DCE (trans) <3.8 <6.3 0% VC <3.8 <6.3 0% 31 (SV_EPA73B) 40% Clovelly Park (5 samples) Mitchell Park (10 samples) Chloroform Table 6.5 <3.8 Soil vapour concentration summary: 8m depth – COPC Analyte Minimum 3 (µg/m ) Maximum (Location) 3 (µg/m ) % Samples > LOR PCE - 540 (SV_EPA20C) - TCE - 250,000 (SV_EPA20C) - DCE (cis) - 2,800 (SV_EPA20C) - DCE (trans) - 980 (SV_EPA20C) - VC - 16 (SV_EPA20C) - Chloroform - 210 (SV_EPA20C) - PCE <13 94 (SV_EPA65C) 50% TCE 2,100 55,000 (SV_EPA72C) 100% DCE (cis) 45 4,200 (SV_EPA72C) 100% DCE (trans) 5.7 180 (SV_EPA72C) 100% VC <5 1,600 (SV_EPA72C) 50% Chloroform 14 87 (SV_EPA72C) 100% Monroe Site (1 sample) Former MMAL Site (2 samples) 80276-2 REV0 3/12/2014 PAGE 51 EPA REF 05/17900, 61324 FINAL REPORT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT CLOVELLY PARK/MITCHELL PARK Analyte Minimum 3 (µg/m ) Maximum (Location) 3 (µg/m ) % Samples > LOR PCE <5 2,000 (SV_EPA18C) 33% TCE <5 1,100,000 (SV_EPA18C) 33% DCE (cis) <5 92,000 (SV_EPA18C) 33% DCE (trans) <5 5,200 (SV_EPA18C) 33% VC <5 630 (SV_EPA18C) 33% Chloroform <5 440 (SV_EPA18C) 67% PCE 6.1 92 (SV_EPA40C) 100% TCE 1,700 7,900 (SV_EPA40C) 100% DCE (cis) <5 880 (SV_EPA34C) 75% DCE (trans) <5 35 (SV_EPA34C) 25% VC <5 <8.3 0% Chloroform 7.8 140 (SV_EPA57C) 100% Clovelly Park (3 samples) Mitchell Park (4 samples) Table 6.6 Soil vapour concentration summary: 10m depth – COPC Analyte Minimum 3 (µg/m ) Maximum (Location) 3 (µg/m ) % Samples > LOR PCE - 4,300 (SV_EPA20D) - TCE - 1,800,000 (SV_EPA20D) - DCE (cis) - 110,000 (SV_EPA20D) - Monroe Site (1 sample) - 11,000 (SV_EPA20D) VC - 450 (SV_EPA20D) - Chloroform - 710 (SV_EPA20D) - PCE 12 510 (SV_EPA62D) 100% TCE 3,900 240,000 (SV_EPA64D) 100% DCE (cis) 16 2,600 (SV_EPA62D) 100% DCE (trans) <5 640 (SV_EPA64D) 67% VC <5 <33 0% Chloroform 6.4 150 (SV_EPA64D) 100% DCE (trans) Former MMAL Site (3 samples) 80276-2 REV0 3/12/2014 PAGE 52 EPA REF 05/17900, 61324 FINAL REPORT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT CLOVELLY PARK/MITCHELL PARK Analyte Minimum 3 (µg/m ) Maximum (Location) 3 (µg/m ) % Samples > LOR PCE <5 86 (SV_EPA12D) 60% TCE <5 67,000 (SV_EPA12D) 40% DCE (cis) <5 1,700 (SV_EPA12D) 20% DCE (trans) <5 450 (SV_EPA12D) 20% VC <5 2,400 (SV_EPA12D) 20% Chloroform <10 46 (SV_EPA14D) 80% Clovelly Park (5 samples) Table 6.7 Soil vapour concentration summary: targeted locations – COPC Analyte Minimum 3 (µg/m ) Maximum (Location) 3 (µg/m ) % Samples > LOR Targeted 1 m Locations – Houses (6 samples) PCE <5 470 (SVT_EPA3A) 67% TCE <5 170,000 (SVT_EPA3A) 67% DCE (cis) <5 2,100 (SVT_EPA3A) 50% DCE (trans) <5 640 (SVT_EPA3A) 50% VC <5 <8.3 100% Chloroform <5 <8.3 0% Targeted 2 m Locations – Houses (6 samples) PCE <5 700 (SVT_EPA3B) 67% TCE <5 240,000 (SVT_EPA3B) 83% DCE (cis) <5 4,500 (SVT_EPA3B) 50% DCE (trans) <5 1,000 (SVT_EPA3B) 50% VC <5 <8.3 0% Chloroform <5 15 (SVT_EPA3B) 17% Targeted – Sewer and Stormwater Mains Service Trenches (21 samples) PCE <5 790 (SVS_EPA15) 52% TCE <5 180,000 (SVS_EPA3) 86% DCE (cis) <5 8,200 (SVS_EPA1) 43% DCE (trans) <5 770 (SVS_EPA1) 43% VC <5 <8.3 0% Chloroform <5 84 (SVS_EPA2) 71% 80276-2 REV0 3/12/2014 PAGE 53 EPA REF 05/17900, 61324 FINAL REPORT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT CLOVELLY PARK/MITCHELL PARK The summary results presented in Tables 6.3 to 6.7, and depicted on Figures 5A to 5D (which do not depict the service trench results) show the spread of the COPC within soil vapour across the Assessment Area and the relative percentages of impacts involving the main primary contaminant (TCE) and its daughter products, namely DCE (cis- and trans-) and VC, as formed through the process of reductive dechlorination (refer to Section 6.6.2). Vinyl chloride was only detected in shallow (2 m) systematic soil vapour bores on the Monroe property and within part of Clovelly Park as well as deeper bores (8 to 10 m) on the Monroe and former MMAL properties and part of Clovelly Park. No VC was detected in any of the targeted soil vapour bores. 6.7.2 Comparison of TO-17 and TO-15 data Six TO-15 canister samples were collected from across the Assessment Area to enable a direct comparison to be made with the TO-17 thermal tube results. Analytical results and RPD calculations for the TO-17 and TO15 samples are summarised in Tables 6.8 and 6.9. The comparison of the two forms of sampling and analysis indicates the following: laboratory LORs for the TO-15 methodology are generally higher than for the TO-17 method; and where COPC concentrations are elevated, there is some indication of increased variability between the two methodologies, as reflected by the high RPDs calculated for some of the samples collected from the Monroe and former MMAL properties. Table 6.8 Comparison of Monroe and former MMAL TO-17 and TO-15 data – COPC Sample Method Chloroform 3 (µg/m ) cis-1,2 DCE 3 (µg/m ) trans-1,2 DCE 3 (µg/m ) PCE 3 (µg/m ) TCE 3 (µg/m ) VC 3 (µg/m ) SV_EPA 20D TO-17 710 110,000 11,000 4,300 1,800,000 450 SV_EPA 20D TO-15 RPD 800 60,000 6,500 5,900 1,400,000 260 12% 59% 51% 31% 25% 54% SV_EPA 62D TO-17 28 2600 230 510 98,000 <25 SV_EPA 62D TO-15 <1,100 6,900 610 2,400 350,000 <500 - 91% 90% 130% 113% - RPD SV_EPA 64D TO-17 150 2,100 640 390 240,000 <33 SV_EPA 64D TO-15 <1,200 3,800 1,100 1,400 720,000 <520 - 58% 53% 113% 100% - RPD 80276-2 REV0 3/12/2014 PAGE 54 EPA REF 05/17900, 61324 FINAL REPORT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT CLOVELLY PARK/MITCHELL PARK Table 6.9 Comparison of Mitchell Park TO-17 and TO-15 data – COPC Sample Method Chloroform 3 (µg/m ) cis-1,2 DCE 3 (µg/m ) trans-1,2 DCE 3 (µg/m ) PCE 3 (µg/m ) TCE 3 (µg/m ) VC 3 (µg/m ) SV_EPA 35A TO-17 <5 <5 <5 <5 86 <5 SV_EPA 35A TO-15 <8.8 <7.8 <5.9 <11 95 <3.9 - - - - 10% - RPD SV_EPA 54B TO-17 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 SV_EPA 54B TO-15 <9.7 <8.6 <6.4 <12 11 <4.3 - - - - - - RPD SV_EPA 68C TO-17 52 22 <5.8 6.1 1,800 <5.8 SV_EPA 68C TO-15 41 27 <6 <11 2,100 <4 24% 20% - - 15% - RPD 6.8 Passive air sampling results Tables of passive indoor and outdoor air sampling analytical results are included in Appendix M and copies of certified laboratory reports are included in Appendix I. The results of the passive air sampling works, where Radiello samples had detectable analyte concentrations, are summarised in Table 6.10. Table 6.10 Passive air sampling results Sample number 3 Location Concentrations (µg/m ) > LOR Indoor Air PCE TCE cis-DCE trans-DCE Chloroform - - - - 642HG 4 Ash Avenue - 643HG 6 Ash Avenue - - - - 0.13 627HG 4 Chestnut Court - 3.6 - - 0.29 628HG 9 Chestnut Court 0.17 30 0.63 0.15 0.18 XN358 15 Chestnut Court - 5.1 - - - 16 Chestnut Court - 0.34 - - 0.16 641HG 4 Ash Avenue - - - - - 626HG 4 Chestnut Court - 0.26 - - - XN359 15 Chestnut Court - 0.37 - - - XN357 16 Chestnut Court - - - - - 625HG 644HG Chestnut Court Reserve - 0.62 - - - XN356 Outdoor Air Harken Ave Reserve, Mitchell Park 80276-2 REV0 3/12/2014 - - - - - PAGE 55 EPA REF 05/17900, 61324 FINAL REPORT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT CLOVELLY PARK/MITCHELL PARK The results of the passive air sampling program indicate that concentrations of TCE, and to a lesser extent PCE and DCE, were detected in indoor air within the Chestnut Court, but not the Ash Avenue, residences. Concentrations of TCE were also detectable within the Chestnut Court outdoor air samples (i.e. apart from No. 16 Chestnut Court). This was a limited sampling program aimed specifically at assessing the potential correlation between the indoor air and soil vapour results from the six Clovelly Park residences (where sub-slab vapour measurements were also undertaken) to support assumptions made during the VIRA (refer to Section 8). 80276-2 REV0 3/12/2014 PAGE 56 EPA REF 05/17900, 61324 FINAL REPORT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT CLOVELLY PARK/MITCHELL PARK 7. GROUNDWATER FATE AND TRANSPORT MODELLING BlueSphere were commissioned by Fyfe (on behalf of the EPA) to undertake preliminary fate and transport modelling of the groundwater chlorinated hydrocarbon impacts detected within the Assessment Area. The BlueSphere report is included as Appendix L. The aim of the modelling was to provide a preliminary estimate of the future extent of chlorinated hydrocarbon impacted groundwater within the Clovelly Park/Mitchell Park area in order that groundwater restrictions can be applied by the EPA to protect human health (i.e. via the definition of a GPA by the EPA). The scope of work undertaken by BlueSphere included the application of an analytical solute transport model (BIOCHLOR) for PCE, TCE, DCE and VC within the surficial unconsolidated sedimentary aquifer. It was assumed that four groundwater plumes are present, as identified by URS (2014b) and discussed in Table 2.1 (Identified contaminant source areas) and Appendix A. Two of these plumes, originating in the vicinity of existing well locations MWS18-06 and MWS14-01, located on the former MMAL property and considered to extend beyond the property boundaries (into the Mitchell Park area), were identified as Models A and B, respectively. These plumes were selected for modelling purpose as they represented the most westerly extent of the groundwater chlorinated hydrocarbon impacts identified by URS (2014b). Details regarding the parameters used within the two models are presented in Appendix L and, based on generally limited evidence that natural anaerobic biodegradation (i.e. reductive dechlorination) is occurring (as also identified by Fyfe – refer to Section 6.6.2), the source area contaminant decay component was not used. In addition, as source area characterisation data were not available, it was assumed that on-going (perpetual) sources of contamination were present. Future groundwater concentrations along the mid-lines of the two plumes, assuming a general north-westerly groundwater flow direction, were predicted over time periods of 20 years (i.e. until 2034) and 100 years (until 2114) in order to assess medium and longer term risks to the environment as a result of plume migration. Two wells (MW_EPA23 and MW_EPA24) installed by Fyfe within the Mitchell Park area and currently containing chlorinated hydrocarbon concentrations below the laboratory LORs, were used as sentry wells to predict plume migration over time. The results of the modelling indicated that the lateral extent of the PCE, TCE, DCE and VC impacts are likely to increase in the medium to long term such that detectable concentrations of these contaminants will migrate beyond the sentry wells and reach the Sturt River in approximately 20 years. In addition, it was considered that groundwater impacts may potentially migrate beyond the Sturt River to commercial and residential areas located further to the west. Although the Sturt River may act to limit plume migration, as the hydraulic connectivity between the uppermost aquifer and Sturt River (i.e. present as a concrete lined culvert in this area) is not known, this has not been assumed as part of the model predictions. The BlueSphere report states that, although further information is required to establish a GPA beyond the known areas of groundwater impact, it would be reasonable to consider the restriction of groundwater use in a hydraulic down-gradient direction from the identified areas of impact to the Sturt River (i.e. the western extent of the Assessment Area). 80276-2 REV0 3/12/2014 PAGE 57 EPA REF 05/17900, 61324 FINAL REPORT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT CLOVELLY PARK/MITCHELL PARK 8. VAPOUR INTRUSION RISK ASSESSMENT The VIRA presented in the following sections was undertaken by Dr Sim Ooi of Salcor Consulting, on behalf of Fyfe. Although the VIRA has considered historical background information obtained for the area (as summarised in Appendix A), the assessment of risk has been based solely on the field and analytical data obtained by Fyfe and presented in this report. 8.1 Objective The main objective of the VIRA was to evaluate the potential risk to human health from vapour intrusion due to the concentrations of COPC identified in soil and/or groundwater within the residential areas of Clovelly Park and Mitchell Park that formed part of the Assessment Area. 8.2 Areas of interest The following three areas of specific interest (i.e. located within the Assessment Area) were identified for the purpose of this VIRA: existing/former industrial properties in Clovelly Park – these include the southern portion (Section 14) of the former MMAL property, the existing Monroe site and the Eastern RA the residential area of Clovelly Park, bordered by Sturt Rd to the South, Main South Road to the east, the Tonsley rail line to the west and the remainder of the MMAL site to the north the residential area of Mitchell Park, bordered by the Tonsley rail line to the east, Sturt River to the west, Alawoona Avenue to the north and Sturt Road to the south. 8.3 Risk assessment approach The VIRA was conducted in accordance with the ASC NEPM (1999), with specific reference to Section 4.4 in Schedule B4 Guideline on Health Risk Assessment Methodology. Australian guidance documents, including the updated enHealth risk assessment guidelines, as well as guidance documents issued by the US EPA and other international regulatory agencies have also been referred to, where applicable. The conduct of the risk assessment was based on a multiple lines of evidence approach, using the available site-specific information collected as part of the scope of works detailed in Section 3.2. The following information was used as a basis for the VIRA: Chlorinated hydrocarbons, including TCE, PCE, DCE (1,2-cis- and 1,2-trans-) and VC, were identified in soil vapour and groundwater within the Assessment Area. The analytical data indicated that TCE 80276-2 REV0 3/12/2014 PAGE 58 EPA REF 05/17900, 61324 FINAL REPORT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT CLOVELLY PARK/MITCHELL PARK constituted an average of 80% of the chlorinated hydrocarbons identified in the groundwater and 95% in the soil vapour. Based on the toxicity and concentrations of TCE in soil vapour and groundwater, it has been identified as the risk driver and selected as the surrogate COPC for the VIRA. The chlorinated hydrocarbon compounds (including TCE) identified within the Assessment Area are volatile chemicals and could potentially pose a risk to human health via the vapour intrusion pathway. In the absence of known sources of the chlorinated hydrocarbons within the residential assessment areas of Clovelly Park and Mitchell Park, the concentrations observed in the groundwater and soil vapour are considered likely to have originated from locations outside the residential areas, potentially including the Eastern RA, former MMAL and/or Monroe sites. The natural soils underlying the fill material in the Assessment Area are typified by the Quaternary soils and sediments of the Adelaide Plains, dominated by the Hindmarsh Clay formation. Information from the borelogs indicated that the natural soil profile comprised mostly silty clay, whereby the presence of sand and gravel components/lenses or secondary porosity (such as clay fracturing) at depth could potentially result in pathways of low resistance for contaminant vapour/groundwater migration vertically or laterally. The groundwater, soil vapour and soil geotechnical data collected by Fyfe, as discussed in Sections 6.6 and 6.7 and summarised in Appendix K, have been used for the VIRA. A two-tier approach was adopted for the VIRA. The first tier (herein referred to as the Tier 1 assessment) was conducted by comparing the measured soil vapour TCE concentrations to the ASC NEPM (1999) guideline value. The second tier (herein referred to as the Tier 2 assessment) involved the comparison of predicted indoor air TCE concentrations to adopted indoor air criteria or response levels. 8.4 Tier 1 assessment 8.4.1 Tier 1 assessment criteria The Tier 1 (screening risk) assessment, involved comparing measured soil vapour TCE concentrations with the ASC NEPM (1999) interim soil vapour health investigation level (HIL). Given that the development of the interim soil vapour HILs was based on very conservative assumptions, the Tier 1 assessment provided an initial screening assessment of the data to determine if further risk assessment is required. 3 The soil vapour interim HIL for TCE is 20 µg/m , applicable for the assessment of soil vapour at 0 to 1 m 3 beneath the floor of a residential building. In this assessment, an additional soil vapour criterion of 200 µg/m was adopted to assess the soil vapour TCE concentrations measured at 2 m across the Assessment Area. This conservative approach was agreed by EPA, SA Health and Salcor Consulting (on behalf of Fyfe) for initial screening purposes of the current Assessment Area only. 80276-2 REV0 3/12/2014 PAGE 59 EPA REF 05/17900, 61324 FINAL REPORT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT CLOVELLY PARK/MITCHELL PARK 8.4.2 Results of Tier 1 assessment The Tier 1 assessment, based on the soil vapour TCE concentrations measured at various locations within the three areas of interest, is presented in the following appendices: Appendix N: Industrial land use Appendix O: Clovelly Park Appendix P: Mitchell Park The results identified the following locations with exceedances of the Tier 1 soil vapour screening assessment criterion: the maximum exceedances were identified within the Monroe and the Eastern RA and MMAL sites at Clovelly Park, including SV_EPA1, SV_EPA2, SV_EPA3, SV_EPA20, SV_EPA64, SV_EPA65 and SV_EPA67 – refer to Appendix N 15 exceedances within the residential area of Clovelly Park (SV_EPA18, SVS_EPA1 to SVS_EPA8 and SVS_EPA 12 to SVS_EPA 17 – refer to Appendix O; these soil vapour bores are located either within the northern portion of the Precautionary RA (bordered by the former MMAL site) or along its eastern boundary (bordered by the Eastern RA) sub-slab TCE concentrations within four residential properties (4, 9, 15 and 16 Chestnut Court) in Clovelly Park – refer to Appendix P two locations within the residential area of Mitchell Park (SV_EPA 33 and SV_EPA 34) – refer to Appendix P. The Clovelly Park and Mitchell Park locations that exceeded the Tier 1 soil vapour screening assessment criterion were identified as requiring further assessment and were subjected to a Tier 2 VIRA (refer to Section 8.5). 8.5 Tier 2 assessment 8.5.1 Tier 2 assessment criteria The Tier 2 risk assessment criteria adopted are the site-specific indoor air screening criteria, along with the corresponding response levels, developed by the EPA and SA Health. The following exert from EPA (2014), as provided to Fyfe by the EPA, summaries the approach taken to develop the TCE indoor air screening criteria and indoor air response range level: “The indoor air level response range was developed following a review of international standards and research for TCE. A joint workshop between SA Health, EPA, the Clovelly Park Mitchell Park Project Team, and the consultants undertaking the environmental investigations and human health/vapour intrusion risk 80276-2 REV0 3/12/2014 PAGE 60 EPA REF 05/17900, 61324 FINAL REPORT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT CLOVELLY PARK/MITCHELL PARK assessment, was held to develop this indoor air level response range. The workshop considered the scientific evidence for health effects from TCE exposure and reviewed various guidance on TCE action levels from around the world. Agreement was reached at the workshop to establish ranges using levels prescribed by the US EPA as the lower limit and those of the World Health Organisation (WHO) as the upper limit for the ranges. The basis of the agreement was taking a sensible balance between the highly conservative approach of the US EPA, with the widely validated approach of the WHO. These guidance levels are intended to be protective against cancer and other health risks over the course of a lifetime of continuous TCE exposure (70 years). This approach is also consistent with Australian approaches to chemical assessment and regulation where the WHO is identified as a preferred source of guidance, in an absence of national regulatory standards. 3 While there is international consensus around the reference concentration of 2 μg/m of TCE in indoor air as the trigger for further investigation, decision making frameworks for levels above this vary considerably and are the subject of ongoing scientific and public debate. 3 For the purposes of this investigation, 2 μg/m of TCE in indoor air has been adopted as the level above which further action is necessary. The ranges adopted above this level to determine differences in the nature and timing of the actions 3 3 3 are based on increasing levels of health risk between levels such as 2 μg/m , 20 μg/m and 200 μg/m . Within the designated ranges it is very difficult to scientifically determine the differences in possible 3 3 health risks within the particular action level ranges (e.g. between 3 μg/m and 17 μg/m ). It is also important to note the science and understanding of the health effects of TCE are constantly evolving. Adjustments to the response levels may be appropriate as new information comes to hand. The associated actions that accompany the ranges are intended to ensure that any potential risks to health from a contaminant, present at that level, are managed as far as possible.” Figure 8.1 was provided by the EPA, and represents the ranges of TCE indoor air screening criteria with the corresponding response levels (as established and adopted for this project only). The TCE indoor air screening criteria, in conjunction with the measured or model predicted indoor air TCE concentrations, are used to determine the required site-specific response levels. 80276-2 REV0 3/12/2014 PAGE 61 EPA REF 05/17900, 61324 FINAL REPORT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT CLOVELLY PARK/MITCHELL PARK Figure 8.1 TCE indoor air screening criteria and the corresponding site-specific response levels* *This figure was provided to Fyfe by the EPA Note: The no action response level is applicable where a soil vapour concentration is below the laboratory LOR (i.e. ND or “nondetect”). 8.5.2 Vapour intrusion modelling The Tier 2 risk assessment involved an initial estimation of TCE concentrations in indoor air based on the measured soil vapour TCE concentrations. The indoor air concentrations were then predicted using vapour attenuation factors generated by the US EPA (2004) Johnson and Ettinger (J&E) vapour intrusion model. The vapour attenuation factor (α) is the ratio of the indoor air concentration to the soil vapour concentration below the slab or crawl space of a home. The data obtained for the 2 m soil vapour bores recently installed along road verges, reserves or roadways was used for modelling purposes, as being representative of conditions below the slab or crawl space of a dwelling within the Assessment Area. The following factors were taken into considerations when conducting the vapour intrusion modelling: Site-specific soil profile and geotechnical parameters. Soil samples were collected from various locations (including sub-slab) within Clovelly Park and Mitchell Park for geotechnical analysis. The data adopted for the vapour intrusion modelling is presented in Appendix Q and summarised in Table 8.1. It should be noted that the site-specific porosity parameters adopted were primarily derived from the site-specific geotechnical parameters adjusted with respect to the moisture content of soil collected from sub-slab areas within residential properties. 80276-2 REV0 3/12/2014 PAGE 62 EPA REF 05/17900, 61324 FINAL REPORT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT CLOVELLY PARK/MITCHELL PARK The drier moisture content collected sub-slab also provides an indication of the potential variability of soil moisture below, and external to, the slab of a house. Using the average site-specific moisture data collected sub-slab and applying ’sand’ as the soil type immediately under a slab provides a level of conservatism to the modelling undertaken (i.e. drier soils with a greater air porosity) provides a level of conservatism to the modelling undertaken. Table 8.1 Summary of soil parameters adopted for vapour intrusion modelling Stratum Depth Moisture Dry Density Total Porosity Water Porosity Air Porosity (t/m ) (unitless) (unitless) (unitless) Average Soil Temperature (°C) (m) (%) B 0-0.3 5.4 1.62 0.4 0.087 0.313 22 >0.3-1.2 14 1.62 0.4 0.227 0.173 22 C >1.2 17 1.62 0.4 0.275 0.125 22 A 3 Residential dwellings with slab-on-ground construction The type of construction is a primary consideration in the vapour intrusion modelling. Of the locations requiring a Tier 2 assessment at Clovelly Park, only residential dwellings with slab-on-ground construction were identified. By comparison, locations requiring a Tier 2 assessment in Mitchell Park included both slabon-ground and crawl space constructions. A plan showing the distribution of residences with slab-on-ground versus crawl space construction is included in Appendix R. A vapour attenuation factor (α) was derived from the vapour intrusion model for a slab-on-ground building construction. The assumptions and input parameters adopted for the vapour intrusion modelling are presented in Appendix S and summarised in Table 8.2. The results of the modelling and the attenuation factors generated for slab-on-ground construction are presented in Appendices S1 and T, respectively. Table 8.2 Summary of building assumptions adopted for the vapour intrusion modelling for slab-on-ground Building Parameters Slab-on-ground Building length (m) 15 Building width (m) 10 2 Source EnHealth (2012a, 2012b) 1 Building area (m ) 150 Building height (m) 2.4 EnHealth (2012a) Slab thickness (m) 0.1 AS2870-2011 Air exchange per hour (ACH) 0.6 EnHealth (2012a) Crack (%) 0.1 Assumption Qsoil/Qbuilding 0.03 95 percentile for US EPA (2012) empirical 5 data 2 3 4 th 80276-2 REV0 3/12/2014 PAGE 63 EPA REF 05/17900, 61324 FINAL REPORT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT CLOVELLY PARK/MITCHELL PARK Notes: 1. The building area and the resultant volume based on building area and height are within the average values for residential dwellings, as published in enHealth (2012a, 2012b). 2. The building height of a dwelling with slab-on-ground construction was adopted as a standard minimum height of a residential building in Australia (enHealth, 2012a). 3. This is based on the midpoint of the range for ‘closed’ Australian dwellings. EnHealth (2012b) indicates that air changes will be higher with open doors/windows, ceiling fans and air conditioning. 4. Agreed assumption of a 0.1% crack in slab, equivalent to 0.33 cm floor-wall seam crack width adopted in the vapour intrusion model for slab-on-ground construction (refer to Appendix S1). 5. Qsoil/Qbuilding can be representative of the attenuation factor for sub-slab air to indoor air. The value adopted for this assessment is based on the 95th percentile of the sub-slab attenuation factor derived from analysis of empirical data by US EPA (2012). Residential dwellings with crawl space construction The J&E vapour intrusion model was developed for the assessment of slab-on-ground building construction, with and without a basement. In the absence of a vapour intrusion model for constructions with a crawl space, the J&E vapour intrusion model was manipulated to represent a crawl space building construction. In this case, the J&E model assumes that there is no significant different between the sub-surface soil and the building and there is no barrier between the crawl space and the indoor environment. Hence, diffusion is the only transport mechanism by which TCE vapours emanating from the source migrate into the building. A vapour attenuation factor (α) was derived from the vapour intrusion model for a crawl space building construction. The assumptions and input parameters adopted for the vapour intrusion modelling are presented in Appendix S2 and summarised in Table 8.3. The results of the modelling and the attenuation factors generated for crawl space construction are presented in Appendices S2 and T, respectively. Table 8.3 Summary of building assumptions adopted for the vapour intrusion modelling for crawl space Building Parameters Crawl Space Building length (m) 15 Building width (m) 10 2 Building area (m ) 150 Building Height (m) 2.4 Slab thickness (m) 0 Source EnHealth (2012a, 2012b) EnHealth (2012a) 3 0.6 EnHealth (2012a) Crack (%) 100 Assumption 1 Assumption 80276-2 REV0 3/12/2014 2 Assumption Air exchange per hour (ACH) Qsoil/Qbuilding 1 4 5 6 PAGE 64 EPA REF 05/17900, 61324 FINAL REPORT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT CLOVELLY PARK/MITCHELL PARK Notes: 1. The building area and the resultant volume based on building area and height are within the average values for residential dwellings, as published in enHealth (2012a, 2012b). 2. The building height of a dwelling with slab-on-ground construction was adopted for a dwelling with crawl space. This is based on adopting a crawl space to indoor air attenuation factor of 1 (US EPA, 2012) (i.e. assuming no suspended floor is present to act as a vapour barrier) for the vapour intrusion modelling, and that chemical vapour volatilised from the soil will emit (without any barrier) into, and equilibrate with, the internal space of the dwelling. 3. In the absence of a slab for a dwelling with a crawl space, a zero (i.e. 0 m) slab thickness was applied to remove the slab from the model (refer to Appendix S2). 4. This is based on the midpoint of the range for ‘closed’ Australian dwellings. enHealth (2012b) indicate that air changes will be higher with open doors/windows, ceiling fans and air conditioning. For dwellings with crawl space, the ACH of 0.6 is likely to be conservative given much higher ventilation rates in the crawl space have been reported (Olweny and Williamson, 1998). 5. To assume the absence of a slab for a dwelling with a crawl space, a crack ratio of 100% was adopted in the modelling. Note that the 100% crack ratio is equivalent to the 3.1 m of floor-wall seam crack width adopted in the vapour intrusion model for crawl space construction (refer to Appendix S2). 6. The value adopted for this assessment is based on the 95th percentile of the crawl space to indoor air attenuation factor derived from analysis of empirical data by US EPA (2012). 7. Based on the 95th percentile of the crawl space attenuation factor derived from analysis of empirical data by US EPA (2012). In the absence of the slab for a crawl space dwelling construction, the soil-building differential pressure (ΔP) 2 was set to zero (i.e. 0 g/cm-s ) to remove pressure differences normally caused by the presence of a slab. 2 -32 Note that the ΔP of 0 g/cm-s is represented as the smallest number possible (1 x 10 ) for modelling 9 purposes . Validation of vapour intrusion model The vapour intrusion model was developed with the use of the site-specific geotechnical (Table 8.1) and building (Tables 8.2 and 8.3) parameters. The model was subject to validation using the measured indoor air and sub-slab soil vapour data collected from six residential properties in Clovelly Park. For the purpose of model validation, an air exchange rate per hour of 0.2 was adopted given that the measurements were conducted in totally closed and unoccupied dwellings with minimum ventilation. The results are presented in Appendix U and indicate that the disparity observed in the correlation between the measured sub-slab soil vapour concentrations and the indoor air concentrations was also observed for the model predicted concentrations. Notably, the vapour intrusion model developed for this assessment tends to over-predict the indoor air concentrations of TCE. The conservatism of the vapour intrusion model is also reflected in the validation analysis using external (i.e. not sub-slab) soil vapour data for predicting the TCE indoor air concentrations. The results, as presented in 9 This is an arbitrary number selected to represent zero as it is not possible to enter zero into the model. 80276-2 REV0 3/12/2014 PAGE 65 EPA REF 05/17900, 61324 FINAL REPORT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT CLOVELLY PARK/MITCHELL PARK Appendix V, indicated that although disparity was also observed when comparing the predicted to the measured TCE indoor air concentrations, the conservatism towards over-estimation is preserved Chemical parameters The chemical parameters for TCE in the J&E model were updated with the following (Table 8.4) from the chemical database in the Risk Assessment Information System (RAIS, 2014). Table 8.4 Summary of chemical parameters adopted for vapour intrusion modelling Chemical TCE 8.5.3 Diffusivity in Air Dair 2 (cm /s) Diffusivity in Water Dwater 2 (cm /s) Water Solubility S (mg/L) Henry’s Law Constant (unitless) Source 0.0687 0.0000102 1,280 0.403 RAIS (2014) Assessment of vapour intrusion from soil vapour The US EPA (2004) soil source J&E vapour intrusion model was used to predict soil vapour intrusion into indoor air. The results (refer to Appendix T) indicated that similar attenuation factors have been derived for both the slab-on-ground and crawl space settings based on the assumptions adopted for the vapour intrusion modelling. This suggests that a single attenuation factor may be adopted to assess the vapour intrusion risks for both the slab-on-ground and the crawl space settings. The assumptions of low crawl space ventilation and no vapour attenuation between the crawl space and the indoor air provides a level of conservatism to the modelling as it assumes direct vapour intrusion from the subsurface with primarily building height and ventilation primarily affecting dilution. Indoor air TCE concentrations at the locations requiring a Tier 2 assessment were predicted using the modelgenerated attenuation factors and the measured soil vapour concentrations. The results are presented in Appendices W to Y and can be summarised as follows: 3 An indoor air TCE concentration exceeding the 20 µg/m response level was predicted at one location within the Monroe property (SV_EPA20A). TCE concentrations within the 2 to <20 µg/m response level were predicted at three locations within the Eastern RA (SV_EPA1, SV_EPA2 and SV_EPA3B). Within the residential area of Clovelly Park (i.e. the Precautionary RA), two locations (SVT_EPA4B and 3 SVT_EPA2B at 4 and 15 Chestnut Court, respectively) were identified to have predicted indoor air TCE 3 concentrations within the 2 to <20 µg/m response level. One location (SVT_EPA3B, located at 9 3 Chestnut Court) was predicted to be within the 20 to <200 µg/m response level. 80276-2 REV0 3/12/2014 PAGE 66 EPA REF 05/17900, 61324 FINAL REPORT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT CLOVELLY PARK/MITCHELL PARK At Mitchell Park, none of the residential properties (either slab-on-ground or crawl space) were 3 predicted to have indoor air TCE concentrations above 2 µg/m . 8.5.4 Assessment of vapour intrusion from groundwater In the absence of groundwater screening criteria suitable for the assessment of vapour intrusion, the groundwater analytical data were subjected to a Tier 2 assessment. To assess vapour intrusion from groundwater, the US EPA (2004) groundwater source J&E vapour intrusion model was used. The parameters adopted for the modelling of soil vapour intrusion were used in this assessment, with adjustment and additional consideration given to the depth of groundwater and the presence of a capillary fringe (refer to Appendices Z1 and Z2 for slab-on-ground and crawl space construction, respectively). The results are presented in Appendices AA to CC, and can be summarised as follows: The predicted indoor air TCE concentrations at the existing/historical industrial sites (Monroe and former MMAL properties as well as the Eastern RA) within Clovelly Park were consistent with those observed with the soil vapour assessment. However, the lower concentrations predicted from the impacted groundwater suggest a contribution to the vapour intrusion risks from sources other than groundwater (i.e. potentially shallow soil sources). Impacts observed in the groundwater are considered to be a contributor to the soil vapour impacts observed in the residential area of Clovelly Park. At the eastern portion of the residential area (i.e. Precautionary RA) closest to the existing/historical industrial sites (Monroe and former MMAL properties as well as the Eastern RA), such impacts may be overshadowed by soil vapour migrated from other sources and preferential pathways above the saturated zone. At Mitchell Park, groundwater concentrations at all sample locations (except MW_EPA12) were 3 predicted to result in indoor air TCE concentrations of < 2 µg/m . The predicted indoor air TCE 3 3 concentration at MW_EPA12 was 3.2 µg/m (i.e. within the 2 to <20 µg/m response level). Further analysis of the soil vapour data in close proximity to MW_EPA12 (i.e. at SV_EPA34 and SV_EPA74) 3 indicated non-detectable levels at SV_EPA74 and a concentration below 2 µg/m (by Tier 2 assessment) at SV_EPA34. Therefore, it is considered that the results reflect the conservatism of the model when considering the sub-surface soil properties (i.e. of the natural Hindmarsh Clay formation). 80276-2 REV0 3/12/2014 PAGE 67 EPA REF 05/17900, 61324 FINAL REPORT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT CLOVELLY PARK/MITCHELL PARK 9. CONCEPTUAL SITE MODEL As detailed in Table 9.1, a CSM has been developed for the Assessment Area on the basis of historical information (as summarised in Section 2.1 and Appendices A and C) as well as the data obtained during the recent Fyfe investigation program. Table 9.1 Summary of existing information for the Assessment Area Topic Summarised Information Site characterisation: Identification of Assessment Area An approximately 123.6 ha Assessment Area, located within the suburbs of Clovelly Park and Mitchell Park, has been defined by the EPA. It is bounded by Main South Road to the east and south-east, Alawoona Ave (and a line representing its eastern extension through the former MMAL property) to the north, Sturt River to the west and Sturt Road to the south. History of land use The suburbs of Clovelly Park and Mitchell Park comprised predominantly rural agricultural land until about the 1950s-1960s, at which time residential development commenced across the majority of the area. During this period, the following industrial facilities were also developed within the north-eastern portion of the Assessment Area: Former MMAL property (i.e. the current Renewal SA Tonsley Park Development site): The broader MMAL site was purchased by Chrysler/Mitsubishi between the early 1960s and 1995 and car manufacturing was undertaken between about 1964 and 2009. The site is currently being redeveloped for mixed use (retail, TAFE facilities, light industrial, and residential) purposes. The southernmost portion of the site (i.e. Section 14) was purchased by Chrysler in the early 1960s and comprised the “southern pad” area of the facility. It was largely unpaved until the mid- to late-1980s and used primarily for storage and unboxing purposes. An unpaved “graveyard” area was reported to have formerly been located in the south-western corner of Section 14, immediately adjacent to the north-western (residential) portion of Clovelly Park (i.e. Precautionary RA). Monroe industrial facility: This was originally owned by WH Wylie and Sons, who commenced operations in the late 1950s for the manufacture of motor vehicle parts. A “graveyard” area was reported to have been located immediately adjacent to the southeastern corner of former MMAL Section 14 and the eastern boundary of the Eastern RA. An area of land to the west of the Monroe property and south of the MMAL property (i.e. the Eastern RA) was owned by R&C, a chemical (i.e. health, hygiene and home products) manufacturing company, from 1963 until 1969. The land was subsequently purchased by Chrysler, and there is also anecdotal information suggesting that it may have been used (at least partly) by WH Wylie until the 1980s. The land was sold to the SA Housing Trust in 1984 and the southern portion was subsequently occupied by the Unity Housing Apartments and Housing Units (i.e. former R&C buildings) as well as two separate (purpose-built) residences. The SA Housing Trust residences, developed here in the 1980s, were vacated in 2010 due to concerns raised by the EPA and SA Health regarding indoor air quality. The northern portion of the Eastern RA is currently occupied by the Chestnut Court Reserve whereas the southern portion is vacant. Some SA Housing Trust residences have been demolished whereas others are still standing but unoccupied. The residential area of Clovelly Park, located to the west of the Eastern RA and bounded by Ash Ave to the south, is referred to as the Precautionary RA. In July 2014, residents were advised by SA Health and the EPA of a potential risk to human health associated with TCE vapour intrusion. Precautionary relocation was recommended to residents, to be undertaken over a six month time-frame. Although a number of these properties have now been vacated, some remain occupied. 80276-2 REV0 3/12/2014 PAGE 68 EPA REF 05/17900, 61324 FINAL REPORT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT CLOVELLY PARK/MITCHELL PARK Topic Summarised Information Historical investigations Reports provided to Fyfe by EPA, that pertain to historical investigations undertaken within the Assessment Area, have been reviewed and summarised in Section 2.1 and Appendix A. Local geology A geological cross-section through the Assessment Area is included as Figure 7. Natural soils encountered from the surface/near surface to the maximum drill depth of 20 m BGL across the Assessment Area were considered to be indicative of the Quaternary (Pleistocene) Hindmarsh Clay formation. This is generally the most expansive Adelaide Plains sequence (i.e. underlying the majority of the Adelaide metropolitan area). Gerges (1999) describes Hindmarsh Clay as comprising a mottled brown to pale olive grey, predominantly clay, formation that becomes green grey towards the basal section (approximately 16 to 20 m BGL) and is characterised by an increasing gravel content with depth. This description generally concurs with Fyfe’s field observations during drilling activities. Hindmarsh Clay was encountered at all drilling locations across the Assessment Area and was generally identified, and reported from geotechnical testing, to comprise predominantly clay (i.e. 42 to 75%), with a significant silt component (i.e. 13 to 33%). Coarser fractions were also encountered in the majority of soil cores, and included sand (4 to 30%) and/or gravel (0 to 42%). It should be noted that gravelly clay was the minority fraction encountered and that the majority of the clays, silty clays and sandy clays contained little (<10%) or no gravel. The consistency of the clays was typically very stiff to hard, although they were often observed to be softer, and occasionally friable, near the top of the unit (top 1 to 2 m). This is likely due to weathering and/or the presence of increased sand content within the upper portion of the profile. Relict soil horizonation and cyclic layers of carbonate segregations (containing nodules and concretions), typically between 20 and 100 mm in thickness, were common in the upper 1 to 3 m, probably indicating past surficial pedogenic processes (Gerges, 1999). Although the Hindmarsh Clay unit is traditionally noted as being highly plastic, soil plasticity was found to vary between low and high and to be generally directly proportionate to the ratio of secondary components (silt, sand and/or gravel) observed within the core. This was confirmed by both the geotechnical testing results obtained by Fyfe and literature-derived information which suggests that the Hindmarsh Clay formation is likely to be composed of 50 to 70% clay. According to Stapledon (1971), the Hindmarsh Clay unit typically contains many structural features and defects which greatly influence its vertical permeability, thereby resulting in potential preferential pathways for the vertical and lateral movement of soil vapour and groundwater. The predominant structural features typically found within the Hindmarsh Clay include discontinuous steeply dipping joints (dipping between 60 and 90°), gently dipping joints (dipping between 20 and 60°), fissures (which are typically smaller joints formed during deposition) and other minor defects formed post deposition (e.g. root/tube casts, sinkholes etc.). As discussed in Section 6.1.2, since jointing is typically only identifiable within open excavated faces, it was difficult to determine whether steeply or gently dipping joints were intersected within the Assessment Area during drilling. However, a re-inspection of selected sonic drill cores after they had been left to dry out indicated a prismatic blocky structure as a result of breakage along identifiable steeply dipping joint planes. Hydrogeology In accordance with Gerges (1999), and his classification of the Adelaide metropolitan area into a number of zones based on their individual hydrogeological characteristics, the Assessment Area is located on the south-western boundary of Zone 2. This zone lies between the Eden-Burnside Fault to the south-east and the Para Fault to the north-west and covers the area between Brown Hill Creek and Gulf St. Vincent. It contains between two and four Quaternary aquifers and between three and four Tertiary aquifers. Hodgkin (2004) suggests that groundwater occurrence within the Quaternary age sediments of the Golden Grove - Adelaide Embayment area is restricted to the fluvial and alluvial origin Pooraka (north of the Adelaide CBD) and Hindmarsh Clay formations, where groundwater 80276-2 REV0 3/12/2014 PAGE 69 EPA REF 05/17900, 61324 FINAL REPORT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT CLOVELLY PARK/MITCHELL PARK Topic Summarised Information typically exists in a number of inter-bedded sandy aquifers that are extremely variable in thickness (typically 2 to 3 m) and not laterally extensive. The field observations gained through the drilling works in the Assessment Area suggest that, although groundwater occurrence in the Hindmarsh Clay was in some cases associated with an increased coarse fraction content within the clay, or with discrete discontinuous sand/gravel lenses, in the majority of locations there were no distinct lenses or increased coarse fraction components identified. Rather, groundwater occurrence (particularly within the western portion of the Assessment Area) was identified through increased moisture content within the Hindmarsh Clay, with groundwater likely utilising structural defects within the clay as a preferential pathway. Given the variability reported by Hodgkin (2004) in the depth and thickness of the Quaternary aquifers, it is not possible to clearly state within this report the precise depths of the uppermost aquifer and any potential underlying aquifers. However, based on average depth to groundwater, it is hypothesised that the average depth to the uppermost aquifer in the Clovelly Park area was approximately 13 m BGL, whereas the average depth to the uppermost aquifer within the Mitchell Park area was approximately 10 m BGL. It has been suggested by Gerges (1996) that the aquifers encountered within the Quaternary Hindmarsh Clay are low yielding (< 3 L/s) and variable in nature, reflecting low aquifer transmissivity and inhomogeneity. The most transmissive sections of these aquifers are usually located adjacent to major bedrock structures or surface drainage (for the shallowest aquifers). Gerges (1996) also suggested that lower salinities encountered within the upper Quaternary aquifers are often attributable to recharge areas. This information was confirmed by sampling and hydrological testing works undertaken by Fyfe who encountered high aquifer transmissivities in monitoring wells MW_EPA23, MW_EPA24, MW_EPA25 and MW_EPA28 located along the westernmost boundary of the Mitchell Park area, adjacent to the Sturt River, and lower transmissivities in the central portion of the Assessment Area. Wells MW_EPA23, MW_EPA24, MW_EPA25 and MW_EPA28 also contained significantly lower TDS readings, averaging 1,550 mg/L, compared to 3,280 mg/L encountered within the remainder of the Mitchell Park area. It is therefore possible that the Sturt River may act as a groundwater recharge area, rather than a discharge area, thereby potentially buffering the westward migration of contaminants. This has not been confirmed. The depth to water in the Assessment Area, is generally greater (i.e. typically more than 11 m BGL) within the Monroe and Clovelly Park (including the Eastern RA) areas and shallower (i.e. typically less than 10 m BGL) within the former MMAL and Mitchell Park areas. Groundwater gradients of 0.014 to 0.018 have been calculated (refer to Appendix L) and the inferred flow direction is generally towards the west to north-west. Based on the field quality data, groundwater within the Assessment Area may be described as being moderately acidic to slightly alkaline and moderately saline. It displays strongly reducing to strongly oxygenated characteristics and is anaerobic to aerobic in terms of its DO content, thereby indicating a high degree of variability. A recent (2014) search of the DEWNR registered bore database identified 405 groundwater bores within a 2 km radius of the Clovelly Park residential area, a number of which were installed for irrigation or domestic purposes and were listed as being located in a potentially down-gradient direction (hydraulically) from the Monroe and former MMAL properties, as well as the Eastern RA. Based on the results of an EPA letter-drop survey, only one private domestic bore has been identified within the Assessment Area. 80276-2 REV0 3/12/2014 PAGE 70 EPA REF 05/17900, 61324 FINAL REPORT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT CLOVELLY PARK/MITCHELL PARK Topic Summarised Information Hydrology The closet surface water bodies, relative to the Monroe and former MMAL properties, are as follows: Sturt River, located within a concrete culvert approximately 0.7 km to the west of the western boundary of the former MMAL property and comprising part of the Patawalonga River catchment Warriparinga Wetlands (part of the Sturt River), located approximately 0.85 km to the south-west and therefore not likely to be directly down-gradient of the historical/existing industrial section of the Assessment Area; and two stormwater detention basins (ponds) in the vicinity of Bradley Grove in Mitchell Park – based on their apparent depth, relative to the depth of the uppermost aquifer in this area, it is considered unlikely that they represent receiving bodies for groundwater discharge. Although current stormwater run-off within the Assessment Area is expected to be collected by localised (and engineered) drainage systems, a series of surface drainage lines, extending in a general westerly direction, appear to have previously been present within the Monroe and former MMAL properties, extending across the Eastern RA and possibly also onto the adjoining Clovelly Park residential area (i.e. the Precautionary RA). Fyfe investigation results: Soil impacts The results of the soil sampling and laboratory testing program have not resulted in the identification of any concentrations of COPC across the Assessment Area that exceeded the laboratory LORs. This could indicate that historical sources within the soil profile have volatilised (i.e. given the age and volatile nature of the contaminants) and/or have migrated downward through the Hindmarsh Clay to groundwater. Alternatively, this could be (at least partly) associated with the stretching/loss of structure that can occur within the soil cores during sonic drilling (refer to Section, thereby potentially resulting in the loss of volatiles. Groundwater impacts The main COPC, TCE and DCE (cis/trans), were commonly encountered within groundwater across the Assessment Area. Given that cis-DCE dominated the total DCE concentrations detected, it is considered to be a daughter product of the identified TCE. Likewise, the VC detected in groundwater beneath the Monroe site is considered to represent a daughter product of DCE in this area. The presence of PCE within two wells on the Monroe property and one well on the former MMAL property boundary, the latter located directly adjacent to the Monroe property, could be indicative of historical PCE usage on the Monroe site. Three separate groundwater chlorinated hydrocarbon plumes have been identified by Fyfe. As depicted in Figure 4, the suspected source areas are as follows: Plume A: centred on GW20 on the south-western portion of the Monroe property and extending beneath the Eastern RA – this appears to be equivalent to Plume 2 identified by URS (2014b), as described in Table 2.1 Plume B: centred on MWS14_01 on the south-western portion of the former MMAL property – this appears to be equivalent to Plume 3 identified by URS (2014b), as described in Table 2.1; and Plume C: located in the vicinity of MW_EPA16, on the western boundary of the former MMAL property and south of Alawoona Ave – this plume appears to correspond to Plume 4 identified in the URS (2014b) report, the latter identified to the north of Section 14 on the MMAL site but not delineated as far north as recently installed monitoring well MW_EPA16. Plume migration appears to be in the same general west to north-westerly direction as groundwater flow and impacts have extended beneath adjacent residential areas of both the Clovelly and Mitchell Park areas. The lateral extent of the impacts identified in association with Plume A (and possibly also Plume B) also appears to follow the path of historical drainage lines identified by the EPA via the stereoscopic analysis of aerial photographs (refer to Appendix C and Table 2.1). 80276-2 REV0 3/12/2014 PAGE 71 EPA REF 05/17900, 61324 FINAL REPORT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT CLOVELLY PARK/MITCHELL PARK Topic Summarised Information Soil vapour impacts The results of the soil vapour investigations have indicated that there is a definite correlation between the groundwater chlorinated hydrocarbon plumes and the observed soil vapour concentrations (at various depths), particularly within the Monroe and Eastern RA areas (Plumes A and B) and the north-eastern portion of the Mitchell Park area (Plume C). The soil vapour concentrations have been found to generally increase with depth through the soil profile, with the exception of SV_EPA20, located just inside the western boundary of the Monroe property, where a decreasing concentration with depth could be indicative of a soil source, or lateral vapour migration at a shallow depth, in this area. 3 The soil vapour concentration (19 µg/m ) detected at 2 m BGL within SV_EPA37, located in the southern portion of the Mitchell Park area, does not coincide with the location of any identified groundwater chlorinated hydrocarbon contamination, or the results obtained for the remaining systematic soil vapour bores in this area. This result is considered likely to reflect a separate source, possibly located along nearby Sturt Road. Although there is some potential for vapours from groundwater to migrate vertically through structural defects (e.g. fractures) within the Hindmarsh Clay, there is no evidence that these structural features are sufficiently continuous throughout the vertical soil profile to result in their acting as significant preferential pathways for vapour migration. By contract, it is considered that the presence of discontinuous sand and gravel lenses throughout the subsurface clay formation could be enabling some preferential lateral vapour migration, particularly in the vicinity of the Monroe and Eastern RA properties. The targeted investigation of soil vapour undertaken along the sewer and stormwater mains in Clovelly Park identified elevated soil vapour concentrations of TCE and DCE at the majority of locations where vapour probes were located within backfill material. In addition, concentrations of PCE were detected in two locations closest to the Monroe property, in close proximity to the former graveyard area. Although elevated, these targeted data appear consistent with the broader concentrations measured at 2 m depth within natural soil material across the Assessment Area. Based on this limited targeted assessment, it is hypothesised that the service trenches associated with the sewer and stormwater mains are not acting as preferential pathways for soil vapour movement into the southern Clovelly Park and Mitchell Park areas. Detectable TCE vapour concentrations were present beneath five of the six Chestnut Court and Ash Ave properties in the Clovelly Park Relocation Area, where sub-slab nested soil vapour bores were installed. The exception was soil vapour bore SVT_EPA6A/B, located at 6 Ash Avenue. Whereas four of the locations had elevated concentrations at both 1 and 2 m BGL, soil vapour bore SVT_EPA5A/B, located at 4 Ash Avenue, only contained an elevated TCE concentration at 2 m BGL, with the result for 1 m BGL below the laboratory LOR. The results were generally consistent with those obtained from road verges and reserves within the Relocation Area. Passive indoor air sampling results The results of the passive indoor air sampling work undertaken at six selected properties in Clovelly Park (coinciding with the sub-slab soil vapour investigation) indicated that there is a general correlation between the predicted indoor air concentrations, as determined by the VIRA (refer to Section 8) and the measured indoor air concentrations. In addition, the detection of contaminant concentrations in indoor air within the Chestnut Court, but not the Ash Ave properties, coincides with expectations regarding the distribution of soil vapour as related to groundwater source areas on the adjoining existing/former industrial properties. Potential exposure pathways: Contaminants of Potential Concern Based on the results of historical investigations, the EPA identified a number of chlorinated hydrocarbon compounds as being of concern for the Assessment Area. The main COPC was identified as TCE, previously noted to comprise up to 96% of soil vapour (URS, 2013). Additional COPC include PCE, 1,2- 1,2-DCE (cis- and trans-) and VC. Further detail is provided in Table 2.1 and Appendix A. 80276-2 REV0 3/12/2014 PAGE 72 EPA REF 05/17900, 61324 FINAL REPORT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT CLOVELLY PARK/MITCHELL PARK Topic Summarised Information These COPC were confirmed by the Fyfe investigations, with TCE identified as the main contaminant in groundwater and soil vapour and representing the main driver in terms of potential human health risks associated with vapour intrusion into dwellings within the Assessment Area (refer to Section 8). Affected media As detailed above, the Fyfe investigation results identified impacts within groundwater and soil vapour in the Assessment Area. Suspected primary and secondary sources The majority of the soil vapour impacts appear to have derived from groundwater (i.e. increasing concentrations of contaminants in soil vapour with depth). Groundwater is considered to be the primary source of the soil vapour impacts within the Assessment Area. One location on the westernmost portion of the Monroe site displayed a decreasing concentration of TCE with depth. This appears to be representative of potential secondary source area associated with historical industrial activities although it could also reflect lateral vapour migration in shallow soils. Sensitive receptors The following sensitive receptors have been identified as potentially relevant to the Assessment Area: Ecological: Sturt River, located approximately 0.7 km to the west of the western boundary of the former MMAL property Warriparinga Wetlands, located approximately 0.85 km to the south-west (may not be directly down-gradient) soil and groundwater ecosystems within the investigation area Human: current and future occupants/users of properties located within the Assessment Area current and future users of the reserve/playground located in the north-eastern corner of the Eastern RA current and future maintenance and construction workers within the Assessment Area down-gradient groundwater (domestic/irrigation) bore users – although the DEWNR registered bore search (Appendix D) indicates that groundwater users are located at a minimum distance of 0.7 km in a potential down-gradient (north-westerly) direction, an EPA letter-box survey only identified a single private groundwater bore within the Assessment Area. Contaminant transport mechanisms Possible contaminant transport mechanisms associated with impacted soil (none of which was identified during the Fyfe investigation program) include: leaching into underlying soils and groundwater surface water run-off (if surface soils were involved) dust generation (if surface soils were involved) vapour generation, including via subsurface preferential pathways for vapour migration (e.g. service trenches, more permeable soils) Possible contaminant transport mechanisms associated with impacted groundwater include: flow via aquifer to down-gradient surface water body and/or groundwater bores vapour generation and/or flow via subsurface preferential pathways (e.g. service trenches, more permeable soils) downward movement into underlying aquifers (e.g. DNAPL) Exposure mechanisms Possible exposure mechanisms associated with impacted soil (none of which was identified during the Fyfe investigation program) include: direct contact with surface/subsurface soils ingestion of soils or dust – either incidental (e.g. attached to home-grown vegetables, 80276-2 REV0 3/12/2014 PAGE 73 EPA REF 05/17900, 61324 FINAL REPORT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT CLOVELLY PARK/MITCHELL PARK Topic Summarised Information remnant soil on hands after gardening) or deliberate (e.g. pica behaviour in children) inhalation of dust or vapours Possible exposure mechanisms associated with impacted groundwater include: direct contact (e.g. during use of down-gradient bores for domestic/irrigation purposes) ingestion – incidental (e.g. during use of down-gradient bores for domestic/irrigation purposes) inhalation of vapours ecosystems associated with the Sturt River to the west, possibly including the Warriparinga Wetlands to the south-west Assessment of risk: Natural attenuation of groundwater impacts The presence of TCE daughter products, including 1,2-DCE and VC, within the uppermost aquifer beneath the Assessment Area is considered to be indicative of TCE breakdown occurring through the process of reductive dechlorination. Chlorinated solvent plumes can exhibit three types of behaviour (Type 1 to Type 3) depending on the amount of solvent, the amount of biologically available organic carbon in the aquifer, the distribution and concentration of natural electron acceptors and the types of electron acceptors being used (Wiedemeir et. al. 1998). Individual plumes may also exhibit all three types of behaviour in different portions of the plume. Type 1 behaviour occurs where the primary substrate is anthropogenic carbon (e.g. BTEX (benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, xylenes) compounds or landfill leachate) and microbial degradation of this anthropogenic carbon drives reductive dechlorination. Type 2 behaviour dominates in areas that are characterised by relatively high concentrations of biologically available native organic carbon and microbial utilisation of this natural carbon source drives reductive dechlorination Type 3 behaviour dominates in areas that are characterised by inadequate concentrations of native and/or anthropogenic carbon as well as concentrations of DO that are greater than 1 mg/L. Under these aerobic conditions, reductive dechlorination will not occur and the most significant natural attenuation mechanisms for PCE, TCE, and DCE will be advection, dispersion, and sorption. With respect to mixed behaviour, as mentioned above, a single chlorinated solvent plume can exhibit all three types of behaviour in different portions of the plume. This can be beneficial for the natural biodegradation of chlorinated hydrocarbon plumes. Lines of evidence obtained during the Fyfe investigations suggest that there is adequate evidence that natural attenuation of the chlorinated hydrocarbon plume is occurring at location MWS14_07, on the former MMAL property, whilst there is limited evidence that natural attenuation is occurring at six other locations on the Monroe property, the former MMAL site and the Eastern RA. Of the remainder of the wells located within the identified groundwater plume areas, there was inadequate evidence of biodegradation occurring. This suggests that biodegradation is probably not occurring or is occurring too slowly to produce sufficient concentrations of natural attenuation indicators to draw any definitive conclusions. Based on the results obtained by Fyfe, and the mixture of land uses (i.e. residential and commercial/industrial) associated with the Assessment Area, it is likely that the groundwater chlorinated hydrocarbon plumes are displaying mixed behaviour. Where adequate and limited lines of evidence for natural attenuation were obtained, it is possible that the chlorinated impacts in these areas are displaying Type 1 behaviour (i.e. where petroleum hydrocarbons are/have been historically present). Groundwater within the remainder of the chlorinated hydrocarbon plume areas appears to be displaying Type 3 behaviour, given the likely low to negligible organic carbon content of groundwater within these areas and the absence of direct lines of evidence of natural attenuation. 80276-2 REV0 3/12/2014 PAGE 74 EPA REF 05/17900, 61324 FINAL REPORT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT CLOVELLY PARK/MITCHELL PARK Topic Summarised Information Groundwater fate and transport modelling The results of the groundwater fate and transport modelling undertaken by BlueSphere indicated that the chlorinated hydrocarbons in groundwater can be expected to continue to migrate such that detectable concentrations of these contaminants will reach the Mitchell Park sentry wells (MW_EPA24 and MW_EPA25) and reach the Sturt River in approximately 20 years. It was also concluded that the groundwater impacts may potentially migrate beyond the location of the Sturt River, further to the west, with time. The modelling assumed on-going source contribution(s) from the industrial areas of Clovelly Park. Although there is a possibility that the Sturt River may be acting as a groundwater recharge point, thereby potentially limiting plume migration, potential hydraulic connectivity between the Sturt River and the uppermost aquifer has not yet been determined. Vapour intrusion risks The results of the VIRA (refer to Section 8 and Appendixes N to CC), undertaken to assess potential risks to human health from the intrusion of chlorinated hydrocarbon vapours (primarily TCE) into indoor air from groundwater and soil vapour, are represented in the data tables on Figures 6A and 6B. Based on the predicted indoor air concentrations from soil data collected at individual sample point locations, concentration contours have been inferred between these locations in order to support the derivation of response levels at individual properties within the assessment Area. These contours are depicted in Figures 6A and 6B. The results for predicted indoor air concentrations of TCE within the Relocation Area indicated the following: six residential properties: 20 to <200 µg/m3 response level 14 residential properties: 2 to <20 µg/m3 response level; and nine residential properties: >non-detect to <2 µg/m3 response level. The results for predicted indoor air concentrations of TCE within other areas (i.e. in close proximity to the Relocation Area) indicated the following: one residential property, on the southern side of Ash Avenue, Clovelly Park: 2 to <20 µg/m3 response level two residential properties on Mimosa Terrace, Clovelly Park: > non-detect to <2 µg/m3 response level; and 12 locations along Woodland Avenue, Mitchell Park area (either slab-on-ground or crawl 3 space): >non-detect to <2 µg/m response level. The predicted levels of TCE in indoor air for all remaining properties in the southern Clovelly Park and Mitchell Park areas correspond to the safe (nothing detected) response level. Complete exposure pathways: Identified pathways Based on the results of the recent Fyfe investigations, including the VIRA and groundwater fate and areas of potential and transport modelling and taking into account available historical information, the complete risk exposure pathways that have been identified for the Assessment Area are as follows: vapour intrusion into indoor air in the northern Clovelly Park residential area (north of Ash Avenue), including the Eastern RA and the Precautionary RA* down-gradient groundwater users within the Clovelly Park and Mitchell Park areas; and the Sturt River to the west of the Assessment Area (i.e. within the next 20 years), noting that potential hydraulic connectivity is unknown at this stage. Note: *Although the VIRA also identified a vapour intrusion risk for the Monroe and former MMAL properties, modelling was undertaken for residential (rather than commercial/industrial) land use scenarios. 80276-2 REV0 3/12/2014 PAGE 75 EPA REF 05/17900, 61324 FINAL REPORT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT CLOVELLY PARK/MITCHELL PARK 10. CONCLUSIONS Between August and November 2014, Fyfe undertook a detailed investigation of potential soil, soil vapour and groundwater chlorinated hydrocarbon impacts within an EPA-designated Assessment Area located across the suburbs of Clovelly Park and Mitchell Park, South Australia. The approximately 123.6 ha Assessment Area is bounded by Main South Road to the east and south-east, Alawoona Ave (and a line representing its eastern extension through the former MMAL property) to the north, Sturt River (concrete culvert) to the west and Sturt Road to the south. The results of the investigations undertaken by Fyfe have been used to assess potential vapour intrusion to indoor air risks within residential properties as well as the likely lateral migration of the groundwater impacts over time. An updated CSM has been developed from the field, analytical and modelling results (refer to Section 9). The following conclusions have been reached regarding the Assessment Area: Subsurface geological conditions are generally consistent across the Assessment Area and are dominated by the clays and silty clays of the Hindmarsh Clay formation. Calcrete segregations were not uncommon within the upper 1 to 3 m of the soil profile and variable coarse fraction (sand and gravel) components, as well as minor structural defects (fractures and voids), were also present. While there is a potential for structural defects to act as preferential pathways (lateral and vertical) for soil vapour movement, the results of the investigations have indicated that these features are not sufficiently continuous throughout the soil profile to have a significant influence on vertical vapour migration. By contrast, the presence of discontinuous sand and gravel lenses could be enabling some preferential lateral vapour migration, particularly in the vicinity of the Monroe property and Eastern RA. Depth to groundwater across the Assessment Area ranged from approximately 9 to 13 m BGL and groundwater was inferred to flow in a general west to north-westerly direction. Groundwater chemistry indicated that all wells were installed within a single aquifer, likely to comprise the Quaternary Q1 aquifer in this area and characterised by salinity levels of between 400 to 13,100 mg/L TDS, the latter showing considerable variation across the Assessment Area (i.e. likely to be a result of localised recharge). The soil testing results did not identify any detectable concentrations of chlorinated hydrocarbon compounds within the Assessment Area. Three separate groundwater chlorinated hydrocarbon plumes have been identified on the basis of the recent investigations, as depicted in Figure 4. The suspected source areas are as follows: ― Plume A: centred on GW20 on the south-western portion of the Monroe property and extending beneath the Eastern RA ― Plume B: centred on MWS14_01 on the south-western portion of the former MMAL property; and 80276-2 REV0 3/12/2014 PAGE 76 EPA REF 05/17900, 61324 FINAL REPORT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT CLOVELLY PARK/MITCHELL PARK ― Plume C: located in the vicinity of MW_EPA16 located on the western boundary of the former MMAL property, south of Alawoona Ave. As depicted on Figure 4, the current extent of the groundwater chlorinated hydrocarbon impacts has been delineated as extending beneath the Monroe property, the southern portion of the MMAL site, the Eastern and Precautionary RAs and the eastern and northern portions of the Mitchell Park area. Initial groundwater fate and transport modelling indicates that the lateral extent of the impacts are likely to increase in the medium to long term. It has been predicted that groundwater, containing detectable concentrations of chlorinated hydrocarbons, could reach the Sturt River in approximately 20 years and could also potentially migrate beyond, to commercial and residential areas located further to the west. Although the Sturt River may act to limit plume migration, the hydraulic connectivity (and interaction) between the uppermost aquifer and Sturt River is not known. It is understood that the EPA will use this information to establish an appropriate Groundwater Prohibition Area (GPA) or restriction area in accordance with the provisions of Section S103S of the Environment Protection Act 1993. As depicted on Figures 5A to 5D, the results of the soil vapour investigations have indicated a definite correlation between the groundwater chlorinated hydrocarbon plumes and the observed soil vapour concentrations (at various depths), particularly within the Monroe and Eastern RA areas (Plumes A and B) and the north-eastern portion of the Mitchell Park area (Plume C). The soil vapour concentrations generally increase with depth through the soil profile, thereby indicating a likely groundwater source (i.e. as the primary source contributing to the soil vapour plume). By comparison, a single location just inside the western boundary of the Monroe property displayed higher soil vapour concentrations at shallower depths, thereby possibly indicating a soil source and/or lateral vapour migration at a shallow depth (i.e. a suspected secondary source location). Targeted soil vapour investigations undertaken along lengths of the sewer and stormwater mains within the Clovelly Park residential area have not identified the associated service trenches as significant preferential pathways for soil vapour migration. As depicted on Figures 6A and 6B, the results for predicted indoor air concentrations of TCE within the Relocation Area indicated the following: 3 ― six residential properties: 20 to <200 µg/m response level 3 ― 14 residential properties: 2 to <20 µg/m response level; and 3 ― nine residential properties: >non-detect to <2 µg/m response level. As depicted on Figures 6A and 6B, the results for predicted indoor air concentrations of TCE within other areas (i.e. in close proximity to the Relocation Area) indicated the following: 3 ― one residential property, on the southern side of Ash Avenue, Clovelly Park: 2 to <20 µg/m response level 3 ― two residential properties on Mimosa Terrace, Clovelly Park: >non-detect to <2 µg/m response level; and 80276-2 REV0 3/12/2014 PAGE 77 EPA REF 05/17900, 61324 FINAL REPORT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT CLOVELLY PARK/MITCHELL PARK ― 12 residential properties along Woodland Avenue, Mitchell Park (either slab-on-ground or crawl 3 space): >non-detect to <2 µg/m response level. The predicted levels of TCE in indoor air for properties in the southern Clovelly Park (i.e. south of the Relocation Area, with the exception of the property on the south-western corner of Ash Ave and Mimosa Terrace) and Mitchell Park areas correspond to the safe response level. The results of passive indoor air sampling within six (vacant) Clovelly Park residences, undertaken to assess the correlation between sub-slab soil vapour and indoor air concentrations (i.e. to validate the modelling approach adopted for soil vapour intrusion risk assessment), indicated that there is a general correlation between the predicted indoor air concentrations, as determined by the VIRA, and the measured indoor air concentrations. In addition, the detection of contaminant concentrations in indoor air within the Chestnut Court, but not the Ash Ave houses, coincides with expectations regarding the distribution of soil vapour, as related to groundwater source areas on the adjoining existing/former industrial properties. It is apparent that there is a relative reduction in chlorinated hydrocarbon concentrations as soil vapour migrates upwards from the unconfined aquifer and travels through the soil profile, thereby resulting in the lower concentrations identified closer to the ground surface. There were, however, higher soil vapour concentrations reported within the Monroe area at shallower depths that are potentially due to the combined effect of shallow soil impacts as well as impacted (underlying) groundwater. 80276-2 REV0 3/12/2014 PAGE 78 EPA REF 05/17900, 61324 FINAL REPORT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT CLOVELLY PARK/MITCHELL PARK 11. REFERENCES ASTM (2001) Standard Practice for Active Soil Gas Sampling in the Vadose Zone for Vapor Intrusion Evaluations. ASTM Guide D7663-12. ASTM (2006) Standard Guide for Soil Gas Monitoring in the Vadose Zone. ASTM Guide D5314-92. Australian/New Zealand Standard (1998) Water Quality Sampling, Part 1: Guidance on the Design of Sampling Programs, Sampling Techniques and the Preservation and Handling of Samples. AS/NZS 5667.1:1998. Australian/New Zealand Standard (1998) Water Quality Sampling, Part 11: Guidance on Sampling of Groundwaters. AS/NZS 5667.11:1998. Belpario A.P. Rice R.L. (1989) Stratigraphic Investigation of the Gillman Investigation Site, Port Adelaide Estuary. Geological Survey, Department of Mines and Energy South Australia. California EPA (2012) Advisory Active Soil Gas Investigations. Department of Toxic Substances Control, Los Angeles Regional Water Quality Control Board and San Francisco Regional Water Quality Control Board, April 2012. CRC CARE (2013) Petroleum Hydrocarbon Vapour Intrusion Assessment – Australian Guidance. CRC CARE Technical Report No. 23, July 2013. Department for Health and Ageing (2012) Report on the Site Contamination Investigations Conducted by the Department for Health and Ageing in Clovelly Park, South Australia (2008-2011). Report No. eA768188, dated September 2012. enHealth (2012a) Australian Exposure Factor Guidance- Guidelines for assessing human health risks from environmental hazards. Commonwealth of Australia. enHealth (2012b) Environmental Health Risk assessment- Guidelines for assessing human health risks from environmental hazards. Commonwealth of Australia. Environmental Protection Act 1993. Environmental Protection Regulations 2009. Gerges N.Z. (1996) Overview of the Adelaide Metropolitan Area. South Australian Department of Mines and Energy Report Book 1997/003. Gerges N.Z. (1999) The Geology and Hydrogeology of the Adelaide Metropolitan Area. Flinders University (South Australia). Ph.D. thesis (unpublished). Golder Associates (2012) 22A and 22B Ash Avenue, Clovelly Park, South Australia: Preliminary Environmental Investigation Report. Report to Housing SA, dated 12 December 2012. 80276-2 REV0 3/12/2014 PAGE 79 EPA REF 05/17900, 61324 FINAL REPORT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT CLOVELLY PARK/MITCHELL PARK Green G., Watt E., Alcoe D., Costar A. and Mortimer L. (2010) Groundwater Flow Across Regional Scale Faults. Department of Water Technical Report DFW 2010/15. Hodgkin T. (2004) Aquifer Storage Capacities of the Adelaide Region. South Australia. Department of Water, Land and Biodiversity Conservation Report 2004/47. Hutter K. (1997) Order and Disorder in Granular Materials – Experiment and Theory, Darmstadt University of Technology, Germany. ITRC (2007) Vapor Intrusion Pathway - A Practical Guidance. Kay J. and Cavagnaro R. (1984) Settlement of Raft Foundations. Journal of Geotechnical Engineering. NEPM (1999) National Environment Protection (Assessment of Site Contamination) Measure, Schedules B1 to B9. National Environment Protection Council, Australia. NSW DEC (2006) Guidelines for the NSW Site Auditor Scheme (2nd edition). Olweny M.R.O. and Williamson T.J. (1998) An Investigation of the Thermal Performance of Suspended Timber Floors. Proceedings of the 32nd International ANZAScA Conference, Wellington, New Zealand. Parsons Brinckerhoff (2008a) Stage 1 Environmental Site Assessment – Mitsubishi Motors Production Plant, Tonsley Park, South Australia. Report to MMAL, dated 20 May 2008. Parsons Brinckerhoff (2008b) Stage 2 Environmental Site Assessment – Mitsubishi Motors Production Plant, Tonsley Park, South Australia. Report to MMAL, dated 8 August 2008. Parsons Brinckerhoff (2009a) Section 14 Assessment Report – MMAL Tonsley Park. Report to MMAL, dated 13 March 2009. Parsons Brinckerhoff (2009b) Quantitative Health Risk Assessment – Mitsubishi Tonsley Park – Section 14, South Australia. Report to MMAL, dated 19 August 2009. Parsons Brinckerhoff (2009c) Groundwater Assessment – MMAL Tonsley Park. Report to MMAL, dated 12 October 2009. PPK Environment & Infrastructure (1995) Environmental Audit of Mitsubishi Motors Australia Limited, Tonsley Park Plant. Report to MMAL, dated 5 September 1995. RAIS (2014) Chemical Specific Parameters for Trichloroethylene. Risk Assessment Information System, Office of Environmental Management, U.S. Department of Energy. Rust PPK (1995) Site Contamination Assessment Clovelly Park. Report to Monroe Australia Pty Ltd, dated 31 January 1995. Rust PPK (1996) Stage II Site Contamination Assessment, Clovelly Park. Report to Monroe Australia Pty Ltd, dated 5 March 1996. 80276-2 REV0 3/12/2014 PAGE 80 EPA REF 05/17900, 61324 FINAL REPORT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT CLOVELLY PARK/MITCHELL PARK SA Department of Mines and Energy (1962) 1:250,000 Barker Geological Map Sheet. Sheet S1 54-13. SA Department of Mines and Energy (1992) Groundwater in the Adelaide Metropolitan Area. Information Sheet No. 21. SA EPA (2007) Regulatory Monitoring and Testing Groundwater Sampling. SA EPA (2014) Clovelly Park Mitchell Park Project Management Team Assessment Program Flip Book. November 2014. Selby J. and Lindsay J. (1982) Engineering Geology of the Adelaide City Area. South Australian Department of Mines and Energy Bulletin No. 51. Standards Australia (1993) Geotechnical Site Investigations. AS1726-1993. Standards Australia (2011) Residential Slabs and Footings. AS2870-2011. Standards Australia (1999) Guide to the Sampling and Investigation of Potentially Contaminated Soil Part 2: Volatile Substances. AS4482.2-1999. Standards Australia (2005) Guide to the Sampling and Investigation of Potentially Contaminated Soil Part 1: Non-Volatile and Semi-Volatile Compounds. AS4482.1-2005 Homebush NSW. Stapledon D.H (1971) Changes and Structural Defects Developed in some South Australian Clays and their Engineering Consequences. Proceedings of Symposium on Soils and Earth Structures in Arid Climates, Adelaide, 1970. URS (2009a) Monroe Clovelly Park Facility Stage 1 Environmental Site Assessment. Report to Monroe Australia Pty Ltd, dated 13 March 2009. URS (2009b) Monroe Clovelly Park Facility – Groundwater Monitoring, January 2009. Report to Monroe Australia Pty Ltd, dated 9 June 2009. URS (2009c) Monroe Clovelly Park Facility – Stage 2 Environmental Site Assessment. Report to Monroe Australia Pty Ltd, dated 16 December 2009. URS (2010) Monroe Clovelly Park Facility – Stage 3 Environmental Site Assessment. Report to Monroe Australia Pty Ltd, dated 8 October 2010. URS (2011) Monroe, Clovelly Park Facility – Soil and Soil Vapour Investigations, April to June 2011. Report to Monroe Australia Pty Ltd, dated 19 September 2011. URS (2012) Monroe, Clovelly Park Facility – On-site and Off-site Groundwater Investigations, October to December 2011. Report to Monroe Australia Pty Ltd, dated 9 March 2012. URS (2013) Final Report Monroe Clovelly Park Facility – Environmental Investigations, May 2012 to March 2013. Report to Monroe Australia Pty Ltd, dated 6 September 2013. 80276-2 REV0 3/12/2014 PAGE 81 EPA REF 05/17900, 61324 FINAL REPORT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT CLOVELLY PARK/MITCHELL PARK URS (2014a) Monroe, Clovelly Park Facility – Off-site Vapour Investigations, August to November 2013. Report to Monroe Australia Pty Ltd, dated 18 March 2014. URS (2014b) Chlorinated Solvent Vapour Intrusion Risk Assessment Clovelly Park. Draft report to Monroe Australia Pty Ltd, dated 16 May 2014. US EPA (2004) User’s Guide for Evaluating Subsurface Vapor Intrusion into Buildings. Office of Emergency and Remedial Response. Washington D.C. US EPA (2012) EPA’s Vapor Intrusion Database: Evaluation and Characterization of Attenuation Factors for Chlorinated Volatile Organic Compounds and Residential Buildings. Wiedemeir T. Swanson M., Moutoux D., Gordon E., Wilson J., Wilson B., Kampbell D., Haas P., Miller R. Hansen J. And Chapelle F. (1998) Technical Protocol for Evaluating Natural Attenuation of Chlorinated Solvents in Ground Water. National Risk Management Research Laboratory Office of Research and Development, US EPA. 80276-2 REV0 3/12/2014 PAGE 82 EPA REF 05/17900, 61324 FINAL REPORT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT CLOVELLY PARK/MITCHELL PARK 12. STATEMENT OF LIMITATIONS The opinions and conclusions presented in this report are specific to the conditions of the Assessment Area and the state of legislation currently enacted as at the date of this report. Fyfe does not make any representation or warranty that the opinions and conclusions in this report will be applicable in the future as there may be changes in the condition of the Assessment Area, applicable legislation or other factors that would affect the opinions and conclusions contained in this report. Fyfe has used the degree of skill and care ordinarily exercised by reputable members of our profession practising in the same or similar locality. This report has been prepared for the South Australian Environment Protection Authority, for the specific purpose identified in the report. Fyfe accepts no liability or responsibility to any third party for the accuracy of any information contained in the report or any opinion or conclusion expressed in the report. Neither the whole of the report nor any part or reference thereto may be in any way used, relied upon or reproduced by any third party without Fyfe’s prior written approval. This report must be read in its entirety, including all tables and attachments. The VIRA was conducted based on the information provided to Salcor by Fyfe at the time of the assessment, and provides an interpretation of risks to address a specific objective in accordance with industry practices. The VIRA requires a number of assumptions regarding site conditions, human exposure and chemical toxicity. Even though site-specific parameters may be considered (e.g. soil profile and analytical data), it is not possible to fully describe site conditions and human activities at the site for the entire period of time considered in the risk assessment. The assumptions considered for this VIRA were generally conservative in nature, to account for uncertainty in the parameter estimates and to protect public health by providing a deliberate margin of safety. 80276-2 REV0 3/12/2014 PAGE 83 EPA REF 05/17900, 61324 FINAL REPORT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT CLOVELLY PARK/MITCHELL PARK FIGURES Figure 1 – Site Location and Assessment Area Figure 2A – Assessment Point Locations Figure 2B – Assessment Point Locations – Relocation Area and Surrounds Figure 3 – Groundwater Elevation Contour Plan Figure 4 – Groundwater TCE Concentration Plan Figure 5A – Soil Vapour TCE Concentration Plan – 2 m Figure 5B – Soil Vapour TCE Concentration Plan – 4 m Figure 5C – Soil Vapour TCE Concentration Plan – 8 m Figure 5D – Soil Vapour TCE Concentration Plan – 10 m Figure 6A – Predicted TCE Indoor Air Concentrations (Modelled) Figure 6B – Predicted TCE Indoor Air Concentrations (Modelled) – Relocation Area Figure 7 – Geological Cross Section – Assessment Area 80276-2 REV0 3/12/2014 PAGE 84 AV ENU E BARKUN A AV ENUE DEEPDENE AV FORMER MITSUBISHI MOTORS AUSTRALIA LIMITED (MMAL) E DRIVE RO AD UE MALD ON AV EN WO OD LAND GR OV E ENUE KELSEY AV PARKWOOD WETT AVENUE OV E BRAD LEY GR HAND LEY AV HE KENM AY AV EN MITCHELL PARK AREA UE AYLIFF ES ROAD CLOVELLY PARK AREA EN UE AD GR EENGLAD ENUE RO ET GEOR GE STRE N AI M CO U AV E NU Y COURT M AI NU BU ES C CR CH BIR E NU AV E E LYN OV GR TT ON MAPLE AV EN EY L RN SU OAK AV EN UE TO N E BU NE VE YA STURT ROAD RO AD 0 30 60 90 120 150 m 1:6,000 @ A3 CLIENT SA EPA E NU VE UNIVERSITY DRI ER UE IN MC UE TWEED AV EN CL OS EPA ASSESSMENT AREA KELVIN RO AD EDISO N ROAD MA MILL TER RACE E AC RR D LEGEND TE EN T E MYRTLE GROV A OS OA LYN NE CO URT EM RO IM M KE E AB BE YR E AD OT E RA VE LLY T TILLEY CO UR STE TO TIM NU HE DS N CO UR AS H AV ENUE HY E AV E GR OV LE AD L RO AD DA RO EDISO N ROAD T NT R RIVE BE LN RELOCATION AREA TIM OTH E NU E IN AV E RK K I TH RT HA AN URT NR RB E CRESC VA CO PE CO MONROE SITE CHESTNUT COURT GEN E LI N SHEPHERDS HIL KARU AV ENUE STURT MARIO N RO AD TROWBRID GE SO UT H UE LA NARK AV EN AD NORFOLK RO EMAIL: SOUT H RO AD E CO URT CO NSTABL PH: (08) 8232 9088 O ON A ASSESSMENT AREA THE CRESCENT ALAW UE PROJECT ENUE RONALD AV EPA ASSESSMENT AREA ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT CLOVELLY PARK / MITCHELL PARK, SA THE PAR KWAY TITLE ER FF LA AV ENUE DR IV E FIGURE 1: SITE LOCATION AND ASSESSMENT AREA HUGH CAIRNS FA X : ( 0 8 ) 8 2 3 2 9 0 9 9 UE BAHLO O AV EN ADELAIDE 80276_201_Figure 1 - Site Location and Assessment 80276 REV 3 > 01.12.14 L E V E L 3 , 8 0 F L I N D E R S S T R E E T, A D E L A I D E S A 5 0 0 0 . FI NN IS S MI NKIE AV EN ST R EE UE KIR RA AV EN T AV ENUE PAUL STREET MCFARLANE WEB: ABN: 57 008 116 130 FIGURE 1: SITE LOCATION AND ASSESSMENT AREA ENUE BARKUNA AV AURICCHIO AVENUE EN UE DEEP DENE AV DRIVE UE OVE BRADLEY GR MALD ON AVEN UE HEWETT AVEN ENUE HANDLEY AV UE MITCHELL PARK AREA UE KENMAY AVEN AYLIFFES ROAD CLOVELLY PARK AREA UE LANARK AVEN AV E NU E YC OU R T NT E AV E T RE SC EN BIR CH C E LYN TO N AV EN U E AC YG LE N SU T OAK AVENUE TO N note: refer to specific plans for naming of locations RO AD 0 30 60 90 120 150 m STURT ROAD UN IVERSITY DRIVE N ER UE IN MC UE MAPL E AVEN TWEED AVEN EM MA CL OS E E MYRTLE GROV RR TE OA D LYNNE COURT R BU H E EY R VE RO SO UT NU A OS AB B GROUNDWATER MONITORING WELLS (FYFE) GROUNDWATER MONITORING WELLS (EXISTING) SOIL BORE SOIL VAPOUR BORE (2m) E SOIL VAPOUR BORE (4m, 8m, 10m) MILL TERRAC SOIL VAPOUR BORE (1m + 2m SUB SLAB) INDOOR /AD OUTDOOR AIR SAMPLE KELVIN RO EPA ASSESSMENT AREA IM M KE LLY G HE STE R LEGEND ASH AVENUE TIM OT H RO VE R RIVE EA VE NU N IN M AI RK L ROAD HA RIT HC OU RT RO AD PE N RO AD SHEPHERD S HIL RT N URT CHESTNUT CO AVEN UE E CR ESC KARU GENE VA CO U BE DA L TILLEY COURT NC OL TROWBRIDGE STURT MARION ROAD AD NORFOLK RO LI ENUE U EN AV EY 1:5,000 @ A3 STURT ROAD CLIENT RONALD AV E SA EPA PROJECT THE PARKWAY EPA ASSESSMENT AREA ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT CLOVELLY PARK / MITCHELL PARK, SA DR IV FF E R AVENUE LA Y WA GA MARION ROAD R IN IPA RR WA E TITLE HUGH CAIRN S FA X : ( 0 8 ) 8 2 3 2 9 0 9 9 OVE PARKWOOD GR ROAD WOODLAND KELSEY AVEN GREENGLADE FIGURE 2A: ASSESSMENT POINT LOCATIONS 80276_202_Figure 2A - Assessment Point ST UR TD REV 2 > 01.12.14 RIV E 80276 WEB: SOUTH ROAD E COURT CONSTABL ET GEORGE STRE THE CRESCEN T ONA A VEN UE EMAIL: AL AWO PH: (08) 8232 9088 UE ABN: 57 008 116 130 ENUE BROOKMAN AV UE BAHLOO AVEN L E V E L 3 , 8 0 F L I N D E R S S T R E E T, A D E L A I D E S A 5 0 0 0 . ST RE ET FIGURE 2A: ASSESSMENT POINT LOCATIONS MINKIE AVEN FIN NI SS AVENUE PAUL STREET MCFARL ANE MWS18_03 SV_EPA31 URS01 MWS14_06 MWS13_01 SV_EPA35A SV_EPA35B SV_EPA35C MW-EPA13 SV_EPA52 MW-EPA32 CLOVELLY PARK AREA SV_EPA63 SV_EPA29 SV_EPA62A SV_EPA62B SV_EPA62C SV_EPA62D SV_EPA61 SV_EPA54A SV_EPA54B SV_EPA54C MWS14_01 SV_EPA74A SV_EPA74B SV_EPA74C SV_EPA51 SB_EPA21 SB_EPA22 SV_EPA66 SB_EPA6 SVS_EPA2 MWS14_13 SB_EPA24 SB_EPA14 SB_EPA16 SV_EPA64A SB_EPA15 SV_EPA64B SV_EPA64C SV_EPA64D SB_EPA25 MWS14_09 SV_EPA26 MW-EPA11 TIM OT H YC OU RT SV_EPA38A SV_EPA38B SV_EPA38C MW-EPA10B SVT_EPA_2A SVT_EPA_2B SVS_EPA4 W5 SVS_EPA3 SB_EPA4 PRECAUTIONARY GW16 GW17 GW22 W6 SV_EPA2 GW19 SV_EPA3 SB_EPA3 MW-EPA3 RELOCATION AREA SVT_EPA_5A SVT_EPA_4A SVT_EPA_5A SB_EPA11 SVT_EPA_4B SVT_EPA_6A AS SB_EPA10 H SVT_EPA_6B SB_EPA8 SVS_EPA17 MW-EPA1 AV SB_EPA9 SV_EPA12B EN SVS_EPA18 SVS_EPA8 U SV_EPA18A SVS_EPA20 SV_EPA4 SVS_EPA21 SV_EPA12C E SVS_EPA7 GW32 SV_EPA18B SV_EPA12D SVS_EPA19 SV_EPA17 SV_EPA18C SVS_EPA9 W7 SV_EPA12A SVS_EPA22 SV_EPA18D SV_EPA72A SV_EPA72B SV_EPA72C SB_EPA1 SV_EPA23A MWS14_02 MWS14_07 EASTERN RELOCATION SVS_EPA5 AREA SVS_EPA6 SB_EPA13 SB_EPA12 SB_EPA7 SVS_EPA10 URS05 URS04 MWS14_11 SB_EPA5 SVT_EPA_1A SVT_EPA_1B SV_EPA65A SV_EPA65B SV_EPA65C SV_EPA65D SV_EPA1 SB_EPA2 SVS_EPA1 SB_EPA23 URS03 SV_EPA67 MWS14_08 MW-EPA2 SVT_EPA_3A SVT_EPA_3B MWS14_04 SV_EPA34A SV_EPA34B SV_EPA34C MW-EPA12 URT CHESTNUT CO MITCHELL PARK AREA GW23 MM GW06 SB_EPA17 SB_EPA18 SB_EPA19 SB_EPA20 SV_EPA27 SV_EPA56 MW-EPA19 URS06 URS02 SV_EPA60A SV_EPA60B SV_EPA60C SV_EPA60D SV_EPA28 MWS14_05 LEGEND GW26 GROUNDWATER MONITORING WELLS (FYFE) GW25 SV_EPA20A SV_EPA20B SV_EPA20C SV_EPA20D GROUNDWATER MONITORING WELLS (EXISTING) SOIL BORE GW20 SOIL VAPOUR BORE (2m) SVS_EPA16 SVS_EPA15 SOIL VAPOUR BORE (4m, 8m, 10m) GW27 SVS_EPA13 SVS_EPA14 SOIL VAPOUR BORE (1m + 2m SUB SLAB) INDOOR / OUTDOOR AIR SAMPLE GW46 MAIN STORMWATER SERVICE TRENCH GW21 SVS_EPA12 MAIN SEWER SERVICE TRENCH EPA ASSESSMENT AREA MW-EPA9 SV_EPA5 GW15 SV_EPA21B SV_EPA21A GW31 40 50 m PROJECT RO AD TH SO U M OA K AI FIGURE 2B: ASSESSMENT POINT LOCATIONS - RELOCATION AREA AND SURROUNDS SU T TO N SV_EPA8 SV-EPA11 EPA ASSESSMENT AREA ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT CLOVELLY PARK / MITCHELL PARK, SA TITLE N AV EN U E E AC T MW-EPA4 RR TE RE SC EN 30 SA EPA SV_EPA14A SV_EPA14B SV_EPA14C SV_EPA14D A OS BIR CH C 20 CLIENT IM M SV_EPA25 SV_EPA13A SV_EPA13B SV_EPA13C SV_EPA13D MW-EPA7 SV_EPA6 MW-EPA5 10 1:2,000 @ A3 SV-EPA7 E MYRTLE GROV 0 RO AD 80276_202_Figure 2B - APL - Relocation REV 2 > 01.12.14 80276 FA X : ( 0 8 ) 8 2 3 2 9 0 9 9 MWS18_04 EMAIL: WEB: SV_EPA30 PH: (08) 8232 9088 OVE BRADLEY GR MWS14_10 L E V E L 3 , 8 0 F L I N D E R S S T R E E T, A D E L A I D E S A 5 0 0 0 . ROAD WOODLAND ENUE HANDLEY AV SV_EPA49 ABN: 57 008 116 130 FIGURE 2B: ASSESSMENT POINT LOCATIONS - RELOCATION AREA AND SURROUNDS SV_EPA36A SV_EPA36B SV_EPA36C MW-EPA14 SV_EPA55 MW-EPA31 ( ! MW-EPA11 YC OU R ( ! TIM OT H ( ! GROUNDWATER FLOW DIRECTION MW-EPA7 MW-EPA4 ( ! RO AD ( ! MILL TE GROUNDWATER MONITORING WELLS (EXISTING) RRACE KELVIN ROAD 20 INFERRED GROUNDWATER ELEVATION CONTOUR (m AHD) - OCT 2014 EPA ASSESSMENT AREA TO N RO AD note: This is one interpretation only. Other interpretations possible. 0 30 60 90 120 150 m STURT ROAD U EN AV EY UN IVERSITY DRIVE N ER UE IN MC UE STURT ROAD SO UT GROUNDWATER MONITORING WELLS (FYFE) SU T MW-EPA8 N ( ! DRY / BLOCKED WELLS 46 OAK AVENUE 28 ( ! 44 MW-EPA6 32 YG LE ( ! 40 ( ! LYN TO N EM MA CL OS E ( ! ( ! MW-EPA5 RD LEGEND GW15 GW31 38 E AV EN UE ( ! H E GW21 ( ! NU MW-EPA18 44 DS TO N GW46 ( ! ENUE 1:5,000 @ A3 CLIENT RONALD AV E SA EPA PROJECT THE PARKWAY EPA ASSESSMENT AREA ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT CLOVELLY PARK / MITCHELL PARK, SA DR IV R AVENUE FF E HUGH CAIRN S LA Y WA GA MARION ROAD R IN IPA RR WA E TITLE FIGURE 3: GROUNDWATER ELEVATION CONTOUR PLAN 80276_203_Figure 3 - Groundwater Elevation ST UR TD REV 2 > 01.12.14 RIV E 80276 ABN: 57 008 116 130 WEB: EMAIL: 42 M AI ( ! ED ISON ROAD 28 ( ! MW-EPA9 AV E N R BU GW36 GW20 ( ! GW27 ASH AVENUE MAPL E AVEN TWEED AVEN VE RO OA D GW19 GW26 ! ( From top of monitoring well casing / approximate ground level Australian Height Datum ( ! GW25 E AC ( ! MW-EPA28 ( ! GW32 MW-EPA3 2 RR TE EY R W7 ( ! ( ! 1 MWS14_02 A OS AB B ( ! MWS14_09 MW-EPA1 BIR CH CR ES CE NT HE STE R ( ! MWS14_11 W6 MWS14_07 ( ! FA X : ( 0 8 ) 8 2 3 2 9 0 9 9 MW-EPA10A(B) E LY G MW-EPA27 ( ! ( ! PH: (08) 8232 9088 ( ! MWS14_04 URS03 ( ! W5 ( ! MWS14_13 MWS14_08 GW16 GW17 ( ! IM M ( ! KE L E TILLEY COURT ( ! MW-EPA12 MW-EPA2 E ( ! ( ! GW23 ( ! URS04 URS05 ! (( ! GW22 AV EN U MW-EPA19 MM GW06 ( ! MWS14_01 ( ! K ( ! NU RO VE EA VE NU MWS14_06 URS06 ( ! AV E ( ! URS02 RIT HC OU RT IN MWS13_01 MWS14_05 MW-EPA29 PE N RK ( ! BA N ( ! MWS18_04 ED ISON ROAD BE DA L LYNNE COURT ( ! MW-EPA13 ( ! HA URS01 ( ! MWS14_10 36 RT ( ! MW-EPA32 NT R RIVE E CR ESC KARU GENE VA CO U ( ! ( ! ( ! CLOVELLY PARK AREA MWS18_03 URT CHESTNUT CO AVEN UE MW-EPA25 MW-EPA14 34 MW-EPA33 TROWBRIDGE ( ! ( ! GROUNDWATER FLOW DIRECTION ENUE HANDLEY AV MITCHELL PARK AREA UE MW-EPA15 46 MW-EPA26 ( HEWETT AVENUE ! KENMAY AVEN MW-EPA31 30 26 ( ! OVE BRADLEY GR UE MALD ON AVEN STURT MARION ROAD AD NORFOLK RO MW-EPA22 MW-EPA24 UE LANARK AVEN ( ! ( ! ROAD WOODLAND ( ! ( ! MW-EPA30 UE OVE PARKWOOD GR ( ! 40 KELSEY AVEN ( ! DRIVE MW-EPA16 42 MW-EPA_PB GREENGLADE ( ! EN UE DEEP DENE AV MW-EPA21 T ( ! ( ! MW-EPA20 BU R AV MW-EPA23 BARKUNA 38 ENUE ( ! ET GEORGE STRE 36 E COURT CONSTABL L E V E L 3 , 8 0 F L I N D E R S S T R E E T, A D E L A I D E S A 5 0 0 0 . MW-EPA17 34 ( ! 32 30 28 26 ONA A VEN UE M AI ST RE ET UE AL AWO Groundwater Standing Corrected Monitoring Well Water Water Elevation Level 1 (mAHD2) MW_EPA30 10.360 28.159 MW_EPA31 10.745 28.052 MW_EPA32 11.790 28.014 ENUE BROOKMAN AV MW_EPA33 7.294 27.124 MW_EPA_PB 8.975 MWS13_01 7.770 36.564 MWS14_01 10.682 32.626 MWS14_02 9.466 42.770 MWS14_04 14.900 31.907 MWS14_06 10.000 37.994 MWS14_07 8.610 42.416 MWS14_08 12.100 31.936 MWS14_09 11.800 31.062 MWS14_10 11.726 31.136 UE CCHIO AVEN MWS14_11 14.128 AURI 34.157 MWS14_13 11.832 34.655 MWS18_03 12.330 30.109 MWS18_04 9.950 33.047 GW15 9.658 47.893 GW16 11.210 46.183 GW19 13.236 44.231 GW20 13.514 43.894 GW21 11.150 43.401 GW22 13.220 43.933 GW23 13.452 43.928 GW26 13.408 43.264 GW27 17.758 39.198 AYLIFFES ROAD GW31 13.454 41.917 GW32 12.263 37.071 GW46 9.698 43.082 URS01 9.415 35.385 URS02 11.213 34.955 URS03 12.608 33.390 URS04 4.910 42.917 URS05 5.413 42.454 URS06 5.201 42.839 W5 13.498 33.404 W6 15.896 33.464 W7 11.526 35.4 THE CRESCEN T UE BAHLOO AVEN Corrected Water Elevation (mAHD2) 32.419 36.292 41.215 39.590 28.245 35.999 28.165 31.164 28.771 31.927 30.565 28.464 30.635 30.700 30.206 28.138 28.138 26.962 25.126 27.314 24.213 25.567 26.981 26.356 27.824 28.029 27.329 SOUTH ROAD Groundwater Standing Monitoring Well Water Level 1 MW_EPA1 12.668 MW_EPA2 12.115 MW_EPA4 12.531 MW_EPA5 10.717 MW_EPA6 15.936 MW_EPA8 15.066 MW_EPA10A 12.410 MW_EPA10B 9.411 MW_EPA11 13.000 MW_EPA12 10.145 MW_EPA13 11.245 MW_EPA14 12.465 MW_EPA15 9.670 MW_EPA16 9.226 MW_EPA17 9.715 MW_EPA18 11.465 MW_EPA19 12.430 MW_EPA20 10.019 MW_EPA21 8.485 MW_EPA22 9.346 MW_EPA23 6.592 MW_EPA24 5.870 MW_EPA25 5.810 MW_EPA26 7.900 MW_EPA27 8.258 MW_EPA28 7.490 MW_EPA29 9.780 FIGURE 3: GROUNDWATER ELEVATION CONTOUR PLAN MINKIE AVEN FIN NI SS AVENUE PAUL STREET MCFARL ANE ( ! EN UE DEEP DENE AV MW-EPA21 MW-EPA16 NO DATA COLLECTED 100 10 0 2,00 ( ! PE N nd RK IN AV E NU ( ! MW-EPA10A E ( ! ( ! MW-EPA1 W7 ( ! TIM OT H YC OU R ( ! MWS14_09 GW32 GW20 ( ! 0 9 M AI DS TO N E MW-EPA7 ( ! MW-EPA5 ( ! MW-EPA4 OAK AVENUE GW15 ( ! ( ! ( ! GROUNDWATER MONITORING WELLS (FYFE) ( ! GROUNDWATER MONITORING WELLS (EXISTING) LYN INFERRED GROUNDWATER CONCENTRATION CONTOUR (μg/L) - OCT 2014 EPA ASSESSMENT AREA 20 TO N RO AD note: This is one interpretation only. Other interpretations possible. 0 30 60 90 120 150 m STURT ROAD U EN AV EY UN IVERSITY DRIVE N ER ENUE 1:5,000 @ A3 CLIENT RONALD AV E SA EPA PROJECT THE PARKWAY EPA ASSESSMENT AREA ENVIRONMENTAL INVESTIGATION CLOVELLY PARK / MITCHELL PARK, SA DR IV FF E R AVENUE LA Y WA GA MARION ROAD R IN IPA RR WA E TITLE HUGH CAIRN S E MILL TERRAC DRY / BLOCKEDKEWELLS LVIN ROAD UE IN MC UE STURT ROAD RO AD LEGEND SU T MW-EPA8 >nd to <20 20 to <100 100 to <500 500 to <1,000 1,000 to <5,000 5,000 to <10,000 10,000 + above nd = non-detect ED ISON ROAD MW-EPA6 TO N ( ! GW31 RO AD GW36 00 8,0 00 7,0 GW46 ( ! N TCE CONCENTRATIONS (μg/L) ( ! (,000 ! ( ! 20 nd NC OL GW19 GW26 ! ( ( ! GW27 0 E AC YG LE MWS14_02 GW25 100 MAPL E AVEN TWEED AVEN EM MA CL OS E 3,0 0 GW21 E AV EN UE ( ! MW-EPA3 ( ! NU MW-EPA18 ( ! ( ! ASH AVENUE MW-EPA9 AV E 2,0 0 RR TE OA D ( ! ( ! 1,000 MWS14_11 W6 MWS14_07 ( ! A OS AB B ( ! MW-EPA11 GW16 GW17 ( ! 1,0 0 0 ( ! LI GW23 ( ! URS04 URS05 ! (( ! GW22 500 MW-EPA2 MWS14_04 URS03 ( ! W5 MWS14_08 BIR CH CR ES CE NT RO VE LY G HE STE R N R BU ( ! ( MWS14_13 ! MW-EPA28 VE RO ( ! MW-EPA12 ( ! MM GW06 500 2, 5 ( ! T HA MW-EPA19 RIT HC OU RT EY R ( ! MWS14_01 00 ( ! ( ! 317 <5 <5 1,620 <5 20 100 MWS14_05 URS06 100 URS02 URS05 URS06 W5 W6 W7 nd 20 1,500 20 MWS14_06 ( ! nd IM M ( ! MW-EPA27 MWS13_01 H ( ! KE L E TILLEY COURT ( ! ( 500 ! 58 <5 145 <5 2,640 ED ISON ROAD EA VE NU MWS18_04 0 4,00 5,000 6,000 RT ( ! MW-EPA13 1,000 MW-EPA29 NT R RIVE E CR ESC KARU GENE VA CO U URS01 ( ! MWS14_10 URT CHESTNUT CO AVEN UE MW-EPA25 ( ! 100 nd MWS18_03 E TROWBRIDGE ( ! ( ! ( ! 20 MW-EPA32 CLOVELLY PARK AREA MW-EPA14 ENUE HANDLEY AV MITCHELL PARK AREA MW-EPA33 ( ! SO UT MW-EPA26 UE MW-EPA31 N MW-EPA22 ( HEWETT AVENUE ! BE DA L LYNNE COURT nd ( ! KENMAY AVEN MW-EPA15 20 OVE BRADLEY GR UE MALD ON AVEN STURT MARION ROAD AD NORFOLK RO ( ! MW-EPA24 UE LANARK AVEN ( ! MW-EPA30 ROAD WOODLAND ( ! ( ! ( ! UE OVE PARKWOOD GR 0 M AI ( ! DRIVE KELSEY AVEN GREENGLADE BU RB AN MW-EPA_PB FIGURE 4: GROUNDWATER TCE CONCENTRATION PLAN 80276_204_Figure 4 - Groundwater ST UR TD REV 2 > 01.12.14 RIV E 80276 ABN: 57 008 116 130 WEB: ( ! ( ! MW-EPA20 EMAIL: AV MW-EPA23 BARKUNA FA X : ( 0 8 ) 8 2 3 2 9 0 9 9 ENUE ( ! ET GEORGE STRE PH: (08) 8232 9088 MW-EPA17 RO AD ( ! 20 AV EN U nd E COURT CONSTABL L E V E L 3 , 8 0 F L I N D E R S S T R E E T, A D E L A I D E S A 5 0 0 0 . ONA A VEN UE K ST RE ET UE AL AWO THE CRESCEN T UE BAHLOO AVEN TCE Concentration Groundwater TCE Concentration (µg/L) Monitoring Well (µg/L) 1,180 MWS14_02 773 993 MWS14_04 22 <5 MWS14_06 <5 <5 MWS14_07 8 ENUE BROOKMAN AV <5 MWS14_08 562 61 MWS14_09 1,150 <5 MWS14_10 <5 1,170 MWS14_11 1,690 2,630 MWS14_13 <5 396 MWS18_03 <5 <5 MWS18_04 <5 65 GW15 <5 117 GW16 <5 <5 GW19 6,380 <5 GW20 10,700 AVENUE AURICCHIO <5 GW21 93 63 GW22 14 145 GW23 415 193 GW26 2,800 <5 GW27 927 <5 GW31 <5 <5 GW32 244 8 GW36 14 <5 GW46 <5 <5 URS01 6 72 URS02 83 15 URS03 1,210 17 URS04 5 LIFFES ROAD AY SOUTH ROAD Groundwater Monitoring Well MW_EPA1 MW_EPA2 MW_EPA4 MW_EPA5 MW_EPA8 MW_EPA10A MW_EPA10B MW_EPA11 MW_EPA12 MW_EPA13 MW_EPA14 MW_EPA15 MW_EPA16 MW_EPA17 MW_EPA18 MW_EPA19 MW_EPA20 MW_EPA21 MW_EPA22 MW_EPA23 MW_EPA24 MW_EPA25 MW_EPA26 MW_EPA27 MW_EPA28 MW_EPA29 MW_EPA30 MW_EPA31 MW_EPA32 MW_EPA33 MW_EPA_PB MWS13_01 MWS14_01 FIGURE 4: GROUNDWATER TCE CONCENTRATION PLAN MINKIE AVEN FIN NI SS AVENUE PAUL STREET MCFARL ANE ( SV_EPA33A ! EN UE SV_EPA73A ROAD WOODLAND ( SV_EPA40A ! SV_EPA49 nd nd ( SV_EPA74A ! T YC OU R TIM OT H RE SC EN T E AV EN U LYN TO N SOIL VAPOUR BORE (2m) ( SV_EPA14A ! SOIL VAPOUR BORE (2m SUB SLAB) NOT ABLE TO BE SAMPLED ( ! SV-EPA11 KELVIN ROAD INFERRED SOIL VAPOUR CONTOUR (μg/m³) - OCT 2014 200 SU T TO N RO AD ASSESSMENT WORK AREAS >nd to <200 200 to <2k 2k to <20k 20k to <50k 50k to <100k 0 30 60 ( SV_EPA10 ! 90 120 150 m STURT ROAD U EN AV EY ENUE 1:5,000 @ A3 CLIENT RONALD AV E SA EPA PROJECT THE PARKWAY EPA ASSESSMENT AREA ENVIRONMENTAL INVESTIGATION CLOVELLY PARK / MITCHELL PARK, SA DR IV FF E R AVENUE LA Y WA GA MARION ROAD R IN IPA RR WA E TITLE HUGH CAIRN S ACE MILL TE 100k toRR <200k 200k to <500k 500k to <1,000k 1,000k + above nd = non-detect note: This is one interpretation only. Other interpretations possible. UN IVERSITY DRIVE UE N ER ! SV_EPA19 ( STURT ROAD SV_EPA8 OAK AVENUE ( SV_EPA15A ! SOIL VAPOUR TCE CONCENTRATIONS (μg/m³) ED ISON ROAD ( SV_EPA9 ! ( SV_EPA24 ! ( SV_EPA37 ! ( SV_EPA21A ! ( SV-EPA7 ! ( ! ( SV_EPA16A ! nd IN MC UE SV_EPA59 ( ! MAPL E AVEN TWEED AVEN N R BU ( ! SV_EPA25 OA D YG LE OVE MYRTLE GR ( SV_EPA6 ( SV_EPA13A ! ! RD LEGEND nd SV_EPA71 VE RO 20,0 00 2,00 0 200 SV_EPA5 BIR CH C RO VE KE LLY G E EM MA CL OS E E 50,000 NU SV_EPA50A DS TO N 100,000 ( SV_EPA39 ! AV E M AI 200,000 L ROAD ( ! ( SV_EPA18A ! ( SV_EPA4 ASH AVENUE ! ! ( SV_EPA17 ( SV_EPA72A ! E AC LYNNE COURT 200 RO AD ( SV_EPA22A ! RR TE EY R ( SV_EPA3B ! ( SV_EPA20A ! ( SVT_EPA_4B ! ( SVT_EPA_5B ! ( SVT_EPA_6B ! N SV_EPA23A A OS AB B SV_EPA12A ! ( 500,00 ( SV_EPA2 ! IM M SV_EPA48 nd ( SVT_EPA_1B ! NC OL ED ISON ROAD HE STE R SV_EPA26 ( SV_EPA1 ( SVT_EPA_3B! ! COURT SV_EPA38A NT ( ! ( SV_EPA67 ! ( SV_EPA64A ! E ( ! E ( SV_EPA66 ! ( SV_EPA51 ! AV E NU EA VE NU ( ! SVT_EPA_2B LI E IN 00 50,0 0 ,00 100 00 ,0 0 0 2 <5 86 1,500 18,000 240,000 48,000 11 <5 SHEPHERD S HIL RK ( SV_EPA34A ! SV_EPA 72A SV_EPA 74A SVT_EPA 1B SVT_EPA 2B SVT_EPA 3B SVT_EPA 4B SVT_EPA 5B SVT_EPA 6B 0 HA 2,0 00 ,0 20 ( SV_EPA65A ! 0 SV_EPA56 RIT HC OU RT 00 200 ( SV_EPA27 ! SV_EPA58 TILLEY COURT ( SV_EPA61 ! ( SV_EPA54A ! RT BE DA L ! SV_EPA60A ( ( SV_EPA28 ! PE N nd ( SV_EPA62A ! 0CHESTNUT E CR ESC KARU R RIVE AD NORFOLK RO GENE VA CO U ( SV_EPA63 ! 0 ,0 50 AVEN UE ( SV_EPA47 ! ( SV_EPA29 ! 00 0, 20 TROWBRIDGE STURT MARION ROAD ( ! UE ( SV_EPA68A ! LANARK AVEN ( SV_EPA69A ! ( SV_EPA35A ! RO AD ( SV_EPA52 ! SV_EPA46 NO DATA COLLECTED ( SV_EPA30 ! AV EN U UE KENMAY AVEN 61 940 920 95 <5 19 <5 <4.5 H UE ( NDLEY AVENUE ! HA ( SV_EPA31 ! K OVE BRADLEY GR ( HEWETT AVEN UE ! CLOVELLY PARK AREA ! SV_EPA36A ( ( SV_EPA55 ! SV_EPA41 nd SO UT MITCHELL PARK AREA MALD ON AVEN ( ! ( SV_EPA32 ! UE OVE PARKWOOD GR ( SV_EPA53A ! BA N DRIVE nd SV_EPA45 200 KELSEY AVEN GREENGLADE NO DATA COLLECTED N ( SV_EPA42 ! ( SV_EPA57A ! DEEP DENE AV FIGURE 5A: SOIL VAPOUR TCE CONCENTRATION PLAN (2m) 80276_205_Figure 5A - Soil Vapour TCE ST UR TD REV 2 > 01.12.14 RIV E 80276 ABN: 57 008 116 130 WEB: SV_EPA44 BU R ( ! M AI ET GEORGE STRE EMAIL: 200 ENUE BARKUNA AV SOUTH ROAD nd FA X : ( 0 8 ) 8 2 3 2 9 0 9 9 ! SV_EPA43 ( E COURT CONSTABL PH: (08) 8232 9088 ONA A VEN UE L E V E L 3 , 8 0 F L I N D E R S S T R E E T, A D E L A I D E S A 5 0 0 0 . UE AL AWO THE CRESCEN T UE BAHLOO AVEN TCE Concentration Soil Vapour TCE Concentration (µg/m³) (µg/m³) Bore (2m) 43,000 SV_EPA 40A <5 130,000 SV_EPA 41 <5 140,000 SV_EPA 42 12 AVENUE <8.3 SV_EPA 43 AN <4.5 BROOKM <5 SV_EPA 44 <5 <5 SV_EPA 45 <5 <10 SV_EPA 46 <6.7 <5 SV_EPA 47 <5 <5 SV_EPA 48 <5 <5 SV_EPA 49 <5 <5 SV_EPA 51 <5 <5 SV_EPA 52 <5 <5 SV_EPA 53A <5 <6.3 SV_EPA 54A <5 <5 SV_EPA 55 <5 AVENUE AURICCHIO 20 SV_EPA 57A 36 1,200 SV_EPA 59 <5 <5 SV_EPA 60A 130 1,300,000 SV_EPA 61 <5 <5 SV_EPA 62A <5 <5 SV_EPA 63 <5 <5 SV_EPA 64A 1,700 <17 SV_EPA 65A 520 <5 SV_EPA 66 37 <5 SV_EPA 67 110,000 10 SV_EPA 68A <3.8 26 SV_EPA 69A <3.8 <5 SV_EPA 71 <3.8 LIFFES ROAD AY MAIN S OUTH R OAD FIN NI SS Soil Vapour Bore (2m) SV_EPA 1 SV_EPA 2 SV_EPA 3B SV_EPA 4 SV_EPA 6 SV_EPA 7 SV_EPA 8 SV_EPA 9 SV_EPA 10 SV_EPA 11 SV_EPA 12A SV_EPA 13A SV_EPA 14A SV_EPA 15A SV_EPA 16A SV_EPA 17 SV_EPA 18A SV_EPA 19 SV_EPA 20A SV_EPA 21A SV_EPA 22A SV_EPA 24 SV_EPA 25 SV_EPA 27 SV_EPA 28 SV_EPA 29 SV_EPA 30 SV_EPA 31 SV_EPA 32 SV_EPA 33A SV_EPA 34A SV_EPA 35A SV_EPA 36A SV_EPA 37 SV_EPA 38A SV_EPA 39 FIGURE 5A: SOIL VAPOUR TCE CONCENTRATION PLAN (2m) MINKIE AVEN ST RE ET AVENUE PAUL STREET MCFARL ANE nd E COURT CONSTABL 200 ENUE BARKUNA AV ( SV_EPA33B ! EN UE ( SV_EPA73B ! DRIVE SOUTH ROAD nd ROAD WOODLAND 20 0 MALD ON AVEN ( SV_EPA40B ! AYLIFFES ROAD ! SV_EPA36B ( OVE BRADLEY GR UE HEWETT AVEN ENUE HANDLEY AV T YC OU R TIM OT H nd T KE LLY G E OA D E AV EN U RO AD E SOIL VAPOUR BORE (4m) NOT ABLE TO BE SAMPLED KELVIN ROAD INFERRED SOIL VAPOUR CONTOUR (μg/m³) - OCT 2014 200 SU T OAK AVENUE ( SV_EPA16B ! TO N SV_EPA15B RO AD ASSESSMENT WORK AREAS >nd to <200 200 to <2k 2k to <20k 20k to <50k 50k to <100k 0 30 60 90 120 150 m U EN AV EY UN IVERSITY DRIVE N ER ENUE 1:5,000 @ A3 CLIENT E PROJECT RONALD AV THE PARKWAY EPA ASSESSMENT AREA ENVIRONMENTAL INVESTIGATION CLOVELLY PARK / MITCHELL PARK, SA DR IV R FF E LA Y WA GA MARION ROAD R IN IPA RR WA E TITLE AVENUE 100k to <200k 200k to <500k 500k to <1,000k 1,000k + above nd = non-detect STURT ROAD SA EPA HUGH CAIRN S E MILL TERRAC note: This is one interpretation only. Other interpretations possible. UE IN MC UE STURT ROAD SOIL VAPOUR TCE CONCENTRATIONS (μg/m³) ED ISON ROAD LYN TO N ( SV_EPA13B ! RO AD LEGEND E AC N R BU ( SV_EPA14B ! MAPL E AVEN TWEED AVEN YG LE E MYRTLE GROV SV_EPA21B RR TE RE SC EN SV_EPA50B LYNNE COURT VE RO E 20,000 NU EM MA CL OS E DS TO N SV_EPA72B A OS EY R M AI IM M AB B AV E ( SV_EPA22B ! SV_EPA18B ASH AVENUE BIR CH C RO VE E HE STE R ( SV_EPA3C ! ( SV_EPA20B ! L ROAD EA VE NU SV_EPA12B ! ( 00 ED ISON ROAD 0 0,0 AV EN U ( SV_EPA64B ! SV_EPA23B SHEPHERD S HIL 0 0, 00 20 20 00 E 00 2, 20 0 NU 0 nd AV E 50,0 IN URT CHESTNUT CO AVEN UE RK 500,00 RO AD 0 20 ,00 0 50 ,0 00 ( SV_EPA34B ! SV_EPA74B N 2,00 100,000 HA 20 0 FA X : ( 0 8 ) 8 2 3 2 9 0 9 9 ( SV_EPA65B ! RIT HC OU RT NC OL M AI ( SV_EPA54B ! PE N LI N SV_EPA60B ! SV_EPA38B ( BE DA L H ( SV_EPA62B ! NT R RIVE E CR ESC KARU RT UE SV_EPA68B LANARK AVEN ( SV_EPA69B ! K TROWBRIDGE STURT MARION ROAD GENE VA CO U CLOVELLY PARK AREA nd ( SV_EPA35B ! SO UT 20 0 BA N UE MITCHELL PARK AREA UE KENMAY AVEN TILLEY COURT 200 SV_EPA53B UE OVE PARKWOOD GR AD NORFOLK RO 2,000 KELSEY AVEN GREENGLADE NO DATA COLLECTED ( SV_EPA57B ! DEEP DENE AV BU R ET GEORGE STRE ABN: 57 008 116 130 ONA A VEN UE FIGURE 5B: SOIL VAPOUR TCE CONCENTRATION PLAN (4m) 80276_205_Figure 5B - Soil Vapour TCE ST UR TD REV 2 > 01.12.14 RIV E 80276 PH: (08) 8232 9088 UE AL AWO (µg/m³) WEB: UE BAHLOO AVEN TCE Concentration 240,000 <5 <5 <5 <5 79,000 36 2,200 1,400 58 <8.3 <5 830 11 140 91 290,000 1,300 19 <5 EMAIL: Soil Vapour Bore (4m) SV_EPA 3C SV_EPA 12B SV_EPA 13B SV_EPA 14B SV_EPA 16B SV_EPA 20B SV_EPA 22B SV_EPA 33B SV_EPA 34B SV_EPA 35B SV_EPA 36B SV_EPA 38B SV_EPA 40B SV_EPA 54B SV_EPA 57B SV_EPA 62B SV_EPA 64B SV_EPA 65B SV_EPA 69B SV_EPA 73B L E V E L 3 , 8 0 F L I N D E R S S T R E E T, A D E L A I D E S A 5 0 0 0 . FIN NI SS AVENUE FIGURE 5B: SOIL VAPOUR TCE CONCENTRATION PLAN (4m) MINKIE AVEN ST RE ET MCFARL ANE AL AWO O NA AVE N UE E COURT CONSTABL 6,700 7,900 1,700 2,100 2,100 11,000 55,000 nd WEB: ENUE BARKUNA AV SV_EPA33C EN UE KELSEY AVEN SV_EPA73C OVE BRADLEY GR UE HEWETT AVEN ( SV_EPA34C ! IN AV E 200,000 SV_EPA74C SV_EPA64C NU E T YC OU R TIM OT H RO VE KE LLY G T RE SC EN BIR CH C E SV_EPA13C SOIL VAPOUR BORE (8m) NOT ABLE TO BE SAMPLED KELVIN ROAD INFERRED SOIL VAPOUR CONTOUR (μg/m³) - OCT 2014 200 SU T OAK AVENUE ( SV_EPA16C ! TO N SV_EPA15C RO AD ASSESSMENT WORK AREAS >nd to <200 200 to <2k 2k to <20k 20k to <50k 50k to <100k 0 30 60 90 120 150 m U EN AV EY UN IVERSITY DRIVE N ER ENUE 1:5,000 @ A3 CLIENT E PROJECT RONALD AV THE PARKWAY EPA ASSESSMENT AREA ENVIRONMENTAL INVESTIGATION CLOVELLY PARK / MITCHELL PARK, SA DR IV R FF E LA Y WA GA MARION ROAD R IN IPA RR WA E TITLE AVENUE 100k to <200k 200k to <500k 500k to <1,000k 1,000k + above nd = non-detect STURT ROAD SA EPA HUGH CAIRN S E MILL TERRAC note: This is one interpretation only. Other interpretations possible. UE IN MC UE STURT ROAD SOIL VAPOUR TCE CONCENTRATIONS (μg/m³) ED ISON ROAD AV EN U LEGEND E AC LYN TO N SV_EPA14C RO AD L ROAD ( ! ED ISON ROAD E MYRTLE GROV RR TE N R BU 0 MAPL E AVEN TWEED AVEN YG LE 50 ,0 0 E A OS OA D LYNNE COURT EM MA CL OS E 0 20 0,0 10 00 0,0 00 IM M SV_EPA50C DS TO N 1,00 0,00 0 0 EY R VE RO 0 200 nd AB B H AVENUE AS! ( SV_EPA72C 20 ,0 0 2,00 E M AI ! SV_EPA18C ( SV_EPA12C NU SV_EPA22C ( SV_EPA20C ! 00 0, AV E SV_EPA23C 50 HE STE R RO AD E RK N SHEPHERD S HIL HA RIT HC OU RT NC OL AV EN U PE N LI FA X : ( 0 8 ) 8 2 3 2 9 0 9 9 ( ! SV_EPA54C NT E H SV_EPA65C URT CHESTNUT CO AVEN UE E CR ESC KARU R RIVE EA VE NU 200 2,000 20,000 50,000 100,000 N SV_EPA60C SV_EPA38C BE DA L SO UT SV_EPA62C K TROWBRIDGE UE ( SV_EPA68C ! LANARK AVEN ( SV_EPA69C ! RO AD CLOVELLY PARK AREA SV_EPA35C M AI UE STURT MARION ROAD RT NO DATA COLLECTED SV_EPA36C ENUE HANDLEY AV MITCHELL PARK AREA GENE VA CO U SOUTH ROAD ROAD WOODLAND 2, 00 0 UE TILLEY COURT 0 20 MALD ON AVEN ( SV_EPA40C ! KENMAY AVEN AD NORFOLK RO UE OVE PARKWOOD GR SV_EPA53C EMAIL: DRIVE BA N GREENGLADE NO DATA COLLECTED ( SV_EPA57C ! DEEP DENE AV BU R ET GEORGE STRE FIGURE 5C: SOIL VAPOUR TCE CONCENTRATION PLAN (8m) 80276_205_Figure 5C - Soil Vapour TCE ST UR TD REV 2 > 01.12.14 RIV E 80276 PH: (08) 8232 9088 UE SV_EPA 34C SV_EPA 40C SV_EPA 57C SV_EPA 65C SV_EPA 68C SV_EPA 69C SV_EPA 72C ABN: 57 008 116 130 UE BAHLOO AVEN L E V E L 3 , 8 0 F L I N D E R S S T R E E T, A D E L A I D E S A 5 0 0 0 . ST RE ET Soil Vapour TCE Concentration (µg/m³) Bore (8m) SV_EPA 14C <5 SV_EPA 16C <5 SV_EPA 18C 1,100,000 AVENUE SV_EPA KMAN250,000 BROO20C FIGURE 5C: SOIL VAPOUR TCE CONCENTRATION PLAN (8m) MINKIE AVEN FIN NI SS AVENUE PAUL STREET MCFARL ANE ONA A VEN UE E COURT CONSTABL EN UE DEEP DENE AV ENUE HANDLEY AV RK IN AV E ( SV_EPA64D ! NU E T YC OU R T RE SC EN nd BIR CH C E AV EN U 200 ( SV_EPA16D ! RO AD H SOIL VAPOUR BORE (10m) NOT ABLE TO BE SAMPLED KELVIN ROAD INFERRED SOIL VAPOUR CONTOUR (μg/m³) - OCT 2014 200 SU T OAK AVENUE ( SV_EPA15D ! TO N RO AD ASSESSMENT WORK AREAS >nd to <200 200 to <2k 2k to <20k 20k to <50k 50k to <100k 0 30 60 90 120 150 m U EN AV EY UN IVERSITY DRIVE N ER ENUE 1:5,000 @ A3 CLIENT E PROJECT RONALD AV THE PARKWAY EPA ASSESSMENT AREA ENVIRONMENTAL INVESTIGATION CLOVELLY PARK / MITCHELL PARK, SA DR IV R FF E LA Y WA GA MARION ROAD R IN IPA RR WA E TITLE AVENUE 100k to <200k 200k to <500k 500k to <1,000k 1,000k + above nd = non-detect STURT ROAD SA EPA HUGH CAIRN S E MILL TERRAC note: This is one interpretation only. Other interpretations possible. UE IN MC UE STURT ROAD SOIL VAPOUR TCE CONCENTRATIONS (μg/m³) ED ISON ROAD LYN TO N ( SV_EPA13D ! E AC N R BU ( SV_EPA14D 2,000 ! RR TE YG LE RO AD LEGEND 20,00 0 E MYRTLE GROV MAPL E AVEN TWEED AVEN EM MA CL OS E E A OS OA D 00 BU RB AN TIM OT H RO VE KE LLY G E LYNNE COURT DS TO N 1,000 ,0 500,0 00 200 50,00 10 0 0,000 ,000 NU EY R VE RO ASH AVENUE M AI IM M AB B AV E SV_EPA22D ( SV_EPA20D ! L ROAD E HE STE R 00 ED ISON ROAD EA VE NU RO AD 1,000,0 SV_EPA18D ( SV_EPA12D ! N FA X : ( 0 8 ) 8 2 3 2 9 0 9 9 HA NC OL E PE N NT R RIVE BE DA L TILLEY COURT ( SV_EPA65D ! RIT HC OU RT LI SHEPHERD S HIL RT 00 URT CHESTNUT CO AVEN UE E CR ESC KARU GENE VA CO U SV_EPA60D 500,0 SO UT TROWBRIDGE STURT MARION ROAD AD NORFOLK RO ( SV_EPA62D ! CLOVELLY PARK AREA nd 20 0 2,0 00 20 50 ,00 100 ,00 ,00 0 0 200 0 ,00 0 N UE LANARK AVEN NO DATA COLLECTED M AI UE MITCHELL PARK AREA UE KENMAY AVEN AYLIFFES ROAD AV EN U OVE BRADLEY GR MALD ON AVEN UE HEWETT AVEN SOUTH ROAD UE OVE PARKWOOD GR K DRIVE ROAD WOODLAND KELSEY AVEN GREENGLADE EMAIL: WEB: ENUE BARKUNA AV ET GEORGE STRE FIGURE 5D: SOIL VAPOUR TCE CONCENTRATION PLAN (10m) 80276_205_Figure 5D - Soil Vapour TCE ST UR TD REV 2 > 01.12.14 RIV E 80276 PH: (08) 8232 9088 UE AL AWO ABN: 57 008 116 130 UE BAHLOO AVEN L E V E L 3 , 8 0 F L I N D E R S S T R E E T, A D E L A I D E S A 5 0 0 0 . ST RE ET Soil Vapour TCE Concentration (µg/m³) Bore (10m) SV_EPA 12D 67,000 SV_EPA 13D <5 SV_EPA 14D 100 SV_EPA 15D <5 ENUE BROOKMAN AV SV_EPA 16D <5 SV_EPA 20D 1,800,000 SV_EPA 62D 350,000 SV_EPA 64D 720,000 SV_EPA 65D 3,900 FIGURE 5D: SOIL VAPOUR TCE CONCENTRATION PLAN (10m) MINKIE AVEN FIN NI SS AVENUE PAUL STREET MCFARL ANE ( SV_EPA33 ! EN UE KELSEY AVEN UE MITCHELL PARK AREA UE TROWBRIDGE ( SV_EPA47 ! E CR ESC KARU GENE VA CO U ( SV_EPA30 ! ( SV_EPA52 ! UE ( SV_EPA68A ! LANARK AVEN ( SV_EPA69A ! SV_EPA56 PE N RIT HC OU RT HA RK IN ( ! SV_EPA38A ( SV_EPA66 ! T YC OU R 10 2 50 100 150 ( SV_EPA3B ! ( SV_EPA20A ! NU E 50 20 10 2 nd ( ! T ( ! E AV EN U LYN TO N U EN AV EY ! SV_EPA19 ( STURT ROAD LVIN ROAD KE EPA ASSESSMENT AREA SU T TO N INFERRED INDOOR AIR CONTOUR (μg/m³) - OCT 2014 20 RO AD note: This is one interpretation only. Other interpretations possible. 0 30 60 ( SV_EPA10 ! 90 120 150 m STURT ROAD ENUE 1:5,000 @ A3 CLIENT RONALD AV E SA EPA PROJECT THE PARKWAY EPA ASSESSMENT AREA ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT CLOVELLY PARK / MITCHELL PARK, SA DR IV FF E R AVENUE LA Y WA GA MARION ROAD R IN IPA RR WA E TITLE HUGH CAIRN S E MILL TERRAC NOT ABLE TO BE SAMPLED UN IVERSITY DRIVE N ER UE IN MC UE ( SV_EPA24 ! ( SV_EPA37 ! SOIL VAPOUR BORE (2m SUB SLAB) ED ISON ROAD ( SV_EPA9 ! ! SV-EPA11 ( OAK AVENUE ( SV_EPA15A ! MAPL E AVEN TWEED AVEN YG LE ( SV_EPA14A ! ( SV_EPA8 ! ( SV_EPA16A ! SOIL VAPOUR BORE (2m) SV_EPA21A ( SV-EPA7 ! E AC ( SV_EPA71 ! RE SC EN SV_EPA25 OA D RN BU OVE MYRTLE GR ( SV_EPA6 ( SV_EPA13A ! ! SV_EPA22A non-detect (nd) >nd to < 2 2 to <20 20 to <200 200 + above LEGEND SV_EPA5 SV_EPA50A EM MA CL OS E ( ! nd nd 0.2 2.2 28.8 5.8 nd nd PREDICTED INDOOR AIR CONCENTRATIONS (μg/m³) 100 TIM OT H ( SVT _EPA_4B ! ( SVT _EPA_5B ! ( SVT _EPA_6B ! nd ( SV_EPA18A ! SV_EPA4 ( ! ASH AVENUE ! ( SV_EPA17 ( SV_EPA72A ! ( SV_EPA39 ! AV E SV_EPA23A RR TE EY R ( SV_EPA12A ! ( ! ( SV_EPA2 ! 20 A OS AB B SV_EPA26 SVT _EPA_1B BIR CH C RO VE KE LLY G HE STE R ( SV_EPA1 ! ( SVT _EPA_2B ! ( SV_EPA67 ! ( SV_EPA64A ! E ( SV_EPA65A ! IM M ( SV_EPA48 ! SV_EPA59 20 nd 2 10 SVT _EPA_3B ( ! AV E NT R RIVE E ( ! ( SV_EPA61 ! ( SV_EPA34A ! ( SV_EPA74A ! SV_EPA51 NU EA VE NU VE RO ! SV_EPA60A ( ! SV_EPA27 ( nd ( ! LYNNE COURT ( SV_EPA62A ! ( SV_EPA54A ! SV_EPA58 TILLEY COURT ( SV_EPA63 ! ( SV_EPA29 ! ( SV_EPA28 ! RT BE DA L ( SV_EPA35A ! URT CHESTNUT CO AVEN UE STURT MARION ROAD ( ! SV_EPA46 SV_EPA49 ( NDLEY AVENUE ! HA ( SV_EPA31 ! RO AD ( HEWETT AVEN UE ! H OVE BRADLEY GR SV_EPA41 CLOVELLY PARK AREA ! SV_EPA36A ( ( SV_EPA55 ! KENMAY AVEN AD NORFOLK RO ROAD WOODLAND ( SV_EPA40A ! MALD ON AVEN ( ! SV_EPA45 ( SV_EPA32 ! UE OVE PARKWOOD GR ( SV_EPA53A ! SO UT DRIVE N GREENGLADE nd nd nd nd nd nd RICCHIO AVENUE AU nd nd nd nd nd nd 0.2 0.1 nd 13.2 nd nd AYLIFFES ROAD nd M AI ( SV_EPA42 ! ( SV_EPA57A ! DEEP DENE AV SV_EPA 49 SV_EPA 51 SV_EPA 52 SV_EPA 53A SV_EPA 54A SV_EPA 55 SV_EPA 57A SV_EPA 59 SV_EPA 60A SV_EPA 61 SV_EPA 62A SV_EPA 63 SV_EPA 64A SV_EPA 65A SV_EPA 66 SV_EPA 67 SV_EPA 68A SV_EPA 69A SV_EPA 71 SV_EPA 72A SV_EPA 74A SVT_EPA 1B SVT_EPA 2B SVT_EPA 3B SVT_EPA 4B SVT_EPA 5B SVT_EPA 6B FIGURE 6A: PREDICTED TCE INDOOR AIR CONCENTRATIONS (MODELLED) 80276_206_Figure 6A - Predicted TCE Indoor ST UR TD REV 2 > 01.12.14 RIV E 80276 ABN: 57 008 116 130 WEB: SV_EPA44 nd nd nd nd nd nd nd 0.1 nd 156.0 nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd 0.113 0.110 nd nd nd nd nd EMAIL: BARKUNA AV ( ! SV_EPA 11 SV_EPA 12A SV_EPA 13A SV_EPA 14A SV_EPA 15A SV_EPA 16A SV_EPA 17 SV_EPA 18A SV_EPA 19 SV_EPA 20A SV_EPA 21A SV_EPA 22A SV_EPA 24 SV_EPA 25 SV_EPA 27 SV_EPA 28 SV_EPA 29 SV_EPA 30 SV_EPA 31 SV_EPA 32 SV_EPA 33A SV_EPA 34A SV_EPA 35A SV_EPA 36A SV_EPA 37 SV_EPA 38A SV_EPA 39 SOUTH ROAD nd ENUE ET GEORGE STRE nd nd nd nd nd FA X : ( 0 8 ) 8 2 3 2 9 0 9 9 ! SV_EPA43 ( E COURT CONSTABL SV_EPA 44 SV_EPA 45 SV_EPA 46 SV_EPA 47 SV_EPA 48 PH: (08) 8232 9088 ONA A VEN UE Soil Vapour Indoor Air Bore (2m) Concentration (μg/m³) SV_EPA 40A nd SV_EPA 41 nd SV_EPA 42 nd UE SV_EPA ndAVEN OOKMAN BR43 L E V E L 3 , 8 0 F L I N D E R S S T R E E T, A D E L A I D E S A 5 0 0 0 . FIN NI SS UE AL AWO Indoor Air Concentration (μg/m³) 5.2 15.6 16.8 nd nd nd nd nd nd THE CRESCEN T UE BAHLOO AVEN Soil Vapour Bore (2m) SV_EPA 1 SV_EPA 2 SV_EPA 3B SV_EPA 4 SV_EPA 6 SV_EPA 7 SV_EPA 8 SV_EPA 9 SV_EPA 10 MAIN S OUTH R OAD FIGURE 6A: PREDICTED TCE INDOOR AIR CONCENTRATIONS (MODELLED) MINKIE AVEN ST RE ET AVENUE PAUL STREET MCFARL ANE CLOVELLY PARK AREA ! ( SV_EPA63 ! ( SV_EPA29 nd ! ( SV_EPA62A 2 ! ( SV_EPA60A ! ( SV_EPA28 10 ! ( SV_EPA61 ! ( SV_EPA54A ! ( SV_EPA65A 20 ! ( SV_EPA27 nd 2 nd SV_EPA56 SVT _EPA_3B ! ( SV_EPA34A ! ( SV_EPA1 10 20 50 SVT _EPA_2B ! ( SV_EPA74A ! ( SV_EPA66 ! ( SV_EPA51 20 SVT _EPA_1B ! ( SV_EPA64A 10 nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd 0.2 0.1 nd 13.2 nd nd nd nd nd 0.2 2.2 28.8 5.8 nd nd 150 ! ( SV_EPA3B ! ( SV_EPA20A 2 ! ( SV_EPA38A SVT _EPA_4B SVT _EPA_5B SV_EPA26 SVT _EPA_6B nd ! ( SV_EPA12A ASH AVENUE ! ( SV_EPA4 YC OU RT ! ( SV_EPA18A LEGEND SOIL VAPOUR BORE (2m) 100 ! ( SV_EPA17 TIM OT H INFERRED INDOOR AIR CONTOUR (μg/m³) - OCT 2014 2 2 nd EPA ASSESSMENT AREA note: This is one interpretation only. Other interpretations possible. SV_EPA5 ! ( SV_EPA21A ! ( SV-EPA7 RO AD TH SO U M OA K AI N AV EN U E T E AC RE SC EN 20 30 40 50 m SA EPA RR TE BIR CH C 10 CLIENT A OS ! ( SV_EPA13A ! ( SV_EPA6 0 1:2,000 @ A3 ! ( SV_EPA14A IM M E MYRTLE GROV ! ( SV_EPA25 non-detect (nd) >nd to < 2 2 to <20 20 to <200 200 + above NOT ABLE TO BE SAMPLED 20 10 PREDICTED INDOOR AIR CONCENTRATIONS (μg/m³) SOIL VAPOUR BORE (2m SUB SLAB) 50 ! ( SV_EPA72A TO N ! ( SV-EPA11 PROJECT EPA ASSESSMENT AREA ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT CLOVELLY PARK / MITCHELL PARK, SA TITLE FIGURE 6B: PREDICTED TCE INDOOR AIR CONCENTRATIONS (MODELLED) - RELOCATION AREA SU T ! ( SV_EPA8 RO AD ABN: 57 008 116 130 SV_EPA 49 SV_EPA 51 SV_EPA 52 SV_EPA 53A SV_EPA 54A SV_EPA 55 SV_EPA 57A SV_EPA 59 SV_EPA 60A SV_EPA 61 SV_EPA 62A SV_EPA 63 SV_EPA 64A SV_EPA 65A SV_EPA 66 SV_EPA 67 SV_EPA 68A SV_EPA 69A SV_EPA 71 SV_EPA 72A SV_EPA 74A SVT_EPA 1B SVT_EPA 2B SVT_EPA 3B SVT_EPA 4B SVT_EPA 5B SVT_EPA 6B 100 ! ( SV_EPA2 ! ( SV_EPA67 URT CHESTNUT CO MITCHELL PARK AREA nd nd nd nd nd nd nd 0.1 nd 156.0 nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd 0.113 0.110 nd nd nd nd nd WEB: ! ( SV_EPA35A ! ( SV_EPA52 SV_EPA 11 SV_EPA 12A SV_EPA 13A SV_EPA 14A SV_EPA 15A SV_EPA 16A SV_EPA 17 SV_EPA 18A SV_EPA 19 SV_EPA 20A SV_EPA 21A SV_EPA 22A SV_EPA 24 SV_EPA 25 SV_EPA 27 SV_EPA 28 SV_EPA 29 SV_EPA 30 SV_EPA 31 SV_EPA 32 SV_EPA 33A SV_EPA 34A SV_EPA 35A SV_EPA 36A SV_EPA 37 SV_EPA 38A SV_EPA 39 FA X : ( 0 8 ) 8 2 3 2 9 0 9 9 OVE BRADLEY GR ! ( SV_EPA30 Indoor Air Concentration (μg/m³) nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd EMAIL: ! ( SV_EPA31 Soil Vapour Bore (2m) SV_EPA 40A SV_EPA 41 SV_EPA 42 SV_EPA 43 SV_EPA 44 SV_EPA 45 SV_EPA 46 SV_EPA 47 SV_EPA 48 80276_206_Figure 6B - Predicted TCE Indoor REV 2 > 01.12.14 80276 PH: (08) 8232 9088 ROAD WOODLAND ENUE HANDLEY AV ! ( SV_EPA49 Indoor Air Concentration (μg/m³) 5.2 15.6 16.8 nd nd nd nd nd nd L E V E L 3 , 8 0 F L I N D E R S S T R E E T, A D E L A I D E S A 5 0 0 0 . FIGURE 6B: PREDICTED TCE INDOOR AIR CONCENTRATIONS (MODELLED) - RELOCATION AREA ! ( SV_EPA36A ! ( SV_EPA55 Soil Vapour Bore (2m) SV_EPA 1 SV_EPA 2 SV_EPA 3B SV_EPA 4 SV_EPA 6 SV_EPA 7 SV_EPA 8 SV_EPA 9 SV_EPA 10 FIGURE 7: GEOLOGICAL CROSS SECTION - ASSESSMENT AREA CLOVELLY PARK AREA ABN: 57 008 116 130 B 58 56 54 46 MWS14_011 42 MW_EPA32 40 MW_EPA29 38 MW_EPA26 A DRY 36 34 34 DRY 32 (mAHD) (mAHD) 44 32 30 30 28 28 26 26 24 24 1 CROSS SECTION 2 HORIZONTAL SCALE 0 1:2,500 @ A3 A 15 30 ( ! 45 VERTICAL SCALE 60 75 m 1:250 @ A3 0 1.5 3 4.5 6 ( ! ( ! ( ! ( ! MWS18_03 ( ! ( ! MWS14_10 MWS18_04 ( ! MW-EPA13 MWS13_01 ( ! MW-EPA29 URS06 URS02 MW-EPA33 MW-EPA19 ( ! ( ! ( ! MW-EPA12 MWS14_08 ( ! CROSS SECTION LOCATION ( ! ( ! ( ! MWS14_04 MWS14_11 ( W6 ! MWS14_07 ( ! URS03 ( ! W5 ( ! MWS14_13 SANDY CLAY (CH) CLAYEY SILT (ML) SILTY SAND (SM) FILL CLAYEY SAND (SC) STANDING WATER LEVEL ( ! MW-EPA3 ( ! GW19 GW26 ! ( ( ! GW25 GW20 ( ! 0 30 60 90 120 150 m note: This is one interpretation only. Other interpretations possible. CLIENT SA EPA PROJECT MWS14_02 MWS14_09 1:5,000 @ A3 ( ! URS04 URS05 ! (( ! GW22 MW-EPA2 ( ! MW-EPA11 ( ! MM GW06 ( ! MWS14_01 ( ! MW-EPA10A(B) SILTY CLAY (CH) NO DATA AVAILABLE MWS14_06 MWS14_05 ( ! GRAVELLY SAND (SW) URS01 ( ! MW-EPA32 ( ! LEGEND 7.5 m MW-EPA26 ( ! Source: PB, March 2009 Source: URS, December 2009 B EPA ASSESSMENT AREA ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT CLOVELLY PARK / MITCHELL PARK, SA TITLE FIGURE 7: GEOLOGICAL CROSS SECTION - ASSESSMENT AREA 80276_207_Figure 7 - Geological Cross REV 1 > 02.12.14 80276 EMAIL: 48 FA X : ( 0 8 ) 8 2 3 2 9 0 9 9 50 MWS14_041 SB_EPA21 MITCHELL PARK AREA WEB: 52 PH: (08) 8232 9088 GW252 MW_EPA3 L E V E L 3 , 8 0 F L I N D E R S S T R E E T, A D E L A I D E S A 5 0 0 0 . GW202