July - Southampton
July - Southampton
NEWS The Official Newsletter of the Southampton Neighborhood Association July 2008 Next Southampton Neighborhood Association Meetings Picnic, Picnic, Picnic! Date: Wednesday, July 9, 2008 Wednesday, September 10, 2008 Time: 7:00 p.m. Refreshments will be served Mark your calendar for the 3rd annual Southampton Neighborhood Association picnic. Plan to join in the fun on Sunday, July 27th, starting at noon in Willmore Park at Pavilion #4 which is the very last pavilion in the park. Look for the SNA Banner. Hot dogs, buns, condiments, plates, utensils and napkins are provided by the Association. Please put your cooking talents to work and bring one of your delicious side dishes or desserts for the potluck lunch. You will be able to purchase bottled water and soda for a small fee. Games begin at 2:00 p.m. and there will be prizes and neighborly fun for everyone. You'll have a chance to win gift certificates from Pueblo Solis, Louie's Pizza, Tom Bess Automotive, and possibly Cardinal's tickets. A seven-week tuition for a DramaRama Theatre Company class for kids valued at $100 will also be raffled. Anyone interested in helping with the picnic please contact Barbara Lehmier, Social Committee chair, at 752-4928 or barbarak46@sbcglobal.net. Location:Southampton Presbyterian Church Lower level gymnasium 4716 Macklind Avenue (at Nottingham) SNA Officers, Board Members & City Officials Marie Robinson, President 752-9972 • marie51076@yahoo.com Ron Coleman, Vice President & Newsletter Editor 832-3872 • SouthamptonVP@sbcglobal.net Curtis Miller, Treasurer 480-6314 • curtismill@gmail.com Landon Shaw, Secretary 435-7760 • landon@dramaramatheatre.com Melissa Hendriksen, Board Member 351-0949 • melhen@charter.net Dennis Polley, Board Member 832-6448 • snickden@yahoo.com Nicole Trueman, Block Captain Chair 605-7788 • nicole@dramaramatheatre.com Stephen Gregali, 14th Ward Alderman (includes Macklind to Kingshighway) 622-3287 • gregalis@stlouiscity.com Donna Baringer, 16th Ward Alderman (includes Macklind to Hampton) 641-8377 • baringerd@stlouiscity.com Sandy Colvin 14th Ward Neighborhood Stabilization Officer 613-3169 • colvins@stlouiscity.com DeAnna Murphy 16th Ward Neighborhood Stabilization Officer 589-8161 • murphyd@stlouiscity.com Don Veile, Public Affairs Officer St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department 444-0168 • DLVeile@slmpd.org Join The Sna! Your Membership Matters Join or renew your membership to the Southampton Neighborhood Association. Simply mail this form with your annual dues of $10 per household. Your current membership status can be found above the mailing address. New Member Membership Renewal Name:_________________________________ Address:________________________________ ____________________________________ Homeowner Renter Business/Property Owner Phone (optional):___________________________ Email (optional):_ __________________________ Sunday, July 27th, Noon to 4 p.m. Congratulations to Our New Executive Board Thanks to Outgoing Officers Members of the Southampton Neighborhood Association who were present at the last meeting cast their votes for the officers that will serve the next two years. Congratulations to our new President, Marie Robinson, who served as the Association's secretary last term. We also welcome Curtis Miller as Treasurer, and Landon Shaw, Secretary. Ron Coleman will continue as Vice-President for a 3rd term. The Association also elected two board members at-large, Melissa Hendriksen and Dennis Polley, to new positions. Marie, exercising her role as president, has already appointed enthusiastic volunteers Nicole Trueman, who will serve as Block Captain Chair, and Barbara Lehmier, Chair of the Social Events and Hospitality Committee. Both will serve on the board by virtue of their committee chair positions. We would be remiss not to thank pastThe newly elected Southampton Board. Front row, left to right: president Chad Stokel and former treaMarie Robinson, president; Nicole Trueman, block captain chair; surer Andrew Barrett for their tireless Landon Shaw, secretary; Top row, left to right: Curtis Miller, treasurer; work. If they had been paid even miniRon Coleman, vice-president; Dennis Polley; Barbara Lehmier, mum wage for their hours and hours of social events chair. Not pictured: Melissa Hendriksen. volunteer work they would be wealthy men. The neighborhood is indebted to their behind-the-scenes service, and luckily they have promised their ongoing support. The Association goals of promoting the neighborhood, disseminating information and educating and connecting citizens to local businesses and government services, could not be accomplished without these devoted volunteers. Your membership in the Association not only supports financially the goals of the organization but lends much needed encouragement and validation to their work. If you have not been a member in the past, but are thankful for the work of the Association, please consider "paying your dues." If you cannot attend even one of the meetings, we know you will continue to reap some of the indirect benefits of the Association's efforts. GET THE LATEST NEIGHBORHOOD NEWS ON THE Southampton Yahoo! Group. Register to read messages from your neighbors, ask questions, address concerns, talk about your favorite business, connect with city services and much more! IT’S Completely FREE so join now. 2 I can volunteer! (optional) Photographer Editor Writer Block Captain Landscape Social PR Special Events Board Please make your check payable to: “Southampton Neighborhood Association” and mail to: Southampton Neighborhood Association, Inc. P.O. Box 5183 St. Louis, MO 63139 Type www.groups.yahoo.com into your browser window. Under the heading, “Join a Group,” type: Southampton Neighborhood Click the Search Button. 3 In the resulting window, click on the link: Southampton Neighborhood 4 In the next window, follow the instructions and complete the subscription form. Community Notes Logo Contest Winner Selected President’s Message Marie Robinson Hello! Please let me introduce myself. My name is Marie Robinson and I was elected your new president at the May meeting. I want to first thank the outgoing officers Chad Stockel and Andrew Barrett for doing a spectacular job as President and Treasurer. I learned a lot from them and they gave so much to the community. I look forward to working with them on future projects. Here is a little information about myself. I have lived in the neighborhood for three years, am married and have one two-year-old Marie Robinson son. I served as the SNA President, Southampton Neighborhood Association executive secretary for the past two years and filled in as social chair for a while. I have always been involved in community events and government. Knowing that this was a great neighborhood, I could not wait to work with all the wonderful people. My goals as President will be to boost membership, develop community events and increase involvement. I mainly just want to make Southampton Neighborhood a thriving place to live. I look forward to meeting you all and making new friends. Please feel free to send me an email or find me at our neighborhood meetings and let me know your good ideas for the neighborhood. Treasurer’s Message Curtis Miller Hello Neighbors! As the newly elected treasurer of the neighborhood association, it’s my job to insure that the money raised by the association is properly accounted for and used in a wise and prudent manor. It’s not a glamorous job, but one that needs great attention none the less. With the current state of the economy and the ever present rise in the price of gas, it’s also something more and more Americans are paying attention to these days. When times are good and home equity loans flow freely from the banks to your credit card payments, few people ponder the sustainability of their lifestyle. Cut off from a cheap source of money, all of us are starting to reflect on how we spend our hard earned money. Unfortunately for most of us, financial literacy is not something we ever learned in school. It’s a hard lesson to learn and can strike at any time for those living paycheck to paycheck. Luckily, there are a ton of great resources to help you get things straightened out should you be having trouble. Our local library is full of great material to help you get back in control. I’ve also found a number of blogs online to be a great help as well (check out www.getrichslowly.org for one). However, the best help of all I’ve found is purely open and honest communication. I plan on taking that same approach with my duties here as well. By continuing to keep an open face to the association's financial status, each of you are able to make sure the executive committee is doing a responsible job. I also hope to continue to provide some short articles and money saving tips in our newsletters. So, keep an eye out! As is evident by the refresh of this newsletter design, the Logo Contest sponsored by the SNA was a success! Carrie Appelhans of Bancroft collected the $200 prize. After the executive board narrowed the field of ten entries to three, the membership voted for the winner. Carrie was grateful to have won and was then kind enough to refresh our newsletter as well. Unfortunately, we cannot print the full color design, but her original submission, as well as all the other entries, may be viewed on our Yahoo! Group. Commenting on the contest, Carrie said, "I was excited when I read that there was a logo contest. I have always thought the logo needed to be updated and when the opportunity presented itself, I wasn't going to let it pass." Carrie earned a B.A. in graphic design from University of Missouri–St. Louis and has seven years of experience in the field, having designed various product and company logos. "I've been a SOHA resident for five years and I am proud to live in the Southampton neighborhood. I was thrilled to find out that the logo I designed would be representing my neighborhood." An interesting turn of events may be the reason for our new logo. Carrie explains, "I actually procrastinated and missed the first deadline and in between the first and second deadline, I was laid off from my full time job. Needless to say, I was devastated. Getting laid off did nothing for my self esteem not to mention my money flow. Winning this contest couldn't of happened at a better time for me because it put a little cash in my pocket and mended my self esteem. I have since landed a job with a great company in mid-town, only a few miles from my house." Notwithstanding, the Association would like to thank all of the participants who submitted some very professional and absolutely incredible designs. It was difficult to choose just one winner, but we're very happy with our new look. Two More Businesses Open Along Macklind Avenue The headline may the same as the last issue, but we really do have two more businesses open along Macklind Avenue in the last two months. The growth has been inspiring. Please welcome to the neighborhood Nature's Aglow 2 at Devonshire off Macklind. Owners Jodie Bone and Cheyenne Jacquelin offer 100% soy candles, gifts and home decor. For now, they utilize the original Nature's Aglow in De Soto to make their products but plan to begin making the candles in this store around the first of August. They hope to provide the community with great products at a great price. One interesting thing for readers to know is that they can recycle their candle containers by refilling them once they are empty. (website: www.naturesaglow.com) Gianino Realty is now open at 4917 Macklind Avenue. According to owner Maria Gianino, who also opened Francescas In the City last year at Nottingham and Macklind, the goal is to be the SoHa neighborhood real estate experts. "We want to help buyers and sellers in the neighborhood as well as small business owners looking to locate their new or existing business in the area. We want to be a walk-in office where people in the neighborhood can stop in and find out what is for sale in the area as well as finding out information about what a great place the neighborhood is to live and work." Maria has over 25 years of experience in real estate and will also be looking for 3-4 local agents in the area who would like to work with her. She says "I look forward to working in the neighborhood!" (website: www.gianinorealty.com) Southwest City Dog Park Bigger and Better A nearly 9,000 square foot expansion of the Southwest City Dog Park is now complete giving city dogs a full 1.2 acres to romp and play! During the expansion, a portion of the park was sectioned off as an "Alternate Use Area" to allow small dogs, special needs, and older dogs space to play together away from the more active dogs. The dog park is approaching it's 3rd year of operation, and will begin accepting applications for memberships during August for the Sept. 2008 - Sept. 2009 dog park season. Rates will remain the same as last year - $20 for Southampton Neighborhood Association members, $35 for St. Louis City residents, and $60 for County residents for the first dog and $10 for each additional dog (up to 3). Memberships will again be limited to ensure the safety of all the dogs at the park - so get your applications in early to ensure "Fido"'s membership! For more information check out www.swcitydogpark.org or call 567-2012. Highly Regarded Mail Carrier "Wally" Changes Routes To the dismay of many, mail carrier Wally Rutherford secured another route after delivering to a large portion of Southampton for many years. Although stating that it was a very difficult decision to transfer to his new route on Jamieson, he needs to finish his career with fewer doorsteps. Once residents learned of his transfer which began June 6th, expressions of appreciation were shared on our Yahoo! Group. We would like to reprint some of them as a tribute below. Wally, we know you'll read this! "Wally is definitely the best mailman I have ever had. I know he loves the Cardinals. If you have extra tickets, I am sure he would put them to good use." "I agree! He is awesome!" "He is the younger guy [emphasis added for Wally] with the radio headset and beard. There is never a problem with him. He is the greatest." "He's watched out for the widows and those who live alone; has kept his eyes open for all of us. We're trying to think of a special way to say goodbye. We know his personal interests are fishing and running, if that helps in any way." "Just a fun fact about Wally–his son, Jeremy Rutherford, writes about the Blues in the Post Dispatch. Wally is a huge sports fan! "I agree he is great. I've lived here for 30 years and he's the only one whose name I knew. I'll miss him but I'm happy that he got what he bid for because he deserves it." "I will miss Wally, but he assures me that we will see him from time to time when there is any overtime on this route." If you would like to express your appreciation, you may write to him at Southwest Post Office, 3232 Clifton Avenue, 63139. SNA Cookbooks Available The first of what we hope to be an annual compilation of recipes from members will be sold for around $1 or $2 at future Association meetings. Be sure to pick up a copy and then save your favorite recipes for inclusion in next year's booklet. Muny Tickets Raffle at Next Meeting Alderman Donna Baringer has donated two of her August 10th Fiddler on the Roof Muny tickets to the SNA for raffle at the July 9th meeting. Thank you Donna! Hopefully, it will entice some of you to come to the meeting for a chance to win. The script follows Tevye and his family as they grapple to balance tradition with inevitable change. Laden with both happiness and tears, Fiddler has earned its place as one of the glowing achievements of musical theatre. The tickets are Terrace A and include parking. Good luck! Southampton Neighborhood Association is a non-political, nonprofit, neighborhood group dedicated to improving the quality of life and promoting community spirit in Southampton Neighborhood. The Association exists solely for the benevolent and educational benefit of the Community and in no manner for financial gain or profit. Its objectives are to advance and promote the public interest of Southampton Neighborhood. The Association shall advocate zoning in land use that is proper and appropriate for the community and it shall oppose the action of any individual or institution which is detrimental to the community. Southampton’s boundaries are Kingshighway on the east, Hampton on the West, Chippewa on the north and Rhodes on the south. As property owners and residents, we strongly advocate the preservation of real estate property values. strengthening the Neighborhood Problem Property on Your BlocK? Here's How Neighbors Can Help DeAnna Murphy, Neighborhood Stabilization Officer Nuisance and the City will issue a Public Nuisance Notice to the property owner. A copy of the Notice will also be posted at the property. Generally, once a property has been put on Public Nuisance Notice, a meeting with the owner and/or Management Company is held and a plan is put in motion to abate the nuisance behavior. Tenants/occupants of the problem property are subject to summonses and fines immediately for “engaging in a nuisance” if there is further activity. Owners have 30 days from the date of the Notice to abate the nuisance activity at a property. If an owner is uncooperative and the activity continues at the property, he/she is also subject to summonses and fines for “failure to abate a nuisance.” Finally, a problem property is also subject to a closure hearing in front of an administrative hearing officer and a nuisance property can be ordered closed for up to 12 months. On May 29th, a Community meeting was held to discuss problem properties in the 16th ward. Alderwoman Donna Baringer, the 2nd District Problem Properties Officer, Michael Dempsey, Assistant City Counselor, Rich Sykora, City Attorney and I attended the meeting and offered some useful insight regarding problem properties procedures. The Role of the Police Officer Dempsey explained the role of the police in addressing problem properties and the importance of calling 911 to report illegal activity or the non emergency number 231-1212 for nuisance behavior in our neighborhoods. He also stressed the importance of providing the 911 operator with the exact address or location of the illegal activity. Officer Dempsey distributed a Nuisance Form that can be used to help identify and report problem behavior. Mr. Sykora explained the process by which a property is designated a nuisance property. Under City ordinance, if a property has two or more police calls for service for illegal/nuisance activity in a 12 month period, a property can be designated a Public Vacant Properties SOHA SOHA SOHA Several other building issues were discussed at the meeting. For example, lately there has been a rise in the number of recent apartment rentals within the 16th ward. As a Housing Conservation District, when an apartment becomes vacant and there has been no interior inspection in the last 12 months, a Landlord must apply for and have an inspection of the unit completed before filling the vacancy. Community Involvement Each presenter at the meeting made a point of stressing the importance of community involvement with regard to reporting nuisance and suspicious behavior. If you would like copies of any of the handouts distributed at the meeting, please call or email me with your address and I will mail them to you. My office number is 589-8161. My email is murphyd@stlouiscity.com. I hope everyone understands a little more about the nuisance process and how to deal with problem properties in our neighborhood. Remember, you don't have to move to live in a better neighborhood. Price & condition have always & will always determine the number of days a property remains on the market. Properties SELL FAST because they had good marketing & were priced & conditioned properly. I can help you achieve the same great results, CALL ME TODAY, I have 15 years experience in getting homes SOLD! St. Louis Developer’s Wife Chooses Names for a Subdivision and Four Streets in Southampton The wife of St. Louis real estate developer Samuel Thomas Rathell was instrumental in giving birth to the names of a subdivision and four streets in the Southampton (SoHa) area of St. Louis. Lindenwood Avenue and Place When developer Rathell platted the land in 1888, he asked his wife Oleatha to name the streets. The name she chose for the Subdivision was Lindenwood. The streets were called Lindenwood Avenue and Place. She named this street and the subdivision for her classmates at her alma mater, Lindenwood College at St. Charles, Missouri. Lindenwood College was founded in 1827 by George and Mary Easton Sibley. It is the secondoldest higher-education institution west of the Mississippi River. The Sibleys started the Linden Wood School for Girls, as Mary Sibley already had been running a school in St. Charles. Linden Wood is named such for the large amount of linden trees that grew there. Marquette Avenue Marquette Avenue also was named by the wife of the developer, to honor Marquette Elementary School, which the Rathell children attended. The school’s name honors Father Jacques Marquette, the 17th-century French missionary who explored the Mississippi Valley. Mardel Avenue Mrs. Rathell coined the name Mardel Avenue by rearranging the letters in the name Delmar, the boulevard on which the Rathells then resided. Delmar itself is a coined name combining the first three letters of Delaware and Maryland. It was named for the home states of the owners of two abutting tracts of land along the street. And finally in the late 1880s, Mrs. Rathell chose to honor herself. Oleatha Avenue is her namesake. Despite the many reports that continue to make the news headlines, the truth is that the Real Estate Market in St Louis is still good! In particular the city is still selling strong! Though prices are not rising like they had in the past, they are staying relatively steady. More good news. There are currently 65 homes that are under contract waiting to close, the same number as last year at this time. We may have had a slow start this year but we are gaining ground again & in my opinion it is still a good market! Article by Carol Keller, Milentz Avenue Oleatha Avenue How is the Real Estate Market?...Good! The following information from the MLS shows that since January 1 there have been 186 single family homes sold with a median sales price of $157,625. This figure includes all sizes, conditions & prices. For the same period in 2007, there were 192 single family homes sold, with a median price range of $168,200. Again, this median price ranges from the high $400,000 to the low $55,000. Not much of a change. Street name snapshot Curious about another street? Pick up a copy of The Streets of St. Louis, a History of St. Louis Street Names by William B. and Marcella C. Magnan. 5508 SUTHERLAND SALE PENDING Sandi Sandi Taschler Taschler We Noticed... Kingshighway Resurfaced Your Southampton Real Estate DIFFERENCE “Specialist” Kingshighway was recently resurfaced in preparation for the shutdown of the next section of Interstate 64/40, sometime early next year. This section will be from I-170 to Kingshighway. MoDOT and 5716 MURDOCH the City expect traffic to increase on Kingshighway as a result, hence thePENDING resurfacing. SALE 457-6777 Construction Activity The Between For Sale & 348-4434 “SOLD” 457- 6777 #457-6777 It appears that O'Reilly Auto Parts is building a new store on Kingshighway next to Sonic and Home Depot. We're looking forward to that area looking a lot nicer, as it has needed some attention for several years. 5711 SUTHERLAND SALE PENDING Please patronize the advertisers who support our neighborhood newsletter. We Are State Safety & Emissions Qualified South City Affton 4922 MACKLIND 8500 GRAVIOS 353-9936 544-5500 St. Louis, MO 63109 St. Louis, MO 63123 2 Locations to Serve You Better Come See Wy We Are Such A Popular Neighborhood Repair Shop 24 Hour Towing Service Closed Saturday and Sunday Hours 8am to 5pm Southampton Neighborhood Association NONPROFIT ORGANIZATION U.S. POSTAGE PAID ST. LOUIS, MO PERMIT No 9161 P.O. Box 5183 St. Louis, MO 63139 In This Issue... n Neighborhood n New nLogo n New Postmaster: Dated material. Please deliver PROMPTLY Picnic • July 27 Southampton Board Takes Office Contest Winner Selected Businesses and Community Updates nProblem Properties Procedures
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