The Rugby STadium in RiS-ORangiS


The Rugby STadium in RiS-ORangiS
Multimodal accessibility
Acting as the South entrance access to the Île-de-France region,
the venue is located at the crossroads of the A6 motorway
(“Autoroute du Soleil”) and N104 national road (“Francilienne”),
all a 20-minute drive from Paris’ Porte d’Orléans. It is directly
serviced by the lines D and C of the Regional Express Train
Network (RER), which will benefit from a service quality
improvement programme and a capacity increase during events
time. The Massy Évry Tram-Train will run alongside and offer a
nearby station. At close vicinity to the Orly airport (12 kms) and
the Sud Francilien high-speed train stations (Massy, Orly,
Lieusaint), the future Stadium will be organically connected
to all national and international Rugby fields.
The Rugby Stadium
in Ris-Orangis
An outstanding development project
The French Rugby Federation (FFR) selected the former Ris-Orangis Racecourse, at the heart of the Évry
Centre Essonne Agglomeration, to build its future 82 000 capacity stadium. Designed by the architect
designer firms, Populous and Ateliers 2/3/4/, this 5th generation arena will offer a retractable roof
and removable pitch, making it one of the most modern and multi-purpose sporting venues in Europe.
A giant footbridge linking
up the venue to Orangis-Bois
de l’Épine train station
will span over the A6
motorway. True “morphing”
of a street rising and falling
continuously into the air,
this exceptional work
of art will mark the Stadium
to the 43 million people
using the motorway yearly.
An environmentally friendly
project meeting sustainable
development objectives
The quality of the development
project will be met in:
The urban project corresponds to the Évry Centre Essonne
Agglomeration’s strategy in terms of:
o Preserving natural resources: the site’s outstanding
fauna and flora will be protected and integrated into the
developments, rainwater will be enhanced through
a variety of uses, and green spaces will be managed
in differentiated ways.
o Fighting climate change and reducing waste: the project
will receive a particular bioclimatic conceptual focus,
buildings will be linked up to the Agglomeration’s heat
network and a local waste policy will be implemented.
o Developing the district’s environmental quality:
priority will be given to public transport (RER C and
D, Tram-Train) and requalification of formerly occupied
spaces, such as industrial wasteland.
o Energy efficient buildings,
o An optimal adaptation of the building site
Graphic design: Christophe Zemmer -
Agence DVVD
Backed by the hosting local authorities, this development planning project spans over 133 hectares
across an area free from any constraint, at the crossroads of the A6 motorway and national road, the
Francilienne. More than just a stadium, a new life hub will rise from out of the grounds built around two
main pillars: the creation of an entertainment village and the birth of a cluster for the business of sports.
overcoming any construction disruption,
o A facilitated accessibility for all,
particularly to any person with a disability,
o A true quality of life for all users
and a local attractiveness thanks to varied
public spaces.
FFR Stadium Development Operations
Sandy Messaoui
Tel: (+33) 1 69 91 58 40 _ E-mail:
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An economic challenge: entirely privately funded,
the FFR Stadium will also be supported by the local authorities
in charge of managing property, the site’s development and its
accessibility. On the whole, this project will catalyse strong social
and economic values, especially in that it will create between
8 000 and 10 000 direct jobs and increase local tax revenues.
Extending over 133 hectares, this development area
includes the former Ris-Orangis Racecourse (80 ha.)
and its neighbouring parcels such as the old Lu Danone
grounds along the A6 motorway.
A transport challenge: the upgrade of existing
lines, especially lines D and C of the Regional Express
Train Network (RER), represents a key question for both the
Île-de-France Region and district. These investments, infinitely
less costly than the creation of new lines, will undoubtedly
improve the daily experience for millions of users as well
as thousands of local business.
A development planning challenge:
For the local authorities, the French Rugby Federation’s (FFR)
Stadium development project meets four major challenges:
A sporting challenge: to draw up an ambitious
sporting policy and host events of magnitude, France today
is in need of sporting facilities, especially in the Southern
region of Paris. The implementation of a venue of such
international scale will highlight the Essonian district’s
dynamism and make it all the more attractive.
beyond its first inner suburb (known as “Couronne”), readjusting
the balance of the Île-de-France’s development poles remains
an important matter in the capital region’s search of territorial
cohesion, attractiveness and competitiveness. By creating
a new hub in the Sud Francilien and aggregating the energies
and ambitions of great private and institutional partners,
this project brings Centre Essonne amongst the top fourteen
metropolitan districts of interest in the Île-de-France Region
Master plan (SDRIF, December 2012).
« The venue’s aesthetics is echoed in the great fortified town, delivering both protection and
hospitality functions which are embodied in its large window arcades and arches. »
François Clément, Populous firm
« We have built the Aviva Stadium in Dublin, the Olympic Stadium in Sydney, and many more.
This one is very different, it is unique. It is not only a “new” stadium, or a “latest” generation.
There is simply nothing alike out there. »
Ben Vickery, Populous firm
Through its size and impact on the local catchment area, the Ris-Orangis
former Racecourse’s urban development project echoes that of the
new town built over only 40 years. The site’s conversion comes within a
project of great magnitude which is rallying unanimously the cities of
Ris-Orangis and Bondoufle, the Évry Centre Essonne Agglomeration
Community and the Essonne General Council. The development around the
Stadium of a pole of excellence linked to sports and creation of hub of
life and entertainment precisely meets these challenges.
A pole of excellence linked to the sports industry,
which aims to bring together sportswear suppliers, distributors, media,
sporting federations, research bodies, etc. The ambition is to put in place
favourable conditions for the birth of a sports cluster -yet to exist in the
Île-de-France region- in order to promote innovation and enhance the knowledge
and expertise of this long-term growth prospect sector. The industry, to this
day unstructured, generates a 30 billion Euros turnover. This approach reaches
beyond the Évry Centre Essonne Agglomeration’s scope inviting neighbouring
local authorities, such as the Val d’Orge Agglomeration, into a wider “Sud Francilien
Sports Couronne”, spanning from Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines to Sénart.
The Ris-Orangis site was also retained for its
strategic location ideal to welcome the “garden
of French Rugby”. It is perfectly serviced, at close
vicinity to urban centres at the heart of a catchment
area of 600 000 inhabitants. I am delighted to
be here in the Évry Centre Essonne Agglomeration
which allows for the creation of an innovative,
ambitious and friendly project, in a protected setting,
alongside unspoilt greenery and in harmony with
nature. Our project has met the district in turning
the area into a modern, environmentally sustainable,
and undoubtedly digital, hub. »
The Accor Company was born in 1967 and no
later than 1970 it established its headquarters in
Évry. The group was in search of a base where
it could develop its hotel collection; we go back
historically with the Agglomeration. It was hence
natural for us when approached to back the
FFR’s Grand Stade project. We are committed
to renovating our hotels and putting in place all
our know-how for the Agglomeration to benefit
from a hotel industry of quality around this
leading sporting project, which will also greatly
contribute to building our district’s reputation. »
For a long time, Sport and Rugby have
been part of Essonne’s trademark. In the
same way it mobilised to welcome
the National Rugby Centre in Marcoussis,
the General Council is fully committed
to backing this exceptional project, essential
for Essonne’s reputation and growth.
With the Grand Stade, Essonne reasserts
the key role it has to play in the expansion
of the Francilien capital. »
French Rugby Federation (FFR)
Executive Director
Accor France
Essonne County Council
A popular, friendly and family-oriented village
turned towards sports, entertainment, nature and well-being, creating a double
attractiveness and generating traffic and activity flows on a day-to-day basis,
from morning to evening, throughout the year. Built around innovative
entertainment offers, this life hub will bring spectators, before and after
matches, a brand new set of experiences meeting the district’s popular culture
and Rugby’s values of sharing and enthusiasm.
« This project of exceptional magnitude will have immediate positive
impacts for both the Agglomeration’s inhabitants and employees,
particularly in terms of roadwork projects, public transport and jobs.
It is essential that this great project be met with great proximity. »
Jean HARTZ, Mayor, Bondoufle
Stéphane Raffalli
Mayor, Ris-Orangis
and Essonne General Councillor
This exceptional project was born out of a cross
of ambitions of the French Rugby Federation and
the district but also of the progressively growing
trust relationship between both partners. The
Stadium will be more than just a stadium: it will
constitute a place of leisure and conviviality to
the benefit of Rugby fans but also of the entire
local population. This “House for All “, as coined
by Pierre Camou, sets out a vast development
project of which it will be part: a particularly
innovative and value-creating new life hub. »
An international
consultation of
urban planners
As the FFR has selected the architects for
the Stadium and embarked on a study linked
to the scheduling of its neighbouring areas,
the hosting local authorities have launched
a competitive dialogue to nominate an
international team in charge of managing
the urban development planning project
(urban planners, architects and landscape
designers) and defining its content for
the entire area.
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