March - Southampton


March - Southampton
The Official Newsletter of the Southampton Neighborhood Association • March 2006
Next Southampton Neighborhood
Association Meeting
Bring Your Project to the Table
for “Project Blitz” 2006
Southampton Date Set for Saturday, March 25
Wednesday, March 8 , 2006
7:00 p.m.
Refreshments will be served afterwards
Southampton Presbyterian Church
Lower level gymnasium
4716 Macklind Avenue (at Nottingham)
SNA Officers, Board Members
& City Officials
Chad Stockel, President
752-9972 •
Ron Coleman, Vice President
832-3872 •
Andrew Barrett, Treasurer
351-6343 •
Mike De Vlieger, Secretary
352-4751 •
Pat Theodore, Block Captain Chair
352-7137 •
Stephen Gregali, 14th Ward Alderman
(includes Macklind to Kingshighway)
622-3287 •
Donna Baringer, 16th Ward Alderman
(includes Macklind to Hampton)
641-8377 •
Whether we are gardeners, garage dwellers, organized planners or pack rats, Operation Brightside’s “Project Blitz” 2006,
in conjunction with the city’s expanded refuse service, is the perfect opportunity to make our lives more visually pleasing.
Planting or landscaping private property or common areas, cleaning out the basement or redesigning an alley entrance is
much easier when you know this is the day your neighbors will be out and that the city will provide continuous collection
of refuse and yard waste. Bulk pickup will also be steady throughout the day. Large appliances, tires, car batteries, and
motor oil will be collected and recycled. As always, place items that do not fit or belong in a dumpster directly behind
your property and of course never leaning against any dumpster. For the complete plan watch your mail or visit stlouis.
Southampton’s Landscape Coordinator and Brightside liason, Lisa Tenhouse, adds her own support: “I encourage all residents to clean up their property and alley on Saturday, March 25. As a neighborhood, we will also be cleaning up the
wedge by the Buder School. Hopefully our bulbs will be in bloom. Please join us at the wedge at 9:00 a.m. for clean-up
and weeding.” Photos of our previous cleanup are posted on Southampton’s Yahoo Group.
Project Blitz block captains can get refuse bags from Lisa or may collect them at the neighborhood clean-up. They will
receive a packet in the mail with instructions for ordering equipment for their clean-up and annuals to be picked up by
Lisa for distribution at a later date. Flower choices are usually marigolds and/or dianthus.
Our neighborhood’s common areas and “wedges” are really starting to become botanical assets. If everyone continues to
do their part we will have a beautiful spring and summer to look forward to.
Revived Neighborhood
Party a Success
Thanks to Tari Steele and the Southampton Neighborhood Association Social Committe for putting together a great
Winter Party for the neighborhood. The appetizers and desserts brought by residents were incredible – shrimp, meat &
cheese rolls, great dips, and plenty of sweets. No one left hungry. Lucky winners walked away with great door prizes from
the Pitted Olive and Unity Eye Care, or small gift bags and other items. With the success of the party it is sure to become
an annual event once again. See you next January!
Sandy Colvin, Neighborhood Stabilization Officer
613-3169 •
Nancee Nocchiero, Public Affairs Officer
St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department
444-0168 ext. 1 •
Join or renew your membership to the Southampton
Neighborhood Association today.
Simply fill out this form and mail it with your annual
The Southampton Winter Party was revived for the first time
in many years.
membership dues of $10 per household to the address below.
New Member
Membership Renewal
Address:_ ____________________________
Business/Property Owner
Phone (optional):___________________________
Email (optional):_ __________________________
Please make check payable to the Southampton
Neighborhood Association and mail to:
Southampton Neighborhood Association, Inc.
P.O. Box 5183
St. Louis, MO 63139
4 Easy Steps to Join the Free Southampton Yahoo! Group
into your browser window
Under the heading, Join A Group, type
Southampton Neighborhood
Click the Search Button
In the resulting window,
click on the link:
Southampton Neighborhood
In the next window, follow the instructions and complete the
subscription form.
View messages via the group website or have them emailed to you
weekly, daily or individually. You will never receive junk emails!
Hello all,
Getting right into it, I’d like to
extend the Association’s and my
personal “Thank you!” to James
Rooney, Rita Kasper, and the
good folks at Unity Eye Care
for their extremely generous
donation of $750.00 to the
Association. I can’t express how
much we all appreciate it.
I’d also be remiss if I didn’t
thank Tari Steele and volunteer
Carol Keller for their work at the
Winter Party in January, along
with everyone who brought a
dish, a game, or something to drink. Everyone had a great time,
and I look forward to it becoming a Southampton tradition.
Chad Stockel, President,
Southampton Neighborhood
Continuing on with the thanks, we’ve had several neighborhood
residents step up and volunteer to help out the Association. Pat
Theodore has agreed to be Block Captain Chairperson. Jasper
Chen has volunteered to assist with Newsletter design. Tim Fox,
Carol Keller, Francie Futterman, Carrie Platusich and Natalie
Bassett have offered to contribute articles to the newsletter. In
addition, we’ve had several other potential volunteers who we’re
getting in touch with or trying to match up with a committee. Welcome aboard to all of you, and thank you for pitching in.
Speaking of pitching in, Operation Brightside is coming up,
and will be Saturday, March 25. Please come out and help us
beautify the neighborhood by picking up trash, cleaning up the
alleys, and working to help those neighbors who don’t have the
ability to take part.
One final note – we get a lot of questions about whether an
individual or household is a current Association member. Thanks to our Treasurer, Andrew Barrett, you can look at the
mailing label on this issue for an update on your membership
status. Andrew’s done an incredible amount of work updating
our membership database. It’s not the most glamorous task, but
Andrew really put in the hours getting it done.
Take care, and see you at the March meeting,
Chad Stockel
President, Southampton Neighborhood Association
Community Updates
Business and Commercial Development
Gurpreet Padda, M.D., owner of the Chippewa Lofts Apartments at Kingshighway and Chippewa, is working to bring
the building back up to code. The property will be much improved when finished. • Development at Kingshighway and
Murdoch (the former “Blue Building”) has been completed. The exterior of the building has been greatly improved, and
the building is now an asset to the neighborhood as a members-only gym for the St. Louis Police and Fire Department.
• Work on the South Kingshighway White Castle is proceeding, with the re-opening now scheduled for sometime in
late March or early April. • A new Enterprise Rent-A-Car location, near the train trestle on Kingshighway, is now
open. The other Enterprise on Kingshighway at Neosho may again bring back car sales. By the way, that Enterprise
location was the very first in the entire country. • Both King Dodge and King Chrysler were sold at the end of January
to Don Brown Chevrolet. Both locations will stay open, and will still sell Dodge and Chrysler vehicles. • Nothing new
about Kriegshauser Mortuary. The site is still for sale, and informal negotiations for the property are proceeding. •
No word from Greg Tsevis, owner of the Avalon Theater in response to the letter from Southampton Neighborhood
Association. SNA will be able to file a nuisance suit for property neglect after March 17 if we do not hear from him.
New retailer Home Eco will soon open at 4611 Macklind. Home Eco is St. Louis’s first environmentally friendly
home products store serving eco-conscious consumers with the latest selection of organic apparel, bedding, rugs, home
furnishings, gifts, housewares, books, art from recycled materials. The will also have locally produced artisan soaps,
candles, stationary from recycled paper and more in addition to building materials for the green homeowner, such as
flooring, insulation, and wall coverings. • Raineri Construction completed changes on their building at 5401 Devonshire
and opened a Title Company at the location in January. • A new neighborhood Coffee Shop and Café (name to
be determined) is coming to the former dry cleaning building at Macklind and Murdoch. Major renovation work is
underway and we look forward to a grand opening in early fall. The brother/sister partnership will be serving coffees,
sandwiches, soups, salads, quiche and a wide range of desserts including cakes and cookies. Also, there will be breakfast
items such as bagels, muffins & pastries with a more extensive menu offered on the weekends.
After being vacant for over a year, the former Jonnie Brock’s location in Hampton Village is getting $500,000 in upgrades
and will house an expanded Coldwell Banker Gundaker Real Estate branch office in April. They are relocating from
two doors south on Hampton, expanding over two and a half times and plan to have up to 180 agents working out of the
new office, citing an increased demand for city housing from outer county residents. • Teresa & Co. (hair salon at 5000
block of Hampton) is moving across the street to the former Haas Bakery site. • The Tan Co. at 5117 Hampton seems
to have gone out of business. Will Pueblo Solis continue to expand into that space? • The Lion’s Choice/Starbucks on
Chippewa and Lansdowne has been held up by the Missouri Department of Natural Resources regulations. The owners
will need to abate hazardous materials on site before construction may begin. • Step Ahead Child Care Academy on
Hampton Avenue south of Buder Library will be open in spring. Newly released plans place the building closer to the street.
Macklind Business Owners Continue to Meet
The discussions concerning future streetscape and property improvements along Macklind Avenue continue among
Macklind Avenue business owners. It was noted at the last meeting that the new “Bike St. Louis” route will be coming
down Wherry and that businesses could capitalize on the steady bicycle traffic. Rollin Stanley of the City’s Department
of Planning & Urban Development has completed a study to allow for additional parking in the district. Metro has
been contacted about strategically relocating several bus stops to aid in the parking situation. An interesting website to
view possible ideas for the commercial district has been posted by Brian Bullard, owner of the Decorative Arts Center.
They may be viewed at www. The best thing we can do as a community is to support
our businesses. Stay tuned for a potential business “open house” in the spring.
Dog Park Fund-Raising Efforts Continue
The sooner funds are raised the sooner your dog can have a fun place to play. Please consider a donation today. For more
information on the dog park to be built in Wilmore Park see the January issue of Southampton Neighborhood News or visit www. Donor levels are Great Dane ($500), Labrador ($250), Poodle ($100), and Chihuahua ($ 50). To volunteer or
for more information, contact Missy Krauss at 481-0308 or Purina has donated $5,000 and the City
has reopened a water line, but fence construction and other costs will require approximately $20,000 in the bank before work
can begin. If you would like to contribute your financial support, please make a check payable to Southampton Neighborhood
Association, and be sure to write “Dog Park” in the memo field so the donation will be earmarked for the dog park. Mail the
check to: Southampton Neighborhood Association, Inc, Attn: SW City Dog Park, P.O. Box 5183, St. Louis, MO 63139-0183.
SNA Board Elections in May
Members interested in running for any of the Southampton Neighborhood Association Executive positions (President, Vice-President, Treasurer and Secretary) may announce their
candidacy at the March meeting. Elections will be held at the May 10, 2006 meeting. All members are encouraged to think about running, whether the positions are vacant or not.
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Come Visit Us!
Southampton Neighborhood Association is a non-political, non-profit, neighborhood group dedicated to improving the quality of life and promoting community spirit in Southampton Neighborhood. The
Association exists solely for the benevolent and educational benefit of the Community and in no manner for financial gain or profit. Its objectives are to advance and promote the public interest of Southampton
Neighborhood. The Association shall advocate zoning in land use that is proper and appropriate for the community and it shall oppose the action of any individual or institution which is detrimental to the
community. Southampton’s boundaries are Kingshighway on the east, Hampton on the West, Chippewa on the north and Rhodes on the south. As property owners and residents, we strongly advocate the
preservation of real estate property values.
Here’s to Your Neighborhood Health
One aspect of making our neighborhood a better place to live is making
sure residents are encouraged to live healthy lives and are connected with
the opportunities to do so. When you make healthy lifestyle choices you are
usually a happier, more social creature, and are complete with the energy
needed to have good relationships with your friends and family at work and
at play. Our interest in health as a neighborhood is that all of these aspects in
individuals help to build a stronger community. One of the goals of our new
“Here’s to Your Neighborhood Health” series is to highlight those opportunities
and encourage us to act on them.
edicare Part D
Future columns will announce a walking initiative, highlight biking
opportunities in our neighborhood, focus on senior health, discuss how to
change those cholesterol numbers and any topic of interest relating to healthy
lifestyle and choices. We hope you enjoy this series.
Simple Winter Eating Choices Go a Long Way
With the cooler winter weather, many of us stay indoors more than we
might otherwise, which gives us the opportunity to review our eating choices so
we will be ready for increased activity in the spring and summer. The grocery
still offers a wide variety of fresh fruits and vegetables that are excellent for
winter stews, soups and salads. Oranges, clementines and a variety of squash
are plentiful right now. Besides fresh fruits and vegetables, be sure to choose
lean cuts of meat and whole grains. Canned, boxed and pre-cooked foods and
pressed meats are higher in fat, sugar and sodium. Sandi
Cook with healthy oils. Make your own salad dressing using extra-virgin
olive oil and balsalmic or red wine vinegars. Cook and stir-fry with peanut,
canola, grapeseed or almond oils. They have high smoke points and won’t set
off the smoke alarm!
Getting Back to Basics
A healthy meal doesn’t have to be elaborate. Try smaller versions of
carrots and potatoes as side dishes if you don’t have time to peel and chop.
Baby potatoes and snack size carrots take ten minutes or less to cook or steam.
Get out the crock-pot if you haven’t already; put in your fresh lean meat and
vegetables so your meal is ready when you get home. Have limited days off?
Use one to make a few casseroles to freeze and use during the week when
you’re running short on time. You can still incorporate salad at dinner. Try
English cucumbers, they’re smaller and seedless. Add some cherry tomatoes.
Shred your own cabbage for coleslaw, use red and green for color. Add some
shredded broccoli and carrots for a healthy crunch. You can also buy these
pre-packaged, pre-shredded when you’re short on time. Have a potluck with
your neighbors you haven’t seen since Halloween!
It’s All Right Here in Southampton
There are many businesses in our neighborhood and surrounding area
that we can walk to for ingredients or to order a healthy meal. We have
butchers, import companies for those special ingredients and wine-cheese-olive
experts at our fingertips, not to mention some very healthful restaurants all
within walking distance. You can get some exercise, say hi to your neighbors,
patronize and support our neighborhood businesses and eat healthy!
Tina Coleman, RN, Nottingham Avenue
Have a question? I’ll find an answer.
5316 Winona
5528 Bancroft
6311 Arthur
5672 Marquette
When buying or selling a
home in South St. Louis,
call someone who knows the
area, the people, and the value.
Sandi Taschler • 348-4434
Your Southampton Real Estate Specialist
Buying or Selling? Call me!
I know the facts!
n Here’s
to Your Neighborhood Health
n President’s
n Revived
Neighborhood Party a Success
Your Project to the Table for “Project Blitz” 2006
In This Issue...
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