April 26, 2016 Board of Selectmen Agenda
April 26, 2016 Board of Selectmen Agenda
BOARD OF SELECTMEN __________ INTERIM TOWN ADMINISTRATOR Peter Johnson-Staub PUBLIC MEETING Per Massachusetts General Law.: All town and school boards, committees, commissions, and authorities shall post a notice of every meeting at least 48 hours prior to such meeting, excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and legal holidays. Notice shall contain a listing of topics/agenda that the chair reasonably anticipates will be discussed at the meeting. BOARD OF SELECTMEN PUBLIC MEETING APRIL 26, 2016 ~ 6:00 PM TOWN HALL HEARING ROOM Meeting Agenda 6:00 PM Public Announcements & Comments The open meeting law discourages public bodies from discussing topics not listed on the agenda. The public should therefore not expect the Board to respond to questions or statements made during the Public Comment portion of the meeting. 6:15 PM Public Hearing 1. Karen Butler - Special Alcohol and Entertainment Licenses for wedding reception at Taylor-Bray Farm, 108 Bray Farm Road North, Yarmouth Port, MA 2. Celebrate Yarmouth, Inc. Special Wine & Malt and Special Entertainment Licenses, Bass River Beach, 220 South Street, South Yarmouth, MA 3. Friends of Yarmouth Council on Aging Special Wine License, Senior Center, 528 Forest Road, South Yarmouth, MA 4. Sea Dog Brew Pub New Annual All Alcohol Restaurant and Weekday and Sunday Entertainment Licenses, 23 White's Path, Unit V, South Yarmouth, MA 5. Parks & Beaches Rules & Regulations 7:30 PM Town Counsel Appointment 7:45 PM Designated Veteran Parking 8:00 PM Approve Election Warrant (Revised) 8:30 PM Town Meeting 1. Article Assignments 2. Article 1 and Article 21 Recommendations 8:45 PM Board of Selectmen 1. Board and Committee Actions 2. Approval of Minutes a. March 15, 2016; March 22, 2016; March 29, 2016 3. Individual Items 9:00 PM Town Administrator’s Items 1. Consent Agenda a. Extension of Interim Town Administrator appointment 2. Town Administrator Updates 9:15 PM Adjourn CONSENT AGENDA BOARD OF SELECTMEN April 26, 2016 APPROVED: ________ Approval: Proposed Letter to MassDOT re: Route 6 Signs Memo from Peter Johnson-Staub re: Extension of Appointment as Interim Town Administrator Memo to Interim Town Administrator from YFD dated April 11, 2016 re: Gifts Memo to Interim Town Administrator from YFD dated April 19, 2016 re: Gifts Donation: YFD - Laura Ward - TOPS MA #0487 TOTAL $ 50.00 $ 25.00 $75.00 AGENDA PACKET Board of Selectmen April 26, 2016 Karen Butler Wedding Reception Application for Special Alcohol and Entertainment Licenses for wedding reception at Taylor-Bray Farm, 108 Bray Farm Road North, Yarmouth Port, MA Celebrate Yarmouth, Inc. Application for Special Wine & Malt and Special Entertainment Licenses, Bass River Beach, 220 South Street, South Yarmouth, MA Friends of Yarmouth Council on Aging Application for Special Wine License, Senior Center, 528 Forest Road, South Yarmouth, MA Sea Dog Brew Pub Application for New Annual All Alcohol Restaurant and Weekday and Sunday Entertainment Licenses, 23 White's Path, Unit V, South Yarmouth, MA Proposed Parks & Beaches Rules & Regulations Letter of Interest from Zisson & Veara, P.C. Letter of Interest from Charles M. Sabatt, P.C. Letter of Interest from Law Offices of Jason M. Rawlins Letter of Interest from Michael P. Marnik, Attorney-at-Law Memo to BOS from Interim Town Administrator dated April 13, 2016 re: Dedicated Veteran Parking Space with Sample Reserved Military Veteran Parking Sign Memo to BOS from Interim Town Administrator dated April 20, 2016 re: Election Warrant with DYRSD Capital Items for FY17 and Revised ATE Warrant Annual Town Meeting Summary for Article Assignments (ATM Motion) Board of Selectmen Meeting Minutes of March 15, 2016 Board of Selectmen Meeting Minutes of March 22, 2016 Board of Selectmen Meeting Minutes of March 29, 2016 INFORMATION PACKET Board of Selectmen April 26, 2016 BOS Projected 2016 Agenda Items Letter to BOS from Celebrate Yarmouth, Inc. dated February 10, 2016 re: Use of Town Property Applications for Summer Celebration Kick-Off (NOTE: No fee waivers are included in these use of town property applications - provided for INFO only) Letter to Department of Public Utilities from Director of Community Development dated April 14, 2016 re: Eversource Grid Modernization Plan Letter to Massachusetts Department of Housing and Community Development dated April 15, 2016 re: Yarmouth Housing Production Plan Cape Cod Commission Hearing Notice for Harwich Comprehensive Wastewater Management Plan Board of Health's Raccoon Rabies Vaccine Baiting Schedule FOYCOA Italian Festival Flyer The Age of Dignity Flyer Dr. Bill Thomas / 2016 Age of Disruption Flyer Taylor-Bray Farm 15th Annual Sheep Festival Flyer The "CAT" - April 2016 Volume 5, Issue 3 AGENDA PACKET Board of Selectmen April 26, 2016 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Karen Butler Wedding Reception Application for Special Alcohol and Entertainment Licenses for wedding reception at Taylor-Bray Farm, 108 Bray Farm Road North, Yarmouth Port, MA Celebrate Yarmouth, Inc. Application for Special Wine & Malt and Special Entertainment Licenses, Bass River Beach, 220 South Street, South Yarmouth, MA Friends of Yarmouth Council on Aging Application for Special Wine License, Senior Center, 528 Forest Road, South Yarmouth, MA Sea Dog Brew Pub Application for New Annual All Alcohol Restaurant and Weekday and Sunday Entertainment Licenses, 23 White's Path, Unit V, South Yarmouth, MA Proposed Parks & Beaches Rules & Regulations Letter of Interest from Zisson & Veara, P.C. Letter of Interest from Charles M. Sabatt, P.C. Letter of Interest from Law Offices of Jason M. Rawlins Letter of Interest from Michael P. Marnik, Attorney-at-Law Memo to BOS from Interim Town Administrator dated April 13, 2016 re: Dedicated Veteran Parking Space with Sample Reserved Military Veteran Parking Sign Memo to BOS from Interim Town Administrator dated April 20, 2016 re: Election Warrant with DYRSD Capital Items for FY17 and Revised ATE Warrant Annual Town Meeting Summary for Article Assignments (ATM Motion) Board of Selectmen Meeting Minutes of March 15, 2016 Board of Selectmen Meeting Minutes of March 22, 2016 Board of Selectmen Meeting Minutes of March 29, 2016 INFORMATION PACKET Board of Selectmen April 26, 2016 • • • • • • • • • • • BOS Projected 2016 Agenda Items Letter to BOS from Celebrate Yarmouth, Inc. dated February 10, 2016 re: Use of Town Property Applications for Summer Celebration Kick-Off (NOTE: No fee waivers are included in these use of town property applications - provided for INFO only) Letter to Department of Public Utilities from Director of Community Development dated April 14, 2016 re: Eversource Grid Modernization Plan Letter to Massachusetts Department of Housing and Community Development dated April 15, 2016 re: Yarmouth Housing Production Plan Cape Cod Commission Hearing Notice for Harwich Comprehensive Wastewater Management Plan Board of Health's Raccoon Rabies Vaccine Baiting Schedule FOYCOA Italian Festival Flyer The Age of Dignity Flyer Dr. Bill Thomas / 2016 Age of Disruption Flyer Taylor-Bray Farm 15th Annual Sheep Festival Flyer The "CAT" - April 2016 Volume 5, Issue 3 AGENDA ITEMS BOARD OF SELECTMEN TOWN OF YARMOUTH 1146 Route 28 South Yarlllouth Ⅳ換 SSACI― IUSETTS 02664-4492 Telephonc(508)398-2231.Ext.1270、 1271(508)398-2365 TOヽ N ADMINISTRATOR April 8,2016 The Register Attn: Mary Joyce Waite Please advertise the following as a Legal Ad in your newspaper on April TOWN OF YARDIOUTH BOARD OF SELECTMEN SPECIAL ALCOHOL&ENTERTAINⅣ IENT LICENSE 14, 2016. ⅡEARING The Board of Selcctinen,acting as the Local Liccnsing Authoriサ for thC TOwll of Yarlnoutl■ ,has received an application frorll Karcn Butler for Spccial Alcohol and Entertailllnent liccnses lor a wedding reception at Taylor Bray Fan■ , 108 Bray Farln Rd.North,Yallllouth Port,Ma.,on Saturday,June 25,2016 between thc hours of4:00 and 10:00pm. Entcrtaillllnent will includc a DJ,recordcd inusic,ampliflcation and dancing. Hearing will be held on Tuesday,Apri1 26,2016 in the hearing roo■ l at To、 vn Hall,1146 Route 28, South Yarmouth. The Selectincn's rneeting bcgins at 6:00pm. Written corrllncnts will bc accepted in thc Selectmen's offlcc unti1 4:30pm on Friday,Apri1 22, 2016.Verbal corrments、 vill be accepted at the hcaring. Karen Butler 難 窯麒 bill the applicant for the ad: 黎. 襲 響 轟 砕 僕醜 電語螺襲■ま禦 ・ Please 「:: 3 4 11lS TowN oFYARMoUTH APPUCANON FOR USE OF-TOWN.OWNED PNOPTRNT 励 AppHcan Aff‖ 18面 On I器やぶ硼 IR Or Group Mai‖ ng Address T€laphone Number. μィ と Town Ptoperi/ to be used (lnolude specific 0/凛 Describe Beglnning DatB aid Time d ι Evsnt Ending Date and Tlm● ●f Event: Data and Time you nsed Loosidon lor Sel Up: TotafcuBsts/Pafici9*sexp*ea: Will an auction s Dvas L ■ ︱ ︱ ︱ ト ー l l l i l l l E E I I I I I I Wlltents be ereasot Efruo [-] Yes ratfle bB hoE? Wu Traflic cont ol be needsd? 断面 wlll ate6 be ohargsd? /40 E Ey'es D w be sewed? MOs □ No Amount(s): wiltsigns/banners be postad? Wlll musidamussmofi devices b€ at evennEl^l'ss Yes Willsanitaryfacllluss bo provtaeoz l'lo El{; served ***IMPoRTANT**I -irto,t gnfutng Wrmtaslon for Aptolr,d wtlh tha lollowlng condltion[i): 誂″ρ ツ け 鮨 ““ f●ll● ●に 輌 ““ use otTown proprty' Sノ ′ n D ./. Will food bB s€rved or sold? ElYes plaaso describo lfYes to - fl y"s f,No は No No ' TOttN OF YARPIOUTH LICENSE OFFICE Route 28,South Yal・ mouth,卜 〔 A02664 REC駐 ivElや 398-2231 ext.1268 Fa、 (508)398¨ 0836 F[8 1o2016 1146 508- APPHCA■ ON FOR SPECIAL ENTTERTAINMENT躙 lllc undcrsigncd hcrcby applics fOr a liccnsc in accordancc、 認 11 ″ith tllc provisions ofMA Gcncral Laws, Cllaptcr 140 Scc 183A atncndcd,Chaptcr 351,Scc 85 ofActs Of1981 Also Chaptcr 140 Scc 181 &Chaptcr 136 Scc.4 4 κ ./′ 協 ヘ NAN彊3 0F APPLI(■ ヽNT: ADDRESS: PHONE: NAME OFEVENT: /κ ENIIAIL ADDRESS: るけ PERSON IN CHARGE OF EVENT: TYPE: Check which applies: Concert Livc band with Public Sho、 ′ INCLUDES: Dancing by patrons L市 c Exhibitlon /.,' - pieces, including Dancing by entertainers or performers muttc_Amphicat10n system/ Theatlcal cxhlb五 Movmg pictwc shOws__FloOrshOw DATE(S)OF ENTERTAINMEN■ も HOttS OF ttTttTttW酬 イ LICENSE "ing"rr. ■ こ ン "一 ease make check payable -Yalj Rccordcd music ″/ 〇n Stage play Julcebox 2S/フ ∂ノ 像多 /′ _71′ to: TOWN OF YARMOUT H CU * [tU Sq HEARJNG FEE(if applicable) $65.00 Payable with apptication. Legal ads will be billed directly to the applicant. Abutter notices must be sent out at least 10 days prior to the hearing via certified mail. Bring abutter return cards to the hearing or to the licensirg oifi." "t Town Hall prior to the hearing. Fees for legal ads must be paid before ticense is issued. Page 1 想 PLICヽ TION FOR ENTERTAINMENT(CONTヽ Provide a detailed description ofproposed entertainrnent including dress or attire, description ofthe show, where entertainers will perform and other information to assist the Licensing Authority in making a decision. Also, please attach a floor plan showing the entertainers and dance floor area. みよ /7″ 乞∫/ι ヽ 医 鋸 : ん "′ As part of the entertainment, will any ferson be permitted to appear on the premises in any manner or attire as to expose to public view any portion of the pubic irea, anus, or genitals, or any simulation thereof, or whether any female person will be petmitted to appear on the premises in any manner or affire as to expose to public view a portion of the breast below the top of the areola, or any simulation thereof? (ChaptCr 694) Yes No Tllis liccnsc issucd by tllis applicat10n is valid fOr thc calcndar y the type entertainment specified above does not change. In the event of a diffcrcnt than indicatcd abovc,a ncw applicatiOn、 vill bc rcquircd and a nev′ liccnse issucd. By signing this form the applicant certifies that he/she has Massachusetts General Law. read, Chapter 272, Section 29 DATE Page 2 thru 3 1 of the of TOWN OF YARMOUTH LIC辮 1146 508- 運鰹昌藉 」 Route 28, South lyarmouth,_R/1タ 398-2231 ext. 1268 Far (508) 398-0836 APPLICATION FOR SPECIAL LIQUOR ApR 0 4 ?01$ K( For the Sale of Alcoholic Beverages, To be Drunk on the Premises under Chapter 138, Section 14 of the Liquor Control Act DATE: ′ ・ ′ ` ヽ Please make check payable tO TOwn ofYarlnouth` ` LICENSE FEE:$65.00 IIEARING FEE (if applicable) $65.00 Payable with application 靱 NAME OF LICENSEE: ン lt`f′ (〔 〕 ″/フ γ フ アιGく ADDRESS OF LICENS TELEPH DATEOFK SER 多θ ―/θ「θ HOURS OF SALE: Ⅷ O WILL BEIN CHARGE: rYPE oF EVENr l,rrko a trt (,=--. DESCRIPTION OF THE LICENSED PREMISE: f ´ l^ 、 月 /L TYPE OF LICENSE: All AlcOhOlic Bcveragcs/ Wincs and Malt Bcveragcs only_ Wincs only__ Malt Bevcrages only_____ LICENSED ACTIVITY OR ENTERPRISE IS: For Proflt Non-profit .-' IS THE LICENSE FOR A DINING HALLゝ ル唖NTAINED BY AN INCORPORATED EDUCATIONAL INSTIIUT10N AUTHORIZED TO GRANT DEGuE? オPlease attach a cOpy of TIPS ce口 餞flcation fOr servers of alcohol and liquor liability insurallce certilicate. ヤAllyOne holding a Special license must purchase alcoholic beverages from a licensed wholesaler. Alcoholic beverages cannot be purchased fironl a package store. ■LICENSE I「 ILL BE VALID FOR TIIREE(3)DAYS TO ALLOW FOR PROPER DELIVERY, STORAGE AND DISPOSAL OF ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES。 FORCA C‖ ent#:27279 ДCORD詢 CERTIFICATE OF LIABILIttY INSURANCE DATE(MM′ DD― ) 08′20′ 2015 TH:S CERT:F:CATE iS:SSUED AS A MAttER OF!NFORMAT:ON ONLY AND CONFERS NO R:GHTS UPON THE CER丁 :FlCATE HOLDER.THiS CERTiF:CATE DOES NOT AFFIRMATiVELY OR NECAT:VELY AMEND,EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLiCiES BELOW.TH:S CERT:F:CATE OFiNSURANCE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTRACT BEIWEEN THE:SSUING:NSURER(S),AUTHORiZED REPRESENTATiVE OR PRODUCER,AND THE CERTiFiCATE HOLDER. IMPORTANT:lf the certificate ho!deris an ADDiT:ONAL:NSURED,the po‖ cylies)muSt be endorsed.:fSUBROGAT:ON iS WAlVED,subieCt tO the terms and conditions ofthe po:icy,certain po:icies may require an endorsement.A statement on this certificate does not confer rights to the certificate ho!derin lieu of such endorsement(s). CT ξ R品 酔 PRODUCER Sullivan lnsurance Group, lnc. 1 Mercantile Street Kttstte fI8),F", r,0, sll 791-2241 員 」 嶼ヒ stt kdoy:e@sulliVangroup.com Suite 710 *o,, 5087973689 f#, INSURER(S)AFFORDING COVERAGE Worcester, MA 01608 rNsuRER A . :NSuRED NAIC# Hanover lnsurance Company lNSuRER B: Forklift Catering,LLC :NSURER C: 59 union sq.#204 INSuRER D: Somerv‖ le,MA 02143 lNSuRER E lNSuRER F COVERAGES CERttIFiCATE NUMBER: REV:S10N NUMBER: THIS iS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF :NSURANCE LISTED BELOVV HAVE BEEN:SSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLiCY PER10D iNDICATED NOTW THSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT,TERM OR CONDIT10N OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT W TH RESPECT TO WHICH TH!S CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE:NSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUB」 ECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUS10NS AND CONDIT10NS OF SUCH POLICIES LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PA:D CLAIMS TYPE OF:NSuRANCE A NSR IⅥVD GENERAL LlAB:L:TY X POL:CY EFF POLiCY NUMBER (MM′ DD′ γγYY) ZBNA401482 )8/18ノ 2015 POL:CY EXP LIMITS (MM′ DD′ γγYY) 08ノ 18ノ 201( EACH OCCURRENCE P合 齢能g魁 竪:鷺 nca IVED EXP (Any one peEon) PERSONAL&ADVIN」 URY 」 GENERAL ACGREGATE GEN'L AGGREGATE LIMIT APPLlES PER POttCY口 ¬ A AU¬・OMOB:LE 盤 PRODuCTS‐ coMP′ OP AGG LOC 目 sl,000,000 s100,000 $5,000 $1,000,000 $2,000,000 $2,000,000 S L:AB:L:TY X AWNA401285 )8ノ 17ノ 2015 08ノ 17′ 201( ︲ 一 一X 一 Iな s tti躙 COMBINED SINGLE LIMI (Ea accidentl sl,000,000 BODILY IN」 URY(Per person) $ BODILY IN」 URY(Per aCCident) S PROPERTY DAMAGE $ $ A X UMBRELLA L:AB EXCESS L:AB o=o A I X 刊 ZBNA401482 )8ノ 18′ 2015 08ノ 18′ 201 ::i‖ :_MADE sl,000.000 sl1000,000 | *ere*rronr$ К 田 悩]椰聯翻鵬 冬 $ WHNA401286 )8ノ 18ノ 2015 08ノ 18′ 201( Eヒ DESCRIPT10N OF OPERAT10NS below Liquor Liability 辮 へ滸ミ│ 1望 H‐ E L EACH ACCIDENT N/A lf yes,describe under A EACH OCCURRENCE AGGREGATE DISEASE― EA EMPLOYEE E L DISEASE‐ POLICY LIMIT X ZBNA401482 〕 8′ 18ノ 2015 08ノ 18ノ 201 s500,000 s500,000 $500,000 Sl,000,000 S2,000,000 DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS / LOCATIONS / VEHICLES (Attach ACORD 't()'1, Additional Remarks Schedule, if more space is required) CERTIF:CATE HOLDER CANCELLAT!ON SHOuLD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCR:BED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXP:RAT10N DATE THEREOF, NOT!CE W:LL BE DELiVERED :N ACCORDANCE W:TH THE POL:CY PROV:S10NS. AUTHOR:ZED REPRESENTATiVE 仏 ・ 鷺 ― ACORD 25(2010ノ 05) #262412 1 0fl ◎ 1988‐ 2010 The ACORD name and iogo are registered marks of ACORD ACORD CORPORAT!ON.A‖ KMD rights reserved. 黒 緞 壕 毅濠 ミ 、 s、 、 ぃぶ1 ヽSヽ l XX… XNXX XX× ヽ ゛lS 鍼1群 避 駐卜 こ がヽ、 や さ ヽ 、 ヾ ヽ 、 ミ ヽ .: Sド XFNXXX 攣sず ヽミご ごもヽも ヽ 母,Fl l :` 3sRミS繊 o熱 ゛゛豫 eT:PS on Premise 2.0 :││││ 9/3/2015 l革 l゛ ss、 : じ、 iゃ 、 : 「 r)()_3: xx_― XXX‐ 9/3/2018 x)y枷 嘲 撫と ‐ 二1,::sl■ 轟:轟無_ 轟│ :協 慧 ど1爾踏 露薔 1鼻 el、 F:。 │‐ For service visit us online at www.gettips.com 赫 鸞彎 聯渤∬ For service visit us online at www.gettips.com For service visit us online at www.gettips.com THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSEttS CITY OF SOMERVILLE BOARD OF HEALTH CERTIFICATE OF REC:STRAT:ON Name of License#: Establishment: Forklifl Catering Localion: HFL14‐ 000345 5 SANBORN CT SOMERVlLLE MA 02143 REC:STERED UNDER THE PROViSiONS OF SECT:ON 305A, CHAPTER 94 0F THE GENERAL LAWS Date of Registration: Expiration Date: 07/01ノ 2015 06/30/2016 REG:STRAT:ON SHALL NOT BE TRANSFERRED,ASSIGNED OR CONVEYED.NO F00D ESTABL:SHMENT SHALL PROCESS,PREPARE FOR SALE,OR SELL,ANY F00D PRODUCT UNLESS REGiSTERED. ´ ‐ lssued By: Tlie: ∠ 壺 ≦ イ ″ ″ ∋ 考 ・ D:RECTOR OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERViCES License Cranted: Feei S 395 00 Caterer Milk lce Cream POST ON PRttMiSES iN PUBLiC VIEW BOARD OF ASSESSORS T渉 塁恥ξttFヽAR鱚 渉VTH 1146 Rollte 28 Soul盤 Yarlnollth 卜独 SSACHUSETTS 02664‐ 4492 Telepholle(508)398… 2231,Ext.1222 ‐Fax(508)398-2365 :DIRECTO:R OF ASSESSNG Andyヽ 4aclladO ASSESSORS CER丁 lFICA丁 10N FOR ABU丁丁ERS LIS丁 Date: 3■ 夕//乙 SubieCt Name: Ⅲ I五乙 ∠仁∠二∠1負 ゥ _コ圧塾堕22■ ___丁 留ァ Subject Address: ∂m Map# dθ ` Lot# /5/ ユゾノ 「 丁o WVhom lt May Concern, 丁his is to certiv that the attached listis a complete list of abutters、 Ⅳithln the required radius ofthe subieCt10t. List of direct abutters Number of labels List vvithin 1 00'radius Number of hard copies /。 m釘 3θ ノr繊 (ハ Respectfully, Andy Machado Director of Assessing Please list the date needed by: 151/ 21/ / / LIEB JAMES M LIEB PAULA S 4 STAGE COACH RUN EAST BRUNSWICK,NJ 08816 151/ 17/ / / N00NE NIARK 10 WILLIE BRAY RD YARMOUTH PORT,NIA 02675 2/ / / 9/ / / 151/ / / 107/ / / BURNS CAROL H(LIFE EST) C/O GRAY DAVID&KATHERINE 98 BRAY FARM RD SOUTH YARMOUTH PORT,Ⅳ 晨 02675 151/ 105/ / / 151/ 104.1/ / 23/ / / YARMOUTH PORT,NIA 02675 / 151/ 109/ / ECKERSON CLARENCE R BURNS ALBERT C JR l146 ROUTE 28 CREEL JOAblNE P BURNS NRITA T SOUTH YARMOUTH,MA 02664-4463 23 NOT「 INGHAM DR 47/ / / SHUTESBURY,ⅣLへ 01072‐ 9754 151/ 22/ / / 16 0LD CASTLE RD YARMOUTH PORT,MA 02675-1531 150/ / 34 0LD CASTLE RD TOWN OF YARMOUTH HAYDEN SUZA■ lNE 184 WENDELL RD / 151/ 111.1/ / MURPHY MARTIN J MURPHY DENISE P / JOYCE THOMAS EJR JOYCE Ⅳは YD 77BRAY FARM RD N YARMOUTH PORT,MA 02675 151/ 110/ LYONS CAROLYN COX C/O CAROLYN LYONS SARTORY ONE PLEASANT STREET COURT CHARLESTOWN,MA 02129 81 BRAY FARM RD NORTH YARMOUTH PORT,MA 02675 151/ JOHN HALLS CARTPATH 46 GLEN AVE NEWTON,VA 02159-2066 151/ 28/ COHEN NEIL S FULWIDER‐ COHEN LESLIE SEGEL JAMIE 142/ 151/ BRENNER MAUREEN 60 BRAY FARM RD NORTH YARMOUTH PORT,MA 02675 / YARMOUTH PORT,MA 02675‐ 151/ MORSE GLENN A MORSE JENNIFER 17 NOTrINGHAM DR 108/ / 1534 / ARNOLD JOIIN F 90 BRAY FARM RD SOUTH YARMOUTH PORT,Ⅳ 隕 02675 YARMOUTH PORT,MA 02675-1531 150/ 48/ / / TOWN OF YARMOUTH 151/ 20/ / 151/ 112.1/ / / / STEAD ROBERT E MICKOSEFF TECLA A TR l146 ROUTE 28 STEAD CONSTANCE MCLEAN SOUTH YARMOUTH,MA 02664‐ 4463 7 NOTTINGIIAM DR YARMOUTH PORT,MA 02675‐ C/O WAGNER STEVEN 3375 BR00KDALE DR 150/ 49/ / / 151/ 19/ / / TOWN OF YARMOUTH BOYD JEAN K l146 ROUTE 28 P O BOX 552 SOUTH YARMOUTH,MA 02664 YARMOUTH PORT,MA 02675 151/ 25/ / / BOTISIVALES HARRY TRS BOTSIVALES GREGORY 76 BRAY FARM RD NORTH YARMOUTH PORT,MA 02675 151/ 26/ / / WEBSTER MILO E WEBSTER JOYCE F 72 BRAY FARM RD NORTH YARMOUTH PORT,MA 02675 151/ 27/ / / FEENEY SHANNON M 64BRAY FARM RD N YARMOUTH PORT,MA 02675‐ 0179 151/ 18/ / 1533 / FARR KEVIN C FARR THERESE J 89 BRAY FARⅣ IRD S YARMOUTH PORT,MA 02675 151/ 241/ / / P1lTSBURGH,PA 15241 151/ 102.1.1/ / / CLARK ROBERT W TRS CLARK MAUMEN TRS 85 LONGFELLOW DR YARMOUTH PORT,MA 02675 151/ 103.1/ / / GALLIVAN EDWARD T TRS GALLIVAN MARGARET M 91 LONGFELLOW DR YARMOUTH PORT,MA 02675‐ 151/ 57/ / 1528 / TOWN OF YARMOUTH BARNESJEAN MARIE TR l146 ROUTE 28 THE JEAN NIARIE BARNES TRUST SOUTH YARMOUTH,MA 02664‐ 4463 5 EAST ROSE VALLEY ROAD WALLINGFORD,PA 19086 151/ 106/ / / TOWN OF YARMOUTH HISTORICAL PRESERV&CONSERVAT H46 ROUTE 28 SOUTH YARMOUTH,MA 02664‐ 4463 151/ 56/ / / DUGGAN JOHN J DUGGAN MARIE H 59 BRAY FARⅣ IROAD NORTH YARMOUTH PORT,MA 02675‐ 1551 151/ 59/ / / CONNELLY MICHAEL F CONNELLY MARILYN G 44 HILLCREST ROAD YARMOUTH PORT,MA 02675 151/ 58/ / / DRISCOLL MICHAEL A FIORENZA JANET 13 LINKSIDE COURT ISLE OF PALMS,SC 29451 151/ 242/ / / THACHER LOTHROP BAKER LABAN C/O TOWN OF YARM,1146 RTE 28 SOUTH YARMOUTH,NIA 02664 BOARD OF SELECTMEN TOWN OF YARMOUTH 1146 Route 28 South Yarlllouth PIASSACHUSETTS 02664‐ 4492 Telephonc(508)398‐ 2231,E対 .1270,1271(508)398-2365 TOヽ N ADMDヾ ISTRATOR Apri1 8,2016 The Register Attn:ⅣIary Joyce Waite Please advertise the following as a Legal Ad in your newspaper on April 14, 2016. TOWN OF YARD10UTH BOARD OF SELECTMEN SPECIAL ALCOHOL AND ENTERTAINMENT LICENSE HEARING The Board of Selectmen,acting as thc Local Licensing Authority for thc To、 ‐ ofYmouth,has receivcd an application from Celebratc Yarlnouth,Inc.for Special Wine 2%Malt and Special Entertailllnent licenses tO host a ncw Bccrだ %Winc Tasting cvent as part of Yarlnouth's Sullllmer Celcbration Kick¨ off at Bass River Bcach,220 South St.,South Yarlnouth,NIla.,on Thllrsday evening」 une 30,2016 bctween the hollrs of 5:00pnl and 8:00pm. EntertaiFlment consists of a DJ,recorded alnpliflcd rnusic and dancing. Hcaring will be hcld On Tucsday,Apri1 26,2016 in thc Hearing Room at Towll Hall,H46 Route 28, South Yarmouth. The BOard ofSclectmcn's rnccting begins at 6:00pmo Written conllnents will be accepted inthe Selectmen's offlce unti1 4:30pnl on Friday,Apri1 22,2016.Verbal colllllnents will be accepted at the hearing. 2?O SOUTせ 」ヽ駁副:RBTicE TOWN OF YARMOUTH bill the applicant for the ad: Celebrate Yarmouth, Inc. c/o Linda Jean P.O. Box 10 Please South YarlnoJh,MA 02664 BOARD OF SELECTMEN 闊早 tkttE 轟 鰍 HEARING !金 朧 爾鸞輸讐輔 AD#13414856 The Register 4/14/20 TOIWN OF YARMOUTH LICENSE OFFICE 11蝶 悪R⑬ ute 28, Sottttt War墨 ③曖苺 陰,資 撻 A ⑬2664 5SS… 5,S-2231 RECEiVED ext.12感 8 Fax(SOS)398-● 窓36 APPLICATION FOR SPECIAL LIQUOR LICENSE FEB l o 2016 For thc Sale ofAll Alcoholic Beverages,To be Dmlk onthe P面 ses under Chapter 138,Section 14 ofthe Liquor Control Act a67y, z-f to f /6 \ NAME OF brレ こ11,J''Payable、 ふ員 鶉 〆 LICENSE FEE: SAS.OO) Please make check payable to Town of Yarmou HEARINGFEEcfappliCIPIく 朧 う5 lθ vith application LICENSEE: TELEPHoNp Y A Pza ADDRESS OF LICENSEE: / tO ilEN4-{rL DATE OF ALCOHOL SERVICE: HOllRS OF SALE:_____=≦ ≧ £全 二__」笠竺 空笙ゝ ――――――――――――――――――― =三 │≒ ′ Lj-f I W} A_ ) -4 *, TYPE oF EVENT,EI e e- + lD , u t- -Tn*7, rct (> WHOWILLBEINCHARGE: DESCMP■ ON OF THE HCENSED PREMISE_ Ъ ハ,3・ 静 ム 13o威 Sο・ υ広 ゴ 輌 ″ ょ . TYPE OF LICENSE: All AlcohOlic Bぃ ア crages____ V輌面 Юs and Malt Bぃ ア erages ody X Wines ody____ Malt Beverages onサ ___ LICENSED ACTIVITY OR ENTERPRISE IS: For Proflt Non‐ proflt_>生 _ IS THE LICENSE FOR A DINING HALL AUTHORIZED TO GRANT DEGREE? ⅣRINTAINED BY AN INCORPORATED EDUCATIONALINSTITUTION *Please attach a copy of TIPS certirlcation for servers of alcOh01 and liquor liability insurance certiflcate。 おAnyone holding a Special license rnust purchase alcoholic beverages fronl a licensed wholesalero AIcohOlic beverages cannot be purchased fronl a package store. *LICENSE WILL BE VALID FOR THREE(3)DAYS TO ALLOW FOR PROPER DELIVERY, STORAGE AND DISPOSAL OF ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES. : TOWN OF YARMOUTH LICENSE OFFICE 1146〕 Route 28, South Yarnlouth,PIA 02664 508… 398-2231 ext.1268 Fax(508)398-0836 REcξ ivED LICENSE APPLICATION FOR SPECIAL ENTERTAINMENT F?AR T 7 TOI$ The undersigned hereby applies for a license in accordance with the provisions of MA General ia9r[[TS,ft;;.lilij: :'''''iri':;ilirFl Chapter 14OSec. l83A aminded, Chapter 351, Sec. 85 of Acts of 1981. AIso Chapter 140 Sec. & Chapter 136 Sec. 4. 181 ' DATE OF AP NANIE OF APPLICANT: ADDRESS.\ P lL l'1.. Wt l?- >B ぬ ′鍵 ノ 7 Uヽ う NAME OF EVENT:? DATE OF EVENT, ADDRESSヽ 彊 ERE EVENTヽ ■LL TAKE PLACE: PERSON IN CHARGE OF EVENT: BP■5 ctめ /ヽ 彼堪、 _ Live band with INCLUDES: Dancing by patrons ,/ ,/ )l.ur. 面m wttm∠ Th面 calexhШ m 5 巧″ γ ″ ん OFENTERTAINMENT: .-.\ LICENSE FEE: $55.00 pieces, including singers. Floorshow Moving picture shows DATE(S)OF ENTERTAttMENT: _ 硫bn//cabar∝ Dancing by entertainers or performers Alnp晰 Live music HOURS Ex五 5.a a - 5o F気 ら手 胸 /- , q D rt ,f;.rf u- TYPE: Check which applies: Concert Public Show 6 </み 8lci make check payable to: Jukebox Recorded music Stage play TV ん′ と くιa j ,h 12 TowN oF yARMourH -----'/ IIEARING-a-FEE(if applicable) $65.00 Payable with application. Legal ads will be billed directly to the applicant. Abutter notices must be sent out at least 10 days prior to the hearing via certified mail. Bring abutter return cards to the hearing or to the licensing office at Town Hall prior to the hearing. Fees for legal ads must be paid before license is issued. Page 1 APPLICATION FOR ENTERTAINMENT(CONT。 ) Provide a detailed description of proposed entertainment including dress or attire, description of the show, where entertainers will perform and other information to assist the Licensing Authority in making a decision. Also, please attach a floor plan showing the entertainers and dance floor area. _′ ゎ /`b`へ g/力 ′%x′ フιS/ν f_4の JZバ ′ 夕′ fA Tご た 7ん 人 ͡ く.4τ p%vマ D,D― 爬 ど」 こ浸 ら Aし 、′ご /ゝ J ― βィンルギ ♪ハⅣこ う″ルこ丘 ノ 4れ らんに にヽたしこフυ ・ _ど ん′ こ1` Jん こ π 行 つ ぶ / , As part of the entertainment, will any person be permitted to appear on the premises in any manner or attire as to expose to public view any portion of the pubic area, anus, or genitals, or any simulation thereof, or whether any female person will be permitted to appear on the premises in any manner or attire as to expose to public view a portion of the breast below the top of the areola, or any simulation thereof? (Chapter 694) Yes No This license issued by this application is valid for the calendar year _ provided the type of thru _ entertainment specified above does not change. In the event of a change in type of entertainment different than indicated above, a new application will be required and a new license issued. By signing this form the applicant certifies that he/she has read Chapter 272, Section 29 thru 31 of the Massachusetts General Law. Page2 │ ご Celebrate Yarmouth lnc is the host non-profit sponsor to support the Sixth Annual Yarmouth Summer Celebration Kick-Off, a great week-long event featuring fun family entertainment. This year, we hope to introduce a new event, the Beer and Wine Tasting! We envision local vendors to present their offerings to attendees giving them an opportunity to taste and savor the selection of craft beers and local wines. Paired with the tasting, a limited number of local Food Trucks products to compliment the beer and wine offerings. will be invited in to sell food The event will take place on Thursday June 30th from 5:00 to 8:00 pm at Bass River Beach, South Shore Drive, South Yarmouth, across from the Town Hall. The west end of the parking lot will be cordoned off and set up for tastings. Celebrate Yarmouth Inc will be responsible for securing a one-day tasting license through the Town of Yarmouth, as well as additional permitting for town property use, signs, and event entertainment. Each vendor will be required to provide a certificate of insurance for the event duration. Food truck vendors will be required to register with the Town of Yarmouth Board of Health prior to participating. We anticipate up to 500 participants. A TIPS certified person will validate each attendee, and apply a distinct wrist band at the time of admission. Fee to attend will be $20.00 per person. only those with official wristbands will be served alcoholic beverages. On behalf of the Celebrate Yarmouth Committee, we are requesting approval to hold this new event as a part of the elQelebration Kick-Off. Any questions can be directed to Linda」 can ot rtautt Fitzsimmon' IIn n- This year promises to be the most exciting Summer Celebration Kicking Off the beginning of a great summer season! Atch: Application for Application for Application for Application for Application for Special Liquor License Sign Permit Use of Town Owned Property Temporary Food Service Entertainment 4/1/16 suMMЁ nc=LttBRAT:oN KiCkl● FF 2o16 DATE&T:ME ACnVITY Frida,Jlne 24n B:00 PM-10:00 PM LOCA■ ON Fireworks South Middle Beach Sand Sculptures being built all around town Bass River Farmer's Market All Around Town 301()id Main St&cuitur Nature Walk with Connie Boyce Sandy Feet Beach wa:kttL Fun Run REGISTER ONL!N[ Bass River Beach Beach BBQ Bass River Beach Saturdav June 25th Dav 9:00 AM-1:30 PM 10:00 AM-11:30 AM 4:30 PM-6:30 PM 5:30 PM-8:00 PM A‖ Gray's Beach SundayJune 26th A‖ Dav 12:00 AM-3:00 PM 10:00 AM-3:00 PM 7:00 PM-8:00 PM 5:00-7:00 PM 5:00 PM-8:00 PM 5:30 PM-8:00 PM Sand Sculptures being built all around town Iaylor Bray Farm Day All Around Town Amateur Sand Sculpting Bass River Beach 'aylor Bray Farm Sunset Yoga Bass River Beach Kite Night - Synchronized Kite Expo with Archie Stewart & Friends f-D Red Sox vs Mariners Red Wi:son Field RAIN DATE:Beach BBQ Bass River Beach Bass River Beach MondayJune 27ttr A‖ Day 7:00 AM-8100 AM 10 AM‐ 3:00 PM 10:00 AM‐ 11:30 AM 5:00-7:00 PM 8:00 PM-10:00 PM A‖ Day Sand Sculptures being built all around town All Around Town funttSe Yoga Kite Fun - Learn to fly with Archie Stewart & Friends … Nature Walk with Connie Boyce Kite NigE - Synchronized Kite Expo with Archie Stewart & Friends RAIN DATE:Fireworks Bass River Beach Sand Sculptures being 10 AM-3:00,M 5:00 PM-8100 PM 5:00-7:00 PM 4:30-6:30 PM 8:00-9100 PM 5:30-8:00 PM built all around town Bass River Beach Gray's Beach Bass River Eeach Bass River Beach All Around Town Kite Fun - Learn to fly with Archie Stewart & Friends ■D Red Sox vs Firebirds Red Wilson Field Fite Night_Synchrpnized K■ e Expo with Archie StewarL&Friends Bass River Beach rdに ybtt chttenge! 3artoons on the Big Screen Bass River Beach ce Cream Social Bass River Beach iand Sculptures being built all around town Kite Fun - Learn to fly with Archie Stewart & Friends All Around Town Bass River Beach Bass River Eeach 3ass River Beach Wednesdav June 29th へ‖Day 10 AM-3:00 PM 10:00 AM-11:30 AM 10:00 AM-1:00 PM 4:30-7:30 5:00-7:00 PM Ihursday June :loth へ‖Day l,latqre Walk with Connie Boyce 6ray's Beach Plein Air Paint Ciass Packets Landing :ull Moon Fishing Clinic & Derby く ite Night― Sy,9hrOnlzed Kte ExpO wtth Archie Stewart&Friends Bass River Beach 10 AM-3:00 PM 〕100 AM-1:30 PM iand Sculptures being buih all around town (ite Fun - Learn to fly with Archie Stewart & Friends 3ass River Farmer's Market and Cooking Demonstration All Around Town Bass River Beach 301 01d Main St&cultul 5:00-8:00 PM Dirty Dance Panv with Ba‖ room B::ss Sirnpkins Field Ter&断 ηe 3oss R′ 1/er Beacカ 5:θθ-8:θ θPЛ′ rBD ヽ‖Dav 10:00 AM-11:30 AM 10:00 AM-3:00 PM 4:00 PM‐ 5:00 PM 5:00 PM-7:30 PM saturdi,JI:Y2nd 10:00‐ 11:30 AM 1:00 PM-2:30 PM 9:00 AM-1:30 PM Tasting r3D Bass River Beach iand Sculptures being built all around town All Around Town Nature Walk with Connie Boyce \mateur Sand Sculpting Gray's Beach lculptors Awards Pro & Amateur lumba on the Beach with Peg Taylor Bass River Beach 3ark in the Park Dog Parade Blessing of the Boats New Dog Park 3ass River Farmer's 301 0id Main St&Cultul Sand Market Bass River Beach Bass River Beach Bass River Beach Fish Pie Sundav Julv 3rd 5:00 PM-8:00 PM f-D Re4 9ox vs Hyannis Harbor Hawks Red VVilson Field Abutting Properlies fo「 220 SOuTH sT YARMOUTH,MA 26/ 116/ / / (300 feet) Location: 26/ 114/ / / 206 SOUTH ST Owner GILL HENRY TRS GILL ANNE D TRS 206 SOUTH ST SOUTH YARMOUTH,MA 02664 Locat on: 26/ 118/ /′ 327 SOUTH SHORE DR Owner RIVIERA BEACH LTD PARTNERSHIP 20 N MAIN ST SOUTH YARMOUTH,MA 02664‐ 3450 Location: Locat on: 26/ 113/ ′′ 26/ 1151/ / / Owner RANTA ASHLEY EMMA HOYLE」 UDY Owner 205 SOUTH ST 94 HIGH ST UNIT 2 CHARLESTOWN,MA 02129 Locationi 26/ 117/ / / 329 SOUTH SHORE DR Owner OCEAN CLU3‐ RESORT CONDO TRUST 329 SOUTH SHORE DRIVE SOUTH YARMOUTH,MA 02664 216 SOUTH ST LERZ ALFRED A TRS LERZ DIANE B TRS 35 APPLEW00D DR SOMERS,CT 06071 Locat on: 26′ 1152/ / ′ 210 SOUTH ST Owner FONTAINE LESTER E TR THE L&C FONTAINE NOM TRUST 510 COttAGE ST SPRINGFIELD,MA 01104 TOu啓1 0F YAttOUTH 1146 Routc 28 South Yarlnouth 卜色へSSACIIIJSETTS 02664-4492 TclclDhonc(508)398… 2231、 Ext.1271,127()… Fax(508)398-2365 BOARD OF SELECTMEN TOヽ N AI)MINISTRATOR Apri1 8,2016 Thc Rcgistcr Attn:NIlary Joyce Waite Plcasc advertisc the follo、 ving as a Legal Ad in your newspapcr on April 14,2016. TOWN OF YARIIIOUTH BOARD OF SELECTⅣ IEN SPECIAL V√ INE LICENSE HEARING The Board of Selectlllcn,acting as tllc Local Liccnsing Authority for thc Towll of Ya111louth,has received an application from Friends of Yarlnouth Council on Aging lor a Special Wine license fbr a 、 vine tasting at an ltalian Festival at the Senior Center,528 Forest Rd.,South Yarlnouth,on Friday, Apri1 29,2016 bct、 veen the hours Of 5:00 and 8:00pm. Hcaring will be held on Tuesday,Apri1 26,2016 in tl■ e hearing room at To、 、 n Hall,H46 Route 28, South Yarlnouth,Ma. The Sclectinen's lnecting bcgins at 6:00pm. VVrittcn colllllllents、 vill be accepted unti1 4:30pnl on Friday,Apri1 22,2016 by thc Board of Sclcctnlen at ToⅥm Hall.Verbal collllllnCntS will bc acccpted at the hcaring. Please bill the applicant for the ad: Friends of Yarmouth Council on Aging 528 Forest Rd. South Yarmouth, Ma. 02664 508-394-7606 AD#13414880 The Re9も ter 4/14/16 TOWN OF YARMOUTH LICENSE OFFICE 1146 Route 28, South Yarmouth,PIA 02664 508-398‐ 2231 ext.1268 Fax(508)398¨ 0836 APPLICATION FOR SPECIAL LIQUOR LICENSE 恥r iC鴇 ´/多 DATEダ タフツ LICENSE FEE:S65.00 ∫柳 :l哩 W早 Tb雌 撚 臨 智 Rlil. ` 「I l` APR 0 0 2o16 お ∝器 ITム 謝 F 「 Please male check payable to Town of Yarmouth IIEARING FEE (if appticable) $6s.00 Payabte with application efiatq t NttE OF HCENSEB ん ′Z67■ ADDRESS OF LICENSEE: く ら4・ EMAIL: ″′ DATE OF ALCOHOL SERVICE: ´ ιヘ / HO■ IRS OF SALE: WIIO WILL BEIN CHARGE: TYPE OF EVENT: / DESCRIPTION OF THE LICENSED P田 ヽlISE: TYPE OF LICENSE: All Alcoholic Bcverages___ 1予 量 :::ly,男 JBCVerages only_ Malt Bcvcrages only_ LICENSED ACTIVITY OR ENTERPRISE IS: For Proflt / Non― proflt ノ 1S THE LICENSE FOR A DINING HALL MAINTAINED BY AN INCORPORATED EDUCAT10NALINSTITUT10N ク AUTHORIZED TO GRANT DEGttE? ン/1イレ 'Please attach a copy of TIPS certirlcatioll for servers Of alcohol and hquor uability illsurance certiflcate. 'Anyone holding a Special ucense lnust purchase alcohohc beverages froIIl a hcensed、 浮holesalero Alcoholic beverages canllot be purchased fronl a package store。 *LICENSE WILL BE VALID FOR TIIREE(3)DAYS TO ALLOW FOR PROPER DELIVERY, STORAGE AND DISPOSAL OF ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES. riH・ ellPs Issued: 醜 : 3ノ 1′ tt Pttm“ 2∝ 201 6 4195691 」arrles 殷 粗=Ж癬 Expics: 31ノ 2019 D.0.B.: XXID― M Miglioini Yamouth Wne&Spirlls 484 Sta50n Ave Souh Yarrnoulh.IIA 02664‐ For seMce visit us oniine at vttM″ 120 gettlps.com 黒MouTH,MA 餓罪踪隆霧紗予 204′ / ′ (50 feet) 87′ Location: 87′ 199′ ′/ 506 0LD TOヽ ハ/NHOuSE Location: RD Owner YARMOUTH HOUSING AUTHORITY LONG POND DR SOUTH YARMOUTH,MA 02664 87/ 203/ / / 540 FOREST RD Owner 544 FOREST RD Owner 540 FOREST RD HINES BRENDA M 544 FOREST RD SOUTH YARMOUTH,MA 02664 CUGNO SUSAN M SOUTH YARMOUTH,MA 02664 Location: Location: 87/ 204/ / / 87ノ 550 FOREST RD Owner CALLE LUIS A 550 FOREST RD SOUTH YARMOUTH,MA 02664 Location: 87/ 202ノ / / 200/ ノ/ 554 FOREST RD Owner LEVITAN DOREEN N 554 FOREST RD SOUTH YARMOUTH,MA 02664 HINES PAUL V‖ │ BOARD OF SELECTMEN TOWN OF YARMOUTH 1146 Route 28 South Yan■ outh NIASSACHUSETTS 02664‐ 4492 Telephone(508)398… 2231、 E対 .1271.1270-Fax(508)398-2365 TOヽ N ADMNISTRATOR Apri1 8,2016 Thc Rcgister Attn:Ⅳ Iary Joyce Waitc Please advcrtisc the follo、 ving as a Lcgal Ad in yollr nc、 vspaper on April 14,2016. TOWN OF YARMOUTH BOARD OF SELECTMEN LIQUOR AND ENTERTAINMENT HEARING The Board of Selectmen, acting as the local licensing authority, has received an application for new Annual A11 Alcohol Restaurant and Weekday and Sunday Entertainment licenses from Sea Dog Brew Pub Cape Cod LLC, dba Sea Dog Brew Pub, 23 White's Path, Unit V, South Yarmouth, Ma., Peter Lucido, manager. a The premise is comprised of two stories. The first floor has a kitchen, three dining rooms, bar area, reception area, three bathrooms and is approximately 4,000 sq. ft. with four entrances and exits. The basement is used for storage of dry goods and supplies only and is approximately 1,000 sq. ft. Entertainment will consist of live and recorded music, live band with up to 5 pieces, amplification and dancing by patrons and/or entertainers between the hours of 11:30am and 1:00am daily. Hearing will be held on Tuesday, Apr1l26,20l6inthe Hearing Room at the Town Hall, 1 146 Route 28 South Yarmouth. The Board of Selectmen meeting begins at 6:00pm. Written comments will be accepted until 4:30 pm, Friday, April 22,2016 in the Selectmen's office at Town Hall. Verbal comments will be accepted at the hearing. 一 0 ∝ ﹂ ﹂¨ o一 ざまれ一 〓 寺一 0く ヽΦ 一 一 ドr 一寸卜 , 駆髄仄墨 鰤報 轟 馨 畔譲驀 一 参嚢 輛 翌艶 0〓 0一cШ ∽一 ∽CO〇 一 0 一 〓、´ 一COE C一 つC0 0>〓 一 Administrator's Offlce l146 Route 28 South Yannouth,ヽ 4a. 02664 508-398… 2231 童璽 絆¨ い﹂ 刈 崚オ男﹄ ー〓o ト 剌 To、 m O Z一 ∝く ロ エ く 卜∝ 四卜Z 口 O Z く ∝ 0 つ 0 コ トZШ 〓 Z 一 Z 口 〓 卜 O Ш コШ ∽ L 0 0 ∝ く O m 〓 卜つ 0 〓 ∝ く ン L0 2 〓 O ト Towll of YttΠ louth ぎ 鶴響 ¨ 一 掟型¨ ¨ 色 針L 騨 肇“・ Please bill the following lor the ad: 11111:1邁 The Commonwealth of Massachusetts Alco ho lic B everages Control Qommission 239 Causeway Street ' Boston, MA 02114 www.mass.gov/abcc RttCEIV甲 や APR 0 6 201S RETA:L ALCOHOLiC BEVERAGES LiCENSE APPLiCAT10N MONETARY TRANSM!lTAL FORM APPLiCAT10N SHOULD BE COMPLETED ON― L:NE′ ECRT CODE: RF「 AND SUBM1lTED TO THE LOCAL PR:NTED′ SIGNED′ LiCENSING AUttHOR:Tγ LICENSES&PERMi丁 S TO躙 OF YARMOUTH . A CHECK PAYABLETO ABCC OR COMMONWEALTH OF MA: 5200.00 {CHECK MuST DENOTE THE NAME OF THE L:CENSEE CORPORAT10N′ LLC,PARTNERSHIP,OR INDiVIDUAL} CHECK NUMBER lF USED EPAY′ CONFIRMAT10N NUMBER 081002 A.B.CoCoLiCENSE NUMBER(lF AN EX:STING LiCENSEE′ CAN BE OBTAINED FROM THE CITγ LiCENSEE NAME Sea Dog Brew Pub Cape Cod LLC ADDRESS 23 Whitels Path,Unl V CiTγ /TOWN STATE匝 South Yarmouth ≡ヨ ) ZIP CODE 02664 TRANSACTION TYPE (Please check all relevant transactions)r I f Alteration of Licensed Premises f I I □ f I Cordials/Liqueurs permit CnangeofLicenseType □ Management/Operaung Agreement Change of Location □ Morethan O)§ 15 ChangeofManager 図 New License Ctrange Corporate Name lssuance of Stock I f, I I I ttew Officer/Director □ TranSttr NewStockholder □ TranSた r of Stock eleage ofStock □ Wine&Mak eleOge of License □ of ttcense to川 l NcOhd 6-Dayt0 7-Day ttcense Seasonal to Annual Other THE LOCAL LICENSING AUTHORITY MUST MAILttHIS TRANSMIT 「 ALFORM ALONG WITH THE CHECK′ COMPLEttED APPLICA丁 10N′ AND SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS丁 0: ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES CONTROL COMM:SS:ON P.0。 BOX 3396 BOSTON′ MA 02241‐ 3396 APPLICAT10N FOR RETAlL ALCOHOL:C BEVERAGE L:CENSE Yarmouth City/Town ■.LiCENSEEINFORMAT10N: A Legal Name/Entity of AppHcant(cOrpora● B. Business Name D. ABCC License (if different) Number on′ LLC o「 Dog Brew Pub Cape Cod LLC Individuaり Dog Brew Pub : (for existing licenses only) C. Manager Cityflown: South Yarmouth F. Business Phone: 508‐ 728‐ 1960 H Ema‖ Peter Lucido : 23 White s Path,Unl V E.Address of Licensed Prem of Record: α 釧 晰¨α 蹴 。 _舵 □ 4 “ l www.seadogcapecod.com : l.Mailin8 address (lf different from E.): │ L□ │ね ¨ │ │ 2. TMNSACTION: License I Transfer oflicense n fi I New f] New Stockholder n New Officer/Director ofStock n lssuanceofstock n Managemenvoperating Agreement tr Transfer Pledgeofstock Pledge of License following transactions must be processed as new licenses: f, Seasonalto Annual I (6) Dayto (7)-Day License f] Wine & i\4altto AllAlcohol IMPORTANT ATTACHM ENTS (1): The applicant must attach a vote of the entity authorizing all requested transactions, including the appointment of a Manager of Record or principal representative. WPE OF LICENSE: I 512 E 512 General Restaurant E StZHotel tr Sl2Club E On-Premises n 512Tavern Sl2VeteransClub (Nosunday, f I S12 Continuing Care Retirement Community 515 Package Store LICENSE CATEGORY: 図 All測 cohdに □ Wine&Mak Beverages Wines&MaL Beverages □ Beverages wth cOrdJs/日 queurs Perml 5 LiCENSE CLASS: 図 AnnuJ ! Seasonal □ wlneS □ Mal CONTACT PERSON CONCERN:NG THiS APPLiCAT:ON{Aπ ORNEY:F APPLiCABLE) NAME: Christopher S. Fiset, Attorney 9 01d Main Street ADDRESS: CITγ West Dennis /TOWN: CONTACT PHONE NUMBER: STATE:E 508‐ 398‐ 5670 70 ZIP CODE: 508‐ 398‐ 7170 FAX NUMBER: .DESCR:PT!(DN OF PREMiSES: provide a complete descnptiOn Ofthe premも es.Please nOte that this must be idenJcalto the descnp● On Onthe Form 43. .i.e.:‖ 動 ree stο ry enseこ 3 roο ms i entrance 2 eガ ts 132θ Os9■ ルο frStfrOο r to be′ た υ r ρ α ο ο ″ο仁200s9■ 3“ ementメ ο rStο rage μ20059■ “ '.TCtar ,メ s9 ft=5600.‖ rooms with approximately a,000 sq.ft. and four entrances and iour exits. Basement is used for storage of dry goods and supplies only is approximately 1,000 sq.ft. Total Square Footage: 5,000 4 Number of Entrances: 148 Occupancy Number: Number of Exits: 4 148 Seating Capacity: IMPORTANT ATTACHMENTS (2): The applicant must attach a floor plan with dimensions and square footage for each floor & room. .OCCUPANCY OF PREMISES: By what right does the applicant have possession and/or legal occupancy of the premises? Final Lease IMPORTANT ATTACHMENTS (3): The applicant must submit a copy of the final lease or documents evidencing a legal right to occupy the premises. LLC Landlord is a(n): Name: Oscar Taylor's LLC Address: 23 VVhiteis Path lnitial Lease Term: Renewal Term: Rent: Other: Phone: City/Town: Beginning Date 5 years $75,000.00 4,2016 South Yarmouth Ending Date Options/Extensions at: Per Year Rent: $6,250.00 5 鐵 準 □ "∞ 4 3,2021 vears Each Per Month httet:stttheleaseorOtherarrangementrequirepaymentstOtheLandlordbasedonapercentageofthea!cOhol sales? 尋:よ if Yes′ Landlord Entity must be listed in Question#lo of this app‖ cation. lf the principa:s Ofthe app‖ cant cOrporation or LLC have created a separate corporatiOn or LLC to hold the real estate′ prOvide a lease between the two entities. the applicant must st‖ │ LiCENSE STRUCTURE: The Applicantis a(n): LLC Other: lf the applicant is a Corporation or LLC, complete the following: Date of lncorporation/Organization: 02/02/2016 State of I ncorporation/Orga nization: Massachusetts ls 10。 the Corporation publicly traded? YesfNoE :NTERESTSiN THis L:CENSE: List a‖ ind市 iduals involved in the entty(e.g.corpOrate stockholders′ direct or indirect′ beneficial or financialinterest in this license. directors′ officers and LLC members and managers)and any person orentty wth a :MPORTANT Aπ ACHMENTS(4) A.A‖ individuals or entties listed below are required to cOmplete a PersOnallnforma■ on Form. B.A‖ shareholders′ LLC members or otherindi宙 duals wth any ownership in thも license must complete a CORI Release Form(unless they are a landlord entty) Name Specinc%Owned A11丁 itles and POsitions Peter Lucido Manager, Member 37.5 Todd Olson Member 375 Kevin MacARTHUR Member 25 Other Beneficial lnterest T addttonaispaceも needed′ pに ase useぬ st page. 11.EX:ST:NG:NTERESTIN OTHER L:CENSES: Does any individuallisted in§ beverages?Yes□ No図 Name 10 have any direct orindirect′ beneficial or financia1lnterest in any other‖ cense tO se‖ alcoholic 「 ves′ lも t sad interest below: License Type Please Select Please Select Please Select Please Select Please Select Please Select Licensee Name & Address 12.PREV10USLY HELD INTERESTS:N OTHER LiCENSES: Has any individual‖ sted in§ 10ヽ νho has a direct orindirect beneficialinterest in this license ever held a direct or indirect,benencial or inandal hterest h a hcense to sdlaに ohdた beverages,whch`not presenJv hdd?Yes tt No□ r yes,‖ st sttd interest bdow: Name Licensee Name & Address Sea Dog Brew Pub - Plymouth, Peter Lucido IIA Reason Terminated 01701/2013 Sea Dog Brew Pub - Nantucket, MA Peter Lucido Date 01/01/2013 13.DiSCLOSURE OF L:CENSE D:SIPLINARY ACT!ON: Have anv Ofthe disc10sed hcenses to se‖ alcoho‖ c beverages hsted in§ 1l and/Or§ 12 ever been suspended′ revoked or cance‖ ed? Yes□ No図 f yes,‖ stsad hterest bdOw: Date License Reason of Suspension, Revocation or Cancellation 14.CITIZENSHIP AND RESiDENCY REQU:REMENTS FOR A(§ 15)PACKAGE STORE LICENSE ONLY: A.) For lndividual(s): 1. Are you a U.5. Citizen? 2. Are you a Massachusetts Residents? B.) For Corporation(s) and tlc(s) No□ Yes S ves ffi No□ : 1. Are all Directors/LLC Managers U.S. Citizens? E ves S Yes E ves 2. Are a majority of Directors/Llc Managers Massachusetts Residents? 3. ls the License Manager a U.S. Citizen? No□ No□ No□ C.| For lndividual(s), Shareholder(s), Member(s), Director(sland Officer(s): 1.. Are all lndividual(s), Shareholders, Members, Directors, LLc N4anagers and officers involved at least twenty-one (21) years old? YesBNof 15.CITIZENSH:P AND RESiDENCY REQUlREMENTS FOR(§ 12)RESTAURANT,HOTEL CLUB,GENERAL ON PREMiSE,TAV[RN′ CLUB LiCENSE ONLY: A.) For lndividual(s): 1. Are you a U.S. Citizen? B.) For Corporation(s) and yes Citizen(s)? 2. ls the License Manager or Principal Representative a U.S. Citizen? 1. g No I LLC(S); Are a majority of Directors/LLc Managers NOI U.S. C.) For lndividual(s), Shareholder(sl, Member(s), Directo(s) and Officer(s): yes f] yes E E No n No l Are a‖ lndividua(s)′ Shareholders′ Members′ Drectors′ LtC Managers and officersinvO ved at easttwenty one(21)yearS Old? Yes tt No□ 16.COSTS ASSOC:ATED WITH LiCENSE TRANSACT10N: A Purchase Price fbr Real Property: 00 B Purchase Price for Business Assets: 00 C Costs of Renovat:ons/constructiOn: D lnitial start― Up cOsts: ,00000 S50,000 or greater towards this transaction, must provide proof of the source of said funds. Proof may consist of three consecutlve months of bank statements with a minimum balance of the amount described, a letter from your financial institution stating there are su{ficient funds to ,000 E Purchase Price forlnventory: 00 F Other(Spedfy) 00 cover the amount described, G:TOTAL COST 00000 H.TOTAL CASH ,00000 :.TOTAL AMOUNT F:NANCED IMPORTANT ATTACHMENTS (5): Any individual, LLC, corporate entity, etc. providing funds of loan documentation, or other docu mentation. The amounts listed in subsections (H) and (l) must total the amount reflected in (G). 00 ■7.PROV:DE A DETAILED EXPLANAT10N OF THE FORM{S)AND SOURCE(S〕 OF FUNDING FOR THE COSTS iDENTIFIED ABOVE(INCLUDE LOANS′ MORTGAGES,LINES OF CREDIT′ NOTES,PERSONALFUNDS,GIFTS): *lf additional space is needed, please use last page. 18.LIST EACH LENDER AND LOAN AMOUNT{S)FROM WHiCH"TOTAL AMOUNT FINANCED"NOTEDiN SUB‐ SECT10NS 16(l〕 WiLL DER:VE: Type of Financing B. Does any individual or entity listed in 517 or S18 as a source of financing have a direct or indirect, beneficial or flnancial interest in this license or any other license(s) granted under Chapter lf yes, please describe: 138? yes n No E ■9.PLEDGE:(le COLLATERALFOR A LOAN) I A.) ls the applicant seeking approval to pledge the Ilcense? ves S tlo 1. lf yes, to whom: 2, Amount of Loan: 5. Ierms of Loan │ 轄 1珈 に │ 14腱 び岨 。 … │ │ : B.) lf a corporation, is the applicant seeking approval to pledge any of the corporate stock? f ves $ No 1. lf yes, to whom: 2. Number of Shares: C. ) ls the applicant pledging the inventory? f ves S r,ro lf yes, to whom: IMPORTANT ATTACHMENTS (6): lf you are applying for a pledge, submit the pledge agreement, the promissory note and a vote of the Corporation/LLC approving the pledge. 20.CONSTRUCT:ON OF PREMISES: Are the premises being remodeled′ performed on the premises: redecorated or constructed in any、 vav?」 f YES′ please provide a descriptiOn Of the、 臣]Yes □ No are located. 21.ANTICIPATED OPENING DATE: May 2016 IF ALL OFttHEINFORMA丁 10N AND AT 「 ACHMENTS ARE NOtt COMPLEttE THE APPLiCA丁 10N WILL BE RETURNED vo「 k being Tlte Commonwealth of Massach usetts Alcoholic Beverages Control Commission 239 Causeway Street Boston, MA 02114 www.ntrss.gor,4thcc PERSONAL INFORMATION FORM Each individual listed in Section 10 of this application must complete this form. 1.L:CENSEEINFORMAT:ON: A. Legal Name of Licensee C. Address E. Sea Dog Brew Pub LLC D. ABCC License 23 White's Path, Unit V Number (lfexisting licensee) City/Town South Yarmouth F. Phone Number of Premise Dog Brew Pub B. Business Name (dba) state 728-1960 E zip code 02664 G ttN of License PERSONAL:NFORMAT:ON: A. lndividual Name Peter Lucido B. Home Phone *rro"U---__l C. Address D. City/Town E. Social Security Number G. Place of Employment F Date of Birth Dog Brew Pub Cape Cod LLC BACKGROUND INFORMAT:ON: Have you ever been convicted of a state, federal or military crime? yes I No g :f ves,as part ofthe application process,the indiudual must attach an afFdavit as tO anv and a‖ convictions The amdavit mustinclude the city and state where F:NANC:AL:NTEREST: -s,,,"Qzio Provide a detailed description of your direct or indirect, beneficial or financial interest in this license (i.e. percentage ownership). *lf additional space is needed, please ′ 力 ereby s″ eα ′ υ ρdertte use the last page ns α ″d penα ′ ties ρσ′ OFρ e″ υ ry ttat tte 101o″ ηα tiο η ′ 力σve prOν ded in t力 ls Signature Title (lf Corporation/LLC Representative) σ ′ Cα ο ηls tr● e α nd ρρ′ t′ Tlte Commonwmlth of Massachusexs Alcoholic Beverages Control Commission 239 Causeway Street Boston, trtL4 02114 wtyw.nnss.gov/abcc PERSONAL INFORMATION FORM Each individual listed in Section 10 of this application must complete this form. ■.LICENSEEINFORMAT10N: A. Legal Name of Licensee Sea Dog Brew Pub LLC C. Address 23 White's Path, Unit V E. City/Town South Yarmouth Sea Dog Brew Pub D. ABCC License Number (lf existing licensee) state 728‐ 1960 F. Phone Number of Premise B. Business Name (dba) E zip code 02664 G EIN of License PERSONALINFORMAT10N: A. lndividual Name C. Address D. City/Town E. Social Olson B. Security Number G. Place of Employment Home Phone Nu mber F Date of Birth Sea Dog Brew Pub BACKGROUND INFORMAT10N: Have you ever been convicted of a state, federal lf ves,as part of the application process,the individu● ormilitarycrime? yes I NoE I must attach an andavit asto anv and a‖ convictiOns The attdaut mustinclude the city and state where F:NANCIALINTEREST: Provide a detailed description of your direct or indirect, beneficial or financial interest in this license (i.e. percentage ownership). *lf additional space is needed, please use the last page I hereby swear under the pdins ond pendtties of periury thot the informotion I hove provided dccurote: Signature 'lltle in this oppticotion 3/3// (lf Corporation/LLC Representative) is true and rr2`Gθ ″″θ″″ Jrr2グ Massα cヵ sα `α `s ″ “ sJθ ∠Jcθ 力θJた Bι ッιrcg`sC"甕 rθ ′Cθ ″″お 239 Cα ttF`″ り Streg` Bθ stθ ″,■死4θ 211イ PERSONAL:NFORMAT!ON FORM Each individuallisted in Section lo of this applicatlon must complete this form. 1.LICENSEE INFORMAT10N: Sea Dog Brew Pub Cape Cod A. Legal Name of Licensee C. Address D. ABCC License 23 VVhleis Path Unl V E.City/Town B. Business Name (dba) Dog Brew Pub Number (lf existing licensee) th Yarmouth 勧 F. Phone Number of Premise 508-718‐ 1960 e□ ¨∞ “ 02664 G.EIN of License PERSONALINFORMAT10N: A.!ndividual Name MacArthur B. Home Phone Number C.Address D.Cttv/Town E. Social 1螂 Security Number G. Place of Employment e EIZipCOd響 │ F.Date of Birth Networks, lnc. BACKGROUND:NFORMAT10N: Have you ever been conucted of a state′ federal or mil忙 ary cnme? :f ves,as part of the apptication process,the individual rnust attach an affidavit as to anv and a‖ Yes□ No図 convictions. The afFldavit rnust inc!ude the citv and state、 ″here 日NANCIAL:NTEREST: Provide a detailed description of your direct or indirect, beneficial or financial interest in this license (i.e. percentage ownership). *lf additional space is needed, please use the last page I hereby sweor underthe accυ ratef 'and penalties of perjury thot the informotion I have provided in this opptication is true and 3-l-t - Signature Title (lf Corporation/LLC Representative) t MA SOC FIling NumbeE 201662501520 暮 ● =・ Date:2メ 2メ 20163:08:00 PM The Commonwealth of Massachusetts ミ Minimum Fee:S500.00 William Francis Calvin Secreね 7 0fthe Commonwcalth,Corporations Division One Ashburton Place,17th noor Boston,MA 02108‐ 1512 TelephOne:(617)727‐ 9640 SpecinI F驚 :nt instru● lons ldentification Number: 1.The exact name oFthe‖ mited ilability● ompanyisi SEA DOG BREヽ VPUB CAPE COD LLC 2a.Location ofits principa1 0mcel No and Steet Ciヤ Or TOWn: 23 WHITPS PATH souTH YARMOUTH statcl MA zip:02664 COl嵐 守 :USA 2b. Street address of the office in the Conrmonwealth at which ths records will be maintained; No. and Streel: Ciry- State:f or Town: Zip: Counむ y:USA ― 3.The seneral● haracter of business,and if the limited:iability cOmpany is orga奥 service,the service to be rendered: :こ ed to render professiona: RESTAURANT 4.The tatest date of dissoiution,if specitted: 5. Name and address of the Resident Agent: Name: No. and Street: City or Town: Counuy: USA l, PETER LUCIBQ resident agent of the above limiteC liability company, consent to my appointmenl as the resident agent af the above limited liability company pursuant to 6. l. cfrapter 1S6C ieciion tz. 6. The name and business address of each manager, if any: Title individual Name First,Middle.Last,Sufflx MANAGER PETER」 LUCiD0 AddreSs (no po Bor) Address, City or Town, Stat€. Zip Cod6 23 WHITC'S PATH SOUTH YARMOUTH,MA 02664 USA 7' The nama and business address of the person(s) in addition to the manager(s), authorized to execute documents to be filed with the corporations Division, and at least one p6rson shall b6 named if thera are no managers. 8. The name and business eddress of ths p€rson(s) authorized io execule, ackno$/ledge, deliver and record any. recordable inslrumenl purporting to aflect an inierest in real property: individuai Name Tit:e F:「 REAこ PROPERTY AddreSS st M10010 tast Suinx PETER O Lυ (Ao PO Bor) Addross, Cily or Town. St6te. Zip Cod6 Ct00 23 WHITes PATH SOUTH YARMOuTH.MA 026“ uSA Rビ AL TODO M OLSON PROPE自 rY 23v・VHITE.S PATH SOuTH YARMOUTH.MA 0266● uSA 9 Addた lonal maters: SICNED UNDER THE PENALTlES OF PERJURY,this 2 Day Or February,2016, PETER LUCIDO ρttσ `′ ″ブたoた ″1/S`be O20Cl .2016 Commorwoaltl ot Mass€chsse[6 AllRights Ros6rvod sむ ″ ″′ たρ `バ ″ル″ ″ルB ο tta 2Cリ MA SOC Filin9 Numberi 201662501520 Date:2′ 2′ 20163:08:00 PM THE COMMONurEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS I hereby ceniry that. upon examination of this document, duly subrnitted to me, it appears that the provisions of the Oeneral Laws relative to corporations have been complied with, and I hereby approve said articles; and the filing fee having been paid, said articles are dcemed to have been iled、 vith rnc on: February 02,201603:08 PM ゝ′ ILLIAM FRANCIS GALVIN σ クげ′ 力 θCθ ″ ο 打 ッσ rカ ′′ “ Sθ reFα APPLICANT S STATEMENT し Paer Luddo the:□ sOに prOpnetoc□ partneち □ corporate pttndpJ;図 LLC/LLP member Authorized Signatory , hereby submit this application for Name of the Entity/Corporation ne、 va‖ alconOl annual restuarant Transadion(s) you are appiying for (hereinafter the "Application"), to the local licensing authority (the "LLA") and the Alcoholic Beverages Control Commission (the "ABCC" and together with the LLA collectively the "Licensing Authorities,,) for approval. I do hereby declare under the pains and penalties of perjury that I have personal knowledge of the information submitted in the Application, and as such affirm that all statement and representations therein are true to the best ofmy knowledge and belief. I further submit the following to be true and accurate: I understand that each representation in this Application is material to the Licensing Authorities'decision on the Application and that the Licensing Authorities will rely on each and every answer in the Application and accompanying documents in reaching its decision; I state (2) that the location and description of the proposed licensed premises does not violate any requirement of the ABCC or other state law or local ordinances; ︵ 3 I understand that while the Application is pending, I must notify the Licensing Authorities of any change in the information submitted therein. I understand that failure to give such notice to the Licensing Authorities may result in disapproval of the Application; I understand that upon approval of the Application, I must notify the Licensing Authorities of any change in the Application information as approved by the Licensing Authorities. I understand that failure to give such notice to the Licensing Authorities may result in sanctions including revocation of any license for which this Application is submitted; (4) EJ I understand that the licensee will be bound by the statements and representations made in the Application, including, but not limited to the identity of persons with an ownership or financial interest in the license; ^ b I understand that all statements and representatlons made become conditions ofthe Iicense; (7) I understand that any physical alterations to or changes to the size of, the area used for the sale, delivery, storage, or consumptlon of alcoholic beverages, must be reported to the Licensing Authorities and may require the prior approval of the Licenslng Authorities; (8) I understand that the licensee's failure to operate the licensed premises in accordance with the statements and representations made in the Application may result in sanctions, including the revocation of any license for which the Application was submitted; and (9) that any false statement or misrepresentation will constitute cause for disapproval of the Application or sanctions including revocation of any license for which this Application is submitted. I understand Signatu Title: CertincatiOn Manager for TIPS i 二:│ド i :: 2/28ノ Main Menu 16,12:28 PM i Do not click Back‐ Space to leave this window 一 瀑 鍮 一 Certittcttt2専 I C3mplctlo■ This Certificate of Contpletiorr ol' eTIPS 0n Premise 2.0 For courseu'ork conrfrleted on FeLrruary 28, 2016 provided by Health Clommunications. h1c. is hereby granted to: Peter Lucido Ce*ification to he sent to: 藁哺 、11.│■ HEA口 ■●1■・ http:ノ /W3.certeg rity cOmノ ‐ │‐ ■, 11・● uC Cp3.nsf/Opencertiicate70penAgent&R:D=7LCOEMRSQK87&TID=7LCOEMRSQKB7&POP=N&CiD=3573L70494&SRC=2 Page l ofl MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING OF THE MEMBERS OF SEA DOG BREW PUB CAPE COD LLC 1. Pumose: To approve a resolution to apply for a liquor license for the Sea Dog Brew Pub, 23 White's Path, Unit V, South Yarmouth MA02673. To acquire all necessary permits and approvals from Town of Yarmouth and the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. 2. A special meeting of the Board of Directors of the above-named LLC was held Date: March 17,2016 Time: 12:00 pm Place: 9 Old Main Street, West Dennis, MA 02670 at: 3. The following Members were present, constituting a quorum: Todd Olson, Peter Lucido and Kevin MacArthur. 4. The chairperson called a meeting to order and a proposal to a. b. Apply for a new retail liquor license from the Commonwealth of Massachusetts; ffid, Appoint Peter Lucido as the responsible Manager. .After discussion, upon motion duly made, seconded and adopted, it was RESOLVED, To approve a resolution to acquire all necessary permits and approvals from Town of Yarmouth, including, but not limited to Zoning, Licensing, and the Board of Selectmen and from the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Alcohol Beverages Control Commission for a liquor license for the Sea Dog Brew pub. RESOLVED to apply for a new retail liquor license from the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, and, appoint peter Lucido as the responsible Manager. With no fixther business to come before the meeting, upon a motion duly made, seconded and unanimously carried, the meeting was adjoumed. Approved: Todd 01sOn WAIVER OF NOTICE OF SPECIAL MEETING OF THE MEMBERS OF SEA DOG BREW PUB CAPE COD LLC Purpose: To approve a resolution to apply for a new retail liquor license from the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, and, appoint Peter Lucido as the responsible Manager and to acquire all necessary permits and approvals from Town of Yarmouth, including, but not iimited to Zoning, Licensing, and the Board of Selectrnen and from the Commonwealth of Massachuseffs Alcohol Beverages Control Commission for a liquor license for the Sea Dog Brew Pub. We, the undersigned, constituting all of the Directors of SEA DOG BREW PUB CAPE COD LLC a domestic LLC organized under the laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, do hereby severally waive notice of the time, place and purpose of the special meeting of Directors, and of any adjournment or adjournments thereof; and consent that the meeting be held at: Date: March 17,2016 Time: 12:00 pm Place: 9 Old Main Street, West Dennis, MA 02670 We do further severally agree and consent to the transaction thereat of any and all business that may properly come before said meeting. Dated: Approved: 剰 Todd Olson 駐 WAIVER OF NOTICE OF SPECIAL MEETING OF MEMBERS OF SEA DOG BREW PUB CAPE COD LLC : We, the undersigned, constituting all of the rnembers of SEA DOG BREW PUB CAPE COD LLC a domestic limited liability company organized under the laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. The special meeting of members of the LLC shatl be to approve a resolution to to apply for a new retail liquor license from the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, and, appoint Peter Lucido as the responsible Manager and to acquire all necessary permits and approvals from Town of Yarmouth, including, but not limited to Zoning, Licensing, and the Board of Selectmen and from the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Alcohol Beverages Control Commission for a liquor Iicense for the Sea Dog Brew Pub. Approved: 7 ンIINUTES OF SPECIALヽ 4EETING OF ⅣIENIIBERS OF SEA DOG BREW PUB CAPE COD LLC The special meeting of the Members of the above captioned LLC was held at: Date: March 17,2016 Time: 12:00 pm Place: 9 Old Main Street, West Dennis, MA 02670 There was present the following Members: Name of Member % Oflnterest Peter Ludico Todd Olson Kevin MacArthur 37.50/0 37.50/0 25.00/0 The meeting was called to order by Peter Lucido the Manager and Member of the LLC, and Todd Olson, Member, acted as Secretary of the meeting. The Chairperson declared that quorum was present and that the meeting was duly organized. It was ordered that the proxies be appended to the minutes of the meeting. The Manager announced that the special meeting of Members was convened pursuant to due notice. The Secretary of the meeting presented and read a waiver of time, place and purpose the meeting, signed by all the Members which was ordered filed. of The following items were presented to the meeting: Resolution to approve a resolution to apply for a new retail liquor license from the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, and, appoint Peter Lucido as the responsible Manager and to acquire all necessary permits and approvals from Town of Yarmouth, including, but not limited to Zoning, Licensing, and the Board of Selectmen and from the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Alcohol Beverages Control Commission for a liquor license for the Sea Dog Brew Pub. adopted. Upon motion duly made, seconded, the following resolutions were unanimously (1) RESOLVED, that the Members of the LLC approve and adopt the Resolution to apply for a new retail liquor license from ihe Commonwialth of Massachusetts, and, appoint Peter Lucid^o as the responsible Manager and to acquire all necessary permits and approvals from Town of Yarmouth, including, but not limited io Zoniig,, ticensing, and the 8 Board of Selectmen and from the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Alcohol Beverages Control Commission for a liquor license for the Sea Dog Brew Pub. (2) RESOLVED, that all actions heretofore taken by the Members of the LLC are approved, ratified and confirmed. There being no further business to come before the meeting, upon motion duly made, seconded and unanimously carried, the same was adjourned. Attest: Kevinヽ 4acArthur Approved: 協鶉 ´ Todd Olson 9 PETER LUC:DO Executive Profile Owner operator/partner/manager with years of developing concepts, overseeing build outs and operations. Proven track record of increasing sales and profitability through analytical and financial management skills. Very well respected leader by motivating teams to peak performance in efficiency and service. Sk‖ l High‖ qhts . . o o . o . Strategic Planning Revenue Growth Marketing Strategies Service Enhancements Menu Development Vendor Sourcing & Negotiations Crown Control Certification Professional Ex rlence PARTNER June 2016 to Current Tavern On The Wharf - o . o . . . lnventory & Cost Control Human Resources Training & Development Staff Motivation & Supervision Sourcing & Negotiations Tips Certified PlymoLrth, MA Oversaw the implemation of a new restaurant operation that was a running a 40% labor cost and 55% food mst. Over a three month period brought labor cost down to 28% and food cost to 35%. Worked with the local community in several charity events with the Lions, Downtown Plymouth BNl, Plymouth YMCA and many more. While also wo*ing with other local community groups and supporting and sponsoring a local little league team, Destination Plymouth and the Plymouth 400. Founder/Managing Member October 2011 to November 2016 Mukune Holdings LLC Boston, MA Created and developed several restaurant mncepts over a four year period which involved real estate negotiations, construction build outs, Recruitment, Training, Human resources, Menu Development, Preparing yearly budgets, and Executing Openings. lncluding the day to day directing of all food and beverage operations for casual and formal restaurants, kitchen, catering, and banquets. - Managing Partner August 2007 to December 2012 The Next Place LLC Boston, MA Executed day to day operations of a multi level sporc bar in the heart of Boston with over 60 employees which included GM, Marketing manager and Function director. As managing partner helped increase sales from $2.1 million in 2007 to over $3.2 million in a little over two years. While doing this reducing liquor costs from 31% to 17% and food msts from 49% to 30% increasing the bottom line from a loss of $250,000 to a net profit of g150,000 during the same period. - President June 1998 to August 2009 BayMortgage Services lnc - plymouth, MA owner operator of family mortgage- broker/lender for over ten years. After joining the company in 199g increased total originations for the company from 34 millon in 1999 to personllly closing over il2s million for several years. while doing so Managed, Trained and oversaw over 70 loan officers,8 underwriterJand 2 mmpliance offi""o in s otfi""a throughout Massachusetts and Florida. Ed ucation Bachelor of Science : Hotel, Restaurant and Travel Admin Universitlr of Massachusetts/Amherst - Amherst, MA Varsity Baseball TOWN OF YARMOUTttLXCE鸞 l姜 46R()職 苺む28, So豪 1建 Wari機 o燎 th,熱罐A FOR AR・NttL APPLICAT10N ´ PleaSe Check One: °F雫 鰤 WEEKttAY ENTERTANttNT H熙 FEE:Sl醸 NEヽ V APPLICAT10N S。 く / 鍵 1唯 D 1靴 》 ‐ ◇傘 LICENSE RENEヽ VAL T]:e undersigned herebv applies fbr a license in accordance *.ith the provisions of Ir.[{ General Larrys. Chapter 140 Sec, 183A.anrended. C.hapter 35Ir Sec. 85 of Acts of 1981 and Chapter l,tCI Sec. 1Bl. NttIE OF BIISINEsS/coltl・ OttT10N: NA卜 lE OF卜 lANACER: :Eヽ IAIL ぞ 餞 cヘ Z3 ADDRttSS: ても 濃縛、 ADDRESS: PI10NE: ―― ― TYPE:Check wttch apが たま □ COnc額 □ 国 hvc ぶ 懲繊A ⊃ひ負 ヽ輔 fuu* ?ひ Lttctb0 &o LLC- 亀実 輝蛛… 壽 __ひ 涎 21_ ― ― ―― J Dttce□ E血 b五 on tt Cabaret□ Pubhc show balld轟 血up to ttLが ecesヵ duding singers CLUDEtt Dandngけ pttonStt Daltchgbycntttinersorperttrlllerstt RccordedllluttG因 bve muttc鴎 神 1感 cttOn sys韓 総 熙 TllC誠 五Ctt e油 itton□ Movhg picture shows tt Roo応 how□ Jttebox□ TV□ St響 毬pltt El 0■ ・1 ― HOURS OF ENTERTAIN卜 IEINT: A颯 DAYS OF ENTERTAINMENT: ホ****率 **************本 ******ネ ********ま ************お │ *****‡ ****率 ***率 ネ****辛 ******ネ *****ホ ****** Under Chapter 152,SectiOn 25(〕 ,subsectiOn 6,tlte Town ofヽ ア arl120uth is no、 v required tO hOld issuattce or al ofan),license or pemit tO operate a business ifa person does or Company does notllave a certiflcate rene、「 ofヽ「orker's Compensation lttsurattce、 As patt Ofrcne、 val or issuance},ou lllust attach a copy ofyour certincate if chccked hcE: X Thc fee for weckdそ ド Liccnscs(Ⅳ londay― Saturday)i S105.00 madc pavable to`イ rown of YarltooutllⅢ ln addition: $65.00 fee for Selectrnen's Hearing(waiVed if part of Liquor ttearing) ``Ifyou 餞sh Π lo secure an cntertainlllent I′ iccnse,11 ls to your advalltage to have this hearittg at the sallnc tilne as the LiouQtt hearin賢 lo avoid an additiOnal S65.00 hearintt chartte。 Patte l APPLICATION FOR ur_EEHDAY=NTERTA卜 ふ4ENT(CONT.) ing dress ofh饉 re,description ofthe show, Proマ idc a detalled dざ scription ofpЮ poscd ellttartaiIInellt incI董 壼 where ellt針 臨iners will perfontt and other infOn■ lation to assi雛 ぬc Licensing Atl」 ho五 り in mよ ing a decision.AIsb,please attnch a floOr plan Showing tlle entertainers alld dance noor area. 塁 : も し L_八 ム 終 ヽ亀 C 11l any maulcr or lon thc露 ol oF attirc as to cコ 9osC tO ptlblic vicヽ w any portion ofせ E pllbic arcち an縣 ,or gcnittts,or attv su■ lul証 w職 轟er tt felntte person will bc pcnnltted m appcar o■ thc prcmiscs in tty manner or attitt as to As part of rhe enteflainment. will any person be 軽 pose to public宙 ew a portion ofthe breast below tllc lop ofthe areola,or any simulation thereo黛 (Chapter 694) NO lrES Tliis license issued by this application i-s valid for th* .-ul.nd*.te* 01101i2qkhru 12i31/20 I {provided that the rlpe of entertainment specifieO above does not change. In the eyent of a change in tlpe of entertairunent differerrl rhan indisated above. a new applicarion rvill be required and a &eil' license issued. ∋y Signingttis fom the applicttt ヽ4assachtSetts Gcneral La、 v. 億 幅 SIGNAW遷 ce五 iies that he/slle hls read Chapter 272,Sectio■ ′ぅ′ ()F APPLIC Page 2 29 tllru 31 0fthe T舎 蔦VN OF YARMOUで 爾 LttCENSE CFE騒 1146 Ro選 te 28, So統 t漱 ` Yttr機 o破 t際 ,漱置メ、徐2感 懸導 508-398‐ 2231畿 x:。 126S F2x(5tlS)398-0836 APPLICAT10N FOR ANNUAL Stiド Please Check O職 c: lvED ‖ AR 25 2016 ・ENTERTAI】 運ⅥE燎 罰謝瓢 》1■ ゝ 剛 LICENSE RENEヽ VAL ヽ1:API)LICAT10N ミム in accordance、・ itll visiOns of MA Ceneral Laws, tlle p子 。 140 Sec.183A anlended,chaptこ r351,Sec.85 ofActs of1981 and Chapter 140 Sec.181& Chapterヽ The undersi32ed herelDy applles for a licettё Chapter i36 Sect 4. iNAME OF BUSINESS/CORPORAT10N: INAM[E OF_■ lANAGER: zS I1/ADDRESS: :ADDESS: E卜瞥ヽ 費 * Dsou Bae*: P** &o*(*>, %驚 i*r Dr:: 羹贅ttム 私てょ り轟、 T 霧 a-i**+ rrt LLt 離砂 PH:ONE: Tヽぼ E:Check wttch ttpttes:圏 Concclt tt Dance tt E螂 扇懸on tt Cあ aFet tt Publた show hve band饉 色 5がeces,hChdhg ttngers INCLUDES:Dancing bypatrons tt Dancingby ellte童 扇ve lnu威 c饉 _blplttcttbn Mo宙 ng pEtuFC ShOWs□ fonllers Ett Recordedntusic極 感 ainers or pel‐ syttcm tt Tlleat・ icd cxhb減 on tt Stteメ 等□ HOo薦 how□ HOVRS OF ENTERTAINヽ 【ENT: l:ピ Jubbox tt TV tt Oicl 3ゝ ミ なな IPLEASE ATTACH A COPY OF YOUR CERTIFICATE OFヽ VORKER'S COMPENSAT10N Iド ,LTRANCE: Chaptcr 152,Section 25Ci stlbseCtiOn 6. DEPARTMEN"I OF PUBLIC SAFETY FEES: These fees must be in the form of a money order Pay'able to: The Commonwealth of lllassachusetts S Regular hours Special hours S Annual (52 Sundays) 50.001:00P卜 硬until 12:00卜 4idnight 100.00 Before l:00Pヽ l on Sundavs TOヽ ■ヾFEES: Tllcsc fbes are payable 101 The Towl1 0f Yarmouth Regxrlar hours Special hours Page S i5.001:00 PM ultttI Midllittt $ 25.00 Bcfore lloo P卜 l on SllndTs IЯ APPLICATION FOR Iミ │ド 酔Aソ ENTERTAIN卜 IENT(CONT。 ) Protide a detailed description of proposed emertainnrent including dress or attire. description of rhe show, r.ltere entertainers r.'*rill perfonn and olher inforn:ation to assist tlre l.icensing Authoriry* in making a deciiion. Also. please afiacba floor plan shorving the enterlainers and dance floor area. こ 0つ あて t亀 辮 じ 、 、ゝ 、貿 曇 As part of the eatertainn:ent. will an.v person be pen:ritted to appear on the premises in any manner or attire as to expose to public vierr any portion of the pubic area, anus! or genitals. or any simulation thereof, or l.r.hether any fernale person u'ill be permitted to appear on tire premises in any manner or attire as to expose to public vierry a portion of the breast belovt, the top of the areola. or an]: simulation thereof? (Chapter 694) YES NO This license issued by this application is valid for the calenclar year 01101120 thru 12/31/30 provided that the type of entertainnrent specified above does not change. In rhe event of a change in gpe of enlertainment diffbrent than indicated above. a rew application u'iil be required and a nerv license issued. By sitting this follll the applicant certittes that he/shc has read Chttter 272,Scc=on 29 thm 31 ofthc h/1assachusetts Gむ neral Law` Ъ し SIGNAILTRE DATE APPIラ I Page ? 多い t% 10 March 2016 P 561 ⅥЛndsor Street Suite A404 Somerv‖ le,MA 02143 Sea Dog Brew Pub 23 Whites Path Yarmouth, MA O2O45 Oa n a . 輌 ¨ 。 aMortonDes19n scale: l'=8' 16 TOWN OF YARMOUTH 1146 Route 28 South Yarlnouth MASSACHUSETTS 02664-4492 Telephone(508)398-2231,Ext.268‐ Fax(508)398-0836 New Liquor and Entertainment Licenses March 30" 2016 AnrLICATIoN FoR: Sea Dog Brew Pub Cape Cod LLC dba Sea Dog Brew Pub NAME oF AnrLICANT: Peter Lucido, manager Contact person: Christopher Fiset, ADDRESS: 23 White's Path Atty. 508-398-5670 llnit V Application is for New All Alcohol Restaurant and Weekday & Sunday Entertainment licenses. Entertainment consists of live (up to 5 pc. Band) and recorded music, amplification and dancing by patrons and/or entertainers. Seating plan submitted for 148. NAME oF PRoPERTY oWNER: Oscar Taylor's LLC,23 White's Path Date of Selectmen Hearing Tuesday. Aprilg.;6.2016. ** Please provide the board of selectmen with the new occupancy based on the Proposed ExpansiorVAddition the premises including deck or terrace. ** Building Department Comments : Requires Use and Occupancy Permit. Requires Current Certificate of Inspection Datc: Accessi蹴 恥 恥 ntd00r mpぶ Sだ サ edchdr accessible bathroom MJα /α 」imttl NEED COMPLETED FORIIBY TUESDAY,APRIL 5,2016 3.7σ ./ι of TOWN OF YARMOUTH REcEivED APR 1 9 2016 Soutll Yan■ outh PIASSACHUSETTS 02664-4492 1146 Route 28 Telephone (508)398… 2231,Ext.268-Fax (508)398-0836 5f翼 キ 〒象言 │::醤 ■ ミ New Liquor and Entertainment Licenses March 30.2016 APPLICATION FOR: Sca Dog Brew Pub Cape Cod LLC dba Sea Dog Brew Pub NAME OF APPLICANT: Peter Lucido,Irlanager Contact person: Christopher Fiset,Atty. 508‐ 398-5670 ADDRESS: 23ヽ hite's Path Unit V Application is for New All Alcohol Restaurant and Weekday&Sllllday Entertairlment licenses. Entertaillment consists of l市 e(up t0 5 pc.Band)and recOrded music,ampliication and dancing by patrons and/or entertainers. Seating plan subnlitted for 148. NAヽ4E OF PROPERTY OWNER: Oscar Taylor'sLLC,23 White's Path Date of Selectmen Hearing Tucsday,April影 2016. *x Please provide the board of selectmen with the new occupancy based on the Proposed ExpansiorVAddition of the premises including deck or terrace. x* Health Department Comments: Seating: 130 seats l8 Barstools Total of 148 Need to submit Food Service application with Serv Safe, Allergy, and Choke Saver Certificates. Kitchen under renovation / New Equipment Health Department Must inspect prior to opening. Signature: NEED COMPLETED FORIIBY TUESDAY,APRILll,2016 Dttα ‐ノ 7 1` ι TOⅧ OF YAttMOUTH RECE:vED 1146 Routc 28 South Yattnouth N4ASSACHUSETTS 02664-4492 Tcleph()nc(508)398-2231,Ext. 268-Fax(508)398-()836 APR 1 9 2o16 キ 蹴 ,長 Ffl員 辮 醤 New Liquor and Entertainment Licenses March 30.2Ω 16 APPLICATION FOR: Sea Dog Brew Pub Cape Cod LLC dba Sea Dog Brew Pub NAME oF ArrLICANT: Peter Lucido, manager Contact person: Christopher Fiset, ADDRESS: 23 White's Path Unit Affy. 508-398-5670 V Application is for New All Alcohol Restaurant and Weekday & Sunday Entertainment licenses. Entertainment consists of live (up to 5 pc. Band) and recorded music, amplification and dancing by patrons and/or entertainers. Seating plan submitted for 148. NAME oF PRoPERTy oWNER: Oscar Taylor's Date of Selectnlcn IIcattng Tucsday,Ap轟 lワ LLC,23 White's Path レ.2()16. ** Please provide the board of selectmen with the new occupancy based on the Proposed Expansion/Addition the premises including deck or terrace. ** of Fire Department Comments: Crowd Manager is required per 527 CMR L00,20.1 .5.6.1 , A trained crowd manager must be present in any nightclub, dance hall,discotheque or bar with an occupant load of 100 or more persons during all hours when the facility is open to patrons. 907 .2.1.2 A-2Nishtclub Use - Entertainment System Response. The activation of anyl (signaling systeml detection, sp-rlnklerin;:;i;);"h;ii;;i5;utlidrrv,*' 1. Cause immediate re protection systemelement illumination of all areas and components of the required means of egress, and additionally; 2.cause immediate fulI activation of all other house lighting; and 3'Cause immediate :19Pnin,o{*,rt and dance lighting, mu'sic. drc.) thit and all sounds and visual distractions (public address systems, entertainment conflitt/cffi.t&ii[1h;-ift;'*,ii;;iiv. ,b,i[l1ffj;]ri'.iirl"'.' "' YFD supports the application, subject to applicable submissions, permits and inspections. AFFIDAVIT OF NOTiCE OF MAILING TO ABUT「 ER AND OTHERS To the Licensing Board For the L:NDA HILL′ 丁0ヽVN YARMOUTH Date OF YARMOUTH shown upon the Assessor's most recent valuation list alcoholic beverages license at: hereby certify that the following is as 14′ a 2016 true list of the persons the owners of the property abutting the proposed location for 231/VHl丁 EIS PATH′ UNIT V′ an SOUTH YARMOUttH′ MA 02664 thatthe fo‖ owing schools,churches or hospitals are located within the radius offive hundred(500)feetfrom said proposed there are none, please so state: NONE also certify that the notice of this application/petition concerning an alcoholic beverages license was given to the above by mailing to each of them within three (3) days after publication of same, a copy of the advertisement is attached below. Also attached are the registered receipts/return registered receipts bearing signatures of persons receiving said notice. I Signed and subscribed to under the penalties of perjuries: Printed: t.-Lr {li *. l-{ i LL Notary My Commission Expires: こ:「 ,1lallie」 cappe‖ o お i〕 tav Public 山L崖塁堕シノ . Please Attach Advertisement and Receipts 97/ 19/ / CAPE GRANITE LLC 19 QUINCY AVE / 97/ QUINCY,MA 02169‐ 6709 97/ 9/ / / 97/ DAVENPORT DEWITT P TRS 20 NORTH MAIN ST SOUTH YARMOUTH.MA 02664 97/ 17/ / / 97/ QUINCY,MA 02169-6709 97/ 21/ C16/ / OSCAR TAYLORS LLC 23B2ヽア HITES PATH SUITE 5 SOUTH YARMOUTH,NLA 02664 21/ C29/ / 18/ / / QUINCY,MA 02169‐ 6709 97/ 21/ C1/2/ UNION STAT10N CONDOS CONDO MAIN 23B2WHITES PATH SUITE 5 SOUTH YARMOuTH,MA 02664 98/ 1o9/ / / SHERMAN ROYCE F m (EST oF) ROYCE F SHERMAN TRUST oF 1995 9 EAGLE HILL DR PLYMOUTH,MA 02360‐ 19o7 97/ 20/ / / NIAHONEY」 OHN T HITR WOODBINE GROUP RLTY RusT 100 PEARL STREET BRIDGEWATER MA 02324 97/ 16/ / / SYLVER KEVIN M TRS SYLVER DONALD W 121 LOMBARD AVE WEST BARNSTABLE.ヽ 4A02668 / 21/ C14/ / C/O ALLIANCE ENERGY LLC BRANFORD.CT 06405 4/ / 441 ROUTE 130 SANDWICH、 MA 02563 97/ 1/ / LUBY‐ DREW AUBURNDALE.MA 02466 65 CHASE ST / / 107/ / COLTON LEE「 vl / TRS COLTON SUSAN E TRS 23 HUい FTINGTON AVE 97/ 14/ / / GEORGE THO■ lAS N TRS TAC REALTY TRUST 17 THACHER SHORE RD YARN10UTH PORT.MA 02675 97/ 23/ C3/ / PAINE STEVEN B MANDEL GERへ LD&PANE PANIELA A 474S■ へTION AVE UNIT C SOUTH YARNIOUTH、 MA 02664 97/ 23/ C1/ ノ LINEAR RETAIL YARIvIOUTH#3 LLC I BURLINGTON WOODS BURLINGTON.MA 01803 97/ 23/ C4/ / RETAIL YARMOUTH#3 LLC C/O KEYPONT PARヽ ERS l BURLINGTONヽ λFooDS DR BURLINGTON,MA 01803 Lnヾ EAR 97/ 15/ / / THIRTY FOUR WHITES PATH LLC 20 NORtt MAIN ST SOUTH YARMOuTH,ヽ /1A02664 / WOODS REALTY ASSOCIATES LLC P O BOX 66096 22/ / 36EASTINDUSRAL RD 97/ SOUTH YAm40UTH.MA 02664 1 19 QUNCY AVE / / LUBY」 EANNE L 98/ LEARY ACCOUNTNG DEPT GODWIN PROPERTIES LIMITED PARTNE C/O PHYLLIS PAPANI GODMЛ N PRES 12/ 5/ GLOBAL MONTELLO GROUP coRP YARMOUTH BASKIN LLC 97/ 0RLEANS,MA 02653‐ 0010 97/ 97/ / LNEAR RETAIL YARN40UTH■ l LLC 5 BURLINGTttN WOODS DR BURLINGTON、 ンlA 01803 CAPE COD 5 CENTS SAVINIGS BANK ATnヾ :」 oAN P O BOX 10 / TWO AND TWELVE WHITES PATH LLC 23B2WHITES PATH SOUTH YARMOUTH.MA 02664 CAPE GRANITE LLC 19 QUINCY AVE 97/ 3/ STATION AVENUE LLC 487 STATION AVE SOUTH YAR140UTH、 MA 02664 / KAREN」 WEST HARヽ /1CH.MA 02671 98/ 108/ / / CAPE COMMUNITY EQUESTRIAN ASSOC 9 ROUGH RIDERS PATH YARMOUTH.N晨 02664 S撫議y轟謝滲 POINT」 UDITH へ CALAMARI SIUFFED QuAHOC L19htty bOiio雑 ご′selヽ ′ ●oぃ なれbe‖ olヽ o boF101n0 peppers se■ ピ edin o 5weet oh‖ i9:o=e..‐ 1109' ド●meF、 odo s゛ rマ ecl 2 MINIP03 5じ RCERS・ 鑢鶴 、 Torr)ol● ctteese `ie‖ oce,pickl。 .。 n:on,Amerccn “ oぃ 0、 ecrel 」 u商 bo sttrnp● CHlCKEtt WiNCS 黎鍛喝 81FFAな O A卜 n● )● ァ 0,winOs,ossed wth γ。。 Cel 「choico ofso、 り C“ p● 撻′610。 bery 33Q,。 r ` ンOur =● "│ CliCKEN DiP魚 豊縣饉 freshiγ "議 cう oice O' 8EER 3ATH STEAMERS機 な Honey Chipっ :le夕 oobttrγ 380.or Honev Mぃ │:ord、 $9。 ,9 FFeSh iOcol、 leo“ ersserved with o stOe of our own SO鋤 mo Ale br● th&Orown b●・leL.MP M:AIS ULnMATE CHEESE NACHOS a繋 臨 ISESAME CRUSIED AHITUNA電 Chiい Wけ れ Mexican cttdOQ= picO d。 9Q‖ 。 ・SOur preom.ρ lopenos..$10,, A● O ,Ooし ,loosicd 19ed o m挟 。iCoァ ィ ′ 登e10れ Topped wけ h bl● et― heese&served、 ■i!h いode corrt“ os,¨ $9,9 olo′ ClSp,。 11'Io /c・ b,end a boκ ed、 vi,れ otr house imode b、 Jffolo`clt,ce. な Freshty b蒔 od。 すoF)O lred Ee∼ ,`■ 輛,ト souce,3t,∬ S4'92 FOR↓ 8 HonO pol:eo Oい ick● o rnlxeO Nvl:い o lntte Chees金 Hchev Mos〕 ord_^,9'' CHICKEN TENDERS orヽ cocOnct ti9nilΥ fr ed ond serveaゝ 薦 ^● soocel^.sll'9 sooce...sy:?' HOney 3uri。 │。 ′ wド :i o lo,ぅ COCONUTTEMPURA SHRIMP c。 :。 臨鴨 Aston s:owて ぃosobi,soy sesome drettsing` 01● kled Chtten 準1(9'‐ A● dCり oc_.,200 9in9軒 sll_?' SHRIMP COCKTAIL a繭 鶴ゝ 」 ur● bO shnmp cockl。「 141 11099 鸞i轟》 血轟 二 S靱 .基 NEW ENOtA隧 O CtAM CHOWDER 曇 Clecmy chowう =‐ orrnode■ :ho● lv ―― ∼ o襲 ■ noloゃ ヽ ====露 α凛ごC雄 ご(鷺 なみ摯_∫ 6 s勲 縣 i角 ― 麟 おむ鍼 護r`お 晟崚 瀞 `` lingredienil. cup.S4,9,3owl..↓ 漱 漁 ■==Ψ ― (3,ぃ r s磁 置 よ′ `″ `_ド "。 fっ ".∫ ″ ′ 子 j"“饂 ∫ 「′ `競 熱ANOO CITRuS CHicKEN SALAわ な G"‖ ed chi● ken.red onionstossedゃ 卜 い。v■ v,ぐ r,9c c‖ ros oresun9‖ ien i。 ●ped Wil■ fresh o時 nge′ Roぃ olne or.d cr。 loplDed、 cond:od pecoo3′ 100SIを O red Fepper& bloo ciloeき oc“ υ 艤bles.… s13'' 4:「 lre991● ∼ StA DOG HOUSESALAD― SOUTHWES'SALAD課 鶴峰 亀 rreshly chopped le,v● o.rё o onicl● ぃoloes.shre● dedioこ にCい oese, picoじ e go舞 o&so、 ,r creo輸 │。 ppeOぃ ぇ :h ioriμ lo sll斜 gnd cv。 ,01。 C應 Om■ Cヽ inO… ,13´ 9, CHEF SALAD 鶴 S■ 鮮 ′ :,s “ = CtASSiC CAeSAR SALAD な ●lon,Iossed wけ れcoeSoァ nO par′ 綸eso● s,9, dre=sinO. A'm「71e mk ofleit,ce`す omo:。●、 ′ct,Cuれ うor6. 総むoA:on o.・ ld blc給 機o貴 ve`` sc∼ eO、 :^ Юspbe管/vinOigrette s3.99 vヽ .53()● olcken corn solso`│。 A lorOe Oc‐ loenゝ o:odl‐ 59, o嶽 e lDreSing,:B:。 e cheese,01 on,vineOoみ 。な。rrtlc´ 幣Ongc Cに ア us."o鷲 oⅢ .Hoぅ oy Mlκ :。 総 う Ro、 pbe“ y Virioig総 勢 o clnd Ronch AI`oい , ilh hOm′ を 0,pedゃ や ,′ k℃ y′ e99、 1399 cheesc oィ 10 o hoκ ,bo鷲 ,o 鰯 騨 轟鼈 鍛融 へ 翻 :鸞 録犠 鴨機、、 登奪 A辮 務蓼像 績υ =薄 持 躍 鑢 THE BACKYARD 3BQ ,EP'ERON: Otr clos“ lo lo● ‐ olo&o● eese pl″ ol`ppeo loods oFlれ in,yじ liced peOpero● :'s sl19? 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Personal information sheet(s) V,/ / Manager Form U/ / CORI application Pledge agreement(ifappliCable) A■ icles oforganization oftlle corporation or LLCソ manager Documents supporting source(s) of financing 血 ン ル 鍋 劇 n :罵 :i漱 1ぶ Copy of business certificate - if not incorVoratedlf p Copy oflast paid real estate, personal properly tax and water bill. Copy of insurance certificate supporting coverage of minimum amount of legal liquor liability insurapce co\/erage. (Chapter 116 of the Acts of 20lb) alj tl Sc Applies to Section 12 licenses only. 'rr i1<,in nro Copy of workers compensation insuraice ceftificate lr Resume of applicant and or manager r_/- Copy of TIPS training certificate 脚││ら Proof of Citizenship for ralltdけ / ,,/ Contact made with Yannouth Police licensing agent to review procedures for liquor licensees Copy of menu / Floor plan showing number of seats, liquor storage & service bar and location of entertainment (if applicable) V Locus map showing location of property. On-premise parking plan Abutter notice affi davit NoTE:IfyouwishtoSecureanentertainmentlicense,itistoy5 at the same time to avoid an additional $65.00 hearing fee. The legal advertisement fee will be billed to the applicant. This fee has to be paid before issuance of the license(s). Abutter notices must be sent out via certified mail at least ten (10) days prior to the hearing. ∫ 、 Q傷 ′ Proposed Changes to Rules Adopted 03/01/16 Rules & Regulations For Town Parks and Beaches And Park & Beach Parking Areas (See list attached of specific properties) Swim only in designated areas. THE FOLLOWING ARE PROHIBITED: 1. Unauthorized vehicles on the beaches and off roadways in parks. 2. Alcoholic beverages. 3. Discharge of firearms or fireworks unless in accordance with Massachusetts General Law, with valid permits and licenses. 4. Open or closed fires except special events and cooking fires with permits. 5. Glass containers. 6. Overnight camping or parking. 7. Animals. 8a. Dogs at parks with playing fields (IE Peter Homer Park, Sandy Pond Recreation Area, Flax Pond Recreation Area and John Simpkins Fields). 8b. Dogs on Seagull Beach and Grey’s Beach as of April 1; and on all other beaches beginning May 15 through Labor Day. NOTE: A. Owner must clean up after dog(s) immediately and appropriately dispose of any and all feces (Town Bylaw Chapter 79 sec 79-24.1) B. Dogs must be leashed at all times. C. Owners must abide by all Town Animal Control Bylaws D. Owners and keepers are solely responsible for the actions of their dogs. 9. Dogs on all public boardwalks. 10. Solicitation and selling of goods and services without a permit. 11. Disposing of household trash in barrels or anywhere in parks, beaches or Ways to Water. 12. The raising of umbrellas or use of floating devices in the water when the red safety flag is flying. 13. Diving from boat loading or marine floats. 14. Landing or launching boats within designated swimming areas. 15. Smoking in areas other than those designated. 16. Skateboarding in public parks and municipally owned public parking areas. By Order of the Board of Selectmen Penalty for each violation is no less than $50.00 nor more than $300.00. Adopted March 1, 2016 Parks NAME WILBUR PARK FLAX POND RECREATION AREA ANNIVERSARY PARK GORHAM HOMER PARK WINGS GROVE JUDAH BAKER WINDMILL PARK PETER HOMER MEMORIAL PARK JOHN SIMPKINS PLAYING FIELDS LOCATION SOUTH YARMOUTH SOUTH YARMOUTH SOUTH YARMOUTH SOUTH YARMOUTH SOUTH YARMOUTH SOUTH YARMOUTH SOUTH YARMOUTH SOUTH YARMOUTH SANDY POND RECREATION AREA MILL CREEK PARK CHASE GARDEN PARK BAXTER WINDMILL PARK REID AVENUE PARK WEST YARMOUTH WEST YARMOUTH WEST YARMOUTH WEST YARMOUTH WEST YARMOUTH YARMOUTHPORT COMMON STRWBERRY LANE PARK BASS HOLE PARK YARMOUTHPORT YARMOUTHPORT YARMOUTHPORT Beaches NAME BASS HOLE (GRAY'S BEACH) BASS RIVER BEACH (SMUGGLERS) BAY VIEW BEACH COLONIAL ACRES BEACH DENNIS POND ENGLEWOOD BEACH FLAX POND RECREATION AREA LONG POND (WINGS GROVE) PARKER'S RIVER BEACH SANDY POND RECREATION AREA SEA VIEW BEACH SEAGULL BEACH SOUTH MIDDLE BEACH THACHER TOWN PARK WILBUR PARK BEACH WINDMILL BEACH LOCATION SALINITY YARMOUTHPORT SALT SOUTH YARMOUTH WEST YARMOUTH WEST YARMOUTH YARMOUTHPORT WEST YARMOUTH SALT SALT SALT FRESH SALT SOUTH YARMOUTH FRESH SOUTH YARMOUTH SOUTH YARMOUTH FRESH SALT WEST YARMOUTH SOUTH YARMOUTH WEST YARMOUTH SOUTH YARMOUTH SOUTH YARMOUTH SOUTH YARMOUTH SOUTH YARMOUTH FRESH SALT SALT SALT SALT SALT SALT Ways to Waters Street Name MALFA ROAD FOLLINS POND ROAD VERMONT AVENUE TOWN LANDING CROSBY STREET VERNON STREET BAXTER AVENUE WEBSTER ROAD STANDISH WAY COLUMBUS AVENUE RIVER STREET EBB ROAD GLENWOOD STREET MIDDLE ROAD HOMER AVENUE UNION STREET BREWSTER ROAD GROVE STREET DRIFTWOOD LANE WHARF LANE NEW HAMPSHIRE AVENUE BERRY AVENUE BAY ROAD NORTH COVE LANDING MASSACHUSETTS AVENUE JUDAN WAY BEACHWOOD ROAD ALLEN STREET HIGHLAND STREET BAYVIEW STREET BUTTERCUP LANE GEORGETOWN LANDING BAY ROAD ACC MAP 20 136 16 61 51 20 21 29 21 22 34 137 20 37 51 61 29 20 128 130 WATER_BODY LEWIS BAY FOLLINS POND LEWIS BAY BASS RIVER BASS RIVER LEWIS BAY LEWIS BAY MILL CREEK LEWIS BAY LEWIS BAY BASS RIVER FOLLINS POND LEWIS BAY MILL CREEK BASS RIVER BASS RIVER MILL CREEK LEWIS BAY FOLLINS POND CAPE COD BAY 16 LEWIS BAY 16 LEWIS BAY 22 LEWIS BAY 52 BASS RIVER 16 LEWIS BAY NANTUCKET 26 SOUND NANTUCKET 25 SOUND 61 BASS RIVER 20 LEWIS BAY 20 LEWIS BAY 119 FOLLINS POND 70 BASS RIVER 22 LEWIS BAY BOARD OF SELECTMEN __________ INTERIM TOWN ADMINISTRATOR Peter Johnson-Staub MEMORANDUM April 13, 2016 TO: Board of Selectmen FROM: Peter Johnson-Staub, Assistant Town Administrator SUBJECT: Dedicated Veteran Parking Space We have on the April 26 agenda a proposal from Tracy Post to dedicate one parking space in front of Town Hall to veterans. Plymouth Sign has generously offered to donate the sign itself. A rendering is attached. The incidental cost to the Town would be $33 for the sign post and less than an hour of labor to install the sign. Subject to the Board’s approval, the sign can be unveiled on Memorial Day. cc: Jeff Colby, DPW Director //APR 26, 2016_VETERAN PARKING 12” 18” Annual Town Meeting Summary - May 7, 2016 Art. # Title 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 FY16 Supplemental Appropriations FY17 Town Operating Budget FY17 Golf Enterprise Budget FY17 Water Operating Budget FY17 Septic Enterprise Budget D/Y School District Operating Budget CC Technical High School Operating Budget Routine Capital Budget (from tax levy, fire reserve and free cash) Wastewater Planning Waterways/Coastal Improvements Permitting Parkers River Pedestrian Park & Boardwalk Feasibility Study Water Capital Budget (from Water) Golf Capital Borrowing Authorization (from Golf) Rescind Flax Pond Borrowing Authorization D-Y School Various Capital Improvements (Debt Exclusion) 16 17 18 19 20 21 ATM FINCOM Motion BOS Rec. Rec. Hold 5-0 Yes Hold Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 5-0 Yes 5-2 Yes 5-0 Yes 5-0 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes D-Y School Mattacheese Feasibility Study 5-0 Yes Hold OPEB Funding From Free Cash Service Enhancement Funding From Free Cash Tourism Funding Stabilization Funding Wage Settlements 4-0-1 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Hold 5-0 Yes 5-0 Yes 5-0 Yes 5-0 Yes 5-0 Yes 5-0 Yes 5-0 Yes 5-0 Yes 5-0 Yes 5-0 Yes 5-0 Yes 5-0 Yes 5-0 Yes Hold Amount 200,000 35,693,147 3,626,000 3,794,716 2,047,183 30,574,191 2,694,877 4,283,348 200,000 29,876 84,000 370,000 2,000,000 n/a 272,000 750,000 / 418,125 400,000 250,000 382,250 880,000 Art. # 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 Title CPA - FY17 Annual Revenues CPA - Affordable Housing Projects CPA - Municipal Affordable Housing Trust (MAHT) CPA - Historic Projects CPA - Open Space Preservation Project CPA - Recreation Projects Zoning - Motels Zoning - Employee Housing at non motels/hotels Zoning - Miscellaneous Zoning - Zone Mapping Parker's River Bridge – Easements and Takings Parker's River Bridge–Easements & Land Grants TOY Land Town Meeting Procedural Changes (Moderator) Town Meeting Procedural Changes (Moderator) Petition - 100 Signatures for an Article Petition – Data Collection on Motorcycle Sound Checks Petition - Motorcycle Event Regulations ATM FINCOM Motion BOS Rec. Rec. 4-0 Yes 4-0 Yes 4-0 Yes 4-0 Yes 4-0 Yes 3-1-1 Yes 4-0 Yes 4-0 Yes 4-0 Yes 4-0 Yes 4-0 Yes 4-0 Yes 5-0 Yes 5-0 Yes 0-5 No 0-5 No 0-5 No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes defer defer defer defer Yes Yes defer defer defer defer defer Amount 1,172,000 193,000 1,288,500 58,633 1,600,000 340,100 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1 Board of Selectmen Regular Meeting Minutes March 15, 2016 The regular meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m. in the Town Hall Hearing Room by Chairman Tolley. Selectmen present: Norm Holcomb, Jim Quirk, Tracy Post, and Michael Stone. Also attending: Interim Town Administrator, Peter Johnson-Staub. 1. Budget and Capital Plan Hearing a. Town Operating Budget. Interim Town Administrator Peter Johnson-Staub presented a budget overview which adheres to the Board of Selectmen goals of remaining within the 2.5% levy limit. Highlights of the FY17 budget include a structurally balanced budget, no new staff funding other than one IT position being funded from Enterprise funds, the goal of limiting increases in union contracts to available revenue growth, a $60,000 increase for snow and ice, $250,000 for service enhancements, investments in economic development, and significant increases in reserves. Mr. Johnson-Staub explained the impact of the school budgets on the Town's FY17 budget. Finance Committee members Chairman Joe Goldstein, Cathy Romboli, and Ken Mudie explained their approach to reviewing and recommending approval of the FY17 budget. The committee interviewed each department head and the schools to obtain detailed information on each department's budget. They feel confident and comfortable with recommending approval of the budget to the Board of Selectmen. Selectman Holcomb had questions regarding free cash, how funds are accumulated, and how that money is spent. His concern is whether the free cash account is an appropriate budgeting strategy. Chairman Goldstein explained that he felt those funds were expended judiciously. He went on to explain one concern he does have for the future is the rise in salary expenses to be able to provide competitive wages for quality employees. Selectman Stone also queried Mr. Goldstein on the free cash account and we should not be using free cash funds for any recurring debts. A discussion was held as to whether free cash and stabilization funds could be used to lower the tax rate on the taxpayers. Public Comments: Ms. Vida Morris commented on the $40,000 expenditure for the beaches and asked what the return of the investment would be. IT Director Shawn MacInnes explained that the $40,000 expense is not only for credit card access at the beaches, but also for the septage plant, the disposal area, and Bass River Golf Course. Parks and Recreation Director Pat Armstrong explained the need for wireless connectivity at the beaches to alleviate cash receipts. Many customers prefer not to carry cash and prefer to use credit cards exclusively. b. Dennis-Yarmouth Regional School District (DYRSD) Budget and Capital Requests. Superintendent Woodbury, Finance & Operations Director Larry Azer, and School Committee members Joe Tierney, Phil Morris, Jim Dykeman, and Andrea St. Germain presented the DYRSD Town of Yarmouth Board of Selectmen March 15, 2016 Draft Minutes 2 FY17 budget. Mr. Azer explained how the school district develops their budget through revenue projections and expenses. The budget presentation included a breakdown of budget by area (instruction, transportation, facilities, etc.). Mr. Azer further demonstrated the District's high needs enrollment, teacher distribution, and new requests included in the budget (assistants, programs, and special education buses). He then discussed the school funding formula factors and enrollment trends. A line-item budget was included in the presentation. Mr. Azer then proceeded to discuss the capital budget requests which include $300,000 for a new telephone system, fencing for the maintenance area, security upgrades (cameras), and oil tank monitors that would provide alarms for any potential leaks. Yarmouth's share of the capital budget would be $272,000. Mr. Azer then discussed the Mattacheese building project, the state grant process, and the feasibility study which is required by the Massachusetts School Building Authority (MSBA) before moving forward with a project. PUBLIC COMMENTS: Ms. Vida Morris commented on the rise of student population from Yarmouth and asked if the 73 student increase was all English Language Learners (ELL). Mr. Azer and Mrs. Woodbury explained the 10 year rise in ELL population rather than the 73 students this year being all ELL students. Mr. Joe Goldstein asked if there has been any study showing cause and effect of why our District seems to draw a larger percentage of disadvantaged students compared to other towns or districts. Superintendent Woodbury was not aware of any particular data that would explain our District's higher percentage of disadvantaged students. Mr. Goldstein also asked if, in addition to summer meals, we provide other summer programs for students. Supt. Woodbury explained that the District does provide summer programs for certain students. An extended school year program is in place for special needs students, programs are also in place for high-risk students, a fee-based summer-care program is in place which is a self-funding program, and the District partners with the Recreation Department to provide summer programs and activities for students. The Board then held a discussion of the feasibility study and the options available to them, either with or without Dennis' cooperation. The option of paying for the study entirely by Yarmouth was discussed to ensure we do not miss the opportunity to take advantage of the MSBA grant. MOTION: To move that the Board of Selectmen support the Dennis-Yarmouth Regional School District's feasibility study borrowing authorization of $750,000 with a Town share of $418,000 to be paid from free cash. Yea 5 Nay 0 Motion by: Jim Quirk Seconded by: Tracy Post MOTION: To move that the Board of Selectmen support the Dennis-Yarmouth Regional School District's capital request of $272,000 to fund improvements, fencing and security equipment, and a new telephone system. Yea 5 Nay 0 Motion by: Jim Quirk Seconded by: Mike Stone Mr. Azer explained to the Board how the DYRSD operating budget was arrived at. The Board had questions regarding future anticipated spending, student population, and apparent increases in certain areas of the budget. Mr. Azer and Mrs. Woodbury explained their thoughts and expectations for the next fiscal year. At this time they have no data to support a significant increase or decrease in student population for the next school year but are dependent on the Board of Education arriving at the number of students before being able to assess each town's share. Town of Yarmouth Board of Selectmen March 15, 2016 Draft Minutes 3 Additionally, Mr. Azer explained the apparent increase in the Technology Department is misleading in that the line item for the technology staff was moved to another area of the budget from last year's budget. MOTION: To move that the Board of Selectmen recommend approval of the Dennis-Yarmouth Regional School District's FY2017 operating budget as presented. Yea 5 Nay 0 Motion by: Tracy Post Seconded by: Mike Stone c. Cape Cod Regional Technical High School. Mr. Jack Hannon and Ms. Chris Greeley opened the budget presentation by providing the Board with the names of Yarmouth students who were recipients of awards, certifications, and scholarships. Superintendent Bob Sanborn proceeded to brief the Board on the FY17 Cape Cod Tech budget, enrollment by town, enrollment trends, MCAS statistics, and graduation statistics. Mr. Sanborn discussed the breakdown of the budget and where each dollar is spent. The Board had no questions for Mr. Sanborn. MOTION: To move that the Board of Selectmen support the Cape Cod Regional Technical High School FY2017 operating budget as presented. Yea 5 Nay 0 Motion by: Tracy Post Seconded by: Mike Stone d. Capital Budget Committee. Chairman Lu Matrascia and committee members Charyn Tietge and Sandra Fife presented the FY17 capital budget to the Board. Ms. Matrascia explained to the Board how the committee reviews each request from department heads, what items qualify for a capital expenditure, vehicle guidelines, and how the committee reaches a recommendation. Ms. Matrascia explained each of the capital warrant articles and the committee's reasoning for recommending approval of each article. The Board discussed coming up with a policy to evaluate the purchase of new vehicles. Currently, capital requests are submitted for new vehicles once a vehicle reaches either 7 years old or 100,000 miles which may not be realistic or necessary anymore given the improved engine life and performance of vehicles today. Ms. Matrascia replied that the Committee will work with the Town Administrator to develop a more detailed vehicle replacement policy. The Board had questions regarding the Library feasibility study and the YPD/YFD central dispatch feasibility study. Mr. Johnson-Staub explained that the central dispatch item has been broadened to allow funds to be used for a study, design, or physical improvements, and the two Chiefs have been charged with providing a plan and recommendation to the Board for a new central dispatch. Library Director Jane Cain explained to the Board that focus groups were held that provided input to the type of services and facilities they would like to see in the town's libraries. The library feasibility study will also include requesting input from residents on the improvements they would like to see in the libraries. 2. Board of Selectmen a. Board and Committee Appointments MOTION: To move that the Board of Selectmen accept with thanks the letter of resignation from Mr. John Hynes from the Community Economic Development Committee. Yea 5 Nay 0 Motion by: Tracy Post Seconded by: Mike Stone b. Approval of Minutes Town of Yarmouth Board of Selectmen March 15, 2016 Draft Minutes 4 MOTION: To move that the Board of Selectmen approve the Board of Selectmen minutes of January 12, 2016, February 9, 2016 and February 23, 2016. Yea 5 Nay 0 Motion by: Jim Quirk Seconded by: Tracy Post c. Individual Items. None. 3. Town Administrator’s Items a. Consent Agenda. o Yarmouth Parks and Recreation Application for Renewal of Special Entertainment License for movies on the beach at Bass River Beach Donations: • • Parks & Rec - Elise Skibik - Catherine Duffy - Anonymous $ 150.00 $ 150.00 $10,000.00 Health - Walgreens $ TOTAL 350.00 $ 10,650.00 MOTION: To move that the Board of Selectmen approve the Consent Agenda. Yea 5 Motion by: Jim Quirk Seconded by: Norm Holcomb Nay 0 b. Town Administrator Updates. None. 4. Adjourn MOTION: To move that the Board of Selectmen adjourn the meeting. Motion by: Jim Quirk Seconded by: Tracy Post Yea 5 Nay 0 Respectfully submitted, Linda Dennehy Town of Yarmouth Board of Selectmen March 15, 2016 Draft Minutes 5 DISTRIBUTED MATERIAL AGENDA PACKET • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Budget Overview PowerPoint Presentation Articles 2, 17-21 Dennis-Yarmouth Regional School District FY2017 Budget Presentation Cape Cod Regional Technical High School FY17 Budget Presentation with line item budget Town of Yarmouth Capital Improvement Plan FY2017-FY2026 Vehicle Information Letter to BOS from Mr. John Hynes dated February 29, 2016 re: Resignation from the Community Economic Development Committee Board of Selectmen Minutes of January 12, 2016 Board of Selectmen Minutes of February 9, 2016 Board of Selectmen Minutes of February 23, 2016 Yarmouth Parks and Recreation Application for Renewal of Special Entertainment License for movies on the beach at Bass River Beach Memo to Interim Town Administrator from Director of Health dated March 7, 2016 re: Gifts Memo to BOS from Parks & Rec dated March 11, 2016 re: Donations ATM Warrant Article Summary BOS Projected Agenda Items Email from Selectman Holcomb to Interim Town Administrator dated March 8, 2016 re: MSBA Responses to Questions Email from Mr. Ed. McManus to BOS dated March 9, 2016 re: Letter to Governor Baker regarding Coastal Zone Letter YPD Press Release re: Outstanding Police Services for 2015 Town of Yarmouth Board of Selectmen March 15, 2016 Draft Minutes 1 Board of Selectmen Regular Meeting Minutes March 22, 2016 The regular meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m. in the Town Hall Hearing Room by Chairman Tolley. Selectmen present: Norm Holcomb, Tracy Post, and Michael Stone. Also attending: Interim Town Administrator, Peter Johnson-Staub. Selectman Quirk joined the meeting in session. 1. Public Announcements & Comments Mr. John Sears commented on the Packet Landing project and expressed his support for the project to preserve and enhance that area. He stated he reviewed the plans with Director of Community Development Karen Greene and Town Planner Kathy Williams and thinks the plans and expenditure of funds should be supported at Town Meeting. Ms. Vida Morris expressed her view that the plans for the Packet Landing Pavilion project as proposed would reduce scenery of the area. Additionally, she is opposed to the expense of the project which she feels is exorbitant. Ms. Morris asked for clarification on how the town was going to pay for the $500,000+ increase in the school budget for FY17. The Board explained that the funding will be available from a lower than expected budget from Cape Cod Tech and lower than expected expenditures for insurance. 2. ATM Warrant Article Review Interim Town Administrator Peter Johnson-Staub explained the following articles to the Board: a. Article 3: FY17 Golf Enterprise Budget. The Board had questions regarding expenditures and anticipated revenues and seasonal wage increases. Director of Golf Operations Jim Armentrout explained that seasonal wage increases have risen approximately 25% over the past two years. MOTION: To move that the Board of Selectmen recommend approval of Article 3: FY17 Golf Enterprise Budget. Yea 4 Nay 0 Motion by: Tracy Post Seconded by: Norm Holcomb b. Article 4: FY17 Water Operating Budget. The Board asked about the current balance of the fund and anticipated future capital costs. MOTION: To move that the Board of Selectmen recommend approval of Article 4: FY17 Water Operating Budget. Yea 4 Nay 0 Motion by: Tracy Post Seconded by: Norm Holcomb c. Article 5: FY17 Septic Enterprise Budget. The Board was briefed on some significant changes anticipated to this enterprise fund due to the facility in Orleans closing and the potential for additional business at our septage facility. Discussion was held on the advantages and Town of Yarmouth Board of Selectmen March 22, 2016 Draft Minutes 2 disadvantages of investing in capital improvements to the plant and the likelihood of increasing business to the facility. MOTION: To move that the Board of Selectmen recommend approval of Article 5: FY17 Septic Enterprise Budget. Yea 4 Nay 0 Motion by: Tracy Post Seconded by: Norm Holcomb d. Article 27: CPA Recreation Projects. Town Planner Kathy Williams explained the recreation projects included in this article and the costs of the projects has been reduced by eliminating some soft costs of the projects. The Board had some questions on the funding sources for the various projects. Selectman Holcomb expressed his view that he feels the Packet Landing Pavilion project is a very expensive proposal when there are so many other pressing needs on the town's financial resources and he therefore cannot support this article. Other Board members expressed concern over the potential use of a pavilion for the investment but feel it is an issue that needs to go to the voters at Town Meeting. Chairman Tolley allowed Ms. Dorcas McGurrin to comment on this issue as she is a member of the Community Preservation Committee, a member of the Rotary Club, and a member of the Yarmouth Chamber of Commerce. Her view is that a Packet Landing project has been discussed for a long time with no decisions being made, the area is currently an eye sore, and she feels the matter now needs to go to Town Meeting. MOTION: To move that the Board of Selectmen recommend approval of Article 27: CPA Recreation Projects. Yea 3 Nay 1 Abstained 1 Motion by: Tracy Post Seconded by: Erik Tolley e. Article 1: FY16 Supplemental Appropriations. Mr. Johnson-Staub explained that the supplemental appropriation includes $175,000 for snow & ice and $25,000 for a Town Administrator search. With regard to funds for the Town Administrator search, Selectman Holcomb stated that he does not feel the Finance Committee should be dictating how the Board chooses to proceed on a matter that the Board feels is in the best interest of the Town. Selectman Quirk agreed with that position. Mr. Johnson-Staub explained the options available to the Board in that they can formally request the Finance Committee reconsider a transfer of available funds to fund a Town Administrator search or request an appropriation at town meeting. Town Accountant Rich Bienvenue explained his fiduciary responsibilities, in part, that he is forbidden by law to pay for any item that has not been voted on as an appropriation at town meeting. Chairman Tolley suggested to the Board that they hold off on voting on this article and he will attend the next Finance Committee meeting on March 23, 2016 to try to further make the Board's case in support of a transfer of funds. An Article 1 vote will be placed on the agenda for next week's Selectman meeting. f. Article 17: OPEB Funding from Free Cash. Mr. Johnson-Staub explained that he is proposing a transfer from Free Cash of $400,000 to OPEB. A discussion was held on the amounts being transferred to OPEB and future funds needed to fully fund OPEB. MOTION: To move that the Board of Selectmen recommend approval of Article 17: OPEB Funding from Free Cash. Yea 5 Nay 0 Motion by: Jim Quirk Seconded by: Tracy Post g. Article 18: Service Enhancement Funding from Free Cash. The service enhancements proposed are substance abuse and homeless activities; public safety training; library materials; tree program; conservation land management; and document scanning. Town of Yarmouth Board of Selectmen March 22, 2016 Draft Minutes 3 MOTION: To move that the Board of Selectmen recommend approval of Article 18: Service Enhancement Funding from Free Cash. Yea 5 Nay 0 Motion by: Jim Quirk Seconded by: Tracy Post h. Article 19: Tourism Funding. This article is to fund the tourism revenue preservation fund authorized by Chapter 338 of the Acts of 2006. MOTION: To move that the Board of Selectmen recommend approval of Article 19: Tourism Funding. Yea 5 Nay 0 Motion by: Tracy Post Seconded by: Jim Quirk i. Article 20: Stabilization Funding. This article would transfer $763,000 from Free Cash and $117,000 from Fire Receipts into the town's stabilization fund. MOTION: To move that the Board of Selectmen recommend approval of Article 20: Stabilization Funding. Yea 5 Nay 0 Motion by: Jim Quirk Seconded by: Norm Holcomb 3. Vote on New IT Position IT Director Shawn MacInnes briefed the Board on a proposed new IT position. This position will primarily support the Water Division and the Septage Treatment Facility and will be funded through those divisions. This is a full-time position for additional IT Project Management and Helpdesk support. The Board asked if this position was expected to be a long-term position versus researching contract services. Mr. MacInnes explained that this position is expected to be full-time and long term due to the number of software applications the town utilizes. MOTION: To move that the Board of Selectmen approve a new IT Position. Yea 5 Motion by: Norm Holcomb Seconded by: Jim Quirk Nay 0 4. Board of Selectmen a. Board and Committee Actions. Appointments Chairman Quirk has one appointment of Beverly Bachand to the Historical Commission for a regular three-year appointment to run through July 31, 2019. MOTION: To move that the Board of Selectmen approve the appointment of Beverly Bachand to the Historical Commission for a regular three-year appointment to run through July 31, 2019. Yea 5 Nay 0 Motion by: Norm Holcomb Seconded by: Mike Stone b. Consider Release of Executive Session Minutes of: 1) September 30, 2014 2) January 13, 2015 3) February 24, 2015 4) April 14, 2015 The Board chose not to release the executive session minutes at this time. They would like to see the actual redacted version of the minutes before voting to release them. This item will be on the next Board of Selectmen agenda for consideration. c. Individual Items Town of Yarmouth Board of Selectmen March 22, 2016 Draft Minutes 4 1) Selectman Post mentioned an initiative other communities have implemented which established reserved parking spaces at town or city buildings for veterans. Ms. Post asked the Chairman to consider this for a future agenda item. 5. Town Administrator’s Items a. Consent Agenda • Draft Letter to NOAA Fisheries from Interim Town Administrator undated re: NOAA Community-based Restoration Program Coastal and Marine Habitat Restoration Grants - Parker's River Tidal Restoration Project, Yarmouth, MA b. Donations: • YPD - Elizabeth Perkins $ 15.00 TOTAL $ MOTION: To move that the Board of Selectmen approve the Consent Agenda. Yea 5 Motion by: Tracy Post Seconded by: Norm Holcomb 15.00 Nay 0 b. Town Administrator Updates. Mr. Johnson-Staub mentioned that he and Chairman Tolley will be attending a meeting in Harwich on April 1, 2016 regarding shared wastewater facilities. 6. Adjourn MOTION: To move that the Board of Selectmen adjourn the meeting. Motion by: Jim Quirk Seconded by: Mike Stone Yea 5 Nay 0 Respectfully submitted, Linda Dennehy Town of Yarmouth Board of Selectmen March 22, 2016 Draft Minutes 5 DISTRIBUTED MATERIAL AGENDA PACKET • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Articles 3-5, 27, 1, and 17-20 Memo to Interim Town Administrator from Director of IT dated March 16, 2016 re: New IT Position Request Letter to BOS from Appointments Chairman dated March 17, 2016 re: Appointment of Beverly Bachand to the Historical Commission Board of Selectmen Executive Session Minutes of September 16, 2014 Board of Selectmen Executive Session Minutes of September 30, 2014 Board of Selectmen Executive Session Minutes of January 13, 2015 Board of Selectmen Executive Session Minutes of February 24, 2015 Board of Selectmen Executive Session Minutes of April 14, 2015 Draft Letter to NOAA Fisheries from Interim Town Administrator undated re: NOAA Community-based Restoration Program Coastal and Marine Habitat Restoration Grants Parker's River Tidal Restoration Project, Yarmouth, MA Memo to BOS from YPD dated March 13, 2016 re: Donation Request ATM Warrant Article Summary Letter to Town Clerk from Bob Goodwin dated March 16, 2016 re: Withdrawal of Dogs on the Beach Petition Article BOS Projected Agenda Items Committee Volunteer Appreciation Day Flyer Letter to BOS from Yarmouth Chamber of Commerce dated March 9, 2016 re: Packet Landing Pavilion Letter to BOS from Canco Fire Sprinkler Services dated March 10, 2016 re: Packet Landing Pavilion Letter to BOS from Thirwood Place dated March 10, 2016 re: Packet Landing Pavilion Letter to BOS from Hyannis Park Civic Association dated March 14, 2016 re: Packet Landing Pavilion Letter to Town Planner from The Cultural Center of Cape Cod dated March 16, 2016 re: Packet Landing Pavilion Letter to BOS from Community and Economic Development Committee dated March 15, 2016 re: Packet Landing Pavilion Letter to BOS from Planning Board dated March 16, 2016 re: Packet Landing Pavilion Letter to BOS from CPC and CEDC dated March 17, 2016 re: Packet Landing Pavilion Letter to BOS from Community and Economic Development Committee dated March 16, 2016 re: DOT Plans for Route 6 Signage The "CAT" Bulletin for March 2016 Board of Health Meeting Agenda for March 21, 2016 Town of Yarmouth Board of Selectmen March 22, 2016 Draft Minutes 1 Board of Selectmen Workshop Meeting Minutes March 29, 2016 The workshop meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m. in the Town Hall Hearing Room by Chairman Erik Tolley. Selectmen present: Norm Holcomb, Jim Quirk, Tracy Post, and Michael Stone. Also attending: Interim Town Administrator, Peter Johnson-Staub. The Board of Selectmen gave the Pledge of Allegiance. Chairman Tolley explained that he received a call from an individual earlier in the day who asked to speak during public comments at this meeting. Mr. Tolley stated he had forgotten this meeting was a workshop meeting when he was speaking to her and told her she could speak at this meeting. He apologized to the Board and the public for this oversight. Ms. Carol Wall commented on the ongoing Town Administrator search and asked some of the Board members to reconsider their positions and to appoint Mr. Johnson-Staub as the Town Administrator. 1. Annual Town Meeting (ATM) Town Moderator Articles a. Article 34: Amend Chapter 47, § 47-6 of Town By-laws changing "1962 Edition" to "2001 Edition". Town Moderator Dan Horgan explained this was a "housekeeping" article to simply update the by-laws to the correct edition. MOTION: To move that the Board of Selectmen recommend approval of Article 34 as written. Yea 5 Nay 0 Motion by: Tracy Post Seconded by: Norm Holcomb b. Article 35: Amend Chapter 47, add new section to Town By-laws to allow Moderator to provide brief time for proponent of an article to sum up his/her position. Mr. Horgan explained that he felt after last year's town meeting during one of the more contentious petition articles, there should have been an opportunity for the petitioner to summarize his or her position after the public had had an opportunity to comment and before moving the article. Mr. Horgan would like to see the Moderator given the discretion to allow for final comments from the proponent of an article. Selectman Post commented that she feels allowing for further comments on each article would add considerable time to the meeting and could deter people from attending the meeting. Selectman Stone stated that he supports the article as it serves to allow for fundamental fairness to the proponents of an article. He also commented that he would like to see the article amended from the floor to change the word "brief" to "sufficient." Selectman Quirk stated he felt the Moderator should be able to, and is capable of, deciding when a brief summary is necessary and when it is not and he supports the article. Selectman Holcomb stated he has seen Mr. Horgan conduct town meetings and is confident he will continue to conduct town meetings fairly. Chairman Tolley stated he is also supportive of this article, though he is of the opinion that when an article is called, it is because the discussion and topic have been exhausted. MOTION: To move that the Board of Selectmen recommend approval of Article 35 as written. Yea 5 Nay 0 Motion by: Norm Holcomb Seconded by: Tracy Post Town of Yarmouth Board of Selectmen March 29, 2016 Draft Minutes 2 2. ATM Petition Warrant Articles a. Article 36: Amend Chapter 47, §2 of the Town By-laws to require 100 signatures for petition articles. Ms. Cheryl Cerbone is the petitioner for this article and explained that her petition is designed to obtain a sampling of registered voters who would sign a petition. As the by-law is written now, 10 signatures, in her view, do not reflect a significant sampling of registered voters. A discussion was held on the legality of this article and if the 100 signatures would inadvertently trigger a special town meeting. Mr. Johnson-Staub stated he would have Town Counsel, Bruce Gilmore, review the petition article, our by-laws, and the Town Charter to provide further clarity on what the petition article effects would be, if passed. Selectman Holcomb stated he does not see anything wrong with the by-law as it is written now and that we should not make it more difficult for people to submit a petition article. Selectman Stone commented that he does not support this article as he is a big proponent of the democratic process and sees placing more restrictions on submitting a petition article as contrary to that process. MOTION: To move that the Board of Selectmen not recommend approval of Article 36. Yea 5 Motion by: Tracy Post Seconded by: Jim Quirk Nay 0 b. Article 37: Data collection for motor vehicle sound checks. Mr. Harris Contos read his petition article and explained that he feels the town's by-law regarding excessive noise is not being enforced. Further, he stated the Police Department should not be involved in sponsoring, hosting, or participating in events, on town property, where motor vehicle noise regulations are disregarded. The Board expressed their thoughts that what this petition article is asking for falls under the purview of the Registry of Motor Vehicles and should not involve the town or the Police Department. Further, the Police Department involvement with hosting or sponsoring a sound-check event should be considered a public service. MOTION: To move that the Board of Selectmen not recommend approval of Article 37. Yea 5 Motion by: Tracy Post Seconded by: Norm Holcomb Nay 0 c. Article 38: Motor vehicle conformance with town and state laws. Mr. Harris Contos read his petition article and explained that the intention of this article is to ensure that any event held in Yarmouth that is sponsored, hosted, or otherwise involving the Yarmouth Police Department, YPD will certify that all vehicles involved in the event are in compliance with town and state motor vehicle noise regulations. The Board expressed their opinion that the language of the article is particularly vague as to be meaningless and unenforceable. Further, the infrequency of these events does not constitute a disruption to the town. MOTION: To move that the Board of Selectmen not recommend approval of Article 38. Yea 5 Motion by: Tracy Post Seconded by: Norm Holcomb Nay 0 3. Final Recommendations for ATM Warrant 1. Article 1: Additional Funds for FY2016. Mr. Johnson-Staub provided a recap to the Board on the specifics of Article 1. The proposed article requests transfer and appropriation from general fund free cash of $175,000 for snow and ice and $25,000 for Town Administrator recruitment and selections costs. The article could be changed to request a sum of money rather than specific amounts, if the Board chooses. Town of Yarmouth Board of Selectmen March 29, 2016 Draft Minutes 3 Chairman Tolley stated that the issues left on the table from last week's meeting are: 1) does the Finance Committee have the right to take the position it has (i.e., refusing to authorize a transfer of any additional funds for a new Town Administrator search); and 2) is there a way to obtain funds without Finance Committee approval and if so, what are those options short of a vote at Town Meeting. Town Accountant Rich Bienvenue provided an overview of his memo outlining to the Board the remaining balances available to them this fiscal year for town administrator search expenses. Additionally, he reported that "it is contrary to MGL for any municipal department to incur a liability in excess of appropriation made for the use of the department." Mr. Bienvenue also indicated there is approximately $10,000 remaining in the Town Administrator salaries budget that could be used for a temporary salaried position to conduct the search. Finance Committee Chairman, Joe Goldstein, commented that it was not the Finance Committee's position to not authorize additional funds for a town administrator search at all, but to not authorize any additional funds for a process that, having just gone through one, failed. Selectman Stone asked Mr. Goldstein if the vote to fund, or not fund, additional money for a Town Administrator search that the Finance Committee took at their most recent meeting was on their agenda. Mr. Goldstein stated it was not a separate agenda item but was conducted under administrative items. Selectman Stone stated he felt the Finance Committee took such action in an attempt to shut the process down. Mr. Goldstein reiterated the Finance Committee's position that spending additional funds would likely result in the same outcome as the first search. Selectmen Stone made the point that the Finance Committee took a vote on this matter prior to anyone asking them for additional funds and felt the Finance Committee's actions were preemptive. Selectman Quirk stated that he recollects Mr. Goldstein commenting to the Board at an earlier Selectmen meeting that the Finance Committee would not authorize any additional funds for another search, again, prior to anyone asking for a transfer from the Committee. Additional discussion was held as to how the Finance Committee expected the process to continue without funding. Mr. Goldstein stated that he did not expect the process could proceed without additional funding. Selectman Holcomb stated that he does not feel it is the Finance Committee's place to put a barrier in the path of the Board of Selectmen which impedes their actions to move the search process forward. Mr. Goldstein stated again that at the time the Finance Committee took that vote, they did not feel an additional search would yield any different results. A discussion was then held as to what other accounts funds could be transferred from to fund the search. Selectman Post stated she stands by her comments from last week that she does not support another search or the expenditure of additional funds for another search. Chairman Tolley stated he understands the process needs to move forward but feels spending additional funds is a waste of money and he will not support the motion. MOTION: To move that the Board of Selectmen ask the Finance Committee, at the direction of the Interim Town Administrator and Finance Staff, to transfer funds from the accounts staff identifies in the amount of $19,000 to fund additional expenses related to a Town Administrator search. Yea 3 Nay 2 Motion by: Norm Holcomb Seconded by: Jim Quirk Discussion continued on the wording of Article 1. Mr. Johnson-Staub advised the Board of the options available should article 1 fail at town meeting. 4. Vote and Sign Annual Town Meeting Warrant Town of Yarmouth Board of Selectmen March 29, 2016 Draft Minutes 4 The Board held a discussion on the merits of moving the start time of town meeting to an earlier time than last year's meeting of 10:00 a.m. There were some concerns about residents being able to make that early a time. MOTION: To move that the Board of Selectmen designate a start time of 9:00 a.m. for Town Meeting on Saturday, May 7, 2016. Yea 5 Nay 0 Motion by: Norm Holcomb Seconded by: Tracy Post MOTION: To move that the Board of Selectmen sign the Annual Town Meeting Warrant. Yea 5 Motion by: Tracy Post Seconded by: Jim Quirk Nay 0 5. Board of Selectmen a. Town Administrator Selection Committee. Chairman Tolley stated that he asked Mr. Johnson-Staub to add this item to the agenda in an effort to move the process forward. He asked if Selectman Quirk would be willing and able to handle organizing and recommending a Selection Committee. Mr. Quirk stated that he thought, under the circumstances, it would be a good idea to have someone other than one of the Selectmen handle the process of identifying a Selection Committee. Discussion was held on the options available to the Board other than identifying a Selection Committee. In particular, the Board discussed the viability of reviewing applications as individuals rather than as a Board in executive session and/or open session. Mr. Johnson-Staub stated he would have to check with the Secretary of State's office as to any open meeting law violations with that option. b. Approval of Minutes. MOTION: To move that the Board of Selectmen approve the Board of Selectmen Minutes for March 1, 2016, as printed. Yea 4 Nay 0 Abstain 1 Motion by: Jim Quirk Seconded by: Norm Holcomb c. Consider Release of Executive Session Minutes of: 1) 2) 3) 4) September 30, 2014 January 13, 2015 February 24, 2015 April 14, 2015 MOTION: To move that the Board of Selectmen release the Board of Selectmen Executive Session Minutes of September 30, 2014; January 13, 2015; February 24, 2015; and April 14, 2015, as redacted and presented. Yea 4 Nay 0 Abstain 1 Motion by: Tracy Post Seconded by: Norm Holcomb d. Individual Items. 1) Selectman Post reminded everyone that the landfill stickers will expire the end of March and new stickers can be purchased online. 2) Selectman Stone commented that the new stickers have a printing error in that the new stickers also show an expiration date of March 2016. However, because the stickers are color coded, the new stickers will be honored. Town of Yarmouth Board of Selectmen March 29, 2016 Draft Minutes 5 3) Chairman Tolley again apologized to Selectmen Stone and Quirk stating it was not his intent to allow a public speaker to advocate for a position or to grandstand but rather an honest mistake in that he forgot tonight's meeting was a workshop meeting when he told Mrs. Wall she could speak, even though he was aware of the topic she would be addressing. 6. Town Administrator’s Items a. Consent Agenda. 1) Mr. Johnson-Staub stated he has an amendment to the consent agenda in that the Taylor-Bray Farm request for fee waivers has been withdrawn in writing as they are recipients of Tourism Funds. 2) 2016 Seasonal Alcohol and Entertainment Licenses. 3) Donation: • YFD - Robert & Elizabeth Dolan TOTAL $ 50.00 $ 50.00 MOTION: To move that the Board of Selectmen approve the consent agenda. Yea 5 Motion by: Jim Quirk Seconded by: Norm Holcomb Nay 0 b. Town Administrator Updates. Mr. Johnson-Staub commented that the Town has been accepted into the Community Compact which is a program initiated by the Governor to encourage sharing "best practices" and to get some support from the state in the form of grants. Additionally, having been accepted in this program improves our scoring with regard to other state grant applications. Selectman Holcomb commented that a "best practice" that was recognized in the Cape Cod Times this week was the Town's Finance Department's "best practice" which better facilitated the collection of overdue taxes. 7. Adjourn MOTION: To move that the Board of Selectmen adjourn the meeting. Motion by: Jim Quirk Seconded by: Norm Holcomb Yea 5 Nay 0 Respectfully submitted, Linda Dennehy Town of Yarmouth Board of Selectmen March 29, 2016 Draft Minutes 6 DISTRIBUTED MATERIAL AGENDA PACKET • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Articles 34 and 35: Town Moderator Articles ATM Petition Articles 36, 37 and 38 ATM Warrant Signature Page Board of Selectmen Minutes of March 1, 2016 Board of Selectmen Executive Session Minutes of September 30, 2014 (separate cover) Board of Selectmen Executive Session Minutes of January 13, 2015 (separate cover) Board of Selectmen Executive Session Minutes of February 24, 2015 (separate cover) Board of Selectmen Executive Session Minutes of April 14, 2015 (separate cover) Letter to BOS from Taylor-Bray Farm dated March 17, 2016 re: Fee Waivers 2016 Seasonal Alcohol and Entertainment Licenses Memo to BOS from YFD dated March 21, 2016 re: Gifts ATM Warrant Article Summary BOS Projected Agenda Items Letter of Thank You to Town Administrator Search Committee from Chairman Tolley dated March 16, 2016 Town of Yarmouth Board of Selectmen March 29, 2016 Draft Minutes CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS CONSENT AGENDA BOARD OF SELECTMEN April 26, 2016 APPROVED: ________ Approval: • • • Proposed Letter to MassDOT re: Route 6 Signs Memo to Interim Town Administrator from YFD dated April 11, 2016 re: Gifts Memo to Interim Town Administrator from YFD dated April 19, 2016 re: Gifts Donation: • YFD - Laura Ward - TOPS MA #0487 TOTAL $ 50.00 $ 25.00 $75.00 BOARD OF SELECTMEN __________ INTERIM TOWN ADMINISTRATOR Peter Johnson-Staub April 21, 2016 Ms. Stephanie Pollack, Secretary and Chief Executive Officer Massachusetts Department of Transportation 10 Park Plaza, Suite 4160 Boston, MA 02116 RE: 2017-2021 CIP - District 5 Guide and Traffic Sign Replacement Plan for the Mid-Cape Highway Dear Secretary Pollack: The Yarmouth Board of Selectmen does not support the Massachusetts Department of Transportation (Mass DOT) plans for the replacement of signs on Route 6 (the Mid-Cape Highway) on Cape Cod as currently proposed in the Draft 2017-2021 Capital Investment Plan. Specifically, the Board believes that the overhead cantilevered sign design does not reflect the character of the Mid-Cape Highway, which is a quaint travel route with historic appeal. This design is more appropriate for larger interstate highways such as I-93 or I-95. In addition, renumbered signs, although corresponding with mile-markers, will result in confusion for drivers, additional traffic, and potential motor vehicle accidents. Related, local businesses will incur great expense as their marketing materials will require extensive updating to reflect the new numbering. The Board respectfully requests that additional signage be located at all off-ramps in Yarmouth directing traffic to both Route 28 and Route 6A and also that existing signage reflecting the number of miles remaining to select towns (including Yarmouth) be retained. We feel that this signage is helpful to travelers and request that it not be eliminated. We look forward to additional dialogue and information relative to the District 5 Guide and Traffic Sign Replacement Plan for the Mid-Cape Highway. Thank you for your consideration and the opportunity to provide comment. Respectfully yours, ________________________________ Erik Tolley, Chairman ________________________________ Tracy Post ________________________________ Norman Holcomb ________________________________ James Quirk ___________________________ Michael Stone YARMOUTH FIRE DEPARTMENT 96 Old Main Street South Yarmouth, MA 02664 (508)398-2212/(508)760-4858 FAX CONSENT AGENDA MEMO TO: Peter Johnson-Staab A/Town Administrator CC: Treasurer’s Office Board of Selectmen FROM: Sherry Theuret - POA Re: Gifts DON’T STAPLE GIFT MEMO (2) TO DEPOSIT Email 1 to: ldennehy@yarmouth.ma.us Date: April 11, 2016 The Fire Department has received gifts totaling $50 A donation from Laura Ward for the appreciation to the Fire Department. The Fire Department requests that the Board of Selectmen approve this donation. YARMOUTH FIRE DEPARTMENT 96 Old Main Street South Yarmouth, MA 02664 (508)398-2212/(508)760-4858 FAX CONSENT AGENDA MEMO TO: Peter Johnson-Staab A/Town Administrator CC: Treasurer’s Office Board of Selectmen FROM: Sherry Theuret - POA Re: Gifts DON’T STAPLE GIFT MEMO (2) TO DEPOSIT Email 1 to: ldennehy@yarmouth.ma.us Date: April 19, 2016 The Fire Department has received gifts totaling $25 A donation from Tops MA #0487 for the appreciation to the Fire Department. The Fire Department requests that the Board of Selectmen approve this donation. INFORMATION ITEMS TOWN OF YARMOUTH BOARD OF SELECTMEN PROJECTED 2016 AGENDA ITEMS PUBLIC HEARINGS: o NEW ENTERTAINMENT LICENSE FOR TASTY BUFFET o TRANSFER OF PACKAGE STORE LICENSE FOR PATRIOT SPIRITS, INC. o PARKS & BEACHES RULES SLAT/LADDER SIGN POLICY & GATEWAY SIGNS EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT SHADE SHELTER DONATION TENT: NATIONAL GRID PRESENTATION MAY 3 MAY 7 ANNUAL TOWN MEETING DEMENTIA & ALZHEIMER SUPPORT TAX EXEMPTIONS SLAT/LADDER SIGN POLICY MAY 10 MAY 17 NO MEETING ANNUAL TOWN ELECTION MAY 24 MAY 31 NO MEETING MEMORIAL DAY JUNE 7 JUNE 14 FIRE OVERTIME NO MEETING JUNE 21 JUNE 28 JULY 5 NO MEETING NO MEETING INDEPENDENCE DAY JULY 12 Transitional Living Center of Cape Cod (meeting with Barnstable Town Council) Economic Development Two Hearings Policy Updated 4/22/2016 TOWN OF YARMOUTH BOARD OF SELECTMEN PROJECTED 2016 AGENDA ITEMS JULY 19 JULY 26 NO MEETING AUGUST 2 AUGUST 9 NO MEETING AUGUST 16 AUGUST 23 NO MEETING AUGUST 30 SEPTEMBER 6 NO MEETING LABOR DAY SEPTEMBER 13 SEPTEMBER 20 SEPTEMBER 27 OCTOBER 4 OCTOBER 11 NO MEETING COLUMBUS DAY OCTOBER 18 OCTOBER 25 NOVEMBER 1 Updated 4/22/2016 April 2016 Volume 5 Issue 3 In This Issue: “MAKE YARMOUTH THE SAFEST COMMUNITY IN THE REGION” Chief Frank Frederickson Swan Pond Village Officers Visiting Block Captains SWAN POND VILLAGE UPDATE Personal Safety and Awareness What are Suspicious Activities Thanks to Yarmouth Police Foundation Meet the Block Captains Upcoming Events Save the Date YPCAT Chairman: Bruce Wilson NCW Chairman: Lee Hawkins The Wanderer Program Chairman: Bruce Wilson Editor: Lee Hawkins cat@yncw.org Nearly 2 years ago we started Neighborhood Crime Watch in Swan Pond Village. We currently have four block captains: Judy Keith, Sandra Johnson, Barbara Proctor and James Pazakis Sr. On Thursday, April 14, Mike Sahagian Area Captain for South Yarmouth and the block captains hosted an open meeting for residents. This allowed them to meet the block captains and receive the NCW handouts and learn what and how to report as suspicious activity. The block captains collected contact information so we can distribute crime related information to residents. One resident attending, Jill Julin volunteered to become an additional block captain. Thanks to all the residents who participated and especially the block captains. Special thanks to Cathy Hopper of Weston Associates for facilitating the meeting and keeping the community center open late. POLICE OFFICERS VISITING BLOCK CAPTAINS A suggestion received from the last All Block Captains meeting was to have officers on patrol visit the block captains in their neighborhood. We will be starting to implement this, so don’t be surprised if a cruiser stops by. This will help build a connection between the YPD and our Neighborhood Crime Watch blocks. From time to time, the Proactive Anti Crime unit will also be in NCW blocks, we will try to publicize these when they are scheduled. One of the benefits of having an NCW block in your neighborhood. If you know of other neighborhoods that would like to join, let us know. Page 1 PERSONAL SAFETY AND AWARE- WHAT ARE SUSPICIOUS ACTIVITIES NESS BY PAUL GREELEY, AREA CAPTAIN FOR WEST YARMOUTH BY LT PATRICK CARTY As the weather gets warmer, we are all apt to be outside more. Exercising, walking, heading to the beach. We may also stay out later, even when it is dark to enjoy the great weather. These tips are not only for the Cape, but other areas you may find yourself visiting. We always must be aware of our surroundings and reminded that in society today things have changed. One of the best things that you can do to improve personal safety is to be aware of your surroundings and put yourself in good situations by avoiding bad ones. Some very simple tips for personal safety: Always let someone know where you are going to be and make sure they have your cell number so you can be contacted. Program your cell with 911 ready. Almost all cell phones can be tracked if needed when on. Avoid troubled areas and if necessary to go to a questionable area bring someone with you such as a friend or family member. Always remember strength in numbers. Walk confidently, make sure to periodically check in all directions. If something looks like trouble it probably is. Take another route. If you detect any suspicious activity in your neighborhood, call the Yarmouth Police Department. Do not worry about being embarrassed if your suspicions prove to be unfounded. It is better to think of what could happen if you didn't act. Examples of Suspicious Activity: If out at night, park in a well lit area and make sure you know where you left your vehicle. If you have a camera on your phone, photograph the space marker or simply write it down. Purchase a key chain flashlight in case of power outage to help guide your way. Don't be afraid to take a self defense class or carry mace or pepper spray (must be 18 or over). Obtaining a license to carry firearms is also recommended for personal safety. These are just a few tips for your safety. Remember, if something doesn't look right, it probably isn't. Please enjoy the warm weather and "BE SAFE". Page 2 Door-to-door canvassers in a residential area. Yarmouth requires permits for such activities and you can check on the status of those who show-up in your neighborhood. Political and religious persons do not require permits. If one or more of the subjects goes into the back or side yard the situation is even more suspicious. They could be "casing the house" for a burglary or there may be a burglary in progress. People waiting in front of a house where the occupants are absent, or loitering in front of a business establishment which is closed. There may be a burglary or vehicle theft in progress. Someone forcing entrance to or tampering with a residence, business, or vehicle. This person is very suspicious under almost any circumstance. There may be a burglary in progress. A person running - especially if he or she is carrying something of value. The person may be fleeing the scene of a crime. Recreational runners do not usually carry anything in their arms. Person carrying property - may be suspicious depending on the circumstances. For example, if the person is observed at an unusual hour or in an unusual place and if the property is not wrapped as if just purchased, the situation may indicate a crime in progress. A person exhibiting unusual mental or physical symptoms. The person may be injured, under the influence of alcohol or drugs, or in some kind of need of medical aid. Multiple cars stopping at the same house for very short periods of time. There may be drug transactions taking place. THANKS TO YARMOUTH POLICE FOUNDATION BY STEVEN XIARHOS DEPUTY CHIEF OF POLICE Leaders of the Yarmouth Police Foundation were very special guests at Roll Call on April 14, 2016 at Yarmouth Police Department Headquarters. President Bruce Wilson and Vice-President Mike Sahagian met with all of the Police Officers and showed them the new PROTECTIVE RESPONSE PARKA'S that the Foundation is purchasing for each Yarmouth Police Officer at a cost of over $12,000 through a cooperative purchase with our friends at Regency Police Supply in Hyannis. The Yarmouth Police Foundation, Inc. was established in 2013 by business and civic leaders as an independent, non-profit organization to promote excellence and improve public safety in Yarmouth. The YPF supports programs designed to help the Yarmouth Police Department keep pace with the rapidly evolving technology, strategies, and training. The Foundation will provide resources that are not available through other means. If anyone would like to step forward and become a member of this special group of devoted citizens, or make a donation, please visit www.yarmouthpolicefoundation.org Thank you Bruce and Mike and everyone involved with the Yarmouth Police Foundation for all that you do for the men and women of the Yarmouth Police Department! Page 3 Meet the Block Captains YP26 Deb’s Hill 3, Bob Murray Bob was born and raised in Belmont and raised his two boys in Lexington. After graduating from Boston University he spent several years in the Army assigned to a top secret fort in the Catoctin Mountains of Maryland. Upon leaving the service he became a stock broker with Dean Witter. After 5 years of a down market Bob decided enough was enough and became a successful salesman in the contract interiors industry for ten years prior to leaving his employer and starting his own firm. Over the next twenty some odd years that firm expanded into six independent companies within the same industry. After a year and a half of retirement in 2006 Bob was so bored he bought a UPS Store with the intent of selling it in five years, which is what he did. Bob is a volunteer at the Yarmouth Food Pantry, a Board member of the Cape Cod Men’s Club and a recent graduate of the Yarmouth Citizen Police Academy which he recommends to all Yarmouth residents. Bob’s residence is at Deb’s Hill Condominiums in a unit that he visited many times over the years while visiting the couple that were the original owners. Other than travelling off Cape to visit friends, most of the travelling Bob does these days is to Alameda Island and Sarasota visiting his children, their spouses and his five grandchildren. Bob joined NCW in 2014 and feels it adds an additional layer of protection and safety to the community. SY35 Gen Hol/Witchwood/Long Pond, Mary Cotoia Mary is a wash a shore of 21 years. Moving to Yarmouth in 1995 as a local area Commercial Banker, Mary quickly became involved in the business community. She served on the Town of Yarmouth's Economic Development Committee, and was a Board member and past president of the Yarmouth area Chamber of Commerce, and is presently a Yarmouth Rotarian. Mary learned about YPCAT in the summer of 2015 at the National Night Out Event sponsored by the Town. Mary joined the Yarmouth Substance Abuse Committee in the fall of 2015. As a mom of 3 middle school age children Mary is very interested in ensuring the Cape and her town are safe and viable places to live and work and raise a family. So in early 2016 Mary became one of our new block captains and is ready to make a difference with her neighbors and friends as soon as the weather warms. Mary is originally from Stamford,CT and moved to Cape Cod via stints in Manhattan and Boston. Mary is a 23 year banker but has also been involved in her community since arriving on Cape Cod. Organizations she has served with include The United Way, The Cape Cod Foundation, the YMCA, Gosnold, The Yarmouth and Cape Cod Chambers, the Cape Cod Young Professionals, Rotary and others. She values the strength of community and all that can be accomplished by many contributing what they can. Page 4 UPCOMING EVENTS All Block Captains Meeting: Our next block captains meeting is coming up on May 11, 2016 (see the calendar on the last page for details). Chief Frederickson will update us on crime statistics and Lt Carty will speak on avoiding SCAMS. This will be open to the public if your block members wish to attend. Block Captain Recruiting: Over time we lose block captains due to moves out of Yarmouth, health, or other personal reasons. As noted in past issues, we have had success in targeting these blocks for replacements, and we are continuing this effort. Several blocks in South Yarmouth, West Yarmouth and Yarmouth Port will soon be receiving letters in the mail and code red announcements inviting them to a meeting at YPD on May 25. If you know of people who have interest in NCW, let us know and we will invite them to this meeting also. Annual Town Meeting: The town meeting is coming up on Saturday May 7. View the warrant. Annual Town Election: The election will be held on Tuesday May 17. See the list of positions. Page 5 S AV E T HE DAT E Upcoming Events Event Drug Take Back Day Location Date Yarmouth Police Depart- Wednesday April 30, ment 2016 All Block Captains Meeting Yarmouth Senior Center Wednesday May 11, 2016 Time All Day Doors Open at 6:30 Meeting 7:00 PM NCW Recruiting for blocks Yarmouth Police Depart- Wednesday May 25, needing a block captain ment 2016 6:30 PM Town Meeting Mattacheese Middle School Saturday May 7, 2016 9:00 AM Town Election Various by Precinct Tuesday May 17, 2016 7:00AM to 8:00 PM S H A R E T H E C AT We ask that all of you forward a copy of the CAT each month to all he neighbors in your block. The CAT is a newsletter from the Yarmouth Police Community Advisory Team (YPCAT) relating to happenings in the Neighborhood Crime Watch Program and the community. Do you have an article you would like to see published in the CAT, or an idea for us to include? If so, contact us at cat@yncw.org. Interested in learning more about, or joining Neighborhood crime watch—use the contact form at www.yncw.org, or call Lt Patrick Carty at 508-775-0445, ext 2116. Page 6